Jon Stewart Did Not Call J.K. Rowling Antisemetic

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 15:41
VIEWED: 1169
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Tuesday, January 11, 2022 11:10 AM


I've always been a huge fan of Stewart's and how he has had a long history of calling out the bullshit in the media.

That being said, it seems that everybody on the left and right of the spectrum were weighing in on this issue after Newsweek published a story claiming this a month after he had a podcast where the movie came up.

Jaynez has followed the leader here and posted claims that Jon Stewart was calling Rowling antisemitic about a half-dozen times.

I posted this in one of the various threads where he's stated this, but I wanted it to have its own thread so everybody has a chance to delete that fake news from their brains.

Jon Stewart: (After unequivocally stating that he did not claim that J.K. Rowling was antisemitic and that he loved the Harry Potter moves probably more than a man of his considerable age should have and then making sure to get his face up close and in the center of the frame)

"Let me say this to Newsweek: Your business model, is FUCKING ARSON. And not the good kind. Not the good kind of arson where they light stuff and control it to prevent forest fires in the future. The kind of arson where you're on the mountain and you've got fuckin' 5 minutes and you don't know where the dogs are. Like that's you're business model. And now all the shitheads pile in to this ridiculously out of context nonsense that you put out there.

And let me tell you something, Newsweek. You used to mean something. You were my go to at the airport when the kiosk was out of TIME magazine.

So again, I cannot stress this enough. I'm not accusing J.K. Rowling of being antisemitic. She need not answer to any of it. I do not want the Harry Potter movies censored in any way. It was a lighthearted conversation.


My final word is simply this.... Good day."

Jon remains as amazing as he ever was.

P.S. The only reason this lie gets debunked is because Jon Stewart is Jon Stewart.

How many lies do they get away with every single day because most people have no voice and only a minor sphere of influence?


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 11:29 AM


SJW wokeness was always going to cancel itself
Like the mob of muslim shaira law types coming around to people's homes screaming are you with the new religion or not

So then if insane SJW Antifa people like reaverbot see EVERYTHING as Racist and Goblins are maybe Blacks or North Korea or Arab or Russian or Mexican or Muslim or whatever minority of the day...then how can fantasy goblins be goblins?

Not good for business when two giants are forced to attack each other
for some NEWS-WEEK headline

They already cancelled the StarWars actress so what happens if one bashes George Lucas for Phantom Menace or the midget little people Ewoks?

'Newsweek et al, may eat my ass.'


Newsweek , “Your business model is f**king arson.”

their model is arson!!!

Enough jokes from DaveChappelle let's ban comedy?



Jon Stewart claims JK Rowling engaged in anti Semitic tropes in Harry Potter

NEWSWEEK .... must be a slow news week

Jon Stewart born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz became the poster boy for the left once the Trump vs Stewart politcis kicked whats the doesnt matter anymore since its all about the Left vs Right mud slinging

Who said what...too late the rent a mob bolted, they are already enraged.

Well it doesn't matter now since the Woke Antifa BLM rent a crowd will run with the theory anyways, the mob that thinks Jan6 was like 9-11 the holocaust and National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day ...well they have decided to run with it anyhow

J.K. Rowling has been having crazy transexual freaks camped outside her place ever since she said something that MIGHT be critical of the whole Transgender woke pervert thing

People have also been trying to get Goblins or Orcs and Gnomes or Witches or something cancelled for many years ebcause they these deluded actual racists? think these fantasy folklore stories they might be Muslims or Africans or something?

Everything is racialist they the media schizos say so cancell all and replace it with Wakanda, Transexuals and Religion-Of-Peace Jihadi Sharia Law Muslims.

Media news backs up their madness and says Bal bla bla everything is racists everything is about Bolseviks or BLM or Atnifa or Wokeness or Reparations or Cancel Culture
Ban Fantasy non-existant racism?

Can Stewart take back the media as the horde runs to push the political madness?

Too late now

because forever some people out there will now forever go crazy and think 'Goblins' means you are Hitler KKK Nazi and want to holocaust israel, exterminate semitic languages

Stewart and his edited clips taken out of context?

