Yay for Google!

UPDATED: Monday, February 27, 2006 10:45
VIEWED: 3632
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Monday, February 20, 2006 8:29 AM


Nice to see somebody that matters standing up to this administration's imbecilic requests and demands, even if the actual request by the DoJ was fairly immaterial, and wouldn't have helped them one bit anyway. But it's about the principle of the thing.


Monday, February 20, 2006 10:45 AM


Bush is a Nazi.

Attack me, not my opinion.


Monday, February 20, 2006 10:51 AM



Originally posted by Jonus:
Bush is a Nazi.

Attack me, not my opinion.

Are you actually inviting ad hominem attacks?

Very well then. Your outer-garments smell faintly of garlic!

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Monday, February 20, 2006 11:03 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Nice to see somebody that matters standing up to this administration's imbecilic requests and demands, even if the actual request by the DoJ was fairly immaterial, and wouldn't have helped them one bit anyway. But it's about the principle of the thing.

And then there's us Canadians putting a wrench in the works as well:

Mwaaaa haaaa haaaa!!!

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Monday, February 20, 2006 11:11 AM


Sorry y'all, but Google is EVIL.
They help the Chinese put people in prison,
and help to bolster the Great Firewall.
As for 'standing up' to the US gov. regarding
user's searches/tracking etc., it's simply
posturing, not to mention free advertizing.

Google's cookies don't expire until 2038, and
do track *your* unique browsers' searches.
I recommend, whos cookies expire per-
session, plus they provide (IMO) better results!

Personally, I use the Google Scraper:
Actual Google results without ads, and without
EDIT:God bless Canada! You people freakin' rock.


Monday, February 20, 2006 12:11 PM


Yep, Google stood up to the DOJ and thats great but they caved in to the chinese because it was just too big a market opportunity.
Still, the Chinese will be ruling the world in a couple of decades so it's understandable that they'd be nervous.


Monday, February 20, 2006 5:22 PM



Originally posted by Jonus:

Bush is a Nazi.

All Godwin aside, I thought about this post. I think this isn't a political statement. It's am objective factual one. It may be wrong, or it may not be. To some extent it's true, to some extent it's not.

Bush, for instance, is in no way anti-semitic, or racist in any way. Katrina aside. He's anti-poor, sure.

But his policies draw heavily from statist regimes of the past including WWII Germany. Need I say Reichstag Fire, Emergency Powers, etc.?

I think, objectively, this is an objective statement, with some validity, just as when I said "Bush is a Democrat" or "Bush is Clinton" Both are only true to some degree, just as this one is try to some degree.


Monday, February 20, 2006 5:24 PM


Evil is so subjective.
I love the term though "Great Firewall"


Friday, February 24, 2006 1:27 PM


This was an audacious move by Google, refusing to oblige the senseless demands made of them. They really couldn't formulate a compelling reason why the search records were needed, as noted in the article. It does make one wonder though, if they have permitted the American government to glean information from their search history in the past.

Also, I agree, the Chinese government is very intimidating.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 8:22 AM


Stdoubt, thank you for the search engine links. Very nice.

China is a pretty opressive regime. Yes, they're better than they used to be in many ways. Still doesn't make what they're doing right. What bothers me on a personal level is the strong signs that the US government is gearing up to crack down on the net, China style. Can anyone say Alliance?

"Why do they fight us? Why don't they want to be civilized?"


Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:06 AM



China is a pretty opressive regime. Yes, they're better than they used to be in many ways. Still doesn't make what they're doing right. What bothers me on a personal level is the strong signs that the US government is gearing up to crack down on the net, China style. Can anyone say Alliance?

Well said.

What bothers me more is why they are doing it, which is not because of criminals and terrorists, but because they want to edit what people read, in terms of news and information. I know this because of the Bush Admin's faux news pieces, whitehouse press releases run as news on major channels. I don't know if Clinton did this, but I wouldn't be surprised, and I'll be less surprised if the next govt., democrat or republican, does the same. Here's what I read last night, and I'm not saying it true mind you, but could be, and is just the sort of thing a major news channel would no longer say, or any channel, and the sort of thing the govt. doesn't want you to read:

The UAE funded Bin Laden to blow up the World Trade Center, and then helped stymie the process of rebuilding. During the interim, the business of business had to continue, and much of it did so at the Dubai World Trade Center. Dubai is quickly becoming a focus of global commerce, and with Hong Kong, due to communist takeover, and New York, due to 9/11, there's little to stop it. The emirates are moving quickly to secure as much hold over international trade as they can.

