In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 22:28
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Wednesday, June 28, 2023 8:17 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How are you going to get all that concrete out???

Ah,the wonders of a long heavy crowbar (or sturdy spade) and a heavy-duty hand truck and maybe a little help. The biggest piece is about maybe 3' long, 1 1/2' wide and 4" thick. It's solid stuff, poured back in the day before they used rebar. Hubby guesses somewhere in the realm of 3500-5000 psi. I'm bad at estimating sizes so I can check tomorrow, but all the other pieces are maybe half that size or smaller. For me the bigger trick is where am I gonna put all this stuff? Build a seating area on the other part of the yard?

Without rebar, it is easy to break concrete into big chunks. I suggest you rent an electric jackhammer, then find a dumpster.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 9:15 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How are you going to get all that concrete out???

Ah,the wonders of a long heavy crowbar (or sturdy spade) and a heavy-duty hand truck and maybe a little help. The biggest piece is about maybe 3' long, 1 1/2' wide and 4" thick. It's solid stuff, poured back in the day before they used rebar. Hubby guesses somewhere in the realm of 3500-5000 psi. I'm bad at estimating sizes so I can check tomorrow, but all the other pieces are maybe half that size or smaller. For me the bigger trick is where am I gonna put all this stuff? Build a seating area on the other part of the yard?

I think you may be underestimating how heavy the concrete is going to be, by quite a bit. I don't want you hurting yourself with your health issues, and with all due respect that is not a job for somebody your age in the first place. Last spring I broke up a bunch of concrete to dig out of the ground from the old post holes when the house-flippers behind me moved the fence back into their yard a few feet and left me with extra square footage but a huge weed-infested mess to clean up. It's not the first time I've done it, but it will be the last time I use a 20lb sledge hammer on concrete. Every joint in my body ached for at least a week after doing that.

I don't think you should be using a jackhammer either... I'm not one to spend somebody else's money, but maybe you could find somebody who could come and break that all up and dispose of it for you for a reasonable price?

If you decide to do this yourself, know your limits and please be careful.



I find the trick to pulling weeds is just practice. You probably have different weeds around you than I do. You just get a feel for which ones need which pulling technique, and you probably couldn't even explain to somebody in written word what that even means since you just get a feel for it.
Oh, totally. Around here it helps to water o'wise the dirt can be rock hard.

But I'm not going for finesse and trying to pull out all of the roots- except the effing Bermuda grass. Right now I'm just spading and raking it up to get the lay of the land, so to speak, bc I couldn't tell where the dirt was.

Oh. Gotcha. I was just doing that last year with the Hoasta beds.

Are you going to put any mulch or rocks down once you're done? I still got some weeds in them this year, but it's about 1/1000th the amount I got before I put the weed fabric and the rocks down. A bit of a money and time and effort investement, but it looks so much better and I'm always in favor of putting in the work that keeps you from having to work on something so tedious every year.



Yeah. Numbers are pretty great overall right now. I think my body is adjusting to the low amount of carbs I'm feeding it too since I'm still fairly high energy most times of most days.

That's great news SIX!

Me,I'm just trying to lose a few pounds. I lost a lot on chemo and surgery took off a few pounds of boob and radiation cost a LOT of calories, but now that food tastes as good as its going to considering I have no sense of smell (can't tell garlic from vanilla but I can still taste sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, and hot stuff) I've been slowly putting on weight. I'd like to say it's muscle. If only!!

You're doing a lot of work right now. You never know.


Dropped some stuff of at someone's house in the foothills, and they knew I needed some rocks to stabilize the tree mound, and they offered me a pick. DAMN! but there are lots of rocks there! No wonder they built everything out of these mostly rounded river rocks... walls, foundations, pillars. Anyway, I took my trusty hand truck and got a couple the size of small watermelons and a few smaller ones and I'm gonna go back for more next month. We went out to lunch later and had a NICE time!

That's nice. One day I'd love to get some really nice looking boulders to put in my Hoasta beds. A guy I know knows of a place where he gets them, but it's about an hour deep into Michigan.


CT scan shows some weird calcifications in my lungs, not cancer, but I've never had them before. Maybe it was metastisized tumors that got whacked by chemo and calcified over? Blood test coming up to see if my blood sugar and cholesterol are under control and if my kidneys are still "improved". But I try not to worry about that too much, just take care of myself and do stuff for the family. There's always something to do.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it's nothing serious.

Good to hear it's not keeping you down and you're keeping yourself busy.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 1:00 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Pick up game of mah jong tomorrow afternoon.

Hey, may lady luck smile on you tomorrow!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Thanks SIG.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 1:02 PM


Out for my errands before mah jong this afternoon. Refill on one of my meds and then I need to do something else. So later peeps.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 1:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How are you going to get all that concrete out???

SIGNY: Ah,the wonders of a long heavy crowbar (or sturdy spade) and a heavy-duty hand truck and maybe a little help. The biggest piece is about maybe 3' long, 1 1/2' wide and 4" thick. It's solid stuff, poured back in the day before they used rebar. Hubby guesses somewhere in the realm of 3500-5000 psi. I'm bad at estimating sizes so I can check tomorrow, but all the other pieces are maybe half that size or smaller. For me the bigger trick is where am I gonna put all this stuff? Build a seating area on the other part of the yard?

SIX: I think you may be underestimating how heavy the concrete is going to be, by quite a bit. I don't want you hurting yourself with your health issues, and with all due respect that is not a job for somebody your age in the first place. Last spring I broke up a bunch of concrete to dig out of the ground from the old post holes when the house-flippers behind me moved the fence back into their yard a few feet and left me with extra square footage but a huge weed-infested mess to clean up. It's not the first time I've done it, but it will be the last time I use a 20lb sledge hammer on concrete. Every joint in my body ached for at least a week after doing that.

oh, i remember about that mess! What a chore!

i moved a big piece big by myself few years ago. i found a handy rock, levered the piece up with a crowbar bit off to the side, slid the hand truck 'toe' under the middle of the slab, lowered the slab onto the toe and levered it back up off the ground with the hand truck. the trick at the time was wheeling everything over soft ground into position. but if i can't manage this time with the big piece I'll ask for help, bc its a lot easier if someone can 'flip' the slab onto the rails instead of resting it all on the toe, which i fear one day will break off.

