World War Three

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Saturday, August 12, 2006 3:05 AM


So I say again

1/2 the world. 3 continents. 25 nations, 45 if you include those that attack, but have not been attacked. 20 million combatants who has seen combat. 40 million somehow connected to combat. 10 million dead and counting.

Where does World War Three begin for you? Or where did it being? Where does it end? Is that end in sight? Will it come to Mainland American shores? WWI and WWII didn't.

The war between christians and muslims is on, and has been on since at least the 1990s. Are we on the right side?

And all the questions that follow such as what do we do about it?


Saturday, August 12, 2006 3:52 AM


According to some people who have posted here there is no right or wrong. I guess asking them would get you a 5 minute download of reasons why you cant use right and wrong here because none of this really exists or it may exist only they way they think it should exist..................I do not have a clue most times what they are on about.

I could tell you HOW and WHERE and WHEN this whole thing started but I hate long posts. If you want I can tell you where to look.

(here is where someone will come in and say "You can't really believe any thing that's was written by people of the past because they don't understand whats happening today and besides they never really wrote any thing and what I'm writing to you now didn't really get written unless it was written by some one who doesn't have any point of view")


I've been through the system.
It ain't bes workin no good.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:49 AM


my fear, is that ww3 officially begins with a staged terroror attack in America, which puts us under martial law, and draws us into the conflict to confront Iran in the middle east; once we appear to be outstretched, the peace buffer we provide for Taiwan and S. Korea will fail, allowing whatever nations to seize this oppertunity created to establish hegemonys. the war will last as long as it takes to bring opponants of the NWO under submission to western control

all indications to me seem to suggest that our governmnet as we speak is prepping us for such a scenario, just as it did with 9/11 and the Iraq war. they are predictive programming us; informing us of their agenda ahead of time, so it seems as if by natural progression that the circumstances arrive, and their intended actions are taken

if this becomes ww3, it may drag on long enough to create dramatic enough famines and instability in regions to warrant(seemingly)martial law, and other draconian measures as a break-down of civil liberties. Israels enemies will eventually be defeated, but the agreement which is forged, insuring Israels safety, will be brokered by the antiChrist, who will keep his promise for 3 1/2 years, while the establishment and the public persecute political dissidents of said authority.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:52 AM


America loves a winner!


Will it come to Mainland American shores? WWI and WWII didn't.

Actually,that's not all together true. In WW2, Japan did pull off some terrorist attacks which resulted in the deaths of some American citizens. True, there were no major battles fought on the lower 48, but there were battles in Alaska.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:49 AM



I don't think it will take that long. A place or conflict is sufficient. I'm leaning towards the soviet invasion of afgh. as the spark, and iran-iraq war as the precedent. I'd say the gulf war, maybe the post-war activities of al qaeda.


Why a new terror attack, didn't we have one of those? My own believe lately is tending towards and inside-assist of 9-11, probably Richard Perle, possibly Dov Zakheim, but, I'm not sure that staged terror attack makes sense as a term. If Richard Perle *did* mastermind the 9-11 attacks, it changes almost nothing. It just means that Perle is a terrorist, and we have to get him, and any of his co-conspirators, at least to being him to trial to see if he's the guy, which is exactly the same as if it's osama bin laden.

Taiwan has already fallen. Most of the world is already arranged into multi-national blocs, EU, ASEAN, African Union, NAFTA, etc. which are bound more or less to the WTO, GATT, G8, all of which is the definition of NWO as laid out in the 60s and 70s by Shachtman Strauss and all. I don't think it's a conspiracy theory to say that NWO is a reality at the moment. Maybe it's not the perfect unity its ideologues intended, but it's there nonetheless.

I think "antiChrist" needs some clarification


Sure, but not in a major way. Regardless of which conspiracy theory you buy on who perpetrated 9-11, you have to admit that it happened in US so to the same extent as peal harbor, there was an attack, and some other attempts, against the united states, which are arguable part of the larger christ-mohammed war, WWIII. But what I meant is, it shouldn't have to wait until there are trenches in the cornfields of iowa for it to be WWIII.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:53 AM


WWIII starts when I get drafted and/or have shortages on stuff I use everyday because of war.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H.L. Mencken


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:58 AM


Is it really sad that I thought this thread was going to be about all the tension here recently?

More animations available at


Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:26 AM


America loves a winner!



