Indiana State Police Investigate Voter Registration Fraud

UPDATED: Friday, November 9, 2018 09:09
VIEWED: 7558
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016 2:06 AM


Well, it's that time of year again. Let's see what's cooking, shall we?

All I could get was the above link, I was unable to copy and paste the story
dated Sept. 15, 2016. I got this from another story - not dated - as a hyperlink reporting that the investigation by the ISP (Indiana State Police)
was expanding to include 7 other counties, as you will see in the article below:


INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana State Police investigators on Tuesday searched a voter registration agency on Indianapolis' north side as they look into a voter fraud case that spans nine counties.

The investigation began in late August when police learned of the filing of fraudulent voter registration forms in Marion and Hendricks counties.
The investigation has expanded from Marion and Hendricks counties to include Allen, Delaware, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Lake and Madison counties, according to a statement from State Police.

Police said the growing number of involved counties leads investigators to believe that the number of fraudulent records might be in the hundreds.
The possible fraudulent information is a combination of fake names, addresses and dates of birth with real information.

As part of the expanded investigation, State Police detectives served a search warrant for the business offices of the Indiana Voter Registration Project in the 2400 block of North Meridian Street.
The search warrant was served Tuesday morning, police said. The results of the search are not being released, and the affidavit and search warrant will remain sealed for 30 days.

"An investigation of this nature is complex, time consuming and is expected to continue for several more weeks or months," said a State Police statement. "Victims of the activities by some agents of the Indiana Voter Registration Project may not discover they have been disenfranchised from voting until they go to vote and realize their voting information has been altered. Such action may result in the citizen having to cast a provisional ballot."

Officials said a representative sample of voter registration applications received by county voter registration offices and suspected of being fraudulent have been copied and provided to investigators. The original applications are maintained by the appropriate voter registration office.

Craig Varoga, president of Patriot Majority, said because the IVRP has been specifically referenced in a statement from Secretary of State Connie Lawson, the investigation could impede the processing of the 45,000 voter registration cards that have been completed through the organization across the state.

The IVRP uses quality-control procedures to catch issues with voter registrations. Varoga said any of the applications that have been earmarked as fraud were already earmarked by the IVRP as incomplete or incorrect.
For example, if someone transposes digits in a phone number or forgets to fill out their ZIP code, the canvasser cannot complete that information for them, Varoga said. That card would then be flagged before being turned over to the local clerk's office.
"If they transpose a number and that’s inaccurate, that’s a mistake," he said. "That’s not fraud."

Varoga said he does not know the status of those 45,000 applications but said the seizure of cellphones and laptops during Tuesday's search warrant impedes the organization from further registering people to vote before the Oct. 11 deadline.

Varoga said State Police have been coordinating with the secretary of state's office, which he said became clear because of the timing of Lawson's statement and the onset of the State Police investigation. He said the investigation is a partisan effort "designed to make it harder to vote in this election."

He also said investigators seized personal cellphones during the search and denied staff the opportunity to contact an attorney, then told them that if an attorney were contacted, a state trooper had to be present. When an attorney did arrive, Varoga said, he was denied access to the office.
Tuesday's search and details of the investigation have been reported to the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division, he said.
"It's an abuse of state resources, and it is a waste of taxpayers' money," he said. "It is outrageous what they are doing."
Valerie Warycha, director of communications for the secretary of state's office, said the office was briefed about the investigation by State Police when it began but has not since been updated.
The only reason the secretary of state's office issued a statement was because it wanted voters to be aware of the possibility of altered registrations, Warycha said.

“We came out because we wanted Hoosiers to know that there were altered and falsified registrations out there, and we wanted Hoosiers to know how to protect themselves," she said.
The involvement of a State Police trooper who is interested in running for sheriff in Johnson County as a Republican causes concern, Varoga said.
State Police Capt. David Bursten said the trooper in question was involved in the initial stages of the investigation but was not involved in Tuesday's search warrant.

That trooper has only formed an exploratory committee, Bursten said, and he still has until January to declare his candidacy. In that case, he would be removed from parts of the investigation that would involve Johnson County.
"There is nothing criminal or illegal or immoral about him being part of the investigation," he said.

Bursten said the complexity of the investigation likely means that the work will continue until well after the November elections.
“We wouldn’t still be investigating if we weren’t still finding issues that are indicative of fraudulent acts," he said.
Bursten also denied that there was any coordination between State Police and the secretary of state's office and refuted the claims that the IVRP lawyer was not allowed to be present as the search was conducted. Cameras and phones were seized because the search warrant included electronic devices, he said.
“This is not the secretary of state’s investigation. This is Indiana State Police’s investigation," he said.

In light of the investigation, police are urging voters to visit to confirm that they are properly registered.
If voters discover inaccurate information that indicates they could be a victim, they should contact their local voter registration office and the 24-hour Indiana State Police Voter Registration Application Fraud tip line at (888) 603-3147.

written by Justin L. Mack and Holly V. Hays of USA Today

The original "complaint" was filed back in August/September 2016 and now days before the voter registration deadline, it has been expanded to 9 counties overall. Voter registration deadline is Oct. 11th in the state.



Wednesday, October 5, 2016 2:41 AM


The Huffington Post filed this report:

Indiana Officials Attack Voter Registration Drive After Finding 10 Bad Forms
Authorities are pointing the finger at a project funded by liberals.
09/28/2016 03:23 pm ET | Updated 6 days ago

Hmmmm, republicans seeing fraud everywhere after Trump's pronouncements that the system is rigged, of course without a shred of evidence. A republican secretary of state, a republican state police chief, in the state where the
governor is his running mate......You think that this investigation might be
"rigged." The office of Indiana Voter Registration Project is funded by a liberal organization called Patriot Majority. By the way, they found 10 forms that were filled out incorrectly out of 40,000.


The Indiana state government took the unusual step earlier this month of warning all voters to “remain on high alert” after it said it uncovered a possible voter fraud scheme.

The state accused a group called the Indiana Voter Registration Project of turning in 10 forged forms that changed a voter’s address without the voter’s knowledge. The group emphatically denies the allegation.

“I encourage all Hoosiers to be vigilant at this time and to monitor their voter registrations until the close of the voter registration deadline,” Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson (R) said in a Sept. 15 press release. She urged voters to double-check their registration information at

A political consultant with Patriot Majority, the liberal nonprofit that funded the registration project, said Lawson’s fraud claims are bogus. 

“They have used words like ‘fraud’ and ‘forgery’ but then when they actually describe the forms it seems to be inaccuracies,” Craig Varoga said, adding that he believes officials uncovered a few innocent mistakes.

