Why I abhor Russia

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 20:10
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Friday, January 8, 2016 11:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are three people on this website who absolutely hate Russia. It seeps into every thread. It doesn't seem to matter whether the discussion is about recipes and gardens and allergies, or USA banks and the USD, the environment, the Olympics, or terrorism ... somebody somewhere - usually THUGR, G, and KPO - manage to come up with a completely off-topic and yet thoroughly outraged post about BAD RUSSIA. It's like there's this small group of monomaniacs who just can't let this topic go.

But unlike jihadism - which IMHO constitutes a real threat -the hatred of Russia seems pretty baseless. I don't understand where this visceral reaction comes from.

So I'd like to hear from you all: Why do you hate Russia so much?


But first of all, let me say that I think I'm more familiar than anyone with English-version (west-facing) Russian propaganda. Just to demonstrate that I realize that Russia DOES engage in propaganda, here's a recap of their propaganda on Syria:

Standing shoulder to shoulder with our ally, the legally-recognized government of Syria.
(Fill in the blank) number of sorties against (fill in the blank) number of terrorist targets.
Our brave flying men!
Freeing Kweires Airport, yay!
Fighting those awful terrorists there, so we don't have to fight them here.
Our Syrian brothers, fighting on the ground.
Aleppo, almost!

It's like a kaleidescope of reasons to be fighting in Syria. Usually, when someone has to throw a lot of chaff in the air, they either don't have a real good reason for doing what they're doing, or they have to hide the reason for doing what they're doing. Or maybe they feel that people will get bored with the real reason if they repeat it too often. In any case, multiple reasons for doing something are usually less convincing that one or two GOOD reasons.

It almost sounds like GWB and the Iraq invasion: Chemical weapons! Nuclear weapons! Biological weapons! Terrible tyrant! And besides, training terrorists!

Also, if you have to keep pumping your population like that, you're either experiencing or anticipating (or both) that there will be negative fallout in your economy, and you need to keep internal support high.

So. I'm left to wonder what Russia's REAL reason is for supporting Syria. I can think of a few; some of them have even appeared in the official version.

Russia is undergoing an internal change of morale: Russians have become rather mindlessly patriotic, celebrating all things "Russian" (including the Orthodox Church). This is the zeitgeist of a nation at war. It wasn't that way four years ago.

All of this to say, I believe I recognize Russia's faults, and I'm open to hearing the reasons WHY you hate Russia, but I will be asking for evidence, and may ask "Why?" multiple times if I don't understand your answer.

So, the floor is yours: Why do you abhor Russia?


Friday, January 8, 2016 9:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So apparently the people who can't stop obsessing about Russia in every OTHER thread can't seem to bring themselves to explain their aversion here, in detail, where they might be questioned. Figures.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, January 8, 2016 9:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So apparently the people who can't stop obsessing about Russia in every OTHER thread can't seem to bring themselves to explain their aversion here, in detail, where they might be questioned. Figures.

It's you that's obsessive about Russia, and why you are constantly attacking the West.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 1:03 AM


None of the kids today hate Russia Sigs.

Hating Russia was a thing that was bread into us as Americans growing up at least until the mid 80s.... Maybe the movie Miracle ended it all?

Kids growing up in a post 9/11 world hating Russia today would be as out of place as your average 12 year old Bulls fan in 2016 hating the New York Knicks because of Patrick Ewing.

Honestly, and not to sound like "Hitler" here or anything, but for anyone who likes looking at young, beautiful purebread blonde knockouts with blue eyes, Russia is one of the last holdouts for that in the world...

200 years from now, assuming we haven't totally destroyed the world and we're still here, America and all of Western Europe is going to be completely brown, speaking some garbled language consisting mainly multi-language slang and almost utterly devoid of any eyes that are blue or green. But hey, that's what contacts and beauty parlors are for, right? Maybe even "" by then....

The reason Putin has such an easy time of it right now isn't because he's a great leader. It's because it's fucking cold in Russia and nobody wants to live there. How many blacks or middle Eastern Muslims live in French Canada?

White men can't jump, but even the skinny ones don't mind the cold at all. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 9, 2016 11:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Frequency of posts about Russia, from G's pointless thread, in which he evades the question about why he hates Russia so much:


Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria
The predictions thread

50% about Russia, and (if you count the fact that Russia is a frequent toic of KPO's posts in the predictions thread) 100% about Russia


StarWars, The Force Awakens - Jabber, jabber, jabber...
Leviathan Wakes - Firefly-ish read
That new Star Wars Trailer
Can God & Science & Christianity co-exist?
Russia Invades Ukraine
More Governors reject refugees from Syria

1 out of 6, or 17%, about Russia.


Why I abhor Russia
Americans have given up
1000 Asylum-seekers grope, rape, and steal in Cologne, Germany
Saudi Arabia: Foreign policy speculation
The State of Freedom in Ukraine
In the garden, and RAIN!!!!
Ukraine today
How truth is manufactured in the West
Russia invades ...
NATO Member Busted Supporting ISIS … Now Declares War Against ISIS, But Instead Bombs Its Political Rival
Obama's Oval Office speech on terrorism: What do you think?
2015: Merry Xmas, Kwanzaa, Chanuka, Solstice, and any other reason to celebrate
What's wrong with conspiracy theories
Why is the world in such dire economic straits, and what can we do about it?

2 out of 14, or 14%, about Russia.

The remainder of my threads are purely personal (14%), terrorism (29%), American politics and economy (29%), and two about Ukraine (14%).

