SJW's, Black Lives Matter, 3rd Wave Feminism and The Regressionist Left

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 15:18
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Monday, August 29, 2016 7:13 PM


It's been a long time since I posted here. Anyone who knows me knows it's been far longer since I actually paid any attention to any news from any outlet.

These are three entirely new concepts to me up until about a week ago.

Recently, for reasons I won't detail here, I have been relegated to only YouTube as entertainment for the last week or so, and I'm LOVING it. Holy Christ on a Cross, THIS is entertainment. I had no idea how entertaining the NEWS could be when watched from the many viewpoints of completely biased individuals from every side.

I mention the three phrases in the title of this thread simply because as much as I've disagreed with anyone ever on here about anything, I can only think of one person here I've ever spoken with who was truly into any of that.

Before I posted here I looked at recent thread titles and don't even see evidence that it's really being talked about.

Aside from my new comedy channel favs, my new favorite channels are a majority women and racial minorties or both. There's even an extremely gay guy from Greece I didn't realize was gay until I saw him speaking in a video that claimed he was gay and he outwardly acted almost like a caricature of a gay man while speaking at a college campus.

I will be the first to admit that I don't favorite white males saying the same things because it's neigh impossible to label me a racist, a mysogonist or a homophobe when I'm truly such a legitimate fan of what they have to say that there's no reason to even seek out any input from the "privileged white males" on youtube for a 2nd opinion.

1. TreeOfLogic -

2. Anthony Brian Logan -

3. Lauren Southern -

4. Milo Yiannopoulos -

(I originally just posted the youtube links here, but they didn't work since they weren't video links, so unfortunately I had to pick just one video they made or a video made with them in it.)

Seriously people of FFF/RWED...

If you want to have real discussions with each other, I would suggest watching some of the videos from the people I posted here. It may sound a little counter-intuitive to anyone who doesn't know who Milo is, but I did list them in the order I felt was "most likely to use kid gloves" to "most likely to bury you alive". Who Knew? The gay dude was channeling My Cousin Vinnie....

I JUST finally discovered the WONDER of YOUTUBE after all of these years. It's not just a bunch of music videos or pirated movies or videos of crazy cats....

Honestly, the political stuff I talk about here is a minority of what I learned to love over the last few weeks. Youtube, at least for now, is that fabled Utopia of free speech and what I always said the world should be like and I didn't even know it was right there all the time.

Y'all can keep your Game of Thrones.

YouTube is so much better because YouTube is real life. You just can't make this shit up.


Thursday, September 1, 2016 12:34 AM


Does not surprise me at all that nobody has any opinions about any of this.

It's 4 videos with people who make a point to do things that are not stereotypical and fit into your happy little box of what is and what isn't.

The lefties don't want to believe that women and minorities and gays could actually have such opinions, and the righties just downright don't trust them.

The utter silence after this post for 2 days is the reason I left here.

The RWED is, and always was, just a bunch of narrow minded individuals who would never change.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 2, 2016 8:59 PM


FWIW I dropped cable nearly 15 years ago. There are so many things on youtube from educational to entertaining and everything in between. Just recently, though, there is the warning signs that they are going to being restricting the monetization on videos that Anita Sarkeesian SJW-types don't like:


Saturday, September 3, 2016 12:30 AM


Well, let's see BLM, that is so yesterday's news. That movement is definitely misguided, but no more than the "open carry" folks and the
Bundy supporters out west who break the law and abuse their rights as "citizens."

Yes, I believe that black helicopters are armed & ready to go at a moments notice. Same mentality. Different approaches and different outcomes. But all
are troublemakers. There are other ways to bring attention to the plight of
people of color getting shot while severely unarmed. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for law & order - shoot the motherfuckers who break the law, especially
those who kill and hurt innocent people just going about their lives.

Especially those that hurt young children. Fuck 'em, shoot them dead. But so
too the stupid motherfuckers that go around claiming that they are being
treated differently because the government is giving things away to freeloaders. This guy Bundy stood on the principle that he wasn't going to pay the Feds because he didn't recognize their authority. What a bunch of horseshit!

But I do appreciate that guy Anthony that ran the video of the New Orleans
man who questioned the Black Panthers and BLM for not supporting the black
community in their real time of need. That I agree with 1000%. It is foolish to pretend to be for your community and then not support that community
when the chips are down. I applaud him for posting that video. Also the
retired cop, she had some good points. The BLM folks don't know how to go about protesting and channeling their energies in a positive manner. It is
part that and part built up frustration toward the system. Doesn't excuse it, but there you have it. They are in need of some serious leadership.

Had they handled their shit, and presented their protests constructively,
they would have my vote. So, no.....they don't have a good strategy. I've
spoken to my black friends and they don't like what they see either. Stopping folks from going to work is not going to get you any sympathy,
only very pissed-off people. And the campaign interruptions are stupid and unproductive. Scaring a bunch of folks at a rally will get you attention, but very much in the wrong way. You want folks to back your cause, not be afraid or confused by it.

But they are very much like Trump at his rallies. Safe and stupid. Again, you want to work with people, not insult, confuse and intimidate. Trump talks down to blacks and Hispanics; so does the BLM. they both choose a
soft audience that they could manipulate - in Trump's case: he appeals to the pissed-off white man who has fears off losing their privilege in this
country. BLM appeals to the pissed-off blacks that blame everything on the "white" man. Little do both of them know that they have a common enemy. The System. Powerful people use it to their advantage; to maintain the status quo. The rich get richer baby!

Perfect example: Bernie Madoff.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Does not surprise me at all that nobody has any opinions about any of this.

