In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 22:28
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Tuesday, December 6, 2022 1:26 PM


Plumbers are in the building today to clean out the pipes and set them up for winter. Won't bother anyone unless they are in all day as they have to turn off the water to do this. They were suppose to start around 9am today and be finished around 4pm.

I am out for my walk in a bit just a couple of small things to do today.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 4:11 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I guess I still find it astonishing how dusty our house gets, even compared to other places we've lived in SoCal. Last time I visited my childhood home it was winter, and there was hardly any dust anywhere, even upstairs that is hardly used. Here, it's a constant battle. I've tried eliminating as many sources of dust as possible but it's still seriously dusty.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

You get dust from just about everything. Your A/C unit is going to bring a lot in, and the filter isn't going to catch but a fraction of it. You've got three people living in the house that are shedding skin all day everyday. Pets too, and they're bringing in more when they go outside. Unless your doors and windows are hermetically sealed, you're getting stuff that way all the time too.

Hell... you're getting it every time you open up and use new toilet paper and paper towel. I can see that in my own bathroom in the morning from the way the light comes in the room. Just by unrolling some toilet paper all the sudden there are a bunch of dust particles dancing around in the sunlight.

Fortunately for us, except for asbestos which is still in a lot of our houses, not a lot of particles are the right measurement to become embedded in our lungs and cause cancer, and as long as you're healthy your body does a great job of removing them from the system. Your lungs are a better filter than any you'll ever own for your household appliances.

But dust can be pretty traumatizing for neat freaks and people with allergies. I'm only a neat freak when it comes to certain things, and although I never used to be allergic to anything I'm only seriously allergic to Amoxicillin now and mildly allergic to whatever gets tossed in the air when I'm mowing my own lawn.

2 of the 3 houses I grew up in after the divorce were smoking homes. The third house had pets. Even when I let the dust accumulate on my "things" for a while, I've still got a cleaner home than any of the ones I grew up in.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 4:17 PM


Oh yeah... BTW... an opportunity came up somewhat recently and I did a little experiment.

I was going to say that I was allergic to Amox, but because that was never a definitive and I thought it might have been a food allergy, I took the scrip.

10 day scrip and everything was fine until the last day when everything below my waistline, particularly where my sweatpants were tight was on fire. 3 hours later I had hives all over. I told myself that I wasn't going to scratch this time, but by the 2nd night I had been "sleep scratching" for who knows how long and from the top of my feet to my neck and my scalp had been covered in hives.

About 5 days later they went away completely, although the itchiness remained for another 3 days and nights.

Eating food in general may have exacerbated it, but it wasn't the food itself. Once I realized what was happening I switched up what I was eating every night and it didn't make the symptoms any worse or better. Either the bulk of my flareups were occurring naturally at night and were coincidental to the fact that I eat at night, or just the act of ingesting food would make the situation worse. I do not have a food allergy.

That's good news, but boy was I regretting voluntarily putting myself back into that position. Now that it's over I'm glad I know though.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 4:40 PM


Back from my walk on a dry at least. Some clouds around. But I got all errands done for today.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 4:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I guess I still find it astonishing how dusty our house gets, even compared to other places we've lived in SoCal. Last time I visited my childhood home it was winter, and there was hardly any dust anywhere, even upstairs that is hardly used. Here, it's a constant battle. I've tried eliminating as many sources of dust as possible but it's still seriously dusty.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

You get dust from just about everything. Your A/C unit is going to bring a lot in, and the filter isn't going to catch but a fraction of it. You've got three people living in the house that are shedding skin all day everyday. Pets too, and they're bringing in more when they go outside. Unless your doors and windows are hermetically sealed, you're getting stuff that way all the time too.

Hell... you're getting it every time you open up and use new toilet paper and paper towel. I can see that in my own bathroom in the morning from the way the light comes in the room. Just by unrolling some toilet paper all the sudden there are a bunch of dust particles dancing around in the sunlight.

Fortunately for us, except for asbestos which is still in a lot of our houses, not a lot of particles are the right measurement to become embedded in our lungs and cause cancer, and as long as you're healthy your body does a great job of removing them from the system. Your lungs are a better filter than any you'll ever own for your household appliances.

But dust can be pretty traumatizing for neat freaks and people with allergies. I'm only a neat freak when it comes to certain things, and although I never used to be allergic to anything I'm only seriously allergic to Amoxicillin now and mildly allergic to whatever gets tossed in the air when I'm mowing my own lawn.

2 of the 3 houses I grew up in after the divorce were smoking homes. The third house had pets. Even when I let the dust accumulate on my "things" for a while, I've still got a cleaner home than any of the ones I grew up in.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Oh I have so many allergies that they couldn't fit all of them into a single allergy shot, so they had to go with the top 22. Food allergies too.

I stopped giving myself allergy shots (inhaled allergens only) about two chemo infusions into my treatment... there's only so much misery I could subject myself to. The shots (which I gave myself for three years) helped with my significant mosquito allergy (bites actually caused hives) but I'm still wildly allergic to something in the Santa Anas. Hubby is also significantly allergic to something in house dust. Don't know what component exactly but every time he cleans out a PC or gets a snootful some other way, he sneezes and his eyes drip for hours.