I've already moved a few of the smaller pieces temporarily out of the way of my 'stream bed', but now they're on the way of other stuff. but i still don't know where i'm going to put all of this crap. i don't want to have to move it too far just to have to move it back again.


I don't think you should be using a jackhammer either... I'm not one to spend somebody else's money, but maybe you could find somebody who could come and break that all up and dispose of it for you for a reasonable price? If you decide to do this yourself, know your limits and please be careful.
oh definitely!


SIX: I find the trick to pulling weeds is just practice. You probably have different weeds around you than I do. You just get a feel for which ones need which pulling technique, and you probably couldn't even explain to somebody in written word what that even means since you just get a feel for it.

SIGNY: Oh, totally. Around here it helps to water o'wise the dirt can be rock hard.
But I'm not going for finesse and trying to pull out all of the roots- except the effing Bermuda grass. Right now I'm just spading and raking it up to get the lay of the land, so to speak, bc I couldn't tell where the dirt was.

SIX: Oh. Gotcha. I was just doing that last year with the Hoasta beds.
Are you going to put any mulch or rocks down once you're done? I still got some weeds in them this year, but it's about 1/1000th the amount I got before I put the weed fabric and the rocks down. A bit of a money and time and effort investement, but it looks so much better and I'm always in favor of putting in the work that keeps you from having to work on something so tedious every year.

since I have what's called a lot of 'weed pressure' ... about fifteen years of weed seeds drifted over on to our property from a huge vacant untended lot right across the street, just waiting to spring to life with the littlest water, fighting weeds and wild grasses (like foxtail) has been an ongoing struggle. So i've looked around and done some internet research on what works and what doesn't. i've had landscapers cloth under mulch, but weeds grew into the cloth, they were impossible to pull out. people here have decomposed granite, pebbles, and rocks over fabric, and believe it or not weeds will start growing in the DG, pebbles, or rocks and anchor themselves into the fabric there too, and it becomes a maintenance nightmare. but i've read about sheet mulching,which is cardboard under mulch, so i have three approaches:
sheet mulching, and keep up with the mulch (i've read the chip drop service works well, and it's free)
plant weed-smothering plants. lantana does a great job at the foundation, so gonna interplant lantana under my shrubs. 'pigeon point' coyote brush appears to do similar in hotter drier areas. still looking for equivalent plants along the front walkway

don't water where you don't want anything to grow.

but overall the secret is wood chip mulch, i think.


Yeah. Numbers are pretty great overall right now. I think my body is adjusting to the low amount of carbs I'm feeding it too since I'm still fairly high energy most times of most days.

That's great news SIX!
Me,I'm just trying to lose a few pounds. I lost a lot on chemo and surgery took off a few pounds of boob and radiation cost a LOT of calories, but now that food tastes as good as its going to considering I have no sense of smell (can't tell garlic from vanilla but I can still taste sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, and hot stuff) I've been slowly putting on weight. I'd like to say it's muscle. If only!!

SIX: You're doing a lot of work right now. You never know.

please come over and tell my doctors!


SIGNY: Dropped some stuff of at someone's house in the foothills, and they knew I needed some rocks to stabilize the tree mound, and they offered me a pick. DAMN! but there are lots of rocks there! No wonder they built everything out of these mostly rounded river rocks... walls, foundations, pillars. Anyway, I took my trusty hand truck and got a couple the size of small watermelons and a few smaller ones and I'm gonna go back for more next month. We went out to lunch later and had a NICE time!

SIX: That's nice. One day I'd love to get some really nice looking boulders to put in my Hoasta beds. A guy I know knows of a place where he gets them, but it's about an hour deep into Michigan.

SIGNY: CT scan shows some weird calcifications in my lungs, not cancer, but I've never had them before. Maybe it was metastisized tumors that got whacked by chemo and calcified over? Blood test coming up to see if my blood sugar and cholesterol are under control and if my kidneys are still "improved". But I try not to worry about that too much, just take care of myself and do stuff for the family. There's always something to do.

SIX: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it's nothing serious.
Good to hear it's not keeping you down and you're keeping yourself busy.

back atcha! i never thought i'd say this but i'm actually having fun with all the yardwork.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 4:36 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How are you going to get all that concrete out???

SIGNY: Ah,the wonders of a long heavy crowbar (or sturdy spade) and a heavy-duty hand truck and maybe a little help. The biggest piece is about maybe 3' long, 1 1/2' wide and 4" thick. It's solid stuff, poured back in the day before they used rebar. Hubby guesses somewhere in the realm of 3500-5000 psi. I'm bad at estimating sizes so I can check tomorrow, but all the other pieces are maybe half that size or smaller. For me the bigger trick is where am I gonna put all this stuff? Build a seating area on the other part of the yard?

SIX: I think you may be underestimating how heavy the concrete is going to be, by quite a bit. I don't want you hurting yourself with your health issues, and with all due respect that is not a job for somebody your age in the first place. Last spring I broke up a bunch of concrete to dig out of the ground from the old post holes when the house-flippers behind me moved the fence back into their yard a few feet and left me with extra square footage but a huge weed-infested mess to clean up. It's not the first time I've done it, but it will be the last time I use a 20lb sledge hammer on concrete. Every joint in my body ached for at least a week after doing that.

oh, i remember about that mess! What a chore!

i moved a big piece big by myself few years ago. i found a handy rock, levered the piece up with a crowbar bit off to the side, slid the hand truck 'toe' under the middle of the slab, lowered the slab onto the toe and levered it back up off the ground with the hand truck. the trick at the time was wheeling everything over soft ground into position. but if i can't manage this time with the big piece I'll ask for help, bc its a lot easier if someone can 'flip' the slab onto the rails instead of resting it all on the toe, which i fear one day will break off.

