human actions, global climate change, global human solutions

UPDATED: Thursday, March 6, 2025 20:41
VIEWED: 30833
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Friday, November 17, 2023 7:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Do you have a brain defect or something, son?

I'm going to be working on my house again today. I haven't had a job since summer of 2019 and even in Biden*'s economy I'm not worried about money.

Have fun at work today so you can pay off all your interest, honey.

Just like you, the squirrels in my front yard are going to be working on their houses again today, but up in the oak trees. The squirrels, just like you, are not worried about money.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 17, 2023 8:54 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Do you have a brain defect or something, son?

I'm going to be working on my house again today. I haven't had a job since summer of 2019 and even in Biden*'s economy I'm not worried about money.

Have fun at work today so you can pay off all your interest, honey.

Just like you, the squirrels in my front yard are going to be working on their houses again today, but up in the oak trees. The squirrels, just like you, are not worried about money.

Better to be a squirrel than an ant.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 19, 2023 9:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Capping global temperature rise at two degrees Celsius over baseline is no longer seen as enough to avoid a catastrophic rise in sea levels that would decimate the earth’s coastlines and displace hundreds of millions of people, climate scientists warn.

A report released Thursday by the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative, compiled by more than 60 scientists and policy experts, is sounding the alarm on new modelling data that indicates the 2015 Paris Agreement is woefully out-of-date.

The consortium is urging world leaders to take stock of new research ahead of the United Nations’ COP28 climate conference later this month. According to the report, the only road forward is ensuring that global temperatures do not rise over 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, much lower than the two degree maximum set at the Paris Climate Accords.

“We have time, but not much time. We cannot negotiate with the melting point of ice,” reads the report’s preface.

If global average temperatures rise by two degrees, the Earth faces a sea-level rise of more than 12 metres, or 40 feet — and that’s the conservative estimate.

The report states sea levels could rise up to 20 metres, or 65 feet, citing a “compelling number of new studies, taking into account ice dynamics, paleo-climate records from Earth’s past, and recent observations of ice sheet behavior.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 19, 2023 10:19 AM



Originally posted by second:
Capping global temperature rise at two degrees Celsius over baseline is no longer seen as enough to avoid a catastrophic rise in sea levels that would decimate the earth’s coastlines and displace hundreds of millions of people, climate scientists warn.

A report released Thursday by the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative, compiled by more than 60 scientists and policy experts, is sounding the alarm on new modelling data that indicates the 2015 Paris Agreement is woefully out-of-date.

The consortium is urging world leaders to take stock of new research ahead of the United Nations’ COP28 climate conference later this month. According to the report, the only road forward is ensuring that global temperatures do not rise over 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, much lower than the two degree maximum set at the Paris Climate Accords.

“We have time, but not much time. We cannot negotiate with the melting point of ice,” reads the report’s preface.

If global average temperatures rise by two degrees, the Earth faces a sea-level rise of more than 12 metres, or 40 feet — and that’s the conservative estimate.

The report states sea levels could rise up to 20 metres, or 65 feet, citing a “compelling number of new studies, taking into account ice dynamics, paleo-climate records from Earth’s past, and recent observations of ice sheet behavior.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

-This message sent from my new iPhone I replace every 2 years which was made by slave labor in China where you can cut the smog with a butter knife.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, November 20, 2023 2:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

-This message sent from my new iPhone I replace every 2 years which was made by slave labor in China where you can cut the smog with a butter knife.

Every Trumptard I know is stupid like you are, 6ix, but none of them know that being stupid is the cause of their multiplying mental/financial/health/family/personal problems. None see the connection because they are stupid. Why should there be a connection since all Trumptards think they are bright?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, November 20, 2023 2:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Anymore.

By Kate Marvel, a climate scientist at the environmental nonprofit Project Drawdown and a lead author on the Fifth National Climate Assessment.

Two and a half years ago, when I was asked to help write the most authoritative report on climate change in the United States, I hesitated. Did we really need another warning of the dire consequences of climate change in this country? The answer, legally, was yes: Congress mandates that the National Climate Assessment be updated every four years or so. But after four previous assessments and six United Nations reports since 1990, I was skeptical that what we needed to address climate change was yet another report.

In the end, I said yes, but reluctantly. Frankly, I was sick of admonishing people about how bad things could get. Scientists have raised the alarm over and over again, and still the temperature rises. Extreme events like heat waves, floods and droughts are becoming more severe and frequent, exactly as we predicted they would. We were proved right. It didn’t seem to matter.

Our report, which was released on Tuesday, contains more dire warnings. There are plenty of new reasons for despair. Thanks to recent scientific advances, we can now link climate change to specific extreme weather disasters, and we have a better understanding of how the feedback loops in the climate system can make warming even worse. We can also now more confidently forecast catastrophic outcomes if global emissions continue on their current trajectory. But to me, the most surprising new finding in the Fifth National Climate Assessment is this: There has been genuine progress, too.

I’m used to mind-boggling numbers, and there are many of them in this report. Human beings have put about 1.6 trillion tons of carbon in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution — more than the weight of every living thing on Earth combined. But as we wrote the report, I learned other, even more mind-boggling numbers. In the last decade, the cost of wind energy has declined by 70 percent and solar has declined 90 percent. Renewables now make up 80 percent of new electricity generation capacity. Our country’s greenhouse gas emissions are falling, even as our G.D.P. and population grow.

In the report, we were tasked with projecting future climate change. We showed what the United States would look like if the world warms by 2 degrees Celsius. It wasn’t a pretty picture: more heat waves, more uncomfortably hot nights, more downpours, more droughts. If greenhouse emissions continue to rise, we could reach that point in the next couple of decades. If they fall a little, maybe we can stave it off until the middle of the century. But our findings also offered a glimmer of hope: If emissions fall dramatically, as the report suggested they could, we may never reach 2 degrees Celsius at all. For the first time in my career, I felt something strange: optimism. And that simple realization was enough to convince me that releasing yet another climate report was worthwhile.

Something has changed in the United States, and not just the climate. State, local and tribal governments all around the country have begun to take action. Some politicians now actually campaign on climate change, instead of ignoring or lying about it. Congress passed federal climate legislation — something I’d long regarded as impossible — in 2022 as we turned in the first draft.

And while the report stresses the urgency of limiting warming to prevent terrible risks, it has a new message, too: We can do this. We now know how to make the dramatic emissions cuts we’d need to limit warming, and it’s very possible to do this in a way that’s sustainable, healthy and fair. The conversation has moved on, and the role of scientists has changed. We’re not just warning of danger anymore. We’re showing the way to safety.

I was wrong about those previous reports: They did matter, after all. While climate scientists were warning the world of disaster, a small army of scientists, engineers, policymakers and others were getting to work. These first responders have helped move us toward our climate goals. Our warnings did their job.

To limit global warming, we need many more people to get on board. This will be hard: It will require large-scale changes in infrastructure and behavior as well as removing carbon from the atmosphere. And not everyone is on board yet. In particular, the fossil fuel industry is still ignoring the science. Oil, gas and coal companies have already made plans for infrastructure that, if used as intended, would cause the world to blow past the Paris Agreement target of 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next few decades.

To prevent this, we need to reach those who haven’t yet been moved by our warnings. I’m not talking about the fossil fuel industry here; nor do I particularly care about winning over the small but noisy group of committed climate deniers. But I believe we can reach the many people whose eyes glaze over when they hear yet another dire warning or see another report like the one we just published.

The reason is that now, we have a better story to tell. The evidence is clear: Responding to climate change will not only create a better world for our children and grandchildren, but it will also make the world better for us right now.