Varoga said the registration project had collected nearly 40,000 applications. All those applications will still be processed by county clerks, according to a spokeswoman for the secretary of state’s office. 
The Indiana State Police have been investigating the matter. State police spokesman Dave Bursten told HuffPost that he didn’t know whether the 10 applications had been forged, but nobody has been charged with a crime. He said the police had interviewed people who might have shown up in November and found they were no longer registered to vote at their usual voting site.
“People said, ‘I didn’t fill this out,’” Bursten said. 

The Indiana allegations come amid some mild national hysteria over voter fraud, fueled partly by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s claims that the November election will be “rigged” somehow. (Voter impersonation fraud is extremely rare.) Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is Trump’s vice presidential running mate.

Wendy Weiser, a voting rights expert at the Brennan Center for Justice, said Lawson’s decision to issue a blanket warning based on a few accusations is highly unusual. 

“Whether or not it is warranted to criticize a particular group that engaged in voter registration, I don’t know,” Weiser said. “Typically those criticisms end up not holding water.”

Still, Weiser said it’s a good idea for voters to make sure their registration is up to date, since 1 in 8 registrations nationally is invalid or inaccurate, according to an analysis by the Pew Charitable Trusts. One problem is that people don’t realize that moving even within a state may require them to re-register. 

“My big takeaway from this is this makes a very strong and ongoing case for modernizing voter registration,” Weiser said. The Brennan Center favors automatic registration of all eligible voters when they interact with their local department of motor vehicles.

Patriot Majority has previously funded 11 voter registration drives in various states and has never encountered such a strong negative reaction from the local government, according to Varoga. 

“We’ve never had an overtly hostile partisan reaction,” he said.
Varoga also complained that the Indiana State Police were “intimidating” the project’s canvassers by interviewing them at their homes.

“I could see how somebody that might be concerned that they may have committed a violation, knowingly or unknowingly, could perceive us talking to them as harassment,” Bursten said, adding that the police nevertheless had to investigate the problem.

An Indiana Voter Registration Project canvasser told the IndyStar that supervisors stressed that the voters themselves, not the canvassers, must fill out the registration forms ? which is also what the law requires.

CORRECTION: Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson was not appointed or nominated to her job by Gov. Mike Pence, as the sub-headline previously implied. She is a separately elected official.

How often does voter fraud by impersonation happen?

"First, we need to accept the fact that in-person voter fraud by impersonation is virtually non-existent, with only 10 cases proven nationally out of 1 billion ballots cast since 2000," Pocan, who opposes Wisconsin’s newly reinstated photo ID law, wrote in the March 7, 2016 post.

"Let’s put it this way, more people are struck by lightning than commit in-person voter fraud."

If you get struck by lightning, you should play Lotto.



Wednesday, October 5, 2016 11:55 AM


A story from that far right conservative city called Philly


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 12:30 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
A story from that far right conservative city called Philly

Same shit, different city. More reichwing bullshit, as always.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 6:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Hmmmm, republicans seeing fraud everywhere after Trump's pronouncements that the system is rigged, of course without a shred of evidence. A republican secretary of state, a republican state police chief, in the state where the governor is his running mate......You think that this investigation might be "rigged."

Everyone watching the debate agreed that Indiana Gov Mike Pence lied over and over about simple stuff that's on tape and easily verified. And yet everyone also agreed that he won the debate. Does anyone see the problem here?

"More effectively than any Trump surrogate up to now, Pence simply denied — and denied, and denied, and denied — that someone as essentially good as Donald Trump could hold the views that cameras had recorded him holding."

On Kaine's charge that Pence and Trump have praised Vladimir Putin: “We haven’t,” Mr. Pence protested, even though he himself said on CNN last month that Mr. Putin was “a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country.” But Mr. Pence during the debate flatly denied making that remark.

LA Times: [Pence] smoothly, and without a hint of embarrassment, denied that Trump had said things Trump had said.

Guardian: Mostly Pence flatly denied that Trump had made controversial statements and, instead of defending the candidate, resorted to the strategy of gaslighting, by repeatedly challenging known facts to manipulate the truth.

Politico: The main tenet of [Pence's] strategy was to deny that Trump ever said these things to begin with — despite the fact that many of the statements were both real and a part of the public record.

McClatchy: During the few moments he did address statements Trump made, Pence denied them or even misstated them. “No he hasn't,” he said repeatedly.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 6:23 PM


Democrats invented voter fraud...and herpes


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 8:13 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The Huffington Post filed this report:

Indiana Officials Attack Voter Registration Drive After Finding 10 Bad Forms
Authorities are pointing the finger at a project funded by liberals.
09/28/2016 03:23 pm ET | Updated 6 days ago

Hmmmm, republicans seeing fraud everywhere after Trump's pronouncements that the system is rigged, of course without a shred of evidence. A republican secretary of state, a republican state police chief, in the state where the
governor is his running mate......You think that this investigation might be
"rigged." The office of Indiana Voter Registration Project is funded by a liberal organization called Patriot Majority. By the way, they found 10 forms that were filled out incorrectly out of 40,000.


The Indiana state government took the unusual step earlier this month of warning all voters to “remain on high alert” after it said it uncovered a possible voter fraud scheme.

The state accused a group called the Indiana Voter Registration Project of turning in 10 forged forms that changed a voter’s address without the voter’s knowledge. The group emphatically denies the allegation.

“I encourage all Hoosiers to be vigilant at this time and to monitor their voter registrations until the close of the voter registration deadline,” Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson (R) said in a Sept. 15 press release. She urged voters to double-check their registration information at

A political consultant with Patriot Majority, the liberal nonprofit that funded the registration project, said Lawson’s fraud claims are bogus. 

“They have used words like ‘fraud’ and ‘forgery’ but then when they actually describe the forms it seems to be inaccuracies,” Craig Varoga said, adding that he believes officials uncovered a few innocent mistakes.

Varoga said the registration project had collected nearly 40,000 applications. All those applications will still be processed by county clerks, according to a spokeswoman for the secretary of state’s office. 
The Indiana State Police have been investigating the matter. State police spokesman Dave Bursten told HuffPost that he didn’t know whether the 10 applications had been forged, but nobody has been charged with a crime. He said the police had interviewed people who might have shown up in November and found they were no longer registered to vote at their usual voting site.
“People said, ‘I didn’t fill this out,’” Bursten said. 

The Indiana allegations come amid some mild national hysteria over voter fraud, fueled partly by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s claims that the November election will be “rigged” somehow. (Voter impersonation fraud is extremely rare.) Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is Trump’s vice presidential running mate.

Wendy Weiser, a voting rights expert at the Brennan Center for Justice, said Lawson’s decision to issue a blanket warning based on a few accusations is highly unusual. 

“Whether or not it is warranted to criticize a particular group that engaged in voter registration, I don’t know,” Weiser said. “Typically those criticisms end up not holding water.”