I summarized, but I found this sort of stuff on a few sites, and it brings me one step closer to Kayne West: "Bush knocked down the towers." I don't think this is literally true, but I'm beginning to suspect it may be more true than false. (Not Bush doesn't care about black people. I think he does, but I think his caring about them doesn't do them any good. It's like Hoover's socialization of America was targeted to help the poor. In a few short years, the poor were begging him to stop helping them.)


Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:09 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


STDOUBT wrote:

Sorry y'all, but Google is EVIL.

Google Imposes Worldwide Ban On China Critical Website - accuses company of selling out to "boys from Beijing"


For the first time in what some fear will signal a growing trend, Google Inc. has banned and removed a mainstream news website from all its worldwide search engines, seemingly due to the website's reports on China's geopolitical affairs and military technology.

Google came under fire last month for agreeing to install government search filters on its Chinese based search engine. The company that was founded on the motto "don't be evil," claimed that some censorship was acceptable because in the long term the Internet would be opened up to a wider audience and freedom of speech would expand.

That excuse can today be put to bed because Google has banned its users inside the US and the rest of the world from accessing the Space War website from its search engine.

I had the same problem with Google, on my website Google's new motto: "We Be Evil."


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by Jonus:

Bush is a Nazi.

Bush, for instance, is in no way anti-semitic, or racist in any way. Katrina aside. He's anti-poor, sure.

But his policies draw heavily from statist regimes of the past including WWII Germany. Need I say Reichstag Fire, Emergency Powers, etc.

Very funny. But he does rape black women, like Margie Shoedinger - then kill them, so that means he's not racist? Reichstag 9/11... YES, but more like "Hitler's" (Schickegruber-Rothschild) Operations Himmler and Canned Goods - the treasonous attacks on the German radio station and the German Homeland, to blame Poland and start WW2. That's why the Bush Gang named USA the "Homeland", then put a Jewish ISRAELI CITIZEN, Michael Chertoff, in charge of US Dept of Homeland Security!

What is a Nazi?
What is a Semite?
What is a Jew?
What is a dictionary?

Only 1% of Americans are literate enough to answer these simple questions.

Bush perped his ZioNazi Operation Northwoods on 9/11/2001. Just like Texan Jew LBJ hired Israel to sink the USS Liberty to blame the Arabs in 1967. Bush's grandpoppy Prescott - a CONVICTED Nazi - would be so proud! (Prescott was arrested 3 times is USA for TREASON, under Trading With The Enemy Act, DURING World War 2. Some secret society should steal the Skull & Boner's rotting head... hint hint ;)

How is genociding 150,000 innocent Iraqi Arabs NOT a racist hatecrime? Including the genocide of Iraqi Christians... If you count the Iraqis genocided by Bush Sr and Jew Bill Clinton-Blythe (bastard Rockefeller Jew), the total genocided exceeds 1-million Iraqis during the non-stop 15-year war.

Georgie Bush Junior, "The Chosen One" as his mommy calls him, is a Khazar AsheNAZI Luciferian White-European "Jew", which means he's a racist anti-Semite who wants to kill REAL Jews and REAL Semites and REAL Christians. He worships the ancient "Nazi" (Jewish/Babylonian) Swastika at Yale Skull & Bones Senior Secret Society. He performs ritual human sacrifice to the ancient Jewish/Babylonian god Molech (Lucifer/Satan) at Bohemian Grove, as worshipped by ancient Jews in Jerusalem (read Leviticus). The "Nazi" Luciferian religion of National SOCIALISM is founded on "Jewish" Masonic Communism (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics).


"The intruders discovered one room adorned with nothing but Nazi paraphernalia."
—Ron Rosenbaum, Esquire Magazine, "The Last Secrets of Skull & Bones", September 1977

"Adolf Hitler believed he was a Jew. That's why he ordered his home town in Austria bombed into oblivion, BEFORE World War 2 began, to destroy his birth records, and destroy all tombstones and cemetaries."
—Ron Rosenbaum (a Jew), author of "Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil", on History Channel's "History Undercover: Hitler and Stalin: Roots of Evil"

