Russian losses in Ukraine

UPDATED: Sunday, October 13, 2024 06:34
VIEWED: 25465
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Wednesday, May 8, 2024 11:37 AM



Wednesday, May 8, 2024 11:51 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

THUGR, I question AGAIN whether you even listened to your video.

It is, once again, A GUY OPINING over a bunch of distracting pictures (meaningless charts, USA soldiers in exercises, bigwigs sitting around a table) ...

And in it, like the previous video, he makes a number of assertions withiut a shred of data to back it up.

For example:" China has hollowed out the less developed countires of their resources and the more developed countries of their manufacturing. "

He makes this statement without reference to anyone's ACTUAL GDP TRENDS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.

It's true that manufacturing in the collective west has been hollowed out. But that's not CHINA'S doing. It was the CEOS of multiple manufacturers who decided to relocate there.

What about the less developed world?

I dunno. China is investing huge amounts of money in infrastructure development ... roads, railways, ports, communications .. in central and western Asia (AKA the 'stans and the mideast) and Africa in exchange for raw materials. I understand China's model. They need to keep their population busy and out of trouble, and one way they can do that is import raw materials and export finished goods. They have turned away from the USA and the EU as a market and are turning to "the global south".

Whether that turns into a net positive for these less developed nations depends on whether the benefits are soaked up in internal corruotion and whether the leadership is forward thinking.

But Iranians, Syrians, and many African nations are currently in the midst of an economic boom. That's not "hollowed out". (BTW, not a big fan of China, but reality is is what reality is.)

Something I've been bitching about for decades.

Congress, he says, is a bunch of dummies.
Jeez, no shit.

He then says China is a landlocked country.
Has he not even looked at a map showing Chinas ginormous coastline???

OMFG, how can you trust anyone who makes such a boneheaded statement????

He says: "China is not our enemy. The DOD uses it to justify their budgets"


He hasn't even looked at a map, much less doing research into facts on the ground, for ANY of his statements.

No facts, no figures, no data, no thought.

For your own understanding of the world, you should insist on better, MUCH better, sources of information. Information that can be verified. Not somebody's glib blather.

I keep telling you comrade to pay attention. He never said China was landlocked. 5 minutes into the video he talks about Afghanistan being landlocked and how us trying to set up a regional government there would never have worked.

Good for you though, you must have actually watched the video to notice that; even if you did hear it wrong.

Your whole complaint rests on the fact that you mistook what he was saying. I suggest you watch it again.

I have posted many videos of him now laying out the facts showing how and why America is poised to plunge into prosperity, while most of the rest of the world is faltering. Included in that are tons of good paying blue color manufacturing jobs. Pay attention comrade.

And back off the laughing when you are so obviously wrong. It makes you look like an idiot.


Listen up people...Signym, you're nothing but a bad news propaganda machine. A sad and anti- American commentator that mostly sources anti-social hate sites. And you're posting shit that has been disproven again and again. China's infrastructure spending is what's bringing down the country. And the rest of your post is the same unsubstantiated crap.

I've shown how all your concerns about the video I posted was because you failed to understand what was actually said. I see now you tried to salvage what you said based on your wrongheaded logic. That is just sad.


The Chinese Collapse: A (MASSIVE) Housing Overbuild

China's Ghost Cities: The Truth Behind The Empty Megacities


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 11:58 AM



Why The U.S. Won’t Pay Down Its Debt


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, fuck off THUGR.

I misheard one sentence.

But that was not my MAJOR concern, it was ONE EXAMPLE of my concern, not just with this video but EVERYTHING that I've heard so far from him:


His whole approach is contaminated.
He may by wrong.
He may be right.
How can anyone tell?
Can you, COMRADE?

So yeah, harp on one issue, but ignore the main problem.
It just makes you look dishonest.

BTW not a fan of China. I have long criticized their economic and financial policies. One of their boneheaded policies is throwing their not- inconsiderable national wealth, provincial bonds, and individual savings into The Next Big Thing, whether that is Belt and Road, EV manufacturing, infrastructure over- development, or real estate speculation. Also, their dependence on being an exporting nation with a positive balqnce of trade (the Japan and S Korea model). I think those are stupid decisions based on expediency. So, yeah, China: good luck with that.

But don't we see a lot of expediency here, too?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And now .... back on topic.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Oh, fuck off THUGR.

I misheard one sentence.

But that was not my MAJOR concern, it was ONE EXAMPLE of my concern, not just with this video but EVERYTHING that I've heard so far from him:


His whole approach is contaminated.
He may by wrong.
He may be right.
How can anyone tell?
Can you, COMRADE?

So yeah, harp on one issue, but ignore the main problem.
It just makes you look dishonest.

BTW not a fan of China. I have long criticized their economic and financial policies. One of their boneheaded policies is throwing their not- inconsiderable national wealth, provincial bonds, and individual savings into The Next Big Thing, whether that is Belt and Road, EV manufacturing, infrastructure over- development, or real estate speculation. Also, their dependence on being an exporting nation with a positive balqnce of trade (the Japan and S Korea model). I think those are stupid decisions based on expediency. So, yeah, China: good luck with that.

But don't we see a lot of expediency here, too?

Again and again I have to show you how what you post is always wrong. Here I go again comrade. Pay attention signym. And I posted the ghost cities in China video to show how Peter Ziehan is correct. This belt and road video is in response to your posting how it was a good thing.


Why China’s Belt and Road Initiative is Failing


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:30 PM


Fuck Ukraine.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:41 PM





Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:45 PM


Fuck Ukraine.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 2:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


THUGR: This belt and road video is in response to your posting how it was a good thing.


