Hillary Clinton: just because she deserves her own thread

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Friday, July 8, 2016 2:54 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Nishimura and Martha Steward learned to their sorry that stalling tactics which delay an official investigation will get you prosecuted.
You mean, Hillary wasn't stalling when she stood up and lied ... and lied... and lied ...under oath to Congress?

Um, sorry SIG but Hillary was sitting. That said, lets see what the Republicans do next.



Friday, July 8, 2016 5:17 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Yanno what, SECOND? You're just stuck on Hillary. You love that witch, no matter WHAT she does! There is literally nothing that she could do that would sway your vote: Hillary just HAS to win, IYHO.

Hillary gives me a headache. Bill should drop dead. That's what I think of the Clintons, but Trump is a refrigerator full of perishable food that has been without electricity for a month. When you open the Trump door the stench makes my eyes water.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The most concise explanation of Hillary's NEGATIVE effect on Dem party chances came from- of all places- that bastion of Dem worship: NPR. What they said was that with ALL of Tump's negatives .... and there are MANY ... Hillary should be doing much MUCH better than Trump, and much better than she is. And the reason why she isn't doing better is because she has a ton of negatives on her own side: according to the polls, people just don't trust her. (And IMHO they shouldn't)

Now, I'm going to go back to my original question, which I don't think was answered sufficiently: WHY does the Democratic Party feel compelled to jam Hillary down our throats? If they were just looking at the polls and desiring a Dem "win", why not nominate Sanders?

For truth, Hillary received 16 million votes to Sander's 13 million. Blame the 16 million voters. They crammed Hillary down your throat. I did not vote for Hillary, by the way.,

And this News Flash makes me believe that Hillary could beat Trump:
The Gap Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Is Steadily Growing
Kevin Drum, Jul. 8, 2016

For what it's worth, here's how Pollster's head-to-head matchups between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have evolved since the beginning of the year. Hillary's support has been pretty stable, while Trump's has declined steadily. He doesn't have much time left to turn that trend around.


Friday, July 8, 2016 10:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Vote your conscience? I say you can use any criteria you please: party affiliation, coin flip, self interest, what ever."

I was responding to the dilemma expressed in a particular post, not bleating generic talking points, like you. Do try to keep up.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Friday, July 8, 2016 11:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


For what it's worth...- SECOND

Yeah, not worth much. I'm pretty sure you understand at this point SIGNYM is not interested in anything but pain for the US via a Trump presidency, right... GSTRING, WITH SHIT ALL OVER IT

Wow, GSTRING, you accuse me of wanting to causing the USA pain??? You're a sick twisted fuck, yanno? I have never wanted anything for the USA except BETTER.

What you are, son, is stuck in your own shit.

"Change"? It's something you can't handle.

"Differences"? You're all good with that unless you run into someone who's different than you.

"Democracy"? You're all for it, unless it generates results you don't like.

"Individualism"? "Acceptance"? Only if it's for you and people like you.

But watch someone cross you, or disagree with you and watch all the nastiness ooze out. Turns out, you're not such a liberal as you think you are. You'll make up whole-cloth shit, don't you? Yes, of course you do!


I think maybe that your answer is swayed by the age breakdown of the Brexit vote, generally that young people voted for the EU, older people voted to leave the EU.

You interpret this as a reaction to "change", which - IYHO- old people don't handle as well.

Let me give you a different example of "change": Climate change.

Young people are already inured to the current level of environmental degradation. Older people remember a different circumstance. If older people vote to return the environment to what it was before, and young people vote to "remain", does that mean that older people are reacting to "change" - a generic "future shock"? Or are they reacting to a worsening of circumstances? And does that mean that young people handle "change" better, or are they just stuck on the circumstance that they already know?

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, July 9, 2016 11:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


For what it's worth...- SECOND

Yeah, not worth much. I'm pretty sure you understand at this point SIGNYM is not interested in anything but pain for the US via a Trump presidency, right... - GSTRING

Wow, GSTRING, you accuse me of wanting to causing the USA pain??? You're a sick twisted fuck, yanno? I have never wanted anything for the USA except BETTER.
What you are, son, is stuck in your own shit.
"Change"? It's something you can't handle.
"Differences"? You're all good with that unless you run into someone who's different than you.
"Democracy"? You're all for it, unless it generates results you don't like.
"Individualism"? "Acceptance"? Only if it's for you and people like you.- SIGNY

if you're going to make stuff up at least make it more interesting and less easy to dismiss

I don't make stuff up, son, that's your department. I've posted over and over, at length, over years, what I think the USA needs to do to head in a direction that's better for EVERYONE, not just TPTB. But since you really don't have any thoughts on THE TOPIC you just decide make shit up about my motives and my character, just like you make shit up about world events.


But watch someone cross you, or disagree with you and watch all the nastiness ooze out. Turns out, you're not such a liberal as you think you are. You'll make up whole-cloth shit, don't you? Yes, of course you do!

I think maybe that your answer is swayed by the age breakdown of the Brexit vote, generally that young people voted for the EU, older people voted to leave the EU.

You interpret this as a reaction to "change", which - IYHO- old people don't handle as well.

Let me give you a different example of "change": Climate change.

Young people are already inured to the current level of environmental degradation. Older people remember a different circumstance. If older people vote to return the environment to what it was before, and young people vote to "remain", does that mean that older people are reacting to "change" - a generic "future shock"? Or are they reacting to a worsening of circumstances? And does that mean that young people handle "change" better, or are they just stuck on the circumstance that they already know?

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets. - SIGNY

Wah - talk about someone oozing... nice little misdirection rant btw.- GSTRING


What are you even talking about here? How does this relate to Trumpdiddy and Broomhillary?- GSTRING
People who are stuck on Hillary are afraid of change. She promises more of the same.


"Change"? It's something you can't handle- SIGNY
I love change- GSTRING

Unless it's change you dislike, and then you fight it tooth and nail. Someone other than a globalist neocon faux-liberal might get elected? You shit your pants. Nations might want to break away from previous associations? You hate it. You've been fighting change in every thread that you post.


"Differences"? You're all good with that unless you run into someone who's different than you. - SIGNY
I love different= GSTRING

BUT ONLY if they agree with you. I'm different. I'm not a liberal, and you absolutely cannot handle that. I have a different view on how the USA needs to get better, and the only thing you can do is the THUGR equivalent of calling me a "commie troll", just using more words. You're so discombobulated by my difference, you can't even think about what I'm saying. Your level of intolerance is through the roof.

"Democracy"? You're all for it, unless it generates results you don't like. - SIGNY
--- *crickets* --- GSTRING

Did you miss this question by accident? Or were you not able to choke out even pro forma support of democracy?


"Individualism"? "Acceptance"? Only if it's for you and people like you. SIGNY
I preach that stuff.- GSTRING

Too bad you don't practice it. I point to your visceral fear and hatred, your absolute intolerance, of people who disagree with you.

But yanno, I'm not asking you to "accept" what I'm saying, or to "tolerate" my POV.

What I DO expect is a certain level of emotional and intellectual maturity. This is a discussion board, so

Stick to the topic

Respond on-point

If you feel that the other person's point is simply starting off with the wrong assumptions, challenge their assumptions. Ask them to define their terms, if that's where the problem is, or to draw the logical connections between on point and another.

STOP HAVING EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS ONLINE. Yanno, stop with the childish name-calling and insinuations. The idea that someone's (incorrectly presumed) motivations discredits their arguments is simply ad hominem. All that shows is that you feel defensive but you're thoughts are worthless.


I'll ask again:
"So this guy you would trust to be your president says he's supporting Hillary because "we must do everything in our power to make sure it's not Trump," but you wouldn't trust his judgement [sic]on who to vote for?"- GSTRING

No, I wouldn't. You reduce everything to "trust". What are you- five years old? I'll get to that in a minute.


Yes. I believe it is quite obvious that you want the US to suffer via a Trump presidency- GSTRING
Certain segments might suffer. The neocons might suffer. Bankers might suffer. Transnationals might suffer. But ordinary people are ALREADY suffering - or haven't you noticed? And the path that we're on will bring even more suffering in the future We- - by that I mean ordinary people - need to make sure that we don't sign into even more undemocratic power structures.


because based on years of you bloviating on this forum it's the only thing that makes any sense.-GSTRING
I don't like monopolism and corporatocracy and oligarchies, that should be pretty plain.
Are you FOR monopolies and oligarchs?

I don't think we should be adventuring into foreign lands.
Are you FOR aggressing into foreign lands for more profit and power for TPTB?

I don't like non-democratic structures, like those "free-trade" deals or the EU.
Are you FOR undemocratic decision-making?

I think the USA should be able to decide its own social welfare, environmental protections, and to be able to concentrate on the welfare of its people, without subsuming its interests in the interests of globalists.
Are you FOR the USA giving up its sovereign powers- and duties- to other entities?

I think you really need to answer these questions, and then we'll see who is intent on making the USA suffer.


I realize that in making this statement I have also made a potentially critical error: that you actually make any sense. Your logic is usually deeply flawed.-GSTRING
Which you have not demonstrated, because you revert to name-calling as your "go to" response.

So, as to that "trust" that you'd like to feel... my sign-off says it all...

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, July 9, 2016 12:30 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've posted over and over, at length, over years, what I think the USA needs to do to head in a direction that's better for EVERYONE, not just TPTB. But since you really don't have any thoughts on THE TOPIC you just decide make shit up about my motives and my character, just like you make shit up about world events.

Signym, are you aware that your ramblings remind me of, but not half as funny as, Barrett Brown? Here is Brown’s story about the level of “discussion” in prison. It is at the level of
There is one common Special Housing Unit (SHU) activity in which I do happily participate, though, simply because it’s something that can’t be done elsewhere and naturally I’m trying to experience all the touristy prison things before my release just in case I don’t come back for a while. The SHU is the only place of which I’m aware where it’s socially acceptable to yell random nonsense where other people can hear it. Now, much of the yelling that people do through gaps under the door or the crack between the door and its mounting or the metal grills that serve as windows in some units, as the case may be, is entirely purposeful communication consisting of gossip, plots, threats, lyrics, Symbionese Liberation Army slogans, vows, requests, and commercial offers, and this sort of thing will go on throughout the day, with peak times occurring after meals and other periods when everyone tends to be awake (as to how those commercial offers are accepted, there is a process known as “fishing” or “shooting the line” by which small items may be transferred among inmates, but a full column’s description will be required to do it justice; suffice it to say that string and persistence are involved).

But in addition to all of this more or less mundane intercourse, there’s also a wholly distinct and inimitable element of shouting-for-the-sake-of-shouting. Some of this takes the form of memes; at Seagoville Federal Detention Center, for instance, the guards once brought in a drunk off the compound who, after being placed in his cell, spent the next hour banging on the door and yelling out some sloshy, inconsequential narrative that he would punctuate every few sentences with the refrain, “They hear me but they don’t FEEL me, though!” Thereafter this phrase became a very popular meme that would be shouted out several times a day; it had been incorporated into the vibrant oral culture of our particular SHU corridor.

But SHU shouts can be, and often are, more or less apropos of nothing. I myself was fond of drinking six or seven lukewarm cups of the freeze-dried instant coffee we can buy from the weekly commissary cart, going up to the door grill, and calling out in a raspy, feminine voice, “My brother is coming … with MANY FREMEN WARRIORS” about 20 or 30 times in a row, often capped off with a triumphant, “Meet the Atreides Gom Jabbar, grandfather!” And it wouldn’t occur to anyone to inquire as to why I’d done this; people in the SHU wake up every morning with a sort of preternatural awareness that someone could start yelling out lines from David Lynch’s highly underrated 1984 film version of Dune at any moment and will either assume that the yeller needed to do this to feel self-actualized or, alternatively, that he’s one of the untold thousands of mentally ill prisoners whom U.S. prison authorities have allowed to languish in punishment cells for years on end (though in my case, people tended to recognize me by voice as the guy who was always kicking around the deflated basketball and calling for death to the fascist insect that preys on the life of the people).


Saturday, July 9, 2016 6:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Signym, are you aware that your ramblings remind me of, but not half as funny as, Barrett Brown?
And yet, these are "ramblings" that you can't properly address:

How do you feel about international trade agreement ajudications which affect environmental, safety, health, and worker rights that are decided in private trade tribunals? Are your for them, or against them?

How do you feel about international banks which impose "austerity" on a population, no matter what the population votes for as economic policy? For it, or against it?

How do you feel about non-democratic international political organizations which impose a quota of refugees (which were created by a foreign policy which the imposed-on nations had no hand in creating or implementing) no matter WHAT is desired by their people? For it, or against it?

How do you feel about nations "intervening" in others, willy-nilly, destroying governments and creating chaos everywhere they go? For it, or against it?

"More of the same". For it, or against it?

I'm pleased that you compare me to Barret Brown, and I feel rather proud of the fact that you think that I'm "rambling". I used to think that way about DREAMTROVE. And yet, many years later, what he posted turned out to be insightful. Prophetic, even. But I'm beginning to understand why DREAMTROVE, FREM, SUCCOTASH, BYTEMITE, and so many interesting people left.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, July 10, 2016 3:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It's available elsewhere, but not in a clean format. There are a lot of "Democrats believe" and "we will" and "we must" but not much indication of HOW they intend to accomplish their goals. Maybe that's typical of party platforms.


In 2016, Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago: Out of many, we are one. Under President Obama’s leadership, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the American people, we have come a long way from the Great Recession and the Republican policies that triggered it. We have seen 75 straight months of private-sector job growth and added 14.5 million new

low wage

jobs. Twenty million people have gained health insurance coverage. The American auto industry just had its best year ever. We are getting more of our energy from the sun and wind, and importing less oil from overseas. But too many Americans have been left out and left behind. They are working longer hours with less security. Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide, while the cost of everything from childcare to a college education has continued to rise. And as working people struggle, the top one percent accrues more wealth and more power. Republicans in Congress have chosen gridlock and dysfunction over trying to find solutions to the real challenges we face. It’s no wonder that so many feel like the system is rigged against them. Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls. It’s a simple but powerful idea: we are stronger together. Democrats believe we are stronger when we have an economy that works for everyone—an economy that grows incomes for working people, creates good-paying jobs, and puts a middle- class life within reach for more Americans. We need an economy that prioritizes long-term investment over short-term profit-seeking, rewards the common interest over self-interest, and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship. We believe that today’s extreme level of income and wealth inequality—where the majority of the economic gains go to the top one percent and the richest 20 people in our country own more wealth than the bottom 150 million—makes our economy weaker, our communities poorer, and our politics poisonous. And we know that our nation’s long struggle with race is far from over. More than half a century after Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled, more than half a century after César Chávez and Dolores Huerta organized, race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind. We must face that reality and we must fix it. We believe a good education is a basic right of all Americans, no matter what zip code they live in.

We will end the school-to-prison pipeline and build a cradle-to-college pipeline instead, where every child can live up to his or her God-given potential. We believe in helping Americans balance work and family without fear of punishment or penalty. We believe in at last guaranteeing equal pay for women. And as the party that created Social Security, we believe in protecting every American’s right to retire with dignity. And we firmly believe that the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street must be brought to an end. Wall Street must never again be allowed to threaten families and businesses on Main Street. Democrats believe we are stronger when we protect citizens’ right to vote, not corporations’ and billionaires’ right to buy elections. We will bring an end to the broken campaign finance system, overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision, restore the full power of the Voting Rights Act, and return our elections to the American people. Democrats believe that climate change poses a real and urgent threat to our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures, and that Americans deserve the jobs and security that come from becoming the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. Democrats believe we are stronger and safer when America brings the world together and leads with principle and purpose, and when we strengthen our alliances, not weaken them. We believe in the power of development and diplomacy. We believe our military should be the best-trained, best-equipped fighting force in the world, and that we must do everything we can to honor and support our veterans. And we know that only the United States can mobilize common action on a truly global scale

Oh, jeezus. Do they mean like Libya?

to take on the challenges that have no borders, from international terrorism to climate change to health pandemics. Above all, Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem—it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree. With this platform, we do not merely seek common ground—we strive to reach higher ground. We are proud of our heritage as a nation of immigrants. We know that today’s immigrants are tomorrow’s teachers and soldiers, entrepreneurs and activists, PTA members, and pillars of their communities. We believe in protecting civil liberties and guaranteeing civil rights and voting rights, women’s rights and workers’ rights, LGBT rights and rights for people with disabilities. We believe America is still, as Robert Kennedy said, “a great country, an unselfish country, and a compassionate country.” These principles stand in sharp contrast to the Republicans, who have nominated as the standard- bearer for their party and their candidate for President a man who seeks to appeal to Americans’ basest differences, rather than our better natures. The stakes have been high in previous elections. But in 2016, the stakes can be measured in human lives—in the number of immigrants who would be torn from their homes; in the number of faithful and peaceful Muslims who would be barred from even visiting our shores; in the number of allies alienated and dictators courted; in the number of Americans who would lose access to health care and see their rights ripped away. This election is about more than Democrats and Republicans. It is about who we are as a nation, and who we will be in the future. Two hundred and forty years ago, in Philadelphia, we started a revolution of ideas and of action that continues to this day. Since then, our union has been tested many times, through bondage and civil war, segregation and depression, two world wars and the threat of nuclear annihilation. Generations of Americans fought and marched and organized to widen the circle of opportunity and dignity—and we are fighting still. Despite what some say, America is and has always been great—but not because it has been perfect. What makes America great is our unerring belief that we can make it better. We can and we will build a more just economy, a more equal society, and a more perfect union—because we are stronger together.

Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Democrats believe we must restore the basic bargain that built America’s mighty middle class: If you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead and stay ahead, provided we break down certain barriers. The system isn’t working when we have a rigged economy in which ordinary Americans work longer hours for lower wages, while most new income and wealth goes to the top one percent.

You can thank Bill and George and Barack and Timmy and Janet and Ben and Alan for that.

In contrast, Donald Trump has shown time and again that he cannot be trusted to secure the basic economic dignity of Americans.

Minimum Wage

Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage. No one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty. We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union.

That goes w/o saying. They sure thump on stuff that should be a "given" for a Dem platform. So much blah blah blah.

We applaud the approaches taken by states like New York and California. We should raise and index the minimum wage, give all Americans the ability to join a union regardless of where they work, and create new ways for workers to have power in the economy. We also support creating one fair wage for all workers by ending the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers and people with disabilities. Democrats support a model employer executive order or some other vehicle to leverage federal dollars to support employers who provide their workers with a living wage, good benefits, and the opportunity to form a union. The $1 trillion spent annually by the government on contracts, loans, and grants should be used to support good jobs that rebuild the middle class.
At last, something concrete.



The Democratic Party believes that when workers are strong, America is strong. Democrats will make it easier for workers, public and private, to exercise their right to organize, and join unions. We will fight to pass laws that direct the National Labor Relations Board to certify a union if a simple majority of eligible workers sign valid authorization cards, and that brings companies to the negotiating table. We support binding arbitration to help workers that have voted to join a union reach a first contract. A major reason for the 40-year decline in the middle class is that the rights of workers to bargain collectively for better wages and benefits have been under attack at all levels.

Of course "free trade" with Mexico and China apparently isn't worth a mention

Donald Trump would make matters worse by creating a race to the bottom where the middle class is fighting over fewer and fewer good-paying jobs. In fact, Trump rejected some attempts by his own employees to unionize and has personally hired union-busting firms to undermine workers’ rights. Democrats believe so-called “right to work” laws are wrong for workers and wrong for America. We will continue to vigorously oppose those laws and other efforts that would eliminate dues check-off procedures, attack prevailing wage standards, abolish fair share requirements, restrict the use of voluntary membership payments for political purposes, and require annual recertification efforts. The Democratic Party believes consumers and workers who have been mistreated should never be denied their right to fight for fair treatment under the law. That is why we will support efforts to limit the use of forced arbitration clauses in employment and service contracts that unfairly strip workers, consumers, and students of their right to their day in court.

Equal Pay, Paid Leave, and Caregiving

We will fight to secure equal pay for women and—after 240 years—finally enshrine the rights of women in the constitution by passing the Equal Rights Amendment. While Donald Trump thinks it is “dangerous” for women to leave the home and paid family leave hurts our economy, Democrats will make sure that the United States finally enacts national paid family and medical leave by passing a family and medical leave act that would provide at least 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or address a personal or family member’s serious health issue, and we will fight to allow workers the right to earn at least seven days of paid sick leave. We will also encourage employers to provide paid vacation. Our work and family policies must also ease the burden on family caregivers, in part by creating a strong, stable workforce to help meet families’ needs. We will take steps to expand and strengthen the homecare workforce. We will increase childcare investments to make quality childcare more affordable, boost wages for childcare workers, and support the millions of people paying for, coordinating, or providing care for aging relatives or those with disabilities.


Where Donald Trump rooted for the housing crisis, Democrats will continue to fight for those families who suffered the loss of their homes.

After reaching such a weak settlement with the banks on fraudulent mortgages and robo-signing???

We will help those who are working toward a path of financial stability and will put sustainable home ownership into the reach of more families. Democrats will also combat the affordable housing crisis and skyrocketing rents in many parts of the country that are leading too many families and workers to be pushed out of communities where they work. We will increase the supply of affordable rental housing by expanding incentives and easing local barriers to building new affordable rental housing developments in areas of economic opportunity. We will substantially increase funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to construct, preserve, and rehabilitate millions of affordable housing rental units. Not only will this help address the affordable housing crisis, it will also create millions of good-paying jobs in the process. Democrats also believe that we should provide more federal resources to the people struggling most with unaffordable housing: low-income families, people with disabilities, veterans, and the elderly. We will reinvigorate federal housing production programs, increase resources to repair public housing, and increase funding for the housing choice voucher program. And we will fight for sufficient funding to end chronic homelessness. We must make sure that everyone has a fair shot at homeownership. We will lift up more families and keep the housing market robust and inclusive by defending and strengthening the Fair Housing Act. We will also support first time homebuyers, implement credit score reform to make the credit industry work for borrowers and not just lenders, and prevent predatory lending by defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). And we will help underwater homeowners by expanding foreclosure mitigation counseling.

Social Security

Democrats are proud to be the party that created Social Security, the most successful government program in our nation’s history. We will fight every effort to cut, privatize, or weaken Social Security, including attempts to raise the retirement age or to diminish benefits by cutting cost-of- living adjustments. Democrats will expand Social Security so that every American can retire with dignity and respect, including women who are shortchanged by the current system because they are widowed or took time out of the workforce to care for their children, aging parents, or ailing family members. And we will make sure Social Security’s guaranteed benefits continue for generations to come by asking those at the top to pay more, and will achieve this goal by taxing some of the income of people above $250,000. The Democratic Party is also committed to providing all necessary financial support for the Social Security Administration to provide timely benefits and high-quality service for those it serves. Our plan contrasts starkly with Donald Trump. He has referred to Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” and has called for privatizing it as well as increasing the retirement age.

Retirement Security

Democrats believe it should be easier for Americans to save for retirement and prepare for unforeseen risks and expenses. We will defend the right of workers to collect their defined benefit pensions and make sure workers get priority and protection when pension plans are in distress. Democrats will also fight to protect the earned pension benefits of Americans in multiemployer pension plans. And we will fight against any attempt by Republicans in Congress or on Wall Street to roll back the Conflict of Interest Rule, which requires that retirement advisors put the best interests of their clients above their own financial gain.

Postal Service

The United States Postal Service is a national treasure. That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it. We are committed to eliminating the unsustainable mandate to “pre-fund” retiree health costs. And we will work to restore service to appropriate levels including overnight delivery of first-class mail and periodicals within the same metropolitan area, maintaining six- day and door-to-door delivery, and appointing members to the Board of Governors and the Postal Regulatory Commission who champion a strong public Postal Service. Democrats also advocate for expanding postal services. This includes offering basic financial services such as paycheck cashing. It also includes promoting vote-by-mail to increase voter participation and to help address the scourge of voter suppression.

All great ideas on the Postal Service. I doubt a Republican Congress would ever pass them, but I wish them well.


Create Good-Paying Jobs

Democrats know nothing is more important than creating good-paying jobs that can support a middle-class life and provide workers with dignity and a sense of purpose — from nurses, firefighters, and teachers, to construction workers, factory workers, and small business owners.


If we are serious about reversing the decline of the middle class, we need a major federal jobs program that puts millions of Americans back to work in decent paying jobs in both the public and private sectors. We will make the most ambitious investment in American infrastructure since President Eisenhower created the interstate highway system. We will put Americans to work updating and expanding our roads, bridges, public transit, airports, and passenger and freight rail lines. We will build 21st century energy and water systems, modernize our schools, and continue to support the expansion of high-speed broadband networks. We will protect communities from the impact of climate change by investing in green and resilient infrastructure. These investments will create secure, good-paying middle-class jobs today and will substantially increase demand for American- made steel and other products manufactured in the United States. And by boosting economic growth in a fair and equitable way, and strengthening our long-term competitiveness, these investments will create many more jobs in the years to come. Democrats will also create an independent, national infrastructure bank that will support critical infrastructure improvements. The bank will provide loans and other financial assistance for investments in energy, water, broadband, transportation, and multi- modal infrastructure projects.


Democrats believe one of the best ways to innovate, prosper, and create good-paying jobs is to make more in America, which is why we firmly support American manufacturing with a “Make it in America” plan.

Ok, what's the plan?

We must revitalize hard-hit manufacturing communities, create thriving hubs of manufacturing and innovation throughout the country, and claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, using the proceeds to reinvest in communities and workers at home instead. Donald Trump may talk tough, but he has consistently outsourced his own products. American workers deserve better.

Clean Energy Jobs
We must help American workers and businesses compete for jobs and investments in global clean energy, high-tech products, internet technology products, and advanced manufacturing and vehicles. And we must make American manufacturing more internationally competitive by making it the greenest and most efficient in the world, including by investing in industrial energy efficiency.

Research, Science, and Technology
Democrats support ambitious public and private investments in science, technology, and research. We will nurture the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, especially women and people of color, to make sure America continues to out-compete and out- innovate the rest of the world with a bold innovation agenda. Democrats also believe we must harness the promise of technological innovation to promote community participation and enhance opportunities to achieve greater economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities. And we will encourage technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and small business creation throughout the country and in all types of innovation sectors. Democrats support a free and open internet at home and abroad, and will oppose any effort by Republicans to roll back the historic net neutrality rules that the Federal Communications Commission enacted last year. Democrats value American innovation and believe it is one of our country’s great strengths. We will protect the intellectual property rights of artists, creators, and inventors at home and abroad. The entire nation prospers when we promote the unique and original artistic and cultural contributions of the women and men who create and preserve our nation’s heritage. Democrats will fight against unfair theft of intellectual property and trade secrets. We will also increase access to global markets for American intellectual property and other digital trade by opposing quotas, discriminatory measures, and data localization requirements.

Small Business
While Donald Trump has often stiffed small businesses—nearly bankrupting some—with his deceptive and reckless corporate practices, the Democratic Party will make it easier to start and grow a small business in America. We will open up access to credit because we know that small businesses are some of the best job creators in our country. By supporting small businesses, we can grow jobs faster in America. Democrats also realize the critical importance of small business to women, people of color, tribes, and rural America and will work to nurture entrepreneurship.

Youth Jobs
Democrats will create millions of jobs for our young people. Roughly one in ten Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 is unemployed, more than twice the national average. The unemployment rates for African American, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and American Indian teenagers are far too high. That is why Democrats will provide direct federal funding for a range of local programs that will put young people to work and create new career opportunities.

Fight for Economic Fairness and Against Inequality
Democrats believe that today’s extreme levels of income and wealth inequality are bad for Americans and bad for our economy. Our economy depends on a thriving middle class to drive economic growth, yet Americans in the top one-tenth of one percent of income levels now own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent of Americans combined. And the 20 wealthiest people in this country now own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people.

Fixing our Financial System
To restore economic fairness, Democrats will fight against the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. We must make Wall Street work for the job-creating, productive economy—including by making loans more affordable for small- and medium-sized businesses. Wall Street cannot be an island unto itself, gambling trillions in risky financial instruments and making huge profits, all the while thinking that taxpayers will be there to bail them out again. We must tackle dangerous risks in big banks and elsewhere in the financial system. We need to prohibit Wall Street from picking and choosing which credit agency will rate their products and from imposing excessive fees on consumers. And we must hold both individuals and corporations accountable when they break the law. Democrats believe that no bank can be too big to fail and no executive too powerful to jail. “Equal Justice Under Law” will not just be words engraved on the entrance of the Supreme Court. It will be the standard that applies to Wall Street and all Americans.

Unlike in our past

We will also vigorously implement, enforce, and build on the landmark Dodd-Frank financial reform law, and we will stop dead in its tracks every Republican effort to weaken it. We will continue to protect consumers and defend the CFPB from Republican attacks. Our goal must be to create a financial system and an economy that works for all Americans, not just a handful of billionaires. We support a financial transactions tax on Wall Street to curb excessive speculation and high-frequency trading, which has threatened financial markets. We acknowledge that there is room within our party for a diversity of views on a broader financial transactions tax. Democrats will not hesitate to use and expand existing authorities as well as empower regulators to downsize or break apart financial institutions when necessary to protect the public and safeguard financial stability, including new authorities to go after risky shadow-banking activities. Banks should not be able to gamble with taxpayers’ deposits or pose an undue risk to Main Street. Democrats support a variety of ways to stop this from happening, including an updated and modernized version of Glass-Steagall and breaking up too-big-to-fail financial institutions that pose a systemic risk to the stability of our economy. We believe that personnel is policy. We will nominate and appoint regulators and officials who are not beholden to the industries they regulate—people with a track record of standing up to power and safeguarding the public trust. We will crack down on the revolving door between the private sector—particularly Wall Street—and the federal government. We will ban golden parachutes for those taking government jobs. We will limit conflicts of interest by requiring bank and corporate regulators to recuse themselves from official work on particular matters that would directly benefit their former employers. And we will bar financial service regulators from lobbying their former colleagues for at least two years. We will reform the Federal Reserve so that it is more representative of America as a whole, and we will fight to make sure that executives at financial institutions are not allowed to serve on the boards of regional Federal Reserve banks or select its members. At a time when many of the largest banks have shunned communities across America, Democrats believe that we need to give Americans affordable banking options, including by empowering the United States Postal Service to facilitate the delivery of basic banking services.

Stopping Corporate Concentration
Large corporations have concentrated their control over markets to a greater degree than Americans have seen in decades—further evidence that the deck is stacked for those at the top. Democrats will take steps to stop corporate concentration in any industry where it’s unfairly limiting competition. We will make competition policy and antitrust stronger and more responsive to our economy today, enhance the antitrust enforcement arms of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, and encourage other agencies to police anti- competitive practices in their areas of jurisdiction.

At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, we believe the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations must pay their fair share in taxes. Democrats will claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas companies, and crack down on inversions and other methods companies use to dodge their tax responsibilities. We will make sure that our tax code rewards businesses that make investments and provide good-paying jobs here in the United States, not businesses that walk out on America. We will end deferrals so that American corporations pay U.S. taxes immediately on foreign profits and can no longer escape paying their fair share of United States taxes by stashing profits abroad. We will then use the revenue raised from fixing the corporate tax code to reinvest in rebuilding America and ensuring economic growth that will lead to millions of good-paying jobs. We will ask those at the top to contribute to our country’s future by establishing a multimillionaire surtax to ensure millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share. In addition, we will shut down the “private tax system” for those at the top, immediate ly close egregious loopholes like those enjoyed by hedge fund managers, restore fair taxation on multimillion dollar estates, and ensure millionaires can no longer pay a lower rate than their secretaries. At a time when we have seen near-record corporate profits, slow wage growth, and rising costs, we need to offer tax relief to middle-class families—not those at the top. We will offer tax relief to hard working, middle-class families for the cost squeeze that they have faced for years from rising health care, childcare, education, and other expenses. Donald Trump and the Republican Party would do the opposite and provide trillions in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and corporations at the expense of working families, seniors, and the health of our economy.

Democrats acknowledge that for millions of Americans, global trade has failed to live up to its promise—with too many countries breaking the rules and too many corporations outsourcing jobs at the expense of American workers and communities. Over the past three decades, America has signed too many trade deals that have not lived up to the hype. Trade deals often boosted the profits of large corporations, while at the same time failing to protect workers’ rights, labor standards, the environment, and public health. We need to end the race to the bottom and develop trade policies that support jobs in America. That is why Democrats believe we should review agreements negotiated years ago to update them to reflect these principles. Any future trade agreements must make sure that our trading partners cannot undercut American workers by taking shortcuts on labor policy or the environment. Democrats will fight to significantly strengthen enforcement of existing trade rules and the tools we have, including by holding countries accountable on currency manipulation and significantly expanding enforcement resources. China and other countries are using unfair trade practices to tilt the playing field against American workers and businesses. When they dump cheap products into our markets, subsidize state-owned enterprises, devalue currencies, and discriminate against American companies, our middle class pays the price. That has to stop. Democrats will use all our trade enforcement tools to hold China and other trading partners accountable—because no country should be able to manipulate their currencies to gain a competitive advantage. While we believe that openness to the world economy is an important source of American leadership and dynamism, we will only approve new trade agreements if they support American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text.

Uh huh

Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world. These are the standards Democrats believe must be applied to any future trade agreements.

On the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), there are a diversity of views in the party.

Hillary is the "diverse" opinion, the vast majority of Dems oppose it

Many Democrats are on record stating that the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform; other Democrats have expressed support for the agreement. But all Democrats believe that any trade agreement must protect workers and the environment and not undermine access to critically-needed prescription drugs.

Bring Americans Together and Remove Barriers to Create Ladders of Opportunity
Democrats believe that everyone in America deserves the chance to live up to their God-given potential. We will work to break down barriers standing in the way of Americans and replace them with ladders of opportunity.

Racial Justice
Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society. We will challenge and dismantle the structures that define lasting racial, economic, political, and social inequity. Democrats will promote racial justice through fair, just, and equitable governing of all institutions serving the public and in the formation of public policy. We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and there is no place for racism in our country.

Racial Wealth Gap
America’s economic inequality problem is even more pronounced when it comes to racial and ethnic disparities in wealth and income. It is unacceptable that the median wealth for white Americans is roughly ten times that of African Americans and Latino Americans. These disparities are just as stark for American Indians and certain Asian American subgroups. The racial and ethnic gap in wealth and income has been created by historical and contemporary policies and practices that discriminate against people of color and constrained their ability to earn income and build assets to the same extent as other Americans. This economic disadvantage has accumulated over time and is made worse by ongoing discrimination. For example, as a result of the housing crisis and the great recession, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans lost more than half of their net worth. And these losses were compounded by the fact that during the subprime mortgage crisis lenders targeted communities of color for faulty mortgages. Democrats believe it is long past time to close this racial wealth gap by eliminating systemic barriers to wealth accumulation for different racial groups and improving opportunities for people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds to build wealth.

Criminal Justice
Democrats are committed to reforming our criminal justice system and ending mass incarceration. Something is profoundly wrong when a quarter of the world’s prison population is in the United States, even though we have less than five percent of the world’s people. We will reform mandatory minimum sentences and close private prisons and detention centers. We will rebuild the bonds of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Across the country, there are many police officers who inspire trust and confidence, deploying creative and effective strategies, and demonstrating that it is possible to reduce crime without relying on unnecessary force. We should learn from those examples and build on what works. We will invest in training for officers on issues such as de-escalation and the appropriate use of force, and encourage better police-community relations and the use of smart strategies like police body cameras. We will end racial profiling that targets individuals, based solely on race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin, which is un-American and counterproductive. We support states and localities that choose to make the investigations and prosecutions of police-involved shootings more independent and transparent, including through reforming the grand jury process. And we will explore reforms of the civil asset forfeiture system. Instead of investing in more jails and incarceration, we need to provide greater investment in jobs and education, and end to the school-to-prison pipeline. We will remove barriers to help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully re-enter society by banning the box, expanding reentry programs, and restoring voting rights. We will prioritize treatment over incarceration in tackling addiction and substance use disorder. This means significantly expanding treatment in this country for people struggling with addiction and mental health issues. We believe that the states should be laboratories of democracy on the issue of marijuana, and those states that want to decriminalize marijuana should be able to do so. We support policies that will allow more research on marijuana, as well as reforming our laws to allow legal marijuana businesses to exist without uncertainty. And we recognize our current marijuana laws have had an unacceptable disparate impact, with arrest rates for marijuana possession among African Americans far outstripping arrest rates among whites, despite similar usage rates. We will abolish the death penalty, which has proven to be a cruel and unusual form of punishment. It has no place in the United States of America. We have been inspired by the movements for criminal justice that directly address the discriminatory treatment of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and American Indians to rebuild trust in the criminal justice system.

People should come to the United States with visas and not through smugglers. That is why the Democratic Party supports legal immigration, within reasonable limits, that meets the needs of families, communities, and the economy as well as maintains the United States’ role as a beacon of hope for people seeking safety, freedom, and security. Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and history. We must defend against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants. Those immigrants already living in the United States, who are assets to their communities and contribute so much to our country, should be incorporated completely into our society through legal processes that give meaning to our national motto: E Pluribus Unum.

In other words, Dems support illegal immigration too.

Democrats believe we need to urgently fix our broken immigration system—which tears families apart and keeps workers in the shadows—and create a path to citizenship for law-abiding families who are here, making a better life for their families and contributing to their communities and our country. While we continue to fight for comprehensive immigration reform, we will defend and implement President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans executive actions to help DREAMers, parents of citizens, and lawful permanent residents avoid deportation. We will build on these actions to provide relief for others, such as parents of DREAMers. We will invest in immigrant integration services, expand access to English language education, and promote naturalization to help the millions of people who are eligible for citizenship take that last step. We believe immigration enforcement must be humane and consistent with our values. We should prioritize those who pose a threat to the safety of our communities, not hardworking families who are contributing to their communities. We will end raids and roundups of children and families, which unnecessarily sow fear in immigrant communities. We should ensure due process for those fleeing violence in Central America and work with our regional partners to address the root causes of violence. We must take particular care with children, which is why we should guarantee government-funded counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration courts. We will work with Congress to end the lengthy, forced, and prolonged expulsion from the country that many immigrants endure when trying to adjust their status by rescinding the three- year, ten-year and permanent bars. We will fight to end federal, state, and municipal contracts with for-profit private prisons and private detention centers. In order to end family detention, we will ensure humane alternatives for those who pose no public threat. We should consider all available means of protecting these individuals from the threats to their lives and safety— including strengthening in-country and third-country processing, expanding the use of humanitarian parole, and granting Temporary Protected Status. We reject attempts to impose a religious test to bar immigrants or refugees from entering the United States. It is un-American and runs counter to the founding principles of this country. Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump. His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected.

Civil Rights
Democrats will always fight to end discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. We need to promote civility and speak out against bigotry and other forms of intolerance that have entered our political discourse. It is unacceptable to target, defame, or exclude anyone because of their religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation. While freedom of expression is a fundamental constitutional principle, we must condemn hate speech that creates a fertile climate for violence. We condemn Donald Trump’s demonization of prisoners of war, women, Muslims, Mexicans, and people with disabilities; his playing coy with white supremacists; and the climate of bigotry he is creating. We also condemn the recent uptick in other forms of hate speech, like anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

LGBT Rights
Democrats applaud last year’s decision by the Supreme Court that recognized LGBT people— like every other American—have the right to marry the person they love. But there is still much work to be done. LGBT kids continue to be bullied at school, a restaurant can refuse to serve a transgender person, and a same-sex couple is at risk of being evicted from their home. That is unacceptable and must change. Democrats will fight for comprehensive federal non- discrimination protections for all LGBT Americans and push back against state efforts to discriminate against LGBT individuals. We will combat LGBT youth homelessness and improve school climates, and we will protect transgender individuals from violence. We will promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.

Disability Rights
No one should face discrimination based on disability status. Democrats are committed to realizing the full promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will improve access to meaningful and gainful employment for people with disabilities. We will provide tax relief to help the millions of families caring for aging relatives or family members with chronic illnesses or disabilities. And we will continue to fight for ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Faith and Service
Democrats know that our nation, our communities, and our lives are made vastly stronger and richer by faith in many forms and the countless acts of justice, mercy, and tolerance it inspires. We believe in lifting up and valuing the good work of people of faith and religious organizations and finding ways to support that work where possible. We believe in the power of national service, with people of all backgrounds coming together in common purpose to serve their communities and country.

Agricultural Communities
We will work to build a stronger rural and agricultural economy. Democrats will spur investment to power the rural economy and increase funding to support the next generation of farmers and ranchers. We will expand local food markets and regional food systems and provide a focused safety net to assist family operations that need support during challenging times. And we will promote clean energy leadership and collaborative stewardship of our natural resources, while expanding opportunities in rural communities across America.

Poverty / Communities Left Behind
We reaffirm our commitment to eliminate poverty. Democrats will develop a national strategy to combat poverty, coordinated across all levels of government. We will direct more federal resources to lifting up communities that have been left out and left behind, such as the 10-20-30 model, which directs 10 percent of program funds to communities where at least 20 percent of the population has been living below the poverty line for 30 years or more. We will also focus on communities that suffer from persistent poverty, including empowerment zones and areas that targeted government data indicate are in persistent poverty. Democrats will also protect and expand proven programs, including robust support for nutrition assistance to stop people from going hungry as well as programs that help people grow their skills and provide training opportunities. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program should be expanded for low-wage workers not raising children, including extending the credit to young workers starting at age 21. The Child Tax Credit (CTC) should be indexed to inflation to stem the erosion of the credit. Democrats will also do more to invest in our most distressed communities—from our cities to coal country to the Rust Belt. We will create good-paying jobs and enhance opportunities by investing in small business, youth employment, and reentry programs for formerly incarcerated people. We will improve safety by repairing crumbling infrastructure in communities that need it most as well as on tribal lands. And we will make investments in housing near good jobs and good schools.

Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations
We have a profound moral and legal responsibility to the Indian tribes—throughout our history we have failed to live up to that trust. That is why the Democratic Party will uphold, honor, and strengthen to the highest extent possible the United States’ fundamental trust and responsibility, grounded in the Constitution and treaties, to American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. We recognize the inherent sovereignty of Indian nations and will work to enact laws and policies that strengthen, not reduce, the powers of Indian nations over people who interact with them in Indian Country. We will work on a government-to-government basis to continue to empower Indian nations, and to provide sufficient and meaningful resources to Indian tribes to increase economic development and self-determination. As Democrats, we will constantly seek to ensure that American Indian communities are safe, healthy, nurturing, educated, innovative, and prosperous. We will restore tribal lands by continuing to streamline the land-into-trust process and recognize the right of all tribes to protect their lands, air, and waters. We will continue to work on a government-to- government basis to address chronic underfunding, and provide meaningful resources and financial investments that will empower American Indian tribes through increased economic development and infrastructure improvements on tribal lands. We will strengthen the operation of tribal housing programs, and fully fund the Indian Housing Block Grant Program. We will increase affordable and safe housing and fight to significantly reduce homelessness on and off Indian reservations, especially among Native youth and veterans. We will invest in Indian education from early childhood through higher education. We will fully fund the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and strengthen self-determination to enable culturally-tailored learning unique to each tribal nation and help to retain qualified teachers for Native learners. Democrats will continue to support President Obama's Generation Indigenous program that has made important strides in promoting new investments and increased engagement with American Indian youth, including by continuing efforts to reform the BIE to provide students attending BIE-funded schools with a world-class culturally-based education. We also support the elimination of school and sports mascots that reflect outdated stereotypes and that perpetuate racism. We will strengthen tribal sovereignty and tribal jurisdiction by enacting laws and policies that enhance the ability of Indian nations to govern their territories, keep their communities safe, and prosecute crimes committed on tribal lands. And we will back these efforts through robust investments in effective tribal law enforcement and tribal courts. We believe that health care is a core federal trust responsibility, and we support a robust expansion of the health care provided by the Indian Health Service. We will work to fully fund the Indian Health Service, Tribal, Urban Indian health care system and to ensure that Americans Indian have adequate, safe, and affordable access to primary care providers, including oral health, mental health practitioners, and substance abuse treatment options. We acknowledge the past injustices and the misguided, harmful federal and state policies and actions based on outdated and discredited values and beliefs that resulted in the destruction of the Indian nations’ economies, social, and religious systems, the taking of their lands, and the creation of intergenerational trauma that exists to this day. We believe that we have a moral and profound duty to honor, respect, and uphold our sacred obligation to the Indian nations and Indian peoples. We will protect tribal sacred sites and empower tribes to maintain and pass on traditional religious beliefs, languages and social practices without fear of discrimination or suppression. We also believe that Native children are the future of tribal nations and that the Indian Child Welfare Act is critical to the survival of Indian culture, government, and communities and must be enforced with the original intent of the law. We will strengthen Indian voting rights, including improved access to polling locations. We will build on federal programs to reduce the disproportionate incarceration of American Indian and Alaska Native men and women, reduce disparity in prison sentencing, protect the religious rights of Native prisoners, reduce barriers to prisoner reentry, and offer access to housing and employment upon reentry. We are committed to principles of environmental justice in Indian Country and we recognize that nature in all its life forms has the right to exist, persist, maintain, and regenerate its vital cycles. We call for a climate change policy that protects tribal resources, protects tribal health, and provides accountability through accessible, culturally appropriate participation and strong enforcement. Our climate change policy will cut carbon emission, address poverty, invest in disadvantaged communities, and improve both air quality and public health. We support the tribal nations to develop wind, solar and other clean energy jobs. Democrats also support efforts for self-determination and sovereignty of Native Hawaiians.

