Biden* foreign policy

UPDATED: Monday, July 10, 2023 19:20
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Saturday, March 20, 2021 12:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is a bit of a placeholder for links and more info.

On interview with George Stephanopoulos ABC, Biden agreed that Putin was a "killer". I heard a few things about that interview. One was that George was leading Biden with every question.

The other is that when Biden described the conversation he supposedly had with Putin, he was VP and there was no way that control-freak Obama would have authorized his VP to have any such conversation.

I've been trying to find the complete interview and will post what I find.


Anyway, calling another world leader a "killer" is an unprecedented shit show.

What did Biden* hope to accomplish?

Well, he wanted to look like a tough guy for domestic audience.

And he* put a stake thru the heart of future relations with Russia. Russia has responded by pretty much ending automatic response to USA proposals. Mission accomplished! But why?


Saturday, March 20, 2021 12:37 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Biden also seems to be picking a fight with China as well, if you believe the news.


Saturday, March 20, 2021 2:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I couldn't find a video of the entire interview, but I found a transcript.


TRANSCRIPT: ABC News' George Stephanopoulos interviews President Joe Biden

The exclusive interview with President Biden took place on March 16, 2021.
ABC News
March 17, 2021, 4:36 PM
• 24 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Biden says Cuomo should resign if investigation confirms women’s claims

EXCLUSIVE: Biden says Cuomo should resign if investigation confirms women’s claims
Biden stopped short of calling on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to step down immediately.
ABC News

On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, ABC News' George Stephanopoulos interviewed President Joe Biden. The following is a transcript of the interview (this transcript has been edited for clarity):

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So you've set out your goals for the country. 100 million vaccine doses by next week, $100 million out the door. Every American eligible for the vaccine by -- adult American by May 1st. Something close to normal on July 4th. But tell everyone, when is everything going to be normal for Americans?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, first of all, I won't even be able to meet the July 4th deadline unless people listen, wear masks, wash their hands and socially distance because not everyone by July 4th will have been vaccinated. There's enough vaccine -- I -- we-- we've been able to purchase enough vaccine, George, with a lotta -- a lotta heavy liftin' for over six hundred -- well over 600 million doses to take care of more than 300 million Americans, some of 'em single dose.

But I hope that what I'm reading about 30% of Republican men say they won't get the vaccine and people are talkin' about whether they ne-- I mean, you have to-- one, when-- when it's available to, get the vaccine, number one. Number two, stay socially distanced. Number three, wear a mask when you're out in public. And we'll get by this and we'll get by it much quicker than we otherwise --



GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: -- if President Trump told the Republican men to get a vaccine?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I have no idea what kind of influence he has anymore. I'm not bein' facetious. I just don't know, George. He got the vaccine. He got the vaccine before he -- he left Washington. And so I hope people understand. Now, one of the hardest things we're doin', George, is in communities not far from here, there's a lot of poor communities that don't have access to a lot of opportunities. They've been hit very hard by the COVID experience.

They've been dying at -- at more rapid rate when they contract it. They contract at a more rapid rate than the white community. And that's why we opened up to tens of thousands of drug stores across the country because there's many in almost every neighborhood, and federal health clinics that are in the areas, that are in the most hard-hit areas. So we gotta reach out and make sure people who either don't have computers, don't know how to get online -- that they're able to get the vaccine.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: How do you get the politics out of this vaccine talk?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I honest to God thought we had it out. I honest to God thought that, once we -- we guaranteed we had enough vaccine for everybody, things would start to calm down. Well, they have calmed down a great deal. But I don't quite understand, you know, the sorta -- I don't wanna -- I just don't understand this sort of macho thing about, "I'm not gonna get the vaccine. I have a right as an American, my freedom to not do it." Well, why don't you be a patriot? Protect other people.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: How about emphasizing the positive. How has life changed for you since you got the vaccine?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, it's changed because I can hug my grandkids now. They come over to the house. I can see them. I'm able to be with them. I've had the vaccine. I've had it. And, secondly -- it has changed my life in the sense that I've been able to demonstrate to other people that, you know, I mean, I doubt whether people would expect me to take it if I didn't think it was safe -- to make the case that it is safe to take the vaccine. It's important to take the vaccine.
PHOTO: President Joe Biden talks to ABC News' Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on March 16, 2021.
ABC NewsABC News
President Joe Biden talks to ABC News' Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on March 16, 2021.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Let's talk about the crisis at the border. Some heartbreaking scenes down there right now. And a lot of the migrants coming in saying they're coming in because you promised to make things better. It seems to be getting worse by the day. Was it a mistake not to anticipate this surge?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, first of all, there was a surge the last two years. In '19 and '20 there was a surge as well.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: This one might be worse.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: No, well, it could be. But here's the deal. We're sending back people to -- first of all, the idea that Joe Biden said, "Come" because-- I-- I heard the other day that they're coming because, you know, I'm a nice guy and I won't do what --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: They're saying this --

