human actions, global climate change, global human solutions

UPDATED: Thursday, March 6, 2025 20:41
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Wednesday, December 28, 2022 7:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A growing list of major companies — not just limited to finance — are facing ire from Republican officials at the state and federal levels for their stances on climate and issues such as race, voting rights and guns.

‘Bad-faith political attacks’

In Washington, House Republicans who will be in the majority next year are eyeing hearings and a suite of bills to pressure the investment firms.

The asset managers “do have a very defensible case as to why they should be considering climate and sustainability risk in investing practices,” said Sierra Club campaign director Ben Cushing, who advocates for financial firms to stop backing fossil fuel projects. “They didn’t do a very good job of just explaining that, and they’re allowing themselves to be bullied by these bad-faith political attacks.”

The GOP’s criticism of big money managers centers on the sway they hold over corporate America. The firms manage their clients’ investments in legions of publicly traded companies and, because of that, have a big say in how the companies are run through the shareholder voting process.

That economic influence is in focus for Republicans because the large asset managers have incorporated environmental, social and governance — or ESG — goals into their investing practices.

The most prominent leader of the shift is BlackRock’s Fink, a Democrat who has used his perch at the $7.9 trillion asset management firm to push companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to disclose their practices on social issues.

He has argued that it’s not just good for society but also good for investors — among them the company’s clients including pension funds, endowments and governments.

BlackRock said that under Fink’s leadership it has delivered a cumulative total return to shareholders of 7,700 percent since 1999 “by consistently putting clients’ interests first.”

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The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 1, 2023 6:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

There was a time – a recent time – when concern about the environment was relatively bipartisan, not a cultural flashpoint. 

A Republican, President Richard Nixon, established the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970. In the 1980s and 1990s, bipartisan majorities voted to strengthen the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, led by a Republican – Rhode Island’s Sen. John Chafee.

Those days are gone, and today a wide range of misleading statements and outright lies about the reality of human-caused climate change circulate widely. 

The sheer volume of misinformation can distort perceptions of how many people don't believe the science that shows the Earth's climate is changing because of human activity, said Katharine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist and professor at Texas Tech University.

"I call them 'zombie arguments' because you can explain that they're not true but they still go stumbling around because they're not about facts but excuses," she said. 

More at

Why would people need excuses (see the above article) for not fixing the climate change problem?
People say they take climate change seriously, but if you put an actual dollar figure on fixing the problem, even $10 per month is too much for 70% of the population.

Annual look at the growth of CO2 in the atmosphere.
It still doesn't look like emissions are slowing down, does it?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 1, 2023 8:45 AM



Originally posted by second:
Why would people need excuses (see the above article) for not fixing the climate change problem?

My friend, the communist
Holds meetings in his RV
I can't afford his gas
So I'm stuck here watching TV

~Sheryl Crow

That's why.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, January 1, 2023 9:13 AM


If you seriously ever want to get the EV thing off the ground, it's never going to be more than an expensive failure until nuclear power plants are put up everywhere. And they'd better not be rushed or given to non-union outfits that hire criminal illegal invader scabs either. This would be decades in the making if you broke ground tomorrow.

Maybe by that time the battery tech will be sustainable. Because in its current form it is not.

I couldn't even imagine the costs, but the $900 Billion Biden* just gave to the War Machine would have been a good start.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023 7:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The year the U.S. became the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas

Inside Climate News reports:

In the first half of the year, the United States became the world’s top exporter of liquified natural gas, or LNG. Then, in September, crude oil exports hit an all-time high when the country sent abroad about 4 million barrels per day.

The sharp rise in crude oil and natural gas exports has been supported by a bipartisan consensus that has spanned three consecutive presidential administrations, each of which has viewed energy exports as a lever of foreign policy. More than anything, though, it is the culmination of a sustained campaign by the oil industry that has seen production soar even as domestic demand for its fuels threatens to decline.

“This is all about industry staking a claim to a future role,” said Josh Axelrod, senior advocate in the nature program at the Natural Resources Defense Council. Domestic gasoline consumption has plateaued or even begun to decline, he pointed out, and natural gas use is expected to do the same soon. “There’s no growth opportunity for oil in the U.S. market,” Axelrod said, “so securing export destinations and capacity is one of their many tactics to stay active and growing even as climate change gets worse.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 3, 2023 9:30 AM



Originally posted by second:



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023 10:00 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Americans have expressed themselves and the Federal government listened. Fifty-seven percent of Americans are willing to pay $1 per month to save America from the effects of excessive greenhouse gases, but at a higher price, there isn't majority support. Americans also want the price of gasoline lowered by $1 per gallon. The majority of Americans got both desires fulfilled by bipartisan politics.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 3, 2023 10:11 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Americans have expressed themselves and the Federal government listened. Fifty-seven percent of Americans are willing to pay $1 per month to save America from the effects of excessive greenhouse gases, but at a higher price, there isn't majority support. Americans also want the price of gasoline lowered by $1 per gallon. The majority of Americans got both desires fulfilled by bipartisan politics.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hey. You want to fix it, you'd better come up with a REAL fucking way to do it that is going to be affordable for the 50% of Americans who make less than $35k per year.

Unaffordable Coal burning cars that will make the price of household electricity skyrocket that can't possibly be supported by the current power grid infrastructure that is barely making due without tens of millions of these things on the road every day is not a legitimate answer.

Maybe you could figure it out if you weren't sending hundreds of Billions to Ukraine and Trillions to Rayethon and Boeing to make better killing machines, or enriching Pfizer to make more boner pills and happy pills that turn regular people into monsters.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Hey. You want to fix it, you'd better come up with a REAL fucking way to do it that is going to be affordable for the 50% of Americans who make less than $35k per year.

Unaffordable Coal burning cars that will make the price of household electricity skyrocket that can't possibly be supported by the current power grid infrastructure that is barely making due without tens of millions of these things on the road every day is not a legitimate answer.

Maybe you could figure it out if you weren't sending hundreds of Billions to Ukraine and Trillions to Rayethon and Boeing to make better killing machines, or enriching Pfizer to make more boner pills and happy pills that turn regular people into monsters.

In the Firefly Universe, poor people travel in vehicles that either belch smoke or are pulled by methane and CO2 venting horses. It is the rich who have zero emission vehicles on the Firefly TV show. Back to Earth in a country (
) where most people are rich:

80% of new cars sold in Norway are now electric vehicles

January 3, 2023 / 7:18 AM / AFP

Oslo, Norway — Electric vehicles accounted for almost four out of every five new car registrations in Norway last year, setting a new record, according to figures released Monday. Led by U.S. carmaker Tesla, which topped the list with a 12.2% market share, 138,265 new electric cars were sold in the Scandinavian country last year, representing 79.3% of total passenger car sales, the Norwegian Road Federation (OFV) said in a statement.

In doing so, Norway, which is both a major producer of oil and gas, as well as a pioneer for zero-emission cars, comfortably beat the previous record of 64.5% set in 2021.

Comparatively, electric cars made up just 8.6% of new car registrations in the European Union over the first nine months of 2022.

