Hordes of illegal invaders are Burning California to the Ground? They are "eating dogs" and "eating the cats" illegals ‘they’re eating the pets’ ?

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 05:22
VIEWED: 1344
PAGE 1 of 2

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 4:50 AM


He will not just Save America but he will go to Mars!?


Haitian or other illegal immigrants are eating pet cats and pet dogs and invading US parks ponds and eating the ducks and pets of American residents? Who knows if they take enough Cannibals in they might even start eating people

Don't 'declaw' your Cat its a cruel act, they need claws to win, to scratch at throats or to scratch eyes out, don't feed the cat too much that way if a Haitian runs after them with a knife they can jump a fence, run away or climb a tree.

Don't buy a small dog as a 'toy' it could be eaten instead buy one of those Best Shepherd normal sized working dog type Dog Breeds.

Are US migrants eating pet cats and ducks? it went viral on the web....then it became a 'Bizarre Rumour' pushed by JD Vance and Elon its 'racist' alt-right phobia racism to mention Haiti and the Nu-Left there are going back to the whipping hoax again.

Haitian immigrants eating pet cats and ducks of residents in Ohio? Here's what happened

No, Haitian Immigrants Aren’t Eating Cats in Ohio
The latest conspiracy theory to make it out of MAGA world

Video/Pics: Haitian immigrants eating pets, wildlife in Midwest neighborhood: Report

this also happened when the USA took in lots of Vietnam refugees, reports of people's pets going missing 1975-1976

too many Italians arrived some did crime? RACIST to say now
some dug up people's back yards and stole the garlic...RACIST !!

and btw the media says any Claim that Immigrants Are Eating Wild Ducks or Pets
because all arguments Neo-Globalist nu-Left Democrats can't win...the media's answer is racism?



Going back at least to the 1800s, ‘fear and disgust’ over others’ eating habits...


Tuesday, September 10, 2024 5:51 AM


Haiti immigrants get all the way to Springfield?


Tuesday, September 10, 2024 7:31 AM



Tuesday, September 10, 2024 12:48 PM


Come meet one of the organizations being paid hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to traffic illegal immigrants into small-town Ohio


Wednesday, September 11, 2024 9:10 AM




Trump repeats false claim about immigrants 'eating' dogs, cats' in Ohio


Wednesday, September 11, 2024 5:05 PM


Doesn't sound like a false claim to me.

All of these people need to get the fuck out of my country.

Let's get Trump in and start with the first Million right away.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, September 15, 2024 5:07 AM


Haitian immigrants eating pet cats and ducks of residents in Ohio? Here's what happened

Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio, into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

John Legend Slams Trump’s Lies About Haitian Immigrants In His Ohio Hometown: “How About We Love One Another?"


Sunday, September 15, 2024 5:26 AM


Picked up my guitar for the first time in half a year probably. I was rusty then and probably even worse now. But I've been playing that Eating the Cats song you posted in the other thread. Freakin' B chord giving me problems though. I've never had a real decent acoustic guitar and barre chords are always a big ole pain on this cheapo somebody gave me at one of my jobs a while back. Using a 4-finger cheater version right now while trying to get a good rhythm down and trying to sing while I'm keeping it. I won't need autotune or dubstep or whatever that is. It's cool that it's just the same 4 chords on repeat and only one of them are difficult. Once I get my muscle memory back I'll probably be able to play that for the old man when he comes by next time if I don't lose interest tomorrow.

My old man doesn't even have any clue that I know how to sing. I think that would be a funny way to show him.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, September 15, 2024 6:08 AM


Are you sure of the notes or key? It sounded like a Minor scale, is it a 'B' I didn't listen actively but if its in 'C' key maybe it could be something else like a C F and B flat used with G as your Fifth which is kind of 'Modal' or Mixolydian or Blues from 'C' that would be a 1 4 and flat seventh but I think it sounded minor like minor root to next whole interval which was also minor...Dorian has a flat Third which makes it minor-ish scale and Mixolydian has a raised third which makes it majorish the mode of Dorian for example goes from minor 1 Root to a major second interval minor harmonic with a minor Chord...D minor to E minor for example Beato has vids on 'modes' if you need a recap on the ancient Greek mode or Church modes and scales. Some keys normally have a B flat if your key is F Major for example. It sounded like a minor progression to my ear, maybe you already know your blues shapes and your minor seventh...some Blues shapes kind of relate to modes and minor. Some songs can be tricky to find the key and will throw you off by not playing the root or tonic on the 1 beat but only play the root chord in the key only later in the song.

If you can't flatten a finger just Play in another tuning like an Open G for a few days and just Bar your finger, move off on the Root then bar on 4 and 'V' and your finger might toughen up and flatten by itself, the oldBlues guys would use a metal tube or or glass tube, bending notes with a device such as the neck of a bottle. I'm not sure why they throw so much info at beginners it puts people off an instrument I think people should just play 'Open' tuning at the start, forget standard tuning and chords just tune it to an open like a 'D' or G and give them a learn the sound of the chord and get a 1 4 V and strum or get a musical rhythm type phrase into your body as you tap your feet keeping time. After finding 1 ...your open chord...and 4 and 'V' then replace the bottle with your finger instead. You can also angle your finger slightly, allow it to curve a little as you press the flatter side of your guitar neck / fretboard / fingerboard pressing the side of your finger. Using more of the side of your finger so the strings don't get to sneak out and ring incorrectly. A string might sneak out and 'buzz' wrong in the little folds on your finger as you try flatten to get a better clean sound. Instead slightly angle your finger like a reverse karate chop. Everyone has problems with the F or B, I think I had also problems but E flat was where I gave up and said to myself this instrument makes no sense and I went back to bass and piano...E flat ...why would you play in that key? isn't the lowest note E ok I asked E flat what?....where the fuck was that? I'm not much of a player on guitar but I can kind of play a little of everything on most instruments I learnt enough where I fooled people to make them think I could play guitar well.

You can always Bar in standard guitar tuning and while you 'Barre' and stretch and use the small finger play your easy minor and major with with your small pinky and ring finger, play an E minor or E Major shape or Barre and play A Major or A minor and move the Bar...or you can play an inversion adding the Fifth underneath which would be an F sharp from the B or F# the Fifth of a note added underneath doesn't sound too bad . If its not a B then its possible you don't have an F sharp or F # but a B flat, C, D flat, E flat , in the B flat minor the F in the scale you technically have an F sharp or G flat which is the same note F sharp and G flat are the same note but not really according to harmonic theory and 'keys', and G sharp or G # will also be called A might be a good idea to learn the sames of notes on your G Major Scale and F major Scale, D major and B flat major scale to get used to the names of the flat and sharp. To build a B flat minor chord your Root is B flat, your Minor Third is D flat and your PerfectFifth from B flat is your 'F' build a B minor chord you play B D and F sharp. Some people who did not have a head for theory would get a circle of fifths or circle of fourths tattoo, every Major Key has its Relative Minor Key.
If you barre chords Your index finger will be acting as a Capo or the Italian Spanish 'capotasto mobilé barré' Can you add a 5? Open C you bar to D minor or Open D you bar to E minor or Open G you bar to A minor, open G minor you re-tune your guitar to D G D G Bb D and open D minor D A D F A D or you can play open 'C' minor instead of an Open C Major sound your then E string will be dropped to an E flat to create an Open C minor sound, its better to tune down than tune up as you are more likely to break strings tuning them up. If you start Moving notes in chords around
...a G under C isn't bad as its an inversion or an added Fifth and the same with an E note under an A will sound ok. If you really can't play a chord in standard tuning then maybe do a 'Rock' cover and just play a power chord. I never learned all those movable shapes, if I was going back I might learn shapes that you can move.
If you really want to learn guitar again as an adult you can look up the old school classical Spanish mix of techniques, the dampening, strum, mute and fingerpick techniques, there is A LOT of free stuff on social media. The old classic nylon Spanish acoustic guitar will force your fingers to try stretch more and the shapes will be much easier going back to electric or normal acoustic.

I don't think any player I know liked 'barre chords' they just learned to tolerate them more.

back onto the topic, its become a world issue

Arise News some Afro-Euro news channel a London-based internet news media world news channel, studios in New York City, London, Johannesburg, Abuja and Lagos. The channel features African, US and European content

Trump Pledges Mass Deportation of Haitian Immigrants in Ohio, Sparking Outrage

Haitian immigrant pet-eating row: Ohio woman accused of eating cat is US citizen, video is not from Springfield


Sunday, September 15, 2024 7:39 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Are you sure of the notes or key? It sounded like a Minor scale, is it a 'B' I didn't listen actively but if its in 'C' key maybe it could be something else like a C F and B flat used with G as your Fifth which is kind of 'Modal' or Mixolydian or Blues from 'C' that would be a 1 4 and flat seventh but I think it sounded minor like minor root to next whole interval which was also minor...Dorian has a flat Third which makes it minor-ish scale and Mixolydian has a raised third which makes it majorish the mode of Dorian for example goes from minor 1 Root to a major second interval minor harmonic with a minor Chord...D minor to E minor for example Beato has vids on 'modes' if you need a recap on the ancient Greek mode or Church modes and scales. Some keys normally have a B flat if your key is F Major for example. It sounded like a minor progression to my ear, maybe you already know your blues shapes and your minor seventh...some Blues shapes kind of relate to modes and minor. Some songs can be tricky to find the key and will throw you off by not playing the root or tonic on the 1 beat but only play the root chord in the key only later in the song.

If you can't flatten a finger just Play in another tuning like an Open G for a few days and just Bar your finger, move off on the Root then bar on 4 and 'V' and your finger might toughen up and flatten by itself, the oldBlues guys would use a metal tube or or glass tube, bending notes with a device such as the neck of a bottle. I'm not sure why they throw so much info at beginners it puts people off an instrument I think people should just play 'Open' tuning at the start, forget standard tuning and chords just tune it to an open like a 'D' or G and give them a learn the sound of the chord and get a 1 4 V and strum or get a musical rhythm type phrase into your body as you tap your feet keeping time. After finding 1 ...your open chord...and 4 and 'V' then replace the bottle with your finger instead. You can also angle your finger slightly, allow it to curve a little as you press the flatter side of your guitar neck / fretboard / fingerboard pressing the side of your finger. Using more of the side of your finger so the strings don't get to sneak out and ring incorrectly. A string might sneak out and 'buzz' wrong in the little folds on your finger as you try flatten to get a better clean sound. Instead slightly angle your finger like a reverse karate chop. Everyone has problems with the F or B, I think I had also problems but E flat was where I gave up and said to myself this instrument makes no sense and I went back to bass and piano...E flat ...why would you play in that key? isn't the lowest note E ok I asked E flat what?....where the fuck was that? I'm not much of a player on guitar but I can kind of play a little of everything on most instruments I learnt enough where I fooled people to make them think I could play guitar well.