It's 4 videos with people who make a point to do things that are not stereotypical and fit into your happy little box of what is and what isn't.

The lefties don't want to believe that women and minorities and gays could actually have such opinions, and the righties just downright don't trust them.

The utter silence after this post for 2 days is the reason I left here.

The RWED is, and always was, just a bunch of narrow minded individuals who would never change.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 3, 2016 1:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It's not that I don't have an opinion, it's just that I was busy, and this is a really complex topic.

First of all, let me say that every objective study of bias says that bias exists.

Comparing the peer reviews or grant proposals or job evaluations which are evaluated "blinded" (i.e. gendered names removed) versus the same papers/ proposals that are evaluated with gendered names shows that women have to be roughly SEVEN TIMES better than their male counterparts to achieve the same result. There are just waaaaay too many studies on that topic to refute the findings. I'm just going to link a couple, but there are many more.

If you want personal observation, there is the experience of a female-to-male transgender scientist who has lived and worked as both female male, and what he says is


Where Summers sees innate differences, Barres sees discrimination. As a young woman – Barbara – he said he was discouraged from setting his sights on MIT, where he ended up receiving his bachelor’s degree. Once there, he was told that a boyfriend must have solved a hard math problem that he had answered and that had stumped most men in the class. After he began living as a man in 1997, Barres overheard another scientist say, “Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but his work is much better than his sister’s work.

Some of the greatest advances in recent science, like CRISPR, were invented by women, but are barely acknowledged in popular culture. Some males tend to turn every interaction into a gladiatorial contest, whether it is interacting online or fighting for research funding.

Same thing with "people of color" and rental, jobs, loans, etc. If you send in "test couples" with the exact same financial history, the lightest skins get the best responses. Again, there are far too many studies to credibly dispute the notion.

I can point any number of biases that work the same. And the response that a minority, or even a disadvantaged majority (women) should be able to "do for themselves" or re-create an entire economy for themselves is ludicrous. On the other hand, endless whining and focusing on EXTREMELY trivial aspect of prejudice ("micro-aggressions" "micro-invalidations") and other politically-incorrect language expressions of prejudice are equally ludicrous. Just listening to "social justice warriors" makes ME want to bang my head against a wall.

Also, that doesn't mean that minorities and disadvantaged majorities don't have their own prejudices against whites, men, or even against themselves. But their biases are less consequential, since they don't have the power and wealth to impose their views on the more powerful.

So, in the "ideal" world, we would all be free to pursue whatever we were individually best at, and would be evaluated only on merit, whether it is financial merit (for rentals, loans, and purchases) or intellectual merit (for research) or whatever merit applied to the situation.

However, all of this - eliminating prejudice, and pure meritocracy - is based on the assumption that we are all supposed to interact in an individualistic manner in a competitive environment, and that freely-competing individuals will find their best personal level and that society as a whole will benefit.

But what if society does NOT benefit from this arrangement? What if brilliant computer programmers are needed to grow food, and brilliant female (and male) researchers are needed to be great parents?

All I'm doing is pointing out that these discussions are based on some pretty unfounded assumptions. Like I said, it's a complex topic and I don't have time to engage in it.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, September 4, 2016 2:52 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Some of the greatest advances in recent science, like CRISPR, were invented by women ..."

That fantabulous flyby of Pluto that got all those wonderful photos and that remarkable data? The head honcho was a woman. Just sayin'

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, September 4, 2016 7:04 PM



Originally posted by THX:
FWIW I dropped cable nearly 15 years ago. There are so many things on youtube from educational to entertaining and everything in between. Just recently, though, there is the warning signs that they are going to being restricting the monetization on videos that Anita Sarkeesian SJW-types don't like:

I haven't watched anything outside of Youtube in about 2 months now. I'm subscribing to another person almost every day. It's really amazing what is out there to see on YouTube when you're not filling it up with professionally produced TV shows.

I'm actually well aware of the current Youtube scare of de-monitization on Youtube videos. They are now "following through" on new policies they stated to users over a year ago. I've seen users from several of my subscriptions say that they were effected, but they got their videos re-monitized after they underwent "human review". Granted, these were larger sites with a pretty big following. Who's to say how many people with only 1-5, subscribers are fairing?

I think the most well thought out video on that topic comes from TopHatsandChampagne...

Without ever referencing "Chicken Little", he does a good job of telling you not to freak until you've got more information. And trust me when I say that he is one of the first on the front lines that the SJWs would want to stifle.

My favorite video on the topic is by Penguinz0, called "Youtube Friendly Video":

Super Duper Fun! :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 4, 2016 7:17 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, let's see BLM, that is so yesterday's news. That movement is definitely misguided, but no more than the "open carry" folks and the
Bundy supporters out west who break the law and abuse their rights as "citizens."

Yes, I believe that black helicopters are armed & ready to go at a moments notice. Same mentality. Different approaches and different outcomes. But all
are troublemakers. There are other ways to bring attention to the plight of
people of color getting shot while severely unarmed. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for law & order - shoot the motherfuckers who break the law, especially
those who kill and hurt innocent people just going about their lives.

Especially those that hurt young children. Fuck 'em, shoot them dead. But so
too the stupid motherfuckers that go around claiming that they are being
treated differently because the government is giving things away to freeloaders. This guy Bundy stood on the principle that he wasn't going to pay the Feds because he didn't recognize their authority. What a bunch of horseshit!

