A remarkable and nightmarish scene playing out in Portland should terrify anyone who cares about the US constitution

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Monday, July 27, 2020 2:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
Your funny comrade SIG. And yes, very stupid for conning yourself into believing the posters aren't on to you.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

When have I EVER posted anything that was not in Americans' interests? That's why I was so against the TPP and the TTIP. That's why I'm adamantly against illegal immigration. That's why I think we should pull out of all of the pointless "interventions" that we engaged in, and use the saved money for things like ... oh, I dunno... maybe Medicare for all. We need to reindustrialize and stop being dependent on foreign supply chains. We need to repair our infrastructure and make our currency mean something again by ending fractional reserve banking. We need to dissolve the Fed (which doesn't have anything to do with the Federal Government; it's a consortium of large PRIVATE banks). And we need to rehab our environment.

Just bc I don't buy into the RUSSIA!RUSSIA! hysteria ... which has time and time again been proven to be false narrative...doesn't mean I'm not for our country. You don't need to be against Russia to be for the USA, especially if Russia isn't threatening us in the way people say it is. (But it IS threatening us in a different way, and we need to respond to that, not some made up gobbledygook.)

I'm a nationalist, THG, not a "globalist". Being a nationalist may be counter to the Trotskyist vision of the future, but that's what I am. I've never had anything but AMERICA'S interests at heart.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, July 27, 2020 2:33 PM


Here's an example comrade sig. You suggesting cutting ourselves off from our trading partners. And the way you misrepresented what was really in the treaty. This one was big on protecting our intellectual properties.

Now, if you troll this thread posting enormous excerpts from the treaty, be aware I'll post them into the garden thread. And, all the other troll threads you and others have created. I'll enjoy it.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), also called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, was a proposed trade agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States

In other words, you keep promoting what Putin wants, comrade sig, comrade troll.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Monday, July 27, 2020 2:36 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm a nationalist, THG, not a "globalist". Being a nationalist may be counter to the Trotskyist vision of the future, but that's what I am. I've never had anything but AMERICA'S interests at heart.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Hitler was a nationalist.


Monday, July 27, 2020 2:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


America's Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It's Not Going To End In November

Michael Snyder via,

The civil unrest that we witnessed all across America this weekend was extremely alarming. For a few weeks, it seemed like the chaos that erupted in the immediate aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd was subsiding, but in recent days there has been a dramatic resurgence. Within the last 48 hours, there have been eruptions of violence in major cities such as Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, Louisville, Austin and Richmond. At this point we have seen sustained protests and rioting for nearly two months straight, and it looks like the chaos isn’t going to disappear any time soon.

Over the past few weeks, a few people have written me emails suggesting that the civil unrest will disappear if Joe Biden wins the election in November.

But I don’t believe that this is true. Virtually all of the rioting is happening in cities that are controlled by Democrats, and the leftist politicians that run those cities do not have any control over the Marxist protesters at all.

For example, just look at what has been happening in Seattle and Portland. The politicians that run those cities are radical Democrats, and yet those radical Democrats have been completely and utterly unable to end the violence. The following comes from the Daily Mail…

The streets of Seattle turned violent Saturday when protesters set fire to a youth detention center and a police precinct. Other protesters threw rocks, bottles, fireworks and other explosives at cops, with the unrest leading local authorities to declare protests had turned into ‘riots that afternoon’.

Portland geared up for its 59th night of unrest Saturday with swathes of demonstrators marching from the federal building to the Portland Marriott where they believe federal officers are staying, in the wake of a violent night Friday that ended with at least one person stabbed.

To me, it is absolutely amazing that Portland has had 59 days of protests in a row.

One man that actually lives in downtown Portland says that his neighborhood has essentially been turned into “a war zone”…

Gabriel Johnson has lived in the Essex House Apartments in downtown Portland for seven years. He has loved it — until now.

“I compare it to a war zone and some people will take that and say he must be exaggerating but no,” said Johnson.

Johnson said he is kept awake by the nightly demonstrations taking place just two blocks from his home. The sounds of fireworks and flash bangs, he said, are overwhelming. The tear gas is bad, too.

And Johnson certainly knows what a “war zone” is like, because he is actually a military veteran.

Elsewhere, two very heavily armed militia groups nearly came face to face in Louisville, Kentucky this weekend

More than 300 members of the Atlanta-based Black militia NFAC, or “Not ******* Around Coalition” came to Louisville demanding justice for 26-year-old Breonna Taylor, an ER technician who was fatally shot by officers in March.

The group came close to 50 far-right “Three Percenter” militia members, who were also heavily armed. Police kept the sides apart and tensions eventually dissipated.

My threshold for the shit hitting the fan is when guns come out and people start shooting. We came very close to that.

If just one person had gotten an itchy trigger finger, that situation could have gotten out of control very rapidly.

But there was one unfortunate incident when a member of the NFAC accidentally had a gun discharge…

Police confirmed three members of the NFAC were struck by gunfire when someone’s gun discharged while participating in a demonstration Saturday. All three victims went to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Meanwhile, things got really crazy down in Atlanta.

Rioters attacked the local ICE and DHS field office, and they came close to setting it on fire…

Atlanta also endured a night of unrest across Saturday evening into the early hours of Sunday as protesters took aim at the city’s ICE and DHS field office, smashing windows and attempting to set fire to the building.

Reports suggest that nobody was inside the building at the time, however extensive damage was caused to the front of the facility.

Agents were seen patrolling the grounds early Sunday, as FBI officers snapped pictures of the shattered windows and what appeared to be scorch marks left from fireworks on the office’s walls.

It is important to understand that these rioters are very serious about their goals, and they aren’t going to be happy with just a few half-hearted “reforms”. For many of them, nothing short of the overthrow of the entire system will suffice.

And as we draw closer to the November election, anything and anyone associated with President Trump will be a potential target. Trump supporter Bernie Trammell probably never imagined that his support of Trump would get him gunned down in front of his own business, but that is precisely what just happened…

Bernell Trammell, a Black Donald Trump supporter, was reportedly shot and killed in Milwaukee on Thursday (July 23). According to Fox 6, the 60-year-old was gunned down during a drive-by shooting in the neighborhood where he was known for displaying signs reading “Vote Trump 2020” and recited Bible verses.

