Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable

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Friday, December 18, 2020 10:00 AM


... stay crunchy...

Sure, it's an old article and he's gone into hiding, but once a conspiracy nut always a nut. Once an advisor to the president...

Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable
Trump’s top adviser thinks we’re in “the great Fourth Turning in American history.”

WASHINGTON ? In 2009, the historian David Kaiser, then a professor at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, got a call from a guy named Steve Bannon.

Bannon wanted to interview Kaiser for a documentary he was making based on the work of the generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe. Kaiser, an expert on Strauss and Howe, didn’t know Bannon from Adam, but he agreed to participate. He went to the Washington headquarters of the conservative activist group Citizens United, where Bannon was then based, for a chat.

Kaiser was impressed by how much Bannon knew about Strauss and Howe, who argued that American history operates in four-stage cycles that move from major crisis to awakening to major crisis. These crises are called “Fourth Turnings” — and Bannon believed the U.S. had entered one on Sept. 18, 2008, when Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke went to Capitol Hill to ask for a bailout of the international banking system.

“He knew the theory,” Kaiser said. “He obviously enjoyed interviewing me.”

Bannon pressed Kaiser on one point during the interview. “He was talking about the wars of the Fourth Turnings,” Kaiser recalled. “You have the American Revolution, you have the Civil War, you have World War II; they’re getting bigger and bigger. Clearly, he was anticipating that in this Fourth Turning there would be one at least as big. And he really made an effort, I remember, to get me to say that on the air.”

Kaiser didn’t believe global war was preordained, so he demurred. The line of questioning didn’t make it into the documentary — a polemical piece, released in 2010, called “Generation Zero.”

Bannon, who’s now ensconced in the West Wing as President Donald Trump’s closest adviser, has been portrayed as Trump’s main ideas guy. But in interviews, speeches and writing — and especially in his embrace of Strauss and Howe — he has made clear that he is, first and foremost, an apocalypticist.

In Bannon’s view, we are in the midst of an existential war, and everything is a part of that conflict. Treaties must be torn up, enemies named, culture changed. Global conflagration, should it occur, would only prove the theory correct. For Bannon, the Fourth Turning has arrived. The Grey Champion, a messianic strongman figure, may have already emerged. The apocalypse is now.

“What we are witnessing,” Bannon told The Washington Post last month, “is the birth of a new political order.”

Strauss died in 2007, and Howe did not respond to requests for comment. But their books speak for themselves. The first, Generations, released in 1991, set forth the idea that history unfolds in repetitive, predictable four-part cycles ? and that the U.S. was, and still is, going through the most recent cycle’s tail end. (In Generations, Strauss and Howe became perhaps the first writers to use the term “millennials” to describe the current cohort of young people.)

Strauss and Howe’s theory is based on a series of generational archetypes — the Artists, the Prophets, the Nomads and the Heroes — that sound like they were pulled from a dystopian young adult fiction series. Each complete four-part cycle, or saeculum, takes about 80 to 100 years, in Strauss and Howe’s reckoning. The Fourth Turning, which the authors published in 1997, focuses on the final, apocalyptic part of the cycle.

Strauss and Howe postulate that during this Fourth Turning crisis, an unexpected leader will emerge from an older generation to lead the nation, and what they call the “Hero” generation (in this case, millennials), to a new order. This person is known as the Grey Champion. An election or another event — perhaps a war — will bring this person to power, and their regime will rule throughout the crisis.

“The winners will now have the power to pursue the more potent, less incrementalist agenda about which they had long dreamed and against which their adversaries had darkly warned,” Strauss and Howe wrote in The Fourth Turning. “This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice.

>>> Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention.” <<<

Cyclical models of history are something academics kick around every now and then, said Sean Wilentz, an American history professor at Princeton University. But the idea has not caught on among historians or political actors.

“It’s just a conceit. It’s a fiction, it’s all made up,” Wilentz said about cyclical historical models. “There’s nothing to them. They’re just inventions.”

Michael Lind, a historian and co-founder of the New America Foundation, a liberal think tank, has called Strauss and Howe’s work “pseudoscience” and said their “predictions about the American future turn out to be as vague as those of fortune cookies.”

