In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Thursday, March 6, 2025 18:03
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Saturday, June 10, 2023 1:19 PM


Lots of rain last night and possibly more today when I get my walk in.

But first laundry has to be done.


Saturday, June 10, 2023 2:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Got the trim up on my own today.

Made some huge headway in cleaning up the garage too now that I could finally get the table saw on the workbench and put all the horses away.

I was going to pull my car in at one point and start loading tools back in the trunk, but I decided not to. I think tomorrow I'll get my good shop vac out there and clean it out real good. It needs it.

I'm going to patch up the trim first thing after I make a run to the grocery store in the morning, then I'll get to work on that. I'll also do a deep clean on the new refrigerator and plug it in out in the garage just to make sure it still works right before swapping them out.

I never did put the final coat on all the window and baseboard trim last year, so I'll clean all of that up real good after sanding down the patching on the crown and paint it all some time next week. I'm also going to clean the inside of all the windows real good so I can get my temporary paper blinds up on the front ones to hide the smart TV I'm going to put out there. It still won't have any finished floor, but other than that the room will be done and it will be really nice to sit out there and get all that fresh air.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Yhay big project tht you were wrestling with just b4 you were dx .... is this it? Just being nosy, as usual.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, June 10, 2023 5:49 PM


Well, I did get rained out when I went out for my walk but that was okay as I had my umbrella with me.


Saturday, June 10, 2023 9:42 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Got the trim up on my own today.

Made some huge headway in cleaning up the garage too now that I could finally get the table saw on the workbench and put all the horses away.

I was going to pull my car in at one point and start loading tools back in the trunk, but I decided not to. I think tomorrow I'll get my good shop vac out there and clean it out real good. It needs it.

I'm going to patch up the trim first thing after I make a run to the grocery store in the morning, then I'll get to work on that. I'll also do a deep clean on the new refrigerator and plug it in out in the garage just to make sure it still works right before swapping them out.

I never did put the final coat on all the window and baseboard trim last year, so I'll clean all of that up real good after sanding down the patching on the crown and paint it all some time next week. I'm also going to clean the inside of all the windows real good so I can get my temporary paper blinds up on the front ones to hide the smart TV I'm going to put out there. It still won't have any finished floor, but other than that the room will be done and it will be really nice to sit out there and get all that fresh air.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Yhay big project tht you were wrestling with just b4 you were dx .... is this it? Just being nosy, as usual.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

It was what I was working on with my friend's dad before winter set in. That porch repair along with the attached shed has been YEARS in the making. My buddy and I jacked up the rotted floor and fixed that back in November of 2018 or 2019. I can't even remember which year it was. 2 years ago me, my friend and his dad knocked out the two bad walls, rebuilt them and put new windows in. Last spring I ran all the new electric, then his dad paid off all the time he owed me last fall and we insulated it, finished the electric, put the drywall up, built the new window jambs and framed everything out, and then I put the baseboard in. I patched all the trim/base, but never put the final coat of paint on it.

SO all that was left at this point was to install the exhaust fans in the ceiling to vent the smoke, do the ceiling trim, and put a finished floor in there.

Once I finish patching the ceiling trim and giving everything the final coat of paint, all that's left is to put the floor in. With those 5 ft wide slider windows, it's going to be my favorite room in the house when it's done.

I didn't work on it today though. I kind of ran out of gas. My numbers have been good despite not working on anything though since I'm not eating carbs.

My old man came by and saw all the work I've done. It wasn't a long visit though because he'd been driving for 15 hours from the east coast visiting my brother and I was on the way back home.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 11, 2023 12:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, you're working on the back porch, correct? But you have a front porch as well?

Cool! on the progress, whichever porch you're working on!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, June 11, 2023 12:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I banged a few survey stakes into a ground and marked a level down the yard which tells me the elevation of the downspout at several points. That was just a test of the technique. If it turned out to be a complete PITA hubby was ready to spring for a builder's transit (and tripod and stadia). I'll do a few more measurements tomorrow make sure they're consistent across one side of the front yard, and tomorrow I expect to also extend it to the other side of the yard.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, June 11, 2023 12:27 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, you're working on the back porch, correct? But you have a front porch as well?

Yeah. The back, enclosed, porch. The front porch is just the roof overhang on a concrete slab. There were problems with that as well that haven't been completely remediated yet, but I stopped the bleeding there years ago. Sometimes I forget that I still have work to do on that.


Cool! on the progress, whichever porch you're working on!

Yeah. It is cool. Getting back to projects was what I needed to do. The diabetes is becoming quite manageable... at least for now.

I have no idea what I'll be doing in the winter when I used to hibernate, but those old behaviors are going to have to be changed. I can't sit around and do nothing 3 months out of the year.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, I banged a few survey stakes into a ground and marked a level down the yard which tells me the elevation of the downspout at several points. That was just a test of the technique. If it turned out to be a complete PITA hubby was ready to spring for a builder's transit (and tripod and stadia). I'll do a few more measurements tomorrow make sure they're consistent across one side of the front yard, and tomorrow I expect to also extend it to the other side of the yard.

