Elections; 2024

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 22:56
VIEWED: 54350
PAGE 42 of 85

Monday, March 25, 2024 9:21 PM



Monday, March 25, 2024 9:24 PM




Monday, March 25, 2024 9:26 PM




Monday, March 25, 2024 9:27 PM




Monday, March 25, 2024 9:29 PM




Monday, March 25, 2024 9:32 PM




Monday, March 25, 2024 9:52 PM


Gay | Biden*-Harris 2024

Lame | Biden*-Harris 2024

Mistake | Biden*-Harris 2024

Finished | Biden*-Harris 2024

Cancer | Biden*-Harris 2024

Trump will be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 8:27 AM


"The president’s slim advantage over the man he defeated four years ago comes just one month after a similar survey showed Mr Trump leading Mr Biden by four per cent."

Biden gaining ground on Trump in swing states, new poll shows

President Joe Biden is erasing his polling deficit with his likely Republican election opponent in a number of key states that will decide the outcome of this year’s presidential contest, according to a new survey by Bloomberg and Morning Consult.

The survey of 4,392 registered voters, which took place from 8 March to 15 March, found that Mr Biden either tightened his margin against Donald Trump or overtook the ex-president in six of seven states, with the largest polling shift coming in Wisconsin, where Badger State respondents gave the 46th president a one-point lead, 46 per cent to Mr Trump’s 45 per cent.

Biden is the President...



Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:26 AM


Not for long.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 2:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

House Republicans' (bad) plan for America
A higher retirement age, a national abortion ban, less health insurance

By Matthew Yglesias | Mar 26, 2024

Many people who served in the Trump administration, including many at a very senior level, warn that Donald Trump is a dangerous threat to American values and the future of American democracy.

There’s a good chance that Trump will win in November, and if he does, there’s a good chance that we’ll look back on these warnings as the most significant aspect of the campaign. But as I wrote at the beginning of the month, I think the most under-covered and underrated aspect of the campaign is still the “boring” stakes.

And that’s why it’s worth talking about the Republican Study Committee.

Once upon a time, the RSC was something like the Freedom Caucus — a smallish right-wing factional organization in the House. But its ranks grew, to the point where it became the default caucus for a safe seat Republican in a House where the vast majority of members have safe seats. The Freedom Caucus came into being as the domain of the true die-hards, and today’s RSC counts 80 percent of House Republicans as members. In other words, it very much represents mainstream Republican Party thinking.

The group put out an annual budget proposal, and the proposal loops in a lot of non-fiscal stuff as well.

In it, the RSC endorses a Ronnie Jackson bill to prevent active duty service members from getting abortions, and a Michael Cloud resolution to prevent the Department of Veterans’ Affairs from performing abortions, and a Chip Roy bill to bar campus health services providers from financing or performing abortions. Which might seem superfluous because they endorse Mike Kelly’s bill enacting a nationwide six-week abortion ban, which itself is probably a bit superfluous since they also endorse Alex Mooney’s bill to endow embryos with the 14th Amendment rights of a person at the moment of conception.

The point isn’t that all of these bills will pass — it’s 80 percent of House Republicans, not 100 percent — but the mainstream GOP policy agenda previews the menu from which a new GOP governing agenda will be drawn. And it shows the kind of thinking and aspirations that will motivate a new Trump administration. If Republicans win tiny congressional majorities, they’ll only enact a few of the ideas off this fiscal menu. But if they win big majorities, they’ll enact a lot of it.

So it’s worth understanding what’s on the menu.

Huge cuts to low-income health care

The US government spends the most money on the military and on taking care of retirees. As Republicans have grown increasingly leery of cutting spending on those two big things, but remain as enthusiastic as ever about cutting taxes, their fiscal planning has come to focus more and more on cutting health care provision to families of modest means.

As a result, the real centerpiece of the RSC’s agenda for “fiscal sanity” is a 54 percent cut to Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA marketplace subsidies.

To make it hard to characterize who, exactly, will lose health care under this scenario, they also propose turning Medicaid into a “block grant.” So instead of getting fairly generous federal matching funds with a bunch of minimum coverage rules attached, states will get way less money but a lot more flexibility in terms of deciding exactly who gets screwed. One interesting wrinkle is that the current matching rate (FMAP) is designed to be more generous to poorer states. That reflects Great Society-era politics and also progressive instincts, but today that is a feature of Medicaid that is mostly friendly to Republican governors and state legislators. Nonetheless, House Republicans want to replace it with a flat FMAP.

Part of the logic here, I guess, is that red states like Mississippi already have very stingy Medicaid programs compared to a state like Massachusetts, so the big cut mechanically falls harder on Massachusetts than on Mississippi. Still, the reality is that they’ve structured this as a tougher blow to the finances of Michigan and Maine than to Maryland and Massachusetts.

A broad rule of thumb is that Medicare is for the elderly and Medicaid is for the poor. But in practice, Medicaid also covers long-term health care needs, which mostly go to the elderly. Long-term care is expensive, so even though the elderly and disabled account for only 20 percent of Medicaid enrollment, they are 46 percent of the spending.

Now, at least based on those figures from 2019, you technically can enact a 54 percent Medicaid cut without touching the elderly and disabled, it just requires zero benefits for anyone else. I doubt any state would actually do that, though. In practice, you’re going to see cuts to all classes of beneficiaries, plus — in some states — higher taxes and reduced spending on education to make up the gap.
Cuts to programs for the elderly

To the extent that the RSC proposal has gotten any media attention, it’s primarily been for endorsing an increase in the retirement age. They are a little vague as to what exactly they have in mind here. Which is odd, because this is consistently one of the worst-polling ideas in American politics, and I’d think a prudent political party would just not mention it at all unless they have a firm, precise, and specific reason for doing so.

The RSC tries to reassure seniors, quoting RSC Chair Kevin Hern as saying “we WILL NOT adjust or delay retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement.”

But how near is near? Back 10-15 years ago, when Paul Ryan was putting out plans, he structured it such that anyone 55 or older would be spared the pain of his proposed cuts. Of course, anyone who was 55 during the era when Ryan was putting out those budget roadmaps is 65-70 today. The problem with the “we’re cutting Social Security but not for anyone who’s old” posture today is that the Social Security Trust Fund faces exhaustion in 2032, which is only eight years in the future. If the Trust Fund is exhausted. Then by law everyone gets a benefit cut of maybe 23 percent. What’s more, if Republicans succeed in their immigration crackdown, then the trust fund will be exhausted even sooner. Footnote #1 So this retirement age idea, while provocative and politically toxic, really can’t contribute to the fix unless it’s accelerated.

We also know that Donald Trump doesn’t agree with this. His plan is to make no changes to Social Security, run off the exhaustion cliff, and then everyone’s benefits are exhausted. This has been widely reported in the press as Trump opposing benefit cuts, but the status quo plan, in fact, cuts benefits. One of the best things about the RSC budget is it makes this point, except for some reason they got confused and attributed it to Joe Biden: “President Biden’s plan would cut benefits by 23 percent in 2033.”

Biden, in fact, has a plan to extend the life of the Trust fund by raising taxes, and I would note that in the higher theoretical universe where Biden’s comprehensive immigration reform policy ideas passed, that would also help because we’d have more people paying into the Trust fund. Clearly, though, by attributing Trump’s plan (let Social Security go broke and cut benefits by 23 percent) to Biden, the RSC is hoping to talk Trump into adopting their plan, which involves making inflation adjustments stingier, raising the retirement age, and enacting various cuts to disability benefits.

They also resurrect a version of Ryan’s old plan to replace Medicare with a “premium support” program that would work like the Affordable Care Act. The way the ACA works is that people buy insurance plans in a regulated marketplace and some people (like me) pay the full price of that plan out of pocket while those earning up to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level get subsidies on a sliding scale. To me, the big problem with making Medicare work more like this has always been that Medicare’s unit costs — the price paid for a doctor visit or other specific health service — are lower than the prices paid by private insurance plans. So while shifting Medicare to the ACA model would cost the government less per patient, it wouldn’t just shift costs from the government to the patient, it would raise the costs and create a windfall for providers.

I could see a case for converging the Medicare and ACA models: The ACA marketplace could add a public option and piggyback on Medicare’s aggressive price-setting. Eventually ACA marketplaces could cover seniors, too, so the government would get out of the business of subsidizing rich retirees’ premiums. But Republicans still want to eliminate the ACA, not enhance it, and then turn Medicare around in a way that generates tons of extra revenue for America’s doctors and hospitals, but really hurts patients.

What it’s all about

The point of all this is that Republicans have about $5.5 trillion worth of regressive tax cuts they want to enact or extend, which is a lot.

Trump took office in the wake of years of overly-austere fiscal policy from the Obama administration. So he did a big tax cut. And he didn’t reform Social Security or Medicare. And he signed big increases to non-military discretionary spending. And he also signed big increases to military spending. And he ultimately didn’t achieve his dream of repealing the ACA. And even though the deficit increases that resulted from this were large, it was all totally fine.