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: -- Trump did. Yeah. Well, here's the deal. They're not. The adults are being sent back, number one. That's number one. Number two, what do you do with an unaccompanied child that comes to the border? Do you repeat what Trump did?

Take them from their mothers, move them away, hold them in cells, etcetera? We're not doin' that. So what we're doin' is we have brought in -- brought in HHS and also brought in FEMA to provide for enough safe facilities for them to not -- to get out of control of the Border Patrol, which was not designed to hold people for long periods of time, particularly children.

Get them out of those facilities. And most of them come with a phone number too -- so what we're doing is we're putting together an entire organizational structure so that, within seven days, they're gonna be able to get on the phone, contact that number, find out whether there is a mother or a father, whether it is safe, whether it is a secure circumstance to get the child to that adult.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: How do you cut through the red tape and make sure those kids get to a contact as quickly as possible? Our reporters on the scene are saying they're seeing total mayhem there right now.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, what you get -- what you have to do is you have to try to get control of the mess that was inherited. And the way to get control of the mess that was inherited -- I mean, look, here's what the plan is. You may remember when we had this unaccompanied children at the border when Barack was president, he called me back, I was in Turkey and said, "You gotta take care of this."

And I was able to get a bipartisan bill passed for almost $800 billion to go to the root cause of why -- why people are leaving. Why are they leaving El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras? Because they're in terrible circumstance, either because of natural disasters and hurricanes, gangs or violence.

They're tryin' to escape. And that's why they're coming. So what I did, I spent close to 100 hours with the leaders of those three countries and the U.N. making sure that we're -- for example, in one of the major cities down there, they said the crime rate's terrible. That's why people are leaving this particular city.

"But we have no street lighting." And the government said, "Give us the money to put in --" I said, "I'm not gonna give you the money. But I'll tell you what. Show me what you need. I'll get contractors down there. We'll put in the street lights for you," because there's a lotta corruption down there. And guess what? Violence came down in that city.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: It's going to take some time though to get those policies in place again. Do you have to say quite clearly, "Don't come"?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yes. I can say quite clearly don't come over. And the process of getting set up, and it's not gonna take a whole long time, is to be able to apply for asylum in place. So don't leave your town or city or community. We're gonna make sure we have facilities in those cities and towns run by department of -- by DHS and also access with HHS, the Health and Human Services, to say you can apply for asylum from where you are right now.

Make your case. We'll have people there to determine whether or not you are able to meet the requirement you qualify for asylum. That's the best way to do this. In addition to that, while we also change the circumstances on the ground in those communities, you're gonna diminish the reason why people want to leave in the first place.

It's not like someone's sitting in Guadalajara right now in Mexico, which is not the biggest problem right now, and saying, "I got a great idea. Let's sell everything we have, give it to a coyote, give him our kids, take 'em across the border. Leave 'em in a desert where they don't speak the language. Won't that be fun?"