I hope you have more grade to work with than I do. I was out with a level for far too long last year before putting my river rock in. I'd like to think I did a good job with it, but without any rain who knows?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 11, 2023 1:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, you're working on the back porch, correct? But you have a front porch as well?

SIX; Yeah. The back, enclosed, porch. The front porch is just the roof overhang on a concrete slab. There were problems with that as well that haven't been completely remediated yet, but I stopped the bleeding there years ago. Sometimes I forget that I still have work to do on that.

SIGNY; Cool! on the progress, whichever porch you're working on!

SIX; Yeah. It is cool. Getting back to projects was what I needed to do. The diabetes is becoming quite manageable... at least for now.

I have no idea what I'll be doing in the winter when I used to hibernate, but those old behaviors are going to have to be changed. I can't sit around and do nothing 3 months out of the year.

And I assume you mean something physical, not just organizing hard drive data.
Huh, that IS a conundrum!
Shovel snow for your neighbors for a few bucks? Hire yourself out as an interior painter? Build yourself some furniture?
I dunno, SIX...seems like winter is a bad time for projects.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, I banged a few survey stakes into a ground and marked a level down the yard which tells me the elevation of the downspout at several points. That was just a test of the technique. If it turned out to be a complete PITA hubby was ready to spring for a builder's transit (and tripod and stadia). I'll do a few more measurements tomorrow make sure they're consistent across one side of the front yard, and tomorrow I expect to also extend it to the other side of the yard.

SIX: I hope you have more grade to work with than I do. I was out with a level for far too long last year before putting my river rock in. I'd like to think I did a good job with it, but without any rain who knows?

I think I really there's probably over a foot drop from the house to the curb. But i (one shift key seems to have bonked suddenly) think there's a problem with a broken-concrete walkway that was put in a long time ago. it runs parrallel to the front of the house, from driveway to front walkway. it's higher than the dirt by the foundation and is acting like a sort of dam, keeping water from draining away. i think i'm going to have to take it out. hmmm....

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, June 11, 2023 1:26 PM


Another Sunday has arrived and not much happening around me. The sun is back.


Sunday, June 11, 2023 3:42 PM


Strange Sunday by me. Discovered a bunch of mistakes in my manuscript that I now have to correct. Going to take me a couple of days.

Fighting with the kitchen sink woke me up with acid reflux this morning but the sink is working again.

Forgot to take my second seizure med. It has happened before.

And now have just found the stove clock blinking but it is still the right time.

Put some music on as I need it.


Sunday, June 11, 2023 6:26 PM


Finally got my garage re-orged and de-hoarded. Well... at least 80% there. I can't get to anything behind the stove, fridge and a few projects I'm going to work on right now, but it's way better. I also vacuumed a lot and got rid of the cobwebs and stuff.

I was able to pull my car in and I vacced the trunk before putting tool bags back in there, but I didn't get around to vacuuming the inside yet. I figured topping off my fluids and putting some air in my tires was more important today.

Not anything super strenuous though, so it's going to be another low carb day for me.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 11, 2023 7:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, that sounds like a productive day to me!

Pounded some stakes a determined a level on part of the yard and went "Hmmm.... no wonder water just keeps washing dirt into the driveway!" A combination of the swale not being deep enough and the berm not tall enough.

It's certainly revealed things about the yard I just couldn't eyeball!

That line level technique is good to 1" from foundation to curb. I certainly wouldn't build with it... probably user error ... but sure good enough for re-grading the yard. But I've got a lot more work ahead of me than I thought.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, June 11, 2023 9:17 PM


I feel for you. It ain't easy grading stuff. Just take your time with it and don't overdue it.

Yeah. Got quite a bit done today even though it wasn't much of a workout.

I've only eaten twice, three hours apart, and the half-cup of peanuts along with an envy apple shot me up from 88 to 166 before it came back down. That's the highest I've ever been in the afternoon after eating something. So the Metformin/Glipizide is out of my system for sure by now. If I want to eat more carbs, I've got to work for it going forward.

I'm back down to around 110 right now. I'm going to get 12 more carbs with my vegetables, but other than that it's all protein and fat for the rest of the night.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 11, 2023 9:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I feel for you. It ain't easy grading stuff. Just take your time with it and don't overdue it.

Yeah. Got quite a bit done today even though it wasn't much of a workout.

I've only eaten twice, three hours apart, and the half-cup of peanuts along with an envy apple shot me up from 88 to 166 before it came back down. That's the highest I've ever been in the afternoon after eating something. So the Metformin/Glipizide is out of my system for sure by now. If I want to eat more carbs, I've got to work for it going forward.

I'm back down to around 110 right now. I'm going to get 12 more carbs with my vegetables, but other than that it's all protein and fat for the rest of the night.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

So just OOC, being nosy and all... how many grams carbs per day can you get away with,not being terribly active?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, June 12, 2023 1:19 PM


Out for my walk. Couple of things to do on a sunny Monday morning.


Monday, June 12, 2023 5:34 PM


Back and done for today. Sitting down now.


Monday, June 12, 2023 6:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Back from the dog walking me today.