But Bannon bought it.

“This is the fourth great crisis in American history,” Bannon told an audience at the Liberty Restoration Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, in 2011. “We had the Revolution. We had the Civil War. We had the Great Depression and World War II. This is the great Fourth Turning in American history, and we’re going to be one thing on the other side.”

Major crises “happen in about 80- or 100-year cycles,” Bannon told a conference put on by the Republican women’s group Project GoPink that same year. “And somewhere over the next 10 or 20 years, we’re going to come through this crisis, and we’re either going to be the country that was bequeathed to us or it’s going to be something that’s completely or totally different.”

The “Judeo-Christian West is collapsing,” he went on. “It’s imploding. And it’s imploding on our watch. And the blowback of that is going to be tremendous.”

War is coming, Bannon has warned. In fact, it’s already here.

It’s war. It’s war. Every day, we put up: America’s at war, America’s at war. We’re at war.
White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, 2015
“You have an expansionist Islam and you have an expansionist China,” he said during a 2016 radio appearance. “They are motivated. They’re arrogant. They’re on the march. And they think the Judeo-Christian West is on the retreat.”

“Against radical Islam, we’re in a 100-year war,” he told Political Vindication Radio in 2011.

“We’re going to war in the South China Seas in the next five to 10 years, aren’t we?” Bannon asked during a 2016 interview with Reagan biographer Lee Edwards.

“We are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism,” he said in a speech to a Vatican conference in 2014. “And this war is, I think, metastasizing far quicker than governments can handle it.”

In a 2015 radio appearance, Bannon described how he ran Breitbart, the far-right news site he chaired at the time. “It’s war,” he said. “It’s war. Every day, we put up: America’s at war, America’s at war. We’re at war.”

To confront this threat, Bannon argued, the Judeo-Christian West must fight back, lest it lose as it did when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453. He called Islam a “religion of submission” in 2016 — a refutation of President George W. Bush’s post-9/11 description of Islam as a religion of peace. In 2007, Bannon wrote a draft movie treatment for a documentary depicting a “fifth column” of Muslim community groups, the media, Jewish organizations and government agencies working to overthrow the government and impose Islamic law.

“There’s clearly a fifth column here in the United States,” Bannon warned in July 2016. “There’s rot at the center of the Judeo-Christian West,” he said in November 2015. “Secularism has sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals,” he argued at the Vatican conference. The “aristocratic Washington class” and the media, he has claimed, are in league with the entire religion of Islam and an expansionist China to undermine Judeo-Christian America.

This sort of existential conflict is central to Strauss and Howe’s predictions. There are four ways a Fourth Turning can end, they argued, and three of them involve some kind of massive collapse. America might “be reborn,” and we’d wait another 80 to 100 years for a new cycle to culminate in a crisis again. The modern world — the era of Western history that Strauss and Howe believe began in the 15th century — might come to an end. We might “spare modernity but mark the end of our nation.” Or we might face “the end of man,” in a global war leading to “omnicidal Armageddon.”

Now, a believer in these vague and unfounded predictions sits in the White House, at the right hand of the president.

“We’re gonna have to have some dark days before we get to the blue sky of morning again in America,” Bannon warned in 2010. “We are going to have to take some massive pain. Anybody who thinks we don’t have to take pain is, I believe, fooling you.”

“This movement,” he said in November, “is in the top of the first inning.”


Friday, December 18, 2020 11:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

This week Steve Bannon was talking apocalyptic nonsense:

Steve Bannon suggests Trump could become president after constitutionally mandated inauguration date

Bannon: January 20th “is still an interim date”

STEVE BANNON (HOST): Stephen Miller the assistant to the president, lays it down -- the only date in the Constitution is the 20th of January. And let me say something else. The worst thing that happens on the 20th of January if we have not had a full adjudication of the steal is that the Speaker of the House that's chosen and let's assume it's going to be Nancy Pelosi becomes acting president until it gets sorted out. So the 20th is still an interim date.