People of the Territories
We support full self-government and self-determination for the people of the territories of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and their right to decide their future status.

Puerto Rico
And we are committed to addressing the extraordinary challenges faced by our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico. Many stem from the fundamental question of Puerto Rico’s political status. Democrats believe that the people of Puerto Rico should determine their ultimate political status from permanent options that do not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the United States. Democrats are committed to promoting economic opportunity and good-paying jobs for the hardworking people of Puerto Rico. We also believe that Puerto Ricans must be treated equally by Medicare, Medicaid, and by other benefits programs for families. All American citizens, no matter where they reside, should have the right to vote for the President of the United States. Finally, we believe that Washington must respect Puerto Rico’s local self- government as Congress and the Executive Branch work to provide the necessary tools and aid that Puerto Rico needs to restructure its debt so that it can get on a path towards stability and prosperity, while maintaining its autonomy. Protect Voting Rights, Fix Our Campaign Finance System, and Restore Our Democracy

Voting Rights
The Democratic Party was founded on the promise of an expanded democracy. The right to vote is at the heart of our national vision. It is a core principle of the Democratic Party to maximize voter participation for all Americans. Our democracy suffers when nearly two thirds of our citizens do not or cannot participate, as in the last midterm elections. Democrats believe we must make it easier to vote not harder. We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote-by-mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration, same day voting, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday. We will restore voting rights for those who have served their sentences. And we will continue to fight against discriminatory voter identification laws, which disproportionately burden young voters, diverse communities, people of color, low-income families, people with disabilities, the elderly, and women. Republicans have enacted various voter suppression tactics from Ohio to Florida, and while some Federal Courts have found that these measures go too far, Democrats will continue to fight these laws to preserve the fundamental right to vote. As Democrats, we support efforts to defeat ill-motivated voter suppression tactics. We support Ohio’s proposed Voters Bill of Rights amendment, North Carolina’s Moral Monday movement, and similar initiatives to permanently safeguard this inalienable right.

Campaign Finance
Democrats believe we must fight to preserve the essence of the longest standing democracy in the world: a government that represents the American people, not just a handful of powerful and wealthy special interests. We will fight for real campaign finance reform now. Big money is drowning out the voices of everyday Americans, and we must have the necessary tools to fight back and safeguard our electoral and political integrity. Democrats support a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo. We need to end secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring, through executive order or legislation, significantly more disclosure and transparency—by outside groups, federal contractors, and public corporations to their shareholders. We need to amplify the voices of the American people through a small donor matching public financing system. We need to overhaul and strengthen the Federal Election Commission so that there is real enforcement of campaign finance laws. And we need to fight to eliminate super PACs and outside spending abuses. Our vision for American democracy is a nation in which all people, regardless of their income, can participate in the political process, and can run for office without needing to depend on large contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.

We will appoint judges who defend the constitutional principles of liberty and equality for all, protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion, curb billionaires’ influence over elections because they understand that Citizens United has fundamentally damaged our democracy, and see the Constitution as a blueprint for progress.

D.C. Statehood
Restoring our democracy also means finally passing statehood for Washington, D.C., so that its citizens have full and equal congressional rights as well as the right to have the laws and budget of their local government respected without Congressional interference.

Management of Federal Government
Democrats understand responsible fiscal stewardship is key to American democracy and to the country’s long-term economic prosperity. We believe that we can pay for ambitious progressive investments that create good-paying jobs and offer security to working families without adding to the debt by making those at the top and the largest corporations pay their fair share. This stands in contrast to Donald Trump, whose plans could add more than $30 trillion to the debt and who casually suggests defaulting on America’s debt, ending more than 200 years in which the full faith and credit of the United States has been considered sacred. We will also ensure that new spending and tax cuts are offset so that they do not add to the nation’s debt over time. We will tackle waste, fraud, and abuse to make sure government dollars are spent wisely and efficiently. Democrats believe that we should not be contracting, outsourcing, or privatizing work that is inherently governmental in nature, including postal services, school services, and state and local government services. We are committed to a strong, effective, accountable civil service, delivering the quality public services Americans have every right to expect. Combat Climate Change, Build a Clean Energy Economy, and Secure Environmental

Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time. Fifteen of the 16 hottest years on record have occurred this century. While Donald Trump has called climate change a “hoax”, 2016 is on track to break global temperature records once more. Cities from Miami to Baltimore are already threatened by rising seas. California and the West have suffered years of brutal drought. Alaska has been scorched by wildfire. New York has been battered by superstorms, and Texas swamped by flash floods. The best science tells us that without ambitious, immediate action to cut carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases across our economy, all of these impacts will be far worse in the future. We cannot leave our children a planet that has been profoundly damaged. Democrats share a deep commitment to tackling the climate challenge; creating millions of good-paying middle class jobs; reducing greenhouse gas emissions more than 80 percent below levels by 2050; and meeting the pledge President Obama put forward in the landmark Paris Agreement, which aims to keep global temperature increases to “well below” two degrees Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We believe America must be running entirely on clean energy by mid-century. We will take bold steps to slash carbon pollution and protect clean air at home, lead the fight against climate change around the world, ensure no Americans are left out or left behind as we accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy, and be responsible stewards of our natural resources and our public lands and waters. Democrats reject the notion that we have to choose between protecting our planet and creating good-paying jobs. We can and we will do both.

Clean Energy Economy
We are committed to getting 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country. We will cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals, and offices; modernize our electric grid; and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world, creating new jobs and saving families and businesses money on their energy bills. And we will transform American transportation by reducing oil consumption through cleaner fuels, making new investments in public transportation, expanding electrification of the vehicle fleet, increasing the fuel efficiency of cars, boilers, ships, and trucks, and by building bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across our urban and suburban areas. Democrats believe the tax code must reflect our commitment to a clean energy future by eliminating special tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel companies as well as defending and extending tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy. Democrats are committed to defending, implementing, and extending smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for automobiles and heavy-duty vehicles, building codes and appliance standards, and the reduction of methane emissions from oil and gas production. We will work to expand access to cost-saving renewable energy by low-income households, create good-paying jobs in communities that have struggled with energy poverty, and oppose efforts by utilities to limit consumer choice or slow clean energy deployment. We support President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

Fracking? Deepwater and offshore drilling? Carbon tax?

And we believe that the federal government should lead by example, which is why we will take steps to power the government with 100 percent clean electricity.

Environmental and Climate Justice
Democrats believe clean air and clean water are basic rights of all Americans. Yet as we saw in Flint, Michigan, low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately home to environmental justice “hot spots,” where air pollution, water pollution, and toxic hazards like lead increase health and economic hardship. The impacts of climate change will also disproportionately affect low-income and minority communities, tribal nations, and Alaska Native villages—all of which suffer the worst losses during extreme weather and have the fewest resources to prepare. Simply put, this is environmental racism. The fight against climate change must not leave any community out or behind—including the coal communities who kept America’s lights on for generations. Democrats will fight to make sure these workers and their families get the benefits they have earned and the respect they deserve, and we will make new investments in energy producing communities to help create jobs and build a brighter and more resilient economic future. All corporations owe it to their shareholders to fully analyze and disclose the risks they face, including climate risk. Those who fail to do so should be held accountable. Democrats also respectfully request the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies accused of misleading shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change.

Public Lands and Waters
Democrats believe in the conservation and collaborative stewardship of our shared natural heritage: the public lands and waterways, the oceans, Great Lakes, the Arctic, and all that makes America’s great outdoors priceless. As a nation, we need policies and investments that will keep America’s public lands public, strengthen protections for our natural and cultural resources, increase access to parks and public lands for all Americans, protect species and wildlife, and harness the immense economic and social potential of our public lands and waters. We oppose drilling in the Arctic and off the Atlantic coast, and believe we need to reform fossil fuel leasing on public lands. We can phase down extraction of fossil fuels from our public lands, starting with the most polluting sources, while making our public lands and waters engines of the clean energy economy and creating jobs across the country.

Provide Quality and Affordable Education -Higher Education
Democrats believe that if you are an American who wants to get an education, you should always be able to get one: money should never stand in the way. Cost should not be a barrier to getting a degree or credential, and debt should not hold you back after you graduate. Bold new investments by the federal government, coupled with states reinvesting in higher education and colleges holding the line on costs, will ensure that Americans of all backgrounds will be prepared for the jobs and economy of the future. We will make community college free, while ensuring the strength of our historically minority-serving institutions. Achieving these goals depends on state and federal investment in both students and their teachers. Whether full-time or adjunct, faculty must be supported to make transformative educational experiences possible. As we make college affordable for future students, we will not forget about the millions of borrowers who need help with their debt right now.

Student Debt
Democrats will allow those who currently have student debt to refinance their loans at the lowest rates possible. We will simplify and expand access to income-based repayment so that no student loan borrowers ever have to pay more than they can afford. And we will significantly cut interest rates for future undergraduates, thereby preventing the federal government from making billions of dollars in profit from student loans. Democrats will also fight for a Student Borrower Bill of Rights to ensure borrowers get adequate information about options to avoid or get out of delinquency or default. We will hold lenders and loan servicers to high standards to help borrowers in default rehabilitate and repay their debts. Finally, Democrats will restore the prior standard in bankruptcy law to allow borrowers with student loans discharge their debts in bankruptcy as a measure of last resort.

Minority-Serving Institutions
We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities,Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions, and other minority-serving institutions by providing a dedicated fund of tens of billions of dollars to keep costs down, provide a quality education, and provide dedicated support to improve student outcomes and completion rates. These schools play an important role in building opportunity and creating a diverse workforce.

For-Profit Schools
Donald Trump ran a fake university—the now bankrupt Trump “University”—that scammed many out of their hard-earned savings and led to no degree and no obvious benefit to their education or economic prosperity. Democrats will not tolerate this type of fraud. We will also continue to crack down on for-profit schools that take millions in federal financial aid—often as their principal source of revenue—and then exploit students and burden them with debt rather than educating them. That is why we will strengthen the gainful employment rule to ensure that for-profit schools enable students to complete their degrees and prepare them for work. We will go after for-profits that engage in deceptive marketing, fraud, and other illegal practices. It is not right that for-profit schools with low graduation rates keep encouraging their students to take out federal loans they will have trouble paying back.

Early Childhood, Pre-K, and K-12
Democrats believe we must have the best-educated population and workforce in the world. That means making early childhood education a priority, especially in light of new research showing how much early learning can impact life-long success. Democrats will invest in early childhood programs like Early Head Start and provide every family in America with access to high-quality childcare and high-quality pre-K programs. We will ensure there are great Pre-K-12 schools in every zip code. Democrats are committed to the federal government continuing to play a critical role in working towards an America where a world-class education is available to every child. Democrats believe that a strong public education system is an anchor of our democracy, a propeller of the economy, and the vehicle through which we help all children achieve their dreams. Public education must engage students to be critical thinkers and civic participants while addressing the wellbeing of the whole child. Democrats believe that all students should be taught to high academic standards. Schools should receive adequate resources and support. We will hold schools, districts, communities, and states accountable for raising achievement levels for all students—particularly low-income students, students of color, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities. We are also deeply committed to ensuring that we strike a better balance on testing so that it informs, but does not drive, instruction. To close the opportunity gap, we also must find ways to encourage mentoring programs that support students in reaching their full potential. Mentoring is a strategy to ensure that children living in poverty have the encouragement and support to aim high and enter the middle class. We will focus on group mentoring, which is a low-cost, high-yield investment that offers the benefit of building a supportive network of peers who push one another towards success. Democrats know that good teachers are essential to improving student learning and helping all students meet high academic standards. Democrats will launch a national campaign to recruit and retain high-quality teachers, and we will ensure that teachers receive the tools and ongoing professional development they need to succeed in the classroom and provide our children with a world-class education. We also must lift up and trust our educators, continually build their capacity, and ensure that our schools are safe, welcoming, collaborative, and well-resourced places for our students, educators, and communities. We will invest in high-quality STEM classes, community schools, computer science education, arts education, and expand linked learning models and career pathways. We will end the school- to-prison pipeline. And we will work to improve school culture and combat bullying of all kinds. Democrats are also committed to providing parents with high-quality public school options and expanding these options for low-income youth. We support great neighborhood public schools and high-quality public charter schools, and we will help them disseminate best practices to other school leaders and educators. Democrats oppose for-profit charter schools focused on making a profit off of public resources. We instead support increased transparency and accountability for all charter schools.

Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans Universal Health Care
We believe as Democrats that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress we took a critically important step towards the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which has offered coverage to 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage on account of a pre-existing condition. Democrats will never falter in our generations- long fight to guarantee health coverage as a fundamental right for every American. As part of that guarantee, Americans should be able to access public coverage through Medicare or a public option.

Gee, where have I heard that before?

By contrast, Donald Trump wants to repeal the ACA, leaving tens of millions of Americans without coverage. For too many of us, health care costs are still too high, even for those with insurance. And medical debt is a problem for a growing number of working families, with one-quarter of Americans reporting that they or someone in their household had problems or an inability to pay medical bills in the past year. We will keep costs down by making premiums more affordable, reducing out-of-pocket expenses, and capping prescription drug costs. Democrats will also work to end surprise billing and other practices associated with out-of-control medical debt that lead to unconscionable economic strain on American households. We will offer relief so Americans do not face high costs, and we will fight back against insurers trying to impose excessive premium increases. Furthermore, as Democrats, we will keep fighting until the ACA’s Medicaid expansion has been adopted in every state. Twenty states have not yet adopted expanded Medicaid, which not only means that millions of low-income Americans still lack health insurance and are not getting the care they need, but health care providers, clinics, hospitals, and taxpayers are footing a higher bill when people without insurance visit expensive emergency rooms. Democrats believe that it is not right that your zip code or census tract is a predictor of your health, which is why we will make health equity a central part of our commitment to revitalizing communities left behind. Democrats believe that all health care services should be culturally and linguistically appropriate. And we should disaggregate data collection for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders because data disaggregation is a necessary step in fully understanding the needs of the AAPI community for all government services.

Community Health Centers
We must renew and expand our commitment to Community Health Centers, as well as community mental health centers and family planning centers. These health clinics, which offer comprehensive primary care, mental health, and family planning services to underserved populations, are critical to the successful implementation of the ACA. These health centers are a critical bulwark, allowing for better care prevention, education, and treatment of chronic conditions, while preventing unnecessary, expensive trips to emergency rooms. As Democrats, we will fight for a comprehensive system of primary medical, dental, and mental health care and low-cost prescription drugs through a major expansion of community health centers. Democrats know that one of the key ingredients to the success for these health centers is a well-supported and qualified workforce. We will fight to train and support such a workforce. We will also encourage providers to work with underserved populations through the National Health Service Corps, and create a strategy to increase the pool of primary care health professionals.

Prescription Drug Costs
It is unacceptable that the United States pays, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and that one out of five Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 cannot afford to fill the prescription drugs prescribed to them by their doctors. A lifesaving drug is no good if it is unaffordable to the very people who need it most. While Democrats are committed to investing in the research, development, and innovation that creates lifesaving drugs and lowers overall health costs, the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies is simply unacceptable. And many drug companies are spending more on advertising than on research. The largest pharmaceutical companies are together earning $80 to $90 billion per year in profits at higher margins than other industries, while charging Americans thousands of dollars for new drugs— often at much higher costs than in other developed nations. We will crack down on price gouging by drug companies and cap the amount Americans have to pay out-of-pocket every month on prescription drugs. We will prohibit anti-competitive “pay for delay” deals that keep generic drugs off the market, and we will allow individuals, pharmacists, and wholesalers to import prescription drugs from licensed pharmacies in Canada and other countries with appropriate safety protections. Democrats will also fight to make sure that Medicare can negotiate lower prices with drug manufacturers.

Medical Research
Democrats believe we must accelerate the pace of medical progress, ensuring that we invest more in our scientists and give them the resources they need to invigorate our fundamental studies in the life sciences in a growing, stable, and predictable way. We must make progress against the full range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s, HIV and AIDS, cancer, and other diseases, especially chronic ones. We recognize the critical importance of a fully funded National Institutes of Health to accelerate the pace of medical progress.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction
We must confront the epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction, specifically the opioid crisis, by vastly expanding access to treatment, supporting recovery, helping community organizations, and promoting better practices by prescribers. We should also do more to educate our youth, as well as their families, teachers, coaches, mentors, and friends, to intervene early to prevent drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. We should help state and local leaders establish evidence-based, age-appropriate, and locally-tailored prevention programs. These programs include school-based drug education programs that have been shown to have meaningful effects on risky behavior; community-based peer mentorship and leadership programs; and after-school activities that deter drug use and encourage life skills.

Mental Health
We must treat mental health issues with the same care and seriousness that we treat issues of physical health and promote better integration of the behavioral and general health care systems. We must also expand community-based treatment for substance abuse disorders and mental health conditions and fully enforce our parity law. And we should create a national initiative around suicide prevention across the lifespan—to move toward the goal of Zero Suicide that has been promoted by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment. We need to defend the ACA, which extends affordable preventive health care to women, including no-cost contraception, and prohibits discrimination in health care based on gender. We will address the barriers that inhibit meaningful access to reproductive health care services, including those based on gender, sexuality, race, income, and other factors. We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care, evidence-based sex education, and a full range of family planning services help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions. And we strongly and unequivocally support a woman’s decision to have a child, including by ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth, and by providing services during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, including adoption and social support services.

Public Health
Investment in our nation’s crumbling public health infrastructure is critical to ensuring preparedness for emerging threats; for preventing disease, illness, and injury in communities; and for promoting good health and wellbeing. Inadequate access to public health services has a disparate impact on poor and minority communities where public health services are a significant source of health care. Democrats will fight for increased investments in public health to better address emerging threats and the needs across our country.

Violence Against Women and Sexual Assault
Democrats are committed to ending the scourge of violence against women wherever it occurs. We will continue to support the Violence Against Women Act to provide law enforcement with the tools it needs to combat this problem. We will support comprehensive services for survivors of violence and increase prevention efforts in our communities and on our campuses. Democrats will fight to bring an end to sexual assault because everyone deserves a safe environment where they can learn and thrive, not live in fear. We will provide comprehensive support to survivors, and ensure a fair process for all on-campus disciplinary proceedings and in the criminal justice system. We will increase sexual violence prevention education programs that cover issues like consent and bystander intervention—not only in college, but also in secondary school.

Gun Violence Prevention
With 33,000 Americans dying every year, Democrats believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe. We will expand background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws, hold irresponsible dealers and manufacturers accountable, keep weapons of war—such as assault weapons—off our streets, and ensure guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and those with severe mental health issues.

Principled Leadership
Democrats believe that America must lead in the world to grow our economy, protect our interests, and make our country safer and more prosperous. We cannot outsource our position of global leadership and allow other countries to make decisions about our lives, jobs, and safety.

And we cannot allow other natiosn to make decisions for themselves

Democrats further believe that when America leads, it should be as a principled force for peace and prosperity in the world. We believe that empowering women and other minorities is essential for security and economic growth. We believe the smart use of diplomacy, development, and economic statecraft can prevent crises, foster stability, and make us safer. And we believe that we are stronger when we work with our partners and allies, including the largest economic and military powers in the world, rather than try to go it alone. Our global network of alliances is not a burden—it is a source of tremendous strategic advantage. Democrats believe that our military should only be sent into combat when the terms of engagement are clearly presented to the American people and our troops have what they need to fulfill their mission. And we believe that war must always be the last resort, never the first choice. These principles have underpinned the important progress of the last eight years. When President Obama assumed office, the world economy was in the worst crisis since the Great Depression, our alliances were strained, Osama bin Laden remained at large, Iran was racing toward a nuclear weapon, and we were mired in two costly wars. We brought bin Laden to justice, crippled Al Qaeda’s core leadership, saved America from a second Great Depression, repaired our alliances, reestablished relations with Cuba while continuing to press for reforms, and— without firing a shot, dropping a bomb, or putting a single American soldier in harm’s way— blocked Iran’s ability to pursue a nuclear weapon. America is stronger abroad and safer at home because of this principled leadership. But there is much more to do to keep our country prosperous and safe, from defeating terrorism and combating climate change to managing China’s rise and strengthening our nation’s cybersecurity. The next Democratic administration will confront the complex challenges that lay ahead by staying true to our principles and core values. Donald Trump has a different approach. There has never been a major party candidate less qualified or less fit for the office of President of the United States or to be Commander-in-Chief than Donald Trump. He wants more countries to have nuclear weapons. He thinks our military should engage in war crimes. He wants to build walls and keep people—including Americans— from entering the country based on their race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin. He has no strategy for dealing with key threats facing our country, including climate change and ISIS. He wants to abandon our allies and empower our adversaries. His dangerous, incoherent policies would undo the progress we have made. Donald Trump believes America is weak and an embarrassment. He has called our military “a disaster”. We reject that view of America and of our brave men and women in uniform. America is unlike any other nation on earth. Our ingenuity is unparalleled, our military unrivaled, our economy the largest, most dynamic, and innovative, and our values an enduring source of strength and inspiration the world over. We are not a country that cowers behind walls. We lead with purpose. With American leadership, guided by our principles and in concert with our allies and partners, the coming years can be the most stable, secure, and prosperous time we and the world have ever known.
More interventionism


Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans
Democrats believe America must continue to have the strongest military in the world. We support a smart, predictable defense budget that meets the strategic challenges we face, not the arbitrary cuts that the Republican Congress enacted as part of sequestration. We must prioritize military readiness by making sure that our armed forces remain the best trained and equipped and that the Department of Defense invests its budget wisely. As we look beyond the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the conclusion of long-term nation-building with large military footprints, we will continue to get rid of outdated Cold War-era systems and ensure our security with a more agile and more flexible force. At the same time, we must end waste in the defense budget, which is an abuse of taxpayer dollars. That is why we will audit the Pentagon, launch a high-level commission to review the role of defense contractors, and take greater action against those who have been involved in fraud. Our country has a sacred, moral responsibility to keep faith with our veterans. We must take care of those who have put their lives on the line to defend us. That is why we will push for more educational benefits and job training, end chronic homelessness and combat suicide, and protect and preserve the post-9/11 GI Bill for future generations. We are outraged by the systemic problems plaguing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and will fight for every veteran to have access to timely, high-quality health care. The delays in processing claims and appeals are unacceptable. We must also look for more ways to make certain that the VA provides veteran- centric care, such as providing women with full and equal treatment, including reproductive health services; expanding mental health programs; continuing efforts to identify and treat invisible, latent, and toxic wounds of war; and expanding the post-9/11 veteran’s caregiver program to include all veterans. We reject attempts by Republicans to sell out the needs of veterans by privatizing the VA. We believe that the VA must be fully resourced so that every veteran gets the care that he or she has earned and deserves. Democrats honor the sacrifice of military families who serve alongside our service members. We recognize the unique concerns and challenges they face, especially after 15 years of continuous deployments. We will support military families with jobs, education, childcare, and health care. We will promote family- friendly policies and champion efforts to care for our military family members, especially for the spouses and children who have to rebuild their lives after the loss of a loved one. Democrats welcome and honor all Americans who want to serve and will continue to fight for their equal rights and recognition. We are proud of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the opening of combat positions to women. Our military is strongest when people of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities are honored for their service to our country.

Confront Global Threats
Democrats will protect our country. We will strengthen our homeland security, deal wisely and firmly with those who seek to imperil America or our partners, deter aggression, promote peace, and use all the tools of American power, especially diplomacy and development, to confront global threats and ensure war is the last resort.

We must defeat ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their affiliates, and prevent other groups from emerging in their place. First, Democrats will continue to lead a broad coalition of allies and partners to destroy ISIS’ stronghold in Iraq and Syria.

Not a mention of Libya or Yemen.

We will press those in the region, especially the Gulf countries and local forces on the ground, to carry their weight in prosecuting this fight. Second, we will dismantle the global network of terror, which supplies terrorists with money, arms, and fighters, and stop them from recruiting and inspiring potential radicals. Third, we will harden our defenses at home, as well as those of our partners, against external and homegrown threats. We will strengthen our resilience, reminding the terrorists and ourselves that America will always come together and stand up to terror. Democrats will also seek an updated Congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) that is more precise about our efforts to defeat ISIS and that does not involve large-scale combat deployment of American troops. The Syrian crisis is heartbreaking and dangerous, and its impact is threatening the region, Europe, and beyond. Donald Trump would inflame the conflict by alienating our allies, inexplicably allowing ISIS to expand in Syria, and potentially starting a wider war. This is a reckless approach. Democrats will instead root out ISIS and bring together the Syrian opposition, international community, and our regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends Assad’s rule. Given the immense scale of human suffering in Syria, it is also imperative that we lead the international community in providing greater humanitarian assistance to the civilian victims of war in Syria and Iraq. In Afghanistan, we will work with the NATO-led coalition of partners to bolster the democratically-elected government as it assumes a primary role in tackling terrorism, forges a more secure future for the country, and safeguards advances, like securing women’s rights. Democrats will continue to push for an Afghan- led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil. We support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan and ensure that it never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland. As we prosecute the fight against terrorism, Democrats will repudiate vile tactics that would do us harm. We reject Donald Trump’s vilification of Muslims. It violates the religious freedom that is the bedrock of our country, feeds into ISIS’ nefarious narrative, and alienates people and countries who are crucial to defeating terrorism. We reject Donald Trump’s suggestion that our military should engage in war crimes, like murdering civilians related to suspected terrorists or torturing prisoners. These tactics run counter to American principles, undermine our moral standing, cost innocent lives, and endanger Americans. We also firmly reject Donald Trump’s willingness to mire tens of thousands of our combat troops in a misguided ground war in the Middle East. It would embolden ISIS, and there is nothing smart or strong about such an approach.

We support the nuclear agreement with Iran because, if vigorously enforced and implemented, it verifiably cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb without resorting to war. We reject Donald Trump’s view that we should have walked away from a deal that peacefully dismantles Iran’s nuclear program. We will continue the work of this administration to ensure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon and will not hesitate to take military action if Iran violates the agreement. Democrats will also address the detrimental role Iran plays in the region and will robustly enforce and, if necessary, strengthen non-nuclear sanctions. Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Unlike, say, Saudi Arabia???

It violates the human rights of its population, denies the Holocaust, vows to eliminate Israel, and has its fingerprints on almost every conflict in the Middle East. Democrats will push back against Iran’s destabilizing activities including its support for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, counter Iran’s ballistic missile program, bolster the capabilities of our Gulf partners, and ensure that Israel always has the ability to defend itself.

North Korea
North Korea is perhaps the most repressive regime on the planet, run by a sadistic dictator. It has conducted several nuclear tests and is attempting to develop the capability to put a nuclear warhead on a long-range missile that could directly threaten the United States. Yet Donald Trump praises North Korea’s dictator, threatens to abandon our treaty allies, Japan and South Korea, and encourages the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. This approach is incoherent and rather than solving a global crisis, would create a new one. Democrats will protect America and our allies, press China to restrain North Korea, and sharpen the choices for Pyongyang to compel it to abandon its illegal nuclear and missile programs.

Russia is engaging in destabilizing actions along its borders, violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and attempting to recreate spheres of influence that undermine American interests.

Because Montenegro, Georgia, and Albania are vital to our future

It is also propping up the Assad regime in Syria, which is brutally attacking its own citizens. Donald Trump would overturn more than 50 years of American foreign policy by abandoning NATO partners who help us fight terrorism every day and embracing Russian President Vladimir Putin instead. We believe in strong alliances and will deter Russian aggression, build European resilience, and protect our NATO allies. We will make it clear to Putin that we are prepared to cooperate with him when it is in our interest—as we did on reducing nuclear stockpiles, dismantling Iran’s nuclear program, sanctioning North Korea, and resupplying our troops in Afghanistan—but we will not hesitate to stand up to Russian aggression.

Democrats will protect our industry, infrastructure, and government from cyberattacks. We will strengthen our cybersecurity, seek to establish global norms in cyberspace, and impose consequences on those who violate the rules. We will do all this while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of the American people.

We believe America will be safer in a world with fewer weapons of mass destruction. Donald Trump encourages the spread of nuclear weapons across Asia and the Middle East, which would weaken the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and he is unwilling to rule out using a nuclear weapon against ISIS. Democrats want to reduce the number of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons around the world, as well as their means of delivery. We will stop the spread of nuclear weapons and loose nuclear material, as well as strive to eliminate these weapons entirely as President Obama laid out in his speech in Prague in 2009. Democrats will be informed by a new Nuclear Posture Review in determining continued ways to appropriately shape our nuclear deterrent, with the aim of reducing our reliance on nuclear weapons while meeting our national security obligations. Democrats will also seek new opportunities for further arms control and avoid taking steps that create incentives for the expansion of existing nuclear weapons programs.

Climate Change
Climate change poses an urgent and severe threat to our national security. According to the military, climate change is a threat multiplier that is already contributing to new conflicts over resources, catastrophic natural disasters, and the degradation of vital ecosystems across the globe. While Donald Trump says that climate change is a “hoax” created by and for the Chinese, Democrats recognize the danger facing our country and our planet. We believe the United States must lead in forging a robust global solution to the climate crisis. We will not only meet the goals we set in Paris, we will seek to exceed them and push other countries to do the same by slashing carbon pollution and rapidly driving down emissions of potent greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons. We will support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases, deploy more clean energy, and invest in climate resilience and adaptation. And as a proud Arctic nation, we are against putting the region at risk through drilling in the Arctic Ocean or the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Instead, while protecting our strategic interests, we will seek collaborative, science-based approaches to be good stewards of the rapidly changing Arctic region.

Protect Our Values
Our values of inclusion and tolerance

and "shock and awe and invasion

inspire hope around the world and make us safer at home. The world will be more secure, stable, and peaceful when all people are able to reach their God- given potential and live in freedom and dignity. We strive to ensure that the values upon which our country was built, including our belief that all people are created equal, are reflected in everything our nation does. That is why we will promote peacebuilding and champion human rights defenders. We will fight to end child labor. And we will seek to safeguard vulnerable minorities, including LGBT people and people with disabilities.

Women and Girls
We believe the United States must continue to be the world’s strongest advocate for the rights of women and girls. We will encourage their economic, political, and educational opportunities, and protect them from violence at home and abroad. We will support sexual and reproductive health and rights around the globe. In addition to expanding the availability of affordable family planning information and contraceptive supplies, we believe that safe abortion must be part of comprehensive maternal and women’s health care and included as part of America’s global health programming. Therefore, we support the repeal of harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to health care information and services, including the “global gag rule” and the Helms Amendment that bars U.S. assistance to provide safe, legal abortion throughout the developing world.

Trafficking and Modern Slavery
We will stop the scourge of human trafficking and modern slavery of men, women, boys, and girls. We will use the full force of the law against those who engage in modern-day forms of slavery, including the commercial sexual exploitation of children and the forced labor of men, women, and children. Building on the accomplishments of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, we call for increased diplomatic efforts with foreign governments to root out complicit public officials who facilitate or perpetrate this evil.

Young People
The majority of the developing world is under age of 30. These countries will be more prosperous and stable if young people have access to education and employment opportunities. Democrats will promote the rights of young people and nurture young leaders. We will work with people around the world who seek greater opportunities, including by promoting job creation, expanding education and health care, and fostering partnerships between peoples.

Religious Minorities
We are horrified by ISIS’ genocide of Christians and Yezidis and crimes against humanity against Muslims and others in the Middle East. We will do everything we can to protect religious minorities and the fundamental right of freedom to worship and believe.

The world is experiencing a major refugee crisis with more than 60 million people displaced as a result of conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe. We support President Obama’s call for an international summit to address this crisis so that every country assumes its responsibility to meet this humanitarian challenge. While Donald Trump proposes banning Muslim refugees, we will look for ways to help innocent people who are fleeing persecution while ensuring rigorous screening and vetting.

Civil Society
Democrats support progress towards more accountable governance and universal rights. As autocrats and strongmen around the world crack down on civil society and imprison those who speak out to demand greater freedom, we will continue to bolster groups and individuals who fight for fundamental human rights.

Democrats further believe that we need to end corruption worldwide and increase transparency. We will fight corruption, promote good governance, and support the rule of law. We will also seek to close offshore tax havens, which corrupt rulers, individuals, and corporations exploit to shelter ill-gotten gains or avoid paying taxes at home.

We will always seek to uphold our values at home and abroad, not just when it is easy, but when it is hard. That is why President Obama banned torture without exception in his first week in office and why Democrats condemn Donald Trump’s statements that he would order our military to engage in torture and other war crimes.

Closing Guantánamo Bay
The Democratic Party remains committed to closing the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay. Keeping the facility open is a blemish on our record, serves as a recruiting tool for extremists, and undermines our standing in the world.

Development Assistance
We believe that development assistance is an essential instrument of American power. It can prevent threats, enhance stability, and reduce the need for military force. With less than one percent of the federal budget, our development assistance has helped cut extreme poverty in half, drastically decreased child mortality, reduced global hunger, countered deadly pandemics, and put an AIDS-free generation within reach. This investment reflects the best of America and makes us safer. We need to continue this work and make more progress on important global goals like ending extreme poverty and hunger.

Global Health
It is vital that we protect our nation’s health security. While the Republican Party refuses to fund important measures that could contain and address the Zika pandemic, Democrats are ready to limit the reach of Zika—just as we did with Ebola—and support funding for diagnostic tests for the virus, vaccine, and treatment. We also need to prepare for potential pandemics, like H1N1, by working with first responders and health officials to reduce the risks associated with unintentional or deliberate outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Democrats believe an AIDS-free generation is within our grasp. But we know far too many Americans still suffer, which is why we will implement the National HIV and AIDS Strategy, increase research funding for the National Institutes of Health, cap pharmaceut ical expenses for people living with HIV and AIDS, address HIV criminalization laws, and expand access for HIV prevention medications, particularly for the populations most at risk of infection. Abroad, we will make the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief more effective and increase global funding for HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment. Democrats will always protect those living with HIV and AIDS from stigma and discrimination.

International Labor
Democrats believe that a key element of American leadership is growing our economy and protecting American jobs. We also believe that the world will be safer when there is greater prosperity. That is why we will prioritize and strongly enforce provisions on decent work and worker rights in all American diplomatic, trade, and programmatic efforts. We think it is wrong for workers in the United States to compete against poverty-wage, child, or slave labor. Democrats will promote broad-based economic growth across the world, pursuing a global economic agenda that promotes rising wages and invests in quality public services, workers’ rights, and environmental protections. We believe that we need to coordinate our economic actions with other countries to address economic insecurity, specifically youth un- and underemployment, gender inequality, digital transformation, and the transition towards green jobs.

A Leader in the World
It would be a dangerous mistake for America to abandon our responsibilities. We cannot, as Donald Trump suggests, cede the mantle of leadership for global peace and security to others who will not have our best interests in mind. American leadership is essential to keeping us safe and our economy growing in the years ahead.

From the Asia Pacific to the Indian Ocean, we will deepen our alliances in the region with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. Democrats will continue to invest in a long-term strategic partnership with India—the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power. We will work with our allies and partners to fortify regional institutions and norms as well as protect freedom of the seas in the South China Sea. We will push back against North Korean aggression and press China to play by the rules. We will stand up to Beijing on unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, and cyberattacks. And we will promote greater respect for human rights, including the rights of Tibetans. Democrats are committed to a “One China” policy and the Taiwan Relations Act and will continue to support a peaceful resolution of Cross-Strait issues that is consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan.

Middle East
In the Middle East, Democrats will push for a more inclusive governance in Iraq and Syria

But not any of the repressive Gulf monarchies that are our allies?

that respects the equal rights of all citizens; provide support and security for Lebanon and Jordan, two countries that are hosting a disproportionate number of refugees; maintain our robust security cooperation with Gulf countries; and stand by the people of the region as they seek greater economic opportunity and freedom. A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States because we share overarching strategic interests and the common values of democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism. That is why we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself, including by retaining its qualitative military edge, and oppose any effort to delegitimize Israel, including at the United Nations or through the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement. We will continue to work toward a two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiated directly by the parties that guarantees Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state with recognized borders and provides the Palestinians with independence, sovereignty, and dignity. While Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations, it should remain the capital of Israel, an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. Israelis deserve security, recognition, and a normal life free from terror and incitement. Palestinians should be free to govern themselves in their own viable state, in peace and dignity.
But what about the illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land?


Europe remains America’s indispensable partner and a cornerstone of global security. Democrats will help our European allies and partners deter Russian aggression, address security challenges to Europe’s south, and deal with unprecedented economic and social challenges. We reject Donald Trump’s threats to abandon our European and NATO allies, all while he praises Putin. When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, our NATO allies invoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, stating that an attack against one is an attack against all—for the first and only time in its history. Our NATO allies fought alongside us in Afghanistan and are still there today. We will maintain our Article 5 collective security commitments to NATO because we are stronger when we have our allies at our side.

The Americas are a region of singular strategic, economic, and cultural importance and opportunity for the United States. Democrats reject Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall on our southern border and alienate Mexico, a valuable partner. We will instead embrace our neighbors and pursue strong, fruitful partnerships across the region, from Canada to Latin America and the Caribbean. We will build on our long-term commitment to Colombia and work with Central American countries to stabilize the Northern Triangle. We will bolster democratic institutions, promote economic opportunity and prosperity, and tackle the rise of drugs, crime, and corruption. In Cuba, we will build on President Obama’s historic opening to end the travel ban and embargo. We will also stand by the Cuban people and support their ability to decide their own future and to enjoy the same human rights and freedoms that people everywhere deserve. And in Venezuela, we will push the government to respect human rights and respond to the will of its people.

Africa is home to many of the fastest growing economies in the world. Democrats will strengthen our partnership and collaboration with the African Union, emphasizing trade while increasing development assistance to bolster the continent’s domestic economies. We applaud President Obama for engaging our African partners on the full range of global challenges and opportunities, and we will continue to strengthen democratic institutions, fair trade and investment, development, and global health. Democrats will support our African partners in improving their capacity to respond to crises and protect citizens, especially women and girls. We will also work to end the reign of terror promulgated by Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, AQIM, and ISIS.

What about al Qaida in Syria and the rest of the Mideast? Does she still see them as a useful tool?

Global Economy and Institutions
Democrats will protect and grow the global economy. Donald Trump wants to default on our debt, which would lead to a disastrous global economic crisis. We believe we must be responsible stewards and work with our partners to prevent another worldwide financial crisis. Democrats believe that global institutions and multilateral organizations have a powerful role to play and are an important amplifier of American strength and influence. Many of these organizations need reform and updating, but it would be reckless to follow Donald Trump and turn our back on the international system that America built. It has provided decades of stability and economic growth for the world and for America.

I'd apologize for the length, but I didn't write it. My god, so much blah-blah blah. A lot of promises on domestic policy, of which about 5% will be accomplished, and even that only in a way that doesn't offend/ makes more money for big business and the banks.

OTOH, all of Hillary's little foreign policy gems are in there - more intervention, the USA trying to boss everyone around, war with Russia - and since that's the arena where the POTUS actually holds power, I'm sure they'll be accomplished.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, July 11, 2016 9:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, let me give you a little more taste of your own medicine: Q- What does GSTRING do for fun? A- He flosses his asshole with his GSTRING!

Hmmmm... what have I brought to this thread?

Several lists of Hillary's campaign donors. (overall, international banks, international wealth management funds. For this campaign specifically, Zionist Jews, globalists like G Soros, Hollywood folks who would benefit from TPP, banks)
References of Saudi and other foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation.
Several lists of Hillary's failures as Scy of State including ...
What I consider to be a rather disturbing video of Hillary bouncing in her seat, laughing and clapping her hands like a 5-year-old at a birthday party, right after Qaddafi was sodomized with a bayonet and killed, and Libya was destroyed.
Discussions of what areas the President has more power (foreign affairs) as compared to other areas (domestic policy)
The entire DNC platform, so that people could get an idea how much Sanders was able to influence it.

This is what YOU have brought to this thread:


Geezus, the man likes his hyperbole. (even his name is hyperbolic as fas as names go)

"...Hillary as president could mean the end of life on earth."

He must be where Signym gets some of her stuff:

"As I have previously reported, in January 2004, 12 years ago, I stated in a nationally televised TV economic debate about jobs offshoring that the United States would be a Third World country in 20 years. I over-estimated the time it would take. We are already there."

"How America was Lost"

"Will The Democrats Choose An Oligarch For Their Presidential Candidate?"

Wait.. wha..? You're calling me a NAME?

Wait.. wha..? Did you call me a name? again? after saying I had nothing to say? What a twit!

Wrong as usual. I could give a sh*t about her and certainly have no interest in defending any professional politician. She will be out next president, and all of your "facts" won't stop it. So what then? What do you do when you find out your camp counselor is the last one you wanted? Does your brain do one more notch?

What would be the point?? Most of the article is opinion, not facts. The first *fact* I checked was an obvious misleading slant. First thing I checked: Hillary calling Putin "the new Hitler?"

Wrong as usual. You spend so much effort posting and quoting what is known or is old news or old speculation - do you have evidence apart from web articles? Most every one of those so called facts, is either well known or simply well repeated. Repeated enough for folks like you who dislike her (maybe hate?) to re-repeat them and feel like you're in-the-know. Sorry, John Paul Thomas is nothing special, just another amateur poli 'Net wonk wanna be. Your husband maybe?

Come on Beavis, it's right there in front of you. Right. There. You even point it out! PCR wants us to think of him as a great thinker, a great something, in the same league as the other famous people you mentioned. Wait, wasn't that the point of your post? His conceit?

Yep, and doesn't that comparison ring true? Doesn't that shock you a little? Aren't you concerned that Dick Willy Johnson shows little regard for the facts, and prefers spin? Of course it doesn't! That's where you live! You don't care about the truth, just if you can use it and bend it and fake it. Swears, you should be in politics with these other lying frauds.

Wow, what a perfect example of what a lying, deceitful fraud you are - thanks for serving this up. I think this kind of "denial think" you do is so ingrained it's just how you write, how you process the World.

Your total role on this forum, as far as I can tell, is to follow me and KIKI around from thread to thread, name-calling, making shit up, and trolling. I generally ignore you, but occasionally your endless snark, potshots, and bullshit test my patience. So I'm going to go back to ignoring you most of the time, but expect to get name-called since that's pretty much the level of your own posts, sonny. When you learn to behave like a grownup, I'll treat you as one.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, July 11, 2016 10:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hillary, by Anonymous

12 minutes of Hillary's lies

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, July 11, 2016 11:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Q- What does GSTRING do for fun? A- He flosses his asshole with his GSTRING! - SIGNY
Wow - that's pretty low even for you. -GSTRING

Oh, I can go much, much lower, You have no idea what I've thought of but never posted.


So rather than have an adult conversation and take responsibility for, or own the things you made up, you choose to insult, threaten, and then runaway?-GSTRING
UNLIKE YOU, when I make things up I SAY that it's made up. You, OTOH, just make shit up and then pretend you never did.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, July 11, 2016 11:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is more relevant.

Hillary, by Anonymous
12 minutes of Hillary's lies

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, July 11, 2016 10:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Do you suppose you might possibly stay on topic, and stop gossiping and whining?


But hey, thanks for bumping the Anonymous video!

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016 7:38 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Do you suppose you might possibly stay on topic, and stop gossiping and whining?


But hey, thanks for bumping the Anonymous video!

Sure, on topic. I like how in the video Terry Gross tried to hold Hillary accountable for her misstatements (lies) just like I try to hold you accountable. I think once you accept that this is a problem you have and start embracing raw Truth - no matter where it leads you even if it is away from previously held beliefs - you will stop flailing about so much.