But I do appreciate that guy Anthony that ran the video of the New Orleans
man who questioned the Black Panthers and BLM for not supporting the black
community in their real time of need. That I agree with 1000%. It is foolish to pretend to be for your community and then not support that community
when the chips are down. I applaud him for posting that video. Also the
retired cop, she had some good points. The BLM folks don't know how to go about protesting and channeling their energies in a positive manner. It is
part that and part built up frustration toward the system. Doesn't excuse it, but there you have it. They are in need of some serious leadership.

Had they handled their shit, and presented their protests constructively,
they would have my vote. So, no.....they don't have a good strategy. I've
spoken to my black friends and they don't like what they see either. Stopping folks from going to work is not going to get you any sympathy,
only very pissed-off people. And the campaign interruptions are stupid and unproductive. Scaring a bunch of folks at a rally will get you attention, but very much in the wrong way. You want folks to back your cause, not be afraid or confused by it.

But they are very much like Trump at his rallies. Safe and stupid. Again, you want to work with people, not insult, confuse and intimidate. Trump talks down to blacks and Hispanics; so does the BLM. they both choose a
soft audience that they could manipulate - in Trump's case: he appeals to the pissed-off white man who has fears off losing their privilege in this
country. BLM appeals to the pissed-off blacks that blame everything on the "white" man. Little do both of them know that they have a common enemy. The System. Powerful people use it to their advantage; to maintain the status quo. The rich get richer baby!

Perfect example: Bernie Madoff.


BLM was completely new to me. I haven't watched news in about 15 years. I don't read news. I really don't know shit about whats going on in the "Real World" unless friends or co-workers or family tell me about it.

No joke, and I'm sure I said something about it here. The BP catastrophe happened like over a month before I went home and my Grams was watching Fox News and I was like "WHAT THE F**K!!!!" while watching Earth gushing thousands of gallons of black blood into the ocean every second and this had been going on for almost 4 weeks and I never heard about it.

I really enjoyed reading your reply though SGG. I agree with practically everything you had to say about everything.

My only argument with what you had to say would be "in Trump's case: he appeals to the pissed-off white man who has fears off losing their privilege in this country".

Not that this isn't the end goal of Trumps campaign, or that he's not speaking to people who benefit from it.

My argument would be that at least 9 out of 10 white men in our country are not rich or privileged. Equal Opportunity Laws and tax incentives to NOT hire white men have actually made them suffer, in fact.

I'm not complaining about that. That's the world we've grown into. That's just the way it is now.

I just don't feel guilty about being a white guy in America in 2016. I only take issue when somebody tries to guilt me, or to push their white and/or male guilt upon me.

I don't think you do. I think you're one of the Real Thinkers out there.

Not a slave to sound bytes and bullshit.

Thank you for posting :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 4, 2016 8:01 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It's not that I don't have an opinion, it's just that I was busy, and this is a really complex topic.

First of all, let me say that every objective study of bias says that bias exists.

Comparing the peer reviews or grant proposals or job evaluations which are evaluated "blinded" (i.e. gendered names removed) versus the same papers/ proposals that are evaluated with gendered names shows that women have to be roughly SEVEN TIMES better than their male counterparts to achieve the same result. There are just waaaaay too many studies on that topic to refute the findings. I'm just going to link a couple, but there are many more.

If you want personal observation, there is the experience of a female-to-male transgender scientist who has lived and worked as both female male, and what he says is


Where Summers sees innate differences, Barres sees discrimination. As a young woman – Barbara – he said he was discouraged from setting his sights on MIT, where he ended up receiving his bachelor’s degree. Once there, he was told that a boyfriend must have solved a hard math problem that he had answered and that had stumped most men in the class. After he began living as a man in 1997, Barres overheard another scientist say, “Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but his work is much better than his sister’s work.

Some of the greatest advances in recent science, like CRISPR, were invented by women, but are barely acknowledged in popular culture. Some males tend to turn every interaction into a gladiatorial contest, whether it is interacting online or fighting for research funding.

Same thing with "people of color" and rental, jobs, loans, etc. If you send in "test couples" with the exact same financial history, the lightest skins get the best responses. Again, there are far too many studies to credibly dispute the notion.

I can point any number of biases that work the same. And the response that a minority, or even a disadvantaged majority (women) should be able to "do for themselves" or re-create an entire economy for themselves is ludicrous. On the other hand, endless whining and focusing on EXTREMELY trivial aspect of prejudice ("micro-aggressions" "micro-invalidations") and other politically-incorrect language expressions of prejudice are equally ludicrous. Just listening to "social justice warriors" makes ME want to bang my head against a wall.

Also, that doesn't mean that minorities and disadvantaged majorities don't have their own prejudices against whites, men, or even against themselves. But their biases are less consequential, since they don't have the power and wealth to impose their views on the more powerful.

So, in the "ideal" world, we would all be free to pursue whatever we were individually best at, and would be evaluated only on merit, whether it is financial merit (for rentals, loans, and purchases) or intellectual merit (for research) or whatever merit applied to the situation.

However, all of this - eliminating prejudice, and pure meritocracy - is based on the assumption that we are all supposed to interact in an individualistic manner in a competitive environment, and that freely-competing individuals will find their best personal level and that society as a whole will benefit.

But what if society does NOT benefit from this arrangement? What if brilliant computer programmers are needed to grow food, and brilliant female (and male) researchers are needed to be great parents?

All I'm doing is pointing out that these discussions are based on some pretty unfounded assumptions. Like I said, it's a complex topic and I don't have time to engage in it.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.

Hey Sigs....

I'm going to suggest, that at least in this current time period, that most of these findings were not in the last 5 or 10 years, but in the 25-30 years before it. I say that because the late 70's to the early 2000's were really Woman's first collective THRUST into the Professional World and The Best of The Best were TRULY Pioneers.

