Guns - Police - Shootings & Protest

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 03:50
VIEWED: 2588
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Friday, September 23, 2016 2:03 AM


Here we go:

The Tulsa police officer who shot an unarmed man has been brought up on charges.

Even the Donald has chirped his response.

And in Charlotte:


The police chief in Charlotte states that the video of the shooting proves that the officer was right in shooting the man because he had a gun.
But North Carolina is an open-carry state. So what gives?
The story that police give is that he was warned several times to drop his weapon, that he threatened the officers by pointing his gun.

"Police Chief Kerr Putney said during a news conference that officers were searching for a suspect Tuesday when they saw Scott exit a vehicle with a handgun at an apartment complex on the city's northeast side. "The officers gave loud, clear verbal commands which were also heard by many of the witnesses. They were instructing the subject, once he got out of the vehicle, to drop the weapon... Mr. Scott exited his vehicle armed with a handgun as the officers continued to yell at him to drop it."
Putney said Officer Brentley Vinson shot Scott because the man posed a threat. Vinson is black, as was Scott."

Scott was waiting to pick up his son from school. Now that's a really dangerous situation, picking up his son, it's definitely a criminal
activity. The other thing that I wonder about, what ever happened to the guy that the police had a warrant for?

I saw a report on the family viewing the dash-cam & body-cam videos, but that they were inconclusive. Only 2 angles and no sound. I wonder why? It's
been reported that there were 4 officers that approached Scott. What happened to their body-cams? A witness who saw the videos, the family attorney, said that there was no sound and that there was no definitive
view of a gun. But both the police chief and the mayor of Charlotte refuse to show the videos of the shooting to the public. I wonder why?



Friday, September 23, 2016 10:58 PM


New video released on the Charlotte shooting. Very interesting video that shows there was no gun, then suddenly one appears. Hmmmmmmmmmm!



Saturday, September 24, 2016 12:04 AM



Saturday, September 24, 2016 3:45 PM


rezident owtsidr

Its not hard to understand how cops feel wen they are in a situation.

Thanks to the NRA, anybody can hav a gun, so its a 1/2 second between an inosent sitizen standing in front uv them and a bad guy sending bullets toward them. If the cop duznt alredy hav hiz wepon pointed, finger on the trigger, he coud be ded.

And cranking the tension up a few notchez makes it worse. A protest iz just all the ingredients for a riot waiting for a spark.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, September 24, 2016 5:19 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Here we go:

The Tulsa police officer who shot an unarmed man has been brought up on charges.

I have been wondering why this subject has not been posted here yet. I was eventually going to open one, but kept getting busy.

Initial reports I saw said that it was the U.S. Attorney who brought charges, not the locally elected Prosecutor. It seems unclear which is the actual case. As a U.S. Attorney, it would be just another Obamabot corruption of the Injustice Department, and Obamination's racist demagoguery.
It does seem uncontested that the reason charges were brought were to reduce friction and tension with the public, to quell riot fears. She might have her charges dropped in a few weeks, once the OJ mania settles down.

Even the Donald has chirped his response.


Big whoop for Trump - not a big voice for Justice or Honest Deliberation.

From the very first reports I heard about this, it sounded like the media was working feverishly to paint a false picture.

He had his hands up? That would suggest the police had not released him told him to take off.
He was walking away from the cops while they had their weapons pointed towards him? That sounds like non-compliance, non-adherence to directives or orders, uncooperation with the police, and disobedience, or resisting arrest, which his record shows that he has tremendous practice with.

He is trying to gain control of a deadly weapon, in defiance of police orders? Not only was he walking away from police, he appeared to be trying to gain control of a deadly weapon - namely, his vehicle.

How many of us want the police to just let the criminal leave without being detained, with a dead body in the vehicle, or a bound victim ready for murder in the vehicle? Should the police let go the next Ted Bundy when he is not cooperative? The next Jeffery Dahmer when he doesn't succumb? The next Joel Rifkin that police encounter, should they do the opposite and let him take off and continue his killing spree, after only 17 murders (the 17th corpse in his vehicle)?
There is a reason many of us do not want police to just let criminals go merely because they are uncooperative, and expect people to abide police commands by not resisting every time they get caught.

Now it turns out that he was a career criminal thug, a few months out of prison for almost a decade, habitual obstructor of justice, apparently always resisted arrests, and on PCP at the time of his death - while Officer Shelby was trained in the detection of PCP consumers. How is it the media has neglected to mention all of the PCP found in his vehicle? Also, have any of you seen somebody on PCP, dealing with Law Enforcement or even bouncers? Bullets normally do not stop them, let alone stun guns - no wonder the taser had no effect.