Wednesday, July 13, 2016 12:54 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Show me the money ... or in this case, the facts (yanno, with attached evidence and links; rather than just claims, and assertions, and official pronouncements ...)

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:00 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

“The job of the FBI is simply to investigate, find the facts, and then send them on to the prosecutors and DOJ,” Akerman said. “Usually when they send it on they recommend a prosecution or no prosecution. The prosecutor doesn’t have to abide by that recommendation. Many times I would prosecute when they recommended no prosecution or vice versa.”

“What was so unusual and what was beyond the pale here was that the director of the FBI got up and basically announced the decision, which is never done by the FBI,” Akerman said. “I don’t even think J. Edgar Hoover ever did this.”

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The Strange Gaps In Hillary Clinton's Email Traffic

The past few weeks have brought a myriad of revelations about the private server Hillary Clinton used while she was secretary of state. First, there was the State Department inspector general’s devastating critique of the former secretary’s email practices. Then came sworn testimony of two key Clinton aides about how the server was set up and how the system worked (or didn’t). Just this weekend, Clinton met with the FBI to discuss her email arrangements. And on Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey announced that the agency would not recommend criminal charges over the handling of these emails, while at the same time offering a brutal assessment of how poorly Team Clinton handled classified information.

But, when it comes to Clinton’s correspondence, the most basic and troubling questions still remain unanswered: Why are there gaps in Clinton’s email history? Did she or her team delete emails that she should have made public?

The State Department has released what is said to represent all of the work-related, or “official,” emails Clinton sent during her tenure as secretary—a number totaling about 30,000. According to Clinton and her campaign, when they were choosing what correspondence to turn over to State for public release, they deleted 31,830 other emails deemed “personal and private.” But a numeric analysis of the emails that have been made public, focusing on conspicuous lapses in email activity, raises troubling concerns that Clinton or her team might have deleted a number of work-related emails.

We already know that the trove of Clinton’s work-related emails is incomplete. In his comments on Tuesday, Comey declared, “The FBI … discovered several thousand work-related e-mails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014.” We also already know that some of those work-related emails could be permanently deleted. Indeed, according to Comey, “It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that [Clinton and her team] did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.”
A brief, semi-technical explanation: as the head records on the hard drive, the track of the head 'wanders' a bit, causing leakage recording along either side. When you 'delete' a file, what the computer does is not 'erase' date - it simply tells the computer that certain areas on the hard drive are now available to be recorded over. With the proper software, you can easily read the ones and zeros on those sectors, and recover all the information, intact (unless it's already been over-written).
To actually erase data, you have to record over those sectors with random ones and zeros ...

not once - because you need to erase the 'leakage' information - but multiple times. Otherwise the data is still FORENSICALLY recoverable.

In other words - somebody didn't just 'delete' the files. They wrote over those sectors, and only those sectors, and re-wrote over them, and re-re-wrote - and so on - until no trace of the data remained.

That that data was well and truly erased indicates a CONCERTED and technical effort on Clinton's part to get rid of ... well ... we'll never know.
But it was roughly HALF of whatever was there. Yep. Apparently, HALF of her emails on her private server set up for work, were personal.

Why does this matter? Because Clinton signed documents declaring she had turned over all of her work-related emails. We now know that is not true. But even more importantly, the absence of emails raises troubling questions about the nature of the correspondence that might have been deleted.

(read more at the link)

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:27 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The Clinton Contamination

WASHINGTON — IT says a lot about our relationship with Hillary Clinton that she seems well on her way to becoming Madam President because she’s not getting indicted.

If she were still at the State Department, she could be getting fired for being, as the F.B.I. director told Congress, “extremely careless” with top-secret information. Instead, she’s on a glide path to a big promotion.

And that’s the corkscrew way things go with the Clintons, who are staying true to their reputation as the Tom and Daisy Buchanan of American politics. Their vast carelessness drags down everyone around them, but they persevere, and even thrive.

In a mere 11 days, arrogant, selfish actions by the Clintons contaminated three of the purest brands in Washington — Barack Obama, James Comey and Loretta Lynch — and jeopardized the futures of Hillary’s most loyal aides.

It’s quaint, looking back at her appointment as secretary of state, how Obama tried to get Hillary without the shadiness. (Which is what we all want, of course.)

The president and his aides attempted to keep a rein on Clinton’s State Department — refusing to let her bring in her hit man, Sidney Blumenthal.

But in the end, Hillary’s goo got on Obama anyhow. On Tuesday, after Comey managed to make both Democrats and Republicans angry by indicting Clinton politically but not legally, Barry and Hillary flew to Charlotte, N.C., for their first joint campaign appearance.

Obama was left in the awkward position of vouching for Hillary’s “steady judgment” to run an angry, violent, jittery nation on the very day that his F.B.I. director lambasted her errant judgment on circumventing the State Department email system, making it clear that she had been lying to the American public for the last 16 months.

Comey, who was then yanked up to Capitol Hill for a hearing on Thursday, revealed that instead of no emails with classified information, as Hillary had insisted, there were 110, of those turned over to the State Department. Instead of Clinton’s assurances that the server in the basement in Chappaqua had never been breached, Comey said it was possible that hostile actors had hacked Clinton’s email account. Among the emails not given to State, he said at least three contained classified information.

Hillary had already compromised the president, who feels he needs her to cement his legacy. Obama angered F.B.I. agents when he was interviewed on CBS’s “60 Minutes” last fall and undermined the bureau’s investigation by exonerating Hillary before the F.B.I. was done with its work, saying pre-emptively, “This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

Hillary willfully put herself above the rules — again — and a president, campaign and party are all left twisting themselves into pretzels defending her.

Obama aimed to have no shadows, but the Clintons operate in shadows.

After Bill Clinton crossed the tarmac in Phoenix to have a long chat with Lynch, the attorney general confessed that the ill-advised meeting had “cast a shadow” over her department’s investigation into his wife and that she would feel constrained to follow the recommendation of the F.B.I.

“I certainly wouldn’t do it again,” Lynch said, admitting it hit her “painfully” that she had made a mistake dancing with the Arkansas devil in the pale moonlight.

The meeting seemed even more suspect a week later, when The Times reported that Hillary might let Lynch stay on in a new Clinton administration.

The fallout from the email scandal has clouded the futures of longtime Hillary aides Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, who were also deemed extremely careless by Comey for their handling of classified information. The Times reported that they could face tough questions as they seek security clearances for diplomatic or national security posts. (Not to mention remiss in not pushing back on Clinton about the private server.)

“You’ve got a situation here where the woman who would be in charge of setting national security policy as president has been deemed by the F.B.I. unsuitable to safeguard and handle classified information,” Bill Savarino, a Washington lawyer specializing in security clearances, told the Times.

So many lawyers in this column, so little law.

President Obama is not upset about being pulled into the Clinton Under Toad, to use an old John Irving expression. He thinks Washington is so broken that the next president will need a specific skill set to function, and he thinks Hillary has that.

But what should disturb Obama, who bypassed his own vice president to lay out the red carpet for Hillary, is that the email transgression is not a one off. It’s part of a long pattern of ethical slipping and sliding, obsessive secrecy and paranoia, and collateral damage.

Comey’s verdict that Hillary was “negligent” was met with sighs rather than shock. We know who Hillary and Bill are now. We’ve been held hostage to their predilections and braided intrigues for a long time. (On the Hill, Comey refused to confirm or deny that he’s investigating the Clinton Foundation, with its unseemly tangle of donors and people doing business with State.)

We’re resigned to the Clintons focusing on their viability and disregarding the consequences of their heedless actions on others. They’re always offering a Faustian deal. This year’s election bargain: Put up with our iniquities or get Trump’s short fingers on the nuclear button.

The Clintons work hard but don’t play by the rules. Imagine them in the White House with the benefit of low expectations.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:48 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

BTW second - I fully expect you to ignore all these facts. Because that's what you do.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016 10:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But anyway... Hillary's worst attribute is she's a really bad politician.
Hillary's worst attribute is that she's painfully corrupt and has backed every policy destructive to ordinary Americas, from being a proponent of the New Democratic pathway (as First Lady) to voting for the Iraq war (as a Senator) to inciting chaos in multiple nations (as Scy State).


Listening to her speak and try and sound presidential is painful. I can't listen, it's too forced, too fake, and I think that also reveals itself in her actions and policies.
She has no ethics beyond clawing her way towards more money. She is "for" Saudi Arabia, George Soros and his "globalist" goal, banks, the international elite and their law firms (see her list of donors), and dual-citizen Zionists who represent Israel better than they represent the USA (see her list of donors). Nowhere to be found is the American middle class, no matter what she yaks up about us. Whatever she does on our behalf will be forced out of her by circumstance, not from some wellspring of concern.


She is definitely not a sophisticated thinker and has very little charm or charisma, which could have serious consequences internationally. The world is full of immature male leaders and just plain shabby characters.
She is a neocon. Charm and charisma have nothing to with it, she and her advisors are full-on war hawks.


I am almost equally worried about the people she has around her, advising her though. Her team's lack of will power to tell her "no!" when she made so many bad choices with email was baaaad. Her lack of respect for the medium is pervasive today (heh), and people who know that - as she should have had around her - understand that every day. They really let her down. Every president who wants to excel needs great people around them, and part of that is the need for them to be honest, sometimes brutally so. Hey! full circle!
She was against gay marriage while it was politically acceptable, then for it when it was politically expedient. Her ethics are skin deep, if they go even that far.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016 11:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The blowback from Hillary bashing: Right-wing attacks thwart reasonable criticism of Clinton’s campaign

Last week brought two tales of an email scandal. In one version the former secretary of state and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, committed a crime by using a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. She sloppily handled classified information, left our nation vulnerable to terrorist hacks, and lied repeatedly to the public and the authorities when asked about it. She was crooked and careless and acted as though she was above the law because she is a scheming she-devil. In another version of the story, there is no story — no crime, no carelessness, no lies worth paying attention to. The case is closed and we should all move on and get ready for to root for Hillary at the upcoming Democratic convention.

For some of us, both of those versions of the story are completely idiotic. They make no sense at all. But they aren’t equal in their nonsense. One of the versions is far more delirious and far more vicious. And that is the problem.

The right-wing attacks on Clinton are so excessive, so misogynistic, so mean-spirited and so often absent of any connection to reality, that it has become almost impossible to criticize her at all.

It’s no news that Hillary Clinton may well be the most lambasted politician in recent history. And, given the trouncing Barack Obama has endured, that is really saying something.

The shrill, vitriolic, and often hysterical attacks on Clinton have been constant. As Clinton supporter David Brock of Media Matters points out in his book on media coverage of her: There is ample evidence of a sustained right-wing plot to derail her as a candidate. Gene Lyons, another pro-Clinton commentator, has also amassed significant evidence of a “covert and often concerted effort” to take down Bill and Hillary. If you are skeptical that a Clinton supporter could give an accurate accounting of the many ways she has been attacked, don’t forget that the GOP itself admitted that the Benghazi Committee was solely designed to attack Hillary and hurt her campaign.

Hillary hasn’t only had to deal with the covert and often-overt efforts to discredit her and her husband; she has also suffered a litany of misogynistic attacks. Recall that Tucker Carlson once said, “There’s just something about her that feels castrating,“ on his MSNBC show “Tucker.” Of course, Clinton has often had to endure the bile of Rush Limbaugh, who claimed she has gotten every job she’s ever had because of her husband. In true Limbaugh loony contradiction, he has also repeatedly suggested that she has a “testicle lockbox” that she uses to force men to her bidding. And then there was the time that Ted Cruz suggested on the campaign trial that Clinton deserved a “spanking” for not telling the truth. We’re never getting that horrific image from our heads.

Whether you support Clinton or not, it is hard for a reasonable person to ignore the realities of how she has been bashed by public discourse. It is also hard to ignore the fact that that very same media bashing has led to a vicious social narrative—buttressed by a pack of social media trolls– that perpetuates deep hatred for Clinton.

But here’s the problem. It is increasingly harder to acknowledge that Clinton has been a target of unfair attacks while also asking fair questions about her record. The brutal and over-the-top attacks on Clinton have shut down calm and reasonable debate about her actual flaws. Any criticism at all seems to ratify the wingnuts. If you don’t want to be associated with those loons, then you might feel obliged to keep quiet.

The fact that Clinton has managed to wage a successful campaign in the midst of these continuous jabs is truly stunning. But it is also disturbing, because it has converted her supporters into her defenders. Rather than argue for her positive qualities, the dominant narrative of Clinton supporters is that she has been unfairly attacked. Her supporters have often displayed the exact same lack of nuance and critical thinking that we have come to associate with right-wing political rhetoric.

The right-wing logic of “us vs. them” is not just seeping into every aspect of political discourse; it may well be defining the makeup of the two-party system. Much in the same way that we have heard arguments that the Tea Party lunacy of the GOP has led directly to Donald Trump’s success, we could argue that the extreme right has actually enabled Clinton’s campaign. The more they ganged up on her like angry toddlers, the harder it was for there to be any real discussion of whether or not she would be a good leader of our nation.

If one were a conspiracy theorist, you might even imagine that the power elite on the right assumed that they couldn’t take the White House in 2016 so they angled for a Hillary success so that they could bind up the next four years (or more) with endless scandals and –if they are lucky—impeachment trials. What better antidote for a lost GOP presidency then to elect a Democratic candidate who could be ceaselessly attacked?

Because the media has constantly pilloried Clinton and because the right has repeatedly manufactured scandals, she now plays the role of victim. Even better she uses those transgressions to skirt valid questions about her record. When asked by Jake Tapper how she would respond to Trump calling her “corrupt” she replied: “I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak. I’m not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me.”

While it makes sense that Clinton would blow off Trump’s attacks, her role as victim allows her to avoid answering any questions. As the right has become more obstinate, so have Clinton and her camp.

That’s where we have to pause for a moment and assess how Clinton has actually responded to the email scandal. First of all, there is ample evidence she simply lied. A lot. We know that she originally stated she used a private server to allow her to email from one device. That has been proven false. We know that despite apologizing for poor judgment, she has consistently passed the blame onto others, suggesting that her colleagues were the ones who should have known the rules. We also know that she has really refused to take seriously the idea that sensitive and classified information was mishandled and that that information may have actually been leaked. Most importantly we have clear evidence that she has handled this mess with spin and rhetoric more than actual leadership.

Taken together those behaviors might not make her a criminal–although there is some real doubt on that point — but I believe it is fairly clear that they suggest serious flaws in a future president.

The point is that it is time to revise Bernie Sanders’ statement that “we are sick and tired of hearing about her damn emails.” Even if the whole investigation was politically motivated,
it turns out that there are some legitimate things to worry about. As Lee Camp explains on Redacted Tonight, the actual content of the emails is real cause for concern. That’s not even mentioning the whole host of other Clinton practices—her hawkishness, pro-Wall Street record, cronyism, etc. — that are worth critiquing.

There is one additional disturbing consequence to the Hillary bashing blowback, though. It is not just the fact that the anti-Hillary and pro-Hillary sides have become completely incapable of nuance or reason; it is the fact that those of us advocating for critical thinking are increasingly stuck in defensive positions that lead us to become more and more intransigent, more and more angry, and more and more inclined to bully back. In one example, Trevor Noah attempted to cover the story with some nuance, but he still ended up calling Hillary “Grandma Nixon.” The Nixon analogy might be apt, but calling her Grandma smacks of Limbaugh.

Whether fair or not, the Clinton campaign may get credit for finally driving the nation fully into sectarian opposition and away from anything resembling healthy democratic debate. The real question is whether we will find any productive way to talk about it.

Sophia A. McClennen is Professor of International Affairs and Comparative Literature at the Pennsylvania State University. She writes on the intersections between culture, politics, and society. Her latest book, co-authored with Remy M. Maisel, is, Is Satire Saving Our Nation? Mockery and American Politics.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, July 17, 2016 3:37 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The draft democratic party platform also called, 'they bought too many hyphens and dashes and had to use them up'.


2016 Democratic
Party Platform
July 1, 2016

Version July 1, 2016
Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Minimum Wage
Equal Pay, Paid Leave, and Caregiving
Social Security
Retirement Security
Postal Service
Create Good - Paying Jobs
Clean Energy Jobs
Research, Science, and Technology
Small Business
Youth Jobs
Fight for Economic Fairness and Against Inequality
Fixing our Financial System
Stopping Corporate Concentration
Bring Americans Together and Remove Barrie rs to Create Ladders of Opportunity
Racial Justice
Racial Wealth Gap
Criminal Justice
Civil Rights
LGBT Rights
Disability Rights
Faith and Service
Agricultural Communities
Poverty / Communities Left Behind
Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations
People of the Territories
Puerto Rico
Protect Voting Rights, Fix Our Campaign Finance System, and Restore Our Democracy
Voting Rights
Campaign Finance
D.C. Statehood
Management of Federal Government
Combat Climate Change, Build a Clean Energy Economy, and Secure Environmental Justice
Clean Energy Economy
Environmental and Climate Justice
Public Lands and Waters
Provide Quality and Affordable Education
Higher Education
Student Debt
Minority - Serving Institutions
For - Profit Schools
Early Childhood, Pre - K, and K - 12
Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans
Universal Health Care
Community Health Centers
Prescription Drug Costs
Medical Research
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Mental Health
Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
Public Health
Violence Against Women and Sexual Assault
Gun Violence Prevention
Principled Leadership
Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans
Confront Global Threats
North Korea
Non - proliferation
Climate Change
Protect Our Values
Women and Girls
Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Young People
Religious Minorities
Civil Society
Anti - Corruption
Closing Guantánamo Bay
Development Assistance
Global Health
International Labor
A Leader in the World
Asia - Pacific
Middle East
Global Economy and Institutions

In 2016, Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the
Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago: Out of many, we are one.
Under President Obama’s leadership, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the American people, we have come a long way from the Great Recession and the Republican policies that triggered it. We have seen 75 straight months of private - sector job growth and added 14.5 million new jobs. Twenty million people have gained health insurance coverage. The American auto industry just had its best year ever. We are getting more of our energy from the sun and wind, and importing less oil from overseas.
But too many Americans have been left out and left behind. They are working longer hours with less security.
Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide, while the cost of everything from childcare to a college education has continued to rise.
And as working people struggle, the top one percent accrues more wealth and more power. Republicans in Congress have chosen gridlock and dysfunction over trying to find solutions to the real challenges we face.
It’s no wonder that so many feel like the system is rigged against them.
Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls.
It’s a simple but powerful idea: we are stronger together.
Democrats believe we are stronger when we have an economy that works for everyone — an economy that grows incomes for working people, creates good - paying jobs, and puts a middle - class life within reach for more Americans. We need an economy that prioritizes long - term investment over short - term profit - seeking, rewards the common interest over self - interest, and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship.
We believe that today’s extreme level of income and wealth inequality — where the majority of the economic gains go to the top one percent and the richest 20 people in our country own more wealth than the bottom 150 million — makes our economy weaker, our communities poorer, and our politics poisonous.
And we know that our nation’s long struggle with race is far from over. More than half a century after Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled, more than half a century after César Chávez and Dolores Huerta organized, race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind. We must face that reality and we must fix it.
We believe a good education is a basic right of all Americans, no matter what zip code they live in. We will end the school - to prison pipeline and build a cradle - to - college pipeline instead, where every child can live up to his or her God - given potential.
We believe in helping Americans balance work and family without fear of punishment or penalty. We believe in at last guaranteeing equal pay for women. And as the party that created Social Security, we believe in protecting every American’s right to retire with dignity.
And we firmly believe that the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street must be brought to an end. Wall Street must never again be allowed to threaten families and businesses on Main Street.
Democrats believe we are stronger when we protect citizens’ right to vote, not corporations’ and billionaires’ right to buy elections. We will bring an end to the broken campaign finance system,overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision, restore the full power of the Voting Rights Act, and return our elections to the American people.
Democrats believe that climate change poses a real and urgent threat to our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures, and that Americans deserve the jobs and security that come from becoming the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.
Democrats believe we are stronger and safer when America brings the world together and leads with principle and purpose, and when we strengthen our alliances, not weaken them. We believe in the power of development and diplomacy. We believe our military should be the best - trained, best - equipped fighting force in the world, and that we must do everything we can to honor and support our veterans. And we know that only the United States can mobilize common action on a truly global scale, to take on the challenges that have no borders, from international terrorism to climate change to health pandemics.
Above all, Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem — it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree. With this platform, we do not merely seek common ground — we strive to reach higher ground.
We are proud of our heritage as a nation of immigrants. We know that today’s immigrants are tomorrow’s teachers and soldiers, entrepreneurs and activists, PTA members, and pillars of their communities.
We believe in protecting civil liberties and guaranteeing civil rights and voting rights, women’s rights and workers’ rights, LGBT rights and rights for people with disabilities. We believe America is still, as Robert Kennedy said, “a great country, an unselfish country, and a compassionate country.”
These principles stand in sharp contrast to the Republicans, who have nominated as the standard - bearer for their party an d their candidate for President a man who seeks to appeal to Americans’ basest differences, rather than our better natures.
The stakes have been high in previous elections. But in 2016, the stakes can be measured in human lives — in the number of immigrants who would be torn from their homes; in the number of faithful and peaceful Muslims who would be barred from even visiting our shores; in the
number of allies alienated and dictators courted; in the number of Americans who would lose access to health care and see their rights ripped away.
This election is about more than Democrats and Republicans. It is about who we are as a nation, and who we will be in the future.
Two hundred and forty years ago, in Philadelphia, we started a revolution of ideas and of action that continues to this day. Since then, our union has been tested many times, through bondage and civil war, segregation and depression, two world wars and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
Generations of Americans fought and marched and organized to widen the circle of opportunity and dignity — and we are fighting still.
Despite what some say, America is and has always been great — but not because it has been perfect. What makes America great is our unerring belief that we can make it better. We can and we will build a more just economy, a more equal society, and a more perfect union — because we are stronger together.
Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Democrats believe we must restore the basic bargain that built America’s mighty middle class: If you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead and stay ahead, provided we break down certain barriers. The system isn’t working when we have a rigged economy in which ordinary Americans work longer hours for lower wages, while most new income and wealth goes to the top one percent. In contrast, Donald Trump has shown time and again that he cannot be trusted to secure the basic economic dignity of Americans.
Minimum Wage
Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage. No one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty. We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union. We applaud the approaches taken by states like New York and California. We should raise and index the minimum wage, give all Americans the ability to join a union regardless of where they work, and create new ways for workers to have power in the economy. We also support creating one fair wage for all workers by ending the sub - minimum wage for tipped workers and people with disabilities.
Democrats support a model employer executive order or some other vehicle to leverage federal dollars to support employers who provide their workers with a living wage, good benefits, and the opportunity to form a union. The $1 trillion spent annually by the government on contracts, loans, and grants should be used to support good jobs that rebuild the middle class.
The Democratic Party believes that when workers are strong, America is strong. Democrats will make it easier for workers, public and private, to exercise their right to organize, and join unions.
We will fight to pass laws that direct the National Labor Relations Board to certify a union if a simple majority of eligible workers sign valid authorization cards, and that brings companies to the negotiating table. We support binding arbitration to help workers that have voted to join a union reach a first contract.
A major reason for the 40 - year decline in the middle class is that the rights of workers to bargain collectively for better wages and benefits have been under attack at all levels. Donald Trump would make matters worse by creating a race to the bottom where the middle class is fighting over fewer and fewer good - paying jobs. In fact, Trump rejected some attempts by his own employees to unionize and has personally hired union - busting firms to undermine workers’ rights.
Democrats believe so - called “right to work” laws are wrong for workers and wrong for America.
We will continue to vigorously oppose those laws and other efforts that would eliminate dues check - off procedures, attack prevailing wage standards, abolish fair share requirements, restrict the use of voluntary membership payments for political purposes, and require annual recertification efforts.
The Democratic Party believes consumers and workers who have been mistreated should never be denied their right to fight for fair treatment under the law. That is why we will support efforts to limit the use of forced arbitration clauses in employment and service contracts that unfairly strip workers, consumers, and students of their right to their day in court.
Equal Pay, Paid Leave, and Caregiving
We will fight to secure equal pay for women and — after 240 years — finally enshrine the rights of women in the constitution by passing the Equal Rights Amendment. While Donald Trump thinks it is “dangerous” for women to leave the home and paid family leave hurts our economy, Democrats will make sure that the United States finally enacts national paid family and medical leave by passing a family and medical leave act that would provide at least 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or address a personal or family member’s serious health issue, and we will fight to allow workers the right to earn at least seven days of paid sick leave. We will also encourage employers to provide paid vacation.
Our work and family policies must also ease the burden on family caregivers, in part by creating a strong, stable workforce to help meet families’ needs. We will take steps to expand and strengthen the homecare workforce.
We will increase childcare investments to make quality childcare more affordable, boost wages for childcare workers, and support the millions of people paying for, coordinating, or providing care for aging relatives or those with disabilities.
Where Donald Trump rooted for the housing crisis, Democrats will continue to fight for those families who suffered the loss of their homes. We will help those who are working toward a path of financial stability and will put sustainable home ownership into the reach of more families.
Democrats will also combat the affordable housing crisis and skyrocketing rents in many parts of the country that are leading too many families and workers to be pushed out of communities.
We will increase the supply of affordable rental housing by expanding incentives and easing local barriers to building new affordable rental housing developments in areas of economic opportunity. We will substantially increase funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to construct, preserve, and rehabilitate millions of affordable housing rental units.
Not only will this help address the affordable housing crisis, it will also create millions of good - paying jobs in the process. Democrats also believe that we should provide more federal resources to the people struggling most with unaffordable housing: low - income families, people with disabilities, veterans, and the elderly.
We will reinvigorate federal housing production programs, increase resources to repair public housing, and increase funding for the housing choice voucher program. And we will fight for sufficient funding to end chronic homelessness.
We must make sure that everyone has a fair shot at homeownership. We will lift up more families and keep the housing market robust and inclusive by defending and strengthening the Fair Housing Act. We will also support first time homebuyers, implement credit score reform to make the credit industry work for borrowers and not just lenders, and prevent predatory lending by defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). And we will help underwater homeowners by expanding foreclosure mitigation counseling.
Social Security
Democrats are proud to be the party that created Social Security, the most successful government program in our nation’s history. We will fight every effort to cut, privatize, or weaken Social Security, including attempts to raise the retirement age or to diminish benefits by cutting cost - of - living adjustments. Democrats will expand Social Security so that every American can retire with dignity and respect, including women who are shortchanged by the current system because they are widowed or took time out of the workforce to care for their children, aging parents, or ailing family members. And we will make sure Social Security’s guaranteed benefits continue for generations to come by asking those at the top to pay more, and will achieve this goal by taxing some of the income of people above $250,000. The Democratic Party is also committed to providing all necessary financial support for the Social Security Administration to provide timely benefits and high - quality service for those it serves. Our plan contrasts starkly with Donald Trump. He has referred to Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” and has called for privatizing it as well as increasing the retirement age.
Retirement Security
Democrats believe it should be easier for Americans to save for retirement and prepare for unforeseen risks and expenses. We will defend the right of workers to collect their defined benefit pensions and make sure workers get priority and protection when pension plans are in distress. Democrats will also fight to protect the earned pension benefits of Americans in multiemployer pension plans. And we will fight against any attempt by Republicans in Congress or on Wall Street to roll back the Conflict of Interest Rule, which requires that retirement advisors put the best interests of their clients above their own financial gain.
Postal Service
The United States Postal Service is a national treasure. That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it. We are committed to eliminating the unsustainable mandate to “pre - fund” retiree health costs. And we will work to restore service to appropriate levels including overnight delivery of first - class mail and periodicals within the same metropolitan area, maintaining six - day and door - to - door delivery, and appointing members to the Board of Governors and the Postal Regulatory Commission who champion a strong public Postal Service. Democrats also advocate for expanding postal services. This includes offering basic financial services such as paycheck cashing. It also includes promoting vote - by - mail to increase voter participation and to help address the scourge of voter suppression.
Create Good - Paying Jobs
Democrats know nothing is more important than creating good - paying jobs that can support a middle - class life and provide workers with dignity and a sense of purpose
— from nurses, firefighters, and teachers, to construction workers, factory workers, and small business owners.
If we are serious about reversing the decline of the middle class, we need a major federal jobs program that puts millions of Americans back to work in decent paying jobs in both the public and private sectors.
We will make the most ambitious investment in American infrastructure since President Eisenhower created the interstate highway system. We will put Americans to work updating and expanding our roads, bridges, public transit, airports, and passenger and freight rail lines. We will build 21st century energy and water systems, modernize our schools, and continue to support the expansion of high - speed broadband networks. We will protect communities from the impact of climate change by investing in green and resilient infrastructure.
These investments will create secure, good - paying middle - class jobs today and will substantially increase demand for American - made steel and other products manufactured in the United States.
And by boosting economic growth in a fair and equitable way, and strengthening our long - term competitiveness, these investments will create many more jobs in the years to come.
Democrats will also create an independent, national infrastructure bank that will support critical infrastructure improvements. The bank will provide loans and other financial assistance for investments in energy, water, broadband, transportation, and multi - modal infrastructure projects.
Democrats believe one of the best ways to innovate, prosper, and create good - paying jobs is to make more in America, which is why we firmly support American manufacturing with a “Make it in America” plan. We must revitalize hard - hit manufacturing communities, create thriving hubs of manufacturing and innovation throughout the country, and claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, using the proceeds to reinvest in communities and workers at home instead. Donald Trump may talk tough, but he has consistently outsourced his own products. American workers deserve better.
Clean Energy Jobs
We must help American workers and businesses compete for jobs and investments in global clean energy, high - tech products, internet technology products, and advanced manufacturing and vehicles. And we must make American manufacturing more internationally competitive by making it the greenest and most efficient in the world, including by investing in industrial energy efficiency.
Research, Science, and Technology
Democrats support ambitious public and private investments in science, technology, and research. We will nurture the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, especially women and people of color, to make sure America continues to out - compete and out - innovate the rest of the world with a bold innovation agenda. Democrats also believe we must harness the promise of technological innovation to promote community participation and enhance opportunities to achieve greater economic self - sufficiency for people with disabilities.
And we will encourage technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and small business creation throughout the country and in all types of innovation sectors.
Democrats support a free and open internet at home and abroad, and will oppose any effort by Republicans to roll back the historic net neutrality rules that the Federal Communications Commission enacted last year.
Democrats value American innovation and believe it is one of our country’s great strengths. We will protect the intellectual property rights of artists, creators, and inventors at home and abroad.
The entire nation prospers when we promote the unique and original artistic and cultural contributions of the women and men who create and preserve our nation’s heritage.
Democrats will fight against unfair theft of intellectual property and trade secrets. We will also increase access to global markets for American intellectual property and other digital trade by opposing quotas, discriminatory measures, and data localization requirements.
Small Business
While Donald Trump has often stiffed small businesses — nearly bankrupting some — with his deceptive and reckless corporate practices, the Democratic Party will make it easier to start and grow a small business in America. We will open up access to credit because we know that small businesses are some of the best job creators in our country. By supporting small businesses, we can grow jobs faster in America. Democrats also realize the critical importance of small business to women, people of color, tribes, and rural America and will work to nurture entrepreneurship.
Youth Jobs
Democrats will create millions of jobs for our young people. Roughly one in ten Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 is unemployed, more than twice the national average. The unemployment rates for African American, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and American Indian teenagers are far too high. That is why Democrats will provide direct federal funding for a range of local programs that will put young people to work and create new career opportunities.
Fight for Economic Fairness and Against Inequality
Democrats believe that today’s extreme levels of income and wealth inequality are bad for Americans and bad for our economy. Our economy depends on a thriving middle class to drive economic growth, yet Americans in the top one - tenth of one percent of income levels now own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent of Americans combined. And the 20 wealthiest people in this country now own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people.
Fixing our Financial System
To restore economic fairness, Democrats will fight against the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. We must make Wall Street work for the job - creating, productive economy — including by making loans more affordable for small - and medium - sized businesses. Wall Street cannot be an island unto itself, gambling trillions in risky financial instruments and making huge profits, all the while thinking that taxpayers will be there to bail them out again. We must tackle dangerous risks in big banks and elsewhere in the financial system. We need to prohibit Wall Street from picking and choosing which credit agency will rate their products and from imposing excessive fees on consumers. And we must hold both individuals and corporations accountable when they break the law. Democrats believe that no bank can be too big to fail and no executive too powerful to jail. “Equal Justice Under Law” will not just be words engraved on the entrance of the Supreme Court. It will be the standard that applies to Wall Street and all Americans.
We will also vigorously implement, enforce, and build on the landmark Dodd - Frank financial reform law, and we will stop dead in its tracks every Republican effort to weaken it. We will continue to protect consumers and defend the CFPB from Republican attacks. Our goal must be to create a financial system and an economy that works for all Americans, not just a handful of billionaires. We support a financial transactions tax on Wall Street to curb excessive speculation and high - frequency trading, which has threatened financial markets. We acknowledge that there is room within our party for a diversity of views on a broader financial transactions tax.
Democrats will not hesitate to use and expand existing authorities as well as empower regulators to downsize or break apart financial institutions when necessary to protect the public and safeguard financial stability, including new authorities to go after risky shadow - banking activities. Banks should not be able to gamble with taxpayers’ deposits or pose an undue risk to Main Street. Democrats support a variety of ways to stop this from happening, including an updated and modernized version of Glass - Steagall and breaking up too - big - to - fail financial institutions that pose a systemic risk to the stability of our economy.
We believe that personnel is policy. We will nominate and appoint regulators and officials who are not beholden to the industries they regulate — people with a track record of standing up to power and safeguarding the public trust. We will crack down on the revolving door between the private sector — particularly Wall Street — and the federal government.
We will ban golden parachutes for those taking government jobs.
We will limit conflicts of interest by requiring bank and corporate regulators to recuse themselves from official work on particular matters that would directly benefit their former employers. And we will bar financial service regulators from lobbying their former colleagues for at least two years.

