End Times

UPDATED: Monday, August 7, 2006 09:25
VIEWED: 5448
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006 8:00 PM


So do you believe it?
As a Catholic I'm disgusted with this man and others using todays crises as a means to comtrol everyone out of their money. The only END I can see is this guy walking off with millions, and if Christ were coming I'd think he'd have a better representative than this.

Hope his End Times aren't nicely tied into a bow. Asshole.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 8:21 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 9:33 PM


Not a forsaken, just an pissed off Catholic.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:44 AM


He may not represent Christ, but he represents tons of fundamentalist Christians. I don't begrudge him his kooky ideas. What concerns me is his popularity, that there are so many people who don't think he's kooky.

The fundy movement is growing by leaps and bounds. Not just in evangelical Christianity, but also in Catholicism and Islam. What does that say about us as a world? Some folks say it is an emotional attempt to return to immutable personal values in face of overwhelming globalization. I dunno.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:56 AM


Religion is the opiate of the masses....

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:30 AM



Originally posted by Dayve:

Religion is the opiate of the masses....

That quote's always taken out of context. Opium is a pain-killer. Sometimes you need that just to survive...

As for the end times, it always amazes me how people who profess to be Christian don't bother to read their own book...

"Behold, I come as a thief in the night."

If Christ himself refuses to set a timetable for Armageddon, why do mortals insist on demanding one? It's not like it makes a difference; if you actually believe in the resurrection of the flesh before judgement day, then you're going to be there, even if you die a thousand, or a million, years before the event.

Even more amusing, those people who look forward to Ragnarok are always convinced that they'll recognize the returned Jesus when they see him--subconsciously they're convinced that he'll look just like that 3-D portrait that used to hang in Aunt Jenny's kitchen. The day-glo halo will be a complete givaway.

Folks, he wasn't that obvious the first time around!

Always thought it more likely that the kind that want to be on God's side at the Megeddo battlefield will side with the Anti-Christ; after all, he's going to be wearing a pleasing shape, and promising to unite the whole world under one true religion. Sounds like a great deal of Fundamentalist appeal to me...

"I can't wait/Till I hear that sound/I can't wait/for that final battleground/I can't wait/to call out his name/as the world goes up in flames/Whoosh!" -- Celtic Elvis, Robots for Jesus


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:37 AM


What a load of crap! The factions that have friction now have ALWAYS had friction. I can't count the number of times in my lifetime I have heard the WW3 was starting in the middle east.

Dude wants to make money.

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:47 AM


What's wrong with a christian trying to cash in on the coming Rapture and Tribulation? Christians are Capitalists too! All is equal in the eyes of the great green back.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:00 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"After the rapture, can I have your car?"

I can't take credit (notice I said credit, not blame !) for that. I heard it on the radio.

edited to add: I'd like to get that as a bumper-sticker for my car, which, though it gets great gas mileage, looks like a POS.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:25 AM



Originally posted by RocketJock:

Originally posted by Dayve:

Religion is the opiate of the masses....

That quote's always taken out of context. Opium is a pain-killer. Sometimes you need that just to survive...

OK… so below is the quote from Marx. I agree it has been taken out of context to the extent that Marx was not condemning religion so much as the effect it has on the population in general.

According to Webster’s, an opiate is “something that numbs the senses or the mind”….
I’m just saying that in my experience, I have found this to be true more often than not.

“Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.”
Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

For Marx, the problem is in the fact that an opiate drug fails to fix a physical injury; it only helps you forget pain and suffering. This may be fine up to a point, but only as long as you are also trying to solve the underlying problems causing the pain. Also, religion does not fix the underlying causes of people’s pain and suffering — instead, it helps them forget why they are suffering and gets them to look forward to an imaginary future when the pain will cease.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:29 PM


let me be the first to warn you guys then, that we are at the End of the Age; and ill give you my reasons why..

first of all, understand this basic premise: if the antichrist is to take power prior to the tribulation, then it stands to reason that subsequent to that period, the mechanisms allowing for his reign must be established, OK?

well i think the best guage we have for determining how close we are, is to comprehend just how successfully this shadow agenda is advancing, among the western elite, to create a New World Order.

at the root of this, is the historical perspective, which is that about 4000+ yrs ago, God chose Isreal as his covenant people, and ordered them to destroy the inhabitants of the land that was promised as their inheritence. these peoples, the Egyptians, Babylonians, Canaanites, were subjects of Gods wrath because they were idolaters; they worshipped Gods created being, the fallen angels, rather than God the creator.

well the symbolism that comes from those cultures is explicitly Satanic, from the All Seeing Eye of Horus(Satan)to the pentagrams and obelisks...

all of which symbols have been adopted my Freemasons, and permanantly affixed to the American landscape. the symbolism on the dollar bill( the Federal reserve note) is in-arguably luciferian to students of the occult. the freemasons, the illuminati, skull and bones..these are all occult, Satanic gnostic groups.

but think about that...Jesus says "money is the root of many evils" and "you cannot serve two masters.. you cannot serve both god and money"; and here we have Satanic symbology directly printed on our currency!

in revelation it says "he also forced everyone, small and great, free and slave, to recieve a mark on his right hand or on his forhead, so that no one could buy or sale, unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the bumber of his name".

the creation of the Fed. by occultists, along with the European central banks, were all in accordance to this anticipated future reign of their messiah, the antichrist.

and 9/11, which was an inside job, provided the pretext to invade the middle east and to fullfill the final objectives of the agenda: to galvanize the American people into supporting a war to create pro-western fascist puppet regimes in the middle east, to initiate a war on terror, wich will grow to encompass any anti-establishment dissidents, and to create escalations of chaos to provoke the final power grab, or the ww3, of which the anti-christ will rise to power from.

without getting into every little detail, here are some helpfull links-

-freemasonry and Satanism

-fallen angels and idol worship

-NWO anti-christ conspiracy

-secret societies and the occult

-9/11 prior knowledge/complicity archive

etc..i urge you to explore the connections yourselves, there is just no comprehending it all otherwise



Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:22 AM


Excerpted from -

53 AD
Even before all the books of the Bible were written, there was talk that Christ's return had already taken place. The Thessalonians panicked on Paul, when they heard a rumor that the day of the Lord was at hand, and they had missed the rapture.

A Roman priest and theologian in the second and third centuries, predicted Christ would return in A.D. 500, based on the dimensions of Noah's ark.