I'm not trying to insult them, but it's like the 2004 "Dream Team" losing to Argentina in the Olympics and taking the bronze. On the Flip Side, it's also like the Jamaican Bob Sled team in Cool Runnings.

I guess my point about Gender Equality and Pay would be that it's Bullshit for the 80% of us that live in Poverty or close to poverty. Any job that I've ever worked that was minimum wage or a few bucks above followed every Government Task to a T.

Actually, at my last job, this girl I'll just call "K", made the mistake of telling me that she was hired in at 1.00 more an hour more than I was. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't because she was a woman or she was black. She just got hired in when they were paying more on night shift than when I got hired. I was employee of the month 5 times in my almost 3 years there, which is usually unheard of for a night shift employee that doesn't deal with customers, and I never got a single raise. KMart didn't give raises anymore and hadn't for about 8 years. Each time I got Employee of the month, they gave me a $25 gift card for Kmart, and to add insult to injury, they actually added that $25 to my income and I had to pay state and federal taxes on it!!!!

If we're talking about actual people who work any type of job. A vast majority of men and women get paid EXACTLY the SAME SHIT WAGE. Because a vast majority of men and women in America work EXACTLY the SAME SHIT JOBS.

Now you want to talk about what I did 6-7 years ago for 5 years before that? I'm game. I wasn't making a cure for cancer. I worked with men and women. Year after year I got the top 6% wage increase, and also got nearly 16% when I was promoted to a job with a lot more responsibility.

A year before my promotion, a Man and a Woman BOTH took me out to lunch at Outback Steakhouse to try to "win" me over on their team and get me to be a project manager for them. They didn't pick me because I was white. They didn't pick me because of my GLARING lack of colledge education.

They picked me because I kicked ass and took names (literally) on every conference call I was on, and a representative of our largest client felt comfortable enough to call idiots on the line a "Mook" in front of me because I wasn't some dandy with delicate sensibilities who would run and tell.

Had I taken that job, I might have still been VERY gainfully employed, and who knows where I would have been 10 years later?

I declined and was promoted to IBM Production Control behind the scenes almost a year later. A job that was easily outsourced, and a very stupid move on my part.

If I was a Woman in the same situation I was in (no spose or kids), I would have jumped on it.

In the mean time. I was laid off in Dec of 2009. Since December of 2009, I have still not made as much money as I made in 2008. That includes unemployment.

I agree with pretty much everyting you say Sigs.

The thing is... I have, and alwys have been a slave to my HARD CORE self-hatred. Glasses by 2nd grade, and braces by 5th grade. And I had nobody to turn to at home. I was the oldest cousin, the oldest brother. My parents split years before. I suffered from agonizing insomnia by the time I was 7 years old and 30 years later it still haunts me. It was so bad that even when I finally was "acceppted" into the "cool crowd" in HS, I didn't recognize it.

I met some cheerleader from another school while wrestling and dated her instead. Years later when I was like 22 I was at a party where one of the lesser attractive cheerleaders from my school was at and we were drunk and having a good time and I asked her "what was it like being popular in high school?"

Ya know what She said?

"What are you talking about? You sat with us at lunch."


I spent so many years working to be that cool kid and enjoyed none of the benefits of that when I got there. Here's some girl I never bothered to have a single conversation with in HS, and 3-4 years later She remembers who I was enough to remember that I sat with them at the same table in Lunch. And I only remembered her as one of the lesser-Cheerleaders......

I don't know Sigs...

I'm just rambling now...

If you have a way for me to Leverage my supposed "White Privlidge" right now, I'm all ears.

I'm bored as fuck.

I'm tired.

My old man asks me more than I'm comfortable with if I'm suicidal. Especially because it's way too late for him to have any impact.

I'm not suicidal. I just don't care about anything anymore.

I'm living in a paid house, with a little bit of cash saved up.

I haven't had a job since March of 2015.

My teeth are falling out and Obamacare doesn't pay for that.

Living how I do, I could go another year and a half without even going into debt.

I'm not suicidal. But I want to die.

Suicide isn't cowardace.

Try living almost 2 years without a job. With enough more in the bank to go anther two.

Nothing in common with friends or family who actually have mortgages and have to work for a living.

I reject "White Privileged" or "Male Privileged".

I already hate myself enough.

Make the Hate Go Away!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 5, 2016 3:47 AM


Hey 6ix, keep your chin up buddy. I'll talk to you soon.



Monday, September 5, 2016 11:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
...shows that women have to be roughly SEVEN TIMES better than their male counterparts to achieve the same result. ...

Lost me there. Inept women are advanced all over the place. Often with tragic results. Usually it is hard to tease out the consequences but in the case of Kara Hultgreen it was plain to see.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016 5:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


...shows that women have to be roughly SEVEN TIMES better than their male counterparts to achieve the same result. ...- SIGNY

Lost me there. Inept women are advanced all over the place. Often with tragic results. Usually it is hard to tease out the consequences but in the case of Kara Hultgreen it was plain to see.- THX

I assumed that you knew that the kind of result I was referencing referred to AVERAGES. It doesn't mean that every single woman in every single case had to be seven times better than a man, it means that in some instances a woman had to be ten time better (or more) and in some instances could be worse.

Why don't you read the articles that I linked to understand what I'm posting? In addition

In any case, the problem is being solved by journals and grant proposal reviews being done "double blind". That means that the reviewer doesn't know the gender, university (affiliation), previous publishing history etc of the writer, and each paper or proposal is evaluated on its merit. This process is leading to increased acceptance of female-authored scientific papers and grant proposals.