Jon Stewart blasts reports claiming he accused the Harry Potter author JK Rowling of anti-Semitism

Jon Stewart denies accusing Harry Potter author JK Rowling of antisemitism over Gringotts goblins


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 11:42 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Jon Stewart born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz became the poster boy for the left once the Trump vs Stewart politcis kicked whats the doesnt matter anymore since its all about the Left vs Right mud slinging

He didn't plant himself as a poster boy. He's a comedian who has always taken any chance he could to destroy news outfits and politicians with his takes. And in my experience, he's done a pretty fucking good job of being even and fair and giving it to both sides.

His dislike of Trump is one of the few things I've probably ever disagreed with him on, at least to my knowledge. But I laughed my ass off listening to him recount the Twitter battle he and Trump engaged in.


Who said what...too late the rent a mob bolted, they are already enraged.

Well it doesn't matter now since the Woke Antifa BLM rent a crowd will run with the theory anyways, the mob that thinks Jan6 was like 9-11 the holocaust and National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day ...well they have decided to run with it anyhow

Well sure. Because that's what idiots online do. The "shitheads" that he mentioned in his video.

But it's not just the wacko Leftists saying it. I couldn't even tell you how many videos popped up in my recommended feed with bullshit clickbait titles from right-leaning youtubers who parroted the claim that Stewart called Rowling an antisemite.


J.K. Rowling has been having crazy transexual freaks camped outside her place ever since she said something that MIGHT be critical of the whole Transgender woke pervert thing

That was going on before the the Stewart stories. In fact, I can all but guaranty that the only reason somebody dug up what he said a month prior on a podcast was because they were a tranny or a trans-ally with a grotch against her.


People have also been trying to get Goblins or Orcs and Gnomes or Witches or something cancelled for many years ebcause they these deluded actual racists? think these fantasy folklore stories they might be Muslims or Africans or something?

Yeah. I know. It an illness. Orcs are black people, apparently. Who would think that except for a closeted racist?


Everything is racialist they the media schizos say so cancell all and replace it with Wakanda, Transexuals and Religion-Of-Peace Jihadi Sharia Law Muslims.

This is all the more reason why it's important for people like Stewart to call bullshit.

And I think it was great that he was very clear in stating that Rowling had nothing to answer to and that he didn't want the Potter movies censored.


Can Stewart take back the media as the horde runs to push the political madness?

Too late now

because forever some people out there will now forever go crazy and think 'Goblins' means you are Hitler KKK Nazi and want to holocaust israel, exterminate semitic languages

No. It's never too late for the truth.


Stewart and his edited clips taken out of context?

Jon Stewart blasts reports claiming he accused the Harry Potter author JK Rowling of anti-Semitism

Jon Stewart denies accusing Harry Potter author JK Rowling of antisemitism over Gringotts goblins


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 12:09 PM


2018-2022 the slow death of comedy when it lost its edge

Did Corona crush comedy, maybe Covid killed comedy or maybe it was already dying?

Don't pay much attention to the Left vs Right

I don't follow too much of comedy to have an opinion, I just know what makes me laugh and if it doesn't make me laugh I turn off, I don't want them banned or jailed and gulag or censored or some crazy shit.

They say it was left because of the gypsy element to it, socialist union people going for drinks, Jews and Black and Roma and Ukraine russia circus people and Scottish and Italian musicians in entertainment who for a while would vote left, comedy circuit has always involved a lot of Working Men's social union Clubs then you add in the gay broadway hollyweird tinsel town types and other venues where the target audiences are predominantly are certain voter block.

But does the right libertarian conservative do comedy anymore, were the comedy righters actual racists is that why conservatives thought them funny isn't that what the left says of the past generation? Their understanding of timelines has become so bad they think open minded hippie era boomers were watching Minstrel show or something crazy? I don't know if 'Rightwing Conservative' comedians exist anymore, maybe Joe Rogan? are Native American coemdians like Lucas Brown Eyes Oglala Lakota now rightwing instead of classed as 'Left' or Milo Yiannopoulos he's gay or was gay bisexual homosexual? and they call him 'Far Right'
Tim Allen Actor and Comedian is rightwinger?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail were considered radical left fotr their time, their comedy didn't change but now is considered 'Rightwing' for offending islamist terrorists?
the British guy Clarkson isn't a comedian he does cars or top gear or something?