I've already moved a few of the smaller pieces temporarily out of the way of my 'stream bed', but now they're on the way of other stuff. but i still don't know where i'm going to put all of this crap. i don't want to have to move it too far just to have to move it back again.

Sounds like you have a plan to move it away from where you need to clear it out at least. But please ask for help, especially on that BIG one. 3 ft by 1.5 ft by 4 inches is going to be HEAVY. Like roughly 250lbs heavy!!!

I don't really have any suggestions for where you should move it to, but yeah. You should have a plan for that too. I hate double work and that's a LOT of double work.

Maybe you have some place somewhat out of sight to put it in the meantime so you're not tempted to procrastinate on that part of the job? Maybe somewhere close to the front of your house so if you end up paying somebody to remove it they've got the easiest possible job and you get a better deal?

They don't technically let us throw out concrete here, but nobody ever checks the cans. I've thrown out tons of broken pavers and all of that concrete that I've busted up over the years. Just have to salt it out in the trash over time so it doesn't make the cans to heavy. That would require busting those up though. Maybe you could pay somebody to break it up for you and have it all close to your cans so you can slowly throw it all out if that's cheaper than having somebody just come and take it off your yard?



I don't think you should be using a jackhammer either... I'm not one to spend somebody else's money, but maybe you could find somebody who could come and break that all up and dispose of it for you for a reasonable price? If you decide to do this yourself, know your limits and please be careful.
oh definitely!



SIX: I find the trick to pulling weeds is just practice. You probably have different weeds around you than I do. You just get a feel for which ones need which pulling technique, and you probably couldn't even explain to somebody in written word what that even means since you just get a feel for it.

SIGNY: Oh, totally. Around here it helps to water o'wise the dirt can be rock hard.
But I'm not going for finesse and trying to pull out all of the roots- except the effing Bermuda grass. Right now I'm just spading and raking it up to get the lay of the land, so to speak, bc I couldn't tell where the dirt was.

SIX: Oh. Gotcha. I was just doing that last year with the Hoasta beds.
Are you going to put any mulch or rocks down once you're done? I still got some weeds in them this year, but it's about 1/1000th the amount I got before I put the weed fabric and the rocks down. A bit of a money and time and effort investement, but it looks so much better and I'm always in favor of putting in the work that keeps you from having to work on something so tedious every year.

since I have what's called a lot of 'weed pressure' ... about fifteen years of weed seeds drifted over on to our property from a huge vacant untended lot right across the street, just waiting to spring to life with the littlest water, fighting weeds and wild grasses (like foxtail) has been an ongoing struggle. So i've looked around and done some internet research on what works and what doesn't. i've had landscapers cloth under mulch, but weeds grew into the cloth, they were impossible to pull out. people here have decomposed granite, pebbles, and rocks over fabric, and believe it or not weeds will start growing in the DG, pebbles, or rocks and anchor themselves into the fabric there too, and it becomes a maintenance nightmare. but i've read about sheet mulching,which is cardboard under mulch, so i have three approaches:
sheet mulching, and keep up with the mulch (i've read the chip drop service works well, and it's free)
plant weed-smothering plants. lantana does a great job at the foundation, so gonna interplant lantana under my shrubs. 'pigeon point' coyote brush appears to do similar in hotter drier areas. still looking for equivalent plants along the front walkway

don't water where you don't want anything to grow.

but overall the secret is wood chip mulch, i think.

Good luck. I've only had experience with the river rock and CHEAP from ALDI weed blocker sheets. I did have some weed growth, but considering that i used to have pretty much every square inch full of weeds in the dirt between the Hoastas before I did that, it's infinately better than having to pull all of those weeds every year... or spray all of them with some really toxic crap if I'm being lazy and then I'm just left with tons of dead brown crap in the dirt.



Yeah. Numbers are pretty great overall right now. I think my body is adjusting to the low amount of carbs I'm feeding it too since I'm still fairly high energy most times of most days.

That's great news SIX!
Me,I'm just trying to lose a few pounds. I lost a lot on chemo and surgery took off a few pounds of boob and radiation cost a LOT of calories, but now that food tastes as good as its going to considering I have no sense of smell (can't tell garlic from vanilla but I can still taste sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, and hot stuff) I've been slowly putting on weight. I'd like to say it's muscle. If only!!

SIX: You're doing a lot of work right now. You never know.

please come over and tell my doctors!

You should see about getting your muscle weighed. For my education followup in about 45 more days, they're going to weigh me on this electronic scale that requires me to stand on it with no shoes or socks and it's going to weigh my bones, muscle and fat. I'm not sure when I'm going to go back for a 2nd weight for comparison, but it will be cool to know how much each of those weigh.



SIGNY: Dropped some stuff of at someone's house in the foothills, and they knew I needed some rocks to stabilize the tree mound, and they offered me a pick. DAMN! but there are lots of rocks there! No wonder they built everything out of these mostly rounded river rocks... walls, foundations, pillars. Anyway, I took my trusty hand truck and got a couple the size of small watermelons and a few smaller ones and I'm gonna go back for more next month. We went out to lunch later and had a NICE time!

SIX: That's nice. One day I'd love to get some really nice looking boulders to put in my Hoasta beds. A guy I know knows of a place where he gets them, but it's about an hour deep into Michigan.

SIGNY: CT scan shows some weird calcifications in my lungs, not cancer, but I've never had them before. Maybe it was metastisized tumors that got whacked by chemo and calcified over? Blood test coming up to see if my blood sugar and cholesterol are under control and if my kidneys are still "improved". But I try not to worry about that too much, just take care of myself and do stuff for the family. There's always something to do.