Biden’s big fiscal stimulus in the wake of Covid ended all that, and we are now in a world where inflation and interest rates are a problem.

In the year 2024, that is mostly a political problem for Joe Biden, who is the incumbent and who I think would be wise to pivot a bit to austerity. But if Trump is president in 2025, it becomes his problem. And if Trump enacts his plans, inflation and interest rates are going to get a lot worse. Pairing these fiscal ideas with an immigration crackdown further exacerbates inflation, just as it further exacerbates Social Security’s insolvency.

The RSC plan, though sloppy and vague on key questions, (Footnote #2) is an attempt to wrestle with this reality in a more serious way than Trump does in his sporadic musings. After (or in tandem with) blowing up the deficit and forcing interest rates up further, the plan is to defray those costs by slashing health benefits and gutting the retirement system. It’s challenging to get people to think of these as among the issues at stake in 2024, because Trump was already president and people don’t think of the Trump years as dominated by these kind of big fiscal debates. But his first order of business in 2017 really was ACA repeal, and he followed it up with a huge tax cut. And as I keep saying, the fiscal circumstances have changed. I am much more open to the idea of some spending cuts than I used to be, but also much less open to giant tax cuts.

If you want these big tax cuts that Trump is pushing for, then you need something like the enormous spending cuts the RSC is proposing.

1. Critics sometimes analogize Social Security to a “pyramid scheme” which I think is unfair, but it is true that population growth, including via immigration, makes it more sustainable. Also note that while there are a lot of problems with illegal immigration and good reasons to want to reduce it, illegal immigrants working with fraudulent documents are especially valuable to Social Security because their employers pay taxes into the system but the immigrants don’t collect benefits.
2. Though extremely specific about the national abortion ban thing!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 4:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Today there are two Republican Supreme Court Justices willing to ban abortion. Trump will appoint more:

Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas are never ones to let an embarrassment of a lawsuit go to waste. And they were openly eager to embrace the chilling argument at the heart of ADF’s case: the notion that the Comstock Act of 1873 prohibits the distribution of abortion pills and perhaps even equipment used for procedural abortions. Under this theory, abortion is already a criminal offense under federal law, and every abortion provider in the country may be prosecuted and imprisoned immediately. Conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation are already urging Trump to issue an executive order on Day 1 banning medication abortion. Republican lawyers are preparing to use the Comstock Act to prohibit all abortions, not just pills. This reading of the zombie relic is so broad that a Justice Department and judiciary hostile enough to reproductive freedom could contort it to make all abortion care a felony.

Predictably on Tuesday, and with a case built of vapors to work with, Alito and Thomas went full Comstock. Alito scolded the FDA for letting providers mail abortion pills despite the existence of the law. “This is a prominent provision,” the justice told Prelogar. “It’s not some obscure subsection of a complicated, obscure law. They knew about it. Everybody in this field knew about it.” Thomas warned Ellsworth that her client, the maker of mifepristone, lacked a “safe harbor” from prosecution over Comstock. “It’s fairly broad, and it specifically covers drugs such as yours,” he told her. (That claim is very much in dispute.) Alito and Thomas know they will likely lose this case, so they’re preparing for the next one. Maybe Trump will win and commence Comstock prosecutions. Maybe Kacsmaryk will issue a new ban on mifepristone at the behest of red states, as he is currently threatening to do. Either way, Comstock is racing toward the Supreme Court. And two justices have already aligned themselves with a sweeping interpretation of its puritanical prohibitions.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 4:42 PM



Nobody is banning abortion.

You'll still be able to safely murder your babies without any problems.

60 Million dead people and counting. Most of them black.

It's almost as if we wouldn't "need" to bring in a bunch of illegal criminal invaders if all those babies were born though, huh?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 7:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Nobody is banning abortion.

You'll still be able to safely murder your babies without any problems.

60 Million dead people and counting. Most of them black.

It's almost as if we wouldn't "need" to bring in a bunch of illegal criminal invaders if all those babies were born though, huh?

A Democrat won a landslide victory in an Alabama state legislature race because of abortion.

It's worth noting that the Republican, Teddy Powell, was not some kind of wild-eyed MAGA candidate who was doomed from the start in a swing district. He's a relatively moderate, technocratic guy. But the Democrat, Marilyn Lands, ran exclusively on IVF and reproductive rights and just killed him.

I wonder if Republicans rue the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned? I suppose not yet. But eventually they probably will. Banning abortion isn't popular even in Alabama, and it's going to continue killing Republican candidates as long they're forced to toe the hardline pro-life position.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 7:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

House Republicans' (bad) plan for America
A higher retirement age, a national abortion ban, less health insurance

By Matthew Yglesias | Mar 26, 2024

Many people who served in the Trump administration, including many at a very senior level, warn that Donald Trump is a dangerous threat to American values and the future of American democracy.

There’s a good chance that Trump will win in November, and if he does, there’s a good chance that we’ll look back on these warnings as the most significant aspect of the campaign. But as I wrote at the beginning of the month, I think the most under-covered and underrated aspect of the campaign is still the “boring” stakes.

And that’s why it’s worth talking about the Republican Study Committee.

Once upon a time, the RSC was something like the Freedom Caucus — a smallish right-wing factional organization in the House. But its ranks grew, to the point where it became the default caucus for a safe seat Republican in a House where the vast majority of members have safe seats. The Freedom Caucus came into being as the domain of the true die-hards, and today’s RSC counts 80 percent of House Republicans as members. In other words, it very much represents mainstream Republican Party thinking.

The group put out an annual budget proposal, and the proposal loops in a lot of non-fiscal stuff as well.

In it, the RSC endorses a Ronnie Jackson bill to prevent active duty service members from getting abortions, and a Michael Cloud resolution to prevent the Department of Veterans’ Affairs from performing abortions, and a Chip Roy bill to bar campus health services providers from financing or performing abortions. Which might seem superfluous because they endorse Mike Kelly’s bill enacting a nationwide six-week abortion ban, which itself is probably a bit superfluous since they also endorse Alex Mooney’s bill to endow embryos with the 14th Amendment rights of a person at the moment of conception.

The point isn’t that all of these bills will pass — it’s 80 percent of House Republicans, not 100 percent — but the mainstream GOP policy agenda previews the menu from which a new GOP governing agenda will be drawn. And it shows the kind of thinking and aspirations that will motivate a new Trump administration. If Republicans win tiny congressional majorities, they’ll only enact a few of the ideas off this fiscal menu. But if they win big majorities, they’ll enact a lot of it.

So it’s worth understanding what’s on the menu.

Huge cuts to low-income health care

The US government spends the most money on the military and on taking care of retirees. As Republicans have grown increasingly leery of cutting spending on those two big things, but remain as enthusiastic as ever about cutting taxes, their fiscal planning has come to focus more and more on cutting health care provision to families of modest means.

As a result, the real centerpiece of the RSC’s agenda for “fiscal sanity” is a 54 percent cut to Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA marketplace subsidies.

To make it hard to characterize who, exactly, will lose health care under this scenario, they also propose turning Medicaid into a “block grant.” So instead of getting fairly generous federal matching funds with a bunch of minimum coverage rules attached, states will get way less money but a lot more flexibility in terms of deciding exactly who gets screwed. One interesting wrinkle is that the current matching rate (FMAP) is designed to be more generous to poorer states. That reflects Great Society-era politics and also progressive instincts, but today that is a feature of Medicaid that is mostly friendly to Republican governors and state legislators. Nonetheless, House Republicans want to replace it with a flat FMAP.

Part of the logic here, I guess, is that red states like Mississippi already have very stingy Medicaid programs compared to a state like Massachusetts, so the big cut mechanically falls harder on Massachusetts than on Mississippi. Still, the reality is that they’ve structured this as a tougher blow to the finances of Michigan and Maine than to Maryland and Massachusetts.

A broad rule of thumb is that Medicare is for the elderly and Medicaid is for the poor. But in practice, Medicaid also covers long-term health care needs, which mostly go to the elderly. Long-term care is expensive, so even though the elderly and disabled account for only 20 percent of Medicaid enrollment, they are 46 percent of the spending.

Now, at least based on those figures from 2019, you technically can enact a 54 percent Medicaid cut without touching the elderly and disabled, it just requires zero benefits for anyone else. I doubt any state would actually do that, though. In practice, you’re going to see cuts to all classes of beneficiaries, plus — in some states — higher taxes and reduced spending on education to make up the gap.
Cuts to programs for the elderly

To the extent that the RSC proposal has gotten any media attention, it’s primarily been for endorsing an increase in the retirement age. They are a little vague as to what exactly they have in mind here. Which is odd, because this is consistently one of the worst-polling ideas in American politics, and I’d think a prudent political party would just not mention it at all unless they have a firm, precise, and specific reason for doing so.