Watch the video:

In competition with Bannon for who is the Biggest Belligerent Nutjob, Trump tweeted his own brand of apocalyptic nonsense this morning:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
.@senatemajldr and Republican Senators have to get tougher, or you won’t have a Republican Party anymore. We won the Presidential Election, by a lot. FIGHT FOR IT. Don’t let them take it away!
8:14 AM · Dec 18, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, December 18, 2020 11:20 AM


No third option? What a terrible choice you only get to pick team A or team B?

The media was scared frightened, they seen Trump as a Hitler, Joe Stalin or George Wallace character or at least for 4 years almost the entire of the US media including Fox seemed to be against Trump
They wanted you to pick a Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton instead.

One side wants More wars for Israel? Also greatly corrupted by the Neoconservatism movement, interventionism their 'axis of evil' theory they even got Kissinger and Bolton back into the Whitehouse.
The other Leftwing choice wants Open Borders, America to kiss the ass of Jihads, tv media Degenerates, Bolseviks and kiss the ass of the Islamists?

This Friedrich Nietzsche word, a strange mix of word...A neo Jew-Christain idea or cult, an idea or cult people, a will to fight and war and corrupt and kill over some Abrahamic mythology? I know Orwell talked of “the Judaeo-Christian scheme of morals” in a letter but when I hear these so-called conservative Republicans and other elites say the world must defend 'Judeo-Christianity' are they talking about an ethno-state of Israel? Are the talking about the values during the ear of George Bush Jnr, maybe the ethno-state of Saudi also where mix of religion and race mixing is banned? Maybe they want to defend the theocratic and apartheid values of Israel. I'm still not sure what they mean, as they attend those Bohemian-Grove ritual parties with booze and pentagrams and a big Pyramid with a burning Eye on top and strange pagan effigy that go up in flames?
If American open values were the same as others then why no open borders for the Saudi or why not have open borders for Israel?


The “Judeo-Christian West ...

War is coming, Bannon has warned. In fact, it’s already here.

...think the Judeo-Christian West is on the retreat.

I dont think Biden or Kamala are going to be any major difference, domestically it will maybe be a few months of more lockdown and government control to try drop death numbers and try fight a virus?
Overseas? Biden seen Libya go to shit and guys in the Admin alongside France, Britain and NATO wanted Assad gone and wanted ISIS to take the place in had some of a bio and chemical weapons program laying around and jihads about to get their hands on those weapons....what an absolute cluster fuck that would have been if Assad hadn't turned that tide and started to kick the terrorists ass.

The VP might be different, Kamala's roots of sorts might push her back in the direction of Canada politik or maybe the Carribean islands, Jamaica, Dominica, Barbados or that H1B Hindu street-shitter visa you get coming from India?
and yet she is a woman so maybe that tv clown show will be a little different?

I'm not really one for religion. I dont really have an opinion on religions until religions start to come in and dictate our lives, then I can become very Anti-Religion or Atheist or a Religion Basher

You know whenever I hear someone go on and on about 'Judeo-Christian' again and again it just rubs me the wrong way, did a Jew sail across the oceans on a boat and found the modern United States of America? this 'Judeo-Christian' thing it just puts some weird SouthPark Simpsons PirateNews photoshop story ...a bunch of faggot Freemason guys in those Frat Party College Robes doing it for the team and Taking it up the Ass by some Israeli Grand Master at the Banker Lodge.
These guys they do know the Judean cult of Jewish Christ Killers do not believe in Jesus Christ?

I dont know maybe now that kamala is going to be in power they will finally get a new buzz word like 'Hindu-Christian'??
or Shinto-Christianity?

Jews and America / the West sometimes do not have the same goals

More fucking wars for Israel? and the USA wasting blood, time and treasure, young men going to die and fight for Israel? Is the theocratic ethno state of Israel suddenly populated by a bunch of disabled handicaps, are they too mentally and physically challenged to fight?
Are they suddenly unable to point a gun and defend themselves?