"While researching in Germany, I was surprised to find I was a Jew. Yes, Adolf Hitler was a Jew. So was Reinhard Heydrich, who was in charge of the Final Solution and the NAZI Death Camps."
—Dr. Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD, winner of the Bill Colby Award, the CIA's top prize for journalism, author of "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military" (150,000 Jews served in the German military and Gestapo during World War 2, including admirals and generals), on Pentagon's C-SPAN TV in 2004, C-SPAN.ORG

"Following partial list of Jews who participated in the Revolutionary War: Lieutenant-Colonel David S. Franks, Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Franks (aide-de-camp George Washington), Major George Bush, Major Louis Bush, Major Solomon Bush, and countless others."
—National Jewish Welfare Board, Jewish Calander for Soldiers and Sailors 1943-1944, "The Jews in the Wars of the United States"

"Bush, Solomon (1753-1795) U.S. patriot and Revolutionary war soldier. Bush was born in Philadelphia, Pa., the son of a merchant, Mathias Bush. He was seriously wounded during a skirmish against the British in September 1777, and taken prisoner. Freed, Bush was made a lieutenant colonel in the Continental army (1779), the highest rank held by a Jewish officer in the Revolutionary army. In 1782 Bush contributed toward a new building for the Mikveh Israel Congregation in Philadelphia. A prominent Mason, Bush also joined the Quaker Abolitionist Society. At his own request he was buried in the Friends Burial Ground in Philadelphia."
—THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA JUDAICA Vol. 4: pp. 1534-1535, Jewish Heroes and Heroines in America from Colonial Times to 1900, A Judaica Collection Exhibit

1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and ARABS - b : a descendant of these peoples - 2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language.
—Merriam Webster Dictionary

George Bush Jr wearing Jewish skullcap in Israel (the most ANTI-Semitic nation on Earth):

Note that a Jewish "skullcap" represents Golgotha - the Hill of Skulls, where traitorous Jewish rabbis murdered Jewish Rabbi "Jesus", as Talmudic "Jews" want to murder all Christians today.

Bush IS an ANTI-Semite, since genicide of Arab-Semites is the definition of anti-Semitism. 95% of so-called "Jews" are NOT Semites, according to every dictionary.

Fucking NAZI/Commie "Jews" have enslaved the entire planet for their Jew World Order. I HAVE PERSONALLY DECLARED WAR ON THE SO-CALLED "JEWS" WHO HAVE DECLARED WAR ON FREEDOM AND WAR ON THE WORLD (but not on Jews who are waging civil war on the Jew World Order):


London Mayor is suspended over Nazi jibe

BBC News
24 Feb 2006

London's mayor has been suspended from office on full pay for four weeks for comparing a Jewish journalist to a concentration camp guard.


Ken Livingstone was recorded asking reporter Oliver Finegold if he is a "German war criminal".

Mr Finegold replies: "No, I'm Jewish, I wasn't a German war criminal. I'm quite offended by that."

The mayor then says: "Ah right, well you might be, but actually you are just like a concentration camp guard, you are just doing it because you are paid to, aren't you?"


"Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, launched a stinging attack on President George Bush last night, denouncing him as the 'greatest threat to life on this planet that we've most probably ever seen'."
—Nigel Morris, The Independent UK, "Livingstone Says Bush is 'Greatest Threat to Life on Planet'," November 18, 2003

The Adjudication Panel for England ruled Ken Livingstone had brought his office into disrepute when he acted in an "unnecessarily insensitive" manner.

The ban is due to begin on 1 March and the mayor's deputy Nicky Gavron will stand in for Mr Livingstone.

The mayor said: "This decision strikes at the heart of democracy."

He added: "Elected politicians should only be able to be removed by the voters or for breaking the law.

"Three members of a body that no one has ever elected should not be allowed to overturn the votes of millions of Londoners."

Mr Livingstone, whose annual salary is £133,997, said he would announce what action he would be taking next week.

The hearing followed a complaint from the Jewish Board of Deputies, which had not called for the mayor to be suspended over the comment he made to the Evening Standard's Oliver Finegold outside a public-funded party.

The chairman of the panel, David Laverick, said it had decided on a ban because Mr Livingstone had failed to realise the seriousness of his outburst.

He said: "The case tribunal accepts that this is not a situation when it would be appropriate to disqualify the mayor.

"The case tribunal is, however, concerned that the mayor does seem to have failed, from the outset of this case, to have appreciated that his conduct was unacceptable, was a breach of the code (the GLA code of conduct) and did damage to the reputation of his office."