That's not why people come. They come because their circumstance is so bad. Now, some come because they want a better opportunity, for economic reasons. They don't qualify. And so in the meantime, what we should be doing is making sure we provide beds for these children.

By the way, over 50 percent children coming are ages 16 and 17. 16 and 17. They're not -- most of 'em are not little babies. 1% are young -- young kids. And so what we're doing now is we're providing for -- in the past, what you do is HHS would take them to licensed providers, so there's beds, security, where there's health care, they're fed, they're cared for, while they determine whether or not there is someone in the United States they're entitled to go to.

And that's what we're in the process of doing now. We will have, I believe, by next month enough of those beds to take care of these children who have no place to go. But they need to be taken care of while they're -- but the vast majority -- let's get somethin' straight though. The vast majority of people crossin' the border are being sent back. Are being sent back, immediately sent back.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You're out here selling your COVID relief package, you're executing the COVID relief package now as well. What's next on your legislative agenda?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, look, one of the things that, if you notice the criticism of the COVID relief package from my Republican friends, is they say it spends too much money and it gives too many tax breaks. Well, 60% of all these tax breaks go -- all these tax breaks go to the bottom 60% of the population.

And guess what? They need it. The $1,400 check. Child care tax credit, the ability to provide for -- we cut child poverty in half, literally in half in the United States of America. They don't like it because in fact their -- their idea of a tax cut is give the Trump tax cut, where 83% went to the top 1% of the people in America.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You're going to be raising those taxes?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yes. Anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to a significant tax increase. If you make more than -- less than $400,000, you won't see a fed -- one single penny in additional federal tax. I brought this with me 'cause I often get asked and I don't wanna misquote it.

If you take a look at the corporate tax rate under Trump, if you raise the tax rate back up to what we thought it should be, it was at 35%, they brought it down to 21%. Bring it to 28%. That raises $800 billion. You have now 90 of the Fortune 500 companies don't pay a single penny in federal tax. Not a penny. Making billions of dollars.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: But let's talk raw politics here. You didn't get a single Republican vote for tax cuts. How are you going to get a Republican vote for a tax increase?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Oh, I may not get -- but I'll get the Democratic votes for a tax increase. And -- there're some Republicans who do have consc -- look -- also, we know, if we just took the tax rate back to what it was when Bush was president, top rate paid 39.8 per se -- 39.6% in federal taxes. That would raise $230 billion.

Yet, we're -- they're complaining because I'm providing -- a tax credit for child care? For the poor, for the middle class? Keeping people -- and by the way, my proposal in the relief plan I put forward, it creates seven million jobs according to a whole range of people, including -- Moody's and Wall Street, number one. Increases the GDP by over $1 trillion, actually raises -- raises income in America, and diminishes debt in America. I mean, what are these --


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: -- guys talking about --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: By your own admission, you just said you're not likely to get Republican votes for the tax increase. You're not likely to get Republican votes for HR-1, expanding voting rights, or the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. So aren't you going to have to choose? I know you've been reluctant to do away with the filibuster. Aren't you going to have to choose between preserving the filibuster and advancing your agenda?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yes. But here's the choice. I don't think you have to eliminate the filibuster. You have to do it what it used to be when I first got to the Senate back in the old days when you used to be around there. And that is that a filibuster -- you had to stand up and command the floor.

And you had to keep talkin' along. You couldn't call for, you know -- no one could say, you know, quorum call. Once you stopped talkin', you lost that and someone could move in and say, "I move the question of." So you gotta work for the filibuster.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So you're for that reform? You're for bringing back the talking filibuster?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I am. That's what it was supposed to be. Look, I think -- don't hold me to the numbers, George, but I think between 1960 and 2000, there were l -- I'm makin' this number up. I don't know. There were, like -- you know, 50 filibusters. Now there're, like, 200 since then, since that rule tanked --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Just put a hold on it, that's it?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yeah. I mean, you know, so the idea -- it almost is gettin' to the point where there's -- you know, democracy's having a hard time functioning. A hard time functioning. And so, look, I'm not sayin' this is gonna be easy, George. But I do believe there's enough Republicans over time who are gonna have -- look, you -- you --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: They haven't had that epiphany you said you were going to see in the campaign--

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: No, no. Well, I've only been here six weeks, pal, okay? Gimme a break. (LAUGH) Been here six weeks. I think the epiphany's gonna come in twenty -- between now and 2022. There's 78% of the people say they support this program. 52% of Republicans.