Shift to EVs too slow to avoid "climate catastrophe," report says

In December alone, electric cars hogged 82.8% of sales as Norwegian households rushed to buy them before a tax change came into force in 2023.

Norway aims for all new cars to be "zero emission" — in other words, electric or hydrogen - by 2025.

"Eight out of 10 people choosing fully electric instead of combustion engines is a considerable step towards Norway reaching its climate goal of 100% BEV [battery electric vehicle] sales in 2025," said Christina Bu, Secretary General of the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association.

Enough chargers? EV push fuels infrastructure concerns

"Our message to the rest of the world is crystal clear: Now there is no excuse for the internal combustion engines' unnecessary pollution when the climate crisis is so urgent to solve," she said in a statement.

To promote sales in Norway, EVs have benefitted from being tax-free, as well as being charged lower fares for road tolls and public parking.

But with their popularity growing, and subsequent loss of income for the state, Norwegian authorities have started to roll back some of the benefits.

As of January 1, the 25% sales tax exemption on the purchase of new electric vehicles applies only to the first 500,000 Norwegian kroner (about $50,500) of the price.

About one in five cars on Norwegian roads are currently electric.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 14, 2023 5:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

ExxonMobile predicted global warming with 'shocking skill and accuracy' starting in 1977

Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change

That massive changes have occurred is clear from the historical record. For example, Egypt was once the breadbasket of the Roman Empire. It may be the same role as the American Midwest plays today. That is certainly no longer the case. It’s not a greenhouse effect issue. It may be an overgrazing issue, but it is an example of how humans are perfectly capable of making these unexpected and inadvertent changes.

Because the effects occupy more than a human generation, there is a tendency to say that they are not our problem. Of course, then they are nobody’s problem, not on my tour of duty, not on my term of office. It’s something for the next century. Let the next century worry about it. But the problem is that there are effects, and the greenhouse effect is one of them which have long time constants. If you don’t worry about it now, it’s too late later on. And so in this issue, as in so many other issues, we are passing on extremely grave problems for our children when the time to solve the problems, if they can be solved at all, is now. . . .

As you’ve heard, the best estimates, they certainly have some uncertainty attached to them, are that at the present rate the burning of fossil fuels, the present rate of increase of minor infrared absorbing gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, that there will be a several centigrade degree temperature increase on the Earth’s global average by the middle to the end of the next century. And that has a variety of consequences, including redistribution of local climates and, through the melting of glaciers, an increase in global sea level. There is concern on a somewhat longer time scale about the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet and a general rise of many meters in sea level. . . .

I’d like to close by just saying a few words on the kind of perspective that this problem, as related problems, pose to us. Here is a problem that transcends our particular generation. It is an intergenerational problem if we don’t do the right thing now, there are very serious problems that our children and grandchildren will have to face.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 14, 2023 8:14 AM


OK. Do something about it.

And by something, I mean something pragmatic.

SPOILER ALERT: Knocking down nuclear plants, banning gas ovens and trying to force coal burning cars on everyone is not pragmatic.

What else you got?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023 8:03 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
OK. Do something about it.

And by something, I mean something pragmatic.

SPOILER ALERT: Knocking down nuclear plants, banning gas ovens and trying to force coal burning cars on everyone is not pragmatic.

What else you got?

Got this book:

How wind, sun and water can power the world

“Combustion is the problem – when you’re continuing to burn something, that’s not solving the problem,” says Prof Mark Jacobson.

The Stanford University academic has a compelling pitch: the world can rapidly get 100% of its energy from renewable sources with, as the title of his new book (February 2, 2023) says, “No Miracles Needed”.

Wind, water and solar can provide plentiful and cheap power, he argues, ending the carbon emissions driving the climate crisis, slashing deadly air pollution and ensuring energy security. In stark contrast, carbon capture and storage, biofuels, new nuclear and other technologies are expensive wastes of time, he argues.

“Bill Gates said we have to put a lot of money into miracle technologies,” Jacobson says. “But we don’t – we have the technologies that we need. We have wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, electric cars. We have batteries, heat pumps, energy efficiency. We have 95% of the technologies right now that we need to solve the problem.” The missing 5% is for long-distance aircraft and ships, he says, for which hydrogen-powered fuel cells can be developed.

Jacobson’s claim is a big one. He is not just talking about a shift to 100% renewable electricity, but all energy – and fossil fuels still provide about 80% of that today. Jacobson has scores of academic papers to his name and his work has been influential in policies passed by cities, states and countries around the world targeting 100% green power.

Jacobson divides approaches to the energy transition into two camps: “One says we should just try everything – they’re the ‘all-of-the-above camp’ – and keep investing huge amounts of money in technologies that may or may not be available to work in 10 years. But 10 years is too late.” Carbon emissions must fall by 45% by 2030, scientists agree, to keep on track for no more than 1.5C of global heating.

His camp takes a different approach, Jacobson says: “Let’s focus on what we have and deploy as fast as possible. And we will improve those technologies just by deploying, bringing better solar panels, batteries, electric vehicles and so on. Some people just don’t realise the speed that we need to solve these problems, especially air pollution – 7 million people die every year. We can’t wait.”

However, there are major barriers to a rapid rollout of a 100% renewable energy system, he says: “The No 1 barrier is that most people are not aware that it’s possible. My job is trying to educate the public about it. If people are actually comfortable that it’s possible to do, then they might actually do it.”

He adds: “The policy of all-of-the-above is also a big barrier to a transition. In the US, for example, in the recent [climate legislation], a lot of money was spent on carbon capture, small modular nuclear reactors, biofuels, blue hydrogen. These are all what I consider almost useless, or very low-use, technologies in terms of solving the problems. And yet, a lot of money is spent on them. Why? Because there are big lobby groups.”

More at

Download Mark Z Jacobson’s books for free from mirrors at

For now, “No Miracles Needed” is not a free book because it hasn't been published, but it will be available soon enough (February 2, 2023) as an ebook or on paper for your purchase. Try these places:




The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 26, 2023 8:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Texas Republicans introduce tax hikes, burdensome regulations in an assault on clean energy

Texas lawmakers are launching attacks on clean energy.

Jacksonville’s Sen. Robert Nichols wants to punish consumers who buy electric vehicles by raising the registration fees. SB 505 would add $400 to the cost of new electric-only cars and small trucks.

State Sen. Drew Springer, R-Muenster, thinks Texas should impose a tax “on each electric generator in this state that generates electricity using an energy source other than natural gas.” The target of SB 488 is the clean energy industry. This bill takes the amount of taxes collected on natural gas extraction and divides that number by the total cubic feet of gas produced in the previous year. The total is then multiplied by the number of cubic feet needed to generate a kilowatt of electricity to establish a tax rate. The state comptroller then imposes the tax on every kilowatt of electricity not produced by burning natural gas.

SB 154 would limit where companies can build wind projects and grant county commissioners extraordinary powers to block them. The state allows natural gas drilling in residential neighborhoods, but wind facilities would need to be set back “3,000 feet measured from the property line of each property.” The fine print defines a wind facility not just as the turbines on top of tall towers but includes ground-level batteries, transformers and transmission lines.