You can always Bar in standard guitar tuning and while you 'Barre' and stretch and use the small finger play your easy minor and major with with your small pinky and ring finger, play an E minor or E Major shape or Barre and play A Major or A minor and move the Bar...or you can play an inversion adding the Fifth underneath which would be an F sharp from the B or F# the Fifth of a note added underneath doesn't sound too bad . If its not a B then its possible you don't have an F sharp or F # but a B flat, C, D flat, E flat , in the B flat minor the F in the scale you technically have an F sharp or G flat which is the same note F sharp and G flat are the same note but not really according to harmonic theory and 'keys', and G sharp or G # will also be called A might be a good idea to learn the sames of notes on your G Major Scale and F major Scale, D major and B flat major scale to get used to the names of the flat and sharp. To build a B flat minor chord your Root is B flat, your Minor Third is D flat and your PerfectFifth from B flat is your 'F' build a B minor chord you play B D and F sharp. Some people who did not have a head for theory would get a circle of fifths or circle of fourths tattoo, every Major Key has its Relative Minor Key.
If you barre chords Your index finger will be acting as a Capo or the Italian Spanish 'capotasto mobilé barré' Can you add a 5? Open C you bar to D minor or Open D you bar to E minor or Open G you bar to A minor, open G minor you re-tune your guitar to D G D G Bb D and open D minor D A D F A D or you can play open 'C' minor instead of an Open C Major sound your then E string will be dropped to an E flat to create an Open C minor sound, its better to tune down than tune up as you are more likely to break strings tuning them up. If you start Moving notes in chords around
...a G under C isn't bad as its an inversion or an added Fifth and the same with an E note under an A will sound ok. If you really can't play a chord in standard tuning then maybe do a 'Rock' cover and just play a power chord. I never learned all those movable shapes, if I was going back I might learn shapes that you can move.
If you really want to learn guitar again as an adult you can look up the old school classical Spanish mix of techniques, the dampening, strum, mute and fingerpick techniques, there is A LOT of free stuff on social media. The old classic nylon Spanish acoustic guitar will force your fingers to try stretch more and the shapes will be much easier going back to electric or normal acoustic.

I don't think any player I know liked 'barre chords' they just learned to tolerate them more.

I feel really bad you went to all that time to post that. Most of what you said was pretty foreign to me. I said before I've had just about zero training... so most of my guitar playing was following tabs. I think in the beginning that probably hurt me because I was putting my fingers in positions that didn't make sense to hit notes. For some reason I was really drawn to finger picking too, so I only recently really tried strumming and wasn't interested much in that back in the day.

My singing is just mimicry, and I happen to always have been really good at that even though I couldn't tell you a single note that I'm singing in any of the songs I know the lyrics to front to back.

But I did misspeak about a B Barre. I believe it was Bm. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 4 chords to the song are Em / Bm / D / A. I don't believe there's a 5th chord anywhere and it just repeats those 4 chords from beginning to end.


back onto the topic, its become a world issue

Arise News some Afro-Euro news channel a London-based internet news media world news channel, studios in New York City, London, Johannesburg, Abuja and Lagos. The channel features African, US and European content

Trump Pledges Mass Deportation of Haitian Immigrants in Ohio, Sparking Outrage

Haitian immigrant pet-eating row: Ohio woman accused of eating cat is US citizen, video is not from Springfield

Great news.

I've already heard about that black woman they found eating a cat. I guess they're going to start throwing black American women under the bus to protect illegal alien invaders now.

Who'd have thought you'd ever live long enough to see an America where a black woman wasn't at the top of the oppression pyramid?

Strange times we're living in for sure.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, September 16, 2024 6:49 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

but the 4 chords to the song are Em / Bm / D / A. I don't believe there's a 5th chord anywhere and it just repeats those 4 chords from beginning to end.

Good for you to figure it out, I could tell you each key has its own Devils note 'tritone' or explain how there are two minor 2nd interval half steps in keys, BC for example friends...besites are close and EF they are Extra Friendly but I'm not sure you would get that

LEARN YOUR NOTES !! if you know GABCDEF and high g or you know CDEFGAB and high c or know ABCDEFG and the high 'a' note and where they are on the guitar, then also know where B flat is (next to the B but down) learn where F sharp is (next to an F but up)...if you are going to bother to learn where a B flat is or an F sharp you should probably also learn about the Seventh note, this 7 can be up or down which adds major or minor flavoring...but maybe that's too much info for now.

the 5th I refer to is just a chord on the 'So' and you can start on any note Do Re Mi Fa 'So'.... then'So' is the Fifth
E to B is a Fifth
D to A is a Perfect Fifth
A to E is a Perfect Fifth

I can't allow you have have a name like Six string without knowing some Theory

With 4 chords here is music theory and modes or 'Mood'
a version of the E chord, Bm , D chord, a version of the A chord

try this

play a B note on your guitar play it on the beat a few times and press a loop on your pedal

now re-arrange the chords and
Bm / D / play A minor instead of A Major / Em

play your chord progression over the B, put maybe a Latin funky beat or a little Rock 'distortion' on your Guitar and that's
Your B note drones on a Loop
strum or pick a rhythm
if you want to play a scale over it start on Root then its HalfTone Tone Tone Tone Halftone Tone Tone
a 'Tone' is a two fret jump, a Halftone is a one fret jump
Half Tone or 'Semi Tone' is the same thing
Don't play Do - Ray - Mi instead drop tones and play DoRaw-Maw
playing chord or scale over the note B with F sharp (your Fifth) that's a mode
it sets a dark mood
the minor second note should disturb a little almost like Jaws is coming in the Shark movie
this sound is Spain, it is español, maybe alien exotic, Arabic, maybe twisted, it has intensity but it is also heavy metal rocker aggressive.
playing these chords over a B it should sound dark like old Spanish or Heavy Metal

Another Mood or Greek mode or Church Mode?
Start on D major chord but you won't be in D Major key
play a D+A power chord and loop it or just play a D on your keyboard and loop as a bass pedal underneath
Whatever fx you add give it a little rock, acoustic, funk feel
D is droning underneath like an Indian Hindu pedal, it should feel funky, maybe Celt or like James Brown or Prince with the Flat Seven Note
then D / play A minor instead of A Major / Em then finish on B minor and back to D on the 'one beat', you can play the notes of this scale and that's your Mixolydian
there are parts of this loop where the G major scale might even work but your 'Key' is D and you are not in a true major key but Mixolydian
its not fully Major, the Mixolydian has an edge to it
You can also change key start on your 'A' put your A note on a pedal loop or keyboard loop, keep the A Major chord and play a progression A/ Em / Bm / D and that will also sound funky, it is not fully Major but more smooth, dancing and casual
this is your 'Mixolydian'

put your A note on a loop, you can play A and E power chord maybe or just A and loop it
and a little reverb fx or delay
but if you really want to go crazy
...if you thrown in a E Major chord at the end of the phrase and go back to A minor you start to sound like Classical Music
to stay simple....then Start with A minor and play Em / Bm / D
maybe play a swung rhythm or a 'jig'
That is Dorian, very common in sad Celtic, Latin or Rock music, its dreamy, funky, or ancient, maybe people describe it as natural and neutral...some call it old guy rocker sound.
that's your Dorian mode
You can also change your chords to D minor and A minor from your original
'Em / Bm / D / A' to
Dm / Am / Em / Bm' drone on the D note put your D on a loop and play all minor chords over your D note Dm / Am / Em / Bm these are all minor or sadness or sorrow chords and yet there is one note there that changes so it will sound slightly brighter or more neutral or ancient, that is Dorian
if you known an F Major scale on Guitar, you can keep the very same notes and instead start on the G as your root note and suddenly you begin to have a Dorian scale with Dorian chord voicing, G to high G but using one B flat
Some say Dorian sounds mysterious but to my ear the mystery hollywood tv blend of note is from another Classical Music scale with a chord 'MinMaj7'...going back to Dorian I would argue Dorian has a hanging or timeless searching and 'cool' rock quality but a sound that's been around since ancient time
For Dorian and keeping it simple
You can also start on E, keep your A Major chord...drone on the E note and loop it, play
Em / Bm / D / A
have an E loop in the background ...your F sharp note and C sharp note in the key of E makes it Dorian...not quiet 'minor' but almost, maybe more neutral
and that also sounds like your Dorian mode an old sound, the older rock or spacey mystic space rock ancient mood.

Rick Beato has a lot of vids on stuff like this

Dorian should sound maybe somewhat Mystical old European sound or Dad Rock,
Phrygian is Darker Spanish or Heavy Metal or a Villain Theme,
Mixolydian is Bright and wants to Dance but its not 'Major' there is something Funky underneath

Each Mode has their own 'Mood' and even far away in Japan the Japanese video gamers learned how to use these Scales of Mood or Greek Modes to great effect in their latest Sony or Nintendo thing just as Hollywood Classical music composers did their thing.

I won't bother with Natural Minor or Major because most people have a sense of it as the Happy scale or Sad key even if they don't know any theory


I've already heard about that black woman they found eating a cat. I guess they're going to start throwing black American women under the bus to protect illegal alien invaders now.

Wild Aftermath Video Shows An Illegal Haitian Migrant Moments After Crashing Into A California Fast Food Joint

CONFIRMED: Video Shows African Migrants Grilling A Cat In Dayton Ohio


Monday, September 16, 2024 8:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ohio GOP governor: 'garbage' Springfield pet-eating claims must stop

Ohio's Republican governor is fed up with lies about pet-eating in Springfield: 'This discussion just has to stop'

Sep 16, 2024, 5:51 AM CDT

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 1:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

NINE YEARS BEFORE Trump was pushing fears about Haitian migrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio, he was leveling more pernicious theories about Syrian refugees in the United States.

“They could be ISIS—I don’t know,” Trump said on the campaign trail in 2015. He went on to say that the resettlement of Syrian refugees in America could be “one of the great tactical ploys of all time.” That an army of 200,000 may have been unwittingly let into the country in Trojan horse fashion. As with the Haitians he has pledged to deport from Springfield, he said he would send those Syrian refugees back.

The difference is that in 2015 a few Republicans spoke out against Trump. Among them was Jeb Bush, who was struggling to figure out how to combat Trumpism at the time. He sharply criticized Trump’s remark. “Send them all back? To a hellhole?” Bush told reporters.

GOP voters, it turned out, were more persuaded by Trump’s conspiracy theories than by Jeb’s policy arguments.

And it’s been that way ever since. Loomer isn’t the disease, she’s the product of a MAGA movement that both attracts and produces attention-hungry fantasists—a movement that routinely whips up threats against minority communities and—not so long ago—attempted an insurrection.

If anything, maybe people ought to be concerned about the influence Donald Trump has had on Laura Loomer.

