9/11 Conspiracy Theories

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Go ahead you traitors, keep "rebutting" facts and photos with NOTHING but preschool banter, while 80% of readers in this forum agree with the facts I post. I hope your paycheck is worth it. Not. The People aren't buyin your shit no more.

You folks are all insane! Does that seem right to you?
Jubel Early

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 6:33 PM


I am going to give civil, productive discussion one last attempt, as difficult as it is to fight the wave of bickering on internet forums. Someone, anyone, please, I am not out to persecute anyone for what they believe, I simply want intelligent responses from intelligent people so that I can expand my understanding if it does indeed require expansion (and a lot of you are saying it does, so I want to try and do that).

Please read this:

Please read it in full. It is trying to demonstrate the physical impossibility of the factors that are claimed to have caused the Towers to collapse. I am not an engineer, or a physicist, but my basic education in physics and chemistry leads me to believe that a great deal of it is solid logic.

If there is something wrong in this report, please quote it and explain to me what is wrong with it. I will gladly consider (thoroughly) any civil response that is offered to me.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:42 PM


It seems to me that this report does not take one thing into account that is very, very important in statistical physics (thermodynamics); pressure. They aren't looking at the stresses and pressure caused by impact, burning, and the weight of the buildings. The fact that pressure is not considered leads me to believe that the model is flawed.

They also don't seem to consider the idea that the steel in the buildings was weaker the higher up they went- this was apparent to the engineers constructing them in the 1970s and was a distressing fact to all of those who worked in them until 2001.

Also, the idea of "stacked trays" falling and not being visible on the ground; some were. There were bits of concrete that did not totally turn to dust, though the author of what you linked says there were not- I've seen them in the loads heading out to Fresh Kills which were on TV again and again. If these "stacked trays" fell again onto each other with enough force to bring the building down-consider pressure again here; "stacked trays" are similar to "piston heads," which would lower the pressure, cause a vacuum, and up the temperature significantly; the buildings would implode like a soda can that has had the air removed from it-the force of these "trays" hitting each other would be sufficient to cause major shattering and cracks.

I think that if pressure was considered, it would become immediately clear why these buildings fell.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:38 PM


Thank you Freeradical. I appreciate your reading that and responding. I will try to show my consideration of pressure:


pres·sure ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prshr)

a. The act of pressing.
b. The condition of being pressed.
2. The application of continuous force by one body on another that it is touching; compression.
3. Abbr. P Physics. Force applied uniformly over a surface, measured as force per unit of area.

I think we can agree on the 'force per unit of area' part of definition 3 for our purposes (if it would be better to use another, please do not hesitate to suggest one). The force in this case is going to be the downward force (due to gravity) of the floors above the plane's impact point. Let's consider the South Tower, which was struck lower down than the North Tower, at around floor 80. Presumably, with more floors above the impact point, the downward force on the weakened structure would be greater, and possibly be why the South Tower collapsed first.

The South Tower was struck on the eastern half of the southern face. Pictures of this can be found here:

We can see from the WTC floorplans which can be found earlier in this thread and again here: , that this leaves most of the central support columns in tact. The South Tower did not collapse until 56 minutes after impact, so we know that impact alone did not cause the collapse.


They also don't seem to consider the idea that the steel in the buildings was weaker the higher up they went- this was apparent to the engineers constructing them in the 1970s and was a distressing fact to all of those who worked in them until 2001.

We have no reason to believe that they used different grade steel, or less steel as they went higher, so I cannot believe this statement. If you can provide some source or proof for it, I will reconsider it.

I do think the article considers the pressure you are talking about. From the article:


Back in the early 1970s when the World Trade Towers were built, the WTC was the tallest building that had ever been built in the history of the world. If we consider the architectural engineers, suppliers, builders, and city inspectors on the job, we can imagine they would be very careful to overbuild every aspect. If one bolt was calculated to serve, you can bet that three or four were used. If there was any doubt about the quality of a girder or steel beam, you can be sure it was rejected. After all, any failures would attract the attention of half the civilized world, and no corporation wants a reputation for that kind of stupidity — particularly if there are casualties.

I do not know the exact specifications for the WTC, but I know in many trades (and some I've worked), a structural member must be physically capable of three times the maximum load that will ever be required of it (BreakingStrength = 3 x WorkingStrength).

According to Engineering and Technical Handbook by McNeese and Hoag, Prentice Hall, 3rd printing, September 1959: page 47 (Table) Safety Factors of Various Materials, the mandatory safety factor for structural steel is 600%. That is, a steel structure may be rated for a load of only one sixth the actual theoretical limit.

Given that none of those floors was holding a grand piano sale or an elephant convention that day, it is unlikely that any of them were loaded to the maximum. Thus, any of the floors should have been capable of supporting more than its own weight plus the two floors above it. I suspect the WTC was engineered for safer margins than the average railroad bridge, and the actual load on each floor was less than 1/6 the BreakingStrength. (emphasis mine)

I think these are fair assumptions. I do not believe that the people who designed and built the Towers were incompetent and didn't follow safety standards.

So, we know that just after impact, the majority of steel columns were in place in the South Tower, and that they were able to support the weight of the upper floors. Which brings us to the gradual weakening of the steel which led to the collapse 56 minutes later.

From the article:


...but something was still burning inefficiently, leaving soot (carbon) in the smoke. A fire with sooty smoke is either low temperature or starved for oxygen — or both.

and from the Popular Mechanics reply:


The temperature then reached depends on the combustion rate (which depends on the oxygen supply) and the rate at which the heat generated can be dispersed. Videos of the Twin Towers show that the fires were moderate (certainly not of the "raging inferno" type) and the large volumes of black, sooty, smoke show that the fires were oxygen-deprived, not the sort of combustion that will generate high temperatures. Moreover, the jet fuel burnt itself out in about ten minutes (see below), and both buildings stood for over forty minutes thereafter.

The photos featured in the article, and just about anywhere else you can find them, confirms that it was black smoke pouring from the Towers. Black smoke = oxygen deprived = not an efficiently burning fire = not a high temperature fire.

The article talks about jet fuel and the fires:


Using jet fuel to melt steel is an amazing discovery, really. It is also amazing that until now, no one had been able to get it to work, and that proves the terrorists were not stupid people. Ironworkers fool with acetylene torches, bottled oxygen, electric arcs from generators, electric furnaces, and other elaborate tricks, but what did these brilliant terrorists use? Jet fuel, costing maybe 80 cents a gallon on the open market.


But let us return our attention to the fire. Liquid fuel does not burn hot for long. Liquid fuel evaporates (or boils) as it burns, and the vapor burns as it boils off. If the ambient temperature passes the boiling point of the fuel and oxygen is plentiful, the process builds to an explosion that consumes the fuel.

Jet fuel (refined kerosene) boils at temperatures above 160 degrees Celsius (350 F) and the vapor flashes into flame at 41 degrees Celsius (106 F). In an environment of 1500 degrees F, jet fuel spread thinly on walls, floor, and ceiling would boil off very quickly. If there were sufficient oxygen, it would burn; otherwise it would disperse out the open windows and flame when it met oxygen in the open air — as was likely happening in the pictures that showed flames shooting from the windows. Some New Yorkers miles distant claimed they smelled the fuel, which would indicate fuel vapors were escaping without being burned.