State Rep. Shelby Slawson, R-Stephenville, is so worried about aircraft navigating around wind turbines that her HB 1443 would ban them within 65 nautical miles of any airport where military aircraft might land. Start drawing 65-mile circles around the state’s airports, and soon most of the state is off-limits.

Solar energy is also under threat. State Sen. Mayes Middleton, a Galveston Republican, introduced SB 433 to strike a state law provision requiring a country appraiser to value solar facilities based on a 10-year depreciation. Removing the requirement would make solar energy much more expensive by raising property taxes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 26, 2023 9:44 AM



Originally posted by second:
Texas Republicans introduce tax hikes, burdensome regulations in an assault on clean energy

Texas lawmakers are launching attacks on clean energy.

Jacksonville’s Sen. Robert Nichols wants to punish consumers who buy electric vehicles by raising the registration fees. SB 505 would add $400 to the cost of new electric-only cars and small trucks.


It's keeping down electricity costs for all the sensible people.

Raise that yearly registration to $1,000 per year.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, January 26, 2023 10:29 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Texas Republicans introduce tax hikes, burdensome regulations in an assault on clean energy

Texas lawmakers are launching attacks on clean energy.

Jacksonville’s Sen. Robert Nichols wants to punish consumers who buy electric vehicles by raising the registration fees. SB 505 would add $400 to the cost of new electric-only cars and small trucks.


It's keeping down electricity costs for all the sensible people.

Raise that yearly registration to $1,000 per year.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

You are unaware of it, but you are super-stupid about engines and motors and all things engineering:

You think that fixing your car was a personal triumph. All you really showed is that you are not knowledgeable and you misunderstand most of the technology your life depends upon. But I have never known a stupid person to be aware of just how much trouble their stupidity causes for everybody around them, especially at work, so your behavior is not unexpected.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 28, 2023 6:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

UK scientists discover method to reduce steelmaking’s CO2 emissions by 90%

Decarbonising the steel industry is an imperative

January 27, 2023 - 11:46 am

Researchers from the University of Birmingham have developed an innovative method for existing furnaces that could reduce steelmaking’s CO2 emission by nearly 90%.

The iron and steel industry is a major cause of greenhouse gasses, accounting for 9% of global emissions. That’s because of the inherent carbon-intensive nature of steel production in blast furnaces, which currently represent the most-widely used practice.

In blast furnace steel manufacturing, coke (a type of coal) is used to produce metallic iron from ore obtained from mining — which releases large quantities of carbon dioxide in the process. According to Dr Harriet Kildahl, who co-devised the method with Professor Yulong Ding, their technology aims to convert this carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide that can be reused in the iron ore reaction.

This is realised using a thermochemical cycle which performs chemical reactions through changes in temperature. That way, the typically damaging CO2 is turned into a useful part of the reaction, forming “an almost perfect closed carbon loop.” This drastically reduces emission by the amount of coke needed and, subsequently, lowers steelmaking’s emissions by up to 88%.

As per the researchers, if this method was implemented in the remaining two blast furnaces in the UK, it could save £1.28 billion in 5 years, all while reducing the country’s overall emissions by 2.9%.

“Current proposals for decarbonising the steel sector rely on phasing out existing plants and introducing electric arc furnaces powered by renewable electricity. However, an electric arc furnace plant can cost over £1 billion to build, which makes this switch economically unfeasible in the time remaining to meet the Paris Climate Agreement,” Professor Ding said. “The system we are proposing can be retrofitted to existing plants, which reduces the risk of stranded assets, and both the reduction in CO2, and the cost savings, are seen immediately.”

University of Birmingham Enterprise has filed a patent application covering the system and its use in metal production. It’s currently looking for partners to take part in pilot studies and deliver this technology to existing infrastructure, or collaborate on further research to develop the process.

You can read the full study, “Cost effective decarbonisation of blast furnace”, here:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 29, 2023 7:58 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

How California’s ambitious new climate plan could help speed energy transformation around the world

Published: January 26, 2023 8.24am EST

California is embarking on an audacious new climate plan that aims to eliminate the state’s greenhouse gas footprint by 2045, and in the process, slash emissions far beyond its borders.

What happens in California has global reach. What California does matters far beyond state lines.

California is close to overtaking Germany as the world’s fourth-largest economy and has a history of adopting environmental requirements that are imitated across the United States and the world. California has the most ambitious zero-emission requirements in the world for cars, trucks and buses; the most ambitious low-carbon fuel requirements; one of the largest carbon cap-and-trade programs; and the most aggressive requirements for renewable electricity.

In the U.S., through peculiarities in national air pollution law, other states have replicated many of California’s regulations and programs so they can race ahead of national policies. States can either follow federal vehicle emissions standards or California’s stricter rules. There is no third option. An increasing number of states now follow California.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 29, 2023 9:50 AM



Originally posted by second:
How California’s ambitious new climate plan could help speed energy transformation around the world

And nobody can afford it.

Natural Gas in California is now $3.45 per Therm.

Why natural gas prices — and bills — are soaring in Southern California

Archive link to avoid paywall:


The price for what’s called “core procurement” that goes to residential and small commercial customers is set at the start of each month. The price soared to $3.45 per therm (a unit of natural gas) on Jan. 1 from $1.05 in December. In January 2022, it was 84 cents.

And let's not forget right after their announcement to ban any cars that aren't coal burning, they had to tell Californians to turn their A/C down and not charge their coal burning cars because the infrastructure was overloaded.

Get fucked, Second.

California is a model of failure under any metric one could conceive.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, January 29, 2023 10:22 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

States Reimagine Power Grids for Wind and Solar Future

STATELINE ARTICLE January 25, 2023

A 2019 analysis by global consulting group Wood Mackenzie found that reaching 100% renewable electricity would require adding 200,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines — doubling the existing total — at a cost of $700 billion. A complex web of independent system operators, state regulators and utility companies oversee the planning and construction of new grid infrastructure, with frequent disagreements about who should bear the cost.

Streamlining Projects

In Washington state, leaders are working to connect wind and solar projects in the state’s arid eastern region with population centers west of the Cascade Mountains. Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat, is proposing a bill that would speed up permitting for high-capacity transmission projects, placing them under the oversight of the state’s Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 29, 2023 10:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Price of a Fully Renewable US Grid: $4.5 Trillion

Shifting to 100 percent renewables in the U.S. is an attainable goal, Wood Mackenzie analysts say. Three major hurdles must be overcome.


The cost of shifting the U.S. power grid to 100 percent renewable energy over the next 10 years is an estimated $4.5 trillion, according to a new Wood Mackenzie analysis.

This estimated price tag is associated with transitioning entirely to renewables: replacing nuclear and fossil fuels with renewable energy, while keeping hydro, biomass and geothermal, consistent with a 1 00 percent renewables vision. If nuclear were to remain in the energy mix, the total price tag would drop to $4 trillion.

