Biggest Killer of Americans 'ABORTION' Not islamic terrorists, Not school shooters, Not Measles, Not Wars the biggest Killer Aborting Babies

UPDATED: Friday, March 1, 2019 04:54
VIEWED: 1798
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Tuesday, February 26, 2019 7:46 AM


The Biggest killer?

and just so not to talk too much on politics, lets go back to science fiction for a second

Remember that show

Something weird and morally troubling would happen on that great tv and they would ask their preacher for advice?
What would that fictional Shepherd Book character say about the strange scifi world of firefly
"It is however, a little shady on the topic of kneecaps."

and get this US Senate, both Republican and Democrat? incl Forty Four Dem, 44 of them voted FOR infanticide and AGAINST saving life of a baby who is born alive in spite of a late term abortion .... just get that into your head for a second

Gianna Jessen born April 6, 1977 is an American pro-life and disability rights activist. A survivor in Hell.A Commiefornia of a failed saline abortion attempt ... they would vote to kill this person

How could those religious preacher who sell religion story spin all this for you?

the Angels - Los Angeles - Wasn't Satan himself a Fallen Angel? the old Jews, Hebrew, the seen this Lucifer as a "light-bringer" a tradiational Latin name for the planet Venus as the morning star, sometimes you in the old days picking your fruit from a tree, next to your donkey or camel or cow, you would see the star rise and fall before sun set and sun rise the story involved a fall from the heavens to earth or the underworld, the bibles today are a mix of translations and re-writings, interpretations of a similar term in the Hebrew Bible, translated in the King James Version as "Lucifer", led to a Christian tradition of applying the name Lucifer and its associated stories of a fall from heaven to Satan .... Book of Revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by "the dragon", identified as the devil or Satan, who are defeated and thrown down to the earth....Some scholars discern the concept of a war in heaven in certain Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, also known as the War Scroll ....fallen angels are angels who were expelled from Heaven. The term "fallen angel" appears neither in the Bible nor in other Abrahamic scriptures, however ideas appear in the Jewish book of Enoch and Nephilim "sons of God" can be found in some forms of the Bible. Fallen angels are angels who were cast out of heaven or angels who sinned. Such angels are often malevolent towards humanity.... I'm not sure on islam, I only read so far into that garbage, there was lots of stuff about infidels and beheading and mohammed the founder of islam calling for jihad however I'm pretty certain the moslems also see 'Abortion' as taboo maybe even be offended by it or see it as sin or babylonian or some terrible moral crime. Many religious traditions have taken a stance on abortion, and in general from the ones I seen and read there are mostly against Abortion, Sikhism of India speaks against it because it is said to interfere with the creative work of God, Buddhism sees abortion is "negative" some of them won't even touch animals yet alone consider abortion, the only churches or temples I think could support it could be some weird fringe Atheist group or maybe a selfish church of Satanism or Satanic temple. With so many votes lost, a loss of Preacher votes why would the political elite support this? The Preachers always will have some mystic mumbo jumbo angle to all this, confuse you with religion and stuff ...
they would have some kind of religion spin on all this would they not?

Didn't a few people write a few songs on this 'Angel' guy?
I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change. Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain....
I rode a tank. Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged. And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

Rolling Stones wasn't it?
or if you like your Jazz? All Seeing Eye is the ninth jazz album by saxophonist Wayne Shorter, recorded on October 15, 1965, and released on the Blue Note, "Chaos" reflects "wars, disagreements and the difficulty men have in understanding each other", whilst "Face of the Deep", a ballad in a minor key – the more cohesive piece of the album -, mirrors God bethinking on His creation, WAYNE SHORTER, Mephistopheles

I've seen many a religious story from many parts of the world and I don't consider myself religious

but I am sometimes amused when Los Angles a Tinseltown of Hollyweird or the Big City or some other place calls itself a moral leader or calls itself a City of Angles

Hell.A if you ask me

The Tinfoil Heads, the Truther conspiracy bloggers, Pirate News was Right times ...there are at times where everything is sick and twisted, upside-down

Your Taxes at work!

You know what else? There is a conspiracy about the Foods, Vaccinations, the Water on how 'they' gets call it the 'Machine' use Aborted Babies parts in your food, the fetal cell issue? human consumption of products in American which contains parts of aborted human fetuses?

