The Evidens

UPDATED: Sunday, February 13, 2022 21:11
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Friday, April 20, 2018 9:43 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Jo, the analogy to Iraq's WMD scare is a good one. There are people here - and I won't embarrass them by naming them - who were paranoid about the thought of Saddam having WMD. During the entire run-up to war, and for years afterwards (and possibly still to this day) these people were convinced that Saddam had WMD, and the thought was plainly traumatic to them.

New Signym lying just like the old Signym. Go ahead - if you can't name "these people" it's cause you're lying and if you do come up with some names they will tell you you're lying. Come on, prove me wrong.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, in that case, we had a person who was demonized in the press as being a tyrant, crazy, pathological, violent, and unpredictable Saddam Hussein (Trump). The administration and MSM kept pounding on the topic that Saddam had WMD (Trump colluded with Russia). It didn't seem to matter than one piece of "evidence" after another evaporated ... the yellowcake contract was a forgery, the aluminum tubes were rockets not centrifuge tubes (contacts seem to lead nowhere) ... nor did it seem to make a dent that Saddam's nation was being aggressively investigated by Hans Blix (collusion was being investigated by Mueller) and that while some suggestive items were found (some third-hand contacts with Ukraine were noted) there was nothing of substance found, even after months and months of searching. Nor did it seem to make a difference that EVEN IF Saddam had WMD, he did not have them in sufficient quantities to threaten the USA, nor did he have the means to deliver them to us (existential USA interests were not threatened).

No. What these people kept returning to was WHAT IF???

Saddam was able to build a super-secret facility in the desert, one that he hid so cleverly that it couldn't be detected from space or on the ground? (WHAT IF there is a super=secret channel of communication between Trump and Putin?)

WHAT IF? he had managed to ship the weapons to Syria during a sandstorm, so they the convoy couldn't be detected? (WHAT IF Trump was under Putin's control?)

WHAT IF? Saddam could deliver anthrax to the USA? (WHAT IF Putin used Trump to destroy the USA?)

They created such a welter of WHAT IFs? that it was all they could see; it went completely out of perspective and blotted out every other consideration.

So here's the problem with Iraq's WMD hysteria (Russian collusion hysteria) and why it's so difficult to shake: You can't prove a negative.

It's logically impossible.

Just as Saddam could never prove that he DIDN'T have WMD, Trump can never prove that he DIDN'T collude with Russia. In order to do that, the investigator would have to poke into every possible scenario, and even then, those who are inclined to be fearful will dream up another WHAT IF??

And BTW, this shows that there is no lie so outrageous that our government (deep state) and press (corporations) wouldn't promote it, and no lie so ridiculous that some people won' fall for it.

So here's what I suggest, in order to prevent people from going off the deep end: You must first decide what our existential interests are. THEN, if you see them threatened in a real way ... and not as a result of some imaginary set if WHAT IFS ... you put the pedal to the metal

Ask yourself: Short of somehow "making" Trump push The Button, how could Putin destroy the USA thru Trump?

And - How does a better relationship with Russia threaten us? Oh, it doesn't.

All of our problems are self-created. We made them, we can fix them. Let's work on that.

So much typing without any logical thought - just, type type type type type...

Go back to one of your original falsehoods, "What's wrong with better relations with Russia???" Gosh, that seems like such an innocent question! Who could object? Except that... first: define "better" and then define better for whom? cuz better for TrumpPutin is rarely better for the majority of people living in Russia or the US.

Don't worry SIGGY, I know you're just having misdirection fun times - go for it.


Friday, April 20, 2018 11:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Jo, the analogy to Iraq's WMD scare is a good one. There are people here - and I won't embarrass them by naming them - who were paranoid about the thought of Saddam having WMD. During the entire run-up to war, and for years afterwards (and possibly still to this day) these people were convinced that Saddam had WMD, and the thought was plainly traumatic to them. - SIGNY

New Signym lying just like the old Signym. Go ahead - if you can't name "these people" it's cause you're lying and if you do come up with some names they will tell you you're lying. Come on, prove me wrong.- GSTRING

New GSTRING: Lying, just like the old GSTRING. IF I tell you, I'm breaking a trust. If I DON'T tell you, you accuse me of lying!

Well, the people that I'm referring to, they know who they are. And all of the posts and discussions from that time are preserved on this board thru the miracle of modern technology. If you really wanted to know the truth (which you don't) you'd go scrolling thru those posts.

Consequences of a President who can't spell

UN Inspectors Told To Leave Iraq Immediately

Saddam Hussein was NOT a threat

The Battle for Iraq - Ethnic Cleansing

The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons

Also, and interesting take on KRAPO by HKCavalier
What's the deal with KPO?

I don't know what KPO thought he was doing starting that attack thread on Jongsstraw (couldn't even be bothered to spell the man's handle correctly). And yes, it was a (passive aggressive, to be sure) attack thread. You start a thread where you invite a bunch of people who've made their contempt for Jongsstraw abundantly clear to speculate on what happened to make him so impolite. Gee, what could it be??? How do y'all miss that the thread title answers its own question? It really disgusts me sometimes the way the lefties hereabout claim the moral high ground in one breath and then endlessly demean and objectify the right-leaning posters with whom they share this board in the next.

Anyway, there's lots more in the old threads if you care to look. And BTW, what I was saying then about Iraq's phantom WMD, I'm saying now about "Russian collusion": Show me the evidence.


So, in that case, we had a person who was demonized in the press as being a tyrant, crazy, pathological, violent, and unpredictable Saddam Hussein (Trump). The administration and MSM kept pounding on the topic that Saddam had WMD (Trump colluded with Russia). It didn't seem to matter than one piece of "evidence" after another evaporated ... the yellowcake contract was a forgery, the aluminum tubes were rockets not centrifuge tubes (contacts seem to lead nowhere) ... nor did it seem to make a dent that Saddam's nation was being aggressively investigated by Hans Blix (collusion was being investigated by Mueller) and that while some suggestive items were found (some third-hand contacts with Ukraine were noted) there was nothing of substance found, even after months and months of searching. Nor did it seem to make a difference that EVEN IF Saddam had WMD, he did not have them in sufficient quantities to threaten the USA, nor did he have the means to deliver them to us (existential USA interests were not threatened).

No. What these people kept returning to was WHAT IF???

Saddam was able to build a super-secret facility in the desert, one that he hid so cleverly that it couldn't be detected from space or on the ground? (WHAT IF there is a super=secret channel of communication between Trump and Putin?)

WHAT IF? he had managed to ship the weapons to Syria during a sandstorm, so they the convoy couldn't be detected? (WHAT IF Trump was under Putin's control?)