Let's assume it's off by 15%. You're gonna go home and cap a -- Republican voters want that $1,500 because they're in trouble. Republican voters want to be able to choose between being able to send their -- go to work and send their kid to a daycare that they can afford.

Republican voters wanna be able to take care of a child care tax credit. I mean, these are -- it's not like -- every Republican is you know, a billionaire. You know, they're -- by the way -- I'm not saying it will cha-- I'll do it again, but I want those Republican voters in suburbia.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under -- denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He will pay a price. I, we had a long talk, he and I, when we -- I know him relatively well. And I-- the conversation started off, I said, "I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared."

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You said you know he doesn't have a soul.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I did say that to him, yes. And -- and his response was, "We understand one another." It was-- I wasn't being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office. And that -- that's how it came about. It was when President Bush had said, "I looked in his eyes and saw his soul."

I said, "Looked in your eyes and I don't think you have a soul." And looked back and he said, "We understand each other." Look, most important thing dealing with foreign leaders in my experience, and I've dealt with an awful lot of 'em over my career, is just know the other guy. Don't expect somethin' that you're-- that -- don't expect him to-- or her to-- voluntarily appear in the second editions of Profiles in Courage.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So you know Vladimir Putin. You think he's a killer?


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So what price must he pay?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The price he's gonna pay we'll-- you'll see shortly. I'm not gonna-- there's-- by the way, we oughta be able that ol' -- that trite expression "walk and chew gum at the same time," there're places where it's in our mutual interest to work together.

That's why I renewed the start agreement with him. That occurred while he's doin' this. But that's overwhelmingly in the interest of humanity, that we diminish the prospect of a nuclear exchange. But that and SolarWinds as well. He's been -- they've done some mischievous things, to say the least. And so we're gonna have -- I'm not gonna announce what I'm doing, but he's gonna understand that --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: How about Mohammad --

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: -- it's not free.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: -- bin Salman? You said during the campaign that you would personally punish the Saudi leaders if they were found to be responsible for this death of Khashoggi. They were found to be responsible. Mohammad bin Salman -- Salman was found to be responsible. He was found to have acknol -- authorized it. Yet, you didn't personally sanction him.



PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Three things. One, I'm the guy that released the report. That report had been done for a while. It wasn't released. I insisted it be released, number one. Number two, when I spoke to the king, I made it clear to the king -- the king, his father, that things were gonna change. And I insisted on several things. Number one, we held accountable all the people in that organization --

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: But not the crown prince?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Not the crown prince because we have never, that I'm aware of, when we have an alliance with a country, gone to the acting head of state and punished that person. And -- and -- ostracized him. But here's the deal. We said, number one, end the war in Yemen. End the starvation there.

Number two -- and I went down the list of the things we expected the Saudis to do. And they're in the process of doing those things. And if they don't, we're gonna -- it's a changed relationship. It's a changed relationship we have with Saudi Arabia. There's no blank check.
PHOTO: President Joe Biden talks to ABC News' Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on March 16, 2021.
ABC NewsABC News
President Joe Biden talks to ABC News' Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on March 16, 2021.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: President Trump reached a deal with the Taliban to have all American troops leave by May 1st. Are they going to leave?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I'm in the process of making that decision now as to when they'll leave. The fact is that -- that was not a very solidly negotiated deal that the president, the former president -- worked out. And so we're in consultation with our allies as well as the government. And -- that decision's gonna be -- it's in process now.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Likely to take longer?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I don't think a lot longer.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: But May 1st is tough?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Could happen, but it -- it is tough beca-- look, one of the drawbacks, George, and it's gonna be, like, Sanskrit to people listening here, but it is the failure to have an orderly transition from the Trump presidency to my presidency, which usually takes place from Election Day to the time you're sworn in, has cost me time and consequences.

