Dear Scumbag, I want you to go fuck yourself, Love SGG

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 20:18
VIEWED: 3811
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Thursday, March 28, 2019 3:01 AM


Please go to North Korea and kiss Kimmie on the lips, FULL ON!

Hey guys, I found a new way to communicate to the Prez-in-Chief, ya know, that lying sack of shit. Siggy gave me the idea, so I can't take all the credit.

Post here your inner most parting shots to the Prez of one third of the united states of the Kingdom of Trump.

All are welcome....hell, even ZeroHedge, that bastion of the "REAL" news.

HAVE FUN with it!

Cruise Director-in-chief



Thursday, March 28, 2019 7:54 AM


Awwwww... That's not very nice.

And it's not really fair either, yanno.

If anybody said something like that to Obama during his Presidency, you would just call them a racist or a Nazi or a White Supremacist.

At this point though, I just laugh. You guys are all good for a laugh right now. 2019 hasn't been a very good year for you all so far, has it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 28, 2019 8:10 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Please go to North Korea and kiss Kimmie on the lips, FULL ON!

Hey guys, I found a new way to communicate to the Prez-in-Chief, ya know, that lying sack of shit. Siggy gave me the idea, so I can't take all the credit.

Post here your inner most parting shots to the Prez of one third of the united states of the Kingdom of Trump.

All are welcome....hell, even ZeroHedge, that bastion of the "REAL" news.

HAVE FUN with it!

Cruise Director-in-chief


Funny you say parting shot SGG. The republicans were crushed in the mid-terms and they are going to get crushed in 2020.



Thursday, March 28, 2019 8:14 AM





Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 28, 2019 9:56 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THG:

Funny you say parting shot SGG. The republicans were crushed in the mid-terms and they are going to get crushed in 2020.

I had a dark humor thought the other day that that orange f*cker would pull a Putin and find a way to change the constitution and get a 3rd term.


Thursday, March 28, 2019 10:32 AM


Seems that Captain Crunch isn't as confident as you are that Trump isn't going to win in 2020, T.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 29, 2019 4:13 AM


Oh, how really think that "things" weren't said about Obama?
I won't argue that it's not very nice - well, Doc you are absolutely correct!

Why, it's downright nasty. Not very shiny, ya know, for a Good Guy (as Siggy likes to say). Truth be told, I was kinda in a dark place when I wrote it.
But one good thing has come from all this, maybe two. I got you to laugh out; and got you to think that we are having a bad year.

Ha! Because of a little letter from the "rigged" AG. That phony baloney Tub o' Goo! "Tell 'em Ray" - "K-Mart sucks!"

When you return from Planet Gorp, please drop in on reality. There's a reason
the AG is desperately holding onto the Report. Well, it goes without saying...
ah, fuck it...I'll say it...Fuck him too.

Have a nice day!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Awwwww... That's not very nice.

And it's not really fair either, yanno.

If anybody said something like that to Obama during his Presidency, you would just call them a racist or a Nazi or a White Supremacist.

At this point though, I just laugh. You guys are all good for a laugh right now. 2019 hasn't been a very good year for you all so far, has it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 29, 2019 4:20 AM


This is what I'm sayin' - Way to go Captain. Really reach deep down and let loose...fuck it, why not!? (of course, within reason, don't want to scare the kiddies).



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by THG:

Funny you say parting shot SGG. The republicans were crushed in the mid-terms and they are going to get crushed in 2020.

I had a dark humor thought the other day that that orange f*cker would pull a Putin and find a way to change the constitution and get a 3rd term.


Friday, March 29, 2019 4:24 AM


Hey Jack, you have that "Trump Talk" down pretty good. Did you have to take lessons in double talk, or does it come naturally?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Seems that Captain Crunch isn't as confident as you are that Trump isn't going to win in 2020, T.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 29, 2019 5:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SHINY ... that "dark place" that you post from: It wouldn't be from a dark brown bottle of booze, would it? Because you make less and less sense as time goes on, and it sounds like you're drunk-posting pretty much all of the time. I hope you get to a better place.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, March 29, 2019 7:56 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Oh, how really think that "things" weren't said about Obama?

I'm sure they were. I wasn't a part of it. I challenge you to find any posts even in the realm of your OP that I ever made about Obama.