WHAT IF? Saddam could deliver anthrax to the USA? (WHAT IF Putin used Trump to destroy the USA?)

They created such a welter of WHAT IFs? that it was all they could see; it went completely out of perspective and blotted out every other consideration.

So here's the problem with Iraq's WMD hysteria (Russian collusion hysteria) and why it's so difficult to shake: You can't prove a negative.

It's logically impossible.

Just as Saddam could never prove that he DIDN'T have WMD, Trump can never prove that he DIDN'T collude with Russia. In order to do that, the investigator would have to poke into every possible scenario, and even then, those who are inclined to be fearful will dream up another WHAT IF??

And BTW, this shows that there is no lie so outrageous that our government (deep state) and press (corporations) wouldn't promote it, and no lie so ridiculous that some people won' fall for it.

So here's what I suggest, in order to prevent people from going off the deep end: You must first decide what our existential interests are. THEN, if you see them threatened in a real way ... and not as a result of some imaginary set if WHAT IFS ... you put the pedal to the metal

Ask yourself: Short of somehow "making" Trump push The Button, how could Putin destroy the USA thru Trump?

And - How does a better relationship with Russia threaten us? Oh, it doesn't.

All of our problems are self-created. We made them, we can fix them. Let's work on that. - SIGNY

So much typing without any logical thought - just, type type type type type...- GSTRING

Well since GSTRING can't think of course he likes to pretend that no one else can, either.


Go back to one of your original falsehoods, "What's wrong with better relations with Russia???" Gosh, that seems like such an innocent question! Who could object? Except that... first: define "better" and then define better for whom? cuz better for TrumpPutin is rarely better for the majority of people living in Russia or the US. - GSTRING
Of course I mean better FOR US. Only YOU would insinuate that we should sacrifice our well-being on Russia's behalf!

Now, I know that the reaction of SOME of you people is WAIT! Do you mean that we should let Russia do anything it wants to do? Well, the answer is "no", of course, but the question itself implies that we have both the moral standing and capacity to determine all aspects of Russian government policy in the first place, and the reality is that we can't do that either. Do we really think that we can, or should, stick our nose into their internal affairs?

And if we jump to challenge Russia every place that we even imagine a challenge ("We can't let Russia gain influence in the Mideast/ Russia/ North Africa/ Far East/ Antarctica/ space/ EU/ fill in the blank") then we will be mindlessly hemorrhaging dollars everywhere and getting very little for it.

Where I see out biggest vulnerability is in the Mideast, and that's because of the petrodollar.

Ah, the petrodollar, and the hundreds of trillions of dollars of (eventually unpayable) debt that we loaded onto our poor currency. Once we became the world reserve/ exchange currency we treated it like an unending piggy bank that we could use and abuse for decades and decades, purchasing shit we would NEVER be able to pay back.

That petrodollar! It's caused us to ally ourselves with jihadists and tyrants in the Mideast and if it falls there will be hell to pay. If Russia and China together cause the Saudis and other Gulf States to renege on the petrodollar deal (from 1973) we will have a huge problem. But it won't be Russia's fault, it will be ours. And the solution won't be more of the same that got us here in the first place - creating more funny-money to pay the military so that we can create more debt AND more enemies around the world! - but to start to undo the damage that we DID TO OURSELVES over the past 50 years.

We have a few more VERY critical weaknesses that we should be attending to. But all of that would get in the way of military contractors, tech companies, banks the health insurances making the very most profit possible, and so we wait, supine, for the next disaster.


Don't worry SIGGY, I know you're just having misdirection fun times - go for it.- GSTRING
Don't worry GSTRING, we all know that the misdirection is entirely yours!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, April 21, 2018 6:35 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
There are people here - and I won't embarrass them by naming them -

You are without question the most dishonest person ever to post on this board. You really are just like Trump.

You say there "are people here" and then link back to threads from 2004. What people could you be talking about that are here?

You say you'll be breaking a trust or embarrassing them if you name them - more lies.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Well, the people that I'm referring to, they know who they are. TRUMP And all of the posts and discussions from that time are preserved on this board thru the miracle of modern technology. If you really wanted to know the truth (which you don't) you'd go scrolling thru those posts."

I scrolled through them - nothing there in terms of "people here believing WMD" so more lies and SIGGY deception.

Consequences of a President who can't spell

UN Inspectors Told To Leave Iraq Immediately

Saddam Hussein was NOT a threat

The Battle for Iraq - Ethnic Cleansing

The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Also, and interesting take on KRAPO by HKCavalier
What's the deal with KPO?

Funny - did you actually read that one? I could tell you who looks the worst in that thread but I don't want to embarrass Kiki (oops). As expected, KPO presents his "case" well, logically. HK was always into lecturing others. Talk about bombast. And you and Kiki hatin' on your new best Buddy, AU. Funny, innit? Like I always say: what happened to you?
I swear on Stalin's tomb... that some day... I'll catch you telling the truth.


Saturday, April 21, 2018 10:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There are people here - and I won't embarrass them by naming them -- SIGNY

You are without question the most dishonest person ever to post on this board. You really are just like Trump. You say there "are people here" and then link back to threads from 2004. What people could you be talking about that are here? - GSTRING

There are still some people here from that time.They post infrequently. I'm not going to point them out by name, but let's just say that you knowledge of the "people here" is non-existent. And of course, based on that non-existent knowledge, you accuse me of lying.



You say you'll be breaking a trust or embarrassing them if you name them - more lies.
I said I wouldn't mention them by name, and I won't.


"Well, the people that I'm referring to, they know who they are. And all of the posts and discussions from that time are preserved on this board thru the miracle of modern technology. If you really wanted to know the truth (which you don't) you'd go scrolling thru those posts."- SIGNY

I scrolled through them - nothing there in terms of "people here believing WMD" so more lies and SIGGY deception. - GSTRING

More GSTRING ignorance and nastiness. There are people here who believed with all their heart that WMD existed, were a threat to us, and CONTINUED to believe they were a justification for invasion long after USA troops discovered nothing in the rubble of war that was recently-produced. How these people feel NOW, I don't know, and I said so.


Consequences of a President who can't spell

UN Inspectors Told To Leave Iraq Immediately

Saddam Hussein was NOT a threat

The Battle for Iraq - Ethnic Cleansing

The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons

Also, and interesting take on KRAPO by HKCavalier
What's the deal with KPO?


Funny - did you actually read that one?

I could tell you who looks the worst in that thread but I don't want to embarrass Kiki (oops). As expected, KPO presents his "case" well, logically. HK was always into lecturing others. Talk about bombast. And you and Kiki hatin' on your new best Buddy, AU. Funny, innit? Like I always say: what happened to you? - GSTRING
You see, GSTRING, there you are being both an idiot and an ass, again. I'm consistent on ISSUES, NOT PEOPLE. I don't divide the world into "my tribe" and "your tribe" like you do. I don't decide that one interpretation is "right" because it came from "my tribe" and "wrong" because it came from some place else ... like you do.