Note that jet fuel burning outside the building would heat the outside columns, but would not heat the central load-bearing columns significantly. Following this reasoning, the jet fuel fire does not adequately explain the failure of the central columns.

Whether the fuel burned gradually at a temperature below the boiling point of jet fuel (360 C), or burned rapidly above the boiling point of jet fuel, in neither case would an office building full of spilled jet fuel sustain a fire at 815 degrees C (1500 F) long enough to melt 200,000 tons of steel.

The next argument is that the steel did not have to melt, and jet fuel wasn't the only fuel for the fire.

From :


Steel is an excellent conductor of heat, so when you apply heat to a steel structure the heat spreads quickly. So the heat from the fires would have spread through the entire steel structure of each tower. The Twin Towers contained 200,000 tons of steel. Are we expected to believe that the fires from two loads of jet fuel provided sufficient heat to raise 200,000 tons of steel to the point where it became critically weak?

Then there were the "carpets, wallpaper, filing cabinets, occasional desks..." Fires from these sources could not have had such a drastic effect on the central support columns, which were mostly in tact after impact. How can we draw this conclusion? In 1975 a fire started on the 11th floor of the North Tower, burning over 6 floors for 3 hours (as opposed to the 56 minutes of the South Tower). See the newspaper article here:

The article notes that sprinklers were not installed at the time of this fire. The North Tower survived that fire, and it is likely that the buildings became more fire safe between 1975 and 2001 (sprinklers were installed at the very least).

Back to your post, Freeradical:


..."stacked trays" are similar to "piston heads," which would lower the pressure, cause a vacuum, and up the temperature significantly; the buildings would implode like a soda can that has had the air removed from it-the force of these "trays" hitting each other would be sufficient to cause major shattering and cracks.

A vacuum is necessarily air-tight, and lacks oxygen, which is required for combustion, which is what would raise temperature, so I think your analogy may be flawed. I do not think the environment of the collapsing Towers was an air-tight environment at any stage.

But let's consider the 'pancaking' effect, or the above floors falling onto lower ones in a domino effect. Forgetting that we've established that none of the fires could have weakened 200,000 tons of heat-conductive steel, let's say the columns that were closest to the fire did weaken enough to buckle (and all buckle at exactly the same time). The fires were confined to the floors around the impact (around 4 floors, see the Loose Change documentary), so we can assume that the sections of column in the lower floors still had their original integrity. If certain floors gave way, and crashed into lower floors, in a domino effect, these lower floors would necessarily offer resistance to the falling floors above.

If you've ever played with one of those apparati with multiple swinging pendulums, you know how the transfer of momentum works - the first body transfers its gained energy onto the next. This means that every time a new floor was encountered, the upper floors would transfer their energy to the lower ones, and would then have to build up energy once again to obtain the speed they were travelling at before they hit the lower floor.

It's not plausible to think that this transfer of energy from falling floors was a perfect transfer (100% surface contact at each floor, no lost momentum, etc.) Even if it was, we could expect this pancaking to be a staggered process - falling, meeting resistance, slowing down, falling again, meeting resistance again, etc. Also, unless the support columns on both the inside and outside of the floor gave way at the same time, the floors would start to fall lopsidedly.

But that's not what happened. The towers collapsed straight down, at nearly free fall speed, and you don't need a source for that, you can do the math yourself:

Galileo's Law of Falling Bodies:

Distance = 16.08 x seconds squared

South Tower (1362ft.) = 16.08 x 84.7 or 9.2s squared.

The South Tower collapsed in about 10-12 seconds (hard to tell because the roofline was obscured by the rising dust cloud). This means virtually no resistance was met, virtually no slowing down at any point.

Also, the energy gained by the upper floors after falling about 12 feet (about when it would hit the next floor down) does not give it significantly more energy than the floors below were already supporting (the difference is a neglibly small amount of kilojoules -> Kinetic energy = 0.5 x W x (~30ft./sec)^2/32.174 where W is the weight of the upper floors, which is still going to be distributed out amongst all the columns, reducing the stress on every individual one). Remember, gravity is still at work when things aren't falling. Columns that were already successfully supporting very nearly the weight that came down on it would not allow the floors to 'pancake' so easily as to offer virtually zero resistance.

That's physics, and they don't lie. However, you need to ask the right questions to get the relevant results. If anyone sees important questions that have not been addressed here that would influence the understanding of the outcome, I again invite you to bring them to the table.

As of now the conclusions seems clear: The fires could not have weakened 200,000 tons of steel throughout the whole Tower enough so that it would offer no resistance during the whole collapse.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:13 PM


Just an observation but have you ever watched how a building actually falls? Everything has inertia so the top of a building actually only starts to move when the area lower down has already started moving. Like you say you cant really see the roofline start to move for the dust, that dust came from lower floors that had already colapsed.

Observation no 2. After the first WTC bombing there was a "modern marvels" show on the construction of the towers. It refutes the primary core of your argument. The WTC was not the strongest building ever made, or over engineered. Far from it. Very tall buildings have the same problems that aircraft have, their principle enemy is their own structural weight. Every pound higher up the building is supported by every foot of the building bellow it. This structure itself adds weight. The trick to big buildings is to keep the weight down, especially the higher you go, consequently the towers were not over engineered, every unnesccessary ton of "over engineering" actually costs tens of tons extra in the structure. You actually engineer it to just have enough strength to do the job plus a safety margin for worse envisaged weather otherwise the materials lower down would have to be "Unobtainium" or so dense that there would be no space for offices.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:15 AM



Just an observation but have you ever watched how a building actually falls?

From what I understand, buildings can fall in various ways, depending on construction, and what is causing the collapse. This site has some interesting pictures and bits of info:


* Nearly all the buildings that claim earthquake victims are heavy masonry low-rise structures, not steel-framed high-rise structures.
* Collapses of buildings of any type of construction are rare in the developed world, whose building standards anticipate severe stresses.
* Nearly all building collapses not involving controlled demolition are partial rather than total.

Excepting the 9/11/01 anomaly, the only documented cases of high-rise buildings undergoing complete collapse involved either controlled demolition or severe earthquakes. Of those, only controlled demolitions have caused such buildings to fall vertically into their footprints, leaving relatively small rubble piles, as was the case with WTC 1 and 2, and Building 7. In fact there are numerous observed characteristics of the destruction of the Twin Towers that have not been observed in natural collapse events


Everything has inertia so the top of a building actually only starts to move when the area lower down has already started moving. Like you say you cant really see the roofline start to move for the dust, that dust came from lower floors that had already colapsed.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. For my part, I'll clarify, that the roofline is only obscured when it nears the bottom, where the dust cloud is rising. You can tell when it starts to fall with decent accuracy from certain videos. It's figuring out when it stops falling exactly that is the tough part.

I'm sorry I don't understand what point you are trying to make about inertia. Could I ask you to clarify?