Eliminating the sources of greenhouse gas emissions will make our air and water cleaner, our economy stronger and our quality of life better. It could save hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives across the country through air quality benefits alone. Using land more wisely can both limit climate change and protect biodiversity. Climate change most strongly affects communities that get a raw deal in our society: people with low incomes, people of color, children and the elderly. And climate action can be an opportunity to redress legacies of racism, neglect and injustice.

I could still tell you scary stories about a future ravaged by climate change, and they’d be true, at least on the trajectory we’re currently on. But it’s also true that we have a once-in-human-history chance not only to prevent the worst effects but also to make the world better right now. It would be a shame to squander this opportunity. So I don’t just want to talk about the problems anymore. I want to talk about the solutions. Consider this your last warning from me.

Kate Marvel, a climate scientist at the environmental nonprofit Project Drawdown, was a lead author on the Fifth National Climate Assessment. She was previously a research scientist at Columbia University and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 6:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%, with dire consequences for vulnerable communities and global efforts to tackle the climate emergency, a report says. The report:

The most comprehensive study of global climate inequality ever undertaken shows that this elite group, made up of 77 million people including billionaires, millionaires and those paid more than US$140,000 (£112,500) a year, accounted for 16% of all CO2 emissions in 2019 – enough to cause more than a million excess deaths due to heat, according to the report.

For the past six months, the Guardian has worked with Oxfam, the Stockholm Environment Institute and other experts on an exclusive basis to produce a special investigation, The Great Carbon Divide. It explores the causes and consequences of carbon inequality and the disproportionate impact of super-rich individuals, who have been termed “the polluter elite”. Climate justice will be high on the agenda of this month’s UN Cop28 climate summit in the United Arab Emirates.

The Oxfam report shows that while the wealthiest 1% tend to live climate-insulated, air-conditioned lives, their emissions – 5.9bn tonnes of CO2 in 2019 – are responsible for immense suffering.

Using a “mortality cost” formula – used by the US Environmental Protection Agency, among others – of 226 excess deaths worldwide for every million tonnes of carbon, the report calculates that the emissions from the 1% alone would be enough to cause the heat-related deaths of 1.3 million people over the coming decades.

The corporate shares of many super-rich are highly polluting. This elite also wield enormous and growing political power by owning media organisations and social networks, hiring advertising and PR agencies and lobbyists, and mixing socially with senior politicians, who are also often members of the richest 1%, according to the report.

In the US, for example, one in four members of Congress reportedly own stocks in fossil fuel companies, worth a total of between $33m and $93m. The report says this helps to explain why global emissions continue to rise, and why governments in the global north provided $1.8tn to subsidise the fossil fuel industry in 2020, contrary to their international pledges to phase out carbon emissions.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 6:57 AM



Originally posted by second:
The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%

No shit.

But Democrats are constantly finding ways to punish the poorest 66% instead of fixing the actual problem.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 11:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%

No shit.

But Democrats are constantly finding ways to punish the poorest 66% instead of fixing the actual problem.

Fossil fuel is too cheap and the rich are displaying conspicuous consumption by burning too much fuel. The proper amount of fossil fuel the rich should burn is zero, nada, zip. The proper amount for poor white trash also happens to be zero, just like the amount of sewage the poor should dump into everybody's drinking water supply should be zero.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 2:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


By reducing emissions and enhancing absorption - not thru geo- engineering but agricultural, ranching, and forestry practices- we can reach equilibrium

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 6:45 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%

No shit.

But Democrats are constantly finding ways to punish the poorest 66% instead of fixing the actual problem.

Fossil fuel is too cheap and the rich are displaying conspicuous consumption by burning too much fuel. The proper amount of fossil fuel the rich should burn is zero, nada, zip. The proper amount for poor white trash also happens to be zero, just like the amount of sewage the poor should dump into everybody's drinking water supply should be zero.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Oh yeah? I wonder how many anti-psychotic pills you're supposed to be taking that are being flushed down you're toilet so everybody gets a free buzz, you fucking waste of carbon.

Please die already. I don't need you breathing any more of my oxygen.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023 5:31 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Eco-Friendly Breakthrough: Single Atom Catalyst Transforms CO2 Into Ethanol

By Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | November 21, 2023

A recent breakthrough in CO2 reduction research involves a newly developed Sn-based catalyst that efficiently produces ethanol, representing a significant step forward in renewable energy technology. (Tin is a chemical element with the symbol Sn, in case you are angry poor white trash who doesn't know better.)

The electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) into carbon-based fuels provides a promising strategy to mitigate CO2 emission and promotes the utilization of renewable energy.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 22, 2023 9:31 PM



Originally posted by second:
Eco-Friendly Breakthrough: Single Atom Catalyst Transforms CO2 Into Ethanol

By Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | November 21, 2023

A recent breakthrough in CO2 reduction research involves a newly developed Sn-based catalyst that efficiently produces ethanol, representing a significant step forward in renewable energy technology. (Tin is a chemical element with the symbol Sn, in case you are angry poor white trash who doesn't know better.)

The electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) into carbon-based fuels provides a promising strategy to mitigate CO2 emission and promotes the utilization of renewable energy.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I look forward to the Thunderf00t video debunking this "breakthrough" that probably breaks one if not all the laws of thermodynamics, as these fake stories always do.

I'm sure it will be as successful a venture as the Waterseer or Solar Freakin' Roadways.

But you keep pretending that the dumbest guy in the room outside of Ted is the smartest guy in the room, Mr. Wizard.

I'm so glad for you that you had a "smart"phone so you could google the periodic table and get the symbol for Tin. We're all very impressed with you right now.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 25, 2023 5:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
Eco-Friendly Breakthrough: Single Atom Catalyst Transforms CO2 Into Ethanol

By Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | November 21, 2023

A recent breakthrough in CO2 reduction research involves a newly developed Sn-based catalyst that efficiently produces ethanol, representing a significant step forward in renewable energy technology. (Tin is a chemical element with the symbol Sn, in case you are angry poor white trash who doesn't know better.)

The electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) into carbon-based fuels provides a promising strategy to mitigate CO2 emission and promotes the utilization of renewable energy.

More at


What's NOT in the article: "Efficiently" doesn't mean "energy free". In this case, the reaction between formic acid and CO2 is promoted by energy from an electric current.

sECOND, I see you're riding your tech hobby-horse again. Still looking to make a killing on climate tech, hmmm??

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, November 25, 2023 5:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Tiny Fraction Of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon As Bottom Two-Thirds Of Humanity

Critics who rail against the hypocrisy of wealthy global elites jet-setting on carbon-spewing private planes while pontificating about the need for the rest of us to cut our climate footprints just got a boost from a new study.
Jets airplanes are parked at the Dubendorf Air Base, east of Zurich on Jan. 18, 2023. (Sebastien Bozon/AFP via Getty Images)

It turns out that the world's richest 1 percent emit about the same amount of carbon as the world's poorest two-thirds, according to an analysis from the nonprofit Oxfam International.

This means that a small sliver of global elites, or 77 million people, have produced as much carbon as the 5 billion people that make up the bottom 66 percent by wealth, per the study.

The study also estimates that it would take roughly 1,500 years for someone in the bottom 99 percent to produce as much carbon as the wealthiest billionaires do in just one year.

The study was based on research compiled by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and examined the emissions of various income groups up to 2019. In summary, it suggested that the private jet-setting class of global leaders and policymakers, who take private planes to lead summits addressing the assumed dangers of climate change, may warrant charges of hypocrisy.