Dishes and some meat prep done, on to yardwork.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, June 12, 2023 10:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

With dear daughter's help, I measured a level for the top of the berm by the curb. And managed to move a couple of yards of dirt today and I can see the front yard shaping up. I can be more efficient next time by using the hand truck and bucket ( no wheelbarrow available)

Unfortunately I'm running iinto tree roots in my swale and I really don't want to shock to oak tree, zo appyiy can only be so deep. Will be working my way backwards toward the foundation text time I get out there.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, June 12, 2023 11:15 PM


Suppose to rain tomorrow. Have to see if it arrives.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 1:35 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I feel for you. It ain't easy grading stuff. Just take your time with it and don't overdue it.

Yeah. Got quite a bit done today even though it wasn't much of a workout.

I've only eaten twice, three hours apart, and the half-cup of peanuts along with an envy apple shot me up from 88 to 166 before it came back down. That's the highest I've ever been in the afternoon after eating something. So the Metformin/Glipizide is out of my system for sure by now. If I want to eat more carbs, I've got to work for it going forward.

I'm back down to around 110 right now. I'm going to get 12 more carbs with my vegetables, but other than that it's all protein and fat for the rest of the night.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

So just OOC, being nosy and all... how many grams carbs per day can you get away with,not being terribly active?

It depends on the types of carbs and what I eat them with, actually. A straight up banana with nothing else on a lazy day when I'm already 120-130 will put me up close to 200 in about 15 minutes (although, with my limited pancreatic function it would come back down on its own over a few hours). That day I took off from projects and napped though, I ate an entire 1lb container of peanuts in the afternoon before the nap which is 64 grams of non-fiber carbs (about twice as much as the banana) and I didn't go over 170 by the end of the nap. Even though there are 4 grams of carbs in a 1/2 cup of peanuts, if I eat the peanuts right before I eat the banana it will really slow down the speed of the sugar into the blood stream though. It would be much longer before the numbers came down low enough again to eat without insulun than if I didn't have the banana too, but the rise in blood sugar happens much slower and peaks at a much lower rate with the peanuts being eaten first.

I didn't mention it before, but I started an experiment yesterday. Along with my 18 units of long-active, I took 2 units of rapid active when I woke up. I didn't notice a huge difference with that, but it did get my morning spike down quicker than it would have otherwise.

I repeated the experiment today and used 3 units of rapid along with my 18 units long. I also had an early day and a very energetic one at that. I helped one of my friends take down their old kitchen cabinets and trim and then ended up having to bang on a 5-in-1 tool with a hammer about 5,000 times to take up 2 layers of old vinyl tile that must have been glued to the floor with super glue.

This started at 8:30AM when I don't usually start working on my house projects until about 10:00-11:00AM. By 10:30 I was in the 80's and had to eat my first meal. That usually doesn't happen until 1:30PM and NEVER has happened before 12:30. Not only that, but I was able to eat ALL the food that I brought for the day and I had a large fried chicken breast and wing, the whole time never going over 110 and spending most of the day between 76 and 100. I went over to my other friend's tonight to shoot some pool and watch a movie and thought I'd just eat there, but before I was even ready to go my meter was screaming at me because I went down to 78 and had to eat more. It caped off again below 110 and had 40 grams of carbs over there with a few pieces of ham and some re-fried beans in a flour tortilla and now that I'm home I need more carbs because I'm already back down to 100 and still falling.

The 3 units of rapid didn't make all of that happen because it was the activity that kept the sugar burning all day long, but it seems that maybe adding that 3 units of rapid along with my 18 units of long active to balance the sleeping spike might be the key to unlocking my full potential here.

I haven't checked it yet, but now that it's after midnight I'll have to look. I bet my AGL was in the low 110s for the entire day. If it weren't for the 5 or so hours it was high toward the end of my sleep cycle, I'd probably be close to 100 for the day!

And now that the bad numbers have aged off completely, I've spent the last 7 days 100% in range.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 1:16 PM


No rain last night but clouds around this morning. Maybe this afternoon. Have to see.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 7:54 PM


Got back around 1pm and the rain arrived after that. Then once dishes were done I got into fixing what went wrong with the page numbers for my book.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:36 PM


Pick up game of mah jong tomorrow afternoon.


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 11:13 AM


I ended up not doing much yesterday. I'm not sure if I feel like doing much today either. We're finally getting that rain we needed but it's cold and dark outside. Not awesome for the mood.

The experiment continues to work. I didn't eat a ton of carbs yesterday because I didn't work for them, but I went to sleep just over 90 and peaked this morning around 145 before I took the 18 long-active and 3 rapid-active. I'm down under 110 now and the only thing I've done is gone grocery shopping.

My AGL for Monday was 116mg/dL for the entire day.

I just checked and I've been 100% in range for the last 13 days straight. If I go back the full 2 weeks, it's 99% in range and 1% high because of a 30-45 minute spike I had over 180. Not bad, considering I was taken off the Metformin and Glipizide last Tuesday and the last time I took either of them was almost 9 days ago now, so they're both surely out of my system.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 1:24 PM


Out for my walk and then my pick up game. Later peeps.


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 5:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I ended up not doing much yesterday. I'm not sure if I feel like doing much today either. We're finally getting that rain we needed but it's cold and dark outside. Not awesome for the mood.

