Mel Gibson staggers off the wagon

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Monday, July 31, 2006 9:23 AM


I really have no idea why our very own anti-semetic news courier hasn't brought this up already, but whatever:

Mel Gibson rants against Jews in drink-drive arrest
Nierob refused to comment on reports that after Gibson was stopped for driving at 87mph in a 45mph zone on the notoriously dangerous road he sat at the wheel of his Lexus LS 430 and repeatedly said: “My life is f*****.”

According to police records, Gibson, a strict Catholic, then launched into an anti-semitic tirade, referring to “f****** Jews” and stating that “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”. He also repeatedly insulted the police officers, addressing one female sergeant as “sugar tits”.,,2087-2292336,00.html


Drink-driving Gibson says sorry
Hollywood actor and director Mel Gibson has said he is "ashamed" of the actions that led to his arrest for drink-driving early on Friday morning.


Mel Gibson statement in full:
"After drinking alcohol on Thursday night, I did a number of things that were very wrong and for which I am ashamed.

"I drove a car when I should not have, and was stopped by the LA County sheriffs.

"The arresting officer was just doing his job and I feel fortunate that I was apprehended before I caused injury to any other person.

"I acted like a person completely out of control when I was arrested, and said things that I do not believe to be true and which are despicable.

"I am deeply ashamed of everything I said and I apologize to anyone who I have offended.

"Also, I take this opportunity to apologize to the deputies involved for my belligerent behaviour. They have always been there for me in my community and indeed probably saved me from myself.

"I disgraced myself and my family with my behaviour and for that I am truly sorry.

"I have battled the disease of alcoholism for all of my adult life and profoundly regret my horrific relapse.

"I apologize for any behaviour unbecoming of me in my inebriated state and have already taken necessary steps to ensure my return to health."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, July 31, 2006 9:35 AM


It's not really a huge surprise this, what with his rather guarded comments when challenged about his father denying the holocaust, plus his reaction to the accusations of anti-semitism in The Passion of the Christ.

I'm sure there's a good few jokes to come of this.

Check out my Serenity Auctions for Equality Now, including DVDs and Posters signed by all 9 BDHs + Joss!


Monday, July 31, 2006 9:42 AM


Mel Gibson's a drunken asshole? My reaction is: so gorram what. Yeah, he's a celebrity, but as human as you and I, and subject to the same human frailties. I'm glad he didn't hurt anyone during his drunken driving episode. Well, other than the feelings of a few million of the Jewish faith. I suppose, given his status as a "celebrity", he may be morally subject to paying a little more attention to the consequences of his actions, but I'm not certain this should be necessarily true.

Then again, as someone who has lost three of my direct family to the actions of drunken drivers, I'm all for a bullet to the mofo's brainpan. Don't much matter to me what career he has.



Monday, July 31, 2006 10:58 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
I really have no idea why our very own anti-semetic news courier hasn't brought this up already, but whatever:

Probably because he's still holidaying in Bohemia grove with his Daddy.

B.T.W. Any pictures of Seargent "Sugar tits"?
Just curious.


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:04 AM


Not exactly a fan of Mel's religious or political views - anti-semitism is absolutely abhorrent and I truly cannot understand how anyone with an ounce of sanity can claim the holocaust is a giant hoax - but I really don't think it's right to poke fun at someone who obviously has a drink problem.

Given the comments he made I'm pretty much planning not to see any movie he ever makes ever again, but as for the drinking ... the guy needs help. Best leave him to get it. He was bloody lucky he didn't end up killing someone though, the stupid B*&*&%^%.


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I really don't think it's right to poke fun at someone who obviously has a drink problem.

How am I making fun?

Given the comments he made I'm pretty much planning not to see any movie he ever makes ever again, but as for the drinking ... the guy needs help. Best leave him to get it. He was bloody lucky he didn't end up killing someone though, the stupid B*&*&%^%.
Although I understand your sentiment he chose to become an alcoholic, he can choose to stop and he can choose to continue. It's like saying "it's not MY fault I feel ill, I've got a hangover".

He chose to get in a car, drunk, and he chose to drive at nearly double the speed limit. He chose to make comments that are just to the right of Hitler's happy hour.