The analysis was published as global leaders prepare to meet for climate talks at the COP28 summit in Dubai later in November, where, much like other climate conferences, some elite participants will likely pontificate on the need for ordinary folk to end their reliance on cheap fossil fuel energy to make their ends meet.
'Ludicrous Hypocrisy'

Global leaders and policymakers fixated on fighting the supposed ills of carbon emissions because of models predicting dangerous climate change have often drawn criticism for their use of carbon-spewing private jets.

For instance, private jet use during last year's meetings in Davos, Switzerland, pushed up carbon emissions by four times over the average week.

During the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos between May 22, 2022, and May 26, 2022, 1,040 private jets flew in and out of airports serving Davos, according to a January report by Greenpeace.

The number of jets going in and out of Davos doubled during that week, resulting in 9,700 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, which is equivalent to roughly 350,000 average cars.

The majority of these jets were attributed to private flights undertaken by participants for the WEF meeting.

Klara Maria Schenk, a transport campaigner for Greenpeace’s European mobility campaign, called the private jet use at Davos a “distasteful masterclass of hypocrisy,” given that the WEF claims to be committed to the Paris Climate Target of keeping climate warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“Davos has a perfectly adequate railway station, still these people can’t even be bothered to take the train for a trip as short as 21 [kilometers]. Do we really believe that these are the people to solve the problems the world faces?” Ms. Schenk said.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, November 25, 2023 8:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

sECOND, I see you're riding your tech hobby-horse again. Still looking to make a killing on climate tech, hmmm??

It is all about money, Signym. I'm going to go a step further: most people don't know what they are doing because they can't know any more than a pack of chimps knows the meaning of their furry little lives. There is nothing new about that for the last 300,000 years which is why the top 0.1% of humans invented gods to give the lower 99.9% of hairless apes a purpose and a direction in life vastly superior to chimpanzees.

What to Expect at COP28 on Fossil Fuels, Climate Finance, and the Paris Agreement
By Nigel Purvis | November 24, 2023, 6:00 AM

The second storm in Dubai could be about money. Traditionally, developed nations have provided funds to developing nations to both help them adapt to climate change and mitigate increases in climate pollution. During COP28, nations are expected to argue over at least three issues relating to this international climate finance.

The first dispute will be over the adequacy of total climate funding. In 2009, donor countries agreed to mobilize by 2020 $100 billion a year to support climate action in the developing world. While international climate finance has more than doubled and some say tripled over this decade and a half, donor nations failed to reach the $100 billion mark until this year, although the official accounting for 2023 may not be known until 2025. Thanks to recent analysis by the International Energy Agency and others, we now know that greening the energy economy will require mobilizing an additional $2.7 trillion annually from public and private sources. It’s difficult to know what share of that total needs to come from public coffers, but most experts agree that $100 billion in public funding will not suffice to decarbonize the developing world; more than double that may be required over the next decade, although there’s no global consensus on the number at this time. Most likely, COP28 will kick the can down the road on a major new funding pledge, such as by agreeing that nations should agree on a new funding target in 2024 or 2025.

The second dispute over money will center on whether developed nations should do a better job of delivering climate aid to the least-developed nations, particularly for climate adaptation and resilience. Today, only a tiny fraction of international climate finance goes to the poorest nations—3.7 percent by some estimates. Rapidly developing emerging economies gobble up the lion’s share. Over the past decade, in addition, only 23 percent of international climate finance funds adaptation and resilience programs instead of emissions mitigation. This is because reducing climate pollution helps people in donor countries, too, whereas most adaptation funding primarily benefits local communities in poor nations. Plus, reducing emissions means less climate change and less need for adaptation. With climate change driving international migration from Africa and elsewhere, however, developed nations are starting to understand the need for more adaptation and resilience funding. But it’s not at all clear that nations are ready to agree at COP28 on how to rebalance climate aid and direct a larger share to the poorest nations.

The third international climate finance controversy at COP28 will relate to operationalizing the new “loss and damage” fund nations agreed in 2022 to create. Unlike traditional climate aid, the loss and damage fund is meant to provide financial assistance to developing nations that are already suffering from adverse climate impacts, such as more severe hurricanes, floods, droughts, and sea level rise. For the past several months, nations have argued over how much money should go into the fund, how the fund should be capitalized, who should decide how funds are spent, and where the funds should sit to protect against waste, fraud, and abuse. Earlier this month, a likely compromise emerged. If nations at COP28 accept the proposed deal, contributions to the new fund will be voluntary and the fund will be managed provisionally by the World Bank, but developing nations will have a major role in determining how funds are spent. Loss and damage negotiations at COP28, therefore, are likely to center on the biggest issue—whether donor nations should commit to capitalize the fund at a particular quantitative level. Developing nations want that clarity and accountability; developed countries would prefer to keep things vague.

The United States may prove to be the largest obstacle to reaching agreement on all three of these international climate finance issues. The Biden administration presumably would prefer to delay decisions on big new foreign aid programs until after the U.S. presidential election in November 2024, since Republicans would surely use any new pledges against the president in the general election. Climate aid, like all foreign aid, is unpopular with voters and was the reason Donald Trump gave for pulling the United States out of the Paris Agreement. In addition, at COP28, the Biden administration will likely worry about whether the United States could deliver on any new climate finance pledge. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is highly unlikely to increase climate aid. Unfortunately for the president and climate envoy John Kerry, the world is aware of this and increasingly frustrated with America’s perceived inability to lead on climate finance. Developing nations could stage a walkout during the talks. Many climate advocates will protest what they will describe as U.S. or Western obstruction.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, November 25, 2023 9:56 AM



Originally posted by second:
The United States may prove to be the largest obstacle to reaching agreement on all three of these international climate finance issues. The Biden administration presumably would prefer to delay decisions on big new foreign aid programs until after the U.S. presidential election in November 2024, since Republicans would surely use any new pledges against the president in the general election.

The election is already over and Biden* already lost.

If he were half the man you think he was, he'd just go ahead and do it right now.

And since when has even legality stopped Biden* from passing unpopular policy?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 25, 2023 11:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
The United States may prove to be the largest obstacle to reaching agreement on all three of these international climate finance issues. The Biden administration presumably would prefer to delay decisions on big new foreign aid programs until after the U.S. presidential election in November 2024, since Republicans would surely use any new pledges against the president in the general election.

The election is already over and Biden* already lost.

If he were half the man you think he was, he'd just go ahead and do it right now.

And since when has even legality stopped Biden* from passing unpopular policy?

With you Trumptards, bluntness is the only effective way to communicate with you: if Trump is not the GOP's candidate in 2024, then Biden will graciously submit if he should lose the election. But if Trump is the GOP's candidate and Biden loses, he should not politely turn the office over to Trump. If Biden doesn't have the intestinal fortitude, the guts, to stop Trump from taking office after Biden loses, he deserves to lose. If Biden won't violently prevent America's own Nazi leadership from taking power, he is a worthless, cowardly person. We will discover who Biden truly is if Trump wins. Keeping it blunt, Biden kills Trump rather than let Trump be President. There have been Presidents who died soon after being sworn in. Trump will be just one more:

• 1 1841: William Henry Harrison.
• 2 1850: Zachary Taylor.
• 3 1865: Abraham Lincoln.
• 4 1881: James A. Garfield.
• 5 1901: William McKinley.
• 6 1923: Warren G. Harding.
• 7 1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt.
• 8 1963: John F. Kennedy.
• 9 2025: Donald J Trump. (PENDING)

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, November 25, 2023 11:37 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Complex Calculus of Clean Energy and Zero Emissions

How Jesse Jenkins is helping Congress get serious about the power grid
By Peter Fairley | 20 Nov 2023

In the past two years, the U.S. Congress has provided hundreds of billions of dollars to speed the deployment of clean-energy technologies. These investments are one reason why the International Energy Agency (IEA) in September insisted that there’s still hope to hold global temperature rise to 1.5 °C in this century.

