Illegal immigration

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Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:02 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
F the Gangsta Govt, let's fix it ourselves. Build our own fence, and make 30-million citizens arrests inside the borders.

Good luck convincing folks PN. But wait! If the world is ruled by British-Commie-Nazi-Alien-Jews, won't they just brainwash everyone to not help you? Or couldn't they just tear down the wall when it's built, calling it an illegal structure or somesuch?

P.S: Why are you STILL not dead? If you're seeing "the truth" about the "Gangsta government", why haven't you disappeared to club Gitmo? If we really were ruled by these horrible fascist folks, wouldn't they have gotten rid of folks like you already? Just my thoughts.

P.S.S: a response to those questions would be nice. I've asked them before but you just ignored them.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, May 1, 2006 2:24 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Happy May Day, Satanic Beltane, and birthdate of the Bavarian Illuminati.


May Day Immigration Protests Celebrate Communist Uprising

By Monisha Bansal Staff Writer
May 01, 2006

( - Monday, May Day, is International Worker's Day and the communist celebration of the Bolshevik Revolution. It is also a day when illegal immigrants plan to boycott work, school and shopping in an effort to show the contribution of undocumented aliens to the U.S. economy.

Protesters will march in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles to urge Congress not to support a bill introduced by U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), which would make it a felony to illegally enter the U.S. or facilitate the illegal entry of someone else.

Calling it "a day without an immigrant," boycott organizers chose Monday because of its socialist and communist roots, according to Lee Siu Hin of Immigrant Solidarity Network. "We're linking workers' rights and immigrant rights. That should be very clear," Lee told Cybercast News Service.

The socialist anti-war group Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (International A.N.S.W.E.R) was one of the organizers of the April 10 protests that drew hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. The group is also organizing Monday's boycott.

"It is a show of political and economic force against the way immigrants are being treated and attacked in the U.S. It is meant to show the qualitative impact of immigrants in the U.S. by their absence, their absence in the labor they produce in this country and by the wealth they produce," Carlos Alvarez, spokesman for International A.N.S.W.E.R. told Cybercast News Service.

"Immigrants contribute billions to the economy and receive few benefits in return. We will settle for nothing less than full amnesty and dignity for the millions of undocumented workers presently in the United States," International A.N.S.W.E.R.'s website states.

Alvarez noted that while May Day is mostly associated with the Bolshevik Revolution, the group is stressing International Worker's Day.

International A.N.S.W.E.R. was founded by Ramsey Clark, the man who served as U.S. attorney general during the administration of President Lyndon Johnson and is currently one of the lawyers representing deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.

Despite the fact that May Day protests started in the U.S. in 1886 when the Federation of Organized Trade and Labor Unions demanded an eight hour work day, every country but the United States and Canada celebrates the holiday with protests.

On May Day 2000, London police arrested 195 "anti-capitalist protesters," according to the BBC, for rioting and violence that led to the destruction of a McDonald's restaurant.

But its ties go back to communist Russia. The Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) is endorsing Monday's boycott.

In 1917, Bolshevik communists led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the Russian government, leading eventually the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922. While the Bolshevik Revolution was in October, the RCP celebrates it on May 1.

The RCP is calling Monday "Revolution #45."

"On May 1, we celebrate our achievements in this world-historic struggle and especially the first great milestones on that path: the October Revolution of 1917, where the proletariat for the first time seized and held power for nearly 40 years in what became the Soviet Union; and the Chinese Revolution, and especially the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution," the RCP website states.

John Keeley, communications director for the Center for Immigration Studies, said Monday's protests will further alienate people who are legal residents of the U.S. Those legal residents, he said, "simply want kids to go to school Monday and workers to show up for work."

"If I were trying to illicit broad sympathies of the very fair minded American public, this would be that last day I would have selected. Any day but Monday," Keeley told Cybercast News Service. Keeley also criticized what he called the "explicit communist agendas and sympathies" of some of the organizers of Monday's protests.

Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said the May Day message "will hurt [protest organizers] if it is widely known, but so far it is a well kept secret."

He told Cybercast News Service that there is "irony in the fact that President Bush is backing these groups' message," a reference to Bush's support for a guest worker program and provisions to allow those who have come into the country illegally to work toward a legal immigration status.

The Israeli Zionist Attack On Our National Anthem

By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

As soon as CNN reported that an Adam Kidron, CEO of Urban Box Office, is the producer of the so-called Spanish-version of the U.S. national anthem, I noted that the "British-born music impresario" must be an Israeli, based on his surname.

This so-called Spanish version of the U.S. National Anthem is clearly meant to provoke Americans. This is a very similar scandal to the recent "Danish" anti-Muslim cartoon scandal, which was created by an Ukranian Jew who had immigrated to Denmark.

Once again, the person behind the cultural offense is a Zionist Jew with an agenda. The cartoons were an offense against every Muslim, while this ridiculous and offensive song, a so-called rendition of OUR national anthem, is an offense aimed at the heart of every American.

This Kidron must be an Israeli, I said. Kidron is, after all, an Israeli name. The action and the name are classic Israeli, therefore, an Israeli is all he possibly could be, I said.

Sure enough, Adam Kidron, the foreign-born anti-American agent provocateur is an Israeli national. Both of his parents lived in Zionist-occupied Palestine and/or Israel (post 1948). This makes him an Israeli national, whether he carries the Israeli passport or not.

He may be "British-born," but in the case of Adam Kidron this description is only used by the Zionist-controlled press as a way to deceive the public and hide his Israeli roots.

Adam Kidron is the son of Michael Kidron and Nina Gluckstein, two Jewish communists who were part of the Zionist invasion of Palestine, the Holy Land.

Michael is described as a "revolutionary socialist" who was born September 20, 1930 in Capetown, South Africa, and who died, apparently in Britain, on March 25, 2003.

After finishing high school in Tel Aviv, Adam's father went to Hebrew University. From an "ardently Zionist family," Michael became "a socialist and an internationalist, and he continued to be both, inseparably, for the rest of his life," The Times (UK) wrote in 2003.

The Times wrote that Michael corresponded with "one unhappy prostitute" who was "enchanted by his generous concern." She frequently phoned him for advice, the Times reported. He left his wife in the early 1980s and "lived with Polly" from 1991, with whom he had twins.

Michael's daughter, Adam's sister Beeban, may have used her father as the subject of her 1993 film, "Hookers Hustlers Pimps and their Johns."