SIX, allergies to the point of hives is nothing to fool with. If it progresses to swollen tongue, or worse, that's ER kind of trouble. Ideally you should have an epinephrine injector on hand, but since those are crazy expensive at least have some diphenhydramine (genetic for benadryl) on hand, or one of the 2nd generation antihistamines


For urticaria [hives], cetirizine and mizolastine demonstrate superior suppression of wheal and flare at the dosages recommended by the manufacturer. For atopic dermatitis [eczema], as adjunctive therapy to reduce pruritus, cetirizine, ketotifen and loratadine demonstrate efficacy.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 6:44 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I guess I still find it astonishing how dusty our house gets, even compared to other places we've lived in SoCal. Last time I visited my childhood home it was winter, and there was hardly any dust anywhere, even upstairs that is hardly used. Here, it's a constant battle. I've tried eliminating as many sources of dust as possible but it's still seriously dusty.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

You get dust from just about everything. Your A/C unit is going to bring a lot in, and the filter isn't going to catch but a fraction of it. You've got three people living in the house that are shedding skin all day everyday. Pets too, and they're bringing in more when they go outside. Unless your doors and windows are hermetically sealed, you're getting stuff that way all the time too.

Hell... you're getting it every time you open up and use new toilet paper and paper towel. I can see that in my own bathroom in the morning from the way the light comes in the room. Just by unrolling some toilet paper all the sudden there are a bunch of dust particles dancing around in the sunlight.

Fortunately for us, except for asbestos which is still in a lot of our houses, not a lot of particles are the right measurement to become embedded in our lungs and cause cancer, and as long as you're healthy your body does a great job of removing them from the system. Your lungs are a better filter than any you'll ever own for your household appliances.

But dust can be pretty traumatizing for neat freaks and people with allergies. I'm only a neat freak when it comes to certain things, and although I never used to be allergic to anything I'm only seriously allergic to Amoxicillin now and mildly allergic to whatever gets tossed in the air when I'm mowing my own lawn.

2 of the 3 houses I grew up in after the divorce were smoking homes. The third house had pets. Even when I let the dust accumulate on my "things" for a while, I've still got a cleaner home than any of the ones I grew up in.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Oh I have so many allergies that they couldn't fit all of them into a single allergy shot, so they had to go with the top 22. Food allergies too.

I stopped giving myself allergy shots (inhaled allergens only) about two chemo infusions into my treatment... there's only so much misery I could subject myself to. The shots (which I gave myself for three years) helped with my significant mosquito allergy (bites actually caused hives) but I'm still wildly allergic to something in the Santa Anas. Hubby is also significantly allergic to something in house dust. Don't know what component exactly but every time he cleans out a PC or gets a snootful some other way, he sneezes and his eyes drip for hours.

SIX, allergies to the point of hives is nothing to fool with. If it progresses to swollen tongue, or worse, that's ER kind of trouble. Ideally you should have an epinephrine injector on hand, but since those are crazy expensive at least have some diphenhydramine (genetic for benadryl) on hand, or one of the 2nd generation antihistamines


For urticaria [hives], cetirizine and mizolastine demonstrate superior suppression of wheal and flare at the dosages recommended by the manufacturer. For atopic dermatitis [eczema], as adjunctive therapy to reduce pruritus, cetirizine, ketotifen and loratadine demonstrate efficacy.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Thank you for the warning. I was aware of the possibility of it going south if anything beyond hives happened, so I was sensitive to any changes.

Unfortunately for me, this was when my car was in the shop the first time for the brake lines, and I never used to have any Benadryl or equivalent on hand, so I suffered through it. It didn't seem to be any worse than it was the last time I had Amox. And just like last time, I think that scratching the hell out of it and just giving in really put an end to it because both times when I did that and covered my entire body with the hives the next day when they were gone only a few bumps would come back up although the itchyness remained for a few more days.

I don't know if there's a scientific reason for that, or if it was coincidental both times.

I've since gotten some generic Benadryl stashed away in case anything ever makes me get hives again, but in retrospect I'm glad I did this because the Amox did what it needed to do otherwise, I know I don't have a food allergy (at least with foods I regularly eat), and I know that I'm never going to get Amox for anything again. I didn't bother with any 2nd gen stuff because it's expensive and I don't really have a need in my life for stuff that isn't going to make me sleep if I've got hives anyhow.

Man... Mosquito bites give you hives? All over, or just local to the bite?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 9:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Local to the bite, but ginormous. I had a mosquito bite on my lower shin and it created a deep blister the size of my palm that wept for weeks. Eventually I had to put a gauze and ace bandage on it to tack the skin back down to the underlying tissue so it would heal together. That was gross.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 9:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Local to the bite, but ginormous. I had a mosquito bite on my lower shin and it created a deep blister the size of my palm that wept for weeks. Eventually I had to put a gauze and ace bandage on it to tack the skin back down to the underlying tissue so it would heal together. That was gross.

Oh boy...

Your reaction was quite a bit different to mine for sure.

My hives basically would appear everywhere on my body except for my face, my palms and the soles of my feet. They never were in my mouth, on my ears or in them either.

They never "blistered" or broke though, and not for lack of trying. I scratched the hell out of everything.

I did break some skin by the end though. That was after hives would pop up, but if I wasn't watching what I was doing I would absently scratch the backs of my hands and my knuckles and I was damaging the skin there. No oozing or nothing, and it went away with some hand lotion and me not scratching it anymore after the issue ended.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 9:25 PM


BTW... what are your thoughts on the hives all but disappearing the day after I just gave into the itch and made the hives rise up on almost every square inch of my body?

That happened both times I had it.

It could be a coincidence, but I was thinking that maybe I was "using up" the histamine supply by bringing all of that to the surface at once and maybe it would have lasted longer if I didn't do that?