The conspiracy says it Gives the food a weird buzz, creating anti-aging creams, flavor creation, PepsiCo, Nestle, you’re choosing, whether you realize it or not to consume agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.
Senomyx doesn’t mention that they used human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) from an aborted baby

Effectively aborted baby kidney cell whose cells were then harvested and cloned, America cannibalize itself??

In the U.S., 9 out of 10 abortions are elective. That is to say they are performed not for medical reasons but because the baby is not wanted or inconvenient .

I wonder what would happen if we viewed abortion the same way we view smoking, terrorism, a nile virus locust plague, jihadist attacks or cancer.

Senate blocks bill on medical care for children
born alive after attempted abortion

Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, far surpassing heart disease and cancer.

In the West now our culture champions and celebrates abortion, celebrating the termination death of a baby in favor of hedonism or something, more time for getting stoned, shopping? getting drunk? One pro-choice group goes around schools in NewYork Commiefornia releasing a vid of talking with children about why abortion is good like getting rid of your fuzz hair or pulling a bad tooth? Just suck that thing out of you the people with snake tongues they tell America's new generation of children.

Your taxes at work!!

The message spread to kids now that a baby is not valuable ...that's a message your taxes pay for..... and a baby should never interfere .... the reality with your hedonistic life plans to be an old person alive inside a government housing project with drugs all over the streets, to become a broken some lonely middle aged stoner or some crazy cat lady who burnt herself out riding that cock carousel, next the woman starts to hit the wall.... she will panic .... at a certain age, the American woman's biological clock ticking .... her mind goes totally out of control like a dog in heat and she will get on her dating website and hook up with anybody, ANYONE, the Jose, Santiago, the Tyrone, the Jamal, the Jake, the John ... the any dude will do, she don't have security don't worry your taxes will now pay for some old single mom in the baby making business ... because your taxes paid for all the crazy lifestyle leading up to all this

The only thing some politicians understand is their greed and power, the political battle grounds there are enough religious people in America, enough moral and philosophical spiritual people, this could cost them 2020 United States Senate elections, two independents, Bernie Sanders and Angus King, have both caucused with the Democratic Party since joining the Senate. the Winds start to change, the sands shift, the waters move and the tides will turn, Seats will become "tossup" no advantage to any side chaos uncertainty, a "tilt" used sometimes when a balance shifts, advantage that is not quite as strong as "lean", a smaller "lean" or slight advantage and then "likely" or "favored": significant, but surmountable from a position that was supposed to be secure.

Many, many years ago on the edge of Europe a gateway between Asia, Egypt, Africa, Persia Arabia, there lived a Civilization, they were different to their elite who got consumed by hedonism, writing, reflection and degeneracy, a corrupt 'democracy' of poets and people who abused children.... different to the average Greek the Spartans the respected their traditional woman, the farmer, the solider, the person making things and policing the streets, the woman who gave birth and raised the kids. When Athens Greece was to be over run by the army from the East the Greeks cried, were ready to run and surrender, but the Civilisation of 'Sparta' they had real women and real warriors, there was no individualism here, Sparta was different could have their names inscribed on their tombs unless they were men who had died in battle or women who had died in child birth

the votes today in America?
The baby alive, has already been born....they want it dead? There are pro life Democrats such as Bob Casey (who voted for the bill) ?? and the 2002 Born Alice Protective Act?

and the good Americans view on it, a divisive issue
the USA maybe not so divisive, you are only confused by your tv, the smoke and mirrors?
choose to support a good and honest traditional American life.

America, support your rednecks, support your traditional women

Support them!!

the redneck, the trad woman

When these last two elements go, you are gone as a nation


Tuesday, February 26, 2019 10:34 AM


Let me write another headline for you...

Dumbass Gets Revved Up By Propaganda, Fails To Understand He's A Tool And Then Rambles Incoherently While In Denial About Needing Psych Meds

How many late term botched abortions do you think there are??

How many of THOSE would have been healthy to begin with?

How many unhealthy babies have you volunteered to raise for someone who cannot?

This planet has FAR TOO MANY people suffering as is. When every baby is fed and taken care of and population growth is under control, THEN you can worry about EVERY FETUS.

Until then, if you don't like abortions SUPPORT FREE BIRTH CONTROL FOR EVERYONE THAT NEEDS IT.