The RSC tries to reassure seniors, quoting RSC Chair Kevin Hern as saying “we WILL NOT adjust or delay retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement.”

But how near is near? Back 10-15 years ago, when Paul Ryan was putting out plans, he structured it such that anyone 55 or older would be spared the pain of his proposed cuts. Of course, anyone who was 55 during the era when Ryan was putting out those budget roadmaps is 65-70 today. The problem with the “we’re cutting Social Security but not for anyone who’s old” posture today is that the Social Security Trust Fund faces exhaustion in 2032, which is only eight years in the future. If the Trust Fund is exhausted. Then by law everyone gets a benefit cut of maybe 23 percent. What’s more, if Republicans succeed in their immigration crackdown, then the trust fund will be exhausted even sooner. Footnote #1 So this retirement age idea, while provocative and politically toxic, really can’t contribute to the fix unless it’s accelerated.

We also know that Donald Trump doesn’t agree with this. His plan is to make no changes to Social Security, run off the exhaustion cliff, and then everyone’s benefits are exhausted. This has been widely reported in the press as Trump opposing benefit cuts, but the status quo plan, in fact, cuts benefits. One of the best things about the RSC budget is it makes this point, except for some reason they got confused and attributed it to Joe Biden: “President Biden’s plan would cut benefits by 23 percent in 2033.”

Biden, in fact, has a plan to extend the life of the Trust fund by raising taxes, and I would note that in the higher theoretical universe where Biden’s comprehensive immigration reform policy ideas passed, that would also help because we’d have more people paying into the Trust fund. Clearly, though, by attributing Trump’s plan (let Social Security go broke and cut benefits by 23 percent) to Biden, the RSC is hoping to talk Trump into adopting their plan, which involves making inflation adjustments stingier, raising the retirement age, and enacting various cuts to disability benefits.

They also resurrect a version of Ryan’s old plan to replace Medicare with a “premium support” program that would work like the Affordable Care Act. The way the ACA works is that people buy insurance plans in a regulated marketplace and some people (like me) pay the full price of that plan out of pocket while those earning up to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level get subsidies on a sliding scale. To me, the big problem with making Medicare work more like this has always been that Medicare’s unit costs — the price paid for a doctor visit or other specific health service — are lower than the prices paid by private insurance plans. So while shifting Medicare to the ACA model would cost the government less per patient, it wouldn’t just shift costs from the government to the patient, it would raise the costs and create a windfall for providers.

I could see a case for converging the Medicare and ACA models: The ACA marketplace could add a public option and piggyback on Medicare’s aggressive price-setting. Eventually ACA marketplaces could cover seniors, too, so the government would get out of the business of subsidizing rich retirees’ premiums. But Republicans still want to eliminate the ACA, not enhance it, and then turn Medicare around in a way that generates tons of extra revenue for America’s doctors and hospitals, but really hurts patients.

What it’s all about

The point of all this is that Republicans have about $5.5 trillion worth of regressive tax cuts they want to enact or extend, which is a lot.

Trump took office in the wake of years of overly-austere fiscal policy from the Obama administration. So he did a big tax cut. And he didn’t reform Social Security or Medicare. And he signed big increases to non-military discretionary spending. And he also signed big increases to military spending. And he ultimately didn’t achieve his dream of repealing the ACA. And even though the deficit increases that resulted from this were large, it was all totally fine.

Biden’s big fiscal stimulus in the wake of Covid ended all that, and we are now in a world where inflation and interest rates are a problem.

In the year 2024, that is mostly a political problem for Joe Biden, who is the incumbent and who I think would be wise to pivot a bit to austerity. But if Trump is president in 2025, it becomes his problem. And if Trump enacts his plans, inflation and interest rates are going to get a lot worse. Pairing these fiscal ideas with an immigration crackdown further exacerbates inflation, just as it further exacerbates Social Security’s insolvency.

The RSC plan, though sloppy and vague on key questions, (Footnote #2) is an attempt to wrestle with this reality in a more serious way than Trump does in his sporadic musings. After (or in tandem with) blowing up the deficit and forcing interest rates up further, the plan is to defray those costs by slashing health benefits and gutting the retirement system. It’s challenging to get people to think of these as among the issues at stake in 2024, because Trump was already president and people don’t think of the Trump years as dominated by these kind of big fiscal debates. But his first order of business in 2017 really was ACA repeal, and he followed it up with a huge tax cut. And as I keep saying, the fiscal circumstances have changed. I am much more open to the idea of some spending cuts than I used to be, but also much less open to giant tax cuts.

If you want these big tax cuts that Trump is pushing for, then you need something like the enormous spending cuts the RSC is proposing.

1. Critics sometimes analogize Social Security to a “pyramid scheme” which I think is unfair, but it is true that population growth, including via immigration, makes it more sustainable. Also note that while there are a lot of problems with illegal immigration and good reasons to want to reduce it, illegal immigrants working with fraudulent documents are especially valuable to Social Security because their employers pay taxes into the system but the immigrants don’t collect benefits.
2. Though extremely specific about the national abortion ban thing!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 11:11 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Nobody is banning abortion.

You'll still be able to safely murder your babies without any problems.

60 Million dead people and counting. Most of them black.

It's almost as if we wouldn't "need" to bring in a bunch of illegal criminal invaders if all those babies were born though, huh?

A Democrat won a landslide victory in an Alabama state legislature race because of abortion.

It's worth noting that the Republican, Teddy Powell, was not some kind of wild-eyed MAGA candidate who was doomed from the start in a swing district. He's a relatively moderate, technocratic guy. But the Democrat, Marilyn Lands, ran exclusively on IVF and reproductive rights and just killed him.

I wonder if Republicans rue the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned? I suppose not yet. But eventually they probably will. Banning abortion isn't popular even in Alabama, and it's going to continue killing Republican candidates as long they're forced to toe the hardline pro-life position.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Nah. Not in the case of Alabama. Republicans are just terrible at campaigning, particularly in special elections.

You could check my post history though. I said that they should drop the whole abortion issue years ago. We have far, far more important issues in this country and these idiots want to risk the country falling into an even deeper pit because they can't let this one issue go.

The Republican party needs better strategists. The Democrat voter is a stupid and easily manipulated voter. It's not hard to win elections against Democrats if you don't constantly shoot yourself in the foot.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 1:38 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Nobody is banning abortion.

You'll still be able to safely murder your babies without any problems.

60 Million dead people and counting. Most of them black.

It's almost as if we wouldn't "need" to bring in a bunch of illegal criminal invaders if all those babies were born though, huh?

A Democrat won a landslide victory in an Alabama state legislature race because of abortion.

It's worth noting that the Republican, Teddy Powell, was not some kind of wild-eyed MAGA candidate who was doomed from the start in a swing district. He's a relatively moderate, technocratic guy. But the Democrat, Marilyn Lands, ran exclusively on IVF and reproductive rights and just killed him.

I wonder if Republicans rue the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned? I suppose not yet. But eventually they probably will. Banning abortion isn't popular even in Alabama, and it's going to continue killing Republican candidates as long they're forced to toe the hardline pro-life position.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Nah. Not in the case of Alabama. Republicans are just terrible at campaigning, particularly in special elections.

You could check my post history though. I said that they should drop the whole abortion issue years ago. We have far, far more important issues in this country and these idiots want to risk the country falling into an even deeper pit because they can't let this one issue go.

The Republican party needs better strategists. The Democrat voter is a stupid and easily manipulated voter. It's not hard to win elections against Democrats if you don't constantly shoot yourself in the foot.


Lands will finish the term and will be up for election in 2026, when the governor's office and other races will be on the ballot.

Just as Democrats pass school property tax referendums all the time by putting them in primaries and special elections, she got voted in because hardly anybody even knew there was an election.

She's raised $284,799 since 2017 and spent $261,273 of it both on this Special Election and her failed 2022 campaign.

Teddy Powell, who she beat, raised $100,295 since Q4 of 2023 and only spent $37,455 of it.

That's just stupid. Was he not even aware there was a special election himself? He deserved to lose.

In this current election, Marilyn Lands out-raised her opponent by 10% ($110,885 vs. $100,295) and doubled the amount that he spent on his campaign ($63,439 vs. $37,455).

Extremely doubtful that she is even a longshot chance in the 2026 election.

I wouldn't read too much into this almost non-event that took place in state legislature. It made for good clickbait headlines on an otherwise boring Wednesday though.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 6:06 PM


The polls had the guy winning easily, yet she destroyed him.

tick tock


Democrat Marilyn Lands flips seat in Alabama House


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 6:14 PM


Again, tick tock...


Meet Mark Robinson: The GOP's Next Top Lunatic


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 10:19 PM



Originally posted by THG:
The polls had the guy winning easily, yet she destroyed him.

tick tock

Yes. I already explained in detail why this happened, Ted.