It's too bad that most transactions can't be evaluated that way. Rental applications, loan applications, auto purchases would probably be reviewed more fairly if no information was available about the gender, age, and previous residences (because people can infer color from address) of the applicants/ customers, but was strictly limited to verifiable information like credit history.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 12, 2016 9:49 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

...shows that women have to be roughly SEVEN TIMES better than their male counterparts to achieve the same result. ...- SIGNY

Lost me there. Inept women are advanced all over the place. Often with tragic results. Usually it is hard to tease out the consequences but in the case of Kara Hultgreen it was plain to see.- THX

I assumed that you knew that the kind of result I was referencing referred to AVERAGES. It doesn't mean that every single woman in every single case had to be seven times better than a man, it means that in some instances a woman had to be ten time better (or more) and in some instances could be worse.

Why don't you read the articles that I linked to understand what I'm posting? In addition

In any case, the problem is being solved by journals and grant proposal reviews being done "double blind". That means that the reviewer doesn't know the gender, university (affiliation), previous publishing history etc of the writer, and each paper or proposal is evaluated on its merit. This process is leading to increased acceptance of female-authored scientific papers and grant proposals.

It's too bad that most transactions can't be evaluated that way. Rental applications, loan applications, auto purchases would probably be reviewed more fairly if no information was available about the gender, age, and previous residences (because people can infer color from address) of the applicants/ customers, but was strictly limited to verifiable information like credit history.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.

Don't get me started on Auto Insurance or Credit History, Sigs.....

Even though 9 out of 10 times the "guy" tailgaiting me in my old age is a woman, car insurance is always cheaper by a boatload for women.

But when it comes to Credit History, that never helps me get a job. I've got 820+, but nobody sees that that's trying to hire. They only use that as a negative tool to weed out the low scores.

Nothing I do holds any merit anymore. That's not to say that "The Bogey Man is out to get responsible white males". It's just to say that positive things that White Males stereotypically do are overlooked on purpose. When one particularly excels at them it's entirely meaningless.

I admit to a rather dubious childhood and mid-adult-hood. I've never lied about my checkered past.

But today I find myself nearing 40 years old.

Paid for house. 820+ credit score. I pay my bills. I mow my lawn. I keep the place looking nice. I don't bother my neighbors.

Honestly, I don't care what "facts" you dig up Signey.

For 95% of us, none of this matters in 2016.

I haven't had a "Real Job" in 7 years.

In that time, retail is as retail does. We're all kept to the minimum wage standard for the most part. I worked my ass off for 3 years at KMart and never saw a single nickle raise, just like every other man and woman there. It's against the law to discriminate pay based on sex or anything else, and every one of your retail/service based jobs near minimum wage chains would never go against that.

I think the problem is that only SUPER HIGH PAYING JOBS that MOST of us are NEVER going to get might still pay men more, and that's where these stats are based off of.

How many assholes run multi-national corporations into the ground and bail with their golden parachutes while our Government props them up because they're too big to fail?

If you thought, well... yeah. 99% of those assholes were rich white males, you would be correct. How much do you think their EVIL factors in to the overall statistic that Women get paid less than Men?

The problem is, Reganomics...

Not the economy part, but the Trickle Down Theory part....

They say that shit enough on the news and give enough examples of outrageous crimes against humanity done while Rich White Guys sail away in their multi-million-dollar parachutes enough times and it becomes truth to everyone.

My life sucks. I don't get any breaks, as a straight white male. Maybe when I'm over 40 I'll be cut some slack when the SJW's fight against "Ageists" but then again, when have you ever heard of an old SJW? Let alone one that spoke out for old people?

BTW... I did a search for "Crazy Feminist Berating MRA" on youtube and youtube so helpfully corrected my search by asking "Did you mean Crazy Feminist Liberating MRA?".... lol

I couldn't find the video, but there is one about Feminists at a college attacking an MRA (Men's Right Activists) gathering. The gathering was a support group for the high suicide rate among men in America today, and no doubt there were a lot of potentially suicidal men attending.

This young, and admittedly otherwise cute college girl, was screaming in the face of some guy what a vile piece of shit he was just for being there. He looked like he wanted to cry almost when he started asking the "Authority Figures" there where he could go that she wouldn't follow him.

You're not a Feminist Signy.

Feminists are about Female Superiority today.

You're an Egalitarian.

I'm willing to bet that a majority of young women that label themselves Feminists would be the same.

This is my biggest reason against the idea of "Free College for Everyone" on the government dime. College in America for most is nothing more than daycare for 20 year olds. It's just an extension of Government control and brainwashing.

Some people I grew up with that got college degrees are only now waking up from the brainwashing they got in college, 10 years later.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 28, 2021 3:25 AM


Gun-Free Zones?

Gunman with Fully Automatic Rifle Opens Fire in Chicago Traffic in Broad Daylight (VIDEO)

The real targets of lefty street thugs like BLM and Antifa


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I would suggest watching some of the videos from the people I posted here.

The thing about posting u tube vids is another social media platform will be needed, everything will be deleted, censored, flagged , 404'ed, channel banned etc


Senator Ron Johnson warns of 'unequal administration of justice'

Levin questions standard of justice as Capitol rioters held under strict confinement, while Antifa roams free


Sunday, November 21, 2021 8:32 AM



Sunday, November 21, 2021 9:50 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Biden ACHIEVES Lowest Approval Rating Ever!

Awwwww... On his 79th birthday too.

Oldest US President Evarrrrrrrrrr!


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, November 27, 2021 7:59 AM


Biden’s Crumbling Popularity?