We will reform the Federal Reserve so that it is more representative of America as a whole, and we will fight to make sure that executives at financial institutions are not allowed to serve on the boards of regional Federal Reserve banks or select its members.
At a time when many of the largest banks have shunned communities across America, Democrats believe that we need to give Americans affordable banking options, including by empowering the United States Postal Service to facilitate the delivery of basic banking services.
Stopping Corporate Concentration Large corporations have concentrated their control over markets to a greater degree than Americans have seen in decades — further evidence that the deck is stacked for those at the top.
Democrats will take steps to stop corporate concentration in any industry where it’s unfairly limiting competition. We will make competition policy and antitrust stronger and more responsive to our economy today, enhance the antitrust enforcement arms of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, and encourage other agencies to police anti - competitive practices in their areas of jurisdiction.
At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, we believe the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations must pay their fair share in taxes. Democrats will claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas companies, and crack down on inversions and other methods companies use to dodge their tax responsibilities. We will make sure that our tax code rewards businesses that make investments and provide good - paying jobs here in the United States, not businesses that walk out on America.
We will end deferrals so that American corporations pay U.S. taxes immediately on foreign profits and can no longer
escape paying their fair share of United States taxes by stashing profits abroad. We will then use the revenue raised from fixing the corporate tax code to reinvest in rebuilding America and ensuring economic growth that will lead to millions of good - paying jobs.
We will ask those at the top to contribute to our country’s future by establishing a multimillionaire surtax to ensure millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share. In addition, we will shut down the “private tax system” for those at the top, immediately close egregious loopholes like those enjoyed by hedge fund managers, restore fair taxation on multimillion dollar estates, and ensure millionaires can no longer pay a lower rate than their secretaries. At a time when we have seen near - record corporate profits, slow wage growth, and rising costs, we need to offer tax relief to middle - class families — not those at the top. We will offer tax relief to hard working, middle - class families for the cost squeeze that they have faced for years from rising health care, childcare, education, and other expenses. Donald Trump and the Republican Party would do the opposite and provide trillions in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and corporations at the expense of working families, seniors, and the health of our economy.
Democrats acknowledge that for millions of Americans, global trade has failed to live up to its promise — with too many countries breaking the rules and too many corporations outsourcing jobs at the expense of American workers and communities.
Over the past three decades, America has signed too many trade deals that have not lived up to the hype. Trade deals often boosted the profits of large corporations, while at the same time failing to protect workers’ rights, labor standards, the environment, and public health. We need to end the race to the bottom and develop trade policies that support jobs in America. That is why Democrats believe we should review agreements negotiated years ago to update them to reflect these principles. Any future trade agreements must make sure that our trading partners cannot undercut American workers by taking shortcuts on labor policy or the environment.
Democrats will fight to significantly strengthen enforcement of existing trade rules and the tools we have, including by holding countries accountable on currency manipulation and significantly expanding enforcement resources. China and other countries are using unfair trade practices to tilt the playing field against American workers and businesses. When they dump cheap products into our markets, subsidize state - owned enterprises, devalue currencies, and discriminate against American companies, our middle class pays the price. That has to stop. Democrats will use all our trade enforcement tools to hold China and other trading partners accountable — because no country should be able to manipulate their currencies to gain a competitive advantage.
While we believe that openness to the world economy is an important source of American leadership and dynamism, we will only approve new trade agreements if they support American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text. Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world.
These are the standards Democrats believe must be applied to any future trade agreements. On the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), there are a diversity of views in the party. Many Democrats are on record stating that the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform; other Democrats have expressed support for the agreement. But all Democrats believe that any trade agreement must protect workers and the environment and not undermine access to critically - needed prescription drugs.
Bring Americans Together and Remove Barriers to Create Ladders of Opportunity Democrats believe that everyone in America deserves the chance to live up to their God - given potential. We will work to break down barriers standing in the way of Americans and replace them with ladders of opportunity.
Racial Justice
Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society. We will
challenge and dismantle the structures that define lasting racial, economic, political, and social inequity.
Democrats will promote racial justice through fair, just, and equitable governing of all institutions serving the public and in the formation of public policy.
We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and there is no place for racism in our country.
Racial Wealth Gap
America’s economic inequality problem is even more pronounced when it comes to racial and ethnic disparities in wealth and income. It is unacceptable that the median wealth for white Americans is roughly ten times that of African Americans and Latino Americans. These disparities are just as stark for American Indians and certain Asian American subgroups.
The racial and ethnic gap in wealth and income has been created by historical and contemporary policies and practices that discriminate against people of color and constrained their ability to earn income and build assets to the same extent as other Americans.
This economic disadvantage has accumulated over time and is made worse by ongoing
discrimination. For example, as a result of the housing crisis and the great recession, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans lost more than half of their net worth. And these losses were compounded by the fact that during the subprime mortgage crisis lenders targeted communities of color for faulty mortgages.
Democrats believe it is long past time to close this racial wealth gap by eliminating
systemic barriers to wealth accumulation for different racial groups and improving opportunities for people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds to build wealth.
Criminal Justice
Democrats are committed to reforming our criminal justice system and ending mass incarceration. Something is profoundly wrong when a quarter of the world’s prison population is in the United States, even though we have less than five percent of the world’s people. We will reform mandatory minimum sentences and close private prisons and detention centers. We will rebuild the bonds of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Across the country, there are many police officers who inspire trust and confidence, deploying creative and effective strategies, and demonstrating that it is possible to reduce crime without relying on unnecessary force. We should learn from those examples and build on what works.
We will invest in training for officers on issues such as de - escalation and the appropriate use of force, and encourage better police - community relations and the use of smart strategies like police body cameras. We will end racial profiling that targets individuals, based solely on race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin, which is un - American and counterproductive. We support states and localities that choose to make the investigations and prosecutions of police - involved shootings more independent and transparent, including through reforming the grand jury process.
And we will explore reforms of the civil asset forfeiture system. Instead of investing in more jails and incarceration, we need to provide greater investment in jobs and education, and end to the school - to - prison pipeline. We will remove barriers to help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully re - enter society by banning the box, expanding reentry programs, and restoring voting rights. We will prioritize treatment over incarceration in tackling addiction and substance use disorder.
This means significantly expanding treatment in this country for people struggling with addiction and mental health issues.
We believe that the states should be laboratories of democracy on the issue of marijuana, and those states that want to decriminalize marijuana should be able to do so. We support policies that will allow more research on marijuana, as well as reforming our laws to allow legal marijuana businesses to exist without uncertainty. And we recognize our current marijuana laws have had an unacceptable disparate impact, with arrest rates for marijuana possession among African Americans far outstripping arrest rates among whites, despite similar usage rates.
We will abolish the death penalty, which has proven to be a cruel and unusual form of punishment. It has no place in the United States of America.
We have been inspired by the movements for criminal justice that directly address the discriminatory treatment of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and American Indians to rebuild trust in the criminal justice system.
Immigration People should come to the United States with visas and not through smugglers. That is why the Democratic Party supports legal immigration, within reasonable limits, that meets the needs of families, communities, and the economy as well as maintains the United States’ role as a beacon of hope for people seeking safety, freedom, and security. Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and history. We must defend against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants.
Those immigrants already living in the United States, who are assets to their communities and contribute so much to our country, should be incorporated completely into our society through legal processes that give meaning to our national motto: E Pluribus Unum.
Democrats believe we need to urgently fix our broken immigration system — which tears families apart and keeps workers in the shadows — and create a path to citizenship for law - abiding families who are here, making a better life for their families and contributing to their communities and our country.
While we continue to fight for comprehensive immigration reform, we will defend and implement President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans executive actions to help DREAMers, parents of citizens, and lawful permanent residents avoid deportation. We will build on these actions to provide relief for others, such as parents of DREAMers.
We will invest in immigrant integration services, expand access to English language education, and promote naturalization to help the millions of people who are eligible for citizenship take that last step.
We believe immigration enforcement must be humane and consistent with our values.
We should prioritize those who pose a threat to the safety of our communities, not hardworking families who are contributing to their communities.
We will end raids and roundups of children and families, which unnecessarily sow fear in immigrant communities.
We should ensure due process for those fleeing violence in Central America and work with our regional partners to address the root causes of violence. We must take particular care with children, which is why we should guarantee government - funded counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration courts.
We will work with Congress to end the lengthy, forced, and prolonged expulsion from the country that many immigrants endure when trying to adjust their status by rescinding the three - year, ten - year and permanent bars. We will fight to end federal, state, and municipal contracts with for - profit private prisons and private detention centers.
In order to end family detention, we will ensure humane alternatives for those who pose no public threat. We should consider all available means of protecting these individuals from the threats to their lives and safety — including strengthening in - country and third - country processing, expanding the use of humanitarian parole, and granting Temporary Protected Status.
We reject attempts to impose a religious test to bar immigrants or refugees from entering the United States. It is un - American and runs counter to the founding principles of this country.
Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump. His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected.
Civil Rights
democrats will always fight to end discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. We need to promote civility and speak out against bigotry and other forms of intolerance that have entered our political discourse. It is unacceptable to target, defame, or exclude anyone because of their religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation. While freedom of expression is a fundamental constitutional principle, we must condemn hate speech that creates a fertile climate for violence. We condemn Donald Trump’s demonization of prisoners of war, women, Muslims, Mexicans, and people with disabilities; his playing coy with white supremacists; and the climate of bigotry he is creating. We also condemn the recent uptick in other forms of hate speech, like anti - Semitism and Islamophobia.
LGBT Rights
Democrats applaud last year’s decision by the Supreme Court that recognized LGBT people — like every other American — have the right to marry the person they love. But there is still much work to be done. LGBT kids continue to be bullied at school, a restaurant can refuse to serve a transgender person, and a same - sex couple is at risk of being evicted from their home. That is unacceptable and must change. Democrats will fight for comprehensive federal non - discrimination protections for all LGBT Americans and push back against state efforts to discriminate against LGBT individuals. We will combat LGBT youth homelessness and improve school climates, and we will protect transgender individuals from violence. We will promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.
Disability Rights
No one should face discrimination based on disability status. Democrats are committed to realizing the full promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will improve access to meaningful and gainful employment for people with disabilities. We will provide tax relief to help the millions of families caring for aging relatives or family members with chronic illness or disabilities. And we will continue to fight for ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Faith and Service
Democrats know that our nation, our communities, and our lives are made vastly stronger and richer by faith in many forms and the countless acts of justice, mercy, and tolerance it inspires.
We believe in lifting up and valuing the good work of people of faith and religious organizations and finding ways to support that work where possible.
We believe in the power of national service, with people of all backgrounds coming together in common purpose to serve their communities and country.
Agricultural Communities
We will work to build a stronger rural and agricultural economy. Democrats will spur investment to power the rural economy and increase funding to support the next generation of farmers and ranchers. We will expand local food markets and regional food systems and provide a focused safety net to assist family operations that need support during challenging times. And we will promote clean energy leadership and collaborative stewardship of our natural resources, while expanding opportunities in rural communities across America.
Poverty / Communities Left Behind
We reaffirm our commitment to eliminate poverty. Democrats will develop a national strategy to combat poverty, coordinated across all levels of government. We will direct more federal resources to lifting up communities that have been left out and left behind, such as the 10 - 20 - 30 model, which directs 10 percent of program funds to communities where at least 20 percent of the population has been living below the poverty line for 30 years or more. We will also focus on communities that suffer from persistent poverty, including empowerment zones and areas that targeted government data indicate are in persistent poverty.
Democrats will also protect and expand proven programs, including robust support for nutrition assistance to stop people from going hungry as well as programs that help people grow their skills and provide training opportunities. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) (program) should be expanded for low - wage workers not raising children, including extending the credit to young workers starting at age 21. The Child Tax Credit (CTC) should be indexed to inflation to stem the erosion of the credit.
Democrats will also do more to invest in our most distressed communities — from our cities to coal country to the Rust Belt. We will create good - paying jobs and enhance opportunities by investing in small business, youth employment, and reentry programs for formerly incarcerated people. We will improve safety by repairing crumbling infrastructure in communities that need it most as well as on tribal lands. And we will make investments in housing near good jobs and good schools.
(We) have a profound moral and legal responsibility to the Indian tribes — throughout our history we have failed to live up to that trust. That is why the Democratic Party will uphold, honor, and strengthen to the highest extent possible the United States’
fundamental trust and responsibility, grounded in the Constitution and treaties, to American Indian and Alaska Native tribes.
We recognize the inherent sovereignty of Indian nations and will work to enact laws and policies that strengthen, not reduce, the powers of Indian nations over people who interact with them in Indian Country.
We will work on a government - to - government basis to continue to empower Indian nations, and to provide sufficient and meaningful resources to Indian tribes to increase economic development and self - determination.
As Democrats, we will constantly seek to ensure that American Indian communities are safe, healthy, nurturing, educated, innovative, and prosperous.
We will restore tribal lands by continuing to streamline the land - into - trust process and recognize the right of all tribes to protect their lands, air, and waters.
We will continue to work on a government - to - government basis to address chronic underfunding, and provide meaningful resources and financial investments that will empower American Indian tribes through increased economic development and infrastructure improvements on tribal lands.
We will strengthen the operation of tribal housing programs, and fully fund the Indian Housing Block Grant Program. We will increase affordable and safe housing and fight to significantly reduce homelessness on and off Indian reservations, especially among Native youth and veterans.
We will invest in Indian education from early childhood through higher education. We will fully fund the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and strengthen self - determination to enable culturally - tailored learning unique to each tribal nation and help to retain qualified teachers for Native learners. Democrats will continue to support President Obama's Generation Indigenous program that has made important strides in promoting new investments and increased engagement with American Indian youth, including by continuing efforts to reform the BIE to provide students attending BIE - funded schools with a world - class culturally - based education.
We also support the elimination of school and sports mascots that reflect outdated stereotypes and that perpetuate racism.
We will strengthen tribal sovereignty and tribal jurisdiction by enacting laws and policies that enhance the ability of Indian nations to govern their territories, keep their communities safe, and prosecute crimes committed on tribal lands.
And we will (back) these efforts through robust investments in effective tribal law enforcement and tribal courts.
We believe that health care is a core federal trust responsibility, and we support a robust expansion of the health care provided by the Indian Health Service. We will work to fully fund the Indian Health Service, Tribal, Urban Indian health care system and to ensure that Americans Indian have adequate, safe, and affordable access to primary care providers, including oral health, mental health practitioners, and substance abuse treatment options.
We acknowledge the past injustices and the misguided, harmful federal and state policies and actions based on outdated and discredited values and beliefs that resulted in the destruction of the Indian nations’ economies, social, and religious systems, the taking of their lands, and the creation of intergenerational trauma that exists to this day.
We believe that we have a moral and profound duty to honor, respect, and uphold our sacred obligation to the Indian nations and Indian peoples.
We will protect tribal sacred sites and empower tribes to maintain and pass on traditional religious beliefs, languages and social practices without fear of discrimination or suppression.
We also believe that Native children are the future of tribal nations and that the Indian Child Welfare Act is critical to the survival of Indian culture, government, and communities and must be enforced with the original intent of the law.
We will strengthen Indian voting rights, including improved access to polling locations.
We will build on federal programs to reduce the disproportionate incarceration of American Indian and Alaska Native men and women, reduce disparity in
prison sentencing, protect the religious rights of Native prisoners, reduce barriers to prisoner reentry, and offer access to housing and employment upon reentry.
We are committed to principles of environmental justice in Indian Country and we recognize that nature in all its life forms has the right to exist, persist, maintain, and regenerate its vital cycles.
We call for a climate change policy that protects tribal resources, protects tribal health, and provides accountability through accessible, culturally appropriate participation and strong enforcement.
Our climate change policy will cut carbon emission, address poverty, invest in disadvantaged communities, and improve both air quality and public health.
We support the tribal nations to develop wind, solar and other clean energy jobs.
Democrats also support efforts for self - determination and sovereignty of Native Hawaiians.
People of the Territories
We support full self - government and self - determination for the people of the territories of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and their right to decide their future status.
Puerto Rico
And we are committed to addressing the extraordinary challenges faced by our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico. Many stem from the fundamental question of Puerto Rico’s political status.
Democrats believe that the people of Puerto Rico should determine their ultimate political status from permanent options that do not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the United States. Democrats are committed to promoting economic opportunity and good - paying jobs for the hardworking people of Puerto Rico. We also believe that Puerto Ricans must be treated equally by Medicare, Medicaid, and by other benefits programs for families. All American citizens, no matter where they reside, should have the right to vote for the President of the United States. Finally, we believe that Washington must respect Puerto Rico’s local self - government as Congress and the Executive Branch work to provide the necessary tools and aid that Puerto Rico needs to restructure its debt so that it can get on a path towards stability and prosperity, while maintaining its autonomy.
Protect Voting Rights, Fix Our Campaign Finance System, and Restore Our Democracy Voting Rights
The Democratic Party was founded on the promise of an expanded democracy. The right to vote is at the heart of our national vision. It is a core principle of the Democratic Party to maximize voter participation for all Americans. Our democracy suffers when nearly two thirds of our citizens do not or cannot participate, as in the last midterm elections. Democrats believe we must make it easier to vote not harder. We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.
We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote - by - mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration, same day voting, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday. We will restore voting rights for those who have served their sentences. And we will continue to fight against discriminatory voter identification laws, which disproportionately burden young voters, diverse communities, people of color, low - income families, people with disabilities, the elderly, and women.
Republicans have enacted various voter suppression tactics from Ohio to Florida, and while some Federal Courts have found that these measures go too far, Democrats will continue to fight these laws to preserve the fundamental right to vote. As Democrats, we support efforts to defeat ill - motivated voter suppression tactics. We support Ohio’s proposed Voters Bill of Rights amendment, North Carolina’s Moral Monday movement, and similar initiatives to permanently safeguard this inalienable right.
Campaign Finance
Democrats believe we must fight to preserve the essence of the longest standing democracy in the world: a government that represents the American people, not just a handful of powerful and wealthy special interests. We will fight for real campaign finance reform now. Big money is drowning out the voices of everyday Americans, and we must have the necessary tools to fight back and safeguard our electoral and political integrity.
Democrats support a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo. We need to end secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring, through executive order or legislation, significantly more disclosure and transparency — by outside groups, federal contractors, and public corporations to their shareholders. We need to amplify the voices of the American people through a small donor matching public financing system. We need to overhaul and strengthen the Federal Election Commission so that there is real enforcement of campaign finance laws . And we need to fight to eliminate super PACs and outside spending abuses.
Our vision for American democracy is a nation in which all people, regardless of their income, can participate in the political process, and can run for office without needing to depend on large contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.
We will appoint judges who defend the constitutional principles of liberty and quality for all, protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion, curb billionaires’ influence over elections because they understand that Citizens United has fundamentally damaged our democracy, and see the Constitution as a blueprint for progress.
D.C. Statehood
Restoring our democracy also means finally passing statehood for Washington, D.C., so that its citizens have full and equal congressional rights as well as the right to save the laws and budget of their local government respected without Congressional interference.
Management of Federal Government
Democrats understand responsible fiscal stew hardship is key to American democracy and to the country’s long - term economic prosperity. We believe that we can pay for ambitious progressive investments that create good - paying jobs and offer security to working families without adding to the debt by making those at the top and the largest corporations pay their fair share. This stands in contrast to Donald Trump, whose plans could add more than $30 trillion to the debt and who casually suggests defaulting on America’s debt, ending more than 200 years in which the full faith and credit of the United States has been considered sacred.
We will also ensure that new spending and tax cuts are offset so that they do not add to the nation’s debt over time. We will tackle waste, fraud, and abuse to make sure government dollars are spent wisely and efficiently. Democrats believe that we should not be contracting, outsourcing, or privatizing work that is inherently governmental in nature, including postal services, school services, and state and local government services. We are committed to a strong, effective, accountable civil service, delivering the quality public services Americans have every right to expect.
Combat Climate Change, Build a Clean Energy Economy, and Secure Environmental Justice
Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time. Fifteen of the 16 hottest years on record have occurred this century. While Donald Trump has called climate change a “hoax”, 2016 is on track to break global temperature records once more. Cities from Miami to Baltimore are already threatened by rising seas. California and the West have suffered years of brutal drought. Alaska has been scorched by wildfire. New York has been battered by superstorms, and Texas swamped by flash floods. The best science tells us that without ambitious, immediate action to cut carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases across our economy, all of these impacts will be far worse in the future. We cannot leave our children a planet that has been profoundly damaged.
Democrats share a deep commitment to tackling the climate challenge; creating millions of good - paying middle class jobs; reducing greenhouse gas emissions more than 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050; and meeting the pledge President Obama put forward in the landmark Paris Agreement, which aims to keep global temperature increases to “well below” two degrees Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We believe America must be running entirely on clean energy by mid - century. We will take bold steps to slash carbon pollution and protect clean air at home, lead the fight against climate change around the world, ensure no Americans are left out or left behind as we accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy, and be responsible stewards of our natural resources and our public lands and waters. Democrats reject the notion that we have to choose between protecting our planet and creating good - paying jobs. We can and we will do both.
Clean Energy Economy
We are committed to getting 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country. We will cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals, and offices; modernize our electric grid; and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world, creating new jobs and saving families and businesses money on their energy bills. And we will transform American transportation by reducing oil consumption through cleaner fuels, making new investments in public transportation, expanding electrification of the vehicle fleet, increasing the fuel efficiency of cars, boilers, ships, and trucks, and by building bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across our urban and suburban areas. Democrats believe the tax code must reflect our commitment to a clean energy future by eliminating special tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel companies as well as defending and extending tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy.
Democrats are committed to defending, implementing, and extending smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for automobiles and heavy - duty vehicles, building codes and appliance standards, and the reduction of methane emissions from oil and gas production. We will work to expand access to cost - saving renewable energy by low - income households, create good - paying jobs in communities that have struggled with energy poverty, and oppose efforts by utilities to limit consumer choice or slow clean energy deployment. We support President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
And we believe that the federal government should lead by example, which is why we will take steps to power the government with 100 percent clean electricity.
Environmental and Climate Justice
Democrats believe clean air and clean water are basic rights of all Americans. Yet as we saw in Flint, Michigan, low - income communities and communities of color are disproportionately home to environmental justice “hot spots,” where air pollution, water pollution, and toxic hazards like lead increase health and economic hardship. The impacts of climate change will also disproportionately affect low - income and minority communities, tribal nations, and Alaska Native villages — all of which suffer the worst losses during extreme weather and have the fewest resources to prepare. Simply put, this is environmental racism. The fight against climate change must not leave any community out or behind — including the coal communities who kept America’s lights on for generations. Democrats will fight to make sure these workers and their families get the benefits they have earned and the respect they deserve, and we will make new investments in energy producing communities to help create jobs and build a brighter and more resilient economic future.
All corporations owe it to their shareholders to fully analyze and disclose the risks they face, including climate risk. Those who fail to do so should be held accountable. Democrats also respectfully request the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies accused of misleading shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change.
Public Lands and Waters
Democrats believe in the conservation and collaborative stewardship of our shared natural heritage: the public lands and waterways, the oceans, Great Lakes, the Arctic, and all that makes America’s great outdoors priceless. As a nation, we need policies and investments that will keep America’s public lands public, strengthen protections for our natural and cultural resources, increase access to parks and public lands for all Americans, protect species and wildlife, and harness the immense economic and social potential of our public lands and waters.
We oppose drilling in the Arctic and off the Atlantic coast, and believe we need to reform fossil fuel leasing on public lands. We can phase down extraction of fossil fuels from our public lands, starting with the most polluting sources, while making our public lands and waters engines of the clean energy economy and creating jobs across the country.
Provide Quality and Affordable Education
Higher Education
Democrats believe that if you are an American who wants to get an education, you should always be able to get one: money should never stand in the way. Cost should not be a barrier to getting a degree or credential, and debt should not hold you back after you graduate. Bold new investments by the federal government, coupled with states reinvesting in higher education and colleges holding the line on costs, will ensure that Americans of all backgrounds will be prepared for the jobs and economy of the future. We will make community college free, while ensuring the strength of our historically minority - serving institutions. Achieving these goals depends on state and federal investment in both students and their teachers. Whether full - time or adjunct, faculty must be supported to make transformative educational experiences possible. As we make college affordable for future students, we will not forget about the millions of borrowers who need help with their debt right now.
Student Debt
Democrats will allow those who currently have student debt to refinance their loans at the lowest rates possible. We will simplify and expand access to income - based repayment so that no student loan borrowers ever have to pay more than they can afford. And we will significantly cut interest rates for future undergraduates, thereby preventing the federal government from making billions of dollars in profit from student loans. Democrats will also fight for a Student Borrower Bill of Rights to ensure borrowers get adequate information about options to avoid or get out of delinquency or default. We will hold lenders and loan servicers to high standards to help borrowers in default rehabilitate and repay their debts. Finally, Democrats will restore the prior standard in bankruptcy law to allow borrowers with student loans discharge their debts in bankruptcy as a measure of last resort.
Minority - Serving Institutions
We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic - Serving Institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander - Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian - Serving Institutions, and other minority - serving institutions by providing a dedicated fund of tens of billions of dollars to keep costs down, provide a quality education, and provide dedicated support to improve student outcomes and completion rates. These schools play an important role in building opportunity and creating a diverse work force.
For - Profit Schools
Donald Trump ran a fake university — the now bankrupt Trump “University” — that scammed many out of their hard - earned savings and led to no degree and no obvious benefit to their education or economic prosperity. Democrats will not tolerate this type of fraud.
We will also continue to crack down on for - profit schools that take millions in federal financial aid — often as their principal source of revenue - and then exploit students and burden them with debt rather than educating them. That is why we will strengthen the gainful employment rule to ensure that for - profit schools enable students to complete their degrees and prepare them for work. We will go after for - profits that engage in deceptive marketing, fraud, and other illegal practices. It is not right that for - profit schools with low graduation rates keep encouraging their students to take out federal loans they will have trouble paying back.
Early Childhood, Pre - K, and K - 12
Democrats believe we must have the best - educated population and workforce in the world. That means making early childhood education a priority, especially in light of new research showing how much early learning can impact life - long success. Democrats will invest in early childhood programs like Early Head Start and provide every family in America with access to high - quality childcare and high - quality pre - K programs.
We will ensure there are great Pre - K - 12 schools in every zip code. Democrats are committed to the federal government continuing to play a critical role in working towards an America where a world - class education is available to every child. Democrats believe that a strong public education system is an anchor of our democracy, a propeller of the economy, and the vehicle through which we help all children achieve their dreams.
Public education must engage students to be critical thinkers and civic participants while addressing the wellbeing of the whole child.
Democrats believe that all students should be taught to high academic standards. Schools should receive adequate resources and support. We will hold schools, districts, communities, and states accountable for raising achievement levels for all students — particularly low - income students, students of color, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities. We are also deeply committed to ensuring that we strike a better balance on testing so that it informs, but does not drive, instruction.
To close the opportunity gap, we also must find ways to encourage mentoring programs that support students in reaching their full potential.
Mentoring is a strategy to ensure that children living in poverty have the encouragement and support to aim high and enter the middle class. We will focus on group mentoring, which is a low - cost, high - yield investment that offers the benefit of building a supportive network of peers who push one another towards success.
Democrats know that good teachers are essential to improving student learning and helping all students meet high academic standards. Democrats will launch a national campaign to recruit and retain high - quality teachers, and we will ensure that teachers receive the tools and ongoing professional development they need to succeed in the classroom and provide our children with a world - class education. We also must lift up and trust our educators, continually build their capacity, and ensure that our schools are safe, welcoming, collaborative, and well - resourced places for our students, educators, and communities.
We will invest in high - quality STEM classes, community schools, computer science education, arts education, and expand linked learning models and career pathways. We will end the school - to - prison pipeline. And we will work to improve school culture and combat bullying of all kinds.
Democrats are also committed to providing parents with high - quality public school options and expanding these options for low - income youth. We support great neighborhood public schools and high - quality public charter schools, and we will help them disseminate best practices to other school leader s and educators. Democrats oppose for - profit charter schools focused on making a profit off of public resources. We instead support increased transparency and accountability for all charter schools.
Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans
Universal Health Care
We believe as Democrats that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress we took a critically important step towards the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which has offered coverage to 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage on account of a pre - existing condition.
Democrats will never falter in our generations - long fight to guarantee health coverage as a fundamental right for every American. As part of that guarantee, Americans should be able to access public coverage through Medicare or a public option. By contrast, Donald Trump wants to repeal the ACA, leaving tens of millions of Americans without coverage.
For too many of us, health care costs are still too high, even for those with insurance. And medical debt is a problem for a growing number of working families, with one - quarter of Americans reporting that they or someone in their household had problems or an inability to pay medical bills in the past year. We will keep costs down by making premiums more affordable, reducing out - of - pocket expenses, and capping prescription drug costs. Democrats will also work to end surprise billing and other practices associated with out - of - control medical debt that lead to unconscionable economic strain on American households. We will offer relief so Americans do not face high costs, and we will fight back against insurers trying to impose excessive premium increases.
Furthermore, as Democrats, we will keep fighting until the ACA’s Medicaid expansion has been adopted in every state. Twenty states have not yet adopted expanded Medicaid, which not only means that millions of low - income Americans still lack health insurance and are not getting the care they need, but health care providers, clinics, hospitals, and taxpayers are footing a higher bill when people without insurance visit expensive emerge
ncy rooms.
Democrats believe that it is not right that your zip code or census tract is a predictor of your
health, which is why we will make health equity a central part of our commitment to revitalizing communities left behind. Democrats believe that all health care services should be culturally and linguistically appropriate. And we should disaggregate data collection for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders because data disaggregation is a necessary step in fully understanding the needs of the AAPI community for all government services.
Community Health Centers
We must renew and expand our commitment to Community Health Centers, as well as community mental health centers and family planning centers. These health clinics, which offer comprehensive primary care, mental health, and family planning services to underserved populations, are critical to the successful implementation of the ACA. These health centers are a critical bulwark, allowing for better care prevention, education, and treatment of chronic conditions, while preventing unnecessary, expensive trips to emergency rooms.
As Democrats, we will fight for a comprehensive system of primary medical, dental, and mental health care and low - cost prescription drugs through a major expansion of community health centers. Democrats know that one of the key ingredients to the success for these health centers is a well - supported and qualified workforce. We will fight to train and support such a workforce.
We will also encourage providers to work with underserved populations through the National Health Service Corps, and create a strategy to increase the pool of primary care health professionals.
Prescription Drug Costs
It is unacceptable that the United States pays, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and that one out of five Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 cannot afford to fill the prescription drugs prescribed to them by their doctors. A lifesaving drug is no good if it is unaffordable to the very people who need it most.
While Democrats are committed to investing in the research, development, and innovation that creates lifesaving drugs and lowers overall health costs, the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies is simply unacceptable. And many drug companies are spending more on advertising than on research. The largest pharmaceutical companies are together earning $80 to $90 billion per year in profits at higher margins than other industries, while charging Americans thousands of dollars for new drugs — often at much higher costs than in other developed nations.
We will crack down on price gouging by drug companies and cap the amount Americans have to pay out - of - pocket every month on prescription drugs. We will prohibit anti - competitive “pay for delay” deals that keep generic drugs off the market, and we will allow individuals, pharmacists, and wholesalers to import prescription drugs from licensed pharmacies in Canada and other countries with appropriate safety protections. Democrats will also fight to make sure that Medicare can negotiate lower prices with drug manufacturers.
Medical Research Democrats believe we must accelerate the pace of medical progress, ensuring that we invest more in our scientists and give them the resources they need to invigorate our fundamental studies in the life sciences in a growing, stable, and predictable way. We must make progress against the full range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s, HIV and AIDS, cancer, and other diseases, especially chronic ones. We recognize the critical importance of a fully funded National Institutes of Health to accelerate the pace of medical progress.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
We must confront the epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction, specifically the opioid crisis, by vastly expanding access to treatment, supporting recovery, helping community organizations, and promoting better practices by prescribers.
We should also do more to educate our youth, as well as their families, teachers, coaches, mentors, and friends, to intervene early to prevent drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. We should help state and local leaders establish evidence - based, age - appropriate, and locally - tailored prevention programs. These programs include school - based drug education programs that have been shown to have meaningful effects on risky behavior; community - based peer mentorship and leadership programs; and after - school activities that deter drug use and encourage life skills.
Mental Health
We must treat mental health issues with the same care and seriousness that we treat issues of physical health and promote better integration of the behavioral and general health care systems.
We must also expand community - based treatment for substance abuse disorders and mental health conditions and fully enforce our parity law. And we should create a national initiative around suicide prevention across the lifespan — to move toward the goal of Zero Suicide that has been promoted by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion — regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured.
We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose — and seek to overturn — federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.
We need to defend the ACA, which extends affordable preventive health care to women, including no - cost contraception, and prohibits discrimination in health care based on gender.
We will address the barriers that inhibit meaningful access to reproductive health care services, including those based on gender, sexuality, race, income, and other factors. We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care, evidence - based sex education, and a full range of family planning services help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.
And we strongly and unequivocally support a woman’s decision to have a child, including by ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth, and by providing services during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, including adoption and social support services.
Public Health
Investment in our nation’s crumbling public health infrastructure is critical to ensuring preparedness for emerging threats; for preventing disease, illness, and injury in communities; and for promoting good health and wellbeing. Inadequate access to public health services has a disparate impact on poor and minority communities where public health services are a significant source of health care. Democrats will fight for increased investments in public health to better address emerging threats and the needs across our country.
Violence Against Women and Sexual Assault
Democrats are committed to ending the scourge of violence against women wherever it occurs.
We will continue to support the Violence Against Women Act to provide law enforcement with the tools it needs to combat this problem. We will support comprehensive services for survivors of violence and increase prevention efforts in our communities and on our campuses.
Democrats will fight to bring an end to sexual assault because everyone deserves a safe environment where they can learn and thrive, not live in fear. We will provide comprehensive support to survivors, and ensure a fair process for all on - campus disciplinary proceeding s and in the criminal justice system. We will increase sexual violence prevention education programs that cover issues like consent and bystander intervention — not only in college, but also in secondary school.
Gun Violence Prevention
With 33,000 Americans dying every year, Democrats believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe. We will expand background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws, hold irresponsible dealers and manufacturers accountable, keep weapons of war — such as assault weapons — off our streets, and ensure guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and those with severe mental health issues.
Principled Leadership
Democrats believe that America must lead in the world to grow our economy, protect our
interests, and make our country safer and more prosperous. We cannot outsource our position of global leadership and allow other countries to make decisions about our lives, jobs, and safety.
Democrats further believe that when America leads, it should be as a principled force for peace and prosperity in the world. We believe that empowering women and other minorities is essential for security and economic growth. We believe the smart use of diplomacy, development, and economic statecraft can prevent crises, foster stability, and make us safer. And we believe that we are stronger when we work with our partners and allies, including the largest economic and military powers in the world, rather than try to go it alone. Our global network of alliances is not a burden — it is a source of tremendous strategic advantage.
Democrats believe that our military should only be sent into combat when the terms of
engagement are clearly presented to the American people and our troops have what they need to fulfill their mission. And we believe that war must always be the last resort, never the first choice.
These principles have underpinned the important progress of the last eight years. When President Obama assumed office, the world economy was in the worst crisis since the Great Depression, our alliances were strained, Osama bin Laden remained at large, Iran was racing toward a nuclear weapon, and we were mired in two costly wars. We brought bin Laden to justice, crippled Al Qaeda’s core leadership, saved America from a second Great Depression, repaired our alliances, reestablished relations with Cuba while continuing to press for reforms, and — without firing a shot, dropping a bomb, or putting a single American soldier in harm’s way — blocked Iran’s ability to pursue a nuclear weapon. America is stronger abroad and safer at home because of this principled leadership.
But there is much more to do to keep our country prosperous and safe, from defeating terrorism and combating climate change to managing China’s rise and strengthening our nation’s cybersecurity. The next Democratic administration will confront the complex challenges that lay ahead by staying true to our principles and core
Donald Trump has a different approach. There has never been a major party candidate less
qualified or less fit for the office of President of the United States or to be Commander
than Donald Trump. He wants more countries to have nuclear weapons. He thinks our military should engage in war crimes. He wants to build walls and keep people — including Americans — from entering the country based on their race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin. He has no strategy for dealing with key threats facing our country, including climate change and ISIS. He wants to abandon our allies and empower our adversaries. His dangerous, incoherent policies would undo the progress we have made.
Donald Trump believes America is weak and an embarrassment. He has called our military “a disaster”. We reject that view of America and of our brave men and women in uniform. America is unlike any other nation on earth. Our ingenuity is unparalleled, our military unrivaled, our economy the largest, most dynamic, and innovative, and our values an enduring source of strength and inspiration the world over. We are not a country that cowers behind walls. We lead with purpose. With American leadership, guided by our principles and in concert with our allies and partners, the coming years can be the most stable, secure, and prosperous time we and the world have ever known.
Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans
Democrats believe America must continue to have the strongest military in the world. We support a smart, predictable defense budget that meets the strategic challenges we face, not the arbitrary cuts that the Republican Congress enacted as part of sequestration. We must prioritize military readiness by making sure that our armed forces remain the best trained and equipped and that the Department of Defense invests its budget wisely. As we look beyond the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the conclusion of long - term nation - building with large military footprints, we will continue to get rid of outdated Cold War - era systems and ensure our security with a more agile and more flexible force.
At the same time, we must end waste in the defense budget, which is an abuse of taxpayer dollars. That is why we will audit the Pentagon, launch a high - level commission to review the role of defense contractors, and take greater action against those who have been involved in fraud.
Our country has a sacred, moral responsibility to keep faith with our veterans. We must take care of those who have put their lives on the line to defend us. That is why we will push for more educational benefits and job training, end chronic homelessness and combat suicide, and protect and preserve the post - 9/11 GI Bill for future generations. We are outraged by the systemic problems plaguing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and will fight for every veteran to have access to timely, high - quality health care. The delays in processing claims and appeals are unacceptable. We must also look for more ways to make certain that the VA provides veteran - centric care, such as providing women with full and equal treatment, including reproductive health services; expanding mental health programs; continuing efforts to identify and treat invisible, latent, and toxic wounds of war; and expanding the post - 9/11 veteran’s caregiver program to include all veterans. We reject attempts by Republicans to sell out the needs of veterans by privatizing the VA. We believe that the VA must be fully resourced so that every veteran gets the care that he or she has earned and deserves.
Democrats honor the sacrifice of military families who serve alongside our service members. We recognize the unique concerns and challenges they face, especially after 15 years of continuous deployments. We will support military families with jobs, education, childcare, and health care.
We will promote family - friendly policies and champion efforts to care for our military family members, especially for the spouses and children who have to rebuild their lives after the loss of a loved one.
Democrats welcome and honor all Americans who want to serve and will continue to fight for their equal rights and recognition. We are proud of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the opening of combat positions to women. Our military is strongest when people of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities are honored for their service to our country.
Confront Global Threats
Democrats will protect our country. We will strengthen our homeland security, deal wisely and firmly with those who seek to imperil America or our partners, deter aggression, promote peace, and use all the tools of American power, especially diplomacy and development, to confront global threats and ensure war is the last resort .
We must defeat ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their affiliates, and prevent other groups from emerging in their place. First, Democrats will continue to lead a broad coalition of allies and partners to destroy ISIS’ stronghold in Iraq and Syria. We will press those in the region, especially the Gulf countries and local forces on the ground, to carry their weight in prosecuting this fight. Second, we will dismantle the global network of terror, which supplies terrorists with money, arms, and fighters, and stop them from recruiting and inspiring potential radicals. Third, we will harden our defenses at home, as well as those of our partners, against external and homegrown threats. We will strengthen our resilience, reminding the terrorists and ourselves that America will always come together and stand up to terror. Democrats will also seek an updated Congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) that is more precise about our efforts to defeat ISIS and that does not involve large - scale combat deployment of American troops.
The Syrian crisis is heartbreaking and dangerous, and its impact is threatening the region, Europe, and beyond. Donald Trump would inflame the conflict by alienating our allies, in explicably allowing ISIS to expand in Syria, and potentially starting a wider war. This is a reckless approach. Democrats will instead root out ISIS and bring together the Syrian opposition, international community, and our regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends Assad’s rule. Given the immense scale of human suffering in Syria, it is also imperative that we lead the international community in providing greater humanitarian assistance to the civilian victims of war in Syria and Iraq.
In Afghanistan, we will work with the NATO - led coalition of partners to bolster the democratically - elected government as it assumes a primary role in tackling terrorism, forges a more secure future for the country, and safeguards advances, like securing women’s rights.
Democrats will continue to push for an Afghan - led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil. We support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan and ensure that it never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland.
As we prosecute the fight against terrorism, Democrats will repudiate vile tactics that would do us harm. We reject Donald Trump’s vilification of Muslims. It violates the religious freedom that is the bedrock of our country, feeds into ISIS’ nefarious narrative, and alienates people and countries who are crucial to defeating terrorism. We reject Donald Trump’s suggestion that our military should engage in war crimes, like murdering civilians related to suspected terrorists or torturing prisoners. These tactics run counter to American principles, undermine our moral standing, cost innocent lives, and endanger Americans. We also firmly reject Donald Trump’s willingness to mire tens of thousands of our combat troops in a misguided ground war in the Middle East. It would embolden ISIS, and there is nothing smart or strong about such an approach.
We support the nuclear agreement with Iran because, if vigorously enforced and implemented, it verifiably cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb without resorting to war. We reject Donald Trump’s view that we should have walked away from a deal that peacefully dismantles Iran’s nuclear program. We will continue the work of this administration to ensure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon and will not hesitate to take military action if Iran violates the agreement.
Democrats will also address the detrimental role Iran plays in the region and will robustly enforce and, if necessary, strengthen non - nuclear sanctions. Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. It violates the human rights of its population, denies the Holocaust, vows to eliminate Israel, and has its fingerprints on almost every conflict in the Middle East. Democrats will push back against Iran’s destabilizing activities including its support for terrorist groups like Hamas
and Hezbollah, counter Iran’s ballistic missile program, bolster the capabilities of our Gulf partners, and ensure that Israel always has the ability to defend itself.
North Korea
North Korea is perhaps the most repressive regime on the planet, run by a sadistic dictator. It has conducted several nuclear tests and is attempting to develop the capability to put a nuclear warhead on a long - range missile that could directly threaten the United States. Yet Donald Trump praises North Korea’s dictator, threatens to abandon our treaty allies, Japan and South Korea, and encourages the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. This approach is incoherent and rather than solving a global crisis, would create a new one. Democrats will protect America and our allies, press China to restrain North Korea, and sharpen the choices for Pyongyang to compel it to abandon its illegal nuclear and missile programs.
Russia is engaging in destabilizing actions along its borders, violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and attempting to recreate spheres of influence that undermine American interests. It is also propping up the Assad regime in Syria, which is brutally attacking its own citizens. Donald Trump would overturn more than 50 years of American foreign policy by abandoning NATO partners who help us fight terrorism every day and embracing Russian President Vladimir Putin instead. We believe in strong alliances and will deter Russian aggression, build European resilience, and protect our NATO allies. We will make it clear to Putin that we are prepared to cooperate with him when it is in our interest — as we did on reducing nuclear stockpiles, dismantling Iran’s nuclear program, sanctioning North Korea, and resupplying our troops in Afghanistan — but we will not hesitate to stand up to Russian aggression.
Democrats will protect our industry, infrastructure, and government from cyberattacks. We will strengthen our cybersecurity, seek to establish global norms in cyberspace, and impose consequences on those who violate the rules. We will do all this while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of the American people.
Non - proliferation
We believe America will be safer in a world with fewer weapons of mass destruction. Donald Trump encourages the spread of nuclear weapons across Asia and the Middle East, which would weaken the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and he is unwilling to rule out using a nuclear weapon against ISIS. Democrats want to reduce the number of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons around the world, as well as their means of delivery. We will stop the spread of nuclear weapons and loose nuclear material, as well as strive to eliminate these weapons entirely as President Obama laid out in his speech in Prague in 2009. Democrats will be informed by a new Nuclear Posture Review in determining continued ways to appropriately shape our nuclear deterrent, with the aim of reducing our reliance on nuclear weapons while meeting our national security obligations. Democrats will also seek new opportunities for further arms control and avoid taking steps that create incentives for the expansion of existing nuclear weapons programs.
Climate Change
Climate change poses an urgent and severe threat to our national security. According to the military, climate change is a threat multiplier that is already contributing to new conflicts over resources, catastrophic natural disasters, and the degradation of vital ecosystems across the globe. While Donald Trump says that climate change is a “hoax” created by and for the Chinese, Democrats recognize the danger facing our country and our planet. We believe the United States must lead in forging a robust global solution to the climate crisis. We will not only meet the goals we set in Paris, we will seek to exceed them and push other countries to do the same by slashing carbon pollution and rapidly driving down emissions of potent greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons. We will support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases, deploy more clean energy, and invest in climate resilience and adaptation. And as a proud Arctic nation, we are against putting the region at risk through drilling in the Arctic Ocean or the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Instead, while protecting our strategic interests, we will seek collaborative, science - based approaches to be good stewards of the rapidly changing Arctic region.
Protect Our Values
Our values of inclusion and tolerance inspire hope around the world and make us safer at home. The world will be more secure, stable, and peaceful when all people are able to reach their God - given potential and live in freedom and dignity. We strive to ensure that the values upon which our country was built, including our belief that all people are created equal, are reflected in everything our nation does. That is why we will promote peacebuilding and champion human rights defenders. We will fight to end child labor. And we will seek to safeguard vulnerable minorities, including LGBT people and people with disabilities.
Women and Girls
We believe the United States must continue to be the world’s strongest advocate for the rights of women and girls. We will encourage their economic, political, and educational opportunities, and protect them from violence at home and abroad. We will support sexual and reproductive health and rights around the globe. In addition to expanding the availability of affordable family planning information and contraceptive supplies, we believe that safe abortion must be part of comprehensive maternal and women’s health care and included as part of America’s global health programming. Therefore, we support the repeal of harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to health care information and services, including the “global gag rule” and the Helms Amendment that bars U.S. assistance to provide safe, legal abortion throughout the developing world.
Trafficking and Modern Slavery
We will stop the scourge of human trafficking and modern slavery of men, women, boys, and girls.
We will use the full force of the law against those who engage in modern - day forms of slavery, including the commercial sexual exploitation of children and the forced labor of men, women, and children. Building on the accomplishments of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, we call for increased diplomatic efforts with foreign governments to root out complicit public officials who facilitate or perpetrate this evil.
Young People
The majority of the developing world is under age of 30. These countries will be more prosperous and stable if young people have access to education and employment opportunities.
Democrats will promote the rights of young people and nurture young leaders. We will work with people around the world who seek greater opportunities, including by promoting job creation, expanding education and health care, and fostering partnerships between peoples.
Religious Minorities
We are horrified by ISIS’ genocide of Christians and Yezidis and crimes against humanity against Muslims and others in the Middle East. We will do everything we can to protect religious minorities and the fundamental right of freedom to worship and believe.
The world is experiencing a major refugee crisis with more than 60 million people displaced as a result of conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe. We support President Obama’s call for an international summit to address this crisis so that every country assumes its responsibility to meet this humanitarian challenge. While Donald Trump proposes banning Muslim refugees, we will look for ways to help innocent people who are fleeing persecution while ensuring rigorous screening and vetting.
Civil Society
Democrats support progress towards more accountable governance and universal rights. As autocrats and strongmen around the world crack down on civil society and imprison those who speak out to demand greater freedom, we will continue to bolster groups and individuals who fight for fundamental human rights.
Anti - Corruption
Democrats further believe that we need to end corruption worldwide and increase transparency.
We will fight corruption, promote good governance, and support the rule of law. We will also seek to close offshore tax havens, which corrupt rulers, individuals, and corporations exploit to shelter ill - gotten gains or avoid paying taxes at home.
We will always seek to uphold our values at home and abroad, not just when it is easy, but when it is hard. That is why President Obama banned torture without exception in his first week in office and why Democrats condemn Donald Trump’s statements that he would order our military to engage in torture and other war crimes.
Closing Guantánamo Bay
The Democratic Party remains committed to closing the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay.
Keeping the facility open is a blemish on our record, serves as a recruiting tool for extremists, and undermines our standing in the world.
Development Assistance
We believe that development assistance is an essential instrument of American power. It can prevent threats, enhance stability, and reduce the need for military force. With less than one percent of the federal budget, our development assistance has helped cut extreme poverty in half, drastically decreased child mortality, reduced global hunger, countered deadly pandemics, and put an AIDS - free generation within reach. This investment reflects the best of America and makes us safer. We need to continue this work and make more progress on important global goals like ending extreme poverty and hunger.
Global Health
It is vital that we protect our nation’s health security. While the Republican Party refuses to fund important measures that could contain and address the Zika pandemic, Democrats are ready to limit the reach of Zika — just as we did with Ebola — and support funding for diagnostic tests for the virus vaccine, and treatment. We also need to prepare for potential pandemics, like H1N1, by working with first responders and health officials to reduce the risks associated with unintentional or deliberate outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Democrats believe an AIDS - free generation is within our grasp. But we know far too many Americans still suffer, which is why we will implement the National HIV and AIDS Strategy, increase research funding for the National Institutes of Health, cap pharmaceutical expenses for people living with HIV and AIDS, address HIV criminalization laws, and expand access for HIV prevention medications, particularly for the populations most at risk of infection. Abroad, we will make the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief more effective and increase global funding for HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment. Democrats will always protect those living with HIV and AIDS from stigma and discrimination.
International Labor
Democrats believe that a key element of American leadership is growing our economy and protecting American jobs. We also believe that the world will be safer when there is greater prosperity. That is why we will prioritize and strongly enforce provisions on decent work and worker rights in all American diplomatic, trade, and programmatic efforts. We think it is wrong for workers in the United States to compete against poverty - wage, child, or slave labor.
Democrats will promote broad - based economic growth across the world, pursuing a global economic agenda that promotes rising wages and invests in quality public services, workers’ rights, and environmental protections. We believe that we need to coordinate our economic actions with other countries to address economic insecurity, specifically youth un - and underemployment, gender inequality, digital transformation, and the transition towards green jobs.
A Leader in the World
It would be a dangerous mistake for America to abandon our responsibilities. We cannot, as Donald Trump suggests, cede the mantle of leadership for global peace and security to others who will not have our best interests in mind. American leadership is essential to keeping us safe and our economy growing in the years ahead.
Asia - Pacific
From the Asia Pacific to the Indian Ocean, we will deepen our alliances in the region with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. Democrats will continue to invest in a long - term strategic partnership with India — the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power. We will work with our allies and partners to fortify regional institutions and norms as well as protect freedom of the seas in the South China Sea. We will push back against North Korean aggression and press China to play by the rules. We will stand up to Beijing on unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, and cyberattacks. And we will promote greater respect for human rights, including the rights of Tibetans. Democrats are committed to a “One China” policy and the Taiwan Relations Act and will continue to support a peaceful resolution of Cross - Strait issues that is consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan.
Middle East
In the Middle East, Democrats will push for a more inclusive governance in Iraq and Syria that respects the equal rights of all citizens; provide support and security for Lebanon and Jordan, two countries that are hosting a disproportionate number of refugees; maintain our robust security cooperation with Gulf countries; and stand by the people of the region as they seek greater economic opportunity and freedom. A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States because we share overarching strategic interests and the common values of democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism. That is why we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself, including by retaining its qualitative military edge, and oppose any effort to delegitimize Israel, including at the United Nations or through the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement.
We will continue to work toward a two - state solution of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict negotiated directly by the parties that guarantees Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state with recognized borders and provides the Palestinians with independence, sovereignty, and dignity. While Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations, it should remain the capital of Israel, an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. Israelis deserve security, recognition, and a normal life free from terror and incitement. Palestinians should be free to govern themselves in their own viable state, in peace and dignity.
Europe remains America’s indispensable partner and a cornerstone of global security. Democrats will help our European allies and partners deter Russian aggression, address security challenges to Europe’s south, and deal with unprecedented economic and social challenges. We reject Donald Trump’s threats to abandon our European and NATO allies, all while he praises Putin.
When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, our NATO allies invoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, stating that an attack against one is an attack against all — for the first and only time in its history. Our NATO allies fought alongside us in Afghanistan and are still there today. We will maintain our Article 5 collective security commitments to NATO because we are stronger when we have our allies at our side.
Americas The Americas are a region of singular strategic, economic, and cultural importance and opportunity for the United States. Democrats reject Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall on our southern border and alienate Mexico, a valuable partner. We will instead embrace our neighbors and pursue strong, fruitful partnerships across the region, from Canada to Latin America and the Caribbean. We will build on our long - term commitment to Colombia and work with Central American countries to stabilize the Northern Triangle. We will bolster democratic institutions, promote economic opportunity and prosperity, and tackle the rise of drugs, crime, and corruption. In Cuba, we will build on President Obama’s historic opening to end the travel ban and embargo. We will also stand by the Cuban people and support their ability to decide their own future and to enjoy the same human rights and freedoms that people everywhere deserve. And in Venezuela, we will push the government to respect human rights and respond to the will of its people.
Africa Africa is home to many of the fastest growing economies in the world. Democrats will strengthen our partnership and collaboration with the African Union, emphasizing trade while increasing development assistance to bolster the continent’s domestic economies. We applaud President Obama for engaging our African partners on the full range of global challenges and opportunities, and we will continue to strengthen democratic institutions, fair trade and investment, development, and global health. Democrats will support our African partners in improving their capacity to respond to crises and protect citizens, especially women and girls.
We will also work to end the reign of terror promulgated by Boko Haram, Al - Shabaab, AQIM, and ISIS.
Global Economy and Institutions
Democrats will protect and grow the global economy. Donald Trump wants to default on our debt, which would lead to a disastrous global economic crisis. We believe we must be responsible stewards and work with our partners to prevent another worldwide financial crisis.
Democrats believe that global institutions and multilateral organizations have a powerful role to play and are an important amplifier of American strength and influence. Many of these organizations need reform and updating, but it would be reckless to follow Donald Trump and turn our back on the international system that America built. It has provided decades of stability and economic growth for the world and for America.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, July 17, 2016 1:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well darn but I can't find the article. It was written by a Sanders supporter who was on the platform drafting committee for the party platform. And that person was quite proud of the many concessions gained, though very regretful they could get no movement on trade agreements.

The Hillary/ Debbie contingent - with 2/3 of the committee (what, the dncc couldn't agree to give the primary percentage to Bernie in the committee?) - was intransigent on trade agreements, and on Israel.

That says a lot about the intentions of the party (and the political naiveté of some of Sanders' supporters).

OF COURSE the Hillary/ Debbie sleaze-team gave ground on things that the party wasn't going to get past congress, and for which the party was going to spend exactly zero political capital.

That opens up a promising new way to look at the platform. Simply ignore the empty rhetoric that will never come to pass, and focus on the parts that are meaningful.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, July 17, 2016 2:51 PM


Sorry, but Sanders supporters weren't naive then, and they aren't now. The DNC is almost a wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Capital, just like the RNC has been for decades.

Thanks to the Citizens United decision, they all play the same game.