Still, Weiser said it’s a good idea for voters to make sure their registration is up to date, since 1 in 8 registrations nationally is invalid or inaccurate, according to an analysis by the Pew Charitable Trusts. One problem is that people don’t realize that moving even within a state may require them to re-register. 

“My big takeaway from this is this makes a very strong and ongoing case for modernizing voter registration,” Weiser said. The Brennan Center favors automatic registration of all eligible voters when they interact with their local department of motor vehicles.

Patriot Majority has previously funded 11 voter registration drives in various states and has never encountered such a strong negative reaction from the local government, according to Varoga. 

“We’ve never had an overtly hostile partisan reaction,” he said.
Varoga also complained that the Indiana State Police were “intimidating” the project’s canvassers by interviewing them at their homes.

“I could see how somebody that might be concerned that they may have committed a violation, knowingly or unknowingly, could perceive us talking to them as harassment,” Bursten said, adding that the police nevertheless had to investigate the problem.

An Indiana Voter Registration Project canvasser told the IndyStar that supervisors stressed that the voters themselves, not the canvassers, must fill out the registration forms ? which is also what the law requires.

CORRECTION: Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson was not appointed or nominated to her job by Gov. Mike Pence, as the sub-headline previously implied. She is a separately elected official.

How often does voter fraud by impersonation happen?

"First, we need to accept the fact that in-person voter fraud by impersonation is virtually non-existent, with only 10 cases proven nationally out of 1 billion ballots cast since 2000," Pocan, who opposes Wisconsin’s newly reinstated photo ID law, wrote in the March 7, 2016 post.

"Let’s put it this way, more people are struck by lightning than commit in-person voter fraud."

If you get struck by lightning, you should play Lotto.


I am shocked, just shocked I say, to hear that Liberals and/or Democraps are committing voting fraud. One common tactic is to deny that any of the obvious and proven methods of voter fraud have ever happened.

I did not find attribution in your post, but you did quote Pocan. I'll assume you referred to Mark Pocan, lifelong Democrat and crooked politician of Madison, WI. A career politician since he was 27 (for 25 years now) his wards in Madison had the highest voter turnouts in the city - always over 100%. Although Democrats in Madison consider 141% voter turnout to be a great victory, any reasonable person - even those in Moscow - knows this is due to voter fraud campaigns.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 8:38 PM


Thank you for your brilliant contribution, it shows imagination and chutzpah.
Pence has taught you well.



Wednesday, October 5, 2016 9:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I am shocked, just shocked I say, to hear that Liberals and/or Democraps are committing voting fraud. One common tactic is to deny that any of the obvious and proven methods of voter fraud have ever happened.

I did not find attribution in your post, but you did quote Pocan. I'll assume you referred to Mark Pocan, lifelong Democrat and crooked politician of Madison, WI. A career politician since he was 27 (for 25 years now) his wards in Madison had the highest voter turnouts in the city - always over 100%. Although Democrats in Madison consider 141% voter turnout to be a great victory, any reasonable person - even those in Moscow - knows this is due to voter fraud campaigns.

The Success of the Voter Fraud Myth.

There is essentially no voter fraud in America, but Republicans have spread the myth so persistently that a lot of people now believe it. How does a lie come to be widely taken as the truth? The answer is disturbingly simple: Repeat it over and over again. When faced with facts that contradict the lie, repeat it louder.

As study after study has shown, there is virtually no voter fraud anywhere in the country. The most comprehensive investigation to date found that out of one billion votes cast in all American elections between 2000 and 2014, there were 31 possible cases of impersonation fraud. Other violations — like absentee ballot fraud, multiple voting and registration fraud — are also exceedingly rare.

Why would Indiana Gov Mike Pence spread lies about voter fraud? The answer is: Why would he not? His running mate started it.

Trump crossed one of the brightest lines in American politics, the one that deals directly with our tradition of peaceful transfer of power.

“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest,” he said to a crowd in Columbus, Ohio. He followed up on this in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “I’m telling you, November 8th, we’d better be careful because that election is going to be rigged. And I hope the Republicans are watching closely, or it’s going to be taken away from us.”

Roger Stone, a longtime adviser to Trump, said that Trump should start talking “constantly” about the chance of voter fraud and a rigged election. “He needs to say for example, today would be a perfect example: ‘I am leading in Florida. The polls all show it. If I lose Florida, we will know that there’s voter fraud.’ ” Stone continued in this vein. “ ‘If there’s voter fraud, this election will be illegitimate, the election of the winner will be illegitimate, we will have a constitutional crisis, widespread civil disobedience, and the government will no longer be the government.’ ”

From here, Stone’s language gets ominous. “If you can’t have an honest election, nothing else counts,” he said. “The government will be shut down if they attempt to steal this and swear Hillary in. No, we will not stand for it. We will not stand for it,” Stone said, promising a “bloodbath” of “civil disobedience.”

Trump is a major party leader in an age of rigid partisanship. Not only has this bound reluctant lawmakers to his campaign, but it’s given him a definite floor for votes in the general election. If he loses, it won’t be a landslide. It might even be close. Which makes this language dangerous.

A Donald Trump who accuses the Democratic campaign of fraud—who says Hillary stole the election from him—is one who has allies and enablers within his party. It’s one who has an audience with millions of voters, primed to believe in an epidemic of fraud and stolen elections, where “fraud” often means black and Latino voting.

What happens if Trump loses the election, and he claims fraud? What happens when hundreds of thousands of his most loyal followers—fed on a diet of anger and rage—convince themselves that the race was stolen from their tribune? For the sake of his own ego, Trump is stoking fear and distrust just so he can lose the election without losing face.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 9:32 PM



Arthur Delaney, Huffington Post
Justin L. Mack and Holly V. Hays, The Indianapolis Star

Gestapo Tactics by the State Police of Indiana

Both Sides Allege Disenfranchisement In Voter Registration Project Raid
By Sophia Saliby • 5 hours ago

State police are expanding their investigation into possible cases of voter registration fraud.

It started with registration forms originating in Hendricks and Marion counties but police say they’re now looking at seven additional counties across the state.

Allen, Delaware, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Lake and Madison Counties are all included in the new investigation.

The Indiana Voter Registration Project is at the center of the investigation.
VRP officials sent a press release Tuesday condemning what they call a "raid" by police, alleging it was a coordinated effort to keep as many as 45,000 African-American voters from the polls.

Indiana State Police spokesman Sergeant John Perrine  says more than 100 registration forms could have been compromised, but he says investigators are still determining if the Indiana Voter registration Project did this intentionally after taking voters’ information for registration.

“Somewhere between that and the time it’s turned in, some of these applications have false information or some of them have forged signatures, or they’re incomplete, and so we’re trying to determine exactly why those forms are being turned in to the local voter authorities,” said Perrine. 