Really... Both times I've had the problem, the hives were almost non-existant in the itchy days that followed after just giving in and giving every square inch of my skin a thorough scratch.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 11:14 PM


Have rain right now and most likely it will stay warm enough for that.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022 4:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
BTW... what are your thoughts on the hives all but disappearing the day after I just gave into the itch and made the hives rise up on almost every square inch of my body?

That happened both times I had it.

It could be a coincidence, but I was thinking that maybe I was "using up" the histamine supply by bringing all of that to the surface at once and maybe it would have lasted longer if I didn't do that?

Really... Both times I've had the problem, the hives were almost non-existant in the itchy days that followed after just giving in and giving every square inch of my skin a thorough scratch.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Don't know. Histamine is produced by "mast cells" which are mostly in the boundary between the "outside world" and you: mucosa, nose, mouth, lungs, skin, and gut. But once histamine's in the bloodstream it can cause symptoms anywhere. So if your gut mast cells release histamine it can cause your skin to wheal and itch. Eventually various enzymes break down the histamine. I suppose by rubbing your skin you might cause histamine to latch onto your skin ( as opposed to somewhere else?) where it gets broken down.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, December 7, 2022 10:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
BTW... what are your thoughts on the hives all but disappearing the day after I just gave into the itch and made the hives rise up on almost every square inch of my body?

That happened both times I had it.

It could be a coincidence, but I was thinking that maybe I was "using up" the histamine supply by bringing all of that to the surface at once and maybe it would have lasted longer if I didn't do that?

Really... Both times I've had the problem, the hives were almost non-existant in the itchy days that followed after just giving in and giving every square inch of my skin a thorough scratch.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Don't know. Histamine is produced by "mast cells" which are mostly in the boundary between the "outside world" and you: mucosa, nose, mouth, lungs, skin, and gut. But once histamine's in the bloodstream it can cause symptoms anywhere. So if your gut mast cells release histamine it can cause your skin to wheal and itch. Eventually various enzymes break down the histamine. I suppose by rubbing your skin you might cause histamine to latch onto your skin ( as opposed to somewhere else?) where it gets broken down.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Well then...

I guess I'm just going to have to take Amox one last time in the name of Science.

No holding back... Just straight up scratching my body like it's my full time job the second the hives set in this time.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:17 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Need to mail a birthday card to Edmonton and do a couple of other things. Trying to figure out what to have with some chicken thighs I bought yesterday.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022 2:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
BTW... what are your thoughts on the hives all but disappearing the day after I just gave into the itch and made the hives rise up on almost every square inch of my body?

That happened both times I had it.

It could be a coincidence, but I was thinking that maybe I was "using up" the histamine supply by bringing all of that to the surface at once and maybe it would have lasted longer if I didn't do that?

Really... Both times I've had the problem, the hives were almost non-existant in the itchy days that followed after just giving in and giving every square inch of my skin a thorough scratch.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Don't know. Histamine is produced by "mast cells" which are mostly in the boundary between the "outside world" and you: mucosa, nose, mouth, lungs, skin, and gut. But once histamine's in the bloodstream it can cause symptoms anywhere. So if your gut mast cells release histamine it can cause your skin to wheal and itch. Eventually various enzymes break down the histamine. I suppose by rubbing your skin you might cause histamine to latch onto your skin ( as opposed to somewhere else?) where it gets broken down.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Well then...

I guess I'm just going to have to take Amox one last time in the name of Science.

No holding back... Just straight up scratching my body like it's my full time job the second the hives set in this time.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Er... there's no guarantee that the next reaction will stay at the "hives" stage. Each exposure primes you for a worse reaction, which could very well be anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is what happens when your blood vessels become excessively leaky, and leak fluid into the surrounding tissues. It can cause your throat to swell so badly that you suffocate. Alternately, the sudden loss of blood volume can cause your heart to stutter and give up.


Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you're allergic to, such as peanuts or bee stings.

Anaphylaxis causes the immune system to release a flood of chemicals that can cause you to go into shock — blood pressure drops suddenly and the airways narrow, blocking breathing. Signs and symptoms include a rapid, weak pulse; a skin rash; and nausea and vomiting. Common triggers include certain foods, some medications, insect venom and latex.
Anaphylaxis requires an injection of epinephrine and a follow-up trip to an emergency room. If you don't have epinephrine, you need to go to an emergency room immediately. If anaphylaxis isn't treated right away, it can be fatal.

My hubby, me, my sister and his friend all shared the same very good allergist. If someone experienced hives as a result of food/ medication allergy... when histamine was being released into the bloodstream instead of just making a stuffy nose... she always, ALWAYS Rxd an EpiPen and cautioned that it should be carried AT ALL TIMES.

There's an underlying purpose to the hives/anaphylaxis reaction: white blood cells are too big to slip through blood vessel walls, so how to get WBCs into the tissues where it can work, in addition to all those immunoglobulins and other immune components? The answer is to release chemicals that dilate blood vessels and loosen the junctions between blood vessel/capillary walls, which allow fluids and white blood cells to swarm the site of infection/injury.

Very helpful for localized reactions. Fatal if it happens all at once, body-wide. Don't mess with it, SIX.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, December 7, 2022 4:54 PM


Back from my walk and it did try to rain this morning when I went out. Got to the post and the library to return something. Not sure I like the new "Firestarter" movie. Mind I barely remember the first one with Drew Barrymore.

