In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

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Sunday, November 6, 2022 3:31 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah. Remember when I posted that article where they were getting rid of it? I guess that was BS.

The US Senate voted unanimously to end it, then the House never bothered to take it up.

I guess it will be dark before 5PM tomorrow.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Yeah, I do vaguely.

My province has voted to get rid of it. The problem now is that we are waiting on Washington state, Oregon and California along with DC to get their acts together so we can do it.

Nobody wants it anymore it is outdated.

I always need a reminder about it or I will forget. Stupid pain in the backside.

Yeah. I posted that it was the first time that the US government did anything that we can all agree on, but it looks like they screwed that up like they always screw everything up.

Your province should just go ahead and do it. This is just one of a million examples of how US has too much indirect control over the ebb and flow of the world. It's like when I argue with people here about how WE caused the world to be stuck in such a high inflationary recession right now with the policies that WE enacted. WE did that. But the other countries themselves are also to blame because where the US lead they all followed.

I don't mind forgetting about it. There have been times I've gone weeks without even realizing the clocks should have been changed.

What I hate is the darkness before 5PM. The days are already short enough as it is.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

That was a while ago now.

Oh, how I wish Victoria(provincial capitol) would.

Well, for appointments is about the only time I really pay attention to clocks. As a rule I hate them. I don't even wear a watch.

I hear ya about the dark getting earlier. I think I put the kitchen light on around 4pm. Yuck!


Sunday, November 6, 2022 3:32 PM


I got up to do something and came back to my chair, looked out the balcony window and it was snowing. Still is. Looks like it could be sticking. Have to see what happens tomorrow as far as the weather goes.


Sunday, November 6, 2022 3:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, it's here. Winter, I mean. Stay warm and snuggly!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, November 6, 2022 7:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, it's here. Winter, I mean. Stay warm and snuggly!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I know. The snow didn't last long as it turned to rain, so its gone.


Sunday, November 6, 2022 7:28 PM


Time to get up and do a couple of things before supper then I can watch the start of the Christmas baking shows.


Monday, November 7, 2022 12:58 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Got a birthday card to send to Alberta and a couple of other things to do in the dry. Not sure how cold it is out.


Monday, November 7, 2022 1:57 PM


I finished spackling everything in the porch. It's COLD outside.

Right now I'm going a little caulk crazy on my bamboo entryway table. I probably won't get around to putting any paint on it today while I'm waiting for it all to dry. Even though it's cold out, my furnace isn't going to be turning on today and drying up the air since I've got it set so low.

Tomorrow is a little warmer. I'll (hopefully) sand off all the spackle and caulk everything that needs caulking and then (hopefully) put the final coat of paint on all the trim on wednesday when it's 60+ outside.

I'm kind of regretting planning on having my dad come over on Thursday. Now I'm seeing the high for Thursday is 71 degrees and from there it plummets. Saturday is supposed to only be 35 degrees. Gross.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, November 7, 2022 2:01 PM


Oh... and I'm pretty sure I just got my neighbor to vote tomorrow when he probably wasn't. I called and asked him if he was busy and if he could give me a ride up to the polling station tomorrow and he said yeah and that he'd vote too.

I would have walked if I had to, but it will be nice getting the ride.

Called the mechanic and he's got a few calls out to see if he can find the plastic part or if he can find somebody to fabricate what he'd need to get the fuel line fixed. So no ballpark figure on the price of the job yet.

Too bad I don't have a good 3D printer. I probably could have already found the specs and made my own part by now.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, November 7, 2022 4:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I finished spackling everything in the porch. It's COLD outside.

Right now I'm going a little caulk crazy on my bamboo entryway table. I probably won't get around to putting any paint on it today while I'm waiting for it all to dry. Even though it's cold out, my furnace isn't going to be turning on today and drying up the air since I've got it set so low.

Tomorrow is a little warmer. I'll (hopefully) sand off all the spackle and caulk everything that needs caulking and then (hopefully) put the final coat of paint on all the trim on wednesday when it's 60+ outside.

