Elections; 2024

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:59
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Friday, October 25, 2024 3:38 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Nine .... NINE! ... desperate posts from SECOND!

Hey, SECOND, now you get to see how impotent board- splattering is. Your go- to tactic for the past dozen years in this "war" you've been waging against America? Doesn't work.

Try evidence, logic, and honesty instead.

I have always been in conflict with human zeroes who preposterously pretend they are contributors to society's wellbeing. You and Trump do not add to society, Signym. You subtract. But dream on that Trump will redeem your worthless existence once in the White House.

The low energy life of human zeroes:

Kamala Harris for President of the United States | Endorsement

By The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board
Oct 25, 2024

Clawing out of the mud-caked aftermath of a deadly hurricane should be a solemn moment, even in this divided America. Scenes from Helene’s wrath in North Carolina — sedans flung like toy cars, living room couches marinated in floodwaters, towns reduced to war zone rubble — touch a nerve with Houstonians who lived through Harvey and other devastating storms.

These disasters take so much from us, but the aftermath brings hope. On a trip to North Carolina and Georgia, Vice President Kamala Harris worked a hot meal line and remarked at another point: “I think that in these moments of hardship, one of the beauties about who we are as a country is — is people really rally together and show the best of who they are in moments of crisis.”

In Houston, too, neighbors we’ve never met pull up with chainsaws and muck-and-gut gear, Cajun Navy volunteers deploy boats for rooftop rescues. Government makes itself useful, too, and leaders prioritize concern, clear communication and aid to those in need, above everything — including political stumping and tribalism.

Nearly all political leaders — regardless of party, geography or faith tradition — honor this ritual.

Not Donald Trump.

His visit to Helene-devastated areas was a vehicle to spread lies, inflame and divide. His claims that the Biden administration isn’t helping victims because they’re Republican or that FEMA has run out of money — “It’s all gone. They’ve spent it on illegal migrants.” — are baseless. They’ve been refuted by Republican officials and yet, they’re still stirring fear, anger and distrust that have led to threats against FEMA workers and confusion among vulnerable people about whether help is available and whether it can be trusted.

This is how Trump leads. He doesn’t. Even in a desperate hour of need, he exploits. Even from people who have lost everything, he takes.

It’s just one in a sea of examples showing why we believe Trump is unfit for a second term in the White House, and why this editorial board endorses Kamala Harris for president of the United States.

Many who are firmly in Trump’s camp won’t be swayed, we know. Some are fatigued by dire warnings about his threat to democracy. They’re less concerned in this election with abstract notions of patriotism than with how to pay the rent in a vulturous housing market or how to feed the kids when inflation has eaten the grocery budget. We understand Trump’s star power, the kernel of truth in some of his outrageous diatribes and the sense of community he's built among Americans who feel their grievances have never been adequately addressed.

But we ask those with a shred of doubt to open your minds to inconvenient truths. We ask you to resist the temptation to dismiss the former president as some kind of redeemable shock jock — erratic, entertaining but not really dangerous.

And understand this: A man who will exploit a deadly hurricane will exploit you. A man with six bankruptcies and millions owed that he may not have the cash to pay is trying to win the White House in part to stay out of the poor house. He will not do any better with our economy. The inflation you’re feeling wasn’t invented by Joe Biden. It’s an aftershock of the global pandemic, it hurt wallets all over the world, and it’s finally easing off. As for Trump’s economy as president, rose-colored glasses are doing a number on us. Trump’s 2017 tax cuts didn’t grow the economy like he promised. He added twice as many trillions to the deficit as Biden, not even counting pandemic spending, and added half as many jobs.

Of course, other folks don’t need another reason to vote against Trump.

For them, Jan. 6 is enough, from the lying beforehand to attempting to overthrow a free and fair election to inciting a riotous insurrection at the Capitol. Protest “peacefully,” he said with one breath, and with the other: “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

For others, it was the two House impeachments. Or cozying up with dictators. Or nominating Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. Or the 34 felony convictions stemming from hush-money payments to a porn star. Or the $540 million in legal judgments largely for fraud and defamation, including a finding that he’s liable for committing sexual assault.

For still others, it’s the threats about what he’ll do with a second term, especially after he lost the trust of many decent people who were willing to serve in his Cabinet the first time. Trump’s own vice president, Mike Pence, refuses to endorse his former boss after Trump branded him a traitor and turned loose an angry mob that hunted him during the Capitol riot so they could hang him. The distinguished military men Trump called “my generals” — including John Kelly, homeland security secretary before becoming Trump’s chief of staff; James Mattis, defense secretary; and Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — are warning voters against his dictatorial tendencies. Milley, whom Trump named the highest-ranking military officer in the nation, told Bob Woodward that Trump is “fascist to the core” and “the most dangerous person to this country.”

But don’t take his word for it. Trump himself said the mythical fraud he alleged in the 2020 election “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

Those wondering whether he'll really act on threats to retaliate against political rivals don't have to wonder: he already did in his first term, as The New York Times has reported. From Hillary Clinton to former FBI director James Comey, to Trump's own former national security adviser John Bolton, those who crossed Trump found themselves facing costly, grueling IRS audits, Justice Department investigations and in Bolton's case, a criminal probe and lawsuit when he tried to publish a book critical of Trump.

So yes, Harris’ best asset is that she’s not Trump. Beyond her basic qualifications of human decency, self-control and mature leadership skills, her career path from law enforcement to the U.S. Senate to the vice president’s office illustrates independence, drive and a steely spine. And perhaps as important, a propensity to give more than take. Prosecuting child molesters and rapists required patience and compassion to earn the trust of frightened children. Later, prosecuting transnational cartel members required guts.

From prosecutor to district attorney to the state attorney general of California, it wasn’t an obvious trajectory for the daughter of freedom-fighter academics, her Indian-born mother a scientist, her Jamaican-born father an economist. Harris says her mother modeled civic leadership, exposed her to history and the American principles of freedom and equity and took her protests where she had a “stroller’s-eye view” of the civil right’s movement.

In her book, “The Truths We Hold,” Harris said she wanted to fight for justice from the inside, where she hoped to dispel the false choice between being tough on crime and smart on crime: “You can want the police to stop crime in your neighborhood and also want them to stop using excessive force,” she wrote. “…You can believe in the need for consequence and accountability, especially for serious criminals, and also oppose unjust incarceration.” She cites a reentry program for low-level offenders as a success and yet, she’s expressed regret for the unintended consequences of a truancy crackdown that landed some parents in jail.

As a U.S. senator, she prioritized health care and criminal justice, even working with Kentucky Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul on bail reform that would prioritize the risk someone poses to society over their ability to pay. Assertive and clever enough in her prosecutorial style, she turned heads in Senate hearings when she stumped then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with probing questions.

She’s no flame-thrower. She’s no Marxist. Nor is she a superstar able to ace press conference improv or deliver spell-binding speeches that break free of stale scripts. She’s changed her stances on a few things, such as whether to ban fracking; now she says no. But that’s OK.

Magnetism, private jets, four-hour rallies and a lack of self reflection have never been strong predictors of a successful American presidency. She’s fearless and quick on her feet and apparently a quick study, having transformed from a bench warmer VP to a respectable presidential contender in three months. She's a champion of federal protections for abortion rights, desperately needed in Texas where an extreme ban doesn't include exceptions for rape or incest or enough protections for women with severe pregnancy complications.

With little time, she’s come up with some workable policy ideas that would help Americans afford their first homes and provide expanded child tax credits to the parents of newborn babies. On immigration, she's backed a tough bipartisan border bill that Trump undermined for political gain.

And there must be something genuine, and maybe a little magical, about a person who has obtained elite status in one of modern society’s toughest survivor challenges: She seems to be a truly beloved step-parent.

We don’t expect this endorsement to change many minds. We can’t inspire voter participation like Taylor Swift or Beyonce. We won’t buy it like Elon Musk.

We just ask you to consider one question before you cast perhaps the most consequential vote of your lifetime:

If the brown floodwaters were rising around your house and the Cajun Navy could only send a small boat, who would you trust to pick you up: Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?

We know who we'd trust.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, October 25, 2024 3:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It should never have come to this.

Kamala is an obviously flawed meat puppet. She is so inauthentic that the newspapers realize they can't sell that ho.

Joe, who has been supposedly heading the USA for four years, proved to be a senile meat puppet suffering from Parkinson's.

What was the deep state thinking? Did they really think they could continue this charade for another four years?
Why couldn't they stand up a candidate with at least a shred of credibility?

Meanwhile, the only other choice we have is yet another obviously flawed candidate, Trump, whose biggest selling point is that the deep state is against him. Plus, he has a crap ton of money.

I thought the idea of running more than one candidate was that we would get BETTER candidates, not the bottom of the barrel.

Just goes to show the corrupting influence of money. No amount of donation limitations will fix that. Candidates use the money to buy ads. So the only thing that will level the playing field somewhat would be requiring free TV and radio time for candidates to explain their views.

The other thing helping is that Musk freed Twitter and turned it into X. Without that wedge, the "establishment media" would have a lock on our information spaces and we would be as much in the dark as before.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 25, 2024 3:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I have always been in conflict with human zeroes who preposterously pretend they are contributors to society's wellbeing. You and Trump do not add to society, Signym. You subtract. You never have been of positive value. You and Trump are absurdly negative, Signym. There is not any Trumptards worth a shit, you and 6ix included. But dream on that Trump will redeem your worthless existence while in the White House.