(Forged signatures, yet no arrests. Registration forms were filled out by individuals and not by VRP associates)

Perrine says he doesn’t think the investigation will be finished by Election Day, (how convenient) so he encourages Hoosiers to check their voter registration online to ensure they will be able to vote in their proper precinct on Election Day without any problems.

(Funny how it's always the democrats that are affected, and it's always minorities that get shut out from voting. The state gestapo "raids" a democratic office looking to help citizens register to vote and they swing into action. They held the workers "hostage" and did not allow their attorney access to the office to respond to the charges being levied. They find "forgeries" but no one is arrested).

"Heil Hitler" the racist, bigots in the state offices of the "police" and the secretary of state set this up. The police were tipped off by someone
and they raided. No charges were filed, mainly because these are trumped up charges. 100 applications were found to have errors out of 45,000 submitted.
That's about 2/10ths of a percent. Yeah that's a lot, waaaaaayyyyy too many.

This is how the Hoosier government is wasting the taxpayer's money. Typical reich wing response.




Thursday, October 6, 2016 6:58 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

This is how the Hoosier government is wasting the taxpayer's money. Typical reich wing response.

The Republicans are preparing to make Hillary a one-term President in 2020 by notifying America that Hillary stole 2016. The 2020 campaign signs will say, "Don't let Hillary steal again". Indiana would be governed much better if Gov Mike Pence and his Republicans appointees put more of their working day into their actual state jobs and less into winning the next election. But Pence spends none of his typical working day working at his official job. Instead, Pence is running errands for Trump.


Thursday, October 6, 2016 6:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

From 1960 to 1964 future Chief Justice William Rehnquist directed ‘ballot security operations’ for the Maricopa County Republican Party in Phoenix, known as ‘Operation Eagle Eye,’ which was designed to challenge the eligibility of Democratic voters at the polls. Civil rights activists with the NAACP in Arizona testified that Rehnquist had personally administered literacy tests to black and Hispanic voters at Democratic precincts in Phoenix, questioning their qualifications by asking them to read portions of the Constitution.

If we are living in the midst of another white backlash—and Trump’s ethno-nationalist campaign for the White House suggests that we are—then it’s only fitting that we’ve seen a new push against full access at the ballot box, spearheaded by a political party enthralled to a recalcitrant movement of white revanchists. Likewise, it’s fitting that its symbol and head, Trump, is now channeling a sesqui-century of racial reaction.

The difference between now and the past is that these new racial reactionaries are losing. For all their rage and anger, they are far short of a majority. Their primal scream isn’t enough to close the electoral gap. Donald Trump is on track to lose this presidential race, shut down by a strong—if somewhat silent—majority of blacks, Latinos, Asian Americans, and young people, along with liberal and moderate whites.


Thursday, October 6, 2016 7:18 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I am shocked, just shocked I say, to hear that Liberals and/or Democraps are committing voting fraud. One common tactic is to deny that any of the obvious and proven methods of voter fraud have ever happened.

I did not find attribution in your post, but you did quote Pocan. I'll assume you referred to Mark Pocan, lifelong Democrat and crooked politician of Madison, WI. A career politician since he was 27 (for 25 years now) his wards in Madison had the highest voter turnouts in the city - always over 100%. Although Democrats in Madison consider 141% voter turnout to be a great victory, any reasonable person - even those in Moscow - knows this is due to voter fraud campaigns.

As study after study has shown, there is virtually no voter fraud anywhere in the country. The most comprehensive investigation to date found that out of one billion votes cast in all American elections between 2000 and 2014, there were 31 possible cases of impersonation fraud. Other violations — like absentee ballot fraud, multiple voting and registration fraud — are also exceedingly rare.

Sometimes I cannot tell when you are being sarcastic. I cannot tell if you are serious here. Are you really that gullible? I actually expect more from you.


Thursday, October 6, 2016 8:26 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Sometimes I cannot tell when you are being sarcastic. I cannot tell if you are serious here. Are you really that gullible? I actually expect more from you.

I'll give you a hint: I always try for sarcasm when dealing with Republicans and their factually erroneousness. (Did I spelled that right? Yes, I did.)

The Truth About Voter Fraud found that most reported incidents of voter fraud are actually traceable to other sources, such as clerical errors or bad data matching practices. The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.00004 percent and 0.0009 percent. Oh yeh! 0.0009% is really gonna change the outcome of the Trump vs Hillary election. Even 1% is not gonna change Trump vs Hillary.


Thursday, October 6, 2016 11:24 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

This is how the Hoosier government is wasting the taxpayer's money. Typical reich wing response.

The Republicans are preparing to make Hillary a one-term President in 2020 by notifying America that Hillary stole 2016. The 2020 campaign signs will say, "Don't let Hillary steal again". Indiana would be governed much better if Gov Mike Pence and his Republicans appointees put more of their working day into their actual state jobs and less into winning the next election. But Pence spends none of his typical working day working at his official job. Instead, Pence is running errands for Trump.

Two things about Indiana that I'd like to clear up for people who don't live here and had no more idea who Mike Pence was than I did Kaine....

1) Indiana's slogan is "A State That Works", and that's not just a BS claim. Every year since Mike Pence has been Governor here we have maintained a budget surplus that Mitch Daniels ran before him. I'm sure that he is confident in the ability of his people to handle things while he's gone. Also, it's not as if we're living in the 1980's. I'm also quite sure that he is able to phone in a lot of his work and is no more than a phone call away if any emergencies come up.

2) I question the validity of this story, or if many resources are being invested in it in the first place. Indiana is a state that so overwhelmingly votes republican every year that if somebody were somehow able to fake the amount of fraudulent voter registrations that it would take to turn Indiana Blue then that would be a national scandal that would likely see the entire election come up on fraud charges and a whole lot of people would go to jail. Even Clinton Hubris isn't ballzy enough to try to rig an Indiana presidential election.

So, in short, I'm going to have to say that this one is personally "another good story ruined by an eye witness".

Indiana has its problems like any other state does in these times, but we still manage to maintain property taxes that are 1/5th of Illinois property taxes, sales taxes that are 3% less than Illinois sales taxes, water bills that are 1/4 what Illinois water bills are and we still run a budget surplus year after year.

On top of that, I don't have to bag my leaves. I rake them to the street and there's still enough money to pay 3 guys to come around and vaccuum them all up for us, free of charge.

And on top of all of that, when's the last time you heard about Gary or Indianapolis in the news for legitimately wrong cop shootings or even any bullshit BLM crap in the news?

I can get in my car right now, at 10:20PM and be in the heart of Gary in 12 minutes and the only thing I'd be afraid of is being pulled over by a cop who figured the only reason a white boy was there at this time of night was to score drugs.

Don't worry about Indiana. We're good. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 7, 2016 12:29 AM



I rake them to the street and there's still enough money to pay 3 guys to come around and vaccuum them all up for us, free of charge.