The Guardian (UK) described him as "a Marxist theorist, an agitator,"

As Michael Kidron's obituary in The Times (London, April 2, 2003) wrote:

"Michael Kidron was the youngest of seven children born to Cape Town Jews. The were called Rosenberg, were related to Isaac Rosenberg, the First World War poet, and, like most Jews in South Africa, had come from Lithuania, the part of the Russian empire with strong Jewish socialist, and Zionist, movements."

Michael Kidron was a fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and was funded by the Ford Foundation and others.

Kidron's obituary says he was "a critical Marxist" and "played a key role in developing a theory, that of the permanent arms economy, to account for the west's long postwar boom, etc."

Michael Kidron married Nina Gluckstein, the daughter of another Zionist from Palestine, and they had three children, Adam, Beeban, and Cassia.

This connection is, of course, no coincidence. Marxist-Zionist Jews have used immigration as a weapon and have been behind much of the forced (im)migration issues of the past 200 years. During the Soviet Union era, mass immigration was used to destroy the national fabric of the various nations occupied by the Soviet Union.

The mass deportations to Siberia were also employed by Zionist Jews to destroy resistance to their communist kleptocracy.

In the Baltic States, for example, "Soviet" immigrants outnumbered the native population in cities such as Tallinn and Riga.

Zionist Jews are most likely behind the destructive immigration policy in occupied post war Germany in which thousands of Turks were allowed entry.

Today, these same Zionists are behind the Mexican invasion of the United States. The 12 million undocumented immigrants are NOT legally in the United States and should return to Mexico, or wherever else they may have come from.

Any company or individual who wittingly employs illegal immigrants should be punished. This is clearly the only way to reverse this invasion by immigration. The selfish crime by an employer to hire illegal aliens is clearly detrimental to the entire work force of the nation.

Mexico To Legalize 'Personal' Pot, Cocaine & Heroin

By Noel Randewich

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Possessing marijuana, cocaine and even heroin will no longer be a crime in Mexico if they are in small amounts for personal use under new reforms passed by Congress that quickly drew U.S. criticism. The measure given final passage 53-26 by senators in a late night session on Thursday is aimed at letting police focus on their battle against major drug dealers, and President Vicente Fox is expected to sign it into law.

Immigrant Myths Vs Facts
The New American

This is how to deal with criminal invaders from Mexico

NAFTA SHAFTA = CIA Free Trade in Pot, Coke and Blackwater Heroin.

Well why don'tcha put HER in charge?!
-Bill Paxton, Aliens

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Monday, May 1, 2006 2:41 AM



Originally posted by reaverman:

P.S: Why are you STILL not dead? If you're seeing "the truth" about the "Gangsta government", why haven't you disappeared to club Gitmo? If we really were ruled by these horrible fascist folks, wouldn't they have gotten rid of folks like you already? Just my thoughts.

P.S.S: a response to those questions would be nice. I've asked them before but you just ignored them.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.

C'mon, PN, you still trying to ignore me? Is it because you don't have an answer?

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, May 1, 2006 2:59 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by reaverman:

P.S.S: a response to those questions would be nice. I've asked them before but you just ignored them.

C'mon, PN, you still trying to ignore me? Is it because you don't have an answer?

Eat me, Reaverman.

Jabber jabber jabber. I ain't listenin'.
-Mal, The Message

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Monday, May 1, 2006 3:09 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Eat me, Reaverman.

Per-maybe-haps I might, but you still failed to answer the question.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, May 1, 2006 4:00 AM



I wonder why the TeeVee news forgot to mention that over 10,000 employees of US Dept of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration are illegal aliens, working as airport screeners, to strip search every US citizen traveling by airliner? Those 10,000 illegal aliens were suing US Govt in class action to keep their jobs, with no attempt to arrest them and deport them. The illegal alien security screeners mainly worked in the airports allegedly involved in the 9/11 attacks...

Where's the data on that? And don't quote your own website to me. I travel extensively and I've yet to experience these so-called illegal aliens. Most screeners I've seen have been white or African American. Furthermore, we're not strip searched. Maybe the occasional person returning from say, Colombia, but in general it doesn't happen. Wasn't the U.S. Department of Homeland Security a response to 9/11, so how could 10,000 illegal aliens work for the department before 9/11?

When and if you respond, keep the gun chatter to a minimum. I don't give a rat's ass about your weaponry knowledge or the guns you and your wife are trained to use. Really, I don't. Nor do I care which direction you think they should be pointed on the U.S. Mexico border.

Not seeing how half of this thread's content actually applies to Illegal Immigration


Monday, May 1, 2006 5:53 AM


I have a cunning plan as to how we might be able to infiltrate this "Border fence" thingy.

I'm going to plant large metalic hinged devices at stretegic points.
I will call them "Gates"

It might just work.


Monday, May 1, 2006 2:47 PM


Huh, that figures. PN just ignores me when I ask a question that he can't answer. If you're reading this PN, you should know that all you are doing by avoiding the question is destroying your already questionable (at best) credibility.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, May 1, 2006 3:13 PM



Originally posted by OldEnglandDry:
I will call them "Gates"

Is this named after the originator of the idea, Bill Gates?

Well hell, M$ has stolen everything else ever made, might as well get used to it.

Originally posted by reaverman:
If you're reading this PN, you should know that all you are doing by avoiding the question is destroying your already questionable (at best) credibility.

PN has credibility? Are you sure?

Are we talking about the same guy here?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Monday, May 1, 2006 3:35 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
PN has credibility? Are you sure?

Are we talking about the same guy here?

He has credibility to Piratejenny and Jonus. As for everyone else? Err... not so much.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, May 1, 2006 3:41 PM


I should be the last person here to have any kind of opinion on anyone, but PirateNews scares me. He scares me because after reading all of his alarmists stuff, and looking at all the photos he posts, I actually believe that HE believes all that he says, and worse, he feels very strongly about all of it.

I 1st thought that PirateNews was Xerogravity, but I was wrong about that. Xerogravity at least made sense.

I'm still stuck in traffic and the sea of humanity still flows past me in strength. This is getting on my nerves because I am also out of coffee....the humanity!



Monday, May 1, 2006 4:13 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

I'm still stuck in traffic and the sea of humanity still flows past me in strength. This is getting on my nerves because I am also out of coffee....the humanity!


Oh, God! Not the coffee ! *Shouts into radio* GET THE WOMAN SOME COFFEE ASAP!!!... I dont care if you cant get through the traffic!!! Airlift her gorram coffee if you have to!

*turns to River* Don't worry, your coffee is on the way! I repeat, it is on the way! DON'T PANIC!!!