Once again flailing away at a figment of your imagination.
Dood, try the real world once in a while. It might be better for your blood pressure.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 25, 2024 4:00 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Meanwhile, the only other choice we have is yet another obviously flawed candidate, Trump, whose biggest selling point is that the deep state is against him. Plus, he has a crap ton of money.

Millions voted for Trump in the primary. There were dozens of alternatives, but Trump was who they wanted, not somebody who wasn't a criminal, wasn't a racist, wasn't a Hitler fan, wasn't promising revenge on their enemies. Particularly appealing to primary voters is Trump wasn't paying his income taxes. Check Trump's tax returns. There are not any recent ones made available to public.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, October 25, 2024 4:15 PM


Yup. Somebody is on tilt today.

Meanwhile, in reality...

On this day in History, October 25th:

National00000000Harris +0.1000Biden +8.0000Clinton0 +5.1
Wisconsin0000000Trump0 +0.2000Biden +5.5000Clinton0 +6.0
Pennsylvania0000Trump0 +0.6000Biden +4.8000Clinton0 +5.2
Ohio000000000000Trump0 +7.0000Trump +0.6000Trump000 +1.0
Michigan00000000Trump 0+0.2000Biden +9.0000Clinton +10.0
Arizona000000000Trump0 +1.5000Biden +2.2000Clinton0 +1.5
Nevada0000000000Trump0 +0.7000Biden +5.2000Clinton 0+3.9
North Carolina00Trump0 +0.8000Biden +1.2000Clinton 0+2.2
Georgia000000000Trump0 +2.2000Biden +0.7000Trump000 +3.3
Florida000000000Trump0 +8.4000Biden +1.8000Clinton0 +2.4

Here's where Trump stands in the battleground states compared to 2020...

National:000000 Trump +7.9
Wisconsin:00000 Trump +5.7
Pennsylvania:00 Trump +5.4
Ohio:0000000000 Trump +6.4
Michigan:000000 Trump +8.8
Arizona:0000000 Trump +3.7
Nevada:00000000 Trump +5.9
North Carolina: Trump +2.0
Georgia:0000000 Trump +2.9
Florida:0000000 Trump +10.2

And here's where Trump stands in the battleground states compared to 2016...

National:000000 Trump +5.0
Wisconsin:00000 Trump +5.8
Pennsylvania:00 Trump +4.6
Ohio:0000000000 Trump +6.0
Michigan:000000 Trump +9.8
Arizona:0000000 Trump +3.0
Nevada:00000000 Trump +3.2
North Carolina: Trump +3.0
Georgia:0000000 Trump -1.1
Florida:0000000 Trump +10.8

Trump now leads in the polling aggregate for EVERY swing state.

Ohio isn't really even a swing state anymore, but on this day both 4 years ago and 8 years ago it was the only state on the list that Trump was winning. He's up +7.0 in 2024 in Ohio, while he was only up +0.6 in 2020 and +0.4 in 2016 on this date. Trump was also beating Clinton in Georgia as well.

Democrats have routinely fallen apart in the month leading up to the election the last two election cycles and it appears that this cycle isn't any different in that regard. If the fall is on pace with what it was for Biden* and Clinton, there's a really good chance that we enter election day with Trump up enough points in the Popular Vote that he wins outside of the margin of error.

For more comparisons, I got the actual vote percentages in the battleground states to compare.,_2020

2020 Presidential Election vote margins by battleground state:

National:000000 Biden +4.4
Wisconsin:00000 Biden +0.3 (49.4% Biden / 49.1% Trump)
Pennsylvania:00 Biden +1.2 (50.0% Biden / 48.8% Trump)
Ohio:0000000000 Trump +8.1 (53.3% Trump / 45.2% Biden)
Michigan:000000 Biden +1.8 (50.6% Biden / 47.8% Trump)
Arizona:0000000 Biden +0.3 (49.4% Biden / 49.1% Trump)
Nevada:00000000 Biden +2.4 (50.1% Biden / 47.7% Trump)
North Carolina: Trump +1.3 (49.9% Trump / 48.6% Biden)
Georgia:0000000 Biden +0.2 (49.5% Biden / 49.3% Trump)
Florida:0000000 Trump +3.3 (51.2% Biden / 47.9% Trump)

What do those numbers mean in relation to the numbers posted earlier?

Let's compare the polling averages 4 years ago today with the actual election results...

National:000000 Biden POLLS: +8.0 - ACTUAL: +4.4 = -3.6
Wisconsin:00000 Biden POLLS: +5.5 - ACTUAL: +0.3 = -5.4
Pennsylvania:00 Biden POLLS: +4.8 - ACTUAL: +1.2 = -3.6
Ohio:0000000000 Biden POLLS: -0.6 - ACTUAL: -8.1 = -7.5
Michigan:000000 Biden POLLS: +9.0 - ACTUAL: +1.8 = -7.2
Arizona:0000000 Biden POLLS: +2.2 - ACTUAL: +0.3 = -1.8
Nevada:00000000 Biden POLLS: +5.2 - ACTUAL: +2.4 = -2.8
North Carolina: Biden POLLS: +1.2 - ACTUAL: -1.3 = -2.5
Georgia:0000000 Biden POLLS: +0.7 - ACTUAL: +0.2 = -0.5
Florida:0000000 Biden POLLS: +1.8 - ACTUAL: -3.3 = -5.1

For the above table I flipped any state that Trump won to negatives for Biden instead so the numbers make more sense. In the national polling on today's date 4 years ago, they had Joe Biden +1.9 higher than the actual vote count. As you can see, every battleground state was polled hard in favor of Democrats compared to actual voter turnout, many of them far outside their stated margin of errors. This was just as bad if not worse in 2016. Maybe I'll get around to doing comparisons to both years as election day draws near for comparison too.

Now let's take the Democrat bias in the polls from 2020 and apply them to our current day polling...

National:000000 Harris POLLS: +0.1 - 2020 BIAS: -3.6 = Trump + 3.7
Wisconsin:00000 Trump POLLS: +0.2 - 2020 BIAS: -5.4 = Trump +5.6
Pennsylvania:00 Trump POLLS: +0.6 - 2020 BIAS: -3.6 = Trump +4.2
Ohio:0000000000 Trump POLLS: +7.0 - 2020 BIAS: -7.5 = Trump +14.5
Michigan:000000 Trump POLLS: +0.2 - 2020 BIAS: -7.2 = Trump +7.4
Arizona:0000000 Trump POLLS: +1.5 - 2020 BIAS: -1.8 = Trump +3.3
Nevada:00000000 Trump POLLS: +0.7 - 2020 BIAS: -2.8 = Trump +3.5
North Carolina: Trump POLLS: +0.8 - 2020 BIAS: -2.5 = Trump +3.3
Georgia:0000000 Trump POLLS: +2.2 - 2020 BIAS: -0.5 = Trump +2.7
Florida:0000000 Trump POLLS: +8.4 - 2020 BIAS: -5.1 = Trump +13.5

Am I saying Trump is going to win all the battleground states by those huge margins? Maybe. I'm not ready to make that prediction right now. But I have just illustrated that historical polling trends suggest this outcome to be a possibility.

Also, to note... Joe Biden* never once fell below +4 points above Trump in the 2020 election. Harris, now sitting at a lead of only +0.1 is dangerously close to the first Democrat in at least 3 election cycles that could see the aggregate showing them losing going into the election.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, October 25, 2024 4:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Multi-billionaire fears Trump will take away his money if he endorses Harris for President:

Jeff Bezos killed Washington Post endorsement of Kamala Harris, paper reports

Published Fri, Oct 25 2024 1:44 PM EDT

The Washington Post said it will not endorse a candidate in the presidential election for the first time in decades.

The newspaper ran an article by two staff reporters saying that editorial page staffers had drafted an endorsement of Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the election.

“The decision not to publish was made by The Post’s owner — Amazon founder Jeff Bezos,” The Post reported.

In a 2019 lawsuit, Amazon claimed it lost a $10 billion Pentagon cloud computing contract to Microsoft because Trump used “improper pressure ... “to harm his perceived political enemy” Bezos.

In all election years but for 1988 Bezos' newspaper had endorsed Democrats.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, October 25, 2024 5:27 PM


I'm going to laugh if Bezos comes out with a fact check and says "Nah. She just dumb."


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, October 25, 2024 5:32 PM


Looks like there will be two Senate pickups for the GOP and for the first time since August 6th the generic ballot for the House is in favor of Republicans by +0.5.

Harris slipped to a +0.1 lead in the national popular vote polling today, which means if you factored in the 2020 polling bias Trump wins the popular vote by +3.7 points.

Trump has lead Harris all week in every battleground state. When you factor in the 2020 polling biases, he wins every battleground state with anywhere between +2.7 to +7.5 of the vote in those states.

The Hill: Democrats fear race may be slipping away from Harris

If you guys told your readers/viewers the truth instead of lying to them everyday, they would know that nothing is slipping away from anyone. Harris was destined to lose the moment they picked her. Some of us knew that from the beginning.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, October 25, 2024 10:00 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"Dangerous Times" - LATimes Editor Quits After Owner Strikes Down Kamala Endorsement

The editorial editor for the Los Angeles Times quit in protest after the newspaper’s owner blocked a decision to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I am resigning because I want to make it clear that I am not OK with us being silent,” Mariel Garza told the Columbia Journalism Review.

“In dangerous times, honest people need to stand up. This is how I’m standing up.”