This year goes down as one of the most pronounced states of hysteria over the return of Christ. All members of society seemed affected by the prediction that Jesus was coming back at the start of the new millennium. There really weren't any of the events required by the Bible transpiring at that time. The magical number 1000 was primarily the sole reason for the expectation. During concluding months of 999 AD, everyone was on their best behavior; worldly goods were sold and given to the poor, swarms of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem, buildings went unrepaired, crops were left unplanted, and criminals were set free from jails. The year 999 AD turned into 1000 AD and nothing happened.

This year was sighted as the beginning of the millennium because it marked 1000 years since Christ's crucifixion.

The "Letter of Toledo" warned everyone to hide in the caves and mountains. The world would be destroyed and only a few would be spared.

The Taborites of Czechoslovakia predicted every city would be annihilated by fire. Only five mountain strongholds would be saved.

Muntzer, a leader of German peasants, announced that the return of Christ was near. After he and his men destroyed the high and mighty, the Lord would return. This belief led to an uneven battle with government troops where he was strategically out-numbered. Muntzer claimed to have a vision from God where the Lord promised that He would catch the cannon balls of the enemy in the sleeves of His cloak. The vision turned out to be false when Muntzer and his followers were mowed down by cannon fire.

A repeat of the Muntzer affair occurred a few years late. This time Jan Matthys took over the city of Munster. The City was to be the only one spared destruction. The inhabitants of Munster, chased out by Matthys and his men, regrouped and lay siege to the city. Within a year everyone in the city was dead.

The Fifth Monarchy Men looked for Jesus to establish a theocracy. They took up arms and tried to seize England by force. The movement died when the British monarchy was restored in 1660.

To the citizens of London, 1666 was not a banner year. A bubonic plague outbreak killed 100,000 and the Great Fire of London struck the same year. The world seemed at an end to most Londoners. The fact that the year ended with the Beast's number (666), didn't help matters either.

Mary Bateman, who specialized in fortune telling, had a magic chicken that laid eggs with end time messages on them. One message said that Christ was coming. The uproar she created ended when she was caught forcing an egg into the hen's oviduct by an unannounced visitor. Mary later was hanged for poisoning a wealthy client.

Spiritualist Joanna Southcott made the startling claim that she, by virgin birth, would produce the second Jesus Christ. Her abdomen began to swell and so did the crowds of people around her. The time for the birth came and passed - she died soon after. An autopsy revealed it had been a false pregnancy.

John Wesley wrote that "the time, times and half a time" of Revelation 12:14 were 1058­1836, "when Christ should come" (apud A. M. Morris, The Prophecies Unveiled, p. 361)

William Miller was the founder of an end-times movement that was so prominent it received its own name-- Millerism. From his studies of the Bible, Miller determined that the second coming would happen sometime between 1843-1844. A spectacular meteor shower in 1833 gave the movement a good push forward. The buildup of anticipation continued until March 21, 1844, when Miller's one year time table ran out. Some followers set another date of Oct 22, 1844. This too failed, collapsing the movement. One follower described the days after the failed predictions, "The world made merry over the old Prophet's predicament. The taunts and jeers of the 'scoffers' were well-nigh unbearable."

Rev Thomas Parker, a Massachusetts Minister, looked for the millennium to start about 1859.

Someone called Mother Shipton 400 years earlier claimed the world would end in 1881. A controversy hangs over the Shipton writings, as to whether or not publishers doctored the text. If the date was wrong, should it matter anyway?

The revisit of Haley's comet was, for many, an indication of the Lord's second coming. The earth actually passed through the gaseous tail of the comet. One enterprising man sold comet pills to people for protection against the effects of the toxic gases.

Charles Russell, after being exposed to the teachings of William Miller, founded his own organization that evolved into becoming the Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1914 Russell predicted the return of Jesus Christ.

In 1918, new math didn't help Charles Russell from striking out again.

The Witnesses had no better luck in 1925. They already possessed the title of most wrong predictions. They would expand upon it in the years to come.

When the city of Jerusalem was reclaimed by the Jews in 1967, prophecy watchers declared that the "Time of the Gentiles" had come to an end.

The True Light Church of Christ made its claim to fame by incorrectly forecasting the return of Jesus. A number of church members had quit their livelihoods ahead of the promised advent.

A comet that turned out to be a visual disappointment, nonetheless, compelled one preacher to announce that it would be a sign of the Lord's return.

The Jehovah's Witnesses were back at it in 1975. The failure of the forecast did not affect the growth of the movement. The Watchtower magazine, a major Witness periodical, has over 13 million subscribers.

We all remember the killer bee scare of the late 70's. One prophecy prognosticator linked the bees to Rev 9:3-12. After twenty years of progression and the bees are still in Texas, I'm beginning to think of them as the killer snails.

One author boldly declared that "The Rapture" would occur before Dec. 31, 1981, based on Christian prophesy, astronomy and a dash of ecological fatalism. He pegged the date to Jesus' promised to return to Earth a generation after Israel's rebirth. He also made references to the "Jupiter Effect," a planetary alignment that occurs every 179 years, that would supposedly lead to earthquakes and nuclear plant meltdowns.

It was all going to end in 1982, when the planets lined up and created magnetic forces that would bring Armageddon to the earth.

A group called the Tara Centers placed full-page advertisements in many major newspapers for the weekend of April 24-25, 1982, announced: "The Christ is Now Here!" and predicted that he was to make himself known "within the next two months." After the date passed, they said that the delay was only because the "consciousness of the human race was not quite right..." Boy, all these years and we're still not ready.

The Jehovah's Witnesses made sure in 1984 that no one else would be able to top their record of most wrong doomsday predictions. The Witnesses' record is currently holds at nine. The years are: 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, and 1984. Lately, the JW's are claiming they're out of the prediction business, but it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They'll be back.

The Harmonic Convergence planned for Aug. 16-17, 1987, and several New Age events were to occur at that time. The second coming of the serpent god of peace and the Hopi dance awakening were two examples.

The book "88 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1988" came out only a few months before the event was to take place. What little time the book had, it used effectively. By the time Sept 11-13 rolled around, whole churches were caught up in the excitement the book generated. I personally had friends who were measuring themselves for wings. In the dorm where we lived, my friends were also openly confronting all of the unsaved. It became my job to defuse to situations. In one case, an accosted sinner was contemplating dispensary action against my now distant friends. Finally, the days of destiny dawned and then set. No Jesus. The environment was not the same as Miller's 1844 failure. To my surprise, the taunting by the unsaved was very brief. I took it that people have very little understanding of the Bible, so they had nothing to taunt my friends with. I made one other interesting observation. The time for the rapture was a 3 day window from Sept 11 to the 13 - my friends had given up hope on the morning of 12. I pointed out that they still had 2 days left, but they had been spooked nonetheless.