Mr Laverick went on to say that the complaint should never have reached the board but did so because of Mr Livingstone's failure to apologise.

In a statement, the Board of Deputies of British Jews said it regretted the guilty result, but said Mr Livingstone had been "the architect of his own misfortune" by failing to recognise the upset caused.

It added it had never sought anything more than an apology and an acknowledgement that his words were inappropriate for the "elected representative of Londoners of all faiths and beliefs".

'Outrageous ruling'

But Deputy Mayor Nicky Gavron said the incident had been "blown out of all proportion" and described the decision as absurd.

Association of London Government chairman Sir Robin Wales added the "outrageous ruling" would stall the mayor in his work to increase police numbers and prepare the city for the 2012 Olympics.

Sir Iqbal Sacranie, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "This decision constitutes a clear over-reaction and an affront to our democratic traditions."

Mr Livingstone has said he was expressing his honestly-held political view of Associated Newspapers, but he had not meant to offend the Jewish community.

The Evening Standard's editor Veronica Wadley said that Mr Finegold had behaved impeccably when he was insulted and accused Mr Livingstone of being stubborn.

The London Jewish Forum welcomed the ruling, with chairman Adrian Cohen calling for the mayor to create a strategy to ensure London's Jews would be treated with respect.

Conservative London Assembly Member Brian Coleman said Mr Livingstone had let Londoners down. All three called for the mayor to apologise.

Baroness Hamwee, Liberal Democrat chair of the assembly, said she was "quite taken aback" by the length of the suspension.

If an appeal fails, Mr Livingstone will be responsible for paying his own legal costs, estimated at £80,000.

Iran leader faces Holocaust case

BBC News
22Feb 2006

An Israeli lawyer, Ervin Shahar, says he has asked Germany to charge Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with denying the Holocaust.
Mr Ahmadinejad was widely criticised when he said last year that the Holocaust was a "myth" and that Israel should be "wiped off the map".

Germany passed a law in 1993 forbidding Holocaust denial. It is punishable by up to five years in prison.

Six million Jews were killed by the Nazis during World War II (BULLSHIT!).

British author's banned book published by American Ernst Zundel, so Jewish rabbis order arrest of Zundel, just like Jewish rabbis ordered arrest and murder of Jesus:
Did Six Million Really Die?

Jewish Google Censors Revisionist "Holocaust" Videos:
Two days after dissident historian David Irving was sentenced to three years imprisonment in Austria, Google Video removed two of revisionist (Jew?) Michael A. Hoffman II's three videos from its free video online website. Weblog of Michael A. Hoffman II, author of Judaism's Strange Gods; Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare; The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians (with Moshe Lieberman); The Great Holocaust Trial; and They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America.

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas, by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael:

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews gathered in Washington, DC on the campus of Georgetown University to support a demonstration against the so-called 'state' of Israel

"It is our obligation to make it known in order that everyone should understand that the Zionists are not the nation of Israel. It is most definitely our holy obligation to announce before those nations of the world that the Zionists are not the spokespeople of the nation of Israel."
-Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum

Mr. Finegold, YOU are a filthy disgusting rotten "JEW"! You are GUILTY of making all Jews look bad, and bring disgrace upon all Jews. You deserve to be stripped of all citizenships, tortured to death by natural causes at Gitmo, castrated in public, drawn and quartered, and your head put on a spike at Tower of London (just like Bush's ancestor Thomas Percy for his Gunpowder Plot to bomb Parliament as seen in the 2006 movie "V For Vendetta"), along with all the other filthy disgusting "Jewish" banksters in City of London and England, starting with the Rothschild Gangsters and Sir Alan Greenspan Knight of the British Empire. Finegold, I'll volunteer to kick your filthy "Jewish" ass!


dreamtrove wrote:

The UAE funded Bin Laden to blow up the World Trade Center

BULLSHITE! Jew Bill Clinton-Blythe IV bombed WTC in 1993, and paid an Arab $1-million and gave him the bomb, and refused to substitute fake explosives, according to tape-recorded FBI confessions in court, as published in NY Times:

Just like "Clinton" bombed the Christians in the Waco ("Crawford") church, and like he bombed his own slaves in OK City Fed Bldg.


“The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders’ rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations.”
—Usama bin Laden, CNN News, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks," September 17, 2001

A GANG OF CRIMINAL "JEWS" led the 9/11 terrorist massacres, as CONFESSED by Jewish-zionist General LL Lemnitzer, chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff, in Operation NORTHWOODS.