Garza’s resignation followed the news this week that Patrick Soon-Shiong, the billionaire doctor who purchased the Los Angeles Times in 2018 for $500 million, shot down the Times editorial board’s attempt to endorse Harris.

This will be the first election cycle since 2004 in which the Times has not endorsed a candidate.

In a social media post, Soon-Shiong explained he offered the editorial board the chance to “draft a factual analysis of all the POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE policies by EACH candidate during their tenures at the White House, and how these policies affected the nation.”

“With this clear and non-partisan information side-by-side, our readers could decide who would be worthy of being President for the next four years,” he wrote.

“Instead of adopting this path as suggested, the Editorial Board chose to remain silent and I accepted their decision.”

I guess providing an analysis of the positives and negatives of BOTH candidates was just too much honesty for Garza.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


LOL... yeah. My old man told me about the LA Times thing this morning.

These people are watching the end of the world they thought they were living in come crashing down around them. That's been happening ever since the DEI departments started getting gutted early last year and the massive tech and "journalism" layoffs that followed several months afterward after the interest rates were raised and all of that free money dried up.

Good luck to Garza in this job market. With Starbucks laying off thousands of employees this year, he might not even be able to work at his go-to backup job when he can't find anything requiring his specific skillset after rage quitting today.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, October 25, 2024 10:03 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Looks like there will be two Senate pickups for the GOP and for the first time since August 6th the generic ballot for the House is in favor of Republicans by +0.5.

Harris slipped to a +0.1 lead in the national popular vote polling today, which means if you factored in the 2020 polling bias Trump wins the popular vote by +3.7 points.

Trump has lead Harris all week in every battleground state. When you factor in the 2020 polling biases, he wins every battleground state with anywhere between +2.7 to +7.5 of the vote in those states.

I thought that I should note that I missed the period in time earlier today that the national Popular Vote aggregate at RCP was a Tie. By the time I'd gotten to it, it had already shifted up to +0.1 for Harris, which was still a drop from yesterday.

If you go into this election anything close to a tie, you lose. Bigly.

Unless Harris can rise AT LEAST back to her all-time high of +2.2 by November 4th, this election is over. Even if she magically pulls that off, I'd only give her a 10% chance of winning. We don't get to coinflip territory until she's leading by roughly +4.2


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 6:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ex-Trump Official's Warning About Donald's 'Worst Instincts'

Former President Donald Trump's "worst instincts" are leading his supporters to a "very, very dark place," according to former Trump administration official Elizabeth Neumann.

Neumann, who served in multiple high-level roles at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during Trump's presidency, is one of several former Trump officials who have recently been issuing warnings about the Republican candidate as he seeks to return to the White House by defeating Vice President Kamala Harris in November.

Neumann told MSNBC host Katy Tur in an interview on Friday that she believes Trump supporters are giving him an unwarranted "pass" and dismissing authoritarian remarks that should be taken seriously while adding that the way the ex-president behaves "behind closed doors" would "frighten" most Americans.

"You need to take what he says seriously," Neumann said. "When he says he wants to be 'a dictator on day one,' he actually means that. He kind of says it in a joking way; he says it in a way that allows people to give him a pass. Do not give him a pass."

"In closed doors, his worst instincts would frighten the average American," she added. "He has no humanity, no decency, no respect...instead, [he] is just willing to toss people aside to achieve his aims. He is very dangerous, indeed."

Neumann said that Trump's potential return to power is "posing a threat" to freedom and the "American way of life," arguing that the election is less about policy differences than it is about choosing a candidate fit for office.

"It's about whether we put someone into office who has the character and the competence to take that oath of office," said Neumann. "He doesn't care about the Constitution. He doesn't care about upholding the rule of law. They are just constraints to him that he is more than happy to shrug off, kick off."

"[Trump is] very delighted, in fact, to mete out the worst instincts that we have seen in history when we put people with those authoritarian tendencies into positions of power," she said. "It leads to violence, it leads to destruction, and it certainly leads to a loss of freedom.

Newsweek reached out to the Trump campaign via email for comment on Friday evening.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 26, 2024 7:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Lindsey Graham Issues Dumbest Warning About a Potential Trump Loss

The Republican senator thinks that if Kamala Harris beats Donald Trump, it will spark a terrorist attack.

The South Carolina Republican argued that Vice President Kamala Harris’s border policies would cause another 9/11 along the border. But Lindsey Graham got everything he wanted in a border policy until . . .

A $118 billion bipartisan border deal was moments from coming to fruition earlier this year, before Republicans willingly tanked it in order to hand Trump fodder for his 2024 campaign.

And run on the issue Trump has.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 26, 2024 7:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

With the 2024 election already upon us, many people have heard that Donald Trump and JD Vance plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants if they are elected in November, but what does this really mean and look like? Allan Lichtman discusses.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 26, 2024 10:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I Stared Into the Purest Form of Trump Worship in America. It Was Even Weirder Than Expected.

By Dan Kois

On rural highways, in small resort towns like Lake George, and even in the tourist mecca of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Trump Shit stores sell T-shirts, hats, stickers, beer koozies, and Croc Jibbitz featuring the once and maybe-future president’s likeness. They seem to spring from the earth fully formed, their T-shirts reading I’M VOTING FOR THE FELON waving in the breeze. There’s no central organization representing these grassroots retail establishments, and no count of how many there are. But they are an undeniable micro-economy that has now thrived for nearly a decade — and they hope to for, say, at least four more years.

The Trump Shit store is ground zero for the fervent loyalty Trump inspires in his subjects. So when I heard that in this modest vacation destination, three separate storefronts on Canada Street now feature unhinged Trump products under the brand name “Dilligaf,” I needed to understand: Who is shopping at these stores? What draws them there? And who is making, and selling, all this Trump shit?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Washington Post editor-at-large [rabid neocon Robert Kagan, husband of rabid neocon Victoria Nuland, and chief of neocon think tank ISW] quits after Bezos ends paper's presidential endorsements

Oh, pobrecito!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This election is causing neocons and globalists ... of either party; elected, appointed, in the media, or in think tankland ... to out themselves in a giant howl of hysteria

It's fun to watch.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
This election is causing neocons and globalists ... of either party; elected, appointed, in the media, or in think tankland ... to out themselves in a giant howl of hysteria

It's fun to watch.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


And in doing so, Trump has done more for America in the last 2 months than he did in the last 8 years. Looking very much forward to his second belated term.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:34 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Looks like there will be two Senate pickups for the GOP and for the first time since August 6th the generic ballot for the House is in favor of Republicans by +0.5.

Harris slipped to a +0.1 lead in the national popular vote polling today, which means if you factored in the 2020 polling bias Trump wins the popular vote by +3.7 points.

Trump has lead Harris all week in every battleground state. When you factor in the 2020 polling biases, he wins every battleground state with anywhere between +2.7 to +7.5 of the vote in those states.

I thought that I should note that I missed the period in time earlier today that the national Popular Vote aggregate at RCP was a Tie. By the time I'd gotten to it, it had already shifted up to +0.1 for Harris, which was still a drop from yesterday.

If you go into this election anything close to a tie, you lose. Bigly.

Unless Harris can rise AT LEAST back to her all-time high of +2.2 by November 4th, this election is over. Even if she magically pulls that off, I'd only give her a 10% chance of winning. We don't get to coinflip territory until she's leading by roughly +4.2

It doesn't matter that I slept through the tie yesterday.

Trump just took the lead in the national popular vote aggregate by +0.1. With the exception of a small 0.1 bump here or 0.2 there in between, that's basically a direct and quick fall of 2.3 points in 21 days. 4 of the last 5 polls to come out (NYT, CNN, TIPP and Emerson all call the popular vote race a tie. The fifth poll (WSJ) has Trump up +3.

If you go into election season losing the popular vote to Trump, you're going to get crushed in the electoral college.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:36 PM



Originally posted by second:
With the 2024 election already upon us, many people have heard that Donald Trump and JD Vance plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants if they are elected in November, but what does this really mean and look like? Allan Lichtman discusses.

What Lictman should be talking about is why he trashed his rating system.

I don't think it should belong in his hands anymore. The Keys system is great, but he did not properly attribute those keys in this crazy election season. He shouldn't have made his prediction until today.

Now he's busy doing a tour defending his horrible pick this year.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:41 PM


Kornacki: Harris No Longer More Popular Than Trump In New CNBC, NBC Polls


NBC elections analyst Steve Kornacki runs down the results of a new CNBC poll giving Donald Trump a 48-46 lead over Kamala Harris nationally, and Harris a negative ten popularity rating, 10 days before the 2024 election.

You guys are fuckin' dead. The ONLY thing Harris had going for her was her fake media-driven likability.

You ran out of gas.

Too bad the DNC convention wasn't last week, huh?

Tick Tock


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:57 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
With the 2024 election already upon us, many people have heard that Donald Trump and JD Vance plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants if they are elected in November, but what does this really mean and look like? Allan Lichtman discusses.

What Lictman should be talking about is why he trashed his rating system.

I don't think it should belong in his hands anymore. The Keys system is great, but he did not properly attribute those keys in this crazy election season. He shouldn't have made his prediction until today.

Now he's busy doing a tour defending his horrible pick this year.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Speaking of Lichtman... Here's a podcast with Nate Silver just 2 days ago.