I'm kind of regretting planning on having my dad come over on Thursday. Now I'm seeing the high for Thursday is 71 degrees and from there it plummets. Saturday is supposed to only be 35 degrees. Gross.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

oh yeah. According to wunderground you're right in the middle of a blob of cold northern air. But I'm sure you knew that.

Er, cold air prolly inhibits caulk and paint drying. You might need to wait for that warmer weather tomorrow to get it to dryness.

Dress warm, SIX!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, November 7, 2022 4:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Over here we're definitely starting winter early. The weather regime for the past few weeks has been cool. Either bright and sunny or cloudy and damp, but cooler than normal. We had an unexpected 1/2" of rain a little over a week ago and are expecting another 1" between today and tomorrow, so I prepped the yard for rain: brought in the tools, covered the 33 gal trash bins, put down the diverters and set out my "rain gage".

It was damp this AM, I think it must have drizzled last night
I'm not getting my hopes up for a normal rainfall this winter. Our weather patterns seem to come in multi-week blocks, and this pattern can change any time now.

But given the weather, I'll be doing indoor things for the time being.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, November 7, 2022 4:43 PM


Back from my walk and all done for today. Not too cold out but the computer icon is now calling for rain. So have to see if it arrives.


Monday, November 7, 2022 8:53 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
oh yeah. According to wunderground you're right in the middle of a blob of cold northern air. But I'm sure you knew that.

Well... Not exactly frigid yet or anything. High 50's tomorrow, 60+ on Wednesday and 71 on Thursday. But then it drops and doesn't look like were going to get a warm comeback after that.


Er, cold air prolly inhibits caulk and paint drying. You might need to wait for that warmer weather tomorrow to get it to dryness.

It sure does. I've just about run out of time. If I don't sand down the spackle, vacuum and clean it and caulk all of the windows, jambs and casings tomorrow then I won't be able to paint on Wednesday. That just leaves me Thursday morning before my Dad comes over. You're not supposed to paint anything if it's getting under 35 degrees within 24 hours.

I'd better be on point after I vote tomorrow morning, or this is the end of the line until spring.


Dress warm, SIX!

Will do.

Have to, with my thermostat set for 53 degrees.

Somebody is paying more for heat this winter, but it ain't me.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, November 7, 2022 9:58 PM


Well... That's a good mess I've gotten myself into.

I decided to start painting the first coat of high-gloss on the bamboo table. I'm about an hour into it and progress slow.

I'm going to be up a little late tonight. It's looking good though so far. And half of the tricky part is done. Once I get the other half out of the way the rest should be smooth sailing.

I guess this won't be one of my winter projects.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, November 7, 2022 11:22 PM


Two hard(est) parts done... and a little bit more.

I'm quite surprised at how much this paint is cooperating with me tonight. I might have accidentally picked the perfect day(s) to work on it. It's rather temperamental and it behaves vastly different in differing levels of heat and humidity. I mean, all paint I've used does to a degree, but this "Ultra" line of Pittsburgh paint when using their High-Gloss finish is the most temperamental I've ever used.

This piece is by far the most intricate thing I've ever painted by hand before, so I'm really appreciating how the paint is behaving when it's about 58 degrees with moderate humidity since the furnace isn't sucking all the humidity out of the air. I also took a hot shower earlier which added a little extra humidity.

I've found that I haven't had to "fight" with it at all when overlapping a part I'd painted just minutes earlier and came back to, in which case I have to kind of load up some extra paint to work it in with the old stuff and then thin it out.

The second coat is usually more temperamental than the first, so hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday night will go as smooth when I put the final coat on, but so far so good. The rest of what I have to do should go pretty quickly now.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, November 7, 2022 11:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It sounds like it worked out well for you, SIX. Good deal!