Ran into the lady that used to come in and help look after my mum twice today. *L* Stopped and talked to her for a few minutes.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022 11:13 PM


Off to mah jong in the morning for me.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 12:17 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
BTW... what are your thoughts on the hives all but disappearing the day after I just gave into the itch and made the hives rise up on almost every square inch of my body?

That happened both times I had it.

It could be a coincidence, but I was thinking that maybe I was "using up" the histamine supply by bringing all of that to the surface at once and maybe it would have lasted longer if I didn't do that?

Really... Both times I've had the problem, the hives were almost non-existant in the itchy days that followed after just giving in and giving every square inch of my skin a thorough scratch.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Don't know. Histamine is produced by "mast cells" which are mostly in the boundary between the "outside world" and you: mucosa, nose, mouth, lungs, skin, and gut. But once histamine's in the bloodstream it can cause symptoms anywhere. So if your gut mast cells release histamine it can cause your skin to wheal and itch. Eventually various enzymes break down the histamine. I suppose by rubbing your skin you might cause histamine to latch onto your skin ( as opposed to somewhere else?) where it gets broken down.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Well then...

I guess I'm just going to have to take Amox one last time in the name of Science.

No holding back... Just straight up scratching my body like it's my full time job the second the hives set in this time.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Er... there's no guarantee that the next reaction will stay at the "hives" stage. Each exposure primes you for a worse reaction, which could very well be anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is what happens when your blood vessels become excessively leaky, and leak fluid into the surrounding tissues. It can cause your throat to swell so badly that you suffocate. Alternately, the sudden loss of blood volume can cause your heart to stutter and give up.


Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you're allergic to, such as peanuts or bee stings.

Anaphylaxis causes the immune system to release a flood of chemicals that can cause you to go into shock — blood pressure drops suddenly and the airways narrow, blocking breathing. Signs and symptoms include a rapid, weak pulse; a skin rash; and nausea and vomiting. Common triggers include certain foods, some medications, insect venom and latex.
Anaphylaxis requires an injection of epinephrine and a follow-up trip to an emergency room. If you don't have epinephrine, you need to go to an emergency room immediately. If anaphylaxis isn't treated right away, it can be fatal.

My hubby, me, my sister and his friend all shared the same very good allergist. If someone experienced hives as a result of food/ medication allergy... when histamine was being released into the bloodstream instead of just making a stuffy nose... she always, ALWAYS Rxd an EpiPen and cautioned that it should be carried AT ALL TIMES.

There's an underlying purpose to the hives/anaphylaxis reaction: white blood cells are too big to slip through blood vessel walls, so how to get WBCs into the tissues where it can work, in addition to all those immunoglobulins and other immune components? The answer is to release chemicals that dilate blood vessels and loosen the junctions between blood vessel/capillary walls, which allow fluids and white blood cells to swarm the site of infection/injury.

Very helpful for localized reactions. Fatal if it happens all at once, body-wide. Don't mess with it, SIX.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I think I'm probably still in the baby stages of it, since I was able to take a full 10 day regimen and the hives only started after I ingested 40 pills in that time.

That being said though, don't worry. I'm absolutely joking. There is zero chance I'm going to put myself through that a third time now that I know for sure what I'm allergic to.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 12:24 AM


Just got back from my buddy's house. Like anything else, this is going to take a lot longer than planned. I told him we were going to regret not working on Saturday.

There was just so much STUFF down there. And it's a staircase with at least 15 steps to get the stuff out.

We've got one half of the two seater at my house now. The other half, the one seater and the fireplace furnace will come one day at a time while we work on this on my ride back home. They're all upstairs clogging up his living room right now.

I think after all the extra time that this job is going to take, it's going to be a bit lopsided in my friend's favor on the barter, but that's cool. I really enjoy painting and during the middle of winter it's nice to get out and be working on something. Really not a problem at all when I don't have to drive anywhere myself too.

I am getting EXTREMELY good at cutting things in. Better every time. And now my friend gets to benefit from it.

We got the first coat of one color up today after moving everything out that was going out, sanding all his patching down, dusting the walls and having dinner with his family.

He was so not motivated at first, but as soon as he came through with a roller while I was cutting in he was thrilled with how it looked and he really got a second wind. It looks so much better than the gross brown colors that were down there before.

It's a much more intricate job that I'm used to doing. So many spaces where it's drywall against wood, or drywall up to concrete, or wood up to concrete, or drywall up to dropped ceiling track, or concrete up to dropped ceiling track. And there's a few PVC pipes and electrical conduit to paint as well as doors that opened up to the elevated crawlspace.

I made him take pictures before we started and I told him at the end of the night he's going to love looking at those after we're done and he said he already was earlier in the night.

I'm hoping we can get it done by Friday night. But I don't know how he's going to wash that carpet before the pool table gets moved down there on Saturday. I'm going to suggest that he ask the guy who he's getting it from if he can get a little extension on that.

Good luck at mahjong tomorrow Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 5:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, what color did he decide to go with?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, December 8, 2022 5:28 PM


Well, I managed to get first place at mah jong even though I couldn't go out at all. The only people who won today were people that I played with. I got first another lady got 2nd and the other lady got 3rd. Since there were only 8 of us playing this morning there was no booby prize.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 6:32 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, what color did he decide to go with?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

The same colors I used on my back porch and in my living room.


Inside my house, that Victorian Pewter color spans the entire wall from my kitchen to the end of the livingroom, with the large opening near the center where the stairs to the basement and to the second floor meet. I have a slightly darker gray in the kitchen on the other three walls in there. I believe there's some green or aqua in it, but you'd never mistake it for either green or aqua. It's unmistakably gray. The name escapes me at the moment though.

