Coronavirus- Damn Commies are gonna get us all killed!

UPDATED: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:49
VIEWED: 16682
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Friday, March 6, 2020 2:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Maybe my background in biology lets me appreciate SARS-COV-2 to a level you don't. That plus my lifelong and not entirely controlled asthma, my old age, and the 10,000 arrivals from China every month. And watching both parents die struggling for air and slowly suffocating from pneumonia and lung fibrosis.

I took my lessons from Wuhan. They shut down entirely for 6 weeks. That's what it seems to take to stop the spread. I'm ready to hunker down for a month - which is good earthquake preparedness anyway. I could probably outlast it if it were to come to my neighborhood. Other than that, after the last flu(?) which took 2 months out of my life, I'm bound and determined to not catch anything else at all for at least a year!

Anyway, I'm not panicked, but I am prepared. You can be one without the other.


Friday, March 6, 2020 2:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, you will never be 100% safe nor 100% at-risk. And even if you did contract the virus, at your age the likelihood of you dying from it is pretty low. Somewhat higher than the widely-quoted 0.2% bc of your history of smoking and possible damage from chemical exposure, but nor super high.

The trick is so reduce enough individual risk to slow down the progression of disease. First, because a successful treatment protocol may be developed in the medium-term and a vaccine in the long-term. Second, because our health care system, such as it is, would be overwhelmed by a slug of seriously ill people hitting the hospitals all at once. By slowing the spread, the hospitals can continue to function and people can be treated, at least with IVs and oxygen.

OTOH, I live in a high-risk area. I'm older. I have asthma, and I have a disabled child to think about. What happens to her if we get sick and die? Considering what's at stake, I don't consider taking precautions to be letting concern live in my head rent-free, I consider it just being reasonable. I allow that your situation is different, which would change your POV. Why don't you allow me the same respect?

How about we just agree to disagree without all the unnecessary snark and insults?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, March 6, 2020 2:57 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by THG:
Funny kiki. What you and sig have is a reputation for posting lies (fake news) and trolling on Russias' behalf.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, March 6, 2020 4:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by THG:
Funny kiki. What you and sig have is a reputation for posting lies (fake news) and trolling on Russias' behalf.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, March 7, 2020 12:31 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Feel completely free to let COVID-19 live rent free in your head ...

Dumb ass who doesn't have a single rational thought in his head is jealous of people having ANYTHING in their heads.


Saturday, March 7, 2020 2:33 AM



Whatever you say, you dumb shit.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 7, 2020 6:08 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Maybe my background in biology lets me appreciate SARS-COV-2 to a level you don't. That plus my lifelong and not entirely controlled asthma, my old age, and the 10,000 arrivals from China every month. And watching both parents die struggling for air and slowly suffocating from pneumonia and lung fibrosis.

I took my lessons from Wuhan. They shut down entirely for 6 weeks. That's what it seems to take to stop the spread. I'm ready to hunker down for a month - which is good earthquake preparedness anyway. I could probably outlast it if it were to come to my neighborhood. Other than that, after the last flu(?) which took 2 months out of my life, I'm bound and determined to not catch anything else at all for at least a year!

Anyway, I'm not panicked, but I am prepared. You can be one without the other.

Sounds like a wise plan.

My Corona

Ooh, my little sickly one, my sickly one
When you gonna give me the virus, Corona
Ooh, you make my nostrils run, my nostrils run
Got it standing in a bank line, Corona

Never gonna stop, get a mop, such much dangling slime
I always cough it up, beware the touch of any kind
My, my, my, eye-eye, whoa!
M-m-m-my Corona

Don't come any closer, huh, ok with ya, huh?
Close enough to look in my eyes, Corona
Keeping it masked, still gets to me
Running down the length of my thigh, Corona

Never gonna stop, get a mop, so much dangling slime
I always cough it up, beware the touch of any kind
My, my, my, eye-eye, whoa!
M-m-m-my Corona!
M-m-m-my Corona!


Saturday, March 7, 2020 6:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Faces of Pandemic

Alice (age 22) died on November 9. Mabel (age 26) died on November 22. William Smith (age 33), a stepbrother, died on November 28. My grandmother never got over missing her sisters.

Coronavirus won’t be this bad. Not even close. But there are faces behind the masks, and there are going to be a lot more if we don’t get our act together fast and put serious professionals in charge of stopping it. Mike Pence might be a decent guy, but he’s just not cut out for this role. People are going to die because Donald Trump cares only about his own image and appointed Pence largely to guarantee that he’d have a high-level scapegoat if things go south.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 7, 2020 9:16 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

Trump says he will not stop campaign rallies over coronavirus


Saturday, March 7, 2020 9:17 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It’s one of the most urgent questions in the United States right now: How many people have actually been tested for the coronavirus?

This number would give a sense of how widespread the disease is, and how forceful a response to it the United States is mustering. But for days, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has refused to publish such a count, despite public anxiety and criticism from Congress. On Monday, Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, estimated that “by the end of this week, close to a million tests will be able to be performed” in the United States. On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence promised that “roughly 1.5 million tests” would be available this week.

But the number of tests performed across the country has fallen far short of those projections, despite extraordinarily high demand, The Atlantic has found.

“The CDC got this right with H1N1 and Zika, and produced huge quantities of test kits that went around the country,” Thomas Frieden, the director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017, told us. “I don’t know what went wrong this time.”