Trammell was discovered dead in front of his business. A makeshift memorial containing flowers and candles has been set up on the sidewalk where Trammell died.

I guess only SOME black lives matter. BLM/Antifa protesters probably thoght of him as a race traitor.


One could probably imagine something like this happening in Seattle, Portland or Los Angeles.

But Milwaukee?

It is so sad to watch our major cities being torn apart, but a lot of Democrats out there seem to think that all of this chaos is just temporary and that it will come to an end once Trump is removed from office.

Unfortunately, the truth is that these protests were never primarily about Trump. Yes, the protesters hate Trump, but they aren’t exactly fans of Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats either. As Susan Duclos has pointed out, if Joe Biden and the Democratic Party actually believe that they will be able to control these protesters if they win in November they are being extremely delusional…

This is a political calculation on the part of the liberal media and democrat politicians. Support the violent protesters, cause as much chaos and mayhem as possible before the 2020 presidential election, hoping that Trump will be blamed and their candidate, Joe Biden, will win.

The problem, for them, is even if it works there is no way they control the monster they created and if they think they can, they are more delusional than originally thought.

I have been warning that this civil unrest was coming for a very long time, and it is eventually going to get much, much worse no matter who wins in November.

If you currently live in the heart of one of our major cities, please do not be fooled into thinking that these protests are just temporary and that things will eventually go back to normal.

These protesters have a fervor that is almost [ALMOST?] on a religious level, and they are entirely convinced of the righteousness of their cause. They are never going to give up, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Whatever their goals are.

I'm not hearing any concrete "goals". What I'm hearing is an ever-shifting set of nonsensical demands, anything from "defund the police" to "give us a hundred X hundred mile territory so we can set up a black nation for blacks only" to... no dmeands at all. Just rioting.

Welcome to the color revolution!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.

Bullshit "source" and bullshit statements. Nothing you just said is remotely true.


Monday, July 27, 2020 2:40 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm a nationalist, THG, not a "globalist". Being a nationalist may be counter to the Trotskyist vision of the future, but that's what I am. I've never had anything but AMERICA'S interests at heart.
Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Hitler was a nationalist.

Quite so. Still, sigs a Russian troll so her nationalism is rooted in Russia not America.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Monday, July 27, 2020 2:52 PM


What Would Mal do ?

pulling the rabbit out of the big hate box for a minute...back to the OP.

stories that I'm not seeing are around the folks who have homes, and small businesses, etc that have been caught right in the middle of all this.

I can only imagine how maddening it must be to have lived someplace all your life, poured your finances and your sweat n blood into a biz, etc and then have to cower in fear every night, as the craziness goes on.

Watching your local mayor, etc refuse to provide any protections, and then opening the mail box each day to find that the bank wants the mortgage paid.

some harsher comments I see, those people voted these polticians/policies into power, so now they have to live with their decisions, etc...
but i just can only imagine the nightmare of watching the politicals and media keep running the story that this is about free speech and that it's just peaceful protests.. I mean, I can see the videos for's violent, it's deliberate and obvious in its real reasons.

I'd like to know , if I lived in Portland, that someone from America might be rolling in to save me.

now, disclaimer, I'm against the 5am no-knocks, I' against the ABC departments rolling full SWAT outfitted agents in to a business like Gibson guitar to strongarm a company over what consitutes a "completed product" from India

and I'm not even going to declare a personal political bent in this, but to call Portland anything less than the riot zone it can't agree with them on that.


Monday, July 27, 2020 2:57 PM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:
pulling the rabbit out of the big hate box for a minute...back to the OP.

stories that I'm not seeing are around the folks who have homes, and small businesses, etc that have been caught right in the middle of all this.

I can only imagine how maddening it must be to have lived someplace all your life, poured your finances and your sweat n blood into a biz, etc and then have to cower in fear every night, as the craziness goes on.

Watching your local mayor, etc refuse to provide any protections, and then opening the mail box each day to find that the bank wants the mortgage paid.

some harsher comments I see, those people voted these polticians/policies into power, so now they have to live with their decisions, etc...
but i just can only imagine the nightmare of watching the politicals and media keep running the story that this is about free speech and that it's just peaceful protests.. I mean, I can see the videos for's violent, it's deliberate and obvious in its real reasons.

I'd like to know , if I lived in Portland, that someone from America might be rolling in to save me.

now, disclaimer, I'm against the 5am no-knocks, I' against the ABC departments rolling full SWAT outfitted agents in to a business like Gibson guitar to strongarm a company over what consitutes a "completed product" from India

and I'm not even going to declare a personal political bent in this, but to call Portland anything less than the riot zone it can't agree with them on that.

If only the police would stop causing all the violence...


Monday, July 27, 2020 2:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
Here's an example comrade sig. You suggesting cutting ourselves off from our trading partners. And the way you misrepresented what was really in the treaty. This one was big on protecting our intellectual properties.

In order to "trade", one must have something to TRADE WITH. Right now, all we're doing is running the printing machine and handing out newly-printed American dollars for chemical and manufatured items.


Now, if you troll this thread posting enormous excerpts from the treaty, be aware I'll post them into the garden thread.
Making YOU the troll. I only post long items if I feel they are of interest or add context.

And, all the other troll threads you and others have created. I'll enjoy it.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), also called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, was a proposed trade agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States

In other words, you keep promoting what Putin wants, comrade sig, comrade troll.

You DO understand the basic enforcement mechanism behind the TTIP and TTP, correct? It places trade disputes beyond the legal jurisdiction of the USA, or any other signatory. It protects the COMPANIES' NORMAL AND EXPECTED PROFITS.

So, for example, if a city, county, province (Canada), state, OR NATION, were to write rule (say, for example, limiting the amount of plastic packaging) and some company (plastic manufacturers and the companies that use them) were to claim that this prevented them from making their NORMAL AND EXPECTED PROFITS, they could sue the governmental entity - whatever it was- take them to the trade tribunal in Singapore, and make the governmental entity rescind its law/regulation. No joke.