The experiment continues to work. I didn't eat a ton of carbs yesterday because I didn't work for them, but I went to sleep just over 90 and peaked this morning around 145 before I took the 18 long-active and 3 rapid-active. I'm down under 110 now and the only thing I've done is gone grocery shopping.

My AGL for Monday was 116mg/dL for the entire day.

I just checked and I've been 100% in range for the last 13 days straight. If I go back the full 2 weeks, it's 99% in range and 1% high because of a 30-45 minute spike I had over 180. Not bad, considering I was taken off the Metformin and Glipizide last Tuesday and the last time I took either of them was almost 9 days ago now, so they're both surely out of my system.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 5:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So actually made a 6" elevation line 4' in from the curb and started moving some dirt around. The oak tree roots are worryingly close to the surface so the swale isn't as deep as I was hoping it would be, but I moved a yard or two of dirt from the high side of the yard to the low side, and instead of working from the downspout/foundation to the curb I'm working in reverse. Still feeling my way thru what can be done given that there are established trees I really don't want to kill! Looks like I may need an additional yard or two of dirt, but I'll calculate that when I'm done with what I can do.

Hubby threw the idea of a soaker tub into the bathroom plans which derailed all of the plans I thought we had decided on, but looking at freestanding tubs I see that would make the bathroom remodel much less construction intensive so doing a deep dive into that.

Back out for yardwork today. Gonna get myself a tool stand and rolling garden tool caddy bc I'm constantly walking back and forth, fetching my tools to the back or front yard.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 5:55 PM


You might want to have some stairs up into it if you're doing a soaker tub. Defo some grab bars on the walls and whatever you can find to make the base grip your feet.

Usually the 65+ crowd is knocking out tubs to put in walk-in showers for safety, not the other way around. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it as it would be much more comfortable than a standing shower for sure, but soaker tubs tend to be pretty deep, which means unless you're putting one in-ground you're going to have a very high entry point into your bathing solution.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 9:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You might want to have some stairs up into it if you're doing a soaker tub. Defo some grab bars on the walls and whatever you can find to make the base grip your feet.

Usually the 65+ crowd is knocking out tubs to put in walk-in showers for safety, not the other way around. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it as it would be much more comfortable than a standing shower for sure, but soaker tubs tend to be pretty deep, which means unless you're putting one in-ground you're going to have a very high entry point into your bathing solution.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Well, we plan on an almost barrier-free shower there, too! And definitely grab rails for both shower and bath, as well as widening the doorway to 32" from its current 28" to accommodate wheelchairs and/or transfer chairs. We currently have water-saving ADA toilets, which I bought a long time ago. We appreciate the extra height, and they flush great!

But there are a lot of bathrooms in the house, and all of the have showers. So this bathroom is really mostly going to be used while we're renovating the other bathrooms later,or when we want to take an actual bath. Or at least, that's MY plan! I find that hubby and I often clash on what we assume!

Anyway, I have a vision for that bathroom that I'm falling in like with (alas): dark, slate-like tiles (I already have them picked out) laid in a kind of diagonal chevron, forest green vanity with white quartz top, freestanding appx 65x31 tub, almost walk-in shower with frameless glass surround (2" dam, linear drain), subway tile where necessary and pale cream walls. Lace curtains.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 11:33 PM


Got back from mah jong with no luck today. Oh well maybe tomorrow at my regular game.


Thursday, June 15, 2023 12:24 AM


40 minutes left in the day and I ate 12 grams of carbs when I got down to 75mg/dL and it's going back up over 80 now. My highest number today was 154 right before I woke up.

My current AGL for the day is 111mg/dL. That's non-diabetic numbers right there. Shame I'm not type II instead of type I or I'd hardly even notice I had it.

Super non-busy day too. I just didn't eat a lot of carbs is all. I'm going to eat some chicken before I go to sleep, but my carbs today were only 80 grams as opposed to the 180+ that I had on Monday. That's easy enough for me to do. If I want to eat carbs, I've got to work for them. Otherwise it's proteins and fats.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 15, 2023 11:04 AM



If I'm going to play with the rapid-active in the morning, I'd better be right on top of the monitor until I figure out the sweet spot.

I woke up at 6:30AM and took the 18 long-active and 3 rapid-active units. I was at 145 when I did this, with my peak being just over 150 while I was sleeping. I went back to sleep and it steadily went down until I woke up right before 9:00AM and it was 110. I didn't have the monitor in reach while I was doing some stuff around the house and all the sudden I heard it screaming at me again. It took a real dive and I was down to 70 at 9:30! I ate 27 grams of carbs as soon as I found out, but I had already dipped to 58 by the time I was eating them. It shortly went back up to 110.

I've never eaten this early in the morning since I had the monitor, and unlike Monday morning I wasn't already doing 2 hours of heavy lifting before I started falling at 10:30AM.

So, bummer. The 100% in range clock resets today, on the day where I was going to have a full 2 weeks in range.

Oh well. Better to lose the streak for a momentary low that didn't go dangerously low than to ruin it with a high. At least my AGL is going to be great still.