Through interviews with dozens of public-health officials and a survey of local data from across the country, The Atlantic could only verify that 1,895 people have been tested for the coronavirus in the United States, about 10 percent of whom have tested positive. And while the American capacity to test for the coronavirus has ramped up significantly over the past few days, local officials can still test only several thousand people a day, not the tens or hundreds of thousands indicated by the White House’s promises.

In South Korea, more than 66,650 people were tested within a week of its first case of community transmission, and it quickly became able to test 10,000 people a day. The United Kingdom, which has only 115 positive cases, has so far tested 18,083 people for the virus.

California claims the highest testing capacity of any state, and has tested the most individuals so far. As of Thursday afternoon, it had tested 516 people, with 53 positive cases, a spokesperson for the Department of Health told us. The department now has the capacity to test 6,000 people every day, and it expects that capacity to expand to 7,400 people a day starting Friday, the spokesperson said.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 7, 2020 9:30 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, March 7, 2020 9:32 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by second:
It’s one of the most urgent questions in the United States right now: How many people have actually been tested for the coronavirus?

I have a different question. It's related to the major beef I have with the M$M in their "reporting" on this virus. I have not heard them once say the age, health status prior to getting the virus, how long they had the virus before seeking help (if they know) - a number of very important factors for those people who have died. I'm seeing Trump do his usual stupid sh*t, but I'm also seeing reporting being equally lacking, like this is bringing out the worst in both. It's almost as if they are keeping the alarm levels high so we'll keep watching.

Purposely not reporting on those facts is extremely contemptible, unprofessional and shameful. Not that I expect much better.


Saturday, March 7, 2020 11:37 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by second:
It’s one of the most urgent questions in the United States right now: How many people have actually been tested for the coronavirus?

I have a different question. It's related to the major beef I have with the M$M in their "reporting" on this virus. I have not heard them once say the age, health status prior to getting the virus, how long they had the virus before seeking help (if they know) - a number of very important factors for those people who have died. I'm seeing Trump do his usual stupid sh*t, but I'm also seeing reporting being equally lacking, like this is bringing out the worst in both. It's almost as if they are keeping the alarm levels high so we'll keep watching.

Purposely not reporting on those facts is extremely contemptible, unprofessional and shameful. Not that I expect much better.

Careful there, buddy.

You might accidentally swallow a red pill.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 7, 2020 1:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

As of two days ago, 2000 people have been tested. I know you're allergic to facts and espeically to facts that KIKI and I post, but you should follow the other thread. I just quoted an extensive article yesterday that had nuggets of great information in it, like this:


On Tuesday, after days of growing clamor to make more testing available, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the administration was issuing new guidance that “will make it clear that any American can be tested” for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, and said that 2,500 kits would be sent out this week, an equivalent of 1.5 million tests.
That's THIS WEEK, and not a moment too soon. However the reporter, who lived thru SARS (in Singapore, when she was 10) and reported on Ebola and is now reporting on this, goes on to write:


Here are some basics that may be useful to keep in mind: The CDC test kits can be thought of somewhat like a Blue Apron meal kit; there’s some assembly required before a lab can begin testing. It’s not like a protein bar, ready to eat straight out of the wrapper.

As of Wednesday, the Association of Public Health Laboratories, which represents public health labs across the United States, told me that each CDC test kit can run about 700 specimens. Note the “about” — you might have heard that each CDC test kit can run 1,000 specimens. That’s also true, but labs use up a certain amount of material in the process of setting up the kit and also to ensure that all the results from actual patient samples are accurate. So that’s where the “about 700” number is coming from.

None of those numbers, so far, are in units of what I care about — patients. We’re still talking about samples and specimens. APHL says the labs are running two specimens per patient, to double-check the result. So that means you actually can only test 350 people per kit. Which means that each test kit will test approximately 300 patient, not the 1000 "tests" each kit is capable of. Instead of 1.5 million tests, think 450,000 (or fewer) patients. That's still a lot, but not as many as you might imagine.

I too would like to know the age, health status, health CARE status, and source of infection of each person who died. But there will be at some point too many cases for you - or me- to make sense of, and at that point you can only use statistics. And as they say about the problem of statistics: They can tell you what will happen to 1000 people, but they can't tell you what will happen to YOU

Most of the people here are fortunate, in a sense: either retired, unemployed, working from home, or independently weathy, and not religious. The people at risk right now are travelers, those who work ... especially those who work with sick people or travelers... and their families, families of children to go to school,and regular church-goers. But soon, everyone will be at risk whenever you are in face-to-face contact. Please see the CDC advice, also posted here and the attached articles about what the epidemiologists recommend, and what they themselves are doing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, March 7, 2020 1:56 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by second:
It’s one of the most urgent questions in the United States right now: How many people have actually been tested for the coronavirus?

I have a different question. It's related to the major beef I have with the M$M in their "reporting" on this virus. I have not heard them once say the age, health status prior to getting the virus, how long they had the virus before seeking help (if they know) - a number of very important factors for those people who have died. I'm seeing Trump do his usual stupid sh*t, but I'm also seeing reporting being equally lacking, like this is bringing out the worst in both. It's almost as if they are keeping the alarm levels high so we'll keep watching.