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, May 1, 2006 4:35 PM



Originally posted by reaverman:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:

I'm still stuck in traffic and the sea of humanity still flows past me in strength. This is getting on my nerves because I am also out of coffee....the humanity!


Oh, God! Not the coffee ! *Shouts into radio* GET THE WOMAN SOME COFFEE ASAP!!!... I dont care if you cant get through the traffic!!! Airlift her gorram coffee if you have to!

*turns to River* Don't worry, your coffee is on the way! I repeat, it is on the way! DON'T PANIC!!!

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.



Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:10 AM


Hmmm, I had'nt thought of Gates'ey getting in on the act. I will have to change the name to "Perambulatory Portals", that should do it.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Hmmm, I had'nt thought of Gates'ey getting in on the act. I will have to change the name to "Perambulatory Portals", that should do it.

©5000BC-2006AD All rights reserved any unauthorised copying or usage of the 'Gate' or 'Perambulatory Portal' in whole or inpart will be prosecuted beyond the highest extent of the law.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:20 AM


The scariest things about PN are:

1. He actually DOES believe the things he posts.

2. He's not the only looney out there with the same opinions.

3. He has a platform (his website, this one and the unknown numbers of others that he undoubted tries to hijack) through which to spread his vitriol into the public domain.

There is no point in trying to discuss/argue with him as he never, EVER answers any questions or oposing points put to him (except to issue insults and death-threats), which leaves us ,or me at any rate, with no option but to ridicule him into oblivion.
A task which I am only too happy to undertake.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:22 AM


Damned Summerians.
They've got a lot to answer for.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3:27 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Sassalicious wrote:


Originally posted by PirateNews:

I wonder why the TeeVee news forgot to mention that over 10,000 employees of US Dept of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration are illegal aliens, working as airport screeners, to strip search every US citizen traveling by airliner? Those 10,000 illegal aliens were suing US Govt in class action to keep their jobs, with no attempt to arrest them and deport them. The illegal alien security screeners mainly worked in the airports allegedly involved in the 9/11 attacks...

Where's the data on that? And don't quote your own website to me. I travel extensively and I've yet to experience these so-called illegal aliens. Most screeners I've seen have been white or African American. Furthermore, we're not strip searched. Maybe the occasional person returning from say, Colombia, but in general it doesn't happen. Wasn't the U.S. Department of Homeland Security a response to 9/11, so how could 10,000 illegal aliens work for the department before 9/11?

Now you want me to do your own homework? Are you of those slackers who always cheated in school? Here's a conspiracy theory for you - it's called Google. Use it, if you can figure out which buttons to push.

Airports now routinely require removal of shoes, coats, ties, belts, shirts. Then you get wand-raped or felt-up. It's called slavery.


Meet the fuckers? Not on Southwest Airlines

By Michael Hampton
US Dept of Homeland Stupidity
October 6, 2005

Lorrie Heasley, of Portland, Ore., was thrown off a Southwest Airlines flight in Reno when she refused to cover or remove the shirt she was wearing.

Heasley was wearing a shirt which says “Meet the Fuckers” surrounded by pictures of President George W. Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff and former FEMA head Michael Brown.

I was strip searched today, walking into a court house dungeon torture chamber, to pick up the judge's dismissal of the copsters' and prosecutors' 5mph traffic ticket against me, with costs paid by the State. Removing my belt constitutes a strip search of my person.


New airport scans could expose travelers
Screeners could get x-ray vision

June 26, 2003

It does basically make you look fat and naked, but you see all this stuff.
-Susan Hallowell, Transportation Security Administration

EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, New Jersey (AP) -- A scanner the government is testing for airport screening reveals too much more than meets the eye to be comfortable for most passengers.

Bush perped the hijackings on 9/11, according to RICO Act litigation from the 9/11 victims and survivors filed in federal courts, and has has a long arrest record and convictions for drunk driving and cocaine possession, but never gets strip searched (except by Jeff Gannon), because the Gangstas hijacked Gangsta Govt.

So you "travel extensively"? Then riddle me this - why do US airports in Tennessee, Texas and Lousiana post gate signs in Communist Chinese?

10,000 airport screeners and security personnel sued US Dept of Homeland Security that tried to fire them for being illegal aliens. Even the director and top cops in US Dept of Homeland Security are Communist aliens and citizens of foreign nations (Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff and KGB General Primakov).

This week, Jr Bush signed a deal to sell billions of dollars worth of US military factories to the accused terrorist nation of Duabai, to go with its purchase of 21 US ports. Not counting the US ports already owned by the Communist Chinese. And Jr Bush wants amnesty for 30-million illegal aliens already in USA, and as many millions more who can sneak across the border in the next 6 years. Immigration lawyers claim that if an illegal alien actually fights in court, and does NOT volunteer to produce ANY ID, then its IMPOSSIBLE for US Govt to prove any person is in USA illegally.

Strip Search and Cancer All In One Machine by Rapiscan Plantation Systems

So do your Google search and answer your own question. It's called "research". Then perhaps you can graduate to holding an intelligent conversation.

Okay, I admit that you're too stupid to work a Googlebot. So here's some links to this conspiracy factory:


Immigrants - After 9/11, Immigrant Workers In the Crosshairs

by David Bacon


At the San Francisco airport, over 800 screeners were non-citizens.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (12/15/02) -- Erlinda Valencia came from the Philippines almost two decades ago. Like many Filipina immigrants living in the San Francisco Bay area, she found a job at the airport, screening passengers' baggage.

For 14 years she worked for Argenbright Security, the baggage-screening contractor used by airlines across the country.

A national movement for amnesty for undocumented workers began growing, and the U.S. and Mexican governments started to negotiate over variants of the proposal. Under pressure from unions and immigrant rights organizations, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) reduced the number of raids it carried out from 17,000 in 1997 to 953 in 2000.

Then the airplanes hit the twin towers in New York, and the Pentagon in Washington. The mainstream media universally portrayed the September 11 attacks as the actions of immigrants.

Screeners like Erlinda Valencia were among the first, and hardest, hit. Media and politicians blamed them for allowing terrorists to board airplanes in Boston and New York with box cutters and plastic knives, despite the fact that these items were permitted at the time. But the whispered undercurrent beneath the criticism, that the screeners were undependable, and possibly even disloyal, was part of the rising anti-immigrant fever that swept the country.

Screeners in California airports, like those in many states where immigrants are a big part of the population, are mostly from other countries. In fact, the low pay for screeners was one of the factors that led to the concentration of immigrants and minorities in those jobs.

In short order, Congress passed legislation setting up a new Transportation Security Authority to oversee baggage and passenger screening at airports, and requiring that screeners be federal government employees.