Observation no 2. After the first WTC bombing there was a "modern marvels" show on the construction of the towers. It refutes the primary core of your argument. The WTC was not the strongest building ever made, or over engineered. Far from it. Very tall buildings have the same problems that aircraft have, their principle enemy is their own structural weight. Every pound higher up the building is supported by every foot of the building bellow it. This structure itself adds weight. The trick to big buildings is to keep the weight down, especially the higher you go, consequently the towers were not over engineered, every unnesccessary ton of "over engineering" actually costs tens of tons extra in the structure. You actually engineer it to just have enough strength to do the job plus a safety margin for worse envisaged weather otherwise the materials lower down would have to be "Unobtainium" or so dense that there would be no space for offices.

I don't think it was me or my sources that claimed the Towers were the strongest buildings in the world, just the tallest. Another poster cited that it used to strongest steel in its construction. However, that is mostly besides the point. As for 'doing the job plus a safety margin', all I can say is that the Towers were, in fact, designed to take hits from a 707, so said Frank A. DeMartini, Manager, WTC Construction and Project Management in January 2001. See a video of him saying it here:

And he was right, they each survived the impact of an eminently comparable size of plane (source: The physics of the fires don't add up, especially when we consider that the 1975 fire was on the 11th floor, and if "Every pound higher up the building is supported by every foot of the building bellow it" as you say is true, then we can presume that the stress on steel at the 11th floor is higher than on the 80th floor, and the 1975 fire burned longer, and over more floors, so it subjected the steel to an equal if not larger amount of heat. The central support columns in the South Tower were mostly in tact due to the angle at which the plane crashed into the building, so they were still doing a large percentage of their job. Why didn't the North Tower collapse in 1975 if the fires were the chief cause of collapse in 2001?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:28 AM


I love thermite. It's a pity powdered Aluminium is so hard to get hold of these days.

I have one question for those conspiratorially minded posters. Let's assume for the moment that everything PN and others have intimated is true. Let's look at the problems.

First, controlled demolition is not a question of just planting a big enough bomb, you actually selectively weaken the structure first, a process that can take weeks with a large building. You try and leave it strong enough that it will stay up until you want it to fall down. In truth those calculations are often out. Sometimes things fall early, sometimes they dont fall at all. So here we have it. If the argument is that the building is so strong that ONLY a controlled demolition could bring it down then to ensure it's destruction you would have had to have progressively weaken the structure in advance. When was that done, who did it and how did they stop the 1000 of office workers from noticing?

What would they do if they pushed the tit and the building didn't fall? That can happen wrong wire breaks, guy forgets to remove the safety. If you are left with a standing building full of evidence of planned sabotage I think we're talking revolution or at the very least a long row of folks waiting on the gas chamber. That's a big risk for these conspiracists for a tiny reward (relatively speaking)

Alternately, what happens if it fails early? What's the cover story if WTC1 falls on Sep 10th? What do you do when the maditory inspection of the other tower shows it ready to blow?

What happens if parts of your elaborate cover story fail? Where are all the people that were not really killed? How do you plan to keep something like this watertight secret forever knowing that if it ever did break your neck was in a noose bigtime?

Just curious.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:51 AM



The central support columns in the South Tower were mostly in tact due to the angle at which the plane crashed into the building, so they were still doing a large percentage of their job. Why didn't the North Tower collapse in 1975 if the fires were the chief cause of collapse in 2001?

I can answer that, because there was no impact in 1975. During construction various parts of the building including the structural steelwork was coated in fire restardant --basically a thick asbestosy pancake material. Like most products of it's type it has fantastic heat resistance but minimal structural strength. When the plane hit you had 3 circumstances not evident in a regular building fire.

1) You had structural damage to the building that meant that some structural elements were now missing and others were bearing unexpected loads and crossloads they were not designed for.

2) The shock shattered the spray on fire restartant material. We know this because some of the steel that came to rest away from the ground fire showed signs of fire damage. It therefore was in contact with the fire in situ. A basic fire would not have broken the fire retardent and with the retardent in place it would take far longer to heat the steel to a critical temperature.

3) Most fires start small in a small area and then spread. Fuel air explosions, or situations where an airborne accelerant are ignited cause a wall of flame that can have evrything in the area on fire in miliseconds. It could take several hours for a regular fire to spread as far and effect as much of the building as the explosion could ignite in one instant. A bigger area of fire gets hotter quicker.

As to the 707 comment. The case the towers were designed to meet was an impact like the one where the Army bomber flew into the Empire State building. Ie, lost pilot in fog flying relatively slowly and accidentally hiting the building. This was not a design envisioning a fully fueled jetliner ramming the building at close to maximum velocity (and much faster than a 707.) The design considerations dealt only with the initial impact, and as we can see that worked really well. Had there not been a fire chances are the buildings would have stayed up.

On inertia etc I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying that you didn't see when the tower started to fall. It probably started to fall several seconds before the upper stories started moving. Wondered if you added that to your timings.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:17 AM



Originally posted by RolandReynolds:
Then there were the "carpets, wallpaper, filing cabinets, occasional desks..." Fires from these sources could not have had such a drastic effect on the central support columns, which were mostly in tact after impact. How can we draw this conclusion? In 1975 a fire started on the 11th floor of the North Tower, burning over 6 floors for 3 hours (as opposed to the 56 minutes of the South Tower).

The tower didn't have a great big hole in it from a plane crash though did it. Apart from that something catastrophic, like a plane crash for instance, does a lot more damage to the structure of a building than the hole it leaves behind. It's fair to say the entire structure would have been weakened by a plane hitting it. There are incidents where planes have hit tower blocks, the buildings haven't fallen, they've sustained the impact but they are condemned afterwards because the structure is weakened.

So, we know that just after impact, the majority of steel columns were in place in the South Tower, and that they were able to support the weight of the upper floors.

That doesn't mean the remaining supports can be considered as strong as they were pre-crash. There's also a reason why we stay well below stated maximums, in the real world materials never achieve them.

The photos featured in the article, and just about anywhere else you can find them, confirms that it was black smoke pouring from the Towers. Black smoke = oxygen deprived = not an efficiently burning fire = not a high temperature fire.

You can get black smoke from Blast furnaces at 1500c. Black smoke can also indicate WHAT is burning; like for instance black smoke is what you get from burning foams used in furniture, like that which you find in say, an office. Your whole chain of causality is fallacious.

The next argument is that the steel did not have to melt, and jet fuel wasn't the only fuel for the fire.
From :

Steel is an excellent conductor of heat, so when you apply heat to a steel structure the heat spreads quickly. So the heat from the fires would have spread through the entire steel structure of each tower. The Twin Towers contained 200,000 tons of steel. Are we expected to believe that the fires from two loads of jet fuel provided sufficient heat to raise 200,000 tons of steel to the point where it became critically weak?

Erm no. You don't have to raise the temperature of the entire structure, that's ridiculous. Physics (material and thermal dynamics) are on my side here. You can test it your self, take a metre pipe of steel, cut the end off with an oxyacetylene torch, and then touch the other end. Notice how you can melt the end without noticeably raising the temperature of the entire bar.

A vacuum is necessarily air-tight, and lacks oxygen, which is required for combustion, which is what would raise temperature, so I think your analogy may be flawed. I do not think the environment of the collapsing Towers was an air-tight environment at any stage.