Purposely not reporting on those facts is extremely contemptible, unprofessional and shameful. Not that I expect much better.

Then the CDC is the problem, not the news. The CDC decided to be completely opaque, not telling anybody anything. Why? It won't say but probably ordered by Trump:

Throughout February, the CDC published a regular tally of Americans who had been tested for the pathogen. Last Saturday, several days after the country’s first case of community transmission was confirmed, that figure was 472.

Then the agency stopped updating the tally. It did not publish new numbers of how many Americans had been tested for the virus on Sunday or Monday, as public criticism of the sluggish response to the disease began to mount. On Tuesday, it announced that it would stop publishing the figure altogether.

Our reporting has found that the CDC has not made good on Messonnier’s assurance that state numbers would be available and up to date. Many states are not reporting their results quickly: In our survey, we found that in some states, the most recently available numbers were days old.

Since the CDC’s pullback, it has become extremely difficult to track the nation’s growing capacity to test for the coronavirus.

What is Trump thinking? Probably that if the CDC does not report Coronavirus test results, people will assume it is just a bad case of the flu. If it is the flu, even if it is fatal, it is not Trump's problem. Problem solved for Trump! It's the same way he handles interviewers. When he lies, the interviewer doesn't slap the hell out of Trump right then and therefore most viewers will assume Trump told the truth . . .

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 7, 2020 2:18 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by second:
It’s one of the most urgent questions in the United States right now: How many people have actually been tested for the coronavirus?

I have a different question. It's related to the major beef I have with the M$M in their "reporting" on this virus. I have not heard them once say the age, health status prior to getting the virus, how long they had the virus before seeking help (if they know) - a number of very important factors for those people who have died. I'm seeing Trump do his usual stupid sh*t, but I'm also seeing reporting being equally lacking, like this is bringing out the worst in both. It's almost as if they are keeping the alarm levels high so we'll keep watching.

Purposely not reporting on those facts is extremely contemptible, unprofessional and shameful. Not that I expect much better.

Then the CDC is the problem, not the news. The CDC decided to be completely opaque, not telling anybody anything. Why? It won't say but probably ordered by Trump:

Throughout February, the CDC published a regular tally of Americans who had been tested for the pathogen. Last Saturday, several days after the country’s first case of community transmission was confirmed, that figure was 472.

Then the agency stopped updating the tally. It did not publish new numbers of how many Americans had been tested for the virus on Sunday or Monday, as public criticism of the sluggish response to the disease began to mount. On Tuesday, it announced that it would stop publishing the figure altogether.

Our reporting has found that the CDC has not made good on Messonnier’s assurance that state numbers would be available and up to date. Many states are not reporting their results quickly: In our survey, we found that in some states, the most recently available numbers were days old.

Since the CDC’s pullback, it has become extremely difficult to track the nation’s growing capacity to test for the coronavirus.

What is Trump thinking? Probably that if the CDC does not report Coronavirus test results, people will assume it is just a bad case of the flu. If it is the flu, even if it is fatal, it is not Trump's problem. Problem solved for Trump! It's the same way he handles interviewers. When he lies, the interviewer doesn't slap the hell out of Trump right then and therefore most viewers will assume Trump told the truth . . .

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It's already been established that Democrats can't math, so even if the CDC let the numbers out the Legacy Media wouldn't know how to report it, and you shouldn't believe the numbers they told you if they did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 7, 2020 2:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

It's already been established that Democrats can't math, so even if the CDC let the numbers out the Legacy Media wouldn't know how to report it, and you shouldn't believe the numbers they told you if they did.

From the beginning, the Trump administration’s attempts to forestall an outbreak of a virus now spreading rapidly across the globe was marked by a raging internal debate about how far to go in telling Americans the truth. Even as the government’s scientists and leading health experts raised the alarm early and pushed for aggressive action, they faced resistance and doubt at the White House — especially from the president — about spooking financial markets and inciting panic.

“It’s going to all work out,” Mr. Trump said as recently as Thursday night. “Everybody has to be calm. It’s going to work out.” Nobody shouted at Trump: “It only works out if YOU do the work! You cannot work on the golf course in Florida!” This weekend Trump is playing golf. On Monday he'll be campaigning, one of his favorite activities, instead of working.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 7, 2020 3:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

“It’s going to all work out,” Mr. Trump said as recently as Thursday night. “Everybody has to be calm. It’s going to work out.”


"We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

Sometimes the President' job is to be cheerleader-in-chief. Emergency funds have been allocated. The CDC and Public Health labs are at work. Unlike in FDR's day, there is a huge bureaucracy to handle this crisis. What should Trump do?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, March 7, 2020 3:45 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
“It’s going to all work out,” Mr. Trump said as recently as Thursday night. “Everybody has to be calm. It’s going to work out.”


"We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

Sometimes the President' job is to be cheerleader-in-chief. Emergency funds have been allocated. The CDC and Public Health labs are at work. Unlike in FDR's day, there is a huge bureaucracy to handle this crisis. What should Trump do?

Trump has been "busy" . . . blaming Obama:

Trump and other coronavirus task force officials attempted to deflect criticism, suggesting that the lack of available testing was partly President Barack Obama’s fault.

Trump, March 4: I just want to add, if I might — and to go a little bit further — the Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing. And we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion. That was a decision we disagreed with. I don’t think we would have made it, but for some reason it was made. But we’ve undone that decision.

