Wells Fargo - Trust Us

UPDATED: Monday, September 26, 2016 06:35
VIEWED: 1845
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016 3:53 AM


Malfeasance, greed, avarice, callous - shall I go on?

The CEO's name is John G. Stumpf - I kid you not!

A culture of pressure was evident in the bank's business culture, and the low level workers were pressured to produce multiple accounts to bolster the bank's trade value. 5300 hundred (90% were low level employees, 10% managers)
were fired over a 4-5 year period and the CEO, Mr. Stumpf was totally clueless.

Meanwhile a top level manager will receive, as part of her "golden parachute" over $125 million. Stumpf himself stands to gain over $200 Million in stock options. In other words he got filthy rich (emphasis on the filthy) from the false valuation due to the illegal practice of forging signatures, identity theft etc.

Conservatives always make a big deal out of deregulation and free market enterprise, so there you have it - the results of that deregulation. I wonder how many of those 5300 hundred were republicans.

Somebody's got to go to jail!



Wednesday, September 21, 2016 8:42 PM


Banks are fucking weird SGG...

On the 8th it was reported that Bank of America says that there is a 20-50% chance that we're all living in the Matrix.

It also then goes on to say that if it were true that none of us would know about it, thus saying that none of us could ever prove it or not.

Don't ever trust a Bank. And don't ever trust that only Republicans are behind them.

They are in many cases, of course, but if you actually do a little research you'll probably cry when you realize how many Democrats are Bankslaves too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 21, 2016 9:52 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Banks are fucking weird SGG...

What is weird about saying one thing to confuse your enemies and doing the opposite to make a huge profit? Not a thing weird about that, but it is confusing if you're not paying attention. For example:

“I have often said that banking is based on trust, and that trust was broken at Wells Fargo,” Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said during the hearing about Wells Fargo. You can trust Shelby, the Republican, to stab you in the back after Wells Fargo is out of the news and Trump is in the White House. Here is what will happen in Shelby's Banking Committee:

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that fined Wells Fargo will be shutdown if Trump is President. The GOP has schemes to close the Bureau. Obama would veto any such bill, but not Trump. In January, the GOP strikes back against bank regulation.

There is a bill to replace the CFPB’s director -— currently Richard Cordray, a regulatory-minded Democratic appointee of President Obama -- with a five-member “bipartisan” (what a sad joke that word is) commission that would add more Republican input, which means 4 new Republicans kill any investigation into future Wells Fargos.

Another bill changes the source of money for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Now the Bureau is funded by the Federal Reserve so that Congress can’t shut it down. Republicans would much prefer to vote every year on how much money goes to the Bureau so that Republicans can close down the Bureau whenever they please, especially after the next Wells Fargo.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016 10:15 PM


But what is your point Second?

Part of me doesn't care because you don't know the history of things, but the rest of me, particularly the empathetic part of me wants to know what your gripe is.

I show you an article where BoA straight out tells us that there is no less than a 20% chance that we're all living in "The Matrix" and nobody can do a fucking thing about it, and you're still talking basic politics....

There is a reason they can do that.

They are laughing at us.

46 presidents later. The kids of their kids of their kids of their kids of their kids are laughing at us.

If ONLY ONE thing happened in the last 8 years. You want to know what it really was?

It's that voting in a Black Man doesn't change a fucking thing.

They own the banks. They own us.

"Yay! We got a black president for 8 years."

In the mean time....

.... Taxes have increased across the board.
.... 10's of thousands of jobs have gone overseas.
.... GDP growth is the slowest it's been since the Great Depression.
.... Race Relations inside our country have been set back to the 1960's.
.... The Wealth and Power of the Banks have grown substantially.
.... Our Debt as a country has ballooned in 7 1/2 years from 11 Trillion to over 20 Trillion.

Tupac spoke about all of this bullshit more than 15 years ago....