Sure. I've had shitty things to say about him. But nothing more shitty than anything I ever said about GWB (who up until Obama was President I regularly said was the worst President America had ever had). The hilarious thing is that you actually believe that they weren't pretty much one in the same.

Millions of people lost their homes during Obama's 8 years. Then he gave trillions of dollars to the banks that took those homes. Ruining our grandchildren's chance at a good life by quantitative easing, he did nothing to improve the longevity of the American economy. Quite the opposite actually. None of that money has improved the lives of a single working class American. It's all in the fucking stock market now that is siphoning even more money every single day off the backs of the American worker.

Obama is not a huge piece of shit because he's black, or because I didn't like him as a person. He's a huge piece of shit because he was a neo-Liberal corpratist elite that didn't give any fucks about all the people he lied to about Hope and Change.

Trump probably doesn't either, but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 29, 2019 8:05 AM


America loves a winner!

TDS much ?

Just wow.


Friday, March 29, 2019 8:07 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
TDS much ?

Just wow.

Total Dissolved Solids?
Technical Data Sheet?
Tax Deducted at Source?
The Dark Side?
None of the above?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 29, 2019 11:07 AM


Conservatives Can’t Distinguish Between Democratic Reform and Authoritarianism

Conservatives have spent three years explaining away the overt authoritarian tendencies of President Trump — who, just in the last week, called the media the “enemy of the people,” demanded retribution against satirists, urged his attorney general to reopen an investigation into his opponent who has already been cleared of wrongdoing, and goaded his supporters in the police and military to unleash extra-legal political violence on the opposing party. But now they have decided it is their turn to take sweet revenge and throw the same accusations back in Democrats’ faces.

The pretext is a series of calls for political reform by Democratic presidential candidates — to end the Electoral College, abolish the filibuster, and perhaps add non-partisan justices to the Supreme Court. Conservatives present these ideas as equally dangerous as anything Trump has proposed, if not more so.

“Democrats once tried to present themselves as defenders of national norms If there are any Democrats left who still believe in that stuff, we suggest they come forward now and try to save their party from the power-hungry crazies who are taking it over,” editorializes the Washington Examiner. “Today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution … allowing them to marginalize Americans who do not support their increasingly radical agenda and impose it on an unwilling nation,” argues Marc Thiessen. “Fighting one norm-breaker by creating another is an excellent way for the Democrats to fail again,” argues National Review’s David French.

This accusation rests on a series of complete misapprehensions about Constitutional history and what it is Democrats are proposing. It’s true that some left-wing activists have loosely talked about “packing” the Supreme Court. A court pack is when you change the number of seats in order to give your party an advantage. (During the Obama administration, Senate Republicans tried to do this by reducing the number of seats in the powerful D.C. Circuit, spuriously claiming the judges were underworked.)


Friday, March 29, 2019 11:58 AM


The president took his own swipe at the Green New Deal when he took the stage in Michigan on Thursday, falsely claiming that the proposals would demand the elimination of airplanes and cows. He also repeated past criticisms of wind energy, the workings of which he doesn't appear to understand.

“If it doesn't blow, you can forget about television for that night,” he told the crowd. “I know a lot about wind,” he added.

He knows more than anybody. Believe me.


Friday, March 29, 2019 12:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Oh, how really think that "things" weren't said about Obama?

I'm sure they were. I wasn't a part of it. I challenge you to find any posts even in the realm of your OP that I ever made about Obama.

Sure. I've had shitty things to say about him. But nothing more shitty than anything I ever said about GWB (who up until Obama was President I regularly said was the worst President America had ever had). The hilarious thing is that you actually believe that they weren't pretty much one in the same.

Millions of people lost their homes during Obama's 8 years. Then he gave trillions of dollars to the banks that took those homes. Ruining our grandchildren's chance at a good life by quantitative easing, he did nothing to improve the longevity of the American economy. Quite the opposite actually. None of that money has improved the lives of a single working class American. It's all in the fucking stock market now that is siphoning even more money every single day off the backs of the American worker.

Obama is not a huge piece of shit because he's black, or because I didn't like him as a person. He's a huge piece of shit because he was a neo-Liberal corpratist elite that didn't give any fucks about all the people he lied to about Hope and Change.