I may disagree vehemently with you on some things and agree with you 100% on others. Only small minds - like yours and THUGR's and KRAPO's and SECOND's - think in terms of tribes/teams; winning/losing. What you really should be thinking of is correct/ incorrect because the forces OUTSIDE of your trivial tribesmanship are the ones that will make the biggest difference; and if you reduce every idea to "will my team win or lose from this" then you won't see MOST of what's going on outside of that teeny-tiny paradigm of yours.


I swear on Stalin's tomb... that some day... I'll catch you telling the truth.
People then, some of whom who are still here, believed fervently in the threat of Saddam's WMD. I told them then what I'm telling you now: Don't keep letting your head blow off over irrelevant things. That's the truth, and if you refuse to see it, well then ... that's your problem not mine.

SO, to recap my original idea, without your spittle-laced nastiness: Before the invasion of Iraq, there were people here who were clearly rattled by the thought of Saddam having WMD. Despite little evidence pointing in that direction thanks to Hans Blix scouring Iraq, evidence that SOME of the evidence was deliberately forged, and no practical means for Saddam to deliver his WMD to the USA, these people were completely mesmerized by a series of (increasingly improbable) WHAT IFs? until they were so traumatized by the vision of WMD in the hands of a madman they could think of nothing else. Nothing I or anyone else could say would persuade them to climb down from the ceiling.

And, it was all based on a blizzard of deliberate government lies, insinuations, carefully curated "intelligence", a BRITISH DOSSIER WHICH PROMISED A "SLAM DUNK" ON WMD, and accusations without proof, pushed by EVERY top person in the Bush admin. Everyone who "believed" was misled. DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE BELIEVERS. Push the "pause" button on your emotions and your belief.


I'm going to add one more observation....

When you watch our government and press during a REAL emergency, what do they say?


During Fukushima? DON'T PANIC. Don't buy Geiger counters, don't hoard water, don't stock up on potassium iodide.

During the initial phases of the 2008 financial collapse? DON'T PANIC. And especially DON'T pull your money out of the banks.

Right after 9-11? DON'T PANIC. Be alert but KEEP SHOPPING!

Maybe that's one of the ways to distinguish between real and fake emergencies. In REAL emergencies, they tell you not to panic, and in fake ones, they push all your buttons, and they KEEP ON pushing them until they get the panic they want.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, April 22, 2018 8:26 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
There are still some people here from that time.They post infrequently. I'm not going to point them out by name, but let's just say that you knowledge of the "people here" is non-existent. And of course, based on that non-existent knowledge, you accuse me of lying.

As always, just the opposite is true. You're the one that constantly misattributes people and things.
And now you're going to protect these forum ghosts, who you say actually already confessed their fear of WMD in public, by not naming them even though you say they self identified. You're so full of sh*t it's embarrassing.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm consistent on ISSUES, NOT PEOPLE. I don't divide the world into "my tribe" and "your tribe" like you do. I don't decide that one interpretation is "right" because it came from "my tribe" and "wrong" because it came from some place else ... like you do.

Riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt... I recall all of those times you disagreed with KIKI. Like never. Another BS gas attack from SIGNYM.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And, it was all based on a blizzard of deliberate government lies, insinuations, carefully curated "intelligence", a BRITISH DOSSIER WHICH PROMISED A "SLAM DUNK" ON WMD, and accusations without proof, pushed by EVERY top person in the Bush admin. Everyone who "believed" was misled. DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE BELIEVERS. Push the "pause" button on your emotions and your belief.

*snort* nice try. Not this time.

Flynn admitted guilt
Gates plead guilty
Papadopoulos plead guilty
Richard Pinedo plead guilty
Alex van der Zwaan plead guilty
Most of the dossier has been verified
Junior, "If it's what I think, I love it!"
Trump is a compulsive liar
Putin is a compulsive liar
You're compulsive liar

On and on - the evidence of gross illegal activity and a major cover up is overwhelming at the very least, and that's from the mouths of the accused. Collusion? Who ever really cared about that - in and of itself (as we have discussed already), it is not necessarily illegal. And that's why Trump keeps repeating it like some kind of barking dog - it's all he's got to hold onto. He'll be saying it when they wheel him into the Big House.
The only important thing we don't know yet is how it will play out. Pardons out the wazoo? President Pence? Melania trying out the oligarch singles scene in Moscow?


Sunday, April 22, 2018 9:02 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Before the invasion of Iraq, there were people here who were clearly rattled by the thought of Saddam having WMD. Despite little evidence pointing in that direction thanks to Hans Blix scouring Iraq, evidence that SOME of the evidence was deliberately forged, and no practical means for Saddam to deliver his WMD to the USA, these people were completely mesmerized by a series of (increasingly improbable) WHAT IFs? until they were so traumatized by the vision of WMD in the hands of a madman they could think of nothing else. Nothing I or anyone else could say would persuade them to climb down from the ceiling.

And, it was all based on a blizzard of deliberate government lies, insinuations, carefully curated "intelligence", a BRITISH DOSSIER WHICH PROMISED A "SLAM DUNK" ON WMD, and accusations without proof, pushed by EVERY top person in the Bush admin. Everyone who "believed" was misled. DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE BELIEVERS. Push the "pause" button on your emotions and your belief.

It was not government lies; it was Republican lies. It was not "people here who were clearly rattled"; it was Republican voters, people who are always in a panic. And these Republicans were also selling a ridiculous imaginary future that would begin immediately after a war:

Thomas McInerney, a retired three-star general, said at the Senate hearings this past summer, "Our longer-term objectives will be to bring a democratic government to Iraq ... that will influence the region significantly." At a Pentagon briefing a few days later Rumsfeld asked rhetorically, "Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if Iraq were similar to Afghanistan—if a bad regime was thrown out, people were liberated, food could come in, borders could be opened, repression could stop, prisons could be opened? I mean, it would be fabulous."

The transforming vision is not, to put it mildly, the consensus among those with long experience in the Middle East. "It is so divorced from any historical context, just so far out of court, that it is laughable," Chris Sanders told me. "There isn't a society in Iraq to turn into a democracy. That doesn't mean you can't set up institutions and put stooges in them. But it would make about as much sense as the South Vietnamese experiment did."