Loomer was only 17 or 18 years old when Trump began pushing his birther conspiracy theories. She moved into adulthood as his mode of politics dominated the GOP; her entire persona has developed in response to the extremism of the Republican party, which has subjugated itself to the conspiracy-theorist-in-chief, Donald Trump.

The newfound concern by “respectable” conservatives and Republicans over Loomer’s supposedly bad influence on Donald Trump is an act of self-delusion. The reason they’re raising these “concerns” now is not because they’re worried that Loomer will turn Trump into a raving lunatic.

They’re simply worried that Trump might lose.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 2:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is one person's POV

Watch: Resident Of PA Manufacturing Town Exposes Reality Of Haitian 'Great Job Replacement'

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Americans support America


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 6:45 PM



Originally posted by second:
Ohio GOP governor: 'garbage' Springfield pet-eating claims must stop

Ohio's Republican governor is fed up with lies about pet-eating in Springfield: 'This discussion just has to stop'

Sep 16, 2024, 5:51 AM CDT

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Tell the Hatians to get the fuck out of our country and we won't keep talking about how they're eating the dogs and the cats, because they won't be here eating the dogs and the cats anymore.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 9:42 PM


Chris Rufo had some video, as well.

Lying Libtards think that no video recording devices exist in America.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 10:07 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Chris Rufo had some video, as well.

Lying Libtards think that no video recording devices exist in America.


At this point I'm glad that I had to buy a smart phone for my insulin pods. I don't have any service for it, but it's always on me and I know how to record with it. I think that in current year you are actually putting yourself at a disability if you don't have the ability to pull out a camera and start recording at any time.

There was a day not too long ago I would have only been concerned about that in big cities, but that day sadly has passed.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 10:18 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Chris Rufo had some video, as well.

Lying Libtards think that no video recording devices exist in America.


At this point I'm glad that I had to buy a smart phone for my insulin pods. I don't have any service for it, but it's always on me and I know how to record with it. I think that in current year you are actually putting yourself at a disability if you don't have the ability to pull out a camera and start recording at any time.

There was a day not too long ago I would have only been concerned about that in big cities, but that day sadly has passed.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Springfield Ohio IS a big city now.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:22 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Chris Rufo had some video, as well.

Lying Libtards think that no video recording devices exist in America.


At this point I'm glad that I had to buy a smart phone for my insulin pods. I don't have any service for it, but it's always on me and I know how to record with it. I think that in current year you are actually putting yourself at a disability if you don't have the ability to pull out a camera and start recording at any time.

There was a day not too long ago I would have only been concerned about that in big cities, but that day sadly has passed.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Springfield Ohio IS a big city now.


The village I grew up in now has almost 60,000 people today. I wouldn't call it a big city.

Naperville's got 150,000 people now, and I'm still not equating that with places like Chicago and New York.

Springfield was small enough where people were going to notice 20,000 new residents overnight. I'll bet that's happened quite a few times in New York over the years without anyone really noticing.

And there's only one of two reasons they were put in Springfield. Neither of them are good. The big urban cities are now at max capacity and can't take in anymore. Or even more nefariously the big urban cities aren't full and they're doing it just to spread the cancer and fuck our entire country up.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Gov. DeWine urges Trump and Vance to end ‘very hurtful’ comments about Haitian migrants

Sep 17, 2024 6:30 PM EDT

Springfield, Ohio, remains on edge as Donald Trump and JD Vance continue spreading racist lies about Haitian migrants. Throughout the turmoil, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has called for calm, sent additional law enforcement resources and condemned hate. PBS News spoke with DeWine about the threats Springfield is dealing with.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

‘They’re eating pets’ – another example of US politicians smearing Haiti and Haitian immigrants

By Nathan H. Dize | September 17, 2024 8:32am EDT

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance continues to defend the false claim that migrants in Springfield, Ohio, have been abducting and eating area cats and dogs.

The Republican ticket’s untrue rumors about Haitians in Springfield reflects a long history of prejudice toward Haitians in the United States. As a scholar of Haitian history and literature, I have identified three anti-Haitian ideas prevalent in the United States that will help put the Springfield story into context.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 1:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Joe Biden likes cheap, exploitable labor


"Blow Your Mind": Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio
Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 - 09:00 AM

Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Nomani has published a shocking report that could soon change the national discussion from Haitians and other migrants eating cats or dogs in Springfield, Ohio, to one that is more sinister: The hub of a complex "hidden human trafficking network" in the tiny rust belt town.

"The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It's about mules. It's a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized," Nomani wrote in the Jewish Journal.

She said, "Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc.," adding, "It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years."

Nomani revealed FBI anti-trafficking agents and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost are now investigating allegations of human trafficking in Springfield.

Given the FBI's politicized operations, I wonder if they'll turn a blind eye.


What began as my efforts to track down a rumor about animal cruelty has turned into an investigation that reveals a malignant system of labor exploitation involving a local businessman, George Ten, whom Haitians and local residents call "King George," the chief executive at First Diversity Staffing Group Inc., a Springfield company that has been the tip of the spear in the alleged trafficking operation of Haitians to the town.


This is a story of unchecked greed and cruelty, committed not by the immigrants, but to the immigrants, with local residents of Springfield also a casualty.

Nomani provided an image of one of those vans owned by staffing companies that shuttles the migrants to factories.

The ex-WSJ journo said 'George Ten', the alleged mastermind behind this scheme, lives in a mansion in rural Ohio. She continued, "His nickname is "King George" because of his opulent lifestyle of luxury cars, cash handouts, and fast talk. For years, he has operated his reign of alleged exploitation."

This is stunning, as Nomani noted:

One Haitian man I interviewed asked to be anonymous for fear of retaliation and recalled how he was picked up by a driver for one of Ten's vans on a street corner near a Winn-Dixie grocery store in Immokalee, Florida. After the long journey to Springfield, he was dropped off at a rundown home on Rice Street, infested with cockroaches. He soon found work through First Diversity at Jefferson Industries Corporation, earning $12.50 an hour; he didn't know how much George skimmed off his wages. The home he lived in had no working heat, and he bought an electric heater to survive the cold Ohio winter, the heater barely heating his room.

What essentially began as an unverified claim by Trump about migrants eating pets has led to the disturbing truth of alleged labor trafficking and modern-day slavery in Springfield. The Haitians, here legally, are being exploited by mega corporations...

In March, we previewed to readers...[link]

She said her reporting on this would "blow your mind."

What will also blow your mind is that this alleged labor trafficking network has possibly also surfaced in Charleroi, Pennsylvania.

We cited a resident of the town, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution. In a video, the resident revealed the complex network of staffing vans in a town that is 50% Haitian. The vans shuttle migrants back and forth to several food packaging plants.


] I posted about this

What the Trump team is discovering - the story from Springfield and possibly even Charleroi, is not about cats and dogs. It's about the federal government, and maybe even a shadowy network of NGOs, that dumped the migrants into small towns nationwide. This cheap and exploited labor benefits mega corporations but crushes native blue-collar workers.

At the end of the day, this is not 'America First' - terrible foreign policy by the radicals in the far-left Biden-Harris admin has sold out the blue-collar worker.

What puzzled me were the town managers who insisted everythjng is fine, fine, fine.

I suspect they're in on the scam.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Americans support America


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 1:45 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Fear and Hope in Springfield, Ohio

After Donald Trump repeated rumors that immigrants here are eating cats and dogs, I came to town for the weekend. Proud Boys greeted me.

By Aymann Ismail | Sept 18, 2024, 5:45 AM

Mia Perez started her Friday early, packing her 9-year-old daughter’s lunch and dropping her off at school before heading to a meeting at a community church in downtown Springfield, Ohio, by 9:30 a.m. For her daughter’s sake, she tried to act like everything was normal. It wasn’t. Unsettling rumors ignited on the national political stage were swirling through town that local immigrants were stealing and eating pets. The meeting had been organized by town religious leaders who were desperate to counter the claims.

Perez was already nearing her wits’ end at the meeting when her phone rang. Bomb threats had been made in the vicinity of the elementary school, she was told, and parents needed to come back for their children. It was the second day in a row this had happened. “I spilled coffee all over myself when I got the call,” Perez told me.

She rushed to the school and got her daughter. This time, her daughter had questions. Was it a school shooter, like she had heard about on the news? “I tried to explain the difference between an active shooter and a bomb threat, but how do you explain that to a 9-year-old?” Perez said. Her daughter’s next question was somehow worse: “Have we ever eaten a cat?”

Perez’s husband is Haitian. She is Cuban but had lived much of her life in Haiti before relocating to Springfield in 2017. She is an immigration lawyer and interpreter, helping newly arrived immigrants—mostly Haitians, though not exclusively—get a foothold in town. She told her daughter that, no, they do not eat cats. She tried to make her laugh, telling her everything tastes like chicken to her, anyway. For Perez’s part, she has cried nearly every day since this all began.

I arrived in Springfield last weekend on the heels of Donald Trump declaring at the presidential debate, “They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.” That followed similar claims propagated by J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate and the Ohio senator who represents this city in Congress.

The consequences were immediate. White supremacist groups have been seen in town distributing racist fliers and trying to latch broad grievances to nonwhite people living there. There has been vandalism and more than 30 bomb threats, and a steady stream of people from out of town arriving to tell the new locals that they don’t belong there.

Not long after I got into town, I encountered a group of about 30 members of the Proud Boys, some with their preteens in tow, sporting custom-made yellow-and-black biker jackets emblazoned with the group’s logo. One I spoke to covered his face with a bandana and declined to give his name. He said there was nothing racist about opposition to Haitians here. “We want the government to prioritize Americans over immigrants,” he said. “If you want to come to our country and assimilate, we’ve got plenty of space. But you’ve got to do it our way, adopt our values. You can’t bring your culture here.” I asked another if she truly believed people were eating household pets in Springfield. “It’s possible they aren’t,” she said. “It’s just a meme. It’s just for fun at this point.”

The Proud Boys were certainly having fun. But the post-debate weekend I spent in Springfield showed the instant ramifications of campaign rhetoric taken to a disturbing extreme. The people here—longtime residents and new arrivals—had already been trying to fight growing local division. Now it had gone national, and they had no idea what to expect.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 2:33 PM


Some reporter gets greeted by FBI agents LARPing in Springfield.


Also, there's no proof she was even in Springfield. I could write a story like that in an hour.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 2:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Some reporter gets greeted by FBI agents LARPing in Springfield.


Also, there's no proof she was even in Springfield. I could write a story like that in an hour.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Another Vance lie about Springfield: that Haitians are responsible for a surge in communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS. I say it’s a lie because there’s no public evidence supporting it, and authorities on the ground contradict it.