I rest my case.............



Friday, October 7, 2016 1:24 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I rake them to the street and there's still enough money to pay 3 guys to come around and vaccuum them all up for us, free of charge.

I rest my case.............


I'm going to ask you to clarify that statement, if you please.

In the 5 years I've lived here, after paying for my forclosure/rehab house with cash, and ran out of money I'm comfortable spending on repairs a few years ago, I keep up the outside looking perfect and do my part to keep a proud looking facade even if I haven't gotten a great job to fix the rest of the place inside up.

I own a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house to myself. 2/3rds of the house is absolutely perfect-finished for me. The other 1/3 I'd only worry about if I got married or was looking to move out of the house.

In the 5 years I've lived here, I've spent nearly 3 of them working at KMart. The rest of them, I haven't worked at all and just kind of coasted.

I wouldn't expect you to understand to know what I mean since you're more than likely of the 99.9% of us who have a hefty rent or mortgage payment every month.

But back to your comment....

I'm just going to come right out and say it.

It was a racist comment.

No. The 3 guys coming around with the truck vaccuuming up the leaves aren't Mexican, or any other minorities. They're all white men. (although I realize that this is a catch-22 argument I've found myself in and I lose either way).

No matter what race or sex or whatever they are, I don't look down on them. They do me a great service, first off. Second off, I spent nearly 3 years working for Indiana minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and I know they're getting paid quite a bit more for what they do.

On top of all of that, I'm a pretty OCD dude. I think being able to spend all day for 3 months vaccuuming lawns and making them look clean would fit right in with my mental problems.

So if some sort of inferred racism was why you rested your case SGG, go fuck yourself.

If I'm mistaken, and you had an actual point to make here, I'm open for debate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 2:30 AM


If you get struck by lightning, you should play Lotto.


I am shocked, just shocked I say, to hear that Liberals and/or Democraps are committing voting fraud. One common tactic is to deny that any of the obvious and proven methods of voter fraud have ever happened.

I did not find attribution in your post, but you did quote Pocan. I'll assume you referred to Mark Pocan, lifelong Democrat and crooked politician of Madison, WI. A career politician since he was 27 (for 25 years now) his wards in Madison had the highest voter turnouts in the city - always over 100%. Although Democrats in Madison consider 141% voter turnout to be a great victory, any reasonable person - even those in Moscow - knows this is due to voter fraud campaigns.

"You've been hit by, you've been struck by"......a Yhuge lightning bolt!

(to the tune of Smooth Criminal)

Hey, that fits...Drumpf is a Yhuge criminal!



Tuesday, October 11, 2016 2:39 AM


Fucking weird................but I'm gonna answer this in 2 parts, since that's what you did:

I'll respond with my Part 1 answer: WTF does your house payment/renovation/life story have to do with, well, anything!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I rake them to the street and there's still enough money to pay 3 guys to come around and vaccuum them all up for us, free of charge.

I rest my case.............


I'm going to ask you to clarify that statement, if you please.

In the 5 years I've lived here, after paying for my forclosure/rehab house with cash, and ran out of money I'm comfortable spending on repairs a few years ago, I keep up the outside looking perfect and do my part to keep a proud looking facade even if I haven't gotten a great job to fix the rest of the place inside up.

I own a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house to myself. 2/3rds of the house is absolutely perfect-finished for me. The other 1/3 I'd only worry about if I got married or was looking to move out of the house.

In the 5 years I've lived here, I've spent nearly 3 of them working at KMart. The rest of them, I haven't worked at all and just kind of coasted.

I wouldn't expect you to understand to know what I mean since you're more than likely of the 99.9% of us who have a hefty rent or mortgage payment every month.

But back to your comment....

I'm just going to come right out and say it.

It was a racist comment.

No. The 3 guys coming around with the truck vaccuuming up the leaves aren't Mexican, or any other minorities. They're all white men. (although I realize that this is a catch-22 argument I've found myself in and I lose either way).

No matter what race or sex or whatever they are, I don't look down on them. They do me a great service, first off. Second off, I spent nearly 3 years working for Indiana minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and I know they're getting paid quite a bit more for what they do.

On top of all of that, I'm a pretty OCD dude. I think being able to spend all day for 3 months vaccuuming lawns and making them look clean would fit right in with my mental problems.

So if some sort of inferred racism was why you rested your case SGG, go fuck yourself.

If I'm mistaken, and you had an actual point to make here, I'm open for debate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:45 AM


Dude, forget my Part 1 answer, although you do deserve an explanation on my comment, I'm also responding because, in you own way, you bothered to ask.
Forget my Part 1 answer because it was a knee-jerk response, and I didn't take the time to consider everything.

Too often we, meaning the general "we", are too quick to lash out and not think clearly. I read your response 3 or 4 times to consider my answer/response so that it would make sense.

1- It was not regarding racism. No. I was referring to my overall feeling about the myth of voter fraud and government responsibility.

2- It was not personal.

I was referring to the confusion of your answer: the fact that you pay somebody for "free" stuff; when actually you do pay. Taxes pay for services:
roads, bridges, schools, leaf-vacuuming, etc. But also, voter fraud
investigation by the sheriff's department and state attorney general.

You are being told that they found that someone was cheating. You yourself said that your state is known for being a red state, and that cheating to influence the outcome of any election would be pointless. But read the story carefully. They found 100 registration forms that were filled out incorrectly - 100 out of 45,000. That's 1 out of 450 applications. Plus
they said the investigation would last for several weeks to several months
(obviously designed to go on past the general elections); so let's say 2-3 months. How much do you think that would cost in overtime for the sheriff's office and the like? Would that make a dent in the grand scheme of things in your "red" state? In other words, "blue" votes.

Wouldn't that money be better spent buying needed school supplies or maintaining the clean water supply? Instead they "hunt" for perceived illegal activity where there is none. I'm just saying. I'll bet anything
you'll find more "incorrect applications" at the Motor Vehicle Dept.
That is what I was referring to with my comment.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I rake them to the street and there's still enough money to pay 3 guys to come around and vaccuum them all up for us, free of charge.

I rest my case.............


I'm going to ask you to clarify that statement, if you please.

In the 5 years I've lived here, after paying for my forclosure/rehab house with cash, and ran out of money I'm comfortable spending on repairs a few years ago, I keep up the outside looking perfect and do my part to keep a proud looking facade even if I haven't gotten a great job to fix the rest of the place inside up.

I own a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house to myself. 2/3rds of the house is absolutely perfect-finished for me. The other 1/3 I'd only worry about if I got married or was looking to move out of the house.

In the 5 years I've lived here, I've spent nearly 3 of them working at KMart. The rest of them, I haven't worked at all and just kind of coasted.

I wouldn't expect you to understand to know what I mean since you're more than likely of the 99.9% of us who have a hefty rent or mortgage payment every month.