The TSA, however, was made part of the recently-established Department of Homeland Security. In legislation passed after the November election, after some Democrats did an aboutface to support it, Homeland Security czar Tom Ridge was given authority to suspend civil service regulations in any part of it.

In the anti-immigrant fever of the times, Congress also required that screeners be citizens. Erlinda Valencia had never become one, because of a Catch-22 in U.S. immigration law. She is petitioning for visas for family members in the Philippines. As a citizen, she would actually have to wait longer to petition for them than she has to as a legal resident.

At the San Francisco airport, over 800 screeners were non-citizens. "It's so unfair," she says. "I've done this job for 14 years. You can fly the airplane, even if you're not a citizen, and you can carry a rifle in the airport as a member of the National Guard doing security, without being a citizen either. But you can't check the bags of the passengers."

The act creating the Homeland Security Department may be invoked to prevent the new screener workforce from forming new unions and bargaining with the TSA. With 170,000 employees, this department will be the largest in the federal government, after the armed forces.

The American Federation of Government Employees, which represents Federal workers, has protested the exemption, and announced its intention of organizing the new workforce. But it did not challenge the citizenship requirement for screeners.

The INS launched a series of large-scale raids - Operation Tarmac. In airports around the country, the agency has told employers to provide the I-9 form for their employees. Using this information, agents have then organized raids to pick up workers, and demanded that employers terminate those it says lack legal status. Close to a thousand workers have been affected.

Initially, the INS stated publicly that it would only concentrate on workers who had access to the planes themselves, using aviation security as a pretext (hence the name Operation Tarmac). But once the raids got going, the crackdown expanded to workers in food preparation, and even in food service within passenger areas of the airports themselves. A late-August raid at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport led to the arrest of workers at the Sky Chef facility, which prepares on-board meals for airlines. TheHotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (HERE), which is bargaining a contract with the company, claims that workers were called to an employee meeting, where they were met by INS agents IN COMPANY UNIFORMS. Some arrested workers had worked as long as 10 years at the facility, which ironically is owned by a foreign airline, Lufthansa.

Another 81 airport workers were arrested in raids on the Los Angeles, Orange County, Ontario, Palm Springs, and Long Beach airports on August 22. The detained immigrants were working in janitorial, food service, maintenance, and baggage handling jobs. They were picked up because they apparently were using Social Security numbers that didn't match the INS database. While federal authorities admit that none of them - in fact none of any of the people arrested in any Tarmac raid - are accused of terrorist activity, U.S. Attorney Debra Yang claimed that "we now realize that we must strengthen security at our local airports in order to ensure the safety of the traveling public."

In the wake of September 11, however, SSA has consciously embraced the no-match letter as an immigration-enforcement device. In 2001, the agency sent out 110,000 letters, and only when there were more than ten no-matches or if the no-matches represented at least 10% of a company's total workers. This year it plans to increase the number of letters to 750,000, and all it takes is one no-match to generate a letter. The Internal Revenue Service has also increased sharply the number of letters sent to employers questioning incorrect numbers, and has threatened to begin fining employers who provide them.

Local 790, in cooperation with Filipinos for Affirmative Action and the Phillip Veracruz Justice Project, led efforts to fight for screeners' jobs at San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose airports. SEIU and the ACLU also sued the Department of Transportation over the citizenship requirement in August, and in mid-November Federal District Court Judge Robert Takasugi ruled the citizenship requirement illegal. The decision, however, only applies to the nine workers in whose name the suit was filed. Lawyers for the plaintiffs, on the one hand, hope to broaden it to a class-action. On the other, however, Federal authorities predictably announced they would appeal.

SEIU initiated a national postcard campaign to restart the national campaign for amnesty, called A Million Voices for Justice.

And while Erlinda Valencia was one of the nine named plaintiffs in the suit against the citizenship requirement, at best the court decision invalidating it means that she can take the test to qualify for her old job.§ionID=1

Did you notice that the Federal Court ordered that TSA airport screeners CAN be illegal aliens?


Logan tightens employee ID system

By Keith Reed
Boston Globe
April 1, 2005

The Massachusetts Port Authority is revamping the way it credentials employees and contractors with access to secured areas at Logan International Airport, in the wake of last week's arrest of 14 undocumented workers there.

Massport said it is immediately ending the practice of allowing outside contractors to issue airport identification badges to their workers, and instead will issue all the badges itself. All the workers arrested in last week's raid by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement were Brazilian nationals working for Hurley of America, a janitorial subcontractor that issued their credentials.

Massport also said it is revoking the hundreds of temporary credentials carried by employees of such contractors as of April 5 and replacing them with a simpler identification system that will give the agency tighter control over access to secure areas.

The changes come after a Massport security audit that focused on how airport workers and visitors obtained temporary identification badges, which give them limited access to parts of the airport beyond security checkpoints.

Airport security has been a national hot-button issue since the terrorist attacks of 2001, but perhaps nowhere as much as at Logan, where hijackers boarded two of the four planes that crashed.

Illegal aliens don't need licenses to enter USA. But if you want to immigrate from planet Earth, then you must purchase a space visa from Uncle Scam.


You’ll need a license to leave the planet

By Michael Hampton
US Dept of Homeland Stupidity
April 19, 2006

Government too oppressive? Can’t find a free country anywhere on the face of the Earth anymore? What’s a freedom-loving person to do? Leave the planet, of course. But the Federal Aviation Administration wants to require any U.S. person or company offering spaceflights from anywhere in the world to get an FAA license.

Don't strain yer brain tryin. Might break somethin.
-Mal, The Message

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:09 PM


It's like some insane plot to make every thread in RWED too long and convoluted to read. Plus, he quotes his previous posts in his new posts. Sometimes more than once!

It's a plot I tell you, a plot!

Oh, and that post showing the picture of a helicopter being blown up by a "120mm DU round" fired by a tank gun is actually a picture of a air to air missile test. The missile contrail is clearly visible crossing from the right to the left below the helicopter. The missile explosion is immediately below the helicopter cabin and the helicopter is fireballing in a secondary explosion.

Tanks don't fire at helicopters, primarily due to the fact that a tank's main gun won't elevate high enough and traverse fast enough to have a prayer of engaging. A hit on one would be a miracle shot if one took a shot at a long enough range to get an angle on a shot.

Back to life, back to reality.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 6:42 PM


Wow. I've never once stooped to personally insulting anyone on this forum and yet you just did it to me without any just cause.

Clearly our definitions of "strip search" are vastly different.