According to the analysis, $4.5 trillion covers everything needed to reliably produce and deliver clean energy to consumers. That runs the gamut from constructing and operating new generation facilities, making capacity payments, investing in transmission and distribution infrastructure, delivering customer-facing grid edge technology and more.

The model used for the estimate is based on today's technology and does not factor in potential future innovations. However, WoodMac's model does take into account the cost inflation in materials and labor that would be likely to occur in an "accelerated build" scenario.

"Markets can reach 25 percent wind and solar market penetration with relative ease, assuming fundamental natural resource and grid infrastructure prerequisites. Beyond that point, operational and cost complexities progressively multiply, in large part due to the intermittent nature of renewables," the authors state.

No large and complex power system in the world operates with an average annual penetration of greater than 30 percent wind and solar, the report says.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 30, 2023 6:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Go to Texas to see the anti-green future of clean energy

Lessons for liberals from climate-skeptic wind ranchers

Texas has three times more wind, solar and battery storage under construction than California — just don’t call it green.

For more than 140 years John Davis’s family has owned the Pecan Spring Ranch on the prairie lands of West Texas. He has a photo of his great-great-grandmother, known as "the sheep queen of Texas", sitting in a horse-drawn carriage beneath a tree that still stands in front of the hay barn. It’s a tough business to maintain, even with a valuable herd of Wagyu beef cattle to raise. Yet when a renewable-energy developer offered Mr Davis a large payment to put wind turbines on his land, at first the staunch Republican — and former state congressman — turned it down.

His opposition was knee-jerk. “Clean energy has been branded a liberal technology. People literally say, ‘this is AOC coming into town,”’ explains his son, Samuel, referring to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the left-wing congresswoman whose name pops up with almost flattering frequency among conservative Texans. Eventually, though, economic sense prevailed. As the family points out, at an average return per acre, cattle generate $8, deer hunters $15 — and wind hundreds of dollars. It assures the ranch’s future.

Now hosting seven turbines, the family embraces renewables as religious converts would. Samuel is a representative for the Texas Land and Liberty Coalition, which promotes wind and solar energy among ranchers. His parents have bought a filling station, ripped out the petrol pumps, and are converting it into an electric-vehicle charging station (with a farmers’ market on the side). Your columnist sat down with the clan last month over a breakfast of quiche and tomato-jalapeño jam, before bouncing across their ranch in an electric buggy. He learned lessons about clean energy that challenged his own philosophical assumptions.

1) The first is that you do not have to believe in climate change to support renewables. Quite the opposite. For a portion of conservative America, things like climate change and carbon taxes are still viewed as big-government malarkey. Even greenery is despised as a term co-opted by the left. “When someone says we are embracing green energy, it’s like shoving an ice pick through our ears,” says Matt Welch, head of Conservative Texans for Energy Innovation, another pro-renewables group. “We just say clean energy.”

This is not just Texan recalcitrance. Wind power is abundantly harvested in states run by Republican governments and over land owned by climate-skeptic ranchers. The message they prefer is a more free-market one: that wind and solar are increasingly competitive sources of energy, help reduce electricity costs, foster entrepreneurship, and are no less American than oil and gas.

It is a surprisingly effective mantra. You might think that California, which talks a good game about climate change and green energy, is on the forefront of renewables development. But Texas is far ahead. According to a study commissioned by Mr Welch’s organization, in the second quarter of 2022 his home state had three times more wind, solar and battery storage under construction than California. The Energy Information Administration, a federal agency, predicts that this year the share of renewables in Texan power generation will for the first time exceed that of natural gas.

2) That helps explain the next lesson. For all the mockery of AOC, it is from their own Republican ranks that wind-energy ranchers face the most antagonism — especially from fossil-fuel producers who fear being undercut by renewables. Organizations like the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), which lobbies on behalf of oil and gas, and the Texas Landowners Coalition, backed by right-wing beneficiaries of the fracking boom, are fighting tooth and nail to curb wind development. The TPPF’s battle extends to proposed offshore wind farms as far away as New England.

Jason Isaac of the TPPF says his organization helped convince the Texas government to let a school-district tax credit lapse on December 31st that encouraged renewables investment in rural Texas. He argues that such fiscal support distorts the power market, though that stance ignores other incentives for oil and gas producers. He blames wind for the blackouts across Texas in 2021 caused by storm Uri, never mind that an official report concluded that “all types of generation technologies failed”, including natural gas and coal. Republicans accuse liberals of “cult-like decarbonization”, yet their policies hurt some fellow conservatives.

3) The third lesson is pragmatism. Even though Republican lawmakers unanimously opposed President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which provides hundreds of billions of dollars to curb America’s use of fossil fuels, red states like Texas plan to lap it up. The Davis family do not support the IRA, but they hope its expanded federal tax credits will entice more wind and solar to rural Texas. The state also expects to attract big hydrogen and carbon-sequestration projects. Other Republican states like Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee are welcoming billions of dollars of clean-energy investments spurred by the IRA. Even conservative businesses that lobby strongly for fossil fuels hope to benefit from the energy transition. For example, Koch Industries, an energy conglomerate, supported a big investment by Freyr, a Norwegian firm, in a battery factory in Georgia that will benefit from the law.

Don’t waste your breath

4) The upshot is that there are ways to promote clean energy that do not rely on convincing climate skeptics that they are bonkers. A better sales pitch may be to play up the cost advantages of renewables rather than the climate benefits, emphasize their contribution to cutting air pollution rather than carbon emissions, and acknowledge that, owing to intermittency factors, natural gas may have a role to play in power generation for years to come. As Michael Webber, a professor of energy at the University of Texas, puts it, “It’s not unusual for Texas to do the right thing for all the wrong reasons.” In the end, everyone’s aim is a better future. As the elder Mr Davis says, many ranchers lucky enough to have oil under their land have benefited for generations. “We struck wind.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 5:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

China invests $546 billion in clean energy, far surpassing the U.S.

E&E News reports:

China once again topped the world in clean energy investments last year, a trend that could challenge U.S. efforts to develop more homegrown manufacturing.

Nearly half of the world’s low-carbon spending took place in China, according to a recent analysis from market research firm BloombergNEF. The country spent $546 billion in 2022 on investments that included solar and wind energy, electric vehicles and batteries.

That is nearly four times the amount of U.S. investments, which totaled $141 billion. The European Union was second to China with $180 billion in clean energy investments.

China also dominated in low-carbon manufacturing, accounting for more than 90 percent of the $79 billion invested in that sector last year, according to the report.

The findings come as the U.S. and Europe work to expand domestic manufacturing capacity. The United States has begun in recent months to roll out the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act, which is packed with $369 billion of incentives aimed at building up the U.S. clean energy industry.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 8:09 AM



Originally posted by second:
China invests $546 billion in clean energy, far surpassing the U.S.

E&E News reports:

China once again topped the world in clean energy investments last year, a trend that could challenge U.S. efforts to develop more homegrown manufacturing.