Frankly I doubt leaving him too it will give him the impetus to get his shit together.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:38 AM


Sorry Citizen. It wasn't aimed at you, more of a general comment. I really didn't mean to cause offense.

As for choosing to become an alcoholic, I'm of the camp that sees it as a disease, not something people choose. I think being an alcoholic leads you to make some pretty crappy choices, and you have to accept the consequences of those choices (i.e - jail for driving while drunk), but I don't see it as something you can simply choose to stop. It's a lot more complicated than that.

It's up to Mel and the people around him to get the help he needs before he actually does kill someone. I don't see how trashing him online makes any difference. It's just kicking a guy while he's down, which I don't like. Although to be honest his anti-semetic rant pretty much makes him fair game. Which is my mixed-up way of saying bash him for his insane rantiness, not because he's an alcoholic.

Um... is that making any sense?


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:56 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Sorry Citizen. It wasn't aimed at you, more of a general comment. I really didn't mean to cause offense.

Don't worry, you didn't, just wasn't sure where it was coming from is all. Though the thread title could be seen that way.

As for choosing to become an alcoholic, I'm of the camp that sees it as a disease, not something people choose.
Sure, no one wakes up one morning and says "yeah, that's it, that's the life for me, alcoholism." Kids don't answer the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" with "An alcoholic."

But no one makes an alcoholic drink. No one forces that first beer down their throat, no one makes them drink more and more until they finally become addicted. They choose to buy a beer instead of a coke, so although they don't consciously choose to become alcoholic they DO choose that path.

I mean if someone goes around having unprotected sex and they catch an STD, it's their fault.

I don't see it as something you can simply choose to stop. It's a lot more complicated than that.
Hmm well I'm not sure I can agree. There's no magic pill to cure addiction, you can't go to hospital and come out well, you have to choose to stop drinking, and you have to have the will power to stick to that choice. At the end of the day going back to the drink is still a choice, one that's easier for the drinker than staying dry.

Although to be honest his anti-semetic rant pretty much makes him fair game. Which is my mixed-up way of saying bash him for his insane rantiness, not because he's an alcoholic.
That was pretty much the main thrust of what I was going for here.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:50 PM



DesktopHippie wrote:
Monday, July 31, 2006 11:04

Given the comments he made I'm pretty much planning not to see any movie he ever makes ever again

I like Mel Gibson.

Yeah, sure drink driving is wrong and should be punished. Alcoholism is sad and alcoholics should get help.

But.. you cant really take anything said by a drunk as gospel..

I am not an alcoholic but on the times i have drank too much I said some stupid things which I really didnt believe. My point is I dont think Mel is neccessarily anti-jew or whatever... he was just drunk.


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:59 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by Calhoun:
I am not an alcoholic but on the times i have drank too much I said some stupid things which I really didnt believe. My point is I dont think Mel is neccessarily anti-jew or whatever... he was just drunk.

Word... it was the Passion of the Vice

EDIT: Damn, googled it, somebody already got that one.


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:11 PM


Sorry Calhoun, PDCharles, I'm not buyin'. If Mel had never gotten himself in trouble for antisemitism over and over again when he was ostensibly sober, I might give him the benefit of the doubt here. But there's little doubt that he, like many fundy Christians believes the Jews killed Christ, etc. You saw his last movie, didn't ya?

Given that his dad was/is a committed hardcore antisemite, you might have a case that the booze just inspired Mel to get a little of his crazy dad out of him--BUT if we have crazy dads with crazy oppinions of which we are ashamed and from which we naturally want to distance ourselves, we don't make multi-million dollar movies that are even remotely sympathetic to our crazy dad's agendas, do we?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:27 PM


What happened? He see your face?

Oh... I definitely believe he is a fundy nut job. Saw an interview with him. Weird. Kinda like Tom Cruise or Deion Sanders these days.

Just slipped too quickly into joke mode. …and no, didn't see the flick.

replace "Word" with, let's see... ahhh... "Yeah Right"


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:23 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
As for choosing to become an alcoholic, I'm of the camp that sees it as a disease, not something people choose.

"Alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only disease you can get yelled at for having. 'Dammit, Otto, you are an alcoholic.' 'Dammit, Otto, you have lupus.' One of those two doesn't sound right." - Mitch Hedberg

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 4:20 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

But.. you cant really take anything said by a drunk as gospel..

