
UPDATED: Monday, October 14, 2024 14:37
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Sunday, May 8, 2022 2:33 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Supreme Court justices lied in their confirmation hearings about abortion

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said Sunday that multiple Supreme Court justices lied in their confirmation hearings about abortion, echoing the statements of Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins in the wake of the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion.

“If a corporation put these kind of statements in their quarterly filings, they would be seen to be purposefully misleading and deemed fraud,” Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think they misled the Senate with the intention of getting their confirmation vote with the intention of overruling Roe.”

Gillibrand was addressing last week’s leak of a draft opinion that showed the Supreme Court was prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationally.

“Four justices in the last hearings I’ve witnessed have said that precedent matters and that precedent is the foundation of our legal system,” she said. “And so if they just feel they can just upend this precedent because they don’t like it today, well, that’s inconsistent with what they promised.”

Collins (R-Maine) last week said she felt betrayed by what she saw in the draft opinion. “If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice [Neal] Gorsuch and Justice [Brett] Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in a statement. Murkowski (R-Alaska) made a similar statement: “It was not the direction that I believed that the court would take, based on statements that have been made about Roe being settled and being precedent.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 8, 2022 2:44 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

If the Supreme Court does in fact overturn the right to an abortion, the difference between pre-Roe and post-Roe, according to Joffe, would be that today, there would be harsh and unprecedented punishments for those who receive one.

Pre-Roe, "abortion was illegal and everybody knew it, but there was no anti-abortion movement to speak of," Joffe explained. "There was nothing remotely resembling what we have today. So even though it was illegal, there was, relatively speaking, very little conviction of doctors or of anybody who did it."

While doctors faced the potential for prison time and disbarment, they were infrequently criminalized for performing abortions, Joffe said.

"Relatively speaking, very few doctors were convicted," she said, adding that it was about "a handful."

US courts frequently regarded women who got abortions as "victims" rather than as accomplices or criminals, according to a 2001 research article that studied abortion from the 1860s to 1970s.

Today, Joffe warns, some legislation criminalizes both people who get an abortion and perform, marking an entirely different landscape for reproductive rights. Lizelle Herrera, for instance, had been arrested and charged with murder last month in the state of Texas after a self-induced abortion, police said.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 8, 2022 3:36 PM


Two children killed in post birth Abortion Blast ...Assault Bomb Abortional explosive device blast in Syria

abortion baby killing becomes a homicide?

Justice Kavanaugh's neighbor is organizing the protest outside his home.

Not just ill-han Omar wants to Abort America and Not Abort islamics

The Satanic Temple Has Joined The Fight To Keep Abortion Legal

Antifa goons do terroristic attacks and firebomb pro-life crisis pregnancy center?

Wisconsin anti-abortion headquarters reportedly attacked

Lefterrorists Attack?


Originally posted by second:
Quotes Infamous Witch Trial Judge

second why are you not out there promoting all islamo women to abort their kids?

Speaking of islamist witch trials Second and I know you Love your Best friend politician illhan omar
and in the Middle East and parts of Asia and Africa where you can be stoned to death or beheaded for 'witchcraft'

second, you keep telling me you know those islamic texts from 1400 years ago, you keep telling me you read the book of the pedophile islamist mohammed and the islamist mohammedan writings

Why don't you quote me any page, any paragraph at all from the Koran or Quran or islamic texts

Why can't you tell me what kind of person this mahomet was?


Monday, May 9, 2022 2:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Missouri will automatically ban Plan B if Roe is overturned.

Louisiana is voting to make the use of an IUD murder.

Republican senators like Marsha Blackburn and Senate candidates like Blake Masters (AZ) have now come out against the 1965 court decision legalizing contraception.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 9, 2022 7:56 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Just a reminder:
The issue at the core of this debate is consent.
Not religion. Not privacy.
The issue is, when does a person get to consent to another human's use of their body?
And when do they get forced (by a man, by a government, or a kid, or a hospital) to let another human use their body?

In case an example is needed:
Person1: A kid needs your kidney — they'll die without it.
Person2: I'm so sorry. But I don't consent to them using my kidney.
Person1: Ok. Your body, your choice.
P1: A kid needs your uterus - they'll die without it.
P2: I'm so sorry. But I don't consent to them using my uterus.
In both examples, the issue is consent. Person2 does not consent to the use of their kidney (or their uterus), even if a kid will die because of that choice. The difference in these two examples is that Person1 views the right to consent to "the use of a kidney" and "the use of a uterus" as different:
- For a kidney, the person with the kidney gets to decide -even if a kid dies.
- For a uterus, the person with the uterus does not get to decide - because a kid will die.
As a society, we have collectively agreed that bodily autonomy is your right.
It's your kidney. It's your liver. It's your lung.
Even if a kid will die, you cannot be forced to let them use your kidney.
Even if a kid will die, you cannot be forced to let them use your uterus.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 9, 2022 9:50 PM


You probably should have stood with me against vaccine mandates.

Now you all look like a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Well... you always look like that anyhow, but you never do miss an opportunity to put it on display for everyone to see.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, May 9, 2022 9:54 PM


I think the issue at the core of this is privacy.



Monday, May 9, 2022 10:00 PM



Originally posted by THG:

I think the issue at the core of this is privacy.


Oh. Like your right to medical privacy? As in, not losing your fucking job because you wouldn't submit to an unconstitutional vaccine mandate?

Or do you mean how the Leftists constantly doxx people they don't like and send the ultra-extreme Leftist murdertards after them, either showing up at their houses in person or trying to kill them by proxy and SWATting them?

Shut up, Ted.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, May 9, 2022 11:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You probably should have stood with me against vaccine mandates.

Now you all look like a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Well... you always look like that anyhow, but you never do miss an opportunity to put it on display for everyone to see.

Friendly reminder that it is a federal crime to use organs from a deceased person who didn't give permission while alive, even if those organs are the difference between life and death for someone. That draft decision on abortion would give living women less bodily autonomy than a corpse.

P.S. Once again, 6ix, you're showing a misunderstanding of what the word hypocrite means. It ain't hard to understand, but still you don't.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 9, 2022 11:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

I think the issue at the core of this is privacy.


Oh. Like your right to medical privacy? As in, not losing your fucking job because you wouldn't submit to an unconstitutional vaccine mandate?

Or do you mean how the Leftists constantly doxx people they don't like and send the ultra-extreme Leftist murdertards after them, either showing up at their houses in person or trying to kill them by proxy and SWATting them?

Shut up, Ted.

6ix, It is not unconstitutional to fire people because they voted for Trump. They get fired for all kinds of reasons, but mainly because the job is the company's property, not the employee's, although time after time some worthless poor white trash is fired who will never understand they were fired because they don't have a constitutional right to be employed.

P.S. Employees do have a constitutional right to abortion, which 5 justices have decided, maybe, to make unconstitutional. Or maybe not. Who knows for sure which way those 5 will fall?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 9, 2022 11:44 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You probably should have stood with me against vaccine mandates.

Now you all look like a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Well... you always look like that anyhow, but you never do miss an opportunity to put it on display for everyone to see.

Friendly reminder that it is a federal crime to use organs from a deceased person who didn't give permission while alive, even if those organs are the difference between life and death for someone. That draft decision on abortion would give living women less bodily autonomy than a corpse.

P.S. Once again, 6ix, you're showing a misunderstanding of what the word hypocrite means. It ain't hard to understand, but still you don't.


Your reply, as per usual, has nothing to do with my post and as such does not prove your conclusion.

Try again, Hypocrite.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, May 9, 2022 11:50 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

I think the issue at the core of this is privacy.


Oh. Like your right to medical privacy? As in, not losing your fucking job because you wouldn't submit to an unconstitutional vaccine mandate?

Or do you mean how the Leftists constantly doxx people they don't like and send the ultra-extreme Leftist murdertards after them, either showing up at their houses in person or trying to kill them by proxy and SWATting them?

Shut up, Ted.

6ix, It is not unconstitutional to fire people because they voted for Trump.

I didn't say one fucking word about getting fired for supporting Trump, so I won't even grace you with any more of a reply to this asinine sentence than that.