Later, CDC Director Robert Redfield followed up, describing the regulatory change as one related to “laboratory developed tests,” or diagnostic tests that are designed, manufactured and performed in the same place, such as in a hospital or academic institution. These tests are different from the ones that the CDC developed and has sent to public health labs across the country.

Redfield, March 4: In the past, we used to be able to have laboratories that could develop what we call “laboratory developed tests” and then be able to apply them for clinical purposes. And in the previous administration, that became regulated so that, now, for someone to do that, they had to formally file with the FDA. And what the president’s decision did was allow that regulatory relief now and that those university labs and those other labs in this country now can be fully engaged in developing laboratory diagnostics for the clinical arena so the men and women in this nation can get access to — and the doctors — to get to know the extent of [the virus] in the patients that they’re caring for. It’s, really, very important. It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight.

After Redfield’s explanation, Trump then referred to the “Obama rule” again, saying, “we ended that rule very quickly.”

When asked in a March 5 Fox News town hall whether he blamed Obama, Trump insisted that he didn’t, before claiming again that his administration inherited “some decisions which were not good decisions” and that he “undid some of the regulations.”

It’s not clear what regulation Trump and Redfield have in mind, and neither the White House, FDA, nor the CDC responded to requests for more information. But experts told us that no such “rule” was implemented under Obama.

“It’s not true,” said Rachel Sachs, a Washington University in St. Louis law professor, of Trump’s claim.

24/7 Trump is either golfing, sleeping, tweeting, campaigning or lying. I don't know when he finds the time for working.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 7, 2020 4:26 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
“It’s going to all work out,” Mr. Trump said as recently as Thursday night. “Everybody has to be calm. It’s going to work out.”


"We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

Sometimes the President' job is to be cheerleader-in-chief. Emergency funds have been allocated. The CDC and Public Health labs are at work. Unlike in FDR's day, there is a huge bureaucracy to handle this crisis. What should Trump do?

Second would know this if, yanno, he actually ran a business and didn't spend all day every day spouting his TDS from mom's basement.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 7, 2020 4:43 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
yanno . . .

Trump’s latest coronavirus press avail sinks in, the angrier I get. There he is, wearing a campaign cap and mugging for the camera. Interrupting Alex Azar when he’s on the verge of telling the truth about something. Bloviating about how he’s an innate medical genius. Complaining that he doesn’t want to unload passengers from a cruise ship because it might hurt his “numbers.” Griping that the Dow was all set to hit 30,000 until this whole virus thing hit. Bragging about the small number of deaths so far. Apparently demanding that every actual professional kowtow to him in public. Saying that he’s not to blame for cutting back on pandemic preparedness because “this is something that you can never really think is going to happen.” Clowning about how the testing has been perfect, “like the letter was perfect.” Snickering about how he told Mike Pence not to compliment a governor who had been mean to him. Bragging that he’s not bothering to take any special protections.

Jesus. Does he think this whole thing is just a big joke? Is he going to keep acting like a combination of court jester and Pollyanna-in-chief when the number of deaths hits a hundred? Or a thousand? Is there anyone left on his staff who can tell him to start acting like a president?

Trump touring CDC:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 7, 2020 4:44 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I guess the questions are 1) what does it take to stop the spread of the virus, 2) is the US doing what it needs to do to stop the spread of the virus, and 3) what will be the effect of a worst-case scenario where SARS-COV-2 spreads maximally?

Originally, WHO and the CDC appear to have been following - at least in rhetoric - the ID, trace, and isolate formula for stopping a contagion. While that might work for STDS and needle-sharing diseases, where contacts are of necessity limited, it doesn't look like it would be appropriate for a highly infectious disease like COVID-19. (I liken it to approaching the measles end of infectiousness in its ability to spread, where simply going through the same airport terminal that someone with measles had passed through before can get you sick.) So I find the basic model to be unhelpful.

The other completely necessary but crippled leg in the approach in the US is the criminally incompetent testing. If your approach needs you to ID cases, then you'd better ID them. And for some reason, the medical system was paralyzed when it came to developing tests. There wasn't an actual rule that forbid anyone from doing that. There was a REQUEST - and it was a longstanding precedent - that if you did, you file an emergency use request within 15 days. Maybe people were waiting on the CDC assuming that it was all going to roll out from there smoothly and quickly. But the CDC testing was faulty and severely limited.

But the US looks OMG bad compared to other countries that test thousands and tens of thousands PER DAY. Our failure needs to be relentlessly investigated. BTW the most recent estimate I found was that the US has tested 2300 - TOTAL. Since this all began.

Finally, I assume the US will eventually have national spread, because of our bungled model, our bungled testing, and the example of Italy.

What's the worst-case scenario? SK has done the most testing of all countries and has come up with a fatality rate of 0.6% - which is still 6x more than the flu. Even that low number would overwhelm the medical system. And a medical system overwhelmed might be a medical system infected, where the personnel themselves are unable to do a normal level of work.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

What Taiwan did right:

xposted here:


Saturday, March 7, 2020 6:54 PM


Second wants to see Trump act like COVID is the end of the world.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 7, 2020 7:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Second wants to see Trump act like COVID is the end of the world.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Trump should stop acting like he is a fucking idiot: Hours after learning about how vaccines work and the timeline for a potential coronavirus vaccine, Trump told supporters at a rally: “We had a great meeting today with a lot of the great companies, and they’re going to have vaccines I think relatively soon. And they’re going to have something that makes you better, and that’s going to actually take place we think even sooner.”