I am not an alcoholic but on the times i have drank too much I said some stupid things which I really didnt believe. My point is I dont think Mel is neccessarily anti-jew or whatever... he was just drunk.

Sorry. In Vino Veritas; alcohol lowers inhibitions, but it doesn't manufacture feelings or desires. "It was the booze talking" translates to "Sorry, I deliberately disabled my governor unit and said things I really feel outloud. Oops."

I long ago came to the conclusion that Gibson is a religious bigot, of the type that likes to wrap his prejudices in a cloak of piety.

I was particularly disgusted by the way he claimed "accuracy to the gospels" as his protection for the anti-semitic content in "The Passion of The Christ", but yet was perfectly willing to be inaccurate to the gospels whenever it suited his purpose.

Just one example; the Bible says Jesus received thirty-nine lashes, which was the legal limit (Forty lashes was considered a death sentence, which the Romans forbade the Hebrews to impose--which is the very reason the Samhedrin turned to Roman authority to sentence Jesus in the first place), yet the movie clearly shows the torturer not only restarting his count, but using a scourge instead of a plain whip--again, something not based in biblical scholarship. But a plain whipping just wasn't, I don't know, cinematic enough for our auteur.

When someone decides that an "ordinary" whipping and crucifixion isn't nasty enough, and that he has to ramp it up, you know something is wrong with him...

"Oh, the Catholics/Hate the Protestants/and the Protestants/Hate the Catholics/and the Hindus/Hate the Moslems/and everybody hates the Jews." -- Tom Lehrer


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 4:35 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
But.. you cant really take anything said by a drunk as gospel.

That's too funny!! Did you mean that to be funny? All respect to serious things under discussion, and, hee hee!


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 6:38 AM



Originally posted by RocketJock:
When someone decides that an "ordinary" whipping and crucifixion isn't nasty enough, and that he has to ramp it up, you know something is wrong with him...

Thanks for the info. I didn't know about the whipping. Never saw the movie. I love the other Mel Gibson movies. But I just can't bring myself to see a dramatized snuff film.

I don't know Mel Gibson, and really, I don't care. I watch a lot of other movies by directors without caring to know their secret pecadillos and prejudices. I watch Woody Allen movies, and he married his stepdaughter. I don't think Mel can outdo that. time Mel puts out a movie that looks interesting, I'll be there. And I'll judge the movie on its merits, regardless of what Mel said when he was drunk.

As an afterthought, if Mel had said "Americans" or "Arabs" or "Chinese" instead of "Jews," would anybody make such a big deal out of it? To me, it is obvious that society is in itself racist in treating some racism as more serious than others.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:32 AM


I'm sorry, but what is this thread really about? Is it about Mel Gibson? Or is it about racism? Is it about celebrity culture? Or, is it about the evils of drunken driving? Or, is it about a discussion of acoholisim as a disease, or the merits of prohibition? I'm in no way slagging Citizen, oh no. On the contrary, likely dimming my own intellectual abilities, while saying, "great seed for discussion!" I'm just wondering what we're aiming at discussing here.

Pity the fool, me, for not understanding.

Something tells me that it all adds up to wondering about those who choose to be weak. My opinion on the matter is that those who choose {insert drug of choice} are somehow giving up on themselves to some degree, and that just hurts me, in each and every case. As much as it hurts, though, I still see such crutches as pitiful excuses.

Then again, all I've ever given up is tobacco, so whadda I know, eh?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:30 AM


For a guy that once played Hamlet, its surprising that Gibson couldn't think of something more contemplative to say to the arresting officers. Ha ha.

I guess it was a case of one blind celebrity's contumely.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:44 PM


This was happening right as I was leaving town. Now that I'm back, it appears the conversation has moved off the front page. Oh well. I'll just quickly add my two cents.

If some anonymous person had been pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence and did and said everything Mel Gibson did and said the question would not be about the nature of the statements but rather when that person would be getting out of the hospital and how long they would be staying in jail afterwards.

He's lucky he didn't hurt anyone. He's lucky there are people who will apologize for him. But most of all he's lucky he didn't get beat down for resisting arrest.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:15 PM


I would be worked up about whatever group a person broadly addressed and substituted for "jew"--no matter what it was--in a similar statement.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:21 PM


Good for you, sassalicious.