Nearly half of the world’s low-carbon spending took place in China, according to a recent analysis from market research firm BloombergNEF. The country spent $546 billion in 2022 on investments that included solar and wind energy, electric vehicles and batteries.

That is nearly four times the amount of U.S. investments, which totaled $141 billion. The European Union was second to China with $180 billion in clean energy investments.

China also dominated in low-carbon manufacturing, accounting for more than 90 percent of the $79 billion invested in that sector last year, according to the report.

The findings come as the U.S. and Europe work to expand domestic manufacturing capacity. The United States has begun in recent months to roll out the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act, which is packed with $369 billion of incentives aimed at building up the U.S. clean energy industry.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Talk to Joe*. He and the Democrats just sent $900 Billion to the very-non-clean War Machine.

Get fucked, Second.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 9:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Talk to Joe*. He and the Democrats just sent $900 Billion to the very-non-clean War Machine.

Get fucked, Second.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Funny how the Pentagon sees its budget steadily getting smaller and smaller.

DOD funding is near a record low as a percentage of our economy
Defense Spending as a % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

This is a graphic showing defense spending as a percentage of gross domestic product.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 9:45 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Talk to Joe*. He and the Democrats just sent $900 Billion to the very-non-clean War Machine.

Get fucked, Second.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Funny how the Pentagon sees its budget steadily getting smaller and smaller.

DOD funding is near a record low as a percentage of our economy
Defense Spending as a % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

This is a graphic showing defense spending as a percentage of gross domestic product.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Hey sigs. Now he's using Bidenflation to make you feel bad about our War Machine budget.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 10:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


Hey sigs. Now he's using Bidenflation to make you feel bad about our War Machine budget.

You didn't even click on the link so you could see the graph of defense spending as a percent of GDP. (It is 2.7%, which is as low as it has ever been. Most recent peaks were 4.5% in 2010 and 5.7% in 1985 and 8.6% in 1968 and 11.3% in 1953) The percentage keeps decreasing because the economy keeps growing, but that is too complicated for you.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 10:35 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


Hey sigs. Now he's using Bidenflation to make you feel bad about our War Machine budget.

You didn't even click on the link so you could see the graph of defense spending as a percent of GDP. (It is 2.7%, which is as low as it has ever been. Most recent peaks were 4.5% in 2010 and 5.7% in 1985 and 8.6% in 1968 and 11.3% in 1953) The percentage keeps decreasing because the economy keeps growing, but that is too complicated for you.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trust me, moron... Anything you can wrap your head around is like 5th grad shit to me.

I'm just commenting on how you're so fucking confused about everything because your brain is broken and you stand for nothing since every thought you shit out online is in contradiction to every other thought you shit out online.

You are a waste of carbon. I hope nature does better next time when your atoms are cast into the wind.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023 7:03 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hundreds of used electric vehicle battery packs are enjoying a second life at a California facility connected to the state's power grid, according to a company pioneering technology it says will dramatically lower the cost of storing carbon-free energy. Reuters reports:

B2U Storage Solutions, a Los Angeles-based startup, said it has 25 megawatt-hours of storage capacity made up of 1,300 former EV batteries tied to a solar energy facility in Lancaster, California. The project is believed to be the first of its kind selling power into a wholesale market and earned $1 million last year, according to Chief Executive Freeman Hall. B2U's technology allows the EV battery packs to be bundled together without having to be taken apart first. Founded in 2019, the company is backed by Japanese trading company Marubeni Corp.

By extending the batteries' lives, project developers can save both resources and costs. Hall estimates that a system like B2U's could lower grid-scale battery capital costs by about 40%. "Second life and re-use helps the overall lifecycle be more energy efficient, given all the efforts that go into making that battery," Hall said in an interview. "So you're getting maximum value out of it." Batteries are worked hard during their years powering vehicles, and over time their range deteriorates. But they still hold value as stationary storage, which has gentler demands, Hall said. The batteries in the B2U system are up to 8-years old and once powered vehicles built by Honda and Nissan.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:13 AM


Fake news.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

EverWind Fuels has become the first green hydrogen producer in North America to secure the necessary permits for a commercial-scale facility on Tuesday.

Reuters reports:
Provincial authorities in Canada granted environmental approval for EverWind to begin converting a former oil storage facility and marine terminal at Point Tupper in Nova Scotia into a green hydrogen and ammonia production hub. [...] EverWind expects the project's first phase, producing and exporting 200,000 tonnes per annum, to be online in 2025, before ramping up to 1 million tonnes per annum the following year. The company has agreements with German energy firms E.ON and Uniper to acquire the production. "To get the permit is a big deal," said Vichie, who co-founded Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners and also worked at Blackstone. The green hydrogen produced by EverWind's facility will be combined with nitrogen and converted into ammonia before being shipped, in liquid form, in tankers to Germany, where it can be retained as ammonia or turned back into green hydrogen.

Production during the facility's first phase will be powered using wind and solar assets to be built nearby, Vichie said. The company in December leased 137,000 acres (55,440 hectares) which will eventually site turbines generating 2 gigawatts of wind energy, that will power production in its second, larger phase. "This provides an amazing green growth path for Atlantic Canada, where they have some of the world's best wind resources," Vichie said. The overall cost of the project is expected to be around $6 billion. Three banks are helping arrange debt funding, while Vichie's family office is providing equity capital, he said.

In other hydrogen-related news, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) granted Universal Hydrogen approval to fly its 40+ passenger hydrogen electric plane.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 8, 2023 11:23 AM


Hindenburg report delays Adani's green hydrogen project with French firm

Also, Hydrogen:

Good luck on your maiden voyage.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023 11:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jet Fuel Burns, 6ix:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 18, 2023 7:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

MIT team makes a case for direct carbon capture from seawater, not air

February 17, 2023

The team projects an optimized cost around US$56 per ton of CO2 captured from seawater.

Cost per ton of CO2 ranges between US$300-$1,000 if removed from air.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in seawater is more than 100 times greater than in air. Suck the carbon out of the seawater, and it'll suck more out of the air to re-balance the concentrations. The ocean currently soaks up some 30-40% of all humanity's annual carbon emissions, and maintains a constant free exchange with the air.

The team has a practical demonstration project planned for sometime in the next two years, and says there are plenty of things that still need work. For one, the researchers would love to be able to separate the gas out without a vacuum system. And mineral precipitates are fouling the electrodes on the alkalinization side, so there's plenty of progress yet to be made.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 6:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Solar capacity in Europe doubled since 2018, and is on track to triple in the next four years.

Two things happened in 2022 that made renewables out compete both coal and gas: Renewable technology is getting reliably cheaper while its competitors are getting more expensive.

Oil, gas, and coal are commodities, and as physical goods, their prices are dictated by volatility in markets. Oil price shocks occur once every few years. But solar and wind prices depend on technology getting better, which follows a much more predictable curve as it gets cheaper and more advanced.

While the technology still has room for improvement, what’s needed is not so much a better wind turbine or solar panel as much as broader policy changes that encourage more widespread adoption.

The Russia-Ukraine war turned out to be the crisis to propel that adoption.