Thousands of Washington insiders and climate activists have had a hand in these legislative breakthroughs. Among the most articulate and almost certainly the wonkiest is Jesse Jenkins, a professor of engineering at Princeton University, where he heads the ZERO Lab—the Zero-carbon Energy systems Research and Optimization Laboratory, that is.

In 2021 and 2022, during the high-stakes negotiations over what became the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, the ZERO Lab and the San Francisco–based consultancy Evolved Energy Research operated a climate-modeling war room that provided rapid-fire analyses of the likely effects of shifting investments among a smorgasbord of clean-energy technologies. As legislation worked its way through Congress, Jenkins’s team provided elected officials, staffers, and stakeholders with a running tally of the possible trade-offs and payoffs in emissions, jobs, and economic growth.

Jenkins has also helped push Congress to think more seriously about the power grid, releasing a report last year that showed that much of the 43 percent emissions reduction expected by 2030 would be squandered if the United States doesn’t double the pace of transmission upgrades.

As TheWall Street Journal noted in a July 2023 profile, Jenkins has played an “outsized role” in determining where federal cash can have the biggest impact, and politicos like White House clean-energy advisor John Podesta name-drop the professor and his numbers to sell their ideas.

IEEE Spectrum contributing editor Peter Fairley recently spoke with Jenkins via Zoom about where the U.S. energy system needs to go and how the latest energy models can help.

Jesse Jenkins on:

• How REPEAT influenced Congress
• How energy-system modeling has evolved
• Why energy modeling is useful
• The value of open-source energy models
• The importance of power grid expansion
• Climate resiliency for the grid
• The role of HVDC transmission
• How the U.S, can meet its emissions goals

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, November 25, 2023 1:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND: It is all about money, Signym. I'm going to go a step further: most people don't know what they are doing because they can't know any more than a pack of chimps knows the meaning of their furry little lives. There is nothing new about that for the last 300,000 years which is why the top 0.1% of humans invented gods to give the lower 99.9% of hairless apes a purpose and a direction in life vastly superior to chimpanzees.

So much for all of your virtue - signaling!!

Money is your god. Whoever invented money is smarter than you bc they gave YOUR life "meaning" when it had none.


.... With you Trumptards, bluntness is the only effective way to communicate with you: if Trump is not the GOP's candidate in 2024, then Biden will graciously submit if he should lose the election. But if Trump is the GOP's candidate and Biden loses, he should not politely turn the office over to Trump. If Biden doesn't have the intestinal fortitude, the guts, to stop Trump from taking office after Biden loses, he deserves to lose. If Biden won't violently prevent America's own Nazi leadership from taking power, he is a worthless, cowardly person. We will discover who Biden truly is if Trump wins. Keeping it blunt, Biden kills Trump rather than let Trump be President. There have been Presidents who died soon after being sworn in. Trump will be just one more:

• 1 1841: William Henry Harrison.
• 2 1850: Zachary Taylor.
• 3 1865: Abraham Lincoln.
• 4 1881: James A. Garfield.
• 5 1901: William McKinley.
• 6 1923: Warren G. Harding.
• 7 1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt.
• 8 1963: John F. Kennedy.
• 9 2025: Donald J Trump (PENDING)

I see you let REAVERBOT out today. Did you have a less- than- stellar Thanksgiving day, hmmm?
Or are you just trying to derail the discussion away from the profligracy of the wealthy?


Saturday, November 25, 2023 2:51 PM


That whole 2nd part of Second's latest rant is just saying that Biden* should do exactly what Democrats claim Trump would do when he's President.

It's so funny watching these lunatics self-own at every opportunity.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, November 27, 2023 9:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Jeff Bezos' Superyacht Generates 447 Times The Yearly Carbon Emissions Of Average US Household
Jeff Bezos’ superyacht produces 7K tons of carbon emissions per year: report

Published Nov. 25, 2023, 7:53 a.m. ET

So much for smooth sailing.

Jeff Bezos — who has pledged to spend billions of dollars to help fight climate change — nonetheless owns a $500 million superyacht that generates thousands of tons of carbon emissions each year, according to a new analysis by Indiana University researchers.

The Amazon founder’s 417-foot sailing yacht “Koru,” produces an astounding minimum of 7,154 tons of greenhouse gasses annually — roughly 447 times the entire annual carbon footprint of your average American, the Indiana researchers found.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' triple-masted $500 million superyacht is far from climate-friendly, generating hundreds of times the annual carbon footprint of a typical American household.

At 417 feet, "Koru" is the world's largest sailing yacht. It produces a whopping 7,154 tons of greenhouse gasses on a per-annum basis, or about 447 times the entire annual carbon footprint of the average US household, the New York Post reported, citing Indiana researchers.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 12:41 AM


He wouldn't be a Democrat if he wasn't a hypocrite.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 6:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

He wouldn't be a Democrat if he wasn't a hypocrite.

You remembered that I'm in the fossil fuel business. Good for you!

There are a few ways to reduce fossil fuel use:

1) volunteer to stop buying fossil fuel because you care about the planet

2) raise the price of fuel for fossil fuel users who don't care about anything except price

3) forbid the sale and also the use of machines that burn fossil fuel because fossil fuel users are pigheaded

4) Command the fossil fuel sellers to limit how much they sell (which is actually option #2 in disguise)

The United States is poised to extract more oil and gas than ever before in 2023, a year that is certain to be the hottest ever recorded, providing a daunting backdrop to crucial United Nations climate talks that hold the hope of an agreement to end the era of fossil fuels.

The US’s status as the world’s leading oil and gas behemoth has only strengthened this year, even amid warnings from Joe Biden himself over the unfolding climate crisis, with the latest federal government forecast showing a record 12.9m barrels of crude oil, more than double what was produced a decade ago, will be extracted in 2023.

Records will also be broken this year for gas production, with a glut of new export terminals on the Gulf of Mexico coast facilitating a boom that will see US exports of liquified natural gas (or LNG) double in the next four years.

Tellingly, the US government expects this frenzy of oil and gas activity to continue at near-record levels right up to 2050, a point at which scientists say planet-heating emissions must be eliminated to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown. A third of the world’s planned oil and gas expansion in this period will occur in the US, a recent report found.

At the Cop28 climate summit, starting in Dubai this week, the European Union and a cadre of “high ambition” countries that range from Kenya to Samoa will push for an agreed “phaseout” of fossil fuels. António Guterres, secretary general of the UN, has called fossil fuel production the “poisonous root” of the climate crisis that should be dismantled. “Cop28 must send a clear signal that the fossil fuel age is out of gas, that its end is inevitable,” he said.

The US’s surging fossil fuel production casts a pall over such ambitions, however. “It’s particularly alarming to see the projections of record US oil and gas production year after year until 2050,” said Michael Lazarus, a senior scientist at Stockholm Environment Institute, which helped produce a recent UN report finding the world is planning double the amount of fossil fuel production consistent with remaining within a 1.5C (2.7F) global temperature rise compared with pre-industrial times.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 10:16 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

He wouldn't be a Democrat if he wasn't a hypocrite.

You remembered that I'm in the fossil fuel business. Good for you!

That one wasn't for you. That was for Jeff Bezos.