He got off work late and my mechanic is still lying to me about getting my car fixed so I sat around all day waiting for either one of them to relieve me of my boredom but it didn't work out.

Tomorrow is another day. I don't know how my friend is going to shampoo the carpet with the pool table slabs on top of it though.

The cold weather is here for good now. It's going to be really fun moving three 200lb slabs when it's in the low 30's. At least we're going down 15 stairs when it gets there. Hopefully there's not a lot of stairs going up where we're getting it from.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 6:35 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get first place at mah jong even though I couldn't go out at all. The only people who won today were people that I played with. I got first another lady got 2nd and the other lady got 3rd. Since there were only 8 of us playing this morning there was no booby prize.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 8:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, what color did he decide to go with?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

The same colors I used on my back porch and in my living room.


Inside my house, that Victorian Pewter color spans the entire wall from my kitchen to the end of the livingroom, with the large opening near the center where the stairs to the basement and to the second floor meet. I have a slightly darker gray in the kitchen on the other three walls in there. I believe there's some green or aqua in it, but you'd never mistake it for either green or aqua. It's unmistakably gray. The name escapes me at the moment though.

He got off work late and my mechanic is still lying to me about getting my car fixed so I sat around all day waiting for either one of them to relieve me of my boredom but it didn't work out.

Tomorrow is another day. I don't know how my friend is going to shampoo the carpet with the pool table slabs on top of it though.

The cold weather is here for good now. It's going to be really fun moving three 200lb slabs when it's in the low 30's. At least we're going down 15 stairs when it gets there. Hopefully there's not a lot of stairs going up where we're getting it from.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Classy colors!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, December 8, 2022 8:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get first place at mah jong even though I couldn't go out at all. The only people who won today were people that I played with. I got first another lady got 2nd and the other lady got 3rd. Since there were only 8 of us playing this morning there was no booby prize.

Well, congrats!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, December 8, 2022 11:04 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get first place at mah jong even though I couldn't go out at all. The only people who won today were people that I played with. I got first another lady got 2nd and the other lady got 3rd. Since there were only 8 of us playing this morning there was no booby prize.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

It was a surprise but all the other scores were in the 2,000 point range. Mine was the highest at over 3,000 points. I had one decent hand that got me 5 doubles which meant my score for it was over 1,000 points.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 11:05 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get first place at mah jong even though I couldn't go out at all. The only people who won today were people that I played with. I got first another lady got 2nd and the other lady got 3rd. Since there were only 8 of us playing this morning there was no booby prize.

Well, congrats!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake



Thursday, December 8, 2022 11:06 PM


My area got a major amount of rain last night along with a warm up and most of the snow around me is gone. Call for more rain tomorrow and into Saturday.


Friday, December 9, 2022 12:05 AM


Lady, I work for called at 8:30pm. I got the usual dithering on the phone. But at least I can get a couple of things done before work.


Friday, December 9, 2022 3:11 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get first place at mah jong even though I couldn't go out at all. The only people who won today were people that I played with. I got first another lady got 2nd and the other lady got 3rd. Since there were only 8 of us playing this morning there was no booby prize.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

It was a surprise but all the other scores were in the 2,000 point range. Mine was the highest at over 3,000 points. I had one decent hand that got me 5 doubles which meant my score for it was over 1,000 points.

Well that's got to be like the time I opened up a game of Upwords with my Grams with a 7 letter word, but way better because I've only played about 10 games of it and you only get a bonus 20 points for a 7 letter word.

I ended up losing that game because I got stuck with a Q, two K's and 4 vowels after getting rid of all the good letters I had, and because you don't start scoring big until you stack letters on top of other letters you end up being super penalized for a 7 letter word on the first move because it's only worth a total of 27 points!

I think I like Mahjong point rules better.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 9, 2022 3:21 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Classy colors!

Thank you.

I helped my friend's dad with a painting job a few summers back and he used two grays and I loved it. The contrast between the two were so much more subtle though, and unless the light was shining in right you could hardly tell that there was an accent wall. The lighter color was darker than my light color and the darker color was way lighter than my dark color.

But what I really loved about the gray colors is how it makes the white trim pop.

I've gotten tons of compliments on that Victorian Pewter color. Surprisingly even by my dad who always complains that the colors I chose for upstairs were too dark.

We only got the first coat of the VP color up on Wednesday, but the way that it comes down the left side of the stairs and wraps around that wall to the accent wall and the soffit above it in the room is really cool. It also covers the wood frame around a white accordian door under the stairs at the end of that wall where the water heater is, and then up high wraps to the top of the next wall where the doors to the raised crawl space are. And at the end of the stairs where the soffit is, there's a large 4" PVC drain pipe that goes down along that far wall and out side of the wall that gets the same color and is going to look real cool with the light grey on the concrete wall behind it.

All of that used to be a real dark brown on top of a gross yellowish tan color on the concrete.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 9, 2022 5:46 AM


Picture time.

I've got more coming, but for now I wanted to at least get that entryway table my neighbor threw in the trash a while back up here.

The before shots...

Lots of damage here. As you can see, candles of various colors were regularly used on top of this thing. Paint has chipped off in a lot of spots. Holes in the back of the unit actually had threaded nuts I had to remove with an allen wrench so I could fill them in with wood putty and sand them down before paint. I don't know what would have been attached in the rear that would have used them. They were pretty beefy. Perhaps a mirror of some kind?