But back to your comment....

I'm just going to come right out and say it.

It was a racist comment.

No. The 3 guys coming around with the truck vaccuuming up the leaves aren't Mexican, or any other minorities. They're all white men. (although I realize that this is a catch-22 argument I've found myself in and I lose either way).

No matter what race or sex or whatever they are, I don't look down on them. They do me a great service, first off. Second off, I spent nearly 3 years working for Indiana minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and I know they're getting paid quite a bit more for what they do.

On top of all of that, I'm a pretty OCD dude. I think being able to spend all day for 3 months vaccuuming lawns and making them look clean would fit right in with my mental problems.

So if some sort of inferred racism was why you rested your case SGG, go fuck yourself.

If I'm mistaken, and you had an actual point to make here, I'm open for debate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 4:57 AM


Another reply to your post; this time very different:

Part 1b

Look dude, about 8 years ago I went through one of the worst times in my life. The only thing that kept me going was my son; my responsibility as a father.

About 30 years ago, I was married and living the good life. House, car, decent job. Then all hell broke loose when I got divorced. I'm not going to give you the blow-by-blow description, but 2007 found me working temp and barely scraping by. Then my niece told me of a job (way below my pay grade, but decent work, good company). I was lucky that good people were in my life
because I'm still standing today.

So I count my blessings.

Doesn't matter what your path is, it's how you walk it that counts. Because we've all been through it in one way
or another. But, think about it. Companies are making bank, whole gobs of it. Hand over fist type of stuff (they've been hiring people here recently
Big Money is being made, and certain people are reaping the benefits).
Now, here we have rich people making a shitload of money, but hiring very
selectively. You and me, we're making chump change. Maybe even not being
hired, promoted or given a raise in a long time. Who controls that? The president? Did he sign a bill keeping folks from being hired or something?

Ford recently relocated their small car production to Mexico, but they're
going to retool their Michigan factory to build large trucks and SUVs.
They are squeezing the little guy for a few extra bucks. Is that the president's fault?

Makes you think, don't it?



Thursday, October 13, 2016 8:02 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Sometimes I cannot tell when you are being sarcastic. I cannot tell if you are serious here. Are you really that gullible? I actually expect more from you.

I'll give you a hint: I always try for sarcasm when dealing with Republicans and their factually erroneousness. (Did I spelled that right? Yes, I did.)

The Truth About Voter Fraud found that most reported incidents of voter fraud are actually traceable to other sources, such as clerical errors or bad data matching practices. The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.00004 percent and 0.0009 percent. Oh yeh! 0.0009% is really gonna change the outcome of the Trump vs Hillary election. Even 1% is not gonna change Trump vs Hillary.

So now you are admitting that voting fraud EXISTS?

And now you are negotiating the amount of it that libtards admit to?

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Could you have found a more radically extremist Libtard organization than the Brennan Center? or were you just being lazy and settled for their Ultra-Libtardism?
If you keep your blinders on FULL TIME, they might wear out - you might want to look into that.


Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:40 AM


I am willingly allowing my BIG FAT ASSHOLE to be probed by the US MEDIA as to if there is any bias either way on voting for Hillary.

And I BEG you to probe the fuck out of my ASSHOLE DEEP on a FEDERAL LEVEL because it's not allowed on a state level.


In the meantime

, whatever.

Why are you focusing your time on Indiana when you can NEVER win this state?

I'm doing you a fucking favor.

Nothing to see here, Retards...

Move on....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:40 AM


I am willingly allowing my BIG FAT ASSHOLE to be probed by the US MEDIA as to if there is any bias either way on voting for Hillary.

And I BEG you to probe the fuck out of my ASSHOLE DEEP on a FEDERAL LEVEL because it's not allowed on a state level.


In the meantime

, whatever.

Why are you focusing your time on Indiana when you can NEVER win this state?

I'm doing you a fucking favor.

Nothing to see here, Retards...

Move on....

And I can't forget the P.S. Be sure to tell everyone you know that I have a microscopic cock that can only be seen with a College Level Microscope.


All of those young High School Girls that were saved from my obvious rape since I'm an un-educated American White Hetrosexual Male.

What a close call.

P.S. Eat my asshole. It's made of Hershey Kisses at the Core.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:51 AM


Watch this Bitches.....

And do your due-dillagiance and say it's not Her talking about YOU.

Until you prove otherwise, I'm considering this a song AGAINST YOU.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:17 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Sometimes I cannot tell when you are being sarcastic. I cannot tell if you are serious here. Are you really that gullible? I actually expect more from you.

I'll give you a hint: I always try for sarcasm when dealing with Republicans and their factually erroneousness. (Did I spelled that right? Yes, I did.)

The Truth About Voter Fraud found that most reported incidents of voter fraud are actually traceable to other sources, such as clerical errors or bad data matching practices. The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.00004 percent and 0.0009 percent. Oh yeh! 0.0009% is really gonna change the outcome of the Trump vs Hillary election. Even 1% is not gonna change Trump vs Hillary.

So now you are admitting that voting fraud EXISTS?

And now you are negotiating the amount of it that libtards admit to?

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Could you have found a more radically extremist Libtard organization than the Brennan Center? or were you just being lazy and settled for their Ultra-Libtardism?
If you keep your blinders on FULL TIME, they might wear out - you might want to look into that.

So let us clarify the extent of your lies.

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of stating somebody else's name and then voting to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of voting multiple times in the same election in the same district to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of voting multiple times in the same election in different states to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of voting multiple times in the same election outside your district of residence to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of dead people voting to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of hundreds of people voting in alphabetical order to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of comatose people voting to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of more ballots being cast in any Ward/Precinct than the number of legally eligible voters existing in that Ward/Precinct to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of ineligible felons casting ballots to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of non-citizens voting to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of organized orchestrations of legally unqualified voters to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of orchestrated disposal of honest and valid ballots from the box to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of random or spurious disqualification of honest and valid ballots to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of ballot-box stuffing with ballots illegally pre-certified by election officials to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of registration of fake names to be used for stuffing ballot box (making illegitimate votes) to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of hacking voting machines to change the digital form of voting results to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of obtaining voting machines which are known to not have fidelity in accurately recording votes verbatim to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud?

Do you consider the clear and common Voting Fraud practice of vigorously opposing cleansing of voter lists - organized voting fraud to be Voting Fraud? Do you deny this form of Voting Fraud is Voting Fraud? This one is always practiced by Democrat Operatives, and specifically Obama, at every opportunity.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016 8:30 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I am shocked, just shocked I say, to hear that Liberals and/or Democraps are committing voting fraud. One common tactic is to deny that any of the obvious and proven methods of voter fraud have ever happened.