This one was for you:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
Russia’s attempt to artificially create a migrant crisis at the Finnish border appears to be failing due to Finnish authorities’ swift response. Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo stated on November 27 that the Finnish government will close the last border crossing with Russia “if necessary” and reported that the Finnish government is ready to take unspecified additional measures in response to Russia’s artificially generated migrant crisis.[20] Finland previously closed three checkpoints on the Finnish-Russian border on November 23, leaving only its northernmost border crossing open.[21] Several other Finnish government officials also signaled their support for closing the entire border with Russia.[22] A Russian insider source claimed that Russian Presidential Administration First Deputy Head Sergei Kiriyenko instructed Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) Head Vladimir Kolokoltsev to gather migrants from the Middle East, Africa, and other regions to send them to the Finnish border.[23] The insider source complained that Finnish border authorities stopped most migrants from crossing into Finland and that Russian authorities must now settle the migrants in Russia.[24]

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Good for the Finns.

Stopping Putin from doing to them what Democrats do to their own People every day.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 12:00 PM


I have some free time today. Let's address your points.


Originally posted by second:
There are a few ways to reduce fossil fuel use:

1) volunteer to stop buying fossil fuel because you care about the planet

You first.

Actually. Me first. I'm not installing a windmill in my back yard or solar panels on my roof, but I've driven an average of about 1,500 miles per year for years now. Every one of my monthly energy reports for gas and electric combined show that I use anywhere from 20% to 60% less than my Efficient Neighbors.

Alternative energy is expensive, unreliable, high-maintenance, and completely non-recyclable. Until all of the above change, it will not ever be adopted en masse. And until we start throwing nuclear power back in the mix we will never be free of fossil fuel. Wind and Solar are nothing more than a good supplement to REAL power, whether it be from fossil fuels or nuclear plants.


2) raise the price of fuel for fossil fuel users who don't care about anything except price

You already did that. And with no genuine alternatives in place, you're reaping the benefits of this decision.

How are those polls treating you?


3) forbid the sale and also the use of machines that burn fossil fuel because fossil fuel users are pigheaded

Deeply, deeply unpopular whenever it's enacted. Be my guest and try it.


4) Command the fossil fuel sellers to limit how much they sell (which is actually option #2 in disguise)

Outside of raising the prices artificially through taxes, the Government doesn't get to do that. Your party has made everything cost much more than it did only 3 years ago, and this isn't the only reason for those price increases.

But by all means, please raise them some more before the election.


The United States is poised to extract more oil and gas than ever before in 2023, a year that is certain to be the hottest ever recorded, providing a daunting backdrop to crucial United Nations climate talks that hold the hope of an agreement to end the era of fossil fuels.

And Democrats are running the show with an upcoming election showing red flags all over that they're about to be pummeled. Imagine that, huh?


The US’s status as the world’s leading oil and gas behemoth has only strengthened this year, even amid warnings from Joe Biden himself over the unfolding climate crisis, with the latest federal government forecast showing a record 12.9m barrels of crude oil, more than double what was produced a decade ago, will be extracted in 2023.

Democrats being Hypocrites being Democrats.


Records will also be broken this year for gas production, with a glut of new export terminals on the Gulf of Mexico coast facilitating a boom that will see US exports of liquified natural gas (or LNG) double in the next four years.

Gotta get those prices down before we lose the 2024 elections!


Tellingly, the US government expects this frenzy of oil and gas activity to continue at near-record levels right up to 2050, a point at which scientists say planet-heating emissions must be eliminated to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown. A third of the world’s planned oil and gas expansion in this period will occur in the US, a recent report found.

There's just as many scientists out there that would argue this opinion. You just don't ever hear from any of them because they're shut out of the government/media apparatus.


At the Cop28 climate summit, starting in Dubai this week, the European Union and a cadre of “high ambition” countries that range from Kenya to Samoa will push for an agreed “phaseout” of fossil fuels. António Guterres, secretary general of the UN, has called fossil fuel production the “poisonous root” of the climate crisis that should be dismantled. “Cop28 must send a clear signal that the fossil fuel age is out of gas, that its end is inevitable,” he said.

OK. Fine. But what are you going to do to replace them? Energy isn't Magic. This isn't Hogwarts.


The US’s surging fossil fuel production casts a pall over such ambitions, however. “It’s particularly alarming to see the projections of record US oil and gas production year after year until 2050,” said Michael Lazarus, a senior scientist at Stockholm Environment Institute, which helped produce a recent UN report finding the world is planning double the amount of fossil fuel production consistent with remaining within a 1.5C (2.7F) global temperature rise compared with pre-industrial times.

OK. What are the alternatives, Michael Lazarus?

Be honest here. Don't lie and say windmills and solar panels and electric cars.

Give us some actual alternative that is not prohibitively expensive, is reliable, is not high-maintenance, is recyclable at the end if its life and doesn't do more damage to the environment in the extraction and creation than fossil fuels already do.

Once that option is available to us all, we'll be more than happy to accept it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023 2:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

He wouldn't be a Democrat if he wasn't a hypocrite.

SECOND: You remembered that I'm in the fossil fuel business. Good for you!

There are a few ways to reduce fossil fuel use:

You forgot at least a dozen other ways to reduce fossil fuels use, and at least a couple dozen ways to either enhance carbon dioxide sequestration or reduce non-anthropogenic carbon dioxide/ greenhouse gas emissions.

One bad forest fire year undid EIGHTEEN YEARS of CA decarbonization efforts

You keep trying to narrow the options. That's the mark of a small mind. Or a devious one.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, November 30, 2023 6:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

One reason why U.S. politics is so contested is because a battle is taking place between two rival growth models. One growth model is represented by the economies of the two coasts – software, media, government, finance, real estate, and the like. The other model is found in the part of the country going from Alaska down the Dakotas through Appalachia, Texas, the panhandle, and so on. This has a growth model based around the transformation, excavation, and derivatives of carbon: farms, fertilizer, and fuel.

These two growth models are in fundamental conflict. The coasts would love green energy, but the more that the U.S. turns green, the worse it is for parts of the country that are heavily invested in carbon assets. As Jeff Colgan, Jessica Green, and Thomas Hale have argued, this gives rise to “existential politics.” Getting to cheap green electricity would effectively devalue or defund North Dakota and Shell. This existential fight is reshaping the Democratic and Republican coalitions.

Which is likely to win?

It’s on a knife edge. If the Democrats win next time around, they can keep on putting facts on the ground – building battery factories and associated technology plants in states like Georgia and turning them blue, or breaking off part of the Texas vote with benefits and infrastructure for wind power. But it’s enormously fragile. If Trump and the Republicans win, it may be the end of the green transition in the U.S. I don’t think people have woken up to that yet.

If Trump wins and the U.S. goes big on the carbon growth model, people there will get a massive short-term return on investment, because the world is carbon short right now, and it needs American liquid natural gas. But as the rest of the world decarbonizes, you know what it won’t need in a decade or so? Very much oil.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 30, 2023 8:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I already answered this in another thread

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:
One reason why U.S. politics is so contested is because a battle is taking place between two rival growth models. One growth model is represented by the economies of the two coasts – software, media, government, finance, real estate, and the like...

Except that is not "economy", that is FINANCE. Ignorant people conflate them all the time. Finance is fiddling with money in FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate).

An ECONOMY is based on production of real things: food, timber, steel, cement, fiber, batteries, chips, machine parts, and the like.
Not having an ECONOMY is why the USA is losing the war in Ukraine. Not having an ECONOMY is why we're dependent on China and the value of our dollar, so we can buy things on credit and run a negative balance of trade "forever".


The other model is found in the part of the country going from Alaska down the Dakotas through Appalachia, Texas, the panhandle, and so on. This has a growth model based around the transformation, excavation, and derivatives of carbon: farms, fertilizer, and fuel.

These two growth models are in fundamental conflict. The coasts would love green energy, but the more that the U.S. turns green, the worse it is for parts of the country that are heavily invested in carbon assets.