Are you being stupid on purpose??????

I never posted that it was "a good thing!"

In fact, I criticized it, along with China's other Next Big Thing projects.


Here, let me help you with your reading comprehension!


BTW not a fan of China. I have long criticized their economic and financial policies. One of their boneheaded policies is throwing their not- inconsiderable national wealth, provincial bonds, and individual savings into The Next Big Thing, whether that is Belt and Road, EV manufacturing, infrastructure over- development, or real estate speculation. Also, their dependence on being an exporting nation with a positive balqnce of trade (the Japan and S Korea model). I think those are stupid decisions based on expediency. So, yeah, China: good luck with that.

Jeez!! I may have a problem with my hearing, but you have a problem with your brain!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 3:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

THUGR: This belt and road video is in response to your posting how it was a good thing.


Are you being stupid on purpose??????

I never posted that it was "a good thing!"

In fact, I criticized it, along with China's other Next Big Thing projects.


Here, let me help you with your reading comprehension!


BTW not a fan of China. I have long criticized their economic and financial policies. One of their boneheaded policies is throwing their not- inconsiderable national wealth, provincial bonds, and individual savings into The Next Big Thing, whether that is Belt and Road, EV manufacturing, infrastructure over- development, or real estate speculation. Also, their dependence on being an exporting nation with a positive balqnce of trade (the Japan and S Korea model). I think those are stupid decisions based on expediency. So, yeah, China: good luck with that.

Jeez!! I may have a problem with my hearing, but you have a problem with your brain!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

THUGR, I question AGAIN whether you even listened to your video.

It is, once again, A GUY OPINING over a bunch of distracting pictures (meaningless charts, USA soldiers in exercises, bigwigs sitting around a table) ...

And in it, like the previous video, he makes a number of assertions withiut a shred of data to back it up.

For example:" China has hollowed out the less developed countires of their resources and the more developed countries of their manufacturing. "
He makes this statement without reference to anyone's ACTUAL GDP TRENDS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.

It's true that manufacturing in the collective west has been hollowed out. But that's not CHINA'S doing. It was the CEOS of multiple manufacturers who decided to relocate there.

What about the less developed world?

I dunno. China is investing huge amounts of money in infrastructure development ... roads, railways, ports, communications .. in central and western Asia (AKA the 'stans and the mideast) and Africa in exchange for raw materials. I understand China's model. They need to keep their population busy and out of trouble, and one way they can do that is import raw materials and export finished goods. They have turned away from the USA and the EU as a market and are turning to "the global south".

Whether that turns into a net positive for these less developed nations depends on whether the benefits are soaked up in internal corruotion and whether the leadership is forward thinking.

But Iranians, Syrians, and many African nations are currently in the midst of an economic boom. That's not "hollowed out". (BTW, not a big fan of China, but reality is is what reality is.)[/font]

Something I've been bitching about for decades.

Congress, he says, is a bunch of dummies.
Jeez, no shit.

He then says China is a landlocked country.
Has he not even looked at a map showing Chinas ginormous coastline???

OMFG, how can you trust anyone who makes such a boneheaded statement????

He says: "China is not our enemy. The DOD uses it to justify their budgets"


He hasn't even looked at a map, much less doing research into facts on the ground, for ANY of his statements.

No facts, no figures, no data, no thought.

For your own understanding of the world, you should insist on better, MUCH better, sources of information. Information that can be verified. Not somebody's glib blather.

You're talking China up here moron. You've changed your perspective to save pride. I destroyed you with facts.



Wednesday, May 8, 2024 4:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


THUGR: This belt and road video is in response to your posting how it was a good thing.


Are you being stupid on purpose??????
I never posted that it was "a good thing!"
In fact, I criticized it, along with China's other Next Big Thing projects.

Here, let me help you with your reading comprehension!


BTW not a fan of China. I have long criticized their economic and financial policies. One of their boneheaded policies is throwing their not- inconsiderable national wealth, provincial bonds, and individual savings into The Next Big Thing, whether that is Belt and Road, EV manufacturing, infrastructure over- development, or real estate speculation. Also, their dependence on being an exporting nation with a positive balqnce of trade (the Japan and S Korea model). I think those are stupid decisions based on expediency. So, yeah, China: good luck with that.

Jeez!! I may have a problem with my hearing, but you have a problem with your brain!


THUGR, I question AGAIN whether you even listened to your video.

It is, once again, A GUY OPINING over a bunch of distracting pictures (meaningless charts, USA soldiers in exercises, bigwigs sitting around a table) ...

And in it, like the previous video, he makes a number of assertions withiut a shred of data to back it up.

For example:" China has hollowed out the less developed countires of their resources and the more developed countries of their manufacturing. "
He makes this statement without reference to anyone's ACTUAL GDP TRENDS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.

My objection to this statement isn't that it's TRUE OR FALSE. I post, later, that China's investment in other countries could be GOOD OR BAD, DEPENDING.
My objection is that his statement is UNSUPPORTED BY DATA.



It's true that manufacturing in the collective west has been hollowed out. But that's not CHINA'S doing. It was the CEOS of multiple manufacturers who decided to relocate there.

What about the less developed world?

I dunno. China is investing huge amounts of money in infrastructure development ... roads, railways, ports, communications .. in central and western Asia (AKA the 'stans and the mideast) and Africa in exchange for raw materials. I understand China's model. They need to keep their population busy and out of trouble, and one way they can do that is import raw materials and export finished goods. They have turned away from the USA and the EU as a market and are turning to "the global south".