European households and businesses turned to rooftop solar last year as they worried about skyrocketing electricity costs. They added three times as many gigawatts in 2022 as in the year before.

Better technology can also help us slash energy usage. Heat pumps require less energy than traditional furnaces and boilers. Heat pumps were already on the rise in Europe before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and sales soared in 2022, doubling in countries like Poland, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands.

This year is likely to see the beginning of the end of natural gas in Europe because it’s now the most expensive fuel in Europe, due to the sanctions on Russia.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:39 AM


The world is on track to overshoot 1.5 degrees of warming, so it's time to study reflecting sun away from the earth, says UN

Antarctic sea ice likely shrunk to a record low last week, US researchers said Monday, its lowest extent in the 45 years of satellite record-keeping


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 12:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

How a high school in Estonia has almost achieved carbon neutrality
By Aurora Velez • Updated: 27/02/2023

All energy sources at the school are green. Some are more obvious, like the 144 solar panels, which produce 37.4 kWh.

The building, which dates back to Soviet times, was completely rebuilt in 2016. The total budget for this project was over €5.7 million. More than 260 students and teachers benefit from the project, says Polva Gümnaasium. The school is also open to the local community for concerts, meetings and other events.

This project has been used as a model both within Estonia and abroad and was recently recognised as one of the best European projects at the 2022 REGIOSTARS Awards.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 7, 2023 8:54 AM


China tops nuclear fusion patent ranking, beating U.S.

The Chinese have raced ahead of the pack in filing patents in nuclear fusion technology


Tuesday, March 7, 2023 9:10 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
China tops nuclear fusion patent ranking, beating U.S.

The Chinese have raced ahead of the pack in filing patents in nuclear fusion technology

That's what happens when you don't prioritize diversity hiring above everything else.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 7, 2023 9:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

That's what happens when you don't prioritize diversity hiring above everything else.

6ix, how many operating fusion power plants are in the world? Zero. When will the first one be built? There is none scheduled. To get to the future shown in Firefly or Star Trek will require either fusion power plants that fit inside a starship or di-lithium crystals as in Star Trek. I don't think travel to the stars will be part of history until after humans get more than half of their electrical power from the fusion power plant of the Sun, which means solar cells and wind turbines, both things that Trumptards despise as much as "prioritize diversity hiring".

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 17, 2023 11:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

State senators are aggressively pursuing a plan to build more natural gas power plants and curb the growth of wind and solar energy in Texas. Senators say the federal government offers unfair incentives to wind and solar plants, making it tough for non-renewable energy providers to compete.

The legislation would add to laws the Legislature passed after the deadly winter freeze in 2021, which Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republicans have unduly blamed on wind and solar generation. Those failures were mostly attributable to a massive drop in natural gas production, federal investigators determined.

Another measure would require at least half of all new generation built in Texas to be coal or natural gas-powered starting in 2024.

Doug Lewin, a renewable energy consultant, warned that the proposals will be “extremely expensive.” "Any time that you hear a policymaker talking about raising costs on renewables, that's raising costs on customers,” Lewin said. “Renewables benefit customers, and it's nothing but a tax on electricity. That’s what it is — a massive tax on electricity that all Texans are going to pay” to benefit natural gas producers.

University of Houston Energy Fellow Ed Hirs said Texas would be facing problems even if renewables hadn’t come onto the system with so much gusto. But because wind and solar energy have become so cheap to produce and don’t have a fuel cost like natural gas, it has been hard for legacy plants to compete in the Texas system.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 18, 2023 6:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In 2022, Europe saw wind and solar power overtake nuclear power and natural gas for the first time.

Thanks to a record rollout of renewable energy sources combined with conservation measures, the continent’s emissions footprint actually positioned the EU to remain within reach of its goal to slash emissions by at least 55 percent in seven years’ time.

The secret to Europe’s success was its expansive deployment of solar photovoltaics and wind farms, which had a combined generation that jumped by 15 percent in 2022 over the previous year.

In Germany, no one was certain whether people would cooperate of their own volition. But research has shown that in combination with a relatively mild winter, conservation efforts by individuals, businesses, and even factories reduced overall gas consumption by 15 percent. Individual motivations varied: many saw no alternative in the face of soaring energy bills and inflated consumer prices; others framed their sacrifice in terms of solidarity with the people of Ukraine or as a boon to climate protection. Whatever the reason, Europeans embarked on the energy-saving actions that efficiency experts have long advocated — and hope to make permanent.

“There was a positive attitude about conserving energy,” says Neuhoff. “People seemed to understand that they have to save gas to prevent the crisis from escalating — and they did.” And, emphasizes Neuhoff, “Industry cut back even more than ordinary people.” Citing high energy prices and the scaling back of some production, the industrial sector slashed gas use by around 25 percent.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 6, 2023 1:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Are Texas wind and solar really more subsidized than oil and gas? (Editorial)
April 6, 2023

Roughly 15 years after derricks at the Spindletop oil field first rained black gold in southeast Texas at the turn of the 20th century, a different spigot began flowing: a fire hose of taxpayer dollars into the coffers of oil companies.

Since 1916, when the federal government first allowed firms that extracted natural resources to immediately deduct related costs — including construction, wages, drilling, fuel and other expenses — oil and gas companies have benefited from hundreds of billions of dollars in federal subsidies entrenched in our tax code. States such as Texas duplicate those efforts with generous oil and gas subsidies of their own, reasoning that doing so enhances job creation and economic development. Only in the 21st century did federal support for renewable energy sources such as wind and solar begin to keep pace with oil, gas, and coal. Congress was motivated in part by a global awakening that carbon emissions from fossil fuels directly contribute to climate change.

Somewhere along the way, the notion of special treatment emerged. Critics began to claim that renewables — those darlings of the Left — were being showered with unfair government advantages that skewed the energy playing field and made it harder for oil and gas to compete. That thinking recently led Gov. Greg Abbott to suggest that Texas should exclude renewable energy projects from the newest version of the popular "Chapter 313" tax break program.

We actually think the government has a right, even a duty, to encourage industries that can save our warming earth from Armageddon. We also think it's important to lay out the facts and set the record straight on the idea that wind and solar have an unfair advantage.

It's just not that simple. Calculating federal subsidies is something of an inexact science, particularly when factoring indirect subsidies, such as the discounted cost of leasing federal lands for drilling, or foregone consumption taxes, to say nothing of the environmental and public health costs from carbon pollution that companies usually don't pay.

Abbott is correct that renewables get substantial federal help. One study from the conservative-leaning think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation found that from 2010-2019, wind and solar received $71 billion in federal subsidies compared with $38 billion for oil and gas. Congress' recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which has even more generous tax credits, will further tilt the balance of federal subsidies toward renewables. As Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told us recently, the new law will make investing in clean energy "irresistible," even for Big Oil companies.

