NBC has cancelled

UPDATED: Monday, January 30, 2006 01:47
VIEWED: 5791
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Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:38 AM


NBC has finally axed that left-wing piece of garbage, The West Wing.

Check out this link:

Here is the above article:


NBC Cancels 'West Wing' After 7 Seasons

The Associated Press
Sunday, January 22, 2006; 1:56 PM

PASADENA, Calif. -- The new president on "The West Wing" will be a real short-timer: NBC announced Sunday it was pulling the plug on the Emmy-winning political drama after seven seasons in May.

NBC, struggling to regain its footing after the worst season in its history, also outlined several midseason schedule changes _ including the moves of popular dramas "Law & Order" and "Las Vegas."

"The West Wing" announcement wasn't much of a surprise. Although this season's story line with a presidential campaign involving a Democrat played by Jimmy Smits and Republican portrayed by Alan Alda has been strong critically, ratings have sunk with its move to Sunday nights.

The decision to cancel it was made before actor John Spencer, who played former presidential chief of staff Leo McGarry, died of a heart attack Dec. 16, said Kevin Reilly, NBC entertainment president.

"There's a point when you look at the ratings and say, it feels like it's time," Reilly said.

The series finale will be May 14, preceded by a one-hour retrospective. The campaign to replace the fictional Josiah Bartlet as president will be settled, NBC said.

Producers Aaron Sorkin and Thomas Schlamme, who created the show and guided it through its early years, will not be involved in the finale, Reilly said.

"The West Wing" won four Emmy Awards for best television drama in a row for its tales of political intrigue. At its prime, it also offered NBC two valuable benefits: critical acclaim and the most upscale audience on television, an important drawing point for advertisers.

NBC's revamped schedule offered veteran "Law & Order" producer Dick Wolf good and bad news. NBC is putting Wolf's new drama "Conviction," about young prosecutors in New York, on Friday's schedule starting March 3. But it is moving "Law & Order" up an hour to Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET _ competing directly with ABC's blockbuster "Lost."

NBC is also moving "Las Vegas" from Monday to Friday starting in March. Donald Trump is changing addresses again, with "The Apprentice" moving to Monday where it will be preceded by the Howie Mandel-hosted game show "Deal or No Deal."

The network has two more midseason shows: "Heist," a cops-and-robbers drama from the director of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith," and "Teachers," a comedy about a high school English teacher.

"The Office" will go off the air at the end of March so star Steve Carell can film a movie, Reilly said. He said he also hasn't figured out what to do with the ill-fated "Friends" spinoff "Joey," which has 12 new episodes done but no place on the schedule.

"NBC is stable and our vital signs are encouraging," Reilly said. "Most predictions were that we were going to go from bad to worse this year, and that hasn't happened."


Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:20 AM



Originally posted by Skywalken:
. . .that left-wing piece of garbage. . .

Now, now, play nice. . .

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:03 PM



Originally posted by Skywalken:

... ratings have sunk with its move to Sunday nights.


"There's a point when you look at the ratings and say, it feels like it's time," Reilly said.

Right, so after NBC messes around with the show's time slot, the ratings fall ... which then means that the show has to go. Huh. I guess moving it back to the previous time slot, where the show had success, didn't occur to them. Looks like NBC executives are taking advice from Fox executives on how to f*** around with intelligent shows these days. It's a miracle that the show made it to 7 seasons anyway, considering the fact that shows with brains are usually the first to fall to the whims of network executives.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:04 PM


I believe you mean the highly acclaimed, multi-emmy awarding winning The West Wing.

Of course, it does feature an American President who is both highly intelligent and devout Christian (hence his desire for peaceful resolution to conflicts) so I can see how some people think it more unrealistic than say Firefly or He-Man.

Still, time to call it a day.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:14 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
... and devout Christian (hence his desire for peaceful resolution to conflicts) ...