But if you don't believe me, then believe that notable Russian troll, Elizabeth Warren, as reported by that notable Russian outlet Vox


Populist crusader Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has picked her next big fight, and this one could create real problems for the Obama Administration.

Her beef is with a piece of the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that the Obama Administration is promoting. It's called investor-state dispute settlement, and it gives a foreign corporation the power to fight a government outside of the normal judicial system.

"The name may sound mild, but don't be fooled," Warren wrote in a Washington Post op-ed. "Agreeing to ISDS in this enormous new treaty would tilt the playing field in the United States further in favor of big multinational corporations. Worse, it would undermine U.S. sovereignty."

This is a big deal, not least because TPP is huge; its members account for 40 percent of the world's economy. Add in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership being negotiated with European countries — which also has investor-state dispute settlement provisions — and you have a majority of the global economy. That means the ISDS provisions in these trade agreements could affect a sizable share of the world's corporations.

So even though this might sound like a political fight over a complicated bit of trade policy, the implications — particularly for corporations — are big.
What is ISDS?

Investor-state dispute settlement is a provision included in many trade deals, and it allows a company to fight a foreign government through a route other than that country's court system.

As one example, let's say Company X is invested in a foreign country. If the laws in that country change in a way that Company X thinks violates its rights as part of a treaty — say, by banning a product Company X makes — Company X can go into an arbitration proceeding to seek damages. That proceeding is not run by the host country; rather, the case faces three arbitrators — one picked by each side and one they either agree upon or that an independent third party chooses.


There are some provisions in the agreement that would benefit the USA, but the ISDS is a poison pill. NO "nation" benefits from the ISDS because they give up an essential partof national sovereignty, which is the ability to make and enforce environmental, economic, labor etc laws.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, July 27, 2020 3:04 PM



Monday, July 27, 2020 3:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THG:
Here's an example comrade sig. You suggesting cutting ourselves off from our trading partners. And the way you misrepresented what was really in the treaty. This one was big on protecting our intellectual properties.

Now, if you troll this thread posting enormous excerpts from the treaty, be aware I'll post them into the garden thread. And, all the other troll threads you and others have created. I'll enjoy it.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), also called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, was a proposed trade agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States

In other words, you keep promoting what Putin wants, comrade sig, comrade troll.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

I always wonder why the words "comrade" and "russia" and "troll" come out at any particular instance. It's like you feel like you're loosing and have to make up for your lack of progress with rabid lies.

There were many countries that discussed the TPP: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States .


After the US withdrew, the remaining countries created a new version.

BUT ONLY 6 RATIFIED THE NEW VERSION - Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, and Singapore. The remainder countries (governments) felt it wasn't in their best interests.



Monday, July 27, 2020 3:49 PM


Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

Over the same time period, American white supremacists and other rightwing extremists have carried out attacks that left at least 329 victims dead, according to the database.


Monday, July 27, 2020 3:50 PM


It’s been awhile since I’ve posted in this fashion because I won’t give the trollers the satisfaction of a response, except on occasion a short and to the point one.

I’ve not chatted with you so I’ll do it once and see what you’re about.


Originally posted by OLDGUY:

pulling the rabbit out of the big hate box for a minute...back to the OP.
stories that I'm not seeing are around the folks who have homes, and small businesses, etc that have been caught right in the middle of all this.

I see them all the time so I don’t know what you use for sources. I also see the democrats try and get transparency on who is taking the small business loans to scare away those who should not seek them.

I see the republicans block that. I’m sure you can imagine the effect that has had.

And here's a headline that won't help the situation.

Republicans Would Cut Unemployment Payments in Virus Relief Plan. To, 200$

I can only imagine how maddening it must be to have lived someplace all your life, poured your finances and your sweat n blood into a biz, etc and then have to cower in fear every night, as the craziness goes on.

Watching your local mayor, etc refuse to provide any protections, and then opening the mail box each day to find that the bank wants the mortgage paid.

Agreed. However, the democrats passed a bill in the house to deal with this two months ago. Only in the past week or so has the republicans’ decided to begin discussing it amongst themselves. All the while not seeking any input from the dems. As we've seen, that's not going to work.

some harsher comments I see, those people voted these polticians/policies into power, so now they have to live with their decisions, etc...

Admittedly this doesn’t help. Although, voting them out of office will.

but i just can only imagine the nightmare of watching the politicals and media keep running the story that this is about free speech and that it's just peaceful protests.. I mean, I can see the videos for's violent, it's deliberate and obvious in its real reasons.

We can’t blame the Media for what people say when asked why they won’t wear a mask? Research now shows it makes a tremendous difference and would dramatically repress the surge in cases. This in turn would allow for more states to get back to work. It’s a win win. Wearing a mask is about buying time until a vaccine is found. This makes the question an important one to keep asking.

Not wearing one, and promoting that point of view, is stupid stupid.

I'd like to know , if I lived in Portland, that someone from America might be rolling in to save me.

First of all, the protesters are Americans. Secondly, they are mostly white. And yes, it’s time for them to stop. They are only hurting their cause, if the worst of them actually have a cause.

And remember, according to the elected officials in Portland, the protestors were going home until Trump sent in the troops.

now, disclaimer, I'm against the 5am no-knocks, I' against the ABC departments rolling full SWAT outfitted agents in to a business like Gibson guitar to strongarm a company over what consitutes a "completed product" from India

Federal marshals raided the Gibson Guitar Corporation in Tennessee. It wasn't the first time. The government appears to be preparing to charge the famous builder of instruments with trafficking in illegally obtained wood. It's a rare collision of music and environmental regulation.

A different topic entirely, and if true I have no problem with it.

and I'm not even going to declare a personal political bent in this, but to call Portland anything less than the riot zone it can't agree with them on that.