You get similar effects in homes, you don't need air tight. All you need is restricted airflow (which is a given in a building, whether you have a hole in the side or not) and a demand that outstrips the supply (like with a big damn fire). What you get is a reduced air pressure in comparison to the outside environment, which is what we call a vacuum.

Forgetting that we've established that none of the fires could have weakened 200,000 tons of heat-conductive steel, let's say the columns that were closest to the fire did weaken enough to buckle (and all buckle at exactly the same time).

No we haven't and it's irrelevant.

The fires were confined to the floors around the impact (around 4 floors, see the Loose Change documentary), so we can assume that the sections of column in the lower floors still had their original integrity. If certain floors gave way, and crashed into lower floors, in a domino effect, these lower floors would necessarily offer resistance to the falling floors above.

If you've ever played with one of those apparati with multiple swinging pendulums, you know how the transfer of momentum works - the first body transfers its gained energy onto the next. This means that every time a new floor was encountered, the upper floors would transfer their energy to the lower ones, and would then have to build up energy once again to obtain the speed they were travelling at before they hit the lower floor.

In structural failure the energy transfer is to the entire structure, not the floor immediately below. If the collapse was a pan caking effect, where floor 50 hits floor 49 which collapses which hits floor 48 and so on, you’re right it wouldn't have fallen at speed under gravity. Thing is no building would ever fall like that. The towers certainly didn't actually fail this way.

Structural collapse above would weaken the ENTIRE structure, not just the floor below. The failure points would be where most of the weight transfer was taking place, i.e. the foundations and lower floors. Once those give way there's nothing holding up the upper floors, so they fall under gravity.

That's physics, and they don't lie. However, you need to ask the right questions to get the relevant results. If anyone sees important questions that have not been addressed here that would influence the understanding of the outcome, I again invite you to bring them to the table.

No, it's some quasi physics; you've got a couple of physics equations, implemented them poorly and in the wrong way and then made spurious conclusions.

As of now the conclusions seems clear: The fires could not have weakened 200,000 tons of steel throughout the whole Tower enough so that it would offer no resistance during the whole collapse.

So? It didn't need too.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:27 AM


I appreciate your civil response manner, Fletch, but you are obviously not reading the sourcing that I am providing in my posts.


1) You had structural damage to the building that meant that some structural elements were now missing and others were bearing unexpected loads and crossloads they were not designed for.

They WERE designed to stand up to it. Please view the DeMartini video.


As to the 707 comment. The case the towers were designed to meet was an impact like the one where the Army bomber flew into the Empire State building. Ie, lost pilot in fog flying relatively slowly and accidentally hiting the building. This was not a design envisioning a fully fueled jetliner ramming the building at close to maximum velocity (and much faster than a 707.) The design considerations dealt only with the initial impact, and as we can see that worked really well. Had there not been a fire chances are the buildings would have stayed up.

You provide no support for this claim. Also, if you had carefully read my source regarding the eminently comparable aircraft (the 707), you would see that the 707 is, in fact, the faster plane.


3) Most fires start small in a small area and then spread. Fuel air explosions, or situations where an airborne accelerant are ignited cause a wall of flame that can have evrything in the area on fire in miliseconds. It could take several hours for a regular fire to spread as far and effect as much of the building as the explosion could ignite in one instant. A bigger area of fire gets hotter quicker.

It may get hotter quicker, but this does not dispute the fact that the fire could not possibly do the kind of damage to the steel structure that would be required to weaken it critically. The 1975 fire burned for 2 hours longer than the fire in 2001, and spread over a larger area. There was no impact, but since the Towers were designed to survive jumbo-jet collisions, and the collision with the South Tower missed hitting the great majority of the central support columns, the factor of impact is not so critical.

See this article about the Caracas buildign in Venezuela:

A steel-structured high-rise building that burned for 17 hours over 26 floors. Note how it says damaged steel will have to be replaced... but it is still holding the building up.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:42 AM


A jumbo jet is a 747 not a 707.

The design was to withstand a low speed impact from a 707 not a high speed impact (as I clearly stated above) from a fully loaded 767. Please watch the Anatomy of a disaster video from the Discovery channel who spoke with the principle archetect.

I did some digging and found a reference to the original design criterior. This was what was stated on the Discovery channel program but obviously I cant link that.


Still, it is amazing that the towers survived the initial impacts at all—even if they were designed to be hit by aircraft—considering the fact that the Boeing 767's involved in the terrorist attack were notably larger and traveling much faster than the 707 considered in the design of the World Trade Center. The 707 was assumed to be coming in for a landing when it would hit one of the skyscrapers (707's were the standard airliner at the time when the World Trade Center was built). This meant that the plane would be traveling at a low rate of speed—about 180 miles per hour—and have minimal fuel. On the other hand, the 767's were carrying enough fuel for transcontinental flights (about 10,000 gallons each) and were flying far faster. The airspeeds of the jets as they impacted the buildings were estimated at about 470 and 590 miles per hour, approximately 2.6 and 3.2 times faster than the 707 (FEMA 1.17). In addition, the 767 is about 25 percent larger than the 707, with a wingspan of 156 feet, a length of 159 feet, and a height of 53 feet (1.19). Considering the size and speed of the airplanes that crashed into the World Trade Center towers, it is remarkable that they stood at all.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:22 AM



The tower didn't have a great big hole in it from a plane crash though did it. Apart from that something catastrophic, like a plane crash for instance, does a lot more damage to the structure of a building than the hole it leaves behind. It's fair to say the entire structure would have been weakened by a plane hitting it. There are incidents where planes have hit tower blocks, the buildings haven't fallen, they've sustained the impact but they are condemned afterwards because the structure is weakened.

As I already showed, the Towers were designed to survive having plane sized holes put in them. It is not fair to say that the entire structure (say for instance, the bottom 50 floors) are compromised in any significant way by having a hole in floors 75-80. DeMartini himself uses a 'Mosquito netting' analogy, and he managed the building of the Towers.


That doesn't mean the remaining supports can be considered as strong as they were pre-crash. There's also a reason why we stay well below stated maximums, in the real world materials never achieve them.

If they weren't compromised in any way, they are just as strong as they were. They may have to bear more weight if other supports are destroyed, but their strength remains constant until compromised. The great majority of columns in the South Tower were not destroyed.


You can get black smoke from Blast furnaces at 1500c. Black smoke can also indicate WHAT is burning; like for instance black smoke is what you get from burning foams used in furniture, like that which you find in say, an office. Your whole chain of causality is fallacious.

This is entirely possible. However, all I have unfortunately is your word in this post, with no way to verify. It is just one piece of evidence for the low temperature of the fire, though. The Loose Change documentary (
) contains an audio recording of a fire-chief transmitting over his radio that he had reached the 78th floor and was confident that the fire there could be contained.


Erm no. You don't have to raise the temperature of the entire structure, that's ridiculous. Physics (material and thermal dynamics) are on my side here. You can test it your self, take a metre pipe of steel, cut the end off with an oxyacetylene torch, and then touch the other end. Notice how you can melt the end without noticeably raising the temperature of the entire bar.