After the passing of the deadline in 88 Reason's, the author, Edgar Whisenaunt, came out with a new book called "89 Reasons why the Rapture is in 1989." This book sold only a fraction of his prior release.

A local group in Australia predicted Jesus would return through the Sydney Harbor at 9:00 am on 31st March, 1991.

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan proclaimed the Gulf War would to be "the War of Armageddon ... the final War."

Menachem Schneerson, a Russian born rabbi, called for the Messiah to come by Sept 9, 1991, the start of the Jewish New Year.

A Korean group called Mission For The Coming Days had the Korea Church a buzz in the fall of 1992. They foresaw Oct 28, 1992 as the date for the Rapture. Numerology was the basis for the date. Several camera shots that left ghostly images on pictures was thought to be a supernatural confirmation of the date.

If the year 2000 is the end of the 6000 year cycle, then the rapture must take place in 1993, because you would need 7 years of the tribulation. This was the thinking of a number of prophecy writers.

In the book "1994 the Year of Destiny" F. M. Riley foretold of God's plan to rapture His people. The name of his ministry is The Last Call and he operates out of Missouri.

Pastor John Hinkle of Christ Church Los Angels caused quite a stir when he announced he had received a vision from God that warned of apocalyptic event on June 9th, 1994. Hinkle, quoting God, said, "On Thursday June the 9th, I will rip the evil out of this world." At the time, I knew Hinkle's vision didn't match up with scripture. From a proper reading of Bible prophecy, the only thing that God could possible rip from the earth would be the Christian Church, and I don't think God would refer to the Church as "evil." Some people tried to reinterpret the Hinkle's unscriptural vision to mean that God would the rip evil out of our hearts when he raptured us. Well, the date came and went with no heart surgery or rapture.

Harold Camping in his book "Are You Ready?" predicted the Lord's return in Sept 1994. The book was full of numerology that added up to 1994 as the date of Christ's return.

After promising themselves they would not make anymore end time predictions, the Jehovah's Witnesses fell off the wagon and proclaimed 1994 as the conclusion of an 80 year generation - the year 1914 was the starting point.

This had a special month, according to one author. He foresaw the month of Sept as the time for our Lord's return. The Church Age will last 2000 years from the time of Christ's birth in 4 BC.

California psychic Sheldon Nidle predicted the end would come when 16 million space ships converged upon the Earth on Dec. 17, 1996, along with a host of angels.
Nidle explained the passing of the date by claiming the angles placed us in a holographic projection to preserve us and give us a second chance.

In regard to 1997, I've received several e-mail messages that pointed to a date when Jesus will return for his church. Two of the more widely known time frames was Monte Judah's FEB/MAR tribulation start and a May 14 rapture which was based on numerology and the Psalms.

When Rabin and Arafat signed their peace pact on the White House lawn on Sept 13, 1993, some saw the events as the begin of tribulation. With signing of the peace agreement Daniel's 1260 day countdown was underway. By Adding 1260 days to Sept, 1993; you get Feb 24, 1997.

Stan Johnson of the Prophecy Club saw a 90 percent chance that the tribulation would start Sept 12, 1997. He bases his conclusion on several end-time signs. The date of September 12 was chosen by Johnson because it will be Jesus' 2000th birthday and it will also be the day of atonement, although not what is currently the Jewish Day of Atonement. Further supporting evidence came from Romanian pastor Dumitru Duduman. In several heavenly visions, Dumitru claimed to had seen the book of life. In one of his earlier visions, there were several pages yet to be completed. In his last vision he noticed the book of life only had one page left. Doing some rough calculating, Johnson and friends figured the latest time frame for the completion of the book of life would have to be September 1997.

Numerology: Because 666 times three equals 1998 some people point to this years as being a prophetically significant year. I had someone call me long distance just so they could pass on to me this earth shattering news.

A Taiwanese cult operating out of Garland Texas predicted Christ would return on Mar 31 of 1998. The group's leader, Heng-ming Chen, announced God would return, and then invite the cult members aboard a UFO.
The group abandoned their second coming prediction when a precursor event failed to take place. The cult's leader said God would appear on every channel 18 of every TV in the world. Maybe God realized at the last minute, the Playboy Network was channel 18 on several cable systems, and he didn't want to have Christians watching a porn channel.

On Apr. 30, 1998 - when Israel will be age 50 - The tribulation was to start. The reasoning for this date has to do with God's age requirement for the priesthood, which is between 30-50.

Marilyn Agee in her book "The End of the Age" has her sights set on May 31, 1998. This date will conclude the 6000 year cycle from the time of Adam. Agee looks for the Rapture to take place on Pentecost also known as the feast of weeks. Another indicator is the fact that the Holy Spirit did not descend upon the until 50 days from Christ's resurrection before descending on the Church. Israel was born in 1948, add the 50 days and you come up with 1998. If this prophecy fails, numerology will mark itself as one of the most unreliable method of foretelling and yet the most repeated.
After her May 31 rapture date failed, Agee, lacking the ability to face up to her error, continued her date setting by using various scripture references to pointing to June 7, 14, 21 and about 10 other dates.

Well, you can't call Marilyn Agee a quitter. After bombing out badly several time in 1998, Marilyn has set a new date for the rapture, May 21 or 22, 1999. When May 21-22 fails, I fully expect more dates to quickly follow.

TV newscaster-turned-psychic Charles Criswell King said in 1968 that the world as we know it will cease to exist on August 18, 1999.

Philip Berg, a rabbi at the Kabbalah Learning Center, New York has proclaimed that the End might arrive on Sept. 11, 1999, when "a ball of fire will descend . . . destroying almost all of mankind, all vegetation, all forms of life."

Numerology: If you divide 2000 by 3, you will get the devil's number 666.66666666666667.

The names of the people and organizations that have called for the return of Christ, at the turn of the century, is too long to be listed here. I would say that if there is a day that Christ cannot come back on, it must be Jan 1, 2000. To come at an unknown time means an unknown time. I think Jan 2, 2000 would be a more likely day for Him to call His Church home - right after the big let down.

On May 5, 2000, all the planets are supposed to be in alignment. This will cause the earth to suffer earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and various other nasty stuff. A similar alignment occurred in 1982 and nothing happened. People fail to realize that the other 9 planets only exert a very tiny gravitation pull on the earth. If you were to add up the gravitational force from the rest of the planets, the total would be only amount to fraction of the tug the moon has on the earth.