Ok I get the whole understanding and sympathy for Jews after WW2, a poor intelligent people, Jew tribes and Jewish ethnic groups just wanting some place to go to and I support the right for the Jewish State to defend itself, getting attacked on multiple fronts by multiple Arab states and beating them

what I dont get is people in the media, the US media who support the rioting and burning of US cities because 1 cop killed 1 criminal or the media still worshiping that Israel first shit even after innocent little hippies like Rachel Corrie find themselves blitzkrieg 'ed and bombed and bulldozed to death by the Jewish state, what I dont get perverts like Maxwell and Epstein and others some of which have clearly been doing their backmail pedo shit for their buddies at Mossad for a long time, abusing and corrupting America and YET the media still worships them...Jewish pedophile blackmailers operating on of the worst blackmail operations inside the USA to corrupt business people and political leaders and yet the media still kisses their ass?

11+ Years ago a Redneck with a Radio and a Blog, JohnLee Pirate News was on here and other places talking batshit insane stuff, he was already telling us stuff about a Blackmail 5th column, with Jews, a Prince of England, with Arabs, with a Pedo island and the Israelis

If he knew all this stuff, political elites controlled and blackmailed by Tapes at some party...then why didnt any of the mainstream media talk about it?


“Against radical Islam, we’re in a 100-year war,” he told Political Vindication Radio in 2011.

Islam has been at War with the United States of America before she was even born, you want to put dates on America try 1776 the 13 Original Colonies, maybe if you want to put an official number on it try 1801-1805? the first war against North African muslims, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Sultanate of Morocco attacking US shipping routes.

I dont believe America should be the world's PoliceForce either, let someone else help pay for that Police Job, Spanish, French, British, Russians, India, S.Korea, Italians, Australia there are plenty of other nations out there with guns, ships and military aircraft.

Bush Jnr, Obama, Tony Blair and others suddenly calling themselves experts in islamism, going on tv after 911 and other islamic terror attacks and calling it a 'religion of peace' have to go down as some of the dumbest moments in Western History.


“We are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism,” he said in a speech to a Vatican conference in 2014. “And this war is, I think, metastasizing far quicker than governments can handle it.”

In a 2015 radio appearance, Bannon described how he ran Breitbart, the far-right news site he chaired at the time. “It’s war,” he said. “It’s war. Every day, we put up: America’s at war, America’s at war. We’re at war.”

To confront this threat, Bannon argued, the Judeo-Christian West must fight back, lest it lose as it did when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453. He called Islam a “religion of submission” in 2016 — a refutation of President George W. Bush’s post-9/11 description of Islam as a religion of peace. In 2007, Bannon wrote a draft movie treatment for a documentary depicting a “fifth column” of Muslim community groups, the media, Jewish organizations and government agencies working to overthrow the government and impose Islamic law.

“There’s clearly a fifth column here in the United States,” Bannon warned in July 2016. “There’s rot at the center of the Judeo-Christian West,” he said in November 2015. “Secularism has sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals,” he argued at the Vatican conference. The “aristocratic Washington class” and the media, he has claimed, are in league with the entire religion of Islam and an expansionist China to undermine Judeo-Christian America.

Now, a believer in these vague and unfounded predictions sits in the White House, at the right hand of the president.

“We’re gonna have to have some dark days before we get to the blue sky of morning again in America,” Bannon warned in 2010. “We are going to have to take some massive pain. Anybody who thinks we don’t have to take pain is, I believe, fooling you.”

Right now Islam has no place in the West other than subversive cancer. Not all muslims will be terrosist and some muslims as individuals will have good qualities. Islam might be able to reform someday but their book and religion was founded by a child molestor and a terrorist, was Muhammad a Pedophile? yes he married a 6 yr old, right now 'islam' has no place in the Western world other than to create problems, its not just America every where islam goes in larger numbers it will create probelms. The strange thing is sometimes both Jews and Moselms support each other, both like Open Borders and Dual Citizenship, both support the genital mutilation of kids, both of them like their Animal Torture rituals like Halal or Kosher... sometimes the goal of the Jew radical and the islamic is one and the same.