Of course, Texas helps make up for that subsidy imbalance: A University of Texas Energy Institute study from 2018 — the most recent analysis of its kind — found that the state doled out roughly $1.8 billion in direct subsidies for oil and gas compared with $1 billion for wind and only $19 million for solar between 2010-2019. Even if you consider the $976 million subsidy provided to build transmission lines to deliver wind power from West Texas to big cities, just one subsidy cutting taxes on gas wells that are hard to develop costs Texas taxpayers $1 billion.

Another problem with Abbott's desire to kick renewables out of the revamped 313 program? It would basically require Texas to cut off its nose to spite of its face. Robust federal support over the next decade creates even more opportunity for Texas' energy industry to grow, create more jobs, and produce more clean energy. Why would Texas' energy producers not want a slice of that pie?

Federal subsidies aren't just "corporate welfare," as critics describe them. They're seed money for investment in a state that wants to maintain its dominance in wind and solar. This is a state that's evolved past binary categories of dirty and clean energy. Today, traditional fossil fuel companies are in the renewables game, too.

Case in point: Through the old Chapter 313, Texas attracted more than $60 billion worth of new renewable energy investments, and, in the last flood of applications, more than half of the proposals filed for wind and solar projects came from companies more known for oil and gas, according to analysis from the University of Texas' UT's Nate Jensen and Isabella Steinhauer.

Sidelining renewables is a remarkable and unfortunate pivot from Abbott, who just a year ago during his re-election campaign was touting Texas' "all of the above" energy policy, where wind turbines and solar panels can co-exist alongside oil and gas wells. Having that menu of options is why Texas already leads the nation in both oil and natural gas production as well as total wind and solar generation.

Yet despite lapping the competition, Texas' subsidies remain on the books. That's what made the state Legislature's decision to let the Chapter 313 tax break expire in December so extraordinary. The $10.8 billion taxpayer-funded program offered a decade's worth of deep discounts to some of the world's largest corporations on school property taxes for energy and manufacturing projects but the program lacked the safeguards to ensure that incentives were actually needed or that companies actually created the jobs and economic benefits they promised.

As it turned out, rumors of Chapter 313's demise were greatly exaggerated. The program has been re-introduced in a new bill, House Bill 5, sponsored by Rep. Todd Hunter, R-Corpus Christi, with several Democratic co-sponsors, including Houston's own Ann Johnson. This bill as written is a mere shell, which doesn't give us confidence that it will address the original program's deficiencies. It doesn't limit the length of tax breaks, doesn't include job creation requirements, and doesn't specify that companies must be considering sites outside of Texas in order to qualify. It appears to be purposefully vague by design, allowing lawmakers to negotiate the fine print behind the scenes.

So what does the bill do at this point? Strip out one of the few aspects that was, by any measure, successful: new and expanded investments in wind and solar energy. Lawmakers who would vote to exclude renewables shouldn't delude themselves that they're merely avoiding picking winners and losers in a free market. Whether they vote to include or exclude wind and solar, their thumbs on the scale weigh the same.

They're still influencing the market at a time when our fossil fuel consumption will contribute to the world passing a dangerous temperature threshold within the next 10 years. Disadvantaging renewable energy isn't just bad economic policy, it's remarkably short-sighted considering wind and solar combined make up nearly one-third of our energy consumption.

Rep. Johnson, one of the bill's co-sponsors, told the board that negotiations are ongoing and excluding renewable energy would not win her final support. We hope her colleagues are similarly committed to advancing a bill that balances the interest of businesses and schools, while also continuing to diversify the state economy.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 6, 2023 1:19 PM


Solar and Wind power will never make a dent in the energy we need. They will only be supplemental to Nuclear power.

You'd better start building those Nuclear power plants, or your Green Dream is DOA.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, April 6, 2023 1:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Solar and Wind power will never make a dent in the energy we need. They will only be supplemental to Nuclear power.

You'd better start building those Nuclear power plants, or your Green Dream is DOA.

Already more than halfway there:

"According to its roadmap for bringing energy-related CO2 emissions to net zero by 2050, global nuclear capacity would need to almost double from current levels to reach 812 gigawatts (GW) in 2050."

Parenthetically, that is why OPEC+ raised its prices recently since it has to make all the money it will ever make in the next 27 years because by 2050 OPEC+ will be out-of-business. If OPEC+ does connive to stay operating after 2050, we will be dead meat roasting in the Summer Sun. What a vile smell from the smoke of humans being barbecued. Let's avoid that future rather than make the Saudi Arabian King living in his air-conditioned palace richer and richer forever and ever as he sells more and more crude for many centuries to come.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 9, 2023 4:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Simple Math and the Climate Crisis

About a decade ago, I wrote an essay for this magazine that went quite viral, simply because it laid out the math of climate change as we understood it at the time. Scientists calculated that in order to have any real chance of meeting the climate goals the world had agreed on, our atmospheric bucket had space for about 585 gigatons more carbon dioxide. And new data showed that the fossil-fuel industry had in its reserves — the stuff it had told shareholders and banks it would dig up and burn — about 2,795 gigatons worth of CO2. Which is to say: five times too much.

From that math, you could derive a powerful result: The fossil-fuel industry was a rogue enterprise. If the various companies (and countries that operated like companies — think Saudi Arabia) carried out their stated business plan, there was no drama about the outcome: Earth as we had known it would no longer exist, and in its place would be something much hotter and more dangerous.

That remains true — truer, even. Mark Campanale, whose London-based NGO Carbon Tracker provided those numbers a decade ago, has kept an ongoing count, and here’s where we stand. The fossil-fuel industry has continued to explore and prospect, and now controls reserves of coal, gas, and oil that, if burned, would produce 3,700 gigatons of carbon dioxide. That’s 10 times the amount that scientists say would take us past the temperature targets set in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Another way of saying this: If we are to meet the climate targets set by scientists, we have to leave 90 percent of the fossil fuels we have discovered underground. And at current prices that means stranding about $100 trillion worth of assets in the soil. If you want to understand why the battle over climate progress is so fierce — why the fossil-fuel industry fights so hard, with all the political influence it can buy — remember that $100 trillion. That’s a lot of incentive.

$34 per Megawatt Hour

That’s the new figure from the investment bank Lazard for the average cost of utility-scale solar power. That is, if you have a bunch of solar panels in a field, that’s how much it costs to produce electricity from them. To understand why it’s a figure that could change the world, you need to know a couple of other things.

One, it’s far, far lower than it was a decade ago: The price of renewable energy has dropped as much as 90 percent since then.

And two, it’s lower than any other way of producing energy. The only thing that comes close is a wind turbine catching the breeze, which checks in at $39 per kilowatt hour. Running a gas-fired power plant, still the most common solution in America, runs you $59; a coal-fired power plant, in these calculations, produces power at $108 a megawatt hour; nuclear is more expensive yet.

We’re used to thinking of renewable clean energy as “alternative energy,” the Whole Foods of energy compared with the Piggly Wiggly of gas or coal: luxe, not mainstream. But that has shifted dramatically. And that’s an advantage that should continue to grow. A remarkable study from Oxford scientists published in 2021 makes clear that solar and wind power (and the batteries to store that power when the sun sets or the wind drops) are firmly set on what economists call “learning curves.” That is, the more you build them out, the better you get at doing it, and so the price drops. At the moment, when solar installations double, the price drops by a third.