SIX: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it's nothing serious.
Good to hear it's not keeping you down and you're keeping yourself busy.

back atcha! i never thought i'd say this but i'm actually having fun with all the yardwork.

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with it.

I love yardwork. It's the only type of chore that I don't dread doing. It will be nice one day to have all of the big projects done so all I have to do is chores and whatever little projects come my way.

I moved all of the big leather furniture I got from my friend earlier this year and the nice fireplace heater moved into my main house and out of the porch, all by myself today. It just barely fit through that 30" kitchen door by finegeling it. I managed to do it all without damaging the nice kitchen floor or the furniture itself by using sheets, floor mats and my runners I have protecting the kitchen floor. It's all staged crazy in my livingroom that still has the livingroom furniture in it too.

I'm taking a break now and I'm going to go out and paint that ceiling trim. After that, I'm going to get rid of any dropped mud and other high points on the porch floor, scuff sand it, and hopefully get a coat of primer down on it by quitting time tonight so it has a chance to dry.

I believe I have about 1/2 gallons of eggshell paint in two different but similar colors in my basement that I didn't use for its intended purpose. I'll figure out which color I want the floor to be for the next few years before I get everything outside done and say farewell to that sand pit for good and make sure to use that for the top coat. I also saved my grandma's oriental rug I got when she passed away years back, so I'll put that down in there in the meantime and it's more or less a finished project until I ever get around to put down proper flooring out there.

Thanks to my old man for the painting the floor idea. I was just planning on letting it look like crap until whenever I got around to doing a proper floor.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 8:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oooh, painted floors look way cool!

I have a list of things for me and dear daughter to do over the next several days. I have a tool stand to assemble, and I need to bring the rocks together that the previous guy had scattered here and there to great artistic effect, but gonna need them to stabilize the tree mound. Once I do that I'll see how many more I need. Dear daughter helped me unload to two rocks. One of which, looking at it again, is more the size of a regular watermelon.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 11:09 PM


Got meds refilled and lunch. Afternoon mah jong was no luck. Took me almost the whole afternoon to break 1,000 points. Oh well. Maybe better luck tomorrow.

Regular mah jong tomorrow then errands. Have to return "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" to the library at least.

Just hope I don't wake up forgetful like last Thursday. I went out without my denture and had to come back and get it. Then left with out my lunch and had to come back and get that. So I was a little late last week. *L*


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 11:57 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Got meds refilled and lunch. Afternoon mah jong was no luck. Took me almost the whole afternoon to break 1,000 points. Oh well. Maybe better luck tomorrow.

Regular mah jong tomorrow then errands. Have to return "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" to the library at least.

Just hope I don't wake up forgetful like last Thursday. I went out without my denture and had to come back and get it. Then left with out my lunch and had to come back and get that. So I was a little late last week. *L*

Indiana Jones 3 is the best Indiana Jones.

I went to the store without my dentures without realizing it once. I got a big ass beard and mustache to hide it though.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 29, 2023 12:00 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oooh, painted floors look way cool!

Got it primed tonight. Kind of crazy how much got done in one day, but I can't work until 10:30PM every day...

It looks pretty sweet. I think I'm going to caulk the seams and wood putty the knots and prime them one more time before I put any paint on them. I'll have some time to do that and other things I need to get done in the porch before the paint anyhow since I'm going to want to swap out those fridges before I have final paint down on the floor. I only want to have to worry about my kitchen floor, not all the floor the whole way in and out.


I have a list of things for me and dear daughter to do over the next several days. I have a tool stand to assemble, and I need to bring the rocks together that the previous guy had scattered here and there to great artistic effect, but gonna need them to stabilize the tree mound. Once I do that I'll see how many more I need. Dear daughter helped me unload to two rocks. One of which, looking at it again, is more the size of a regular watermelon.

You're going to have muscles as big as mine soon.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 29, 2023 1:45 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Got meds refilled and lunch. Afternoon mah jong was no luck. Took me almost the whole afternoon to break 1,000 points. Oh well. Maybe better luck tomorrow.

Regular mah jong tomorrow then errands. Have to return "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" to the library at least.

Just hope I don't wake up forgetful like last Thursday. I went out without my denture and had to come back and get it. Then left with out my lunch and had to come back and get that. So I was a little late last week. *L*

Indiana Jones 3 is the best Indiana Jones.

I went to the store without my dentures without realizing it once. I got a big ass beard and mustache to hide it though.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I have to agree with you, Jack. I had a blast watching it as it has been a few years since I seen it.

I've come close to going out without my denture and may have even forgotten completely at one time. But last Thursday I remembered as I got to the lobby of my building and decided to go back to my place to get them.


Thursday, June 29, 2023 11:20 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I have to agree with you, Jack. I had a blast watching it as it has been a few years since I seen it.

I haven't seen it in ages. One of these days I should see if my buddy wants to watch them on his big screen with the surround sound. My old man rented the 2nd one for me and my brothers when I was probably 8 years old and even though I was watching it on my grandma's tiny 19" TV I was enthralled. Watching Last Crusade in the theater a few years later with my dad and brothers is a memory that sticks to me with this day.

I'd love to see the first two on a big screen.


I've come close to going out without my denture and may have even forgotten completely at one time. But last Thursday I remembered as I got to the lobby of my building and decided to go back to my place to get them.

Can you talk without them? With a few years practice I've gotten pretty good at it. When I'm home I often don't have them in, and in between working on projects and things I'll talk on the phone and nobody knows I don't have them in. If it weren't for the facial hair though, people would easily be able to tell I didn't have them in, especially with the way I need to pull in my lower lip on my remaining bottom teeth so I don't lisp.

IRL I've been known as a man of few words though, so I can get away with it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, June 29, 2023 2:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Several years ago I bought the most energy-efficient small upright freezer I could find with the idea I could save on meat sales. I had no idea inflation would be so bad but that 'meat locker' has really come in handy. I think it's saved its cost and energy usage a few times over by now. I brought it up bc I had to go to the store a few days ago to get some lettuce, of all things, and took a stroll past the meat counter while I was at it since my meat locker was getting a little bare (due to lack of decent sales recently) and not only did I find some great pork chops on sale fifty percent off,
I also found ground turkey on sale and a couple of big organic chickens greatly reduced bc they expired the next day. Altogther I saved $32 in one shopping trip.