For example, we didn't realize how bad things were in terms of lack of vaccines. We didn't realize how -- because we were not -- we were not able to get access to this information. That's part of -- that's one of the issues we're talking about now in terms of Afghanistan.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me ask you about Governor Cuomo of New York. I know you've said you want the investigation to continue. If the investigation confirms the claims of the women, should he resign?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yes. I think he'd probably end up being prosecuted too.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: But -- how about right now? You've said you want the investigation to continue. You saw -- Chuck Schumer -- Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, majority of the congressional delegation don't think he can be an effective governor right now. Can he serve effectively?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, that's a judgment for them to make -- whether he can be effective. Here's my position and it's been my position since I wrote the Violence Against Women Act. A woman should be presumed telling the truth and should not be scapegoated and become victimized by her coming forward. Number one. But there should be an investigation to determine whether what she says is true. That's what's going on now.



GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: -- been very clear, if the investigation--


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: -- confirms the claims, he's gone?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: That's what I think happens. And, by the way, it may very well be there could be a criminal prosecution that is attached to it. I just don't know. But let the investiga -- and I'm not-- I don't know what it is. But I start with the presumption it takes a lotta courage for a woman to come forward. Some are not -- anyway, takes a lotta courage to come forward. So the presumption is it should be taken seriously. And it should be investigated. And that's what's under way now.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You probably walked into the Oval Office as president with -- about as much experience, if not more experience, than any other president who's ever served. Three -- more than three decades in the Senate, eight years as vice president. So what is it about the job that surprised you, that even you didn't know?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, there wasn't -- all the -- George, I was thinkin' about this. I was tryin' to explain to somebody the other day. Initially, was a kid when I ran, when I was 43 years old to try to get the nomination. What I thought of was, you know, how do you compare yourself to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt?

And it's intimidating. But I thought about it. I've personally known seven presidents well. And I've played in the same teams they played on. And -- there're some with great strengths, more strengths than I have, weaknesses. But what hasn't surprised me is the subject matter.

I think I know as much about the subject matter and have as firmly held positions and capacity to understand how the system works as anybody who's been president, at least in, you know, the last 50 years. But what has surprised me is that I'm not as surprised as I thought I might be.

I don't know if that makes any sense. But, you know, it's like sitting -- you know, when I was vice president, the big, big difference is that famous expression of Harry Truman, "The buck stops here." For eight years, I had a great relationship, and still do, with Barack. And he'd ask me -- and I'd always be the last person in the room. And I'd say, you know, "Throw the pass or run the ball." And I'd give my opinion. I was the last guy. And I -- I'd get to leave.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He's all by himself to have to make that decision. That's the big difference.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Is Vice President Harris the last person in the room?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Most of the time, yes. As a practical matter, yeah, she is. But -- she has -- we -- we have a lot -- there's a lot more ground to cover right now. So she's doin' an incredible job. But she is -- she's on the West Coast right now. She's all over the place.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: One final question. Is Major out of the doghouse?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Yeah -- the answer's yes. Look, Major was a rescue pup. Major did not bite someone and penetrate the skin. What happens is for-- I guess what surprised me is the White House itself, living there. Every door you turn to, there's a guy there in a black jacket.

And so you're walkin' and we got -- and -- the dog's being trained now -- our trainer at home in Delaware -- and he was going home. I didn't banish him to home. Jill was gonna be away for four days. I was gonna be away for two, so we took him home.

And, you know, we have a dogsitter there -- a friend who takes him. And -- but you turn a corner and there's -- there's two people I don't know at all. And, you know, and they move -- and he moves to protect. But he is -- he's a sweet dog.