It isn’t clear why Trump said this, other than he is a fucking idiot, particularly after seemingly have been disabused of his misconceptions in his White House meeting, but such a statement does not support his claim at the CDC that “I understand that whole scientific world.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 7, 2020 8:49 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Second wants to see Trump act like COVID is the end of the world.

Everyone that has at least two brain cells would like to see Chump act like an adult, and at least pretend to be serious about it, and not make it about how much of a fake smarty pants he thinks he is.

It's not about HIM at all. It's about mobilizing resources. It's about reassuring the population that we are doing what we can and informing the public about steps they can do to help. Some of us expect actual ACTION PLANS from our leaders...

Instead we get..
"Me so smart, me coulda been doctor... if I just read 'Docterin fer Dummies' duhhhhh"


Saturday, March 7, 2020 9:09 PM



If you weren't bitching about Trump doing this, I'm sure you'd be bitching about Trump doing something.

That's what you've done the last 3 years and that's what you're going to do for the next 5.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 8, 2020 12:34 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah. It's too bad all those TDS-Never-Trumper boys who cried wolf all those times destroyed their chances to proffer any legitimate criticism now.


Sunday, March 8, 2020 3:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Yeah. It's too bad all those TDS-Never-Trumper boys who cried wolf all those times destroyed their chances to proffer any legitimate criticism now.

Jeezus, no kidding SIX and KIKI! They blame Trump for global warming! They blame Trump for the wealth gap! They blame Trump for being Putin's puppet! They hate Trump for having orange skin! If we could bottle SECOND's, WISHY's, CC's etc hot air we could power a rocket to Mars.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Sunday, March 8, 2020 8:02 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Yeah. It's too bad all those TDS-Never-Trumper boys who cried wolf all those times destroyed their chances to proffer any legitimate criticism now.

Jeezus, no kidding SIX and KIKI! They blame Trump for global warming! They blame Trump for the wealth gap! They blame Trump for being Putin's puppet! They hate Trump for having orange skin! If we could bottle SECOND's, WISHY's, CC's etc hot air we could power a rocket to Mars.

Gee whiz... don't pull a muscle feigning outrage there Signutter. 4 exclamation points OMG!!!!

I have a question: isn't it amazing (telling) how just asking that our dumb @ss president stop his compulsive lying can piss some people off? "Ask our dear and great leader to not lie?!? Outrageous!"

Are you guys Q-Anon believers by any chance?


Sunday, March 8, 2020 8:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Yeah. It's too bad all those TDS-Never-Trumper boys who cried wolf all those times destroyed their chances to proffer any legitimate criticism now.

Jeezus, no kidding SIX and KIKI! They blame Trump for global warming! They blame Trump for the wealth gap! They blame Trump for being Putin's puppet! They hate Trump for having orange skin! If we could bottle SECOND's, WISHY's, CC's etc hot air we could power a rocket to Mars.

You forgot that Trump is a tax cheat. 6ix, 1kiki, and Signym never understood how damaging that is to the national debt. There is the part about him cheating on his own taxes. Then there is the part about going to crazy length not to pay his taxes, even to the Supreme Court. Then there are other rich people copying his behavior and not paying their taxes. Then there is rewriting the tax laws to favor rich tax cheaters. None of this is a secret, yet you act like it didn't happen and it didn't cost a trillion dollars per year.

Then there is Trump and the atom bombs. He dropped out of a treaty with Iran. He botched N Korea. He let nuclear treaties with Russia expire. He is even building a new atom bomb, W76-2, just for assassinating heads of state. None of this is a secret either, yet you act like there cannot be a nuclear holocaust. 6ix, 1kiki, and Signym never understood how damaging that could be. Maybe worse than a botched response to coronavirus?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 9:01 AM



If you weren't bitching about Trump doing this, I'm sure you'd be bitching about Trump doing something.

That's what you've done the last 3 years and that's what you're going to do for the next 5.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 8, 2020 9:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

If you weren't bitching about Trump doing this, I'm sure you'd be bitching about Trump doing something.

That's what you've done the last 3 years and that's what you're going to do for the next 5.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Let me repeat myself, since you obviously don't understand the connection between Trump and death and taxes:

Trump is a tax cheater. 6ix, 1kiki, and Signym never understood how damaging that is to the national debt. There is the part about him cheating on his own taxes. Then there is the part about going to crazy length not to pay his taxes, even to the Supreme Court. Then there are other rich people copying his behavior and not paying their taxes. Then there is rewriting the tax laws to favor rich tax cheaters. None of this is a secret, yet you act like it didn't happen and it didn't cost a trillion dollars per year.

Then there is Trump and the atom bombs. He dropped out of a treaty with Iran. He botched N Korea. He let nuclear treaties with Russia expire. He is even building a new atom bomb, W76-2, just for assassinating heads of state. None of this is a secret either, yet you act like there cannot be a nuclear holocaust. 6ix, 1kiki, and Signym never understood how damaging that could be. Maybe worse than a botched response to coronavirus!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 11:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND ... apparently you don't know how to read a chart. Or remember who was President, when. As a reminder, Obama was President from 2008 to 2016.