Except that's a stupid characterization.
Farming, ranching, and forestry has a positive impact, and can have a highly positive impact on GHG, if managed properly.

Industry does need fuel, but there are ways to make it more efficient. One way to make it more efficient is to stop producing wasteful products, like superyachts, private jets, dysfunctional military hardware, and shoddy irreparable consumer goods.

Building production plants that are efficient and that make useful things of durable value is a lot better for the environment AND for our nation than offshoring it to China, India or wherever and having THEM emit GHC.

Part of the reason why "the coasts" might be in love with "green" is bc they have no idea where the "things" in their lives come from.

Food comes from farms. Chocolate milk does NOT come from brown cows! Electrcity comes from power plants. Solar cells come from factories. Clothes are made of fabric, and fabric is made on looms from thread, which comes from mills. Bread comes from bakeries.

Having source tested at all kinds of industries, I'm a lot more aware than most about how stuff is made.

It should be part of every high school curriculum, beside reading, writing, math, homemaking skills, critical thinking, and personal finance, to learn about the world of production. There should be a course on "how things are made" and nothing drives that point home like visiting something big: a refinery, a coking plant, a power plant, a cement kiln, a steel mill, a farm, a water purification plant, even a landfill.


As Jeff Colgan, Jessica Green, and Thomas Hale have argued, this gives rise to “existential politics.” Getting to cheap green electricity would effectively devalue or defund North Dakota and Shell. This existential fight is reshaping the Democratic and Republican coalitions.
Again, misrepresenting the "sides". "Shell" is not ALL of production. There is a lot of production that ISN'T "Shell", or Exxon, or BPArco.

And getting clean cheap electricity?
GREAT, if it happens. But right now that's an irrelevant point bc it hasn't happened yet, and is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future. And in addition, there is lot of production that can't use electricity. You're not about to grow wheat or make cement with electricity.

This article is stupid beyond belief and plays to people's general ignorance and bias.
But the article is right about one thjng: this is existential for everyone, bc people can't exist without things, and things need to be produced.

So maybe the real goal is to get rid of people.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, December 4, 2023 6:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Open secret at climate talks: The top temperature goal is mostly gone

Researchers injected a sobering finding into global climate negotiations Sunday by saying the world will likely fail its most important warming test.

By Chelsea Harvey | 12/03/2023 07:00 AM EST

Leading scientists worldwide delivered a striking dose of reality to the United Nations on Sunday: it’s “becoming inevitable” that countries will miss the ambitious target they set eight years ago for limiting the warming of the Earth.

The ominous estimate points to the growing likelihood that global warming will shoot past 1.5 degrees Celsius before the end of this century, inflicting what scientists describe as an overwhelming toll from intensifying storms, drought and heat on people and the economy. It also injects an urgent message into global climate talks in Dubai, where the debate over ramping down fossil fuels is set to flare over the next two weeks.

Surpassing the temperature threshold — even temporarily — would be a major blow to the international Paris climate agreement from 2015, which called for nations to keep global temperatures well within 2 degrees Celsius of their preindustrial levels, and within 1.5 degrees if at all possible. The findings come amid climate talks that for the first time are focused on taking stock of whether almost 200 nations are meeting that goal. Early indications offer a bleak picture.

The 1.5-degree target has become a rallying point for nations attending the COP28 climate talks, despite rising certainty among scientists that the world will spill over that threshold, potentially within a decade. Temperatures have already risen between 1.1 and 1.3 degrees.

It may be possible to bring global temperatures back down again, using still-unproven technological means to draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. But at least some overshoot is probably unavoidable, scientists said in the new report to the U.N.

The looming shadow of overshoot is one of 10 stark warnings the researchers presented Sunday in an annual report on top climate science insights from the past year.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, December 4, 2023 7:13 AM


~This article was written from my iPhone that I replace every 2 years and is made in China by a 10 year old kid who gets paid $1 per day and chokes on the smog and passes out every time he tries running away.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, December 4, 2023 8:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
~This article was written from my iPhone that I replace every 2 years and is made in China by a 10 year old kid who gets paid $1 per day and chokes on the smog and passes out every time he tries running away.

Why not just write that "Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax"? It is shorter and makes your position clear.

A Brief History of President Trump's Stance on Climate Change

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, December 4, 2023 2:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

India calls for more action on climate change at COP28

Commensurate to its rising influence in international economic and geopolitical affairs, India has, in the last few years, become increasingly proactive at the annual climate change conference, also known as the Conference of Parties (to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change), or simply COP.

In the meantime, India produced a record amount of electricity from coal

India turns to coal as hydro generation falls

India Produced Record Amounts Of Electricity From Coal In October

And is using COP28 to beg for money

Emerging world needs climate finance and to burn coal, India says

So apparently the issue for India isn't REALLY about climate bc they want to burn more coal, and they want others to burn more coal. They just want to get money.

Anything that Modhi days is bullshit

India has walked the talk when it comes to climate action: PM Modi ahead of COP28


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, December 6, 2023 6:44 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump repeatedly denies climate science and says ‘we shouldn’t be worried about global warming’

Dec 6, 2023

Trump has previously also called climate change ‘nonexistent’ and ‘make-believe problem’

The former president also attacked US climate envoy John Kerry during the town hall and alleged that “he is destroying our country”.

He has posted numerous tweets on X/Twitter implying that cold weather contradicts the concept of climate change, even though the World Meteorological Organization has reported that the 20 warmest years on record occurred in the past 22 years.

He said: “We have to fire up our factories. Wind is not going to fire up our factories and it’s the most expensive energy, even solar. I like solar from a concept standpoint, but it’s massively expensive and we can’t allow China to build a factory a week and we do nothing. They build a coal plant and they’re obvious about it. And then [Joe] Biden goes to see them about global warming.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 6, 2023 2:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Global Emissions Are Set For Another Record This Year, Thanks To China And India

Outsourcing our manufacturing to other nations who will emit on our behalf isn't a solution for climate change, and everything our government proposes to do is either a scam on behalf of the uber wealthy or a way to deprive everyone else.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, December 6, 2023 6:49 PM



Originally posted by second:
Trump repeatedly denies climate science and says ‘we shouldn’t be worried about global warming’

Dec 6, 2023

Trump has previously also called climate change ‘nonexistent’ and ‘make-believe problem’

The former president also attacked US climate envoy John Kerry during the town hall and alleged that “he is destroying our country”.

He has posted numerous tweets on X/Twitter implying that cold weather contradicts the concept of climate change, even though the World Meteorological Organization has reported that the 20 warmest years on record occurred in the past 22 years.

He said: “We have to fire up our factories. Wind is not going to fire up our factories and it’s the most expensive energy, even solar. I like solar from a concept standpoint, but it’s massively expensive and we can’t allow China to build a factory a week and we do nothing. They build a coal plant and they’re obvious about it. And then [Joe] Biden goes to see them about global warming.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

~This article was written from my iPhone that I replace every 2 years and is made in China by a 10 year old kid who gets paid $1 per day and chokes on the smog and passes out every time he tries running away.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, December 7, 2023 8:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Unless We Cut Emissions, Ice Sheets, Forests and Ocean Currents Are Headed for Catastrophe

Chelsea Harvey, E&E News | Dec 6, 2023

CLIMATEWIRE | The melting Greenland ice sheet is the single largest contributor to global sea-level rise — and some experts are warning it could soon cross the threshold into a slow but irreversible death spiral.

A sweeping new scientific report, with contributions from more than 200 researchers, finds that continued warming could trigger not only the collapse of the Greenland ice sheet but a wide variety of tipping points in the Earth's climate system. Once crossed, those thresholds would have unstoppable consequences.