According to Michael Rood, the end times have a prophetically complicated connection to Israel's spring barley harvest. The Day of the LORD began on May 5, 2000. Rood's fall feast calendar calls for the Russian Gog-Magog invasion of Israel to take place at sundown on October 28, 2000.

Dr. Dale SumburËru looks for March 22, 1997, to be "the date when all the dramatic events leading through the tribulation to the return of Christ should begin" The actual date of Christ's return could be somewhere between July 2000 and Mar 2001. Dr. SumburËru is more general about the timing of the Christ's second coming than most writers. He states, "The day the Lord returns is currently unknown because He said [Jesus] these days are cut short and it is not yet clear by how much and in what manner they are cut short. If the above assumptions are not correct, my margin of error would be in weeks, or perhaps months."

Because there was no year 0, the true millennium will not start until Jan 1, 2001. Most prophetic watchers still have their sights set on 2000. If the date passes uneventful, I'm sure they'll realize their error and refocus on this year.

This date for Jesus' return is based upon Psalmology, numerology, the biblical 360 days per year, Jewish holidays, and "Biblical astronomy." To figure out this date you'll need a calculator, a slide rule, and plenty of scratch paper.

For the past several decades Jack Van Impe has hinted at nearly every year as being the time for the rapture. Normally, he only goes out one or two years from the current calendar year. Jack's latest projection for the rapture goes out several years. His new math has 51 years being the length of a generation. If you add 51 years to 1967, the year Israel recaptured Jerusalem, you get 2018. Once you minus the 7 year tribulation period, you arrive at 2011.

New Age writers cite Mayan and Aztec calendars which predict the end of the age on Dec 21, 2012.

They been shelling this line of BS for almost 2000 years now, and I'd lay money that they'll be shelling it for 2000 more.



Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:52 AM


Oh Frem that was amazing!!

When The End/Armageddon/the Rapture (or whatever you want to call it) comes...I myself doubt that anyone will be able to prevent/prepare or even so much as blink.

You know what the chain of command is here? Its the chain I go get to beat you with to show you whose in command!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:17 AM



Originally posted by antimason:

the creation of the Fed. by occultists, along with the European central banks, were all in accordance to this anticipated future reign of their messiah, the antichrist.

Hey PN, is that you in there?

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:47 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
They been shelling this line of BS for almost 2000 years now, and I'd lay money that they'll be shelling it for 2000 more.


Nice list. I want to remind everyone that however many folk end up predicting the end of the world...they only need to be right once.

I say we start a pool. I'm in for $10 and I want October 5, 2076, at just after 7pm EST (during Jeopardy, which ironically would have featured "The Date the World Will End" as the final Jeopardy answer..."What is today?" being the question AlexBot 2000 would have been looking for).



Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:30 AM


well, the final generation, at the End of the Age, could not have existed prior to 1947 when Isreal became a nation again. thats for starters

secondly, the Temple Mount must be rebuild, in order for the anti-christ to resume sacrifices. the Temples design and blue prints are already drawn out, and are waiting to be retrofitted into place!

Jesus says that many will come in his name claiming to be Christ, but not to believe them, they are decieving you, for his coming will be known worldwide, as you will be transformed the moment Christ returns

it says know one knows the day or hour, yet he gives the parable of the fig tree, where you shall know that the time is near

many occultists, like Manly Hall, predicted that 3 world wars must take place before the appearance of anti-christ. we've had the first 2, and the 3rd one is being engineered as we speak

we are closer now than ever to a global currency, and only now do we have the technology to prohibit everyone on earth, from buying or selling without a mark!

and according to Daniel, it appears as though Persia, or Iran, is envolved in the war against Isreal, prior to antichrist...and we have this exact scenario being played out currently.

so be prepared, and realize that the New World Order agenda is real, that it is being orchestrated by Satanic occultists, who also created 9/11, and that most western governments will come under control of anti-christ unless we wake up to realize that this world belongs to the prince of darkness, and he is conditioning it to accept his appearance

first of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. they will say "where is this coming he promised? ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation". but they deliberately forget that long ago, by Gods words, the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water by water. by these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. by the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgement and destruction of ungoldly men."


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:51 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
so be prepared, and realize that the New World Order agenda is real, that it is being orchestrated by Satanic occultists, who also created 9/11, and that most western governments will come under control of anti-christ unless we wake up to realize that this world belongs to the prince of darkness, and he is conditioning it to accept his appearance

Except if it happens it happens, then there's that big battle between good and evil and good will out and yadda yadda yadda.

By compelling us to wake up you are interfering with gods plan, and we know who it is that interferes with gods plans...

The Anti-Christ will make his work through the Fundamentalists, Christians, Muslims any other flavour of fundamentalist. The anti-Christ’s happy little minions aren't going to sacrifice themselves for its coming, that's what funde fanatics do, better to turn up in a pleasing form and say to the fundes "go out a kill 'em all". Don't tell me that's not old hoof foots modus operandi.

Besides why would the devil corrupt and work through the Satanists, it's GOT them. It wants the souls it hasn't got no?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:11 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
well, the final generation, at the End of the Age, could not have existed prior to 1947 when Isreal became a nation again. thats for starters

secondly, the Temple Mount must be rebuild, in order for the anti-christ to resume sacrifices. the Temples design and blue prints are already drawn out, and are waiting to be retrofitted into place!

Jesus says that many will come in his name claiming to be Christ, but not to believe them, they are decieving you, for his coming will be known worldwide, as you will be transformed the moment Christ returns

it says know one knows the day or hour, yet he gives the parable of the fig tree, where you shall know that the time is near

many occultists, like Albert Hall, predicted that 3 world wars must take place before the appearance of anti-christ. we've had the first 2, and the 3rd one is being engineered as we speak

we are closer now than ever to a global currency, and only now do we have the technology to prohibit everyone on earth, from buying or selling without a mark!

and according to Daniel, it appears as though Persia, or Iran, is envolved in the war against Isreal, prior to antichrist...and we have this exact scenario being played out currently.

so be prepared, and realize that the New World Order agenda is real, that it is being orchestrated by Satanic occultists, who also created 9/11, and that most western governments will come under control of anti-christ unless we wake up to realize that this world belongs to the prince of darkness, and he is conditioning it to accept his appearance

first of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. they will say "where is this coming he promised? ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation". but they deliberately forget that long ago, by Gods words, the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water by water. by these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. by the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgement and destruction of ungoldly men."