Sure, but not in a major way. Regardless of which conspiracy theory you buy on who perpetrated 9-11, you have to admit that it happened in US so to the same extent as peal harbor, there was an attack, and some other attempts, against the united states, which are arguable part of the larger christ-mohammed war, WWIII. But what I meant is, it shouldn't have to wait until there are trenches in the cornfields of iowa for it to be WWIII.

I subscribe to no conspiracy theories. The list of Islamo-fascists attacks on the US, its citizens and its sovereignty, is longer than most would ever recognize. It never gets repeated on the network news shows, that's for sure!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:44 AM


WWIII has been happening for at least ...umm... well since Israel was given back their nation. That really pissed them Muslims off.HAHA

My word I sure hope it doesn't come to fighting in trenches on our own soil...I hope that before it comes to that we haven't let the government take our weapons away.

I've been through the system.
It dont work.

Do it on their soil not ours.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:00 AM


Dreamtrove- i am of the belief that America is Mystery Babylon of Revelation- so in order for the final phases of the NWO, which would bec the mark of the beast, the persecution of believers, the man of lawlessness(the antichrist) etc...we would need something more cataclysmic then 9/11. if it is as the republicans always claim, and 9/11 is a distant memory to most Americans, then a reinforcement of the "War on Terror" would be neccessary for the final abridgement of civil rights. since most democrats support the official version of 9/11, and yet are against the Iraq conflict, the establishment may see fit to introduce an even more polarizing event to galvanize the America public once again

now whether its real or staged, thats debateable, but it would seem to me that in order to draw us officially into a conflict with Iran, we would need some more phony ties, like 9/11 and Iraqi wmds, to a terrorist attack; but maybe anything will do, i just seem to sense some predictive programming on behalf of our establishment, saying "its not a matter of if but when" and so on..

i realize the world is already broken down into economic blocks, roughly..but there is still some work to be done. for America to officially forfeit its sovereignty and adopt the fascist global police stature, the SPP nafta highway, the real ID act, and another round of Patriot act esque legislation would be seems there is still a ways to go before they have unbridled authority. i just assume such instances will be engineered, ya know

that is my only point. according to my interpretation of the prophecies, the antichrist will rise out of the Gog/Magog war, or ww3; this conflict, being orchestrated as the final throes of control, must destabilize the western economies and middle eastern nations, and alienate any opponants enough to warrant this system of the beast and the alleged security it provides. so i anticipate this future conflict to encompass many of the signs of the End that Jesus warns about in the Gospels of Matthew Mark and Luke.

Dreamtrove since you seem maybe better versed on the NWO than i(i research all i can RE: the occult secret societeis etc. but my focus is more the prophecy), i thought you might be interested in some of the biblical sources


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:04 PM


Please don't use "Islamo-fascists" like it's a real
term. "Islamo-fascists" is part of the propaganda
campaign of the current US admin.

Islam has nothing to do with Fascism.
"Islamo-radical" I can buy. Think about it. Would
YOU rather be called a Christian-Fascist, or a
Christian-radical? Which is more accurate?

Personally, I think people who kill in the name of
religion should be lined up and shot.
(Please try and see the humor)


Monday, August 14, 2006 6:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Dreamtrove- Wow. When did you go off the deep end?

I'm not blind to the conflict. I think more than anyone I'm fully aware of how much people around the world hate us, especially the Middle East. But the conflict is not just about religion. Might as well say that the conflict between the USA and the USSR was about the godlessness or that WWII was about fascism. But if you, Bush, and other fanatics keep pushing that button it WILL become a war about religion.

There is ONLY ONE REASON why we're fighting, and it's all about oil and has always been about oil. Take oil out of the equation and we'd be more than happy to leave the Middle East with it's religion and it's peasant economy, no matter how stupid and benighted we see it. Without oil the whole Middle East just becomes a big hot dusty sandbox, something to go around on the way to more interesting places, as vital to us as... oh, say... Rwanda.

Put oil IN the equation and all of the sudden there's a whole history of puppet governments and military bases and foreign interference. The Shah, the Saudi Royal family, the Taliban, Saddam, bases all over, American troops everyhwere...

SAY, YOU DON'T SUPPOSE THAT'S WHAT MIDDLE EASTERNERS MIGHT BE REACTING TO, DO YOU??? A sense of ongoing national, cultural and economic violation? NAH, couldn't be...