Trump probably doesn't either, but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

AMEN, brother!!!

And may I add ... destroyed three nations (and worked on a fourth), NOT being the most "transparent" government ever, trampling our Constitutional rights even more than GWB.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, March 29, 2019 12:16 PM


How classy is it to have an F-bomb in the thread title, so that it is shown on the home page of the website.


Friday, March 29, 2019 2:25 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
How classy is it to have an F-bomb in the thread title, so that it is shown on the home page of the website.

Oh noes, all 10 people with virginal eyes that come here will be even more disturbed than they already are...

Grow up JSF.


Friday, March 29, 2019 2:30 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Post here your inner most parting shots to the Prez of one third of the united states of the Kingdom of Trump.

I've gotten to the point where when I scroll through the news any time I see Trump's bloated howler monkey face I just think about that scene from Independence Day where they blow up the White House, except I add Mar a Lago and Trump Tower to that as well.

I seriously hope there are aliens out there, if for no other reason than they could save us from ourselves one day.


Friday, March 29, 2019 2:38 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
How classy is it to have an F-bomb in the thread title, so that it is shown on the home page of the website.

Oh noes, all 10 people with virginal eyes that come here will be even more disturbed the they already are...

Grow up JSF.

Right, Mr. "Bung Hole" and "Dildo Bimbos" is suddenly all sensitive about one of the most commonly used words in the English language.


Sunday, March 31, 2019 2:20 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Right, Mr. "Bung Hole" and "Dildo Bimbos" is suddenly all sensitive about one of the most commonly used words in the English language.

Bwaaaaah ha haaaah!

Good point



Sunday, March 31, 2019 6:39 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Did you-all know this?

A bunghole or bungehole is a hole bored in a liquid-tight barrel to remove contents. The hole is capped with a large cork-like object called a bung. Wikipedia


Sunday, March 31, 2019 8:07 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Did you-all know this?

A bunghole or bungehole is a hole bored in a liquid-tight barrel to remove contents. The hole is capped with a large cork-like object called a bung. Wikipedia

Yeah. I learned that from Beavis and Butthead. I don't know if that's the first time people used it as slang, but it was the first time I had heard it.

"I am the great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!"

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 31, 2019 11:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I've gotten to the point where when I scroll through the news any time I see Trump's bloated howler monkey face I just think about that scene from Independence Day where they blow up the White House, except I add Mar a Lago and Trump Tower to that as well.

I seriously hope there are aliens out there, if for no other reason than they could save us from ourselves one day.

Another unhinged hater.

Not only does WISHY hate Trump to the point of wanting the WH blown up, she identifies with aliens (which btw have never visited earth as far as we know) more than she identifies with people.

I put WISHY in the same category as SECONDRATE: For personal history reasons she just hates everyone. Deserves to be ignored until she decides to join the human race.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, April 1, 2019 12:22 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Deserves to be ignored until she decides to join the human race.

Oh. the. irony.

Just Inhuman to Trollin'... do you even understand that every time you try to manipulate, you are on the shit side of humanity yourself?

The narcissism, the audacity, the complete lack of emotional intelligence? None of that registers, does it?


Monday, April 1, 2019 10:35 PM


Slander! Defamation! Law suit waiting to happen!!!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SHINY ... that "dark place" that you post from: It wouldn't be from a dark brown bottle of booze, would it? Because you make less and less sense as time goes on, and it sounds like you're drunk-posting pretty much all of the time. I hope you get to a better place.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, April 1, 2019 10:50 PM


Dude, don't really care whether or not you said "things" about Obama. It's expected coming from the far right wing, after all you guys hate anything and's a given.


but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Well, you guys certainly taught "us" (meaning the rest of the United States) a big lesson. So much so that the world is is giving "us" (in this case, Trump and company) a BIG Fuck You! Yeah, the greatest power known in the world has been reduced to "Tic Tac Toe" level weakness in record time. Except, of course, those dictators snickering behind Trump's back.

"boy do we have this motherfucker trapped"

Not to worry Jack, be proud!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Oh, how really think that "things" weren't said about Obama?

I'm sure they were. I wasn't a part of it. I challenge you to find any posts even in the realm of your OP that I ever made about Obama.