Maybe it's just me, but I have doubts that the media would be as even-handed as you if he had said, "F**** Muslims. Muslims are responsible for all the wars in the world."

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:26 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
But.. you cant really take anything said by a drunk as gospel..

I am not an alcoholic but on the times i have drank too much I said some stupid things which I really didnt believe. My point is I dont think Mel is neccessarily anti-jew or whatever... he was just drunk.

I couldn't agree more with this point. I'm too young to drink, so I can't say I know what drunkenness feels like, but I've been around drunk people at family gatherings and they've done & said some awfully strange things -- stuff they would never have done/said if they were in a healthy frame of mind. Why should we expect anything different from Mel Gibson? Because he's famous? Because he's an easy target (since he's famous)? Because some people don't like him? He was drunk and during that impaired state of mind he said some really awful things. If he said them while sober, I'd be horrified and would consider it quite cruel. But, the man was drunk and I think people are making way too big of a fuss over the whole thing.

More importantly than anything else, though -- like Desktophippie said, it's a very good thing he didn't kill anyone!

"I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar!" - Wash

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:28 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Maybe it's just me, but I have doubts that the media would be as even-handed as you if he had said, "F**** Muslims. Muslims are responsible for all the wars in the world."

Actually, he'd immediately get offered his own show to be syndicated nationwide on Clear Channel radio stations and a book deal with Regnery (not to mention invitations to appear on all the Sunday talk shows as a "middle east expert").


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:08 AM



Originally posted by Soupcatcher:
Actually, he'd immediately get offered his own show to be syndicated nationwide on Clear Channel radio stations and a book deal with Regnery (not to mention invitations to appear on all the Sunday talk shows as a "middle east expert").

And the undying love and admiration of certain people on these boards...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:46 PM


well..i for one agree with Mel to an extent, i havent scrutinized over his comments, but i believe there is a portion of Jews who do run the world. google Isreal NWO agenda, hes actually not the only one; and this propoganda about anti-semitism is used to silence you from exploring the substance behind his comments, or any comments related to the ruling Jewish elite.

its like illegal cant have a meaningfull discussion about it, because your automatically labeled a racist for wanting borders, which every sovereign nation is entitled to

this was the purpose of political erect barriers between dialogue and discourse, so as to prevent emperical truths from being established


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:19 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
well(Well)..i(I) for one agree with Mel to an extent, i(I) havent scrutinized over his comments, but i(I) believe there is a portion of Jews who do run the world. google Isreal(Israel) NWO agenda, hes(he's) actually not the only one; and this propoganda (propaganda) about anti-semitism (anti-Semitism)is used to silence you from exploring the substance behind his comments, or any comments related to the ruling Jewish elite.

I can tell that you aren't overly burdened with an education, so I won't try to argue with your blatantly racist statements. I don't believe it would prove fruitful, since commonsense alone underlines the faultiness of your claims. I always find it funny (in a frightening, I'm surprised your parents weren't related, how can you even read sort of way)when a Christian is so anti-Semitic (here I am talking more about your comments then those of Mr. Gibson's). Jesus was a Jew! Really. Hell, pick up the Old Testament, it is full of your "ruling elite". And using a google search topic as a source is absolutely irrefutable. For instance, do an image search for moronic, paranoid racist and you might get a free self-portrait out of the exercise. Now here is the part where I give a disclaimer saying I don't mean to offend you, blah blah blah. Truth is, unless I misunderstood your statement (and you seemed pretty clear), I don't think I will offend you, because in your delusions you probably see yourself beyond reproach. I would like to apologize to anyone who took offence to my spelling corrections in brackets in his above quote. Truthfully, I am not the best speller in the world and make mistakes myself. I merely outlined some of the errors to indicate the remarkable abilities of our anti-Semitic "scholar", who doesn't seem to have the ability to spell the name of the nation of the so called "ruling elite".


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:54 AM


I for one feel bad for Mel, he's clearly a troubled dude. This is, of course, coloured by my appreciation of his work in the cinema.
He claimed that God gave him the strength to clean up his act, and I'm betting that 'Passion' was his attempt to cement his feelings of belief, and OOOPS! It takes more than a movie to make it work. It has to start on the inside.