Furthermore, in a discussion it is not my job to research every nitpicky point the other individual makes. I was merely making an observation about my personal experiences.

And how dare you insult my intelligence, especially for the simple reason that I refused to google information about airport strip searching.

You may also be as smart as you've claimed in other posts, but I know I'm a better person than you.

I'm done.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:21 PM


No words can describe how I feel right now after reading this post. This illegal immingration thing hits close to home to me because both my parents came into the U.S. from Mexico around my age. They saw that their lives weren't gonna get better ( both were born into poverty) and knew that the U.S. was the place to be to have a better life. It just hurts me to know that there are people out there saying that Illegal immingrants shouldn't come here. It's like saying that my parents don't deserve to be here, that I shouldn't be here. It just hurts and saddens me to know that there aren't so many people with a bit a sympathy towards Humanity.

p.s. A little history trivia for ya. 6 states of the U.S. BELONGED to Mexico you might know them as California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah were all part of Mexico until they were STOLEN. So this counrty is a part us.

People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:26 PM


Communist Aliens?

I suppose you must mean the Martians since there planet is Red.

But they're little and green so does that make them Eco-Commie- Aliens?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 12:55 AM


Could be worse. They could be Alien-Commies!

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:32 AM



No words can describe how I feel right now after reading this post. This illegal immingration thing hits close to home to me because both my parents came into the U.S. from Mexico around my age. They saw that their lives weren't gonna get better ( both were born into poverty) and knew that the U.S. was the place to be to have a better life. It just hurts me to know that there are people out there saying that Illegal immingrants shouldn't come here. It's like saying that my parents don't deserve to be here, that I shouldn't be here. It just hurts and saddens me to know that there aren't so many people with a bit a sympathy towards Humanity.

p.s. A little history trivia for ya. 6 states of the U.S. BELONGED to Mexico you might know them as California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah were all part of Mexico until they were STOLEN. So this counrty is a part us.

I'm going to try to not get angry about this, but I'm not going to make promises. But why, if your parents decided to enter the country in direct and intentional violation of the immigration laws of the country that they want so much to be a part of, do your parents *deserve* to be here? Where does the sense of entitlement come from? Or should we just forego law and do as we please? Unfortunately, especially since I presume that you've never known anything else, if your parents are in the US illegally and you were born as a child to citizens of a foreign nation, I don't understand in a legal entitlement kind of way *you* deserve to be in the US under illegal conditions?

I'm not trying to be mean, seriously, I'm not, but why is it okay for people to just decide that they are better than everyone else? Why is it fair that people enter the US illegally when others spend years and thousands of dollars to follow the procedure to enter legally. Are those people just fools? Do they deserve to be "taken advantage" of because they want to do things properly, thereby creating a "fool-and-his-money" type of scenario?

And since I'm apparently being a jerk right now, I might as well jump on the Southwestern states thing, too. The Mexican-American War granted those lands to the US. I'll notice that you didn't list Texas in that group. Why? Because Texas, a Mexican province, revolted and became an independent country. Only after that did the Republic of Texas annex to the US.

Unfortunately, that and westward settler expansion seriously upset US-Mexican relations. Interesting parallel, I guess, since US citizens were moving into territory owned by Mexico at the time. But for *whatever* reason (well, mostly the reasons above as I understand it), those tensions bubbled over and caused a war. The outcome of that war was that Mexico *gave* that land to the US in the terms of their surrender.

Especially considering that Empire Building was a primary worldwide foreign policy at the time (hence all of the English, and Spanish, and Dutch, and Portuguese over in the Western Hemisphere in the first place), I hardly can accept that that can remotely be called "stealing" land.

I think I'm going to hush for a while now. I'm starting to get upset and I said that I would try not to. I suspect that pressing on is going to result in me saying things that are ugly without the purpose of furthering discussion, just for the sake of being ugly. That's not going to help anything...



Wednesday, May 3, 2006 5:42 PM



p.s. A little history trivia for ya. 6 states of the U.S. BELONGED to Mexico you might know them as California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah were all part of Mexico until they were STOLEN. So this counrty is a part us.

Attitudes like that make me weary of paying for all this crap, when illegal immigrants don't even appreciate it . Guess what? You are on OUR LAND. We don't care if it was yours 120+ years ago, you lost parts of it in a war and parts in negotiations, get over it.

I encourage everyone to see this:


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:10 PM


Boy, do I hate people.

People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:50 PM



Originally posted by Amiton:
I think I'm going to hush for a while now.

I hope you don't, you argue your points very well and are currently speaking for a lot of people, myself included.

It's weird how divided people are on this issue; it doesn't seem to be going down the usual liberal/conservative line. A lot of liberals support illegal immigrants, a lot of them don't because they disagree with the practice of illegal immigration in general (no matter how nice and hard-working the illegal immigrant next door may be).

Other people can occasionally be useful, especially as minions. I want lots of minions.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 11:38 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by Amiton:
I think I'm going to hush for a while now.

I hope you don't, you argue your points very well and are currently speaking for a lot of people, myself included.

It's weird how divided people are on this issue; it doesn't seem to be going down the usual liberal/conservative line. A lot of liberals support illegal immigrants, a lot of them don't because they disagree with the practice of illegal immigration in general (no matter how nice and hard-working the illegal immigrant next door may be).

Thanks for the encouragement, Khyron. I do appreciate it, but at the same time this is a serious push-button topic. Even things that are not said out of anger and animosity can hurt people. I imagine that FallenAngel was probably less than happy with what I had to say, and it probably hurt her feelings to have that said, especially directly to her. I don't particularly like being that kind of person. Unfortunately for me, I guess, I ended up having fairly passionate views about this topic and after so long I feel compelled to make my voice be heard. When those times arise, though, I do my best to behave myself and stay on topic and be clear and fair with what I have to say.

At the same time, I hate to see posts like Lev's, not necessarily because they're wrong or that they're not entitled to have that opinion, but because it comes across in such a hostile, hateful way, especially on message boards. Especially in direct agression toward another browncoat. That sucks. I like it in here, and except for a few minor squabbles here and there (most notably here in the RW forums, where it's a little more expected) people try to conform to the nice idyllic utopia we try to tell ourselves can happen in the real world if we just try hard enough.

There's good and there's bad, I suppose, I just don't like it when I feel like I'm contributing to the ugly...