If Donald Rumsfeld sounds as optimistic about Iraq as Donald Trump does about #MAGA, it is because they both are bullshit artists and lying sacks of shit, which is the GOP default mode. Neither Donald could make a plan worth a damn, let alone actually make two different nations better than before.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 22, 2018 9:18 AM


I'd be more inclined to agree with Second's take on Republican politicians if Second were to acknowledge that most Democratic politicians are just as bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 22, 2018 9:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd be more inclined to agree with Second's take on Republican politicians if Second were to acknowledge that most Democratic politicians are just as bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I hear that same sentiment from my sisters, the Jehovah's Witnesses. The religion teaches that all governments are evil and will be brought down and utterly destroyed during Armageddon, in which the wicked politicians will finally face Judgment Day. I am not a member of my sisters' religion, but I am a believer in Judgment Day - I bring my unholy wrath down on those Republican motherfuckers seven days a week.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 22, 2018 10:02 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd be more inclined to agree with Second's take on Republican politicians if Second were to acknowledge that most Democratic politicians are just as bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I hear that same sentiment from my sisters, the Jehovah's Witnesses. The religion teaches that all governments are evil and will be brought down and utterly destroyed during Armageddon, in which the wicked politicians will finally face Judgment Day. I am not a member of my sisters' religion, but I am a believer in Judgment Day - I bring my unholy wrath down on those Republican motherfuckers seven days a week.


Rock on with your bad self.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 22, 2018 10:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


Rock on with your bad self.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I pray to Robert Mueller that he rip Trump another asshole, but neither Mueller nor Jehovah answer me. It is so disappointing but maybe it's because I swear too much, take the Lord's name in vain, and only go to church for funerals?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 22, 2018 10:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Did SECOND post something? I don't know because I scrolled past its constant spewing of hate and bile.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, April 22, 2018 11:02 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Did SECOND post something? I don't know because I scrolled past its constant spewing of hate and bile.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy

Did Signym post for no reason other than to get paid by Putin? Because there is no content here about "Evidence", so Signym must have a Russian troll word quota or must clock in by a certain time in Moscow or else no pay for today.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 22, 2018 11:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There are still some people here from that time.They post infrequently. I'm not going to point them out by name, but let's just say that you knowledge of the "people here" is non-existent. And of course, based on that non-existent knowledge, you accuse me of lying. - SIGNY

As always, just the opposite is true. You're the one that constantly misattributes people and things. - GSTRING



And now you're going to protect these forum ghosts, who you say actually already confessed their fear of WMD in public, by not naming them even though you say they self identified. You're so full of sh*t it's embarrassing. - GSTRING
YOu're too stupid to go back and read their posts and figure it out? NO WONDER you can;t make heads or tails of the news!


I'm consistent on ISSUES, NOT PEOPLE. I don't divide the world into "my tribe" and "your tribe" like you do. I don't decide that one interpretation is "right" because it came from "my tribe" and "wrong" because it came from some place else ... like you do.- GSTRING

Riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt... I recall all of those times you disagreed with KIKI. Like never. Another BS gas attack from SIGNYM.

I happen to agree with KIKI most of the time, just as I happened to agree with FREM and SUCCOSTASH and GINO most of the time. So what? People CAN agree, right?


And, it was all based on a blizzard of deliberate government lies, insinuations, carefully curated "intelligence", a BRITISH DOSSIER WHICH PROMISED A "SLAM DUNK" ON WMD, and accusations without proof, pushed by EVERY top person in the Bush admin. Everyone who "believed" was misled. DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE BELIEVERS. Push the "pause" button on your emotions and your belief.- SIGNY

*snort* nice try. Not this time.
Flynn admitted guilt
Gates plead guilty
Papadopoulos plead guilty
Richard Pinedo plead guilty
Alex van der Zwaan plead guilty
Most of the dossier has been verified

But none of this has to do with "collusion with Russia", and that IS the thing the DNC was all so worried about, right?

Just more goalpost-moving from GSTRING. (Oh, and BTW, there was also plenty of goalpost-moving in the runup to the Iraq War too, so don't think that you've deviating at all from form.)


If gross illegal activity and a major cover up is overwhelming at the very least, and that's from the mouths of the accused. Collusion? Who ever really cared about that - in and of itself (as we have discussed already), it is not necessarily illegal. And that's why Trump keeps repeating it like some kind of barking dog - it's all he's got to hold onto. He'll be saying it when they wheel him into the Big House.
WELL!! I'm sure glad that you FINALLY came around to not caring about Russian collusion!

So, say it loud and say it proud, GSTRING! You've abandoned all of your buddies here who were focused on exactly that!


The only important thing we don't know yet is how it will play out. Pardons out the wazoo? President Pence? Melania trying out the oligarch singles scene in Moscow?
Hopefully, it will play out with Hillary, Bill, McCabe, Debbie, Comey, Lynch, Obama, and the whole corrupt cabal under criminal investigation for undercutting the USA's interests through various illegal acts.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, April 22, 2018 1:31 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Did SECOND post something? I don't know because I scrolled past its constant spewing of hate and bile.

Did Signym post for no reason other than to get paid by Putin?




Sunday, April 22, 2018 2:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Did SECOND post something? I don't know because I scrolled past its constant spewing of hate and bile.

He was channeling his best Jules Winnfield.

It's hard to imagine all of that power contained in only one mother's basement.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 22, 2018 2:39 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

There are still some people here from that time.They post infrequently. I'm not going to point them out by name, but let's just say that you knowledge of the "people here" is non-existent. And of course, based on that non-existent knowledge, you accuse me of lying. - SIGNY

As always, just the opposite is true. You're the one that constantly misattributes people and things. - GSTRING



And now you're going to protect these forum ghosts, who you say actually already confessed their fear of WMD in public, by not naming them even though you say they self identified. You're so full of sh*t it's embarrassing. - GSTRING
YOu're too stupid to go back and read their posts and figure it out? NO WONDER you can;t make heads or tails of the news!


I'm consistent on ISSUES, NOT PEOPLE. I don't divide the world into "my tribe" and "your tribe" like you do. I don't decide that one interpretation is "right" because it came from "my tribe" and "wrong" because it came from some place else ... like you do.- GSTRING

Riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt... I recall all of those times you disagreed with KIKI. Like never. Another BS gas attack from SIGNYM.

I happen to agree with KIKI most of the time, just as I happened to agree with FREM and SUCCOSTASH and GINO most of the time. So what? People CAN agree, right?


And, it was all based on a blizzard of deliberate government lies, insinuations, carefully curated "intelligence", a BRITISH DOSSIER WHICH PROMISED A "SLAM DUNK" ON WMD, and accusations without proof, pushed by EVERY top person in the Bush admin. Everyone who "believed" was misled. DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE BELIEVERS. Push the "pause" button on your emotions and your belief.- SIGNY

*snort* nice try. Not this time.
Flynn admitted guilt
Gates plead guilty
Papadopoulos plead guilty
Richard Pinedo plead guilty
Alex van der Zwaan plead guilty
Most of the dossier has been verified

But none of this has to do with "collusion with Russia", and that IS the thing the DNC was all so worried about, right?