Sure. I've had shitty things to say about him. But nothing more shitty than anything I ever said about GWB (who up until Obama was President I regularly said was the worst President America had ever had). The hilarious thing is that you actually believe that they weren't pretty much one in the same.

Millions of people lost their homes during Obama's 8 years. Then he gave trillions of dollars to the banks that took those homes. Ruining our grandchildren's chance at a good life by quantitative easing, he did nothing to improve the longevity of the American economy. Quite the opposite actually. None of that money has improved the lives of a single working class American. It's all in the fucking stock market now that is siphoning even more money every single day off the backs of the American worker.

Obama is not a huge piece of shit because he's black, or because I didn't like him as a person. He's a huge piece of shit because he was a neo-Liberal corpratist elite that didn't give any fucks about all the people he lied to about Hope and Change.

Trump probably doesn't either, but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 1, 2019 10:57 PM


Class!? Did you say Class!?

Bwah hah ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa hah haaa!!!!

SGG laughing his ass off!!!

(Look, I even posted "ass")

Now that's Class!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
How classy is it to have an F-bomb in the thread title, so that it is shown on the home page of the website.


Monday, April 1, 2019 11:03 PM


My guess is that the aliens are watching and having a good laugh....

"Rweek meh forp meep"

Translation: "Who needs SNL...let's watch the Orange One again!"



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Post here your inner most parting shots to the Prez of one third of the united states of the Kingdom of Trump.

I've gotten to the point where when I scroll through the news any time I see Trump's bloated howler monkey face I just think about that scene from Independence Day where they blow up the White House, except I add Mar a Lago and Trump Tower to that as well.

I seriously hope there are aliens out there, if for no other reason than they could save us from ourselves one day.


Sunday, April 7, 2019 10:37 PM


Here's an easier way to explain it RF:

Conservatives normally have their head up their ass when it comes to just about anything. They don't see truth, they yearn for the past, actually they insist upon it, and generally live up in their nether regions until it's
safe to come out - in this case, whenever Trump says it's okay to look and
see what he's done to the place.

Once he's finished wiping his ass with the Constitution....

Don't even bother, there's nothing you can say that will make it go away.
The stench is revoltingly obvious. Not one "Republican" has the balls to
speak up.

Mr. Putin masterful job. Sometimes we need a kick in the ass to wake up. We got a bit complacent.

But, not to worry....we ain't done yet!



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Conservatives Can’t Distinguish Between Democratic Reform and Authoritarianism

Conservatives have spent three years explaining away the overt authoritarian tendencies of President Trump — who, just in the last week, called the media the “enemy of the people,” demanded retribution against satirists, urged his attorney general to reopen an investigation into his opponent who has already been cleared of wrongdoing, and goaded his supporters in the police and military to unleash extra-legal political violence on the opposing party. But now they have decided it is their turn to take sweet revenge and throw the same accusations back in Democrats’ faces.

The pretext is a series of calls for political reform by Democratic presidential candidates — to end the Electoral College, abolish the filibuster, and perhaps add non-partisan justices to the Supreme Court. Conservatives present these ideas as equally dangerous as anything Trump has proposed, if not more so.

“Democrats once tried to present themselves as defenders of national norms If there are any Democrats left who still believe in that stuff, we suggest they come forward now and try to save their party from the power-hungry crazies who are taking it over,” editorializes the Washington Examiner. “Today it is Democrats who are declaring war on the Constitution … allowing them to marginalize Americans who do not support their increasingly radical agenda and impose it on an unwilling nation,” argues Marc Thiessen. “Fighting one norm-breaker by creating another is an excellent way for the Democrats to fail again,” argues National Review’s David French.

This accusation rests on a series of complete misapprehensions about Constitutional history and what it is Democrats are proposing. It’s true that some left-wing activists have loosely talked about “packing” the Supreme Court. A court pack is when you change the number of seats in order to give your party an advantage. (During the Obama administration, Senate Republicans tried to do this by reducing the number of seats in the powerful D.C. Circuit, spuriously claiming the judges were underworked.)


Sunday, April 7, 2019 10:49 PM


You know, it never fails. You post the most inane and repetitive responses here in the RWED. Calling people drunkards, and commenting that they have gone off their meds and such. Rather childish and bland. No imagination or intelligence. Just the same old shit, day in, day out.