This is what it looked like after primer. At first I was really concerned about the basketwoven netting for the top shelf and the ripple effect that happened after I really slopped it on and drove it in there, but that effect faded after it dried. It happened again to a lesser degree after I panted it, but it's gone now.

In between primer and paint I used about a half a tube of painter's caulk to fill in a lot of the gaps. I even used the caulk to simulate extra wraps in the binding material on the legs where there were huge gaps in between.

Looks like I didn't take any pictures from the side to show the gaps filled, particularly around the arches on both sides, both inside and out. But I think it's a fine addition to my living room, underneath the mirror I sanded down and painted a few summers back. Very low profile from the wall compared to the old table I had there that would collect a bunch of junk on it. It's already made me better at putting things away since the limited space up top means I can only use it for the things I need to be using it for now.

It really opens up the flow to the house now too. That old table stuck out about 2 1/2 feet, and when you came in the front door it blocked the flow to the stairs and the kitchen, forcing you to walk around it when you came in. Now it's a straight shot right past it.

To note, I actually decided to only put one coat of paint over it after primer and caulk. That wasn't me being lazy, although it did save about 4 1/2 hours of painting it with a brush a final time. (This takes a lot of time painting something so intricate and making sure there are no drip marks!!!!). But the reason I didn't is because instead of being solid bright high gloss white through and through you can see some differences in the color through the brush marks and it makes it look a little rustic, which I think is a better look for this piece.

I will be making two 12"x25" boards out of hardboard and painting them with the Victorian Pewter before putting some rubber feet on them to protect the surfaces.

By the by, on Picture 6 you can see parts of the Victorian Pewter wall next to one of the Elemental walls and how the colors contrast with each other. Don't mind any imperfections in the baseboard if you can notice any in the pics. I still have to do some repairs to hide the bad job they did installing it and I'm going to be cutting some of it off by the stairs to install casing around the staircase entrance before I put paint on the baseboard. (That's what I mean about being like 80 to 90% done with every room but nothing is 100% done yet!)

Oh... LOL...

You see that plug outlet in the center of the legs? That was the worst outlet in my house before I got to it! If you pushed a plug in it, it would sink about 1/2" in while you were pressing, and when you pulled a tight plug out out the whole damn thing wanted to come out of the wall, plate and all.

Some dummy put a hard pipe up from the basement for that outlet and there wasn't any stud around so they just let the pipe be the single thing that failed at holding anything in place. I mean... good on them for making the outlet perfectly centered (because yes, it is perfectly centered), but c'mon man! I had to cut the hole a little bigger so I could remove the old box and install a junction box that was designed to clamp down on both sides of the drywall with screw clamps and got it tight into place before patching around it and painting. I also figured out the distance between the back of the new box and the back of the wall on the other side and screwed in a small piece of wood to the back to fit so you can press as hard as you want and it won't compromise the clamped drywall too. Now the thing is rock solid.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 9, 2022 6:09 AM



Just bringing up that outlet box made me think of something I could have done that would have been awesome but it would require wrecking one wall in my finished pantry.

There's no electric to the pantry (which is right behind the mirror), but I could have exposed the left wall of the pantry and gotten electric up from the outlet between the legs of the table and installed a small motion sensor light instead of using the cheap rechargeable one that I have to take out of the pantry and recharge every month or so.

Oh well.... Maybe down the road. I'm not going to be ruining any finished work until I get the rest of the house done. I've got enough on my plate right now!


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 9, 2022 1:16 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get first place at mah jong even though I couldn't go out at all. The only people who won today were people that I played with. I got first another lady got 2nd and the other lady got 3rd. Since there were only 8 of us playing this morning there was no booby prize.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

It was a surprise but all the other scores were in the 2,000 point range. Mine was the highest at over 3,000 points. I had one decent hand that got me 5 doubles which meant my score for it was over 1,000 points.

Well that's got to be like the time I opened up a game of Upwords with my Grams with a 7 letter word, but way better because I've only played about 10 games of it and you only get a bonus 20 points for a 7 letter word.

I ended up losing that game because I got stuck with a Q, two K's and 4 vowels after getting rid of all the good letters I had, and because you don't start scoring big until you stack letters on top of other letters you end up being super penalized for a 7 letter word on the first move because it's only worth a total of 27 points!

I think I like Mahjong point rules better.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Mah jong rules aren't too complicated what gets you is counting of your points. If you have 3 tiles that are all the same down where they can be seen and they are circles or characters of bamboos then they are worth 2 points. Anything that is a wind like that is worth 4 points. All flowers are 4 points and dragons if you have 3 of the same tile are worth 4 points. And various things like that. If you have nothing showing but manage to go out you get 100 bonus points. If you go out regular then it is 30 points. It's the doubles that can get confusing.


Friday, December 9, 2022 1:17 PM


Nice work on that table SIX. Looks really good.


Friday, December 9, 2022 1:19 PM


Out in a minute. Late start at work for me so that means I can look for something that I forgot about yesterday and stop and grab a sandwich as I don't know how long I will be at work. Don't have to be at the house till around 1pm.


Friday, December 9, 2022 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Mah jong rules aren't too complicated what gets you is counting of your points. If you have 3 tiles that are all the same down where they can be seen and they are circles or characters of bamboos then they are worth 2 points. Anything that is a wind like that is worth 4 points. All flowers are 4 points and dragons if you have 3 of the same tile are worth 4 points. And various things like that. If you have nothing showing but manage to go out you get 100 bonus points. If you go out regular then it is 30 points. It's the doubles that can get confusing.