As of now I’ll consider Portland just one more of Trumps continued attacks against Americans and our constitution. I would further point out the polls suggest Americans agree with my assessment.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Monday, July 27, 2020 3:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

And here you are, RF, confusing Nazism with communism - AGAIN!! Both these were directed at Signy. And I thought you said you knew the difference.

So, if you're going to double down on libel, which do you pick?


Hitler was a nationalist.

My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.


Monday, July 27, 2020 4:06 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


America's Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It's Not Going To End In November

Michael Snyder via,

The civil unrest that we witnessed all across America this weekend was extremely alarming. For a few weeks, it seemed like the chaos that erupted in the immediate aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd was subsiding, but in recent days there has been a dramatic resurgence. Within the last 48 hours, there have been eruptions of violence in major cities such as Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, Louisville, Austin and Richmond. At this point we have seen sustained protests and rioting for nearly two months straight, and it looks like the chaos isn’t going to disappear any time soon.

Over the past few weeks, a few people have written me emails suggesting that the civil unrest will disappear if Joe Biden wins the election in November.

But I don’t believe that this is true. Virtually all of the rioting is happening in cities that are controlled by Democrats, and the leftist politicians that run those cities do not have any control over the Marxist protesters at all.

For example, just look at what has been happening in Seattle and Portland. The politicians that run those cities are radical Democrats, and yet those radical Democrats have been completely and utterly unable to end the violence. The following comes from the Daily Mail…

The streets of Seattle turned violent Saturday when protesters set fire to a youth detention center and a police precinct. Other protesters threw rocks, bottles, fireworks and other explosives at cops, with the unrest leading local authorities to declare protests had turned into ‘riots that afternoon’.

Portland geared up for its 59th night of unrest Saturday with swathes of demonstrators marching from the federal building to the Portland Marriott where they believe federal officers are staying, in the wake of a violent night Friday that ended with at least one person stabbed.

To me, it is absolutely amazing that Portland has had 59 days of protests in a row.

One man that actually lives in downtown Portland says that his neighborhood has essentially been turned into “a war zone”…

Gabriel Johnson has lived in the Essex House Apartments in downtown Portland for seven years. He has loved it — until now.

“I compare it to a war zone and some people will take that and say he must be exaggerating but no,” said Johnson.

Johnson said he is kept awake by the nightly demonstrations taking place just two blocks from his home. The sounds of fireworks and flash bangs, he said, are overwhelming. The tear gas is bad, too.

And Johnson certainly knows what a “war zone” is like, because he is actually a military veteran.

Elsewhere, two very heavily armed militia groups nearly came face to face in Louisville, Kentucky this weekend

More than 300 members of the Atlanta-based Black militia NFAC, or “Not ******* Around Coalition” came to Louisville demanding justice for 26-year-old Breonna Taylor, an ER technician who was fatally shot by officers in March.

The group came close to 50 far-right “Three Percenter” militia members, who were also heavily armed. Police kept the sides apart and tensions eventually dissipated.

My threshold for the shit hitting the fan is when guns come out and people start shooting. We came very close to that.

If just one person had gotten an itchy trigger finger, that situation could have gotten out of control very rapidly.

But there was one unfortunate incident when a member of the NFAC accidentally had a gun discharge…

Police confirmed three members of the NFAC were struck by gunfire when someone’s gun discharged while participating in a demonstration Saturday. All three victims went to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Meanwhile, things got really crazy down in Atlanta.

Rioters attacked the local ICE and DHS field office, and they came close to setting it on fire…

Atlanta also endured a night of unrest across Saturday evening into the early hours of Sunday as protesters took aim at the city’s ICE and DHS field office, smashing windows and attempting to set fire to the building.

Reports suggest that nobody was inside the building at the time, however extensive damage was caused to the front of the facility.

Agents were seen patrolling the grounds early Sunday, as FBI officers snapped pictures of the shattered windows and what appeared to be scorch marks left from fireworks on the office’s walls.

It is important to understand that these rioters are very serious about their goals, and they aren’t going to be happy with just a few half-hearted “reforms”. For many of them, nothing short of the overthrow of the entire system will suffice.

And as we draw closer to the November election, anything and anyone associated with President Trump will be a potential target. Trump supporter Bernie Trammell probably never imagined that his support of Trump would get him gunned down in front of his own business, but that is precisely what just happened…

Bernell Trammell, a Black Donald Trump supporter, was reportedly shot and killed in Milwaukee on Thursday (July 23). According to Fox 6, the 60-year-old was gunned down during a drive-by shooting in the neighborhood where he was known for displaying signs reading “Vote Trump 2020” and recited Bible verses.

Trammell was discovered dead in front of his business. A makeshift memorial containing flowers and candles has been set up on the sidewalk where Trammell died.

I guess only SOME black lives matter. BLM/Antifa protesters probably thoght of him as a race traitor.


One could probably imagine something like this happening in Seattle, Portland or Los Angeles.

But Milwaukee?

It is so sad to watch our major cities being torn apart, but a lot of Democrats out there seem to think that all of this chaos is just temporary and that it will come to an end once Trump is removed from office.

Unfortunately, the truth is that these protests were never primarily about Trump. Yes, the protesters hate Trump, but they aren’t exactly fans of Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats either. As Susan Duclos has pointed out, if Joe Biden and the Democratic Party actually believe that they will be able to control these protesters if they win in November they are being extremely delusional…

This is a political calculation on the part of the liberal media and democrat politicians. Support the violent protesters, cause as much chaos and mayhem as possible before the 2020 presidential election, hoping that Trump will be blamed and their candidate, Joe Biden, will win.

The problem, for them, is even if it works there is no way they control the monster they created and if they think they can, they are more delusional than originally thought.

I have been warning that this civil unrest was coming for a very long time, and it is eventually going to get much, much worse no matter who wins in November.

If you currently live in the heart of one of our major cities, please do not be fooled into thinking that these protests are just temporary and that things will eventually go back to normal.

These protesters have a fervor that is almost [ALMOST?] on a religious level, and they are entirely convinced of the righteousness of their cause. They are never going to give up, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Whatever their goals are.