Sunday, July 17, 2016 3:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

In 2016, Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the
Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago: Out of many, we are one.
Under President Obama’s leadership, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the American people, we have come a long way from the Great Recession and the Republican policies that triggered it.
We have seen 75 straight months of private - sector job growth and added 14.5 million new jobs. Twenty million people have gained health insurance coverage. The American auto industry just had its best year ever. We are getting more of our energy from the sun and wind, and importing less oil from overseas.
But too many Americans have been left out and left behind. They are working longer hours with less security.
Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide, while the cost of everything from childcare to a college education has continued to rise.
And as working people struggle, the top one percent accrues more wealth and more power. Republicans in Congress have chosen gridlock and dysfunction over trying to find solutions to the real challenges we face.
It’s no wonder that so many feel like the system is rigged against them.

Let me just point out that the author - in this case the DNC - left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion - or in this case, in your party platform - when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, July 17, 2016 3:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


What I said was that SOME of Sanders' supporters were politically naive. And that's where the article would have helped - because it listed, as in an actual list, quite proudly, the specific places where the dnc made 'concessions'. It was that list, along with the specific mention of how intransigent the committee was to changing the language on trade agreements - that tipped me off to the nature of the drafting process, Because every single one of those 'concessions' was moot. And the places where the dnc refused to budge were exactly the places most likely to come to pass.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, July 17, 2016 3:53 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

OF COURSE the Hillary/ Debbie sleaze-team gave ground on things that the party wasn't going to get past congress, and for which the party was going to spend exactly zero political capital.

That opens up a promising new way to look at the platform. Simply ignore the empty rhetoric that will never come to pass, and focus on the parts that are meaningful.

What’s Wrong With the Democratic Platform
It has good language on many issues, but it lacks an overarching vision.
Democrats must aspire to more than just beating Trump. They must take the lessons of the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote, recognizing that when mainstream parties do not offer a coherent response to fear and uncertainty in an age of rapid globalization, deindustrialization, and automation, politics can rapidly turn divisive, even destructive.

The Democratic platform doesn’t achieve that coherence. It is significantly more progressive than recent party platforms, especially on criminal-justice reform and the need to empower workers. It’s got some good language on climate change and banking reform, but too frequently punches are pulled where they should be thrown—as with its wrongheaded avoidance of formal opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, corporate-welfare schemes, and lobbyist abuses. But the devil is not in the details; it’s in the lack of an overarching vision. The platform doesn’t provide a clear sense of how all the pieces of America’s economic, social, and political puzzle might fit together with the Democrats in power.

That’s something Clinton and her running mate will have to provide. Or Not. Who knows? But probably not.


Sunday, July 17, 2016 3:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah second, it'll happen thanks to all of Hillary's 'down ticket' support.

What a joke you are.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, July 17, 2016 7:08 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Yeah second, it'll happen thanks to all of Hillary's 'down ticket' support.

What a joke you are.

Even funnier would be 6 Republican Supreme Court justices, 66 Republican Senators, 300 Republicans in the House of Representatives and President Trump, who resigns to allow VP Mike Pense to serve as President in 2021. Wouldn't that make you laugh in the face of your evil nemesis Hillary when all her plans for world destruction turned to ashes?


Sunday, July 17, 2016 7:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I don't despise your support for Hillary. What I despise is how propagandist it is. Instead of noticing how little the dnc machine is willing to consider you where it counts - jobs, trade and - oh yeah, avoiding a nuclear confrontation with Russia - you dismissed Bernie off-hand - he was old, and a little stooped.

And you've been shilling every single fucking falsehood the dnc has been spewing. starting with that 'downticket support' shit.

Maybe you'd be more believable if you bothered to even think about thinking about what's seriously wrong with Hillary and how to influence the Hillary machine. Nope, not you. Hillary is Saint Hillary, according to you. As an argument, it's a joke. YOU'RE a joke. Fuck you.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, July 17, 2016 9:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:
I don't despise your support for Hillary. What I despise is how propagandist it is. Instead of noticing how little the dnc machine is willing to consider you where it counts - jobs, trade and - oh yeah, avoiding a nuclear confrontation with Russia - you dismissed Bernie off-hand - he was old, and a little stooped.

And you've been shilling every single fucking falsehood the dnc has been spewing. starting with that 'downticket support' shit.

Maybe you'd be more believable if you bothered to even think about thinking about what's seriously wrong with Hillary and how to influence the Hillary machine. Nope, not you. Hillary is Saint Hillary, according to you. As an argument, it's a joke. YOU'RE a joke. Fuck you.

This is why Republican politicians win so many elections at all levels of government: because they are competing against people like you that lose their cool every single day of their lives. Too much unfocused passion. The US Constitution doesn't give you or your preferred politicians any bonus points for being emotional scatterbrains.

These are only numbers, but they tell a story: Hillary 15,805,136 Bernie 12,029,699 Hillary +3,775,437

Instead of Hillary, it could have been Martin O’Malley or Rocky De La Fuente or Keith Russell Judd or John Wolfe, Jr. or Willie Wilson, but it didn’t work out for them. Any of them would be better than Hillary. We will never know how much better, will we? At least not until 2020 when they can run against President Trump.

More numbers: either 5 Republican Supreme Court Justices or 5 Democrats. At the moment it is 4 versus 4. I am almost certain that President Trump will choose a Republican Justice. I think it will make a difference if the next Justice is another Antonin Scalia.


Sunday, July 17, 2016 9:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

" Too much unfocused passion."

Unlike YOU I've been very focused and very specific in my discussion about Hillary. I've VERY SPECIFICALLY and in a VERY FOCUSED WAY outlined the general issues, and MY PERSONAL FOCUS over .. and over ... and over ... and over ...

But you've been conspicuously absent from ANY discussion about Hillary's shortcomings - and they are many, and potentiality catastrophic, even fatal, even planet-destroying, in the very short-term.

My animus is against YOU. And I assure you, it is VERY focused.



Sunday, July 17, 2016 10:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


This is why Republican politicians win so many elections at all levels of government: because they are competing against people like you that lose their cool every single day of their lives
You're so full of shit your molars are floating.

You have NEVER discussed Hillary, Obama, or the DNC and its many failures with any sort of objectivity. To you, Democrats are saints and Republicans are devils, and you've failed to notice that the Democratic Party sold its out soul ... and its constituents ... a long, long time ago.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, July 18, 2016 12:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You're so full of shit your molars are floating.

You have NEVER discussed Hillary, Obama, or the DNC and its many failures with any sort of objectivity. To you, Democrats are saints and Republicans are devils, and you've failed to notice that the Democratic Party sold its out soul ... and its constituents ... a long, long time ago.

Is life not treating you right? You seem awfully touchy. As for me, I don't care about Democrats' failings. Those people are all disposable kleenex. If one gets dirty, get another. I'm not committed to Obama or Hillary or any Democrat. But as far as Republicans: Texas is full of Trumps, loudmouths that don't know what they are talking about, salesmen that want to close a deal and steal your money. Have you never had any experience with a Trumpish person?

And I have had a belly full of Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and Dan Patrick and Gov Greg Abbott who spilt his coffee in his lap. That idiot got 3rd degree burns. News story says "legs" because it sounds better than saying dick. And then there is the famous child molester, Republican Dennis Hastert, ex-speaker of the house.

If no Republican ever again was elected, that would be fine with me. It is not that I like Democratic politicians. It is that I loath the Republican politicians' personalities. There must be something about that party making it so attractive to the creepiest politicians. But then again, why are flies so attracted to feces?


Monday, July 18, 2016 1:17 AM


It's obvious she's hiding something. If she wins I'm moving to AntArtica.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

The Strange Gaps In Hillary Clinton's Email Traffic

The past few weeks have brought a myriad of revelations about the private server Hillary Clinton used while she was secretary of state. First, there was the State Department inspector general’s devastating critique of the former secretary’s email practices. Then came sworn testimony of two key Clinton aides about how the server was set up and how the system worked (or didn’t). Just this weekend, Clinton met with the FBI to discuss her email arrangements. And on Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey announced that the agency would not recommend criminal charges over the handling of these emails, while at the same time offering a brutal assessment of how poorly Team Clinton handled classified information.

But, when it comes to Clinton’s correspondence, the most basic and troubling questions still remain unanswered: Why are there gaps in Clinton’s email history? Did she or her team delete emails that she should have made public?

The State Department has released what is said to represent all of the work-related, or “official,” emails Clinton sent during her tenure as secretary—a number totaling about 30,000. According to Clinton and her campaign, when they were choosing what correspondence to turn over to State for public release, they deleted 31,830 other emails deemed “personal and private.” But a numeric analysis of the emails that have been made public, focusing on conspicuous lapses in email activity, raises troubling concerns that Clinton or her team might have deleted a number of work-related emails.

We already know that the trove of Clinton’s work-related emails is incomplete. In his comments on Tuesday, Comey declared, “The FBI … discovered several thousand work-related e-mails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014.” We also already know that some of those work-related emails could be permanently deleted. Indeed, according to Comey, “It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that [Clinton and her team] did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.”

A brief, semi-technical explanation: as the head records on the hard drive, the track of the head 'wanders' a bit, causing leakage recording along either side. When you 'delete' a file, what the computer does is not 'erase' date - it simply tells the computer that certain areas on the hard drive are now available to be recorded over. With the proper software, you can easily read the ones and zeros on those sectors, and recover all the information, intact (unless it's already been over-written).
To actually erase data, you have to record over those sectors with random ones and zeros ...

not once - because you need to erase the 'leakage' information - but multiple times. Otherwise the data is still FORENSICALLY recoverable.

In other words - somebody didn't just 'delete' the files. They wrote over those sectors, and only those sectors, and re-wrote over them, and re-re-wrote - and so on - until no trace of the data remained.

That that data was well and truly erased indicates a CONCERTED and technical effort on Clinton's part to get rid of ... well ... we'll never know.
But it was roughly HALF of whatever was there. Yep. Apparently, HALF of her emails on her private server set up for work, were personal.

Why does this matter? Because Clinton signed documents declaring she had turned over all of her work-related emails. We now know that is not true. But even more importantly, the absence of emails raises troubling questions about the nature of the correspondence that might have been deleted.

(read more at the link)

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, July 18, 2016 1:24 AM


Thanks for posting the Democratic Platform, it is a public service.....



Originally posted by 1kiki:
The draft democratic party platform also called, 'they bought too many hyphens and dashes and had to use them up'.


2016 Democratic
Party Platform
July 1, 2016

Version July 1, 2016
Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Minimum Wage
Equal Pay, Paid Leave, and Caregiving
Social Security
Retirement Security
Postal Service
Create Good - Paying Jobs
Clean Energy Jobs
Research, Science, and Technology
Small Business
Youth Jobs
Fight for Economic Fairness and Against Inequality
Fixing our Financial System
Stopping Corporate Concentration
Bring Americans Together and Remove Barrie rs to Create Ladders of Opportunity
Racial Justice
Racial Wealth Gap
Criminal Justice
Civil Rights
LGBT Rights
Disability Rights
Faith and Service
Agricultural Communities
Poverty / Communities Left Behind
Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations
People of the Territories
Puerto Rico
Protect Voting Rights, Fix Our Campaign Finance System, and Restore Our Democracy
Voting Rights
Campaign Finance
D.C. Statehood
Management of Federal Government
Combat Climate Change, Build a Clean Energy Economy, and Secure Environmental Justice
Clean Energy Economy
Environmental and Climate Justice
Public Lands and Waters
Provide Quality and Affordable Education
Higher Education
Student Debt
Minority - Serving Institutions
For - Profit Schools
Early Childhood, Pre - K, and K - 12
Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans
Universal Health Care
Community Health Centers
Prescription Drug Costs
Medical Research
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Mental Health
Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
Public Health
Violence Against Women and Sexual Assault
Gun Violence Prevention
Principled Leadership
Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans
Confront Global Threats
North Korea
Non - proliferation
Climate Change
Protect Our Values
Women and Girls
Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Young People
Religious Minorities
Civil Society
Anti - Corruption
Closing Guantánamo Bay
Development Assistance
Global Health
International Labor
A Leader in the World
Asia - Pacific
Middle East
Global Economy and Institutions

In 2016, Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the
Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago: Out of many, we are one.
Under President Obama’s leadership, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the American people, we have come a long way from the Great Recession and the Republican policies that triggered it. We have seen 75 straight months of private - sector job growth and added 14.5 million new jobs. Twenty million people have gained health insurance coverage. The American auto industry just had its best year ever. We are getting more of our energy from the sun and wind, and importing less oil from overseas.
But too many Americans have been left out and left behind. They are working longer hours with less security.
Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide, while the cost of everything from childcare to a college education has continued to rise.
And as working people struggle, the top one percent accrues more wealth and more power. Republicans in Congress have chosen gridlock and dysfunction over trying to find solutions to the real challenges we face.
It’s no wonder that so many feel like the system is rigged against them.
Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls.
It’s a simple but powerful idea: we are stronger together.
Democrats believe we are stronger when we have an economy that works for everyone — an economy that grows incomes for working people, creates good - paying jobs, and puts a middle - class life within reach for more Americans. We need an economy that prioritizes long - term investment over short - term profit - seeking, rewards the common interest over self - interest, and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship.
We believe that today’s extreme level of income and wealth inequality — where the majority of the economic gains go to the top one percent and the richest 20 people in our country own more wealth than the bottom 150 million — makes our economy weaker, our communities poorer, and our politics poisonous.
And we know that our nation’s long struggle with race is far from over. More than half a century after Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled, more than half a century after César Chávez and Dolores Huerta organized, race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind. We must face that reality and we must fix it.
We believe a good education is a basic right of all Americans, no matter what zip code they live in. We will end the school - to prison pipeline and build a cradle - to - college pipeline instead, where every child can live up to his or her God - given potential.
We believe in helping Americans balance work and family without fear of punishment or penalty. We believe in at last guaranteeing equal pay for women. And as the party that created Social Security, we believe in protecting every American’s right to retire with dignity.
And we firmly believe that the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street must be brought to an end. Wall Street must never again be allowed to threaten families and businesses on Main Street.
Democrats believe we are stronger when we protect citizens’ right to vote, not corporations’ and billionaires’ right to buy elections. We will bring an end to the broken campaign finance system,overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision, restore the full power of the Voting Rights Act, and return our elections to the American people.
Democrats believe that climate change poses a real and urgent threat to our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures, and that Americans deserve the jobs and security that come from becoming the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.
Democrats believe we are stronger and safer when America brings the world together and leads with principle and purpose, and when we strengthen our alliances, not weaken them. We believe in the power of development and diplomacy. We believe our military should be the best - trained, best - equipped fighting force in the world, and that we must do everything we can to honor and support our veterans. And we know that only the United States can mobilize common action on a truly global scale, to take on the challenges that have no borders, from international terrorism to climate change to health pandemics.
Above all, Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem — it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree. With this platform, we do not merely seek common ground — we strive to reach higher ground.
We are proud of our heritage as a nation of immigrants. We know that today’s immigrants are tomorrow’s teachers and soldiers, entrepreneurs and activists, PTA members, and pillars of their communities.
We believe in protecting civil liberties and guaranteeing civil rights and voting rights, women’s rights and workers’ rights, LGBT rights and rights for people with disabilities. We believe America is still, as Robert Kennedy said, “a great country, an unselfish country, and a compassionate country.”
These principles stand in sharp contrast to the Republicans, who have nominated as the standard - bearer for their party an d their candidate for President a man who seeks to appeal to Americans’ basest differences, rather than our better natures.
The stakes have been high in previous elections. But in 2016, the stakes can be measured in human lives — in the number of immigrants who would be torn from their homes; in the number of faithful and peaceful Muslims who would be barred from even visiting our shores; in the
number of allies alienated and dictators courted; in the number of Americans who would lose access to health care and see their rights ripped away.
This election is about more than Democrats and Republicans. It is about who we are as a nation, and who we will be in the future.
Two hundred and forty years ago, in Philadelphia, we started a revolution of ideas and of action that continues to this day. Since then, our union has been tested many times, through bondage and civil war, segregation and depression, two world wars and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
Generations of Americans fought and marched and organized to widen the circle of opportunity and dignity — and we are fighting still.
Despite what some say, America is and has always been great — but not because it has been perfect. What makes America great is our unerring belief that we can make it better. We can and we will build a more just economy, a more equal society, and a more perfect union — because we are stronger together.
Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Democrats believe we must restore the basic bargain that built America’s mighty middle class: If you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead and stay ahead, provided we break down certain barriers. The system isn’t working when we have a rigged economy in which ordinary Americans work longer hours for lower wages, while most new income and wealth goes to the top one percent. In contrast, Donald Trump has shown time and again that he cannot be trusted to secure the basic economic dignity of Americans.
Minimum Wage
Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage. No one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty. We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union. We applaud the approaches taken by states like New York and California. We should raise and index the minimum wage, give all Americans the ability to join a union regardless of where they work, and create new ways for workers to have power in the economy. We also support creating one fair wage for all workers by ending the sub - minimum wage for tipped workers and people with disabilities.
Democrats support a model employer executive order or some other vehicle to leverage federal dollars to support employers who provide their workers with a living wage, good benefits, and the opportunity to form a union. The $1 trillion spent annually by the government on contracts, loans, and grants should be used to support good jobs that rebuild the middle class.
The Democratic Party believes that when workers are strong, America is strong. Democrats will make it easier for workers, public and private, to exercise their right to organize, and join unions.
We will fight to pass laws that direct the National Labor Relations Board to certify a union if a simple majority of eligible workers sign valid authorization cards, and that brings companies to the negotiating table. We support binding arbitration to help workers that have voted to join a union reach a first contract.
A major reason for the 40 - year decline in the middle class is that the rights of workers to bargain collectively for better wages and benefits have been under attack at all levels. Donald Trump would make matters worse by creating a race to the bottom where the middle class is fighting over fewer and fewer good - paying jobs. In fact, Trump rejected some attempts by his own employees to unionize and has personally hired union - busting firms to undermine workers’ rights.
Democrats believe so - called “right to work” laws are wrong for workers and wrong for America.
We will continue to vigorously oppose those laws and other efforts that would eliminate dues check - off procedures, attack prevailing wage standards, abolish fair share requirements, restrict the use of voluntary membership payments for political purposes, and require annual recertification efforts.
The Democratic Party believes consumers and workers who have been mistreated should never be denied their right to fight for fair treatment under the law. That is why we will support efforts to limit the use of forced arbitration clauses in employment and service contracts that unfairly strip workers, consumers, and students of their right to their day in court.
Equal Pay, Paid Leave, and Caregiving
We will fight to secure equal pay for women and — after 240 years — finally enshrine the rights of women in the constitution by passing the Equal Rights Amendment. While Donald Trump thinks it is “dangerous” for women to leave the home and paid family leave hurts our economy, Democrats will make sure that the United States finally enacts national paid family and medical leave by passing a family and medical leave act that would provide at least 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or address a personal or family member’s serious health issue, and we will fight to allow workers the right to earn at least seven days of paid sick leave. We will also encourage employers to provide paid vacation.
Our work and family policies must also ease the burden on family caregivers, in part by creating a strong, stable workforce to help meet families’ needs. We will take steps to expand and strengthen the homecare workforce.
We will increase childcare investments to make quality childcare more affordable, boost wages for childcare workers, and support the millions of people paying for, coordinating, or providing care for aging relatives or those with disabilities.
Where Donald Trump rooted for the housing crisis, Democrats will continue to fight for those families who suffered the loss of their homes. We will help those who are working toward a path of financial stability and will put sustainable home ownership into the reach of more families.
Democrats will also combat the affordable housing crisis and skyrocketing rents in many parts of the country that are leading too many families and workers to be pushed out of communities.
We will increase the supply of affordable rental housing by expanding incentives and easing local barriers to building new affordable rental housing developments in areas of economic opportunity. We will substantially increase funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to construct, preserve, and rehabilitate millions of affordable housing rental units.
Not only will this help address the affordable housing crisis, it will also create millions of good - paying jobs in the process. Democrats also believe that we should provide more federal resources to the people struggling most with unaffordable housing: low - income families, people with disabilities, veterans, and the elderly.
We will reinvigorate federal housing production programs, increase resources to repair public housing, and increase funding for the housing choice voucher program. And we will fight for sufficient funding to end chronic homelessness.
We must make sure that everyone has a fair shot at homeownership. We will lift up more families and keep the housing market robust and inclusive by defending and strengthening the Fair Housing Act. We will also support first time homebuyers, implement credit score reform to make the credit industry work for borrowers and not just lenders, and prevent predatory lending by defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). And we will help underwater homeowners by expanding foreclosure mitigation counseling.
Social Security
Democrats are proud to be the party that created Social Security, the most successful government program in our nation’s history. We will fight every effort to cut, privatize, or weaken Social Security, including attempts to raise the retirement age or to diminish benefits by cutting cost - of - living adjustments. Democrats will expand Social Security so that every American can retire with dignity and respect, including women who are shortchanged by the current system because they are widowed or took time out of the workforce to care for their children, aging parents, or ailing family members. And we will make sure Social Security’s guaranteed benefits continue for generations to come by asking those at the top to pay more, and will achieve this goal by taxing some of the income of people above $250,000. The Democratic Party is also committed to providing all necessary financial support for the Social Security Administration to provide timely benefits and high - quality service for those it serves. Our plan contrasts starkly with Donald Trump. He has referred to Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” and has called for privatizing it as well as increasing the retirement age.
Retirement Security
Democrats believe it should be easier for Americans to save for retirement and prepare for unforeseen risks and expenses. We will defend the right of workers to collect their defined benefit pensions and make sure workers get priority and protection when pension plans are in distress. Democrats will also fight to protect the earned pension benefits of Americans in multiemployer pension plans. And we will fight against any attempt by Republicans in Congress or on Wall Street to roll back the Conflict of Interest Rule, which requires that retirement advisors put the best interests of their clients above their own financial gain.
Postal Service
The United States Postal Service is a national treasure. That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it. We are committed to eliminating the unsustainable mandate to “pre - fund” retiree health costs. And we will work to restore service to appropriate levels including overnight delivery of first - class mail and periodicals within the same metropolitan area, maintaining six - day and door - to - door delivery, and appointing members to the Board of Governors and the Postal Regulatory Commission who champion a strong public Postal Service. Democrats also advocate for expanding postal services. This includes offering basic financial services such as paycheck cashing. It also includes promoting vote - by - mail to increase voter participation and to help address the scourge of voter suppression.
Create Good - Paying Jobs
Democrats know nothing is more important than creating good - paying jobs that can support a middle - class life and provide workers with dignity and a sense of purpose
— from nurses, firefighters, and teachers, to construction workers, factory workers, and small business owners.
If we are serious about reversing the decline of the middle class, we need a major federal jobs program that puts millions of Americans back to work in decent paying jobs in both the public and private sectors.
We will make the most ambitious investment in American infrastructure since President Eisenhower created the interstate highway system. We will put Americans to work updating and expanding our roads, bridges, public transit, airports, and passenger and freight rail lines. We will build 21st century energy and water systems, modernize our schools, and continue to support the expansion of high - speed broadband networks. We will protect communities from the impact of climate change by investing in green and resilient infrastructure.
These investments will create secure, good - paying middle - class jobs today and will substantially increase demand for American - made steel and other products manufactured in the United States.
And by boosting economic growth in a fair and equitable way, and strengthening our long - term competitiveness, these investments will create many more jobs in the years to come.
Democrats will also create an independent, national infrastructure bank that will support critical infrastructure improvements. The bank will provide loans and other financial assistance for investments in energy, water, broadband, transportation, and multi - modal infrastructure projects.
Democrats believe one of the best ways to innovate, prosper, and create good - paying jobs is to make more in America, which is why we firmly support American manufacturing with a “Make it in America” plan. We must revitalize hard - hit manufacturing communities, create thriving hubs of manufacturing and innovation throughout the country, and claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, using the proceeds to reinvest in communities and workers at home instead. Donald Trump may talk tough, but he has consistently outsourced his own products. American workers deserve better.
Clean Energy Jobs
We must help American workers and businesses compete for jobs and investments in global clean energy, high - tech products, internet technology products, and advanced manufacturing and vehicles. And we must make American manufacturing more internationally competitive by making it the greenest and most efficient in the world, including by investing in industrial energy efficiency.
Research, Science, and Technology
Democrats support ambitious public and private investments in science, technology, and research. We will nurture the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, especially women and people of color, to make sure America continues to out - compete and out - innovate the rest of the world with a bold innovation agenda. Democrats also believe we must harness the promise of technological innovation to promote community participation and enhance opportunities to achieve greater economic self - sufficiency for people with disabilities.
And we will encourage technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and small business creation throughout the country and in all types of innovation sectors.
Democrats support a free and open internet at home and abroad, and will oppose any effort by Republicans to roll back the historic net neutrality rules that the Federal Communications Commission enacted last year.
Democrats value American innovation and believe it is one of our country’s great strengths. We will protect the intellectual property rights of artists, creators, and inventors at home and abroad.
The entire nation prospers when we promote the unique and original artistic and cultural contributions of the women and men who create and preserve our nation’s heritage.
Democrats will fight against unfair theft of intellectual property and trade secrets. We will also increase access to global markets for American intellectual property and other digital trade by opposing quotas, discriminatory measures, and data localization requirements.
Small Business
While Donald Trump has often stiffed small businesses — nearly bankrupting some — with his deceptive and reckless corporate practices, the Democratic Party will make it easier to start and grow a small business in America. We will open up access to credit because we know that small businesses are some of the best job creators in our country. By supporting small businesses, we can grow jobs faster in America. Democrats also realize the critical importance of small business to women, people of color, tribes, and rural America and will work to nurture entrepreneurship.
Youth Jobs
Democrats will create millions of jobs for our young people. Roughly one in ten Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 is unemployed, more than twice the national average. The unemployment rates for African American, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and American Indian teenagers are far too high. That is why Democrats will provide direct federal funding for a range of local programs that will put young people to work and create new career opportunities.
Fight for Economic Fairness and Against Inequality
Democrats believe that today’s extreme levels of income and wealth inequality are bad for Americans and bad for our economy. Our economy depends on a thriving middle class to drive economic growth, yet Americans in the top one - tenth of one percent of income levels now own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent of Americans combined. And the 20 wealthiest people in this country now own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people.
Fixing our Financial System
To restore economic fairness, Democrats will fight against the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. We must make Wall Street work for the job - creating, productive economy — including by making loans more affordable for small - and medium - sized businesses. Wall Street cannot be an island unto itself, gambling trillions in risky financial instruments and making huge profits, all the while thinking that taxpayers will be there to bail them out again. We must tackle dangerous risks in big banks and elsewhere in the financial system. We need to prohibit Wall Street from picking and choosing which credit agency will rate their products and from imposing excessive fees on consumers. And we must hold both individuals and corporations accountable when they break the law. Democrats believe that no bank can be too big to fail and no executive too powerful to jail. “Equal Justice Under Law” will not just be words engraved on the entrance of the Supreme Court. It will be the standard that applies to Wall Street and all Americans.
We will also vigorously implement, enforce, and build on the landmark Dodd - Frank financial reform law, and we will stop dead in its tracks every Republican effort to weaken it. We will continue to protect consumers and defend the CFPB from Republican attacks. Our goal must be to create a financial system and an economy that works for all Americans, not just a handful of billionaires. We support a financial transactions tax on Wall Street to curb excessive speculation and high - frequency trading, which has threatened financial markets. We acknowledge that there is room within our party for a diversity of views on a broader financial transactions tax.
Democrats will not hesitate to use and expand existing authorities as well as empower regulators to downsize or break apart financial institutions when necessary to protect the public and safeguard financial stability, including new authorities to go after risky shadow - banking activities. Banks should not be able to gamble with taxpayers’ deposits or pose an undue risk to Main Street. Democrats support a variety of ways to stop this from happening, including an updated and modernized version of Glass - Steagall and breaking up too - big - to - fail financial institutions that pose a systemic risk to the stability of our economy.
We believe that personnel is policy. We will nominate and appoint regulators and officials who are not beholden to the industries they regulate — people with a track record of standing up to power and safeguarding the public trust. We will crack down on the revolving door between the private sector — particularly Wall Street — and the federal government.
We will ban golden parachutes for those taking government jobs.
We will limit conflicts of interest by requiring bank and corporate regulators to recuse themselves from official work on particular matters that would directly benefit their former employers. And we will bar financial service regulators from lobbying their former colleagues for at least two years.