I have the feeling that he is a distraught closet agnostic, poor guy.

Mad Chrisisall


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:59 AM



(I) am sorry that you didnt follow any of the links I posted. let me try to explain:

I know Jesus was a Jew! Ive read the Bible, in its entirety. I am not a racist whatsoever, simply because I am willing to acknowledge that by proxy, the nation of Isreal is a superpower. since i believe our government is run by occultists, so also do i believe the same of our allie.

who in the Bible, made it a quest, to have Yeshua murdered? was it not the Jewish pharisees? so does that not indicate to you that their is more than one kind of Jew: those who are of the line of David, those who acknowledge the God Yahweh and his son Yeshua, and those who are heretics, who had Yeshua murdered at all costs? those who to this day REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT JESUS WAS THEIR MESSIAH?? could it be, for one the Jewish people?

you might not know this, because apparently you dont really care about the substance of our dialogue, you have an emotional barrier which prevents you from seeking the truth. I love everyone, of every race color or creed the same, but i especially appreciate the Jews because they were Gods chosen covenant people, without which we would have no Christianity. but I am able to recognize the role Israel has played in the History of Man aswell..

why were the Jews judged so heavily by God? is it because they became idolaters, and worshipped lucifer and his fallen angels?..not all of them; but the ruling elite who currently decide Israels policy are of that pursuasion; the same ruling elite who made it a point to crucify Yeshua.

when you study the occult, you begin to see who is acting to their benefit. example..look at the Israeli supreme court building, you will see the eye of Horus, the pyramid, the Masonic emblem, and any other kind of known occult/satanic/freemasonic symbolism you can identify. do you realize that freemasonry draws its origins from ancient Jewish customs? are you aware that the inner 5% of Freemasonry can be proven to be lucipherian?

the Bible speaks about this plenty... brother, look into Jesus' statements about the synogogue of Satan. understant..if you deny Yeshua, you deny the father..for if you knew Yeshua, you would know the father. who do they worship, if not Yeshua? what is an antichrist? it is the person who denies Yeshua as the son of God.
"The Talmud is the Satanic version of the Torah. The Jews have an oral version of the Torah called the Tenach, or which some call the Talmud, but the Talmud which a minority of real Jews are familiar with is not the Talmud being used today. The Babylonian Talmud has taken precedence since 1905 and is blasphemous. In fact every Jew today is taught through this particular Talmud. It refers to Jesus as an idol, and His worshippers as idolaters. It claims Jesus was into beastiality and is burning in hell in a pool of semen. Now where would that come from? Satan Himself. The books of the Talmud are based on the teachings of the Pharisees. To understand why Jesus held such contempt towards this ancient sect of elitists, Christians must have some knowledge of the books of the Talmud—a set of 63 books written by ancient rabbis. These books contain the legal code which is the basis of todays Judaism and Jewish law. In fact, Talmudic Judaism is primarily a legal system in a literal sense. It
has little to do with religion. It is more of an ancient political cult group with many followers who are not openly Jewish. This is why so many Jews openly claim to be Jewish and atheist at the same time.

In fact the Talmud originated from the ancient Cabal occult and Pharisee sects. Jesus told them they were the Synogogue of Satan. Every Zionist today clings to what they think are the secret teachings of the Talmud. Welcome to the Internet where very little remains secret of anything. You can read some Tidbits about the Talmud at Talmud" target="_BLANK">">Talmud Tidbits
Today the majority of Jews in Israel are practitioners of Pharisaic law—Talmudic law—which is the enemy of truth, Jesus, and God."

if youve read the Bible, you know to what extent Yeshua held contempt for the pharisees and saduccees..well this is the reason!

understand, to worship Satan as God, as the freemasons do, is to accept Judiasm, only to choose the opposite side; not that of Yahweh, but of Satan.

look I knew full well I was going to be criticized..just like Mel Gibson. but im sure hes not anti-Jewish, and neither am I..I am just willing to recognize historical truths that you, nor anyone in the mainstream will admit to; because they cant, since the media is controlled in this manner


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:18 AM


Yes firefly001, as AntiMason says, (s)he isn't an anti-semite, the Jews really ARE the problem