I'm not hearing any concrete "goals". What I'm hearing is an ever-shifting set of nonsensical demands, anything from "defund the police" to "give us a hundred X hundred mile territory so we can set up a black nation for blacks only" to... no dmeands at all. Just rioting.

Welcome to the color revolution!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


This may be confusing. But if you replace "major cities" with Sanctuary Cities, it should all make sense.


Monday, July 27, 2020 4:07 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'll give you a little tip, Ted.

Don't go looking for Blackwater. They don't go by that name anymore.

You all should also keep in mind that some of the genius Democrat leaders of these cities have come out and said that the police should be defunded and that money should instead be spent on private security firms.

This is a very, very bad idea. You don't want heavily armed private security companies running the streets no matter what level of government is funding them. It's like a Dick Cheney wet dream.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I saw that movie. Was it Robocop? or Judge Dredd? Or some other really bad flik?


Monday, July 27, 2020 4:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Of the 50 largest cities in the US only about a quarter of them have republican mayors. They are San Diego (naval bases), Jacksonville (military bases), Fort Worth (military bases), El Paso, Oklahoma City (military bases), Fresno, Mesa, Omaha, Colorado Springs (this city only exists due to multiple military bases), Miami, Virginia Beach, Tulsa, and Arlington are republican. But all the the very largest cities are democratic.

I only looked up San Diego and Jacksonville because I need to get on with my day - but indeed those 2 'republican' cities have had demonstrations/ protests/ riots.

The take-home message is that these demonstrations/ protests/ riots aren't a democratic mayor v republican mayor phenomenon.

When it comes to 'sanctuary cities', regrettably, California is a sanctuary state. But these CA cities have their own sanctuary laws: Berkeley, Coachella, Huntington Beach, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seaside. But San Fran, Coachella, and Seaside have had no protests.

Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, and Washington are all sanctuary states to some degree.

Of the other states that either have not taken a stance or have banned sanctuary laws, Arizona (Phoenix), Iowa (Des Moines), Maryland (Baltimore), Michigan (Detroit, Kalamazoo, Flint, and Ann Arbor), Missouri (Ferguson) ... have all had demonstrations/ protests/ riots ...

... at this point, I'm stopping.

Pretty obviously, it's not a matter of sanctuary cities being a problem, either.

Poor Portland has become the turf on which a proxy war is being fought.


Monday, July 27, 2020 4:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'll give you a little tip, Ted.

Don't go looking for Blackwater. They don't go by that name anymore.

You all should also keep in mind that some of the genius Democrat leaders of these cities have come out and said that the police should be defunded and that money should instead be spent on private security firms.

This is a very, very bad idea. You don't want heavily armed private security companies running the streets no matter what level of government is funding them. It's like a Dick Cheney wet dream.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Please show us where ANYONE ON THE LEFT EVER SAID we should spend money on private security firms.

You can't. Your brain is completely shot.


Monday, July 27, 2020 5:10 PM


That was hard to find. Not...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 27, 2020 5:13 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm a nationalist, THG, not a "globalist". Being a nationalist may be counter to the Trotskyist vision of the future, but that's what I am. I've never had anything but AMERICA'S interests at heart.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Hitler was a nationalist.

So the fuck what?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 27, 2020 6:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'm a nationalist, THG, not a "globalist". Being a nationalist may be counter to the Trotskyist vision of the future, but that's what I am. I've never had anything but AMERICA'S interests at heart.

REVERBOT: Hitler was a nationalist.

So were Lincoln and FDR.
If I'm not a nationalist, if I don't owe allegiance to the USA and care about our national interests, then to whom am I owing allegiance? China? Apple? JPMChase? NATO? "The World"?

Your allegiance is to someone or something, REAVERBOT, I just don't think it's to America, or Americans.

And quite honestly, I wonder about the rioters' allegiances as well.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, July 27, 2020 6:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Honestly, at this point no one should be protesting unless ... they meet a few conditions (as Signy alluded to earlier) ...

they're easily identifiable, like France's gilllettes jaune
they're EXTREMELY disciplined and don't devolve to violence, even if(when) provoked
they remain cohesive instead of scattering around
they have enough muscle to police their lines and keep interlopers out
they independently document their actions

Otherwise, imo, anyone with a legitimate demonstration is merely acting as cover for third parties - which, considering how things are going - is every unorganized, undisciplined demonstration.

And who benefits from the violence? And who does it hurt?

The locals for sure are being damaged, no matter what their opinion is or their participation - or lack of it. And the street battles between the many groups are NOT going to result in a field victory for anyone. Nor will they result in a PR victory for any group. I don't think the unaffiliated observers sympathize any more with the tactics of any of them in particular.

So what's the point?


Monday, July 27, 2020 7:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Your [sic] funny comrade SIG. And yes, very stupid for conning yourself into believing the posters aren't on to you.

Here's an example comrade sig. You suggesting cutting ourselves off from our trading partners.

You frame things in such catastrophic terms! Last I looked, we were trading with out "trading partners" BEFORE TTIP, and guess what? We're STILL trading with them today! Even without the TTIP!

As far as "protecting our intellectual property", the big baddie on that is CHINA, and China would not have been a signatory, so ... how would it have protected our intellectual property? In any case, in order to do business in China, companies have to sign "technology transfer" agreements, so setting aside knockoffs, most of the technolgoy transfer was done by corporations.

But I noticed you have not replied to most of my other points...


SIGNY: When have I EVER posted anything that was not in Americans' interests? That's why I was so against the TPP and the TTIP. That's why I'm adamantly against illegal immigration. That's why I think we should pull out of all of the pointless "interventions" that we engaged in, and use the saved money for things like ... oh, I dunno... maybe Medicare for all. We need to reindustrialize and stop being dependent on foreign supply chains. We need to repair our infrastructure and make our currency mean something again by ending fractional reserve banking. We need to dissolve the Fed (which doesn't have anything to do with the Federal Government; it's a consortium of large PRIVATE banks). And we need to rehab our environment.