We will reform the Federal Reserve so that it is more representative of America as a whole, and we will fight to make sure that executives at financial institutions are not allowed to serve on the boards of regional Federal Reserve banks or select its members.
At a time when many of the largest banks have shunned communities across America, Democrats believe that we need to give Americans affordable banking options, including by empowering the United States Postal Service to facilitate the delivery of basic banking services.
Stopping Corporate Concentration Large corporations have concentrated their control over markets to a greater degree than Americans have seen in decades — further evidence that the deck is stacked for those at the top.
Democrats will take steps to stop corporate concentration in any industry where it’s unfairly limiting competition. We will make competition policy and antitrust stronger and more responsive to our economy today, enhance the antitrust enforcement arms of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, and encourage other agencies to police anti - competitive practices in their areas of jurisdiction.
At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, we believe the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations must pay their fair share in taxes. Democrats will claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas companies, and crack down on inversions and other methods companies use to dodge their tax responsibilities. We will make sure that our tax code rewards businesses that make investments and provide good - paying jobs here in the United States, not businesses that walk out on America.
We will end deferrals so that American corporations pay U.S. taxes immediately on foreign profits and can no longer
escape paying their fair share of United States taxes by stashing profits abroad. We will then use the revenue raised from fixing the corporate tax code to reinvest in rebuilding America and ensuring economic growth that will lead to millions of good - paying jobs.
We will ask those at the top to contribute to our country’s future by establishing a multimillionaire surtax to ensure millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share. In addition, we will shut down the “private tax system” for those at the top, immediately close egregious loopholes like those enjoyed by hedge fund managers, restore fair taxation on multimillion dollar estates, and ensure millionaires can no longer pay a lower rate than their secretaries. At a time when we have seen near - record corporate profits, slow wage growth, and rising costs, we need to offer tax relief to middle - class families — not those at the top. We will offer tax relief to hard working, middle - class families for the cost squeeze that they have faced for years from rising health care, childcare, education, and other expenses. Donald Trump and the Republican Party would do the opposite and provide trillions in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and corporations at the expense of working families, seniors, and the health of our economy.
Democrats acknowledge that for millions of Americans, global trade has failed to live up to its promise — with too many countries breaking the rules and too many corporations outsourcing jobs at the expense of American workers and communities.
Over the past three decades, America has signed too many trade deals that have not lived up to the hype. Trade deals often boosted the profits of large corporations, while at the same time failing to protect workers’ rights, labor standards, the environment, and public health. We need to end the race to the bottom and develop trade policies that support jobs in America. That is why Democrats believe we should review agreements negotiated years ago to update them to reflect these principles. Any future trade agreements must make sure that our trading partners cannot undercut American workers by taking shortcuts on labor policy or the environment.
Democrats will fight to significantly strengthen enforcement of existing trade rules and the tools we have, including by holding countries accountable on currency manipulation and significantly expanding enforcement resources. China and other countries are using unfair trade practices to tilt the playing field against American workers and businesses. When they dump cheap products into our markets, subsidize state - owned enterprises, devalue currencies, and discriminate against American companies, our middle class pays the price. That has to stop. Democrats will use all our trade enforcement tools to hold China and other trading partners accountable — because no country should be able to manipulate their currencies to gain a competitive advantage.
While we believe that openness to the world economy is an important source of American leadership and dynamism, we will only approve new trade agreements if they support American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text. Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world.
These are the standards Democrats believe must be applied to any future trade agreements. On the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), there are a diversity of views in the party. Many Democrats are on record stating that the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform; other Democrats have expressed support for the agreement. But all Democrats believe that any trade agreement must protect workers and the environment and not undermine access to critically - needed prescription drugs.
Bring Americans Together and Remove Barriers to Create Ladders of Opportunity Democrats believe that everyone in America deserves the chance to live up to their God - given potential. We will work to break down barriers standing in the way of Americans and replace them with ladders of opportunity.
Racial Justice
Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society. We will
challenge and dismantle the structures that define lasting racial, economic, political, and social inequity.
Democrats will promote racial justice through fair, just, and equitable governing of all institutions serving the public and in the formation of public policy.
We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and there is no place for racism in our country.
Racial Wealth Gap
America’s economic inequality problem is even more pronounced when it comes to racial and ethnic disparities in wealth and income. It is unacceptable that the median wealth for white Americans is roughly ten times that of African Americans and Latino Americans. These disparities are just as stark for American Indians and certain Asian American subgroups.
The racial and ethnic gap in wealth and income has been created by historical and contemporary policies and practices that discriminate against people of color and constrained their ability to earn income and build assets to the same extent as other Americans.
This economic disadvantage has accumulated over time and is made worse by ongoing
discrimination. For example, as a result of the housing crisis and the great recession, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans lost more than half of their net worth. And these losses were compounded by the fact that during the subprime mortgage crisis lenders targeted communities of color for faulty mortgages.
Democrats believe it is long past time to close this racial wealth gap by eliminating
systemic barriers to wealth accumulation for different racial groups and improving opportunities for people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds to build wealth.
Criminal Justice
Democrats are committed to reforming our criminal justice system and ending mass incarceration. Something is profoundly wrong when a quarter of the world’s prison population is in the United States, even though we have less than five percent of the world’s people. We will reform mandatory minimum sentences and close private prisons and detention centers. We will rebuild the bonds of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Across the country, there are many police officers who inspire trust and confidence, deploying creative and effective strategies, and demonstrating that it is possible to reduce crime without relying on unnecessary force. We should learn from those examples and build on what works.
We will invest in training for officers on issues such as de - escalation and the appropriate use of force, and encourage better police - community relations and the use of smart strategies like police body cameras. We will end racial profiling that targets individuals, based solely on race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin, which is un - American and counterproductive. We support states and localities that choose to make the investigations and prosecutions of police - involved shootings more independent and transparent, including through reforming the grand jury process.
And we will explore reforms of the civil asset forfeiture system. Instead of investing in more jails and incarceration, we need to provide greater investment in jobs and education, and end to the school - to - prison pipeline. We will remove barriers to help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully re - enter society by banning the box, expanding reentry programs, and restoring voting rights. We will prioritize treatment over incarceration in tackling addiction and substance use disorder.
This means significantly expanding treatment in this country for people struggling with addiction and mental health issues.
We believe that the states should be laboratories of democracy on the issue of marijuana, and those states that want to decriminalize marijuana should be able to do so. We support policies that will allow more research on marijuana, as well as reforming our laws to allow legal marijuana businesses to exist without uncertainty. And we recognize our current marijuana laws have had an unacceptable disparate impact, with arrest rates for marijuana possession among African Americans far outstripping arrest rates among whites, despite similar usage rates.
We will abolish the death penalty, which has proven to be a cruel and unusual form of punishment. It has no place in the United States of America.
We have been inspired by the movements for criminal justice that directly address the discriminatory treatment of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and American Indians to rebuild trust in the criminal justice system.
Immigration People should come to the United States with visas and not through smugglers. That is why the Democratic Party supports legal immigration, within reasonable limits, that meets the needs of families, communities, and the economy as well as maintains the United States’ role as a beacon of hope for people seeking safety, freedom, and security. Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and history. We must defend against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants.
Those immigrants already living in the United States, who are assets to their communities and contribute so much to our country, should be incorporated completely into our society through legal processes that give meaning to our national motto: E Pluribus Unum.
Democrats believe we need to urgently fix our broken immigration system — which tears families apart and keeps workers in the shadows — and create a path to citizenship for law - abiding families who are here, making a better life for their families and contributing to their communities and our country.
While we continue to fight for comprehensive immigration reform, we will defend and implement President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans executive actions to help DREAMers, parents of citizens, and lawful permanent residents avoid deportation. We will build on these actions to provide relief for others, such as parents of DREAMers.
We will invest in immigrant integration services, expand access to English language education, and promote naturalization to help the millions of people who are eligible for citizenship take that last step.
We believe immigration enforcement must be humane and consistent with our values.
We should prioritize those who pose a threat to the safety of our communities, not hardworking families who are contributing to their communities.
We will end raids and roundups of children and families, which unnecessarily sow fear in immigrant communities.
We should ensure due process for those fleeing violence in Central America and work with our regional partners to address the root causes of violence. We must take particular care with children, which is why we should guarantee government - funded counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration courts.
We will work with Congress to end the lengthy, forced, and prolonged expulsion from the country that many immigrants endure when trying to adjust their status by rescinding the three - year, ten - year and permanent bars. We will fight to end federal, state, and municipal contracts with for - profit private prisons and private detention centers.
In order to end family detention, we will ensure humane alternatives for those who pose no public threat. We should consider all available means of protecting these individuals from the threats to their lives and safety — including strengthening in - country and third - country processing, expanding the use of humanitarian parole, and granting Temporary Protected Status.
We reject attempts to impose a religious test to bar immigrants or refugees from entering the United States. It is un - American and runs counter to the founding principles of this country.
Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump. His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected.
Civil Rights
democrats will always fight to end discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. We need to promote civility and speak out against bigotry and other forms of intolerance that have entered our political discourse. It is unacceptable to target, defame, or exclude anyone because of their religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation. While freedom of expression is a fundamental constitutional principle, we must condemn hate speech that creates a fertile climate for violence. We condemn Donald Trump’s demonization of prisoners of war, women, Muslims, Mexicans, and people with disabilities; his playing coy with white supremacists; and the climate of bigotry he is creating. We also condemn the recent uptick in other forms of hate speech, like anti - Semitism and Islamophobia.
LGBT Rights
Democrats applaud last year’s decision by the Supreme Court that recognized LGBT people — like every other American — have the right to marry the person they love. But there is still much work to be done. LGBT kids continue to be bullied at school, a restaurant can refuse to serve a transgender person, and a same - sex couple is at risk of being evicted from their home. That is unacceptable and must change. Democrats will fight for comprehensive federal non - discrimination protections for all LGBT Americans and push back against state efforts to discriminate against LGBT individuals. We will combat LGBT youth homelessness and improve school climates, and we will protect transgender individuals from violence. We will promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.
Disability Rights
No one should face discrimination based on disability status. Democrats are committed to realizing the full promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will improve access to meaningful and gainful employment for people with disabilities. We will provide tax relief to help the millions of families caring for aging relatives or family members with chronic illness or disabilities. And we will continue to fight for ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Faith and Service
Democrats know that our nation, our communities, and our lives are made vastly stronger and richer by faith in many forms and the countless acts of justice, mercy, and tolerance it inspires.
We believe in lifting up and valuing the good work of people of faith and religious organizations and finding ways to support that work where possible.
We believe in the power of national service, with people of all backgrounds coming together in common purpose to serve their communities and country.
Agricultural Communities
We will work to build a stronger rural and agricultural economy. Democrats will spur investment to power the rural economy and increase funding to support the next generation of farmers and ranchers. We will expand local food markets and regional food systems and provide a focused safety net to assist family operations that need support during challenging times. And we will promote clean energy leadership and collaborative stewardship of our natural resources, while expanding opportunities in rural communities across America.
Poverty / Communities Left Behind
We reaffirm our commitment to eliminate poverty. Democrats will develop a national strategy to combat poverty, coordinated across all levels of government. We will direct more federal resources to lifting up communities that have been left out and left behind, such as the 10 - 20 - 30 model, which directs 10 percent of program funds to communities where at least 20 percent of the population has been living below the poverty line for 30 years or more. We will also focus on communities that suffer from persistent poverty, including empowerment zones and areas that targeted government data indicate are in persistent poverty.
Democrats will also protect and expand proven programs, including robust support for nutrition assistance to stop people from going hungry as well as programs that help people grow their skills and provide training opportunities. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) (program) should be expanded for low - wage workers not raising children, including extending the credit to young workers starting at age 21. The Child Tax Credit (CTC) should be indexed to inflation to stem the erosion of the credit.
Democrats will also do more to invest in our most distressed communities — from our cities to coal country to the Rust Belt. We will create good - paying jobs and enhance opportunities by investing in small business, youth employment, and reentry programs for formerly incarcerated people. We will improve safety by repairing crumbling infrastructure in communities that need it most as well as on tribal lands. And we will make investments in housing near good jobs and good schools.
(We) have a profound moral and legal responsibility to the Indian tribes — throughout our history we have failed to live up to that trust. That is why the Democratic Party will uphold, honor, and strengthen to the highest extent possible the United States’
fundamental trust and responsibility, grounded in the Constitution and treaties, to American Indian and Alaska Native tribes.
We recognize the inherent sovereignty of Indian nations and will work to enact laws and policies that strengthen, not reduce, the powers of Indian nations over people who interact with them in Indian Country.
We will work on a government - to - government basis to continue to empower Indian nations, and to provide sufficient and meaningful resources to Indian tribes to increase economic development and self - determination.
As Democrats, we will constantly seek to ensure that American Indian communities are safe, healthy, nurturing, educated, innovative, and prosperous.
We will restore tribal lands by continuing to streamline the land - into - trust process and recognize the right of all tribes to protect their lands, air, and waters.
We will continue to work on a government - to - government basis to address chronic underfunding, and provide meaningful resources and financial investments that will empower American Indian tribes through increased economic development and infrastructure improvements on tribal lands.
We will strengthen the operation of tribal housing programs, and fully fund the Indian Housing Block Grant Program. We will increase affordable and safe housing and fight to significantly reduce homelessness on and off Indian reservations, especially among Native youth and veterans.
We will invest in Indian education from early childhood through higher education. We will fully fund the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and strengthen self - determination to enable culturally - tailored learning unique to each tribal nation and help to retain qualified teachers for Native learners. Democrats will continue to support President Obama's Generation Indigenous program that has made important strides in promoting new investments and increased engagement with American Indian youth, including by continuing efforts to reform the BIE to provide students attending BIE - funded schools with a world - class culturally - based education.
We also support the elimination of school and sports mascots that reflect outdated stereotypes and that perpetuate racism.
We will strengthen tribal sovereignty and tribal jurisdiction by enacting laws and policies that enhance the ability of Indian nations to govern their territories, keep their communities safe, and prosecute crimes committed on tribal lands.
And we will (back) these efforts through robust investments in effective tribal law enforcement and tribal courts.
We believe that health care is a core federal trust responsibility, and we support a robust expansion of the health care provided by the Indian Health Service. We will work to fully fund the Indian Health Service, Tribal, Urban Indian health care system and to ensure that Americans Indian have adequate, safe, and affordable access to primary care providers, including oral health, mental health practitioners, and substance abuse treatment options.
We acknowledge the past injustices and the misguided, harmful federal and state policies and actions based on outdated and discredited values and beliefs that resulted in the destruction of the Indian nations’ economies, social, and religious systems, the taking of their lands, and the creation of intergenerational trauma that exists to this day.
We believe that we have a moral and profound duty to honor, respect, and uphold our sacred obligation to the Indian nations and Indian peoples.
We will protect tribal sacred sites and empower tribes to maintain and pass on traditional religious beliefs, languages and social practices without fear of discrimination or suppression.
We also believe that Native children are the future of tribal nations and that the Indian Child Welfare Act is critical to the survival of Indian culture, government, and communities and must be enforced with the original intent of the law.
We will strengthen Indian voting rights, including improved access to polling locations.
We will build on federal programs to reduce the disproportionate incarceration of American Indian and Alaska Native men and women, reduce disparity in
prison sentencing, protect the religious rights of Native prisoners, reduce barriers to prisoner reentry, and offer access to housing and employment upon reentry.
We are committed to principles of environmental justice in Indian Country and we recognize that nature in all its life forms has the right to exist, persist, maintain, and regenerate its vital cycles.
We call for a climate change policy that protects tribal resources, protects tribal health, and provides accountability through accessible, culturally appropriate participation and strong enforcement.
Our climate change policy will cut carbon emission, address poverty, invest in disadvantaged communities, and improve both air quality and public health.
We support the tribal nations to develop wind, solar and other clean energy jobs.
Democrats also support efforts for self - determination and sovereignty of Native Hawaiians.
People of the Territories
We support full self - government and self - determination for the people of the territories of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and their right to decide their future status.
Puerto Rico
And we are committed to addressing the extraordinary challenges faced by our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico. Many stem from the fundamental question of Puerto Rico’s political status.
Democrats believe that the people of Puerto Rico should determine their ultimate political status from permanent options that do not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the United States. Democrats are committed to promoting economic opportunity and good - paying jobs for the hardworking people of Puerto Rico. We also believe that Puerto Ricans must be treated equally by Medicare, Medicaid, and by other benefits programs for families. All American citizens, no matter where they reside, should have the right to vote for the President of the United States. Finally, we believe that Washington must respect Puerto Rico’s local self - government as Congress and the Executive Branch work to provide the necessary tools and aid that Puerto Rico needs to restructure its debt so that it can get on a path towards stability and prosperity, while maintaining its autonomy.
Protect Voting Rights, Fix Our Campaign Finance System, and Restore Our Democracy Voting Rights
The Democratic Party was founded on the promise of an expanded democracy. The right to vote is at the heart of our national vision. It is a core principle of the Democratic Party to maximize voter participation for all Americans. Our democracy suffers when nearly two thirds of our citizens do not or cannot participate, as in the last midterm elections. Democrats believe we must make it easier to vote not harder. We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.
We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote - by - mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration, same day voting, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday. We will restore voting rights for those who have served their sentences. And we will continue to fight against discriminatory voter identification laws, which disproportionately burden young voters, diverse communities, people of color, low - income families, people with disabilities, the elderly, and women.
Republicans have enacted various voter suppression tactics from Ohio to Florida, and while some Federal Courts have found that these measures go too far, Democrats will continue to fight these laws to preserve the fundamental right to vote. As Democrats, we support efforts to defeat ill - motivated voter suppression tactics. We support Ohio’s proposed Voters Bill of Rights amendment, North Carolina’s Moral Monday movement, and similar initiatives to permanently safeguard this inalienable right.
Campaign Finance
Democrats believe we must fight to preserve the essence of the longest standing democracy in the world: a government that represents the American people, not just a handful of powerful and wealthy special interests. We will fight for real campaign finance reform now. Big money is drowning out the voices of everyday Americans, and we must have the necessary tools to fight back and safeguard our electoral and political integrity.
Democrats support a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo. We need to end secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring, through executive order or legislation, significantly more disclosure and transparency — by outside groups, federal contractors, and public corporations to their shareholders. We need to amplify the voices of the American people through a small donor matching public financing system. We need to overhaul and strengthen the Federal Election Commission so that there is real enforcement of campaign finance laws . And we need to fight to eliminate super PACs and outside spending abuses.
Our vision for American democracy is a nation in which all people, regardless of their income, can participate in the political process, and can run for office without needing to depend on large contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.
We will appoint judges who defend the constitutional principles of liberty and quality for all, protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion, curb billionaires’ influence over elections because they understand that Citizens United has fundamentally damaged our democracy, and see the Constitution as a blueprint for progress.
D.C. Statehood
Restoring our democracy also means finally passing statehood for Washington, D.C., so that its citizens have full and equal congressional rights as well as the right to save the laws and budget of their local government respected without Congressional interference.
Management of Federal Government
Democrats understand responsible fiscal stew hardship is key to American democracy and to the country’s long - term economic prosperity. We believe that we can pay for ambitious progressive investments that create good - paying jobs and offer security to working families without adding to the debt by making those at the top and the largest corporations pay their fair share. This stands in contrast to Donald Trump, whose plans could add more than $30 trillion to the debt and who casually suggests defaulting on America’s debt, ending more than 200 years in which the full faith and credit of the United States has been considered sacred.
We will also ensure that new spending and tax cuts are offset so that they do not add to the nation’s debt over time. We will tackle waste, fraud, and abuse to make sure government dollars are spent wisely and efficiently. Democrats believe that we should not be contracting, outsourcing, or privatizing work that is inherently governmental in nature, including postal services, school services, and state and local government services. We are committed to a strong, effective, accountable civil service, delivering the quality public services Americans have every right to expect.
Combat Climate Change, Build a Clean Energy Economy, and Secure Environmental Justice
Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time. Fifteen of the 16 hottest years on record have occurred this century. While Donald Trump has called climate change a “hoax”, 2016 is on track to break global temperature records once more. Cities from Miami to Baltimore are already threatened by rising seas. California and the West have suffered years of brutal drought. Alaska has been scorched by wildfire. New York has been battered by superstorms, and Texas swamped by flash floods. The best science tells us that without ambitious, immediate action to cut carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases across our economy, all of these impacts will be far worse in the future. We cannot leave our children a planet that has been profoundly damaged.
Democrats share a deep commitment to tackling the climate challenge; creating millions of good - paying middle class jobs; reducing greenhouse gas emissions more than 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050; and meeting the pledge President Obama put forward in the landmark Paris Agreement, which aims to keep global temperature increases to “well below” two degrees Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We believe America must be running entirely on clean energy by mid - century. We will take bold steps to slash carbon pollution and protect clean air at home, lead the fight against climate change around the world, ensure no Americans are left out or left behind as we accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy, and be responsible stewards of our natural resources and our public lands and waters. Democrats reject the notion that we have to choose between protecting our planet and creating good - paying jobs. We can and we will do both.
Clean Energy Economy
We are committed to getting 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country. We will cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals, and offices; modernize our electric grid; and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world, creating new jobs and saving families and businesses money on their energy bills. And we will transform American transportation by reducing oil consumption through cleaner fuels, making new investments in public transportation, expanding electrification of the vehicle fleet, increasing the fuel efficiency of cars, boilers, ships, and trucks, and by building bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across our urban and suburban areas. Democrats believe the tax code must reflect our commitment to a clean energy future by eliminating special tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel companies as well as defending and extending tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy.
Democrats are committed to defending, implementing, and extending smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for automobiles and heavy - duty vehicles, building codes and appliance standards, and the reduction of methane emissions from oil and gas production. We will work to expand access to cost - saving renewable energy by low - income households, create good - paying jobs in communities that have struggled with energy poverty, and oppose efforts by utilities to limit consumer choice or slow clean energy deployment. We support President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
And we believe that the federal government should lead by example, which is why we will take steps to power the government with 100 percent clean electricity.
Environmental and Climate Justice
Democrats believe clean air and clean water are basic rights of all Americans. Yet as we saw in Flint, Michigan, low - income communities and communities of color are disproportionately home to environmental justice “hot spots,” where air pollution, water pollution, and toxic hazards like lead increase health and economic hardship. The impacts of climate change will also disproportionately affect low - income and minority communities, tribal nations, and Alaska Native villages — all of which suffer the worst losses during extreme weather and have the fewest resources to prepare. Simply put, this is environmental racism. The fight against climate change must not leave any community out or behind — including the coal communities who kept America’s lights on for generations. Democrats will fight to make sure these workers and their families get the benefits they have earned and the respect they deserve, and we will make new investments in energy producing communities to help create jobs and build a brighter and more resilient economic future.
All corporations owe it to their shareholders to fully analyze and disclose the risks they face, including climate risk. Those who fail to do so should be held accountable. Democrats also respectfully request the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies accused of misleading shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change.
Public Lands and Waters
Democrats believe in the conservation and collaborative stewardship of our shared natural heritage: the public lands and waterways, the oceans, Great Lakes, the Arctic, and all that makes America’s great outdoors priceless. As a nation, we need policies and investments that will keep America’s public lands public, strengthen protections for our natural and cultural resources, increase access to parks and public lands for all Americans, protect species and wildlife, and harness the immense economic and social potential of our public lands and waters.
We oppose drilling in the Arctic and off the Atlantic coast, and believe we need to reform fossil fuel leasing on public lands. We can phase down extraction of fossil fuels from our public lands, starting with the most polluting sources, while making our public lands and waters engines of the clean energy economy and creating jobs across the country.
Provide Quality and Affordable Education
Higher Education
Democrats believe that if you are an American who wants to get an education, you should always be able to get one: money should never stand in the way. Cost should not be a barrier to getting a degree or credential, and debt should not hold you back after you graduate. Bold new investments by the federal government, coupled with states reinvesting in higher education and colleges holding the line on costs, will ensure that Americans of all backgrounds will be prepared for the jobs and economy of the future. We will make community college free, while ensuring the strength of our historically minority - serving institutions. Achieving these goals depends on state and federal investment in both students and their teachers. Whether full - time or adjunct, faculty must be supported to make transformative educational experiences possible. As we make college affordable for future students, we will not forget about the millions of borrowers who need help with their debt right now.
Student Debt
Democrats will allow those who currently have student debt to refinance their loans at the lowest rates possible. We will simplify and expand access to income - based repayment so that no student loan borrowers ever have to pay more than they can afford. And we will significantly cut interest rates for future undergraduates, thereby preventing the federal government from making billions of dollars in profit from student loans. Democrats will also fight for a Student Borrower Bill of Rights to ensure borrowers get adequate information about options to avoid or get out of delinquency or default. We will hold lenders and loan servicers to high standards to help borrowers in default rehabilitate and repay their debts. Finally, Democrats will restore the prior standard in bankruptcy law to allow borrowers with student loans discharge their debts in bankruptcy as a measure of last resort.
Minority - Serving Institutions
We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic - Serving Institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander - Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian - Serving Institutions, and other minority - serving institutions by providing a dedicated fund of tens of billions of dollars to keep costs down, provide a quality education, and provide dedicated support to improve student outcomes and completion rates. These schools play an important role in building opportunity and creating a diverse work force.
For - Profit Schools
Donald Trump ran a fake university — the now bankrupt Trump “University” — that scammed many out of their hard - earned savings and led to no degree and no obvious benefit to their education or economic prosperity. Democrats will not tolerate this type of fraud.
We will also continue to crack down on for - profit schools that take millions in federal financial aid — often as their principal source of revenue - and then exploit students and burden them with debt rather than educating them. That is why we will strengthen the gainful employment rule to ensure that for - profit schools enable students to complete their degrees and prepare them for work. We will go after for - profits that engage in deceptive marketing, fraud, and other illegal practices. It is not right that for - profit schools with low graduation rates keep encouraging their students to take out federal loans they will have trouble paying back.
Early Childhood, Pre - K, and K - 12
Democrats believe we must have the best - educated population and workforce in the world. That means making early childhood education a priority, especially in light of new research showing how much early learning can impact life - long success. Democrats will invest in early childhood programs like Early Head Start and provide every family in America with access to high - quality childcare and high - quality pre - K programs.
We will ensure there are great Pre - K - 12 schools in every zip code. Democrats are committed to the federal government continuing to play a critical role in working towards an America where a world - class education is available to every child. Democrats believe that a strong public education system is an anchor of our democracy, a propeller of the economy, and the vehicle through which we help all children achieve their dreams.
Public education must engage students to be critical thinkers and civic participants while addressing the wellbeing of the whole child.
Democrats believe that all students should be taught to high academic standards. Schools should receive adequate resources and support. We will hold schools, districts, communities, and states accountable for raising achievement levels for all students — particularly low - income students, students of color, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities. We are also deeply committed to ensuring that we strike a better balance on testing so that it informs, but does not drive, instruction.
To close the opportunity gap, we also must find ways to encourage mentoring programs that support students in reaching their full potential.
Mentoring is a strategy to ensure that children living in poverty have the encouragement and support to aim high and enter the middle class. We will focus on group mentoring, which is a low - cost, high - yield investment that offers the benefit of building a supportive network of peers who push one another towards success.
Democrats know that good teachers are essential to improving student learning and helping all students meet high academic standards. Democrats will launch a national campaign to recruit and retain high - quality teachers, and we will ensure that teachers receive the tools and ongoing professional development they need to succeed in the classroom and provide our children with a world - class education. We also must lift up and trust our educators, continually build their capacity, and ensure that our schools are safe, welcoming, collaborative, and well - resourced places for our students, educators, and communities.
We will invest in high - quality STEM classes, community schools, computer science education, arts education, and expand linked learning models and career pathways. We will end the school - to - prison pipeline. And we will work to improve school culture and combat bullying of all kinds.
Democrats are also committed to providing parents with high - quality public school options and expanding these options for low - income youth. We support great neighborhood public schools and high - quality public charter schools, and we will help them disseminate best practices to other school leader s and educators. Democrats oppose for - profit charter schools focused on making a profit off of public resources. We instead support increased transparency and accountability for all charter schools.
Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans
Universal Health Care
We believe as Democrats that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress we took a critically important step towards the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which has offered coverage to 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage on account of a pre - existing condition.
Democrats will never falter in our generations - long fight to guarantee health coverage as a fundamental right for every American. As part of that guarantee, Americans should be able to access public coverage through Medicare or a public option. By contrast, Donald Trump wants to repeal the ACA, leaving tens of millions of Americans without coverage.
For too many of us, health care costs are still too high, even for those with insurance. And medical debt is a problem for a growing number of working families, with one - quarter of Americans reporting that they or someone in their household had problems or an inability to pay medical bills in the past year. We will keep costs down by making premiums more affordable, reducing out - of - pocket expenses, and capping prescription drug costs. Democrats will also work to end surprise billing and other practices associated with out - of - control medical debt that lead to unconscionable economic strain on American households. We will offer relief so Americans do not face high costs, and we will fight back against insurers trying to impose excessive premium increases.
Furthermore, as Democrats, we will keep fighting until the ACA’s Medicaid expansion has been adopted in every state. Twenty states have not yet adopted expanded Medicaid, which not only means that millions of low - income Americans still lack health insurance and are not getting the care they need, but health care providers, clinics, hospitals, and taxpayers are footing a higher bill when people without insurance visit expensive emerge
ncy rooms.
Democrats believe that it is not right that your zip code or census tract is a predictor of your
health, which is why we will make health equity a central part of our commitment to revitalizing communities left behind. Democrats believe that all health care services should be culturally and linguistically appropriate. And we should disaggregate data collection for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders because data disaggregation is a necessary step in fully understanding the needs of the AAPI community for all government services.
Community Health Centers
We must renew and expand our commitment to Community Health Centers, as well as community mental health centers and family planning centers. These health clinics, which offer comprehensive primary care, mental health, and family planning services to underserved populations, are critical to the successful implementation of the ACA. These health centers are a critical bulwark, allowing for better care prevention, education, and treatment of chronic conditions, while preventing unnecessary, expensive trips to emergency rooms.
As Democrats, we will fight for a comprehensive system of primary medical, dental, and mental health care and low - cost prescription drugs through a major expansion of community health centers. Democrats know that one of the key ingredients to the success for these health centers is a well - supported and qualified workforce. We will fight to train and support such a workforce.
We will also encourage providers to work with underserved populations through the National Health Service Corps, and create a strategy to increase the pool of primary care health professionals.
Prescription Drug Costs
It is unacceptable that the United States pays, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and that one out of five Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 cannot afford to fill the prescription drugs prescribed to them by their doctors. A lifesaving drug is no good if it is unaffordable to the very people who need it most.
While Democrats are committed to investing in the research, development, and innovation that creates lifesaving drugs and lowers overall health costs, the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies is simply unacceptable. And many drug companies are spending more on advertising than on research. The largest pharmaceutical companies are together earning $80 to $90 billion per year in profits at higher margins than other industries, while charging Americans thousands of dollars for new drugs — often at much higher costs than in other developed nations.
We will crack down on price gouging by drug companies and cap the amount Americans have to pay out - of - pocket every month on prescription drugs. We will prohibit anti - competitive “pay for delay” deals that keep generic drugs off the market, and we will allow individuals, pharmacists, and wholesalers to import prescription drugs from licensed pharmacies in Canada and other countries with appropriate safety protections. Democrats will also fight to make sure that Medicare can negotiate lower prices with drug manufacturers.
Medical Research Democrats believe we must accelerate the pace of medical progress, ensuring that we invest more in our scientists and give them the resources they need to invigorate our fundamental studies in the life sciences in a growing, stable, and predictable way. We must make progress against the full range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s, HIV and AIDS, cancer, and other diseases, especially chronic ones. We recognize the critical importance of a fully funded National Institutes of Health to accelerate the pace of medical progress.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
We must confront the epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction, specifically the opioid crisis, by vastly expanding access to treatment, supporting recovery, helping community organizations, and promoting better practices by prescribers.
We should also do more to educate our youth, as well as their families, teachers, coaches, mentors, and friends, to intervene early to prevent drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. We should help state and local leaders establish evidence - based, age - appropriate, and locally - tailored prevention programs. These programs include school - based drug education programs that have been shown to have meaningful effects on risky behavior; community - based peer mentorship and leadership programs; and after - school activities that deter drug use and encourage life skills.
Mental Health
We must treat mental health issues with the same care and seriousness that we treat issues of physical health and promote better integration of the behavioral and general health care systems.
We must also expand community - based treatment for substance abuse disorders and mental health conditions and fully enforce our parity law. And we should create a national initiative around suicide prevention across the lifespan — to move toward the goal of Zero Suicide that has been promoted by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion — regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured.
We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose — and seek to overturn — federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.
We need to defend the ACA, which extends affordable preventive health care to women, including no - cost contraception, and prohibits discrimination in health care based on gender.
We will address the barriers that inhibit meaningful access to reproductive health care services, including those based on gender, sexuality, race, income, and other factors. We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care, evidence - based sex education, and a full range of family planning services help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.
And we strongly and unequivocally support a woman’s decision to have a child, including by ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth, and by providing services during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, including adoption and social support services.
Public Health
Investment in our nation’s crumbling public health infrastructure is critical to ensuring preparedness for emerging threats; for preventing disease, illness, and injury in communities; and for promoting good health and wellbeing. Inadequate access to public health services has a disparate impact on poor and minority communities where public health services are a significant source of health care. Democrats will fight for increased investments in public health to better address emerging threats and the needs across our country.
Violence Against Women and Sexual Assault
Democrats are committed to ending the scourge of violence against women wherever it occurs.
We will continue to support the Violence Against Women Act to provide law enforcement with the tools it needs to combat this problem. We will support comprehensive services for survivors of violence and increase prevention efforts in our communities and on our campuses.
Democrats will fight to bring an end to sexual assault because everyone deserves a safe environment where they can learn and thrive, not live in fear. We will provide comprehensive support to survivors, and ensure a fair process for all on - campus disciplinary proceeding s and in the criminal justice system. We will increase sexual violence prevention education programs that cover issues like consent and bystander intervention — not only in college, but also in secondary school.
Gun Violence Prevention
With 33,000 Americans dying every year, Democrats believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe. We will expand background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws, hold irresponsible dealers and manufacturers accountable, keep weapons of war — such as assault weapons — off our streets, and ensure guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and those with severe mental health issues.
Principled Leadership
Democrats believe that America must lead in the world to grow our economy, protect our
interests, and make our country safer and more prosperous. We cannot outsource our position of global leadership and allow other countries to make decisions about our lives, jobs, and safety.
Democrats further believe that when America leads, it should be as a principled force for peace and prosperity in the world. We believe that empowering women and other minorities is essential for security and economic growth. We believe the smart use of diplomacy, development, and economic statecraft can prevent crises, foster stability, and make us safer. And we believe that we are stronger when we work with our partners and allies, including the largest economic and military powers in the world, rather than try to go it alone. Our global network of alliances is not a burden — it is a source of tremendous strategic advantage.
Democrats believe that our military should only be sent into combat when the terms of
engagement are clearly presented to the American people and our troops have what they need to fulfill their mission. And we believe that war must always be the last resort, never the first choice.
These principles have underpinned the important progress of the last eight years. When President Obama assumed office, the world economy was in the worst crisis since the Great Depression, our alliances were strained, Osama bin Laden remained at large, Iran was racing toward a nuclear weapon, and we were mired in two costly wars. We brought bin Laden to justice, crippled Al Qaeda’s core leadership, saved America from a second Great Depression, repaired our alliances, reestablished relations with Cuba while continuing to press for reforms, and — without firing a shot, dropping a bomb, or putting a single American soldier in harm’s way — blocked Iran’s ability to pursue a nuclear weapon. America is stronger abroad and safer at home because of this principled leadership.
But there is much more to do to keep our country prosperous and safe, from defeating terrorism and combating climate change to managing China’s rise and strengthening our nation’s cybersecurity. The next Democratic administration will confront the complex challenges that lay ahead by staying true to our principles and core
Donald Trump has a different approach. There has never been a major party candidate less
qualified or less fit for the office of President of the United States or to be Commander
than Donald Trump. He wants more countries to have nuclear weapons. He thinks our military should engage in war crimes. He wants to build walls and keep people — including Americans — from entering the country based on their race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin. He has no strategy for dealing with key threats facing our country, including climate change and ISIS. He wants to abandon our allies and empower our adversaries. His dangerous, incoherent policies would undo the progress we have made.
Donald Trump believes America is weak and an embarrassment. He has called our military “a disaster”. We reject that view of America and of our brave men and women in uniform. America is unlike any other nation on earth. Our ingenuity is unparalleled, our military unrivaled, our economy the largest, most dynamic, and innovative, and our values an enduring source of strength and inspiration the world over. We are not a country that cowers behind walls. We lead with purpose. With American leadership, guided by our principles and in concert with our allies and partners, the coming years can be the most stable, secure, and prosperous time we and the world have ever known.
Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans
Democrats believe America must continue to have the strongest military in the world. We support a smart, predictable defense budget that meets the strategic challenges we face, not the arbitrary cuts that the Republican Congress enacted as part of sequestration. We must prioritize military readiness by making sure that our armed forces remain the best trained and equipped and that the Department of Defense invests its budget wisely. As we look beyond the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the conclusion of long - term nation - building with large military footprints, we will continue to get rid of outdated Cold War - era systems and ensure our security with a more agile and more flexible force.
At the same time, we must end waste in the defense budget, which is an abuse of taxpayer dollars. That is why we will audit the Pentagon, launch a high - level commission to review the role of defense contractors, and take greater action against those who have been involved in fraud.
Our country has a sacred, moral responsibility to keep faith with our veterans. We must take care of those who have put their lives on the line to defend us. That is why we will push for more educational benefits and job training, end chronic homelessness and combat suicide, and protect and preserve the post - 9/11 GI Bill for future generations. We are outraged by the systemic problems plaguing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and will fight for every veteran to have access to timely, high - quality health care. The delays in processing claims and appeals are unacceptable. We must also look for more ways to make certain that the VA provides veteran - centric care, such as providing women with full and equal treatment, including reproductive health services; expanding mental health programs; continuing efforts to identify and treat invisible, latent, and toxic wounds of war; and expanding the post - 9/11 veteran’s caregiver program to include all veterans. We reject attempts by Republicans to sell out the needs of veterans by privatizing the VA. We believe that the VA must be fully resourced so that every veteran gets the care that he or she has earned and deserves.
Democrats honor the sacrifice of military families who serve alongside our service members. We recognize the unique concerns and challenges they face, especially after 15 years of continuous deployments. We will support military families with jobs, education, childcare, and health care.
We will promote family - friendly policies and champion efforts to care for our military family members, especially for the spouses and children who have to rebuild their lives after the loss of a loved one.
Democrats welcome and honor all Americans who want to serve and will continue to fight for their equal rights and recognition. We are proud of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the opening of combat positions to women. Our military is strongest when people of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities are honored for their service to our country.
Confront Global Threats
Democrats will protect our country. We will strengthen our homeland security, deal wisely and firmly with those who seek to imperil America or our partners, deter aggression, promote peace, and use all the tools of American power, especially diplomacy and development, to confront global threats and ensure war is the last resort .
We must defeat ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their affiliates, and prevent other groups from emerging in their place. First, Democrats will continue to lead a broad coalition of allies and partners to destroy ISIS’ stronghold in Iraq and Syria. We will press those in the region, especially the Gulf countries and local forces on the ground, to carry their weight in prosecuting this fight. Second, we will dismantle the global network of terror, which supplies terrorists with money, arms, and fighters, and stop them from recruiting and inspiring potential radicals. Third, we will harden our defenses at home, as well as those of our partners, against external and homegrown threats. We will strengthen our resilience, reminding the terrorists and ourselves that America will always come together and stand up to terror. Democrats will also seek an updated Congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) that is more precise about our efforts to defeat ISIS and that does not involve large - scale combat deployment of American troops.
The Syrian crisis is heartbreaking and dangerous, and its impact is threatening the region, Europe, and beyond. Donald Trump would inflame the conflict by alienating our allies, in explicably allowing ISIS to expand in Syria, and potentially starting a wider war. This is a reckless approach. Democrats will instead root out ISIS and bring together the Syrian opposition, international community, and our regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends Assad’s rule. Given the immense scale of human suffering in Syria, it is also imperative that we lead the international community in providing greater humanitarian assistance to the civilian victims of war in Syria and Iraq.
In Afghanistan, we will work with the NATO - led coalition of partners to bolster the democratically - elected government as it assumes a primary role in tackling terrorism, forges a more secure future for the country, and safeguards advances, like securing women’s rights.
Democrats will continue to push for an Afghan - led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil. We support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan and ensure that it never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland.
As we prosecute the fight against terrorism, Democrats will repudiate vile tactics that would do us harm. We reject Donald Trump’s vilification of Muslims. It violates the religious freedom that is the bedrock of our country, feeds into ISIS’ nefarious narrative, and alienates people and countries who are crucial to defeating terrorism. We reject Donald Trump’s suggestion that our military should engage in war crimes, like murdering civilians related to suspected terrorists or torturing prisoners. These tactics run counter to American principles, undermine our moral standing, cost innocent lives, and endanger Americans. We also firmly reject Donald Trump’s willingness to mire tens of thousands of our combat troops in a misguided ground war in the Middle East. It would embolden ISIS, and there is nothing smart or strong about such an approach.
We support the nuclear agreement with Iran because, if vigorously enforced and implemented, it verifiably cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb without resorting to war. We reject Donald Trump’s view that we should have walked away from a deal that peacefully dismantles Iran’s nuclear program. We will continue the work of this administration to ensure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon and will not hesitate to take military action if Iran violates the agreement.
Democrats will also address the detrimental role Iran plays in the region and will robustly enforce and, if necessary, strengthen non - nuclear sanctions. Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. It violates the human rights of its population, denies the Holocaust, vows to eliminate Israel, and has its fingerprints on almost every conflict in the Middle East. Democrats will push back against Iran’s destabilizing activities including its support for terrorist groups like Hamas
and Hezbollah, counter Iran’s ballistic missile program, bolster the capabilities of our Gulf partners, and ensure that Israel always has the ability to defend itself.
North Korea
North Korea is perhaps the most repressive regime on the planet, run by a sadistic dictator. It has conducted several nuclear tests and is attempting to develop the capability to put a nuclear warhead on a long - range missile that could directly threaten the United States. Yet Donald Trump praises North Korea’s dictator, threatens to abandon our treaty allies, Japan and South Korea, and encourages the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. This approach is incoherent and rather than solving a global crisis, would create a new one. Democrats will protect America and our allies, press China to restrain North Korea, and sharpen the choices for Pyongyang to compel it to abandon its illegal nuclear and missile programs.
Russia is engaging in destabilizing actions along its borders, violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and attempting to recreate spheres of influence that undermine American interests. It is also propping up the Assad regime in Syria, which is brutally attacking its own citizens. Donald Trump would overturn more than 50 years of American foreign policy by abandoning NATO partners who help us fight terrorism every day and embracing Russian President Vladimir Putin instead. We believe in strong alliances and will deter Russian aggression, build European resilience, and protect our NATO allies. We will make it clear to Putin that we are prepared to cooperate with him when it is in our interest — as we did on reducing nuclear stockpiles, dismantling Iran’s nuclear program, sanctioning North Korea, and resupplying our troops in Afghanistan — but we will not hesitate to stand up to Russian aggression.
Democrats will protect our industry, infrastructure, and government from cyberattacks. We will strengthen our cybersecurity, seek to establish global norms in cyberspace, and impose consequences on those who violate the rules. We will do all this while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of the American people.
Non - proliferation
We believe America will be safer in a world with fewer weapons of mass destruction. Donald Trump encourages the spread of nuclear weapons across Asia and the Middle East, which would weaken the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and he is unwilling to rule out using a nuclear weapon against ISIS. Democrats want to reduce the number of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons around the world, as well as their means of delivery. We will stop the spread of nuclear weapons and loose nuclear material, as well as strive to eliminate these weapons entirely as President Obama laid out in his speech in Prague in 2009. Democrats will be informed by a new Nuclear Posture Review in determining continued ways to appropriately shape our nuclear deterrent, with the aim of reducing our reliance on nuclear weapons while meeting our national security obligations. Democrats will also seek new opportunities for further arms control and avoid taking steps that create incentives for the expansion of existing nuclear weapons programs.
Climate Change
Climate change poses an urgent and severe threat to our national security. According to the military, climate change is a threat multiplier that is already contributing to new conflicts over resources, catastrophic natural disasters, and the degradation of vital ecosystems across the globe. While Donald Trump says that climate change is a “hoax” created by and for the Chinese, Democrats recognize the danger facing our country and our planet. We believe the United States must lead in forging a robust global solution to the climate crisis. We will not only meet the goals we set in Paris, we will seek to exceed them and push other countries to do the same by slashing carbon pollution and rapidly driving down emissions of potent greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons. We will support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases, deploy more clean energy, and invest in climate resilience and adaptation. And as a proud Arctic nation, we are against putting the region at risk through drilling in the Arctic Ocean or the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Instead, while protecting our strategic interests, we will seek collaborative, science - based approaches to be good stewards of the rapidly changing Arctic region.
Protect Our Values
Our values of inclusion and tolerance inspire hope around the world and make us safer at home. The world will be more secure, stable, and peaceful when all people are able to reach their God - given potential and live in freedom and dignity. We strive to ensure that the values upon which our country was built, including our belief that all people are created equal, are reflected in everything our nation does. That is why we will promote peacebuilding and champion human rights defenders. We will fight to end child labor. And we will seek to safeguard vulnerable minorities, including LGBT people and people with disabilities.
Women and Girls
We believe the United States must continue to be the world’s strongest advocate for the rights of women and girls. We will encourage their economic, political, and educational opportunities, and protect them from violence at home and abroad. We will support sexual and reproductive health and rights around the globe. In addition to expanding the availability of affordable family planning information and contraceptive supplies, we believe that safe abortion must be part of comprehensive maternal and women’s health care and included as part of America’s global health programming. Therefore, we support the repeal of harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to health care information and services, including the “global gag rule” and the Helms Amendment that bars U.S. assistance to provide safe, legal abortion throughout the developing world.
Trafficking and Modern Slavery
We will stop the scourge of human trafficking and modern slavery of men, women, boys, and girls.
We will use the full force of the law against those who engage in modern - day forms of slavery, including the commercial sexual exploitation of children and the forced labor of men, women, and children. Building on the accomplishments of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, we call for increased diplomatic efforts with foreign governments to root out complicit public officials who facilitate or perpetrate this evil.
Young People
The majority of the developing world is under age of 30. These countries will be more prosperous and stable if young people have access to education and employment opportunities.
Democrats will promote the rights of young people and nurture young leaders. We will work with people around the world who seek greater opportunities, including by promoting job creation, expanding education and health care, and fostering partnerships between peoples.
Religious Minorities
We are horrified by ISIS’ genocide of Christians and Yezidis and crimes against humanity against Muslims and others in the Middle East. We will do everything we can to protect religious minorities and the fundamental right of freedom to worship and believe.
The world is experiencing a major refugee crisis with more than 60 million people displaced as a result of conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe. We support President Obama’s call for an international summit to address this crisis so that every country assumes its responsibility to meet this humanitarian challenge. While Donald Trump proposes banning Muslim refugees, we will look for ways to help innocent people who are fleeing persecution while ensuring rigorous screening and vetting.
Civil Society
Democrats support progress towards more accountable governance and universal rights. As autocrats and strongmen around the world crack down on civil society and imprison those who speak out to demand greater freedom, we will continue to bolster groups and individuals who fight for fundamental human rights.
Anti - Corruption
Democrats further believe that we need to end corruption worldwide and increase transparency.
We will fight corruption, promote good governance, and support the rule of law. We will also seek to close offshore tax havens, which corrupt rulers, individuals, and corporations exploit to shelter ill - gotten gains or avoid paying taxes at home.
We will always seek to uphold our values at home and abroad, not just when it is easy, but when it is hard. That is why President Obama banned torture without exception in his first week in office and why Democrats condemn Donald Trump’s statements that he would order our military to engage in torture and other war crimes.
Closing Guantánamo Bay
The Democratic Party remains committed to closing the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay.
Keeping the facility open is a blemish on our record, serves as a recruiting tool for extremists, and undermines our standing in the world.
Development Assistance
We believe that development assistance is an essential instrument of American power. It can prevent threats, enhance stability, and reduce the need for military force. With less than one percent of the federal budget, our development assistance has helped cut extreme poverty in half, drastically decreased child mortality, reduced global hunger, countered deadly pandemics, and put an AIDS - free generation within reach. This investment reflects the best of America and makes us safer. We need to continue this work and make more progress on important global goals like ending extreme poverty and hunger.
Global Health
It is vital that we protect our nation’s health security. While the Republican Party refuses to fund important measures that could contain and address the Zika pandemic, Democrats are ready to limit the reach of Zika — just as we did with Ebola — and support funding for diagnostic tests for the virus vaccine, and treatment. We also need to prepare for potential pandemics, like H1N1, by working with first responders and health officials to reduce the risks associated with unintentional or deliberate outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Democrats believe an AIDS - free generation is within our grasp. But we know far too many Americans still suffer, which is why we will implement the National HIV and AIDS Strategy, increase research funding for the National Institutes of Health, cap pharmaceutical expenses for people living with HIV and AIDS, address HIV criminalization laws, and expand access for HIV prevention medications, particularly for the populations most at risk of infection. Abroad, we will make the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief more effective and increase global funding for HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment. Democrats will always protect those living with HIV and AIDS from stigma and discrimination.
International Labor
Democrats believe that a key element of American leadership is growing our economy and protecting American jobs. We also believe that the world will be safer when there is greater prosperity. That is why we will prioritize and strongly enforce provisions on decent work and worker rights in all American diplomatic, trade, and programmatic efforts. We think it is wrong for workers in the United States to compete against poverty - wage, child, or slave labor.
Democrats will promote broad - based economic growth across the world, pursuing a global economic agenda that promotes rising wages and invests in quality public services, workers’ rights, and environmental protections. We believe that we need to coordinate our economic actions with other countries to address economic insecurity, specifically youth un - and underemployment, gender inequality, digital transformation, and the transition towards green jobs.
A Leader in the World
It would be a dangerous mistake for America to abandon our responsibilities. We cannot, as Donald Trump suggests, cede the mantle of leadership for global peace and security to others who will not have our best interests in mind. American leadership is essential to keeping us safe and our economy growing in the years ahead.
Asia - Pacific
From the Asia Pacific to the Indian Ocean, we will deepen our alliances in the region with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. Democrats will continue to invest in a long - term strategic partnership with India — the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power. We will work with our allies and partners to fortify regional institutions and norms as well as protect freedom of the seas in the South China Sea. We will push back against North Korean aggression and press China to play by the rules. We will stand up to Beijing on unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, and cyberattacks. And we will promote greater respect for human rights, including the rights of Tibetans. Democrats are committed to a “One China” policy and the Taiwan Relations Act and will continue to support a peaceful resolution of Cross - Strait issues that is consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan.
Middle East
In the Middle East, Democrats will push for a more inclusive governance in Iraq and Syria that respects the equal rights of all citizens; provide support and security for Lebanon and Jordan, two countries that are hosting a disproportionate number of refugees; maintain our robust security cooperation with Gulf countries; and stand by the people of the region as they seek greater economic opportunity and freedom. A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States because we share overarching strategic interests and the common values of democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism. That is why we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself, including by retaining its qualitative military edge, and oppose any effort to delegitimize Israel, including at the United Nations or through the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement.
We will continue to work toward a two - state solution of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict negotiated directly by the parties that guarantees Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state with recognized borders and provides the Palestinians with independence, sovereignty, and dignity. While Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations, it should remain the capital of Israel, an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. Israelis deserve security, recognition, and a normal life free from terror and incitement. Palestinians should be free to govern themselves in their own viable state, in peace and dignity.
Europe remains America’s indispensable partner and a cornerstone of global security. Democrats will help our European allies and partners deter Russian aggression, address security challenges to Europe’s south, and deal with unprecedented economic and social challenges. We reject Donald Trump’s threats to abandon our European and NATO allies, all while he praises Putin.
When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, our NATO allies invoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, stating that an attack against one is an attack against all — for the first and only time in its history. Our NATO allies fought alongside us in Afghanistan and are still there today. We will maintain our Article 5 collective security commitments to NATO because we are stronger when we have our allies at our side.
Americas The Americas are a region of singular strategic, economic, and cultural importance and opportunity for the United States. Democrats reject Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall on our southern border and alienate Mexico, a valuable partner. We will instead embrace our neighbors and pursue strong, fruitful partnerships across the region, from Canada to Latin America and the Caribbean. We will build on our long - term commitment to Colombia and work with Central American countries to stabilize the Northern Triangle. We will bolster democratic institutions, promote economic opportunity and prosperity, and tackle the rise of drugs, crime, and corruption. In Cuba, we will build on President Obama’s historic opening to end the travel ban and embargo. We will also stand by the Cuban people and support their ability to decide their own future and to enjoy the same human rights and freedoms that people everywhere deserve. And in Venezuela, we will push the government to respect human rights and respond to the will of its people.
Africa Africa is home to many of the fastest growing economies in the world. Democrats will strengthen our partnership and collaboration with the African Union, emphasizing trade while increasing development assistance to bolster the continent’s domestic economies. We applaud President Obama for engaging our African partners on the full range of global challenges and opportunities, and we will continue to strengthen democratic institutions, fair trade and investment, development, and global health. Democrats will support our African partners in improving their capacity to respond to crises and protect citizens, especially women and girls.
We will also work to end the reign of terror promulgated by Boko Haram, Al - Shabaab, AQIM, and ISIS.
Global Economy and Institutions
Democrats will protect and grow the global economy. Donald Trump wants to default on our debt, which would lead to a disastrous global economic crisis. We believe we must be responsible stewards and work with our partners to prevent another worldwide financial crisis.
Democrats believe that global institutions and multilateral organizations have a powerful role to play and are an important amplifier of American strength and influence. Many of these organizations need reform and updating, but it would be reckless to follow Donald Trump and turn our back on the international system that America built. It has provided decades of stability and economic growth for the world and for America.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, July 18, 2016 1:55 AM


You know Second, it's hard trying to submit your line of thinking when it's obvious that it's falling on deaf ears. It's like the kid that covers his ears and whines out loud so as not to hear. No one else's POV is relevant, no one else's posts are as brilliant as the tantrum-throwing child.

Even if one gets it wrong from time to time, at least one admits to being 'human' and not always finding fault simply because it's a differing viewpoint. This country is going to HELL in a hand basket, and Hillary is solely the one to blame.
That's how it seems to be presented. If you don't agree "you're a piece of shit"
of course, this comes from on high, so it must be true. Imagine, a grown, seemingly
"intelligent" person is saying this.

I just heard a Republican on television spew the stupidest thing I ever heard:

"President Obama's failed policies, including the highest unemployment in recent years, have divided this country and produced the worst economy in years."

Wow. And Hillary is the epitome of evil!!!



Originally posted by SECOND:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You're so full of shit your molars are floating.

You have NEVER discussed Hillary, Obama, or the DNC and its many failures with any sort of objectivity. To you, Democrats are saints and Republicans are devils, and you've failed to notice that the Democratic Party sold its out soul ... and its constituents ... a long, long time ago.

Is life not treating you right? You seem awfully touchy. As for me, I don't care about Democrats' failings. Those people are all disposable kleenex. If one gets dirty, get another. I'm not committed to Obama or Hillary or any Democrat. But as far as Republicans: Texas is full of Trumps, loudmouths that don't know what they are talking about, salesmen that want to close a deal and steal your money. Have you never had any experience with a Trumpish person?

And I have had a belly full of Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and Dan Patrick and Gov Greg Abbott who spilt his coffee in his lap. That idiot got 3rd degree burns. News story says "legs" because it sounds better than saying dick. And then there is the famous child molester, Republican Dennis Hastert, ex-speaker of the house.

If no Republican ever again was elected, that would be fine with me. It is not that I like Democratic politicians. It is that I loath the Republican politicians' personalities. There must be something about that party making it so attractive to the creepiest politicians. But then again, why are flies so attracted to feces?


Monday, July 18, 2016 5:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You're so full of shit your molars are floating. You have NEVER discussed Hillary, Obama, or the DNC and its many failures with any sort of objectivity. To you, Democrats are saints and Republicans are devils, and you've failed to notice that the Democratic Party sold its out soul ... and its constituents ... a long, long time ago. - SIGNY

... If no Republican ever again was elected, that would be fine with me. It is not that I like Democratic politicians. It is that I loath the Republican politicians' personalities.- SECOND

Like I said, you've never discussed Democrats - or apparently Republicans- with any sort of objectivity. You're so emotional about their "personalities" you lose sight of what they've done. That's why you got so snarky about judging politicians against some sort of objective standard: you find it impossible to do.

Well, evil is as evil does. The person who's done the most evil IS the most evil, even if they speak eloquently in dulcet tones.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, July 18, 2016 6:56 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I just heard a Republican on television spew the stupidest thing I ever heard:

"President Obama's failed policies, including the highest unemployment in recent years, have divided this country and produced the worst economy in years."

Wow. And Hillary is the epitome of evil!!!

Patently false, yet the media lets it be said with zero fact-checking. Even NPR doesn't challenge these giant lies when they're spewed.

What happened to journalism?


Monday, July 18, 2016 10:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Like I said, you've never discussed Democrats - or apparently Republicans- with any sort of objectivity. You're so emotional about their "personalities" you lose sight of what they've done. That's why you got so snarky about judging politicians against some sort of objective standard: you find it impossible to do.

Well, evil is as evil does. The person who's done the most evil IS the most evil, even if they speak eloquently in dulcet tones.

What city and state are you a citizen of? Give me some objective data. And show me that spreadsheet where you objectively calculate who you vote for. I will believe you are objective then.

I’ll give you one data point for your spreadsheet: All Republican voters that I know around Baytown Texas believe Obama was born in Kenya, thus disqualifying him from being President. It is a simple belief that has vast political repercussions. I’ve never found any Republican politicians in Texas who will publicly disrespect that belief because the politician might lose a few votes. At least in Texas, it is a nearly universal belief defining what it means to be a Republican. People with just that one belief are not respectable. But Republicans disagree with me, at least in Texas. No amount of discussion has every changed a Texas Republican’s mind about Obama being a Kenyan and not a born Hawaiian. But perhaps you have had a different experience in your state or your part of Texas?

Predictably, one high profile politician named Trump for five years has raised questions about the authenticity of Barack Obama’s claim to have been born in Hawaii.

If the Republican Party in Texas were a healthy political organization, this would have led GOP elected officials to shun Trump, who had no other particular background in conservative politics. Imagine how fast Democrats would have run away from a television star who started voicing the opinion that 9/11 was possibly, but not certainly, an inside job by Bush and Cheney.

But Republicans did the reverse of shunning Trump. Mitt Romney sought and received Donald Trump’s endorsement, staging a joint event with him and inviting him to address the 2012 GOP convention. This is NOT how trustworthy citizens and the politicians they vote into office ought to behave and it is just one tiny belief out of a hundred that Republicans are wrong about and will not change because they are defined by their wrong mindedness.

Put that in your objective spreadsheet on who to vote for, should you ever start filling cells with your objectively gathered data.


Monday, July 18, 2016 12:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, how many nations has Trump destroyed?
How many people has Trump had killed?
How many jihadists has Trump funded, trained, and armed?
None, I'd wager.

But, you might say, Trump has never had the power to do those things. He's never been in a position to make those decisions!

And you would be right. We don't know what Trump "might have done" if he'd been in a position to do so. OTOH, Hillary WAS in a position to make those decisions, and we KNOW what she did.


I live near LA, CA. Like TX, CA has a huge problem with illegal immigrants, and frankly Obama's (and Hillary's) globalist perspective of causing chaos with mass migrations bugs the shit out of me.

The income distribution here is a very unbalanced dumbell-shape: a huge number of people at the bottom (illegals), pinched in the middle, and a not-as-large bump at the top (Hollywood and tech). It's very difficult to find a trained trades-person, because it is so much easier to go to the Home Depot parking lot and hire someone to slap on some stucco or pull some wires - people who have no knowledge of how to do that right, and no training ... because they don't speak English. And, having done literally hundreds of hiring interviews for my employer over the years, I can see the downward pressure that this pool of illegal immigrants put on wages. We can afford to hire PhDs for technician jobs, because the technician jobs are already taken by day-laborers.