“A common myth that I’ve heard is that we’ve seen all of our communicable diseases skyrocket and go through the roof. And really, when you look at the data, that’s not supported,” Chris Coon, a county health commissioner, told the local ABC affiliate.

Once again, this lie has a deeply troubling history. Immigrants have long been falsely accused of bringing disease to keep them out; Nazis did the same to Jews.

Specifically, Nazi propaganda would regularly accuse Jews of spreading typhus, a lice-borne disease that killed millions in early 20th century Europe. Much like HIV, typhus was a stigmatized ailment stereotypically associated with the moral defectiveness or dirtiness of the afflicted. Nazi doctors wrote pseudo-scientific papers accusing Jews of spreading typhus due to our alleged “low cultural level” and “uncleanliness,” part of the justification for cramming Jews in Polish ghettos before shipping my ancestors and their co-religionists to death camps.

In the past, attention to these kinds of glaringly obvious Nazi parallels might have seemed like enough to shame the Trump campaign into at least toning down its rhetoric. But now, those normative guardrails no longer hold.

On the right today, there is a pervasive sense that any allegation of fascism, authoritarianism, or racism is a bad-faith smear designed to delegitimize conservative policies and politicians. It is a tactic used by American defenders of Viktor Orbán’s regime in Hungary, but one most often used to excuse bad behavior at home. It can be used even to whitewash the flirtations with open fascism that are common among young rightists nowadays, like the inclusion of a Nazi symbol in a video pushed out by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s primary campaign.

I’m sure it’s frustrating to be constantly accused of backing a fascist for president when you genuinely don’t see yourself in that light. But at the same time, it gives the green light to ignore an awful lot of extremely dangerous behavior.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 3:03 PM



Originally posted by second:
VOX: I’m sure it’s frustrating to be constantly accused of backing a fascist for president when you genuinely don’t see yourself in that light.

Nah. It was frustrating 8 years ago. It makes us giggle today.

We've all tuned you out and collectively ignore you or anybody like you today. We actually appreciate your honest opinions because the second we see somebody say anything remotely close to this we know that we don't have to waste any further time listening to anything they have to say about any topic.

We also know that they are college "educated".


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 8:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
VOX: I’m sure it’s frustrating to be constantly accused of backing a fascist for president when you genuinely don’t see yourself in that light.

Nah. It was frustrating 8 years ago. It makes us giggle today.

You won't be giggling when you finally get what you deserve.

What Trumptards deserve is somewhere in the range of 1 to 4. What is a 1? Or a 4?

1) The Nazi Party was formed on February 20, 1920. It wasn’t until the 1940s that people decided to kill the Nazis by the millions, but they deserved death from the day the Nazi party was formed. After a long delay, people finally made it happen to the Nazis. None of the Nazis believed it was right/just/reasonable to kill them. Their lament was “We are good people. Why are you doing this to us?”

2) The slave owners of America existed before 1776. It wasn’t until the 1860s that people decided to kill a moderate number of slave owners, but they all deserved death back in 1776. Their lament was the same as Nazis’: “We are good people. Why are you doing this to us?”

3) I have seen terrible husbands being divorced. They believed themselves to be lovable. I don’t even want to write down the delusional laments they spoke but they mention being good — more like good for nothing.

4) I have seen incompetent/lazy/dishonest employees get fired. They might have believed themselves to be vital for the company. An untrue belief. Their lament was: “Why are you doing this to me? I have a family to support.” Not for long, you goddamn asshole. See #3.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 9:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Five days in Ohio: False immigrant rumors threaten to unravel an American town on the upswing

Residents say the town’s economic upswing has come with growing pains, and its comeback story has been overshadowed by lies about its Haitian population.

By Alicia Victoria Lozano and Corky Siemaszko | Sept. 15, 2024, 12:01 PM CDT

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 9:02 PM



Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 9:03 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
VOX: I’m sure it’s frustrating to be constantly accused of backing a fascist for president when you genuinely don’t see yourself in that light.

Nah. It was frustrating 8 years ago. It makes us giggle today.

You won't be giggling when you finally get what you deserve.

What Trumptards deserve is somewhere in the range of 1 to 4. What is a 1? Or a 4?

Don't care.

You got a big mouth. Somebody ought to shut it for you.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, September 19, 2024 5:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
VOX: I’m sure it’s frustrating to be constantly accused of backing a fascist for president when you genuinely don’t see yourself in that light.

Nah. It was frustrating 8 years ago. It makes us giggle today.

You won't be giggling when you finally get what you deserve.

What Trumptards deserve is somewhere in the range of 1 to 4. What is a 1? Or a 4?

Don't care.

You got a big mouth. Somebody ought to shut it for you.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

The way this works is Nazis like you get crushed by guys like me, not the other way around. But since you are convinced you are not a Nazi and are all goodness, this way will seem very unfair. The Nazis felt the same way toward their end as you will toward yours. I believe Trump will be feeling in the early months of 2025 like Hitler was feeling in the same months of 1945, except Trump won't kill himself because he has lawyers for protection from the consequences of his atrocious behavior.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 19, 2024 5:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Vance Pushed Lies About Haitians Despite His Office Knowing They Were B.S.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Vance's office reached out to Springfield officials about claims Haitian migrants were eating cats -- and ignored their denials

By Nikki McCann Ramirez | September 18, 2024

During a campaign event in Wisconsin on Tuesday, J.D. Vance told supporters that it’s not his job to check if a story is true before broadcasting it to his millions of supporters.

“The media has a responsibility to fact-check,” Vance said of false claims he’s spread accusing “illegal” Haitian migrants in the town of Springfield, Ohio, of killing and eating local pets.

Well, members of the media did fact-check Vance. As it turns out, the Ohio senator and his vice presidential campaign knew there was no credibility to the claims hours after he first aired them publicly, but chose to keep pushing them anyway, plunging the town into chaos.

According to a Wednesday report from The Wall Street Journal, on Sept. 9 — the day Vance first posted on X claiming local cats were being eaten by Springfield’s Haitians — most of which are in the town legally — his office called local authorities to verify the claim.

A Vance staffer “asked point-blank, ‘Are the rumors true of pets being taken and eaten [true]?’” City Manager Bryan Heck told the Journal. “I told him no. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true. I told them these claims were baseless.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 19, 2024 5:30 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
VOX: I’m sure it’s frustrating to be constantly accused of backing a fascist for president when you genuinely don’t see yourself in that light.

Nah. It was frustrating 8 years ago. It makes us giggle today.

You won't be giggling when you finally get what you deserve.

What Trumptards deserve is somewhere in the range of 1 to 4. What is a 1? Or a 4?

Don't care.

You got a big mouth. Somebody ought to shut it for you.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

The way this works is Nazis like you get crushed by guys like me, not the other way around. But since you are convinced you are not a Nazis and are all goodness, this way will seem very unfair. The Nazis felt the same way toward their end as you will toward yours. I believe Trump will be feeling in the early months of 2025 like Hitler was feeling in the same months of 1945.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Come crush me then dude. You know where I live.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, September 19, 2024 5:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Come crush me then dude. You know where I live.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

I believe Trump will be feeling in the early months of 2025 like Hitler was feeling in the same months of 1945, except Trump won't kill himself because he has lawyers for protection from the consequences of his atrocious behavior. Where are your lawyers, 6ixStringJack? Can't afford a $1 million per month Trump was paying to keep himself out of jail?

Donald Trump’s monthly legal expenses dip below $1 million for the first time in 2 years

BY Aaron Kessler, Richard Lardner and The Associated Press
July 27, 2024 at 10:37 AM CDT

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 19, 2024 6:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

J.D. Vance doesn’t care about your so-called “truth”

Asked about Haitians immigrants legally working and living in the United States through Temporary Protected Status, Vance criticized the Biden administration for granting that status to Haitians, asserting that the government had “illegally” given them that protection and saying that he would still refer to them as “illegal aliens” anyway.

Not only are they here legally, but most of them have nothing to do with Biden. The parole program for Haitians goes back to the Reagan era.

JD Vance is an asshole and a Nazi.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 19, 2024 8:11 AM


Hindu, Zaydism, Jews, Afro Voodoo, Shaktism and in currents of folk Hinduism...

and Halal the islamo animal torture ritual that often in directly funds jihad terror groups

Did you know some Jews also do a type of Voodoo thing, Kapparot or Kapores is a customary atonement ritual practiced by some Jews, they think they can mentally send their sins and crimes inside a Chicken and the Chicken will be sent to hell instead?

The Jew don't really have a Devil or Satan but hint at it....they see a Devil or Satan as a Metaphor for the Yetzer Hara,
some Jews will say a Devil is real or Satan is real, term that appears is ha'satan but another name called Iyov in Hebrew, References to Satan in Tanakh some use it as adversary or hindrance word.
if a Jew does a crime they can blame the Chicken and send sins inside a Chicken
When a bad is done grab a Chicken hit the Chicken swing the Chicken bash it, bleed it torture it and they say
movie idea of throwing virgins into volcanoes is almost entirely Hollywood fiction?
the Devil or Satan will get the Chicken instead

Kapparot With Chickens: On Ritual Slaughter and Human Greed

but don't speak of anything

Orwellian news says that's RACIST !!!


Thursday, September 19, 2024 11:01 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

but don't speak of anything

Orwellian news says that's RACIST !!!

The news says Jayneztown is foaming-at-the-mouth and Trump is a Nazi redirecting his free-floating wrath away from Jews and toward Haitians.

First Trump said Haitian migrants in Ohio were ‘eating the pets’. Now he says they’re ‘destroying America’

The former president promised his rally crowd in Uniondale, New York on Long Island that he would visit the small city which suddenly found itself in the midst of a vicious news cycle as Trump and his running mate JD Vance pushed false claims circulated online that Haitian migrants were stealing and eating domestic pets.

The former president said on Wednesday night, “We’re getting them out of our country. They came in illegally. They’re destroying our country. We’re getting them out. They’re going to be brought back to the country from which they came.”

The city of Springfield states on its website that “YES, Haitian immigrants are here legally, under the Immigration Parole Program. Once here, immigrants are then eligible to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Haiti is designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security for TPS. Current TPS is granted through February 3, 2026.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 19, 2024 12:06 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Who knows if they take enough Cannibals in they might even start eating people


Kamala Harris calls bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio, a crying shame. It was supposed to be photo day. The kids were all dressed up.


Friday, September 20, 2024 12:18 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Elon Musk Is Debasing American Society

Opinion by Thomas Chatterton Williams | September 20, 2024, 7:33 AM ET

To paraphrase former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, you wage mimetic warfare with the unsubstantiated smear you’ve got, not the one you want. It just so happens that the one most recently deployed by Donald Trump is the kind that proliferates these days on X.