I'm still paying a lot more than I used to. I used to have a maximum of $4/lb for trimmed lean meat, and quite often could find $2.70 for 90pct ground turkey or $3/lb for chuck roast. Now I'm happy to find lean or ground anything at $4/lb and have resigned myself to paying $five/lb (damn I wish that key would work!) for tri-tip and even for chuck roast. Still, I'm happy that the freezer is once again stocked.

Some items on the menu for the coming week:

Beanless chili con carne with zucchini on the side

Italian turkey meatballs with fresh basil on calorie-free noodles with marinara and parmesan, and salad on the side

Marinated pork chops (vinegar, salt, pepper, and sage) panfried with apples, with kale, onion and bacon crisps on the side, and cantaloupe for dessert.

Very diabetes-friendly!

You'll notice that I have a green or greenish vegetable every meal, and one other color, plus something low-calorie and tummy filling. It could be zucchini or green beans or cabbage (which also counts as a greenish vegetable) or calorie-free shirataki 'noodles' (a Japanese traditional dish) or cauliflower or similar, and in winter it's often soups, since broth is filling. Lots and lots of veggies.

One of these days, tho, I might splurge and get some nice rib eye steaks and a grill. I have a hankering for a nice big juicy grilled steak. And salad: lots of lettuce, cucumber, tomato, kalamata olives, slivered onion, chick peas, and a sprinkling of blue cheese.

C'mon down and I'll treat you to dinner!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 29, 2023 5:11 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I have to agree with you, Jack. I had a blast watching it as it has been a few years since I seen it.

I haven't seen it in ages. One of these days I should see if my buddy wants to watch them on his big screen with the surround sound. My old man rented the 2nd one for me and my brothers when I was probably 8 years old and even though I was watching it on my grandma's tiny 19" TV I was enthralled. Watching Last Crusade in the theater a few years later with my dad and brothers is a memory that sticks to me with this day.

I'd love to see the first two on a big screen.


I've come close to going out without my denture and may have even forgotten completely at one time. But last Thursday I remembered as I got to the lobby of my building and decided to go back to my place to get them.

Can you talk without them? With a few years practice I've gotten pretty good at it. When I'm home I often don't have them in, and in between working on projects and things I'll talk on the phone and nobody knows I don't have them in. If it weren't for the facial hair though, people would easily be able to tell I didn't have them in, especially with the way I need to pull in my lower lip on my remaining bottom teeth so I don't lisp.

IRL I've been known as a man of few words though, so I can get away with it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

Think I saw the first two Indy movies on VHS back in the day. The third one "Last Crusade" I saw in a theatre. Friend wanted to do something for her birthday and that came out at the time. So me, her and her husband went and saw it. Me and her loved it but her husband, not so much.

I can talk with out them. I have some bottom teeth left and always was talking even as my gums healed.

That's my problem. In real life I can be very verbose. Always have been even when I was a child.


Thursday, June 29, 2023 5:13 PM


Back from mah jong and errands. No luck at mah jong today. Found some ice cream on sale though which was nice. $2.99 Canadian for a good sized carton of Beyers chocolate ice cream.


Thursday, June 29, 2023 5:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from mah jong and errands. No luck at mah jong today. Found some ice cream on sale though which was nice. $2.99 Canadian for a good sized carton of Beyers chocolate ice cream.

It's great finding something on sale!

Waiting at the lab for my blood draw and urinalysis. I have a lot of Drs piling in on this one: Dr Onco, Dr Cardio, and Dr Nephro. Then I see Dr Onco for my usual followup. I have ?? but feel good.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 29, 2023 5:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I have to agree with you, Jack. I had a blast watching it as it has been a few years since I seen it.

I haven't seen it in ages. One of these days I should see if my buddy wants to watch them on his big screen with the surround sound. My old man rented the 2nd one for me and my brothers when I was probably 8 years old and even though I was watching it on my grandma's tiny 19" TV I was enthralled. Watching Last Crusade in the theater a few years later with my dad and brothers is a memory that sticks to me with this day.

I'd love to see the first two on a big screen.


I've come close to going out without my denture and may have even forgotten completely at one time. But last Thursday I remembered as I got to the lobby of my building and decided to go back to my place to get them.

Can you talk without them? With a few years practice I've gotten pretty good at it. When I'm home I often don't have them in, and in between working on projects and things I'll talk on the phone and nobody knows I don't have them in. If it weren't for the facial hair though, people would easily be able to tell I didn't have them in, especially with the way I need to pull in my lower lip on my remaining bottom teeth so I don't lisp.

IRL I've been known as a man of few words though, so I can get away with it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

With me it's glasses and a hearing aid. I can't see shit without them and I can't hear very well either.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 29, 2023 7:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from mah jong and errands. No luck at mah jong today. Found some ice cream on sale though which was nice. $2.99 Canadian for a good sized carton of Beyers chocolate ice cream.

It's great finding something on sale!

Waiting at the lab for my blood draw and urinalysis. I have a lot of Drs piling in on this one: Dr Onco, Dr Cardio, and Dr Nephro. Then I see Dr Onco for my usual followup. I have ?? but feel good.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

It is as this ice cream and I misspelled the name is Breyer's. The price on it is normally over $6.

Feeling good is a good thing and hopefully these tests come out negative in a good way.


Thursday, June 29, 2023 7:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I have to agree with you, Jack. I had a blast watching it as it has been a few years since I seen it.

I haven't seen it in ages. One of these days I should see if my buddy wants to watch them on his big screen with the surround sound. My old man rented the 2nd one for me and my brothers when I was probably 8 years old and even though I was watching it on my grandma's tiny 19" TV I was enthralled. Watching Last Crusade in the theater a few years later with my dad and brothers is a memory that sticks to me with this day.