Just more goalpost-moving from GSTRING. (Oh, and BTW, there was also plenty of goalpost-moving in the runup to the Iraq War too, so don't think that you've deviating at all from form.)


If gross illegal activity and a major cover up is overwhelming at the very least, and that's from the mouths of the accused. Collusion? Who ever really cared about that - in and of itself (as we have discussed already), it is not necessarily illegal. And that's why Trump keeps repeating it like some kind of barking dog - it's all he's got to hold onto. He'll be saying it when they wheel him into the Big House.
WELL!! I'm sure glad that you FINALLY came around to not caring about Russian collusion!

So, say it loud and say it proud, GSTRING! You've abandoned all of your buddies here who were focused on exactly that!


The only important thing we don't know yet is how it will play out. Pardons out the wazoo? President Pence? Melania trying out the oligarch singles scene in Moscow?
Hopefully, it will play out with Hillary, Bill, McCabe, Debbie, Comey, Lynch, Obama, and the whole corrupt cabal under criminal investigation for undercutting the USA's interests through various illegal acts.

"You're the one that constantly misattributes people and things." - Me
"PROVE IT. I agree with Frem most of the time..." - SIGNYM

You seriously don't remember the last time Frem posted here??? He so vehemently disagreed with you on Trump and the current admin that you actually became terrified. You said something about "I have a family!" and disappeared for about week - you don't recall.

And GINO??? When was his last post?

You live in a fantasy world.

"Well done Dr. Frankenstein! The conversion of the user SIGNYM to a Fux News Republican is now 100% complete!"


Sunday, April 22, 2018 4:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"You're the one that constantly misattributes people and things." - GSTRING

"PROVE IT. I agree with Frem most of the time..." - SIGNYM

You seriously don't remember the last time Frem posted here??? He so vehemently disagreed with you on Trump and the current admin that you actually became terrified. You said something about "I have a family!" and disappeared for about week - you don't recall.

Apparently you don't know the meaning of the phrase "most of the time". I DO disagree with FREM on some issues:

(a) I don't think of myself as a "Trump supporter", I'm just vehemently anti-deep state, and

(b) Threatening people online with violence? NOT cool.


AND STILL ... no evidence of Trump "colluding" with Russia, but PLENTY of evidence of you lying, evading, derailing, and trying to continue deep state-sourced hysteria.

Point still stands: This is just like Iraq. Cooler heads need to prevail, and your propaganda isn't helping.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Monday, April 23, 2018 9:26 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
AND STILL ... no evidence of Trump "colluding" with Russia,

AND YOU STILL don't know what Mueller knows.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
...but PLENTY of evidence of you lying, evading, derailing, and trying to continue deep state-sourced hysteria.

Meh - when you and Kiki say this I say "show me just one lie" and that's when you both disappear. So go ahead, if there's "PLENTY of evidence of you (me) lying" let's see it - or will you disappear as always?


Monday, April 23, 2018 9:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


AND STILL ... no evidence of Trump "colluding" with Russia, - SIGNY

AND YOU STILL don't know what Mueller knows.- GSTRING

And neither do you.


...but PLENTY of evidence of you lying, evading, derailing, and trying to continue deep state-sourced hysteria.- SIGNY

Meh - when you and Kiki say this I say "show me just one lie" and that's when you both disappear. So go ahead, if there's "PLENTY of evidence of you (me) lying" let's see it - or will you disappear as always? - GSTRING

Another lie.

I just demonstrated, in this very thread, that you lied. And to top it off, you lied again, just now. Wow, recursive lying: You've turned it into an art form.

And, yanno, I know that you're trying to derail this discussion into "all about GSTRING" but the point still stands: This Russia hysteria is just like Iraq's fake WMD.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Monday, April 23, 2018 10:28 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

AND STILL ... no evidence of Trump "colluding" with Russia, - SIGNY

AND YOU STILL don't know what Mueller knows.- GSTRING

And neither do you.

Duh, I don't know and that's why I don't lie by saying, " ... no evidence of Trump "colluding" with Russia"


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I just demonstrated, in this very thread, that you lied. And to top it off, you lied again, just now. Wow, recursive lying: You've turned it into an art form.

Really? What was my lie? Point to it specifically. Calling me a liar without a lie is lying btw, so I'm covered.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And, yanno, I know that you're trying to derail this discussion into "all about GSTRING" ...

Wrong again - I'm all about pointing out SIGNYM the Liar. Maybe you should read my posts again?


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I just demonstrated, in this very thread, that you lied. And to top it off, you lied again, just now. Wow, recursive lying: You've turned it into an art form.- SIGNY

Really? What was my lie? Point to it specifically. Calling me a liar without a lie is lying btw, so I'm covered.- GSTRING

Well, there's this ...

"You're the one that constantly misattributes people and things." - Me
I even challenged you

but you never did.

And then there was this

And now you're going to protect these forum ghosts, who you say actually already confessed their fear of WMD in public,
when all you had to do was read the past posts and see that's exactly what they did, and what I did.

And then there was this ...

Meh - when you and Kiki say this I say "show me just one lie" and that's when you both disappear.
We BOTH know that Kiki and I ... and you ... have been down this road before, where you got your ass handed to you.


And, yanno, I know that you're trying to derail this discussion into "all about GSTRING" ...

Wrong again - I'm all about pointing out SIGNYM the Liar. Maybe you should read my posts again?

All those lies, followed by even more lies. You're sure building up a lot of bad karma.

Plus, you're boring.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 7:05 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I just demonstrated, in this very thread, that you lied. And to top it off, you lied again, just now. Wow, recursive lying: You've turned it into an art form.- SIGNY

Really? What was my lie? Point to it specifically. Calling me a liar without a lie is lying btw, so I'm covered.- GSTRING

Well, there's this ...

"You're the one that constantly misattributes people and things." - Me
I even challenged you

but you never did.

Right, I'm going to spend a couple hours going back over all your posts to prove it. Your challenge is obvious bull sh*t.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And then there was this

And now you're going to protect these forum ghosts, who you say actually already confessed their fear of WMD in public,
when all you had to do was read the past posts and see that's exactly what they did, and what I did.

And then there was this ...

Meh - when you and Kiki say this I say "show me just one lie" and that's when you both disappear.
We BOTH know that Kiki and I ... and you ... have been down this road before, where you got your ass handed to you.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:And, yanno, I know that you're trying to derail this discussion into "all about GSTRING" ...