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:40 AM


im not saying the Jews are the problem! i am simply admitting that Israel has a role in all of this. with Israel being at the center stage of the News, are you willing to deny that their is any relevence whatsoever?

and i am not solely placing the blame on them, as much as you all would like to accuse me of. i believe American Christians need to wake up and realize that Bush is an occultist, and that 9/11 was orchestrated. understand where im coming from please, i am on a whole different strata of belief than you: i believe there is an occult conspiracy, a NWO agenda, to create the system of government of the my worldview goes beyong the standard, generic, mainstream anaylsis of politics and anti-semitism. i literally believe that the Jews will be fooled into thinking the AntiChrist is their messiah! please grasp this underlying concept please!!!


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:47 AM


I believe that Fundementalist Christians are as big if not bigger problem than Jews, Occultist or Fundementalist Muslims simply because of the sway they have in American politics and the fact that they are just as big wack jobs as any other militant fundementalist.

Please try to grasp this underlying concept.

Just because your world view is on 'a different strata' doesn't mean you are right.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:59 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
please grasp this underlying concept please!!!

We grasp the concept, we just think it repugnant.


Friday, August 4, 2006 11:04 AM


i think this is the problem: the Christians who affect American policy do not traditionally acknowledge anything regarding the occult, and its history in America.

so when you say fundementalist Christians are dangerous..i may be in agreement, only for different reasons.

i believe theyre dangerous because they are not accepting the whole truth of the matter. and let me tell you...its incredibly difficult to break through the mental block people seem to have regarding occult practices and the relevency they have in the world.

the Christians i am in league with, want nothing but absolute freedom for everyone. we are the ones, almost entirely resisting this current fascist attack on liberties and sovereignty. are we extreme? we have to be..YES! what does it take to get the message out to a public who is so steeped in unbelief that they fail to see their freedoms being stolen out beneath them.

im sorry you think its repugnant..but we are not murdering people like other extremists wordlwide


Friday, August 4, 2006 11:10 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
occult conspiracy, a NWO agenda, to create the system of government of the my worldview goes beyong the standard, generic, mainstream anaylsis of politics and anti-semitism. i literally believe that the Jews will be fooled into thinking the AntiChrist is their messiah! please grasp this underlying concept please!!!

If they are its' okay because they don't live here in our country except for a few and they are not a countrys' worth of them. There is no antiChrist just the Devil working on you from inside your heads and minds. Antimason you are an idiot and President Bush is NOT AN ANTICHRIST! You have named yourselves forsaken to be cool but God won't see it that way and you better think it over real hard!
Who are you with the evil ofr the GOOD?
You can change from being an idiot if you let President Bush alone and ask God for the way to having common sense in your life and posts.



Friday, August 4, 2006 11:23 AM


LOL, it's like Godzilla VS. Mothra here....



Friday, August 4, 2006 11:30 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I really don't think it's right to poke fun at someone who obviously has a drink problem.

How am I making fun?

Given the comments he made I'm pretty much planning not to see any movie he ever makes ever again, but as for the drinking ... the guy needs help. Best leave him to get it. He was bloody lucky he didn't end up killing someone though, the stupid B*&*&%^%.
Although I understand your sentiment he chose to become an alcoholic, he can choose to stop and he can choose to continue. It's like saying "it's not MY fault I feel ill, I've got a hangover".

He chose to get in a car, drunk, and he chose to drive at nearly double the speed limit. He chose to make comments that are just to the right of Hitler's happy hour.

Frankly I doubt leaving him too it will give him the impetus to get his shit together.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

Citz, find the fact that you started this thread quite amusing(Here in the the states ...not as stuffy...have a sense of humor)..weren't you the big hero in the BAR, PUB, CAFE, DRINKINGHOLE, ETC.that protected poor ol' serenitypunk after "someone slipped her a roofie"? Like to see you get pulled over after that night....would have been a delight....Let, me didn't slip her the roofie? Please..If you can make all kinds of political allegations against "AMERICAN" politicians about what they knew in "suspect times" I(The big Kman) will drop the "feta on ya" you slipped her the roofie.....only way you can pick up a "Lass" ya...continue on!