China need not be an enemy but it is not an ally either, there are ways to continue trade with Chinese but to also realize they have their own goals and greeds. If America and China were to compete physically I would hope its far away, some battle bot race and battle out in space, maybe the Moon or Mars and I still believe the United States has the innovation, mechanical might, experience and expertise and creativity to win any such battle

Corrupt People have been bought out and selling America out to China and selling America out to others for sometime now.

All of the major churches are corrupted

Who is taking people across borders...look at the scandals the arrests the numbers

America needs a new Church, you want a religion then have your own local Church build it from the ground up far away from London or Israel or Rome

Who is taking people across borders illegally, take a look soem time at the news items on smugglers, not one smaller family of Mexicans but the bigger operations hidden in plain sight

Lutherans this time, then its Roman Catholics smuggling, next you have some Protestants moving folks across borders the Episcopal Church (TEC)then its Baptist bringing in illegal aliens, then its the Catholics of Rome smuggling more people and human trafficking, then its Lutherans moving people all that social money and the business of moving people, then its Methodist
the Catholic church has been especially corrupted by crimes and pedophiles

Bannon makes the mistake of thinking Rome is his ally

It's not the Apocalypse YET

and Bannon comes across as too alarmist
America has been operating bombing in Iraq since 1990, that's 30 years of it
How long must America be stuck in the sandbox fighting endless wars


Friday, December 18, 2020 11:20 AM


This is why patriotic Americans all voted for Biden in record numbers. People who love this country don't want it to be the fourth reich.

That's a Republican thing.


Friday, December 18, 2020 11:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Right now Islam has no place in the West other than subversive cancer. Not all muslims will be terrosist and some muslims as individuals will have good qualities. Islam might be able to reform someday but their book and religion was founded by a child molestor and a terrorist, was Muhammad a Pedophile? yes he married a 6 yr old, right now 'islam' has no place in the Western world other than to create problems, its not just America every where islam goes in larger numbers it will create probelms. The strange thing is sometimes both Jews and Moselms support each other, both like Open Borders and Dual Citizenship, both support the genital mutilation of kids, both of them like their Animal Torture rituals like Halal or Kosher... sometimes the goal of the Jew radical and the islamic is one and the same.

I heard the same about Communism and I signed up for Vietnam to fight it. But the Communists won because America doesn't have methods to change people's beliefs except by killing them. More recently, Americans signed up for Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Muslims won because, once again, America doesn't know how to change people's beliefs except by killing them.

If you think about it, America did not have a method to change slave-owner belief in slavery except by killing the owners. America needs work on its methods to change beliefs.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, December 18, 2020 2:14 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

This is why patriotic Americans all voted for Biden in record numbers. People who love this country don't want it to be the fourth reich.

That's a Republican thing.




Friday, December 18, 2020 6:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

This is why patriotic Americans all voted for Biden in record numbers. People who love this country don't want it to be the fourth reich.

That's a Republican thing.


Dear people, there was far more wrong here than a possible fourth Reich. Did you pay attention to how poorly run the USA has been under Trump? At least Adolf knew how to run a country. Trump can't run anything except into the ground. Look around at how stupidly he has handled his duties in 2020. His last month in 2021 will be worse. You know he cancelled every nuclear weapons treaty he could and ran a $trillion dollar deficit every year, although he promised to reduce the National Debt to zero over 8 years and his tantrums shutdown the government.
"Longest shutdown in history ends" -

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, October 15, 2021 11:47 AM


I've always said that it was hyperbole, but there could be a war coming if the Left decides to keep on taking and taking past the point where there's nothing left to give.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, October 17, 2021 10:27 PM


Bannon and the migrant crisis

Amess’ Assassination Represents Larger Issue In America


Monday, November 8, 2021 5:35 PM


Marjorie Taylor Greene visited accused Jan. 6 rioters in jail and told Steve Bannon the prisoners cry while singing the national anthem every night


Friday, November 12, 2021 7:03 PM


Trump ally Steve Bannon indicted on two counts of contempt of Congress after defying subpoena