They get fired for all kinds of reasons, but mainly because the job is the company's property, not the employee's, although time after time some worthless poor white trash is fired who will never understand they were fired because they don't have a constitutional right to be employed.


We'll see what you have to say about it now that the pendulum is in full swing the other way and they come for your buddies.

SPOILER ALERT: My position will not have changed regarding this, and yours will.


P.S. Employees do have a constitutional right to abortion, which 5 justices have decided, maybe, to make unconstitutional. Or maybe not. Who knows for sure which way those 5 will fall?

They never did. Learn what the Constitution is, retard.

Regardless, I've already gone on record stating that I think overturning Roe v Wade is a mistake. Also one that I never thought they'd actually make.

You're all for "My Body, My Choice" when they want you to be, but you were just fine with corporations invading people's privacy and medical records and firing them because they wouldn't get vaccinated.

SPOILER ALERT 2: A LOT of people who didn't get vaccinated voted Democrat in 2020 and most of their life before that.

I'm sure you'll still be scratching your head wondering all the reasons why Democrats lost the Latino vote and that blacks won't be lagging too far behind.

This is just one of those reasons.

One of the many, many reasons.

Good luck ever getting Democrats back in office once the only ones left voting for them are rich white racists and their blue-checkmark minority pets.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:24 AM


Remember when we had a guy called 'PirateNews'

This PirateNews he used to post these wacko conspiracy posts about Firefly being a documentary or 911 Conspiracy or a world taken over by the US and Communist China or rant about things like Baal some weird Baphomet transexual Goat religion thing from Canaan, becoming a fallen angel and a demon, linked to a Masonic Solomon and stories about an army of 66 legions of demons, and Molech and Saturn and Cronos and Aztec gods, there was also a bunch of Haiti Satanic Voodoo stuff and Ba'al Ha'amon a related god to the one in Arabia, that Phoenician the chief North Africa god of Carthage....
This conspiracy poster, he might post about tribal societies a cannibalism thing and headhunting, I don't think he covered Japan or Tibet or India much they had this thing called 'Thuggee' and police in Khurja reported "dozens of sacrifices" in the period of half a year in 2006, by followers of Kali, the goddess of death and time,
January 2008, Milton Blahyi of Liberia confessed being part of human sacrifices which "included the killing of an innocent child and plucking out the heart, which was divided into pieces for us to eat." He fought against Charles Taylor's militia, there is still black market demand for child abduction in countries such as Kenya for purposes which include human sacrifice... the user 'PirateNews' would often post random almost crazed examples of weird news or rant and rant about this Occult 'Satanic' stuff but it rarely made sense.
anyways it always seemed like Gibberish or spiritual religion silliness or 'Conspiracy' or wacky Occult stuff or
or pedophile islands or a child killing horror movie thing on MTV or a Ritual in 'Bohemian Grove' the Conspiracy would never make any kind of sense in any clownworld or would it?

However what we see now is


even more crazy than PirateNews perhaps?

Are some individual leftists supporting an argument for some kind of 'forced sterilization'

How could I say such a thing?
Well the way I've seen some in viral mobile cellphone footage, the way ive seen some behave is like when you read those stories about serial killers and the signs, they would rip dolls apart, pull wings of flies, play weird cruel games with their toys and the parents knew this kid was 'special' or would grow up disturbed?

and that's what sometimes you see,
a very disturbed person doing weird kind of occult bloody sacrifice things to some doll...for what reason I do not know...maybe its Group frenzy mania hysteria or maybe the years of bad tv, booze and drugs?

What I do not understand is the overall mob, the ones that were supposed to be more normal yet supporting fire bombings but perhaps there is no understanding a mob, it is a frenzy thing, a pack, its own entity

These Neo-Left firebomb Pro-Life offices? They are attacking Churches the Christian ones

The Left once used to mean something but what happened to the illiberal, the regressive left?
but these Nu-Left they won't attack Synagogues, they will not attack the Sikh freaks....maybe they fear it as an unknown that guy with a Turban on his head, they are too cowardly to go outside Mosques, maybe won't go near some Buddha Temple just in case some Shaolin Monk comes out and looses his cool and gives them a round house kick to the face?

Thank the silly fem literature and dumb tv shows for 'NPC' types wearing those "Handmaid's Tale" costumes

A video gaming type gamergate 'journalist' guy was calling for more violence and killing? a left wing journalist has called for more terrorist attacks against anti-abortion groups.

but why are the US Christian Churches a Target?

Beetlejuice, seems to support the terrorist Firebombs, Chicago's Beetlejuice aka mayor Lori Lightfoot, with crime already off the scale in the city she wants more rioting and crime, she is cheering for the mob, she wants Antifa and Homosexuals and BLM and perverts on the street, she is calling for the people to get violent?

Outside people's homes, mobs with death threats, maybe its more than about the threats or firebombs or intimidating Supreme Court Justices, maybe its about attack the Tradition of America itself, attack Lady Liberty herself, kill the traditional family and its about attacking Christianity, because in order to flip the table over, flip an entire room upside down, first they want to utterly destroy the old Christian Traditional family because it stands in their way?


To my friends in the LGBTQ+ community—the Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms.

These kind don't operate on logic anymore it seems to be all emotion driven, they are the same kind that want more islamic immigration while islamics throw gays off high buildings?


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

SPOILER ALERT 2: A LOT of people who didn't get vaccinated voted Democrat in 2020 and most of their life before that.

I'm sure you'll still be scratching your head wondering all the reasons why Democrats lost the Latino vote and that blacks won't be lagging too far behind.

This is just one of those reasons.

One of the many, many reasons.

Good luck ever getting Democrats back in office once the only ones left voting for them are rich white racists and their blue-checkmark minority pets.

The Democrats are the party for people who follow the rules, while the Republicans break rules. There are exceptions: Black and Latin who break the rules all the time may vote Democrat but they should become Republicans. Rule 1 is to get vaccinated. Rule 2 is go to the dentist. Rule 3 is don't smoke. Rule 4 is don't be a drunk. Rule 5 is go to work. Rule 6 is don't fornicate. Rule 7 is don't get fat. (6ix broke rules 1 to 6) There are many more rules.

What do the rules get for you? My sisters (a teacher and a nurse) and I (an engineer) follow the rules and became multi-millionaires without traumas or dramas along the way. (Well, I did break some rules and I sure as hell paid for it with unnecessary drama.) Just in case you think my family had the wealth of a Trump, my father was a Burger King manager. My mother worked at Burger King. Meanwhile, all my cousins break all the rules and vote for Trump because he promised to MAGA.

My cousins had a lot of drama in their lives, never had money, and all the male cousins died young because they broke the rules about working, cheating and health. How do I know the dead male cousins would have voted for Trump? Their children take after their fathers in breaking rules and being unsuccessful. The children vote for Trump.

If you want to vote for Trump and break the rules necessary for a healthy, long, easy, rich life, go right ahead. It will do you no good voting for Trump if you break the rules, but if it makes you feel better, do it. That should also apply to Blacks and Latins who break the rules. Being a Democrat, but breaking the rules because you don't even know the rules, especially Rule #1 - vaccination and Rules #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7, will not give you a successful life. You'd be more consistent if you voted for Trump because your life is a dramatic failure.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:34 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

SPOILER ALERT 2: A LOT of people who didn't get vaccinated voted Democrat in 2020 and most of their life before that.

I'm sure you'll still be scratching your head wondering all the reasons why Democrats lost the Latino vote and that blacks won't be lagging too far behind.

This is just one of those reasons.

One of the many, many reasons.

Good luck ever getting Democrats back in office once the only ones left voting for them are rich white racists and their blue-checkmark minority pets.

The Democrats are the party for people who follow the rules, while the Republicans break rules. There are exceptions: Black and Latin who break the rules all the time may vote Democrat but they should become Republicans. Rule 1 is to get vaccinated. Rule 2 is go to the dentist. Rule 3 is don't smoke. Rule 4 is don't be a drunk. Rule 5 is go to work. Rule 6 is don't fornicate. Rule 7 is don't get fat. (6ix broke rules 1 to 6) There are many more rules.

Wow. Somebody is feeling super religious and righteous today, huh?

We know you murder people, Arthur.

Not going to read one second more of that bullshit today... Or any day.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Wow. Somebody is feeling super religious and righteous today, huh?