Just bc I don't buy into the RUSSIA!RUSSIA! hysteria ... which has time and time again been proven to be false narrative...doesn't mean I'm not for our country. You don't need to be against Russia to be for the USA, especially if Russia isn't threatening us in the way people say it is. (But it IS threatening us in a different way, and we need to respond to that, not some made up gobbledygook.)

I'm a nationalist, THG, not a "globalist". Being a nationalist may be counter to the Trotskyist vision of the future, but that's what I am. I've never had anything but AMERICA'S interests at heart.

Since when is "reindustrializing" America in Putin's interest? Or putting the dollar on a more secure footing?

ANSWER: IT ISN'T. This is all about what's good for America.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, July 27, 2020 10:42 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Since when is "reindustrializing" America in Putin's interest? Or putting the dollar on a more secure footing?

ANSWER: IT ISN'T. This is all about what's good for America.


Since Trump has zero interest in doing either of those things, you might better spend your time on apologia.

20,000 lies will keep you busy. Right, comrade?


Monday, July 27, 2020 11:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Since when is "reindustrializing" America in Putin's interest? Or putting the dollar on a more secure footing?

ANSWER: IT ISN'T. This is all about what's good for America.


Since Trump has zero interest in doing either of those things, you might better spend your time on apologia.

20,000 lies will keep you busy. Right, comrade?

Since Biden has zero interest in either of those (and Obama had zero interest before him, and GWB and Clinton before them) you might want to dust off YOUR apology skills

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, July 27, 2020 11:15 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Since when is "reindustrializing" America in Putin's interest? Or putting the dollar on a more secure footing?

ANSWER: IT ISN'T. This is all about what's good for America.


Since Trump has zero interest in doing either of those things, you might better spend your time on apologia.

20,000 lies will keep you busy. Right, comrade?

Sig just claimed to be a nationalist. That kind of agenda is definitely not good for America. Nor is the culture of nationalism. Especially when it pertains to the exclusion and detriment of the interests of our allies.

It’s also a refuge for racists, bigots and apparently Russian trolls. No, I love my country enough to denounce nationalism. I want us to be leaders not followers.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Monday, July 27, 2020 11:18 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Since when is "reindustrializing" America in Putin's interest? Or putting the dollar on a more secure footing?

ANSWER: IT ISN'T. This is all about what's good for America.


Since Trump has zero interest in doing either of those things, you might better spend your time on apologia.

20,000 lies will keep you busy. Right, comrade?

Since Biden has zero interest in either of those (and Obama had zero interest before him, and GWB and Clinton before them) you might want to dust off YOUR apology skills

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Whatabout, much?

Obama is not the president.


Monday, July 27, 2020 11:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THG, you're putting the interests of our allies above our own.

Here is that famous Russian and anti-American, Thomas Jefferson, on alliances

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none."

Here is another famous anti-American, George Washington, on getting involved with Europe:

Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice?
It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world...

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, July 27, 2020 11:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Since when is "reindustrializing" America in Putin's interest? Or putting the dollar on a more secure footing?


Since Trump has zero interest in doing either of those things, you might better spend your time on apologia.

You seem to think the problem of US deindustrialization

and becoming the world's biggest debtor nation

are problems exclusive to Trump. Or republicans.


Obama is not the president.

And I assure you, Obama had his part in the destruction of America.


Monday, July 27, 2020 11:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Since when is "reindustrializing" America in Putin's interest? Or putting the dollar on a more secure footing?
ANSWER: IT ISN'T. This is all about what's good for America.

REAVERBOT: Since Trump has zero interest in doing either of those things, you might better spend your time on apologia.

20,000 lies will keep you busy. Right, comrade?

SIGNY: Since Biden has zero interest in either of those (and Obama had zero interest before him, and GWB and Clinton before them) you might want to dust off YOUR apology skills

REAVERNOT: Obama is not the president.

Trump has shown far more willingness than Obama, GWB, Clinton, and Bush1 to divorce from China. The rest of the gang has sucked China's dick, on corporate behalf, for decades. Look who was pushing for the TTIP: Obama. Just goes to show that selling your nation for a few shekels is an equal-opportunity endeavor!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, July 27, 2020 11:37 PM


If you're not a Nationalist, Ted, it's time for you to GTFO of my country.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 9:03 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

THG, you're putting the interests of our allies above our own.

Here is that famous Russian and anti-American, Thomas Jefferson, on alliances

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none."

Here is another famous anti-American, George Washington, on getting involved with Europe:

Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice?
It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world...

Comrade sig would have us believe the world hasn’t changed or become more dangerous since 1776, making it necessary for us to seek out allies. Wow what an ass. Of course, we thought differently then. We had just, or were about to, fight a war seeking our independence from, ah, let me see, oh yeah, Europe.

You’re not too bright are you comrade? And this is one more reason why your nationalist perspectives are so bad for my country. Notice, I said my country comrade.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 9:18 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
And here you are, RF, confusing Nazism with communism - AGAIN!! Both these were directed at Signy. And I thought you said you knew the difference.

So, if you're going to double down on libel, which do you pick?


Hitler was a nationalist.


My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.

I'm not confused at all.

It would help if you stopped pretending to know things you obviously don't.

Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 9:28 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
And here you are, RF, confusing Nazism with communism - AGAIN!! Both these were directed at Signy. And I thought you said you knew the difference.

So, if you're going to double down on libel, which do you pick?


Hitler was a nationalist.


My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.

I'm not confused at all.

It would help if you stopped pretending to know things you obviously don't.

Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?

Sig and kiki constantly show they are ignorant beyond the reasonable. Think about it. They say Hitler was not a nationalist. Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation over all others. Hitler tried to conquer the world. To place Germany above all others. There are many labels justly hung around his neck. Nationalist, is one that can’t be denied.

Putin is another of these clowns. He has invaded Crimea and Georgia and would continue if he had the resources. He did this to meet his perceived needs to the determent of other countries. Only sig and kiki would believe or promote the idea one can only be either or, a communist or a nationalist.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 9:35 AM


God bless the brave, lifesaving heroes of Antifa!


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:49 AM


That tweet right there is one of the grossest things I've ever seen in my life.