Your first chart shows the total debt (in millions of dollars) rising between 1990 and 1999 (roughly the Clinton years) with a small leveling-off in that last year (Clinton's famous balanced budget, where he took advatange of the "peace dividend"), a steeper rise under GWB, and and even steeper rise under Obama (from 2008 to 2016). Where Trump becomes President is INDISTINGUISHABLE from Obama's curve.

The next chart show Federal debt, not in millions of dollars but as a percent of GDP. It shows a rise, but then a significant fall under Clinton so that he ends up slightly lower than where he started (57%-55%), a significant rise under GWB (55%-62%) and a GINORMOUS rise under Obama (62% to 100%) where it levels off in approx 2013. There isn't enough of the Trump era to make a judgment, but what they show is INDISTIGUISHABLE from the Obama era at the transition.

What do your charts and post tell me?

a) Trump is indistinguishable from Obama in terms of Federal debt, (also, btw, wealth gap, according to various charts) even comparing the end of Obama's term to the beginning of Trump's

b) You can't see what is literally in front of your face. You posted something which entirely undercuts your point.

I'm not a big fan of the Trump debt. But then again, I wasn't a huge fan of the Obama bank bailout either, nor was I a big fan of his not throwing a single bankster in jail for mortgage fraud.

Bill and Obama talked a smooth talk, but in the end they were just as solicitous as GWB when it came to going easy on the wealthy. The difference is that Clinton and Obama cared deeply for finaciers and transnationals who are able to shuffle their money and jobs around various nations while GWB and Trump favored businesses that are reporting to the American IRS.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Sunday, March 8, 2020 11:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND ... apparently you don't know how to read a chart. Or remember who was President, when. As a reminder, Obama was President from 2008 to 2016.

Your first chart shows the total debt (in millions of dollars) rising between 1990 and 1999 (roughly the Clinton years) with a small leveling-off in that last year (Clinton's famous balanced budget, where he took advatange of the "peace dividend"), a steeper rise under GWB, and and even steeper rise under Obama (from 2008 to 2016). Where Trump becomes President is INDISTINGUISHABLE from Obama's curve.

The next chart show Federal debt, not in millions of dollars but as a percent of GDP. It shows a rise, but then a significant fall under Clinton so that he ends up slightly lower than where he started (57%-55%), a significant rise under GWB (55%-62%) and a GINORMOUS rise under Obama (62% to 100%) where it levels off in approx 2013. There isn't enough of the Trump era to make a judgment, but what they show is INDISTIGUISHABLE from the Obama era at the transition.

What do your charts and post tell me?

a) Trump is indistinguishable from Obama in terms of Federal debt, (also, btw, welath gap) even comparing the end of Obama's term to the beginning of Trump's

b) You can't see what is literally in front of your face. You posted something which entirely undercuts your point.

Signym, you once claimed you are not "for" Trump, and other times that he is the "Loose Cannon" smashing the system, but here you are defending by comparing him to Obama and Bush. You missed the two biggest points.

1) Trump claimed he would eliminate the deficit, but what he really showed is that he would cheat on his taxes and allow other rich people to cheat as well. Was he lying or incompetent or stupid? All of those, same as with coronavirus.

2) Signym, you didn't even touch on Trump and the atom bombs. He dropped out of a treaty with Iran. He botched N Korea. He let nuclear treaties with Russia expire. He is even building a new atom bomb, W76-2, just for assassinating heads of state. He is setting the world toward a nuclear holocaust even after he is not president. Was he lying or incompetent or stupid? All of those, same as with coronavirus.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 12:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Signym, you once claimed you are not "for" Trump, and other times that he is the "Loose Cannon" smashing the system, but here you are defending by comparing him to Obama and Bush. You missed the two biggest points...

Nope, YOU missed the biggest point. I don't care what "Hope and change" Obama said, or what "Mission accomplished" Bush said, or what "I feel you pain" Bill said, or what Trump tweets a couple-dozen times a day. I look at what they DO. You pay FAR too much attention to what people (Trump, Obama, M$M) "say" and not near enough attention to what's actually happening .


Signym, you didn't even touch on Trump and the atom bombs. He dropped out of a treaty with Iran. He botched N Korea. He let nuclear treaties with Russia expire. He is even building a new atom bomb, W76-2, just for assassinating heads of state. He is setting the world toward a nuclear holocaust even after he is not president.
I'm extremely frustrated with Trump's foreign policy. He's wrestling with the deep state, who're embedded in his administration. OTOH, why didn't he just fire their sorry asses and do what he said he was going to? At some point ... like, now ... he has to own the mess that he couldn't manage.

OTOH, SECOND, which Democratic candidate has a record or anything better?

That you can't even read a chart indicated how warped your POV is, which is why I take NOTHING you post seriously.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Sunday, March 8, 2020 12:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Cut the crap, Signym. Trump's nuclear treaties crisis, his debt crisis, his coronavirus crisis all have the same source: Trump's confused and screwed up brain. He cannot articulate any plans that make sense. Once he speaks about 100 words on any subject it is clear Trump is cuckoo on all things important. Read his tweets. Listen to him answer questions. He is cuckoo. His books only made sense because those were ghostwritten. His government only makes sense because others are doing his work. All the details of his whole Presidency are ghostwritten. When Trump's "contribution" is isolated from what his staff is doing for him, he clearly does not understand what he is doing or what anything means, especially about coronavirus or nuclear weapons or the national debt or paying his own taxes.