Over at this end I was busy sorting mail when the power went out. No particular reason, it wasn't stormy or windy or anything. We must be on an old circuit bc our section (all 1600+ accounts) goes out 3 times a year, but the lights across the street stay on - they're on a newer circuit, I think. And it doesn't take long, relatively speaking, to fix- usually just a couple of hours. So I think it must be an old relay or switch or something simple that they could have replaced any time in the past 20 years, they just haven't.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 12:44 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
It sounds like it worked out well for you, SIX. Good deal!

About 3.5 hours. That's quicker than I figured a coat would take.


Over at this end I was busy sorting mail when the power went out. No particular reason, it wasn't stormy or windy or anything. We must be on an old circuit bc our section (all 1600+ accounts) goes out 3 times a year, but the lights across the street stay on - they're on a newer circuit, I think. And it doesn't take long, relatively speaking, to fix- usually just a couple of hours. So I think it must be an old relay or switch or something simple that they could have replaced any time in the past 20 years, they just haven't.

I'm on what the neighbors refer to as the "old circuit" here myself. When me and the neighbors across the street lose power, most of the rest of the block doesn't. It's probably vice/versa too, but who notices when other people's power is out when yours isn't, right?

It used to be a pretty big problem around here. I remember for years I just didn't bother resetting the times on the clocks because brownouts would just knock 'em out long enough for the blinking 12:00 and no matter how many times I called about it they didn't do anything. I'm thinking one of the times when it went out something busted though and they finally accidentally fixed it because we're good now.

Maybe you get lucky and something really breaks on you so they'll finally fix the problem on your end too. Good luck!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11:08 AM


Voted early. In this house that means before noon on Election Day.

Changing in the work clothes and I'm going to get that spackle sanded and cleaned so I can caulk before the sun goes down. I got 7 hours.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 12:48 PM


Got snow where I am last night. Not much but the roofs around me still have it on them.

Last bit of dental work for this year and a couple of other things to do for my walk.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 2:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sounds like a busy day. I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

AFA snow on roofs... where I came from, that means that your roofs are well- insulated. Those that aren't leak heat and melt the snow. You must have good building codes.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 2:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Over here we got about an inch of rain overnight and we're due another rain band some time in the afternoon. I'll put the rain gage out again, but I wanted to measure now bc it almost got nailed by a falling palm frond last night, and I wanted to catch the measurement before it might get knocked over.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 5:54 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Sounds like a busy day. I hope everything goes smoothly for you!

AFA snow on roofs... where I came from, that means that your roofs are well- insulated. Those that aren't leak heat and melt the snow. You must have good building codes.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

The dentist went very smooth. These teeth they pulled today came out with no trouble at all. They took a picture of the roof of my mouth to send to the lab about getting a denture made for me. They even showed me the picture and this is the first time I have ever seen the scar on the roof of my mouth from the dental surgery I had done way back when I was teenager. Also I didn't need any stitches today. So whoo hoo! Still frozen right now but that's to be expected but no pain.

I still have dental stuff to deal with but I will get to it in the New Year.

Got to the Safeway down that area and found some ice cream on sale. Half price and got some coffee too at a decent price.

Think the building codes in BC are pretty good.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11:22 PM


Cold and dry for the next few days where I am. Need a scarf when I go out tomorrow. Going out a little earlier in the hopes of getting back quicker, so I won't get too cold.


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 3:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, here on this end of the west coast, we got more rain than expected. I measured about 1.25" (about 3 cm) at my house, and there were flash flood warnings going off on on everyone's phones (altho tbh we dont really get flash floods here in the flatlands.)

So a good start to the rainy season. Today its cool and sunny.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 5:06 PM


Back from my walk and it is cold out. Sitting at 5C which is 40F. No frost out and so walking is still good. Remembered my scarf today.


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 7:48 PM


I caulked all of the casings and jambs as well as the baseboard today. Looks great.

I won't be painting this year. I ran out of time. My old man is coming tomorrow and it's the last nice day of the year. That's fine. Unless you're really putting a magnafying glass on the trim you can't even tell that it needs a final coat.