Nate Silver: The 'Keys to the White House' is junk science and can't tell you who'll win

Given its track record, I don't believe that I agree with Nate here. But if you don't properly assess the situation when handing those keys out, the system doesn't work. Lichtman did not properly hand out those keys this year. The "True" for both "Strong short-term economy" and "Strong long-term economy" are just downright laughable, but are hardly the only keys that were misappropriated by Lichtman in 2024. Giving Harris the key for "No Primary Contest" is just dubious, given the events of the last several months. There was a primary, and Harris wasn't even in it.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 26, 2024 2:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not votes: registration applications


[60%] Fraud Found Among 2,500 Voter Registration Forms Submitted En Masse In PA County
Police in the 2024 battleground state of Pennsylvania are investigating some 2,500 voter registration forms that were submitted in two massive batches -- and investigators say that 60% of the forms they've checked so far are fraudulent. All of the ballots were submitted in Lancaster County, but two other counties are scrutinizing similarly suspect batches. While officials say it's the work of a "large-scale canvassing operation," they're not yet saying who's behind it.

The roughly 2,500 applications landed at or near Pennsylvania's Oct 21 registration deadline; some observers are speculating that the timing may have been tactical, with the intent of exploiting time-pressure administrators would be under ahead of the Nov. 5 Election Day. However, as they examined the massive heap of forms, application processors were immediately alarmed by what they saw:

Multiple applications with the same handwriting and signatures
Many forms filled out on the same day
Applications for previously-registered voters whose signatures on the forms did not match the ones on file

Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams briefs reporters on the investigation of fraudulent voter registrations (via WGAL)

That prompted a police investigation, and Lancaster County detectives soon confirmed many of the applications were fraudulent. Indications of fraud included:

Inaccurate addresses
False personal identification information
False names
Names that didn't match the Social Security Number on the form

In many cases, forms had accurate data, but the supposed applicants told detectives they had neither requested nor completed the forms, and confirmed that the signatures were not theirs. In all, 60% of the applications that have been vetted so far were found to be fraudulent.

"It's believed that the fraudulent voter registrations are connected to a large-scale canvassing operation for voter registrations that date back to June," said Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams in a Friday press conference. "The majority of applications received are dated August 15 and after. Those canvassing for voter registrations were employed and paid to obtain voter registration applications."
Donald Trump enters a July 31 rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (Spencer Platt/Getty Images via Penn Capital-Star)

Adams declined to provide details about the canvassing organization, or the names of individual suspects. The fraudulent forms included registrations for both Democrats and Republicans. However, "for the general election, [the party affiliation of a bogus registration] really wouldn't matter," noted Adams. She did note that the canvassing operation primarily took place at shopping centers, parking lots, parks, grocery stores, sidewalks and businesses. The fraudulent activity took a variety of forms, from completely bogus applications to ones where a real voter had started registering but then decided not to move forward, only to have an application submitted for them anyway.

"Forgery of an application, which we have seen evidence of, would be a felony of the third degree punishable by up to seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine," said Adams, adding that one provision of the legal code would also enforce a 10-year loss of voting privileges.

Adams said they had all available detectives assigned to the case, who are working under pressure of the approaching Election Day. "[The fraud] appears to be an organized effort at this point," she said, and noted that two other Pennsylvania counties are investigating similarly suspicious batches of registration applications. She declined to name them, but the Berks County DA told the Philadelphia Inquirer "We believe we have some and will be looking into them." Pennsylvanians can check their own voter registration status at this link.

"The description of paid canvassers approaching voters on the streets of Lancaster City and mentioned boroughs does not meet the description of GOP and affiliated campaign volunteers,” Lancaster County GOP chair Kirk Radanovic told Lancaster Online. In a more narrowly-worded distancing from the alleged crimes, vice-chair of the Lancaster County Democrats said, "We have no reason to believe it was affiliated with any Democratic candidate’s campaign in the county.”


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Saturday, October 26, 2024 2:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIX: Given its track record, I don't believe that I agree with Nate here. But if you don't properly assess the situation when handing those keys out, the system doesn't work. Lichtman did not properly hand out those keys this year. The "True" for both "Strong short-term economy" and "Strong long-term economy" are just downright laughable, but are hardly the only keys that were misappropriated by Lichtman in 2024. Giving Harris the key for "No Primary Contest" is just dubious, given the events of the last several months. There was a primary, and Harris wasn't even in it.

I agree. I think his attempt to predict the outcome based on large scale objective factors, and not horse races of subjective opinions, is admirable and should be developed.

So about a month ago, I listened to a description of how those keys were awarded and I was shocked at how distorted the process was. GIGO. I wondered what would break first: the system, if objectively applied (Trump win), or his (IMHO) obviously biased application.


But there's still plenty of time for cheating!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Saturday, October 26, 2024 2:42 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Given its track record, I don't believe that I agree with Nate here.

Nate assumes that what a voter tells a pollster will match what the voter does at the polls. Ha-ha! You are a sucker, Nate.

A pollster (Gallup) called my sister's house. I could have said whatever I pleased to the pollster. I could say that I was voting for Trump. That I would not be voting. That I was an illegal alien. That Jill Stein should be elected. I could say anything.

Nat Silver depends on the polls being truthful, that someone like me is not screwing things up deliberately. Meanwhile, Lichtman depends on measurable facts but would be in the same situation as Nat Silver if Lichtman asked a random sample of people what they think the facts truly are, in their random and ill-informed opinions.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 26, 2024 3:30 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

D.E. Wilson, Jr. -- Ronald Reagan Alum

Oct 25, 2024

Asked by a reporter at a Harris rally why I support Kamala Harris for President, I smiled. I am a Republican who got his start hanging door tags for Goldwater, campaigned for Republicans, and worked for President Reagan. So, I said, here are the reasons:

4. I believe debt matters. Mr. Trump’s policies will increase the national debt and drive-up inflation. Don’t take it from me – listen to the conservative economists in the WSJ. Here, I added that we owe it to the next generation to reduce the debt, not grow it.

7. I believe in controlling our borders. This takes bipartisanship, not mass deportation. Mr. Trump doesn’t want to control our southern border he just wants an issue to use as a scare tactic. He had his chance.

I thanked the reporter for asking me and closed by saying that while I disagree with some of Ms. Harris’ policy proposals (and on increasing the debt), these are issues we can discuss as Americans. With Mr. Trump I would be subject to arrest. I hope this gives the reader a way to think about the upcoming election.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 26, 2024 7:15 PM


Another republican lie put to rest.


Republicans finally get the news they've FEARED in Georgia


Saturday, October 26, 2024 8:15 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Given its track record, I don't believe that I agree with Nate here.

Nate assumes that what a voter tells a pollster will match what the voter does at the polls. Ha-ha! You are a sucker, Nate.

Oh. The polls don't matter now because they're not telling you what you want to hear.


A pollster (Gallup) called my sister's house. I could have said whatever I pleased to the pollster. I could say that I was voting for Trump. That I would not be voting. That I was an illegal alien. That Jill Stein should be elected. I could say anything.

Why stop at you lying to the pollster? We already know that the pollsters lie to us by hiding away their bias deep down inside of their polling methodologies where nobody but autists like me ever look. They're all run by human beings. Human beings are liars.

There are a million reasons why polls can be inaccurate, and 999,999 of them have nothing to do with you specifically. I know that's hard for you to comprehend since you are the only person that matters in your world.


Nat Silver depends on the polls being truthful, that someone like me is not screwing things up deliberately. Meanwhile, Lichtman depends on measurable facts but would be in the same situation as Nat Silver if Lichtman asked a random sample of people what they think the facts truly are, in their random and ill-informed opinions.


Licthman's KEYS depend on measurable facts.

Licthman himself has proven with his pick this year that he is human and/or he is a liar. Harris does not hold nearly as many keys as Licthman claims she does. Not only is one of the keys not even applicable to the present situation, but there are good arguments that several others didn't apply this election cycle as well. Rather than make adjustments for this to his keys system in this unprecedented election cycle, he chose to just give them all to Harris. And nobody in your media would ever fact check that, so here we are.

His failure to predict the correct outcome of the 2024 election was not a failure of the Keys system. It was operator error.

The Keys system isn't what needs to be replaced. It is the person holding the keys that needs to be retired.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 27, 2024 1:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

If you want to complain about the 13 Keys, I'd start with the weight of each Key being exactly 1.000000. Could one key be twice as important as another? Maybe!

Why does Key 2 have the same weight as Key 10? One seems trivial compared to other:

Key 2 (no primary contest) is turned true if the incumbent party nominee wins at least two-thirds of the total delegate vote on the first ballot at the nominating convention, with no deep and vocal party divisions.

Key 10 (no foreign or military failure) is turned false if a failure occurs that is perceived to undermine the standing of the United States and/or erode trust in the president's leadership. Lichtman cites the attack on Pearl Harbor under Franklin D. Roosevelt, the botched Bay of Pigs invasion under John F. Kennedy, North Vietnamese victory in the Vietnam War under Gerald Ford, and the Iranian hostage crisis under Jimmy Carter as failures that turned the key false.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 27, 2024 3:36 AM



Originally posted by second:
If you want to complain about the 13 Keys.

I didn't complain about the keys. Only how they were handed out this time.

Weighted as 1.00000000 each, Licthman has correctly predicted the last 9 out of 10 elections.

He didn't attribute the keys where they belonged this year. And as I said before, at least one and as many as 3 keys didn't even apply to the 2024 election, but he just gave them all to Harris anyhow. And saying that both the short-term and long-term economy has been strong under the Harris/Biden* administration is objectively false.