85 percent of the people there love him. He just -- all he does is lick them and wag his tail. But he does -- you know, it -- I realize some people, understandably, are afraid of dogs to begin with. And -- I just think that-- anyway, we're -- in the process of having a training session.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And you'll see him tonight?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I'm gonna see him tonight, yeah.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Mr. President, thanks for your time.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Thank you, George. I appreciate it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, March 20, 2021 2:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Biden also seems to be picking a fight with China as well, if you believe the news.

Well, the Biden* administration levied a bunch of sanctions against Hong Kong and Chinese officials right before a very high-level meeting between USA and Chinese officials on Alaska.
And then began the meeting by lecturing the Chinese on "human rights", which - if one is to take the Chinese official reaction seriously, pissed off the Chinese as much as the Russians were pissed off.

So to go back to "why"?

It was easy to see what Trump was doing: He intended to split Russia from China by being hard on China and soft on Russia.

I assumed that the Biden* administration would be trying to split China from Russia by being soft on China and pressuring Russia.

But it looks like the Biden* administrtion is intending to piss off BOTH Russia and China at the same time. What can they possibly hope to achieve with THAT?

A few possibilities come to mind:

There is no fearless leader at the helm, and so different factions are fighting over foreign policy. I've read that some in the Atlantic Council floated a "softer on Russia" paper which was roundly criticized; possibly that is a visible part of one faction. But I would have to look specifically at who initiated both pissing matches. If it's the same person, then that's not the problem.

They're all nuts and jonesing for war, bc that's the only move left after you've bankrupted your economy and your nation. I can't imagine what they think thet would get them, bc clearly the USA would lose against a combined enemy. Unless they just want to kill off the world in a blinding nuclear flash, and they'll emerge from their hidey-holes later.

They have another plan besides military: Perhaps adopting the SDR as the international currency, leaving China (and Japan) holding the bag on USA debt.

Two of the parties (USA and China) are conspiring to make it LOOK like a big blow up, only leading to eventual reconciliation, leaving Russia in the ditch.

Obviously, needs more thought. But pissing off Russia and China and driving them into eachother's arms even more doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, March 20, 2021 1:39 PM


Everybody knew this foreign policy long before November, right?

I was going to post about this, but not the Biden part, the Putin response instead.

After the Fake News insults, Putin challenged Lord Darth Biden to a Live Online Discussion.



Saturday, March 20, 2021 2:22 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SignyM:

And he* put a stake thru the heart of future relations with Russia. Russia has responded by pretty much ending automatic response to USA proposals. Mission accomplished! But why?

I'm pretty sure Russia's only positive future contribution to the world will be to not nuke it. Couldn't Russia do more than that? Well, it could positively avoid destroying the world's climate by not releasing as much buried methane as possible, but that is also along the lines of not nuking the world. In contrast to Biden, Trump must think Russia can do more than NOT murdering the world, but Trump doesn't make clear what those good Russian deeds will be, other than not invading other countries, not stealing their land, and not killing civilians. Even Trump doesn't expect Russia to accomplish much of anything positive. With Russia it is all about hoping Russians don't deliberately make the world worse just because Russians are angry and feel disrespected and bad about themselves:

Sept. 3, 2020
President Trump on Thursday reiterated his desire to “get along” with Moscow despite an international uproar over the poisoning of the Russian dissident Aleksei A. Navalny with a deadly nerve agent, saying that when the subject of Russia appears on the news, he turns it off.

Speaking at a small campaign rally in Latrobe, Pa., Mr. Trump did not mention Mr. Navalny on a day when his press secretary issued a stern statement about the apparent assassination attempt against the dissident, who is the most prominent domestic critic of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Nor did he address new warnings from his own intelligence officials that Russia is seeking to interfere in the 2020 election on his behalf.

Instead, he boasted that he had kept the United States “out of wars,” and he pointed to his persistent efforts to thaw relations between Washington and Moscow. “It’s good that I get along,” Mr. Trump said. “If I get along with Russia, is that a good thing or bad thing? I think it’s a good thing.”