I did not find attribution in your post, but you did quote Pocan. I'll assume you referred to Mark Pocan, lifelong Democrat and crooked politician of Madison, WI. A career politician since he was 27 (for 25 years now) his wards in Madison had the highest voter turnouts in the city - always over 100%. Although Democrats in Madison consider 141% voter turnout to be a great victory, any reasonable person - even those in Moscow - knows this is due to voter fraud campaigns.

As study after study has shown, there is virtually no voter fraud anywhere in the country. The most comprehensive investigation to date found that out of one billion votes cast in all American elections between 2000 and 2014, there were 31 possible cases of impersonation fraud. Other violations — like absentee ballot fraud, multiple voting and registration fraud — are also exceedingly rare.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.
This is not the Voting Fraud you were looking for.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
I tis soooo difficult to find examples of Voting Fraud on the mysterious interwebs.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016 12:06 AM


Even Bhye is hated so much in Indiana that they probably didn't need to spend tons of money making him look like the worst man who ever lived who never grabbed a woman by the pussy.

The MSM has taken things so far that I've even seen some polls that put Indiana is grey or "undecided".

Indiana gave more than 120,000 more votes to Mitt Romney. A republican nobody cared about against one of the most recent "Popular" presidents in his second term ever....

Nobody who actually lives in Indiana believes that it's even a close race here, even though we still don't put up any presidential signs. There are a lot of signs of who to vote for the new Sheriff by me though.

Please investigate Indiana for fraud. Please spend a lot of time and money on Indiana.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 19, 2016 6:56 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I am willingly allowing my BIG FAT ASSHOLE to be probed by the US MEDIA as to if there is any bias either way on voting for Hillary.

And I BEG you to probe the fuck out of my ASSHOLE DEEP on a FEDERAL LEVEL because it's not allowed on a state level.


In the meantime

, whatever.

Why are you focusing your time on Indiana when you can NEVER win this state?

I'm doing you a fucking favor.

Nothing to see here, Retards...

Move on....

And I can't forget the P.S. Be sure to tell everyone you know that I have a microscopic cock that can only be seen with a College Level Microscope.


All of those young High School Girls that were saved from my obvious rape since I'm an un-educated American White Hetrosexual Male.

What a close call.

P.S. Eat my asshole. It's made of Hershey Kisses at the Core.

Do Right, Be Right. :)



Thursday, October 20, 2016 8:02 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I am shocked, just shocked I say, to hear that Liberals and/or Democraps are committing voting fraud. One common tactic is to deny that any of the obvious and proven methods of voter fraud have ever happened.

I did not find attribution in your post, but you did quote Pocan. I'll assume you referred to Mark Pocan, lifelong Democrat and crooked politician of Madison, WI. A career politician since he was 27 (for 25 years now) his wards in Madison had the highest voter turnouts in the city - always over 100%. Although Democrats in Madison consider 141% voter turnout to be a great victory, any reasonable person - even those in Moscow - knows this is due to voter fraud campaigns.

As study after study has shown, there is virtually no voter fraud anywhere in the country. The most comprehensive investigation to date found that out of one billion votes cast in all American elections between 2000 and 2014, there were 31 possible cases of impersonation fraud. Other violations — like absentee ballot fraud, multiple voting and registration fraud — are also exceedingly rare.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.
This is not the Voting Fraud you were looking for.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
I tis soooo difficult to find examples of Voting Fraud on the mysterious interwebs.

Many rabid Libtards try to proclaim that Voting Fraud by Democrats does not have an impact. But only one form of their heavily practiced Voting Fraud garners 2.4 Million Fake Voter Registrations, and Obama won by a margin of about 310,000 votes in 2012.

Inconsequential, my a$$.


Friday, October 21, 2016 2:59 AM


Right, Indiana should be investigated for Fraud. Spend all the money and follow the lead of your humble and dedicated servant - Donald J. Trump!

Yes, I say spend every last fucking dime investigating and leave no stone unturned to find fraud, corruption, bribery and social injustice in the grand state of Indiana.

Please get to the bottom of why Democrats in Big Cities have to cheat, lie and steal the election from such an obvious choice for president - Donald J. Trump.

Remember, search all Mexicans, Blacks and.....well, anyone of color, since they are the only ones that stand to gain more Food Stamps and such. Line them up and search every nook and cranny (because they are sneaky, really folks, soooo sneaky) and most especially the children.....yes, they most of all.

I'm writing a letter to the Deportation Police right now......get them all outta here because they have no right being here. This land is "our" land -
from California to the NY Islands....this land was made for one people only.
Let's make it great again......rock 'n roll!

Who was that masked man?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Even Bhye is hated so much in Indiana that they probably didn't need to spend tons of money making him look like the worst man who ever lived who never grabbed a woman by the pussy.

The MSM has taken things so far that I've even seen some polls that put Indiana is grey or "undecided".

Indiana gave more than 120,000 more votes to Mitt Romney. A republican nobody cared about against one of the most recent "Popular" presidents in his second term ever....

Nobody who actually lives in Indiana believes that it's even a close race here, even though we still don't put up any presidential signs. There are a lot of signs of who to vote for the new Sheriff by me though.

Please investigate Indiana for fraud. Please spend a lot of time and money on Indiana.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 22, 2016 12:57 AM


Trust me. Nobody is spending more than a buck looking into Indiana votes.

I believe I said why before, so I won't again.

Come back to me when Trump somehow made it look like New York voted for him Bitch...

Otherwise, End Of Thread. Period.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 22, 2016 12:57 AM


Trust me. Nobody is spending more than a buck looking into Indiana votes.

I believe I said why before, so I won't again.

Come back to me when Trump somehow made it look like New York voted for him Bitch...

Otherwise, End Of Thread. Period.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 22, 2016 1:50 AM


Yeah, End of Thread alright!

By the way, Dems cheat REAL GOOD in New York. Now there's a state worth investigating.............BITCH!

Indiana, who cares!!!

Wait, apparently the sheriff of nothingham does. The State Police and the AG of Indiana began an investigation, that's what started this thread. Funny not a dollar, but yeah, you're right. Apparently, the ISP and the AG care and conducted an investigation.....funny how that works!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Trust me. Nobody is spending more than a buck looking into Indiana votes.

I believe I said why before, so I won't again.

Come back to me when Trump somehow made it look like New York voted for him Bitch...

Otherwise, End Of Thread. Period.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 22, 2016 11:21 PM


It is that and so much more. It is distraction from the real issues and problems we as a nation face. It is ultimately, voter intimidation, an obvious sign of bully tactics. For Trump, it's an excuse, a deflection of the truth - that he is and was never a serious candidate, not in the true sense of the word. There's nothing like experience - fuck the whole hysterical "establishment" movement - serving the community, the city or state, and eventually, the country counts greatly in the grand scheme of things. The failure comes in two sections - the crooked politicians and the lazy public. Yes, I blame us, the constituents.