Tuesday, February 26, 2019 11:10 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Nothings free, have you sat through a finance class, an economics class? You do know you don't just print money out of air, all that free stuff it looks like credits but its a weight into the negative, it comes as debt you know

Do you know even if America took troops back from Iraq, the hospital bills, paid off all that debt for Syria bombs and missiles

There are other bills to pay?

You know that Bernie who Made-Off, Ponzi scheme, NASDAQ stock, Lehman Bros some guy not too long ago ran away with the bags of cash, the Fed, you do know there's a big switch going on, paying off debts bonds from War of independence revolutionary war, paying the Louisiana Purchase, the US CivilWar, war of 1812 .... even if all the stuff was stopped today, you still have old Debts to be paid off from the 1800s

that funny pyramid on your note, the eye?

Someone politcial said go back to a Gold Standard, they mock him mostly on tv, he's crazy, won't let him speak?


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Dumbass Gets Revved Up By Propaganda

I'd like to see you do an IQ test, I assume you're White right? and statistically You should be kind of smart, the only ones who really ever score above you on average results are the Ashkenazim Tribe of Jews or the Yellow from the Far East

yet in every nature freaks are born

What if we did a test and it showed I scored double your results
Would you say the test was wrong? Sexist or something?


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

This planet has FAR TOO MANY people suffering as is. When every baby is fed and taken care of and population growth is under control, THEN you can worry about EVERY FETUS.

I'm not talking about a 'Fetus' i'm talking about children, Americans, who were born alive, I'm talking about their birthday


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

This planet has FAR TOO MANY people suffering as is.

Yeah I know you said it already a few times, the population should be reduced by a few millions or sometimes it was a Billion you guys said
You did not say 'Zero Population' Growth some of you talked about a kind of a Cull or Purge, you want it to go down quickly...

Yeah ok people suffered, some happy, some said, some comfort and some pain

Life is sometimes suffering and you should embrace it all, the pleasure, the pains, the soft time and the hardships. There are good memories and there are cuts and bruises, your bumps, the knocks, all that scar tissue it makes you what you are it is part of you.

Tell me what made you so hateful?
Was it the tv shows? The politics of Leftism? Do you hate your husband? Regret or Hate having children? I know some women are troubled and angry but you seem to be especially touched in recent years


Wednesday, February 27, 2019 2:48 AM


Here's my reply to your rant.

Heart disease, followed by cancer, according to the CDC.


The leading causes of death remained the same from the year before: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer, followed by cancer, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and infant mortality decreased 2.3%.



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
The Biggest killer?

and just so not to talk too much on politics, lets go back to science fiction for a second

Remember that show

Something weird and morally troubling would happen on that great tv and they would ask their preacher for advice?
What would that fictional Shepherd Book character say about the strange scifi world of firefly
"It is however, a little shady on the topic of kneecaps."

and get this US Senate, both Republican and Democrat? incl Forty Four Dem, 44 of them voted FOR infanticide and AGAINST saving life of a baby who is born alive in spite of a late term abortion .... just get that into your head for a second

Gianna Jessen born April 6, 1977 is an American pro-life and disability rights activist. A survivor in Hell.A Commiefornia of a failed saline abortion attempt ... they would vote to kill this person

How could those religious preacher who sell religion story spin all this for you?

the Angels - Los Angeles - Wasn't Satan himself a Fallen Angel? the old Jews, Hebrew, the seen this Lucifer as a "light-bringer" a tradiational Latin name for the planet Venus as the morning star, sometimes you in the old days picking your fruit from a tree, next to your donkey or camel or cow, you would see the star rise and fall before sun set and sun rise the story involved a fall from the heavens to earth or the underworld, the bibles today are a mix of translations and re-writings, interpretations of a similar term in the Hebrew Bible, translated in the King James Version as "Lucifer", led to a Christian tradition of applying the name Lucifer and its associated stories of a fall from heaven to Satan .... Book of Revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by "the dragon", identified as the devil or Satan, who are defeated and thrown down to the earth....Some scholars discern the concept of a war in heaven in certain Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, also known as the War Scroll ....fallen angels are angels who were expelled from Heaven. The term "fallen angel" appears neither in the Bible nor in other Abrahamic scriptures, however ideas appear in the Jewish book of Enoch and Nephilim "sons of God" can be found in some forms of the Bible. Fallen angels are angels who were cast out of heaven or angels who sinned. Such angels are often malevolent towards humanity.... I'm not sure on islam, I only read so far into that garbage, there was lots of stuff about infidels and beheading and mohammed the founder of islam calling for jihad however I'm pretty certain the moslems also see 'Abortion' as taboo maybe even be offended by it or see it as sin or babylonian or some terrible moral crime. Many religious traditions have taken a stance on abortion, and in general from the ones I seen and read there are mostly against Abortion, Sikhism of India speaks against it because it is said to interfere with the creative work of God, Buddhism sees abortion is "negative" some of them won't even touch animals yet alone consider abortion, the only churches or temples I think could support it could be some weird fringe Atheist group or maybe a selfish church of Satanism or Satanic temple. With so many votes lost, a loss of Preacher votes why would the political elite support this? The Preachers always will have some mystic mumbo jumbo angle to all this, confuse you with religion and stuff ...
they would have some kind of religion spin on all this would they not?