Wait, now I'm confused. I thought being Christian means making it clear to everybody that doesn't conform to your beliefs how much God hates non-Christians for their evil ways, and that if one is a Christian president it's one's moral duty to do likewise to other countries (using force if necessary). ESPECIALLY if those heathen countries happen to have a bit of oil, which was clearly meant to be used by Christians, otherwise God wouldn't have created the SUV.

So you're saying that the president on the show was Christian and wanted PEACEFUL resolutions to conflicts!? No wonder the show's being cancelled, who could relate to that sort of highly stylised nonsensical fiction.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 4:29 PM


I think television is so left wing extreme that it requires grading on a curve. I only saw the west wing a couple of times but it seemed fairly moderate to me, sort of a 'go mod dems' not really a 'raise upo the red flag' sort of perspective. Frankly, television ticks me off a lot more when it weaves it's radical left perspective into shows that pertain to be about real life but are really about a candy fiction pretending to be real life. If a show is about politics, at least it's out in the open. Every time a subject like this comes up, I'm profoundly reminded how we on the right need to have our own entertainment companies, with our own shows. A political drama set in the middle of the 20th century say, pitting the dems and the gop against each other in, oh, just pick any decade :)

But also, people that attack the GOP presently have a point. We need to put our shop in order.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:07 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


pertain (sic) to be about real life but are really about a candy fiction pretending to be real life
OOC, which shows are those?

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:49 PM


Sad to see it go, but it's probably time - 7 years is long in tv-land. Plus, IIRC the ratings were dropping even before the move to Sunday.

At least they will have time to wrap it up. Many deserving shows don't get that chance.


Monday, January 23, 2006 9:33 AM


Maybe the SciFi Channel will pick West Wing up. I mean a show about an honost democrats...that could fit in perfectly with the Friday night lineup, right between the guys who go through the stargate to save earth...and the other guys who go through the other stargate for similar reasons. Maybe as a mid-season replacement to Battlestar Galactica (which sometimes makes me think 'West Wing is space')...

I mean its a great show, West Wing is. Right now the pro-life conservative Democrat is about to win the election over the pro-choice liberal fiction at its finest.

Say what you want, the live debate episode was really good.



Monday, January 23, 2006 4:58 PM


I'll miss it. I have DVD set1-5 and every episode since recorded. But it is definately time to let it go.

Throwing a nuke plant meltdown into the storyline cause they have simply run out of good plot ideas... Doesn't jump the shark but... Shiesh!

If Vinick wins, it's a completely different show. Even if Santos wins, hardly anyone could believably carry over so it would be a mostly different cast then as well. Johns death simply reduces that list of potential continuity characters even further. How many fans would really stick with a show that changed so drasticaly after fading for the previous season? No matter how you slice it, it was done this year and could have probably exited more gracefully at the end of last year.

But I do agree. The live debate was some mighty fine TV and almost justifies season 7 all by itself.



Monday, January 23, 2006 5:43 PM


one man's trash is another man's treasure...

As Darwin said,,,, change or die.. oh well...

I liked the show... but it was moved around a lot.

Chindi (Liberal and PROUD of it!!)


Monday, January 23, 2006 6:40 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by SimonWho:
... and devout Christian (hence his desire for peaceful resolution to conflicts) ...

Wait, now I'm confused. I thought being Christian means making it clear to everybody that doesn't conform to your beliefs how much God hates non-Christians for their evil ways, using force if necessary, and that if one is a Christian president it's one's moral duty to do likewise to other countries. ESPECIALLY if those heathen countries happen to have a bit of oil (which was clearly meant to be used by Christians, otherwise God wouldn't have created the SUV).

So you're saying that the president on the show was Christian and wanted PEACEFUL resolutions to conflicts!? No wonder the show's being cancelled, who could relate to that sort of highly stylised nonsensical fiction.

Hey now, don't be mean. I'm non-Christian myself, and believe me, I know about the pogroms and burning times. But a wise man once told me that if I was going to be a non-Christian in America, I'd better study the Bible.