That means today’s climate efforts — or failures — could commit the planet to centuries of change, affecting human societies for generations to come.

Chief among the report’s recommendations is a rapid phase-out of greenhouse gas emissions from human land use and the burning of fossil fuels. Countries have agreed to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, or as close to that target as possible — a goal that requires global emissions to reach net zero by 2050.

Greenland is one immediate worry. While it’s still unclear exactly how much warming it would take to push the ice sheet over the edge, some experts say it could be as little as 1.5 degrees above preindustrial levels. Temperatures have already risen between 1.1 and 1.3 degrees.

Other tipping points could also be triggered at 1.5 degrees of warming, including unstoppable ice loss in West Antarctica; rampant thawing of permafrost; widespread coral die-offs; and the collapse of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre, a circular ocean current that helps distribute heat through parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

None of them is definite yet. And not all would happen quickly: The collapse of the Greenland ice sheet could take hundreds or thousands of years to unfold.

But if triggered, the tipping points would lock in a future world that’s dramatically different from today’s.

“This report is the most comprehensive review to date on tipping points in the Earth System,” said Sina Loriani of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, one of the report’s lead authors, in a statement. “Crossing these thresholds may trigger fundamental and sometimes abrupt changes that could irreversibly determine the fate of essential parts of our Earth system for the coming hundreds or thousands of years.”

Averting a crisis

The report evaluates a total of 26 tipping points across the Earth system, including ice sheets and glaciers, forests, grasslands, ocean currents, monsoons and even tropical clouds. Many could have dire consequences for human life if activated.

Rampant ice melt could dramatically raise global sea levels for centuries to come. The shutdown of major ocean currents could disrupt weather patterns around the globe.

Permafrost — a frozen layer of soil common in the Arctic — releases large volumes of carbon dioxide and methane as it thaws. Unstoppable thawing could unleash a torrent of carbon emissions into the atmosphere, further accelerating global warming.

Continued warming and drought could drive the Amazon into an uncontrollable transformation from lush rainforest into dry grasslands. That, too, would release huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the air. It would likely drive massive losses in biodiversity, and could further warm and dry the local climate, threatening agricultural production.

For most of the 26 tipping points, it’s uncertain exactly how much warming it would take to trigger them. Several could be imminent once the planet warms by 1.5 degrees, while others are likely more distant possibilities.

And if one tipping point is triggered, the report warns, others could follow. Many of these Earth systems are closely linked, capable of destabilizing one another as they crumble.

Catastrophic losses from the Greenland ice sheet, for instance, would pour huge volumes of meltwater into the ocean. That could destabilize a major Atlantic Ocean current, known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, causing the current to slow and eventually collapse.

Limiting warming as much as possible could forestall many of these thresholds. That means eliminating emissions from both fossil fuels and land use as quickly as possible, the report advises.

But global action shouldn’t stop there, it adds. Some tipping points may already be approaching, and the world must prepare for that possibility.

Countries should strengthen global frameworks for adapting to unstoppable climate impacts and financially supporting the world’s most vulnerable populations, the report recommends. It also urges nations to feature tipping points more prominently in their commitments under the Paris climate agreement, factoring the dangers into their carbon-cutting pledges and their assessments of global progress on climate change.

The report recommends that world leaders coordinate policy efforts that trigger "positive tipping points" in society — or low-carbon transitions that become unstoppable once given a big enough nudge. That could include, for example, widespread transitions to renewable energy sources and electric vehicles.

Nations should also invest more resources into the scientific research on the Earth's tipping points, the report adds. And world leaders should organize a global summit devoted to the subject to share knowledge and manage the risks.

“Averting this crisis — and doing so equitably — must be the core goal of COP28 [the U.N. climate conference] and ongoing global cooperation,” said Manjana Milkoreit, a researcher at the University of Oslo and one of the report’s lead authors, in a statement. “Good global governance can make this happen, especially by triggering positive tipping points.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 7, 2023 1:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So,when are you going to get off your tech hobby- horse "investment/ market", elite- privilege, pro- endless war, pointless zero- carbon, and empty virtue- signalling agendas, and start promoting practical action that will really help?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, December 7, 2023 1:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So,when are you going to get off your tech hobby- horse "investment/ market", elite- privilege, pro- endless war, pointless zero- carbon, and empty virtue- signalling agendas, and start promoting practical action that will really help?

A message to the thing signified by "Signym": even for a machine, you are crazy and stupid and impossible to change. If "Signym" were a human, you would be even less sane, less rational, and less flexible than that postulated machine.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 7, 2023 3:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So,when are you going to get off your tech hobby- horse "investment/ market", elite- privilege, pro- endless war, pointless zero- carbon, and empty virtue- signalling agendas, and start promoting practical action that will really help?

A message to the thing signified by "Signym": even for a machine, you are crazy and stupid and impossible to change. If "Signym" were a human, you would be even less sane, less rational, and less flexible than that postulated machine.


Yeah, you really got me with that name-calling!!
Especially since you implied I was too sane, too rational, and too flexible to be human!

Now, how about addressing THE TOPIC?

PS: Reality is what it is. All your blather and brainwashing isn't gonna change it.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, December 7, 2023 8:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Yeah, you really got me with that name-calling!!
Especially since you implied I was too sane, too rational, and too flexible to be human!

Now, how about addressing THE TOPIC?

PS: Reality is what it is. All your blather and brainwashing isn't gonna change it.

You have heard of synergy? Right? I know people in the real world with the same opinions as yours (Signym's, 6ix's, etc.) on climate change, Trump, Ukraine, etc. but I don't have their commentary, their reasons for why they hold those opinions. I know all about their screwed-up lives but not their "reasoning" for screwing life up. This is where the synergy comes in.

For Signym, 6ix, and the other Trumptards at I have gotten extensive commentary on why they hold their opinions on climate change, Trump, Ukraine, etc. but I don't have much knowledge about how screwed up their real lives are.

I put the parts together: commentary/reasons from one group with specifically screwed up ways of living from the other group to achieve a whole representation of the people in both groups that hold the same opinions. You people are really fucked up both in the head and in real life. That is synergy. I thank you (Signym, 6ix, etc.) for explaining Trumptards to me. I now have the whole horrifying picture at last of what you are. I have all the pieces to explain why Trumptards are bitter, estranged, troubled, even diseased people. You are a danger to yourselves.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 7, 2023 9:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

How about THE TOPIC?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, December 7, 2023 10:05 PM


Second is a garbage human being and a waste of carbon.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, December 7, 2023 11:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Second is a garbage human being and a waste of carbon.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Of course.
This is what SECOND does when he's wrong and he knows it.

And now he's going to post a wall of gibberish to try and bury this exchange.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, December 8, 2023 9:13 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Second is a garbage human being and a waste of carbon.

I know you get this from Trump. Or is it the other way around? Trump repeats back what you want to hear?

Trump Slams John Kerry In Wild Town Hall, Insisting Climate Change Isn’t A Problem

By Claire O'Hare | Dec 7, 2023

Former President Donald Trump reiterated his denial of climate change during a town hall in Iowa, criticizing John Kerry’s efforts on climate and dismissing the urgency of the climate crisis.

Trump also opposed the Green New Deal, advocating for continued use of fossil fuels and making additional attacks on electric vehicles.

“Our country can be rich again. John Kerry has to be stopped. He’s destroying our country,” Trump said.

“The only global warming we should be thinking about or worrying about is nuclear global warming, not global warming,” Trump added.

Trump claimed that when Kerry talks of climate change around the globe, people “treat him with respect,” but then say, “what an idiot, what a jerk” when he is gone.