Maybe I'll go back to only 2 units of rapid for now. I've noticed since I started doing that and making sure that I wasn't taking advantage of a final dip in numbers at night to eat one last carb meal that my sleeping rise in numbers has gone down an average of about 15 to 20mg/dL. Maybe taking 3 units of rapid in the morning with my long-active is too much unless I'm ready to eat. It wasn't on Monday, but we've been doing this 5 days straight now and maybe my body needed some time to adjust to it before it really kicked in.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 15, 2023 12:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just from your posts, I get the impression that rapid-acting isn't all that rapid, that it takes 3 hours or so to kick in. Does that seem about right?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 15, 2023 1:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Just from your posts, I get the impression that rapid-acting isn't all that rapid, that it takes 3 hours or so to kick in. Does that seem about right?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

It doesn't seem "right", but that seems to be how it's working.


Fast-acting insulin (Humalog) starts working within 15 minutes after injection, peaks in about 1 to 2 hours after injection, and lasts between 2 to 4 hours after injection.

It may "start working 15 minutes" if I'm actually eating food 15 minutes after taking it, rather than trying to balance out existing sugar in the blood?

I also had a "sensor issue" today, and this sensor is only 2 days and 2 hours old, so I didn't get any readings for about a half hour while it worked itself out. My faith in this particular sensor is not very strong right now. I think something happened this morning and I wasn't actually dipping into the 50's when it says I was (about 1 hour before it stopped giving me readings, and 3 hours after the injection).

It went back up rather quickly to 110 after I ate and stayed there for about 20 minutes (TOO rapid, actually... There's no way that I should have gone up 55 points in the span of 15 minutes after eating what I did. Even a straight banana without anything else to slow it down shouldn't ever make me spike 55 points in 10-15 minutes). After it leveled out for 20 or so minutes, it skyrocketed to 190, and came back down to about 185 before the sensor crapped out. When it turned back on it was 190 again, and has now been going down to 168, where it sits now. So this morning was ALL messed up.

When it came back on and said I was 190 I finger pricked myself and I was 202 with the blood tester. (Remember, there is a +/- 15% acceptable differential with these manual meters).

So no. I don't believe I was ever crashing down to the 50's at any point, and I shouldn't have eaten when I did to try and correct it.

I wonder if maybe I injected the rapid insulin too close to the meter and that might have given it false readings? I DID inject it on the same side as the meter on my abdomen this morning, about 2.5 inches away from the sensor. I have never been warned not to do this before, but I think when I shoot my rapid in the morning I'll make sure that goes on the opposite side of the meter from now on.

Anyhow, I got the miters for the crown on the porch patched with the wood putty. I was going to do more work today, but this kind of has me in a mood right now.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 15, 2023 5:02 PM


Back from mah jong and I managed to get my money back this morning playing. Last hand finally got me over 1,000 points.


Friday, June 16, 2023 11:26 AM


The sensor was bad...

I woke up from a nap late-afternoon yesterday and was still in the 130s. 10 or 15 minutes after waking up I plunged down to 68. Rather than panic eating to get my numbers stable, I did two finger prick tests and it showed 132 and 140.

Fortunately for me, I have a LOT of previous data to go by and I know where I should be at any time of day based off of activity and what I've eaten, because unfortunately for me it seems that I have near-ZERO sensitivity to high or low blood sugar levels at this point in time. Honestly, unless I'm already in the mid-50's and falling, I can't tell the difference between 60 and 200 on my own without readings.

I called customer support and they will be "overnighting" a new sensor, but because it was after 3PM on a Thursday the overnight won't be here until Monday. Fortunately, this wasn't my last one. If it were, I would be without any readings for 4 days. I'm going to have to talk to the doctor(s) about this and see if there is a way I can get a few spares on hand so I don't have to worry about that. Talk about being paranoid installing my final sensor on-hand...

That being said, after the 2 hour warmup was complete, at around 10PM, it said that I was around 165. There's no possible way that this could be true at that time of day since even on days when I'm not active that's toward the tail end of my lows. I did another 2 finger prick tests which had me at 117 and 112. I "calibrated" my receiver, which is just a fancy name for putting in the value that the finger prick tester says it is instead of what the sensor is saying, and I put the high value of 117 in. I've never had to do this with my first 4 sensors, so now I'm not confident with the values that this sensor is putting out for the next 10 days. Despite this, even without eating any further carbs, before I went to sleep it went back up to 135, and when I woke up it was in the high 180s. It's over an hour after I took my 18 units of long-active and 3 units of rapid-active and I'm in the 160s currently.

I think there might be some truth to the pens not being any good after 28 days. If you research online and look at forums where people are discussing this issue, you have about a 50/50 split of people telling you that they're still good after 28 days and people who say it looses its potency after that time.

It will be a shame to throw so much away, but I think I need to start injecting with 2 new pens tomorrow morning. Today marks day 45 that I started using each pen and pulling them out of the refrigerator. Granted, I haven't been very active since Monday which will have an effect on my numbers, but unless non-activity cumulatively stacks after a few days, the loss of potency after around the 40 day mark for the pens seems to be a real possibility.

That being said, I need to be careful when injecting my small amount of rapid when I start a new pen tomorrow. I only started the experiment of taking the rapid in the morning along with my long less than a week ago, and that was already well beyond the 28 days TPTB tell you should keep your pen in action.