A long interview speaks for itself if one has the resolve to read it in its entirety:

It is difficult to believe this man does not imbibe, which would at least explain such an unfocused, blathering, self-centered idiocy. The fact that he does not implies far greater and more serious concerns for the nation than a coronavirus pandemic.

The final paragraph of Trump's interview from 2017:

We’re going to win another four years for a lot of reasons, most importantly because our country is starting to do well again and we’re being respected again. But another reason that I’m going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes. Without me, The New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times. So they basically have to let me win. And eventually, probably six months before the election, they’ll be loving me because they’re saying, “Please, please, don’t lose Donald Trump.” O.K.
Trump's brain is NOT O.K.
Trump's coronavirus effort is NOT O.K.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 1:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

1. My 600 lb life. (TV show)
2. Donald Trump
3. Texas Republicans
4. Ruining people's lives because of their political beliefs
5. Talking about how much money he has
6. Republicans in general
7. Conservatives
8. Russia

2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump
2. Donald Trump

Jeeze, Signy. when it comes to SECOND, he is cuckoo. It is difficult to believe this man does not imbibe, which would at least explain such an monomaniacal, blathering, self-centered idiocy.


Sunday, March 8, 2020 2:18 PM


It's those damn russians wish.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Sunday, March 8, 2020 2:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
1. My 600 lb life. (TV show)
2. Donald Trump
3. Texas Republicans
4. Ruining people's lives because of their political beliefs
5. Talking about how much money he has
6. Republicans in general
7. Conservatives
8. Russia

As we wrestle with the new coronavirus, let’s learn lessons from the 2009-10 H1N1 swine flu outbreak in the United States. At first, polls back then showed that both Democrats and Republicans were about equally concerned with the outbreak.

That makes sense: Why should our political party shape how we respond to a disease?

Yet because President Barack Obama was in the White House at the time, some conservatives started dismissing the swine flu as a hoax. Right-wing media figures were particularly contemptuous at Obama administration suggestions that people get a vaccination against it.

“Screw you,” Rush Limbaugh declared. “I am not going to take it, precisely because you’re now telling me I must. You have some idiot government official demanding, telling me I must take this vaccine. I’ll never take it.”

Donald Trump called into Fox News and dismissed concern about the swine flu, telling host Neil Cavuto that “it’s going to go away.” Trump also cautioned that “the vaccines can be very dangerous.”

As a result, attitudes about the flu soon diverged based on ideology. Democrats were 50 percent more likely than Republicans to say in surveys that they would get the swine flu vaccine.

Matthew Baum of Harvard found that people in red states were indeed less likely to get vaccinated — and more likely to die of swine flu. In the end, that swine flu outbreak wasn’t as lethal as many had feared, but it still killed or contributed to the deaths of as many as 400,000 people worldwide. In the United States, it infected 60 million people, caused 274,000 hospitalizations and killed 12,469 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“As states become relatively more Republican, swine flu-related deaths rise,” Baum wrote in a 2011 article in The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.

The implication: While right-wing blowhards may infuriate Democrats, they sometimes pose the greatest danger to their own true believers. The bombast of people like Limbaugh and Trump in this case was lethal — but only if you believed them. Doubting them conferred some immunity.

Sadly, Trump exemplifies an ideological approach to the coronavirus (and Democrats must avoid the converse tendency to predict the worst just because Trump is in charge). From the beginning, when Trump suggested that warming weather would solve the epidemic, his aim has been to downplay the risks and talk up the stock market, whose strength is key to his argument for re-election.

“We’re going very substantially down, not up,” Trump said on Feb. 26 of the number of infections. This was completely incorrect, and he piled on more narcissism: “We have it so well under control. I mean, we really have done a very good job.”

It’s not fair to blame all the bungling and lack of preparation on Trump, but his “nothing to see here” tone certainly hasn’t helped, and he is once again joined by a chorus of hard-right enthusiasts like Limbaugh, who assured listeners that “the coronavirus is the common cold, folks.” That ideological approach to health care already cost lives once, and it probably will again.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 2:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

And there you go again, listening to Trump's blather rather than watching what he does.

On Jan 31, 2020 Trump forbade any foreign nationals from landing in the US if they went through China at any point. US citizens, when coming from high-risk areas like those repatriated from Wuhan, went into a mandatory 14 day (minimum) quarantine.


I applauded Trump then because even though it was unpopular and 'politically incorrect', it helped reduce the ONLY source of risk to the US, which was importation.

What his administration messed up mightily was development and roll-out of testing. If your only plan to stop the spread involves ID, tracing, and isolation - you'd best ID those people who are infected or potentially exposed. But there was no mass ID'ing because there were not enough tests.

THERE WAS NO PLAN B if the roll-out didn't go as hoped. I fault the Trump administration for that.

As for you, you've cried wolf so many times, nobody believes you about anything. I bet you don't even believe yourself. You're just scooping up huge piles of the shit you're wallowing in, with both hands to throw at the wall. And what a shitty mess you've made of yourself doing it.