Somewhere around here back when Lichtman made his initial prediction I listed what the keys actually were. Some of that the Legacy Media like CNN even admits these things now as it finally starts asking Harris hard questions and forcing her to answer them just two weeks before the election. I didn't think Anderson had it in him... and honestly, when the CIA starts opening the door for Trump like that I start questioning why they're all turning on Harris this late in the game and what their real plan here is.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 27, 2024 8:22 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And saying that both the short-term and long-term economy has been strong under the Harris/Biden* administration is objectively false.

Key 5 (strong short-term economy) is turned false if the economy is in recession during the election campaign. The National Bureau of Economic Research has not officially declared a recession. Therefore, you are in error, 6ix.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 27, 2024 10:55 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And saying that both the short-term and long-term economy has been strong under the Harris/Biden* administration is objectively false.

Key 5 (strong short-term economy) is turned false if the economy is in recession during the election campaign. The National Bureau of Economic Research has not officially declared a recession.

We do not recognize the authority of an institution that denied inflation was even taking place for a full year and would have officially declared a recession a recession at any point in time during the last 2 years had somebody else been sitting in the oval office at the time. The stats that they use to come up with their declarations can be moved around and changed to say whatever they want them to say, and we have no actual access to any of their current and historical models to compare against each other. You are meant to just trust their readings of the data. Those days of blind faith in our government are long dead. That faith in government has been dying for generations and the Covid debacle was the final nail in that coffin.

Remember that it will be the "Strong" short-term and long-term economy being the number one reason why Harris will lose, and why the Democrats have lost a record number of black, Latino and union voters in 2024.

USA Today: Inflation-shocked low- and middle-income Americans may not spend normally for years


Putting “fun” back into low- and middle-income Americans’ budgets could be years away with most of their income barely covering the surge in costs for bare necessities, economists said.

Even with annual inflation last month cooling to the lowest level since February 2021 and wages rising faster than inflation, low- and middle-income Americans are just barely covering their essentials, which include groceries, shelter, utilities and gasoline, economists say.

That’s because when inflation slows, it only means prices aren't rising as quickly, not that prices are declining. So, Americans continue to pay higher prices for everyday needs.

Low- and middle-income Americans were hit disproportionately harder than their higher-income peers because essentials account for a larger share of their budgets, and their discretionary spending, or spending on nonessential items like dining out, vacations and entertainment, is only just recovering, economists say.

“For a very large share of Americans, the bottom 60% are spending more on essentials than before the pandemic,” said Michael Pearce, Oxford Economics deputy chief U.S. economist. “The burden is hardest among the lowest income but also touches middle income. Spending patterns of low-income Americans will take years to recover.”

Also... This is one of the two main reasons why Hollywood is currently failing. Not the fact that you finally figured out how to pirate movies now and I knew how to pirate movies back in 2000.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 27, 2024 11:24 AM


Also, you missed what was probably my most important point of that post...


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Somewhere around here back when Lichtman made his initial prediction I listed what the keys actually were. Some of that the Legacy Media like CNN even admits these things now as it finally starts asking Harris hard questions and forcing her to answer them just two weeks before the election. I didn't think Anderson had it in him... and honestly, when the CIA starts opening the door for Trump like that I start questioning why they're all turning on Harris this late in the game and what their real plan here is.


Did you see that CNN town hall? Why was Anderson Cooper drilling Harris like that? I mean, of course, in a perfect world both sides should be drilled like that every time they're in front of a camera, but we know that only one person ever gets treated that way.

The way that Cooper handled Harris the entire night was not something that anybody expected, no matter where they lie on the political spectrum.

My question is, why? And especially why now, with less than 2 weeks to go after she's already been sliding 2 points in the polls and needs one good performance anywhere to stop the bleeding.

None of this is making you ask any questions?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 27, 2024 11:34 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And saying that both the short-term and long-term economy has been strong under the Harris/Biden* administration is objectively false.

Key 5 (strong short-term economy) is turned false if the economy is in recession during the election campaign. The National Bureau of Economic Research has not officially declared a recession.

We do not recognize the authority of an institution that denied inflation was even taking place for a full year and would have officially declared a recession a recession at any point in time during the last 2 years had somebody else been sitting in the oval office at the time.

Google and Bing also say the US is NOT in recession:

I wonder how I knew that 6ixStringJack would claim the US is in recession? And would claim the officials are lying? Because that is standard operating procedure for Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 27, 2024 11:38 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And saying that both the short-term and long-term economy has been strong under the Harris/Biden* administration is objectively false.

Key 5 (strong short-term economy) is turned false if the economy is in recession during the election campaign. The National Bureau of Economic Research has not officially declared a recession.

We do not recognize the authority of an institution that denied inflation was even taking place for a full year and would have officially declared a recession a recession at any point in time during the last 2 years had somebody else been sitting in the oval office at the time.

Google and Bing also say the US is NOT in recession:

I wonder how I knew that 6ixStringJack would claim the US is in recession?

Oh. You wonder how you knew I'd say that, huh Nostradamus? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the fact that I've said it 2 dozen times over the last 3 years had something to do with those premonitions.


And would claim the officials are lying? Because that is standard operating procedure for Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Google and Bing do and say a lot of things. Google and Bing also hide Trump positive news on the 10th page and stuff the front pages of their search results with pro-Democrat stuff.

Fuck Google and Bing.

That's not helping your argument.

And I'll ask you for a third time now...

Doesn't the way that Anderson Cooper handled Kamala Harris the other night make you ask yourself what the fuck is really going on?

I know that it was as shocking for you to watch it as it was for me. Perhaps even more so.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 27, 2024 11:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Also, you missed what was probably my most important point of that post...

. . .

None of this is making you ask any questions?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

When deciding to buy machinery, I don't listen the salesmen's promises. I listen to people who already bought, but only those whose good judgment I can depend on.

Likewise, I don't listen to a politician's promises. I listen to the people who already side with the politician. I know so many Trumptards and I won't buy anything they recommend because of who they are, which is on display all day long as they waste their own lives with their bad judgment. I can reliably depend on a Trumptard doing the wrong thing. That is why I do the opposite.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 27, 2024 3:09 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Also, you missed what was probably my most important point of that post...

. . .

None of this is making you ask any questions?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

When deciding to buy machinery, I don't listen the salesmen's promises. I listen to people who already bought, but only those whose good judgment I can depend on.

Likewise, I don't listen to a politician's promises. I listen to the people who already side with the politician.

Yes. We know this.

You LOVE the fact that Dick and Liz Cheney, the Bush family, John Bolton, Mitt Romney and 250 other NeoCon trash is voting for Harris because you're a warmongering NeoCon prick like the entire lot of them.

Meanwhile, I'm over here on the other side with RFK, Tulsi Gabbard and a record number of black, Latino, and Union voters that are about to hand the Democrat Party the largest loss they've ever seen in a majority of living American's lifetimes*.

Tick Tock

* According to CNN the majority of Americans were under 40 years old as of 2020:


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 27, 2024 6:05 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The 100 Worst Things Trump Has Done

Samples from the list:

97. Greenland With Envy

We can’t believe we have to explain this, but Greenland is neither a private island nor up for sale. At 836,330 square miles, it is the biggest island in the world, one that exists within the Kingdom of Denmark but which is also largely autonomous. Nonetheless, President Trump was obsessed with the idea of buying Greenland. “I strongly hope that this is not meant seriously,” Mette Frederiksen, Denmark’s prime minister, said in 2019. By that point in Trump’s delirious presidency, we Americans knew better.

2. A Pandemic of MAGA Stupidity

Where to start? On February 26, 2020, there were 15 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the United States that were related to travel or close contact to travelers in the U.S.—“and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero,” Trump promised. From February to the end of October, he would make similar promises at least 37 more times. He also suggested injecting bleach to kill the virus, or hitting “the body with a tremendous … ultraviolet or just very powerful light.” He expressed skepticism of masks. He admitted to journalist Bob Woodward that he knew Covid was “deadly stuff” but wanted to “play it down.” He held superspreader rallies that led to 30,000 more cases. By the time Trump left office in early 2021, the virus had killed more than 400,000 people in the U.S.—and 40 percent of those deaths, a major study later found, could have been prevented.—R.K.

1. A Day That Lives in Infamy—or So We Hope

President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, began, as his speeches often do, with a lie: “We have hundreds of thousands of people here.” He would also lie about the 2020 election, claiming there was massive fraud and that he didn’t lose. But on this day, such bluster would be the least of Trump’s offenses, as he ended his speech vowing to “fight like hell” and imploring the crowd to walk with him down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol—“to try and give [Republicans] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.” The crowd obeyed, of course, and so began the first attempted coup in U.S. history, which would leave thousands traumatized, hundreds injured, and several dead. Never forget, truly.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 27, 2024 8:42 PM



Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 28, 2024 6:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump expands his list of "enemies from within" at Madison Square Garden rally

Trump pointed to political rivals, the press and an "amorphous" Them in a paranoid hometown stump speech

By Alex Galbraith | October 27, 2024 9:08PM (EDT)

"We're running against something far bigger than Joe or Kamala, and far more powerful than them. It is a massive, vicious, crooked radical-left machine that runs today's Democrat party," he said, before diving briefly into a shadow government conspiracy. "They're just vessels for ... this amorphous group of people."

Trump again targeted the press, calling them "the real enemy of the people" while pointing them out in the crowd.

While Republicans have run cover for him, trying to distance the candidate from his words, Trump did suggest calling in the military on political dissenters after his election.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 28, 2024 6:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) forcefully defended Donald Trump’s vow to use the U.S. military against certain Americans, a group Trump has repeatedly labeled “the enemy from within.”