Thursday, May 4, 2006 3:20 PM


I'll toss my opinion in to the mix. I have no problems with people coming to this county, LEGALLY. The problem that I have is that those who have come to America illegaly are demanding that they not be prosecuted for commiting federal offences and even being given amnesty. I realize America is a nation of immigrants, but a nation can not be built on the premise that simply because a group is loud they should be given their way. The illegal immigrant community is making loud protests claiming that they are America. This assertion discounts the contributions of others. My ancestors came to this county in the 1600s on the second ship bound from England, they fought in the Amarican Revolution, the Civil War, World War Two, Korea and Vietnam, all the branches of my family came to this country leagally and became productive members of the American Culture. A second area of contention that I have against many illegal immigrants is their resistance to the natural process of assimilation that all other immigrant groups have gone through. Throughout American history when an immigrant came to this county, he or she was expected to learn English and exist within American culture. Now many illegal immigrants are demanding that they not only be given amnesty but the right to exist almost as a seperate country from the US. I believe that the US should take the dual actions of tightening immigration enforcement and declaring English the National Language.


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:36 AM


I understand everyones thoughts, and I agree, I do not see how thousands can take to the streets and demand rights when their presence is illegal to begin with. I was even more outraged when a CNN special interviewed illegal immigrants in this country in Georgia. How a family using a tourist visa to see Disneyland decided to remain and go into hiding. Yes the father works 16 hour days, but what is more troubling.. his kids are going to school, his son graduated from high school in Georgia and now attends college.. because of his grades he receives scholarships.. I wonder how many legal citizens were knocked out of eligibility because of his approval for such scholarships.. and these are tax payer funded. Saddly, the school system does not see it as a crime. I wonder since I have friends as educators, and they agree, allowing illegal children into our education system brings down the academic bar, more time focusing in english and other academics since the Mexican education if it really exsists does not compare. How many of our children are left out or pushed out. Is there a link between the lower SAT scores and High School graduate apptitude tests?


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:53 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Here's an awesome radio broadcast. If CNN, Faux, MSNBCGE, CBS, ABC were American corporations, this is what they would sound like.


Audio:Another Pro-American Anti-Immigration vs Anarchist Rally Out In The Streets

by AZ Radio IMC Sunday, May. 07, 2006

53:55 min Audio out in the streets in front of Phoenix Az Mexican Consulate office.This is second by about 200 red white & blue Pro-American,American-First group,confronted by about dozen local Anarchist group.

audio: MP3 at 6.2Mb

Battle of the Bullhorns:
"Only terrorists and criminals wear masks! And cowards! Patriotic Americans don't wear masks!"

Communist Red Star

Note that "anarchists" are employed by police "intelligence" agencies and military special forces as agents provocateurs, as confessed in Seattle during the WTO "riots" and Police State martial law, and jailing of innocent people in the US Navy brig. Just like US Navy Intel's "Commie Russia spy" Lee "Fair Play for Cuba" Oswald.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:06 AM


I don't see conspiracies, the fact is we have a serious problem. thousands have taken to streets and protest, tried to shut down major cities, force the closure of stores, restaurants and factories for THEIR advancement. I watched the CNN show, how can anyone consider allowing anyone into this country many lied their way in, like the tourist visa family. Its your taxes people of Georgia, and many other impacted areas of the U.S. Now.. listen to the problems of the volunteer minutemen organization. They have been threatend, attacked and approached by illegals with machetes, rocks and assault rifles, border patrol vehicles have been pelted with rocks and the agents (border patrol) have been threatend including their families. Border problem? I think it can be upgraded from a problem to a clear and present danger. I just hope that no innocent citizens in the minuteman organization are killed or wounded by illegals in their entry attempts.


Friday, July 7, 2006 6:02 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Central Texas woman run off road, raped, stabbed, left for dead by illegal aliens

Associated Press
June 30, 2006

GROESBECK, Texas — A Central Texas woman was recuperating at a Temple hospital after she reported being run off a rural road, kidnapped and then raped and beaten by her abductors, authorities said.

The 18-year-old woman was in stable condition Thursday following surgery. She had walked and crawled a half-mile to find help after her abductors left her for dead along a highway early Wednesday morning, authorities said.

"She spent more than two hours in hell," Limestone County Sheriff Dennis Wilson said.

Wilson said Javier Guzman Martinez, 17, and Noel Darwin Hernandez, 22, both of Mexia, had been arrested for the crime and were charged Thursday with aggravated assault and aggravated kidnapping.

The suspects began following the woman late Tuesday night as she left Mexia, about 40 miles east of Waco, where she was visiting friends, authorities said. The suspects did not know the woman.

The woman told investigators she was driving at about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday on a state highway toward her home in a Limestone County town when a car rammed her sport utility vehicle and forced her off the road, Wilson said.

The woman told investigators that the men forced her into their car, and then drove around rural county roads while they sexually assaulted, stabbed and beat her, Wilson said.

The woman said the men left her about a mile south of Coolidge in a ditch, where she pretended to be dead until they left, Wilson said. She then found help at a nearby trailer.

Dena Lincoln said the woman, covered in blood, came to her trailer door at about 4:30 a.m.

"I will never, as long as I live, get that look that was on her face out of my mind," Lincoln said. "She kept saying, 'I'm going to die. I'm going to die.' I told her, 'No, honey, you are going to be all right. We are going to get you some help.'"

The woman was flown by helicopter to a Temple hospital with numerous cuts and stab wounds, including an injury that endangered one eye, Wilson said.

Wilson said investigators canvassed the area on Wednesday with the description of the suspects given by the women.

Martinez was being held in the Limestone County Jail while Hernandez was to be transferred to Limestone County from McLennan County, officials said. Wilson said both men are apparently in the United States illegally and will be held without bond on immigration charges. Hernandez is from Honduras, and Martinez is from Mexico, Wilson said.

Now they will be jailed for 20 years in a private Wackenhut prison owned by Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire, at a cost to the US citizen taxpayers of $50,000/year each. That's a total cost of $2,000,000, plus inflation for a total cost of $6,000,000. And Bush Jr and GOP Congress wants amnesty for 40-million criminal alien bioweapons, and wants to invite 200-million more criminals in 10 years, and wants to merge USA with Communist Mexico via NAFTA and the North American Union.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:17 AM



Originally posted by FallenAngel:
p.s. A little history trivia for ya. 6 states of the U.S. BELONGED to Mexico you might know them as California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah were all part of Mexico until they were STOLEN. So this counrty is a part us.

So what? That was almost 160 years ago. Get over it. What matters is the current situation, not long dead national ties.

P.S. You forgot Texas.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:20 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Central Texas woman run off road, raped, stabbed, left for dead by illegal aliens

Associated Press
June 30, 2006

GROESBECK, Texas — A Central Texas woman was recuperating at a Temple hospital after she reported being run off a rural road, kidnapped and then raped and beaten by her abductors, authorities said.