Fortunately, there's only 1/3 the amount in the prescription long-active pens than there were in the samples from the doctor's office, so I won't be throwing any of that away before the pens expire, but every month I'm going to be throwing a lot of rapid-active away. It appears that this is a very well known problem in the diabetes community, but the makers will not change the volume in the pens because the logistics required to have different dosages in the pens would increase the price for everyone only to save money for a few customers.

Ahhhhhhh... Six Sigma at its finest.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, June 16, 2023 1:11 PM


Off to my walk in a bit. Need to do a couple of things as I got a call from my boss about tomorrow. She's busted up an elbow and needs help. So going to help.


Friday, June 16, 2023 4:15 PM


Back from my walk and all done. Did get some rain in my area today and there are clouds. So could see some more rain tomorrow.


Friday, June 16, 2023 8:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wednesday I managed to do more re-grading.

But yesterday was a bit of a bust bc I had to take someone in for a endoscopy, and between the required early AM arrival and the fact that they were running significantly late, I didn't get back home until 1300.
And then, bc I was so sleepy from having to get up early I didn't accomplish much.

Was hoping to get out today but wound up doing just a crap-ton of thisses and thats - dishes, dog walk, mail sort and bill pay, texting with landscaper etc etc. It's amazing how much time all the bullshit takes! Then tomorrow is going to be too warm.

But the yard is coming into shape. What I think I need to do next is temporarily move the rocks out from the base of the mound (which BTW is about 20' wide), remove the landscaper's fabric (which IMHO is the work of the devil), place heavy duty cardboard in place, put those rocks back plus all of the ones I can gather from around the yard, and do my best to make a kind of very low retaining wall. Ill probably have to go buy more rocks to build it up later. Then I'll finish weeding under the tree and do the water/cardboard/mulch/water trick, and that is supposed to keep the weeds at bay for a year. One can only hope!

After that, I'll move on to right next to the foundation.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 16, 2023 8:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The sensor was bad...

I woke up from a nap late-afternoon yesterday and was still in the 130s. 10 or 15 minutes after waking up I plunged down to 68. Rather than panic eating to get my numbers stable, I did two finger prick tests and it showed 132 and 140.

Fortunately for me, I have a LOT of previous data to go by and I know where I should be at any time of day based off of activity and what I've eaten, because unfortunately for me it seems that I have near-ZERO sensitivity to high or low blood sugar levels at this point in time. Honestly, unless I'm already in the mid-50's and falling, I can't tell the difference between 60 and 200 on my own without readings.

I called customer support and they will be "overnighting" a new sensor, but because it was after 3PM on a Thursday the overnight won't be here until Monday. Fortunately, this wasn't my last one. If it were, I would be without any readings for 4 days. I'm going to have to talk to the doctor(s) about this and see if there is a way I can get a few spares on hand so I don't have to worry about that. Talk about being paranoid installing my final sensor on-hand...

That being said, after the 2 hour warmup was complete, at around 10PM, it said that I was around 165. There's no possible way that this could be true at that time of day since even on days when I'm not active that's toward the tail end of my lows. I did another 2 finger prick tests which had me at 117 and 112. I "calibrated" my receiver, which is just a fancy name for putting in the value that the finger prick tester says it is instead of what the sensor is saying, and I put the high value of 117 in. I've never had to do this with my first 4 sensors, so now I'm not confident with the values that this sensor is putting out for the next 10 days. Despite this, even without eating any further carbs, before I went to sleep it went back up to 135, and when I woke up it was in the high 180s. It's over an hour after I took my 18 units of long-active and 3 units of rapid-active and I'm in the 160s currently.

I think there might be some truth to the pens not being any good after 28 days. If you research online and look at forums where people are discussing this issue, you have about a 50/50 split of people telling you that they're still good after 28 days and people who say it looses its potency after that time.

It will be a shame to throw so much away, but I think I need to start injecting with 2 new pens tomorrow morning. Today marks day 45 that I started using each pen and pulling them out of the refrigerator. Granted, I haven't been very active since Monday which will have an effect on my numbers, but unless non-activity cumulatively stacks after a few days, the loss of potency after around the 40 day mark for the pens seems to be a real possibility.

That being said, I need to be careful when injecting my small amount of rapid when I start a new pen tomorrow. I only started the experiment of taking the rapid in the morning along with my long less than a week ago, and that was already well beyond the 28 days TPTB tell you should keep your pen in action.

Fortunately, there's only 1/3 the amount in the prescription long-active pens than there were in the samples from the doctor's office, so I won't be throwing any of that away before the pens expire, but every month I'm going to be throwing a lot of rapid-active away. It appears that this is a very well known problem in the diabetes community, but the makers will not change the volume in the pens because the logistics required to have different dosages in the pens would increase the price for everyone only to save money for a few customers.

Ahhhhhhh... Six Sigma at its finest.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Seems like you've got two things to consider, the sensor/monitor and insulin expiry.

I'd take another finger-stick reading if I were you before throwing out your old insulin. The sensor read high when you started, and it's possible that it's drifting up for some unknown reason. It's a good thing you have an alternate technique on-hand (finger-stick, "on hand", get it??) to check your implanted sensor.
If it turns out that the implant readings keep going up, I'm not sure what to suggest. I don't know enough about the technology to come up with many reasonable ideas, but one possiblity might be the unit's battery. They're all battery-powered nowadays and when battery -powered instruments start going kerflooey battery is suspect.