Whether that turns into a net positive for these less developed nations depends on whether the benefits are soaked up in internal corruotion and whether the leadership is forward thinking.

But Iranians, Syrians, and many African nations are currently in the midst of an economic boom. That's not "hollowed out". (BTW, not a big fan of China, but reality is is what reality is.)

So here I will be more explicit in my thinking.

I have read of loans made to various nations ... Indonesia and Pakistan come to mind ... that were very unwise for those nations to have taken on. As I recall, they were both for deepwater ports. The ports never attracted the revenues that they were supposed to, and those revenues were to pay off the loans.

China also loaned money to Iceland back in 2008/2009. The terms were strict, Iceland paid off its loan with fish.

So it depends on how loan repayments are to be made, and if they can be backed or partially backed by commodities or if this is all based on currency exchanges and anticipated revenues.

Like I said: internal corruption or lack of forward thinking by the nation taking on the loan. Iran has a very directed loan from China: money for oilfield development in exchnage for oil.


You're talking China up here moron. You've changed your perspective to save pride. I destroyed you with facts.

Of course we're talking China! And, no, I haven't changed my perspective. I just hate it when people make big sweeping statements without data or evidence to back them up. China IMHO is a mixed bag. They have made great strides but, again IMHO, are making serious blunders.

And, yes, Zeihan said Congress was full of dummies and the DOD is focused on the wrong enemy.

What's your problem?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 6:16 PM



Originally posted by THG:
You're talking China up here moron. You've changed your perspective to save pride. I destroyed you with facts.

The only thing a Democrat has ever destroyed anyone with is lies.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7:51 PM


Pay attention, a history and economics lesson. Comrade signym, you wanted charts and graphs, get ready to have your mind blown.



Thursday, May 9, 2024 3:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Stalin, not because of who he was or what he did but by who he SCARED.... US "
I guess beating the Nazis wasn't very important.
Neither was helping to chase the Japs out of China, and saving the fledging nationalist and, eventually, communist government.
Since those didn't affect US, directly, in his mind it never happened..

"We changed how everything would work"
Everything? Did we change anything in Africa? S and Central America? India? Asia?

"We had to change how "the world" worked"
The world? Same question.

So that any one could safely go anywhere, interface with any market, any community, any commodity.."
Except the Warsaw pact countries, China, and S and Central American nations who were in thrall to the USA.
"We" were not about "free trade".
What we are about was maintaining our grip on our economic and financial colonies, including the Mideast (oil), Chile (copper) etc. And we regime-changed a bunchnif nations to keep it that way.


I think you see where I'm going with this, THUGR. Altho he pretends to be a geopolitical wizard. Zeihan has a blind spot as big as the entire non- Western world.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, May 9, 2024 10:52 AM


I'm going to guess that your mind wasn't blown by Ted's TED Talk, huh Sigs?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, May 9, 2024 12:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm going to guess that your mind wasn't blown by Ted's TED Talk, huh Sigs?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Not so far.
I got about 8 minutes into it when I realized that his long, convoluted intro was all about the "demographic transition" ... which I already know about ... when a people change from being primarily agricultural and rural to being industrialized and urban. That's when childbirth rates plummet.

And that he was hanging a bunch ... assumptions? propaganda? .... about how this phenomenon came about because the USA "won" WWII and changed "the world" to become globalist. In 1945.

And that youthful agricultural societies are consumption and growth- based.

Growing population, maybe, but agricultural societies are generally poor and don't consume much, per person. Just look at Africa and India. You can't consume what you don't have money to buy.

Anyway, I'll see where he's going with this when I'm doing dishes or something. But right now his talk is so riven with inconsistencies that it's hard to see how he can hit on any valid predictions bc his model is IMHO faulty.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, May 9, 2024 5:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Stalin, not because of who he was or what he did but by who he SCARED.... US "
I guess beating the Nazis wasn't very important.
Neither was helping to chase the Japs out of China, and saving the fledging nationalist and, eventually, communist government.
Since those didn't affect US, directly, in his mind it never happened..

"We changed how everything would work"
Everything? Did we change anything in Africa? S and Central America? India? Asia?

"We had to change how "the world" worked"
The world? Same question.

So that any one could safely go anywhere, interface with any market, any community, any commodity.."
Except the Warsaw pact countries, China, and S and Central American nations who were in thrall to the USA.
"We" were not about "free trade".
What we are about was maintaining our grip on our economic and financial colonies, including the Mideast (oil), Chile (copper) etc. And we regime-changed a bunchnif nations to keep it that way.


I think you see where I'm going with this, THUGR. Altho he pretends to be a geopolitical wizard. Zeihan has a blind spot as big as the entire non- Western world.

Ok comrade, let's see charts and graphs with numbers to back up what you ranted about. It's why you criticized Ziehan, and why I posted a video of his with charts, graphs and numbers. Or are you nothing but bullshit? Come on, show us the evidence showing you are correct.

Waiting here...



Thursday, May 9, 2024 6:26 PM


Fuck off Ted.

You wouldn't know how to read a chart if you were presented with one.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, May 10, 2024 1:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Fuck off Ted.

You wouldn't know how to read a chart if you were presented with one.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Like the previous video where there was a bar "chart" going up and down and the axes weren't even labeled or numbered. What did all those lines going up and down mean?
Who knows????


Real busy THUGR. Since this is video I have to watch I can't just do dishes and listen.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, May 10, 2024 6:25 AM


Ted thinks in political cartoons and article headlines.

But at least he thinks.