I remember once you said that illegals, Mexican illegals, were replacing Americans in the computer/AI industry. I was surprised by that rather weak argument. And it was then that it occurred to me, just how far you would go to
present a "winning" argument. I know that there are some pretty bright people
the world over, but illegals taking American Silicon Valley jobs?



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SHINY ... that "dark place" that you post from: It wouldn't be from a dark brown bottle of booze, would it? Because you make less and less sense as time goes on, and it sounds like you're drunk-posting pretty much all of the time. I hope you get to a better place.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, April 8, 2019 3:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You know, it never fails. You post the most inane and repetitive responses here in the RWED.

Oh, you mean like "Russian troll" and "Nazi"? Yeah, THAT never gets old, does it?


Calling people drunkards, and commenting that they have gone off their meds and such.
Never posted it. I said you SOUNDED like you were drunk-posting, because you've become completely irrational. Most of the time I cant make head or tail out of what you're posting, and I bet you can't explain it either! But, I challenge you to exlpain your posts in this thread; it'll be interesting to see you try.


I remember once you said that illegals, Mexican illegals, were replacing Americans in the computer/AI industry.
Are you fucking shitting me??? Go find that quote, son, FETCH! Because I NEVER posted any such thing. That's just your drunkeness, or irrationality, posting.


I was surprised by that rather weak argument.
Well, since you made it up, why should it surprise you? ALL of your arguments are weak!


And it was then that it occurred to me, just how far you would go to
present a "winning" argument. I know that there are some pretty bright people
the world over, but illegals taking American Silicon Valley jobs?

Like I said, find that quote and link it, or take it back.

There are plenty of H1B people in the tech industry, but they're not illegal and most of them are from India anyway. You not only don't know what I posted, you don't know anything about immigration either.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, April 8, 2019 4:06 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Dude, don't really care whether or not you said "things" about Obama. It's expected coming from the far right wing, after all you guys hate anything and's a given.


but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Well, you guys certainly taught "us" (meaning the rest of the United States) a big lesson. So much so that the world is is giving "us" (in this case, Trump and company) a BIG Fuck You! Yeah, the greatest power known in the world has been reduced to "Tic Tac Toe" level weakness in record time. Except, of course, those dictators snickering behind Trump's back.

"boy do we have this motherfucker trapped"

Not to worry Jack, be proud!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Oh, how really think that "things" weren't said about Obama?

I'm sure they were. I wasn't a part of it. I challenge you to find any posts even in the realm of your OP that I ever made about Obama.

Sure. I've had shitty things to say about him. But nothing more shitty than anything I ever said about GWB (who up until Obama was President I regularly said was the worst President America had ever had). The hilarious thing is that you actually believe that they weren't pretty much one in the same.

Millions of people lost their homes during Obama's 8 years. Then he gave trillions of dollars to the banks that took those homes. Ruining our grandchildren's chance at a good life by quantitative easing, he did nothing to improve the longevity of the American economy. Quite the opposite actually. None of that money has improved the lives of a single working class American. It's all in the fucking stock market now that is siphoning even more money every single day off the backs of the American worker.

Obama is not a huge piece of shit because he's black, or because I didn't like him as a person. He's a huge piece of shit because he was a neo-Liberal corpratist elite that didn't give any fucks about all the people he lied to about Hope and Change.

Trump probably doesn't either, but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Anybody to the right of Obama is far-right these days.

Keep being a clown.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:22 PM


Ya know Wishy, I was going to reload and blast Sigs with both barrels when I read your response....but I changed my mind.

Let me say this with the utmost respect:


That was better than anything I was loading up for.

As the most excellent "Ted" Theodore Logan would say:




Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Deserves to be ignored until she decides to join the human race.

Oh. the. irony.

Just Inhuman to Trollin'... do you even understand that every time you try to manipulate, you are on the shit side of humanity yourself?

The narcissism, the audacity, the complete lack of emotional intelligence? None of that registers, does it?


Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:24 PM




Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Dude, don't really care whether or not you said "things" about Obama. It's expected coming from the far right wing, after all you guys hate anything and's a given.


but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Well, you guys certainly taught "us" (meaning the rest of the United States) a big lesson. So much so that the world is is giving "us" (in this case, Trump and company) a BIG Fuck You! Yeah, the greatest power known in the world has been reduced to "Tic Tac Toe" level weakness in record time. Except, of course, those dictators snickering behind Trump's back.