Another possibility is placement. Does it always go on the same place every time? You probably don't want to build up scar tissue that way so I assume they tell you to rotate placement.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 16, 2023 11:59 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Seems like you've got two things to consider, the sensor/monitor and insulin expiry.

Three things, actually. My level of activity for the last 4 days has been just a notch or two above Nil. I'm still too new at this to know if the effects of not being active stack cumulatively or not. Tuesday morning was when I replaced the sensor, and although I didn't do much on Tuesday and Wednesday, my blood sugar behaved as I would have expected it to. It wasn't until Thursday morning that the sensor went haywire. By that time I was on day 3 of little activity, or 2.5 days by the time I replaced the sensor. That could also be a factor.


I'd take another finger-stick reading if I were you before throwing out your old insulin. The sensor read high when you started, and it's possible that it's drifting up for some unknown reason. It's a good thing you have an alternate technique on-hand (finger-stick, "on hand", get it??) to check your implanted sensor.

I think I get what you mean, but I don't think it works that way. I believe that if the sensor was to say 180 at some point, but my finger prick says 150 and I lower it by 30, then all future readings from the sensor are going to be 30 lower than they would have been before I re-calibrated it. Maybe I'm wrong about that. I'll have to look into the documentation. (I actually had considered this possibility before, but now that you're also mentioning it I'm going to have to research it).


If it turns out that the implant readings keep going up, I'm not sure what to suggest. I don't know enough about the technology to come up with many reasonable ideas, but one possiblity might be the unit's battery. They're all battery-powered nowadays and when battery -powered instruments start going kerflooey battery is suspect.

Yeah. The battery is in the transceiver. It's supposed to be good for 90 days and give me life through 9 sensors. Supposedly if there is a problem with the battery and/or there won't be enough charge left in it when I go to install a new sensor, it will block me from being able to start it up with a new sensor. Who knows how reliable that feature is though?


Another possibility is placement. Does it always go on the same place every time? You probably don't want to build up scar tissue that way so I assume they tell you to rotate placement.

They say not to put it in the same place twice in a row. I had been putting it in about 4 different spots, but 2 of them really are not great, so I think I'm just going to rotate it back and forth about navel level on the right and left side, about 2.5-3 inches from the center. Any closer to the center and there's hair that can make it stop sticking good before it's time to be removed. Any lower and it can be jostled by my pants/belt. Any higher and the ribs are in the way. Any further from the center and I risk hitting it when I'm working and/or carrying things around.

The hair on my belly really makes the options limited without going to the constant trouble of shaving it.

Injecting insulin itself is kind of a problem for me because I don't have any body fat to speak of. I've got just the slightest bit around the "spare tire" area after putting on a few pounds when I first got treated, but otherwise anywhere I shoot it I'm shooting it directly into muscles, which you're not supposed to do. Shooting it in my underarms is completely out of the question since there's zero fat there. I could start shooting it in the thighs to have more rotation spots, but supposedly it takes a lot longer to absorb in the system from the thighs than from the abdomen.

I haven't eaten much today at all. Just some peanuts which don't ever seem to raise my blood sugar despite the carbs in them. It's 11PM right now and I'm only now getting the meter beeping at me for going down to 90. I'm not even going to cook vegetables tonight. I'm just going to eat protein and see what happens when I use the 2 new insulin pens tomorrow morning. I won't throw the old ones out right away, but if I see really good results after injecting with new ones tomorrow I probably will.


Saturday, June 17, 2023 11:13 AM


I ended up having vegetables last night after I said that. I did finally dip down to 90, and then down to 73 by the time I ate dinner. That being said, by the time I woke up I was already over 170 again for the 2nd day in a row after nearly 2 weeks of capping off in the low 160's or below.

I started 2 new pens today. Boy... I really don't like the way the brand of long-active I've got works. I'm sure it will be okay, but the rapid-acting pens were exactly like the two sample pens of long-active from two different brands I've gotten from Dr. Endo. This new long-active pen seems somewhat cheaply made by comparison and the plunger comes out about twice as far when you twist it to the amount you are going to use.

So far, so good. I took the shots about an hour ago now and I've dropped from 176 down to 146 and it still appears to be dropping at a healthy pace. With my old pens yesterday I don't think I got below 140 until around 7PM. We'll see how it goes, but I'm hopeful that the sensor might actually be good and that my old pens were just losing their potency after seeing these results so far. (Even though I'd be throwing unused insulin away, this will be great data since I'm saving the dates of everything, and it would appear that I can probably get away with using pens for about 40 days after taking them out of the refrigerator instead of only 28 before they start losing their effectiveness).

I plan on mowing my lawn today, but I might look at the weather and see if tomorrow would be a good day for it instead. If I go out and do a bunch of yard work on the day that I switched to fresh pens, that's not going to be very useful to me for data-gathering.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 17, 2023 1:19 PM


Well... It appears to be working better than the old stuff...