Antimason, Do you really believe this crap. Next your going to start spewing about bible code and such. Let me guess the Da Vinci code isn't just a book. Happen to know for a fact many Skull and Bones members are anything but satanic. Could actually be classified as religious fanatics. And why the fuss anyway? If it happens it happens. Why is it always Christians who fret about it? Relax if they are right they won't be here for the seven years of hell on earth anyway, will be floating around the clouds drinking lemonade with Jesus. And is it true that the word Antichrist is used twice in the bible. And it's in lesser known books written around 100ad...Long after Jesus was gone. And why is it the Apostles that were closest to the big guy don't write about it? And, when he returns, what is it exactly am I going to be transformed into? I hope its a Twinkie

Hero, I'm in for $10..I choose tomorrow.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:17 AM


ok guys....are you true Firefly fans? then as River stated in might agree that....the Bible is broken..she did however manage to quantify many aspects of said scripture....while others "don't make sense"

As my great grandmother told me years ago (years and years and years ago, when I was young)....the Bible is a beautiful piece of poetry...full of moral lessons we must all learn...but not something to be taken literally or in the present tense....

If you stand the "lessons" or "commandments" in the Bible next to any "other cultures lesson" ie: Aesops Fables'll see that the point of the Bible (or any religous text) is to establish order amongst a populace, to promote morality and conscience. A GOOD thing...its only men who muck up the message.

IE: Religion is the message of men...spirituality is the lesson of God

[img][/img] You know what the chain of command is here? Its the chain I go get to beat you with to show you whose in command!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:59 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Dayve:
Religion is the opiate of the masses...

I've always preferred Heinlein's quote:
"One man's religion is another man's belly laugh."

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:55 PM


you all can believe that the Bible is a clever fairy tell all you want; im sorry you feel that way. unfortunately, the Bible is an obstacle, like the constitution, for a global totalitarian if it was created to control the masses, they did a crappy job! why not tell us that Jesus wants a global government, or that money is a fruit of our labor; why take the opposite stance?

i really dont want to get into my defense of the Bible, the prophecies that have literally been fullfilled, etc..because it is incredibly time consuming.

but as Jesus said, "he who has an ear, let him hear"

the antiChrist, the man of lawlessness, the beast, call him whatever you want, he exists in both the new and old testaments. so this is not a later addition invented for dramatic reasons

i will say you want to know why i feel the urge to warn people about the antiChrist?

because he will decieve the world!! maybe people deserve to hear what is coming upon them, so they may be saved...but i guess thats a selfish motive isnt it? its selfish to want people to resist a tyrannical force..but of course, you wouldnt know that, unless you studied the prophecies, so theres obviously a catch 22 here isnt there?

if, when the Antichrist comes, he will provide such signs and wonders, that "even the elect will be decieved, if it were possible", then non-believers, and even Christians ought to know, that their is a LIE, a deception currently taking place that will fool even the faithfull.

there are plenty of Christians out there, who think Bush is really fighting a war on terror, that their are evil Islamists out there who hate democracy and hate freedom, and that we need to fight a war anytime someone disagrees with us...but that doesnt mean he speaks for Jesus, or speaks for all christians.

Jesus says "it is hard for a rich man to get into heaven. it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to get into heaven". why is that? is it because money is the root of many evils? is Bush not rich, and do the rich not run the world? if the love of money is evil, does that not make empirical conquests for profit and control evil?

Bush is a known Skull and Bones member! claim all you want that its just some college fraternity, but realize that there is only 1 Jesus, 1 christianity. when Jesus says "love your God above all others, and love your brother as yourself; this is the single greatest commandment" this leaves NO ROOM FOR SECRET SOCIETIES! and it especially exludes Satanic organisations like skull and bones, freemasonry, and the illuminati. think about it, if sin entered the world through Adam, and death through sin, then death is the symbol of sin, which was instigated through Satan. hence the symbolism of the skeleton, hence the reason theyre called "the order of Death". does that sound Christian to you? the Nazis, the Skull and Bones...they are Satanic mystery cults

members of these groups, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bush sr. have all openly admitted a goal for a New World Order. if the anti-Christ reigns over a one world government, and the Bush clan has stated in the past that they intend to initiate a "new world order", then i think you had better listen up and understand what theyre telling you!

let me give you an example of the mark of the beast. if you take a micro chip, because you believe its an antiterror measure...realize that Jesus said that whoever takes the mark to save their life, will lose their life in eternity. is that not something everyone should know? especially if the context calling for a trackable microchip or ID card was manufactured or engineered by those in power? that is my entire point!

pardon me for wanting to alert people that the masses are being decieved by antiChristian political philospohies, like our current fascit neocon foreign policy.

this is likened to 9/11 for me; if the government in fact did orchestrate or allow 9/11, doesnt the public have the right to know, given the last 5 yrs of politics?

well if the world was pushed into ww3, pushed into a global government, and conditioned into accepting A LIE, which will lead to the reign of Antichrist, i believe people deserve to know the truth.

and this is a truth that truly hardcore Christians are coming to. you can either believe that Bush is a Christian, and so it goes..
or that Bush is an occultist, and so it goes....

that is my position, and i think the balance of evidence is in our favor


Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:25 PM


Yes they have all called for a new world order..problem is it used to mean something different before conspiracy and religious kooks hijacked it an said " leader to rule all".."The end times are here, the end times are hear!" please save all this crap for a different board..was amusing the first couple of threads..but you repeat this garbage for any topic....Go pull the left behind "NOVELS" from arse and chew on those for awhile. sh*t I'm going to bed..........


Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:55 PM


this is exactly the problem..

do you believe in Jesus? if so, you CANNOT seperate the Bible from reality, as if they exist seperately.

politics, prophecy, they go hand in hand.

people understand that the Bible predicts an end of the age, a tribulation period...yet they dont seek to understand the circumstances which bring upon these events.

they know there is a Satan, and fallen angelic forces who are at his disposal, yet they refuse to believe that he affects the world in any way.

if you arent a believer, then that explains it..but if you are, draw some connections.

whether you believe in Jesus or not, understand there are cults of people who believe in his counterpart, and they worship him as the "light bringer". any cursory study into the occult and lucifer will make that obvious right away.

you want to deny that these people have any power? fine....tell that to the 4 million Jews who died in the holocaust, at the hands of the Nazis and the Thule society. did you know Eckart, the leader of the Thule society, believed Hitler to be THE ANTICHRIST?? or is that an irrelevent sidenote?

this is the difference between me and you i guess


Friday, August 4, 2006 12:51 PM



Nice list. I want to remind everyone that however many folk end up predicting the end of the world...they only need to be right once.

Forgive me if I don't hold my breath.