I look forward to my trial next month in the same courthouse dungeon that kidnapped Ernst Zundel, tortured for years without charges in solitary confinement in Canada, and put him on multiple trials in ZioNazi Germany in 2006. I'm gonna kick some ZioNazi ass, and I'm gonna do it in the courtroom with a stack of lawbooks, and put an end to "Jewish" Roman Civil Law in Tennessee. Civil Law of slave contracts was used to genocide 20,000 Christians, pagans and slaves every day in the Roman Collosseum, and used for highway robbery and 500 annual summary executions for "traffic citations". Jewish dictator Nero arsoned Rome, them blamed the Christians and fed them to the lions, using Roman "Civil" Law. What is my "crime", that risks 30-days in jail and $25,000 fine, that EVERY driver is "guilty" of EVERY time they drive - driving safely at 25mph?!

Is anyone else tired of the scumbag Marranos (fake) "Jews"? Or are you a happy slave? (Patriotic All-American Jews are welcome to join the war to save America from the Bush Crime Family and their NeoCon/NeoCom Gang of "Jews")

See also:

Jewish Luciferian Masonic ADL Protests Free Speech, Freedom of Religion and Christianity at US Air Force Academy and US military worldwide:

Jewish Rabbis Suck Dick! Is this the Most-Censored news on TV? Orthodox rabbis routinely perform bloody surgery with their teeth during circumcision rites which is vampirism, cannibalism, homosexuality and pedophilia rolled into one cult-crime against public health. Rabbi injuncted in New York for killing baby with STD during oral circumcism in Feb 2005. No wonder Jewish ACLU wants the 10 Commandments banned from Court Houses. ACLU was founded by directors of the Communist Party of the United States.

"Hey hey hey! Them ain't Kosherized rules!"

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation
(How to kill the evil ZioNazi British Alliance)

Pirate News TV


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:58 PM


I feel like I just got hit by a word truck.

It hurt.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:23 PM


Tiger, that was funny!!


Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:10 PM


The WTC was just a big office building with a very grand name, they didnt really run World Trade from there.

Nothing was traded at the WTC itself and it was not a dealer floor just a very dense concentration of talented financial types. It was their deaths rather than loss of the building caused the bulk of operating problems for many firms in teh weeks that followed. Loss of life aside though very little impact was made, operating data was in most cases located on servers in Jersey, most of the firms moved in with their IT departments while things were cleaned up downtown.

If anywhere "benefited" from the disruption it would for London. Since the UK and US markets overlap you could take up slack in New York using analysts in London. Dubai is not even partly in NY's timezone, so would have had no benefit from market relocation.


Monday, February 27, 2006 3:15 AM


Not arguing that the deaths weren't a greater loss to business, but the location of companies as in new york facilitated trade. That's just an undeniable reality. I'm not sure were in a 24 hour business world yet, but that's a good point. I doubt Dubai showed no benefit, they don't invest in things which yield no benefit. Still not supporting the theory, but using it as 'the sort of thing the administration would very much like to not see on the web."


Monday, February 27, 2006 4:28 AM


Pirate News,

Calm down. Chill. You must chill. That would be anger your feeling. It's a chemical reaction.

1. Jews aren't evil. Some evil people are jews. I would personally like to nominate Richard Perle. I' think my jury is still out on Paul Wolfowitz. Joe Lieberman is probably evil, oart fo the "Team".

2. Russ Feingold is jewish, and a good man. He may make mistakes, who doesn't. For instance becoming a democrat

3. A Piers Anthony referrence?

4. "Margie Shoedinger" This is the important thing you do. Yesterday I looked up "MKUTLRA" I am of course, not immediately convinced, I think 80-90% of conspiracy stuff is false, but: Given that Bush is Clinton, given Vince Foster, and given the Bolton murders, Showdinger's looks like a similar case, which would lend credence to her story. I once did an analysis of Bush's character again sociopath profiles and came to the conclusion that he had killed someone, not through evidence, but because of attitude, personality. They say 'killing someone changes a man' and Bush seems a changed man. I still don't have any idea who, but it's just a hunch. He's still not a racist. I think some of his people are racist re:arabs, in the way that american liberals are sometimes racist re:blacks. ie. the poor little babies will never make it without MY white help.