If you can keep this one in your brain for another 2 1/2 years, watch how she gets destroyed during an actual election.


Just as Democrats pass school property tax referendums all the time by putting them in primaries and special elections, she got voted in because hardly anybody even knew there was an election.

She's raised $284,799 since 2017 and spent $261,273 of it both on this Special Election and her failed 2022 campaign.

Teddy Powell, who she beat, raised $100,295 since Q4 of 2023 and only spent $37,455 of it.

That's just stupid. Was he not even aware there was a special election himself? He deserved to lose.

In this current election, Marilyn Lands out-raised her opponent by 10% ($110,885 vs. $100,295) and doubled the amount that he spent on his campaign ($63,439 vs. $37,455).

Extremely doubtful that she is even a longshot chance in the 2026 election.

I wouldn't read too much into this almost non-event that took place in state legislature. It made for good clickbait headlines on an otherwise boring Wednesday though.

This meant nothing. It means nothing.

I'd say she'd be unemployed in 2 years, but apparently she's got a lot of money. She put tens of thousands of her own cash into her campaign according to those records. At least 10% of the $285k or so her campaign raised since 2017 was her own money. Maybe even 20% of it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, March 28, 2024 9:39 AM


Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has warned of the negative effect that presumptive GOP 2024 nominee Donald Trump will have on down-ballot Republican candidates.

“I think we’re going to lose more seats than we otherwise would with Trump because there are just too many suburban swing voters that just don’t like him, that therefore vote against Republicans,” Ryan said in an interview with Southern Methodist University’s student-run Daily Campus on Tuesday.



Thursday, March 28, 2024 11:18 AM


Paul is a warmongering NeoCon Bushite and he's just butt hurt that the Republican party no longer belongs to his kind.

I wouldn't worry about the down ticket stuff too much. Ronna McDaniel isn't heading the RNC anymore.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, March 28, 2024 9:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Bidenomics Is Making China Angry. That’s OK.

March 28, 2024, 7:00 p.m. ET

A persistent theme in Republican campaigning these past few years has been the effort to portray Democrats in general, and President Biden in particular, as being soft on China — in contrast to Donald Trump’s supposed toughness.

One of the major planks in the G.O.P. case against Biden’s China policies, by the way, was that he was showing his softness by not banning TikTok. This looks ironic now, since Trump, who had favored a ban, suddenly reversed his position, reportedly around the same time that he had a sit-down with a billionaire who donates to Republican campaigns and has a large stake in the Chinese-controlled company.

Even before his TikTok flip-flop, however, the reality was that while Trump talked and imposed showy but ineffective tariffs, he never had a coherent strategy for confronting our biggest rival. Biden, on the other hand, has quietly taken a very tough line on trade, especially with China.

Biden’s sophisticated economic nationalism is a big deal, much more so than Trump’s protectionist thrashing. Biden’s policies are so tough on China that China just filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization about the Inflation Reduction Act, which, despite its name, fights climate change by subsidizing the transition to a low-emission economy. Specifically, China complained about electric vehicle subsidies that it says unfairly discriminate against production using car battery components made in China.

America’s new industrial policy does favor domestic production and — we’ll see — might be in violation of W.T.O. rules. But for China, of all countries, to complain about targeted subsidies is an act of colossal chutzpah.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 28, 2024 10:57 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Trump show is coming back on, to every television screen near you, no matter what channel you want to tune in to.

The past eight years of being a woman in this country has been to ride the roller coaster from Access Hollywood to #MeToo through the Kavanaugh hearings and eventually into losing Roe v Wade. It’s amazing that in the midst of all that, having a president who calls one of his former sexual partners “horseface” still ranks as something to be mad about. But Donald Trump is coming back—and when he does, he will give us something to be mad about every stupid day. And we won’t be able to turn it off, because once again, he’ll be the star of the show.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 28, 2024 11:48 PM



Originally posted by second:
The Trump show is coming back on, to every television screen near you, no matter what channel you want to tune in to.

The past eight years of being a woman in this country has been to ride the roller coaster from Access Hollywood to #MeToo through the Kavanaugh hearings and eventually into losing Roe v Wade. It’s amazing that in the midst of all that, having a president who calls one of his former sexual partners “horseface” still ranks as something to be mad about. But Donald Trump is coming back—and when he does, he will give us something to be mad about every stupid day. And we won’t be able to turn it off, because once again, he’ll be the star of the show.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Oh sure.

Let's pretend like you guys haven't been pissed off every day and invoked Trump's name every day for the last 8 years. That's almost 3,000 consecutive days out of you now.

You've had the ability to turn it off every single day, especially the last 3 years, but you can't help yourselves.

I look forward to watching you get especially crazy over the next 6 months.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, March 29, 2024 12:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Oh sure.

Let's pretend like you guys haven't been pissed off every day and invoked Trump's name every day for the last 8 years. That's almost 3,000 consecutive days out of you now.

You've had the ability to turn it off every single day, especially the last 3 years, but you can't help yourselves.

I look forward to watching you get especially crazy over the next 6 months.

Today, my sister asked me to go look at a house on her street. The house had been foreclosed on and she wanted my opinion about what it was worth. Unasked, I also gave her my guess about the politics of the former owners: "These people were Trumptards." She came back with a: "How could you know? They had Trump 2020 signs in their yard, but those were taken down years ago." I told my sister that there were portents, visible under ultraviolet light and that these people were much the same as Trump, but smaller assholes less successful than him. Trump has cleverly made himself into an object of sexual desire for Trumptards. When Trump is around Trumptards reveal themselves as beasts, fools, incompetents, and crooks in a feedback loop amplifying the Trumptards' defects. When Trump is more in the news, the Trumptards act more like the stupid obese beasts they are.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 29, 2024 6:56 AM




Friday, March 29, 2024 9:56 AM



Originally posted by second:
The Trump show is coming back on, to every television screen near you, no matter what channel you want to tune in to.

The past eight years of being a woman in this country has been to ride the roller coaster from Access Hollywood to #MeToo through the Kavanaugh hearings and eventually into losing Roe v Wade. It’s amazing that in the midst of all that, having a president who calls one of his former sexual partners “horseface” still ranks as something to be mad about. But Donald Trump is coming back—and when he does, he will give us something to be mad about every stupid day. And we won’t be able to turn it off, because once again, he’ll be the star of the show.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Oh sure.

Let's pretend like you guys haven't been pissed off every day and invoked Trump's name every day for the last 8 years. That's almost 3,000 consecutive days out of you now.

You've had the ability to turn it off every single day, especially the last 3 years, but you can't help yourselves.

I look forward to watching you get especially crazy over the next 6 months.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, March 29, 2024 10:38 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Oh sure.

Let's pretend like you guys haven't been pissed off every day and invoked Trump's name every day for the last 8 years. That's almost 3,000 consecutive days out of you now.

You've had the ability to turn it off every single day, especially the last 3 years, but you can't help yourselves.

I look forward to watching you get especially crazy over the next 6 months.

Trump is officially selling a patriotic copy of the Christian Bible themed to Lee Greenwood’s famous song, “God Bless the USA.”

Jesus officially called Trump a robber. In other translations, Trump is a thief. Either Trump is a robber or a thief, it is six of one, half dozen of the other:

15 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’”

The Christian reaction to Trump’s Bible endorsement goes deeper than you think

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 29, 2024 10:47 AM



Originally posted by second:
The Trump show is coming back on, to every television screen near you, no matter what channel you want to tune in to.

The past eight years of being a woman in this country has been to ride the roller coaster from Access Hollywood to #MeToo through the Kavanaugh hearings and eventually into losing Roe v Wade. It’s amazing that in the midst of all that, having a president who calls one of his former sexual partners “horseface” still ranks as something to be mad about. But Donald Trump is coming back—and when he does, he will give us something to be mad about every stupid day. And we won’t be able to turn it off, because once again, he’ll be the star of the show.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Oh sure.

Let's pretend like you guys haven't been pissed off every day and invoked Trump's name every day for the last 8 years. That's almost 3,000 consecutive days out of you now.

You've had the ability to turn it off every single day, especially the last 3 years, but you can't help yourselves.

I look forward to watching you get especially crazy over the next 6 months.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, March 29, 2024 11:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald Trump, Grifter Extraordinaire, Is Now Selling Bibles
It’s almost too perfect.

In doing so, he has stepped into a role American film and literature have long associated with grift. A rhetorical cousin to the traveling snake oil salesman or the villainous priest, the fictional Bible salesman has, through books and movies, become the metaphorical manifestation of the biblical warnings against those who “peddle the word of God for profit” (2 Corinthians 2:17, NIV).