Reading instructions or rules don't sink in for me, so I'm going to have to take your word for it. I'm good at learning by doing, and then only going back to the instructions or rules after I have a good idea about what I've gotten myself into.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Nice work on that table SIX. Looks really good.

Thank you, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 9, 2022 5:11 PM


Picture Time - Part 2! :smile

This time it's my attached shed. Unfortunately, I'm not posting any pictures of the new door that my friend's dad's friend installed for me because... reasons. But the new door is sweet. It got me on a roll to finally do something with this dump.

My buddy came by one night with a 2nd bottle jack and we jacked up the whole structure just enough to get the wood rotten and ant damaged sill plates out to replace with green treated 2x4's.

Here's what that wood looked like once it came out. Wowzers...

And the new plates put in, toenailed together and shimmed up wherever they needed to be because of the uneven slab.

This was on the right side of the door when you were in the shed. It wasn't even doing anything anymore.

Now we've got some support with treated wood. Made those special cuts on the table saw, and it was so tight you needed a hammer to get them in place before I nailed everything in place. The other side wasn't as bad but it was all replaced too. All sill plates are now sturdy treated wood.

Time to fix that crack... I pulled about 40lbs worth of dirt, sand and rocks out of it before cleaning up the crack and the cement all around it with wire brushes on my drill.

45lbs worth of vinyl concrete patch later and it was filled up and smoothed out. I also hit any parts of the slab that had divots in it.

These three pics are what the room looked like after I got all the dust and cobwebs off of everything. I still had yet to pull down all the stray wires and remove any nails and screws. On the outer wall I also cut down a lot of the roofing nails they'd used to install the siding outside.

On the first one you can see where I added 6 boards between two studs up high on the left side because thats where I can mount a TV without having to worry about missing the studs now.

In the 2nd pic on the right bottom you can see where I added green 2x6 boards and sealed them in with watertite. After removing the crap insulation up top it turned out I had to put more 2x6 green boards up top to seal everything in, which you can see exposed in the 3rd pic.

And we're done.

Insulation on the wall next to the porch, and done in a way where every square inch is covered. It took a lot of time to cut out the inside of the bats to fit around the electrical so they all looked nice on the outside when it was finsed.

I used 4 1/2 gallons of primer and paint out there, just on the white for the walls and the ceilings.

The two shelves in the back got one coat of primer, 2 coats of paint on the sides and bottoms and 3 coats of paint on the top of the shelves. I was able to use paint that I'd bought on sale back in 2019 that I thought I was going to use in my livingroom but hadn't found any use for after I used different colors in the house.

The electric didn't get painted because that's all going to be torn out and done right. That's a job for next spring though.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 9, 2022 6:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, that's awesome work SIX!

Busy today, more later.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, December 9, 2022 11:16 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Mah jong rules aren't too complicated what gets you is counting of your points. If you have 3 tiles that are all the same down where they can be seen and they are circles or characters of bamboos then they are worth 2 points. Anything that is a wind like that is worth 4 points. All flowers are 4 points and dragons if you have 3 of the same tile are worth 4 points. And various things like that. If you have nothing showing but manage to go out you get 100 bonus points. If you go out regular then it is 30 points. It's the doubles that can get confusing.

Reading instructions or rules don't sink in for me, so I'm going to have to take your word for it. I'm good at learning by doing, and then only going back to the instructions or rules after I have a good idea about what I've gotten myself into.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Nice work on that table SIX. Looks really good.

Thank you, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

The lady who runs the mah jong group also teaches and she taught me how to play with the tiles. I still get confused with the counting. So no worries SIX.

You're welcome.


Friday, December 9, 2022 11:18 PM


Got back around 6pm. The lady that I work for her husband drove me back as it was dark and starting to rain.

It was dry when I left this morning.


Saturday, December 10, 2022 2:27 AM


Just got back from my buddy's house. Worked until 1:00AM painting his basement after starting at 5:30.

Boy that's a bigger project than I had anticipated. We're already 2.5 gallons into it and he's got to buy 2 more tomorrow. Those concrete walls are just sucking up the paint, and cutting them in is a bear.

It looks fantastic though. And his daughter came to the door to show her dad something about a half hour before we wrapped up and said "oh my god". When she got the grand tour, she LOVED the Victorian Pewter. I just smiled and said "what did I tell ya bud?"

We're probably going to start around 11:00AM tomorrow and I'll work until 1:30AM again if we need to to get it done. I told him we're going to have that room painted and all the stuff moved off the carpet so he could clean it and I'm going to make sure it happens.

If he can get it in his vehicle, I'm going to be getting a fridge that is only one year old now too. It was his wife's father's who just recently passed away. Man I hope it fits and he can get it here. I think mine was made when I was in high school.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, December 10, 2022 1:03 PM


Laundry day for me then a soggy walk. Got rain.


Saturday, December 10, 2022 2:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You're right, SIX, that table is a PERFECT fit. And it looks so classy the way you fixed it up. I love it!

I'm impressed with your repair work on the shed. The sill plate? Eewww. Good thing you replaced it. And how in hell does someone put in studs that don't even reach all the way to the sill plate?? Great job on filling in that gap. Good measurement there!

And the conduit looks so professional.
Crack repair and patch looks great too! The only thing that would make it complete would be a no-slip epoxy floor coating But that's so $$$ it probably wouldn't be worth it for your intended use.

So, what ARE you planning to do with the space? You posted something about hanging a TV on the wall? Entertainment area?