Bannon: We’re Taking 100 Seats And We’re Going To Govern For 100 Years

Warrant out for Steve Bannon's arrest, indicted for contempt of Congress

Steve Bannon’s Criminal Contempt Indictment Is First of Its Kind in Decades

One wacko conspiracy said Steve Bannon was Q-Anon


Steven Bannon is QAnon

Ex-Trump aide Steve Bannon indicted for contempt of Congress

Steve Bannon Indicted by Federal Grand Jury for Contempt of Congress in Refusing to Comply with Jan. 6 Inquiry


Friday, November 19, 2021 7:06 AM


Steve Bannon pleads not guilty to contempt of Congress charges

Prosecutor pushes for quick trial in Steve Bannon contempt case, describes 'straightforward' charges

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon enters not guilty plea


Saturday, November 20, 2021 4:22 AM


'Bannons War Room'

Democrats Just Took Sledgehammer To The US Dollar


Sunday, November 21, 2021 3:45 PM



Friday, November 26, 2021 6:25 AM



Saturday, November 27, 2021 5:24 AM



Thursday, December 16, 2021 7:50 AM



Monday, January 3, 2022 6:51 AM


Steve Bannon Touts 'Alternative' Cryptocurrency $FJB for Trump Supporters to 'F Joe Biden'


Thursday, January 6, 2022 4:59 PM


Marjorie Greene seems to be banned on social media but her stuff is re-posted on bitchute, gettr, rumble, gab etc

Joe Biden says January 6th was one of the darkest days.

Every day of his presidency is a dark day.



Thursday, January 6, 2022 5:12 PM


Perhaps there is an account at Getr


The Biden Regime is illegitimate. Trump won and we’re not going to stop for one second. It’s outrageous that they would try to connect the honored dead of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 to the events of 6 Jan.

Bannon social media?


Thursday, January 6, 2022 7:03 PM


I'm loving the parallel internet.

It's time we stop supporting these large companies that think they can control us.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, February 26, 2022 10:34 AM


Bannon Declares It’s ‘Time to Get Angry Again’


Wednesday, March 2, 2022 5:10 PM


Trade and Currency

What More Can Be Done to Deter Russian Aggression?

He thinks Russia will suffer bad with economic blockade, end of Swift and scancitions but the US Dollar or West could also suffer.

February 2022


Thursday, March 3, 2022 9:41 AM


Boebert and Greene at Biden Speech

"Lauren Boebert provoked anger as she heckled Joe Biden as he talked about the death of his son Beau during his State of the Union address. The Colorado congresswoman was booed as she interrupted the president as he talked about the flag-draped coffins of fallen service members, to blame him for the deaths of 13 troops in Afghanistan. “You put them in there, 13 of them,” she could be heard yelling -- The ISIS-K terrorist attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport last August that killed 13 US service members as Biden ended the US occupancy of Afghanistan after 20 years.

It was not the only example of poor behaviour by Ms Boebert, who along with Marjorie Taylor Greene turned her back on Mr Biden’s cabinet as they entered for the address. The pair also chanted “Build the wall” after Mr Biden promised to “secure the border and fix the immigration system.”


Sunday, March 6, 2022 5:15 PM


Greta Thunberg ‘directly caused’ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Steve Bannon’s editor says


Sunday, March 6, 2022 5:45 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Greta Thunberg ‘directly caused’ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Steve Bannon’s editor says

Let me guess. The last straw was the Never Gonna Give You Up dance.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:30 PM


Steve Bannon praises Tucker Carlson's Russia coverage, asks when the world will have had enough of Zelensky


Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:36 PM


I had enough Zelensky back when Trump was President.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, March 12, 2022 10:51 AM




Thursday, March 17, 2022 8:04 AM


Can Ukraine Be Neutral NOW?

Harnwell: WW3 postponed — Russia and Ukraine “close to an agreement”…

The House passes $1.5 trillion government funding bill with emergency aid to Ukraine, sending it to the Senate after Pelosi showdown

U.N WARNS of possible nuclear war

What are Putin's endgame goals in Ukraine?


Thursday, March 24, 2022 1:30 PM


Harnwell: Zelensky asks NATO for “unlimited military assistance.”