We know you murder people, Arthur.

Not going to read one second more of that bullshit today... Or any day.

I am an atheist, 6ix. I am not an agnostic. I am not a religious person who hasn't selected a church. But I am an engineer who pays attention to what causes failure/death/trauma/divorce and I have seen people die for breaking simple rules like 'Don't smoke'. I have also seen people die for breaking simple safety rules at work or while hunting. One of those dead cousins of mine, whose son votes for Trump, died while pheasant hunting because he didn't follow the safety rules about shotguns and accidentally shot himself in the neck. The Bible says nothing about shotguns, just in case you think it has something to do with religion. Trump voters, and others not careful about following rules, can't improve their lives, regardless of which political party is in power.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:07 AM


I'm not having this conversation with you anymore, Second.

It's your go-to diversion whenever you've lost an argument.

Let me know when you want to stop making yourself look like an asshole and we can get back on topic so I can continue making you look like an asshole.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:12 AM


Lori Lightfoot Urges 'Call to Arms' Against Supreme Court Over Roe v. Wade


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has put out a "call to arms"

Six might be an addict, have his issues but I guess sometimes I respect his thoughts as he does sometimes have a genuine sense of reality and honesty with himself

You second however are a proven liar and try to cover up your own fib, lie and falsification you avoid, cover your distortion and lies

Why does someone keep shifting, trying to change their spots like some cartoon cat, go Chameleon on subjects and keep shape shifting their political reality to suit some political agenda


Originally posted by second:

The Bible says

BLA blah Blah Bible, which version of the Christian Bible, there are many versions and why do you keep try attacking them?
Are you quoting Lutheran, Mormon Bible, the Russian Orthdox Bible, the Anglican, Vatican Roman Catholic Bible, some French Bible in Canada, the British Queen's Protestant Bible, the Armenian Apostolic, the Jew Arabic versions of Bible, Syriac Orthodox, the Coptic Egypt Christain Orthodox, Assyrian Church, are you quoting some Scientology bible thing, some Freemason Satanic Shriner Bible goat worshiping 'Bible' where they pray to muhammed? the Greek Orthodox, the Hebrew Bible?

From what I know of the writing of 'Jesus' he was a chilled cooled hippe type who reportedly done magical miracle type stuff, he did lose his calm once in a while throwing bankers from the temple or tell people to sell their cloak and purchase a Sword or 'Sell your cloak and buy a sword' it might read in the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic or Latin 'one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one' let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one, or “Go Buy a Sword!”

It has been wrote and some other guy translates and re-writing and copied and wrote again many times. As a Book it is a collection of religious books considered true and material canon accepted as officially part of the continuity story in certain Churches, some Christian churches disagree as to what happened and certain pages are changed to have more 'true' meaning or left out and removed. It has been re-written and quoted and re-wrote and re-translated many times. When you quoted this book you never told me which Bible site or which version of the Bible you quote from?

But since you're such an expert in US and World culture and Religions why don't you tell us about the Jewish Babylonian Talmud
or Marxism or the wonders of Socialist writers who have helped killed millions
perhaps quote the crazy Buddha in the Tripitaka, Mahayana, Sutras or the Sikhs or Sanskrit writings of Jainism, or some of that Native Voodoo African Hoodoo gibberish or and Hindu Street shitter writings?
or quote some of your favorite political authority leaders?
or that German guy a Socalist who killed 8 Million? Jews, Roma, Gypsies?
or QUOTE that shit islamo Book the Koran or Quran?


Originally posted by second:

I am an atheist, 6ix.

You are NOT an Anti-theist

Neither are you a true Atheist ... not while Ex-muslim atheists are getting beheaded, shot, stoned to death and bombed and yet you support this 'culture'?
Bomb Cartoonists

What surprises me is sometimes your utter Schizo-like short circuiting cognitive dissonance?
What surprises me is how you are an 'Artist' and yet sometimes so deceptive to yourself and everyone else and so rigid.

I guess maybe we should feel sorry for you because of those family 'issues' but Very often on the subject of faiths and religions and zealots and jihads you come across as a fucking coward and a Liar.

The family things explain much so I guess I should cut you slack.

Gun Deaths are very high in the States, it is a fact of life and maybe a mindset or part of the frontier, there are guys in Canada and Switzerland who have high levels of guns but low Gun Crime, some nations have High Gun Control and still have High Crime or Low Gun Control and Still have High Crime or High Gun Control and Low Crime like Japan or Low Gun Control and Low Crime or Low Control insane level of Terrorism and Crime like Parts of the Middle East, Africa or Latin America, that's why I beleiev their is a 'Cultural' Level and Responsibility Level to this stuff and not magical Assault Guns flying around by themselves like a sentient AI robot and attacking people like a fictional Thor's magic hammer does, countries like Honduras, Venezuela, Jamaica, El Salvador, Eswatini in Swaziland Africa, Guatemala, Brazil, Colombia ...Hunting and gun Rights and Second Amendment is going to be around for sometime to come no matter how much the Nu-Left wants to make American into a Britain or Cuba or Laos or Angola or Sweden or Japan or some other social nu-global democrat Nanny-State place.

This tragic event happened to your family, you said the person who caused it was irresponsible, a self inflicted deadly wound
So why Punish the rest of the world for the mistake of someone else, maybe the event has no answer, yet because of your Authoritarianism Personality you would rather punish other responsible people and take rights away from those who did nothing wrong?
Maybe the trauma of hearing of the event and funeral changed you and changed you and you never learned to deal with it or get over it, int he chaos and freedoms of the world you just decided to blame Conservatives or the Bible or Trump for it because it works out better as you have something to blame?

Are you truly Atheist?

IF You Were an Atheist you would call out the islamists, 250 + Million Dead in the name of that dead fuck pedophile prophet mahomet and that fucking Moongod al-Lah

Yet everytime islamism or mohammedanism comes up you fucking defend it like a crazed loony pervert

Rather than belief in Aliens or a God or some enity power from some mutliple dimension or Spiritualism,
maybe you are a nihilistic or believes simply in politcis you still believe have faith in a government regarded as overprotective or as interfering unduly with invasions of personal freedoms, you support a government that others see as a tyrant
because you are the 'engineer' and know better?
It does not matter when you are wrong?
Because being the expert enginner type or painting type You are Never Wrong it Pains you so much to admit so You Neevr Admit You Are Wrong.
Your Ego and narcissism says if the first tool didn't fix the political job, well simply distort the truth? Cover up the original lie
try another political slogan engineer tool, if that doesn't work then just lie try again and eventually you finally find the correct Tool in your bag of devices ...getiing that political job done justifies the means even if some of it might be built upon the foundation of another lie...and when the political jobs is done, you were the engineer expert you knew it all and say Oh Yes I'm the Political Engineer expert and I knew the Right Tool for the Job all Along?

I'm the expert atheist you say and you lower guys operating on any kind of instinctual or spiritual level were wrong all along!
The religion type Who did their own thing, Who liked breaking simple rules Who didn't follow the rules were wrong all along?

Perhaps 'Abortion' seems to be killing more Americans than Guns? Or maybe your mind is in a weird political way that you don't consider a Baby a human person? ... Has your hatred for the Republican Conservative Christian gone so deep it distorted your perception? Do you no longer believe Abortion Survivors have the Right to Survive?

Have you ever once tried to self analyse yourself
like that 9Axes Political test?
9Axes, based another test 8value a political quiz
Maybe you're just an

You told me many times you read the Quran or Koran, you know the islamic texts???

If you have read them

Can you Firefly user Second quote me any page any paragraph at all from those islamo texts,
and describe to me what kind of person this moohammad was?


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:23 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Six might be an addict, have his issues but I guess sometimes I respect his thoughts as he does sometimes have a genuine sense of reality and honesty with himself

It's nice to know that this doesn't go unnoticed.

I've made a LOT of mistakes in my life. Many of them are chronicled right here on and I've never once gone back and deleted a single post of mine. Ted has even taken it upon himself to go back through my often terrible past and drudge up old posts of mine that I made when I was blackout drunk in an attempt to shame me.

I've apologized, sincerely, for the things I've said here during the time that I was the worst possible me that I could be. But I won't delete them.