And he has 5 open and active warrants for his arrest? All since his release from prison in May?


Sunday, September 25, 2016 4:46 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Here we go:

The Tulsa police officer who shot an unarmed man has been brought up on charges.

I have been wondering why this subject has not been posted here yet. I was eventually going to open one, but kept getting busy.

Initial reports I saw said that it was the U.S. Attorney who brought charges, not the locally elected Prosecutor. It seems unclear which is the actual case. As a U.S. Attorney, it would be just another Obamabot corruption of the Injustice Department, and Obamination's racist demagoguery.
It does seem uncontested that the reason charges were brought were to reduce friction and tension with the public, to quell riot fears. She might have her charges dropped in a few weeks, once the OJ mania settles down.

Even the Donald has chirped his response.


Big whoop for Trump - not a big voice for Justice or Honest Deliberation.

From the very first reports I heard about this, it sounded like the media was working feverishly to paint a false picture.

He had his hands up? That would suggest the police had not released him told him to take off.
He was walking away from the cops while they had their weapons pointed towards him? That sounds like non-compliance, non-adherence to directives or orders, uncooperation with the police, and disobedience, or resisting arrest, which his record shows that he has tremendous practice with.

He is trying to gain control of a deadly weapon, in defiance of police orders? Not only was he walking away from police, he appeared to be trying to gain control of a deadly weapon - namely, his vehicle.

How many of us want the police to just let the criminal leave without being detained, with a dead body in the vehicle, or a bound victim ready for murder in the vehicle? Should the police let go the next Ted Bundy when he is not cooperative? The next Jeffery Dahmer when he doesn't succumb? The next Joel Rifkin that police encounter, should they do the opposite and let him take off and continue his killing spree, after only 17 murders (the 17th corpse in his vehicle)?
There is a reason many of us do not want police to just let criminals go merely because they are uncooperative, and expect people to abide police commands by not resisting every time they get caught.

Now it turns out that he was a career criminal thug, a few months out of prison for almost a decade, habitual obstructor of justice, apparently always resisted arrests, and on PCP at the time of his death - while Officer Shelby was trained in the detection of PCP consumers. How is it the media has neglected to mention all of the PCP found in his vehicle? Also, have any of you seen somebody on PCP, dealing with Law Enforcement or even bouncers? Bullets normally do not stop them, let alone stun guns - no wonder the taser had no effect.

And he has 5 open and active warrants for his arrest? All since his release from prison in May?

Like those other career criminal useless thugs (Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown), is this REALLY your chosen poster boy for "innocent lives" taken by Law Enforcement Officers doing their jobs?
Why not reserve your outrage for truly outrageous cop behavior, like cops leaving behind a hostage in a hostage showdown, and then when the hostage escapes, the same cops shoot him dead, and now work feverishly to cover it up?


Sunday, September 25, 2016 5:09 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Police don't know who they're dealing with - nor should they. The only thing that can justify the use of deadly force is if the person poses a deadly threat IN THAT INSTANT.

You've made the argument that JUST BECAUSE SOME GANG MEMBERS (who happened to be black) were guilty of a crime at some other time, we should assume that THIS man (who happened to be black), at some different time, was also guilty of - something. (And may I remind you that gang members comes in all different colors - even white.)

And now you seem to be saying that shooting this man was justified BECAUSE of his history.

I assume the man was innocent until evidence shows otherwise. Because we've seen plenty of videos where completely innocent, non-threatening, unarmed black men were shot by police for no good reason. It does happen. I also assume the police were innocent until evidence shows otherwise.

Right now there's no evidence either way.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, September 26, 2016 2:20 AM


To be clear, I am aware that he may well have been breaking the law or had violated some law, ordinance or statute. The question of the matter is not that, but did his actions or disregard for the police commands warrant being shot dead.

It is clear from the video that the man was not posing a threat (hands up, walking away in a non-aggressive manner). What was going through her mind at that moment that made her think there was a threat?

It is the same with the Charlotte shooting victim. The story, as we know so far, was that he was spotted by the undercover cops smoking pot in his car.
They claim that he had a gun. Now, he was sitting in his car and they were
some distance away. Could they have been mistaken? In the wife's video you hear her say that he didn't have a gun and "please don't shoot him," so she knew he was in danger the moment she saw the cops draw their weapons.