Second reads an article form some far leftist website or person and suddenly that becomes his thoughts in the moment. He has no ability to rationalize or question anything. He simply just is the propaganda at this point.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, May 10, 2024 11:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Second reads an article form some far leftist website or person and suddenly that becomes his thoughts in the moment. He has no ability to rationalize or question anything. He simply just is the propaganda at this point.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Time is not on Russia‘s side

The economic growth recorded in Russia in 2023 was the classic result of a policy of "wartime Keynesianism", which was already seen in Germany in the 1930s. With a 70% increase in 2024 defence spending compared to the previous year, some 30% of Russia’s budget and 6 % of its GDP are now officially dedicated to national defence with important additional resources earmarked as classified expenses. Military and security spending are back to Soviet era levels.

The Russian economy has been fuelled by this explosion of defence spending, including high payments to soldiers and the families of those killed in Ukraine, especially in ethnic minorities in the poorer regions. This dynamic is also reflected in regional economic imbalances, with regions with strong military industries or bordering Ukraine showing better economic performances, due to war-related activities.

For an authoritarian regime like Putin’s Russia, it is relatively easy to redirect the economy towards military production, albeit with massive negative consequences for other sectors. The shift towards a war economy necessarily means much less spending on education, health, social security, roads, civilian infrastructure, energy systems…

Currently, annual inflation rates in Russia surpass 8%, compared to the 2.6% seen in the Eurozone. This has been particularly true for food prices, with for example a 40 % rise in the price of eggs in 2023, a staple food for many Russians. The expenses for meals in the budget of an average Russian family has increased to more than 30% of the total.

Investor confidence in the future of the Russian economy is so low that the Russian government must borrow at a 10-year interest rate of almost 14% a year, compared with an average of 2.9% in the Eurozone. Russia has already experienced significant capital flight and even those who Russia labels as ‘friendly’ countries are not eager to bet their money on the future of Russia. With interest rates at such a high level, private investments in Russia are severely impacted and the Russian State itself can ill afford to borrow. The consecutive lack of investment will further dent Russia’s economic future.

Despite the ability of the Russian authoritarian regime to massively redirect the production of the country's economy towards weapons and ammunition production, its dependence on countries like Iran or North Korea to provide enough drones, ammunition or missiles to sustain its war effort reflects also a persistent industrial weakness aggravated by Western sanctions. The production of cars in Russia has plummeted to half of what it was before the war. The space industry, which was once the pride of the country, is in deep trouble. Air transport has become quite dangerous due to a lack of maintenance, software updates and spare parts.

A major labour market crisis in Russia

Moreover, in a rapidly ageing country, where the population has already been declining since 2000, the exodus of hundreds of thousands of qualified young people after February 2022 in addition to hundreds of thousands mobilised, dead or disabled for life due to Russia’s war has opened a profound labour market crisis in Russia. In an attempt to mitigate this crisis, the Russian government had opened the gates to immigration from Central Asia. However, after the tragic terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall, for which Daesh has claimed responsibility, many of these migrants are being sent back home, thus aggravating the workforce crisis in Russia.

Due to its war against Ukraine, the Russian economy is more than ever highly concentrated on trading basic commodities, often at a discounted price, for medium and high-tech goods. China is using this situation of weakness to buy cheap oil from Russia and export more goods to Russia, which is becoming increasingly dependent on its big neighbour. Currently, roughly 50% of Russia’s imports come from China.

In short, the belief that the Russian economy would be resilient to Western sanctions and that time favours Russia in its war of aggression does not stand up to scrutiny. If we do what is necessary to continue support Ukraine economically and militarily, in particular on the ammunition side, it can prevail. Russia, despite being three time more populated, is in reality already considerably weakened by our sanctions. Over time, their effect is set to be increasingly felt as human capital erodes, the volume and quality of investments deteriorate, and Russia is deprived of the advanced technologies needed to support its future.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 11, 2024 1:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Stalin, not because of who he was or what he did but by who he SCARED.... US "
I guess beating the Nazis wasn't very important.
Neither was helping to chase the Japs out of China, and saving the fledging nationalist and, eventually, communist government.
Since those didn't affect US, directly, in his mind it never happened..

"We changed how everything would work"
Everything? Did we change anything in Africa? S and Central America? India? Asia?

"We had to change how "the world" worked"
The world? Same question.

So that any one could safely go anywhere, interface with any market, any community, any commodity.."
Except the Warsaw pact countries, China, and S and Central American nations who were in thrall to the USA.
"We" were not about "free trade".
What we are about was maintaining our grip on our economic and financial colonies, including the Mideast (oil), Chile (copper) etc. And we regime-changed a bunchnif nations to keep it that way.


I think you see where I'm going with this, THUGR. Altho he pretends to be a geopolitical wizard. Zeihan has a blind spot as big as the entire non- Western world.

THUGR: Ok comrade, let's see charts and graphs with numbers to back up what you ranted about. It's why you criticized Ziehan, and why I posted a video of his with charts, graphs and numbers. Or are you nothing but bullshit? Come on, show us the evidence showing you are correct.

Waiting here...

It's not a "rant".

I'm just pointing out logical inconsistencies in his first few statements, which all point in the same direction: Everything important that happened, happened in or to the western world + Japan (which in HIS mind is "the world") and everyplace else doesn't rate even a thought.

AFA the "demographic transition", it is such a well-known concept even Wikipedia has an entry on it. But if you were to do a websearch on it you'd find dozens of models and predictions

Birth rates: He talks about how "the world" was affected. Looking at even present-day birth rates, it's clear that this has not happened throughout the world, and it happened in the Soviet Union, which was isolated from western trade by the self-imposed Iron Curtain.