"boy do we have this motherfucker trapped"

Not to worry Jack, be proud!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Oh, how really think that "things" weren't said about Obama?

I'm sure they were. I wasn't a part of it. I challenge you to find any posts even in the realm of your OP that I ever made about Obama.

Sure. I've had shitty things to say about him. But nothing more shitty than anything I ever said about GWB (who up until Obama was President I regularly said was the worst President America had ever had). The hilarious thing is that you actually believe that they weren't pretty much one in the same.

Millions of people lost their homes during Obama's 8 years. Then he gave trillions of dollars to the banks that took those homes. Ruining our grandchildren's chance at a good life by quantitative easing, he did nothing to improve the longevity of the American economy. Quite the opposite actually. None of that money has improved the lives of a single working class American. It's all in the fucking stock market now that is siphoning even more money every single day off the backs of the American worker.

Obama is not a huge piece of shit because he's black, or because I didn't like him as a person. He's a huge piece of shit because he was a neo-Liberal corpratist elite that didn't give any fucks about all the people he lied to about Hope and Change.

Trump probably doesn't either, but I'll never regret being a part of history by keeping another Clinton out of office and giving a big fuck you to the system by voting for Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Anybody to the right of Obama is far-right these days.

Keep being a clown.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:27 PM




Anybody to the right of Obama is far-right these days.

Keep being a clown.

Well, there goes diplomacy and detente. Oh well!

It never ceases to amaze me the level of utter inane stupidity you guys display here.



Tuesday, April 9, 2019 3:18 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:


Anybody to the right of Obama is far-right these days.

Keep being a clown.

Well, there goes diplomacy and detente. Oh well!

It never ceases to amaze me the level of utter inane stupidity you guys display here.


Diplomacy and detente? Are you joking? Have you read your own recent posts?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 9, 2019 5:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No, "SHINY" "GOOD" GUY doesn't read his own posts, just as WISHY doesn't read hers.

WISHY, dear ... In a thread entirely about something else besides politics, in which you weren't even mentioned, you barged right in JUST TO ATTACK. Remember? Here, let me refresh your feeble memory


Oh god, he's talking about HIMSELF in reaction to someone else's problems AGAIN....

followed by

So tell me, would YOU wanna be locked in a room listening to what YOU say....over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and OVER? ..


Tell yourself whatever fantasies you have to to cope, I guess.
Or...DON'T... and then grow up.


Whoa is me for my life is sooo hard. WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. ...


I honestly don't know which one of you is more obnoxious ...


Your opinion on other people's medical health is NULL...


I take it back about your third grade reading skills. I meant second grade..

That is the first seven of YOUR POSTS in a thread about ... eye surgery!!

Tell me, sweetie, by what right do you talk about "emotional intelligence"??
I mean ... REALLY?? You, the picture of mental and emotional health?? [/snark]
We would be doing you a BIG FAVOR by ignoring your posts, seeing as you're just an online asshole who thinks she's a victim!


You too "SHINY""GOOD"GUY. You should read your posts once in a while. Lately they've been one long incoherent wail.
Slow down, take a deep breath.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, April 10, 2019 2:33 PM


OMG! you got that!? Somebody's been eating their Wheaties.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:


Anybody to the right of Obama is far-right these days.

Keep being a clown.

Well, there goes diplomacy and detente. Oh well!

It never ceases to amaze me the level of utter inane stupidity you guys display here.


Diplomacy and detente? Are you joking? Have you read your own recent posts?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:18 PM


Nope. No Wheaties in my diet. I'm gluten free.

Maybe it's the Omega 3's I'm taking.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
OMG! you got that!? Somebody's been eating their Wheaties.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:


Anybody to the right of Obama is far-right these days.

Keep being a clown.

Well, there goes diplomacy and detente. Oh well!

It never ceases to amaze me the level of utter inane stupidity you guys display here.


Diplomacy and detente? Are you joking? Have you read your own recent posts?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:46 PM


Ahhh! the trend of the century...gluten free diet.