5. I know what a semite is.


That's why the Bush Gang named USA the "Homeland"

6. Pirate News, you're a clever guy. This one was staring me in the face for years and I missed it.

7. ZioNazi. I deplore this anti-jewish ranting, but I thought this was a clever term.


Bush's grandpoppy Prescott - a CONVICTED Nazi - would be so proud! (Prescott was arrested 3 times is USA for TREASON, under Trading With The Enemy Act, DURING World War 2.

8. Just so everyone knows, this is true, it's a matter of public record. Harry Truman forgave all these charges that were made by FDR, inspite of them having been proven to be so. The money from the liquidation of jews into soap went into an account of Prescotts, was released by Truman, and later funded the Bush oil empire. It's all rather distasteful.

9. If Nazi was somehow secretly derived from Ashenazi, that would help prove your point. Officially, it's derived from Nationalsozialismus, which doesn't directly contain Na...zi, but rather the sound.

I couldn't find who first coined the term 'Nazi' though.


How is genociding 150,000 innocent Iraqi Arabs NOT a racist hatecrime? Including the genocide of Iraqi Christians... If you count the Iraqis genocided by Bush Sr and Jew Bill Clinton-Blythe (bastard Rockefeller Jew), the total genocided exceeds 1-million Iraqis during the non-stop 15-year war.

10. This is an excellent point. I think that the Neocons think 'it doesn't matter how many die as long as life improves for the rest of them, or at least they tell themselves that. Osama Bin Laden takes very much the same approach. I think the neocons really think, it doesn't matter how many die as long as we get the new world order.

11. Now there was a long anti-jewish rant. I think the end comments towards Mr. Finegold are very Nazi-esque.

Here's the problem I have with your theory:

Many of my ancestors died in the holocaust. They were not jewish, not even nominally so. A lot of reports I read by jews have said 'as many as half the people in auschwitz weren't jewish.'

But many of them were.

Then there's the fact, anecdotal statistical reality, that you run into relatives of holocaust victims randomly with a high enough degree that the number must be quite large.

One thing that has always bothered me is that I'm surprised that there were 6 million jews to kill. Jewish migrations to europe wouldn't lead one to believe that the number ever got that high. It's possible that the nazis were using the term 'jew' overzealously. If they did, I see they're not alone

You bring up a lot of interesting question which I will put to my british friend who is a european historian, he's amazingly thorough, seldom wrong, and very objective.

12. I never noticed that before. Sometimes you post stuff, but the closeness of the compound to crawford. That's amazing. I knew that the proximity was of great importance to the story, but I always looked at it as proximity to Hope AR, and was getting nowhere. Local chirstian tend to print leaflets with info about local drug rings and stuff, I thought maybe this was it, but please, I give you license to rant on why Clinton attacked Koresh.



13. Um. or not. How about we not kill anyone. The people of israel are settlers mostly, folks not unlike the ranchers of the wild west which our show, firefly, is about. I think they're good people. Not an evil conspiracy. I sometimes worry that they've been put into a perilous position by someone who wants to 'finish the job.' Don't become that person. What certain people did or didn't do, and who was jewish or wasn't is never going to change the fact that attacks on ashenazi jews are wrong, just as attacks on everyone else are wrong. They are a people, and one more sinned against than sinning, really, regardless of the specifics of the case, without a shadow of a doubt. Even if, and this is a big if, all of your statements are proven true by due research, this fact remains.

14. Your trial? What are you on trial for? And no, you won't, in fact they will kick your ass. They always win. Don't you know that by now? Don't fight the system. And for Christ's sake, don't go into court and start shouting about evil jews, they will lock you away for life. Let the jewish lawyer do the talking. I'm serious.



I feel like I just got hit by a word truck.

It hurt.

ROFL. It feels like that the first several times. I've gotten used to it. Pirate News actually knows a lot of stuff. I think I yelled at him a few times and probably called him a Nazi, etc., but given that my dad's entire family was killed in the holocaust, and I eventually got over my instinctive rejection reaction, I think there's hope.


Monday, February 27, 2006 10:45 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Tiger:
I feel like I just got hit by a word truck.

It hurt.

Just throwin the ZioNazis under the bus, er, word truck. Then backin over em a few times, just to make sure. Collateral damage jus happens in war. Sorry. Be careful, or your brain might sprout, which can cause a painful dose of reality.