The 2000 film O Brother, Where Art Thou?, the psychotic, one-eyed, loquacious Bible salesman Big Dan Teague (John Goodman) never appears to be innocent. Big and sweaty, he makes no secret of the fact that “it’s all about the money, boys.” After all, he declares, “people are looking for answers, and Big Dan sells the only book that’s got ’em.” Teague might be a smooth talker when it comes to selling “the truth,” but he beats Ulysses (George Clooney) and Delmar (Tim Blake Nelson) senseless with a tree branch before running off with their car and cash.

Big Dan is also a member of the Ku Klux Klan and an active participant in an attempted lynching in the movie. Through this side of his character, the story adds to the Bible salesman trope, linking violence and theft disguised by religion to the South’s history of racial violence in the name of “culture and heritage.” Big Dan’s career as a Bible salesman is a metaphorical hood that allows him to get away with theft, while his Klan hood allows him—and the rest of the hate group—to get away with murder at night while maintaining the veneer of upstanding citizens by day.

American culture continues to be shaped by the fact that, to quote the opening line of the 1969 documentary Salesman, “the best seller in the world is the Bible.” It’s not surprising, then, that as a mask for greed and shamelessness, upselling bibles is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 29, 2024 11:38 AM


I can't imagine how hard it is being you. I'm so sorry for what you have to deal with everyday.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, March 29, 2024 11:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I can't imagine how hard it is being you. I'm so sorry for what you have to deal with everyday.

Trumptards live like you, 6ix. Products of divorce. Dumped by girlfriends. Unemployed. Fat. Self-medicating to easy their afflictions by diseases and mental illness. Short on money and respect. But their obese hero Trump will rule America as God rules the heavens. "Believe me", says Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 29, 2024 12:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Larry David unloads on 'little baby' Trump in interview with Chris Wallace

Appearing in a segment with Chris Wallace, Larry David didn't mince words when talking about Donald Trump's election denial and other routine behavior.

"He's such a little baby that he's thrown 250 years of democracy out the window by not accepting the results. He's such a sociopath. He's so insane. He just couldn't admit to losing. And we know he lost. He knows he lost," David said while speaking with Wallace.

"He's such a sick man."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 29, 2024 8:30 PM


The nationwide poll conducted in mid-March by Florida Atlantic University found 73% of voters agree that “Democracy may have problems, but it is the best system of government,” including 50% who strongly agree. Just 13% disagree.

tick tock



Friday, March 29, 2024 8:33 PM


Liked it...



Originally posted by second:
Larry David unloads on 'little baby' Trump in interview with Chris Wallace

Appearing in a segment with Chris Wallace, Larry David didn't mince words when talking about Donald Trump's election denial and other routine behavior.

"He's such a little baby that he's thrown 250 years of democracy out the window by not accepting the results. He's such a sociopath. He's so insane. He just couldn't admit to losing. And we know he lost. He knows he lost," David said while speaking with Wallace.

"He's such a sick man."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 29, 2024 8:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I noticed THUGR never reposts his brainless posts where he's hyperventilating about TRUMP!RUSSIA! COLLUSION!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, March 29, 2024 10:21 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Liked it...



Originally posted by second:
Larry David unloads on 'little baby' Trump in interview with Chris Wallace

Also Larry David:


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, March 29, 2024 10:27 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I can't imagine how hard it is being you. I'm so sorry for what you have to deal with everyday.

Trumptards live like you, 6ix. Products of divorce. Dumped by girlfriends. Unemployed. Fat. Self-medicating to easy their afflictions by diseases and mental illness. Short on money and respect. But their obese hero Trump will rule America as God rules the heavens. "Believe me", says Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I'm pretty much in a good mood most days. I get to do whatever I want to do. I learn new things all the time. I buy new tools all the time. I create things. I improve things. I have a purpose in life.

You post about Trump 10 times per day for 3,000 days straight and you're a miserable little gremlin.

You're probably the worst possible advertisement for your side.

Meanwhile, this MSNBC article is about you...

More and more Americans are feeling unhappy. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Get some friends. Touch some grass. Stop being an unbearable asshole to every person you come across.

There's still hope for you. I know you can do it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, March 29, 2024 11:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies are looking at interceptions of both communications and financial transactions as part of “a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump,” according to a new report by the New York Times.

It begins = THUGR

Russian hackers from a military intelligence unit hacked Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company Joe Biden’s son Hunter works for, which is also at the center of President Donald Trump’s impeachment. According to The New York Times, hackers used tactics reminiscent of 2016 attacks on the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign and were searching for information to embarrass the Biden family.
I was right again. Trumps been colluding with Russia since 2016.

I am completely confident that the house and senate republicans would much rather have Pence at the top. Given enough cover ( depending on what Trump does ), I think they would impeach him in a heart beat. Furthermore, I believe if they see a disaster coming, like a war or Trump being blackmailed by Putin, they themselves will be desperate to find a way to do it.

Mueller Investigation Is Over / Part two are the trials. Hey Jack, I Was Right. 20 Plus Russians Charged, 19 Of Trumps People Convicted of Felonies.

I seem to remember you getting all twisted about a Russian bank pinging a computer in Trump Tower.

That, plus all the idiocy you posted about Russia and Ukraine.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, March 30, 2024 5:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In an interview with podcaster Lex Fridman published Friday, Mark Cuban was asked why he believes "Biden would make a better president than Trump."

"If you look at the people he's hired, there hasn't been any turnover in his cabinet — at all," Cuban said. "If you look at the people he's hired over the course of his career, or while he was Vice President in particular, there's nobody who's turned on him and came out and written books and published statements about how he's bad for the country."

"Now compare that to Trump. The people closest to him — almost all of them turned unless there's a financial relationship involved," he added. "To me, that says everything."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 30, 2024 6:12 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I noticed THUGR never reposts his brainless posts where he's hyperventilating about TRUMP!RUSSIA! COLLUSION!


Posts about Putin and Russia are in the appropriate threads. That said, they are trying as hard as they can to take down Biden with lies and propaganda.

You know, the shit you post.



Saturday, March 30, 2024 6:20 AM



Gender gap expands between Biden and Trump, new poll shows
Biden holds a slight lead over Trump in Wednesday’s poll from Quinnipiac University.

More women said they would support Biden over Trump in this latest survey, with 58 percent backing Biden and 36 percent backing Trump. Last month, the Quinnipiac poll found 53 percent of women supported the incumbent Democrat, compared to 41 percent for the Republican challenger.


Saturday, March 30, 2024 6:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I'm pretty much in a good mood most days. I get to do whatever I want to do. I learn new things all the time. I buy new tools all the time. I create things. I improve things. I have a purpose in life.

You post about Trump 10 times per day for 3,000 days straight and you're a miserable little gremlin.

You're probably the worst possible advertisement for your side.

Meanwhile, this MSNBC article is about you...

More and more Americans are feeling unhappy. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Get some friends. Touch some grass. Stop being an unbearable asshole to every person you come across.

There's still hope for you. I know you can do it.

I wonder what could end 6ix's smugness? Nothing. It soothes the Trumptards to create false stories about their antagonists being failures and Trumptards being healthy, successful and proud of it. 6ix, you and Trump are not successful and your self-pride is excessive. For example, look at what you posted. The titles say it all:

"Second and Ted Murdered Laken Riley"
"Oh? I thought he wasn't able to appeal unless he posted a half-billion bond? I guess the media lied to you again, huh?"
"Well... He was no longer useful to the DNC or the Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme... So justice was served"
"The Biden Budget Is Nothing But Record Tax Hikes"
"Looks like Congress is going to spend another $1.2 Trillion to keep government workers employeed for another few months"

6ix looks at this list of titles for threads he started and will see himself as a beacon of sanity and his antagonists as evil. I see it as 6ix should stop wasting the rest of his life. But so should Trump. Maybe he should become a philanthropist rather than an opinionated jerk. Check out his jerk speeches which are on the same subjects as 6ix's threads. 6ix and Trump are a Unity, a single mind in many brains, sharing the same feelings.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 30, 2024 8:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The dead man’s wife explained why the couple had ingested fish tank cleaner: “I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, ‘Hey, isn’t that the stuff they’re (Trump) talking about on TV?’” The bottle that killed Gary Lenius and sent Wanda Lenius to the hospital on March 22, 2020, contained chloroquine phosphate. Days earlier President Donald Trump had touted chloroquine as a possible “game changer” in the fight against Covid-19. “The nice part,” he assured the public, “is it’s been around for a long time, so we know that…if things don’t go as planned, it’s not going to kill anybody.” Pharmacies saw alarming increases in prescriptions for chloroquine products.

In those first days of the pandemic, Trump repeatedly made dubious medical claims, in press conferences and on Twitter, that were then repeated on conservative television networks and social media. As the death toll rose, he sought quick solutions. During a press conference on April 23, 2020, Trump boasted that he had told the White House coronavirus response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, to find out if “disinfectant” could cure Covid-19 in humans, through “injection inside or almost a cleaning.” In the same press conference, Trump wondered aloud about ultraviolet light therapy: “Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.”