Sometime by the end of the weekend I'm going to put the final coat on the bamboo table and fabricate two cover pieces to rest above the basket woven tops to protect them. I'll make them out of leftover hardboard I have from when I worked on the kitchen. After they're cut to size and the edges are broke and rounded down, I'll paint them with one of my dark grey colors and then put rubber feet on them that I have leftover from the protectors for the kitchen cabinets.

From there I'll either start fabricating a piece of furniture my brother requested or start installing trim in the living room. I'll probably be going to see my bro for the first time in about half a year next week though, so it will have to wait until I get back. No big deal since I probably won't be getting my car back until at least after I come back from my brothers'. Still no word on how much that's even going to cost, let alone how long it will take for the repairs to be made.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, November 9, 2022 10:52 PM


I am off to mah jong in the cold tomorrow morning.


Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
I am off to mah jong in the cold tomorrow morning.

Good luck! Stay warm!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

We have super hard water around here, and scale builds up everywhere. I fixed daughter's shower head a month or so ago by soaking it in vinegar. Our "rainfall" shower head was leaking out the top, so I took it off and soaked that too, and replaced the filter and washer. Unfortunately it's still leaking out the top, I think from the ball- socket fitting that allows you to adjust the shower head. But at least water is running out of all of the jets now.

We broke down and turned on the heat, since it's hitting 55 tonight. Set the thermostat to 65 bc otherwise the bedrooms get too warm for comfortable sleeping.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, November 10, 2022 5:31 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I am off to mah jong in the cold tomorrow morning.

Good luck! Stay warm!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Staying warm easy. Luck not so much. Messed up the first hand and couldn't get back really on track. *L* It happens. Maybe next week.


Thursday, November 10, 2022 5:32 PM


Got a walk in after mah jong along with a bit of grocery shopping done. Shoulder's been bothering me but that is mostly the cold now getting to it.


Thursday, November 10, 2022 7:21 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We have super hard water around here, and scale builds up everywhere. I fixed daughter's shower head a month or so ago by soaking it in vinegar. Our "rainfall" shower head was leaking out the top, so I took it off and soaked that too, and replaced the filter and washer. Unfortunately it's still leaking out the top, I think from the ball- socket fitting that allows you to adjust the shower head. But at least water is running out of all of the jets now.

We broke down and turned on the heat, since it's hitting 55 tonight. Set the thermostat to 65 bc otherwise the bedrooms get too warm for comfortable sleeping.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

My heat is set at 53.

It was 73 today, so I managed to actually get the inside temp up to 70 degrees before closing the windows.

That's the end of the warm days. Mid 30's for the high by the weekend.

Picked up an entire trashcan full of branches and sticks, mostly from my neighbor's tree today. Decided against blowing any leaves since the winds were around 35MPH and the evil sycamore trees across the street haven't fully come down anyway. My tree has been bare for a week already now.

Cleaned up the house after that and my old man came over. He took me up to Menards and I got some primer and caulk and the 4 bats of insulation on sale. Hopefully they're even cheaper around black friday and I can do a trade in for a better price, but if not I'm OK with the price I paid today. I won't be installing it until the spring anyhow.

He told me that the porch is better than he ever imagined it could look.

I'm not going to work on the table tonight. No reason to rush it since all of my work is going to be indoor work for the next 4 months or so. That's a tomorrow project.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.


Friday, November 11, 2022 1:37 AM


I was assaulted by Christmas music at the dentist office on Monday. It's only the beginning of November.


Friday, November 11, 2022 11:38 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I was assaulted by Christmas music at the dentist office on Monday. It's only the beginning of November.

Oh no!

But you should count yourself lucky, I would think Brenda. Maybe in Canada the creep hasn't been as bad as here in the states, but back when I was working overnight at K-Mart in the mid 2010's we already had to hear Christmas music while the Halloween merch was still on the racks.

I remember fondly helping my buddy Ed put all of the poseable skeletons in suggestive positions while listening to the song that Paul McCartney has apologized on many occasions for unleashing upon the world.

I can do about one week of Christmas music per year. That's it.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.