Didn't a few people write a few songs on this 'Angel' guy?
I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change. Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain....
I rode a tank. Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged. And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

Rolling Stones wasn't it?
or if you like your Jazz? All Seeing Eye is the ninth jazz album by saxophonist Wayne Shorter, recorded on October 15, 1965, and released on the Blue Note, "Chaos" reflects "wars, disagreements and the difficulty men have in understanding each other", whilst "Face of the Deep", a ballad in a minor key – the more cohesive piece of the album -, mirrors God bethinking on His creation, WAYNE SHORTER, Mephistopheles

I've seen many a religious story from many parts of the world and I don't consider myself religious

but I am sometimes amused when Los Angles a Tinseltown of Hollyweird or the Big City or some other place calls itself a moral leader or calls itself a City of Angles

Hell.A if you ask me

The Tinfoil Heads, the Truther conspiracy bloggers, Pirate News was Right times ...there are at times where everything is sick and twisted, upside-down

Your Taxes at work!

You know what else? There is a conspiracy about the Foods, Vaccinations, the Water on how 'they' gets call it the 'Machine' use Aborted Babies parts in your food, the fetal cell issue? human consumption of products in American which contains parts of aborted human fetuses?

The conspiracy says it Gives the food a weird buzz, creating anti-aging creams, flavor creation, PepsiCo, Nestle, you’re choosing, whether you realize it or not to consume agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.
Senomyx doesn’t mention that they used human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) from an aborted baby

Effectively aborted baby kidney cell whose cells were then harvested and cloned, America cannibalize itself??

In the U.S., 9 out of 10 abortions are elective. That is to say they are performed not for medical reasons but because the baby is not wanted or inconvenient .

I wonder what would happen if we viewed abortion the same way we view smoking, terrorism, a nile virus locust plague, jihadist attacks or cancer.

Senate blocks bill on medical care for children
born alive after attempted abortion

Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, far surpassing heart disease and cancer.

In the West now our culture champions and celebrates abortion, celebrating the termination death of a baby in favor of hedonism or something, more time for getting stoned, shopping? getting drunk? One pro-choice group goes around schools in NewYork Commiefornia releasing a vid of talking with children about why abortion is good like getting rid of your fuzz hair or pulling a bad tooth? Just suck that thing out of you the people with snake tongues they tell America's new generation of children.

Your taxes at work!!

The message spread to kids now that a baby is not valuable ...that's a message your taxes pay for..... and a baby should never interfere .... the reality with your hedonistic life plans to be an old person alive inside a government housing project with drugs all over the streets, to become a broken some lonely middle aged stoner or some crazy cat lady who burnt herself out riding that cock carousel, next the woman starts to hit the wall.... she will panic .... at a certain age, the American woman's biological clock ticking .... her mind goes totally out of control like a dog in heat and she will get on her dating website and hook up with anybody, ANYONE, the Jose, Santiago, the Tyrone, the Jamal, the Jake, the John ... the any dude will do, she don't have security don't worry your taxes will now pay for some old single mom in the baby making business ... because your taxes paid for all the crazy lifestyle leading up to all this

The only thing some politicians understand is their greed and power, the political battle grounds there are enough religious people in America, enough moral and philosophical spiritual people, this could cost them 2020 United States Senate elections, two independents, Bernie Sanders and Angus King, have both caucused with the Democratic Party since joining the Senate. the Winds start to change, the sands shift, the waters move and the tides will turn, Seats will become "tossup" no advantage to any side chaos uncertainty, a "tilt" used sometimes when a balance shifts, advantage that is not quite as strong as "lean", a smaller "lean" or slight advantage and then "likely" or "favored": significant, but surmountable from a position that was supposed to be secure.