The power of that learning curve is so great that it tends to overwhelm all the obstacles that get in the way. Not all power sources are on learning curves, however. Fossil fuel was pretty cheap from the start, but it hasn’t gotten significantly cheaper. That’s because it’s less a technology than a commodity — and you have to work harder to find that commodity now that the easy stuff has been burned. The coal is farther back in the mine; the oil is down at the bottom of the ocean now, or under a polar ice cap. There’s hope — but no certainty yet — that nuclear power might get back on a learning curve, as we move from behemoth projects to “small modular reactors,” but at least for now atomic power comes at a premium.

So the price gap between fossil fuel and renewable energy should continue to widen. Indeed, the Oxford study says that the faster we convert to renewable-energy the more money we will save, simply because we’ll be able to stop burning expensive hydrocarbons sooner. The savings could be in the tens of trillions of dollars, which sounds unlikely until you remember the other difference between the old and new technologies. With renewable energy, you still have to mine — cobalt or lithium or the like. But once you’ve mined it, you put it in a battery or a wind turbine, and it stays there for decades, doing its work. If you mine gas or coal, you set it on fire, and then you have to go get more. Forty percent of ship traffic is simply moving coal and gas and oil around so it can be burned. The sun and wind deliver energy for free.

So it makes sense that the fossil-fuel industry hates renewable energy. If you prospered by making people pay you for energy, simply waiting for the sun to rise is the stupidest business model ever.

$2.8 billion per day

Last year, we were hit with a staggering number: $2.8 billion is how much profit the fossil-fuel industry has earned daily for the past 50 years. Which is a problem, because the people making that money have the motive and the means to try to keep it alive.

“It’s a huge amount of money,” Aviel Verbruggen, the academic who calculated that figure, points out. “You can buy every politician, every system with all this money. It protects [producers] from political interference that may limit their activities.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 13, 2023 6:01 AM



Thursday, April 13, 2023 7:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

EPA lays out rules to accelerate sales of electric cars and trucks

The Biden administration on Wednesday proposed the nation’s most ambitious climate regulations to date, two plans designed to ensure two-thirds of new passenger cars and a quarter of new heavy trucks sold in the United States are all-electric by 2032.

The new rules would require nothing short of a revolution in the U.S. auto industry, a moment in some ways as significant as the June morning in 1896 when Henry Ford took his “horseless carriage” for a test run and changed American life and industry.

If the two rules from the Environmental Protection Agency are enacted as proposed, they would put the world’s largest economy on track to slash its planet-warming emissions at the pace that scientists say is required of all nations in order to avert the most devastating impacts of climate change.

The government’s challenge to automakers is monumental. Last year, all-electric vehicles accounted for just 5.8 percent of new cars sold in the United States. All-electric trucks were even more rare, making up fewer than 2 percent of new heavy trucks sold.

Nearly all major automakers have already invested billions in producing electric vehicles at the same time as they continue to manufacture the conventional vehicles powered by gasoline, which deliver their profits. The proposed regulations would require them to invest more heavily and reorient their processes in ways that would essentially spell the end of the internal combustion engine.

The E.P.A. is “proposing the strongest-ever federal pollution technology standards for both cars and trucks,” said Michael S. Regan, the agency’s administrator, in remarks outside E.P.A. headquarters on Wednesday. “Together, today’s actions will accelerate our ongoing transition to a clean vehicle future, tackle the climate crisis head on and improve air quality in poor communities all across the country.”

“This is historic news,” he said.

The E.P.A. cannot mandate that carmakers sell a certain number of electric vehicles. But under the Clean Air Act, the agency can limit the pollution generated by the total number of cars each manufacturer sells. And the agency has set that limit so tightly that the only way manufacturers can comply is to sell a certain percentage of zero-emissions vehicles. Each model year that the rule is in effect, car companies will report to the federal government the average greenhouse emissions of all new cars sold. Companies that fall short of the standard could be penalized in different ways, including fines of billions of dollars.

The proposed regulations will surely face legal challenges from those who see them as government overreach. A group of about a dozen Republican attorneys general has filed lawsuits against the Biden administration’s climate polices, and one of its leaders, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia, suggested the group would fight the newest proposals.

“This administration is hell bent on destroying America’s energy security and independence by making us dependent on resources and components that can come only from abroad,” Mr. Morrisey said. “Over the coming weeks, we’ll be taking a closer look at the proposed rule, and we’ll be ready to once again lead the charge against wrongheaded energy proposals like these.”

The proposed tailpipe pollution limits for cars, first reported by The New York Times on Saturday, are designed to ensure that 67 percent of sales of new light-duty passenger vehicles, from sedans to pickup trucks, will be all-electric by 2032. Additionally, 46 percent of sales of new medium-duty trucks, such as delivery vans, will be all-electric or use some other form of zero-emissions technology by the same year, according to the plan.

The E.P.A. also proposed a companion rule governing heavy-duty vehicles, designed so that half of new buses and a quarter of new heavy trucks sold, including eighteen-wheeler big rigs, would be all-electric by 2032.

Combined, the two rules would eliminate the equivalent of carbon dioxide emissions generated over two years by all sectors of the economy in the United States . . .

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 13, 2023 9:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Another blizzard of bullshit.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, April 17, 2023 6:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Another blizzard of bullshit.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Signym, what is wrong with you? Between your accusations that Ukrainians are Nazis and that NATO, EU, UK and USA are evil, there is something seriously out of balance about you. Could it be that the Russian economy prospers by selling fossil fuels? Climate change is unstoppable so long as fossil fuels keep getting burned. Fortunately, engineers have engines that do NOT burn fossil fuels. For example, here is Volvo and its giant earth-movers. Russians won't like this because it cuts into their fuel sales:

Electric has infiltrated heavy equipment.

Volvo’s latest all electric excavator: EC230. It is a 23 metric tonne (25 ton) machine. It is just like their diesel version but with batteries and an electric motor. 264KW of battery power. They have it structured for 4 to 5 hr run time then a 150KW, 1 hr charge and your good for the rest of the day. The battery life is 2000 to 5500 charging cycles.

Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) has started testing the world's first fuel cell articulated hauler prototype, the Volvo HX04.

The fuelling process for hydrogen vehicles is fast – the Volvo HX04 is charged with 12kg hydrogen in circa 7.5 minutes, enabling it to operate for approximately four hours. Fuel cells work by combining hydrogen with oxygen, and the resulting chemical reaction produces electricity which powers the machine. In the process, fuel cells also produce heat that can be used for the cab's heating. Fuel cells only emit one thing – water vapour.

In principle, a fuel cell works much like a battery except that it generates its own electricity from the hydrogen onboard as needed rather than being charged from an external source. Vehicles with fuel cell electric powertrains have an uptime, range, and fuelling time similar to that of combustion engine-powered vehicles.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, April 17, 2023 8:54 AM


The Jihadists are going to love 'em.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.






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