Yup. I used to drink a tanker truck of booze in 6 months.

Yup. I used to get high every day, at one point for 12 years straight.

Yup. I lost 22 of my teeth.

Yup. I got laid off from my last good job 13 years ago and haven't even made what I used to make in 2 years in the 13 years that followed.

Yup. I had premarital sex, got a woman pregnant, and were one of the men who had their baby murdered without anybody ever even stopping to ask me what my opinion was first.

Yup. I smoke and drink too much coffee.

I don't deny any of these things. I never have.

I'm also not ashamed of them. Why should I be? What purpose does that serve? And why would I ever let some random person online shame me about any of it when I know full well that he's got plenty of demons in his own closet that he's wrestling with every day?... Just like everybody else does.

For better or for worse, they are among the things that make me who I am today. The things that I can fix, I've either already fixed them, I'm working on fixing them, or they're goals on my never-ending to-do list. I'm not going to spend any time and mental energy worrying about feeling bad about those things that I can't fix. Those teeth are never going to grow back. Boo hoo.

The great thing about hitting rock bottom is that there's nowhere to go but up.

5 years, 5 months and 10 days sober. It's probably been 8 years now since I smoked weed.

I'm not worried about my future, and I spend a lot of my free time ACTUALLY helping friends, family and neighbors out instead of VIRTUALLY signalling how great I am on Twitter for likes.

I know there's still a lot of room for improvement.

I'm a work in progress.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:31 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The great thing about hitting rock bottom is that there's nowhere to go but up.

5 years, 5 months and 10 days sober. It's probably been 8 years now since I smoked weed.

I'm not worried about my future, and I spend a lot of my free time ACTUALLY helping friends, family and neighbors out instead of VIRTUALLY signalling how great I am on Twitter for likes.

I know there's still a lot of room for improvement.

I'm a work in progress.

My father broke the rule about not smoking. He had excuses: Lucky Strikes and Camels were free to soldiers during WWII. He kept smoking, I remember it well, but then he stopped, years passed, and then he died. It was a huge surprise to him, but NOT TO ME, that quitting didn't mean my father would live a long life.

He was absolutely certain that once he quit, the harm was soon left behind. This is a concept that a majority of humans misunderstand because they think they will be forgiven when they break any rules, mostly because rules don't instantly kill them. I have fought and worked and gone drinking/eating/recreating/gambling in places that will kill me today when the rules are broken, so I have a concrete and very different idea how reality works than most people.

Most people believe in their hearts, a religious belief they will be forgiven when they make "mistakes", but reality does NOT work that way. The man-made Universe I live in can be horrifyingly ugly and it has a perfect and unforgiving memory, and will make anybody poor, sad, sick and dead, despite them not remembering what they did wrong 5 years or more in the past.

May your past not catch up with you, 6ix. The universe is a random place where good luck is possible.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:56 PM



Originally posted by second:
My father broke the rule about not smoking. He had excuses: Lucky Strikes and Camels were free to soldiers during WWII. He kept smoking, I remember it well, but then he stopped, years passed, and then he died. It was a huge surprise to him, but NOT TO ME, that quitting didn't mean my father would live a long life.

He was absolutely certain that once he quit, the harm was soon left behind. This is a concept that a majority of humans misunderstand because they think they will be forgiven when they break any rules, mostly because rules don't instantly kill them. I have fought and worked and gone drinking/eating/recreating/gambling in places that will kill me today when the rules are broken, so I have a concrete and very different idea how reality works than most people.

Most people believe in their hearts, a religious belief they will be forgiven when they make "mistakes", but reality does NOT work that way. The man-made Universe I live in can be horrifyingly ugly and it has a perfect and unforgiving memory, and will make anybody poor, sad, sick and dead, despite them not remembering what they did wrong 5 years or more in the past.

May your past not catch up with you, 6ix. The universe is a random place where good luck is possible.

My past has already caught up with me in many ways. I have less than 1/3rd of my teeth left. I have quite a few family and friends I'll likely never be talking to again (whether that's a bad thing or not in most cases is probably subjective though).

I'm under no illusion that I get any do-overs, and even if I were to quit now I probably already cut quite a few years off of my life. And unlike Dennis Leary joking that it's "the bad ones at the end that nobody wants", I know that isn't true and I'll still be stuck with those bad ones that nobody wants and I'm just shortening the amount of good ones I still have left in me every day I don't quit.

I mean, honestly, I really don't care much about that though. The "best" years are already behind me, and I wasted most of them. I'm never getting them back.

All I can do now is try to make the ones I have left as stress free and enjoyable as possible while helping out the small number of people I actually do care about.

I have no desire to live another 40 years. It would be nice to at least get a few years of Social Security payments and not be carting around an oxygen tank everywhere I go though.

At this point, I'm only about 10 years away from when the males in my family start dropping like flies. Except for two of them in the previous generation who have both reached retirement age, everybody else has died before they would have been able to retire.

And whether or not there is a Heaven and Hell, I'm okay with this.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 3:30 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

And whether or not there is a Heaven and Hell, I'm okay with this.

Being fatalistic is maybe your philosophy, although not one I find useful.

Here is how the Supreme Court got to where it is on abortion:

President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act had mandated long overdue reform that contraception be covered by insurance at no extra cost to the employee. The owners of the craft supply chain Hobby Lobby sought to deny their employees this coverage, using their go-to claim that it violated their religious beliefs. Core to the plaintiffs’ case was the claim that the owners of Hobby Lobby believed that some kinds of contraception were “abortifacients.” This term was straight out of anti-abortion propagandist John Willke’s playbook. It suggested, with no grounding in medical fact, that birth control was tantamount to abortion. In a hotly contested 5-4 decision, the court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, opening the door to the erosion of all sorts of hard-won gains in the name of moral objection. Tellingly, the court’s majority wrote that the fact that birth control did not actually cause abortions was irrelevant in this context. For a violation of religious liberty to occur, the plaintiff must only believe that it could happen.

More about the 40-Year Plot to Undo Roe v. Wade at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 4:08 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Single-minded pursuit of an end to abortion

If we are by now accustomed to discussing ulterior motives and the well-documented history of legislators using abortion rhetoric to consolidate the right, we speak less of how the rhetoric works: by triggering in its subjects a stomach-churning horror. Millions of Americans believe that their fellow citizens tolerate and participate in the ongoing mass extermination of human children. They go to sleep — as I did as a child — assuming that the next day will involve thousands of babies murdered in a medical setting, whereupon cynical adults will call these murders “choices.” It is a horror not only in its violence but in the way it frames social reality; a world of self-justificatory liars slaughtering the innocent, architects of a darkness on par with the Holocaust or slavery. The family given to this worldview is focused on the grisly death of a child against the harrowing idea of “a woman’s right,” the repetition of which becomes itself part of the nightmare. Every other call to humanity then becomes a kind of hypocrisy: How can you claim to care about some narrow issue of social justice when you condone this unspeakable violence? It is a darkness the democratic process is not particularly equipped to handle, in that it breaks the terms of negotiation. If you come to believe you live in a state that sanctions the routine murder of children, nearly anything can be justified in their defense. “Abortion is murder,” reads the old tagline for the radical activist group Operation Rescue. “Act like it.”

This directive is illuminating in that, for a long time, even anti-abortion groups did not act like it. They hadn’t yet captured a party.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 4:57 PM


Could we all be at fault for this shit?