PS...Get a better
pickup line...Smile...enjoy the crumpets & tea...


Friday, August 4, 2006 11:35 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
LOL, it's like Godzilla VS. Mothra here....


Kind of a tangent. I'm starting to wonder if it wouldn't be better to do a pre-emptive strike on the whole separation of church and state. It's become clear to me that the movement to blur the lines between the two has been gaining ground over the past many years. Rather than fighting against that blurring, it might be better to designate an official denomination of the US. I'm voting for the Society of Friends. Because heaven help us all if the Southern Baptists win out.


Friday, August 4, 2006 11:36 AM


No way, that's the best, the very best you can do. You went away and haven't come back to insult me for a week so you could think up something devastating and that, that is it?

No way, that's, that's just really sad, I feel for your parents I really do (assuming they're not brother and sister, or heaven forbid brother and pig...)

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, August 4, 2006 12:21 PM


If they are its' okay because they don't live here in our country except for a few and they are not a countrys' worth of them. There is no antiChrist just the Devil working on you from inside your heads and minds. Antimason you are an idiot and President Bush is NOT AN ANTICHRIST! You have named yourselves forsaken to be cool but God won't see it that way and you better think it over real hard!
Who are you with the evil ofr the GOOD?
You can change from being an idiot if you let President Bush alone and ask God for the way to having common sense in your life and posts.


first i want to thank you for the idiot comment..God appreciates it most of all, but coming from you am i to take that as a compliment?

do you think God will forgive those who of their own ignorance worship the image of Satan? then why do you support a president who IS A KNOWN OCCULTIST??? you are completely missing the point my friend. first of all, i never said Bush was the antiChrist. but he is an occultist with antichristian motives. i dont hate the guy, as a matter of fact when i look at him i feel compassion for him, its hard to imagine this is indeed true. but i dont let my emotions get in the way of the facts!

have you looked into skull and bones? have you looked into the secretive inner circle of freemasonry? do you understand the agenda to create a global government for the antichrist??
here, im giving you a CHRISTIAN link, which explains the role Israel, and the skull and bones play in this NWO agenda.

because you dont hear this on TV, it should be a good indication that it is not something the ruling elite want you to know about.

do i blame Christians for not recognizing the signs of the occult in America? to an extent, but its like the 9/11 conspiracy theories, unless you take an objective stance to research the known evidence in your private time, you will not be able to make the correlations, nor will they be handed to you from a network anchor. most Americans cannot fathom the reality of this conspiracy, because they expect the 10 oclock news or CSPAN or the history channel to breif us on it; ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!


Friday, August 4, 2006 12:58 PM


After you clarified your stance on the topic, I am no longer angry. Indeed, I am instead quite concerned. I am sure that from your perspective, that your views are entirely logical. I have a few questions for you. Do you believe the Holocaust occurred? Thoughts like yours encouraged it. Not to say that I think you are the next Hitler. Instead I believe you are probably a very pious (though in my opinion misguided) individual. Are you depressed? Do you suffer from OCD? Do you have feelings of violence towards those who do not believe as you do? When someone tells you to see a therapist, it can be insulting - but what would it actually hurt to try. If the idea of that bothers you, then perhaps you could contact a religious therapist or minister outside of the influence of your own particular ideologies. Eventually it might not be amiss to see a psychiatrist. Medication can be a boon.


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:38 PM



More insane ramblings by the people who

...don't have a life.


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:44 PM



Although I understand your sentiment he chose to become an alcoholic,

No retard, it's a decease - now stop wasting time here and get some education instead.


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:29 PM



Originally posted by LexiBlock:
No retard, it's a decease

Oh, sweet irony.

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:37 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Originally posted by LexiBlock:
No retard, it's a decease

Originally posted by MohrStoutbeard:
Oh, sweet irony.



Friday, August 4, 2006 5:56 PM


Since this thread has wandered off into the "religous self-righteous"...


Originally posted by TheRightStuff1:
If they are its' okay because they don't live here in our country except for a few and they are not a countrys' worth of them. There is no antiChrist just the Devil working on you from inside your heads and minds. Antimason you are an idiot and President Bush is NOT AN ANTICHRIST! You have named yourselves forsaken to be cool but God won't see it that way and you better think it over real hard!
Who are you with the evil ofr the GOOD?
You can change from being an idiot if you let President Bush alone and ask God for the way to having common sense in your life and posts.

