Trump Points A Finger at Obama & Rice

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 22:49
VIEWED: 1802
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Thursday, April 6, 2017 6:43 AM


Smoke and mirrors, nothing but smoke and mirrors.

Deflect, obstruct and misdirect......these are the tools of the fools in the White House. Trump points to Obama for the country's woes. Okay, I give, Obama fucked shit up. He destroyed the country. Whatever that's out there that's broken, yep HIS fault 100%

Obama, the worst ever president.

Now, Trumpy my small-minded pea-brained sad sack of shit president, stop dreaming about grabbing pussy, playing golf and getting laid and get to stepping. Everyone in the country is looking to you to fix what he broke. Fuck dude, snap out of it! The world is about to explode and everyone needs you to stop tweeting and get to work. You Won, you stupid motherfucker. Stop blaming everyone and start leading, all those thousands of people that voted for you are counting on you to keep your fucking word. LET'S ROLL!!!

And don't forget your darling sweetheart Putin. He's looking to you to make him the supreme leader of the world. That's extremely important. White folk everywhere are counting on you to show the way. So get over yourself and stop pointing fingers blaming others, roll up your sleeves and be POTUS.

Ya' know, it's funny, but no one has actually called you POTUS. I wonder why?



Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:07 AM


LOL... Meanwhile Democrats still give Obama a pass for how bad he did by blaming it on GWB 8 years later.

I agree. I said years ago here that GWB was the worst president we ever had on more than one occasion. Obama took it to a new level.

I'm going to give Trump more than 3 months before I start saying we're in for a Threepeat.


Thursday, April 6, 2017 8:48 AM



I actually completely agree with that rant.

6, I say 3 months of bad, or my standard 18 months of neutral. I gave Bush 18 months, I gave Obama 18 months. I can give Trump 18 months if he doesn't start WWIII. The media is helping him by hating him so much. They shot theire credibility by chosing GWB as the one republican president to support, and then there was radio silence for much of Obama, or fluff pieces, and pawning sycophantic drooling like with Bill Clinton.


Thursday, April 6, 2017 10:18 AM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
LOL... Meanwhile Democrats still give Obama a pass for how bad he did by blaming it on GWB 8 years later.

I agree. I said years ago here that GWB was the worst president we ever had on more than one occasion. Obama took it to a new level.

First, catch up, Trump is president. Second, judging by what you wrote, how, how, is Obama taking to a new level insulting Bush. Obama rarely speaks of Bush except to be nice. You're as bad as SIG concerning making shit up.

Wake up


Thursday, April 6, 2017 10:26 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
LOL... Meanwhile Democrats still give Obama a pass for how bad he did by blaming it on GWB 8 years later.

I agree. I said years ago here that GWB was the worst president we ever had on more than one occasion. Obama took it to a new level.

First, catch up, Trump is president. Second, judging by what you wrote, how, how, is Obama taking to a new level insulting Bush. Obama rarely speaks of Bush except to be nice. You're as bad as SIG concerning making shit up.

Wake up

Obama took being the worst president we ever had to a new level. Obama wasn't insulting Bush. The Democrats are still using GWB as a scapegoat for Obama's failures. Trump's been President for 3 months and has more ridicule from the MSM than the last 3 presidents combined. When you strip away all the witch-huntery and unproven allegations, I haven't seen him do anything worse than his predecessors.... yet.

Your last reply was barely English. Are you getting enough sleep T?


Friday, April 7, 2017 6:28 AM


Ya' know 6, Trump is pretty much fucking shit up right now. Remember him saying that repealing and replacing Obamacare would be easy. XXXXXXX, dead fucking wrong. So what does he do, he GIVES UP!

"I didn't know it was going to be that hard."

Not so easy being president, is it? And it's not that he's a rookie, he's a total fuck up. But okay, I'll give him that one. He tweets that Obama spied on him. Come on! Are you fucking kidding me!? And this from a bullshit newspaper. Grow a pair and take charge or get the fuck out of the White House.

Ok, so he gift wrapped some missiles and delivered them to Assad. This after he criticized Obama for his failure about the "red line" - but he forgot that he also didn't want anything to do with Syria. Being president ain't so easy, is it? Lots of decisions, he should know all this shit already, that's what he expected from Obama. But he's the president and you're not!

Fucking idiot!



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
LOL... Meanwhile Democrats still give Obama a pass for how bad he did by blaming it on GWB 8 years later.

I agree. I said years ago here that GWB was the worst president we ever had on more than one occasion. Obama took it to a new level.

I'm going to give Trump more than 3 months before I start saying we're in for a Threepeat.


Friday, April 7, 2017 6:40 AM


It's just that I'm sick and tired of hearing the same bullshit excuse...Oh, but Obama.

FUCK Obama! You're president, now lead!

But no, instead of picking people with experience and some form of intelligence, he picks a bunch of 'yes' men and rejects. WTF is wrong with this half-wit. He's running the country from his Twitter account.