Birx remained silent, blinked rapidly, and looked down. She was wishing “for the floor to open up and swallow me whole,” she writes in Silent Invasion, her memoir of her time in the Trump administration. “I had come into the White House knowing that having the president’s ear would be crucial to my success…. I had to continue to ensure that science was at the decision-making table inside.” This may explain her decision to damage her credibility by vouching for Trump as he offered dangerous misinformation about a pandemic that eventually killed more than one million Americans. “He’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data,” she told the Christian Broadcasting Network on March 25 that year. “And I think his ability to analyze and integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issues.”

Birx, a physician, award-winning researcher, and retired Army colonel, had been in public service for more than four decades. In 2014 President Obama appointed her as the State Department’s global HIV/AIDS coordinator. In the White House, Birx was meant to be what Politico dubbed a “czar-like figure,” coordinating the pandemic response and reporting directly to the vice-president. Working in the chaotic Trump administration, however, meant that she had to jockey with other Trump appointees for the president’s attention, and her influence waned over time.

Download the free book Silent Invasion by Deborah Birx from the mirrors at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 30, 2024 8:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald Trump’s plan to destroy civil service protections if reelected is more than an employees’ rights issue. What’s at stake is democracy itself.

April 18, 2024 issue

Trump has said that in a second term he wants to sidestep civil service laws that protect government employees from political pressure. Those laws are meant to keep them loyal to the Constitution, the rule of law, and the public—not only the president.

Most of the government’s work doesn’t require political decision-making. Government scientists are supposed to follow science; government lawyers are supposed to interpret laws honestly and provide expertise for drafting regulations; other officials are supposed to disburse benefits, enforce laws, and protect public health and safety without political bias. Federal law prohibits the government from firing most federal employees for refusing to obey orders that would require them to violate any law, rule, or regulation. It also protects employees who report corruption.

If managers fire employees for inappropriate reasons like partisan affiliation, an independent agency called the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) can reinstate them. Another agency called the Office of Special Counsel can investigate and pursue charges with the MSPB when officials retaliate against whistleblowers or engage in other “prohibited personnel practices” (like making personnel decisions based on something other than merit, coercing political activity, or deceiving prospective candidates about their eligibility for federal employment). These protective measures pose a threat to a would-be authoritarian president, which is why Trump inveighs against his imagined “deep state.” Loyalty to America had no place in an administration that valued only personal loyalty to him.

Trump experimented with approaches to destroying the merit-based civil service over the course of his term, but his efforts peaked in October 2020 with an executive order that created a new category of federal employment called Schedule F. Employees transferred into Schedule F would no longer be covered by civil service protections, the administration claimed. Trump’s order paid lip service to retaining rules against various “prohibited personnel practices,” but there was a hidden catch: the Office of Special Counsel would no longer be able to investigate violations of these rules or to pursue action against those who committed them. Instead Trump’s political appointees would be responsible for policing themselves whenever an employee alleged that they had violated the rules. The order also exempted Schedule F positions from merit-based hiring rules, which would have allowed Trump to install loyalists. But he never got the chance to implement his order, which was issued just thirteen days before he lost the 2020 election. No employees were transferred to Schedule F before Biden took office and revoked it.

Trump has pledged to reinstate Schedule F if he is elected to a second term, and then to go further. According to Axios, the Heritage Foundation is leading Project 2025, a coalition of over one hundred right-wing organizations, directed by former Trump administration appointee Paul Dans; the group is drafting plans for Trump to launch on Inauguration Day. Presidents normally get to fill about four thousand positions, a number critics say is already too high compared to other Western nations. But proponents of the plan estimate that Trump could transfer roughly 50,000 federal employees into Schedule F, which would make them easily replaceable with his own picks. He may go further than that: “We will pass critical reforms making every executive branch employee fireable by the president of the United States,” Trump said at a March 2022 rally in South Carolina.

This isn’t just an employees’ rights issue. What’s at stake is democracy itself. The civil service laws protect the public as well, with vital everyday consequences. For instance, right now retirees and veterans don’t have to worry that their party affiliations will affect the processing of their benefits. Passengers on commercial flights don’t have to worry that air traffic controllers might strand them for hours if the airline’s CEO criticizes the president. Small firms don’t have to worry that they’ll be targeted for regulatory enforcement based on their leaders’ political views. Federal law enforcement agencies don’t have to take direction from politicians aiming to target their perceived enemies. All this could change.

The man who said he would be a dictator for at least his first day in office has been open about his authoritarian plans. They include prosecuting political opponents, imposing another ban on immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, constructing massive camps to imprison up to millions of undocumented immigrants, undertaking mass deportations without due process, ending birthright citizenship, challenging the legislative branch’s constitutional budget authority, pardoning January 6 insurrectionists, taking revenge on federal officials who prosecuted him, and, he has promised, deploying the National Guard to American cities. In Trump’s first term, even his top political appointees balked at supporting some of his most egregious ideas. To pull off his assault on democracy in a second term, he will need more ruthless political appointees than he had the first time. He will also need to gut civil service protections to make key segments of the career federal workforce more loyal to him than to the Constitution and the nation’s laws.

Giving Trump absolute control over federal employees, including legions of prosecutors and law enforcement officers, will shatter one of the last major checks on presidential abuses of power. He’ll also want control over the internal lawyers at agencies throughout the government, for they are the referees who warn political bosses when the law prohibits things they want to do. Government will cease to function as a guardian of public safety and be transformed into the weapon of a rogue politician. Science will take a back seat to political ambition. The president will inject political bias into the delivery of services and benefits, possibly to the advantage of swing district voters at the expense of other citizens (liberals and conservatives alike). The president could hand out any of the government’s 2.2 million civilian jobs in exchange for votes or campaign funds, and he could order government employees to subvert election processes. With loyalists placed throughout the Justice Department and the government’s general counsel offices, who would be left to object?

Legal protections for civil servants in their current form date back to 1978, but they evolved over the last 140 years. Trump seeks to send the nation tumbling back to the dark days of nineteenth-century political patronage, the Jacksonian spoils system (from the old saw “To the victor go the spoils”). As President Theodore Roosevelt put it in 1895, the spoils system “was more fruitful of degradation in our political life than any other that could possibly have been invented.” In a January 1871 article, Jacob Cox, a former interior secretary, wrote:

The sloth and incompetence found in any Department now is known by the members of Congress to be in no small measure due to the fact that their own friends and dependents have been forced into places.

Corruption was rampant, from schemes facilitated by government officials after the Civil War to dodge alcohol taxes to the Crédit Mobilier scandal, in which railroad executives formed a shell company to inflate government contracts. The government lacked a fully professionalized corps of procurement officials with job security and whistleblower protections; instead, it had crooked party loyalists.

In 1883 the Pendleton Act finally began the spoils system’s downfall, helping to shore up competence and expertise by reserving 10 percent of government jobs for merit-based hiring and banning the practice of political parties assessing fees from those they placed in government jobs. That percentage of merit-based hires grew over the next several decades, as did the variety and strength of civil service protections. In 1912 Congress enacted a law mandating that firings of most career employees be for cause, though the system still lacked a comprehensive enforcement mechanism. By the mid-twentieth century most federal jobs were filled on the basis of merit and covered by for-cause firing requirements. As of 2024 there are only about four thousand patronage positions left in an executive branch workforce of 2.2 million.

The demise of patronage did not happen overnight; the process was uneven, with periodic setbacks. In the 1930s, for example, an independent commission of academics studied ways to improve the government’s workforce, focusing in part on the vestiges of patronage and their negative effects on federal, state, and local governments, offering this example during a 1934 congressional hearing:

There was a water tank that came crashing down through a nine-story building and killed a number of individuals. And it developed that the tank had been inspected three days before by an inspector of the city, who came in with his badge and made an inspection and everything else, and it turned out that he was a malt salesman, appointed in violation of the merit system, who was sent in and appointed to a ward leader, which resulted in a number of deaths, just because somebody thought it did not make much difference at all.

At an inquest into the accident, the malt-salesman-turned-safety-inspector reportedly testified that the water tank “looked alright to me when I inspected it.” Asked about his knowledge of safety inspections, he admitted that he did not have expertise: “I didn’t know anything about it…. I’m just the same as you or anybody else who might examine it.”

Trump’s chaotic time in the White House shows what would happen if career employees were replaced with patronage hires. His inept picks included a district court nominee who couldn’t answer basic legal questions, an acting director of national security who was more famous as an Internet troll than as a national security expert, and a top communications official for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) who spouted conspiracy theories and didn’t like being alone in Washington because of the “shadows on the ceiling in my apartment.”