Is the guy with the Muzzie puppet doll now classed as 'Right'. Will they keep out Bill Maher for not being leftwing enough? Nick Di Paolo that's one that is gone 'Rightwing' correct, did Nick go more rightwing over the years during the Trump Facebook cancel culture? Is George Carlin classed as Rightwing even though what he said against Neo-Cons and Bush?

The attention whore mob has been talking about this for at least a week

Maybe it comes from the perception of the top...Trump vs Rosie
they say the USA elected one.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Well sure. Because that's what idiots online do. The "shitheads" that he mentioned in his video.
But it's not just the wacko Leftists saying it. I couldn't even tell you how many videos popped up in my recommended feed with bullshit clickbait titles from right-leaning youtubers who parroted the claim that Stewart called Rowling an antisemite.

The talk show left think of him as one of theirs ever since Stewart got into a Twitter debated war heated exchange with then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, then candidate said Stewart changing his name indicated that he was a fraud. Stewart made a joke sketch of the thing and some analysts considered Trump to be anti-Holocaust or something or for this to be anti-Semitics. Trump then tweeted that Stewart should be "proud of his heritage", and Stewart tweeted back, facetiously, that Trump's real name was "Fuckface Von Clownstick" and that Trump should be proud of the "Clownstick heritage

that was the Newsweek coverage of it

The comedy news talk has gone Woke or Left over the years, Mark Dice might be an example of conservative but there is something Socialist or Tinseltown about Comedy as the years went on, a Left-wing bias in comedy shows. It's not just in America, its gone to Canada, going to French and Spanish and English comedy, practically all of them are going socialist, want more degenerate tinsel town stuff while at the same time banning stuff that offends islam, all going left of centre and, to be honest.

They are checking if 'Jon Stewart' is still part of their club or do they want to label him a free thinker or along side radicals like the Dutch Geert Wilders or Michael Savage.

Cancel culture goes crazy, it bans jokes, now claiming classics, wants to end kids cartoons.
the new radical won't let grown-ups read what they fucking want to?

Monty Python 51 years?
Famous Monty Python Comedian Cancels Himself Before Anyone Else Can

Right now we see a collective effort from the radical left to ban poems and novels and songs and short films and cartoons and books and movies
Canceling ‘Gone With the Wind’ or 'The Catcher in the Rye' or Tarantino movies with their cursing or 'James Joyce’s Ulysses' or “Harry Potter” books...these are the same people who do not find the war and rape and pedophile prophet and terrorism with the Quran or Koran offensive?


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 12:34 PM


I really think this is all cyclical.

Had the Religious Right been successful throughought the 80's and 90's in their crusade against movies, TV shows, video games and comic books then we wouldn't even be having this conversation today because we'd all be living in a Puritanical place without any fun anywhere.

The only thing that has really changed here, while it's a massive thing, is that the demands for censorship are coming from an entirely different side.

Being on the Left is no longer counter-culture.

Sure, they'll tell you how this and that is so "stunning and brave" all the time, but whenever somebody does something that is labeled "stunning and brave" it is neither stunning nor brave. These are soulless acts committed by grifters that know the Media will shower them with adoration for their false "stunning and brave" takes on things.

It is not stunning and brave to be in lock-step with our corrupt media.

Counter-culture is a powerful thing.

It managed to do just fine in days past before the internet was a thing.

It will do just fine today.

And if they somehow manage to remove any source of alt-media and alt-platforms like bitchute, gab, GETTR, etc., that's fine. We'll just do it behind closed doors like they did when we were drinking ourselves blind with bathtub alcohol when the government tried outlawing it.

In the meantime, people like Jon Stewart should be celebrated for these kinds of acts.

Telling Newsweek to eat his ass and saying that their operation is fucking arson IS STUNNING AND BRAVE.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 1:13 PM


It might not be true
but the news media will print it anyways

Where do comedians go when the comedy clubs ban them...can't they just get their own new venue or do comedy on the streets?

This is a Free Internet Socialmedia Company it can ban what group it likes?

However what if Big Government gets involved to control the culture?

Once the Centrist Middle Ground fails then both the left and right steal your rights and screw you over?