World birth rates

Different maps show different rates with different levels of granularity but the source of this map has quite a few for comparison.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, May 11, 2024 2:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, I listened to the video. The premises of his entire talk are that

1) China isn't going to exist in 10 years thanks to very low/ unsustainable birth rates (there goes cheap labor) and
2) Commodities from Russia will be unavailable bc Russia won't be able to keep up with the engineering and repair required by the harsh Siberian environment
3) Supply chains are unsustainably complex, some requiring 1,700 separate inputs (IIRC), each step constituting a potential point of failure, and requiring everything to work perfectly smoothly for continued production.

Well, I will have to independently research his premises on China and Russia to see if they're true.

But the upshot of what he is saying is that the USA needs to re-industrialize and untangle its supply chains, and since our working-age population is going to dip about then, we need to invest in automation.


I have been pointing out that we are still blessed with continental scale resources, we need to make ourselves less vulnerable to external shocks and internal natural disasters by not only re- industrializing but by duplicating production into different regions and dialing back on "just in time" deliveries, so if our chip fabs in Houston are flattened by a hurricane (for example) or our fully automated textile factory in N Carolina burns down, our stockpiles and factories elsewhere can limp along.


THIS, BTW, is the "Russian model", which aims to be as independent of other nations as possinle. As opposed to the "Chinese model" which absolutely deoends on global trade.

You're such a brainless tool, you can't even parse what people are saying, or why.

I also agree with him that green energy is not gonna work everywhere and, if attempted everywhere, will be net carbon positive.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, May 11, 2024 3:46 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, I listened to the video. The premises of his entire talk are that

1) China isn't going to exist in 10 years thanks to very low/ unsustainable birth rates (there goes cheap labor) and
2) Commodities from Russia will be unavailable bc Russia won't be able to keep up with the engineering and repair required by the harsh Siberian environment
3) Supply chains are unsustainably complex, some requiring 1,700 separate inputs (IIRC), each step constituting a potential point of failure, and requiring everything to work perfectly smoothly for continued production.

Well, I will have to independently research his premises on China and Russia to see if they're true.

But the upshot of what he is saying is that the USA needs to re-industrialize and untangle its supply chains, and since our working-age population is going to dip about then, we need to invest in automation.


I have been pointing out that we are still blessed with continental scale resources, we need to make ourselves less vulnerable to external shocks and internal natural disasters by not only re- industrializing but by duplicating production into different regions and dialing back on "just in time" deliveries, so if our chip fabs in Houston are flattened by a hurricane (for example) or our fully automated textile factory in N Carolina burns down, our stockpiles and factories elsewhere can limp along.


THIS, BTW, is the "Russian model", which aims to be as independent of other nations as possinle. As opposed to the "Chinese model" which absolutely deoends on global trade.

You're such a brainless tool, you can't even parse what people are saying, or why.

I also agree with him that green energy is not gonna work everywhere and, if attempted everywhere, will be net carbon positive.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.

Overpopulation too.

Nobody is going to have that talk until it's too late to have that talk.

That is, assuming that the 1% of the 1%ers haven't already figured out their solution to that problem and it isn't already underway... Which they probably already have and it probably already is.

Like everything else is, even human life is a pyramid scheme the way we're doing things now. We just take and take and take all the gifts we were given without ever being able to contribute anything back in any impactful or meaningful way.

The only solution to almost every problem, especially financial problems, is more and more people to support every pyramid scheme we've built modern society on. Not having babies? We'll you're not going to get social security and you're going to pay 5 times as much for your car and homeowner's insurance. That is... unless you allow millions of people to come in and take over your country and keep that pyramid propped up for another generation.

Sure... Why not? Kick the can down the road again. It's just what we do.

We're already WAY beyond equilibrium at this point.

As evil as I think the true "TPTB" are, a big part of me almost hopes that they have solved this problem and are currently doing something about it. Because if they managed to do something about it now while people could be incentivized while we're not on the verge of having depleted all of the world's resources, it will go down a hell of a lot smoother than the solutions that would be taking place if they wait until the breaking point and need immediate results.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, May 11, 2024 5:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If you believe Zeihan, one of the most populated countries in the world, China, is about to undergo a population crash, and all of the industrialized and all of the industrializing nations are already shrinking or will soon.

Also, by looking at world birth rates, the best way to reduce population growth is to industrialize, urbanize, and improve the standard of living.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, May 11, 2024 5:59 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Stalin, not because of who he was or what he did but by who he SCARED.... US "
I guess beating the Nazis wasn't very important.
Neither was helping to chase the Japs out of China, and saving the fledging nationalist and, eventually, communist government.
Since those didn't affect US, directly, in his mind it never happened..

"We changed how everything would work"
Everything? Did we change anything in Africa? S and Central America? India? Asia?

"We had to change how "the world" worked"
The world? Same question.

So that any one could safely go anywhere, interface with any market, any community, any commodity.."
Except the Warsaw pact countries, China, and S and Central American nations who were in thrall to the USA.
"We" were not about "free trade".
What we are about was maintaining our grip on our economic and financial colonies, including the Mideast (oil), Chile (copper) etc. And we regime-changed a bunchnif nations to keep it that way.


I think you see where I'm going with this, THUGR. Altho he pretends to be a geopolitical wizard. Zeihan has a blind spot as big as the entire non- Western world.

THUGR: Ok comrade, let's see charts and graphs with numbers to back up what you ranted about. It's why you criticized Ziehan, and why I posted a video of his with charts, graphs and numbers. Or are you nothing but bullshit? Come on, show us the evidence showing you are correct.

Waiting here...

It's not a "rant".