NPR, the ever-faithful-promoter of DNC propaganda, did one of it's usual illegal-sympathetic Fourth of July interviews:

"The Fourth of July means many things to many people" the interviewer intones. "Here we are at ______ Park in South Gate, which is 90% Hispanic [and 70% illegal-SIGNY] talking with __________."
"I've been coming to this park since 1973"
the interviewee says, in Spanish ....

And my mind did one of those needle-sliding over vinyl-record sideway skips, and I did a quick mental calculation and thought...

Wait. What? You've been coming here for over FORTY YEARS and you STILL haven't learned English??? What the hell??? Go back to fucking Mexico or wherever it is that you came from, and don't come back until you decide you want to be part of this culture."

Oh, and before you say that I don't like immigrants, let me repeat that I married one, that my dad was one, and that my grandparents on my mother's side were immigrants too.

Cultural chaos and lack of unity, lost jobs and poverty-level income distribution, rampant overpopulation of this very water-limited southwestern lifeboat ... all go into my spreadsheet. They are the result of the globalist mantra that top Democrats (like Hillary) and their backers (like George Soros) bring to the table. And since they caused the migration problem to being with, with their inveterate economic, military, and political meddling in other nations, it's not like they didn't know where it came from or how to stop it.

Democrats and liberals have just as many idiotic beliefs as Republicans, which are just as obdurate and just as counter-factual and just as destructive. I can go through those if you like, but not in this thread; that's a different conversation.

Oh, and BTW- Trump is hated by much of the Republican Party. They did everything they could to stop him, and continue to plot against his nomination. If you can judge a person by their enemies, Trump is hated by all of the people that I despise.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There are three key findings to emerge from yesterday's dump of leaked DNC emails released by Wikileaks:

There had been a plot designed to smear Bernie Sanders and to hand the Democratic nomination to Hillary on a silver platter

There has been repeated collusion between the DNC and the media

There has been questionable fundraising for both Hillary Clinton and the DNC

And even more ridiculously

Democrats Accuse Russia Of Hacking DNC Server To Help Donald Trump

If Hillary's campaign is stooping to such ridiculous allegations, their private polling must be worse than they admit.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, July 24, 2016 5:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The places in the platform I've labelled as 'pointless rhetoric' are either pointless rhetoric, or places where the DNC and Hillary can pretend to be liberal, but on which they will spend zero time and zero political capital, and which will never, ever have a chance of being made real.

The rest are what the DNC and Hillary are really interested in.

pointless rhetoric In 2016, Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago: Out of many, we are one.
Under President Obama’s leadership, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the American people, we have come a long way from the Great Recession and the Republican policies that triggered it. We have seen 75 straight months of private - sector job growth and added 14.5 million new jobs. Twenty million people have gained health insurance coverage. The American auto industry just had its best year ever. We are getting more of our energy from the sun and wind, and importing less oil from overseas.
But too many Americans have been left out and left behind. They are working longer hours with less security.
Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide, while the cost of everything from childcare to a college education has continued to rise.
And as working people struggle, the top one percent accrues more wealth and more power. Republicans in Congress have chosen gridlock and dysfunction over trying to find solutions to the real challenges we face.
It’s no wonder that so many feel like the system is rigged against them.
Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls.
It’s a simple but powerful idea: we are stronger together.
Democrats believe we are stronger when we have an economy that works for everyone — an economy that grows incomes for working people, creates good - paying jobs, and puts a middle - class life within reach for more Americans. We need an economy that prioritizes long - term investment over short - term profit - seeking, rewards the common interest over self - interest, and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship.
We believe that today’s extreme level of income and wealth inequality — where the majority of the economic gains go to the top one percent and the richest 20 people in our country own more wealth than the bottom 150 million — makes our economy weaker, our communities poorer, and our politics poisonous.
And we know that our nation’s long struggle with race is far from over. More than half a century after Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled, more than half a century after César Chávez and Dolores Huerta organized, race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind. We must face that reality and we must fix it.
We believe a good education is a basic right of all Americans, no matter what zip code they live in. We will end the school - to prison pipeline and build a cradle - to - college pipeline instead, where every child can live up to his or her God - given potential.
We believe in helping Americans balance work and family without fear of punishment or penalty. We believe in at last guaranteeing equal pay for women. And as the party that created Social Security, we believe in protecting every American’s right to retire with dignity.
And we firmly believe that the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street must be brought to an end. Wall Street must never again be allowed to threaten families and businesses on Main Street.
Democrats believe we are stronger when we protect citizens’ right to vote, not corporations’ and billionaires’ right to buy elections. We will bring an end to the broken campaign finance system,overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision, restore the full power of the Voting Rights Act, and return our elections to the American people.
Democrats believe that climate change poses a real and urgent threat to our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures, and that Americans deserve the jobs and security that come from becoming the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.
Democrats believe we are stronger and safer when America brings the world together and leads with principle and purpose, and when we strengthen our alliances, not weaken them. We believe in the power of development and diplomacy. We believe our military should be the best - trained, best - equipped fighting force in the world, and that we must do everything we can to honor and support our veterans. And we know that only the United States can mobilize common action on a truly global scale, to take on the challenges that have no borders, from international terrorism to climate change to health pandemics.
Above all, Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem — it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree. With this platform, we do not merely seek common ground — we strive to reach higher ground.
We are proud of our heritage as a nation of immigrants. We know that today’s immigrants are tomorrow’s teachers and soldiers, entrepreneurs and activists, PTA members, and pillars of their communities.
We believe in protecting civil liberties and guaranteeing civil rights and voting rights, women’s rights and workers’ rights, LGBT rights and rights for people with disabilities. We believe America is still, as Robert Kennedy said, “a great country, an unselfish country, and a compassionate country.”
These principles stand in sharp contrast to the Republicans, who have nominated as the standard - bearer for their party an d their candidate for President a man who seeks to appeal to Americans’ basest differences, rather than our better natures.
The stakes have been high in previous elections. But in 2016, the stakes can be measured in human lives — in the number of immigrants who would be torn from their homes; in the number of faithful and peaceful Muslims who would be barred from even visiting our shores; in the
number of allies alienated and dictators courted; in the number of Americans who would lose access to health care and see their rights ripped away.
This election is about more than Democrats and Republicans. It is about who we are as a nation, and who we will be in the future.
Two hundred and forty years ago, in Philadelphia, we started a revolution of ideas and of action that continues to this day. Since then, our union has been tested many times, through bondage and civil war, segregation and depression, two world wars and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
Generations of Americans fought and marched and organized to widen the circle of opportunity and dignity — and we are fighting still.
Despite what some say, America is and has always been great — but not because it has been perfect. What makes America great is our unerring belief that we can make it better. We can and we will build a more just economy, a more equal society, and a more perfect union — because we are stronger together.
Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Democrats believe we must restore the basic bargain that built America’s mighty middle class: If you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead and stay ahead, provided we break down certain barriers. The system isn’t working when we have a rigged economy in which ordinary Americans work longer hours for lower wages, while most new income and wealth goes to the top one percent. In contrast, Donald Trump has shown time and again that he cannot be trusted to secure the basic economic dignity of Americans.

Minimum Wage
Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage. No one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty. We believe that Americans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union. We applaud the approaches taken by states like New York and California. We should raise and index the minimum wage, give all Americans the ability to join a union regardless of where they work, worse than pointless rhetoric, I suspect it means more self-funded 'benefits' under the guise of 'freedom' and create new ways for workers to have power in the economy. We also support creating one fair wage for all workers by ending the sub - minimum wage for tipped workers and people with disabilities.
pointless rhetoric Democrats support a model employer executive order or some other vehicle to leverage federal dollars to support employers who provide their workers with a living wage, good benefits, and the opportunity to form a union. The $1 trillion spent annually by the government on contracts, loans, and grants should be used to support good jobs that rebuild the middle class.
pointless rhetoric The Democratic Party believes that when workers are strong, America is strong. Democrats will make it easier for workers, public and private, to exercise their right to organize, and join unions.
pointless rhetoric We will fight to pass laws that direct the National Labor Relations Board to certify a union if a simple majority of eligible workers sign valid authorization cards, and that brings companies to the negotiating table. We support binding arbitration to help workers that have voted to join a union reach a first contract.
pointless rhetoric A major reason for the 40 - year decline in the middle class is that the rights of workers to bargain collectively for better wages and benefits have been under attack at all levels. Donald Trump would make matters worse by creating a race to the bottom where the middle class is fighting over fewer and fewer good - paying jobs. In fact, Trump rejected some attempts by his own employees to unionize and has personally hired union - busting firms to undermine workers’ rights.
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe so - called “right to work” laws are wrong for workers and wrong for America.
pointless rhetoric We will continue to vigorously oppose those laws and other efforts that would eliminate dues check - off procedures, attack prevailing wage standards, abolish fair share requirements, restrict the use of voluntary membership payments for political purposes, and require annual recertification efforts.
pointless rhetoric The Democratic Party believes consumers and workers who have been mistreated should never be denied their right to fight for fair treatment under the law. That is why we will support efforts to limit the use of forced arbitration clauses in employment and service contracts that unfairly strip workers, consumers, and students of their right to their day in court.
Equal Pay, Paid Leave, and Caregiving
pointless rhetoric We will fight to secure equal pay for women and — after 240 years — finally enshrine the rights of women in the constitution by passing the Equal Rights Amendment. While Donald Trump thinks it is “dangerous” for women to leave the home and paid family leave hurts our economy, Democrats will make sure that the United States finally enacts national paid family and medical leave by passing a family and medical leave act that would provide at least 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or address a personal or family member’s serious health issue, and we will fight to allow workers the right to earn at least seven days of paid sick leave. We will also encourage employers to provide paid vacation.
pointless rhetoric Our work and family policies must also ease the burden on family caregivers, in part by creating a strong, stable workforce to help meet families’ needs. We will take steps to expand and strengthen the homecare workforce.
pointless rhetoric We will increase childcare investments to make quality childcare more affordable, boost wages for childcare workers, and support the millions of people paying for, coordinating, or providing care for aging relatives or those with disabilities.
pointless rhetoric Where Donald Trump rooted for the housing crisis, Democrats will continue to fight for those families who suffered the loss of their homes. We will help those who are working toward a path of financial stability and will put sustainable home ownership into the reach of more families.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will also combat the affordable housing crisis and skyrocketing rents in many parts of the country that are leading too many families and workers to be pushed out of communities.
pointless rhetoric We will increase the supply of affordable rental housing by expanding incentives and easing local barriers to building new affordable rental housing developments in areas of economic opportunity. We will substantially increase funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to construct, preserve, and rehabilitate millions of affordable housing rental units.
pointless rhetoric Not only will this help address the affordable housing crisis, it will also create millions of good - paying jobs in the process. Democrats also believe that we should provide more federal resources to the people struggling most with unaffordable housing: low - income families, people with disabilities, veterans, and the elderly.
pointless rhetoric We will reinvigorate federal housing production programs, increase resources to repair public housing, and increase funding for the housing choice voucher program. And we will fight for sufficient funding to end chronic homelessness.
pointless rhetoric We must make sure that everyone has a fair shot at homeownership. We will lift up more families and keep the housing market robust and inclusive by defending and strengthening the Fair Housing Act. We will also support first time homebuyers, implement credit score reform to make the credit industry work for borrowers and not just lenders, and prevent predatory lending by defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). And we will help underwater homeowners by expanding foreclosure mitigation counseling.
Social Security
pointless rhetoric Democrats are proud to be the party that created Social Security, the most successful government program in our nation’s history. We will fight every effort to cut, privatize, or weaken Social Security, including attempts to raise the retirement age or to diminish benefits by cutting cost - of - living adjustments. Democrats will expand Social Security so that every American can retire with dignity and respect, including women who are shortchanged by the current system because they are widowed or took time out of the workforce to care for their children, aging parents, or ailing family members. And we will make sure Social Security’s guaranteed benefits continue for generations to come by asking those at the top to pay more, and will achieve this goal by taxing some of the income of people above $250,000. The Democratic Party is also committed to providing all necessary financial support for the Social Security Administration to provide timely benefits and high - quality service for those it serves. Our plan contrasts starkly with Donald Trump. He has referred to Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” and has called for privatizing it as well as increasing the retirement age.
Retirement Security
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe it should be easier for Americans to save for retirement and prepare for unforeseen risks and expenses. We will defend the right of workers to collect their defined benefit pensions and make sure workers get priority and protection when pension plans are in distress. Democrats will also fight to protect the earned pension benefits of Americans in multiemployer pension plans. And we will fight against any attempt by Republicans in Congress or on Wall Street to roll back the Conflict of Interest Rule, which requires that retirement advisors put the best interests of their clients above their own financial gain.
Postal Service
pointless rhetoric The United States Postal Service is a national treasure. That is why Democrats embrace a vibrant, public Postal Service that offers universal service, and reject any effort to privatize or marginalize it. We are committed to eliminating the unsustainable mandate to “pre - fund” retiree health costs. And we will work to restore service to appropriate levels including overnight delivery of first - class mail and periodicals within the same metropolitan area, maintaining six - day and door - to - door delivery, and appointing members to the Board of Governors and the Postal Regulatory Commission who champion a strong public Postal Service. Democrats also advocate for expanding postal services. This includes offering basic financial services such as paycheck cashing. It also includes promoting vote - by - mail to increase voter participation and to help address the scourge of voter suppression.
Create Good - Paying Jobs
pointless rhetoric Democrats know nothing is more important than creating good - paying jobs that can support a middle - class life and provide workers with dignity and a sense of purpose
— from nurses, firefighters, and teachers, to construction workers, factory workers, and small business owners.
REALLY pointless rhetoric If we are serious about reversing the decline of the middle class, we need a major federal jobs program that puts millions of Americans back to work in decent paying jobs in both the public and private sectors.
pointless rhetoric We will make the most ambitious investment in American infrastructure since President Eisenhower created the interstate highway system. We will put Americans to work updating and expanding our roads, bridges, public transit, airports, and passenger and freight rail lines. We will build 21st century energy and water systems, modernize our schools, and continue to support the expansion of high - speed broadband networks. We will protect communities from the impact of climate change by investing in green and resilient infrastructure.
worse than pointless rhetoric These investments will create secure, good - paying middle - class jobs today and will substantially increase demand for American - made steel and other products manufactured in the United States.
worse than pointless rhetoric And by boosting economic growth in a fair and equitable way, and strengthening our long - term competitiveness, these investments will create many more jobs in the years to come.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will also create an independent, national infrastructure bank that will support critical infrastructure improvements. The bank will provide loans and other financial assistance for investments in energy, water, broadband, transportation, and multi - modal infrastructure projects.
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe one of the best ways to innovate, prosper, and create good - paying jobs is to make more in America, which is why we firmly support American manufacturing with a “Make it in America” plan. We must revitalize hard - hit manufacturing communities, create thriving hubs of manufacturing and innovation throughout the country, and claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, using the proceeds to reinvest in communities and workers at home instead. Donald Trump may talk tough, but he has consistently outsourced his own products. American workers deserve better.
Clean Energy Jobs
pointless rhetoric We must help American workers and businesses compete for jobs and investments in global clean energy, high - tech products, internet technology products, and advanced manufacturing and vehicles. And we must make American manufacturing more internationally competitive by making it the greenest and most efficient in the world, including by investing in industrial energy efficiency.
Research, Science, and Technology
pointless rhetoric Democrats support ambitious public and private investments in science, technology, and research. We will nurture the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, especially women and people of color, to make sure America continues to out - compete and out - innovate the rest of the world with a bold innovation agenda..
pointless rhetoric Democrats also believe we must harness the promise of technological innovation to promote community participation and enhance opportunities to achieve greater economic self - sufficiency for people with disabilities.
pointless rhetoric And we will encourage technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and small business creation throughout the country and in all types of innovation sectors.
Democrats support a free and open internet at home and abroad, and will oppose any effort by Republicans to roll back the historic net neutrality rules that the Federal Communications Commission enacted last year.
worse than pointless rhetoric since the corporation, rather than the individual, sees the benefit Democrats value American innovation and believe it is one of our country’s great strengths. We will protect the intellectual property rights of artists, creators, and inventors at home and abroad.
worse than pointless rhetoric since the corporation, rather than the individual, sees the benefit The entire nation prospers when we promote the unique and original artistic and cultural contributions of the women and men who create and preserve our nation’s heritage.
Democrats will fight against unfair theft of intellectual property and trade secrets. We will also increase access to global markets for American intellectual property and other digital trade by opposing quotas, discriminatory measures, and data localization requirements.
Small Business
pointless rhetoric While Donald Trump has often stiffed small businesses — nearly bankrupting some — with his deceptive and reckless corporate practices, the Democratic Party will make it easier to start and grow a small business in America. We will open up access to credit because we know that small businesses are some of the best job creators in our country. By supporting small businesses, we can grow jobs faster in America. Democrats also realize the critical importance of small business to women, people of color, tribes, and rural America and will work to nurture entrepreneurship.
Youth Jobs
pointless rhetoric Democrats will create millions of jobs for our young people. Roughly one in ten Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 is unemployed, more than twice the national average. The unemployment rates for African American, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and American Indian teenagers are far too high. That is why Democrats will provide direct federal funding for a range of local programs that will put young people to work and create new career opportunities.
Fight for Economic Fairness and Against Inequality
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe that today’s extreme levels of income and wealth inequality are bad for Americans and bad for our economy. Our economy depends on a thriving middle class to drive economic growth, yet Americans in the top one - tenth of one percent of income levels now own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent of Americans combined. And the 20 wealthiest people in this country now own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people.
Fixing our Financial System
pointless rhetoric To restore economic fairness, Democrats will fight against the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. We must make Wall Street work for the job - creating, productive economy — including by making loans more affordable for small - and medium - sized businesses. Wall Street cannot be an island unto itself, gambling trillions in risky financial instruments and making huge profits, all the while thinking that taxpayers will be there to bail them out again. We must tackle dangerous risks in big banks and elsewhere in the financial system. We need to prohibit Wall Street from picking and choosing which credit agency will rate their products and from imposing excessive fees on consumers. And we must hold both individuals and corporations accountable when they break the law. Democrats believe that no bank can be too big to fail and no executive too powerful to jail. “Equal Justice Under Law” will not just be words engraved on the entrance of the Supreme Court. It will be the standard that applies to Wall Street and all Americans.
pointless rhetoric We will also vigorously implement, enforce, and build on the landmark Dodd - Frank financial reform law, and we will stop dead in its tracks every Republican effort to weaken it. We will continue to protect consumers and defend the CFPB from Republican attacks. Our goal must be to create a financial system and an economy that works for all Americans, not just a handful of billionaires. We support a financial transactions tax on Wall Street to curb excessive speculation and high - frequency trading, which has threatened financial markets. We acknowledge that there is room within our party for a diversity of views on a broader financial transactions tax.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will not hesitate to use and expand existing authorities as well as empower regulators to downsize or break apart financial institutions when necessary to protect the public and safeguard financial stability, including new authorities to go after risky shadow - banking activities. Banks should not be able to gamble with taxpayers’ deposits or pose an undue risk to Main Street. Democrats support a variety of ways to stop this from happening, including an updated and modernized version of Glass - Steagall and breaking up too - big - to - fail financial institutions that pose a systemic risk to the stability of our economy.
pointless rhetoric We believe that personnel is policy. We will nominate and appoint regulators and officials who are not beholden to the industries they regulate — people with a track record of standing up to power and safeguarding the public trust. We will crack down on the revolving door between the private sector — particularly Wall Street — and the federal government.
We will ban golden parachutes for those taking government jobs.
twp whole years! We will limit conflicts of interest by requiring bank and corporate regulators to recuse themselves from official work on particular matters that would directly benefit their former employers. And we will bar financial service regulators from lobbying their former colleagues for at least two years.
pointless rhetoric We will reform the Federal Reserve so that it is more representative of America as a whole, and we will fight to make sure that executives at financial institutions are not allowed to serve on the boards of regional Federal Reserve banks or select its members.
At a time when many of the largest banks have shunned communities across America, Democrats believe that we need to give Americans affordable banking options, including by empowering the United States Postal Service to facilitate the delivery of basic banking services.
Stopping Corporate Concentration
except donors? Large corporations have concentrated their control over markets to a greater degree than Americans have seen in decades — further evidence that the deck is stacked for those at the top.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will take steps to stop corporate concentration in any industry where it’s unfairly limiting competition. We will make competition policy and antitrust stronger and more responsive to our economy today, enhance the antitrust enforcement arms of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, and encourage other agencies to police anti - competitive practices in their areas of jurisdiction.
not-a-snowball's-chance-in-hell rhetoric At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, we believe the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations must pay their fair share in taxes. Democrats will claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas companies, and crack down on inversions and other methods companies use to dodge their tax responsibilities. We will make sure that our tax code rewards businesses that make investments and provide good - paying jobs here in the United States, not businesses that walk out on America.
pointless rhetoric We will end deferrals so that American corporations pay U.S. taxes immediately on foreign profits and can no longer escape paying their fair share of United States taxes by stashing profits abroad. We will then use the revenue raised from fixing the corporate tax code to reinvest in rebuilding America and ensuring economic growth that will lead to millions of good - paying jobs.
pointless rhetoric We will ask those at the top to contribute to our country’s future by establishing a multimillionaire surtax to ensure millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share. In addition, we will shut down the “private tax system” for those at the top, immediately close egregious loopholes like those enjoyed by hedge fund managers, restore fair taxation on multimillion dollar estates, and ensure millionaires can no longer pay a lower rate than their secretaries. At a time when we have seen near - record corporate profits, slow wage growth, and rising costs, we need to offer tax relief to middle - class families — not those at the top. We will offer tax relief to hard working, middle - class families for the cost squeeze that they have faced for years from rising health care, childcare, education, and other expenses. Donald Trump and the Republican Party would do the opposite and provide trillions in tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires, and corporations at the expense of working families, seniors, and the health of our economy.
pointless rhetoric Democrats acknowledge that for millions of Americans, global trade has failed to live up to its promise — with too many countries breaking the rules and too many corporations outsourcing jobs at the expense of American workers and communities.
but allowing foreign countries to compete with labor at pennies-on-the-dollar is OK! Over the past three decades, America has signed too many trade deals that have not lived up to the hype. Trade deals often boosted the profits of large corporations, while at the same time failing to protect workers’ rights, labor standards, the environment, and public health. We need to end the race to the bottom and develop trade policies that support jobs in America. That is why Democrats believe we should review agreements negotiated years ago to update them to reflect these principles. Any future trade agreements must make sure that our trading partners cannot undercut American workers by taking shortcuts on labor policy or the environment.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will fight to significantly strengthen enforcement of existing trade rules and the tools we have, including by holding countries accountable on currency manipulation and significantly expanding enforcement resources. China and other countries are using unfair trade practices to tilt the playing field against American workers and businesses. When they dump cheap products into our markets, subsidize state - owned enterprises, devalue currencies, and discriminate against American companies, our middle class pays the price. That has to stop. Democrats will use all our trade enforcement tools to hold China and other trading partners accountable — because no country should be able to manipulate their currencies to gain a competitive advantage.
pointless rhetoric While we believe that openness to the world economy is an important source of American leadership and dynamism, we will only approve new trade agreements if they support American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text. Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world.
pointless rhetoric These are the standards Democrats believe must be applied to any future trade agreements.
yeah Hillary, we can tell you and the DNC have our back On the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), there are a diversity of views in the party. Many Democrats are on record stating that the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform; other Democrats have expressed support for the agreement. But all Democrats believe that any trade agreement must protect workers and the environment and not undermine access to critically - needed prescription drugs.
Bring Americans Together and Remove Barriers to Create Ladders of Opportunity
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe that everyone in America deserves the chance to live up to their God - given potential. We will work to break down barriers standing in the way of Americans and replace them with ladders of opportunity.
Racial Justice
pointless rhetoric Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society. We will challenge and dismantle the structures that define lasting racial, economic, political, and social inequity.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will promote racial justice through fair, just, and equitable governing of all institutions serving the public and in the formation of public policy.
We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and there is no place for racism in our country.
Racial Wealth Gap
pointless rhetoric America’s economic inequality problem is even more pronounced when it comes to racial and ethnic disparities in wealth and income. It is unacceptable that the median wealth for white Americans is roughly ten times that of African Americans and Latino Americans. These disparities are just as stark for American Indians and certain Asian American subgroups.
pointless rhetoric The racial and ethnic gap in wealth and income has been created by historical and contemporary policies and practices that discriminate against people of color and constrained their ability to earn income and build assets to the same extent as other Americans.
pointless rhetoric This economic disadvantage has accumulated over time and is made worse by ongoing
discrimination. For example, as a result of the housing crisis and the great recession, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans lost more than half of their net worth. And these losses were compounded by the fact that during the subprime mortgage crisis lenders targeted communities of color for faulty mortgages.
Democrats believe it is long past time to close this racial wealth gap by eliminating
systemic barriers to wealth accumulation for different racial groups and improving opportunities for people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds to build wealth.
Criminal Justice
donors notwithstanding Democrats are committed to reforming our criminal justice system and ending mass incarceration. Something is profoundly wrong when a quarter of the world’s prison population is in the United States, even though we have less than five percent of the world’s people. pointless rhetoric We will reform mandatory minimum sentences and close private prisons and detention centers. We will rebuild the bonds of trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. no federally mandatory statistics? Across the country, there are many police officers who inspire trust and confidence, deploying creative and effective strategies, and demonstrating that it is possible to reduce crime without relying on unnecessary force. We should learn from those examples and build on what works.
pointless rhetoric We will invest in training for officers on issues such as de - escalation and the appropriate use of force, and encourage better police - community relations and the use of smart strategies like police body cameras. We will end racial profiling that targets individuals, based solely on race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin, which is un - American and counterproductive. We support states and localities that choose to make the investigations and prosecutions of police - involved shootings more independent and transparent, including through reforming the grand jury process.
pointless rhetoric And we will explore reforms of the civil asset forfeiture system. Instead of investing in more jails and incarceration, we need to provide greater investment in jobs and education, and end to the school - to - prison pipeline. We will remove barriers to help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully re - enter society by banning the box, expanding reentry programs, and restoring voting rights. We will prioritize treatment over incarceration in tackling addiction and substance use disorder.
pointless rhetoric This means significantly expanding treatment in this country for people struggling with addiction and mental health issues.
pointless rhetoric We believe that the states should be laboratories of democracy on the issue of marijuana, and those states that want to decriminalize marijuana should be able to do so. We support policies that will allow more research on marijuana, as well as reforming our laws to allow legal marijuana businesses to exist without uncertainty. And we recognize our current marijuana laws have had an unacceptable disparate impact, with arrest rates for marijuana possession among African Americans far outstripping arrest rates among whites, despite similar usage rates.
pointless rhetoric We will abolish the death penalty, which has proven to be a cruel and unusual form of punishment. It has no place in the United States of America.
pointless rhetoric We have been inspired by the movements for criminal justice that directly address the discriminatory treatment of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and American Indians to rebuild trust in the criminal justice system.
oddly enough not a single suggestion about reducing illegal immigration - I sense a huge hole in this topic People should come to the United States with visas and not through smugglers. That is why the Democratic Party supports legal immigration, within reasonable limits, that meets the needs of families, communities, and the economy as well as maintains the United States’ role as a beacon of hope for people seeking safety, freedom, and security. Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and history. We must defend against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants.
pointless rhetoric Those immigrants already living in the United States, who are assets to their communities as measured by? and contribute so much to our country, should be incorporated completely amnesty? into our society through legal processes such as? that give meaning to our national motto: E Pluribus Unum.
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe we need to urgently fix our broken immigration system — which tears families apart and keeps workers in the shadows — and create a path to citizenship for law - abiding families who are here, making a better life for their families and contributing to their communities and our country.
pointless rhetoric While we continue to fight for comprehensive immigration reform, we will defend and implement President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans executive actions to help more amnesty DREAMers, parents of citizens, and lawful permanent residents avoid deportation. We will build on these actions to provide relief for others, such as parents of DREAMers.
pointless rhetoric We will invest in immigrant integration services, expand access to English language education, and promote naturalization to help the millions of people who are eligible for citizenship take that last step.
pointless rhetoric We believe immigration enforcement must be humane and consistent with our values.
pointless rhetoric We should prioritize those who pose a threat to the safety of our communities, not hardworking families who are contributing to their communities.
We will end raids and roundups of children and families, which unnecessarily sow fear in immigrant communities.
pointless rhetoric We should ensure due process for those fleeing violence in Central America and work with our regional partners to address the root causes of violence. We must take particular care with children, which is why we should guarantee government - funded counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration courts.
pointless rhetoric We will work with Congress to end the lengthy, forced, and prolonged expulsion from the country that many immigrants endure when trying to adjust their status by rescinding the three - year, ten - year and permanent bars. We will fight to end federal, state, and municipal contracts with for - profit private prisons and private detention centers.
In order to end family detention, we will ensure humane alternatives for those who pose no public threat. We should consider all available means of protecting these individuals from the threats to their lives and safety — including strengthening in - country and third - country processing, expanding the use of humanitarian parole, and granting Temporary Protected Status.
We reject attempts to impose a religious test to bar immigrants or refugees from entering the United States. It is un - American and runs counter to the founding principles of this country.
Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump. His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected.
Civil Rights
pointless rhetoric Democrats will always fight to end discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. We need to promote civility and speak out against bigotry and other forms of intolerance that have entered our political discourse. It is unacceptable to target, defame, or exclude anyone because of their religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation. While freedom of expression is a fundamental constitutional principle, we must condemn hate speech that creates a fertile climate for violence. We condemn Donald Trump’s demonization of prisoners of war, women, Muslims, Mexicans, and people with disabilities; his playing coy with white supremacists; and the climate of bigotry he is creating. We also condemn the recent uptick in other forms of hate speech, like would that be criticism of Israel, Hillary? anti - Semitism and Islamophobia.
pGBT Rights
pointless rhetoric Democrats applaud last year’s decision by the Supreme Court that recognized LGBT people — like every other American — have the right to marry the person they love. But there is still much work to be done. LGBT kids continue to be bullied at school, a restaurant can refuse to serve a transgender person, and a same - sex couple is at risk of being evicted from their home. That is unacceptable and must change. Democrats will fight for comprehensive federal non - discrimination protections for all LGBT Americans and push back against state efforts to discriminate against LGBT individuals. We will combat LGBT youth homelessness and improve school climates, and we will protect transgender individuals from violence. We will promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.
Disability Rights
pointless rhetoric No one should face discrimination based on disability status. Democrats are committed to realizing the full promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will improve access to meaningful and gainful employment for people with disabilities. We will provide tax relief to help the millions of families caring for aging relatives or family members with chronic illness or disabilities. And we will continue to fight for ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Faith and Service
pointless rhetoric Democrats know that our nation, our communities, and our lives are made vastly stronger and richer by faith in many forms and the countless acts of justice, mercy, and tolerance it inspires.
pointless rhetoric We believe in lifting up and valuing the good work of people of faith and religious organizations and finding ways to support that work where possible.
pointless rhetoric We believe in the power of national service, with people of all backgrounds coming together in common purpose to serve their communities and country.
Agricultural Communities
pointless rhetoric We will work to build a stronger rural and agricultural economy. Democrats will spur investment to power the rural economy and increase funding to support the next generation of farmers and ranchers. We will expand local food markets and regional food systems and provide a focused safety net to assist family operations that need support during challenging times. And we will promote clean energy leadership and collaborative stewardship of our natural resources, while expanding opportunities in rural communities across America.
Poverty / Communities Left Behind
pointless rhetoric We reaffirm our commitment to eliminate poverty. Democrats will develop a national strategy to combat poverty, coordinated across all levels of government. We will direct more federal resources to lifting up communities that have been left out and left behind, such as the 10 - 20 - 30 model, which directs 10 percent of program funds to communities where at least 20 percent of the population has been living below the poverty line for 30 years or more. We will also focus on communities that suffer from persistent poverty, including empowerment zones and areas that targeted government data indicate are in persistent poverty.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will also protect and expand proven programs, including robust support for nutrition assistance to stop people from going hungry as well as programs that help people grow their skills and provide training opportunities. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) (program) should be expanded for low - wage workers not raising children, including extending the credit to young workers starting at age 21. The Child Tax Credit (CTC) should be indexed to inflation to stem the erosion of the credit.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will also do more to invest in our most distressed communities — from our cities to coal country to the Rust Belt. We will create good - paying jobs and enhance opportunities by investing in small business, youth employment, and reentry programs for formerly incarcerated people. We will improve safety by repairing crumbling infrastructure in communities that need it most as well as on tribal lands. And we will make investments in housing near good jobs and good schools.
pointless rhetoric (We) have a profound moral and legal responsibility to the Indian tribes — throughout our history we have failed to live up to that trust. That is why the Democratic Party will uphold, honor, and strengthen to the highest extent possible the United States’
fundamental trust and responsibility, grounded in the Constitution and treaties, to American Indian and Alaska Native tribes.
pointless rhetoric We recognize the inherent sovereignty of Indian nations and will work to enact laws and policies that strengthen, not reduce, the powers of Indian nations over people who interact with them in Indian Country.
pointless rhetoric We will work on a government - to - government basis to continue to empower Indian nations, and to provide sufficient and meaningful resources to Indian tribes to increase economic development and self - determination.
pointless rhetoric As Democrats, we will constantly seek to ensure that American Indian communities are safe, healthy, nurturing, educated, innovative, and prosperous.
We will restore tribal lands by continuing to streamline the land - into - trust process and recognize the right of all tribes to protect their lands, air, and waters.
We will continue to work on a government - to - government basis to address chronic underfunding, and provide meaningful resources and financial investments that will empower American Indian tribes through increased economic development and infrastructure improvements on tribal lands.
We will strengthen the operation of tribal housing programs, and fully fund the Indian Housing Block Grant Program. We will increase affordable and safe housing and fight to significantly reduce homelessness on and off Indian reservations, especially among
Native youth and veterans
pointless rhetoric We will invest in Indian education from early childhood through higher education. We will fully fund the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and strengthen self - determination to enable culturally - tailored learning unique to each tribal nation and help to retain qualified teachers for Native learners. Democrats will continue to support President Obama's Generation Indigenous program that has made important strides in promoting new investments and increased engagement with American Indian youth, including by continuing efforts to reform the BIE to provide students attending BIE - funded schools with a world - class culturally - based education.
We also support the elimination of school and sports mascots that reflect outdated stereotypes and that perpetuate racism.
pointless rhetoric We will strengthen tribal sovereignty and tribal jurisdiction by enacting laws and policies that enhance the ability of Indian nations to govern their territories, keep their communities safe, and prosecute crimes committed on tribal lands.
And we will (back) these efforts through robust investments in effective tribal law enforcement and tribal courts.
pointless rhetoric We believe that health care is a core federal trust responsibility, and we support a robust expansion of the health care provided by the Indian Health Service. We will work to fully fund the Indian Health Service, Tribal, Urban Indian health care system and to ensure that Americans Indian have adequate, safe, and affordable access to primary care providers, including oral health, mental health practitioners, and substance abuse treatment options.
We acknowledge the past injustices and the misguided, harmful federal and state policies and actions based on outdated and discredited values and beliefs that resulted in the destruction of the Indian nations’ economies, social, and religious systems, the taking of their lands, and the creation of intergenerational trauma that exists to this day.
pointless rhetoric We believe that we have a moral and profound duty to honor, respect, and uphold our sacred obligation to the Indian nations and Indian peoples.
pointless rhetoric We will protect tribal sacred sites and empower tribes to maintain and pass on traditional religious beliefs, languages and social practices without fear of discrimination or suppression.
pointless rhetoric We also believe that Native children are the future of tribal nations and that the Indian Child Welfare Act is critical to the survival of Indian culture, government, and communities and must be enforced with the original intent of the law.
pointless rhetoric We will strengthen Indian voting rights, including improved access to polling locations.
pointless rhetoric We will build on federal programs to reduce the disproportionate incarceration of American Indian and Alaska Native men and women, reduce disparity in prison sentencing, protect the religious rights of Native prisoners, reduce barriers to prisoner reentry, and offer access to housing and employment upon reentry.
pointless rhetoric We are committed to principles of environmental justice in Indian Country and we recognize that nature in all its life forms has the right to exist, persist, maintain, and regenerate its vital cycles.
pointless rhetoric We call for a climate change policy that protects tribal resources, protects tribal health, and provides accountability through accessible, culturally appropriate participation and strong enforcement.
pointless rhetoric Our climate change policy will cut carbon emission, address poverty, invest in disadvantaged communities, and improve both air quality and public health.
We support the tribal nations to develop wind, solar and other clean energy jobs.
Democrats also support efforts for self - determination and sovereignty of Native Hawaiians.
People of the Territories
We support full self - government and self - determination for the people of the territories of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and their right to decide their future status.
Puerto Rico
how about you just not facilitate a coup against a democratically elected leader, Hillary? And we are committed to addressing the extraordinary challenges faced by our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico. Many stem from the fundamental question of Puerto Rico’s political status.
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe that the people of Puerto Rico should determine their ultimate political status from permanent options that do not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the United States. Democrats are committed to promoting economic opportunity and good - paying jobs for the hardworking people of Puerto Rico. We also believe that Puerto Ricans must be treated equally by Medicare, Medicaid, and by other benefits programs for families. All American citizens, no matter where they reside, should have the right to vote for the President of the United States. Finally, we believe that Washington must respect Puerto Rico’s local self - government as Congress and the Executive Branch work to provide the necessary tools and aid that Puerto Rico needs to restructure its debt so that it can get on a path towards stability and prosperity, while maintaining its autonomy.
Protect Voting Rights, Fix Our Campaign Finance System, and Restore Our Democracy Voting Rights
The Democratic Party was founded on the promise of an expanded democracy. The right to vote is at the heart of our national vision. It is a core principle of the Democratic Party to maximize voter participation for all Americans. Our democracy suffers when nearly two thirds of our citizens do not or cannot participate, as in the last midterm elections. Democrats believe we must make it easier to vote not harder. We must restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.
We will bring our democracy into the 21st century by expanding early voting and vote - by - mail, implementing universal automatic voter registration, same day voting, ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, and making Election Day a national holiday. We will restore voting rights for those who have served their sentences. And we will continue to fight against discriminatory voter identification laws, which disproportionately burden young voters, diverse communities, people of color, low - income families, people with disabilities, the elderly, and women.
Republicans have enacted various voter suppression tactics from Ohio to Florida, and while some Federal Courts have found that these measures go too far, Democrats will continue to fight these laws to preserve the fundamental right to vote. As Democrats, we support efforts to defeat ill - motivated voter suppression tactics. We support Ohio’s proposed Voters Bill of Rights amendment, North Carolina’s Moral Monday movement, and similar initiatives to permanently safeguard this inalienable right.
Campaign Finance
Democrats believe we must fight to preserve the essence of the longest standing democracy in the world: a government that represents the American people, not just a handful of powerful and wealthy special interests. We will fight for real campaign finance reform now. Big money is drowning out the voices of everyday Americans, and we must have the necessary tools to fight back and safeguard our electoral and political integrity.
Democrats support a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo. We need to end secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring, through executive order or legislation, significantly more disclosure and transparency — by outside groups, federal contractors, and public corporations to their shareholders. We need to amplify the voices of the American people through a small donor matching public financing system. We need to overhaul and strengthen the Federal Election Commission so that there is real enforcement of campaign finance laws . And we need to fight to eliminate super PACs and outside spending abuses.
Our vision for American democracy is a nation in which all people, regardless of their income, can participate in the political process, and can run for office without needing to depend on large contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.
We will appoint judges who defend the constitutional principles of liberty and quality for all, protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion, curb billionaires’ influence over elections because they understand that Citizens United has fundamentally damaged our democracy, and see the Constitution as a blueprint for progress.
D.C. Statehood
Restoring our democracy also means finally passing statehood for Washington, D.C., so that its citizens have full and equal congressional rights as well as the right to save the laws and budget of their local government respected without Congressional interference.
Management of Federal Government
Democrats understand responsible fiscal stew hardship is key to American democracy and to the country’s long - term economic prosperity. We believe that we can pay for ambitious progressive investments that create good - paying jobs and offer security to working families without adding to the debt by making those at the top and the largest corporations pay their fair share. This stands in contrast to Donald Trump, whose plans could add more than $30 trillion to the debt and who casually suggests defaulting on America’s debt, ending more than 200 years in which the full faith and credit of the United States has been considered sacred.
We will also ensure that new spending and tax cuts are offset so that they do not add to the nation’s debt over time. We will tackle waste, fraud, and abuse to make sure government dollars are spent wisely and efficiently. Democrats believe that we should not be contracting, outsourcing, or privatizing work that is inherently governmental in nature, including postal services, school services, and state and local government services. We are committed to a strong, effective, accountable civil service, delivering the quality public services Americans have every right to expect.
Combat Climate Change, Build a Clean Energy Economy, and Secure Environmental Justice
Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time. Fifteen of the 16 hottest years on record have occurred this century. While Donald Trump has called climate change a “hoax”, 2016 is on track to break global temperature records once more. Cities from Miami to Baltimore are already threatened by rising seas. California and the West have suffered years of brutal drought. Alaska has been scorched by wildfire. New York has been battered by superstorms, and Texas swamped by flash floods. The best science tells us that without ambitious, immediate action to cut carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases across our economy, all of these impacts will be far worse in the future. We cannot leave our children a planet that has been profoundly damaged.
Democrats share a deep commitment to tackling the climate challenge; creating millions of good - paying middle class jobs; reducing greenhouse gas emissions more than 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050; and meeting the pledge President Obama put forward in the landmark Paris Agreement, which aims to keep global temperature increases to “well below” two degrees Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We believe America must be running entirely on clean energy by mid - century. We will take bold steps to slash carbon pollution and protect clean air at home, lead the fight against climate change around the world, ensure no Americans are left out or left behind as we accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy, and be responsible stewards of our natural resources and our public lands and waters. Democrats reject the notion that we have to choose between protecting our planet and creating good - paying jobs. We can and we will do both.
Clean Energy Economy
We are committed to getting 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country. We will cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals, and offices; modernize our electric grid; and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world, creating new jobs and saving families and businesses money on their energy bills. And we will transform American transportation by reducing oil consumption through cleaner fuels, making new investments in public transportation, expanding electrification of the vehicle fleet, increasing the fuel efficiency of cars, boilers, ships, and trucks, and by building bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across our urban and suburban areas. Democrats believe the tax code must reflect our commitment to a clean energy future by eliminating special tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel companies as well as defending and extending tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy.
Democrats are committed to defending, implementing, and extending smart pollution and efficiency standards, including the Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for automobiles and heavy - duty vehicles, building codes and appliance standards, and the reduction of methane emissions from oil and gas production. We will work to expand access to cost - saving renewable energy by low - income households, create good - paying jobs in communities that have struggled with energy poverty, and oppose efforts by utilities to limit consumer choice or slow clean energy deployment. We support President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
And we believe that the federal government should lead by example, which is why we will take steps to power the government with 100 percent clean electricity.
Environmental and Climate Justice
Democrats believe clean air and clean water are basic rights of all Americans. Yet as we saw in Flint, Michigan, low - income communities and communities of color are disproportionately home to environmental justice “hot spots,” where air pollution, water pollution, and toxic hazards like lead increase health and economic hardship. The impacts of climate change will also disproportionately affect low - income and minority communities, tribal nations, and Alaska Native villages — all of which suffer the worst losses during extreme weather and have the fewest resources to prepare. Simply put, this is environmental racism. The fight against climate change must not leave any community out or behind — including the coal communities who kept America’s lights on for generations. Democrats will fight to make sure these workers and their families get the benefits they have earned and the respect they deserve, and we will make new investments in energy producing communities to help create jobs and build a brighter and more resilient economic future.
All corporations owe it to their shareholders to fully analyze and disclose the risks they face, including climate risk. Those who fail to do so should be held accountable. Democrats also respectfully request the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies accused of misleading shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change.
Public Lands and Waters
Democrats believe in the conservation and collaborative stewardship of our shared natural heritage: the public lands and waterways, the oceans, Great Lakes, the Arctic, and all that makes America’s great outdoors priceless. As a nation, we need policies and investments that will keep America’s public lands public, strengthen protections for our natural and cultural resources, increase access to parks and public lands for all Americans, protect species and wildlife, and harness the immense economic and social potential of our public lands and waters.
We oppose drilling in the Arctic and off the Atlantic coast, and believe we need to reform fossil fuel leasing on public lands. We can phase down extraction of fossil fuels from our public lands, starting with the most polluting sources, while making our public lands and waters engines of the clean energy economy and creating jobs across the country.
Provide Quality and Affordable Education
Higher Education
Democrats believe that if you are an American who wants to get an education, you should always be able to get one: money should never stand in the way. Cost should not be a barrier to getting a degree or credential, and debt should not hold you back after you graduate. Bold new investments by the federal government, coupled with states reinvesting in higher education and colleges holding the line on costs, will ensure that Americans of all backgrounds will be prepared for the jobs and economy of the future. We will make community college free, while ensuring the strength of our historically minority - serving institutions. Achieving these goals depends on state and federal investment in both students and their teachers. Whether full - time or adjunct, faculty must be supported to make transformative educational experiences possible. As we make college affordable for future students, we will not forget about the millions of borrowers who need help with their debt right now.
Student Debt
Democrats will allow those who currently have student debt to refinance their loans at the lowest rates possible. We will simplify and expand access to income - based repayment so that no student loan borrowers ever have to pay more than they can afford. And we will significantly cut interest rates for future undergraduates, thereby preventing the federal government from making billions of dollars in profit from student loans. Democrats will also fight for a Student Borrower Bill of Rights to ensure borrowers get adequate information about options to avoid or get out of delinquency or default. We will hold lenders and loan servicers to high standards to help borrowers in default rehabilitate and repay their debts. Finally, Democrats will restore the prior standard in bankruptcy law to allow borrowers with student loans discharge their debts in bankruptcy as a measure of last resort.
Minority - Serving Institutions
We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic - Serving Institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander - Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian - Serving Institutions, and other minority - serving institutions by providing a dedicated fund of tens of billions of dollars to keep costs down, provide a quality education, and provide dedicated support to improve student outcomes and completion rates. These schools play an important role in building opportunity and creating a diverse work force.
For - Profit Schools
Donald Trump ran a fake university — the now bankrupt Trump “University” — that scammed many out of their hard - earned savings and led to no degree and no obvious benefit to their education or economic prosperity. Democrats will not tolerate this type of fraud.
We will also continue to crack down on for - profit schools that take millions in federal financial aid — often as their principal source of revenue - and then exploit students and burden them with debt rather than educating them. That is why we will strengthen the gainful employment rule to ensure that for - profit schools enable students to complete their degrees and prepare them for work. We will go after for - profits that engage in deceptive marketing, fraud, and other illegal practices. It is not right that for - profit schools with low graduation rates keep encouraging their students to take out federal loans they will have trouble paying back.
Early Childhood, Pre - K, and K - 12
Democrats believe we must have the best - educated population and workforce in the world. That means making early childhood education a priority, especially in light of new research showing how much early learning can impact life - long success. Democrats will invest in early childhood programs like Early Head Start and provide every family in America with access to high - quality childcare and high - quality pre - K programs.
We will ensure there are great Pre - K - 12 schools in every zip code. Democrats are committed to the federal government continuing to play a critical role in working towards an America where a world - class education is available to every child. Democrats believe that a strong public education system is an anchor of our democracy, a propeller of the economy, and the vehicle through which we help all children achieve their dreams.
Public education must engage students to be critical thinkers and civic participants while addressing the wellbeing of the whole child.
Democrats believe that all students should be taught to high academic standards. Schools should receive adequate resources and support. We will hold schools, districts, communities, and states accountable for raising achievement levels for all students — particularly low - income students, students of color, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities. We are also deeply committed to ensuring that we strike a better balance on testing so that it informs, but does not drive, instruction.
To close the opportunity gap, we also must find ways to encourage mentoring programs that support students in reaching their full potential.
Mentoring is a strategy to ensure that children living in poverty have the encouragement and support to aim high and enter the middle class. We will focus on group mentoring, which is a low - cost, high - yield investment that offers the benefit of building a supportive network of peers who push one another towards success.
Democrats know that good teachers are essential to improving student learning and helping all students meet high academic standards. Democrats will launch a national campaign to recruit and retain high - quality teachers, and we will ensure that teachers receive the tools and ongoing professional development they need to succeed in the classroom and provide our children with a world - class education. We also must lift up and trust our educators, continually build their capacity, and ensure that our schools are safe, welcoming, collaborative, and well - resourced places for our students, educators, and communities.
We will invest in high - quality STEM classes, community schools, computer science education, arts education, and expand linked learning models and career pathways. We will end the school - to - prison pipeline. And we will work to improve school culture and combat bullying of all kinds.
Democrats are also committed to providing parents with high - quality public school options and expanding these options for low - income youth. We support great neighborhood public schools and high - quality public charter schools, and we will help them disseminate best practices to other school leader s and educators. Democrats oppose for - profit charter schools focused on making a profit off of public resources. We instead support increased transparency and accountability for all charter schools.
Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans
Universal Health Care
We believe as Democrats that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress we took a critically important step towards the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which has offered coverage to 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage on account of a pre - existing condition.
Democrats will never falter in our generations - long fight to guarantee health coverage as a fundamental right for every American. As part of that guarantee, Americans should be able to access public coverage through Medicare or a public option. By contrast, Donald Trump wants to repeal the ACA, leaving tens of millions of Americans without coverage.
For too many of us, health care costs are still too high, even for those with insurance. And medical debt is a problem for a growing number of working families, with one - quarter of Americans reporting that they or someone in their household had problems or an inability to pay medical bills in the past year. We will keep costs down by making premiums more affordable, reducing out - of - pocket expenses, and capping prescription drug costs. Democrats will also work to end surprise billing and other practices associated with out - of - control medical debt that lead to unconscionable economic strain on American households. We will offer relief so Americans do not face high costs, and we will fight back against insurers trying to impose excessive premium increases.
Furthermore, as Democrats, we will keep fighting until the ACA’s Medicaid expansion has been adopted in every state. Twenty states have not yet adopted expanded Medicaid, which not only means that millions of low - income Americans still lack health insurance and are not getting the care they need, but health care providers, clinics, hospitals, and taxpayers are footing a higher bill when people without insurance visit expensive emerge
ncy rooms.
Democrats believe that it is not right that your zip code or census tract is a predictor of your
health, which is why we will make health equity a central part of our commitment to revitalizing communities left behind. Democrats believe that all health care services should be culturally and linguistically appropriate. And we should disaggregate data collection for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders because data disaggregation is a necessary step in fully understanding the needs of the AAPI community for all government services.
Community Health Centers
We must renew and expand our commitment to Community Health Centers, as well as community mental health centers and family planning centers. These health clinics, which offer comprehensive primary care, mental health, and family planning services to underserved populations, are critical to the successful implementation of the ACA. These health centers are a critical bulwark, allowing for better care prevention, education, and treatment of chronic conditions, while preventing unnecessary, expensive trips to emergency rooms.
As Democrats, we will fight for a comprehensive system of primary medical, dental, and mental health care and low - cost prescription drugs through a major expansion of community health centers. Democrats know that one of the key ingredients to the success for these health centers is a well - supported and qualified workforce. We will fight to train and support such a workforce.
We will also encourage providers to work with underserved populations through the National Health Service Corps, and create a strategy to increase the pool of primary care health professionals.
Prescription Drug Costs
It is unacceptable that the United States pays, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and that one out of five Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 cannot afford to fill the prescription drugs prescribed to them by their doctors. A lifesaving drug is no good if it is unaffordable to the very people who need it most.
While Democrats are committed to investing in the research, development, and innovation that creates lifesaving drugs and lowers overall health costs, the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies is simply unacceptable. And many drug companies are spending more on advertising than on research. The largest pharmaceutical companies are together earning $80 to $90 billion per year in profits at higher margins than other industries, while charging Americans thousands of dollars for new drugs — often at much higher costs than in other developed nations.
We will crack down on price gouging by drug companies and cap the amount Americans have to pay out - of - pocket every month on prescription drugs. We will prohibit anti - competitive “pay for delay” deals that keep generic drugs off the market, and we will allow individuals, pharmacists, and wholesalers to import prescription drugs from licensed pharmacies in Canada and other countries with appropriate safety protections. Democrats will also fight to make sure that Medicare can negotiate lower prices with drug manufacturers.
Medical Research Democrats believe we must accelerate the pace of medical progress, ensuring that we invest more in our scientists and give them the resources they need to invigorate our fundamental studies in the life sciences in a growing, stable, and predictable way. We must make progress against the full range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s, HIV and AIDS, cancer, and other diseases, especially chronic ones. We recognize the critical importance of a fully funded National Institutes of Health to accelerate the pace of medical progress.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
We must confront the epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction, specifically the opioid crisis, by vastly expanding access to treatment, supporting recovery, helping community organizations, and promoting better practices by prescribers.
We should also do more to educate our youth, as well as their families, teachers, coaches, mentors, and friends, to intervene early to prevent drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. We should help state and local leaders establish evidence - based, age - appropriate, and locally - tailored prevention programs. These programs include school - based drug education programs that have been shown to have meaningful effects on risky behavior; community - based peer mentorship and leadership programs; and after - school activities that deter drug use and encourage life skills.
Mental Health
We must treat mental health issues with the same care and seriousness that we treat issues of physical health and promote better integration of the behavioral and general health care systems.
We must also expand community - based treatment for substance abuse disorders and mental health conditions and fully enforce our parity law. And we should create a national initiative around suicide prevention across the lifespan — to move toward the goal of Zero Suicide that has been promoted by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion — regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured.
We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose — and seek to overturn — federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.
We need to defend the ACA, which extends affordable preventive health care to women, including no - cost contraception, and prohibits discrimination in health care based on gender.
We will address the barriers that inhibit meaningful access to reproductive health care services, including those based on gender, sexuality, race, income, and other factors. We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care, evidence - based sex education, and a full range of family planning services help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.
And we strongly and unequivocally support a woman’s decision to have a child, including by ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth, and by providing services during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, including adoption and social support services.
Public Health
Investment in our nation’s crumbling public health infrastructure is critical to ensuring preparedness for emerging threats; for preventing disease, illness, and injury in communities; and for promoting good health and wellbeing. Inadequate access to public health services has a disparate impact on poor and minority communities where public health services are a significant source of health care. Democrats will fight for increased investments in public health to better address emerging threats and the needs across our country.
Violence Against Women and Sexual Assault
Democrats are committed to ending the scourge of violence against women wherever it occurs.
We will continue to support the Violence Against Women Act to provide law enforcement with the tools it needs to combat this problem. We will support comprehensive services for survivors of violence and increase prevention efforts in our communities and on our campuses.
Democrats will fight to bring an end to sexual assault because everyone deserves a safe environment where they can learn and thrive, not live in fear. We will provide comprehensive support to survivors, and ensure a fair process for all on - campus disciplinary proceeding s and in the criminal justice system. We will increase sexual violence prevention education programs that cover issues like consent and bystander intervention — not only in college, but also in secondary school.
Gun Violence Prevention
With 33,000 Americans dying every year, Democrats believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe. We will expand background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws, hold irresponsible dealers and manufacturers accountable, keep weapons of war — such as assault weapons — off our streets, and ensure guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and those with severe mental health issues.
Principled Leadership
global 'leadership', which is the mantle we think we should have, because, god forbid, other countries be left to manage their own affairs Democrats believe that America must lead in the world to grow our economy, protect our interests, and make our country safer and more prosperous.except for the sucking sound of our bloated military, of course We cannot outsource our position of global leadership and allow other countries to make decisions about our lives, jobs, and safety.
spreading neo-liberalism at the point of a gun Democrats further believe that when America leads, it should be as a principled force for peace and prosperity in the world. We believe that empowering women and other minorities is essential for security and economic growth. We believe the smart use of diplomacy, development, and economic statecraft can prevent crises, foster stability, and make us safer. And we believe that we are stronger when we work with our partners and allies, including the largest economic and military powers in the world, rather than try to go it alone. Our global network of alliances is not a burden — it is a source of tremendous strategic advantage.
Democrats believe that our military should only be sent into combat when the terms of
engagement are clearly presented to the American people and our troops have what they need to fulfill their mission. And we believe that war must always be the last resort, never the first choice.
These principles have underpinned the important progress of the last eight years. When President Obama assumed office, the world economy was in the worst crisis since the Great Depression, our alliances were strained, Osama bin Laden remained at large, Iran was racing toward a nuclear weapon, and we were mired in two costly wars. We brought bin Laden to justice, crippled Al Qaeda’s core leadership, saved America from a second Great Depression, repaired our alliances, reestablished relations with Cuba while continuing to press for reforms, and — without firing a shot, dropping a bomb, or putting a single American soldier in harm’s way — blocked Iran’s ability to pursue a nuclear weapon. America is stronger abroad and safer at home because of this principled leadership.
pointless rhetoric But there is much more to do to keep our country prosperous and safe, from defeating terrorism and combating climate change to managing China’s rise and strengthening our nation’s cybersecurity. pointless rhetoric The next Democratic administration will confront the complex challenges that lay ahead by staying true to our principles and core values.
running away from your record, Hillary?Donald Trump has a different approach. There has never been a major party candidate less qualified or less fit for the office of President of the United States or to be Commander - in - Chief than Donald Trump. He wants more countries to have nuclear weapons. He thinks our military should engage in war crimes. He wants to build walls and keep people — including Americans — from entering the country based on their race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin. He has no strategy for dealing with key threats facing our country, including climate change and ISIS. He wants to abandon our allies and empower our adversaries. His dangerous, incoherent policies would undo the progress we have made.
pointless rhetoric Donald Trump believes America is weak and an embarrassment. He has called our military “a disaster”. We reject that view of America and of our brave men and women in uniform. America is unlike any other nation on earth. Our ingenuity is unparalleled, our military unrivaled, our economy the largest, most dynamic, and innovative, and our values an enduring source of strength and inspiration the world over. We are not a country that cowers behind walls. We lead with purpose. With American leadership, guided by our principles and in concert with our allies and partners, the coming years can be the most stable, secure, and prosperous time we and the world have ever known.
Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans
why? because we protect the US people by sending our military to intervene in foreign affairs all around the globe!Democrats believe America must continue to have the strongest military in the world. We support a smart, predictable defense budget that meets the strategic challenges we face, not the arbitrary cuts that the Republican Congress enacted as part of sequestration. We must prioritize military readiness by making sure that our armed forces remain the best trained and equipped and that the Department of Defense invests its budget wisely. As we look beyond the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the conclusion of long - term nation - building with large military footprints, we will continue to get rid of outdated Cold War - era systems and ensure our security with a more agile and more flexible force.
At the same time, we must end waste in the defense budget, which is an abuse of taxpayer dollars. That is why we will audit the Pentagon, launch a high - level commission to review the role of defense contractors, and take greater action against those who have been involved in fraud.
Our country has a sacred, moral responsibility to keep faith with our veterans. We must take care of those who have put their lives on the line to defend us. That is why we will push for more educational benefits and job training, end chronic homelessness and combat suicide, and protect and preserve the post - 9/11 GI Bill for future generations. We are outraged by the systemic problems plaguing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and will fight for every veteran to have access to timely, high - quality health care. The delays in processing claims and appeals are unacceptable. We must also look for more ways to make certain that the VA provides veteran - centric care, such as providing women with full and equal treatment, including reproductive health services; expanding mental health programs; continuing efforts to identify and treat invisible, latent, and toxic wounds of war; and expanding the post - 9/11 veteran’s caregiver program to include all veterans. We reject attempts by Republicans to sell out the needs of veterans by privatizing the VA. We believe that the VA must be fully resourced so that every veteran gets the care that he or she has earned and deserves.
Democrats honor the sacrifice of military families who serve alongside our service members. We recognize the unique concerns and challenges they face, especially after 15 years of continuous deployments. We will support military families with jobs, education, childcare, and health care.
We will promote family - friendly policies and champion efforts to care for our military family members, especially for the spouses and children who have to rebuild their lives after the loss of a loved one.
pointless rhetoric Democrats welcome and honor all Americans who want to serve and will continue to fight for their equal rights and recognition. We are proud of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the opening of combat positions to women. Our military is strongest when people of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities are honored for their service to our country.
Confront Global Threats
no matter where on the globe we find it!Democrats will protect our country. We will strengthen our homeland security, deal wisely and firmly with those who seek to imperil America or our partners, deter aggression, promote peace, and use all the tools of American power, especially diplomacy and development, to confront global threats and ensure war is the last resort .
even though we support themWe must defeat ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their affiliates, and prevent other groups from emerging in their place. First, Democrats will continue to lead a broad coalition of allies and partners to destroy ISIS’ stronghold in Iraq and Syria. We will press those in the region, especially the Gulf countries and local forces on the ground, to carry their weight in prosecuting this fight. Second, we will dismantle the global network of terror, which supplies terrorists with money, arms, and fighters, and stop them from recruiting and inspiring potential radicals. Third, we will harden our defenses at home, as well as those of our partners, against external and homegrown threats. We will strengthen our resilience, reminding the terrorists and ourselves that America will always come together and stand up to terror. Democrats will also seek an updated Congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) that is more precise about our efforts to defeat ISIS and that does not involve large - scale combat deployment of American troops.
and we had nothing to do with it, I promise!The Syrian crisis is heartbreaking and dangerous, and its impact is threatening the region, Europe, and beyond. Donald Trump would inflame the conflict by alienating our allies, in explicably allowing ISIS to expand in Syria, and potentially starting a wider war. This is a reckless approach. Democrats will instead root out ISIS and bring together the Syrian opposition, international community, and our regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends Assad’s rule. Given the immense scale of human suffering in Syria, it is also imperative that we lead the international community in providing greater humanitarian assistance to the civilian victims of war in Syria and Iraq.
pointless rhetoric In Afghanistan, we will work with the NATO - led coalition of partners to bolster the democratically - elected government as it assumes a primary role in tackling terrorism, forges a more secure future for the country, and safeguards advances, like securing women’s rights.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will continue to push for an Afghan - led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil. We support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan and ensure that it never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland.
except where we support them, of courseAs we prosecute the fight against terrorism, Democrats will repudiate vile tactics that would do us harm. We reject Donald Trump’s vilification of Muslims. It violates the religious freedom that is the bedrock of our country, feeds into ISIS’ nefarious narrative, and alienates people and countries who are crucial to defeating terrorism. we just refuse to take action against the formulators of government policy of tortureWe reject Donald Trump’s suggestion that our military should engage in war crimes, like murdering civilians related to suspected terrorists or torturing prisoners. These tactics run counter to American principles, undermine our moral standing, cost innocent lives, and endanger Americans. pointless rhetoric We also firmly reject Donald Trump’s willingness to mire tens of thousands of our combat troops in a misguided ground war in the Middle East. It would embolden ISIS, and there is nothing smart or strong about such an approach.