Federal prosecutors admit they SPIED on Steve Bannon without approval from Biden's DOJ as he arrives in court for his contempt case


Saturday, March 26, 2022 6:29 PM


Biden's 'Border Security' Means Accepting As Many Migrants As Possible


Saturday, March 26, 2022 8:50 PM


Judge Wants to Review Investigation Tactics in Bannon Case


Saturday, March 26, 2022 10:16 PM


Before any of the assholes here want to talk shit about Bannon again, they'd better look in the mirror with all their dumbass talk of nuclear war.

Fucking hypocrites. Fucking sheep.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, April 11, 2022 4:03 PM


Harnwell: “Here’s what we just learnt from the 1st round — Le Pen is mightier than Zemmour.”

Bannon's War Room: EU Member of Parliament Christine Anderson Explains Why Justin Trudeau is a Clown


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:27 PM


I normally don't watch Bannon, maybe just for the trainwreck of entertainment. Anytime I clicked on Bannon the past months all I could hear was It's CCP its C.C. P its Cee Cee Pee, its Chinese Communist Parti, CCP its C.C. P , CCP and CCP, its Cee Cee Pee, its Chinese Communist Party
, CCP its C.C. P its Cee Cee Pee, and its CCP and CCP, its Chinese Communist Parti, CCP its C.C. P then its CCP and CCP and CCP, its Cee Cee Pee, its Chinese Communist Parti

Every Conspiracy on the Entire Earth was CCP

not a word about Epstein types or Saudi jihadist scum


maybe someone controls him, if someone or some group does control him I'm not sure who
but he keeps kissing the ass of Alan Dershowitz, constantly has that Jewish Pedophile who defended Epstein on his show.

Do people shout stuff into his ears?
What happens when you have clown spooks scream propaganda in your ears 24/7...The retarded Bannon keeps replacing words like 'Jew Epstein' or islamist Sunni Jihadi ...with Chinese Communist Party

Islamist Ilhan Omar gives instigation to jihadist terrorists in Kashmir

Moynihan: India 'Questioning The Official Narrative' Of Ilhan Omar's Trip To Pakistan


Saturday, May 28, 2022 7:43 PM


Defiant Kevin McCarthy Challenges Subpoena Authority Of Jan. 6 Committee


Monday, June 13, 2022 2:02 PM


Steve Bannon subpoenas Pelosi, members of Jan. 6 committee


Sunday, July 10, 2022 8:04 AM


Bannon really is a Low IQ idiot

So for some reason I tuned into the mentally retarded Bannon, maybe curiosity or just for the trainwreck of entertainment.

So he's covering the assassination of Shinzo Abe

We know the Mother of the Japan-dude who did the killing might have belonged to some cult, news reports link ...there are news items on the web that link perhaps a religion outside of Japan, some say the Korean Moonies some non-Buddhist non-Shinto religion, Unification Church a neo Christian Korea religious movement pops up as a name again and again on social media.
the guy was in the Japan Navy, built bombs, made his own gun
and wanted to shoot the religion leader but he had some indirect issue with Abe so Abe became a target of Opportunity

Almost everything about this event goes against the Propaganda Narrative that Bannon wants to shill and push

How does Bannon respond to the news
he pushes bullshit propaganda

He had an elite Desi Street Shitter Dave Ramaswamy
saying this was a World War moment.

He did have a Japanese woman Ganaha Masako but she shared little of her opinion or ego, Nago, Okinawa she's from that Waseda University Super Free Rape Club' University.

He brings on some clueless warmongering Jews, that claim Chinese are genociding the Japanese Tokyo culture of Okinawa what a fucking idiot
and he claims Chinese will invade Okinawa next

Then you had Peter Navarro who served in the Trump administration ...most of his interview was simply to promote Trump and some almost fictional relationship between Trump and Japan, he also would keep blabbing about a China attack like a fucking retard. He called out Abe's trade protectionism and Japan's isolation policy that damaged US Trade, but it went back into some fictional Navy battle that was happening at sea.