I'm just pointing out logical inconsistencies in his first few statements, which all point in the same direction: Everything important that happened, happened in or to the western world + Japan (which in HIS mind is "the world") and everyplace else doesn't rate even a thought.

AFA the "demographic transition", it is such a well-known concept even Wikipedia has an entry on it. But if you were to do a websearch on it you'd find dozens of models and predictions

Birth rates: He talks about how "the world" was affected. Looking at even present-day birth rates, it's clear that this has not happened throughout the world, and it happened in the Soviet Union, which was isolated from western trade by the self-imposed Iron Curtain.

World birth rates

Different maps show different rates with different levels of granularity but the source of this map has quite a few for comparison.

What are you talking about? The shift he talks about in populations is what Wikipedia lays out. That, failed economics and so on. That is what he is explaining.

Riddle me this comrade. Let's keep it simple. Explain to me how he is wrong about China. If you can, then there is room for disagreement with other claims he's made about the consequences of that. And if the best you can do is to just rant, spew out lies for the sake of propaganda's sake, forget it.



Saturday, May 11, 2024 6:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR, are you bring dense on purpose???

I didn't say he was "wrong" about China. I said I needed to independently research it.

Jeezus fucking Christ, THUGR. Having a discussion with you is impossible bc you CONSTANTLY misunderstand or misrepresent what people are saying!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, May 11, 2024 6:17 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If you believe Zeihan, one of the most populated countries in the world, China, is about to undergo a population crash, and all of the industrialized and all of the industrializing nations are already shrinking or will soon.

Well... Like I said... A population crash will ruin their future and knock those pyramids over because of how we've set up everything in our world to be pyramid schemes that depend on never-ending growth to remain profitable and standing.

And I don't imagine it would just be China who sees their pyramids all collapsing before their eyes if it happens to them. China is kind of baked into all of our pyramids at this point.


Also, by looking at world birth rates, the best way to reduce population growth is to industrialize, urbanize, and improve the standard of living.

But it's really not though.

Yes. Of course the birth rate falls among the urbanized/industrialized with a higher standing of living in general... But even if we had walls surrounding us like a castle and didn't let any body else in legally or illegally we'd still have plenty of our own people making more babies vs. the death rate.

But even that's not enough babies to prop up all those pyramids. Current predatory capitalism when only a handful of companies own virtually everything will require the further explosion of population growth from here until the end of time.

So the urbanized/industrialized are like an empty aquarium that will keep getting filled with people who aren't citizens if we aren't going to do it ourselves.

The only way urbanization/industrialization will actually curb population growth is if everybody was urbanized/industrialized and they were forced to find another way to be profitable that didn't require never-ending population growth.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, May 11, 2024 6:17 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
THUGR, are you bring dense on purpose???

I didn't say he was "wrong" about China. I said I needed to independently research it.

Jeezus fucking Christ, THUGR. Having a discussion with you is impossible bc you CONSTANTLY misunderstand or misrepresent what people are saying!

Ha, says you who thought he said China was land locked and went on a tear about it. Funny...Tell us how he is wrong about anything then. And tell me how I am wrong for agreeing with him.



Saturday, May 11, 2024 7:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I misheard.

YOU misrepresent. Everything about me and everything I post.
Seriously, dood, what's up with that???

He presented some population distribution charts of China, then a "corrected" population chart of China, then claimed that even THOSE were incorrect and overstated China's under 40 population by 100-300 million.

Do other researchers agree?

Here are a couple of stats to bang against:

If China's one-child policy so severely crimped population, seeing as how the Chinese prefer male children to female and would have selectively aborted the first child if it was female, there should be a large imbalance of males v females in the under-40 population. Is there?

If China has such a deficit of young people, why is there concurrent unemployment in the same demographic, as Zeihan also claims?

You are seriously dishonest, THUGR. Instead of trying to understand what someone is saying, or figure things out for yourself, you want to "win" every argument at any cost, even if you look really, really stupid and dishonest doing it.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Sunday, May 12, 2024 7:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I misheard.

YOU misrepresent. Everything about me and everything I post.
Seriously, dood, what's up with that???



Because you are a Russian troll. What you present is always a wrongheaded interpretation of the facts.

He presented some population distribution charts of China, then a "corrected" population chart of China, then claimed that even THOSE were incorrect and overstated China's under 40 population by 100-300 million.

Do other researchers agree?



Yep, the guy China arrested for making these figures public. listen to Zeihan again, he explained where the numbers came from.

Here are a couple of stats to bang against:

If China's one-child policy so severely crimped population, seeing as how the Chinese prefer male children to female and would have selectively aborted the first child if it was female, there should be a large imbalance of males v females in the under-40 population. Is there?



Subjective and irrelevant. Ziehan didn't need gender statistics to breakdown Chinas' population troubles. Why oh why couldn't you figure this out for your self?

However, For years, the census data in China has recorded a significant imbalance in the sex ratio toward the male population, meaning there are fewer women than men. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the missing women or missing girls of China.

If China has such a deficit of young people, why is there concurrent unemployment in the same demographic, as Zeihan also claims?



Any labour shortage is from the mismatch between what the workers can offer, and what skill set the job require, also known as structural unemployment.

Structural unemployment is a long-lasting form of unemployment caused by fundamental shifts in an economy and exacerbated by technology, competition, and government policy.

Boy, you don't know much about anything do you.

You are seriously dishonest, THUGR. Instead of trying to understand what someone is saying, or figure things out for yourself, you want to "win" every argument at any cost, even if you look really, really stupid and dishonest doing it.