I worked for a city councilmember a few years ago. Boy was she an opportunist, and lazy. Up until someone, usually an alert constituent (usually white) would call attention to a problem. Then she would move heaven and earth to appease that constituent. Wait, it wasn't that easy.
It took backing by the residents within her district. In other words, the community was involved. So, if you sit back and things happen, well, you get what you pay for.

Establishment my ass! Fucking lazy people not keeping them honest by holding their feet to the fire and falling for the stupidest shit ever - Voter Fraud - which is like, as one analyst put it, getting struck by lightning...twice!



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Right, Indiana should be investigated for Fraud. Spend all the money and follow the lead of your humble and dedicated servant - Donald J. Trump!

Yes, I say spend every last fucking dime investigating and leave no stone unturned to find fraud, corruption, bribery and social injustice in the grand state of Indiana.

Please get to the bottom of why Democrats in Big Cities have to cheat, lie and steal the election from such an obvious choice for president - Donald J. Trump.

Remember, search all Mexicans, Blacks and.....well, anyone of color, since they are the only ones that stand to gain more Food Stamps and such. Line them up and search every nook and cranny (because they are sneaky, really folks, soooo sneaky) and most especially the children.....yes, they most of all.

I'm writing a letter to the Deportation Police right now......get them all outta here because they have no right being here. This land is "our" land -
from California to the NY Islands....this land was made for one people only.
Let's make it great again......rock 'n roll!

Who was that masked man?

Of course you are right SGG. This is the same as the Birther sh*t just with different words. Only nutters and Commies fall for it. Who knew there were so many? One theory: people have become over emotionalized from watching too much tv and need their life to be as exciting... no matter what they have to believe in or do to make it seem that way.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016 8:36 PM


Latest Bloomberg poll shows that a majority hates Hillary and Trump and Kaine.....

But like 50some% against 30% they like Mike Pence.

No doubt in my mind Trump is winning here, but in 4 years he'll be 74. Assuming some idiot doesn't cap his ass, he probably will want to retire after that roller coaster.

Mike Pence.

Leads a state that constantly runs a budget surplus while keeping taxes ultralow.

Tim Kane danced around like a rabbid hyena and Pence just calmly let everyone know that Kane was full of shit. He reminded me of what would have been Christian Bale's Dad in American Psycho.

Still no Black Lives Matter bullshit in Indiana.

Still no deficit.

Just sayin'

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 16, 2017 8:48 PM


Here's a thread I've been looking for but not finding.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017 6:05 PM


Never mind this voter fraud, move along now, pay no mind to this voter fraud behind the curtain.
And most certainly ignore the fact that these fraudulent votes only occurred in Cities where Libtards and other criminals control the ballotboxes.

I am certain some Libtard viewers will merely cover their eyes and ears (but not their pie holes) with the revelation of these Voter Fraud Facts.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017 6:28 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Do you realize that all four links are about the same story, and three of them are the same text? I don't think we need to see the same thing four times.

Meanwhile, if 60 people voted illegally in the primaries, does that have anything to do with how many people voted illegally in the general election? Also, it leaves a long, looong, way to go to reach the "3 million to 5 million people (who) may have voted illegally in the November general election".

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Tuesday, March 14, 2017 7:37 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Do you realize that all four links are about the same story, and three of them are the same text? I don't think we need to see the same thing four times.

I intended for them all to be about the same set of facts.
I knew 2 of them were essentially duplicates, but they had different attributes in the linky.
Some here demand linkys, or cites. Some linkys are scoffed upon, deemed unworthy. Some linkys become inoperative at different points. Some here claim that only a few linkys are inadequate quantity. I was trying to provide what some clamor for. I would agree with you about duplicates, but others here apparently disagree with us.

Meanwhile, if 60 people voted illegally in the primaries, does that have anything to do with how many people voted illegally in the general election?

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?

I failed to point out that the Primaries did not include Voter ID in WI like the General Election did this time. The WI Voter ID law has been on the books for years, but Libtards kept challenging it at times convenient to pre-empting honest elections. Nov 2016 was the first time the Law had cleared the courts for a General Election. WI went from "always Dem" to Trump.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017 7:42 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Nov 2016 was the first time the Law had cleared the courts for a General Election. WI went from "always Dem" to Trump.
Now you're just being an insinuating douche.

BTW, as bad as the prediction polls were for the general election, they had Trump winning WI.
So, no, the voter ID law didn't magically create that result.

Originally posted by G:
I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017 3:24 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by whozit:
A story from that far right conservative city called Philly

Same shit, different city. More reichwing bullshit, as always.

It almost hurts to be so right all the time. I called it, yet again.

If you use your brain as much as I do, you, too, can get it right all the time!


Wednesday, March 15, 2017 7:12 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Nov 2016 was the first time the Law had cleared the courts for a General Election. WI went from "always Dem" to Trump.
Now you're just being an insinuating douche.

BTW, as bad as the prediction polls were for the general election, they had Trump winning WI.
So, no, the voter ID law didn't magically create that result.

That link you post to RCP shows all of their polls with a Hilliary win in WI, by 6% to 8% margin. The graph also shows Hilliary never getting less than 43% and Trump never getting more than 42%, with a general margin of 12%. The only place I find in your linky that Trump led over Hilliary was the RESULTS of the Election, cleverly identified as "FINAL RESULTS" which is specified as 0.7%.


Saturday, March 24, 2018 9:26 PM




Saturday, April 28, 2018 12:09 AM


News said today the new Texas Voter ID law was upheld by higher Court after lower court said photo ID was discriminatory against minorities.


Saturday, April 28, 2018 8:01 AM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 28, 2018 1:08 PM


Apparently it was several lower courts which ruled against The Constitution and common sense, and this appeals court reversed them all.
Sounds like this ruling also places in effect, for the first time, the stronger penalties for Voting Fraud in Texas.

Libtards are whining that their Illegal Aliens and other Fraudulent Voters will need to stay home now.


Friday, May 4, 2018 7:12 PM


A person not Registered to Vote was arrested for Fraudulently Voting at least 5 times in Florida.
The 5 identified and Investigated ballots were due to those 5 Lawful Voters being told they had not been allowed to vote. The total number of Fraudulent Votes from this single Criminal are not known, absent reports not being filed, or non-voters not noticing.

This is from 2016.
Guess who the Criminal voted for.


Friday, May 4, 2018 10:56 PM



That's something that should go in the bank.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 5, 2018 2:52 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

That's something that should go in the bank.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I had not heard the name, but appears to be 36 year old Bret Warren of Castle berry. The original story at the start was before the election, with complainants Lawrence and Susan Halperin.

You might find links with that info.

I'm not sure these will work:

You can't possibly believe Fraudulent Voting actually occurred! I've seen rumors that it absolutely never, ever happens. Never!






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