One of the clearest examples of the Trump administration putting politics ahead of competence was the case of Rick Bright, a career government scientist who led an office within HHS that Congress created to help handle public health emergencies. Unlike Birx, Bright resisted Trump’s pressure on federal agencies to authorize and support unproven coronavirus treatments. Citing mortality risks, he urged that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine drugs be administered only to hospital patients under the supervision of a physician. The administration retaliated by transferring him out of his job. As the Office of Special Counsel investigated Bright’s reassignment, Trump tweeted that he “should no longer be working for our government!” Bright sued under a whistleblower protection law that would not have applied to Schedule F employees, and the government settled the case in 2021. After Pfizer announced that its experimental Covid vaccine was 90 percent effective less than a week after Election Day, Trump said that the “medical deep state” had sabotaged him.

As Hurricane Dorian barreled toward southern states in September 2019, Trump incorrectly tweeted that Alabama “will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated,” contradicting previous reports. After fielding calls from confused citizens trying to reconcile the inconsistent information coming from the government, the National Weather Service’s Birmingham office corrected Trump’s misstatement by tweeting that the hurricane was not forecasted to affect Alabama. The contradiction incensed acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who demanded that NWS’s parent agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, issue a correction. Doubling down on his false claims three days later, Trump took a Sharpie to a map, altering the anticipated trajectory for the storm to align with his prediction. Under pressure from the White House, the NOAA released a statement that disavowed the forecasters’ correction. An inspector general report concluded that the possibility of forecasters’ delaying or second-guessing predictions could have “life-or-death” consequences and that “the Department unnecessarily rebuked forecasters for issuing a public safety message about Hurricane Dorian in response to public inquiries—that is, for doing their jobs.” Luckily, the forecasters had job protections that allowed them to tell the public the truth.

Trump’s response was even worse when another whistleblower exposed his attempted extortion of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky during a call in July 2019, leading to his first impeachment. Trump retweeted a post that, without evidence, purported to name as the whistleblower a CIA employee, who was then deluged with online threats. He suggested that the whistleblower’s source, whom he called “close to a spy,” should be executed, referring to “what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason.” Amid Trump’s attacks, a Michigan man e-mailed one of the whistleblower’s attorneys, writing, “We will hunt you down and bleed you out like the pigs you are.” (He was sentenced to a year and a day in prison.) Trump stopped short of firing the whistleblower; it’s not clear if he actually knew who the person was, and in any case the whistleblower’s compliance with procedures could have complicated the firing. Trump settled for firing Michael Atkinson, the politically appointed inspector general who received the report.

In the July 2019 conversation with Zelensky, Trump said threateningly of the former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, “She’s going to go through some things.” Trump allies had accused Yovanovitch of disloyalty to Trump and said she had rebuffed a Ukrainian prosecutor, Kostiantyn Kulyk, who had tried to link Joe Biden to Hunter Biden’s activities. (Last fall Ukrainian officials alleged that Kulyk was part of an organization that “carried out subversive informational activities in favor of the Russian Federation” under control of a Russian intelligence agency, the GRU, and in 2021 the Biden administration sanctioned him.) A year before the Trump administration recalled her from Kyiv to Washington, Trump was recorded at a donor dinner responding to associates who claimed she was critical of him, telling them to “get rid of her” and “take her out.” He attacked her on Twitter as she testified under subpoena during the first impeachment inquiry in November 2019. Two months later she retired.

Trump showed similar anger toward Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman and Colonel Yevgeny Vindman. The former committed the offense of complying with a subpoena to testify before Congress about Trump’s call with Zelensky. (Yevgeny Vindman’s role in the Ukraine extortion affair, as an ethics lawyer for the National Security Council, appears to have been limited to dutifully notifying his supervisors of what Alexander reported regarding the call.) As punishment for Alexander’s compliance with the Constitution, Trump dismissed the brothers from the National Security Council and sent them back to the Army. Alexander alleged that Trump and his allies then continued a campaign of “intimidation and retaliation” by smearing him publicly, triggering an investigation of him, and delaying and attempting to prevent his promotion to full colonel. He says this forced his retirement in July 2020.

There is a neo-spoilist movement that is organized, well funded, and laser-focused on ushering in a civil service fully staffed with Trump loyalists. Project 2025 calls itself a “presidential transition project” but is really a plan to reshape the federal government and destroy civil service protections. At a November 2022 event sponsored by the Claremont Institute, a Project 2025 member, Trump’s former deputy assistant for domestic policy Theodore Wold invoked the memory of Andrew Jackson’s spoils system:

The mantra that you should have in mind is “we are failing unless we are disrupting, discrediting, and destroying these people.”… Until we adopt the Jacksonian approach, which is to throw the bastards out, all of them, we will still be living in the Progressive folk tale.

Project 2025 has published an 887-page playbook for the first 180 days of a second Trump term. It is steeped in the weird vernacular of conservative culture warfare, referring to “left-wing ‘experts’” in government, “the predatory deviancy of cultural elites,” and “the secret lifeblood of the Great Awokening.” To ensure that the right kind of thinkers lead the military, it advises that the National Security Council

rigorously review all general and flag officer promotions to prioritize the core roles and responsibilities of the military over social engineering and non-defense matters, including climate change, critical race theory, manufactured extremism, and other polarizing policies.

The playbook urges the next president to “defang and defund the woke culture warriors who have infiltrated every last institution in America.”

Another active supporter of Schedule F, the America First Policy Institute, assigned James Sherk, who developed Schedule F, to make the case for this transformation. Sherk collected stories from fellow former Trump appointees as evidence of deep state sabotage, which then made their way into a book called You Report to Me: Accountability for the Failing Administrative State, written by former interior secretary David Bernhardt, who is now also with the America First Policy Institute. Many of the book’s anonymous anecdotes are highly implausible. In one, Sherk claims that career officials in a major department skirted a Trump-imposed hiring freeze by backdating the start dates of new employees. He told an interviewer that they went about this defiance brazenly, “not even going into the computer, just with a Sharpie, a big black Sharpie.” This may be a case of projection, given Trump’s fondness for Sharpies: the government’s personnel system is entirely electronic, and altering a printout would have no effect on the hiring date in the system.

Sherk also says that career Justice Department attorneys refused to work on cases when they disagreed with the administration’s views, but here the very laws Project 2025 wants to abolish would have worked to the Trump administration’s advantage. The Merit Systems Protection Board has held from its earliest days that employees have “no right to refuse to abide by legitimate supervisory authority.” The federal appeals court that reviews the board’s decisions has affirmed that federal employees “may not refuse to do work merely because of disagreements with management.”

Another important member of the Project 2025 coalition is the Center for Renewing America, founded by former Trump White House budget director Russell Vought. Shortly after Trump issued his Schedule F executive order, Vought recommended moving 88 percent of the Office of Management and Budget’s nonpolitical employees into Schedule F. In February a federal union released documents showing Vought stretched the meaning of “policy-making” positions covered by Schedule F to include even relatively junior and administrative positions, potentially demonstrating that a second Trump administration could target far more positions than Project 2025 is saying publicly. Since then, Vought has continued to champion the order, railing against what he characterizes as a

weaponized bureaucracy that is armed and militant…a Barack Obama–, Joe Biden–infused hybrid, militant, woke and weaponized government that makes every decision on the basis of climate change extremism and on the basis of woke militancy.

Vought’s plans emphasize personal loyalty to the White House’s term-limited resident over loyalty to the nation and the Constitution. “Civil servants should be oriented to accomplishing the agenda of a president—not the office of the president, not their institutions,” he told NPR last year. In a letter to the Office of Personnel Management last fall, Sherk opposed the merit system by arguing that career federal employees “show little ideological divergence from Democratic party-political appointees,” revealing a sinister focus on party affiliation. Project 2025, according to The New York Times, is collecting résumés, aiming to build a database of 20,000 conservatives who want jobs in a second Trump administration. Admission comes with a test for radicalism. One insider told Axios, “They want to see that you’re listening to Tucker, and not pointing to the Reagan revolution or pointing to any George W. Bush stuff.”

“Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state,” Trump exclaimed at a 2023 rally. If his authoritarian revolution comes to pass, some of the first weapons drawn will be pink slips.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 30, 2024 9:57 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I'm pretty much in a good mood most days. I get to do whatever I want to do. I learn new things all the time. I buy new tools all the time. I create things. I improve things. I have a purpose in life.

You post about Trump 10 times per day for 3,000 days straight and you're a miserable little gremlin.

You're probably the worst possible advertisement for your side.

Meanwhile, this MSNBC article is about you...

More and more Americans are feeling unhappy. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Get some friends. Touch some grass. Stop being an unbearable asshole to every person you come across.

There's still hope for you. I know you can do it.

I wonder what could end 6ix's smugness? Nothing. It soothes the Trumptards to create false stories about their antagonists being failures and Trumptards being healthy, successful and proud of it. 6ix, you and Trump are not successful and your self-pride is excessive.

It isn't smugness, dude.

Do you EVER hear me complaining about anything in my own life?