Friday, August 4, 2006 2:48 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

This is kinda interesting to me, I'm lurking to see what gets posted. Like CTS on the unemployment thread, I've got my popcorn.

Plus I'm waiting for the signal to wail and gnash my teeth.


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:43 PM



Originally posted by antimason:
this is exactly the problem..

do you believe in Jesus? if so, you CANNOT seperate the Bible from reality, as if they exist seperately.

if you arent a believer, then that explains it..but if you are, draw some connections.

Well, I believe in Jesus as a historical figure, and quite possibly a living Buddha or Avatar of something divine, but if you mean, "Do (I) believe in Jesus as the one true Son of God", well, no I don't, so I guess I escape that particular logical trap.

Of course, if I'm wrong, then by your rules I'm screwed. But the chips are still on the table at this point, and nobody knows which slot the little ball will fall in. If, after your death, you find yourself facing Egyptian deities weighing your heart against a feather, or Charon asking for the coins off your eyes for the ferryman's fee, you'll probably feel pretty sheepish yourself.


whether you believe in Jesus or not, understand there are cults of people who believe in his counterpart, and they worship him as the "light bringer". any cursory study into the occult and lucifer will make that obvious right away.

Oh, yeah, the classic method of winning a theological argument: Invoke Devil Worship. Trumps just about anything.

For what it's worth, Satanism has never been anything but a faint, funhouse mirror distortion of Christianity--although mainstream Christianity's propensity to paint any non-christian religion as devil worship may tend to obscure that fact.


you want to deny that these people have any power? fine....tell that to the 4 million Jews who died in the holocaust, at the hands of the Nazis and the Thule society. did you know Eckart, the leader of the Thule society, believed Hitler to be THE ANTICHRIST?? or is that an irrelevent sidenote?

Umm--if Hitler was the AntiChrist, then Armageddon should have happened about fifty years ago, and we should be deep into the first century of the millenium right now. I'm pretty sure I would have picked up on that--it'd probably be in all the papers.

So, since that didn't happen, the fact that someone thought Hitler was the AntiChrist probably is just an "irrelevent" (sic) sidenote. And proof that it's really easy to be wrong about Biblical prophecies. I'm just saying.


this is the difference between me and you i guess

Well, that and the fact that the other people on this thread were members of further back than two days ago, which is when you made your first post. (I checked your profile.) So, do you spend all your free time Googling "End Times", and throwing your two cents in?

Geez. And I thought I needed to get a life.

"Religion easily—has the best bullshit story of all time. Think about it. Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money." -- George Carlin


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:06 PM


And you Antimason are the reason we Catholics have a bad reputation.

Let me ask you something, did you come on this site and de-lurk just to stir things up? And do you actually KNOW what Firefly is? If you say you've never seen the show, then do us the favor of leaving.

Sorry my post got this kind of reaction, I was just angry over that religous nut using the war as a means of making money off the populous.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting

I remember watching that Carlin special RocketJock. I giggled when I read the quote.


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:18 PM


first of all...last i checked, this was a country and a planet where you could speak whats on your mind. do you disagree? then maybe you should leave.

to my critic, if you are not a christian, then why bother debating any of my points? theyre irrelevent to you, no? if there is no omnipresent, omnipotent being, what do you care what anyone on the face of the planet does to another?

its significant that Eckhart believed Hitler to be antichrist because he believed that Satan exists! the Nazis werent athiests, mmmk. i never said that ww2 was the end; period.

i never even said anything but christianity is Satanic...i mean, its more fun to start arguements when you put words in other peoples mouths, but im not biting.

if you want to deny that everything i said has any credence, fine! dont say i never warned you


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:21 PM


oh yah..if Jesus wasnt God, then he was techinically a physco path, because he all but admitted that he was God. so believing in Jesus as God manifest is what makes us Christians..i dont worship any human being, not buddha, not the dali lama, no one


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:35 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!



Friday, August 4, 2006 6:36 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


if there is no omnipresent, omnipotent being, what do you care what anyone on the face of the planet does to another
I don't need a big daddy in the sky threatening to spank me in order to follow the good. Though from your post, it sounds like you do.


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:54 PM

ANTIMASON not so sure. at what point in Mans progression to a civilized state did he begin to develope a conscience, if you believe in the theory of evolution? what makes us different from animals?

in the context of my arguement, it is entirely relevant, because it is not true Christians with the agenda to create a global, fascist, totalitarian police state, it is occultists...and those types of infringements of personal liberties are not condoned in the Bible; however, can you say the same of human nature?? i think history tends to bare that out


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:52 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
And you Antimason are the reason we Catholics have a bad reputation.

I always thought it was equal parts original sin, guys wearing collars dishing out absolution, and the child molesting that made Catholicism look bad. Maybe that's just me. BTW I'm a recovering Catholic myself.

Wait a minute...what am I doing in RWED?! Abort! Abort!


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:20 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Plus I'm waiting for the signal to wail and gnash my teeth.

Priest: And when the the day of Judgement comes, there'll be much a wailing and a knashing of the teeth!

Little Old Lady: But I haven't got any teeth!



Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:24 AM



Originally posted by antimason: not so sure. at what point in Mans progression to a civilized state did he begin to develope a conscience, if you believe in the theory of evolution? what makes us different from animals?

Now prove that animals, say great Apes or Dolphins as an example that have been shown to mourn their dead, help others in distress, ostracise group members that have done wrong and so on and so forth don't have a conscious. Or for that matter that a conscious miraculously appeared when we started doing all our occult things and calling them Christian.

Praise the lord for the pagan holiday of Yueltide Christmas!

in the context of my arguement, it is entirely relevant, because it is not true Christians with the agenda to create a global, fascist, totalitarian police state, it is occultists...and those types of infringements of personal liberties are not condoned in the Bible; however, can you say the same of human nature?? i think history tends to bare that out
Yes like the occult inquisition...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:39 AM


so, just to confirm, everyone who's idea of christianity you disagree with is an occultist, and they're the one's with the hidden agenda trying to form a planet-wide police state? don't mean to play along or anything, but, i consider that marginally less scary then the fact that people who believe wholeheartedly in every word in the bible, up to and including that whole 'fire and brimstone' bit somewhere around the last chapter (is it just me, or did the plot get a bit strung out around there?) have been sitting, and are sitting, with their hands over the big button to send of all the worlds largest collection of nuclear weapons, just WAITING for god to tell them when to bring about the rapture.

occultist's i could predict, occultist's would be less scary, you know, least they should be motivated by greed, lust, fear and laziness like the rest of the planet, could see which direction they'd be coming from.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:42 AM


America loves a winner!