When Trump declared, seemingly out of nowhere, during his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris that Haitian immigrants living legally in Springfield, Ohio, were “eating the dogs … eating the cats … eating the pets of the people that live there,” he drew incomprehension, followed by widespread ridicule, from mainstream audiences. What came next was a furious and revealing national conversation on important questions of immigration, race, assimilation, work ethic, diet, traffic violations, duty (to struggling native-born constituencies and to newcomers alike), the limits of tolerance, the inevitability of its opposite, the nature of truth, and much else besides. But on the social-media platform that had provided him with the paranoid talking point in the first place, the discussion and reproduction of Trump’s outburst immediately gave way to the naked and sustained expressions of racism that have become emblematic of the website over the past two years.

When Elon Musk acquired Twitter and changed its name to X, he promptly went about stripping its capacity for content moderation, reinstating extremist accounts, and boosting the reach and visibility of the worst trolls. I have heard many blithe rationalizations of the pragmatic and even salutary benefits of “knowing what people really think.” But the pervasiveness and normalization of what was, until very recently, niche and stigmatized bigotry has been astonishing to witness. Although there was plenty of racism on the internet during Trump’s first and second campaigns, it wasn’t this ubiquitous on mainstream networks such as Twitter. On Musk’s X, the racism has now become so relentless and self-confident that it amounts to a genuine qualitative difference.

“If I had to summarize the intent of X’s algorithm at this point, it would be twofold,” Sam Harris remarked this week on his Making Sense podcast. “The first is to make Elon even more famous than he is. And the second is to make every white user of the platform more racist. If you could pipe the X algorithm into your brain through Neuralink, I think you’d probably jump off the table and go out and buy a Cybertruck and then join a white-supremacist militia. That’s the vibe I get when I spend a few minutes scrolling the homepage.”

Consider a story shared, in the aftermath of Trump’s tirade, by a woman named Rebecca Christophi posting under the handle @rquietlyreading. She generated 1 million views and 11,000 likes for an anecdotal screed about her undergraduate experience sharing a dorm room with an older Haitian student. The roommate had a boyfriend back in Haiti whom she talked with on the room’s landline until very late at night: “It was torture. I could not sleep, I was barely able to stay awake in classes, but I was afraid to say anything to her.” When she finally confronted her roommate, asking her to take the phone out the door to talk, the young Haitian woman “started to cry—how she was affecting me seemed to never have occurred to her. The complete lack of consideration and her shock when I addressed it was hard to wrap my head around. It’s just not how most Americans function.”

The post continues: “This is the issue, isn’t it? If you are bringing in thousands of ppl from other countries whose values/ideals differ drastically from yours, you are inevitably going to change your homeland.” At the end, she adds a “side-note” accusing the roommate of stealing clothes from her, and saying she “also cried when I asked her about it.”

When one user pushed back—“I am sorry that your parents did not prepare you to tell your roommate when you wanted to go to bed. They failed you. You are projecting this failure onto the American value system in a way that is quite unfair”—that response led to a round of even more vehement and explicit racial hatred. “You’re so smug when you know the problem is that blacks are loud, obnoxious, and inconsiderate. They also struggle with impulse control. You wouldn’t tell a black that was loudly and rudely blasting music on the subway to cut that shit out because he’ll probably try to kill you,” someone wrote. “Nigs are gonna nig,” wrote another account that was verified through a paid subscription.

I reached out to Christophi to ask if she’d intended her post to be read as invective against Haitians, and she replied in an email that no, it was just “a story,” its telling triggered by “the recent happenings in Springfield”; she “certainly did not expect so many people to see it or to respond with the hatred and vitriol that they did.” She said that people have since threatened her life and livelihood—which of course is egregious.

And yet, in her message to me, she also doubled down on what she said were “accurate details about the effect of mass immigration.” If, she wrote, “the details coming out of Springfield are conveyed accurately, they only support my statements, for example, the mayor and city council appear to be receiving financial kickbacks for replacing a third of the population of their town with immigrants.” This is a perfect example of the “Great Replacement” theory in action—the idea that immigrants are being welcomed as part of a plot to steal control of the country away from white voters—and it is not true. There is no evidence that the residents of the town are being in any sense replaced.

The choice of a quote from G. K. Chesterton that she shared at the end of the email dampened the sympathy her message might have otherwise elicited: “The definition of the true savage is that he laughs when he hurts you; and howls when you hurt him.”

I am far from a hypersensitive snowflake on constant lookout for racial grievance, nor am I someone who could plausibly be accused of a lack of concern over creeping censoriousness particularly on the previous iteration of Twitter. On the contrary, I believe that maximal tolerance of free expression is crucial to American democracy, and I am deeply skeptical of both formal and informal censorship. I believe that it is vital for all of us—not just college students—to be put in contact with views we passionately disagree with. But through his revealed beliefs and example, Musk has debased the argument about the value of free speech and reduced the terms of this debate to its crudest possible units. With his nearly 200 million followers—a sizable portion of whom amount to cultists—he is responsible for tuning X’s digital culture into a gratuitously repulsive frequency. Astonishingly active and available on the platform that he so bombastically controls, he not only enables bad actors; he also personally praises and promotes them.

Just a week before the presidential debate, Musk wrote, “Very interesting. Worth watching,” about a conversation between Tucker Carlson and the amateur historian and Nazi sympathizer Darryl Cooper. In that talk, Cooper claimed that Hitler had killed millions of Jews unintentionally, and that Winston Churchill was the real villain of the Second World War. Musk has since deleted the post, but such an endorsement from X’s apex user makes the spread of anti-Semitism not just likely but inevitable.

One noxious meme that has been circulating lately depicts a smirking, hook-nosed figure wearing a kippah and rubbing his hands together. Behind him is a wall of cardboard boxes labeled Open Borders, Feminism, Cultural Decay, Globalism, “The Holocaust,” Hate Crime Laws, Climate Change, Gender Bending, Usury, Porno, and so on. “It’s all Jewish. Literally all of it,” a verified account claimed.

This image, too, is a reference to the Great Replacement theory, and the idea that Jews are behind it. These sorts of grotesque posts predate Musk. But under his stewardship, they have absolutely lost their taboo. How could they not? As my colleague Yair Rosenberg has reported, Musk has endorsed that conspiracy theory himself.

Last year, a Jewish user responded to anti-Semitic content on X by posting, “To the cowards hiding behind the anonymity of the internet and posting ‘Hitler was right’: You got something you want to say? Why don’t you say it to our faces.”

A small-time white-nationalist account wrote back to attribute anti-Semitism to minorities, and blaming it on the Jews:

Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.

I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that [they] support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much.

You want truth said to your face, there it is.

Rosenberg pointed out that “his exchange would have languished in obscurity had Musk not replied to this bigoted bromide with six words: ‘You have said the actual truth.’”

Here’s something else that Musk, Trump’s wealthiest and most prominent backer, lamented not long ago: “Racism against white people is the only kind of discrimination that’s allowed.” As the depressing discussions of Haitians—and Jews and Black people in general—have made so inescapably plain, from the top of the Republican ticket down to the most obscure account on X, that is anything but true.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, September 20, 2024 3:31 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Come crush me then dude. You know where I live.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

I believe Trump will be feeling in the early months of 2025 like Hitler was feeling in the same months of 1945, except Trump won't kill himself because he has lawyers for protection from the consequences of his atrocious behavior. Where are your lawyers, 6ixStringJack? Can't afford a $1 million per month Trump was paying to keep himself out of jail?

Donald Trump’s monthly legal expenses dip below $1 million for the first time in 2 years

BY Aaron Kessler, Richard Lardner and The Associated Press
July 27, 2024 at 10:37 AM CDT

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

What would I need lawyers for? Only rich people and criminals need lawyers.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, September 21, 2024 2:45 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

but the 4 chords to the song are Em / Bm / D / A. I don't believe there's a 5th chord anywhere and it just repeats those 4 chords from beginning to end.

Good for you to figure it out, I could tell you each key has its own Devils note 'tritone' or explain how there are two minor 2nd interval half steps in keys, BC for example friends...besites are close and EF they are Extra Friendly but I'm not sure you would get that

LEARN YOUR NOTES !! if you know GABCDEF and high g or you know CDEFGAB and high c or know ABCDEFG and the high 'a' note and where they are on the guitar, then also know where B flat is (next to the B but down) learn where F sharp is (next to an F but up)...if you are going to bother to learn where a B flat is or an F sharp you should probably also learn about the Seventh note, this 7 can be up or down which adds major or minor flavoring...but maybe that's too much info for now.

the 5th I refer to is just a chord on the 'So' and you can start on any note Do Re Mi Fa 'So'.... then'So' is the Fifth
E to B is a Fifth
D to A is a Perfect Fifth
A to E is a Perfect Fifth

I can't allow you have have a name like Six string without knowing some Theory

With 4 chords here is music theory and modes or 'Mood'
a version of the E chord, Bm , D chord, a version of the A chord

try this

play a B note on your guitar play it on the beat a few times and press a loop on your pedal

now re-arrange the chords and
Bm / D / play A minor instead of A Major / Em

play your chord progression over the B, put maybe a Latin funky beat or a little Rock 'distortion' on your Guitar and that's
Your B note drones on a Loop
strum or pick a rhythm
if you want to play a scale over it start on Root then its HalfTone Tone Tone Tone Halftone Tone Tone
a 'Tone' is a two fret jump, a Halftone is a one fret jump
Half Tone or 'Semi Tone' is the same thing
Don't play Do - Ray - Mi instead drop tones and play DoRaw-Maw
playing chord or scale over the note B with F sharp (your Fifth) that's a mode
it sets a dark mood
the minor second note should disturb a little almost like Jaws is coming in the Shark movie
this sound is Spain, it is español, maybe alien exotic, Arabic, maybe twisted, it has intensity but it is also heavy metal rocker aggressive.
playing these chords over a B it should sound dark like old Spanish or Heavy Metal

Another Mood or Greek mode or Church Mode?
Start on D major chord but you won't be in D Major key
play a D+A power chord and loop it or just play a D on your keyboard and loop as a bass pedal underneath
Whatever fx you add give it a little rock, acoustic, funk feel
D is droning underneath like an Indian Hindu pedal, it should feel funky, maybe Celt or like James Brown or Prince with the Flat Seven Note
then D / play A minor instead of A Major / Em then finish on B minor and back to D on the 'one beat', you can play the notes of this scale and that's your Mixolydian
there are parts of this loop where the G major scale might even work but your 'Key' is D and you are not in a true major key but Mixolydian
its not fully Major, the Mixolydian has an edge to it
You can also change key start on your 'A' put your A note on a pedal loop or keyboard loop, keep the A Major chord and play a progression A/ Em / Bm / D and that will also sound funky, it is not fully Major but more smooth, dancing and casual
this is your 'Mixolydian'

put your A note on a loop, you can play A and E power chord maybe or just A and loop it
and a little reverb fx or delay
but if you really want to go crazy
...if you thrown in a E Major chord at the end of the phrase and go back to A minor you start to sound like Classical Music
to stay simple....then Start with A minor and play Em / Bm / D
maybe play a swung rhythm or a 'jig'
That is Dorian, very common in sad Celtic, Latin or Rock music, its dreamy, funky, or ancient, maybe people describe it as natural and neutral...some call it old guy rocker sound.
that's your Dorian mode
You can also change your chords to D minor and A minor from your original
'Em / Bm / D / A' to
Dm / Am / Em / Bm' drone on the D note put your D on a loop and play all minor chords over your D note Dm / Am / Em / Bm these are all minor or sadness or sorrow chords and yet there is one note there that changes so it will sound slightly brighter or more neutral or ancient, that is Dorian
if you known an F Major scale on Guitar, you can keep the very same notes and instead start on the G as your root note and suddenly you begin to have a Dorian scale with Dorian chord voicing, G to high G but using one B flat
Some say Dorian sounds mysterious but to my ear the mystery hollywood tv blend of note is from another Classical Music scale with a chord 'MinMaj7'...going back to Dorian I would argue Dorian has a hanging or timeless searching and 'cool' rock quality but a sound that's been around since ancient time
For Dorian and keeping it simple
You can also start on E, keep your A Major chord...drone on the E note and loop it, play
Em / Bm / D / A
have an E loop in the background ...your F sharp note and C sharp note in the key of E makes it Dorian...not quiet 'minor' but almost, maybe more neutral
and that also sounds like your Dorian mode an old sound, the older rock or spacey mystic space rock ancient mood.