The 18-year-old woman was in stable condition Thursday following surgery. She had walked and crawled a half-mile to find help after her abductors left her for dead along a highway early Wednesday morning, authorities said.

"She spent more than two hours in hell," Limestone County Sheriff Dennis Wilson said.

Wilson said Javier Guzman Martinez, 17, and Noel Darwin Hernandez, 22, both of Mexia, had been arrested for the crime and were charged Thursday with aggravated assault and aggravated kidnapping.

The suspects began following the woman late Tuesday night as she left Mexia, about 40 miles east of Waco, where she was visiting friends, authorities said. The suspects did not know the woman.

The woman told investigators she was driving at about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday on a state highway toward her home in a Limestone County town when a car rammed her sport utility vehicle and forced her off the road, Wilson said.

The woman told investigators that the men forced her into their car, and then drove around rural county roads while they sexually assaulted, stabbed and beat her, Wilson said.

The woman said the men left her about a mile south of Coolidge in a ditch, where she pretended to be dead until they left, Wilson said. She then found help at a nearby trailer.

Dena Lincoln said the woman, covered in blood, came to her trailer door at about 4:30 a.m.

"I will never, as long as I live, get that look that was on her face out of my mind," Lincoln said. "She kept saying, 'I'm going to die. I'm going to die.' I told her, 'No, honey, you are going to be all right. We are going to get you some help.'"

The woman was flown by helicopter to a Temple hospital with numerous cuts and stab wounds, including an injury that endangered one eye, Wilson said.

Wilson said investigators canvassed the area on Wednesday with the description of the suspects given by the women.

Martinez was being held in the Limestone County Jail while Hernandez was to be transferred to Limestone County from McLennan County, officials said. Wilson said both men are apparently in the United States illegally and will be held without bond on immigration charges. Hernandez is from Honduras, and Martinez is from Mexico, Wilson said.

Now they will be jailed for 20 years in a private Wackenhut prison owned by Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire, at a cost to the US citizen taxpayers of $50,000/year each. That's a total cost of $2,000,000, plus inflation for a total cost of $6,000,000. And Bush Jr and GOP Congress wants amnesty for 40-million criminal alien bioweapons, and wants to invite 200-million more criminals in 10 years, and wants to merge USA with Communist Mexico via NAFTA and the North American Union.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

PN, do you ever get tired of sounding like a paranoid jackass? Here's a helpful tip: TONE DOWN YOUR RHETORIC!!! All it does is drive people away from your message.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Fallen- All of to Americas "originally" belonged to the natives. Are you going to give it back?

I didn't think so.

Coming from Eastern Europe, I'm used to this kind of argument. At one time or another everyone's nation was "bigger". If we laid out all of the claimed territory side by side, Europe would have to be ten times bigger!

Having started this thread in an equivocal state of mind I've finally come down against illegal immigration. I worked thru all the arguments

-illegal immigration being the natural consequence of us interfering with our neighbors' national aspirations (BTW- since we screwed over Niacaragua their greatest export has been illegal immigrants. Funny how that works)

- the negative effects on the middle class coming from immigrant's "invisible" status (If they could organize they would get better wages)

- Capital flows freely but people don't

-Illegal immigrants are a boost to the economy because they're willing to get more screwed over, and they contribute to a tax base that they can't take advantage of

All of that is true. But I don't particularly WANT second-class workers in the USA. Since I WORK for a living (like most people) I'm not so stupid as to think that I'm going to sit like a pasha in the middle class while people are willing to work for less. And there is one very real disadvantage that illegal immigrants face that will forever keep them in second class status: lack of political representation. Illegals have no voice in the laws of this land and that is no small thing, because it is EXACTLY that lack of voice (USA propping up generalissimos) that caused THEIR nations to become hellholes in the first place.

And BTW- citizens should take that lesson as a warning. The farther away our elected representatives drift way from representing us and the closer theydrift towards represnting the wealthy the more our nation will look like our south of the border bretheren.

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:58 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


The farther away our elected representatives drift away from representing us and the closer they drift towards representing the wealthy the more our nation will look like our south of the border bretheren.
Isn't that what the corporations want?

Countries scrambling over factories, sub-contractors scrambling over outsourcing, workers scrambling over service jobs. The world as one big Roman arena - the war of all against all. In an arena built by and for the emperors.

Yes, that's what we need more of. Crony government aiding crony capitalism. Because after all, the better the corporations do, the better we all do - right?


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:02 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
And BTW- citizens should take that lesson as a warning. The farther away our elected representatives drift way from representing us and the closer theydrift towards represnting the wealthy the more our nation will look like our south of the border bretheren.

That is entirely too true.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:47 PM


Thread renamed....Illegal Aliens
" A nation without borders, language, and culture...can't survive.


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:01 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Webmaster Alert: We need multipage whatchamacallits. So load is fast. Please write code. Over and out.

Oh yeah, darn those illegal aliens and the criminals who let them in.


"Those dumb Republicans will love our new US flag."

You can't stop the signal, but sometimes it sure takes a long time to get there.

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:20 AM


First, heartfelt thanks to Phaedra, Milagro, Jonus, Chrisisall, and anyone else who posted rational defenses on behalf of immigrants, illegal or not. I appreciate knowing you guys are out there.


Posted by Khyron:
Legal: One has waited in line to be allowed into the foreign country. If one is allowed in, it means one has got the necessary credentials to be of aid to that foreign country in some way.

Illegal: One skipped the queue and snuck in without waiting like all those nice people ...

See, your argument sounds sensible. But immigration laws are not so simple.

My parents and sibling used to be illegal immigrants for many years. Now they are citizens or hold a green card. They pay taxes, contribute to the country, obey all laws, and are all around good Americans. They only entered the country illegal way back when because they were NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COUNTRY LEGALLY, even though they would have made skillful contributions to the country.

I am living in Peru right now. I employ a nanny who is just wonderful with my children. I can find a competent American nanny at home, but I don't think I could find one who has such a special relationship with my kids. I would love to bring her to the States, but she doesn't have the "credentials" to enter with a H-1 visa. To me, she has more skill than a PhD child psychologist, but CIS does not recognize her skill without a diploma. So, here is gifted child caretaker who could contribute to our society (she aspires to be a preschool teacher and would make a fabulous one), but who cannot enter the country legally.