Many, many years ago on the edge of Europe a gateway between Asia, Egypt, Africa, Persia Arabia, there lived a Civilization, they were different to their elite who got consumed by hedonism, writing, reflection and degeneracy, a corrupt 'democracy' of poets and people who abused children.... different to the average Greek the Spartans the respected their traditional woman, the farmer, the solider, the person making things and policing the streets, the woman who gave birth and raised the kids. When Athens Greece was to be over run by the army from the East the Greeks cried, were ready to run and surrender, but the Civilisation of 'Sparta' they had real women and real warriors, there was no individualism here, Sparta was different could have their names inscribed on their tombs unless they were men who had died in battle or women who had died in child birth

the votes today in America?
The baby alive, has already been born....they want it dead? There are pro life Democrats such as Bob Casey (who voted for the bill) ?? and the 2002 Born Alice Protective Act?

and the good Americans view on it, a divisive issue
the USA maybe not so divisive, you are only confused by your tv, the smoke and mirrors?
choose to support a good and honest traditional American life.

America, support your rednecks, support your traditional women

Support them!!

the redneck, the trad woman

When these last two elements go, you are gone as a nation


Wednesday, February 27, 2019 3:54 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The biggest killer is time.

Everybody dies.


Wednesday, February 27, 2019 1:14 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Here's my reply to your rant.

Heart disease, followed by cancer, according to the CDC.

The leading causes of death remained the same from the year before: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer, followed by cancer, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and infant mortality decreased 2.3%.



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
The Biggest killer?

and just so not to talk too much on politics, lets go back to science fiction for a second

Remember that show

Something weird and morally troubling would happen on that great tv and they would ask their preacher for advice?
What would that fictional Shepherd Book character say about the strange scifi world of firefly
"It is however, a little shady on the topic of kneecaps."

and get this US Senate, both Republican and Democrat? incl Forty Four Dem, 44 of them voted FOR infanticide and AGAINST saving life of a baby who is born alive in spite of a late term abortion .... just get that into your head for a second

Gianna Jessen born April 6, 1977 is an American pro-life and disability rights activist. A survivor in Hell.A Commiefornia of a failed saline abortion attempt ... they would vote to kill this person

How could those religious preacher who sell religion story spin all this for you?

the Angels - Los Angeles - Wasn't Satan himself a Fallen Angel? the old Jews, Hebrew, the seen this Lucifer as a "light-bringer" a tradiational Latin name for the planet Venus as the morning star, sometimes you in the old days picking your fruit from a tree, next to your donkey or camel or cow, you would see the star rise and fall before sun set and sun rise the story involved a fall from the heavens to earth or the underworld, the bibles today are a mix of translations and re-writings, interpretations of a similar term in the Hebrew Bible, translated in the King James Version as "Lucifer", led to a Christian tradition of applying the name Lucifer and its associated stories of a fall from heaven to Satan .... Book of Revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by "the dragon", identified as the devil or Satan, who are defeated and thrown down to the earth....Some scholars discern the concept of a war in heaven in certain Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, also known as the War Scroll ....fallen angels are angels who were expelled from Heaven. The term "fallen angel" appears neither in the Bible nor in other Abrahamic scriptures, however ideas appear in the Jewish book of Enoch and Nephilim "sons of God" can be found in some forms of the Bible. Fallen angels are angels who were cast out of heaven or angels who sinned. Such angels are often malevolent towards humanity.... I'm not sure on islam, I only read so far into that garbage, there was lots of stuff about infidels and beheading and mohammed the founder of islam calling for jihad however I'm pretty certain the moslems also see 'Abortion' as taboo maybe even be offended by it or see it as sin or babylonian or some terrible moral crime. Many religious traditions have taken a stance on abortion, and in general from the ones I seen and read there are mostly against Abortion, Sikhism of India speaks against it because it is said to interfere with the creative work of God, Buddhism sees abortion is "negative" some of them won't even touch animals yet alone consider abortion, the only churches or temples I think could support it could be some weird fringe Atheist group or maybe a selfish church of Satanism or Satanic temple. With so many votes lost, a loss of Preacher votes why would the political elite support this? The Preachers always will have some mystic mumbo jumbo angle to all this, confuse you with religion and stuff ...
they would have some kind of religion spin on all this would they not?