I DO hope you get that frig, SIX!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, December 10, 2022 2:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There was a Christmas party put on by dear daughter's exercise program. Bc of Covid lockdowns and them my cancer odyssey and then hubby's surgery dear daughter has been shouldering household chores and, stressed out, and not having any fun. Poor kid

She wasn't too enthusiastic about going but I pushed her, and myself, a little and she wound up having fun.

Ear worm/stuck song of the day...

Ballroom Blitz

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, December 10, 2022 5:30 PM


Glad your daughter and you had fun at her Christmas party.


Saturday, December 10, 2022 5:32 PM


Laundry done and my walk was dry though it was trying to rain on my way home. Having a sit down now.

My brain for ear worms digs up old stuff. Like the chorus to "Alexander's Ragtime Band"!.


Sunday, December 11, 2022 12:06 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You're right, SIX, that table is a PERFECT fit. And it looks so classy the way you fixed it up. I love it!



I'm impressed with your repair work on the shed. The sill plate? Eewww. Good thing you replaced it. And how in hell does someone put in studs that don't even reach all the way to the sill plate?? Great job on filling in that gap. Good measurement there!

Well... at one point I believe that it did reach the sill plate. There's been obvious evidence that somebody "repaired" that nightmare at least once before my friend and I got to it and did it right. That broken slab and the shed that's on it I believe are the source of the structural problems to the main house, as well as all the problems that we started fixing in the porch back in late summer of 2019. Now I sit and wait to see if anything gets worse. It doesn't appear to be anymore though. If that concrete repair patch cracks though I'll know something is up pretty quick.


And the conduit looks so professional.

If you meant on the left side, thanks! Yeah... had to do a ton of work on the electric in the porch, and the stuff on that wall was done from inside the shed since there was paneling up between the two and I didn't take that down before putting the drywall up.

All of the electric on that wall used to be up 3.5 feet for some odd reason, and the light switch to the ceiling fan was all the way on that wall. I ended up moving that switch to right inside my new porch door where it belongs, and I also put 8 outlets around the room at the correct height. More than I'd ever need out there, but there's not a single place you could ever want to plug something in there that you'd need an extension cord. And that outlet that's high in the middle is so you can plug in a TV without having a cord going to the floor outlets. I also added an outlet outside in the front and the back of the porch which is protected by a GFCI outlet inside the room.

Before I started the electric, there wasn't any outlets at all on the front or back of the porch, and there were only the 6 or so outlets that were as high as that dumb light switch for the ceiling fan/light that you had to walk across the room to turn on after you got inside the door.

If you mean on the right side, that's the garbage I'm going to be taking out next year and doing right!

I just ran out of warm weather before I could get to that is all, and that's why I didn't paint it. There's actually a missing panel in the ceiling that they removed to get the electric down there. I thought I'd have to buy a new one to replace it when I get the electric right, but it turned out that it was actually one of the scattered boards they had in the porch attic to walk on to make sure your foot didn't go through the roof. It's got some reminants of racoon poop on it and who knows what else, but once I get the electric done right I'm going to get that on the horses outside, bleach it down and then sand it and paint it so I can have a full ceiling in there.


Crack repair and patch looks great too! The only thing that would make it complete would be a no-slip epoxy floor coating But that's so $$$ it probably wouldn't be worth it for your intended use.

I just may do something like that down the road. Not a bad idea to learn another skill. That's one of the things I'm putting on the backburner though until I know I've solved all of my big issues first. That's also why I took such care to put that insulation in the way I did so it looks nice up there without any drywall or paneling for now too... I still want the shed to look nice until I'm confident I'm not going to be putting up a finished wall on that side only to have to take it back down to work on something.


So, what ARE you planning to do with the space? You posted something about hanging a TV on the wall? Entertainment area?

Well... Even though I went to the trouble of putting those 2x6 boards up for mounting a TV, I don't have to put holes in my wall now. I just got back from helping my bud out and we brought the fireplace heater / TV stand with us. It's rated to hold up to a 70" TV on top of it.


I DO hope you get that frig, SIX!

Me too!


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, December 11, 2022 12:12 AM


I told my bud yesterday that I'd stay as late as it took and we'd have his basement finished and we'd move everything he was keeping down there off the carpet so he could wash it before we get the pool table down there.

And I wasn't lying.

Not only did we get it all done, but we were done by 10:00PM, when I thought I might need to stay until 1 or 2AM again.

His wife is so impressed. "Oh my god! It looks like professional work!".

Yup. This wasn't my first rodeo.

Got the two seater leather recliner and the fireplace TV stand here now, and the one seater is coming next week with that possible brand new fridge if he can fit it in his vehicle when he goes there next week.

He's already trying to think of things to trade, because his daughter wants her room repainted and he wants his front porch repainted too.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, December 11, 2022 12:26 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
There was a Christmas party put on by dear daughter's exercise program. Bc of Covid lockdowns and them my cancer odyssey and then hubby's surgery dear daughter has been shouldering household chores and, stressed out, and not having any fun. Poor kid

She wasn't too enthusiastic about going but I pushed her, and myself, a little and she wound up having fun.

Glad the fam was able to finally unwind a little.

Ear worm/stuck song of the day...

Ballroom Blitz

I've seen Wayne's World so much that I probably heard that song as much as I've heard Stairway.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, December 11, 2022 1:38 PM


Just a do nothing Sunday around me.




Brenda 10.17 17:48
SIGNYM 10.17 22:25
SIGNYM 10.17 22:28


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