Unfortunately, religion is a convenient TOOL to rouse people. It's happening here... and DT you're being worked as well as anyone... so why shouldn't it happen there?

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:16 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
SAY, YOU DON'T SUPPOSE THAT'S WHAT MIDDLE EASTERNERS MIGHT BE REACTING TO, DO YOU??? A sense of ongoing national, cultural and economic violation? NAH, couldn't be...

No it's because they're evil Islamo-Fascists that hate freedom and puppies, you moron .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 14, 2006 8:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

When someone like DT gets sucked into a global war scenario, that's a bad sign.

People in the United States (Aurap, Hero, Kaneman, et al... are you listening?) are constantly bombarded with the message that "they started it". 9-11 is burned into their brains as if it were the beginning of history.

AU CONTRAIRE. We and the Brits have been mucking up the Middle East since 1920. We've set up dictators, pitted group against group, coddled religious fanaticism when it suited our purposes, built bases everywhere, invaded on a whim, wrapped the oil money in our banking tentacles and suppressed all secular national movements that even breathed a hint of socialism.

IT'S ALL ABOUT OIL. And when the people of those nations twitch with any sort of nascent resistance we scream and gibber and stomp on them in complete hysteria. Because we have to fight them "there" (no matter that we were "there" in the first place) so that we won't have to fight them "here".

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Monday, August 14, 2006 8:09 AM


Puppies! Even 'Slamo-fascists wouldn't stoop so low! Are you sure? Could you supply a link, please?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, August 14, 2006 8:18 AM



Or is it that us right wingers are the only ones who care about Iraq, Iraqi women, Iraqi children, and also about Iraqi dogs?
That old camel and goat molester, pedofile, wife beater, and animal abuser of Mohammed said it all. According to him, Allah said that dogs and pigs were dirty. Because those terrorists are clean! Fuck Allah, the dog hater. Piss a Muslim, adopt a dog. Make a dog happy, kill a terrorist, pay in kind since they are killing dogs in the name of Allah.

Mohammed the dog hater!!!

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 14, 2006 8:31 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
So I say again

1/2 the world. 3 continents. 25 nations, 45 if you include those that attack, but have not been attacked. 20 million combatants who has seen combat. 40 million somehow connected to combat. 10 million dead and counting.

Wow, its like the 19('50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and thats just the last few decades) up to and including the usual folk holding up 'the end is near' signs.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. On the other hand, if this is WW3, then you really should be voting Republican since the "Democrats Can't Defend America" (which is also Ned Lamont's theme song...sung to the tune of 'Oops I did it again').



Monday, August 14, 2006 8:39 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
AU CONTRAIRE. We and the Brits have been mucking up the Middle East since 1920. We've set up dictators, pitted group against group, coddled religious fanaticism when it suited our purposes, built bases everywhere, invaded on a whim, wrapped the oil money in our banking tentacles and suppressed all secular national movements that even breathed a hint of socialism.

So you are arguing that we created the dangerous fanatics determined to kill us all. Does this mean that we don't have a right to defend ourselves?

It seems your so caught up in the "we created" part you forget the "determined to kill us all" part. Personally I think that if they kill us, it doesn't matter if we caused it or not.

Lets survive first and then we'll feel bad later. I mean you are the guy urging the settlers not to circle the wagons and fight off the indians trying to massacre them (he's usually the first one killed, by the way). We'll figure out the history later...if anyone is left to write it down.



Monday, August 14, 2006 8:44 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by STDOUBT:
Please don't use "Islamo-fascists" like it's a real
term. "Islamo-fascists" is part of the propaganda
campaign of the current US admin.

Islam has nothing to do with Fascism.
"Islamo-radical" I can buy. Think about it. Would
YOU rather be called a Christian-Fascist, or a
Christian-radical? Which is more accurate?

Personally, I think people who kill in the name of
religion should be lined up and shot.
(Please try and see the humor)

fas*cism - A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Sorry, but I think the term 'Islamo-fascism' appllies quite nicely. Look at what the Taliban did to Afghanistan. That is the sort of Gov't that OBL and like minded religious zealots have in store for not just the mid-east, but eventually Europe , the U.S. and finally the whole planet.