Rick Beato has a lot of vids on stuff like this

Dorian should sound maybe somewhat Mystical old European sound or Dad Rock,
Phrygian is Darker Spanish or Heavy Metal or a Villain Theme,
Mixolydian is Bright and wants to Dance but its not 'Major' there is something Funky underneath

Each Mode has their own 'Mood' and even far away in Japan the Japanese video gamers learned how to use these Scales of Mood or Greek Modes to great effect in their latest Sony or Nintendo thing just as Hollywood Classical music composers did their thing.

I won't bother with Natural Minor or Major because most people have a sense of it as the Happy scale or Sad key even if they don't know any theory

I want you to know that this post wasn't wasted. I have read it a couple of times now. I just honestly don't know how to react when somebody goes out of their way to post all of this in a conversation with me is all. I rarely get real thoughtful replies to anything I post like this.

Right now I'll just mention that I'm not playing on an electric guitar. 99% of my playing in my life has been on an acoustic. I had a pretty mice Martin for years, but it was beat to hell and some of the frets were worn down so much it was kind of hard to play before it had a catastrophic failure anyhow.

These days I'm playing on a piece of crap cheapo I couldn't even tell you the brand name of. Probably one of those that you would have paid $250 for new off of those infomercial with that guy who dressed like Zorro and had those finger nails.

It, like the worn-fret Martin, isn't the easiest thing to play.

I prefer the acoustic really because I like sitting while I'm playing and at least for me sitting with an electric guitar is very awkward.

I gave my shitty Ibanez away years back. I still have a Made in Mexico 1980 Les Paul. It was very well taken care of and is in mint condition. I hardly ever take that thing out of the case other than to look at it. I actually snapped at one of my friends once when I realized he'd taken it out and started getting his finger oil all over it. I didn't mean to snap, but it's like... hey dude. You should ask somebody before you put your grubby mitts on somebody's obviously really nice guitar.

I'm just not good enough to play that at all. I thought I might be one day when I bought it, but that's not why I did. Somebody I knew needed a leg up and hadn't played that in a long while anyway. They were currently looking to sell it for a song to raise some cash. When I got wind of that, I bought it along with a big Fender amp for a fair price more than a little above what they were asking for it. Last I checked, likely mostly due to inflation, that model has sold several times in my condition or slightly worse for double what I paid for it. At this point I've had it so long that I really just view it as one of the few possessions I have outside my house that hedge against inflation.

If I still wanted to play electric, I would have kept the Ibanez to practice on. I'm really just interested in acoustic guitar and one of these days I should treat myself by buying a decent one.

Thanks for the post.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, September 22, 2024 7:03 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump promotes ‘remigration,’ a white supremacist euphemism for ethnic cleansing

By Christopher Mathias | Sep 20, 2024, 01:42 PM EDT

Last weekend, former President Donald Trump posted another anti-immigrant screed to Truth Social. It would have been unremarkable - at least, graded on the Trumpian curve of extreme xenophobia - except for one word.

“[We will] return Kamala’s illegal migrants to their home countries (also known as remigration),” he wrote. “I will save our cities and towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and all across America.”

Many people might have glossed over his use of “remigration.” White nationalists did not.

“#Remigration has had a massive conceptual career,” Martin Sellner — leader of the Austrian chapter of Generation Identity, a pan-European white supremacist network — tweeted in his native German. “Born in France, popularized in German-speaking countries and now the term of the hour from Sweden to the USA!”

It was a succinct and accurate history from Sellner, a 35-year-old who typically trafficks in vicious lies and conspiracy theories, particularly about Black and brown people. He has been at the vanguard of pushing “remigration” — a euphemism for ethnically cleansing non-white people from Western countries — into the popular political lexicon in Europe.

Now Sellner was seeing his favorite little word all grown up, moving overseas in service of the 45th president of the United States, who has promised to implement the largest mass deportation of immigrants in U.S. history if elected back to the White House in six weeks’ time.

Trump’s use of “remigration” is the latest instance of the GOP’s intensifying anti-immigrant rhetoric in the run-up to November’s election, underscoring the degree to which one of America’s two major political parties is sourcing many of its talking points and policy ideas directly from neo-fascists.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 22, 2024 8:09 AM



He needs to run on getting them all the fuck out.

Landslide Trump victory incoming.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, September 22, 2024 9:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

He needs to run on getting them all the fuck out.

Landslide Trump victory incoming.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Trump should promise to build concentration camps, including gas chambers and crematoriums because that will be a hundred times faster than holding millions of trials in immigration court, negotiations with foreign countries to accept deportees and deportation, the last step.

6ixStringJack, Trump knows from personal experience that trials in courtrooms can cost $millions while cremation costs only hundreds of dollars per illegal migrant. Trump will go with the cheaper option so that tax cuts can be larger. Even though Trump is not paying taxes, his Trumptards will get lower taxes. Death camps and crematoriums is by two orders of magnitude the cheapest and fastest way for Trump to remove millions of unsightly illegal migrants.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, September 23, 2024 6:24 AM


Caribbean Project: Review: Where Black Rules White – A Journey Across and About Hayti


Prichard’s eyewitness account of Haitian society in 1899 brings to life the dry statistics

Hesketh Prichard
He was sympathetic to Blacks and wondered if Haiti now free but with Africa corruptions and voodoo if they would become a civilization people by themselves or collapse into chaos?
he was part of the British Army for a whilean English cricketer, explorer, a historian, adventurer and writer, he described practices of "vaudoux" the post French Empire culture in a new Haiti or also called 'voodoo' which can be found among New Orleans people or other towns and city-parish located along the Mississippi River today.

What is the lesson of mass immigration after the USA got attacked from within during 911, what is the story of Babylon and The Lesson of Haiti ...can the USA take in endless waves upon waves of illegals and other immigration from alien cultures.
The culture of the USA is changing, you can see with the Palestine Arab muslim vs Jewish Israeli fist fights on University and Campus...across the world the French Egalitarian and Brotherhood Empire is collapsing as Macron sips his wine, all of the French exterminated in a historical revolt, an ethnic cleansing, a new form of cruelty and chaos arrives, anarchy and despotism, and corruption and voodoo arrives, US sent Marines to Haiti, Wilson wanted to establish some Law and Order but after 19 years couldn't change it even after building schools, hospitals and thousands of miles of paved roads, in 1958 the USA is back in Haiti trying to fix it again the US throws hundreds of millions and sends Army Marine people there and still can not solve it, and in 1994 the USA tried again to fix Haiti which seems to be unfixable.

Lady confirms that Haitians use Cats and Dogs for VOODOO, another guy who was on a Misson in Haiti says they sacrifice animals it is completely normal among 8 or 9%-11% or 12 percent of the culture, sacrifice and eat them as well

Black Guy Familiar With Haitian Culture Explains The Eating of Pets Connection to Voodoo

I put a Spell on You...Black Magic Woman, That old Black Magic....Superstition
Stevie Wonder, Spainish Castle Magic Hendrix, Voodoo by Godsmack ..."Voodoo People" is a song by British electronic music group The Prodigy, the people of the Carribean will tell you these types of stories in books, the photos, the songs, its all real and the stories didn't come from 'Nowhere'

the dog eating cat eating animal sacrifice 'Voodoo' culture exists

did these songs come from nowhere?

bass line, guitar riff, based on "Very Ape" by Nirvana, played by Lance Riddler, it is however an 'electronic' produced band so some guitarists never joined the Prodigy on stage for a live show.

did someone just randomly artistically create random notes and words and imagery and randomly make up these songs, tunes and videos randomly with no reference to real life events?

Did Hollywood movies and books and tv shows about people in a 'Zombie Trance' come from nowhere, The Serpent and the Rainbow, The Zombies of Sugar Hill Blaxploitation Movie, Angel Heart, The Wicker Man, House of Cards, The Ninth Gate...are these stories of groups and 'Witchcraft' and animal sacrifice or other strange culture eating animals, the Live and Let Die spy film, the eighth film in the James Bond series are the stories just made up entirely and created randomly or based on real events?

adopted a psychopath foreign alien kid and it ruined his life.

They got the kid from some backward country at the age of 11. No one told them the kid was rescued from the sex trade. As soon as they got him home, he started raping. The children of his adopted parents first. Kid escaped his garage prison and stole panties from a neighbor.
Charges against the parents were dropped. What saves them were the boxes of records they had in which they requested help from the state. They said he needed to be locked up, but the state ignored them. The kid was found to be too insane to stand trial for burglary. Hopefully, locked up in an asylum some where.
Problem Cultures?
It would have been embarrassing for state if they tried the parents for keeping him locked up. So they dropped all charges. The states incompetence exposed and indifference would have been revealed... paying north of 100k a year to keep him in a private institution until he couldn’t afford it. They locked him up themselves. Texas kept telling him he made too much money to get any assistance.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Right now I'll just mention that I'm not playing on an electric guitar. 99% of my playing in my life has been on an acoustic. I had a pretty mice Martin for years, but it was beat to hell and some of the frets were worn down so much it was kind of hard to play before it had a catastrophic failure anyhow.

These days I'm playing on a piece of crap cheapo I couldn't even tell you the brand name of. Probably one of those that you would have paid $250 for new off of those infomercial with that guy who dressed like Zorro and had those finger nails.