pointless rhetoric We support the nuclear agreement with Iran because, if vigorously enforced and implemented, it verifiably cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb without resorting to war. We reject Donald Trump’s view that we should have walked away from a deal that peacefully dismantles Iran’s nuclear program. We will continue the work of this administration to ensure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon and will not hesitate to take military action if Iran violates the agreement.
anti-Russia moveDemocrats will also address the detrimental role Iran plays in the region and will robustly enforce and, if necessary, strengthen non - nuclear sanctions. Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. It violates the human rights of its population, denies the Holocaust, vows to eliminate Israel, and has its fingerprints on almost every conflict in the Middle East. Democrats will push back against Iran’s destabilizing activities including its support for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, counter Iran’s ballistic missile program, bolster the capabilities of our Gulf partners, and ensure that Israel always has the ability to defend itself.
North Korea
pointless rhetoric North Korea is perhaps the most repressive regime on the planet, run by a sadistic dictator. It has conducted several nuclear tests and is attempting to develop the capability to put a nuclear warhead on a long - range missile that could directly threaten the United States. Yet Donald Trump praises North Korea’s dictator, threatens to abandon our treaty allies, Japan and South Korea, and encourages the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. This approach is incoherent and rather than solving a global crisis, would create a new one. Democrats will protect America and our allies, press China to restrain North Korea, and sharpen the choices for Pyongyang to compel it to abandon its illegal nuclear and missile programs.
let's go nuclear, baby!Russia is engaging in destabilizing actions along its borders, violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and attempting to recreate spheres of influence that undermine American interests. It is also propping up the Assad regime in Syria, which is brutally attacking its own citizens. Donald Trump would overturn more than 50 years of American foreign policy by abandoning NATO partners who help us fight terrorism every day and embracing Russian President Vladimir Putin instead. We believe in strong alliances and will deter Russian aggression, build European resilience, and protect our NATO allies. because provoking a nuclear confrontation with Russia is so in our interestWe will make it clear to Putin that we are prepared to cooperate with him when it is in our interest — as we did on reducing nuclear stockpiles, dismantling Iran’s nuclear program, sanctioning North Korea, and resupplying our troops in Afghanistan — but we will not hesitate to stand up to Russian aggression.
because nothing says cybersecurity like trying to outlaw encryption!Democrats will protect our industry, infrastructure, and government from cyberattacks. We will strengthen our cybersecurity, seek to establish global norms in cyberspace, and impose consequences on those who violate the rules. We will do all this while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of the American people.
Non - proliferation
pointless rhetoric We believe America will be safer in a world with fewer weapons of mass destruction. Donald Trump encourages the spread of nuclear weapons across Asia and the Middle East, which would weaken the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and he is unwilling to rule out using a nuclear weapon against ISIS. Democrats want to reduce the number of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons around the world, as well as their means of delivery. pointless rhetoric We will stop the spread of nuclear weapons and loose nuclear material, as well as strive to eliminate these weapons entirely as President Obama laid out in his speech in Prague in 2009. Democrats will be informed by a new Nuclear Posture Review in determining continued ways to appropriately shape our nuclear deterrent, with the aim of reducing our reliance on nuclear weapons while meeting our national security obligations. Democrats will also seek new opportunities for further arms control and avoid taking steps that create incentives for the expansion of existing nuclear weapons programs.
Climate Change
pointless rhetoric Climate change poses an urgent and severe threat to our national security. According to the military, climate change is a threat multiplier that is already contributing to new conflicts over resources, catastrophic natural disasters, and the degradation of vital ecosystems across the globe. While Donald Trump says that climate change is a “hoax” created by and for the Chinese, Democrats recognize the danger facing our country and our planet. pointless rhetoric We believe the United States must lead in forging a robust global solution to the climate crisis. We will not only meet the goals we set in Paris, we will seek to exceed them and push other countries to do the same by slashing carbon pollution and rapidly driving down emissions of potent greenhouse gases like hydrofluorocarbons. We will support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases, deploy more clean energy, and invest in climate resilience and adaptation. And as a proud Arctic nation, we are against putting the region at risk through drilling in the Arctic Ocean or the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Instead, while protecting our strategic interests, we will seek collaborative, science - based approaches to be good stewards of the rapidly changing Arctic region.
Protect Our Values
pointless rhetoric Our values of inclusion and tolerance inspire hope around the world and make us safer at home. The world will be more secure, stable, and peaceful when all people are able to reach their God - given potential and live in freedom and dignity. We strive to ensure that the values upon which our country was built, including our belief that all people are created equal, are reflected in everything our nation does. That is why we will promote peacebuilding and champion human rights defenders. We will fight to end child labor. pointless rhetoric And we will seek to safeguard vulnerable minorities, including LGBT people and people with disabilities.
Women and Girls
strongest advocate? really? even more than - Iceland?We believe the United States must continue to be the world’s strongest advocate for the rights of women and girls. We will encourage their economic, political, and educational opportunities, and protect them from violence at home and abroad. We will support sexual and reproductive health and rights around the globe. In addition to expanding the availability of affordable family planning information and contraceptive supplies, we believe that safe abortion must be part of comprehensive maternal and women’s health care and included as part of America’s global health programming. Therefore, we support the repeal of harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to health care information and services, including the “global gag rule” and the Helms Amendment that bars U.S. assistance to provide safe, legal abortion throughout the developing world.
Trafficking and Modern Slavery
pointless rhetoric We will stop the scourge of human trafficking and modern slavery of men, women, boys, and girls.
pointless rhetoric We will use the full force of the law against those who engage in modern - day forms of slavery, including the commercial sexual exploitation of children and the forced labor of men, women, and children. Building on the accomplishments of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, we call for increased diplomatic efforts with foreign governments to root out complicit public officials who facilitate or perpetrate this evil.
Young People
pointless rhetoric The majority of the developing world is under age of 30. These countries will be more prosperous and stable if young people have access to education and employment opportunities.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will promote the rights of young people and nurture young leaders. We will work with people around the world who seek greater opportunities, including by promoting job creation, expanding education and health care, and fostering partnerships between peoples.
Religious Minorities
but oddly enough, it didn't stop the US from turning a blind eye wjen Turkey, our 'democratic' 'ally', supported them We are horrified by ISIS’ genocide of Christians and Yezidis and crimes against humanity against Muslims and others in the Middle East. We will do everything we can to protect religious minorities and the fundamental right of freedom to worship and believe.
Libya? Syria?The world is experiencing a major refugee crisis with more than 60 million people displaced as a result of conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe. We support President Obama’s call for an international summit to address this crisis so that every country assumes its responsibility to meet this humanitarian challenge. While Donald Trump proposes banning Muslim refugees, we will look for ways to help innocent people who are fleeing persecution while ensuring rigorous screening and vetting.
Civil Society
extra-judicial drone assassination? universal spying?Democrats support progress towards more accountable governance and universal rights. As autocrats and strongmen around the world crack down on civil society and imprison those who speak out to demand greater freedom, we will continue to bolster groups and individuals who fight for fundamental human rights.
Anti - Corruption
pointless rhetoric Democrats further believe that we need to end corruption worldwide and increase transparency.
let me just say - Democrats are down with Ukraine and Saudi Arabia!We will fight corruption, promote good governance, and support the rule of law. We will also seek to close offshore tax havens, which corrupt rulers, individuals, and corporations exploit to shelter ill - gotten gains or avoid paying taxes at home.
laughableWe will always seek to uphold our values at home and abroad, not just when it is easy, but when it is hard. That is why President Obama banned torture without exception in his first week in office and why Democrats condemn Donald Trump’s statements that he would order our military to engage in torture and other war crimes.
Closing Guantánamo Bay
pointless rhetoric The Democratic Party remains committed to closing the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay.
Keeping the facility open is a blemish on our record, serves as a recruiting tool for extremists, and undermines our standing in the world.
Development Assistance
severely evil pointless rhetoric We believe that development assistance is an essential instrument of American power. pointless rhetoric It can prevent threats, enhance stability, and reduce the need for military force. With less than one percent of the federal budget, our development assistance has helped cut extreme poverty in half, drastically decreased child mortality, reduced global hunger, countered deadly pandemics, and put an AIDS - free generation within reach. This investment reflects the best of America and makes us safer. We need to continue this work and make more progress on important global goals like ending extreme poverty and hunger.
Global Health
pointless rhetoric It is vital that we protect our nation’s health security. While the Republican Party refuses to fund important measures that could contain and address the Zika pandemic, Democrats are ready to limit the reach of Zika — just as we did with Ebola — and support funding for diagnostic tests for the virus vaccine, and treatment. We also need to prepare for potential pandemics, like H1N1, by working with first responders and health officials to reduce the risks associated with unintentional or deliberate outbreaks of infectious diseases.
pointless rhetoric Democrats believe an AIDS - free generation is within our grasp. But we know far too many Americans still suffer, which is why we will implement the National HIV and AIDS Strategy, increase research funding for the National Institutes of Health, cap pharmaceutical expenses for people living with HIV and AIDS, address HIV criminalization laws, and expand access for HIV prevention medications, particularly for the populations most at risk of infection. Abroad, we will make the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief more effective and increase global funding for HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment. Democrats will always protect those living with HIV and AIDS from stigma and discrimination.
International Labor
disingenuous pointless rhetoric Democrats believe that a key element of American leadership is growing our economy and protecting American jobs. We also believe that the world will be safer when there is greater prosperity. That is why we will prioritize and strongly enforce provisions on decent work and worker rights in all American diplomatic, trade, and programmatic efforts. We think it is wrong for workers in the United States to compete against poverty - wage, child, or slave labor.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will promote broad - based economic growth across the world, pursuing a global economic agenda that promotes rising wages and invests in quality public services, workers’ rights, and environmental protections. We believe that we need to coordinate our economic actions with other countries to address economic insecurity, specifically youth un - and underemployment, gender inequality, digital transformation, and the transition towards green jobs.
A Leader in the World
because people everywhere have been begging us to bomb their countriesIt would be a dangerous mistake for America to abandon our responsibilities. We cannot, as Donald Trump suggests, cede the mantle of leadership for global peace and security to others who will not have our best interests in mind. American leadership is essential to keeping us safe and our economy growing in the years ahead.
Asia - Pacific
From the Asia Pacific to the Indian Ocean, we will deepen our alliances in the region with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand.
pointless rhetoric Democrats will continue to invest in a long - term strategic partnership with India — the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power. We will work with our allies and partners to fortify regional institutions and norms as well as protect freedom of the seas in the South China Sea. We will push back against North Korean aggression and press China to play by the rules. We will stand up to Beijing on unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, and cyberattacks. And we will promote greater respect for human rights, including the rights of Tibetans. Democrats are committed to a “One China” policy and the Taiwan Relations Act and will continue to support a peaceful resolution of Cross - Strait issues that is consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan.
Middle East
but not Israel?In the Middle East, Democrats will push for a more inclusive governance in Iraq and Syria that respects the equal rights of all citizens; provide support and security for Lebanon and Jordan, two countries that are hosting a disproportionate number of refugees; maintain our robust security cooperation with Gulf countries; and stand by the people of the region as they seek greater economic opportunity and freedom.
which is why Israel's foreign policy runs oursA strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States because we share overarching strategic interests and the common values of democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism. That is why we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself, including by retaining its qualitative military edge, because people and countries can't be freeand oppose any effort to delegitimize Israel, including at the United Nations or through the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement.
pointless rhetoric We will continue to work toward a two - state solution of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict negotiated directly by the parties that guarantees Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state with recognized borders and provides the Palestinians with independence, sovereignty, and dignity. While Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations, it should remain the capital of Israel, an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. Israelis deserve security, recognition, and a normal life free from terror and incitement. Palestinians should be free to govern themselves in their own viable state, in peace and dignity.
Europe remains America’s indispensable partner and a cornerstone of global security. Democrats will help our European allies and partners deter Russian aggression, address security challenges to Europe’s south, and deal with unprecedented economic and social challenges. We reject Donald Trump’s threats to abandon our European and NATO allies, all while he praises Putin.
When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, our NATO allies invoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, stating that an attack against one is an attack against all — for the first and only time in its history. Our NATO allies fought alongside us in Afghanistan and are still there today. We will maintain our Article 5 collective security commitments to NATO because we are stronger when we have our allies at our side.
Americas The Americas are a region of singular strategic, economic, and cultural importance and opportunity for the United States. Democrats reject Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall on our southern border and alienate Mexico, a valuable partner. We will instead embrace our neighbors and pursue strong, fruitful partnerships across the region, from Canada to Latin America and the Caribbean. We will build on our long - term commitment to Colombia and work with Central American countries to stabilize the Northern Triangle. We will bolster democratic institutions, promote economic opportunity and prosperity, and tackle the rise of drugs, crime, and corruption. In Cuba, we will build on President Obama’s historic opening to end the travel ban and embargo. We will also stand by the Cuban people and support their ability to decide their own future and to enjoy the same human rights and freedoms that people everywhere deserve. And in Venezuela, we will push the government to respect human rights and respond to the will of its people.
Africa Africa is home to many of the fastest growing economies in the world. Democrats will strengthen our partnership and collaboration with the African Union, emphasizing trade while increasing development assistance to bolster the continent’s domestic economies. We applaud President Obama for engaging our African partners on the full range of global challenges and opportunities, and we will continue to strengthen democratic institutions, fair trade and investment, development, and global health. Democrats will support our African partners in improving their capacity to respond to crises and protect citizens, especially women and girls.
We will also work to end the reign of terror promulgated by Boko Haram, Al - Shabaab, AQIM, and ISIS.
Global Economy and Institutions
Democrats will protect and grow the global economy. Donald Trump wants to default on our debt, which would lead to a disastrous global economic crisis. We believe we must be responsible stewards and work with our partners to prevent another worldwide financial crisis.
Democrats believe that global institutions and multilateral organizations have a powerful role to play and are an important amplifier of American strength and influence. Many of these organizations need reform and updating, but it would be reckless to follow Donald Trump and turn our back on the international system that America built. It has provided decades of stability and economic growth for the world and for America.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, July 25, 2016 3:44 AM


The income distribution here is a very unbalanced dumbell-shape: a huge number of people at the bottom (illegals), pinched in the middle, and a not-as-large bump at the top (Hollywood and tech). It's very difficult to find a trained trades-person, because it is so much easier to go to the Home Depot parking lot and hire someone to slap on some stucco or pull some wires - people who have no knowledge of how to do that right, and no training ... because they don't speak English. And, having done literally hundreds of hiring interviews for my employer over the years, I can see the downward pressure that this pool of illegal immigrants put on wages. We can afford to hire PhDs for technician jobs, because the technician jobs are already taken by day-laborers.

Let's take a look at this a moment, shall we?

You are in a position to hire qualified workers or techs for a high-skilled
position. And what you are saying is that you are not allowed by your boss
to hire qualified legal workers, because they go out and pick up day-laborers from the street who don't speak English.

So basically your boss is practicing "in-sourcing." Hiring illegals in, who don't know the language, for high-skilled positions. Did I get that right?
As you know, I'm a little dense when it comes to illegals being hired, off the street, to perform high-skilled work for a tech firm.

Let's lay that aside for a moment. The first part of your argument against
day-laborers is: cheap labor, language barrier, shoddy workmanship, low wages, downward pressure. Let's go backwards on this. Your employer sends
out a truck (I presume) to pick up these day-laborers with no knowledge and no training to do the job right. Are you "forced" to hire these "illegals"?
Is one question that comes to mind. Secondly, if their work is so shoddy and they're ill-trained; then why does your boss hire them? Isn't that kind of counter-productive? If your company could afford to hire legal documented
workers, then why are they hiring "illegals"?

If your boss doesn't hire these "Illegals" then there wouldn't be a problem.
Your boss should hire qualified Americans. The immigration problem continues to exist because Congress puts a band aid over a problem that needs major surgery. Immigration Reform. Here, you have the right idea:

Go back to fucking Mexico or wherever it is that you came from, and don't come back until you decide you want to be part of this culture."

Yes, make all immigrants go through a process whereby, they can learn English, learn about the United States and obtain citizenship all on a legal basis. That's a logical solution. But we have people that are blocking that very idea, why? because where would firms and companies get
their cheap labor. Tons of illegals come to this country by boat from China, yet I hear nothing about patrolling our seaways. Just "send them back to Mexico."

Want to stop illegal hiring. DON'T HIRE ILLEGALS!!! End of story.



Monday, July 25, 2016 4:03 AM


It’s no wonder that so many feel like the system is rigged against them

We agree on something. It is rigged against the poor schlubs who get up every morning to go to work, sometimes 2 and 3 jobs, just to feed, clothe and shelter their families. The economy has recovered and thrived in many areas, but the average Joe is seeing none of this. Companies are making money hand over fist, and things are costing more, yet I haven't received a raise in over 2 years.

The firm I work for is doing fine. Record profits, but the workers get very little, if anything. It is the system. Does one man affect all of this?
Does one woman? Hardly. Bernie's right, this country needs a revolution.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

In 2016, Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the
Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago: Out of many, we are one.
Under President Obama’s leadership, and thanks to the hard work and determination of the American people, we have come a long way from the Great Recession and the Republican policies that triggered it.
We have seen 75 straight months of private - sector job growth and added 14.5 million new jobs. Twenty million people have gained health insurance coverage. The American auto industry just had its best year ever. We are getting more of our energy from the sun and wind, and importing less oil from overseas.
But too many Americans have been left out and left behind. They are working longer hours with less security.
Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide, while the cost of everything from childcare to a college education has continued to rise.
And as working people struggle, the top one percent accrues more wealth and more power. Republicans in Congress have chosen gridlock and dysfunction over trying to find solutions to the real challenges we face.
It’s no wonder that so many feel like the system is rigged against them.

Let me just point out that the author - in this case the DNC - left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion - or in this case, in your party platform - when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, July 25, 2016 8:11 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And even more ridiculously

Democrats Accuse Russia Of Hacking DNC Server To Help Donald Trump

Russian fingerprints found by experts on DNC hacking -


Proving the source of a cyberattack is notoriously difficult. But researchers have concluded that the national committee was breached by two Russian intelligence agencies, which were the same attackers behind previous Russian cyberoperations at the White House, the State Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff last year. And metadata from the released emails suggests that the documents passed through Russian computers.



Monday, July 25, 2016 9:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Companies are making money hand over fist, and things are costing more, yet I haven't received a raise in over 2 years.

The firm I work for is doing fine. Record profits, but the workers get very little, if anything. It is the system. Does one man affect all of this?
Does one woman? Hardly. Bernie's right, this country needs a revolution.


You got the record profit right, but you should look at data going back for decades and all corporations, not just your corporation.

"When a corporation invests money, they only need to make more than the cost of the real interest rate, which is the nominal rate minus core inflation. Here is a graph of the difference between the corporate profit rate and the real rate."
The graph is for ALL corporations, so some must be doing better than the average. The trend is obvious.

But how will the Bernie Revolution share those corporate profits? Anything above zero percent on that graph is excess profit. Who will Bernie give the excess to? There will be a great amount of screaming and many angry voters if people who do NOT own stocks get the excess profits.


Monday, July 25, 2016 9:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

But leave aside the purported content of the Wikileaks data dump (to which numerous other outlets have devoted considerable attention) and consider the source. Considerable evidence shows that the Wikileaks dump was an orchestrated act by the Russian government, working through proxies, to undermine Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign."

Of course this makes sense.

Putin helping Trump? There is a real connection between the two -- Paul Manafort. We do know that Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, has worked as a consultant for various dictators and was for years on the payroll of Viktor Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian president and a Putin ally.

And there are reasons to wonder about Trump’s own financial interests. Remember, we know nothing about the true state of his business empire, and he has refused to release his taxes, which might tell us more. We do know that he has substantial if murky involvement with wealthy Russians and Russian businesses. You might say that these are private actors, not the government — but in Putin’s crony-capitalist paradise, this is a meaningless distinction.


Monday, July 25, 2016 10:55 AM


rezident owtsidr

How kool will it be for the Clintons to move back to the Wite House? Think about it!

It woud be kool enuf for me to move back to a former rezidens, so imajin if its the most specialest house on the planet!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, July 25, 2016 11:00 AM


With DNC Leaks, Former ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Is Now True––and No Big Deal
By Adam Johnson

For months, Bernie Sanders supporters and surrogates have complained about unfair treatment from the Democratic National Committee—only to have these concerns dismissed by media observers as petulance and conspiracy-mongering:
Jamil Smith ? @JamilSmith
The Sanders campaign, by propagating these DNC conspiracy theories, doesn't encourage voters to be vigilant. They're encouraging paranoia.
9:49 AM - 26 Dec 2015 · Florida, USA, United States
63 63 Retweets 66 66 likes
Mediaite: Bernie Sanders Fans’ DNC ‘Collusion’ Conspiracy Theory Is Embarrassing Garbage
LA Times: ‘Hillary Clinton Is Not Winning Because of a Conspiracy’
Daily Kos: ‘There Was the General Conspiracy Theory That Everyone at the DNC Was Out to Get Him’
This weekend, Wikileaks revealed thousands of hacked emails from within the DNC that showed what the New York Times described as “hostility” and “derision” towards the Sanders campaign from top party officials.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (cc photo: Gage Skidmore)
Revelations that the Democratic National Committee was working behind the scenes to undermine Bernie Sanders led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. (cc photo: Gage Skidmore)
While it’s impossible to know whether systemic pro-Hillary Clinton bias at the DNC was decisive in the 2016 Democratic primary race, we now know beyond any doubt that such a bias not only existed, but was endemic and widespread. DNC officials worked to plant pro-Clinton stories, floated the idea of using Sanders’ secular Judaism against him in the South, and routinely ran PR spin for Clinton, even as the DNC claimed over and over it was neutral in the primary. The evidence in the leaks was so clear that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has resigned her role as DNC chair—after her speaking role at the Democratic National Convention this week was scrapped—while DNC co-chair Donna Brazile, who is replacing Wasserman Schultz in the top role, has apologized to the Sanders camp.
Pro-Clinton pundits were quick to dismiss what was literally a conspiracy to railroad the Sanders campaign as nothing more than a yawn:
Judd Legum ? @JuddLegum
If you are shocked by the Wikileaks DNC emails, you probably have never worked in politics

Most surprising thing is how tame they are...
5:24 PM - 23 Jul 2016
1,192 1,192 Retweets 2,036 2,036 likes
Josh Marshall ? @joshtpm
Whole thing seems a bit silly. Emails come from period where Sanders camp was attacking DNC daily. Surprising, no?
7:23 PM - 23 Jul 2016
496 496 Retweets 714 714 likes
So what was once dismissed out of hand—that the DNC was actively working against the Sanders campaign—is now obviously true, but not a big deal. This is a textbook PR spin pattern seen time and time again, what might be called the Snowden Cycle: X is a flaky conspiracy theory ? X is revealed to be true ? X is totally obvious and not newsworthy.
Instead, Clinton partisans decided to focus on the alleged Russian links behind the DNC hack. Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall (7/23/16) released a rather paranoid rundown the day of the leaks on how Putin was conspiring with Trump (a fairly good debunking of which can be found here), soon after dismissing the substance of the leaks as Russian propaganda white noise. Many soon followed suit: The DNC leaks as Russian spy operation was the preferred talking point of the day, omitting or glossing over what the leaks actually entailed.
The actual culpability of Russia for those leaks, it’s worth noting, is still unproven. The only three parties that have audited the hack are contractors for the US government, and the DNC’s initial story has since changed considerably. At first the DNC (and by extension their security firm CrowdStrike) said ”no financial, donor or personal information appears to have been accessed or taken,” but this later turned out not to be true at all.
Six weeks since the hack was first revealed by the Washington Post (6/14/16), no one in the US government, including the FBI and White House (who have reportedly reviewed the situation in detail), have implicated or even suggested Russian involvement in the leak–neither on the record nor anonymously. Thus far, all suggestions to this effect have taken place outside the organs of the United States government — a common and deliberate conflation that even led to this correction in the Vox recap of the situation (7/23/16):
Correction: I misread the Washington Post‘s story on last month’s DNC hack and misattributed the Russia link to the US government rather than independent security researchers.
Thus far, the Obama administration has avoided any such claims. Indeed, if one reads carefully, so have the security firms in question. Buried in the followup report by the Washington Post (6/20/16) alleging “confirmation” of Russian involvement is the admission by the three firms (the “experts” Clinton’s camp refers to) that they cannot be sure WikiLeaks’ alleged source Guccifer 2.0 is Russian, let alone an agent of “Putin”:
Analysts suspect but don’t have hard evidence that Guccifer 2.0 is, in fact, part of one of the Russian groups who hacked the DNC….
It is also possible, researchers said, that someone else besides the Russians were inside the DNC’s network and had access to the same documents.
The evidence typically cited to counter this discrepancy is from an alleged chat Guccifer 2.0 had with Vice (6/16/16) showing fingerprints of a Russian plot. But the two pieces of evidence in question–that Russian metadata was left on the files and the person in question couldn’t speak native Romanian–raise more questions than they answer. If this was such a high-level FSB plot, why couldn’t the once legendary “KGB” scrub routine metadata, or find someone who speaks native Romanian? Either Russia is an omnipotent threat wielding its influence over the US and Europe’s otherwise pristine body politic, or they’re a bunch of incompetent bumbling idiots. Meanwhile, actual evidence for Russia’s involvement, as Vox notes, remains elusive.
The DNC’s interest in painting this as a Russian plot also bears mentioning. Around the same time this was going down, Bloomberg (6/22/16) suggested the DNC itself was looking to play up the Russian espionage angle as a means of obfuscating what they knew would be “embarrassing revelations”:
A spokesman for Baker & McKenzie didn’t respond to requests for comment. DNC spokesman Luis Miranda said the party worked only with CrowdStrike and the law firm Perkins Coie.
If the Democrats can show the hidden hand of Russian intelligence agencies, they believe that voter outrage will probably outweigh any embarrassing revelations, a person familiar with the party’s thinking said.
This strategy, as explained by a DNC insider a month ago, is now playing out exactly as predicted: The “outrage” over Russia’s “hidden hand” is being used to outweigh the damning substance of the leak itself. Parlay this with the recent uptick in “Trump as Putin puppet” conspiracy takes, and what you have is a clear picture of a partisan media that would rather float pitches for a Manchurian Candidate reboot than confront the repeated attempts by an ostensibly neutral DNC to undermine one candidate in favor of another.






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