How did the mob get into this mess
Perhaps it was really Greatest Generation who caused all this, that Holly weirdo shit much-publicized murder known as the "Black Dahlia", that fucking ugly Lizard Queen of England owning most of the Land on Planet Earth? the Commie scumbag Fidel Castro, the pin up slut Bettie Page, Ayatollah Khomeini, that crackhead faggot with an out of tune jazz trumpet called Miles Davis that Satanic masonic Shriner Sammy Davids Jnr, Gerald Ford another Freemason Shriner, the Low IQ Robert Mugabe, and the senile Ronnie Raygun.
Maybe it was the silent Generation the type who gave us Gaddafi, a dead actress Sharon Tate, Jim Jones Kool Aid Juice and Jonestown?
should we thank the Retarded Boomers, its was the BOOMERS !! Boomer did all this Wacko Michael Jackson the pedo rumors surrounding Jacko, the Trump, Obama hot headed and smooth talk generation, Vlad Putin the killer an invader, Boomers gave us Pablo Escobar the drug runner, Whitney Houston out of her mind on crack, the ugly witch Madonna, the giant French Westler freak 88. André the Giant, the vaccines of Bill Gates, the scientology of John Travolta, Boomers gave us the Murdering OJ Simpson, the utter faggotry of Elton John and growing years of neo-liberalism and open borders and abortionism?
Was it the Millennials who did all this, the people wearing Che t-shirts Kim Jong-un types, they wasted their life on games made Pew Die Pie Big, that Amy Winehouse or Rihanna and a drunken Barbara Pierce Bush and Seth Rogan and Ivanka Trump were a thing for their time.
Could we blame Gen Z and the disgusting Kylie Jenner and her ugly rapper, the types who fawn over David Hogg?
Maybe what you see now is the slow push back, decades on garbage forced into magazine and tv, while West slowly entering a more heated and violent State of Collapse

More Terroristic Fire Bombs on their Way?

Is the Hollyweird Commiefornia Degenerate Programming Wearing Off For Some?

So the FBI that covered up for Epstein have nothing to say about Antifa Feminist Dyke Homosexual leftist protesters, some of them which have gone around with Fire Bombs and now outside the Supreme Court homes screeching Death Threats to their family? trying to intimidate Supreme Court Justices into their way of thinking on abortion, by throwing stuff into their property and screeching like demons right outside their personal homes?

Why was that woman doing that sick ritual with a Baby Doll ???
and why are they carrying out fire bomb terrorist attacks ???

We are told by Leftist Globalist Media to Blame US Christian Republicans again as some scapegoat, because Blue Dems equals good and Red Conservative type bad
...pick the retards from Team A Blue and Not the retards from Team B Republican

There is no other Position in the universe, there is no third Choice?

It would seem since the Dawn of Time Most Civilisation and Most Religions Held a Typically Negative View on Abortion, Numerous religious traditions have taken a stances in history, taboo and negative or a Sin or Murder by Christians, there are some Buddhists who have strict diets and are not even sure about unfertilized eggs...from a chicken, forbidden by the Bahá'í Faith, more than just a Christain thing its a Muslim thing a Jew thing a Hindu thing, hold that life begins at conception.
Classical Hindu texts strongly condemn abortion

Yet the Leftist Bolsevik cowards seem to only want to Attack Traditional Christian America, Sikhs explicitly prohibit the practice of 'kuri-mar' the Punjabi term which literally means "girl killing" but also encompasses female why are the Neo Lefties only Attacking American Christians?
When it comes to calling out Hindus or Jews or islam these Leftwing Atheists suddenly turn into the greatest fucking liars and cowards?
They only desire to flip everything over, utterly destroy the system, replace it with anything inclduing islamism, the Christain tradion is in the way of the Authority of the Left and they only desire to target American's Christianity?

There were some PirateNews style Occult type ones discussed some time ago, firefly thread discussion that went way back in old civilizations, old stories about older cults of peoples that praised human sacrifice...the Aztec killed, some prayed to Baal some weird Baphomet or a world taken over by the US and Communist China or rant about things like transexual Goat religion thing from Canaan, stories of a creature becoming a fallen angel and a demon, linked to a Masonic Solomon and stories about an army of 66 legions of demons, Phoenician the chief North Africa god of Carthage and Molech and Saturn and Cronos and Aztec gods, there was also a bunch of Haiti Satanic Voodoo stuff and Ba'al Ha'amon a related god to the one in Arabia
then we had a guy called 'PirateNews' talk about crazies

However it turns out the Leftwings and Abortionists attacking the Supreme Court and Firebombing Offices
Might be the real Crazies,
and Committing Real Crimes

Finally someone in the White House condemned an attack launched at a ProLife group in Wisconsin?


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:30 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

And whether or not there is a Heaven and Hell, I'm okay with this.

Being fatalistic is maybe your philosophy, although not one I find useful.

I'm not fatalistic.

I don't believe in predetermination.

I just have no desire to live much beyond my mid 60's is all.

Our bodies were never made for such things. Until technology allows us to live into our 80's while still maintaining our bodies of our 20's, I think it's pointless to postpone the inevitable.

If I haven't done what I wanted to do by 65, there's not much chance I'm going to get it done after then.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 8:44 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

It would seem since the Dawn of Time Most Civilisation and Most Religions Held a Typically Negative View on Abortion, Numerous religious traditions have taken a stances in history, taboo and negative or a Sin or Murder by Christians, there are some Buddhists who have strict diets and are not even sure about unfertilized eggs...from a chicken, forbidden by the Bahá'í Faith, more than just a Christain thing its a Muslim thing a Jew thing a Hindu thing, hold that life begins at conception.

The Bible has a different story than the one that you and anti-abortionists are selling as the Truth.

Unfriendly reminder that the only thing the Bible says about abortion is how to perform one.

Life begins at birth — with the first breath (Gen 2:7).

Fetuses are not persons (Ex 21:22-25).

Fetuses should be aborted as proof of adultery (Numbers 5:11-31).

Life is not sacred (Deuteronomy 28:18-24).

God will rip open pregnant mothers-to-be (2 Kings 8:12).

Israelite King Menahem ripped open pregnant women (2 Kings 15:16).

God will kill unborn fetuses (Isaiah 13:18).

God will destroy fetuses in utero (Hosea 9:10-16).

God will dash infants in pieces and rip open pregnant women (Hosea 13:16).

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 11:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In Iran if a 12-year-old girl is raped and impregnated by her father, she must carry the baby to term, or be thrown in prison for life. Wait, sorry, no. That's Alabama.

11:38 PM · May 8, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 12:35 AM



Originally posted by second:
In Iran if a 12-year-old girl is raped and impregnated by her father, she must carry the baby to term, or be thrown in prison for life. Wait, sorry, no. That's Alabama.

Yeah. I don't think so.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 5:42 AM


Second every time you try debate or attack me you make silly assumptions, you try debate here but once again you assume I'm American or something

I have told you guys many times I have been to America but I'm not an American, what if I told you I was Shinto or Pagan or Buddhist or from some Native Tribal Religion on some Samoa island, would you attack the same way?


Originally posted by second:

The Bible has a different story than the one that you and anti-abortionists are selling as the Truth.

Who said I was Anti-Abortion? did I state any true position on this yet

I am however against terrorist attacks and Firebombs

Why are you supporting the Attackers now screeching like demons and throwing stuff outside the Supreme Court family homes?

Second you claim to know your Bible or do you? Are you just picking the old Jewish Christ Killer stuff from a webpage or interweb site, every time you try to criticize Christians and their Christian writings you seem to pick bits from the Old Jew Bible, the old Hebrew parts, with God blasting cities into Dust and Moses in a basket and Egyptians dying

You claim to have a Bible but you never told me which version of Bible you read, there are many many Churches with their own Bible Canon.
However in every Christian Bible they seem to share similar canon or continuity, the guy Jesus Christ comes much later, You need to fast forward and move half way into the Bible book and find 4 canonical gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Acts of the Apostles, maybe epistles I think its called and finally you get a lot of explosions and fire and swords and boom going off and a lot of Doomsday Apocalypse bits in The Book of Revelation.
If you split a Bible into two halves, the first half of the Bible the Jew Hebrew Bible, the second half of the Bible is the Christian Bible.

and Second
if the Bible is a Baby Killing Book and You are Pro-Abortion

Then Why the Fuck are you still Attacking Christianity or the Bible?

Anyways I will assume you by family or education or community are linked WASP Anglican style church or episcopal church background in regards to your experience with the religion by the way you quote the books, Protestant Bibles Chronicle 1–2 Kings, instead of 1–4 Kings? "Martyrdom of Isaiah" is different in Armenian Church and I believe Roman Catholic books are starting to use the term Esaias for Isaiah. Maybe you had a Anglican Bible in the family home? in the protocanonicals writing continuity,

once again 'Kings' is the old Christ Killer Jew Bible.

Hosea Old-Testament Jew Hebrew Bible

Ascension of Isaiah again this is the old Jew Bible and I think most Christian Churches no longer consider the writing true or part of canon Christian continuity, the pages have simply vanished, 'Isaiah' however does exist as a story.