So I picked up a red-letter edition, and read the words of the Son of Man. And soon realized that, while I would never be a monotheist, this guy was exactly the kind of person that a vituous pagan could get along with. "Judge not, lest ye be judged", "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", "Why do you see the mote that is in your brother's eye, and behold not the plank that is in your own?"

Or in other words, "Clean up your own Karma first, Brother."

So, I have no problem with Christians. My problem is with the (sadly numerous) fools who think they're Christians while making no effort to actually follow the teachings of Christ. Or think that being a Christian means selectively enforcing Old-Testiment laws that the nazarine specifically released his followers from.

But don't mistake Christianity with war-mongering.

"Be not like the hypocrites, who like to pray in the temples and on the street corners, to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they have had their reward in full. But instead go into the smallest room in your house, and close the door, and pray to your Father, who sees what is in secret." -- Matthew VI, Verse V & VI (Modern English Translation Circa 1969)


Monday, January 23, 2006 10:34 PM


Don't really see how this is "liberal trash" just because it portrayed democrats as real people instead of the gay ungodly tree huggers you want them to be...but this was a mighty fine show, that I found to be really fair and very bipartisan. It was intelligent, entertaining, and actually even educated me a little on how our government works. It was a really great show.

But now is the time for it to go out. Before it jumps the shark.

How's my firefly speak? Good? Bad? Fee-oo?

...It's fee-oo isn't it?


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:31 AM


Since the average American cant seem to tell the difference between the political left and right I wonder if you have the same trouble with hands and feet?
Your so called President certainly cant.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:48 AM


I liked the early seasons of West Wing but it had gone downhill since Aaron Sorkin left the show. If you really think it's a piece of left wing trash why'd you even bother sharing the information. Unless of course you were trolling and looking to start something. Say what you will about the liberal left but they've done far less damage in 30 years to this country than that lying moron the neocon right love so much who just happens to occupy the White House at the moment. 300 billion of our tax dollars later and Iraq still isn't close to being better off. People always bash the left for wanting to raise taxes but George Sr. raised them after saying "read my lips, no new taxes" Lies just like sonny boy. must run in that inbred family.

Hey, if you troll for it long enough, you'll get it.



Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by RocketJock:

So, I have no problem with Christians. My problem is with the (sadly numerous) fools who think they're Christians while making no effort to actually follow the teachings of Christ. Or think that being a Christian means selectively enforcing Old-Testiment laws that the nazarine specifically released his followers from.

I think you'll find pretty much nobody has any problems with Christians. It's just a shame there's only a few hundred thousand in America.

Want proof? Go ask a few random "Christians" to name as many commandments as they can. See how many give "Love one another", the only commandment Jesus handed down himself.

President Bartlett is a fascinating study of how a true Christian acts while in a position of power and responsibility. He sanctions executions and political assasinations but hates himself for doing. He does do what is necessary but he doesn't do it with the grin of a goofy schmuck on his face.

It will be missed.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:42 PM



Originally posted by JayTee:
People always bash the left for wanting to raise taxes but George Sr. raised them after saying "read my lips, no new taxes" Lies just like sonny boy.

Umm. Jaytee? Presidents have NO power to raise taxes... CONGRESS did that.

At best, presidents can make reccomendations and try to encourage congress to do what they ask for (yah, like that works well).

Bush Sr. didn't ASK for congress to rais taxes. He tried to stop it from happening. He didn't veto the tax bill due to a deal that was offered by the Dem controlled congress of the time to allow other legislation that was being blocked/delayed to get moving again.

Then they simply turned around and A: screamed "Hey, he lied about raising taxes!" and B: Never upheld their end of the bargain either. The Lib press only reported the "he lied" part in the headlines...

Is it any wonder Reps have a major problem trusting Dems... Or that Dems don't trust Reps cause the Reps aren't even remotely squeeky clean either...