I thought the Y2K 'event' was suppose to mark the beginning of the END. Anyone remember those survivalist who kept preaching about how we'll have no power, no Gov't, it would all break down into anarchy Jan 1, 2000, and if you REALLY loved your family, you'd go out and buy $10,000's worth of generators, canned food, clean bottled water, and of course,...ammo!


I miss the good ol days.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, August 5, 2006 6:52 AM


Just as a caveat to the Y2K thing:
Everyone talks about how it was a load of BS because nothing happened.

Nothing happened because the computer systems that were affected had their software rewritten to use the 4 digit year format. Nothing happened because we did something about it before it did.

Not because there was no problem in the first place.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 7:56 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Just as a caveat to the Y2K thing:
Everyone talks about how it was a load of BS because nothing happened.

Nothing happened because the computer systems that were affected had their software rewritten to use the 4 digit year format. Nothing happened because we did something about it before it did.

Not because there was no problem in the first place.

One of my friends was on the reprogramming team for a major utility and they had been working hard for quite some time before the date. They stuck the whole team in the office on New Year's Eve and kept them there until well after midnight. Deli sandwiches and no alcohol. According to my friend it was the most boring New Year's Eve he could remember. We called him periodically from our party so he could hear what he was missing .

Okay. Sortta back on topic.

As someone who grew up in a religious denomination that was formed following the Great Disappointment of 1844 I just have to say, "Been there. Done that."

That might be a bit too snarky.

One thing I've wondered is, for those who believe, the Apocalypse shouldn't be something to be feared. Should it? I mean, sure, if you go by the book, it's not going to be all fun and games but the payoff is the ultimate payoff. So I have no problem with people eagerly awaiting Armageddon. I just have a problem with people actively working to bring about Armageddon.

Soup - rusty on his eschatology - Catcherisall


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:45 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If, as you seem to believe, the bible prophesizes all of the End Times events, and they're all *supposed to* come to pass, then what the hell good is it going to do to run around screaming about them supposedly happening? You can't change them from happening; if you could, the bible would be proven wrong. And you can't really believe that a last-minute change of heart would be enough to save someone, can you? I mean, let's suppose a person lives all his life being basically a piece of shit. He's not a murderer, but he's a scumbag. He doesn't believe, doesn't worship, doesn't help others, goes out of his way to take advantage of others to benefit himself financially, and so on. Now, because you say it's the "end times" and you feel like giving fair warning, let's say he "repents" and decides to change his ways - for a day or so anyway. This turd, who's done nothing for society or any other person other than himself, is now magically saved and sent to heaven because he was able to pull a fast one on your all-knowing god? Your god must be the stupidest supreme being EVER to be fooled by such a ruse.

If you believe - TRULY believe - that any of the bible is real or true, then you should probably not need to be warned in the first place. Wouldn't you already live every single moment of every single day as if you were to be judged at that moment? I just don't buy the whole "blessed by a loop-hole" argument that you can be saved by repenting at the last possible moment - or that you'd even know that moment when it arrived. I don't believe in a god, but if I did, he'd have to be a lot sharper than that; he (or she) would be more likely to judge someone on the TOTALITY of their life, not simply on whether they suddenly decided to be "good" right at the end. It's like the cops chasing a rapist-murderer all over town, but when they finally catch up to him, they draw their guns and he helps a little old lady cross the street. Is he now a good guy? Are all his former crimes simply erased? If so, your universe is whackily out of kilter.


Condoms work more often than prayers.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:48 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


I say we start a pool. I'm in for $10 and I want October 5, 2076, at just after 7pm EST (during Jeopardy, which ironically would have featured "The Date the World Will End" as the final Jeopardy answer..."What is today?" being the question AlexBot 2000 would have been looking for).

I don't know if the bet's been raised, but $10 is fair enough for me. I'll go with... November 3, 2089 , at 4:36 am.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Saturday, August 5, 2006 9:04 AM



Originally posted by antimason:

to my critic, if you are not a christian, then why bother debating any of my points? theyre irrelevent to you, no?

End-Time panic is relevant to me because it's coloring my country's international relations and foreign policy. Right-wing religious groups are influencing U.S. elections through semi-legal campaign contributions. We've got a true believer in the White House right now, and it scares the spit out of me.

There are people out there who want to encourage war in the middle east, precisely because they believe in literal interpretation of Biblical Prophecy. Suppose, just for a moment, that they're wrong about Armageddon and the Second Coming--but that they still manage to help drive things to a nuclear exchange! Suppose the bombs drop, but Jesus doesn't show up to clean up the mess! Suppose we actually have to take responsibility for our own actions, instead of foisting it all off on God!


if there is no omnipresent, omnipotent being, what do you care what anyone on the face of the planet does to another?

I've heard this argument before. It translates as "If an outside authority (God) doesn't impose morality, then it doesn't exist."

To my mind, that translates to "I don't want to think about what's moral or immoral; I want someone to hand me a list, so I can follow it blindly."


[bold]its significant that Eckhart believed Hitler to be antichrist because he believed that Satan exists!

if you want to deny that everything i said has any credence, fine! dont say i never warned you

So? I know people who think that Thor and Odin exist--I don't see you worrying about Ragnarok. When the Fenris Wolf eats the sun and moon, and you have no one to save you from Surtur and the Frost Giants, don't say I never warned you.

"The religious persecution of the ages has been done under what was claimed to be the command of God. I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do to their fellows, because it always coincides with their own desires." -- Susan B. Anthony


Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:02 AM


Betting pool, eh ?

Ok, gimme $10.00 on 03/12/2015 @ 3:45AM EST.

And if you do catch the joke, you might wanna help explain it to the locals... heh heh heh.



Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:17 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Ok, gimme $10.00 on 03/12/2015 @ 3:45AM EST.

Is that date in general or just for Washington, DC?

Hmmm. Ten dollars? Put me down for right after the Warren Commission files are supposed to be released to the public in 2039. Upon opening the files it will be found to contain reams of blank paper with the note, "Suckers." The combined screams of frustration from scores of conspiracy theorists will cause the earth to vibrate to pieces.

*eta: I call it Bansheegeddon.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:36 AM


America loves a winner!

Nothing happened because we did something about it before it did.

Not because there was no problem in the first place.

Which was my point exactly. As much as I tried to tell folks who believed the y2k stuff that the more it benefitted those who were in most danger, they'd do what needed to be done in order to protect their interest.

Try explaining that to a mess of End Timer zealots.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:37 PM


did anyone hear a word i said??