Across several television interviews that aired Sunday, Vance also dismissed former Trump White House chief of staff John F. Kelly’s warnings that the former president meets the definition of a fascist. Vance described Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general, as a “disgruntled employee.”

He also disputed former vice president Mike Pence’s contention that Trump forced him to choose between loyalty to the Constitution and loyalty to Trump himself.

In a contentious exchange with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Vance said he would support the deployment of troops against what he and Trump have described as “left-wing lunatics,” which he argued is what Trump meant by “the enemy from within.”

He contended that Trump didn’t mean to include Democratic lawmakers such as Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff in the group of Americans against whom he would use military force — even though the former president has repeatedly used the phrase “left-wing lunatics” to describe both of them. Schiff served on the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, and Pelosi was a longtime House speaker.

Tapper read Vance a quote Trump gave during an interview with podcaster Joe Rogan that aired Friday, during which Trump said “an enemy from within” American politics poses a bigger danger to the country than North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

In a separate interview on “Meet the Press,” Vance said he agreed with Trump’s remark to Rogan that people like Schiff and Pelosi pose a greater threat to the United States than Russia or China do.

“What he said — and I do agree with this — what he said is that the biggest threat we have in our country, it’s not a foreign adversary, because we can handle these guys,” Vance said.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 28, 2024 1:50 PM



OOPS. Probably should have figured we'd have new data later on Monday after the weekend.

SPOILER ALERT: It got better for Trump in the afternoon.

On this day in History, October 28th:

National00000000Trump +0.2000Biden +7.5000Clinton0 +4.6
Wisconsin0000000Trump0 +0.3000Biden +6.4000Clinton0 +6.0
Pennsylvania0000Trump0 +0.5000Biden +3.8000Clinton0 +5.0
Ohio000000000000Trump0 +7.0000Trump +0.6000Trump000 +1.3
Michigan00000000Trump 0+0.1000Biden +8.6000Clinton +7.0
Arizona000000000Trump0 +1.5000Biden +2.2000Clinton0 +1.5
Nevada0000000000Trump0 +0.7000Biden +4.6000Clinton 0+1.6
North Carolina00Trump0 +0.8000Biden +0.7000Clinton 0+3.0
Georgia000000000Trump0 +2.3000Biden +0.0000Trump000 +2.5
Florida000000000Trump0 +8.4000Biden +0.0000Clinton0 +0.5

Here's where Trump stands in the battleground states compared to 2020...

National:000000 Trump +7.7
Wisconsin:00000 Trump +6.7
Pennsylvania:00 Trump +4.3
Ohio:0000000000 Trump +6.4
Michigan:000000 Trump +8.7
Arizona:0000000 Trump +3.7
Nevada:00000000 Trump +5.3
North Carolina: Trump +1.5
Georgia:0000000 Trump +2.3
Florida:0000000 Trump +8.4

And here's where Trump stands in the battleground states compared to 2016...

National:000000 Trump +4.8
Wisconsin:00000 Trump +6.4
Pennsylvania:00 Trump +5.5
Ohio:0000000000 Trump +5.7
Michigan:000000 Trump +7.1
Arizona:0000000 Trump +3.0
Nevada:00000000 Trump +2.3
North Carolina: Trump +3.8
Georgia:0000000 Trump -0.2
Florida:0000000 Trump +8.9

Trump now leads in the polling aggregate for EVERY swing state.

Ohio isn't really even a swing state anymore, but on this day both 4 years ago and 8 years ago it was the only state on the list that Trump was winning. He's up +7.0 in 2024 in Ohio, while he was only up +0.6 in 2020 and +1.3 in 2016 on this date. Trump was also beating Clinton in Georgia in 2016 as well.

Democrats have routinely fallen apart in the month leading up to the election the last two election cycles and it appears that this cycle isn't very different in that regard. The only difference is that Harris came into October so low that the crash isn't as pronounced as it was with Biden* and Clinton.

For more comparisons, I got the actual vote percentages in the battleground states to compare.,_2020

2020 Presidential Election vote margins by battleground state:

National:000000 Biden +4.4
Wisconsin:00000 Biden +0.3 (49.4% Biden / 49.1% Trump)
Pennsylvania:00 Biden +1.2 (50.0% Biden / 48.8% Trump)
Ohio:0000000000 Trump +8.1 (53.3% Trump / 45.2% Biden)
Michigan:000000 Biden +1.8 (50.6% Biden / 47.8% Trump)
Arizona:0000000 Biden +0.3 (49.4% Biden / 49.1% Trump)
Nevada:00000000 Biden +2.4 (50.1% Biden / 47.7% Trump)
North Carolina: Trump +1.3 (49.9% Trump / 48.6% Biden)
Georgia:0000000 Biden +0.2 (49.5% Biden / 49.3% Trump)
Florida:0000000 Trump +3.3 (51.2% Biden / 47.9% Trump)

What do those numbers mean in relation to the numbers posted earlier?

Let's compare the polling averages 4 years ago today with the actual election results...

National:000000 Biden POLLS: +7.5 - ACTUAL: +4.4 = -3.1
Wisconsin:00000 Biden POLLS: +6.4 - ACTUAL: +0.3 = -6.1
Pennsylvania:00 Biden POLLS: +3.8 - ACTUAL: +1.2 = -2.6
Ohio:0000000000 Biden POLLS: -0.6 - ACTUAL: -8.1 = -7.5
Michigan:000000 Biden POLLS: +8.6 - ACTUAL: +1.8 = -6.8
Arizona:0000000 Biden POLLS: +2.2 - ACTUAL: +0.3 = -1.9
Nevada:00000000 Biden POLLS: +4.6 - ACTUAL: +2.4 = -2.2
North Carolina: Biden POLLS: +0.7 - ACTUAL: -1.3 = -2.0
Georgia:0000000 Biden POLLS: +0.0 - ACTUAL: +0.2 = +0.2
Florida:0000000 Biden POLLS: +0.0 - ACTUAL: -3.3 = -3.3

For the above table I flipped any state that Trump won to negatives for Biden instead so the numbers make more sense. In the national polling on today's date 4 years ago, they had Joe Biden +1.9 higher than the actual vote count. As you can see, every battleground state was polled hard in favor of Democrats compared to actual voter turnout, many of them far outside their stated margin of errors. This was just as bad if not worse in 2016. Maybe I'll get around to doing comparisons to both years as election day draws near for comparison too.

Now let's take the Democrat bias in the polls from 2020 and apply them to our current day polling...

National:000000 Trump POLLS: +0.2 - 2020 BIAS: -3.1 = Trump + 3.3
Wisconsin:00000 Trump POLLS: +0.3 - 2020 BIAS: -6.1 = Trump +6.4
Pennsylvania:00 Trump POLLS: +0.5 - 2020 BIAS: -2.6 = Trump +3.1
Ohio:0000000000 Trump POLLS: +7.0 - 2020 BIAS: -7.5 = Trump +14.5
Michigan:000000 Trump POLLS: +0.1 - 2020 BIAS: -6.8 = Trump +6.9
Arizona:0000000 Trump POLLS: +1.5 - 2020 BIAS: -1.9 = Trump +3.4
Nevada:00000000 Trump POLLS: +0.7 - 2020 BIAS: -2.0 = Trump +2.7
North Carolina: Trump POLLS: +0.8 - 2020 BIAS: -2.5 = Trump +3.3
Georgia:0000000 Trump POLLS: +2.3 - 2020 BIAS: +0.2 = Trump +2.1
Florida:0000000 Trump POLLS: +8.4 - 2020 BIAS: -3.3 = Trump +11.7

Am I saying Trump is going to win all the battleground states by those huge margins? Maybe. I'm not ready to make that prediction right now. But I have just illustrated that historical polling trends suggest this outcome to be a possibility.

Also, to note... Joe Biden* never once fell below +4 points above Trump in the 2020 election. Harris is now behind in the national popular vote aggregate, and would be the first Democrat in at least 3 election cycles that goes into election day losing it in the polls.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 28, 2024 2:19 PM



Originally posted by SECOND:
Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) forcefully defended Donald Trump’s vow to use the U.S. military against certain Americans, a group Trump has repeatedly labeled “the enemy from within.”

Across several television interviews that aired Sunday, Vance also dismissed former Trump White House chief of staff John F. Kelly’s warnings that the former president meets the definition of a fascist. Vance described Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general, as a “disgruntled employee.”

He also disputed former vice president Mike Pence’s contention that Trump forced him to choose between loyalty to the Constitution and loyalty to Trump himself.

In a contentious exchange with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Vance said he would support the deployment of troops against what he and Trump have described as “left-wing lunatics,” which he argued is what Trump meant by “the enemy from within.”

He contended that Trump didn’t mean to include Democratic lawmakers such as Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff in the group of Americans against whom he would use military force — even though the former president has repeatedly used the phrase “left-wing lunatics” to describe both of them. Schiff served on the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, and Pelosi was a longtime House speaker.

Tapper read Vance a quote Trump gave during an interview with podcaster Joe Rogan that aired Friday, during which Trump said “an enemy from within” American politics poses a bigger danger to the country than North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

In a separate interview on “Meet the Press,” Vance said he agreed with Trump’s remark to Rogan that people like Schiff and Pelosi pose a greater threat to the United States than Russia or China do.