The fires in the Towers were not concentrated, high temperature (5000-6000 degrees F) flames like that of an oxyacetylene torch ( A quote from that page:


The concentrated and hotter flame transfers heat to the steel only in the areas needed to preheat to the cutting temperature not a larger area like a conventional torch which uses 4-6 preheat flames we only use 1 in front of the cutting tip. Separate cutting and flame tips are used with our system.

There were no steel columns sticking up into the air, and subsequently falling over after the towers collapsed (see the Pop. Mech. reply). Everything also came down at near free fall speed. This is why the claim is made that the entire steel structure would have had to have been compromised. Had it not, large sections of steel columns (encased in concrete, which is given props for fire resistance - would have remained.


You get similar effects in homes, you don't need air tight. All you need is restricted airflow (which is a given in a building, whether you have a hole in the side or not) and a demand that outstrips the supply (like with a big damn fire). What you get is a reduced air pressure in comparison to the outside environment, which is what we call a vacuum.

I don't think I have cause to dispute this. I will again point out though that if demand (for air by the fire) outstrips the supply, you will necessarily not have an efficiently burning fire.


Thing is no building would ever fall like that. The towers certainly didn't actually fail this way.

The official explanation is saying that that's exactly what happened. From The Popular Mechanics article:


FACT: Once each tower began to collapse, the weight of all the floors above the collapsed zone bore down with pulverizing force on the highest intact floor. Unable to absorb the massive energy, that floor would fail, transmitting the forces to the floor below, allowing the collapse to progress downward through the building in a chain reaction.

You're right, it didn't fall this way. But the 'experts' are saying that it did.


Structural collapse above would weaken the ENTIRE structure, not just the floor below. The failure points would be where most of the weight transfer was taking place, i.e. the foundations and lower floors. Once those give way there's nothing holding up the upper floors, so they fall under gravity.

By this logic, the structure on the lower floors of the Tower should have failed first. According to the official explanation, that is not what happened, and the videos show the Towers collapsing, starting from top down. (


No, it's some quasi physics; you've got a couple of physics equations, implemented them poorly and in the wrong way and then made spurious conclusions.

If you could be specific about which equations you're talking about and the problems with their implementation, I could examine what you are talking about, and I could re-evaluate where I may have made spurious conclusions. As this is, you're just telling me I made a mistake without pointing out where (which would improve the efficiency of this conversation, I think).

Thank you for your time in this.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:37 AM



Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:54 AM


You're right, I mistakenly used the term jumbo-jet where it is not applicable.

I looked around for the Anatomy of Disaster video on the Discovery Channel website, but my hunting has not been successful thus far.

I looked through the link you provided, and noted the following:


Although the situation never occurred in New York City, the towers were designed to withstand prolonged winds of 150 miles per hour, a thirteen-million-pound force, or the equivalent of being hit by a large ocean freighter

Now, I am going to assume that this force is calculated with the wind over the entire surface area of one face of the building, which is why that number is so huge. Obviously you would need less energy over a smaller surface area to do damage. 1 pound = about 4.08 x 10^13 kilojules, or about 40 trillion kilojules (Google). The kilojule force from the 767 travelling at 530mph is just over 5 million kilojules. I'm fairly certain this isn't really saying anything, I just found it interesting.

You've made a good point though. There is a significant difference between a 767 at 530mph and a 707 at 180mph. I guess the next stage of investigation would be just how much, and what kind of a difference this would be in the overall picture.

Edit: Those links you posted while I was writing look interesting as well. I will go over them.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:02 AM


It also depends on how that force is applied. If I hit you with a bat across the ribs I probably impart more energy than low caliber bullet, however while I may damage you it's unlikely I would kill you outright. The bullet would likely kill you...


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:41 AM


I read through the links you provided, and I believe I understand much better the things you have been trying to explain. I am much less skeptical about many things than I was before. I am left with a couple of questions though, maybe you can again direct me to some answers.

Eager and Musso pinpoint the Angle Clips as being a key point of failure. There is a diagram about 3/4 of the way down on this page:

...that shows how the angle clips hold up the floor joists. In the South Tower, the inner core was not significantly damaged. If it was the angle clips failing under the weight of the floors above, why didn't the floors simply fall down leaving the inner core exposed?


This reasonable explanation for WTC 1 and 2, which names as the key factor the near-instantaneous spread of fire over a large area, cannot be applied to WTC 7. WTC 7 was not struck by a plane and did not have jet fuel spread over a large area in its interior. Why did WTC 7 collapse in an identical manner to towers 1 and 2?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:13 AM



Originally posted by RolandReynolds:
As I already showed, the Towers were designed to survive having plane sized holes put in them. It is not fair to say that the entire structure (say for instance, the bottom 50 floors) are compromised in any significant way by having a hole in floors 75-80. DeMartini himself uses a 'Mosquito netting' analogy, and he managed the building of the Towers.

Actually it is fair, the structural integrity of the entire structure is harmed, even if most of the damage is localised. You can't take a structure as a set of closed modules, it's one complete system.

A rather simplified analogy would be an Arch, if the keystone is damaged, the damage may only be localised to that one point, but the entire arch will collapse.

Also I think Fletch has shown that the Towers were not designed to be hit in the way they were.

If they weren't compromised in any way, they are just as strong as they were. They may have to bear more weight if other supports are destroyed, but their strength remains constant until compromised. The great majority of columns in the South Tower were not destroyed.

They don't have to be. Materials 'strength' is not constant under load, especially with increasing heat. Materials can't stand sudden shock load anywhere near as well as they can withstand constant load. It's disingenuous to assume that because a strut wasn't hit be the plane that it is unharmed by the explosion or its secondary effects.

Now although more columns (damaged undamaged whatever) remained than were completely destroyed since the damage is localised rather than spread through out the building you have a point of failure.

This is entirely possible. However, all I have unfortunately is your word in this post, with no way to verify. It is just one piece of evidence for the low temperature of the fire, though. The Loose Change documentary (
) contains an audio recording of a fire-chief transmitting over his radio that he had reached the 78th floor and was confident that the fire there could be contained.

Foam used in office and house hold furniture gives off black smoke when burned, regardless of temperature; also plenty of high temperature fires produce black smoke, including the Kuwaiti oil fires of 1991 which had temperatures in excess of 1100 degrees c.

The fires in the Towers were not concentrated, high temperature (5000-6000 degrees F) flames like that of an oxyacetylene torch ( A quote from that page:

That’s not the point. The point was in order raise the temperature of the steel in the areas of the fire you don’t have to raise the temperature of the entire structure, a point which still stands.

There were no steel columns sticking up into the air, and subsequently falling over after the towers collapsed (see the Pop. Mech. reply). Everything also came down at near free fall speed. This is why the claim is made that the entire steel structure would have had to have been compromised. Had it not, large sections of steel columns (encased in concrete, which is given props for fire resistance - would have remained.

Are you trying to tell me that the entire building collapsing would compromise the structure of the steel structure? Anything left standing could easily be destroyed by falling debris.

I don't think I have cause to dispute this. I will again point out though that if demand (for air by the fire) outstrips the supply, you will necessarily not have an efficiently burning fire.

You said that you couldn’t get a ‘vacuum’ within the towers, this is incorrect. Furthermore the fire using up oxygen doesn’t prove it’s burning inefficiently at all, I’m not even sure why or how you could come to that conclusion.