Friday, November 11, 2022 1:08 PM


Out for my walk in a bit on a cold day. Just a couple of small things to do.


Friday, November 11, 2022 1:14 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I was assaulted by Christmas music at the dentist office on Monday. It's only the beginning of November.

Oh no!

But you should count yourself lucky, I would think Brenda. Maybe in Canada the creep hasn't been as bad as here in the states, but back when I was working overnight at K-Mart in the mid 2010's we already had to hear Christmas music while the Halloween merch was still on the racks.

I remember fondly helping my buddy Ed put all of the poseable skeletons in suggestive positions while listening to the song that Paul McCartney has apologized on many occasions for unleashing upon the world.

I can do about one week of Christmas music per year. That's it.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.

Maybe the creep of Christmas music is getting slower as I haven't noticed any on in the local malls. Which is a relief.

Now, the Christmas merch started creeping in along with the Halloween stuff. And that's been going on for years.

Now, that is funny SIX. You know I wonder what Paul McCartney is talking about. Will have to look that up later.

One week then you are a better person than me, SIX. Usually when I start hearing that I want to rip the wiring out of the speaker system and that is what happened at the dentist on Monday.


Friday, November 11, 2022 4:49 PM


Back from my walk and all chores done for today.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 1:04 PM


Off to do my laundry and then get a walk in.

Computer acting strange this morning. Icons on task bar wouldn't show up until I hit main icon for google chrome. Then I had my malware icon show up and go then skype show up and go. Don't know what is happening.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 3:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to do my laundry and then get a walk in.

Computer acting strange this morning. Icons on task bar wouldn't show up until I hit main icon for google chrome. Then I had my malware icon show up and go then skype show up and go. Don't know what is happening.

Oh dear.

I don't know what to suggest except try rebooting. If you have the option try rebooting in safe mode.

Have you clicked on any strange email or website links lately?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, November 12, 2022 5:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to do my laundry and then get a walk in.

Computer acting strange this morning. Icons on task bar wouldn't show up until I hit main icon for google chrome. Then I had my malware icon show up and go then skype show up and go. Don't know what is happening.

Oh dear.

I don't know what to suggest except try rebooting. If you have the option try rebooting in safe mode.

Have you clicked on any strange email or website links lately?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I'll keep that in mind SIG as when I turned it on about 15 minutes ago it was fine.

Nope and no links outside the music stuff from YouTube that I posted here.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 6:19 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I was assaulted by Christmas music at the dentist office on Monday. It's only the beginning of November.

Oh no!

But you should count yourself lucky, I would think Brenda. Maybe in Canada the creep hasn't been as bad as here in the states, but back when I was working overnight at K-Mart in the mid 2010's we already had to hear Christmas music while the Halloween merch was still on the racks.

I remember fondly helping my buddy Ed put all of the poseable skeletons in suggestive positions while listening to the song that Paul McCartney has apologized on many occasions for unleashing upon the world.

I can do about one week of Christmas music per year. That's it.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.

Maybe the creep of Christmas music is getting slower as I haven't noticed any on in the local malls. Which is a relief.

Now, the Christmas merch started creeping in along with the Halloween stuff. And that's been going on for years.

Now, that is funny SIX. You know I wonder what Paul McCartney is talking about. Will have to look that up later.

One week then you are a better person than me, SIX. Usually when I start hearing that I want to rip the wiring out of the speaker system and that is what happened at the dentist on Monday.

Oh... you're no doubt a better person than me, Brenda.

Yeah. We had a lot of fun with those skeletons. We'd put hats and other costume stuff on them too when we were posing them. It's pretty hilarious because the cameras were on all the time so they knew who was doing it, but if they fired me and Ed they'd be even more screwed than they already were so nobody even bothered to tell us to stop doing it and they'd just fix them every morning.

Oh... come on now. You have to know what Paul McCartney song I'm talking about. One of the worst Christmas songs ever made. An evil little ear worm that will never leave your head once Christmas comes around because they play it constantly.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 6:23 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to do my laundry and then get a walk in.