“What he said — and I do agree with this — what he said is that the biggest threat we have in our country, it’s not a foreign adversary, because we can handle these guys,” Vance said.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion on this, dummy. Nor do they care about the Legacy Media lies on the topic.

You've been treating Trump as if he were the enemy within for over 8 years now. Everybody realizes it in 2024, and outside of your cult members and super low IQ voters, nobody is buying it anymore.

Tick Tock


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 28, 2024 3:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion on this, dummy. Nor do they care about the Legacy Media lies on the topic.

You've been treating Trump as if he were the enemy within for over 8 years now. Everybody realizes it in 2024, and outside of your cult members and super low IQ voters, nobody is buying it anymore.

Tick Tock


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


SECOND, you have no idea how little we care about what you and your "sources" blather. You (collectively) have been gaslighting America for years.

Covid vaccine mandates.
Quid pro quo!
The "insurrection"
Mostly peaceful riots
Afghanistan "withdrawal"
Biden, the meat popsicle President
Hunter Biden laptop: Russian "disinformation"
The wonderful economy
Border security
"Defending democracy" in Ukraine
Russia, the evil/ clever/ weak/ powerful/ semicivilized/ (fill in the blank) nation
Trump the Nazi/ fascist/ rapist/ threat to democracy

Plus endless attempts to silence and demonize others

It matters not a whit that Kamala's puppeteers are trying (without success BTW) to make her sound rational and credible. After so many years of being lied to, do you think anyone with two neurons to rub together will believe her, or you, NOW?

AFA Trump is concerned, all I need to know is that you, collectively, are gibbering hysterically about a possible Trump win. That tells me more about Trump than anything else.

Bc, while we don't care at all what you think or say, you care very much about us. Shoe's on the other foot, bro. You know what you've done, and you should be afraid. Very afraid.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, October 28, 2024 3:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You (collectively) have been gaslighting America for years.

Covid vaccine mandates.
Quid pro quo!
The "insurrection"
Mostly peaceful riots
Afghanistan "withdrawal"
Biden, the meat popsicle President
Hunter Biden laptop: Russian "disinformation"
The wonderful economy
Border security
"Defending democracy" in Ukraine
Russia, the evil/ clever/ weak/ powerful/ semicivilized/ (fill in the blank) nation
Trump the Nazi/ fascist/ rapist/ threat to democracy

Plus endless attempts to silence and demonize others

And that's just the short list. Probably only 80% of the Greatest Hits over the last 8 years.

It's awful. The Democrats are destroying the country, and the media and at least half of the celebrities are out there cheer leading for more of the same every day.

Life wasn't like this when I was growing up. People didn't hate each other like they do now. And the only thing that changed was the Liberal Brainwashing on college campuses which eventually lead to these brainwashed husks with high up management positions in every company with over 200 employees. Those not working directly for companies that manufacture our media still play a major financial role when it comes to advertising on these platforms.

We're still willing to be friendly with anybody. Meanwhile, people like Second want to see me dead and people like Ted just outright hate me. I've never done anything to deserve this level of hatred. From anybody.

I know we fling a lot of shit back and forth these days, but I invite anybody go back to when the animosity began. I wasn't the one throwing stones in the beginning. I was the guy who made the mistake of being truthful and honest about my life, and used this place as a sort of daily journal for going on 2 decades now. The both of them have taken things I didn't write for them about my history and bully me with them, and these days Second just makes up shit about me that isn't even true when I've left him a limitless ammo supply of truthful things he can beat me up with. Meanwhile, I'm the one at a complete disadvantage because nobody knows anything about Ted and Second is a pathological liar.

I've tried to lower the temperature in here several times before, but it doesn't work. I get another insult thrown in my face the very next post I make in another thread.

And I wasn't gloating when I wrote that "No Matter What" thread either. I'm fucking serious about that. ANYBODY who is sitting here on October 28th of 2024 still all tangled up with all the political bullshit in their heads is risking some real mental health damage on November 6th (or whatever day they finally finish counting ballots if it is close).

I really don't care one way or another. If Trump wins I get to play defense again for another 4 years. If he loses, I get to watch everything get worse for another 4 years on top of the last 4 and watch the Democrat party completely fall apart when the economy is so bad that nobody is listening to them anymore. They managed to patch that raft up well enough to still be sailing this close toward election day, but they'd never be able to do it for another 4 years. I'd give it 6 months after inauguration day and they'll finally admit we're in a recession. Hell... It's so bad right now I'm actually worried that 6 months after a Trump win it's still going to happen anyway.

Democrats are now perpetually in a lose/lose situation no matter what happens. They've painted themselves in so many corners there's no way to ever get out of it.

America is much stronger than any asshole on either side doing their best Chicken Little and screaming that it's the end of Democracy if the other side wins.

Let Kamala win. I really don't care. It'll be fine.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 28, 2024 5:47 PM


No reason to believe Jack, signym and Trump will what?


'No reason to believe Trump will stop lying' about election


Monday, October 28, 2024 6:45 PM



Originally posted by THG:
No reason to believe Jack, signym and Trump will what?

Read that sentence to yourself.

Now write it again in English so people know what you're talking about.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 28, 2024 11:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Why Major Newspapers Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris

By Robert Greene | October 28, 2024

In this extremely tight presidential race, the big surprise of the fall campaign has turned out to be the failure of two major newspapers to deliver expected endorsements of Kamala Harris and against Donald Trump. With voting well under way in many states, the Los Angeles Times’ owner and The Washington Post’s publisher made inexcusably late announcements that they had become suddenly disenchanted with the entire notion of endorsing presidential candidates.

Withholding support for Harris after everything that both newspapers have reported about Trump’s manifest unfitness for office looks to me like plain cowardice. Although I served on the Los Angeles Times’ editorial board for 18 years, I believe one can reasonably question the value of endorsements. Still, the timing here invites speculation that these papers are preparing for a possible Trump victory by signaling a willingness to accommodate the coming administration rather than resist it.

At each paper, the editorial board had readied a draft or outline of a Harris endorsement and was waiting (and waiting and waiting) for final approval. On Wednesday, the L.A. Times editorials editor, Mariel Garza, told her team, including me, that the owner, Patrick Soon-Shiong, would not permit any endorsement to run. She then resigned in protest.

As thousands of angry Times readers canceled their subscriptions, Soon-Shiong publicly claimed on X to have asked the editorial board to write an analysis of “all the POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE policies by EACH candidate” during their respective White House tenures. But he said the board “chose to remain silent.”

Nonsense. We made no such choice. We were ready to endorse Harris, and Soon-Shiong’s post on X was the first time I or my fellow editorial writers had heard anything about a side-by-side analysis. Having been so casually thrown under the bus, I resigned Thursday. My colleague Karin Klein also announced that she would step down.

On Friday, the Post publisher and CEO, William Lewis, published a statement that his paper, too, would not endorse in the presidential race, now or ever again. A member of the Post editorial board resigned. Subscribers canceled.

Read: Don’t cancel The Washington Post. Cancel Amazon Prime.

Remember, this is the same news organization that, during the first Trump administration, adopted the slogan “Democracy dies in darkness.” It can also die in broad daylight. In this year’s race, a non-choice ignores Trump’s singular unfitness for office, demonstrated time and again through his dishonesty, his false claims to have won the 2020 election, his criminal convictions, his impeachable offenses, his race-baiting, his threats of retaliation against his opponents, and many other features that make him a danger to the nation.

Lewis and Soon-Shiong both explained that they wanted to let voters make their own decisions.

I hear some version of that irritating statement every four years, although it typically comes from readers who ask why editorial boards don’t just deliver the facts, the way news stories are supposed to, leaving judgment up to readers. Publishers and newspaper owners ought to know better.

Editorials express a newspaper’s institutional viewpoint, based on a clearly articulated set of values and expressed by logical (and sometimes emotional) arguments supported by evidence. In a process unique in journalism, they are shaped by daily back-and-forth discussions among editorial writers. The editorial board is separate from the newsroom, where reporters are supposed to keep their opinions to themselves.

Endorsements and other editorials are a lot like a lawyer’s closing argument to a jury after a long trial with numerous witnesses and exhibits. They remind readers of everything they’ve read, seen, and heard, and then they assemble it all in a persuasive presentation. They make a case. And then readers decide.

The Times editorial board went more than three decades without endorsing in presidential races, largely because readers and the newsroom were so outraged by the endorsement of Richard Nixon for reelection in 1972 that publishers were too cautious (or rather, too chicken) to again take a stand. But soon after I arrived at the Times, the editorial board promised to start endorsing for president again in the 2008 primary. We argued—in an editorial, of course—that if we purported to support transparency, voter engagement, and civic participation, then we had an obligation to make a decision and vigorously defend our choice.

In a pre-endorsement series of editorials, we invited readers to examine a set of foundational ideas such as “liberty” and “the pursuit of happiness,” and to question how those and other principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution applied to current challenges. Then we measured the primary candidates against those values, and made our case for the relatively unknown Barack Obama.

Some critics argue that editorials don’t change anyone’s vote, but that’s not the point. Even voters who already have made up their mind often look for a well-reasoned explanation of why their choice is the right one. And let’s not be so certain that a strong argument on an editorial page, even one from California or the District of Columbia, won’t affect the outcome of a close race that could be won or lost by just a few votes in one precinct in Pennsylvania.

Paul Farhi: Is American journalism headed toward an ‘extinction-level event’?