Deuteronomy, Exodus, Numbers, Genesis once again Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew this is the Tanakh the collection of Hebrew scriptures, including the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim, it is first Jewish section of the Bible 'Christ Killer' section of the Bible.

So if the Church or Bible supports Abortion as you claim and you are PRO-ABORTION?

then why are you attacking it?

Maybe you jsut have 'issues'? Are you just schizo or you've some weird ptsd crazy thing inside your head something? Or do you just have utter contempt and blind hatred for the Bible and hatred for Christians?

You claim to know all religions very well and yet you can tell me nothing about them?


Originally posted by second:
Wait, sorry, no. That's Alabama.

So you're pro-islam, pro genital mutilation, support Rabbis biting the foreskins off babies, you support more islamic immigration and illegal immigrants, you are for the practice of Child Marriage in Africa and Hindu Sub Continent of India a practice that has mostly vanished from the West...but IMPORTANT thing is you're Anti-Alabama ... Ok Got It !

I have Never been to Alabama a state in the Southeastern region of the US, bordered by Tennessee to the north; Georgia to the east but I did hear it was kind backward in time, redneck-ish or 'special'. I do hear it is getting more multi cultural with more more Indian Hindu temples, more Sephardi Jews, more Buddhist temples are concentrated in southern Mobile County, while the African Blacks are converting to other faith and some joining the local jihad Mosques in higher numbers.

So on these other cultures
You do know of 'Bacha Bazi' and the founder of islam a pedophile terrorist man called moohamamed married a 6 year old named Aisha?

Second you keep telling me you were such an expert on islam and you read the Quran or Koran correct?

If So and IF You are not a LIAR
Can you quote me any page any texts any paragraph at all from those so-called holy islamic texts and tell me what kind of person this mahomet was?


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:50 AM


So Yesterday I seen something like 10 seconds of a clip there was some guy, perhaps a Senator with one of those Middle America rural North accents, I'm not good on US accents or dialect ... America has sometimes strange accents that can blend together and move across State Lines and most Americans move States in their life so I don't think anyone's ears are good on US local accents but he might have been up near the Canada border, I thought there was something northern or rural about this voice maybe Idaho Wisconsin or maybe I'm wrong and it could be Deep South like old 'Dukes of Hazzard' tv shows. I only heard his voice a few second maybe Western, northern Mountain, Mid-West sounding but then again Washington does start to dillute people's accent, there was something farmland or rural area about him like 'President Johnson'. He was making a speech saying how they have all these Laws to Protect Unborn Turtle Reptiles or Eagle Birds still inside the womb or Egg, What in damned tarnation is going on, all these laws to protect Birds and Lizards.

He had a display behind him, in the film footage you had a pic maybe of a Bird diagram for a womb for something or a disply of Turtles Babies and he said you can't put stuff near them without getting arrested...but there is no Law to Protect the Human?

It was in a feed, I thought it made some kind of interesting point but clicked off and didnt watch.

US Global Leftwing Media must have seen the they twist and spin

So then I see globalist Leftwing mocking bird media, already in full information warfare twisting and lying and distorting his words.

The headlines are reading something like -
EVIL Republicans compare women to sea turtles and eagles in speech against 19th Amendment right

Well you know what idiots, for most of human history women have been second class, and what do the media do, they try make everyone hysterical over nothing, constantly post bullshit and made up partisan bias and spin, stupid lying fictional stories while a bunch of Taliban beards drove America out and it won't take long before it all goes crashing down and your Ninteeth Vanishes with it

and now the Neo-left is supporting Rioting Idiots attacking Churches, making threats to the Supreme Court Homes and throwing Firebombs into Buildings


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:57 AM


Ok he was from 'Montana' and I'm not even going to link to any story from those scumbag spin doctor news websites, fuck them.


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 7:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
In Iran if a 12-year-old girl is raped and impregnated by her father, she must carry the baby to term, or be thrown in prison for life. Wait, sorry, no. That's Alabama.

Yeah. I don't think so.

Rethink because it is true: The Republican-dominated Senate backed the Alabama bill which outlaws nearly all abortions, including in cases of rape and incest. They have been emboldened after the top court swung conservative after President Donald Trump named two judges to it. In supporting the bill, Republican state Senator Clyde Chambliss admitted the whole point is "so that we can go directly to the Supreme Court to challenge Roe versus Wade."

Alabama passed the strictest abortion law in the United States on Wednesday, as Republican governor Key Ivey signed it into law. "To the bill's many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians' deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God," Ivey said in her statement.

(Republicans just couldn't keep quiet that this passed because God told them to do it. When God speaks, even non-believers will be forced to obey God's will. The Iranians, the Republicans, and the Taliban understand that God comes first, last, always in a Democracy. Separation of Church and State is no more. Those awful Democrats have to either obey God's will or go to prison.)

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 7:38 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Well you know what idiots, for most of human history women have been second class, and what do the media do, they try make everyone hysterical over nothing, constantly post bullshit and made up partisan bias and spin, stupid lying fictional stories while a bunch of Taliban beards drove America out and it won't take long before it all goes crashing down and your Ninteeth Vanishes with it

and now the Neo-left is supporting Rioting Idiots attacking Churches, making threats to the Supreme Court Homes and throwing Firebombs into Buildings

This is NOT "stupid lying fictional stories":

The Horrifying Implications of Alito’s Most Alarming Footnote on Abortion

A “domestic supply of infants” is exactly what the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment intended to abolish. (The 14th Amendment ended trading children, just in case you didn't know the history of American slavery. Sometimes the children were traded for cash and sometimes the children were a gift to family or to friends in the plantation down the road.)

One of the most arresting lines in Justice Samuel Alito’s 98-page draft opinion reversing Roe v. Wade is a footnote that didn’t really surface until the weekend. A throwaway footnote on page 34 of the draft cites data from the CDC showing that in 2002, nearly 1 million women were seeking to adopt children, “whereas the domestic supply of infants relinquished at birth or within the first month of life and available to be adopted has become virtually nonexistent.” In response to the outrage and some misinformation, the conservative legal industrial complex went to great lengths to downplay it as a trivial footnote in a draft opinion; that Alito was citing the CDC and not himself; and that the note appears in a roundup of “people are saying” type arguments against abortion.

True. But the footnote reflects something profoundly wrong with the new “ethos of care” arguments advanced by Republicans who want to emphasize compassion instead of cruelty after the Dobbs fallout. Footnote 46, quantifying the supply/demand mismatch of babies, follows directly on another footnote in the opinion approvingly citing the “logic” raised at oral argument in December by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who mused that there is no meaningful hardship in conscripting women to remain pregnant and deliver babies in 2022 because “safe haven” laws allow them to drop those unwanted babies off at the fire station for other parents to adopt.

Second only to the creeping chatter of state birth control bans, the speedy pivot to celebrating forced birth and adoption is chilling. It’s chilling not just because it discounts the extortionate emotional and financial costs of childbirth and the increased medical risks of forced childbirth. It’s chilling because it lifts us out of a discussion about privacy and bodily autonomy and into a regime in which babies are a commodity and pregnant people are vessels in which to incubate them. If this sounds like a familiar, albeit noxious, economic concept– it’s because it is.

The economics of chattel slavery itself reflects a long sordid history of using women’s bodies to incubate babies for the benefit of others, and it’s no exaggeration to say that the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantees of “substantive due process” – much derided by Republicans and Alito – was an effort to put an end that practice. References to “safe havens” and the depleted domestic supply of adoptable babies are terrifying because this is exactly what the Fourteenth Amendment sought to curtail.

The Fourteenth Amendment’s much-maligned “substantive due process” protections for family liberty and autonomy and child-rearing were intended to protect former slaves from the very practice of allowing the state to violate your marriage, impregnate your wife, and steal your babies in order to serve the interests of white masters. As NYU law school Professor Peggy Cooper Davis noted in a 1993 law review article, Neglected Stories and the Lawfulness of Roe v. Wade, that later became her book, Neglected Stories, the Fourteenth Amendment was animated by antislavery ideas about the very nature of family and liberty. You can deride women, families, and privacy as lacking any historical or textual constitutional protection all you want, but according to Davis’ research on the Fourteenth Amendment’s debates and motivations:

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 9:16 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
In Iran if a 12-year-old girl is raped and impregnated by her father, she must carry the baby to term, or be thrown in prison for life. Wait, sorry, no. That's Alabama.