Well, it shows my age how I used an old-fashioned meme to point out
the sudden burst of energy shown by an opponent.

My, my how times have changed.




Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Nope. No Wheaties in my diet. I'm gluten free.

Maybe it's the Omega 3's I'm taking.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
OMG! you got that!? Somebody's been eating their Wheaties.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:


Anybody to the right of Obama is far-right these days.

Keep being a clown.

Well, there goes diplomacy and detente. Oh well!

It never ceases to amaze me the level of utter inane stupidity you guys display here.


Diplomacy and detente? Are you joking? Have you read your own recent posts?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:55 PM



You too "SHINY""GOOD"GUY. You should read your posts once in a while. Lately they've been one long incoherent wail.
Slow down, take a deep breath.

Oh dear me! They've found me out. What ever shall I do? I care?

SGG's Brown Bottle Response


Thursday, April 11, 2019 12:55 AM


I have some things to say, but start with these articles regarding the economic disaster caused by Obama; starting with the Housing Bubble (2007-09)

...the coming economic collapse (again due to "but Obama")

and the economic boom we are currently in (nothing to do with Obama)

One question: How can one man be responsible for economic doom both before and after he's in office?

More on this later.



Thursday, April 11, 2019 1:55 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:


That was better than anything I was loading up for.

Glad I could help


Thursday, April 11, 2019 8:15 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ahhh! the trend of the century...gluten free diet.

Well, it shows my age how I used an old-fashioned meme to point out
the sudden burst of energy shown by an opponent.

My, my how times have changed.



Well... I know you don't listen to anything I have to say, but I'd ask you to ask yourself if you peg me to be somebody who follows trends of any kind.

Short of getting sober, I'd say that going gluten free at 38 years old was among the best decisions of my entire life.

I literally thought I had destroyed my body with my bad habits. There's nothing I can do about the teeth at this point... that's spilled milk. But the aches and pains I'd learn to accept as my new normal are all but gone now. Between that and the intense physical workout I get every night I work, I'm in the best shape I've been in over 15 years.

I REALLY miss pizza and pasta. But whenever I'm tempted I just think back to how bad I used to feel all the time and how great I feel now and it's easy to say no. It's been over a year and a half now and most days I hardly even give it any thought anymore.

Nobody I've told about it has even attempted it, so no pressure here bud. Just know that there is a better way to live if you ever want to try it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, April 12, 2019 3:01 AM


Great.....Two Thumbs Way Up!!!



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:


That was better than anything I was loading up for.

Glad I could help


Friday, April 12, 2019 3:27 AM


Dude, we've been down this road before. Whenever you "talk" like a human being, well, I'm down with that. So, again, know that I admire people who
look to change and succeed. So, good on you!

My comment, believe it or not, was not meant to be critical of your chosen life style change. I was merely pointing out a new trend is all. I know you don't follow trends, you've said as much. But, like I said, good for you on
getting clean and sober. That is a good thing. I have friends and family who
have overcome similar challenges.

Contrary to popular belief (I'm talking about those two silly sods Tweedle-Dee
and Tweedle-Dum), I am not a drunk, nor do I abuse drugs. I'll leave it at
that. This response isn't about them. Keep working on yourself and stay positive no matter what. We might not agree on politics, or about a shitload of things, but getting sober is a serious thing. So is getting healthy.

Me. Since last November I have been eating healthier and have lost 20 lbs.
I too miss pizza. I'm not trying to do any fad diet, just looking to lose
weight and get healthy.

Since we are holding up the truce flag here for a moment, I do wish you well
in your journey to be a better man. Good luck.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ahhh! the trend of the century...gluten free diet.

Well, it shows my age how I used an old-fashioned meme to point out
the sudden burst of energy shown by an opponent.

My, my how times have changed.



Well... I know you don't listen to anything I have to say, but I'd ask you to ask yourself if you peg me to be somebody who follows trends of any kind.

Short of getting sober, I'd say that going gluten free at 38 years old was among the best decisions of my entire life.

I literally thought I had destroyed my body with my bad habits. There's nothing I can do about the teeth at this point... that's spilled milk. But the aches and pains I'd learn to accept as my new normal are all but gone now. Between that and the intense physical workout I get every night I work, I'm in the best shape I've been in over 15 years.