Soon-Shiong’s alternative, a non-choice pro-and-con matrix, wouldn’t be an editorial. It would be as if an attorney decided not to bother with a closing argument and said instead, “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, here are some reasons you should rule for my client, and also a bunch of reasons to rule against him.” Nor does the proposed side-by-side analysis of Trump’s and Harris’s policies make much sense on its own terms. Trump as president was the top policy maker during his time in office. Harris, as vice president, has not been a policy maker at all, so the comparison would be inapt. An editorial board would identify that flaw immediately. Soon-Shiong may have missed it, but I find myself wondering whether he wanted to direct the outcome of the endorsement.

In short-circuiting the Times editorial board, Soon-Shiong’s message has become only more incoherent. He said Thursday that his goal was to avoid political division. But his adult daughter, Nika Soon-Shiong, said in a series of X posts and in a Saturday New York Times story that the family met and collectively decided against endorsing Harris to protest the vice president’s support for Israel. Not true, Patrick Soon-Shiong told the Los Angeles Times on Saturday.

“Nika speaks in her own personal capacity regarding her opinion,” but not for the Times, he said.

Instead of a forthright, well-argued editorial, readers are left with an indecipherable message and journalistic failure. Someone ought to write about it. It might make a good editorial.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 29, 2024 12:01 AM



Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024 1:10 AM


Worst. Nazi. Rally. Ever.


Well, the rally took place Sunday night, and boy, talk about the worst Nazi rally ever! In addition to the diverse speakers at the event, a black woman sang the national anthem.


And clearly, Jews didn't get the memo that this was a "Nazi rally."

You two are a couple of fuckin' idiots.

America hates Democrats.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024 5:51 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally Was a Pageant of Lowbrow Fascism, and It Wasn’t Even Funny

The Garden hosted a Nazi rally in 1939. Let’s remember that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

By Charles P. Pierce | Oct 28, 2024 11:53 AM EDT

NEW YORK—And at the end of the day, all that was proven was that these people can’t even be fascists with any kind of dignity. In February 1939, with World War II having already begun at the Marco Polo Bridge two years earlier (although nobody knew it at the time) and seven months before the Wehrmacht rolled into Poland, there was a famous rally in the old Madison Square Garden held in concert with the German-American Bund and the isolationist America First crowd. The latter was insignificant. It was a Nazi rally.

And what a spectacle it was. There was a thirty-foot high portrait of the birthday boy, George Washington, framed by swastikas. (“The first American fascist,” declared Bund leader Fritz Kuhn). There were drum and bugle corps. There was thunder and lightning from the podium. There were twenty-two thousand people giving the Nazi salute on cue. And as a backhanded tribute, outside the Garden, one hundred thousand counter-protesters gathered ready to throw hands against the Nazis. One of them, a plumber named Isadore Greenbaum, actually made it to the stage, interrupting Kuhn’s speech and being beaten within an inch of his life by the OD, Kuhn’s equivalent of Hitler’s SS. Greenbaum survived his mauling but got arrested for disorderly conduct. There was a sense of the epic, both inside and outside the Garden. You could feel the world turning toward darkness.

On Sunday, at the current Madison Square Garden, there was Hulk Hogan, in a pink feather boa.

There was Dr. Phil, droning on and on about how the former president* was not a bully. There was Rudy Giuliani, half out of his mind, shouting about how the Democratic ticket was “in with the terrorists,” before perhaps going backstage to ask Robert Kennedy Jr. if he could crash on his couch for a few days. There was Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, talking about the Republican respect for the rule of law while, later, the candidate himself talked about how he and Johnson “had a little secret” that he would tell us about after the election. This could be pure bluff, or it could be the opening round in a Republican attempt to ratf*ck the certification process. In either case, the former president* put Johnson on the hook for good.

In 1939, there was Fritz Kuhn, inveighing against President “Rosenfelt” and Governor Thomas “Jewey,” to thunderous applause. In 2024, there was a podcast comedian named Tony Hinchcliffe, telling the audience that there was an island of garbage floating in the ocean and it was called “Puerto Rico,” to gales of laughter, and gaining the instant infamy that is the highest form of street cred in the MAGA movement. In 1939, at the conclusion of Kuhn’s speech, twenty thousand people chanted, “Free America!” In 2024, nineteen thousand people cheered along as the soulless husk that once was Tucker Carlson told them that Kamala Harris was going to be “the first Samoan-Malaysian, low-IQ former California prosecutor ever to be elected president.”

I do not minimize the danger inherent in next Tuesday’s election. I lived through one Trump administration*. I would prefer not to have to live through the live-action adventure Trump Unchained. But Lord above, these people are not only reckless, they are comical lightweights, right up to their Dear Leader. They are burlesque authoritarians. The 1939 rally was a Wagnerian opera in a world on the brink of war. This was a grandiose version of a drive-time radio talk show where Joe on the car phone worries that his son is going to come home from third grade as his daughter. In 1939, the Garden was filled with Americans who pledged their fealty to a leader half a world away who was already building his concentration camps. This was a gathering of Americans who have been frightened by scarecrows. In Robert Bolt’s play A Man for All Seasons, Thomas More is grilled by Thomas Cromwell on some spurious charges and More tells Cromwell that the charges “are terrors for children, Master Secretary. Not for me.” And then he leaves, having won the argument. Of course, at the end of the play, they cut off his head.

I made a mistake. I decided not to apply for press credentials and give the former president* another chance to call me an enemy of the people. I put in for general admission seating. I wanted to be one of the folks. Of course, this led to my being deluged with emails and texts begging me for money and offering me a golden MAGA hat for my trouble. But I figured that was a small price to pay for a chance to join the gang, at least for a day, anyway. So I reported, as instructed, at noon on Sunday, to join the line to get in, which was also known as Thirty-third Street.

In three hours, we’d moved about four blocks. I had entertaining conversations with a number of the folks. I spent five or ten minutes discussing Ray Epps with a tall man standing next to me. (Ray Epps is the Arizona gardener whom the faithful believe was the FBI provocateur who prompted the violence on January 6, 2021. Epps was convicted of disorderly conduct and drew a year’s probation for his trouble, but these people never let anything go.) We were all briefly entertained by a Kim Jong-un look-alike—hey, it’s a living—who was working the sidewalk outside a clothing store. I spent a longer time chatting with Thomas and Peter, two Dubliners who were staying with Peter’s uncle in New Jersey and who flew over just to be part of the fun.

Along Thirty-third Street, there are a string of Irish-themed bars: the Celtic Rail, Stout, and Feile. The Celtic Rail sits where used to stand McAnn’s, a classic Manhattan dive bar. In 1976, a group of us who had worked for Congressman Mo Udall’s presidential campaign came down to New York for the Democratic National Convention. We couldn’t get in, of course, so we repaired to McAnn’s to watch Mo’s speech in support of nominee Jimmy Carter.

“Out on Boot Hill in Tombstone,” Mo began, “there is a grave marker that reads—‘JOHNSON—DONE HIS DAMNDEST.’ I guess that was the story of the Udall campaign. Young and old, we gave it all we had. We hit hard, but we hit fair. We talked about issues and the hard choices we face. And we had some close calls and some overtimes and our money was cut off. We had more obituaries than Lazarus…but the big blue ribbon never came. We tried to be kind and generous and we weren’t afraid to laugh at ourselves.”

Of all my political memories, that was my favorite. As I stood in the motionless crowd of people on Sunday, in front of what used to be McAnn’s, I watched as people slowly left the line and filtered into the Celtic Rail, because the other two bars, Stout and Feile, had adopted a policy to keep out any patrons wearing any kind of campaign gear. (Esquire was unable to reach management at either bar to confirm this policy.) Feile was filled up with people watching Sunday’s Formula 1 race. (How does a place become a Formula 1 bar? It is a mystery.) Brian, who was working the door, explained the no-gear policy. “It’s based on that old saying ‘Never talk politics or religion in the bar.’ ” Considering that my fellow linespeople were wearing Trump shoes, Trump flags, and one suit jacket festooned with colorful images of the former president*, to say nothing of dozens of variations on the MAGA hat, this was a sensible policy. I watched Brian politely bounce these folks.

The Celtic Rail was the only place on the block that appeared not to be adhering to a no-gear policy, and it filled up quickly with people who had given up on the line. There was a steady stream of them coming down the sidewalk away from the Garden. Finally, at about 3:30, police came down the line, telling people that the Garden was full and that nobody else would be allowed in. The line melted away like April snow. Before the former president* even spoke, the police were taking down the barriers and the biggest crowd in the area was in front of Macy’s on Thirty-fourth Street, which is all dolled up for Christmas.

The former president*’s speech was hate radio on scan. He would stick to the teleprompter that he otherwise denied he was using and then go off on familiar flights of fancy. It was mendacity surrendered to foul, endless cliché, embedded in our politics for the foreseeable future. It was in fact not the banality of evil but rather the evil of banality. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

What brought me up short, however, was the interchange between the former president* and Speaker Moses about their “little secret.” This was new. This was startling. This was a moment of authentic danger. It drew some laughs from the crowd, but it was a deeper threat than anything Fritz Kuhn threw out to his slavering crowd. For all their imperial dumbshow, the Nazis of 1939 were not the threat to the mechanisms of democracy that this one little passage in the former president*’s speech was. The wink and a nod toward the ultimate in ratf*cking was more chilling than all the “Sieg Heils” that drove Isadore Greenbaum toward the stage, Nazi goons be damned. Fritz Kuhn had all the set decoration, but the former president*, surrounded by laughable grotesques of dictatorship, has the script already written and everybody knows their part.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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