Wrong again - I'm all about pointing out SIGNYM the Liar. Maybe you should read my posts again? All those lies, followed by even more lies. You're sure building up a lot of bad karma.

Perfect - you're zero for 3. None of those were lies, except, yanno, your replies.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Plus, you're boring.

Plus, you're an obvious, tedious liar.

I think it's even more important now with a Liar in Chief, to confront those who peddle myths and distractions and lies so casually as someone like you does. I know it's just a small forum with 8? usernames, but, as Simon once commented on a similar social behavior, "It's even more important out here." When someone thinks it's ok to make their points with such obvious falsehoods and it's done on such a regular basis, can you blame us for wondering if you are getting paid for each one? "Why so many?" I ask myself. There's no good answer. If your reasoning and facts are so bullet proof, then why fabricate so much so often? Perhaps you have some insight?


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Not gonna.

1) You yourself didn't prove your own contention, so why should I hold myself to a higher standard than you hold yourself, and

2) Been down THAT road more than once with you, where I went back, dragged quotes from past threads proving EXACTLY what I said, and here you are pretending it never happened. Look, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I realize when I'm dealing with a compulsive liar and troll, so not gonna get in the mud and wrestle with you because it's like wrestling with a pig.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10:22 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not gonna.

1) You yourself didn't prove your own contention, so why should I hold myself to a higher standard than you hold yourself, and

Geezus, you are clueless - I did that to show you what a joke your original request was - duh.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
2) Been down THAT road more than once with you, where I went back, dragged quotes from past threads proving EXACTLY what I said, and here you are pretending it never happened.

No you didn't - I did that and it's why I won't do it again. And what did happen was you weaseling out of any contrition with "nuh-uh."


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Look, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I realize when I'm dealing with a compulsive liar and troll, so not gonna get in the mud and wrestle with you because it's like wrestling with a pig.

See ya! I'll keep pointing out your fictions and falsehoods.

So, speaking of your falsehoods: "AND STILL ... no evidence of Trump "colluding" with Russia." Lying or just plain wrong?


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 7:06 PM


Manafort interviewed twice by FBI before joining Trump’s 2016 campaign, new documents show

In all, three Trump associates are known to have been interviewed by the FBI about their interactions with people from the former Soviet Union before joining the Trump campaign.

In addition to Manafort and Gates, the FBI interviewed campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page about his interactions with a man the FBI alleged was a Russian intelligence agent. The FBI’s interviews with Page occurredin 2013 and in March 2016 — the same month he was named a volunteer adviser to Trump’s campaign.

tick tock



Saturday, April 28, 2018 7:21 AM


rezident owtsidr

Nunes'z 'final report' appearz to be the ribbon & bow the TrumPutin Conspiratorz are putting on the story theyv been telling the Republican votorz uv America. Here iz Tucker Carlson unrapping it for the FFF (Faithful Fox Fanz):

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, April 28, 2018 7:39 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by JO753:
Nunes'z 'final report' appearz to be the ribbon & bow the TrumPutin Conspiratorz are putting on the story theyv been telling the Republican votorz uv America. Here iz Tucker Carlson unrapping it for the FFF (Faithful Fox Fanz):

No Collusion! Just like Trump said! It's like Fux and Trump have been talking about the whole thing!

This whole period has only underscored how important it is to have a free and unbiased press. This has been a living civics lesson in what it's like for Americans to have that tested, seriously tested. I honestly think we'll come out of the Trump disaster even stronger and better as a country.

And, btw - I finally cracked who the Deep State is: anyone who doesn't like Trump or has something bad to say about him in public.


Saturday, April 28, 2018 8:03 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by JO753:
Nunes'z 'final report' appearz to be the ribbon & bow the TrumPutin Conspiratorz are putting on the story theyv been telling the Republican votorz uv America. Here iz Tucker Carlson unrapping it for the FFF (Faithful Fox Fanz):

No Collusion! Just like Trump said! It's like Fux and Trump have been talking about the whole thing!

This whole period has only underscored how important it is to have a free and unbiased press. This has been a living civics lesson in what it's like for Americans to have that tested, seriously tested. I honestly think we'll come out of the Trump disaster even stronger and better as a country.

And, btw - I finally cracked who the Deep State is: anyone who doesn't like Trump or has something bad to say about him in public.

Yeah. Too bad everybody in the press took an 8 year vacation when Obama was in office. If they even bothered pretending that they aren't insanely biased to one side, they might be worth listening to.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 28, 2018 2:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Geezus, you are clueless I love to namecall - I did that to show you what a joke your original request was - duh love to troll.

No you didn't - I did that I love to lie and it's why I won't do it again. And what did happen was you weaseling out of any contrition with "nuh-uh." It's how I roll

See ya! I'll keep pointing out your fictions and falsehoods. I am a pig, squealing in the dirt

So, speaking of your falsehoods: "AND STILL ... no evidence of Trump "colluding" with Russia." Lying or just plain wrong? I can't take facts, they make me hurt

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, April 29, 2018 11:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Kremlingate Is Really Just Watergate for Morons—With Russians

Is Donald Trump actually a Russian agent? Trump is far too psychologically unstable and personally compromised to be deemed a good fit for clandestine work by the KGB (or any serious spy service). However, Trump gives every appearance of being a longtime agent of influence, to use the proper Chekist term, that is a person (often a high-flyer in business or politics) to be exploited as a conduit for pro-Kremlin propaganda.

Agents of influence are frequently not on the Chekist payroll, strictly speaking, though they are often given sweetheart deals by Moscow as payment for services rendered. The classic American case was Armand Hammer, a son of Jewish immigrants from Odessa made good with an impressive business empire, Occidental Petroleum; in fact, Hammer’s start in business was arranged by Kremlin spies, and his KGB sponsorship was barely hidden during the Cold War. He was an unfailing public advocate for Moscow and, embarrassingly, his political connections in Washington, which were substantial, ran through Democratic Senators Al Gore Sr. and Jr., who took significant donations from Hammer that counterintelligence circles believe originated in Moscow. It’s best to think of Trump as a markedly less successful and less intelligent Armand Hammer.

This relationship began no later than the summer of 1987, when Trump visited Moscow and Leningrad, at the Kremlin’s invite, ostensibly to discuss building hotels in Russia (which, three decades on, have never materialized). In fact, Trump’s VIP visit was arranged by the KGB, as all such Cold War sojourns by Western notables were. The KGB invariably assessed whether foreign VIPs might be amenable to secret work for the Kremlin. (Two East Bloc intelligence veterans, one with direct knowledge, confirmed to me that Trump was closely watched for “operational purposes” during his 1987 visit to Moscow and Leningrad.)