I face challenges all the time. And yeah, a lot of them were self inflicted. A lot of them aren't. Just like every other human being on the planet. Whether they're honest with themselves about it or not.

You're the one who throws my past mistakes in my face every single day to try to bring me down. And then you tell yourself and everybody else that you don't have any problems of your own because you vote Democrat.

You think WAY more about my problems, past and present, than I do. You sit and stalk the garden thread that you've been invited to participate in multiple times not to engage in conversation, but to build up a little cache of ammo to fire at somebody when you can't win an argument.

You ever think maybe I talk to you the way that I do because you're just an asshole?

Stop being an asshole.

I'm trying to do that. You're not making it easy.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, March 30, 2024 10:15 AM



Originally posted by second:
The dead man’s wife explained why the couple had ingested fish tank cleaner: “I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, ‘Hey, isn’t that the stuff they’re (Trump) talking about on TV?’” The bottle that killed Gary Lenius and sent Wanda Lenius to the hospital on March 22, 2020, contained chloroquine phosphate. Days earlier President Donald Trump had touted chloroquine as a possible “game changer” in the fight against Covid-19. “The nice part,” he assured the public, “is it’s been around for a long time, so we know that…if things don’t go as planned, it’s not going to kill anybody.” Pharmacies saw alarming increases in prescriptions for chloroquine products.

In those first days of the pandemic, Trump repeatedly made dubious medical claims, in press conferences and on Twitter, that were then repeated on conservative television networks and social media. As the death toll rose, he sought quick solutions. During a press conference on April 23, 2020, Trump boasted that he had told the White House coronavirus response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, to find out if “disinfectant” could cure Covid-19 in humans, through “injection inside or almost a cleaning.” In the same press conference, Trump wondered aloud about ultraviolet light therapy: “Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.”

Birx remained silent, blinked rapidly, and looked down. She was wishing “for the floor to open up and swallow me whole,” she writes in Silent Invasion, her memoir of her time in the Trump administration. “I had come into the White House knowing that having the president’s ear would be crucial to my success…. I had to continue to ensure that science was at the decision-making table inside.” This may explain her decision to damage her credibility by vouching for Trump as he offered dangerous misinformation about a pandemic that eventually killed more than one million Americans. “He’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data,” she told the Christian Broadcasting Network on March 25 that year. “And I think his ability to analyze and integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issues.”

Birx, a physician, award-winning researcher, and retired Army colonel, had been in public service for more than four decades. In 2014 President Obama appointed her as the State Department’s global HIV/AIDS coordinator. In the White House, Birx was meant to be what Politico dubbed a “czar-like figure,” coordinating the pandemic response and reporting directly to the vice-president. Working in the chaotic Trump administration, however, meant that she had to jockey with other Trump appointees for the president’s attention, and her influence waned over time.

Download the free book Silent Invasion by Deborah Birx from the mirrors at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Oh. You're talking about Wanda Lineus. The lifelong Democrat who was under investigation for murder of her husband in Arizona before the case just disappeared.

Yeah... I'll bet she drank a bunch of fish tank cleaner because Trump told her to do it.

Here's a list of her campaign contributions:

Among them are ActBlue, Arizona Democrat Party, Democratic Action and Mark Kelly For Senate.

She's spent thousands upon thousands upon thousands of her retirement funds making 848 contributions since 10/27/2022, all to Democrats. Sometimes making 4 separate contributions to ActBlue in a single day.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, March 30, 2024 2:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I noticed THUGR never reposts his brainless posts where he's hyperventilating about TRUMP!RUSSIA! COLLUSION!

THUGR: Posts about Putin and Russia are in the appropriate threads. That said, they are trying as hard as they can to take down Biden with lies and propaganda.

You know, the shit you post.

Just reminding you that you post alotta crap, son. About 80-90%. And the crap that I dug up is all about Trump, and relevant to this thread I don't take anything you post about ANYTHING ... Trump, Biden, Russia, Ukraine, me... seriously. In fact, rarely read your posts, and I NEVER listen to your videos. And I gave examples of why that is.

That said, I have to give you credit for not posting as much crap as SECOND, who seems to spend all of his time on the internet hunting for it and reposting it here. Also, insults, libel, hate speech, and threats. It would take a lot of work on your part to catch up to the sheer volume of hate and shit he throws against this wall.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, March 31, 2024 7:18 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I noticed THUGR never reposts his brainless posts where he's hyperventilating about TRUMP!RUSSIA! COLLUSION!

THUGR: Posts about Putin and Russia are in the appropriate threads. That said, they are trying as hard as they can to take down Biden with lies and propaganda.

You know, the shit you post.

Just reminding you that you post alotta crap, son. About 80-90%. And the crap that I dug up is all about Trump, and relevant to this thread I don't take anything you post about ANYTHING ... Trump, Biden, Russia, Ukraine, me... seriously. In fact, rarely read your posts, and I NEVER listen to your videos. And I gave examples of why that is.

That said, I have to give you credit for not posting as much crap as SECOND, who seems to spend all of his time on the internet hunting for it and reposting it here. Also, insults, libel, hate speech, and threats. It would take a lot of work on your part to catch up to the sheer volume of hate and shit he throws against this wall.


I'll tell you what's funny comrade signym. You being a Russian shill, a enthusiastic customer of Russian and any other authoritarian leaders bullshit.

Then you accuse others of it thinking nobody will notice who is really lying and posting bullshit. Now that's funny. And if that's not correct and you really don't know the difference, they wow you're an idiot.



Sunday, March 31, 2024 9:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

That said, I have to give you credit for not posting as much crap as SECOND, who seems to spend all of his time on the internet hunting for it and reposting it here. Also, insults, libel, hate speech, and threats. It would take a lot of work on your part to catch up to the sheer volume of hate and shit he throws against this wall.

Struggle much with life, Signym? You and 6ix (and especially Trump!) put the Retard in Trumptard. I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time. Even converting Trump's all CAPS LOCK rants to lowercase is effortless:

Behold Donald Trump's Easter morning message of redemption and grace to the American people:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Happy Easter to all, including crooked and corrupt prosecutors and judges that are doing everything possible to interfere with the presidential election of 2024, and put me in prison, including those many people that I completely & totally despise because they want to destroy America, a now failing nation, like "deranged" Jack Smith, who is evil and "sick," Mrs. Fani "Fauni" Wade, who said she hardly knew the "special" prosecutor, only to find that he spent years "loving" her, long before the Georgia persecution of President Trump began (and thereby making the case against me null, void, and illegal!), And lazy on violent crime Alvin Bragg who, with crooked Joe's DOJ thugs, unfairly working in the D.A.'s office, illegally indicted me on a case he never wanted to bring and virtually all legal scholars say is a case that should not be brought, is breaking the law in doing so (Pomerantz!), was turned down by all other law enforcement authorities, and is not a crime. Happy Easter everyone!

Mar 31, 2024, 10:21 am

There's an ancient online controversy about how best to respond to manufactured outrage like this. One camp says we should ignore it. The folks who produce this stuff just want attention, so by responding we're taking the bait. The other camp says that it's not enough for only political junkies to see this stuff. The broad public needs to see it in its raw form, and by burying it we let the lunatic right off the hook.

I've gone back and forth about this, but these days I lean toward engaging with it. An awful lot of non-MAGA voters seem to believe that Trump has moderated over the past few years, which just isn't true. Not in policy and not in rhetoric. It's hard to get people excited about policy, but what if Trump's tirades were read every day on the evening news? Would swing voters start to get the message?

More generally, lefty Twitter has lately been discussing the state of conservative opinion chatterers. The current shape of things is that mainstream TV and print outlets feature plenty of "Never Trump" Republicans but not many MAGA Republicans. But MAGA Republicans represent a big chunk of the country. Shouldn't they be represented?

The problem with this is obvious: mainstream outlets don't want people who are going to yell and scream and spout endless lies. They want sober, intelligent analysts. But it's hard to find MAGA partisans who fit this description.

Is it time to give up on this? Maybe middle America needs to be exposed to raw, violent, dimwitted MAGA sewage, if that represents the real world. Or would this just give the lunatics the attention they crave?

It's an endless debate and there's still no good answer.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at




THG 10.17 13:44
6ixStringJack 10.17 14:36
6ixStringJack 10.17 14:37
6ixStringJack 10.17 14:41
THG 10.17 16:54
6ixStringJack 10.17 17:26
SIGNYM 10.17 17:33
THG 10.17 17:56
SIGNYM 10.17 18:22
THG 10.17 18:47
6ixStringJack 10.17 19:09
THG 10.17 19:19
6ixStringJack 10.17 19:22
6ixStringJack 10.17 19:25
THG 10.17 19:27
SECOND 10.17 19:49
6ixStringJack 10.17 20:27
SECOND 10.17 20:50
6ixStringJack 10.17 21:24
SIGNYM 10.17 22:05
SIGNYM 10.17 22:56


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