You're right, it didn't fall this way. But the 'experts' are saying that it did.

Are they? I thought the official explanation, at least for the North tower, was that the central core failed collapsing taking the building with it.

If you could be specific about which equations you're talking about and the problems with their implementation, I could examine what you are talking about, and I could re-evaluate where I may have made spurious conclusions. As this is, you're just telling me I made a mistake without pointing out where (which would improve the efficiency of this conversation, I think).

Your usage of kinetic energy is wrong. I assume your implementing KE = ½ * m * V2.
Where m == Mass (not weight)
And V == Velocity (Not acceleration, which appears to be what you’re using). This shouldn’t be in feet either.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:09 AM


SevenPercent wrote:

I think some people need to feel safe so badly (not just feel safe, I think, but explain why others don't feel the same way- i.e., because others just don't 'see' or 'get' what's happening around them) that they construct wild fantasies using whatever facts they can cobble together out of heresay and speculation.

See, I originally posted these questions about 9/11 theories because I want to believe the official story. I would feel more comfortable if it was true. But now I come to doubt our goverment, and feel less safe.

I would feel more safe knowing that the CIA and FBI are protecting our borders from radical terorists living half way around the world. But if the governement is lying, I feel less safe, because they may have an agenda that points to world unrest, wars to control other nations, loss of personal freedoms, and a fascist state disguised as a democracy.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:26 AM


As a confirmed Conspiracy Theorist, I may be shooting myself in the foot with this, but in general, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
Stupidity and mis-management on the side of the American government; Fanaticism and lack of any enjoyable hobbies on the part of the terrorists.

After all, it ain't all that hard to steer a 747 into a target that big.

Feel better now, GreenFarie?


Edit: but keep doubting the government...there ARE conspiracies afoot....


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:31 AM


Well if I'm reading what you are asking correctly you wonder why the end point isn't the two sets of steel cores just standing in the air with the resl of the building pancaked around them?

I'm not a structural enginer but he's my take. The WTC was the first to use this "Tube" construction technique where some of the strength is in the perimeter columns and some in the core. The floors hang between them on trusses. These trusses as well as holding the floor up provide lateral support to the columns.

The widespread fire caused truses on multiple floors to fail and fall on lower floors that also fail. This leaves the columns holding the entire weight of the upper sections of the building without lateral support over an extended area. This means it's no longer a rigid structure at that point, I assume that the collumns now start to flex and bow under the sudden unexpected laterial forces and the constant downward pressure. This compunds the problem because the collumns are only supposed to take a downwards load. Columns then fail under the weight and the building starts to fall, pulverising the rest of the structure below it as it falls.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:03 PM



A vacuum is necessarily air-tight, and lacks oxygen, which is required for combustion, which is what would raise temperature, so I think your analogy may be flawed. I do not think the environment of the collapsing Towers was an air-tight environment at any stage.

I apologise that I cannot respond to everything that you said point by point, but that would be rather difficult.

My comment about "pressure" seems to've been confused with "weight"; my analogy was more referring to extremely heated gases present inside the build- mostly oxygen but also high quantities of steam from the internal fire suppression sprinkler system (what a joke for a fuel fire!) You have an incredible mix of gases here; oxygen to fuel the fire and to go around transferring temperature, steam heating things up crazily, and pressure that was basically expanding and stressing the floors both above and below. It doesn't need to be airtight for these effects to work- it just has to be relatively enclosed.

As the floors stressed against the incredible temperature *and* pressure- not of themsselves, but of superheated gases, they began to collapse. This happens in normal house fires, and it is part of why they are so dangerous; firemen can tell you about this.

The falling floors created not a true vacuum, but a temporary one- the gases, superheated and confined to a space that they did not "want" to be in, to anthropromorphize a bit, rapidly expanded. The corresponding drop in pressure on the floors above whatever floor fell first, and a similar *increase* in pressure on the floors below the floor that fell first caused a cascade that made the whole building go down. Softened steel cannot withstand that degree of pressure.

I contend that the steel was not actually melted but rather softened- I will use some of PirateNews's pictures in this argument. As you can see in his picture of "melted" steel, there is a dull reddish colour. I'm sure that everyone here has seen some type of smithy done- one never melts the metal, but rather makes it what you would call "red hot"; this is a softened condition in which the structural integrity of the metal is decreased, but it is not melted. It it was melted , the steel would have been a white or orange colour. The colour of the steel is related to the movement of electrons with increased energy. I don't have the equations handy, but I suspect that an ~600 nm light release comes from temperatures similar to what was expected inside the WTC.

As for the beams getting weaker as you approach the top, I quote wikipedia:


The core of each tower was a rectangular area 87 by 133 feet and consisted of steel box columns running from the bedrock to the tops of the tower. The columns tapered to the top, where they transitioned to lightweight H-beams, but the exact dimensions are unknown as the blueprints are under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority and are not public domain

The reason for this is that the vein of metal being used to supply the building got weaker as they mined it further, and so the top of the building was skimped. These were buildings that used to groan and whine in the wind, unlike any skyscraper I have been in- including the Empire State Building, which is not much shorter. They were not structually sound, and they certainly weren't built to "three times" the spec.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:08 PM



This reasonable explanation for WTC 1 and 2, which names as the key factor the near-instantaneous spread of fire over a large area, cannot be applied to WTC 7. WTC 7 was not struck by a plane and did not have jet fuel spread over a large area in its interior. Why did WTC 7 collapse in an identical manner to towers 1 and 2?

Simply put, it didn't. WTC 7 was the worst building in the complex. It started on fire from falling debris. Then it was weakened by a shockwave from the other buildings falling. Then the fire came together to make the whole building (a rather small, low-budget, and poorly-built office building) collapse. If you watch video of that collapse, you will notice that parts of the builing began to fall before the whole thing went down- it doesn't look nearly as neat as the towers, and that's because it fell from secondary damage. WTC 7 is a case study for why office buildings are not as safe as we wish they were.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:51 PM


Okay, I'm not here to stay, I just read through this stuff and don't post now, so I guess I've either graduated or been demoted to lurker status.

For what it's worth, which isn't much, I've been doing a fair amount of research here. I saw this film Loose Change, which the son of a friend of mine worked on, I had no idea that anyone else had seen it, I thought it was just a local thing. Some of it is well structured evidence, and some of it is hogwash.

But all that said, there are a few things I'm pretty sure of:

1. Planes do not vaporize. Ever.
2. The collision of the planes is totally insufficient to knock down the twin towers. I would guess offhand that the damage of the planes and the fire didn't even approach 1% of what was necessary to knock down the towers.

I've considered some other possibilities.

3. Al Qaeda operatives or some other terrorist group planted explosives in the building.
4. They must have created an opportunity to do so by making the security gap, for which they needed a man on the inside, somewhere.
5. This is not proof, in and of itself, that they were operating under orders from the govt.

Also this

6. The argument could be made that the govt. covered this up to prevent the whole story from getting out because that story would facilitate future terrorist attacks.
7. If 6. seem far fetched, it shouldn't. Our govt. and many others have been doing this sort of thing for years, like the deception about the japanese test ballons which reached california, but we claimed they didn't, or the russians claiming to shoot down the U2, when actually they had disabled it with a timed device planted by a spy in Norway. The illussion is geared almost entirely to prevent a future attack.