I REALLY miss pizza and pasta. But whenever I'm tempted I just think back to how bad I used to feel all the time and how great I feel now and it's easy to say no. It's been over a year and a half now and most days I hardly even give it any thought anymore.

Nobody I've told about it has even attempted it, so no pressure here bud. Just know that there is a better way to live if you ever want to try it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, April 12, 2019 7:40 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Dude, we've been down this road before. Whenever you "talk" like a human being, well, I'm down with that. So, again, know that I admire people who
look to change and succeed. So, good on you!

My comment, believe it or not, was not meant to be critical of your chosen life style change. I was merely pointing out a new trend is all. I know you don't follow trends, you've said as much. But, like I said, good for you on
getting clean and sober. That is a good thing. I have friends and family who
have overcome similar challenges.

Contrary to popular belief (I'm talking about those two silly sods Tweedle-Dee
and Tweedle-Dum), I am not a drunk, nor do I abuse drugs. I'll leave it at
that. This response isn't about them. Keep working on yourself and stay positive no matter what. We might not agree on politics, or about a shitload of things, but getting sober is a serious thing. So is getting healthy.

Me. Since last November I have been eating healthier and have lost 20 lbs.
I too miss pizza. I'm not trying to do any fad diet, just looking to lose
weight and get healthy.

Since we are holding up the truce flag here for a moment, I do wish you well
in your journey to be a better man. Good luck.


I listen to a lot of Joe Rogan's podcasts. Not the MMA ones, since I'm not really into fighting, but he has a lot of fascinating people on there. I'd heard him talk with a nutritionist about several diets, and that's the first time I'd heard of going gluten free, outside of one of my brothers friends who had to on doctor's orders.

I know you probably don't like the guy, from what you've heard about him, but he had Jordan Peterson on one day who RAVED about going gluten free. Both he and his daughter had a lot of issues (although I don't remember now what they all were). His daughter tried it first and got her dad to do it. What stuck with me about what it did for him, outside of the lowering of inflammation that reduces pain all over your body, was that he said that he had chronic gingivitis that disappeared after several months of going gluten free. The damage is done for me, sadly, but maybe it's slowing down now.

But, I'm telling you man, the pain is virtually gone. And the amount of energy I have these days is insane. I'll be 40 this year and I'm not kidding when I say that I could give 20 year old me a good race. 20 year old me had a crap diet and drank a lot.

You're right about "fad diets". I don't view this as a "diet". Diets don't work. That's what I keep telling my parents when they say things like "we're going to try the paleo diet". It's a lifestyle change. Sure, I miss my pizza and pasta, but I still smoke my cigarettes and drink my coffee. I'm not a monk, and I'll just get my pleasure elsewhere. :)

Good for you for losing that weight. We aren't getting any younger, but it's never to late to start doing right and feeling younger.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 14, 2019 2:55 AM


Joe Rogan: Believe it or not I watch his podcasts on You Tube and, although I don't always agree with him, I like his NO BS approach. He gets to the heart of the matter, and he usually has some interesting guests on his show.

Again, good for you for getting healthy.



Thursday, April 18, 2019 6:41 PM


And now we have a NEW scumbag.....Barr. WTF!? Trump innocent of obstruction?
That's not what's in Mueller's Report. He could not bring charges because
the DOJ prohibits him from bringing an indictment against the president.

That's a big difference. He can't, by DOJ rules and regs, bring charges. Not
that he was clear of obstruction. That it doesn't meet the criminal aspect
of the charge, is different from obstruction-like behavior.

Mueller left it to Congress to proceed. Notice, Mueller didn't put his finger on the scale and say that Trump committed obstruction. But he did leave "bread
crumbs" so that there's no mistake as to his thinking about Trump's behavior.

That, to me, does not exonerate Trump; it lays the ground work for impeachment.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Please go to North Korea and kiss Kimmie on the lips, FULL ON!

Hey guys, I found a new way to communicate to the Prez-in-Chief, ya know, that lying sack of shit. Siggy gave me the idea, so I can't take all the credit.

Post here your inner most parting shots to the Prez of one third of the united states of the Kingdom of Trump.

All are welcome....hell, even ZeroHedge, that bastion of the "REAL" news.

HAVE FUN with it!

Cruise Director-in-chief







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