Biden began his presidency moderately popular: At the start, Quinnipiac University’s polling found that 53 percent of Americans approved of him and 36 percent did not. Today’s numbers are the mirror image: In a Quinnipiac poll released yesterday, 36 percent approve, while 53 percent disapprove. FiveThirtyEight’s average of polls finds him doing slightly better—42.8 to 51.7—but still in a consistent slide since the end of July. The numbers are very polarized, but Republicans have always disapproved strongly of Biden; the big difference here is erosion among Democrats and independents.
This reversal could have wide-ranging effects. Biden still hopes to pass a massive social-spending program, for which he needs uniform Democratic support. Depending on their understanding of the causes for the slide, members of Congress might defect. Biden’s unpopularity may already have cost Democrats the Virginia governorship and nearly sunk Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey too. If Biden is this unpopular in a year, congressional Democrats will be entirely swamped in the midterms.
But although the effects are evident, the causes are not. Even in today’s era of heavily quantified politics, some enigmas remain. Here are a few of the theories in play for why the president keeps losing ground, as well as their flaws.


Republicans, now on the margins, feel persecuted and riled up, but when a party controls the White House, House, and Senate, its supporters tend to get complacent. If Biden doesn’t turn around his approval quickly, Democrats will soon have plenty of opportunities to feel their own sense of disaster and persecution, though by then, that will be small consolation.

Joe Biden's election was meant to launch a decade of liberal rule, ANDREW NEIL despairs at president


Saturday, November 27, 2021 10:40 AM


A decade? lol

They get two years. They've already misspent one.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, January 13, 2022 9:03 AM


The Dailymail has a long article worth a read I might quote bits from it
Hollywood fears wokeness will kill it

It seems Hollywood itself is going into a combo of Marxist or muslim Sharia Law?

Or maybe only male stuff approved by Elizabeth & Kamala?

SJWs Antifa BLM and 'Woke' will destroy Hollywood and smash art like bolseviks and maoists did and attack the movie industry?

There was also another Gamergate type thread on fireflyfans about an agenda to have more transexual shemale trannies in the video game industry or feminists or whatever, it annoyed gaming fans that didn't want politics in their games....the gamers were then accused of being racist or sexist or whetever.
One other thread on firefly fans asked why Japanese Culture, S.Korea movies are now outselling US comicbooks, tv series and American movies?

once said by the 45th President

Donald Trump: 'Everything Woke Turns to S**t'

The Dailymail picks up on Hollywood is Dying and SJW Eating Itself Topic


Hollywood will barely dare whisper it but the woke revolution that has driven out white men and ensures that every production is ideologically sound will kill the entertainment industry, writes PETER KIEFER and PETER SAVODNIK

A version of this piece appeared first on Common Sense.

A few years ago, the editor-in-chief of The Hollywood Reporter pitched a story to the newsroom.

He had just come back from lunch with a well-known agent, who had suggested the paper take a look at the unintended consequences of Hollywood's efforts to diversify.

Those white men who had spent decades writing scripts—which had been turned into blockbuster movies and hit television shows—were no longer getting hired.

The newsroom blew up.

The reporters, especially the younger ones, mocked the idea that white men were on the outs. The editor-in-chief, normally self-assured, immediately backtracked. He looked rattled.

It was a missed opportunity.

The story wasn't just about white guys not getting jobs. Nor was it really about the economics of Hollywood.

It was about the stories Hollywood told and distributed and streamed on screens around the globe every day.

It was about this massively lucrative industry that had been birthed by outsiders and emerged, out of lemon groves, into a glamorous, glitzy mosh pit teeming with chutzpah and broken hearts and unbelievable success stories that had made the American Dream a real, pulsating thing—for Americans and billions of other people who thought that if you could imagine something, anything, you could will it into being.

It was a story about who we aspired to be.

After the meeting, a reporter approached another editor about pursuing it. The editor told the reporter to drop it.

No one, he said, at The Hollywood Reporter—one of a handful of trade publications that covers the ins and outs of the entertainment industry—was going to risk blowing up their career over this.

The 'explosion of woke,' as one longtime producer put it, didn't come out of nowhere.

Hollywood had always pushed boundaries—from the 1947 'Gentleman's Agreement,' which confronted antisemitism, to 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner' (1967), which tackled interracial marriage, to 'All in the Family' (1971-1979), which grappled with race and women's liberation.

The original run of 'Will and Grace' (1998-2006), did more to advance the cause of gay marriage than anything else pre-Obergefell.

And then there were the villains: The vast majority—from the Terminator to Hannibal Lecter to Gordon Gekko—were uber-white: an Austrian (robot), a Lithuanian, a WASPy, pinstriped capitalist. (For the insider's list, see this from The Hollywood Reporter.)

But it wasn't until 2015—when the #OscarsSoWhite controversy engulfed the 87th Academy Awards—that studio chiefs and producers really started to rethink how they did business.

This gained momentum in 2016, and even more in late 2017, with #MeToo.

Then came George Floyd, and, in the summer of 2020, everything that had been happening in slow motion started to happen much faster.

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences—the industry's central nervous system—had been founded in 1927, and now it had 8,469 voting members. It had tried over the years, and especially since Donald Trump's election, to catch up with the zeitgeist, inviting into its ranks a record number of new members who were black, Latino, women or foreign-born.

But that wasn't going to cut it any longer.

So, in September 2020, the Academy launched its Representation and Inclusion Standards Entry platform (or RAISE).

For a movie to qualify for Best Picture, producers not only had to register detailed personal information about everyone involved in the making of that movie, but the movie had to meet two of the Academy's four diversity standards—touching on everything from on-screen representation to creative leadership. (An Academy spokesperson said 'only select staff' would have access to data collected on the platform.)