The doesn't mean though, that the other isn't a possibility.

8. It's still completely possible that the terrorist was someone inside the united states govt.
9. Remember an act of terrorism was committed, and the person who committed it did so without the full consent of the congress, the judicial and the american people, so they are still most decidedly a terrorist, even if, as several people have suggested, that search eventually leads to the vice president.

Other conspiracies are getting weaker, as evidence piles up.

10. I have to completely agree with PN here that Osama Bin Laden appears to have had nothing to do with the attacks. I think this is almost a given at this point, and we should drop the idea. This does not mean that it was not Al Qaeda. Bin Laden has very little, if any, control over the organization which he founded and they have carried our many attacks without his consent, even possibly his knowledge. I am certain the man in the videotape confession is *not* Osama bin Laden. The underlying structure of Bin Laden's face is purely semitic as an ethnic yemeni-saudi should be, the man in the tape is not, and is most likely of central asian origin, with a fair amount of persian ancestry. They're certainly in no way the same guy. This is not the first time the CIA has stood by a forgery and later had to confess its error. I hope everyone remembers the wmd transaction docuements it handed to the UN and then later recanted on. They should recant on this tape.

11. It's entirely possible that there were two attacks committed simultaneously. One, a foreign terrorist who kidnapped airplanes, and Two, a domestic terrorist who sought to gain from the event, but knew that the planes would not finish the job.

12. I think the empty planes theory is garbage. Another friend of mine had a nephew who was killed in one of those planes. But it's not just that I'm not inclined to believe it, it's also totally not credible and lacks any credible evidence or witnesses.

13. Pentagon hit by smaller plane is entirely possible, and evidence seems to back up the idea. The flight 77 was lost probably because it crashed, or more likely because it was shot down at the orders of a panicking cheney, who gave the order, as we know, it's on the public record. It's also on the record that someone's theory is the order was never carried out, but we also have rumsfeld on the record saying that it was carried out.

14. The US, or anyone, denying shooting down a passenger flight is nothing new either. The russians at first denied shooting down Korean Flight 007, and we at first denied shooting down Iranian Air Flight 655. We still deny shooting down TWA Flight 800. Probably no one would argue that two of those were accidents, and the russian was a loose cannon who later was removed to a gulag. But certainly, the VP, who gave the order, which is not up to dispute, he said he gave it, with authority which he did not actually have, which is barely up to dispute, since the three witnesses present, one of which being his own wife, said he had not gotten an authorization from the president.

So sure, it was covered up, but this does not mean:

15: That the small plane was flown into the pentagon as part of the cover up. It might have caught them by surprise. It could be that they even though that it was the other plane, but seems clearly not to be the case.

The whole pentagon story, with the shooting down of a passenger plane and then covering it up by the vice president is not the typical action of a man masterminding a terrorist plot, but of a terrified man who we know now not to be a level head in a crisis, eg whittington, losing his cool, panicking, and doing what he thinks he has to to protect the federal govt. from another attack.

That said, I'm still not ruling out the possibility that the architect of the attack is a member of our govt. I think at this point it's quite likely. I'd probably say it's about even odds with it being a member of Al Qaeda.Also, let's bear in mind, one person can absolutely be both a high ranking govt. official and simultaneously an Al Qaeda agent. We've had at least one president who was a member of the KKK, a terrorist organization.

If I recall correctly, in the Lone Gunmen Ep, the perp is the secretary of defense. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Finally, since this was a long rant post, I have to say that this is very very important. I knew people who worked in that building, I know others who lost family and friends. We were attacked by terrorists, and we are mandated by our conscience to track down those terrorists to stop them or others from doing it again to us or to anyone else.

To this end, and this is the *absolutely essential* part, it is critical that we must not be biased or led by a predetermined will to see one party as responsible. We must investigate the facts whereever they lead and accept the conclusion which they take us to.

I would say that the tinfoil hat crowd has made one point abundantly clear. The federal govt, people either operating on its behalf, or terrorists who have infiltrated it, in either case, *is* a suspect. As such, it is not a credible source. The suspect can, and often is, a source of information which can help solve a crime, but the suspects testimony can not be taken at face value, and it *most certainly* cannot be the *only* source.

I think it's needless to say but I'll say it anyway, that Al Qaeda, as the other suspect, is also not a credible source.

In any event, this is a very worthwhile discussion, and there is a lot we still don't know. Bearing in mind that either one or both or the suspects have plenty of reason to obscure the truth and they may have plenty of reasons other than to hide their own guilt, though that is the most obvious. But there is almost limitless information available and so we will keep digging until we find the answer.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:56 PM



Simply put, it didn't. WTC 7 was the worst building in the complex. It started on fire from falling debris. Then it was weakened by a shockwave from the other buildings falling. Then the fire came together to make the whole building (a rather small, low-budget, and poorly-built office building) collapse. If you watch video of that collapse, you will notice that parts of the builing began to fall before the whole thing went down- it doesn't look nearly as neat as the towers, and that's because it fell from secondary damage. WTC 7 is a case study for why office buildings are not as safe as we wish they were.

Racical, this is radical, but not true.

A demolitions guy is on tape ordering it to be destroyed and Silverstein apparantly admitted it in an interview. I don't think this is a theory anymore, I think it's part of the public record. I don't think anyone was in the building, and demolition of a building you own is an odd thing to do, but I'm not sure it's an act of terrorism.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:12 PM



And I don't that. But I don't think it's the issue. Sure, a couple terrorists, whoever they were, kidnapped plains and flew them into the world trade centers.

I am just about certain from the incredible mountain of evidence that this did not knock down the towers. I don't even really want to waste too much time debating that, I wish we could just move to this page, and realize that this doesn't prove anything, but rather, unfortunately, puts us back on square one.

Almost certainly, the towers were leveled by a controlled demolition, which, in turn, was set up by people who are by definition, based on the fact that they did this, terrorists. We know the terrosits were someone with exteme advanced knowledge of the hijack attacks. This narrows are search to two fairly large groups of people, assuming that the planes were hijacked by Al Qaeda members:

1. Anyone in Al Qaeda
2. Anyone in our govt. probably of the pentagon, the intelligence or the executive.

I suppose, on a much slimmer lead, it could be another govt. with a very advanced intelligence network, but that would narrow it to Britain, Russia or Israel, so I would tend to discount that idea.

What we don't know is who or why. There is a tremendous number of remaining motives. As the film points out, theft of actual gold bars is plenty motive enough. It could be almost anyone in our intelligence or their network who knew that a) the planes wouldn't do it, and b) what would.

We do know that all crimes require motive means and opportunity. This is what we know in this case, which is, sadly, square one.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:41 PM


Ever heard of Occams Razor?

One last thing:

Britain, Russia or Israel

Britian == British
Russia == Communists
Israel == Jews

My God! PirateJew was right all along! It's a conspiracy by Britain-Russia-Israel (British-Commie-Jews) all we need to do now is find the Nazis .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:29 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Ever heard of Occams Razor?