"Dear Mr. Foxman ( ); Your refusal to condemn bigoted language, cartoons, articles and statements in Israel up to the highest government levels, can be called serious insensitivity to 'the other anti-Semitism.' Both Jews and Arabs belong to the ancient Semitic tribes of the Middle East either genealogically or metaphorically. If you do not condemn such behavior as anti-Semitism against Arabs, you are not restraining the present Israeli government's sense that it can conduct such (military) operations (against it's own citizens) with impunity, with a free pass from moral condemnation by a man so accustomed to moral condemnations."
-Ralph Nader (Arab-American), CounterPunch, "Criticizing Israel is Not Anti-Semitism," October 16, 2004

Arabs, Christians, atheists and pagans aren't the only folks who "hate" Israli Zionism:


Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews gathered in Washington, DC on the campus of Georgetown University to support a demonstration against the so-called 'state' of Israel


dreamtrove wrote:

I give you license to rant on why Clinton attacked Koresh.

Koresh's church flew the "Star of David" flag (aka Satanic Star of Soloman, aka Rothschild/Bauer family crest). Branch Davidians claimed some DNA from the Lost Tribes of Israel who emigrated to Europe, then to USA, as part of "British Israelism", aka "Christian Identity", as believed by the British monarchy to justify its hereditary authority to rule the 55-nation British Empire FOREVER (including USA). Since the Zionist "Jews" like Bill Clinton-Blythe IV claim the "Star of Soloman" for their flag of the nation of Israel, they consider it blasphemy for Christians to fly the "Israeli" flag. The Babylonian "Jewish" Talmud orders the death penalty for blasphemy.

Plus the Shadow Government, as enacted by the National Security Act in 1947, needs PsyOps to herd the Goyim/cattle into their Police State corral for milking and slaughter.

ATF had "confidential informants" as members of the Davidian Church, and could have safely arrested him at any time when he was unarmed, away from the church. Presuming he had committed any crime, which he never did, since not buying a $250 license to sell a certain type of gun is not a crime, it's civil breach of contract, like Cheney not buying a gun license to shoot Republicans, er, Quayles.

The attack started with ATF opening fire on Koresh without warning, as he stood in a doorway, killing many women and children. There is suspicion the 4 ATF storm troopers were shot in the back by ATF (just like the kids were shot by police while escaping at Columbine HS, which was also a military/CIA psyop in CIA HQ for Air America/Evergreen Aviation - Jonestown Massacre was also a CIA psyop).

The church was bombed, arsoned and machine-gunned by mind-kontrolled (homosexually raped/tortured) Special Forces soldiers employed by Pentagon, United Nations Corporation, and "Ex-Communist" Russian Army, driving tanks and helicopter gunships. The nightmare was scripted to kill all the Christians, although a few did escape alive. At least 90 Chrisitians were murdered. Soldiers and FBI infantry agents in full-combat gear posed for photos while literally standing of the incinerated bones of children and old folks.

"Clinton", "Janet" Reno, General Wes Clark (NATO/UN commander at Fort Hood in Waco), and Louis Freeh were "Jewish". "Clinton" did not change his name until he was 18 years old, and attended synogogue as a child. FBI director "at" Waco was William Sessions (ordered to stay in Washinton DC), who was a former city councilman in Waco, was fired by "Clinton", then fell and actually broke his arm as "Clinton" kicked him out the door.

Who was playing who in this game, and who was actually pulling the strings, is not clear, but the ZioNazis (aka NeoCons/NeoComs) reaped the profits for their Police State gulag system.

Waco Video Downloads:

Watch military special forces firing fully automatic machines guns at Christians in church, then set fire to the church to incinerate all the little children, just like British Empire did to Americans in churches during US Revolutionary War, for daring to not buy a preacher license from King George and his Church of England (as seen in Mel Gibson's "The Patriot"):

Song lyrics: "17 little children" by Karl Klang

"It's Not Over Till We Win" lyrics
re Cathy O'Brien and her daughter Kelly kidnapped into sex slavery to George Bush Sr and Dick Cheney in CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch (aka River Tam):

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, as wise dead men such as William Cooper like to say from the grave.

William Cooper, "The Most Dangerous Radio Host in America" according to President Bill "Clinton", spoke from grave today about Waco on worldwide radio, about how the "Jewish" Luciferian Masonic ADL was actively involved in the false charges against Davidians resulting in the massacre:

"Probably get the firing squad for littering. It's got sensors, and where there ain't sensors there's Feds."






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