*puzzles a bit over the spellin' and grammar* *shrugs*

I don't remember anyone calling Bush an anti-christ (much less 'the' Anti-Christ). I agree, GWB is not an idiot...that would be an insult to true idiots everywhere. As for being great -- umm...yeah. Sure. I can tell that "No Child Left Behind" didn't include you. (By the way, when are you and the rest of the politicians "putting your money where your mouth is" and actually spending a school year teaching students and following all the regulations and trying to get special needs students and limited English learners to be the same as everyone else in less than 1 year?)

As for being "Forsaken" -- it doesn't matter to me that your god "forsook" me. My deity told me that it's the deeds a person does that matter more than the words used to describe the person. (Oh, and my deity also said that "all beings" are saved.)

As for Mel. His actions, ranting, and the actions of those who seem to hold him highly nowdays because of his religous "piety" are what have pretty much turned me off to him. *shrug* I'm starting to think that as a "movie star" becomes more and more famous, they become more and more eccentric to the point of looney-ness.

Ta for now.


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:09 PM



Originally posted by firefly001:
After you clarified your stance on the topic, I am no longer angry. Indeed, I am instead quite concerned. I am sure that from your perspective, that your views are entirely logical. I have a few questions for you. Do you believe the Holocaust occurred? Thoughts like yours encouraged it. Not to say that I think you are the next Hitler. Instead I believe you are probably a very pious (though in my opinion misguided) individual. Are you depressed? Do you suffer from OCD? Do you have feelings of violence towards those who do not believe as you do? When someone tells you to see a therapist, it can be insulting - but what would it actually hurt to try. If the idea of that bothers you, then perhaps you could contact a religious therapist or minister outside of the influence of your own particular ideologies. Eventually it might not be amiss to see a psychiatrist. Medication can be a boon.

if youve serfed around, youd know that i fully acknowledge the holocaust. heres my question for you: who was responsible and why? matter of fact..ill give you the answeres: it was Hitler, and the Nazi party, whos ideals WERE BASED OFF THE OCCULT!!!! holy you understand what im telling you?? the Thule society, of which INSPIRED HITLER, is the German branch of the American SKULL AND BONES SOCIETY!! the same society that GEORGE W> BUSH, your alleged christian conservative hero, was a part of. this is precisely what you fail to acknowledge!


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:02 AM



Originally posted by LexiBlock:
No retard, it's a decease - now stop wasting time here and get some education instead.

I haven't seen the medical reports of the 'Alcoholism Virus', maybe you could furnish me with them in order to further my education into STD (Stupidity Transmitted 'Diseases').

Getting alcoholics anonymous all riled up, CitizenIsARobarb.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 4:34 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
the Thule society, of which INSPIRED HITLER, is the German branch of the American SKULL AND BONES SOCIETY!! the same society that GEORGE W> BUSH, your alleged christian conservative hero, was a part of. this is precisely what you fail to acknowledge!

Personally, I'm like, okay- now what?
Skull and Bones, NRA, AARP, so what? He's a bad president and that's really all that matters. His twisted personal predelections won't get him impeached, so who cares?
If he puts on the robe and dances around the fire, I mark it as that much more time away from ing around in the White House...



Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:01 PM


ok then..thats fine, as long as your acknowledging that fact that Skull&Bones is the antithesis of Christianity. if you dont believe me, look it up. so to say Bush is a Christian fundementalist, bringing on "Armaggedon" is patenly false. it proves my point that hes an occultist, and hes bring on the NWO-which proceeds "Armaggedon". there is a difference. and the reason people need to know this, is so Christians will wake up and stop supporting the guy, and everyone else will wake up to understand what the real agenda is.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:20 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by TheRightStuff1:
You have named yourselves forsaken to be cool

No, you named us forsaken and since you're obviously an idiot, the intelligent people on this board said "Hey, we're Forsaken and we're smart!" If anyone made it cool, you did. When someone uncool says something is uncool, it's automatically cool.
What, you didn't know that?
I won't even start on your spelling and grammar. I'd say you should take a look at my very own handy grammar guide, but it might be over your head.







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