Computer acting strange this morning. Icons on task bar wouldn't show up until I hit main icon for google chrome. Then I had my malware icon show up and go then skype show up and go. Don't know what is happening.

Download and install Malwarebytes immediately.

If they offer you the full trial, take it. They won't ask you for any credit card info and after like 15 days you'll just go to their free protection.

Then run a scan on your computer. Full scan if you can figure it out in the menu, but at the very least run a regular scan.

Any "malware icon" showing up that isn't from Windows Defender or an alternative Antivirus program that you installed on your computer yourself is a scam. Do not click on that, don't call any phone numbers that pop up, don't put any personal info into your computer anywhere until you run Malwarebytes.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 6:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I remember fondly helping my buddy Ed put all of the poseable skeletons in suggestive positions while listening to the song that Paul McCartney has apologized on many occasions for unleashing upon the world.

Yeah. We had a lot of fun with those skeletons. We'd put hats and other costume stuff on them too when we were posing them. It's pretty hilarious because the cameras were on all the time so they knew who was doing it, but if they fired me and Ed they'd be even more screwed than they already were so nobody even bothered to tell us to stop doing it and they'd just fix them every morning.

How did I miss this??

I got a good chuckle out of that SIX!

Once upon a time, when I had a lot more energy, sis and I were talking about what you could do with posable skeletons for Halloween. We were thinkng of things like .. put a pirate's hat and coat on one, with a cutlass between it's teeth, crawling up the front stoop. Or climbing out of a grave. Or one digging another up.

I like your ideas better! We could have made an X-rated display.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:21 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I was assaulted by Christmas music at the dentist office on Monday. It's only the beginning of November.

Oh no!

But you should count yourself lucky, I would think Brenda. Maybe in Canada the creep hasn't been as bad as here in the states, but back when I was working overnight at K-Mart in the mid 2010's we already had to hear Christmas music while the Halloween merch was still on the racks.

I remember fondly helping my buddy Ed put all of the poseable skeletons in suggestive positions while listening to the song that Paul McCartney has apologized on many occasions for unleashing upon the world.

I can do about one week of Christmas music per year. That's it.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.

Maybe the creep of Christmas music is getting slower as I haven't noticed any on in the local malls. Which is a relief.

Now, the Christmas merch started creeping in along with the Halloween stuff. And that's been going on for years.

Now, that is funny SIX. You know I wonder what Paul McCartney is talking about. Will have to look that up later.

One week then you are a better person than me, SIX. Usually when I start hearing that I want to rip the wiring out of the speaker system and that is what happened at the dentist on Monday.

Oh... you're no doubt a better person than me, Brenda.

Yeah. We had a lot of fun with those skeletons. We'd put hats and other costume stuff on them too when we were posing them. It's pretty hilarious because the cameras were on all the time so they knew who was doing it, but if they fired me and Ed they'd be even more screwed than they already were so nobody even bothered to tell us to stop doing it and they'd just fix them every morning.

Oh... come on now. You have to know what Paul McCartney song I'm talking about. One of the worst Christmas songs ever made. An evil little ear worm that will never leave your head once Christmas comes around because they play it constantly.


I'm a Democrat now. Let's erase history, burn everything down and start over. China's going to end up owning everything anyways.

Sounds like a blast you and your friend had with those skeletons for sure.

I am being serious here when I said that I had to go and look it up. Once I read the title then I remembered the song. But I've never heard it that much.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:23 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to do my laundry and then get a walk in.

Computer acting strange this morning. Icons on task bar wouldn't show up until I hit main icon for google chrome. Then I had my malware icon show up and go then skype show up and go. Don't know what is happening.

Download and install Malwarebytes immediately.

If they offer you the full trial, take it. They won't ask you for any credit card info and after like 15 days you'll just go to their free protection.

Then run a scan on your computer. Full scan if you can figure it out in the menu, but at the very least run a regular scan.