You people are appalling.

Robert Reich, huh?

3rd Reich, perhaps?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:53 AM



Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:56 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
And here you are, RF, confusing Nazism with communism - AGAIN!! Both these were directed at Signy. And I thought you said you knew the difference.

So, if you're going to double down on libel, which do you pick?


Hitler was a nationalist.


My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.

I'm not confused at all.

It would help if you stopped pretending to know things you obviously don't.

Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?

Sig and kiki constantly show they are ignorant beyond the reasonable. Think about it. They say Hitler was not a nationalist. Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation over all others. Hitler tried to conquer the world. To place Germany above all others. There are many labels justly hung around his neck. Nationalist, is one that can’t be denied.

Putin is another of these clowns. He has invaded Crimea and Georgia and would continue if he had the resources. He did this to meet his perceived needs to the determent of other countries. Only sig and kiki would believe or promote the idea one can only be either or, a communist or a nationalist.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

And yet, you just quoted Reaverfan asking if Putin was a nationalist or a communist.

WTF Ted? Do you read before you post something?

But I do take your point. You can be a lot of things in tandem with each other.

Hitler WAS a Nationalist. But so the fuck what? He was also a lot of other things. Many of them not at all good.

Stop playing the Hitler card when arguing something you don't like (or more accurately, don't understand). Hitler loved dogs. Does that make you a fascist if you love dogs too?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hitler was also a vegetarian.
Better watch out for those vegetarians!

Uh, REAVERBOT, aren't YOU a vegetarian?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, July 28, 2020 12:29 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hitler was also a vegetarian.
Better watch out for those vegetarians!

Uh, REAVERBOT, aren't YOU a vegetarian?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Nah. He's a vegan pussy.

He's like Super Hitler!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 1:20 PM


Funny how a decrepit wreck like 6 thinks he's a tough guy. LOL!

Also, Hitler wasn't a vegetarian. He pretended to be, but no. The Nazis weren't vegetarians, and in fact, they banned vegetarian societies.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 1:22 PM



Police: 'Umbrella Man' was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting
Police say the suspect has been identified, but no charges had been filed as of Tuesday afternoon.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 1:59 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
And here you are, RF, confusing Nazism with communism - AGAIN!! Both these were directed at Signy. And I thought you said you knew the difference.

So, if you're going to double down on libel, which do you pick?


Hitler was a nationalist.


My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.

I'm not confused at all.

It would help if you stopped pretending to know things you obviously don't.

Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?

Sig and kiki constantly show they are ignorant beyond the reasonable. Think about it. They say Hitler was not a nationalist. Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation over all others. Hitler tried to conquer the world. To place Germany above all others. There are many labels justly hung around his neck. Nationalist, is one that can’t be denied.

Putin is another of these clowns. He has invaded Crimea and Georgia and would continue if he had the resources. He did this to meet his perceived needs to the determent of other countries. Only sig and kiki would believe or promote the idea one can only be either or, a communist or a nationalist.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

And yet, you just quoted Reaverfan asking if Putin was a nationalist or a communist.

WTF Ted? Do you read before you post something?

But I do take your point. You can be a lot of things in tandem with each other.

Hitler WAS a Nationalist. But so the fuck what? He was also a lot of other things. Many of them not at all good.

Stop playing the Hitler card when arguing something you don't like (or more accurately, don't understand). Hitler loved dogs. Does that make you a fascist if you love dogs too?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Still can't read I see. Try again dummy...


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 3:34 PM


The Nazi Party (NSDAP), led by Austrian-born Adolf Hitler, believed in an extreme form of German nationalism. The first point of the Nazi 25-point programme was that "We demand the unification of all Germans in the Greater Germany on the basis of the people's right to self-determination". Hitler, an Austrian-German by birth, began to develop his strong patriotic German nationalist views from a very young age. He was greatly influenced by many other Austrian pan-German nationalists in Austria-Hungary, notably Georg Ritter von Schönerer and Karl Lueger. Hitler's pan-German ideas envisioned a Greater German Reich which was to include the Austrian Germans, Sudeten Germans and other ethnic Germans. The annexing of Austria (Anschluss) and the Sudetenland (annexing of Sudetenland) completed Nazi Germany's desire to the German nationalism of the German Volksdeutsche (people/folk).

The Generalplan Ost called for the extermination, expulsion, Germanization or enslavement of most or all Czechs, Poles, Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians for the purpose of providing more living space for the German people.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 5:01 PM


The Ugly Terror of a Fascist Abyss Lurks in the Background of This Pandemic

There are lessons to be learned regarding how history is reproduced in the present. First, there is the Trump administration’s caging of children on the southern border. Second, there is Trump’s threat to use “dominating force” and unleash the National Guard and police upon demonstrators peacefully resisting police violence against people of color. Third, as Jason Stanley points out, there is Trump’s relentless language of violence designed both to embolden second amendment gun rights activists toward committing violence and to dehumanize certain populations while attempting “to harness the emotion of nostalgia to the central themes of fascist ideology — authoritarianism, hierarchy, purity and struggle.”

Trump’s authoritarian impulses and fascist politics took a dangerous turn when he authorized the use of unmarked, military-clad federal law enforcement shock troops to round up and detain protesters in Portland, Oregon. The troops offered no proof of identification, drove around in unmarked cars, pulled people off the streets with no probable cause, provided no sense of whose directives they were acting under, or who was to be held accountable for their actions. Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland, called such actions “an attack on our democracy.” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tweeted in reference to Portland that, “Trump and his storm troopers must be stopped.”

We have seen this before under Hitler, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, and in other dictatorships. When such actions appeared in the past, dissidents, demonstrators and intellectuals disappeared, were beaten, tortured and interrogated in undisclosed sites, and in the worse scenarios, were murdered. What has happened in Portland suggests that the “war on terror” has shifted from abroad to the homeland. Outraged by such actions, Charles Pierce, writing in Esquire, suggests that this may be a trial run for an authoritarian state:

A major American city is being softly Pinochet-ed in broad daylight. And, if we know one thing, if this president and his administration get away with this, it will only get worse … this could be a dry run for the kind of general urban mobilization at which the president has been hinting since this summer’s protests began…. Portland may be a dumbshow for dummies, but it also looks like a dress rehearsal. This is not an “authoritarian impulse.” This is authoritarian government — straight, no chaser. And this administration has a powerful thirst for it. It will do anything if it thinks it can get away with it in order to benefit a president who wants to bring the Republic down on his head. Unmarked vehicles, disappearing people off the streets?