One last thing:

Britain, Russia or Israel

Britian == British
Russia == Communists
Israel == Jews

My God! PirateJew was right all along! It's a conspiracy by Britain-Russia-Israel (British-Commie-Jews) all we need to do now is find the Nazis .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.

Don't forget the aliens, Citizen. Never forget the aliens... British-Commie-Nazi-Alien-Jews are a force to be reckoned with...

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:28 PM


Hi I'm new to the sight and the series I actually came to the sight looking for info about the show and became engrossed with the discusion. I just wanted to put my two cents in: It could have been both parties. I agree with the posting that said that we are back at square one, and we don't know who for sure who did what. I firmly believe that the Goverment was involved in atleast one way and that is neglect. I believe that they new before hand about the attacks. I alos believe that they allowed them to happen or possibly helped them along for purposes of there own. We have always had a middle east agenda and nothing says war like acts of terrorism. For example Pearl Harbor. No one doubts who was responsible, however others have postulated that FDR new about the attacks before hand and allowed them to occur to push America into war which he wanted from the beginnig. I wouldn't put it past the curent administration to do the same thing.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:32 PM


Dreamtrove, I suggest that you read some of the physics in the thread to clear up some of your points.

However, Larry Silverstein currently claims that his comment to "pull it" (referring to WTC 7) was in reference to the firefighter team inside, not the building- they say that it went down on its own. It was a pretty crappy building. But I agree that it's possible they actually did pull it when they saw that it could not be salvaged- the simple reason for denying that would be for the insurance money to still come through. As it was, the insurance company tried to get out of paying for the two towers on the "act of war" justification.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Friday, April 14, 2006 12:42 AM



Originally posted by GreenFaerie:
I consider myself an American Patriot. I love this country, and the people living here. But I am not fond of the government, and consider myself apolitical, because I think most politicians are crooked liars.

I don't believe most conspiracy theories. But I acknowledge that some have proven to be true.

All I want are answers to these questions...

1) If jet fuel burns at about 1800 degrees F, and steel melts at about 2700 degrees F, why did the Twin Towers collapse?

2) Why did 7 World Trade Center collapse as effficiently as the Twin Towers, as if by demolition, without even being hit by a jet?

3) If the black boxes of the jets didn't survive the explosion, why did the passport of one of the supposed terrorists survive?

4) Why are some of the supposed terrorists of the hijackings still alive and well?

5) Why hasn't Osama Bin Laden been cought?

6) In the video presented to the public where Osama admits his part in the attack, why is he wearing a ring and a watch, which is against Islamic rule?

Please answer these questions, so I can go back to being an American who believes his government is doing the right thing. So I can get back to my life of playing video games, ignoring the daily news, and eating McDonalds. Or not.

you forgot, why was about 80% of the employees who work at the Pentagon not at work on the day it got hit!!


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:58 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Almost certainly, the towers were leveled by a controlled demolition...

DT, you've always seemed reasonable in the past, so I'm willing to hear you out, but how in the world does this make sense? Maybe I'm gullible, but it seems to me the towers fell because of those two big planes, fill with jet fuel, that slammed into them at 400-500mph.

Tell this much, what is the presumed point of what you suggest? Why go to the trouble of making sure the buildings are comletely destroyed? As though hitting them with jetliners isn't enough?

There are plenty of concerns regarding the attacks and our government's response to it, but I question the value of promoting such outlandish conspiracy theories. It draws attention away from more pressing questions of the ulterior motives of our leaders and sucks us into a fantasy land where the likes of PN live. Let's not go there.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Friday, April 14, 2006 6:49 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
Tell this much, what is the presumed point of what you suggest? Why go to the trouble of making sure the buildings are comletely destroyed? As though hitting them with jetliners isn't enough?

Some people can't accept that Americans couldn't build a building that could withstand a trifle like a Jetliner flying into it or a nuclear bomb. I mean Americans can do anything, no way they couldn't build an impervious building.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, April 14, 2006 9:29 AM


Quote: way they couldn't build an impervious building.

Damn straight! Oh... wait. My sarcasm detector is going off...

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:14 AM


Citizen, that was on my list of non-suspects, you didn't read my post, about with I do not care.

Reaverman, if you think it's aliens, fine.

Other notes:

1. I've read a lot of physics about this, and it's just not possible it happened the way they said. Not only is it not possible, it does't come within a hundred orders of magnitude of being possible. There was at least one bomb involved. Another defense the official story could gain would be to have those bomb on the planes, but I don't think that's workable. Whether put there by Al Qaeda, or by domestic terrorists, bombs in the buildings are pretty much a sure thing.

2. The building was a truly remarkable feat of engineering. I think criticisms of the structure are a feeble argument and even if true wouldn't explain away the physics problems.


I agree, again with the if clause. When this topic came up last time, I was certain it was Bin Laden,/Al Qaeda, and the worst I would give the govt. was negligence with possible intentional negligence on the part of a couple of people who thought an attack would be politically useful. Now I'm leaning towards inside job, but I'm far from convinced. I still need to because everthing with "If it was Al Qaeda" or "If it was people in our govt.

So, that said, If it was people in our govt, I now suspect they had to actively distract a lot of defenses in order to let it happen. It wouldn't be that much futrher to go to put bombs in the building to be set of remotely, or by the fires. I don't think, btw, that FDR deliberately let pearl harbor happen. There was half an hour of warning, and the chain of command was horribly disorganized. I agree he used it the same way.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:34 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Reaverman, if you think it's aliens, fine.

Did you think I was being serious about the aliens? C'mon, where's your sense of humor?

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 6:03 PM


Biden to order all US troops out of Afghanistan by 9/11 20th anniversary, report says

Saudi government links to 9/11 Attacks

Redacted 28 pages of 9/11 Report

Expected to announce withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan?

Biden to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021


Originally posted by SergeantX:

There are plenty of concerns regarding the attacks and our government's response to it, but I question the value of promoting such outlandish conspiracy theories.

all the shit about empty planes and UFOs and drones and whatnot is probably CI-Gay disinfo to keep the 4Chan Autisist occupied back in the day
throw them a rubix cube to solve as important stuff happens
classic distration, bait and switch propaganda, throw a 'red herring' something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important questions

here's what was going on

President micro-Bush and other traitor US Republicans kissed the anus of the Saudi and even covered up their royal islamist role in the attacks

that is a FUCKING FACT there is nothing 'outlandish conspiracy theories' about it

but heck it might be wrong to blame one side for this, with Democrats supposedly 'opposition' you think they would have spoken out, rumors of 28 pages etc the political gangs Clintons were probably allied with fags like Lindsey Graham and also in on the cover ups


Wednesday, February 26, 2025 5:36 AM


Roberto Orci he should be remembered for more than 'conspiracy' but he was a bit out there

a 9/11 truther

from Hercules, Xena to Fringe to Transformers etc

Roberto Orci Dies: Co-Creator of ‘Hawaii Five-0’, ‘Fringe’, and ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Was 51

did a lot of work on Star Trek

August 2024, Taylor filed a lawsuit accusing Orci of physical and sexual abuse. Orci, however, stated that Taylor was physically and financially abusive to him, having tased him, attacked him with a baseball bat, and attempted to strangle him, all in incidents reported to the police






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