Any "malware icon" showing up that isn't from Windows Defender or an alternative Antivirus program that you installed on your computer yourself is a scam. Do not click on that, don't call any phone numbers that pop up, don't put any personal info into your computer anywhere until you run Malwarebytes.

I've got Malwarebytes on here but the last time the free trail came up I didn't do anything with it. I should check that out in a minute.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:23 PM


I am off to check something and then supper. So later peeps.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 8:17 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Sounds like a blast you and your friend had with those skeletons for sure.

Yeah. I miss the dude. After we all got fired overnights at KMart before the store closed for good he kind of just disappeared. I hate to say it though, but I don't know if I would have been able to sober up if we kept hanging around. Lots and lots of drugs were done by most of the overnight crew, and any time we hung out outside of work we were drinking. Hope he's doing alright.


I am being serious here when I said that I had to go and look it up. Once I read the title then I remembered the song. But I've never heard it that much.

You haven't heard it that much????!!!!! Lucky you!


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, November 12, 2022 11:23 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Sounds like a blast you and your friend had with those skeletons for sure.

Yeah. I miss the dude. After we all got fired overnights at KMart before the store closed for good he kind of just disappeared. I hate to say it though, but I don't know if I would have been able to sober up if we kept hanging around. Lots and lots of drugs were done by most of the overnight crew, and any time we hung out outside of work we were drinking. Hope he's doing alright.


I am being serious here when I said that I had to go and look it up. Once I read the title then I remembered the song. But I've never heard it that much.

You haven't heard it that much????!!!!! Lucky you!


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

That's a hard one then SIX. On the one hand you lost a friend but the other you gained your health and lost an addiction. I hope he's okay too and maybe he found his way to sobriety as well.

I am totally serious about this Paul McCartney song. And I have a fairly good memory for music.

Trust me when I say you are better than me for ignoring Christmas music for a week without wanting to trash the sound system it is coming out of. A few minutes in a store or a local mall and all I want is to rip the wiring out the sound system. All I could think at the dentist on Monday is, "It's only the beginning of November."


Sunday, November 13, 2022 1:41 PM


Nice, pleasant Sunday here.


Sunday, November 13, 2022 3:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Nice, pleasant Sunday here.

Happy Sunday,BRENDA.

Oh BTW, I had to look up the Paul McCartney song too. Then, when it didn't ring any bells I played a little bit.

Im sure I've never ever heard it in my life. From what I heard, I'm glad for that!

But unlike you and SIX, I actually like (most) Xmas songs. They bring up so many happy memories. When we were little, mom and dad actually put up the Xmas tree when we were alseep. It was a wonder to sneak out in the early AM with my sisters and find the tree, all decorated with gifts underneath, and turn on the tree lights and try and find which presents were for who and guess what they might be without opening them. To this day I remember us getting a giant greenish flop-eared stuffed dog with a tag on it: "My name is Jupiter. Please love me"

And we did. We used to worry that he couldn't sleep bc his eyes were open all the time, so every night we put him to bed by covering his eyes with his ears.

And then there were the carols, in Polish and English. When we were old enough to stay up, midnight mass. The moon high in the sky, shining thru bare tree limbs and making the snow shine. The little baby Jesus in the manger and the star on top of the tree. The parties. Making cookies with mom. Taking our late evening stroll with dad, Christmas lights glowing thru the snow. It was a kind, magical season, where people cared enough to put up lights and make the neighborhood beautiful for others... not the big ostentatious 50,000 bulb displays that you have to pay someone for, just what people put up by themselves.

That kind of Christmas should be in every child's memories. Not the shopping horror that it is now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, November 13, 2022 7:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Don't be mad at me, SIX, but it's going to be 71-74 and mostly sunny for the next ten days.

Got a greenwaste binful of weeds out to the curb and a big trash bin and a half of succulents that didn't survive the very hot hot spell and water restrictions.

Going to go spray a bunch of weedkiller on the stuff that's sprouting after the last rain.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake




Brenda 03.15 13:23