I'd love to see the first two on a big screen.


I've come close to going out without my denture and may have even forgotten completely at one time. But last Thursday I remembered as I got to the lobby of my building and decided to go back to my place to get them.

Can you talk without them? With a few years practice I've gotten pretty good at it. When I'm home I often don't have them in, and in between working on projects and things I'll talk on the phone and nobody knows I don't have them in. If it weren't for the facial hair though, people would easily be able to tell I didn't have them in, especially with the way I need to pull in my lower lip on my remaining bottom teeth so I don't lisp.

IRL I've been known as a man of few words though, so I can get away with it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

With me it's glasses and a hearing aid. I can't see shit without them and I can't hear very well either.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Yeah, I've been known to forget my hearing aides as well. Have glasses too. Bifocals to be specific but I don't wear them except for watching tv. Tell the truth I hate my glasses.


Friday, June 30, 2023 1:11 PM


Out for my walk and errands soon.


Friday, June 30, 2023 1:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk and errands soon.

same here. blood samples taken, dr visit done, questions answered, meds picked up, chariot gassed up.

on with the day! as you say; later, peeps!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 30, 2023 2:55 PM


Got the new fridge in the house with my neighbor's help. Only took about 10 minutes since I was all set up for it and with those forearm forklifts we were easily able to carry it from the garage all the way around to the front of the house and straight into the front door without having to go through THREE doors that weren't wide enough for it and would have required keeping the doors open and turning it on our way through.

Really, because of that, it turns out I didn't technically even need to do this now since I could have kept working on the porch and get the floor painted since we avoided that altogether.

My plan was to have him or my friend come back as soon as I washed all the shelves and bins and got them in, figuring that the fridge would be cold enough to transport everything over, but I'm thinking there's a good chance I'm not going to be able to do that today. It appears it takes 2 to 24 hours for a fridge/freezer to properly get to temp, and mine is certainly not on the 2 hour end. Freezer already can start slowly freezing a bottle of water, but the fridge only got down to 50 degrees in about 3 hours. (It was in a baking hot garage until a few hours ago).

It's not like I have a ton of food, but I've got my insulin in there and that would be a tragedy if something happened to it.

Anyhow, both of them are in my house and running. The new one looks GREAT compared to the old one and is just a little bit smaller in profile, while also not having the protruding door handles, making my kitchen look bigger and not hiding the back corner so much like the old one did.

I may or may not get back to working on the porch. Air quality is still "POOR", down from "VERY UNHEALTHY" a few days ago. At least I don't see the mist everywhere anymore. But it's ungodly hot today. I think I notice my blood sugar getting low when it's hot because I was feeling it before I ate a few hours ago. Usually if I didn't have my sensor yelling at me I can't even tell, even if I'm doing heavy work.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Friday, June 30, 2023 5:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk and errands soon.

same here. blood samples taken, dr visit done, questions answered, meds picked up, chariot gassed up.

on with the day! as you say; later, peeps!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Nothing like getting those medical and other things done.


Friday, June 30, 2023 5:14 PM


Back and all errands done. Supper is now cooking a pork stew. It is on a low heat and I can basically ignore it until I am ready. Just sitting down and taking it easy.


Friday, June 30, 2023 9:56 PM


Looks like the fridge works!

Decided to tell my friend to hold off until tomorrow to help me move the old one out though. I still want to give it overnight and make sure everything is copacetic before I move the medicine and the rest of the food into the new one, and I need time to take the doors off and get everything ready to make moving it as quick as possible.

He called me to tell me he was coming over to help, but I was right in the middle of painting when he did.

Got all the wood putty on the knots sanded out and re-primed as well as a few other minor repairs, then I put the first coat of the paint down. It only took 1/4 of a gallon and it looks GREAT!!!

Still want to put 1 or 2 coats of paint on all the trim and baseboard, then I'll probably put 2 more coats on the floor to make sure it wipes up real well when it gets dirty.

It looks so good that I'm not going to be in any hurry to put down any flooring. Especially not with my grandma's 9'x12' oriental rug on top of it.

Not enough time in the day...

Back to it tomorrow.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Saturday, July 1, 2023 1:47 PM


Out for my walk.


Saturday, July 1, 2023 4:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Not enough time in the day...

oh indeed!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, July 1, 2023 4:59 PM


Back from my walk and another inside chore done.


Saturday, July 1, 2023 11:07 PM


I knew I wasn't going to have time to get the fridge ready so I called my friend early and told him not to worry about it today.

I got all the trim and baseboard cleaned up, put two coats on the baseboard, one on all the doorway and window trim, then painted a second coat of paint on the floor.

If all goes according to plan, I'll get a second coat of paint on all the trim, and the final coat of paint down on the floor with plenty of time to spare.

And that's about it for the porch then. Just got to get some windex on the windows after that so I can install those paper blinds in the front, and after the floor cures for about a week I'll put my grandma's oriental rug out there with the furniture, my fireplace heater and the TV my aunt gave me.

No big hurry right now because it's way too hot to enjoy any time spent out there anyway, and putting A/C out there kind of defeats the purpose, even though I've got a 2nd window unit I could put out there.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, July 2, 2023 1:43 PM


Another Sunday and nothing doing.

Really need to figure out how to take a little vacay from here.


Sunday, July 2, 2023 3:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Speaking of frigs...

Our frig quit!

Of course, on a weekend and right after shopping. NATURALLY, over the four hottest days of the year so far. And OF COURSE, none of the local grocery stores carry dry ice so we had to make do with water ice overnight. Not effective, and messy! Repair not scheduled until July 5!

To top it all off my attempt to get an appt scheduled with Sears appliance service required a payment method verification, and that went haywire and went to Hertz Auto Sales instead, so I had to cancel our only credit card. We won't get a replacement until Wednesday.