I can't speak for his intelligence, but he's 1000% or more more well read on books that matter than any idiot that comes out of idiot public schools. And that includes idiots that graduate from idiot colleges.

College, for 98% of it's participants is nothing more than Super High Cost daycare for 20 year olds that they'll be paying for the rest of their lives.

How many women would buy into Feminism and the whole 77Cent fallacy if they had reasonable school debts to pay off when they started in the work force rather than an insurmountable debt that will end up costing them well over ONE HALF OF A MILLION DOLLARS to pay off after interest over the years?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:06 AM

SHINYGOODGUY is the Matrix out there, and people have been caught up in it waaaaaaay before Obama came into office. He's just the next trick that
the magician gets to do before pulling the shiny quarter from behind your ear.

Smoke and mirrors, my friend, smoke and mirrors.

Elizabeth Warren said it best at the "roast" of the Wells Fargo CEO:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren excoriated Wells Fargo chief executive John Stumpf during a Senate hearing Tuesday, after the banking behemoth secretly used customers’ information to establish millions of dummy accounts in order to meet its sales goals.

“You should resign,” Warren said at the end of their tense exchange, “and you should be criminally investigated.”

Wells Fargo has paid $185 million to settle these “cross-selling” allegations, which Warren called a “massive, years-long scam.” After reading aloud Wells Fargo’s “Vision and Values Statement,” the Massachusetts senator asked if Stumpf had made any meaningful effort to hold himself accountable, as he publicly vowed to do.

WARREN: This is about responsibility. Have you returned one nickel of the millions of dollars that you were paid while this scam was going on?

STUMPF: The board will take care of that.

WARREN: Have you returned one nickel that you earned while this scam was going on?

STUMPF: And the board will do—

WARREN: I will take that as a no then.

Stumpf made $19.3 million in 2015, including a performance bonus of $12.5 million. Warren noted that, while these bogus accounts were being created, he held an average of 6.75 million shares of Wells Fargo stock, which rose by roughly $30.

“Here’s what really gets me about this, Mr. Stumpf. If one of your tellers took a handful of $20 bills out of the crash drawer, they’d probably be looking at criminal charges for theft. They could end up in prison,” Warren said in her closing statement. “But you squeezed your employees to the breaking point so they would cheat customers and you could drive up the value of your stock and put hundreds of millions of dollars in your own pocket.”

Banking is Legalized Stealing. Our political representatives/lawmakers should create a law that punishes bank execs, including the CEOs, that lands
them in jail, Period!

Either that or take away any profits that were made by the bank, including "golden parachute" payouts to departing execs, if it is found that they gained an advantage from the illegal activity. Pure and simple. You
break the law, you go to jail plus you don't get to keep the money you got
illegally. That $185 million was just the fines alone. Stumpf will receive
over $200 million in bonuses, all of that is due to the stock value going up
by $30 a share; which was made possible by the bank illegally opening up
the bogus accounts.

These bankers hide behind the current banking laws, or lack of them, and
walk away with hundreds of millions. FUCK 'EM......through the motherfuckers in jail - no excuses.

Here's Stumpf's excuse: "I didn't know this was going on."
Are you fucking kidding me!? That's it, I didn't know it was going on.
Not one motherfucking banker from the near financial collapse in 2007-8 went
to jail. Not One! These scumbags could rob and steal and walk away with truckloads of money, and the law can't or won't touch them. But if you or I
"borrow" a little cash to survive, they lock us up and throw away the key.

Does that seem right to you?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Banks are fucking weird SGG...

On the 8th it was reported that Bank of America says that there is a 20-50% chance that we're all living in the Matrix.

It also then goes on to say that if it were true that none of us would know about it, thus saying that none of us could ever prove it or not.

Don't ever trust a Bank. And don't ever trust that only Republicans are behind them.

They are in many cases, of course, but if you actually do a little research you'll probably cry when you realize how many Democrats are Bankslaves too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:21 AM


The CFPB is just more bureaucracy.......nothing significant will be done.
I'm with Senator Warren on this one; write a law prohibiting illegal
activity by any bank, including paying out any exec with the monies gained
from that activity.