The problem is you. You're dishonest and therefore what you post is propaganda not facts. All your challenges to Peter Ziehan and myself were because you weren't interested in facts; just trolling. This is always the case with you. And as is always the case with you, you are easy to smack down.

Such a dummy...



Sunday, May 12, 2024 11:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I misheard.

YOU misrepresent. Everything about me and everything I post.
Seriously, dood, what's up with that???

THG: Because you are a Russian troll. What you present is always a wrongheaded interpretation of the facts.

Says the guy who gets so many things wrong.


SIGNY: He presented some population distribution charts of China, then a "corrected" population chart of China, then claimed that even THOSE were incorrect and overstated China's under 40 population by 100-300 million.

Do other researchers agree?

THG: Yep, the guy


China arrested for making these figures public. listen to Zeihan again, he explained where the numbers came from.

He did? Did you hear a name? 'Cause I didn't.


SIGNY: Here are a couple of stats to bang against:

If China's one-child policy so severely crimped population, seeing as how the Chinese prefer male children to female and would have selectively aborted the first child if it was female, there should be a large imbalance of males v females in the under-40 population. Is there?

THG: Subjective and irrelevant. Ziehan didn't need gender statistics to breakdown Chinas' population troubles. Why oh why couldn't you figure this out for your self?

It's not subjective, it's NUMBERS.

You should be able to calculate the number of "missing people" from gender bias. Let me give you an example: Assuming that there are even numbers of males and females (doesn't hold in all age groups but should be OK in the under-40 bracket), if you have 200,000 males but only 150,000 females, 50,000 females are "missing".


THUGR: However, For years, the census data in China has recorded a significant imbalance in the sex ratio toward the male population, meaning there are fewer women than men. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the missing women or missing girls of China.

So I have heard. But ... HOW MANY? You'd think that a huge imbalance would cause a lot of social pressures, competition for females for example. But I happened to be perusing some changes to Chinese law specifically related to betrothal, and I didn't see any stresses in that direction. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm just saying I'd like to look that up for myself.
I'll get back to that in a bit


SIGNY: If China has such a deficit of young people, why is there concurrent unemployment in the same demographic, as Zeihan also claims?

THG: Any labour shortage is from the mismatch between what the workers can offer, and what skill set the job require, also known as structural unemployment.
Structural unemployment is a long-lasting form of unemployment caused by fundamental shifts in an economy and exacerbated by technology, competition, and government policy.
Boy, you don't know much about anything do you.

What is the imbalance? In what sector?
For over a couple of decades, China drew in people from the country and set them to low-skill mind-numbing assembly work, like assembling iPhones. I recall reading a defense of those worker factory forms by a Foxconn executive, saying that the workers were so raw and unused to city life they didn't know how to use indoor toilets or elevators. The dorms made the transition easier by simplifying their lives
By now, that cohort is used to city life. As China moves up the value chain, so have they.
So be specific about the mismatch, don't just wave your hands.


SIGNY: You are seriously dishonest, THUGR. Instead of trying to understand what someone is saying, or figure things out for yourself, you want to "win" every argument at any cost, even if you look really, really stupid and dishonest doing it.

THG: The problem is you. You're dishonest and therefore what you post is propaganda not facts. All your challenges to Peter Ziehan and myself were because you weren't interested in facts; just trolling. This is always the case with you. And as is always the case with you, you are easy to smack down.

He makes a pretty startling assertion: China will be gone in 10 years. He bases that in his theory of a population crash. That is based on NUMBERS.

Instead of just gulping down his numbers (BTW he doesn't even mention any except 100,000 - 300,000 missing, he flashes by the charts so fast I can't even read them, and he throws out a meaningless stat like "China is the fastest aging population " when in reality Japan and S Korea are ALREADY the oldest) as "fact" I'd like to validate them first.

So why are you so all-fired anxious to have me swallow something as "fact" just because Peter Zeihan "says so"?

Seems like you believe what some people say bc it's consistent with what you've already heard, and confirms what you think you know.
All that does is guarantee that you'll never learn anything new.

Maybe YOU should start asking basic questions rather than accepting some things as "facts". I think you're just pissed off bc I tend to examine assertions first.
Such a dummy...

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, May 13, 2024 1:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Some early research into the sex ratio imbalance pointed to sex-selective abortion practices in the wake of China's one-child policy.[4][5] However, a number of studies have concluded that China's sex ratio was in fact closer to the norm, with population statistics skewed by age because of the number of rural people who did not register their baby girls (i.e., so that they could avoid China's family planning policies).[6]:?175–176? These studies observed that the sex ratio began to even out around 7 years old, when children were registered for school.[6]:?176? Similarly, in December 2016, researchers at the University of Kansas reported that the missing women might be largely a result of administrative under-reporting and that delayed registration of females, instead of sex-selective abortion practices, which could account for as many as 10 to 15 million of the missing women since 1982.[7][8] Researchers found unreported females appear on government censuses decades later due to delayed registration, as families tried to avoid penalties when girls were born, which implies that the sex disparity was likely exaggerated significantly in previous analyses.[9][10][11]

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, May 13, 2024 5:20 PM


Poor comrade signym. She still thinks she can drag me down a rabbit hole. Too funny comrade. All you keep doing comrade is show how you not only don't know anything, but you can't even find the most basic of facts.


Around 2000 a global transition in the opposite direction became increasingly visible: birth rates started to fall below death rates, which began setting the stage for shrinking populations and rising dependency ratios. Almost all high-income and middle-income countries now face these prospects. Many of the countries with a population growing faster than 1 percent per year are low-income countries in Africa.