Didn't a few people write a few songs on this 'Angel' guy?
I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change. Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain....
I rode a tank. Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged. And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

Rolling Stones wasn't it?
or if you like your Jazz? All Seeing Eye is the ninth jazz album by saxophonist Wayne Shorter, recorded on October 15, 1965, and released on the Blue Note, "Chaos" reflects "wars, disagreements and the difficulty men have in understanding each other", whilst "Face of the Deep", a ballad in a minor key – the more cohesive piece of the album -, mirrors God bethinking on His creation, WAYNE SHORTER, Mephistopheles

I've seen many a religious story from many parts of the world and I don't consider myself religious

but I am sometimes amused when Los Angles a Tinseltown of Hollyweird or the Big City or some other place calls itself a moral leader or calls itself a City of Angles

Hell.A if you ask me

The Tinfoil Heads, the Truther conspiracy bloggers, Pirate News was Right times ...there are at times where everything is sick and twisted, upside-down

Your Taxes at work!

You know what else? There is a conspiracy about the Foods, Vaccinations, the Water on how 'they' gets call it the 'Machine' use Aborted Babies parts in your food, the fetal cell issue? human consumption of products in American which contains parts of aborted human fetuses?

The conspiracy says it Gives the food a weird buzz, creating anti-aging creams, flavor creation, PepsiCo, Nestle, you’re choosing, whether you realize it or not to consume agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.
Senomyx doesn’t mention that they used human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) from an aborted baby

Effectively aborted baby kidney cell whose cells were then harvested and cloned, America cannibalize itself??

In the U.S., 9 out of 10 abortions are elective. That is to say they are performed not for medical reasons but because the baby is not wanted or inconvenient .

I wonder what would happen if we viewed abortion the same way we view smoking, terrorism, a nile virus locust plague, jihadist attacks or cancer.

Senate blocks bill on medical care for children
born alive after attempted abortion

Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States, far surpassing heart disease and cancer.

In the West now our culture champions and celebrates abortion, celebrating the termination death of a baby in favor of hedonism or something, more time for getting stoned, shopping? getting drunk? One pro-choice group goes around schools in NewYork Commiefornia releasing a vid of talking with children about why abortion is good like getting rid of your fuzz hair or pulling a bad tooth? Just suck that thing out of you the people with snake tongues they tell America's new generation of children.

Your taxes at work!!

The message spread to kids now that a baby is not valuable ...that's a message your taxes pay for..... and a baby should never interfere .... the reality with your hedonistic life plans to be an old person alive inside a government housing project with drugs all over the streets, to become a broken some lonely middle aged stoner or some crazy cat lady who burnt herself out riding that cock carousel, next the woman starts to hit the wall.... she will panic .... at a certain age, the American woman's biological clock ticking .... her mind goes totally out of control like a dog in heat and she will get on her dating website and hook up with anybody, ANYONE, the Jose, Santiago, the Tyrone, the Jamal, the Jake, the John ... the any dude will do, she don't have security don't worry your taxes will now pay for some old single mom in the baby making business ... because your taxes paid for all the crazy lifestyle leading up to all this

The only thing some politicians understand is their greed and power, the political battle grounds there are enough religious people in America, enough moral and philosophical spiritual people, this could cost them 2020 United States Senate elections, two independents, Bernie Sanders and Angus King, have both caucused with the Democratic Party since joining the Senate. the Winds start to change, the sands shift, the waters move and the tides will turn, Seats will become "tossup" no advantage to any side chaos uncertainty, a "tilt" used sometimes when a balance shifts, advantage that is not quite as strong as "lean", a smaller "lean" or slight advantage and then "likely" or "favored": significant, but surmountable from a position that was supposed to be secure.

Many, many years ago on the edge of Europe a gateway between Asia, Egypt, Africa, Persia Arabia, there lived a Civilization, they were different to their elite who got consumed by hedonism, writing, reflection and degeneracy, a corrupt 'democracy' of poets and people who abused children.... different to the average Greek the Spartans the respected their traditional woman, the farmer, the solider, the person making things and policing the streets, the woman who gave birth and raised the kids. When Athens Greece was to be over run by the army from the East the Greeks cried, were ready to run and surrender, but the Civilisation of 'Sparta' they had real women and real warriors, there was no individualism here, Sparta was different could have their names inscribed on their tombs unless they were men who had died in battle or women who had died in child birth

the votes today in America?
The baby alive, has already been born....they want it dead? There are pro life Democrats such as Bob Casey (who voted for the bill) ?? and the 2002 Born Alice Protective Act?

and the good Americans view on it, a divisive issue
the USA maybe not so divisive, you are only confused by your tv, the smoke and mirrors?
choose to support a good and honest traditional American life.