He came out of his truck and was walking backwards and had his arms and hands down, in a non-threatening posture. Turns out he was a security guard somewhere. He may have had a weapon as part of his duties, in an open carry state. Just like the black man who was shot in his car after he advise the cop that he had a licensed to carry a firearm. Do you see a pattern here?
It doesn't matter whether they were permitted or not, to carry a firearm,
they were shot regardless.

In the Tulsa case, the man's car was disabled. So how can he have used it as a weapon? What? Pick it up and smash it over the cops head! Plus the window was rolled up. I am not going to argue about anything they may have done before the fact, but I am going to state that none of these people did
anything to get shot for. We have video evidence, and still no one wants to admit that the cops over reacted. Diallo was shot 52 times for taking out his wallet. Treyvon Martin was shot by a man who was told not to follow him.

The Charlotte case: where are the other cam recordings? They showed 2 cam recordings that show nothing. Where are the other two body cam recordings? And, if it's like they claim, why wait almost a week to show footage that shows absolutely nothing? I'm just saying.

Just too many questions.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Here we go:

The Tulsa police officer who shot an unarmed man has been brought up on charges.

I have been wondering why this subject has not been posted here yet. I was eventually going to open one, but kept getting busy.

Initial reports I saw said that it was the U.S. Attorney who brought charges, not the locally elected Prosecutor. It seems unclear which is the actual case. As a U.S. Attorney, it would be just another Obamabot corruption of the Injustice Department, and Obamination's racist demagoguery.
It does seem uncontested that the reason charges were brought were to reduce friction and tension with the public, to quell riot fears. She might have her charges dropped in a few weeks, once the OJ mania settles down.

Even the Donald has chirped his response.


Big whoop for Trump - not a big voice for Justice or Honest Deliberation.

From the very first reports I heard about this, it sounded like the media was working feverishly to paint a false picture.

He had his hands up? That would suggest the police had not released him told him to take off.
He was walking away from the cops while they had their weapons pointed towards him? That sounds like non-compliance, non-adherence to directives or orders, uncooperation with the police, and disobedience, or resisting arrest, which his record shows that he has tremendous practice with.

He is trying to gain control of a deadly weapon, in defiance of police orders? Not only was he walking away from police, he appeared to be trying to gain control of a deadly weapon - namely, his vehicle.

How many of us want the police to just let the criminal leave without being detained, with a dead body in the vehicle, or a bound victim ready for murder in the vehicle? Should the police let go the next Ted Bundy when he is not cooperative? The next Jeffery Dahmer when he doesn't succumb? The next Joel Rifkin that police encounter, should they do the opposite and let him take off and continue his killing spree, after only 17 murders (the 17th corpse in his vehicle)?
There is a reason many of us do not want police to just let criminals go merely because they are uncooperative, and expect people to abide police commands by not resisting every time they get caught.

Now it turns out that he was a career criminal thug, a few months out of prison for almost a decade, habitual obstructor of justice, apparently always resisted arrests, and on PCP at the time of his death - while Officer Shelby was trained in the detection of PCP consumers. How is it the media has neglected to mention all of the PCP found in his vehicle? Also, have any of you seen somebody on PCP, dealing with Law Enforcement or even bouncers? Bullets normally do not stop them, let alone stun guns - no wonder the taser had no effect.

And he has 5 open and active warrants for his arrest? All since his release from prison in May?


Monday, September 26, 2016 3:48 AM


I don't know where you got this information, but I got it from MSNBC, the much-hated liberal channel. They mentioned that he was on PCP and that the officer who shot him was trained in the detection of "PCP consumers." They also mentioned that he was unarmed, and there wasn't a gun in his vehicle.

It was unknown at the time, that the suspect had outstanding warrants, because my question was why was he detained by the cops? Now, let's proceed, shall we:

The Tulsa people handled this the best. Why? Because they took immediate action and had the officer surrender her badge. She was arrested because she
and other cops are held to a higher standard. And B: The Special Prosecutor
may find, in his investigation, sufficient evidence to clear her for the shooting. This way you get things out in the open and prevent a possible riot.

They may find evidence that will exonerate her, but if they don't they didn't drag their and feet took swift action. Even "our" law and order candidate could see that. Hell a blind man could see that.

OTOH, the blockhead of a police chief in Charlotte was so busy playing macho man that he "blinded" himself from a simple fact. Things aren't always as they seem. Had he taken action, like the Tulsa police, maybe just maybe they wouldn't have the media crawling up his ass and public opinion strafing his butt for the stupid asshole that he is. Maybe he would have a calmer situation that his police force could handle without having to call the National Guard.