These events mimic, if not recall, an older period in history when Hitler, following the crisis produced by the Reichstag fire, seized upon the ensuing fear, terror and war fever to further consolidate his power. Trump pushing the United States to the edge of fascism in the midst of a pandemic by using the military to stifle domestic protests reinforces the seriousness of growing claims that the United States is moving closer to a full-blown authoritarian state.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 6:08 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
And here you are, RF, confusing Nazism with communism - AGAIN!! Both these were directed at Signy. And I thought you said you knew the difference.

So, if you're going to double down on libel, which do you pick?


Hitler was a nationalist.


My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.

I'm not confused at all.

It would help if you stopped pretending to know things you obviously don't.

Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?

Sig and kiki constantly show they are ignorant beyond the reasonable. Think about it. They say Hitler was not a nationalist. Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation over all others. Hitler tried to conquer the world. To place Germany above all others. There are many labels justly hung around his neck. Nationalist, is one that can’t be denied.

Putin is another of these clowns. He has invaded Crimea and Georgia and would continue if he had the resources. He did this to meet his perceived needs to the determent of other countries. Only sig and kiki would believe or promote the idea one can only be either or, a communist or a nationalist.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

And yet, you just quoted Reaverfan asking if Putin was a nationalist or a communist.

WTF Ted? Do you read before you post something?

But I do take your point. You can be a lot of things in tandem with each other.

Hitler WAS a Nationalist. But so the fuck what? He was also a lot of other things. Many of them not at all good.

Stop playing the Hitler card when arguing something you don't like (or more accurately, don't understand). Hitler loved dogs. Does that make you a fascist if you love dogs too?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Still can't read I see. Try again dummy...


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

This is what you just said, fucktard:


Only sig and kiki would believe or promote the idea one can only be either or, a communist or a nationalist.

While quoting a post from MarxistMarco that said this:


Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?

So I ask you again, idiot...

Is English your first language?

Don't lie. We already know it's not.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 6:19 PM



Tuesday, July 28, 2020 6:20 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

So I ask you again, idiot...

Is English your first language?

Don't lie. We already know it's not.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Can YOU answer the question?


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 6:26 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
And here you are, RF, confusing Nazism with communism - AGAIN!! Both these were directed at Signy. And I thought you said you knew the difference.

So, if you're going to double down on libel, which do you pick?


Hitler was a nationalist.


My, what a complete load of Russian troll nonsense.

I'm not confused at all.

It would help if you stopped pretending to know things you obviously don't.

Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?

Sig and kiki constantly show they are ignorant beyond the reasonable. Think about it. They say Hitler was not a nationalist. Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation over all others. Hitler tried to conquer the world. To place Germany above all others. There are many labels justly hung around his neck. Nationalist, is one that can’t be denied.

Putin is another of these clowns. He has invaded Crimea and Georgia and would continue if he had the resources. He did this to meet his perceived needs to the determent of other countries. Only sig and kiki would believe or promote the idea one can only be either or, a communist or a nationalist.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

And yet, you just quoted Reaverfan asking if Putin was a nationalist or a communist.

WTF Ted? Do you read before you post something?

But I do take your point. You can be a lot of things in tandem with each other.

Hitler WAS a Nationalist. But so the fuck what? He was also a lot of other things. Many of them not at all good.

Stop playing the Hitler card when arguing something you don't like (or more accurately, don't understand). Hitler loved dogs. Does that make you a fascist if you love dogs too?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Still can't read I see. Try again dummy...


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.

This is what you just said, fucktard:


Only sig and kiki would believe or promote the idea one can only be either or, a communist or a nationalist.

While quoting a post from MarxistMarco that said this:


Here's a simple question, comrade. Is Putin a nationalist or a communist?

So I ask you again, idiot...

Is English your first language?

Don't lie. We already know it's not.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 6:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sig and kiki constantly show they are ignorant beyond the reasonable. Think about it. They say Hitler was not a nationalist.
NOT TRUE. I merely pointed out that Lincoln and FDR were ALSO nationalists.

Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation over all others.
If I'm not keeping Americans' interests at the top of my list, then who is at the top instead?
WHOSE interests should I promote over the United States'? China's? Europe's? JPMChase's? Apple's? The CIA's?
What is wrong with keeping Americans' interests at heart?


Just bc someone is a nationalist doesn't mean they're a rabid, globe-conquering megalomaniac (yanno, like Obama, GWB, Clinton, Bush1, and Reagan.) There IS such a thing as "enlightened self interest", and even such a thing a "principled self interest".
I happen to believe that we should keep our interests at the top of the list, but not impose them on others thru violence, for a couple of reasons:

1) I don't believe in using violence except in actual self defense, and
2) Blowback is a serious bitch.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, July 28, 2020 7:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to send federal agents into American cities.

Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Ted Lieu of California are proposing an amendment this week that would prohibit funds from being used to send federal agents into American cities as part of Operation Legend or Operation Relentless Pursuit. Those are Justice Department initiatives that have led brutal crackdowns on protesters in cities like Portland, Oregon. While the Trump administration has framed the dispatching of secret police as efforts meant “to help state and local officials fight the surge of violent crime,” critics such as Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden and Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner have called the tactics “fascist.”

Senator Wyden, along with several other Senate Democrats, also pushed for similar amendment in the Senate, sending a letter to their colleagues in the Appropriations Committee on July 24.

The measure, which was filed as an amendment to the upcoming House Appropriations bill, is co-sponsored by Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, Deb Haaland of New Mexico, and Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri. The House Rules Committee is meeting today to decide which of the hundreds of amendments filed will be considered this week.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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