“I am an environmentalist, but we’re going to destroy our country with this Green New Deal stuff that doesn’t work just to finish, we have so much wealth and power under our feet. No other country has it,” Trump said.

The comments come amid the United Nations climate summit in Dubai, where there is ongoing debate about the future of fossil fuels and the need to address global warming.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, December 8, 2023 9:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Of course.
This is what SECOND does when he's wrong and he knows it.

And now he's going to post a wall of gibberish to try and bury this exchange.

I've been dealing with dullards like you for decades and they require positive and negative reinforcement (or simply Carrots and Sticks) to train them to do useful tricks. Persuasion and scientific evidence do not work with lower animals. It's always Carrots and Sticks. That's how it will have to be to adjust dull-witted Americans to climate change. They will have to be offered some rewards such as cheaper electricity (the Carrot) and some agony such as raising the price of gasoline (the Stick) to teach them tricks about how to live without destroying the world. Showing them the truth that they are destroying the world will never move them to learn a new trick. It has got to be Carrots and Sticks.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, December 8, 2023 3:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Of course.
This is what SECOND does when he's wrong and he knows it.

And now he's going to post a wall of gibberish to try and bury this exchange.

SECOND: I've been dealing with dullards like you for decades and they require positive and negative reinforcement (or simply Carrots and Sticks) to train them to do useful tricks. Persuasion and scientific evidence do not work with lower animals. It's always Carrots and Sticks. That's how it will have to be to adjust dull-witted Americans to climate change. They will have to be offered some rewards such as cheaper electricity (the Carrot) and some agony such as raising the price of gasoline (the Stick) to teach them tricks about how to live without destroying the world. Showing them the truth that they are destroying the world will never move them to learn a new trick. It has got to be Carrots and Sticks.

Son, you don't have the capacity to apply carrots and sticks bc posting from your mom's basement doesn't count.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, December 10, 2023 2:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Farmers Are Turning To An Ancient Practice To Improve Agriculture
Sunday, Dec 10, 2023 - 05:10 AM

Authored by Steve Gillman viaq RealClear Wire,

From ancient Egypt to medieval England, cultivating one or more crops in the same field was common practice among many farmers for thousands of years. However, in the last century, food producers largely stopped ‘intercropping’ and moved towards an industrial type of agriculture – a shift that contributed to 34% of the world’s farmland being degraded today.

“Interest is growing in intercropping [again] because farmers increasingly understand it improves their soil health,” said Jerry Allford, an organic farmer and advisor from the Soil Association, a UK charity promoting sustainable agriculture. Jerry thinks this renewed focus can “open up a whole new way of farming” because it can bridge profitability with regenerative agriculture practices.

“In the case of growing a legume and cereal together, we know there is nutrient transfer between the two crops,” he said, adding that this reduces the need for synthetic fertilisers and its associated costs. Other potential benefits include reduced weeds, pests and diseases as well as higher resistance to extreme weather from climate change – all of which can improve farmers’ bottom line.

To understand and amplify the potential of intercropping, Jerry is running a range of trials where farmers grow a mix of crops on the same stretch of land. This is part of an EU project called LEGUMINOSE which is researching the benefits of intercropping in eight European countries, as well as in Egypt and Pakistan. In total, there will be 180 ‘living labs’ where farmers in monoculture systems introduce a strip of intercropped cereals and legumes, such as wheat and peas or barley and broad beans.

Each living lab will be tailored to its region with the farmer choosing the techniques and crops most relevant to their area, such as drilling depth, seed mix and planting methods. The idea is that this will enable food producers to produce more practical results, something which LEGUMINOSE wants to use to attract others to intercropping.

One of the UK’s living labs recently finished and Jerry says it has already provided an insight into intercropping’s promise. The test farm planted wheat and beans, reporting a 27% increase in the intercropped plot compared to the monoculture strips on the same farm. Less weeds were also reported while a preliminary analysis of the soil showed less plant disease present between the two, meaning less need to buy and use agricultural chemicals.

The economic potential of intercropping does not stop there either. Farmers can choose to grow a secondary crop for the market, such as a legume for human and animal consumption, or a plant that can enhance the quality of a primary crop.

“We're also finding that intercropped wheat is meeting UK milling specifications easier, so it could produce a premium price for the farmer,” Jerry said, adding that he hopes this drives an uptake of intercropping and the practice becomes mainstream in the agriculture sector.

Models for scale

In Europe, only 2% of farmers currently use a legume-cereal intercrop. Shamina Imran Pathan, LEGUMINOSE’s project coordinator, says it will not be easy to make the practice go mainstream, but providing farmers with the right information and tool can help them switch quicker from a monocultural farming system to a more regenerative one.

“Many farmers still don’t know what intercropping is,” Pathan points out. “That’s why we need to involve more and more farmers to increase their knowledge about mixing crops together.”

The living labs are designed to galvanise discussions among farmers and boost uptake that way, but LEGUMINOSE will also reinforce this knowledge through seven additional research fields that explore the benefits of intercropping in precise detail. Academics from several European universities will collect soil samples from farms and conduct a range of physical, chemical and biological analyses to explore the benefits of intercropping on a range of aspect, such as those around soil health, pesticide reduction and crop quality.

Early results have also shown promise here too with one trial finding that wheat intercropped with clover completely removed the presence of a parasitic weed called dodder – a benefit that could reduce the need to use herbicide and help farmers’ cut down on their input costs.

Pathan explains this data will be combined with the regional information from the living labs to create forecasting models based on artificial intelligence. This will be made available to farmers as a web-based tool in the coming years that they can use to select the optimal intercrop combinations for their specific situation.

“Farmers can use this to input criteria like their soil type and climate, and the tool will then tell them what combination of crops could work for them,” Pathan said.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, December 12, 2023 6:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The disagreement between two climate scientists that will decide our future

By Robert Chris and Hugh Hunt, Professor of Engineering Dynamics and Vibration, University of Cambridge | December 8, 2023 11:37am EST

In his new paper, James Hansen argues that if the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases remains close to its current level, the surface temperature will stabilise after several hundred years between 8°C and 10°C above the pre-industrial level.

Of this, at least 2°C will emerge by mid-century, and probably a further 3°C a century from now. A temperature increase of this magnitude would be catastrophic for life on Earth. Hansen adds that to avoid such an outcome, brightening Earth is now necessary to halt the warming in the pipeline from past emissions.

Time for reflection

The differences between Mann and Hansen are significant for the global response to climate change.

Mann says that allowing emissions to reach net zero by mid-century is sufficient, while Hansen maintains that on its own it would be disastrous and that steps must now be taken in addition to brighten the planet.

Brightening Earth could also reverse the reductions in reflectivity already caused by climate change. Data indicates that from 1998 to 2017, Earth dimmed by about 0.5 watts per square metre, largely due to the loss of ice.

Given what’s at stake, we hope Mann and Hansen resolve these differences quickly to help the public and policymakers understand what it will take to minimise the likelihood of imminent massive and widespread ecosystem destruction and its disastrous effects on humanity.

While 1.5°C may be dead, there may still be time to prevent cascading system failures. But not if we continue to squabble over the nature and extent of the risks.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, December 12, 2023 9:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
The disagreement between two climate scientists that will decide our future

Why, oh why, do you keep posting such ridiculous narratives?

The western elites, who control so much of what happens in the western world, dont give a crap about climate or climate science, and ESPECIALLY NOT climate scientists. Yanno, all they really want is more power.

And most of the non-western world at this point doesn't give a fuck about western world concerns.

Dood, get a grip on your fantasies.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM






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