It, like the worn-fret Martin, isn't the easiest thing to play.

I prefer the acoustic really because I like sitting while I'm playing and at least for me sitting with an electric guitar is very awkward.

I gave my shitty Ibanez away years back. I still have a Made in Mexico 1980 Les Paul. It was very well taken care of and is in mint condition. I hardly ever take that thing out of the case other than to look at it. I actually snapped at one of my friends once when I realized he'd taken it out and started getting his finger oil all over it. I didn't mean to snap, but it's like... hey dude. You should ask somebody before you put your grubby mitts on somebody's obviously really nice guitar.

I'm just not good enough to play that at all. I thought I might be one day when I bought it, but that's not why I did. Somebody I knew needed a leg up and hadn't played that in a long while anyway. They were currently looking to sell it for a song to raise some cash. When I got wind of that, I bought it along with a big Fender amp for a fair price more than a little above what they were asking for it. Last I checked, likely mostly due to inflation, that model has sold several times in my condition or slightly worse for double what I paid for it. At this point I've had it so long that I really just view it as one of the few possessions I have outside my house that hedge against inflation.

If I still wanted to play electric, I would have kept the Ibanez to practice on. I'm really just interested in acoustic guitar and one of these days I should treat myself by buying a decent one.

I will assume you hear how Phrygain or Mixolydian is a different mode or 'scale', you should probably also know Roman symbol and the idea of another minor called 'Harmonic Minor'
You probably know some diminished chords or have stumbled on them. You can still do that 'Mode' exercise on Acoustic, if there were 2 other concepts I would introduce to you it would be Roman Numerals and 'the Harmonic minor'.
Your tuner might be able to give you then sound of an 'A' note or an 'E' and you can play those chord progressions over them, you might be able to play a Cello sound underneath if you don't have a keyboard you can download an app or program, a free open source program DJ mixer software LMMS, Mixpad, Garage Band, if you don't know how to use these programs they will have all the tutorials on a toktoks or youtuber social media to help you create a simple funky beat and bass line.
Roman numberals should not be too difficult. If you have already seen a Hollywood movie at the end of the older films you might have noticed something at the end of the film,
1998 for example = MCMXCVIII
Now that ' MCMXCVIII ' is a big number but you don't have to read something so complicated just read from 1 to seven and you should see them on an old clock, learn 1 to 7 in Roman. i , ii, iii, iv, v , vi vii and then 'Octave' or you can type them in ALL CAPS which is 'I' 'IV' 'V' instead of writing 1 4 5
If you read Roman numerals You would know 'vi' is Roman for '6' and because they are small letters your 6 is 'minor' but if wrote big capital letters 'VI' your six is now 'Major'.
So if someone hands you a piece of paper and says we're in key of 'A' play i then play flat II chord, they give you paper and then you play a B flat a flat II not dim or diminished 'ii' nor a normal minor ii after a while you start to understand ...ok that seems to be B flat Major chord maybe we are in 'Phrygian' Mode
or if you change the key to E on the piano that's all White Keys from E to as higher e, E minor then next Flat II chord is F Major...Phrygian
Major all White keys C to high c and Minor all White keys A to high a, you can sharpen or flatten a key jumping to one of the black keys but unlike guitar your finger shapes on piano are not really easily movable to another key.
Piano as much of a pain as it is to do both hands it is more logical than guitar it is good to know how to build a chord on piano becase all of Western music is spelled out on piano for you. The Roman numeral will help you understand the language of music...if someone gave you chords on a paper you see a diminished 'iii' not a minor iii not a Major III but diminished and a flat but Major with the symbol 'VII' you know you are in the funky Mixolydian and if they tell you they in the key of 'E' are playing something Dad Rock or Mystical or old Spacey ancient style and wrote 'IV' and 'v' on a piece of paper and you have a c sharp note then you know you are in Dorian

The Harmonic Minor scale has a really odd weird mystery 'Third' chord the Harmonic minor is a useful scale as a stepping stone to Classical Music or Exotic sounds, it should sound almost like the normal Minor but very exotic, one note will change the entire scale have a big jump similar to the Blues Scales for sometimes is referred to as a “blue note” the Harmonic Minor is a 'Minor' key but it will want to resolve like the end of the Major scale 'ti-do'
The Harmonic Minor will introduce you to something else, the mysterious-sounding augmented chords on the 'Third' its a mystery, anticipation, enigma and Twilight Zone Outer Limits chords mixing Minor scale you start to get good and harmony and become creative a 'min maj7 add9' or after a while you might go polytonal you can start to borrow a chord from another scale either do it as Classical musicians did or just borrow because it sounds nice to your ear.
Mozart, Beethoven borrowed from this exotic Minor scale to harmonize their minor melodic songs and it became a standard thing.
The Harmonic Minor it sounds Egypt or Exotic or Eastern or Byzantine at times...they might have used it in movies with old Mummy coming to life in a horror movie or Villains and Train Tracks or Egyptian Tombs but it also has that 'Classical Music' with orchestra strings feel, back then many of the famous musicians had perfect pitch and they might have heard other 'five note scale' or pentatonic scales or microtonally, and decided ok let's use this alien note to create new Harmony, the Harmonic Minor has been around in Western music for a while. Its not just a Classical music or Jazz thing, its in Hollywood scores and in pop like the Beatles or ABBA George Harrison called it the "naughty chord,"
old guys from Duke Ellington's big band to new guys like Foo Fighters know that song Oh! Darling ...Oh darling Please believe me

but there is also a cultural thing, something perceived by Western-music-people might not be so 'exotic'. An alien scale to us might be normal to them, if you have this scale locally say in Hungary or Romania folk festival or Hindu India music festival or the Balkans or some place.

I'm not going to tell you the scale from a G or an A or a D
but it is different from Do -Re -MiFa - So - La - Tido
it is not really minor which is more Do - ReMay Fa SoLay Taw - do
the Harmonic Minor sounds a mix of Major and Mianor but also has that big Eastern Egypt Exotic jump
Do ReMay Fa SoLay - - Tido

This guy might explain the color of the chords better and Intervals jumps of tones and halftone or tone or semi tone and augmented jump (tone and a half)

and maybe very basic theory visualized on a music mix program
like I said there is a reason they all have a piano at the side helps you how to build a chord and jumps in notes
'Augmented chords are gritty and adventurous chords that can spice up a predictable chord progression.'

...if all that info is too much

just try to find a different minor Scale like the Harmonic Minor

and try remember a Roman 2 or two can be wrote minor 'ii' or ALL CAPS Major 'II'
a seven can be wrote vii or VII
the chord from your 3rd note of scale can be III or iii depending of its Major or minor

and in a scale your harmony chords are built on your 'Do Ray Mi' tone 'intervals'
even as far away as China they understand it but it is named different
Do re mi fa 'sol' la ti/si or they might have something completely outside Western music like a Hindu India chant or Ancient Chinese roll call
but almost everyone in the world will understand 'John Williams' sounds melodic or know 'Do Re Mi'
some tone notes in other countries like France or Italy call it Solfège...if you play with a foreigner the names of the notes can be slightly different for example in Romance languages your 'ti' note is described by 'si' sound in their language


Originally posted by second:
‘They’re eating pets’

something is killing the animals

You guys are acting like idiots again and THG parroting crap

Think about it, Jimmy Carter the darling of the Left even he was against unchecked immigration and banned Iranians after too many might arrive while Americans were getting attacked and embassy hijacked

if there was chaos in Europe and too many Swedish and Latvia refugees arrived in the USA some of them into the Dark Rock music and Occult and Heavy Metal and people's dogs and cats went missing would it be
RACIST to say so?

the thread itself has a Question Mark '?' asking you to think for yourself

at the very top of this thread I linked to a new article refuting the accusation 'No, Haitian Immigrants Aren’t Eating Cats in Ohio'

the thread references vegan protests against Halal and Kosher as cruelty, mentions Whites Italians stealing Garlic, Yellows Vietnamese and rumors of Cats going missing when many arrived from Vietnam, Browns and Indian customs and immigration and Blacks from Haiti

What specific race is 'Black White Bellow and Brown'
people parroting nonsense like idiots!! without making their own assessment

Haiti People are into Voodoo and 'Le Hoodoo Croyance' it is a fact they are known for grabbing an animal and having some ritual sacrifice is a normal part of their voodoo culture
it is not something racist that is 'made up' fictional news item by Hitler,
for the past hundreds of years 9% of the Population follow this Voodoo, Spiritist, Pagan, African Ritual, Hudu-Hoodoo, the superstition of sacrificing animals to gods is their way of life.

African Migrant Throws Ticket Inspector Off Of Train In Italy After Trying To Ride The Train For Free, Injures Inspector

‘Do Not Travel’: U.S. Strongly Warns Against Visiting Haiti Due to Violent Crime and Civil Unrest

Looks Like Trump Again Was Right About The Haitians In Springfield Eating Dogs, Cats, Ducks And Geese

daughter of haitian migrant breaks down the voodoo practicing cat eaters..

Oh Look, An African Migrant Cooking A Dead Cat On The Sidewalk In Italy

This American Says “I spent 19 years in Haiti” “I've been to hell. I've seen a lot.”


Monday, September 23, 2024 7:49 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

He needs to run on getting them all the fuck out.

Landslide Trump victory incoming.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Trump should promise to build concentration camps, including gas chambers and crematoriums because that will be a hundred times faster than holding millions of trials in immigration court, negotiations with foreign countries to accept deportees and deportation, the last step.

6ixStringJack, Trump knows from personal experience that trials in courtrooms can cost $millions while cremation costs only hundreds of dollars per illegal migrant. Trump will go with the cheaper option so that tax cuts can be larger. Even though Trump is not paying taxes, his Trumptards will get lower taxes. Death camps and crematoriums is by two orders of magnitude the cheapest and fastest way for Trump to remove millions of unsightly illegal migrants.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I guess we ought to throw this one in the predictions thread.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024 6:35 AM


‘Haitian Voodoo Is in Fact Real’: Marianne Williamson Backs Trump on Bogus Pet-Eating Conspiracy


Tuesday, September 24, 2024 7:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I guess we ought to throw this one in the predictions thread.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Tell me that you are not a racist Nazi, 6ixStringJack. Trump makes the same claim, but his actions are of a racist Nazi:

The danger of a Trump campaign on a losing trajectory

Talk of Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield conceals Trump's tour of sundown towns in battleground states

By Chauncey DeVega | September 24, 2024 6:00AM (EDT)

Gore Vidal was correct when he observed that the American people do not have a memory of the last week. “We are the United States of Amnesia," the famed novelist concluded. "We learn nothing because we remember nothing.” Given America’s state of hyperpolitics, the black hole that is the attention economy spurned on the 24/7 news media, and a public that is not able to concentrate longer than a goldfish, Vidal now looks much too generous.
. . .