Yeah. I don't think so.

Rethink because it is true: The Republican-dominated Senate backed the Alabama bill which outlaws nearly all abortions, including in cases of rape and incest. They have been emboldened after the top court swung conservative after President Donald Trump named two judges to it. In supporting the bill, Republican state Senator Clyde Chambliss admitted the whole point is "so that we can go directly to the Supreme Court to challenge Roe versus Wade."

Alabama passed the strictest abortion law in the United States on Wednesday, as Republican governor Key Ivey signed it into law. "To the bill's many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians' deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God," Ivey said in her statement.

(Republicans just couldn't keep quiet that this passed because God told them to do it. When God speaks, even non-believers will be forced to obey God's will. The Iranians, the Republicans, and the Taliban understand that God comes first, last, always in a Democracy. Separation of Church and State is no more. Those awful Democrats have to either obey God's will or go to prison.)

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

This is how you people went from "Safe Legal and Rare" to "God Bless Abortions".

Can't you fucking Democrats ever take a WIN and leave it alone? Why do you always push everything to the INSANE EXTREME???

I will go on record stating my full conviction that in the ultra-fucking-super-rare event that some hick child rapist monster father puts a baby in his 12 year old girl that she shouldn't have to birth the child.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 8:31 PM


A gunman disguised as a FedEx driver shot and killed the son of a federal judge and wounded her husband at their New Jersey home, during those whole weird celebrity stuff, German banks and Epstein, the gunman was found dead from suicide ... Salas was assigned to handle a class action lawsuit brought against Deutsche Bank by Ali Karimi on behalf of investors who purchased securities, Bank itself deemed to be high risk, including, among others, the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein,” federal court records show.’...then a home of a Judge Attacked?
judge wasn't killed. Her family was injured (husband) and they killed her son.

Now we have Antifa and crazy Feminists and Bolsevik mobs outside the Supreme Court homes

Would Biden and Kamala re-act the same

If it were not Antifa or BLM or gross Feminists
a bunch of Christian KKK type Rednecks were doing the same thing making threats outside the homes of Judges

Judge Esther Salas now fights to protect all judges after the death of her son


Thursday, May 12, 2022 1:51 AM


Unfortunately, what will end up happening is that judges and police will end up being above the law when all the chips settle.

I fear the overreaction to the extreme insanity of the Left is going to be met with equal insanity by those on the Right and The People are all going to be paying for it.

I just wish that the Leftists would have listened to reason when I was doling it out, because now that the pendulum has started swinging the other way finally I'm afraid of how far it will swing.

I'd say that nobody wants the GWB years back, but let's not kid ourselves. They never went away. The Government grows more and more powerful every time it swings to the fringes, and they will never give any of that power back.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, May 14, 2022 7:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I fear the overreaction to the extreme insanity of the Left is going to be met with equal insanity by those on the Right and The People are all going to be paying for it.

I just wish that the Leftists would have listened to reason when I was doling it out, because now that the pendulum has started swinging the other way finally I'm afraid of how far it will swing.

Whether it’s the right painting Swastikas in blood on synagogues, or the left writing pro-choice slogans in chalk on Susan Collins’ driveway, both sides will stop at nothing to intimidate their opponents.

As peaceful protesters camp outside the homes of Supreme Court justices after the leaked draft that would overturn Roe v. Wade, far-right activists are doxxing Democratic federal judges and calling for their assassination.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 14, 2022 9:53 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I fear the overreaction to the extreme insanity of the Left is going to be met with equal insanity by those on the Right and The People are all going to be paying for it.

I just wish that the Leftists would have listened to reason when I was doling it out, because now that the pendulum has started swinging the other way finally I'm afraid of how far it will swing.

Whether it’s the right painting Swastikas in blood on synagogues, or the left writing pro-choice slogans in chalk on Susan Collins’ driveway, both sides will stop at nothing to intimidate their opponents.

Why not say "Whether it's the right painting Swastikas in blood on synagogues, or the left burning down cities, both sides will stop at nothing to intimidate their opponents?


As peaceful protesters camp outside the homes of Supreme Court justices after the leaked draft that would overturn Roe v. Wade, far-right activists are doxxing Democratic federal judges and calling for their assassination.

Your bullshit takes are so hypocritical.

You sat there calling the Freedom Convoy terrorists when there wasn't a single instance over months that had even a hint of a violent turn until the police came in and started beating and trampling people, and you completely neglect to talk about how pro-choice extremists fire bombed a building in Wisconsin last week. You were pratically celebrating Taylor Lorenz doxxing LibsOfTikTok only weeks after she was crying about being doxxed and bullied herself.

There are wack jobs on both sides of this. They ALL need to be punished for their crimes.

You keep turning a blind eye to this because of your politics and your not going to like the truly totalitarian government we end up getting.

I know I won't.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, May 14, 2022 1:41 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Lancet — one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world — is out with a forceful statement about Roe v. Wade *on the cover*.

"If the US Supreme Court confirms its draft decision, women will die. The Justices who vote to strike down Roe will not succeed in ending abortion, they will only succeed in ending safe abortion. Alito and his supporters will have women's blood on their hands."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 14, 2022 2:41 PM



Originally posted by second:
The Lancet — one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world — is out with a forceful statement about Roe v. Wade *on the cover*.

lol @ prestigious.


"If the US Supreme Court confirms its draft decision, women will die. The Justices who vote to strike down Roe will not succeed in ending abortion, they will only succeed in ending safe abortion. Alito and his supporters will have women's blood on their hands."

The Lancet has baby blood on their hands.

So do you.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, May 15, 2022 9:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
The Lancet — one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world — is out with a forceful statement about Roe v. Wade *on the cover*.

lol @ prestigious.


"If the US Supreme Court confirms its draft decision, women will die. The Justices who vote to strike down Roe will not succeed in ending abortion, they will only succeed in ending safe abortion. Alito and his supporters will have women's blood on their hands."

The Lancet has baby blood on their hands.

So do you.

The Supreme Court majority opinion actually allows any State legislature to overturn any old federal law and any old Supreme Court decision, on any subject, not just abortion. Justice Clarence Thomas made that clear 19 years ago. If the governor of a state wants to cancel a federal law, or wants to do something a federal law does not permit, the governor can do it if Clarence Thomas and four more Supreme Court justices also like the governor's idea.

After Overturning Roe v Wade, is it Clarence Thomas’s court now?

When the U.S. Supreme Court reversed itself in 2003 to strike down Texas’ ban on gay sex, two justices wrote very different dissenting opinions.

Most of the press attention focused on the longer of the two, by Justice Antonin Scalia, who read it word for word from the bench. He argued in some cases “discrimination is a constitutional right,” and called the court’s ruling “a massive disruption of the current social order.” He predicted the collapse of laws against adultery, bigamy, gay marriage, fornication and adult incest — and bestiality and obscenity, too.

“This effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation,” he wrote in his dissent in Lawrence v. Texas, the case arising from the arrest of John Geddes Lawrence and Tyron Garner by police who barged into their east Harris County apartment after a jealous ex-boyfriend had falsely reported a disturbance.

Nineteen years later, as the court appears set to overturn Roe v. Wade, Scalia’s thundering dissent no longer seems as important as a second dissent delivered that day, the one by Justice Clarence Thomas in far quieter language and spanning only two paragraphs. In our current moment, it may signal what lies ahead now that Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion in a pivotal Mississippi abortion case has been leaked.

In Lawrence, Thomas joined Scalia’s dissent, but wrote separately that although he found Texas’ law criminalizing sodomy by adults “silly,” and a waste of law enforcement resources, he believed nothing in the Constitution gave him the power to strike it down.

“I can find neither in the Bill of Rights nor any other part of the Constitution a general right of privacy,” he wrote, borrowing language from Justice Potter Stewart’s 1965 dissent in Griswold v. Connecticut, which granted adults the right to marital privacy and laid the groundwork for Roe v. Wade.