The people who unfailingly turn thread after thread about purely American issues into threads about RUSSIA are (in order)

THUGR who seldom fails to call me in "commie troll" in any thread where I criticize the USA
YOU, GSTRING, who defends American liberalism by criticizing Russia, and
KPO, who at least has the decency to post his own threads about the topic, instead of hijacking others'


Pretty obvious who the obsessive compulsive is about Russia/Ukraine/The West
Why is talking about The West an obsession with Russia? Why is talking about Ukraine an obsession with Russia?

Yes, it is apparent who is obsessed with Russia. And it's not me, it's you, THUGR, and KPO. YOUR problem is that you see "Russia" in every thread that I post, even if I were posting about something as unrelated as global climate change.

So, why DO you hate Russia so much? Why is every post (in your mind) colored red? Why do you think EVERYTHING is related to Russia, even if it isn't? Please be detailed.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 10, 2016 9:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


...over the same period of time you started twice as many threads about Russia as the 3 people you accuse of being obsessed with Russia COMBINED. 2 times as many as the next 3 people. Math so simple you don't even have to know math.

The reason why I started more posts about Russia that all of you is because I started more posts in general than all of you combined. I have a lot of interests, and I like to post about them. My topics included Russia, but not to any greater degree than yours. It's a reality so simple, you can't even recognize it.

Honest question, G: Why did you have to attack me in thread after thread this AM? You started at 8:16, then went off again at 8:45 (here), and then again at 8:53

Don't you have anything of value to post? Or are you just into pointless personal attacks at the moment?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 10, 2016 12:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Another personal attack by GSTRING 11:56

I have my answer: GSTRING has nothing else to post except his personal vendetta.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 10, 2016 5:11 PM


SIG your protests fall on deaf ears here. We all have the skinny on you and your denials are consistent with your pattern of lying.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016 4:35 PM


Russian gay couple arrested in Moscow for Orlando 'Love wins' tribute

A Russian gay couple was arrested Monday when attempting to leave a memorial outside the U.S. embassy in Moscow to the 49 victims of the Orlando mass shooting, multiple media outlets reported.


Friday, June 17, 2016 2:27 PM


Norway aims to boost defences against 'unpredictable' Russia
AFP - Friday, June 17, 2016

Norway announced plans Friday for its biggest military upgrade effort since the end of the Cold War, to bolster its defences against an "increasingly unpredictable" Russia.
The Scandinavian country, a NATO member, plans new fighter jets and submarines to boost its ability to protect itself from its vast neighbour, with which it shares an Arctic border.
Over 20 years Norway would boost its defence budget by 165 billion kroner (17.5 billion euros at current exchange rate), according to details of a military programming law presented by the government.
"Unfortunately the geopolitical circumstances have changed significantly, in a bad way, in recent years," Prime Minister Erna Solberg told a press conference in Oslo.
"We have an increasingly unpredictable neighbour to the east which is strengthening its military capacity, and showing willingness to use military force as a political tool," she added.
The military programming law aims to upgrade the army both by efforts on maintaining existing resources and buying new equipment.
It foresees the purchase of 52 F-35 fighter jets and four submarines, as well as new naval surveillance planes to replace six ageing P-3 Orion aircraft.
The extra expenditure will bring Norway's military budget up towards the 2.0 percent of GDP goal fixed by NATO, while not reaching it.
Solberg said the country's current military might "is not adapted to the geopolitical situation," describing a "historic defence effort, the biggest since the end of the Cold War."
But it is less than the 180 billion kroner sought last year by the armed forces chief Haakon Bruun-Hanssen.
Before the military plans can be implemented the rightwing government has to get its proposals adopted in parliament where it is in a minority, and could therefore have to make amendments.
Finland, meanwhile, said Friday in a security outlook that it "cannot exclude" the use of military force against its territory by neighbouring Russia.
The country, which shares the European Union's longest border with Russia, has gradually stepped up its cooperation with NATO after Russia seized and annexed Crimea in 2014 and became involved in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Finland's Foreign Minister Timo Soini said Russia's actions constituted an "essential change" for Europe's security.
"The security policy environment of Finland, a member of the western community, has transformed," the ministry wrote in its report, citing "a more tense security situation in Europe and the Baltic Sea region."
"The use or threat of military force against Finland cannot be excluded," it added although Soini stressed that Finland does not consider Russia to pose a threat "at the moment".
Finland -- which shares a 1,340-kilometre (830-mile) border with Russia -- was attacked by its powerful neighbour during World War II but has tried to maintain friendly relations with Moscow ever since.
But tensions have grown around Finland, with Russian fighter jets buzzing around a US navy ship in the Baltic Sea in April and with NATO increasing its military presence and rehearsals in the area.
"We make no secret of our negative attitude to the NATO policy of moving its military infrastructure closer to our border and involving other states in its military activities," Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters on Soini's recent visit to Moscow.
While Finland is not actively planning to join the defence alliance, Soini said it intended to "maintain the possibility of allying itself militarily" if need be.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 8:10 PM


The Russians wanted a strong man after the fall of the USSR but instead they get a Tyrant Dictator


'Impossible' to take away Russia's gains in Ukraine - Putin

out side of news ideas you can argue back and forth about Ukraine and Russia
but in the end of it all it is Putin who is the killer, Putin was the imperialist and has killed hundreds and thousands including many of his own new lost young male generation and left cities burnt out and destroyed looking like rubble, fertile fields looking like WW1 battlefields






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