Whether the KGB got anywhere with Trump in 1987 remains unknown, but it seems a remarkable coincidence that, barely a month after his return from the USSR, he made a splash by taking out newspaper ads in three major outlets, at a cost of almost $95,000, lambasting America’s allegedly free-loading allies. The plus-sized ads demanded that the United States disband the Western security system altogether, which of course was precisely what Moscow wanted. Trump’s public attacks on America’s allies thus began—and have continued to the present day.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 29, 2018 8:16 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Any evidence? Something based in the real world meant to be seen by rational minds?

Oh, that's right. All you have are speculation and innuendo. Plus OCD. Let's not forget the OCD.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, April 29, 2018 11:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Any evidence? Something based in the real world meant to be seen by rational minds?

Oh, that's right. All you have are speculation and innuendo. Plus OCD. Let's not forget the OCD.

"No Collusion!" Trump exclaims. "Believe Me!" It is his verbal tic.

In the 1990s, when his real estate/casino empire went bust and he desperately needed cash to stay afloat—which no American bank would lend him, knowing his creditworthiness — Trump apparently went to less conventional lenders to make good on his enormous losses. By the end of the 1990s, the Trump Organization was again in the black, though nobody officially can explain how, based on public records. Here Trump’s associations with less-than-upstanding biznismen from the former Soviet Union seem to have played a dubious role.

Suspicion lingers that in the 1990s the Trump Organization, which failed as a legitimate business, reinvented itself as a money-washing machine for Eastern organized crime. There’s evidence that this is precisely what happened, and it’s been hiding in plain sight for nearly two decades. The Treasury Department’s $10 million fine levied in 2015 on the now-defunct Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City for pervasive violations of the Bank Secrecy Act gives hints that there’s a lot of unraveling being done by Team Mueller as it gets to the bottom of what the Trump Organization really is.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, April 30, 2018 2:13 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

All you have are speculation and innuendo. Plus OCD. Let's not forget the OCD.

BTW - I hope you're not under the mistaken impression I read your posts.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, April 30, 2018 3:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
All you have are speculation and innuendo. Plus OCD. Let's not forget the OCD.

BTW - I hope you're not under the mistaken impression I read your posts.

Well the upside is that somewhere in SECOND's endless grotch-fest he completely gave up on pretending to be "for the people"; he now openly despises us and refers to us as "peasants". So at least we've been spared that hypocrisy.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, May 3, 2018 4:41 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
All you have are speculation and innuendo. Plus OCD. Let's not forget the OCD.

BTW - I hope you're not under the mistaken impression I read your posts.

Well the upside is that somewhere in SECOND's endless grotch-fest he completely gave up on pretending to be "for the people"; he now openly despises us and refers to us as "peasants". So at least we've been spared that hypocrisy.

If you want to know how the peasants make their decisions, there is "4 political science lessons from Kanye West’s embrace of Donald Trump"

". . . normal people do not exhibit this same level of coherent and well-organized belief systems." No kidding.

If you want to know how Trump makes his decisions, there is "US policy is driven by Trump’s cover-ups"

A report in Wednesday’s New York Times detailed the fact that the Ukrainian government decided to cut off all cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller in a (successful) effort to secure Javelin anti-tank missiles from the American government.

Or at least that’s how you would characterize the story if you think sending Javelins to Ukraine is good policy. An alternate reading, if you’re more skeptical of arming Ukraine on the merits, would be that the Ukrainians used the prospect of cooperation with Mueller to shake down the president and get him to cough up the Javelins.

Of course it’s very possible there was no explicit quid pro quo at all. It was simply well-known that the Ukrainians wanted Trump to reverse himself on the missiles and that Trump wanted the Ukrainians to reverse themselves on cooperation with Mueller, and one way or another, the deal came together.

This is the very same Trump who, a few weeks ago, canceled sanctions on Russia that his administration had already announced — just the latest in a long string of poorly explained situations in which the president, personally, seems worried about angering Moscow in a way that his broader team is not. One big, obvious problem here is that Trump has lied over and over again about the extent of his campaign’s contacts with emissaries from the Russian government. And while this is something Trump has been interested in concealing from the public, it’s not something he can conceal from the Russians themselves. Whatever happened, they know about it and Trump knows they know; that gives them leverage over him.

More about Blackmailing Trump at:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 3, 2018 5:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
All you have are speculation and innuendo. Plus OCD. Let's not forget the OCD.

BTW - I hope you're not under the mistaken impression I read your posts.

Well the upside is that somewhere in SECOND's endless grotch-fest he completely gave up on pretending to be "for the people"; he now openly despises us and refers to us as "peasants". So at least we've been spared that hypocrisy.

I'm beginning to think that Trump is bad for his business.

It's obvious how much disdain he has for the 99%ers, so it would seem that his only true political motivations would be for his own bottom line.

At least, that is, if you actually believe anything he types in here from his Texas Republican mom's basement.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 3, 2018 6:13 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
All you have are speculation and innuendo. Plus OCD. Let's not forget the OCD.

BTW - I hope you're not under the mistaken impression I read your posts.

Well the upside is that somewhere in SECOND's endless grotch-fest he completely gave up on pretending to be "for the people"; he now openly despises us and refers to us as "peasants". So at least we've been spared that hypocrisy.

I'm beginning to think that Trump is bad for his business.

It's obvious how much disdain he has for the 99%ers, so it would seem that his only true political motivations would be for his own bottom line.

At least, that is, if you actually believe anything he types in here from his Texas Republican mom's basement.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You didn't read that article about Kanye West loving Trump, did you? "The reality is that real people are more like West, driven by gut-level emotional reactions to events and group-loyalty dynamics, rather than issues or coherent ideology."

The reality is that people end up in the bottom 50% of the financial hierarchy because they are using the same inadequate mental shortcuts for money decisions as they use for political decisions on who to vote for.

I should expand on those mental shortcuts. Trump said he would bomb the shit out of ISIS. That really impressed Texas Republicans favorably, but certainly not me because I remember the bombing of Vietnam by the B-52s. That's one of my mental shortcuts to decide who not to vote for. Politicians who are cavalier about "Collateral Damage" aren't to be trusted. I also don't trust politicians or businessmen that don't ever describe in detail how they will reach their goals. Most people don't want to know the details, which is why they get gypped on contracts and by politicians.


Thursday, May 3, 2018 6:32 PM



Originally posted by second:
I also don't trust politicians or businessmen that don't ever describe in detail how they will reach their goals.

Oh good. That means you don't trust any politicians.

At least we have some common ground.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 3, 2018 6:53 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
I also don't trust politicians or businessmen that don't ever describe in detail how they will reach their goals.

Oh good. That means you don't trust any politicians.