White America practices a type of selective remembering that is grounded in an eternal present, where the complex history of the country and the color line are flattened and distorted. In this narrative, there are great men like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. show up, read a speech, die by violence and are robbed of their radicalism and inducted into the pantheon of American heroes. Miraculously, the "race problem" is solved. The election of Barack Obama is cited as further proof that racism and white supremacy have largely been vanquished. In the Age of Trump, the long arc of history has been twisted and distorted to such an extreme that now white people are perceived as the "real victims" of racism,” rather than Black and brown people. There is no substantive evidence to support such fantasies of white victimology.

Ultimately, because the American people (specifically many white people and those mercenary Black and brown people invested in accessing the privileges of whiteness) live a selective relationship to history, where the past is almost like a motherless child, they possess a limited ability to confront the challenges we are facing as a country. Thus the American people and their political elites are unable to respond effectively to Trumpism and the neofascist authoritarian movement because they still believe in the fiction of American exceptionalism and believe that fascism is something that happens “over there” by definition, and cannot be homegrown.

In one of the most recent and dangerous examples of how America’s organized forgetting has negatively impacted our public discourse and politics, Donald Trump, JD Vance and other mouthpieces and agents of the MAGA movement have recently claimed that Black Haitian refugees in Springfield, Ohio, are eating white people’s dogs and cats and presumably other pets as well.

The mainstream news media and political class — and many among the general public — are responding with shock and disgust that Trump and his agents would traffic in such obvious white supremacist and racist conspiracy theories that are dehumanizing and inciting violence against innocent people. However, alongside that disgust and outrage is a general failure to understand how these attacks against the Haitian community — which are auxiliary to the larger campaign of racism and misogyny against Kamala Harris — are part of a much older history of white supremacy and racist conspiracy theories and violence in America.

First and most importantly: there is no evidence to support this racist fear-mongering about Haitians. Vance has all but admitted that his claims that Haitian refugees are eating pets are not true. But the facts and the truth have little meaning or importance for racists and white supremacists because their ideology and beliefs are based on the twin lies of the race concept and that race is a real thing. Those people deemed to be “white” are thought to be somehow inherently superior to nonwhites.

Racist conspiracy theories and rumors about Black and brown immigrants eating white people’s pets have a long history. Such lies are routinely circulated by white supremacists and other racists and nativists when there are changes, real or perceived, in the country’s racial and ethnic demographics.

Springfield, like other parts of the country, has a history of anti-black violence including lynchings. Eleven African-Americans were lynched in Springfield, Ohio, between 1902 and 1904, as leading sociologist Joe Feagin explained:

Historically, Springfield, Ohio, like other U.S. cities, has experienced major racial conflict and segregation tracing back to the city’s early 1900s race riots. White riots in 1904, 1906, and especially in 1908 were motivated by white efforts to "cleanse" the city of its growing Black immigrant population. ...

The 1908 Springfield riot was particularly savage. Beginning as an attempt to lynch Black men falsely accused of crimes, when a white lynch mob discovered these men had been moved away, they took out their racist rage on the city’s Black community, destroying businesses and homes and killing several other Black men. This early white violence was followed by much racial segregation and discrimination in the city that targeted the Black community.

Neo-Nazi groups, Feagin continues, "have racially targeted Springfield, starting the false claim that Haitian immigrants there are eating pets, a phony claim picked up and used by GOP politicians like Trump and Vance in public statements."

Phillip Dray, author of "A Lynching at Port Jervis: Race and Reckoning in the Gilded Age," offered this historical context for the racist lie about Haitians in Springfield:

"One thing I've been reminded of during the current Springfield situation is the response of Black anti-lynching crusaders to the lynching scourge of the post-Reconstruction era, that at its deepest level, it represented not whites' fear of Black crime or sexual transgression, which was sensationalized and exaggerated, so much as the opposite, white resentment of the political and economic progress Black people had made, along with their increased social mobility.

Today, the faux claims that Haitian immigrants are eating white people's pets seem to speak of a final desperate phase, much as Southern whites in Reconstruction, as Frederick Douglass argued, first fought imagined Black insurrection, then turned to securing white control of the ballot, and eventually to the fiction that Black men were sexually assaulting white women.

What truly disturbs JD Vance and other dubiously concerned whites is that what is actually taking place in Springfield — a successful integration of Black immigrant workers and their families into a struggling Rust Belt city — is a welcome development that local white officials characterize as a "resurgence." For white supremacists like Vance and Trump, however, it is a glimpse of the functioning multi-ethnic, multi-racial future they most fear.

As a direct result of MAGAworld’s lies and provocations (which now include claims that Haitians are spreading HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis), there have been several days of bomb threats and other terrorist threats targeting the Haitian community in Springfield (and nonwhites more generally). Racist street thugs have also been seen in the streets of Springfield, and the mayor has invoked his emergency powers.

In a speech last week in Tucson, Arizona, Donald Trump, a man who has been found liable for sexual assault, launched into a lurid fantasy "about young American girls being raped and sodomized and murdered by savage criminal aliens.” At a rally in Uniondale, New York, on Wednesday, he was even more explicit:

“I’ve been talking about migrant crime for five years. I said, if you let them in, it’s going to be hell. They are vicious, violent criminals that are being led into our country, their people that their countries, who are very smart, they don’t want them. That’s why, all over the world, a lot of people coming from jails, out of the Congo in Africa.

Where do you come from? "The Congo." ... Where in the Congo? "We come from jail." What did you do? "We will not tell you.” ...They’re coming from the Congo. They’re coming from Africa. They’re coming from the Middle East. They’re coming from all over the world ... and what’s happening to our country is we’re just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and we’re not going to take it any longer. And you got to get rid of these people. ... For every New Yorker being terrorized by this wave of migrant crime, November 5 will be your Liberation Day. It’s going to be liberation because you are living like hell. You’re living a life like hell.

Leonce Gaiter, author of "A Memory of Fictions," offered the following insights on Trump and the MAGA movement’s race-baiting and appeals to white racial violence:

A Trump campaign on a losing trajectory leans on its main appeals — race hatred and white supremacy. Trump’s and Vance’s blatant lies about Haitians in Springfield are an invitation for their white supporters to revel in their collective revulsion at dark-skinned immigrants and Black people in general. It’s a MAGA team-building exercise. It supports their power to spin lies with impunity while reinforcing Trump’s status as vortex of white grievance-as-religion, as well as white, Christian, male dominance and contempt for everyone else as a political platform."

Philosopher and fascism scholar Jason Stanley warned of the destructive results that await us if Trump and his agents continue with such provocations and incitements:

“Dehumanizing rhetoric has become so normalized in U.S. politics that it has become easy to ignore it. In the lead up to the Rwandan genocide, Tutsis became used to being called snakes and cockroaches. They did not expect what this vocabulary prefigured for their lives.

“ Now, we face from the Republican candidate for president straightforwardly genocidal speech about non-white immigrants, together with very real Nazi like threats of deportation, “remigration” and explicit descriptions of concentration camps.

“Is there any country in history where such talk has not led to widespread state atrocities, along a continuum that ends in Rwanda? When will Americans listen to history to understand what will happen?

Trump has also been mining America’s white supremacist and racist past for narcissistic and political energy and momentum by holding rallies in what are known as “sundown towns.” These are largely white communities, as identified by the late historian James Loewen and other experts and activists, where in earlier eras, either by law or custom, Black people (and sometimes other nonwhite people) were not allowed to be within the city or town limits after dark. Black and brown people who violated these rules would be subjected to prison, fines, physical violence and sometimes death.

Sundown towns were also maintained as all-white spaces through pogroms and ethnic cleansing campaigns. It is estimated that dozens if not hundreds of Black communities were destroyed by such acts of white terrorism and mob activity. American society remains highly segregated by race and class. That is the legacy of sundown towns.

"Although Springfield, Ohio, was not officially a 'sundown town,'" Feagin notes, "it came close to this definition as evidenced by the white race riots and other aggressive white efforts to maintain an all-white Springfield."

When Trump and his agents dream of “Making America Great Again” and fighting back against alleged “reverse racism” or the myth that whites are being “replaced” in their “own country” by nonwhites and nonexistent "voter fraud," this is the social order he and they want to restore.

Donald Trump’s base of support remains solid. His strategy of racism and white supremacy on steroids has not hurt him among his base. Moreover, Trump and the Republican fascists have suffered few political penalties for their racist and white supremacist language, behavior and policies, or for their general contempt for multiracial and pluralistic democracy. White racism and racial resentment remain powerful forces in American life and politics. Trump and his movement are using those beliefs and values to acquire and hold power, even in a country that increasingly rejects their policies.

Wright Thompson, author of the new book "The Barn: The Secret History of a Murder in Mississippi," draws a provocative comparison:

“The political rhetoric of August and September 2024 in America reads eerily like a transcript of the political rhetoric of August and September 1955 in Mississippi. Most everyone knows the price Emmett Till paid for whistling on a summer Wednesday night. What almost no one knows is that the day before was Election Day, the culmination of a Mississippi governor's campaign marked by violent rhetoric and fear-mongering. Ambitious humans with no sense of ethics or shame, in both parties, have long said whatever it took to win votes. And ordinary people have paid, and let us not forget collected, a price for those words and votes.”

The mainstream American news media remains largely unwilling to strongly, consistently and forcefully condemn Trump and his followers’ racism and white supremacy. This reflects white racial fragility, where the bar for accurately describing racist behavior by public figures is set so high that it is almost unreachable by any standard of evidence. Instead, public discussions of racist behavior often default to vacuous discussions of intent, claims about what is in some white person’s "heart" or "bones." Racism and white supremacy are not simply about behavior or intentions. A mature and serious understanding of these things must focus on actual outcomes, public policies, impact, structures and institutions that unfairly privilege and advantage white people over nonwhites. Intentions and words have very little to do with it.

Donald Trump, his MAGA movement and the other neofascists are enemies of multiracial pluralistic democracy, not to mention human rights, freedom, equality and basic human dignity. That's the story that the mainstream news media, Kamala Harris and the country’s responsible political class need to tell over the next 43 days.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 24, 2024 7:36 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I guess we ought to throw this one in the predictions thread.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Tell me that you are not a racist Nazi, 6ixStringJack. Trump makes the same claim,

I'm not a Nazi. Trump is not a Nazi.

We're done listening to low IQ democrat voting muppets conflate Nationalism as Racism.

Remove every single person who is here that isn't here legally, including their kids. Every single one.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024 4:19 AM


they should also check is graves have been robbed of skulls or other body parts?

Vice Media originally Founded by Suroosh Alvi, Shane Smith, Gavin McInnes

pics of Voodoo, Covid and Bull Riding

Inside Haiti's Voodoo Ceremonies






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