Fortunately we have a freezer and we were able to xfer most of the frozen stuff to the spare freezer. This AM I found a place that sells dry ice, and even tho they probably won't have enough for us thru Monday/ Tuesday their next closest location has a lot (they say).

And now, to mop up the kitchen floor.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, July 2, 2023 8:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Water ice removed and blocks used to water tree. Water sponged out of freezer bins and bins cleaned. Dry ice in, on towels to absorb condensate and to keep the dry ice from cracking the glass.

Kitchen floor mopped up. Dishes washed, pots n pans scrubbed. Chicken carcasses cooked, chicken and giblets picked apart for dog food and broth reserved as bone broth. Countertops and range scrubbed. Now it's time to prep dinner...

Food lined up to go into the frig and list of items to take out. Gonna treat the frig like an analytical lab oven... no random openings to change the temp. Strictly regulated to three times a day.

I'll be curious how cold it got in there!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, July 2, 2023 9:15 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Speaking of frigs...

Our frig quit!

Damn... too bad you can't come and take mine! It still works fine.

I thought about selling it and the working stove I've got out there, but I really don't want a bunch of strangers coming into my garage and seeing all my tools out there.


Of course, on a weekend and right after shopping. NATURALLY, over the four hottest days of the year so far. And OF COURSE, none of the local grocery stores carry dry ice so we had to make do with water ice overnight. Not effective, and messy! Repair not scheduled until July 5!

To top it all off my attempt to get an appt scheduled with Sears appliance service required a payment method verification, and that went haywire and went to Hertz Auto Sales instead, so I had to cancel our only credit card. We won't get a replacement until Wednesday.


Fortunately we have a freezer and we were able to xfer most of the frozen stuff to the spare freezer. This AM I found a place that sells dry ice, and even tho they probably won't have enough for us thru Monday/ Tuesday their next closest location has a lot (they say).

And now, to mop up the kitchen floor.


That sucks. :(


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, July 2, 2023 9:23 PM


I think I may have finished the porch today.

Got the final coat of paint up on all the trim, and then realized how much cigarette smoke had accumulated on the vinyl that encased the windows, particularly the one near the corner I'd smoke in. My dad came up with the idea to use Magic Erasers, and I remembered that I got 6 of them free after rebate this winter and they worked a treat. Then I used windex on the panes and wiped the vinyl down further with the wet paper towel. Except for needing to clean the windows outside, they look brand new again.

That being said, even though I've got the ceiling vents out there I think I'm only going to smoke out there during the winter when it's snowing or when my friends are over and they're smoking and we're playing poker. That room looks way too nice now to just be smoking in it all the time.

I got out my artist paintbrush and did my touchups to the walls that I needed to do, then I got the 3rd and final coat of paint on the floor, really doing a nice job cutting in the floor up to the baseboard all around. It looks FANTASTIC.

Had a conversation with the old man and he got a great laugh looking at the new pics vs the ones from back in 2019 when the floor was rotted out and the fake windows that let in all the water were still up. He had totally forgotten how bad that looked and said it went from the worst room in the house to the best room in the house.

I won't be taking it easy tomorrow... I'm going to put my couch together and THOUROUGHLY clean that and the oversized recliner I got on barter from my friend. My livingroom probably smells like cigarettes because of them even though I don't smoke in the house. Hopefully he can come tomorrow or Tuesday and help me get the old fridge out to the garage.

I also got a brand new range hood from my buddy a few weeks ago that I think I might install this week too. I really wanted to put a black one in there since the cabinets and wall tiles are white, but this one is white. I should at least put it up and see how it looks. I can always buy a new one down the road. I'm going to throw that greasy old silver one out. I still had it because I thought I might clean it up and paint it black someday, but if I'm going to do that I could just do it with this new/clean one.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, July 2, 2023 9:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, the food seems to be cold enough to keep, but at the rate the dry ice is disappearing I'll have to get three more blocks tomorrow and every day until Wednesday. Hopefully by then enough food will have been eaten up that I can empty the frig into a styrofoam -lined box that I made for when I defrost the spare freezer, and the frig can be repaired.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, July 3, 2023 11:20 AM


Mowing the lawn and spraying for bugs today...

Lawn is really in need of a cut, and the bug situation just got out of control around here, seemingly overnight. I wasn't in a position to put down the poison with the spreader earlier this season with the health issue, and I kind of forgot about it because we were having a drought and there weren't any bugs. The spray only works for about 2 weeks though, so that will buy me enough time to get the real poison and dump it around the perimeter of the house and the garage and time it when we're going to get a good rainfall, since it looks like rain is finally back in the mix around these parts.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 3, 2023 1:00 PM


Out for my walk soon. Couple of things to do.


Monday, July 3, 2023 4:11 PM


Lawn done, sprayed for bugs, sprayed for weeds.

Shower time. Then it's all about getting prepped to help my buddy out tomorrow and running some errands before taking a well deserved rest.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 3, 2023 4:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I restocked the frig with more dry ice. I sure hope they can repair the frig on Wednesday, assuming that it doesn't need some part that needs to be ordered. By then, tho we will have eaten up more of the food in the frig, so there will be less perishable stuff to keep fresh.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, July 3, 2023 4:48 PM


Back from my walk and I can't seem to find a cloth tablecloth to fit a round table.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 1:05 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Have a good 4th of July everyone.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 1:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk in a bit. Have a good 4th of July everyone.

we will! we bought the usual 'safe and same' fireworks that are legal in this city. and the vendor sold them to us at cost bc it was clear dear daughter was having a terrible time making up her mind, despite me using the qr codes to bring up videos of each product. the person who was attending us was very patient, he told me (very quietly) that his adopted son was 20 but like 10, and gave us a deep discount so dear daughter could get more of what she wanted.

tonight, tho, i have to go out and get more dry ice and xfer food out of the frig into my homemade insulated box to be ready for the repair guy some time before noon. so my day is gonna be full and start out early tomorrow. i sure hope the saga of the 'busted frig' ends soon!

right after that, once we get our new cards, i have to re-set all of our autopays. i like to pay our regular unavoidable bills thru credit card bc this card gets us anywhere from 2-five pct off, so even tho it's not a lot in terms of savings it adds up.