His remarks came hours after the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, called Mr. Navalny’s poisoning “deeply reprehensible” and said the United States would “hold those in Russia accountable wherever the evidence leads.”

I can see why Russians feel bad about themselves. They are far down on the list at #50, ahead of Malaysia at 51 or Oman at 51 in a slightly different list.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 20, 2021 2:57 PM


Biden said he would end wars before the election?

Representative Ro Khanna Explains Why He Called Out Biden’s Air Strike in Syria

Biden needs a Syria policy to fix the many mistakes made by both Trump and Obama

Biden’s liberal allies call out administration’s foreign policy decisions

10 years into Syrian civil war, warning of 'catastrophic' conditions in last rebel stronghold of Idlib

Biden Needs a Syria Policy to Fix Trump and Obama Mistakes


The unrest in Syria, which began on 15 March 2011 as part of the wider 2011 Arab Spring protests, grew out of discontent with the Syrian government and escalated to an armed conflict after protests calling for Assad's removal were violently suppressed. The war is being fought by several factions: the Syrian Armed Forces and its domestic and international allies, a loose alliance of mostly Sunni opposition rebel groups (such as the Free Syrian Army), Salafi jihadist groups (including al-Nusra Front and Tahrir al-Sham), the mixed Kurdish-Arab Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). A number of foreign countries, such as Iran, Israel, Russia, Turkey, and the United States, have either directly involved themselves in the conflict or provided support to one or another faction.

The Syrian War began in March 2011 with the simultaneous uprisings in many Mideast countries which Western media and the US State Department called the 'Arab Spring'. However the belligerent forces by the second year were largely non-state combatants and veterans of the Iraqi insurgency (mercenaries). Since the start of the war over 400,000 people have been killed

The Syrian Civil War refers to the ongoing armed civil war in Syria. It began in 2011 (you read that right, this has been going on for ten years) during the Arab Spring. Unrest and protests provoked a violent crackdown by the Bashar al-Assad regime, and this action led to an all-out uprising. Unfortunately, things got even worse when other factions joined the fight, including a variety of competing Islamist terrorist groups. The civil war has also become internationalized, with Russia and Iran lending material and military support to the regime while Turkey and the United States-led international coalition oppose both the regime and the terrorist groups.

The Syrian civil war has received significant international attention, and both the Syrian government and the opposition have received support, militarily and diplomatically, from foreign countries.

By July 2013, the Syrian economy has shrunk 45 percent since the start of the conflict. Unemployment increased fivefold, the value of the Syrian currency decreased to one-sixth its pre-war value, and the public sector lost 15 billion US dollars


Sunday, March 21, 2021 2:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECONDRATE I'm pretty sure Russia's only positive future contribution to the world will be to not nuke it. Couldn't Russia do more than that? Well, it could positively avoid destroying the world's climate by not releasing as much buried methane as possible, but that is also along the lines of not nuking the world. In contrast to Biden, Trump must think Russia can do more than NOT murdering the world, but Trump doesn't make clear what those good Russian deeds will be, other than not invading other countries, not stealing their land, and not killing civilians.
Last I looked, it was the USA invading and destroying other nations. Can you say the same about Russia?

So, what do you make of the apparent effort to piss off both Russia AND China at the same time?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, September 3, 2022 7:41 PM


Hunter Biden: Republican Accuses Treasury of Running Cover for Biden Family

Hunter Biden did what now


Saturday, July 8, 2023 6:57 AM


Biden admin failed to plan for disastrous Afghanistan exit: officials

UN Report Warns Al-Qaida, Islamic State Growing in Afghanistan

UN report shows al Qaeda and Taliban ties remain strong, warns of ISIS threat


Monday, July 10, 2023 7:20 PM


Dd you hear Biden announced that we are giving Cluster Bombs to Ukraine, because AMERICA IS RUNNING OUT OF AMMUNITION!

Next, Hilliary will announce to the world the Top Secret information of what our delay time is in event of Nuclear Strike.....oh wait....






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