"So go ahead and hug. Because, for the life of me, I've never heard anyone mourning the passing of a loved one, say, 'If only we didn't hug so much.' Not once. Not ever."
- Neil Cavuto



Friday, January 27, 2006 9:26 PM



Originally posted by RocketJock:
Hey now, don't be mean. I'm non-Christian myself, and believe me, I know about the pogroms and burning times. But a wise man once told me that if I was going to be a non-Christian in America, I'd better study the Bible.

So I picked up a red-letter edition, and read the words of the Son of Man. And soon realized that, while I would never be a monotheist, this guy was exactly the kind of person that a vituous pagan could get along with. "Judge not, lest ye be judged", "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", "Why do you see the mote that is in your brother's eye, and behold not the plank that is in your own?"

Or in other words, "Clean up your own Karma first, Brother."

So, I have no problem with Christians. My problem is with the (sadly numerous) fools who think they're Christians while making no effort to actually follow the teachings of Christ. Or think that being a Christian means selectively enforcing Old-Testiment laws that the nazarine specifically released his followers from.

But don't mistake Christianity with war-mongering.

I understand what you're saying and I agree with it, but most people that call themselves Christian aren't Christian at all, just people that have read the bible, go to church and then think they're better than everybody else because of it. As you said, "...the (sadly numerous) fools who think they're Christians while making no effort to actually follow the teachings of Christ". It's those Christians where it's not about faith but about "I'm more pious than thou art" that annoy me, and those are the ones I was referring to. I know that wasn't made clear in my previous post; I guess I could have said "Christian" instead of Christian (i.e. with inverted commas), but that would've been annoying to read.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:39 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by SimonWho:
... and devout Christian (hence his desire for peaceful resolution to conflicts) ...

Wait, now I'm confused. I thought being Christian means making it clear to everybody that doesn't conform to your beliefs how much God hates non-Christians for their evil ways, and that if one is a Christian president it's one's moral duty to do likewise to other countries (using force if necessary). ESPECIALLY if those heathen countries happen to have a bit of oil, which was clearly meant to be used by Christians, otherwise God wouldn't have created the SUV.

So you're saying that the president on the show was Christian and wanted PEACEFUL resolutions to conflicts!? No wonder the show's being cancelled, who could relate to that sort of highly stylised nonsensical fiction.

ROFLMAO !!!! Amen brudda.....take THAT all you right-wing, holier-than-thou, just-do-what-I-say,-'cause-I-know-what's-best-for-you types out there!!!

"to hell with this.....I'm gonna LIVE..!"


Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:43 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I think television is so left wing extreme that it requires grading on a curve. I only saw the west wing a couple of times but it seemed fairly moderate to me, sort of a 'go mod dems' not really a 'raise upo the red flag' sort of perspective. Frankly, television ticks me off a lot more when it weaves it's radical left perspective into shows that pertain to be about real life but are really about a candy fiction pretending to be real life. If a show is about politics, at least it's out in the open. Every time a subject like this comes up, I'm profoundly reminded how we on the right need to have our own entertainment companies, with our own shows. A political drama set in the middle of the 20th century say, pitting the dems and the gop against each other in, oh, just pick any decade :)

But also, people that attack the GOP presently have a point. We need to put our shop in order.

Your own production companies, with your own shows......? I thought that was what 'Televangilists' were for?

to hell with this....I'm gonna LIVE..!


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:47 PM


America loves a winner!

I never really watched this show after the 1st season. It had its moments, but I stopped even acknowledging it 2-3 year ago. Prolly should have been pulled back then.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 30, 2006 1:47 AM


The way I see it my friend is you got no respect for your fellow man. I am a liberal Democrat who served 20 years in the military, I vote, I'm armed and have see a little war, death and destruction. My friend you are not thinking about me and my favorite T.V. shows or just because you don't like something doesn't mean someone else might enjoy it. You notice I'm not here bad mouthing our President, hey I voted, I lost OK I did my part. I'm not gonna bad mouth anyone, I talk with my vote and I respect others views. Maybe you should do the same.






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