Both he and the inept mayor would have total control by conducting their own investigation and be lauded for keeping cool heads under fire. No, that's not good enough for him. He wants to declare that his cops did no wrong and no one was going to tell him different. You could almost see him crossing his arms across his chest and holding his breath until he turned blue. That's what literally happened, because, once the wife released her video, he caved, choked, folded like a cheap tent and released the cam video recordings. Of course, he held onto the other evidence in his tantrum state, just like a petulant child. He did not act like a grown man and crossed his fingers behind his back as a defiant gesture.

What a maroon!

Here's the Tulsa report:


Now it turns out that he was a career criminal thug, a few months out of prison for almost a decade, habitual obstructor of justice, apparently always resisted arrests, and on PCP at the time of his death - while Officer Shelby was trained in the detection of PCP consumers. How is it the media has neglected to mention all of the PCP found in his vehicle? Also, have any of you seen somebody on PCP, dealing with Law Enforcement or even bouncers? Bullets normally do not stop them, let alone stun guns - no wonder the taser had no effect.

And he has 5 open and active warrants for his arrest? All since his release from prison in May?


Monday, September 26, 2016 4:15 AM


By the way, did you hear anything about the Tulsa protests?




Monday, September 26, 2016 4:36 PM


Here's more on the Tale of Two Cities - Tulsa & Charlotte:

Transparency works. Now it's in the hands of the Special Prosecutor. As it should be.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
By the way, did you hear anything about the Tulsa protests?




Monday, September 26, 2016 4:39 PM


I know we've had our differences, but on this I agree with you 100%

The planets must have been aligned.......;-)



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Police don't know who they're dealing with - nor should they. The only thing that can justify the use of deadly force is if the person poses a deadly threat IN THAT INSTANT.

You've made the argument that JUST BECAUSE SOME GANG MEMBERS (who happened to be black) were guilty of a crime at some other time, we should assume that THIS man (who happened to be black), at some different time, was also guilty of - something. (And may I remind you that gang members comes in all different colors - even white.)

And now you seem to be saying that shooting this man was justified BECAUSE of his history.

I assume the man was innocent until evidence shows otherwise. Because we've seen plenty of videos where completely innocent, non-threatening, unarmed black men were shot by police for no good reason. It does happen. I also assume the police were innocent until evidence shows otherwise.

Right now there's no evidence either way.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, September 26, 2016 8:00 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Here we go:

The Tulsa police officer who shot an unarmed man has been brought up on charges.

I have been wondering why this subject has not been posted here yet. I was eventually going to open one, but kept getting busy.

Initial reports I saw said that it was the U.S. Attorney who brought charges, not the locally elected Prosecutor. It seems unclear which is the actual case. As a U.S. Attorney, it would be just another Obamabot corruption of the Injustice Department, and Obamination's racist demagoguery.
It does seem uncontested that the reason charges were brought were to reduce friction and tension with the public, to quell riot fears. She might have her charges dropped in a few weeks, once the OJ mania settles down.

Even the Donald has chirped his response.


Big whoop for Trump - not a big voice for Justice or Honest Deliberation.

From the very first reports I heard about this, it sounded like the media was working feverishly to paint a false picture.

He had his hands up? That would suggest the police had not released him told him to take off.
He was walking away from the cops while they had their weapons pointed towards him? That sounds like non-compliance, non-adherence to directives or orders, uncooperation with the police, and disobedience, or resisting arrest, which his record shows that he has tremendous practice with.

He is trying to gain control of a deadly weapon, in defiance of police orders? Not only was he walking away from police, he appeared to be trying to gain control of a deadly weapon - namely, his vehicle.

How many of us want the police to just let the criminal leave without being detained, with a dead body in the vehicle, or a bound victim ready for murder in the vehicle? Should the police let go the next Ted Bundy when he is not cooperative? The next Jeffery Dahmer when he doesn't succumb? The next Joel Rifkin that police encounter, should they do the opposite and let him take off and continue his killing spree, after only 17 murders (the 17th corpse in his vehicle)?
There is a reason many of us do not want police to just let criminals go merely because they are uncooperative, and expect people to abide police commands by not resisting every time they get caught.

Now it turns out that he was a career criminal thug, a few months out of prison for almost a decade, habitual obstructor of justice, apparently always resisted arrests, and on PCP at the time of his death - while Officer Shelby was trained in the detection of PCP consumers. How is it the media has neglected to mention all of the PCP found in his vehicle? Also, have any of you seen somebody on PCP, dealing with Law Enforcement or even bouncers? Bullets normally do not stop them, let alone stun guns - no wonder the taser had no effect.