It is flat out criminal what these banks do, treat it as such. To me it is
flat out racketeering. Get them on RICO charges. The banks conspire to defraud their customers; arrest and jail the execs, then maybe that'll stop the criminal behavior. Better still, take all their money and return it to the customers they robbed. That's better than sending them to the country club they call jail. Leave them only with a house, a car, and the clothes they have on their back. That's it!



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Banks are fucking weird SGG...

What is weird about saying one thing to confuse your enemies and doing the opposite to make a huge profit? Not a thing weird about that, but it is confusing if you're not paying attention. For example:

“I have often said that banking is based on trust, and that trust was broken at Wells Fargo,” Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said during the hearing about Wells Fargo. You can trust Shelby, the Republican, to stab you in the back after Wells Fargo is out of the news and Trump is in the White House. Here is what will happen in Shelby's Banking Committee:

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that fined Wells Fargo will be shutdown if Trump is President. The GOP has schemes to close the Bureau. Obama would veto any such bill, but not Trump. In January, the GOP strikes back against bank regulation.

There is a bill to replace the CFPB’s director -— currently Richard Cordray, a regulatory-minded Democratic appointee of President Obama -- with a five-member “bipartisan” (what a sad joke that word is) commission that would add more Republican input, which means 4 new Republicans kill any investigation into future Wells Fargos.

Another bill changes the source of money for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Now the Bureau is funded by the Federal Reserve so that Congress can’t shut it down. Republicans would much prefer to vote every year on how much money goes to the Bureau so that Republicans can close down the Bureau whenever they please, especially after the next Wells Fargo.


Thursday, September 22, 2016 8:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
But what is your point Second?

Part of me doesn't care because you don't know the history of things, but the rest of me, particularly the empathetic part of me wants to know what your gripe is.

I show you an article where BoA straight out tells us that there is no less than a 20% chance that we're all living in "The Matrix" and nobody can do a fucking thing about it, and you're still talking basic politics...

The idea that we are living in a simulation has a few problems. Well, actually it has a lot of different problems and every one of them means we are NOT living in a simulation.

You can read the article “Maybe We Do Not Live in a Simulation” to find out that Elon Musk is full of bullshit, even if he is rich, famous, and appears to believe what he reads in a book about simulations.

And what does the idea that we are NOT living in a simulation have to do with Wells Fargo? People have the idea that we are living in a democracy. There are a lot of problems with that idea and every one of them means we are NOT living in a democracy.

The biggest and falsest idea is that changing the President every four years means we are living in a democracy. There are some people in both houses of Congress that ALSO need to be changed if the USA is going to be run anything like a democracy. For example: Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and semi-famous for the moment because of Well Fargo.

Senator Shelby is saying that Wells Fargo is a very bad bank to the cameras, but at the same time Shelby is making sure that Wells Fargo will never again get caught being a bad bank. Shelby is bullshitting you into believing that you live in a democratic system while Shelby is sabotaging democracy in ways you are not paying attention to.

To get rid of Shelby does not mean you have to vote in Alabama, where Shelby is from, but it does mean that there needs to be fewer than 50 Republican Senators. Otherwise the Republicans in the Senate can sabotage the Democratic President and blame the President for what the Republicans did.

The way the Republicans run the Congress is a poor simulation of a democracy. It is not real and the Republicans aren't admitting that they a selling you a fake painting of democracy in exchange for your very real money.

"There's a billion to one chance we're living in base reality," Elon Musk said tonight on stage at Recode's Code Conference, meaning that one of the most influential and powerful figures in tech thinks that it's overwhelmingly likely we're just characters living inside a simulation.


Friday, September 23, 2016 2:28 AM


It isn't that we are literally living in the Matrix, as depicted in the movie, it is that the idea of the Matrix exists and we are living in it.
It is all about control.