At least we have some common ground.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Wrong, 6ix. I can tell there is a world of difference between the endless bullshitting of Trump plus the Republican Congressmen versus ordinary Democratic Congressmen trying to sincerely explain without bullshitting.

People who aren't interested in details conclude that every politician lies, which is a wrong-headed way to understand the difference between the two parties. In business and politics, people who don't care about details get screwed. Most people are screwed on all deals because they won't read through the contracts before signing and instead take the saleman's word. They take the politician's word before voting, too, and they are bitter when his word is no good. There are ways to decide that don't require you to believe whatever Trump says, but guys like Trump who say "believe me" and "no collusion" all day long are depending on you to not check what they are saying.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 3, 2018 7:41 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
I also don't trust politicians or businessmen that don't ever describe in detail how they will reach their goals.

Oh good. That means you don't trust any politicians.

At least we have some common ground.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Wrong, 6ix. I can tell there is a world of difference between the endless bullshitting of Trump plus the Republican Congressmen versus ordinary Democratic Congressmen trying to sincerely explain without bullshitting.

People who aren't interested in details conclude that every politician lies, which is a wrong-headed way to understand the difference between the two parties. In business and politics, people who don't care about details get screwed. Most people are screwed on all deals because they won't read through the contracts before signing and instead take the saleman's word. They take the politician's word before voting, too, and they are bitter when his word is no good. There are ways to decide that don't require you to believe whatever Trump says, but guys like Trump who say "believe me" and "no collusion" all day long are depending on you to not check what they are saying.

Everything you do and everything you say is based on your political affiliation.

You remind me of my grandma with her religion.

You're no less part of the Cult of Democrats than JSF is part of the Cult of Republicans. It makes as much sense to discuss anything regarding politics with either of you as it does discussing religion with my grandma.

The truth, if there even is any, lies somewhere in the middle. You two certainly are never going to find it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 3, 2018 8:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Politicians who are cavalier about "Collateral Damage" aren't to be trusted.-
So, naturally, you also crossed Hillary off your list. [/snark]

Well, I see progress is being made! "Russia" hasn't been mentioned in the past five posts!!

It will, as a topic, be silently and forgetfully dropped by those goldfish-brained who thought it was SUCH a big deal not six short months ago, as they go haring and hounding off on some new Trump scandal.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, May 10, 2018 2:11 PM


rezident owtsidr

"Dear KAI, my name iz JO 753, I am an Embezzlement Opportunities Analyst at ZOL inc. I believ we can be uv great service to your fine corporation in navigating the many twists and turns in the labiryntian complexitiez inherent in todayz international relationz, especially the American military aerospase market. Pleaze begin this valuable new relationship by sending an acceptans letter and a check for 200,000 American Dollarz.


JO 753

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, May 19, 2018 2:00 PM


rezident owtsidr

Watergate rezulted in 69 inditements.

I predict there will be over 150 for TrumPutin. Its up to 23 so far with 5 gilty pleaz and 1 guy serving time alredy.

Thats not a simple number tho. 13 are Russianz who arent likely to be extradited and 3 are Russian companyz comprized uv many individualz.

Then, if you're counting inditement charjez insted uv indited peepl, the number jumps way up bekuz each person haz several counts. Manafort, for example, haz 32 counts!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 1:52 AM


rezident owtsidr

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9:32 AM


... stay crunchy...

OMG x 1,000,000,000,000! I love how he misinterprets on purpose the other "Fake News" outlets' headlines. It's like I'm wearing the sunglasses from They Live and I can plainly see this guy as an dupe asshat but half the country can't.
I wonder if they have looked down the road at all. If this is the biggest blockbuster outrage political scam of the century, what are they going to be outraged about next month? Since Nunes made his trip to the WH and released that first flop memo that was the Biggest Deal Eva! at the time they have to keep upping their shock to where they're so shrill now it's hard to hear them.
Of course, they will still be prosecuting Hillary and Obama on Fux until 2050.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


OMG x 1,000,000,000,000! I love how he
Hannity? Giuliani?

misinterprets on purpose the other "Fake News" outlets' headlines.
Like what? Can you provide a few examples, bc I don't know what you're referring to.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 8:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


OMG x 1,000,000,000,000! I love how he- ...

Hannity? Giuliani? - SIGNY

... misinterprets on purpose the other "Fake News" outlets' headlines.- CC

Like what? Can you provide a few examples, bc I don't know what you're referring to.- SIGNY

So, no examples? I STILL don't know what you're talking about.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9:08 PM


rezident owtsidr

They Live! Great movie and an apt comparison. The Fox faithful will be just like Frank, fiting tooth & nail to keep from seeing the truth, so we will haf to beat them down and jam the Hoknel glassez on their fasez!

The problem, Sig, iz that Hannity, Nunes, et al are turning it into 'spying on the Trump campane for political purposez' wen its actually the FBI doing their job and investigating Russian interferens.

Wut do you think they will jump to after their Investigating the Investigatorz investigation findz that the FBI found that Trumps guyz were coluding with Russianz and thats why they had the professor tokking to them?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9:40 PM


They Live is one of the all time greats.

Even when it's completely misinterpreted, it can be enjoyed by all!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 23, 2018 12:37 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

OMG x 1,000,000,000,000! I love how he
Hannity? Giuliani?

They are both plainly, observably full of sh*t, but my specific reference below was to Hannity. You honestly don't hear the strained incredulity from Hannity? You can hear him struggling and flubbing to get the lies out in something that sounds believable. He is a C rate actor.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

misinterprets on purpose the other "Fake News" outlets' headlines.
Like what? Can you provide a few examples, bc I don't know what you're referring to.

1:09 "Even the Washington Post and the NY Times are just now confirming everything we have been saying for the last 18 months." Confirm 18 months of Fox BS? Really? Hard to see where the hyperbole stops. Of course that's what they want. More giant OMG sound bites, "It makes Watergate look like a parking ticket..."

5:10 "Now the main stream media, even they are starting to catch on and they have to agree with what we've been reporting, we've been proven right..." That the FBI thought Russia was trying to corrupt Trump's campaign so they had it under surveillance? If anything these Trump bozos are pointing too their own corruption and how it warranted FBI investigation. And then look at the headlines - was Fux saying there was FBI surveillance for the last 18 months that was being denied by MSM? They/MSM weren't forced to agree with anything Fux said. "And even look at this, Fake News CNN, even they can't ignore the facts..." right, because they just printed a factual story line that they corroborated? But since Fux can twist it (Trump and his slaves) then Hannity acts like it's some great victory that Fux can report the truth.

I doubt you will cop to any of this or how obvious it is - as always though, I do look forward to your awkward "spin."






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