At the moment the Left is going radical

The Zealots of "McCarthyism"
As a circuit judge, McCarthy was reprimanded for “abuse of judicial authority” after destroying court records, as well as violating ethical code preventing judges from running for non-judicial posts. There was also controversy regarding the method in which he worked his cases. In order to clear his docket, McCarthy would rely on information given by attorneys handling the case, rather than hearing or researching cases in full. His actions during this election, as well as a circuit judge proved to be pivotal in establishing a pattern throughout McCarthy’s career as a politician lacking moral direction.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Had the Religious Right been successful throughought the 80's and 90's in their crusade against movies, TV shows, video games and comic books then we wouldn't even be having this conversation today because we'd all be living in a Puritanical place without any fun anywhere.

1950s that was long after the Salem witch trials but before the 1980s, "McCarthyism" Funded and Inspired Proganda, he thought cancel culture Marxists were coming maybe he was a Rightwing or maybe the idiot was did get things correct once in a whle and maybe on to something from another timeline and he was a man before his time. The government even steps in with its agenda and theory maybe the FBI peverts were on his side and proclaimed that he had a list of Communists in the State Department. Tales from the Crypt comics get banned, The Haunt of Fear comicbook censored and now you are only allowed do stories about Superman going to rescue some cat from a tree?

David Aaronovitch thinks the unthinkable about the McCarthy period.
The hunt for the so-called ‘Reds under the beds’ during the Cold War is generally regarded as a deeply regrettable blot on U.S history. But the release of classified documents reveals that Joseph McCarthy was right after all about the extent of Soviet infiltration into the highest reaches of the U.S government.
Thanks to the public release of top secret FBI decryptions of Soviet communications, as well as the release under the fifty year rule of FBI records and Soviet archives, we now know that the Communist spying McCarthy fought against was extensive, reaching to the highest level of the State department and the White House.
We reveal that many of McCarthy’s anticommunist investigations were in fact on target. His fears about the effect Soviet infiltration might be having on US foreign policy, particularly in the Far East were also well founded.

Why Gina Carano Being Fired is Modern Day McCarthyism
We love strong women, until they express opinions we don’t like,

How Political Correctness is ruining the comic-book industry
' something, for the past two years, has been working its way through the comic-book industry and hurting it from the inside out. That something is political correctness.'

Is Cancel Culture Millennial McCarthyism?
McCarthy used his position in Congress to conduct hearings questioning citizens

Why was Charlie Chaplin banned from the US?

They could have accused him of being a weird or a thief and a pedophile but they didn't they banned him for being Socialist or Unionist or Marxist or something or supporting the USSR whatever that means?
FBI files that were released in the 1980s, that the US government had no real evidence to prevent Chaplin's re-entry. It is likely that he would have gained entry if he had applied for it.

However, when Chaplin received a cablegram informing him of the news, he privately decided to cut his ties with the United State


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 1:59 PM


Gossip and tales

they won't let the truth get in the way of a 'GOOD STORY'

Too late the truth has gone missing, Newsweek now viral and around the globe

Jon Stewart Clarifies His ‘Harry Potter’ Criticism

JK Rowling accused of anti-Semitism in Harry Potter books by Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart Says Anti-Semitic ‘Harry Potter’ Conversation Was ‘Light-Hearted’

slams J.K. Rowling's 'anti-Semitic' Harry Potter goblins

Jon Stewart accuses J.K. Rowling of using an antisemitic trope for goblin bankers in 'Harry Potter'

Harry Potter: Jon Stewart Accuses JK Rowling of Anti-Semitic Tropes in Her Books


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 3:41 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Gossip and tales

they won't let the truth get in the way of a 'GOOD STORY'

Too late the truth has gone missing, Newsweek now viral and around the globe

Jon Stewart Clarifies His ‘Harry Potter’ Criticism

JK Rowling accused of anti-Semitism in Harry Potter books by Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart Says Anti-Semitic ‘Harry Potter’ Conversation Was ‘Light-Hearted’

slams J.K. Rowling's 'anti-Semitic' Harry Potter goblins

Jon Stewart accuses J.K. Rowling of using an antisemitic trope for goblin bankers in 'Harry Potter'

Harry Potter: Jon Stewart Accuses JK Rowling of Anti-Semitic Tropes in Her Books

You should find the articles that the "legitimate" "news" sources like Newsweek wrote about it. Pure lies, from supposedly respected institutions.

You want to know why I don't believe a fucking thing the Media has to say about Covid?

Well I want to know why you DO.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."






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