The Academy explained that movies failing to meet these standards would not be barred from qualifying for Best Picture until 2024.

But producers are already complying: In 2020, data from 366 productions were submitted to the platform.

Meanwhile, CBS mandated that writers' rooms be at least 40 percent black, indigenous and people of color (or BIPOC) for the 2021-2022 broadcast season and 50 percent for the 2022-2023 season.

ABC Entertainment issued a detailed series of 'inclusion standards.' ('I guarantee you every studio has something like that,' a longtime writer and director said.)


The Hollywood Reporter declared that ARRAY Crew has 'fundamentally changed how Hollywood productions will be staffed going forward.'

More than 900 productions, including 'Yellowstone' and 'Mare of Easttown,' have used ARRAY Crew, said Jeffrey Tobler, the chief marketing officer of ARRAY, DuVernay's production company.

Privately, directors and writers voiced irritation with DuVernay, who, they said, had exploited the 'post-George Floyd moment.' But no one dared to criticize her openly. 'I'm not crazy,' one screenwriter said.

Of course, Hollywood, like many industries, does have a clubiness about it. And pretty much everyone on the inside insists it should open up to those who had, for decades, been kept out.

But the heavy-handed mandates, the databases, the shifting culture—in which pretty much all white men were assumed to have gotten their jobs because they had the right tennis buddies or ZIP code or skin color—raised the possibility of a new kind of clubiness.


The comedy series 'Woke' (a scene from the show is above), which premiered on Hulu in September 2020, should have been the statement on America right now. The show started off on the right foot. Then the producers weighed in.

Howard Koch, who has been involved in the production of more than 60 movies, including such classics as 'Chinatown' and 'Marathon Man,' and is the former president of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences, said: 'I'm all for LGBT and Native Americans, blacks, females, whatever minorities that have not been served correctly in the making of content, whether it's television or movies or whatever, but I think it's gone too far. I know a lot of very talented people that can't get work because they're not black, Native American, female or LGBTQ.'


Rochée Jeffrey, a black writer on 'Grownish,' 'Santa Inc.,' and 'Woke,' said: 'I don't care if white people aren't comfortable because black people are uncomfortable all the fucking time. I can't tell you how many times I've had to bite my tongue so as not to offend white sensibilities, so I don't give a shit if they're nervous.'

The showrunner said that the new politics is making it hard to get work done.

He added that Human Resources departments at the studios and streaming services are awash in complaints directed at white, male showrunners just for doing their job.

'It's gotten to the point where I won't give notes on a script any longer to a woman or person of color.'

Stentz said that he hasn't run into any problems with 'young millennial staffers with more, shall we say, of a social justice emphasis.'

But, he added, 'I know other people have had less happy experiences.'

The writers' room is supposed to be smart, funny, nasty, a little bawdy, the kind of place where people can make jokes and riff and wonder aloud and vomit out ideas that might become an unforgettable scene.

Another showrunner in his mid-fifties (white, male, unfortunately) said: 'You're not allowed to pick your staff anymore, and studios won't let you interview anybody who isn't a person of color.'

He added that the culture of documenting even the slightest of slights makes him anxious. 'I'm sitting in a room trying to run a show with a collection of people I don't totally trust.'

The politicization of content production, creatives said, was going to be the industry's death knell.

Movies and shows that were once widely acclaimed but are now verboten, writers and directors said, included 'Blazing Saddles,' even though it was co-written by Richard Pryor; 'The Bad News Bears,' even though it featured a multiracial cast; 'Tootsie,' because transgender activists; and 'Rocky' ('bad guy CANNOT be black,' a director explained in an email).

Nor would 'The Wizard of Oz' get greenlit. ('The munchkins? Forget it,' the director said).

Nor would 'All in the Family,' probably the most influential show of the 1970s. ('Archie Bunker'—the main character—'is basically a Trump voter,' a producer explained.)

'South Park,' which debuted in 1997, has been grandfathered in. 'Otherwise, no way,' another producer said.


Friday, April 22, 2022 2:23 PM


How people manage keep screwing up but...
to fall their way to the top?

Crybully WashPo journo Taylor Lorenz doxing Libs of TikTok, visits homes of her family members

Taylor Lorenz’s war on normal people


What do Taylor Lorenz, Antifa and German Government All Have In Common?

Greg Gutfeld Torches Hack Journo Taylor Lorenz


Taylor Lorenz Attacks Libs of TikTok

Cry Bully Taylor Lorenz DOXXES 'Libs of TikTok' For Reposting Woke Teachers Exposing Themselves 4-19

Internet Archive Apparently Excludes Taylor Lorenz, Who Doxxed Account Poking Fun at Leftists, From Its Search

Cry Bully Taylor Lorenz STALKS & Doxxes Libs of TikTok Creators Family & It BACKFIRES

Reporter Doxxes Owner Of 'Libs Of TikTok' After Crying About Her Own Internet Harassment


Monday, April 25, 2022 11:38 AM


Regarding Black Lives Don't Matter, in 2020 Milwaukee set to a new record number of murders.

More than 20 years ago when I was stuck living there, it was the 6th ranked Murder Capitol in the world. Not nearly as much as under BLM.

In 2021, Milwaukee again set a new All-Time Record Murder count.

In the first quarter of 2022, the Murder Count has more than doubled the count of First Quarter 2021.

All Hail BLM, Libtards, and the Socialists who run Milwaukee.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 7:16 PM


Sounds like they remade Halloween

1998 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

Jamie Lee Curtis on Halloween Ends: ‘Laurie Strode is a feminist hero’


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 9:05 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Sounds like they remade Halloween

1998 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

Jamie Lee Curtis on Halloween Ends: ‘Laurie Strode is a feminist hero’

Oh god...