I was shocked when he won. I thought, "no way this guy wins, He doesn't have a clue." And now we have one scandal after the other with a Russian accent.
Serves the country right, now you're stuck with him, unless of course, he's indicted for consorting with the enemy.

Ya can't make this shit up!



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I actually completely agree with that rant.

6, I say 3 months of bad, or my standard 18 months of neutral. I gave Bush 18 months, I gave Obama 18 months. I can give Trump 18 months if he doesn't start WWIII. The media is helping him by hating him so much. They shot theire credibility by chosing GWB as the one republican president to support, and then there was radio silence for much of Obama, or fluff pieces, and pawning sycophantic drooling like with Bill Clinton.


Friday, April 7, 2017 7:07 AM


Jesus Christ SGG. It's barely 6AM here. Take it down a notch. How much coffee have you had already today?


Saturday, April 8, 2017 3:55 AM




Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Jesus Christ SGG. It's barely 6AM here. Take it down a notch. How much coffee have you had already today?


Saturday, April 8, 2017 7:29 AM



We were all shocked. Like WTF just happened.

Looking over the stuff that Assange posted, I decided he was right. Trump probably got around 59% of ballots actually cast. And the largest defection was really the great lakes. It led me to some digging and I came to the conclusion that there isn't really a partisan north south bias. After the civil war the GOP installed a corrupt machine in the south. Then Tammany Hall installed corrult dems in the north. And that is falling apart. Because labor unions have no power after all the factories close. So, it took time, but the voters eventually switched to try something else, but it had to wait for a republican who would actually try to get their votes.

So, now he's in. I completely agree. Trump, stop whining and lead.

I disagree that they're yes men. I think he has an unprecedent level of no men that he's appointing. If you disagree with me and know what you're talking about, you're hired.

Instead what he's done is rely much more heavily on his own organization rather than allies in govt. So, Jared, Ivanka, Bannon, Priebus, etc. His situation room team. That said, there are some people in his inner circle now who strongly opposed him, like Haley and Tillerson. He respects that.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 8:48 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

We were all shocked. Like WTF just happened.

Looking over the stuff that Assange posted, I decided he was right. Trump probably got around 59% of ballots actually cast. And the largest defection was really the great lakes. It led me to some digging and I came to the conclusion that there isn't really a partisan north south bias. After the civil war the GOP installed a corrupt machine in the south.

What? Are you daft? GOP has had nothing in the South before, during, or after the Civil War, until recently. The whole slavery thing, Civil War, and KKK/lynching stuff was all Democrats, through and through. Did you merely have a brainfart, or are you drinking some illegal type koolaid?

Then Tammany Hall installed corrult dems in the north. And that is falling apart. Because labor unions have no power after all the factories close. So, it took time, but the voters eventually switched to try something else, but it had to wait for a republican who would actually try to get their votes.

So, now he's in. I completely agree. Trump, stop whining and lead.

I disagree that they're yes men. I think he has an unprecedent level of no men that he's appointing. If you disagree with me and know what you're talking about, you're hired.

Instead what he's done is rely much more heavily on his own organization rather than allies in govt. So, Jared, Ivanka, Bannon, Priebus, etc. His situation room team. That said, there are some people in his inner circle now who strongly opposed him, like Haley and Tillerson. He respects that.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 10:49 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What? Are you daft? GOP has had nothing in the South before, during, or after the Civil War, until recently. The whole slavery thing, Civil War, and KKK/lynching stuff was all Democrats, through and through. Did you merely have a brainfart, or are you drinking some illegal type koolaid?


Democrat stuff. Not that long term a defection, thinking the last few election cycles and particularly this on, not going into the solid south. Loss of factories in the 1990s and 2000s due to globalization, and defection that resulted from 2008 to 2016. Using the term Tammany Hall figuratively, not literally.

Re: the civil war, of course I know that, Jefferson Davis was a democrat, the south were dems. That doesn't make the carpet baggers and northern banks and their puppet politicians in reconstruction not corrupt. Arkanas btw is still pretty much a klan state. These are about political machines was my point, not so much differing value sets. Kentucky is more conservative than New York, but urban Kentucky is not more conservative than rural New York. That's much more of a split.

Here's Breitbart's map of what an Assange-corrected map of activity would look like, which is more in line with what the majority of Americans who are on facebook said, according to Breitbart. Snopes calls this fake new. I don't trust either source, I'm guessing there are issues with this because Colorado is a pretty liberal state, and so is Vermont. There's no way someone has a list of all facebook activity and is painting Vermont a solid red.

So, I wasn't endorsing this version of alternate reality. Sure, something on the order of Breitbart's map would be correct assuming there was no voter fraud in the other direction which is not something that would be safe to assume.

My main point was this. (Time magazine, bias in favor of Trump as the republican candidate) by county: That's a strong Great Lakes bias pro-Trump






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