THEN I can get back to routine and projects, of which i have several.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 4:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk in a bit. Have a good 4th of July everyone.

we will! we bought the usual 'safe and same' fireworks that are legal in this city. and the vendor sold them to us at cost bc it was clear dear daughter was having a terrible time making up her mind, despite me using the qr codes to bring up videos of each product. the person who was attending us was very patient, he told me (very quietly) that his adopted son was 20 but like 10, and gave us a deep discount so dear daughter could get more of what she wanted.

tonight, tho, i have to go out and get more dry ice and xfer food out of the frig into my homemade insulated box to be ready for the repair guy some time before noon. so my day is gonna be full and start out early tomorrow. i sure hope the saga of the 'busted frig' ends soon!

right after that, once we get our new cards, i have to re-set all of our autopays. i like to pay our regular unavoidable bills thru credit card bc this card gets us anywhere from 2-five pct off, so even tho it's not a lot in terms of savings it adds up.

THEN I can get back to routine and projects, of which i have several.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

I'm glad your family will be able to enjoy some fireworks.

It's always good when a salesperson of any sort is willing to take and the time and can understand.

I hope your fridge problem can be sorted out.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 4:49 PM


I am all done for today and have some fresh peas to go along with the chicken wings I got for my supper tonight.

Also I am only slightly melty as my area according to the temp on my computer is around 28C which is 86F.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 6:42 PM


I'm not doing nothing today and it will be nice...

I did manage to clean and put the footrest back on the oversized single recliner my friend gave me. YouTube video told me to mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts water and use an old sock to clean it and it worked great. Kinda feel really low energy today though so I only did one then took a nap. My friend came by and we got the fridge out to the garage, so now I'll have room to put the couch together once I get things back where they're supposed to be and out of the way.

If I feel up to it, I might put it back together tonight, but I'm not going to clean it yet. That's a real chore. I think I'm going to get some leather conditioner and make them look really nice after I clean them too.

Can't wait for that porch floor to cure so I can get all the furniture and the fireplace back out there. I hate having everything in this level of disarray.

96 degrees outside here today. Picked the right day not to work outside for sure.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 7:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm not doing nothing today and it will be nice...

I did manage to clean and put the footrest back on the oversized single recliner my friend gave me. YouTube video told me to mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts water and use an old sock to clean it and it worked great. Kinda feel really low energy today though so I only did one then took a nap. My friend came by and we got the fridge out to the garage, so now I'll have room to put the couch together once I get things back where they're supposed to be and out of the way.

If I feel up to it, I might put it back together tonight, but I'm not going to clean it yet. That's a real chore. I think I'm going to get some leather conditioner and make them look really nice after I clean them too.

Can't wait for that porch floor to cure so I can get all the furniture and the fireplace back out there. I hate having everything in this level of disarray.

96 degrees outside here today. Picked the right day not to work outside for sure.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

Whew! You both have hot weather for sure! SIX, you take the "hot weather" prize!
Too hot here, for me, to work outside. I should have been doing indoor work instead but I just couldn't get my rear in gear.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse -SIGNYM


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 8:02 PM


Yeah. It's freakin' humid and gross out too. The only thing I would have thought about doing outside today is taking a dip in my friend's pool, which was what he was doing tonight after he helped me, but my current CGM sensor is about to peel off and I had to tape it all up with medical tape yesterday just to take a shower. It started peeling a few days ago, and I believe I have one more day before I need to change it. I've ordered overpatches twice now from their website, but none have been delivered and I never got any messages saying that they're on their way.

I feel guilty not doing much today though, and my numbers being high as a result of my afternoon nap, so I've been doing a little bit of cleaning in the living room. I'm using this opportunity to wipe down all the baseboard and the floors before I move things back, and now I'm just trying to get enough space to get the two pieces of the couch that I have resting on their backs on bedsheets together so I can attach the bars that hold it together and put the feet back on them so I can get my little protective slider pads on the feet. I still don't think I'm going to clean them up today since that's a ton of work, but who knows. Sometimes the iron gets hot late at night for me.

At least I'm not wasting that sweet A/C right now.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 10:22 PM


Got the bottom/inside of the couch all vacuumed up and wiped clean, then I put it all together. I'll probably give at least the bottom section on the front and sides a baking soda bath and get the pads put on so I can get it upright tonight and then finish cleaning it up tomorrow. It's nice to finally have some room to move things around and work on this with the fridge finally out on the garage.

These are going to look REALLY nice and they're so comfortable. I've seen before/after pics of the leather conditioner I'm going to buy from user reviews on their own leather furniture and some of them were in much, much worse shape than mine and they look fantastic after giving it this treatment.

I also shouldn't have any problems at all sliding it on the hardwood floor with the felt pads for when I'm finishing up window trim in the living room or whenever I need to pull them out to clean underneath them. The single seater just glides on the floor.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023 11:16 PM


Bit of hazy skies where I am. Smoke creeping in from the few fires burning now.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023 12:59 AM


Well... I ended up cleaning the whole couch tonight.

Lost the sun before I even started it, so I'm sure I still have parts where I need to wipe off the baking soda residue still, but they look so good and I'm sure any smell from being in my friend's basement and then out on the smoking porch is gone.

Got my leather conditioner on order and it should be here long before I am ready to move the other furniture out to the back porch. These things should look brand new once I get that stuff applied. Can't wait to try it out and see what it looks like. Going to have some really comfortable reclining furniture here the next time the old man comes over to watch a movie.


How you do anything is how you do everything.




Brenda 10.17 17:48
SIGNYM 10.17 22:25
SIGNYM 10.17 22:28


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