And if democrats don't do any different, how are they any better?


Sunday, March 8, 2020 3:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:


I applauded Trump then because even though it was unpopular and 'politically incorrect', it helped reduce the ONLY source of risk to the US, which was importation.

Too bad it did NOT work. The coronavirus is here. What is Trump's next step and the one after that? Same as in 2009: Donald Trump called into Fox News and dismissed concern about the swine flu, telling host Neil Cavuto that “it’s going to go away.” Trump also cautioned that “the vaccines can be very dangerous.” -- Beware the Deadly Contagion Spread by Blowhards (Blowhard is a reference to Trump)

Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team? YES, he did. Give him credit.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 3:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

DOOOODy face.

NOTHING can work. Not entirely. When so many countries have so many cases you can't close the borders to everywhere. SOONER OR LATER the virus will arrive.

The questions are when, and how much.

Stop rolling in shit, eating shit, breathing shit, living shit, and especially flinging shit here.


Sunday, March 8, 2020 3:47 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
DOOOODy face.

NOTHING can work. Not entirely. When so many countries have so many cases you can't close the borders to everywhere. SOONER OR LATER the virus will arrive.

The questions are when, and how much.

Stop rolling in shit, eating shit, breathing shit, living shit, and especially flinging shit here.

A series of cost-cutting decisions made by the Trump administration in preceding years gutted the nation’s infectious disease defense infrastructure.

The “pandemic response team” firing referred to news accounts from Spring 2018 reporting that White House officials tasked with directing a national response to a pandemic had been ousted.

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded. Tom Bossert, whom the Washington Post reported “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,” had been fired one month prior.

The Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 4:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.



Stop rolling in shit, eating shit, breathing shit, living shit, and especially flinging shit here.


Sunday, March 8, 2020 8:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

On the policy side of coronavirus, Trump has FUBARed massively. He ignored the outbreak at first. Then he shut down travel to China and figured that would be enough despite unanimous expert opinion to the contrary. He waited weeks to appoint a coronavirus czar, and when he did he chose the unqualified Mike Pence. One result of this has been the testing debacle. Another is the cruise ship debacle. There’s no telling what’s next.

But then, on top of all that, there’s Trump's tomfoolery. He said coronavirus is no big deal. He said everyone who wants a test can get one. He’s not taking any special precautions himself. He’s going to keep holding his rallies. He doesn’t want to unload a cruise ship because it might hurt his “numbers.” This is, as usual, stupid and uninformed, but it’s also genuinely dangerous. Above and beyond the policy shambles coming out of his dysfunctional administration, Trump’s rhetoric is likely to cause his supporters to do dumb things that will increase the death rate from coronavirus. Normally his mouth is childish and hurtful, but now it’s worse. It might start getting people killed in large numbers.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 8:56 PM



If you weren't bitching about Trump doing this, I'm sure you'd be bitching about Trump doing something.

That's what you've done the last 3 years and that's what you're going to do for the next 5.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 8, 2020 9:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Trump administration has had nearly three months to track the spread of coronavirus and get ready for its arrival in the United States. But given the state of the government's level of preparedness and public messaging, one might assume that Covid-19 was born yesterday.

As we look toward another week of headlines about the virus and its impact, we should expect Donald Trump to continue checking off the "do not do" list when it comes to disaster response, including spreading misinformation with statements minimizing the extent of the problem and contradicting health officials on the availability of testing kits.

While consistent public messaging is important at all times, clear and accurate information is especially critical during a crisis like an epidemic. It's a core pillar of informing people without inducing or feeding panic.

Instead, during this crisis, Americans would be better off muting the President and his continued onslaught of dangerous "advice" on how to deal with the virus. While administration officials scramble to share science-based information, updates on safety measures and more, the President is undercutting their efforts at every turn.

Whether it's sharing his "hunch" that the coronavirus death rate is lower than 3.4%, saying that the United States had contained the spread of the virus from China back in February, claiming that cases are going down, muddying the waters on vaccine development and more, the President is a walking, talking, tweeting disaster when it comes to the communications strategy required during a complex crisis like this one.

Crisis responses benefit when there's a competent team captain.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 8, 2020 10:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Try posting something less insane.

Stop rolling in shit, eating shit, breathing shit, living shit, and especially flinging shit here.


Sunday, March 8, 2020 11:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump frequently said things were under control when that was far from the truth. That had dire consequences.

The repeated false claims by the president that the virus was being contained exacerbated the problem. The claims made it difficult for public health officials to lay out the need to prepare for what happens next, even after most experts had begun to fear the virus was already here and spreading. There was also a ripple effect, with health officials and others not taking the threat as seriously as they should have because Trump kept on making faulty assurances, such as his claim at a Feb. 26 news conference that within the United States, the number of cases was “going to be down to close to zero.”

Trump is none too happy about all these stories about how his administration has dropped the ball on the coronavirus response and let his anger be known in a Sunday morning tweet. “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House,” Trump wrote. “The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!” What a jackass Trump is.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, March 9, 2020 12:40 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

That's what you've done the last 3 years and that's what you're going to do for the next 5.

Sorry, hon...HE'S DONE.

Took him just a few weeks to come into contact with someone who has it... True incompetence in action. He won't be re-elected now.

Nope we're getting four years of Blah Biden.






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