BUSH IS NOT A CHRISTIAN! PERIOD! show me evidence outside of his own testimony, which is worthless, that he is a true-to-Jesus Christian?? dont have any. especially any anecdotel evidence like he seems like a nice guy. when he talks about God, hes talking about his god Satan. you may be able to find an instance where the guy performs a photo-op on easter, but come on..

ill show you pictures, ill show you actual information, where GEORGE W. BUSH, and the rest of the BUSH family, have been envolved with occult groups like the Nazis and Skull and Bones, have attended Bohemian grove retreats where they perform a moch sacrifice to the god Molech(a Canaanite deity). ill even show pictures of him performing Freemasonic handshakes with other politicians. why arent you guys looking into this?? i am tired of repeating cant argue with the evidence, its been proven right in front of you!

its like your mind is stuck in a rut, so when i present you with this proof, that hes a closet occultist, your mind reverts back to all the secularist propoganda youve heard over the years, and you go off on a tangeant about how Christians are running the country?

if you would hear me for a sec, you would you not realize the flaw in your logic when you claim it is Bush bringing us towards "Armaggedon"? it is not the christians, but the antiChristians, the occultists who bring us into the tribulation; i urge you, pick up a Bible and try to read it, if i had all the time in the world i could counter all the skeptical nitpicking of every statement i make.

i havent been given a good alternative theory from anyone here, that takes into consideration the known evidence regarding secret societies and the occult; therefore you are denying obviously crucial evidence.

i for one refuse to be taken by George Bushs bold faced lies. if you ever learn anything from this administration, understand that it has LIED< continues TO LIE; and is also concealing and classifying more government documents than in president in history. why i ask??

there is a massive disconnect here, between known historical facts, and the reality that is most easily accepted among you all; especially about this NWO agenda. do i need to dig out quotes from David Rockefeller(the family which decievingly established Americas central bank, the bank which prints occultic Satanic symbolism on its dollar bills):

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

as a matter of fact, heres an entire page of quotes, from the elite, expressing their Satanic motives of creating a one world government. check for yourselves..try and "debunk" these!

Jesus says "you will know them by their fruit. no good tree can produce bad fruit, nor a bad tree produce good fruit". Jesus also says "ALL liars" will be punished..ok, so secretive groups who practive deciet, like Freemasons, are in direct defiance of God. if you have accepted Jesus in your heart, you change from the inside..that is the measure of your faith. based on that principle, im even more confident Bush and his colleagues of elite are occultists

i dont pretend to know how complex God or the universe is..unlike you all; who have the rest of the galaxy figured out, "and we know theres no higher intelligence out there!"

first of all, i dont claim everything opposed to christianity is Satanic; everything opposed to GOd is Satanic..i think there are universal truths that every religion has picked up on. i dont claim to know what heaven consists of, how many or to what degrees there are, and what takes place there. i believe Jesus when he says "my fathers house has many rooms" of which he went away to prepare for us, and i am willing to consider anything. i also believe Jesus when he says the wickep will be punished.

who denies that evil exists? then explain why we are different then animals, if even they can be so conscionable?

do you question Jesus' deity? so did the Jews, which is why they killed him. yet look up the known accounts of Jews regarding Jesus, and even they didnt deny the miracles he performed. ask the 1st century christians who were persecuted relentlessly by the Romans for what they saw with their own eyes.

there is no denying that Jesus was beaten mercilessly by the Romans, to the extent that he should have bled to death before he even made it on the cross. do you think Jesus was still alive when he was taken down, as some claim? who then, 3 days later, would believe he was the Messiah, if he came crawling out from behind the bushs proclaiming to be the Christ? no one would have risked their life for him then. but Paul, who persecuted Jesus while he was living, saw the resurrected Jesus and became one of his greatest apostles. explain that?

this whole "fire and brimstone" thing is just rediculous..and insulting, to reduce God to your own pessimistic imaginations, God who i might add knows you all, regardless of whether you want to acknowledge him.

this is why i warn people, because its never too late to change. are you asking why i dont just give up and give in, until the time of the tribulation?? because this isnt about me, its about other people...i ask you, is that a selfish motive? Jesus says that there is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents, than 99 righteous men who do not need to repent. that is my point

edited*to correct spelling errors


Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:07 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Which was my point exactly. As much as I tried to tell folks who believed the y2k stuff that the more it benefitted those who were in most danger, they'd do what needed to be done in order to protect their interest.

Try explaining that to a mess of End Timer zealots.

Yes but without said end timer zealots nothing may have been done

Lots of people who needed to protect their interests didn't believe their was a problem and didn't think the vast sums of cash spent needed to be...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:37 PM


America loves a winner!


ill show you pictures, ill show you actual information, where GEORGE W. BUSH, and the rest of the BUSH family, have been envolved with occult groups like the Nazis and Skull and Bones, have attended Bohemian grove retreats where they perform a moch sacrifice to the god Molech....

Now YOU'RE sounding like an End Time zealot! Seriously, you're taking PN's funny post too seriously. None of that silliness is remotely true.

W calls himself a Christian. Who am I ,or who are you, to say he's not ?

'tis not an issue for me, either way.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:50 PM


because Jesus says to expose the immoral brother, to not even have lunch with such a man. someone who claims to be doing Gods work, yet is doing the opposite, deserves to be revealed. i dont claim to be perfect, but im not attending moch human sacrifices to the god Molech, or lying naked in a coffin and masturbating to fellow members of a cult; yet these are the charges against him. why do you defend such behavior is what i wanna know? you can write it off all you want, "its nonsense, thats ludicrous" explain why its thorougly documented then?

i could discount everything i read too, but id be doing a disservice to my country to avoid such blatant, blasphemous hypocracy from someone who claims to be representing Christians.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:41 PM


To this I say STFU!

I AM a CATHOLIC, and I DO believe in God, not IDIOTS like you who come on here TELLING me I should believe in your version of God, well let me tell you I've talked to him plenty of times at church and in private and I LIKE to BELIEVE he answered at times, but yes if you must know sometimes I DO get disilussioned and question my belief. It's normal, and to say it isn't shows your not fully human or erect. Doubts a human trait, so that explains that.

But now I'm seeing my belief in God is strong, it's my belief in PEOPLE LIKE YOU that I question, SO DON'T COME ON HERE AND TELL ME I'M NOT A CHRISTIAN BUDDY.

And the ONLY one I see obsessed with satan and the dark side is you, so maybe you'll want to shut it and go pitch your dark arts somewhere else.


If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting






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