Most of what you could hear was It's CCP its C.C. P its Cee Cee Pee, its Chinese Communist Parti, CCP its C.C. P , CCP and CCP, its Cee Cee Pee, its Chinese Communist Party in regards to Japan
, CCP its C.C. P its Cee Cee Pee, and its CCP and CCP, its Chinese Communist Parti, CCP its C.C. P then its CCP and CCP and CCP, its Cee Cee Pee, its Chinese Communist Parti

Every Conspiracy on the Entire Earth was CCP

not a word about the actual home grown killer from Japan

What happens when you have clown spooks scream propaganda in your ears 24/7...The retarded Bannon keeps replacing words like 'Jew Epstein' or Crazy Japanese killer or islamist Sunni Jihadi ...with Chinese Communist Party

maybe Bannon sometimes has the IQ of a brick
or maybe he's playing dumb or just doesn't get things in Asia...or maybe there is an agenda he is forced to push or a lying agenda he wants to push?

but I understand now why even a hothead like Trump fired him

other guests? Bannon brings on Alan Dershowitz once again, constantly has that Jewish Pedophile who defended Epstein on his show.


Sunday, July 10, 2022 2:57 PM


Steve Bannon “Willing” to Testify in a Sharp Reversal: Jan. 6 Committee


Wednesday, July 13, 2022 5:57 AM


Steve Bannon Threatens To Go ‘Medieval’ In Front Of Jan. 6 Committee: ‘Pray For Them’
However, Bannon took things a step further on his far-right War Room podcast where he vowed to go “medieval” on his “enemies”


Tuesday, July 26, 2022 2:58 PM


Looks like Bannon has clips of Alex Jones Applauding 'Steve Bannon'

Promotes a movie Alex's War, by Director Alex Lee Moyer


Monday, August 8, 2022 1:48 PM


Steve Bannon Was Right!—Millennials "Don’t Have A Chance"
The story tells us that buyers from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong spent an average of just over $1 million per transaction to purchase existing homes, almost a third of them in California.

It‘s not just the Chinese, either. Other big players here are Canada, India, Mexico, and Brazil. Foreigners all told spent $59 billion to buy nearly a hundred thousand American homes. These numbers are all from April last year to March this year.

After making , many, many political mistakes, Bannon was finally let go from the Trump administration. Bannon traced the genesis of his economic outlook to his father, Marty, who got burned by Jim Cramer and lost a lot of money in 2008?

the connection with Palin upped his brand, soon he began appearing on Fox News with Sean Hannity fairly regularly, became personal friends with Hannity

but on Bannon what do others think?

According to Ronald Radosh, Bannon sees himself as a "Leninist", stating, "Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that's my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment."


Monday, August 8, 2022 6:27 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Steve Bannon Was Right!—Millennials "Don’t Have A Chance"
The story tells us that buyers from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong spent an average of just over $1 million per transaction to purchase existing homes, almost a third of them in California.

It‘s not just the Chinese, either. Other big players here are Canada, India, Mexico, and Brazil. Foreigners all told spent $59 billion to buy nearly a hundred thousand American homes. These numbers are all from April last year to March this year.

Yup. I already have a whole thread devoted to this.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, August 13, 2022 1:41 PM


David Clements Discusses The Unusual Nature Of Trump Raid Warrant


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Yup. I already have a whole thread devoted to this.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

No offense but quality over quantity, I'm not saying this is the best 'quality' thread but many people have many threads, I can't remember them all the search engine sucks but I remember this thread as a Steve Bannon thread


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 10:20 AM


Bannon - TheSaltyCracker

Pillow Man?

September 2022 FBI served a search and seizure warrant for Lindell's phone?

Mike Lindell: Overrun the Algorithms – Vote November 8th – "Biggest Red Wave in History"


Friday, October 28, 2022 9:24 AM


Madeline Peltz talks with NPR's Morning Edition about Steve Bannon's efforts to push election denial in Brazil


Friday, October 28, 2022 9:45 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Pillow Man?

September 2022 FBI served a search and seizure warrant for Lindell's phone?

You should see if Zebra Corner has a BitChute because this is comedy... On YouTube.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 5:49 PM


'Darren Beattie: Did The Great Steal Begin?'






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