I hear so many people on this thread say, they are not against immigration, only against illegal immigration. They are only illegal because we defined them as illegal. They are only illegal because they had no way of entering legally. It is not a matter of simply waiting in line, as Khyron suggests. They were not allowed to even wait in line.

They are the same people whether we define them as illegal or not, people that we know as neighbors and friends and competent colleagues.

Having said that, can we afford to allow everyone who wants to come into the country? Obviously not without significant changes. We can't afford free schooling and welfare for everyone in the world.

To have a more open immigration policy means we have to close more public services. Anyone who wants to come to America can be welcome, but once here, they have to learn English and fend for themselves. But that is how we started in this country. America is a technological and economic superpower today partly because of the contributions of immigrants entering under our open immigration policy. Maybe that is where we ought to return.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:11 AM


A controversial Alabama immigration law has just been approved by the state's governor. The law is intended to curb illegal immigration into the state, and uses similar techniques to the controversial law passed by Arizona last year. Here is the proof: Controversy" target="_BLANK">">Controversy erupts over Alabama immigration law,


Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:50 AM


The muslim riots in France, Sweden, Germany has added a new dimension to this topic

Canada will be stupid to accept thousands of unvetted 'refugees'


Thursday, January 28, 2016 11:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yanno, it's funny, I appreciate the necro-posting, I really do. It helps me keep track of how my position has changed, and also reassures me that - despite THUGR's and G's and KPO's constant provocations and name-calling, I am in fact NOT a "commie troll" and in general post well-reasoned, thoughtful opinions about a wide variety of topics which hold up to re-inspection, even after several years.

It also helps assure others that when I say I've been for or against something for a long time and have posted on it multiple times... well, the evidence is there.

My thinking on the topic of illegal immigration has actually hardened since. The idea that we make life an absolute clusterfuck in some weaker nation, and then toss a few crumbs of not-so benign neglect to the escapees because we want to think of ourselves as "nice people" who want to "help" is absurd beyond belief. All of the protestations of "R2P" notwithstanding.

So, as I've stated in many posts since this, the United States (and, I would say the EU too, at this point) can solve its FUTURE immigrant problems by

(1) Not destroying or destabilizing other nations willy-nilly
(2) Not roping them into "free trade agreements" that cause misery on BOTH sides, and only benefit the very top internationalists
(3) Ditto lending poor nations money, with "austerity" requirements for payback
(4) Engaging in beneficial mutual trade.
(5) Tariff nations which fail to meet developmental requirements, such as percentage of females being literate or freedom from corruption.
(6) If nations really want to help- HELP. Help build schools or dig wells. Help educate girls (specifically). Do something positive. You can't build nations with guns and bombs, you can only destroy stuff, and that rarely improves a situation.


But, here we are: the USA and the EU has screwed the Mideast and African pooch pretty thoroughly. Nations from Pakistan to Morocco to Sudan are enflamed in jihadism and corruption.

The USA (over centuries) has warped Central and South American development into something unrecognizable.

So now there are millions of people desperate to escape wherever they are. If we were to miraculously end our destructive, exploitative ways TODAY (haha. But a girl can dream, can't she?) there would still be all that historical karma to overcome.

So, what to do?


For the USA, I would propose the following: something to give everyone, and something to offend everyone. A package deal, all or nothing:

1) End immigration now. There was NO legal immigration during JFK's Presidency, did you know that?
2) Amend the Constitution to end birthright citizenship. That would stop that problem of "divided families" and "anchor babies" and "birth tourism".
3) Amend the Constitution to make English the official language.
4) Give everyone who has been residing in the USA for the past 20 years a pathway to citizenship. They have 10 years to learn English. If they fail to make the grade, or commit serious criminal offenses, off they go!

ETA: and it goes without saying
5) Stop meddling in other nations! Withdraw our troops. Save their services for real self-defense!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:16 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Amend the Constitution to make English the official language.

I would also make Native American Indian languages official or First People language official, I think its long past time their language, spirituality, customs is helped grow again and was protected from cultural extinction


Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

American Natives are officially other nations. The USA can't make English an official language on their soil. There are probably other better-suited remedies for the treatment that the First Nations received, and continue to receive, at the hands of the USA government. Looking at the "reservation" policies is enough to make me want to tear my hair out. But, yeah- recognition, respect, and recompense is due. But how do you recompense a genocide?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, February 19, 2016 12:28 PM


Larry King he seems to be involved with Hulu and RT America Russian station.

Acclaimed and outspoken actor John Rhys Davies talks to Larry about his latest movie Return to the Hiding Place. Davies, an outspoken advocate for Christianity, criticizes the West’s response to what he calls a war on Christians in the Middle East and Africa.


Thursday, March 3, 2016 5:47 PM


I never thought I would see the day where a NATO General for Europe and North America, Pacific Forces leader, vet of the Gulf War, USAF vet of Cold War, Joint Powers Commander...would be warning the USA on illegal immigration

Philip Mark Breedlove

Europe self censors

Dutch Man at Protest arrested for wearing Pig Hat because it "May offend Muslims"


Wednesday, March 9, 2016 3:02 AM


I suggest starting from scratch, to a time before the Pilgrims landed, then let's see Donald and company talk about Making America Great Again........

The rest of us are all Illegal Immigrants.

Phuck it! Make every country responsible for their own. Let's see how long that'll last.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
American Natives are officially other nations. The USA can't make English an official language on their soil. There are probably other better-suited remedies for the treatment that the First Nations received, and continue to receive, at the hands of the USA government. Looking at the "reservation" policies is enough to make me want to tear my hair out. But, yeah- recognition, respect, and recompense is due. But how do you recompense a genocide?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016 7:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I suggest starting from scratch, to a time before the Pilgrims landed, then let's see Donald and company talk about Making America Great Again........

The rest of us are all Illegal Immigrants.

Exactly my point. Those poor Natives, especially the East coast ones ... they has a fairly open immigration policy, even gave the white folks turkey and such so they wouldn't starve, and look what happened to them!

All kidding aside, a nation should make its immigration policy on the basis of what suits THEM, not on the basis of what suits corporations, banks, and "others". If it hasn't created a problem elsewhere, then it's under no moral obligation to "help". And if we WANT to help, then let's HELP.

Studies have shown that a nation can reasonably acculturate about 1% foreign population. After that, ghettos and subcultures start to form.

On the other hand, it shouldn't make living hells out of other nations so that people have to emigrate. If you look at the current emigration crises, they're out of nations that the USA (and the EU) have either destroyed militarily: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. Sudan, Yemen, or economically: all of Central and South America.

The chickens of our multiple foreign "interventions" are coming home to roost.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.






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