The laws that protect the banks are bought and paid for, by those very same banks and Wall Street financiers. You are right, we are NOT living in a democracy. The illusion is real, we vote for a president and place fault for failures, and praise when things go well.......except when it comes to Obama.

He gets shit no matter what.

But in reality, it's Congress that moves law, policy and the like, because we live in a "democracy" and the majority rules. Really!? Then what happened in 2000? See, even I'm doing it. It's ingrained into our DNA. "I pledge allegiance" "salute the flag" "In God We Trust" - Matrix, the illusion that
we, the people are being heard. We are the best country in the world.....
then why do we have the highest prison population in the world? Why do we have homeless? Veterans committing suicide (22 a day) PTSD and other ailments. The veil is slowly being lifted, the Matrix is being exposed and people can't accept it.

That's the Matrix in a nutshell. Free your mind!



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
But what is your point Second?

Part of me doesn't care because you don't know the history of things, but the rest of me, particularly the empathetic part of me wants to know what your gripe is.

I show you an article where BoA straight out tells us that there is no less than a 20% chance that we're all living in "The Matrix" and nobody can do a fucking thing about it, and you're still talking basic politics...

The idea that we are living in a simulation has a few problems. Well, actually it has a lot of different problems and every one of them means we are NOT living in a simulation.

You can read the article “Maybe We Do Not Live in a Simulation” to find out that Elon Musk is full of bullshit, even if he is rich, famous, and appears to believe what he reads in a book about simulations.

And what does the idea that we are NOT living in a simulation have to do with Wells Fargo? People have the idea that we are living in a democracy. There are a lot of problems with that idea and every one of them means we are NOT living in a democracy.

The biggest and falsest idea is that changing the President every four years means we are living in a democracy. There are some people in both houses of Congress that ALSO need to be changed if the USA is going to be run anything like a democracy. For example: Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and semi-famous for the moment because of Well Fargo.

Senator Shelby is saying that Wells Fargo is a very bad bank to the cameras, but at the same time Shelby is making sure that Wells Fargo will never again get caught being a bad bank. Shelby is bullshitting you into believing that you live in a democratic system while Shelby is sabotaging democracy in ways you are not paying attention to.

To get rid of Shelby does not mean you have to vote in Alabama, where Shelby is from, but it does mean that there needs to be fewer than 50 Republican Senators. Otherwise the Republicans in the Senate can sabotage the Democratic President and blame the President for what the Republicans did.

The way the Republicans run the Congress is a poor simulation of a democracy. It is not real and the Republicans aren't admitting that they a selling you a fake painting of democracy in exchange for your very real money.

"There's a billion to one chance we're living in base reality," Elon Musk said tonight on stage at Recode's Code Conference, meaning that one of the most influential and powerful figures in tech thinks that it's overwhelmingly likely we're just characters living inside a simulation.


Friday, September 23, 2016 7:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It isn't that we are literally living in the Matrix, as depicted in the movie, it is that the idea of the Matrix exists and we are living in it.
It is all about control.

The laws that protect the banks are bought and paid for, by those very same banks and Wall Street financiers. You are right, we are NOT living in a democracy. The illusion is real, we vote for a president and place fault for failures, and praise when things go well.......except when it comes to Obama.

He gets shit no matter what.

But in reality, it's Congress that moves law, policy and the like, because we live in a "democracy" and the majority rules. Really!? Then what happened in 2000? See, even I'm doing it. It's ingrained into our DNA. "I pledge allegiance" "salute the flag" "In God We Trust" - Matrix, the illusion that
we, the people are being heard. We are the best country in the world.....
then why do we have the highest prison population in the world? Why do we have homeless? Veterans committing suicide (22 a day) PTSD and other ailments. The veil is slowly being lifted, the Matrix is being exposed and people can't accept it.

That's the Matrix in a nutshell. Free your mind!