And he has 5 open and active warrants for his arrest? All since his release from prison in May?

To be clear, I am aware that he may well have been breaking the law or had violated some law, ordinance or statute. The question of the matter is not that, but did his actions or disregard for the police commands warrant being shot dead.

It is clear from the video that the man was not posing a threat (hands up, walking away in a non-aggressive manner). What was going through her mind at that moment that made her think there was a threat?

In the Tulsa case, the man's car was disabled. So how can he have used it as a weapon? What? Pick it up and smash it over the cops head! Plus the window was rolled up. I am not going to argue about anything they may have done before the fact, but I am going to state that none of these people did
anything to get shot for. We have video evidence, and still no one wants to admit that the cops over reacted. Diallo was shot 52 times for taking out his wallet. Treyvon Martin was shot by a man who was told not to follow him.

Just too many questions.


You are really reaching. Are you intentionally avoiding logic, or you just goofing again?


Monday, September 26, 2016 10:34 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I'm always happy to find congruence!

I do have some problems with our system:

Unless police are required to have full-time body- and dash-cams, and unless they're required to turn them all over to an independent investigation under penalty of law, the police can always accidentally-on-purpose fail to produce evidence of police wrong-doing. I'm all for basing conclusions on evidence, but a system where one party gets to control every piece of official evidence, and investigate itself in secret, is fundamentally flawed.

No wonder citizen phone videos have become such a powerful tool against police misconduct! And it's too bad they didn't show more in this instance. And - what a powerful indictment it is against officialdom, where the greatest defense of justice comes from citizens being able to record and broadcast what used to be secret.

But there's also the problem of the media. Facts often don't get traction until cell phone videos come to light. And I have a fear that our media is so completely hostage to government, that soon, whole swathes of information even from just across town will disappear from view, the way it's disappeared from foreign news.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:40 AM


I'm a black COP who shot a black guy, in legal rights, and I have a black chief....

Meanwhile, in Tulsa, where is BLM when a White Girl Cop gets charged with Manslaugher for killing an unarmed black man for no reason?

Not a fucking word from BLM there.

No HATE to spend millions shipping thugs out of state to beat up white bi-standards up...

Open and close case. Even it was a woman, and she was white, she murderded a black man out of fear. She should never have been a cop in the first place. But she is facing time now.

BLM doesn't want to make a thing about of legitimate cases that are open and shut, or they would have been out there crying over T.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:50 AM


Here's the video for Terrence Crutcher.

But because a young woman cop killed him and is being tried for manslaughter now, BLM doesn't give a shit.




Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 27, 2016 4:26 AM


I believe there should be a national set of rules & regs regarding body & dash cam protocol. Yes, I agree. I also think that, as far as an independent
investigation is concerned, there should be a national special investigator's
office (separate and independent of the Justice Dept.) A special prosecutor's office, who's sole purpose is to investigate police shootings across the country.

That special prosecutor would act alone (maybe as part of the FBI or Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and determine who he would investigate and report to POTUS. Once he/she completes their investigation they make a recommendation and proceed to the next case.

As to the media, I think that competition and relevance would win out. Video shot by Joe Blow seems to work: case in point - The Charlotte case where the wife submitted her cell phone video to the news outlets and within a day or two the police chief was bending over backwards to present their video, however inconclusive it was.

My take: the police chief in Charlotte was doing his best macho man impersonation in refusing to produce the body & dash cam footage for the public to decide for themselves. What did they have to hide if the shoot was righteous? He claimed the standard - "in litigation" and "legal integrity" line of bullshit. That all went out the window once the victim's wife produced her video to the MSM.

My question: What ever happened to the legal integrity of the case? People with common sense know full well that they were hiding something. I read a report that the officer who shot Keith Scott had his body cam off and didn't record the actual shots fired from his gun.
How convenient.

The special prosecutor would investigate all that and if the officer, police chief, mayor or governor proceed to block his/her efforts, then they should all be brought up on obstruction of justice charges. Having the body or dash
cam off should be punishable by either jail time or suspension without pay. In the case of the police chief; he should be stripped down to a traffic cop. That would put a stop to all the nonsense of withholding evidence.



Tuesday, September 27, 2016 4:48 AM


No offense, SGG, but I'm not going to read any of your BS.