America, support your rednecks, support your traditional women

Support them!!

the redneck, the trad woman

When these last two elements go, you are gone as a nation

Hey! Dumbass!!

Your Libtard MSM link provides no data.
CDC #1 is Heart Disease. Common data shows this is 610,000 per year. If you wish to dispute this Real World Figure, provide a link not grown from your delusional fantasies.
Commonly available data shows abortions occur in USA at 3,000 per day, or about 1,100,000 per year. If you disagree with this Real World Figure, provide a link with data.
Cyphering without Libtard Maths reveals that 1,100,000 is more than 610,000.
Why is Abortion/infanticide not listed by CDC Libtards as #1? Because they don't list it at all.

Now that fetuses are redefined as living, breathing humans to be murdered, BungBetty is yet again left behind in the backwash.

For an overview, we can note that the most innocent of all, having committed no evil, are the newborn which we murder, and the advocates for this infanticide are the same group which decry application of Death Sentence to those already proven to be the most Evil of our species. Newborns are also the most fragile, the most in need of our care, protection, and mercy.

While other continents produce offspring at unsustainable rates, this leaves least educated or intelligent to become inheritors of the planet. Is that really the wisest course?


Wednesday, February 27, 2019 8:08 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
The biggest killer is time.

Everybody dies.

Can't argue that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 28, 2019 3:38 AM


Impart on me your wisdom, oh keeper of the flame....

Everybody dies!

Wow...move over Yoda.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
The biggest killer is time.

Everybody dies.


Friday, March 1, 2019 4:54 AM



Hey! Dumbass!!

Your Libtard MSM link provides no data.
CDC #1 is Heart Disease. Common data shows this is 610,000 per year. If you wish to dispute this Real World Figure, provide a link not grown from your delusional fantasies.
Commonly available data shows abortions occur in USA at 3,000 per day, or about 1,100,000 per year. If you disagree with this Real World Figure, provide a link with data.
Cyphering without Libtard Maths reveals that 1,100,000 is more than 610,000.
Why is Abortion/infanticide not listed by CDC Libtards as #1? Because they don't list it at all.

Now that fetuses are redefined as living, breathing humans to be murdered, BungBetty is yet again left behind in the backwash.

For an overview, we can note that the most innocent of all, having committed no evil, are the newborn which we murder, and the advocates for this infanticide are the same group which decry application of Death Sentence to those already proven to be the most Evil of our species. Newborns are also the most fragile, the most in need of our care, protection, and mercy.

While other continents produce offspring at unsustainable rates, this leaves least educated or intelligent to become inheritors of the planet. Is that really the wisest course?

FUCK YOU! You faggot piece of shit fucking retarded scumbag Nazi motherfucker.
MDK all babies....that's Murder Death Kill ALL BABIES!!!

Here you go fucking Nazi scumbag fuck....

Suck elephant balls motherfucker!


Murder all babies! Slit their throats and dumb their carcasses in Trump dumpsters.

sinfully yours,

The Devil Rocks!!!


How's that!? Is that what you expected? Is this what you think of Libtards and their penchant for the blood of innocent babies? Is that what you think about
whenever you post one of your fucked up comments? Are you happy now? Yeah, let's wait until they're full grown adults to use them as target practice in schools, malls and at the theater. Sure, the NRA needs full-grown people to shoot at...why not!? Yeah, the fucking gun lobby. They need more people to sell loads of weapons to; to put on full tactical gear and load up their

The Blood Thirsty Libtards...yeah, they're the ones that marched across the West in search of innocent Native American babies, human sacrifices, to kill
in their sleep, simply because they had colored skin. Yeah, the Libtards originated in Europe. They brought their murderous brand to this country and
swept across the Nation...well, except for the battle at Little Big Horn...
then they got fucked, but good! Yeah, Libtards....the scourge of the West.
Only Right Wing Motherfuckers know the true meaning of life, everybody else,
yeah, they're nothing.






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