Exactly 3 hours after taking the new pens, I'm down to 129 with no physical activity to speak of dropping it. It wasn't until 6PM yesterday that I dropped below 130, and it wasn't until 9PM last night that I dropped below 100.

Granted, when I took the expired pens yesterday I was 10mg/dL higher than I was when I took the new ones this morning, but the trending seems to be lowering faster with the new stuff than it did with the expired stuff.

I just looked and the rapid active was 45 days old today and the long active would have been 47 days old today. Both of these are said to only be used for 28 days after they leave the fridge.

I'm going to say that they're good for 40 days for sure. Maybe even 42. Monday was the last day I used the last-known good sensor that made it the full 10 days without crapping out, and with a heavy workload along with the 42 day old long-active and 40 day rapid active I was eating my first meal at only 10:30AM.

I think my little experiment may have to be cut short today though, I'm afraid. My buddy gets Monday off and just called to ask if I could help him out at his rental tomorrow and Monday. That lawn isn't going to mow itself. I think I'm going to hold off for just one more hour and hopefully go down to the 110s before I get started on mowing the lawn. If it does, I feel that the experiment was a success and I don't need to sit around doing nothing just for the sake of doing nothing today.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 17, 2023 7:17 PM


I ate carbs at around 2:00 after finishing the lawn. My continuous meter said I was 86 and my finger prick said 92. Didn't go back down as quick as I'd hoped after going up to around 135 for a while, but it has been 4 days of little activity behind me.

If I go up to the 170's again while I'm sleeping today, I'm going to up the rapid dose to 4 units tomorrow, and if it repeats again on Monday I'll up it to 5. I want to be getting down to double digits before noon at the very latest every day, and without the oral meds I just don't think that's going to be happening on its own on days where I'm not doing extremely physical labor.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 17, 2023 11:18 PM


I did get down to 86 again before having my 12 grams of vegetables in olive oil and a few burger patties. That put me all the way up to 130, which isn't making me happy.

I'm done with carbs for the day, but I'm hoping that gets back down to double digits before I go to sleep.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 17, 2023 11:40 PM


Got back from work after 5pm. Found out how my boss busted her left elbow. She went flying over the handles of her bike. She has two. One with good brakes and one with bad. She forgot which one she was riding when the accident happened. The one she was riding was the one with the good brakes and she put them on too hard, hence the flying off her bike and landing on her left arm. She's had some minor surgery on it and is now bandaged with a support. But it has to have a major repair on it and given that she is over 70, I would imagine the doctor will go with plate and screws.


Sunday, June 18, 2023 8:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

if she's over 70 and still biking, good for her!


i'm going to be posting less for a while. i still have lots and lots of things to get ready and projects to complete before the end of the year, and here we are, halfway thru the year and i'm not even close to halfway done. still be reading your posts tho, and will be commenting sporadically.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, June 18, 2023 10:01 AM


I hope your boss lady makes a speedy recovery, Brenda. She shouldn't be riding her bike so fast!

Good luck with your projects Sigs!

Going to help my friend out at his rental today.

Numbers were pretty good last night considering the last few days. But I did do 2 hours of yard work and ate a small amount of carbs, so really can't tell for sure if it was the new insulin pens or not, although I did see a much more dramatic drop out of the gates with the new stuff than I was seeing with the old stuff before I got started.

Woke up at 153 this morning with my high overnight being 164.

Also, I did prick myself 4 times throughout the day and 3 out of 4 times the prick meter was higher than the continuous monitor, but every time the difference in numbers was in the mid-to-high single digits, never double digits... so I feel comfortable that this sensor is working right after the re-calibration and I won't be finger pricking anymore unless something really weird happens.

I still decided to go with 4 units of rapid instead of 3, just to get the day off on the right foot. I'm bringing extra food with me just in case, and I'll have my tablets too if I need them.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 18, 2023 1:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
if she's over 70 and still biking, good for her!


i'm going to be posting less for a while. i still have lots and lots of things to get ready and projects to complete before the end of the year, and here we are, halfway thru the year and i'm not even close to halfway done. still be reading your posts tho, and will be commenting sporadically.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

It is good.

Good luck getting caught before the end of the year.


Sunday, June 18, 2023 1:40 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I hope your boss lady makes a speedy recovery, Brenda. She shouldn't be riding her bike so fast!

Good luck with your projects Sigs!

Going to help my friend out at his rental today.

Numbers were pretty good last night considering the last few days. But I did do 2 hours of yard work and ate a small amount of carbs, so really can't tell for sure if it was the new insulin pens or not, although I did see a much more dramatic drop out of the gates with the new stuff than I was seeing with the old stuff before I got started.

Woke up at 153 this morning with my high overnight being 164.

Also, I did prick myself 4 times throughout the day and 3 out of 4 times the prick meter was higher than the continuous monitor, but every time the difference in numbers was in the mid-to-high single digits, never double digits... so I feel comfortable that this sensor is working right after the re-calibration and I won't be finger pricking anymore unless something really weird happens.

I still decided to go with 4 units of rapid instead of 3, just to get the day off on the right foot. I'm bringing extra food with me just in case, and I'll have my tablets too if I need them.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I'm sure she will. She has someone staying with her to help her out.




Brenda 03.06 18:03


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