Monday, May 13, 2024 5:44 PM


Back to Russia...




Monday, May 13, 2024 6:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:Poor comrade signym. She still thinks she can drag me down a rabbit hole. Too funny comrade. All you keep doing comrade is show how you not only don't know anything, but you can't even find the most basic of facts.

Poor comrade THUGR. All he can do is keep misrepresenting lying about what I post.

I did post about the demographic transition. Its happened in every nation that urbanized. And, yes, it happened in China, too. China is also dealing with the results of the one-child policy, in effect from 1979 to 2015.
But is it a CRISIS? Will it be enough to cause China to collapse and disappear, like Zeihan says?

I dunno Looking at your chart, it looks like a problem, but not one to cause collapse. But, again, I DON'T KNOW.

But Zeihan, when considering the same problem for the USA ... boomers retiring, followed by an small population behind them and faced with the additional burden of re- industrializing the USA, believes that OUR salvation lies in automation.

If that could work for us, why not China?

China has so many other problems that I think are more immediate that focusing on population is a little misdirected.

Here's what I think China is doing wrong:

Instead of working on developing independently, the Chinese government took the easy and quick way out. They duplicated the Japan model of development: count on foreign investment and foreign markets and export your labor. Walmart suppliers, Apple, Nike, CocaCola, and a whole host of formerly western- based industries relocated right quick. For a while, whole factories were being dismantled and shipped to China! But while it gave quick results, it distorted Chinese production and geared it to western markets. China is STILL taking the easy way out. Why else do you think they were doing Covid research in Wuhan?

And if the foreign markets dry up, as they did in 2008 and are doing again now, yiur economy will nosedive as well.

China still believes, apparently, that having a grossly and endlessly positive trade balance is a good thing. It's not. If having an endlessly negative trade balance is endlessly borrowing money, then having an endless positive trade balance is endlessly lending money. It's all well and good to be sitting on piles of dollars and euros, as long as the dollars and euros retain their value. But it makes them hostage to American and European fiscal policy and affects China's foreign policy. Why else do you think they keep whinging about win- win, and peace and prosperity?

China has made a clusterfuck of its lending policies, and blew up debt loads beyond all reason, only to have that money plunked into speculation.

China also has made a clusterfuck of its revenue sharing. The central government collects taxes. It does not share revenue and provincial governments can't collect taxes. So they float bonds. Lots and lots of bonds! For lots and lots of pointless infrastructure! Because like any good bureaucracy, they want to see their budgets grow!

And like revenue sharing, China has made a clusterfuck of social benefits, which are based on provincial registration and not national. It ties people to their province.

China's emphasis on The Next Big Thing. They jump in with both feet, withiut being able to develop, test, and modify if necessary.

And finally, China's social policy. With its emphasis on standard of living, it leaves China with nothing to fall back on in adversity.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, May 13, 2024 6:15 PM


Signym, the revisionist and modification addict to her always wrong posts.


Monday, May 13, 2024 6:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:Signym, the revisionist and modification addict to her always wrong posts.
THUGR, who can never quite seem to back up his posts with FACTS!

I post when I'm partway thru bc I've been logged out and lost everything to the ether. Then I add to it and correct or revise.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, May 13, 2024 7:22 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by THG: the revisionist and modification addict to her always wrong posts.
THUGR, who can never quite seem to back up his posts with FACTS!


I post when I'm partway thru bc I've been logged out and lost everything to the ether. Then I add to it and correct or revise.

Here's a couple more facts comrade.


Monday, May 13, 2024 7:47 PM


Signym, comrade, more troubling facts regarding Russia. Too funny...


RUSSIAN Oil Refineries Crisis as Staff Quit Jobs as Drone Attacks Increase. Russia Ukraine War


Monday, May 13, 2024 10:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Are these more of those "Trump is colluding with Russia/ Russian bank communicates with Trump Tower/ Russia is running out of missiles/ lasers can shoot hypersonic missiles out of the sky/ China is going to disappear in 10 years" videos?

If not, and they have actual evidence (extended videos or quotes, not snipped, out of context clips, documents etc) and verifiable FACTS from sources that don't have a hx of lying egregiously, then I'll listen.

Otherwise you need to vet your info more carefully. Bc I don't have time for nonsense and lies.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024 5:10 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Are these more of those "Trump is colluding with Russia/ Russian bank communicates with Trump Tower/ Russia is running out of missiles/ lasers can shoot hypersonic missiles out of the sky/ China is going to disappear in 10 years" videos?

If not, and they have actual evidence (extended videos or quotes, not snipped, out of context clips, documents etc) and verifiable FACTS from sources that don't have a hx of lying egregiously, then I'll listen.

Otherwise you need to vet your info more carefully. Bc I don't have time for nonsense and lies.

It is what it is.


MASSIVE Strike Levels Crimean Airbase, US Missiles USED


Wednesday, May 15, 2024 10:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


THUGR: It is what it is.

So, what is it?

So far, your sources have been tainted. I
haven't heard of any such. Not gonna waste my time. I'll wait for more reliable sources.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, May 20, 2024 12:41 PM


Get it right people...


Brave move from Macron! The most famous French-made missiles appear in Ukraine! Putin is furious!


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 6:36 PM




Putin tries to repair 'ravaged army' as Russia struggles to 'take the war deep' | Brig. Gen. Zwack


Sunday, June 2, 2024 7:20 PM




Russia thinks Ukraine's F-16s will be carrying NUKES?



Saturday, June 8, 2024 6:28 AM



Saturday, June 8, 2024 6:34 AM



Saturday, June 8, 2024 6:37 AM







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