It is not the Matrix, it's the Republicans. Did you mention Bush v Gore (2000)? Yes, you did. That case was decided by Supreme Court Justices Rehnquist, O'Connor, Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, all nominated by Reagan the Republican and Supreme Court Justice Thomas nominated by Bush Senior the Republican. These Justices claim they are without politics and only decide based on the Constitution. I am going to go out on a limb and say that the Justices appointed by Republicans are real Republicans, not logic machines making apolitical decisions.

And the banking laws being undermined by Congress? It is not really all of Congress, it is really Sen. Richard C. Shelby, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and a Republican.

The government is not beyond our control as in the Matrix analogy. The majority in Congress and the Supreme Court is Republican. If you don't like the government, then stop voting Republican. 6IXSTRINGJACK thinks President Trump is no ordinary Republican and he will bring a big change for the better. I think Trump is a another Republican and there won't be any such a change imagined by 6IXSTRINGJACK.

I realize that most people can't name the politicians (other than the Pres.) that screwed them. Instead, it is always the foggy idea that the "government" screwed them. If you don't know the names, and which names did what, you can't place the blame where it belongs. Nameless politicians can do anything and never get blamed.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, September 23, 2016 8:53 AM


Second is right, yet again.


Monday, September 26, 2016 6:35 AM


Again, I know all about the "republicans" and how they use the people, among other things, to maintain control, but I don't want you thinking I'm a loon espousing the benefits and pitfalls of the Matrix. As I stated before, it's a figure of speech, not literal.

It is a manor of control and we are being manipulated - much like the lab rat searching for that hunk of cheese in order to exit the maze. But the problem for the ruling class is that they cannot predict the strength of us humans and our deep abiding love for freedom.

They could attempt to herd us like cattle, but we instinctively resist and clamor for that breath of fresh air.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It isn't that we are literally living in the Matrix, as depicted in the movie, it is that the idea of the Matrix exists and we are living in it.
It is all about control.

The laws that protect the banks are bought and paid for, by those very same banks and Wall Street financiers. You are right, we are NOT living in a democracy. The illusion is real, we vote for a president and place fault for failures, and praise when things go well.......except when it comes to Obama.

He gets shit no matter what.

But in reality, it's Congress that moves law, policy and the like, because we live in a "democracy" and the majority rules. Really!? Then what happened in 2000? See, even I'm doing it. It's ingrained into our DNA. "I pledge allegiance" "salute the flag" "In God We Trust" - Matrix, the illusion that
we, the people are being heard. We are the best country in the world.....
then why do we have the highest prison population in the world? Why do we have homeless? Veterans committing suicide (22 a day) PTSD and other ailments. The veil is slowly being lifted, the Matrix is being exposed and people can't accept it.

That's the Matrix in a nutshell. Free your mind!


It is not the Matrix, it's the Republicans. Did you mention Bush v Gore (2000)? Yes, you did. That case was decided by Supreme Court Justices Rehnquist, O'Connor, Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, all nominated by Reagan the Republican and Supreme Court Justice Thomas nominated by Bush Senior the Republican. These Justices claim they are without politics and only decide based on the Constitution. I am going to go out on a limb and say that the Justices appointed by Republicans are real Republicans, not logic machines making apolitical decisions.

And the banking laws being undermined by Congress? It is not really all of Congress, it is really Sen. Richard C. Shelby, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and a Republican.

The government is not beyond our control as in the Matrix analogy. The majority in Congress and the Supreme Court is Republican. If you don't like the government, then stop voting Republican. 6IXSTRINGJACK thinks President Trump is no ordinary Republican and he will bring a big change for the better. I think Trump is a another Republican and there won't be any such a change imagined by 6IXSTRINGJACK.

I realize that most people can't name the politicians (other than the Pres.) that screwed them. Instead, it is always the foggy idea that the "government" screwed them. If you don't know the names, and which names did what, you can't place the blame where it belongs. Nameless politicians can do anything and never get blamed.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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