In most jurisdictions, Almost EVERYWHERE, there is no such thing as "hate crimes" or that bullshit.

A fucking crime is a crime is a crime is a crime.....

That very young white woman in Tulsa is going to court for manslaughter, and not a single black person is talking about her for straight up murdering a civilian with nothing more than saying "I was afraid".

Last week, she was on paid suspension. Now she's being tried for manslaughter.

It's on good citizens like you to make sure that she gets convicted.

"You're snoring......"


In the Meantime......

While you're looking left, man-cub, you're not watching Obama commit us to World War fucking III on the right...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 27, 2016 5:05 AM


What there is, however, is an always "Left" leaning side wanting to forgive the sins of the Theoretical "Masters" while never actually commiting somebody to a crime.

I understand that. I grew up with that. I talked about it here when I was stabbed with a very large knife in my very late teens. I wasn't going to go to any of the hearings, but my boss's company was working for the states attorney at the time and all of the sudden it became mandatory.

I tried to hide it happened, but my blood out of the back of my gauze and dress shirt the next day gave me away....

I would never do that again, at least not unarmed.

I was barely 19.

Thought I was invincible.

My first mistake was sticking my neck out for a girl I only met once before, not knowing why people like this would be in her house when her parents were away for the weekend.

I showed up stone fucking sober, and every kid in her basement near the keg looked more sober than me.

But I had a big fucking mouth.

I told him "look man, I just got here to party. Nobody wants to call the cops."

Right away, he (weighing twice as much as my 120lb frame when I was 19) said "Looks Like I'm going back to jail tonight".....


Seriously man.

Even at this time, I thought it was just him and ONE friend.

I'm 37 and up until this next point I don't regret my decisions.

But all of the sudden, she "swoops" up and calls him a nigger.

Looking back, I should have just told him to disregard that Ho


He said, immediately, shut the fuck up before I kill you ho....

Being the White Knight I was at 19, can you guess what I said?

I'll give you a hint...

I got my ass beat by not just the 2 of them, but 2 other friends hanging in the wings.

I was stabbed with a knife and didn't realize it until I was calling it a shitty night and one of my friends said "Oh my god!" and took off their shirt and pressed it on my back while we were driving.

I learned that night that the world is a fucking shitty place, and that even if I do my best to be Kenny Loggins, there are still going to be people who fucking shit on that Parade of Awesomeness.

And FTW means Fuck the World
not For the Win like my brother says
FTW means Fuck the World.

Fuck You, World.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 28, 2016 3:50 AM


Okay, who said anything about "hate crime" NOT ME!!!
I agree, a crime is a crime, whether it's hate or otherwise,
it's still a crime. You break the law, you get arrested and you get a trial.
Pure and simple, but I did not mention anything about a
"hate crime."

Now, it doesn't matter if the police officer was white, black, pink or a woman.
She shot an unarmed man without any provocation
or justification. Pure and simple.
It was on video - plain as day.


and not a single black person is talking about her for straight up murdering a civilian with nothing more than saying "I was afraid".

Is this what you want?

Protest over the murder in Tulsa.

What I was talking about in my post, simply put, was that the police
chief and District Attorney in Tulsa did the right thing and,
not only posted the video of the shooting,
but arrested the police officer.
That was a bold move, but it served it's purpose -
Tulsa police did
their job and as a result, the good people of that
community were served properly.

NO BULLSHIT.............just straight up justice. That's why you didn't
see much in the way of protest, because the authorities did their job.

Now comes the interesting part, the trial. The police chief in
Charlotte did exactly the opposite and look what it got that city.
He didn't release the video right away and the city became a shambles.
In the end, he over reacted and under estimated the people.
What did he do? He released the video.

By hiding the video it made people suspicious, now he has no trust
from the good people of Charlotte. Pure and simple.

I don't understand about the Obama thing. Committing us to a world war!?
WTF dude?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
No offense, SGG, but I'm not going to read any of your BS.

In most jurisdictions, Almost EVERYWHERE, there is no such thing as "hate crimes" or that bullshit.

A fucking crime is a crime is a crime is a crime.....

That very young white woman in Tulsa is going to court for manslaughter, and not a single black person is talking about her for straight up murdering a civilian with nothing more than saying "I was afraid".

Last week, she was on paid suspension. Now she's being tried for manslaughter.

It's on good citizens like you to make sure that she gets convicted.

"You're snoring......"


In the Meantime......

While you're looking left, man-cub, you're not watching Obama commit us to World War fucking III on the right...

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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