Well... I wasn't going to ever watch this flick anyhow, but saying dumb shit like that would have kept me from seeing it if I would have.

Why, Jamie? Aren't you above that nonsense? Isn't your generation supposed to be above it?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, January 30, 2023 2:52 PM




Monday, January 30, 2023 3:11 PM



So much fuckin' diversity crammed in one little box and nobody paid to see any of it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, February 11, 2023 5:20 PM


Left-wing activist baker who believes in abolishing police dies after robbers mowed her down at bank in Oakland - victim's family say killers shouldn't go to jail as murders soar 50%


Saturday, February 11, 2023 7:14 PM


Maybe the problem will take care of itself then.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 24, 2023 2:12 PM


After Velma's Massive FAILURE Joe Biden Awards Mindy Kaling with National Medal of Arts


Friday, March 24, 2023 2:43 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
After Velma's Massive FAILURE Joe Biden Awards Mindy Kaling with National Medal of Arts

She'll always be the whore on The Office to me.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, March 27, 2023 5:16 PM


So many u tube channels banned that were critical of the agenda


Monday, March 27, 2023 5:49 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
So many u tube channels banned that were critical of the agenda

Name one.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023 2:11 PM


North Carolina Rep. Tricia Cotham switches to Republican party, says Democratic party ‘has become unrecognizable’


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Name one.

Some get strikes and shadow banned Rick Beato strikes for copyright, Bombard’s Body Language for an offense to some group, Steven Crowder a comedy piece classed as right wing, Logan Paul went to Japan shows a skull gets banned, Sargon of Akkad questioned Aussie lockdowns slightly Patriotic British gets banned, ThuleanPerspective some White Nordic guy living off grid hate speech pagan named Jews doesn't like gets jihad banned, Kanye West banned, Owen Benjamin banned...literally described as Hitler or Lord Voldemort it would seem JoeRogan can't even talk about him, just refers to him as that guy who went crazy and now lives off grid in the woods, David Icke Covid misinfo, questioned lifestyle of Edward Heath Jimmy Savile said they were pedophiles people got wprried when he talked about Lizards he means Jews and then banned for Covid theory, Gavin McInnes banned, Stefan Molyneux banned offensive and hateful, Baked Alaska a stoner who was at the January Riot then un-banned, Rebel Media banned supported Trucks which Trudeau calls racists, sexists, Trudeau says Truckers are nazis bla bla, talkRADIO contradicted the British Government so banned, Rand Paul banned, Dan Bongino banned, Sky News Australia questioned the Aussie government so banned, One America News Network another entire news channel gets banned.

Channels that asked about the Open Border at Mexico or islamic invasion of Europe...
Almost any channel that talked positive abut Trump after the 2020, elections and said there was more footage of the riot...BANNED...CONSPIRACY TALK!
Channles that questioned jabs, Lockdowns....BANNED...YOU ARE HITLER TRING TO KILL AMERICA WITH CORONA
Social media Channels that asked questions about the mid Terms or Ukraine-Russia War!?
Channels that named the Tranny Shooter as a Transexual School shooting pervert!


Saturday, May 13, 2023 8:41 AM


Ocasio-Cortez on Trump town hall: 'CNN should be ashamed of themselves'


Sunday, May 19, 2024 5:46 AM


The numbers look bad, but wait until you see what happens in 2020.



Saturday, May 25, 2024 2:05 PM


George Lucas Rejects Accusation That Original ‘Star Wars’ Films Were Racist And Misogynist: “The Idea Is All People Are Equal”


Saturday, May 25, 2024 8:08 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
George Lucas Rejects Accusation That Original ‘Star Wars’ Films Were Racist And Misogynist: “The Idea Is All People Are Equal”

I love that George Lucas has been shitting all over Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm for ruining his baby as of late.

Fuck Kathleen Kennedy and Fuck Disney.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 16, 2024 5:40 AM


it was only a matter of time before Religion groups, Christians and others go more Taliban like with the preaching? Christian Republicans want a repeal of 19th Amendment because the "Christian position" the house, the man, the woman etc

Also unfortunately for Conservatives Women will often vote radical Leftwing ideas or vote for Open Borders, they tend to want to change colors like they change shoes and vote for whatever trendy New-Liberal Neo-Progressive issue of the day.


Sunday, September 8, 2024 1:18 PM


more Femtacular

Slovenia’s male commissioner nominee drops out amid von der Leyen’s gender equality push


Tuesday, September 10, 2024 7:35 AM


Shocking number of Brits opting to live in Putin's Russia - leaving 'woke West' behind


Sunday, September 15, 2024 5:19 AM


Seattle Times blasted for saying Trump 'falsely' claimed BLM protestors took over big part of the city in 2020


Sunday, September 15, 2024 7:55 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Seattle Times blasted for saying Trump 'falsely' claimed BLM protestors took over big part of the city in 2020

As they should be.



CHAZ was just in your imagination everyone. That simply never happened and if you believe it did than you're one of those Mandela Effect nutjobs.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:12 AM


Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 3:18 PM


Candice Bergen roasts JD Vance with 'childless cat ladies' reference at the 2024 Emmy Awards






In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
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Elections; 2024
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Kamala Harris for President
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Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
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Go Joe Biden Go
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Israeli War
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Trunp loses again in Court
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January 6th Commission investigating coup attempt. Hey Jack, I Was Right
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Why does THUGR shit up the board by bumping his pointless threads?
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Elon Musk
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