For all of Scalia’s overheated rhetoric, the legendary conservative justice was right that Lawrence would help usher in a wave of decisions striking down so-called morals legislation, and lead to gay marriage, among other outcomes. Yet it is that single sentence of Thomas’ that most accurately foreshadowed the vulnerability of Roe and perhaps other landmark decisions that hinged on past courts’ presumption of a right to privacy under the Constitution.

Alito doesn’t specifically say in his recently leaked draft, as Thomas did 19 years ago, that the right to privacy does not exist because the word cannot be found in the text of the Constitution.

Instead, he concludes that any right to privacy doesn’t extend to abortion.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 15, 2022 9:27 AM


That response not only didn't have anything to do with what I posted that you quoted, but it didn't have anything to do with what you posted that I quoted that you quoted.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:26 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That response not only didn't have anything to do with what I posted that you quoted, but it didn't have anything to do with what you posted that I quoted that you quoted.

Is second still supporting t he Abortionists and their Fire Bombings ??

Mobs of Bolseviks and open borders Lesbo Feminists following Supreme Court stalking their homes, throwing stuff and making death threats to their family?

and yet

There must also be big business in creating hoaxes?

or dumb hoax attention whore fucks can never draw a swastika properly

Why are these Hoaxers unable to make a Swastika, are they unable to look up a video game for reference, how to draw a swastika? or maybe too dumb to look at a history book or reference the design from Spielberg movie?


Originally posted by second:

Whether it’s the [ JUSSIE SMOLLETT Bolsevik Rabbi Leftwing ] painting Hate Crime hoax Swastikas in blood on synagogues?

Hey second can you explain what's going on with all these hate crime hoaxes

Dozens killed every weekend in Leftist Utopias like Chicago, LA, NewYork, Baltimore

Even when a crazy 'White Power' nutjob goes on a mass shooting he still can't get a higher kill score than a typical day in Chicago? they have to invent Hate Crime hoaxes out of thing air

You would think they would at least learn to make a correct Swastika and not some weird backwards looking cross thing from India or Thailand?


Sunday, May 15, 2022 11:03 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That response not only didn't have anything to do with what I posted that you quoted, but it didn't have anything to do with what you posted that I quoted that you quoted.

I have seen this kind of answer from supercilious construction craftsmen (generally angry poor white trash) and the only way to change their minds is hinting that the next words out of the boss-man's mouth will be "You're fired" unless the craftsman understands PDQ. Most of the time the craftsman will make an effort to understand, rather than continuing to run his stupid mouth. It turns out that the stupider craftsmen think they are the smartest. P.S. They wonder why they are frequently unemployed despite being so smart.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 7:32 AM


It thinks it's smart and it thinks people believes it has money.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, May 19, 2022 10:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It thinks it's smart and it thinks people believes it has money.

During a House hearing, the GOP demonized patients and doctors with QAnon-style conspiracy theories

"In places like Washington D.C.," fetuses are "burned to power the light's of the city's homes and streets," claimed Catherine Glenn Foster, who had, just minutes before, sworn not to lie under oath. The GOP-summoned witness let loose the wild and utterly false accusation that municipal electrical companies are powered by incinerated fetuses.

"The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators," she said, apparently repeating a misleading talking point from the same anti-choice activists caught stashing fetuses at home.

Foster is not some random nut that Republicans pulled off a soapbox at a subway station minutes before the hearing started. She is a Georgetown law school graduate who is paid $190,000 a year to be the president of Americans United for Life, one of the largest anti-abortion non-profits in the country. So it's not surprising that Foster believed she would get away with this absurd nonsense. Hers was merely one of a truly overwhelming number of lies that poured out of Republican lawmakers and witnesses alike throughout the course of Wednesday's hearing.

As their actual political views become harder to defend on the merits, Republicans increasingly embrace conspiracy theories and urban legends to justify the unjustifiable.

Republicans pretended progressives don't know what a "woman" is. They insisted that the mere existence of abortion shows that birth control efforts are useless. (On the contrary, the abortion rate has gone down as birth control access has improved.) They pretended, over and over, that the issue at hand was only late-term abortions. In reality, the abortion bans being passed start at two weeks after a missed period, if not sooner. And then there was the repulsive contributions of Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana, who pretended that women wait until they go into labor and then abort the pregnancy right before the baby is born. Having made this lie up, he then berated Alabama-based OB-GYN Dr. Yashica Robinson for the existence of a procedure that, quite literally, only happens in his bizarre fantasies. (Thanks to Charles Pierce at Esquire for the transcript.)

Johnson: Do you support the right of a woman who is just seconds away from birthing a healthy child to have an abortion?

Robinson: I think that the question you're asking does not realistically reflect abortion care —

Johnson: In that scenario, would you support her right to abort that child?

Robinson: I won't entertain theoretical —

Johnson: It's not a theoretical, ma'am. You are a medical doctor.

Anti-choicers love this hypothetical of a woman who aborts during labor.

Indeed it is not hypothetical — it is entirely fantastical. Johnson's showboating was the equivalent of berating a doctor over unicorn horn removal surgery. But Johnson, eager to talk about anything but the realities of abortion care, continued to play this game. He went on to insist that Robinson answer for killing a baby "halfway out of the birth canal," forcing her to pointedly remind him that actual murder is already illegal.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 19, 2022 10:16 PM


All you Democrats have now is Russia and Abortion.

Too bad for you that with the American economy being in the state it is, none of the Citizenry is on board with giving $40 Billion taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, and even though the war-mongering Neo-Con politicians were all-in on it too, the Democrats are going to take the blame.

Also too bad for you that the only people who give a shit about Abortion with the economy being in the state it is in were the die-hard Leftists that were never going to vote any other way in the first place.

You'd better figure something else out by November if you're not going to fix the economy.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, May 19, 2022 10:19 PM


P.S. The more intelligent of you out there are going to live to regret stealing the 2020 election as well, because even though we'd all be in better financial shape than we are right now with Biden* a lot of the economic shitstorm and shipping problems would have still manifested after 2 years of Democrat states locking down everything on Trump's watch.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, May 20, 2022 3:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That response not only didn't have anything to do with what I posted that you quoted, but it didn't have anything to do with what you posted that I quoted that you quoted.

I have seen this kind of answer from supercilious construction craftsmen (generally angry poor white trash) and the only way to change their minds is hinting that the next words out of the boss-man's mouth will be "You're fired" unless the craftsman understands PDQ. Most of the time the craftsman will make an effort to understand, rather than continuing to run his stupid mouth. It turns out that the stupider craftsmen think they are the smartest. P.S. They wonder why they are frequently unemployed despite being so smart.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I hate to sa it, but that sounds like JO.

I hope he's doing OK.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, May 20, 2022 7:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The more intelligent of you out there are going to live to regret stealing the 2020 election as well

Regret stealing the 2020 election? Another false accusation not different than a Republican Congressman at an abortion law hearing.

There's nothing surprising about this turn towards false tales about fetus-powered street lamps and women demanding abortions during labor.

Want to ban schoolchildren from reading about Martin Luther King Jr.? Just falsely claim that something called "critical race theory" is being taught to school kids and use that as cover.

Want to rile up the GOP going into the midterms? Just falsely claim that Democrats are conspiring to "replace" white Christians with people of different races, a conspiracy theory repeated hundreds of times on Fox News.

Of course, in the latter case, the cost is paid in blood. We've seen repeated mass murders as a result of this "great replacement" conspiracy theory, with the latest in Buffalo, New York.

Lately, Republicans have accused their political opponents of "grooming" children, which is basically just a way of saying all Democrats are pedophiles.

The purpose of this kind of rhetoric is to paint your opponents — or in many cases, your actual targets — as subhuman and therefore deserving of any abuse you dish out, including violence.

The abortion debate is how conservatives honed the art of monstrous false accusations in order to dehumanize their opponents. Falsely accusing doctors and abortion patients of "murder" has been standard conservative rhetoric for decades, and the human cost has been staggering:

1) Assassinations of doctors,

2) the bombing of clinics

3) mass shootings of patients.

A Republican lose an election? Then falsely accuse the Democrats of stealing. Then Republicans invade the Capitol Building and kill people. . . .

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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