It's not that these religious types are JUST 'radicals', far from it. They are intent in establishing Shiria Law as the bed rock by which all laws are made and carried out. Using the term 'radicals' doesn't establish the depth at which these false Muslims are willing to distort the faith.

p.s. - I would prefer to be called neither christian radical or christian fascist, for neither is remotely accurate.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 14, 2006 9:39 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
So I say again

1/2 the world. 3 continents. 25 nations, 45 if you include those that attack, but have not been attacked. 20 million combatants who has seen combat. 40 million somehow connected to combat. 10 million dead and counting.

Wow, its like the 19('50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and thats just the last few decades) up to and including the usual folk holding up 'the end is near' signs.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. On the other hand, if this is WW3, then you really should be voting Republican since the "Democrats Can't Defend America" (which is also Ned Lamont's theme song...sung to the tune of 'Oops I did it again').


the difference is that 50 years ago the world wasnt a deceptive, engineered war away from a global government.

this seems to be the biggest obstacle of reason for the America Christians in lock step with Bush; they dont, or arent studying to understand prophecy. how do you know what is to take place at the end of the age without considering what events proceed the coming of antiChrist?

to my best understanding, the tribulation begins after a WW3 conflict, which i believe Daniel says envolves Iran and Isreal, which escalates to encompass the prominant western nations and their "opponents."

this war must destabilizes the global political environment sufficiently enough to introduce (1)a treaty insuring Israels safety, (2)brokered by the Anti-Christ, whos lying signs and wonders give him the capitol to usher in a (3)one world government (4)one world religion, (5)and one world currency, or the (6)mark of the beast, where no man can buy or sell without recieiving the mark.

if you look into the NWO conspiracy, you find these same forces and motives at work PRESENTLY, in America! but because of the "War on Terror" propoganda, Americans are welcoming it

well during this upcoming "gog/magog" war, the apostasy of the church happens, the great falling away of believers, due to unexpected circumstances, and an incredible diception which takes place that decieves "even the elect, if it were possible" which point the mechanisms for control are already in place

so think about this: we know that right now there is an elitist agenda to create a "NWO". this agenda is unquestionably occultic in nature, which is obvious upon personal investigation.

understand that 9/11 was an orchestration, by the establishment, to initiate the circumstances required to undermine the final liberties and sovereignty of western nations. there motive is the government of antichrist..whether they know it personally or not

the bible says that Christians will be decieved during this same period, right?....well most Christians believe Bush and his "war on terror" propoganda. coincidence?

if America is mystery Babylon, the prostitute that sits on many waters, of which the people of the world hate, but that makes all the nations drink of the wrath of her fornications; it is the nation which rules with antichrist, over the peoples of the world...

think about it! that is America! and Bush christians are the "elect", who will be decieved into supporting the rise of the system of the Beast. i fear it is these same Christians who believe the rapture occurs before the tribulation, leaving them unprepared for the diception which is to occur that will leave them on earth during this time of persecution

let me give you the most obvious insight into the reality of politics in America: Both our candidates for president in '04 were members of the same organisations(skull and bones), an occult group dedicated to overthrowing the US government; its an admitted goal. Bush and Kerry, when both confronted about this revelation, said that "theres not much we can say, because its a secret". does Christianity permit secrecy? does that not raise red flags to you Christians our there?

if you want to save America, you should realize that neither the democrats or the republicans are interested in American security or freedom. to believe so, is to allow yourself to be equally as mislead as the rest of the (anti)christians who think the Muslims are Americas biggest threat.

you can deny all you want that the end is near, but the more time that passes, the closer lord Bush and the other Satanists come to creating their NWO. the sad part is that so few Americans recognize it..even though we have a record deficit, a permanant war on "terror", a declining manufacturing base, skyrocketing inflation, a continuous loss of liberties, and a rogue federal government with ever more power and control; and a foreign, and soon domestic policy which is labeling dissidents as terrorists. its really only a matter of time


Monday, August 14, 2006 10:19 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
if you look into the NWO conspiracy, you find these same forces and motives at work PRESENTLY, in America! but because of the "War on Terror" propoganda, Americans are welcoming it

You see what you want to see. Matter of fact people been seeing this stuff for about the last couple centuries.

One thing is clear, you can't predict it nor can you stop it. Its completely out of your control. So just relax, let it happen, or relax and when it doesn't happen (this time) then you havn't wasted money on ten thousand rolls of toilet paper and a wood burning stove.



Monday, August 14, 2006 10:21 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
So you are arguing that we created the dangerous fanatics determined to kill us all. Does this mean that we don't have a right to defend ourselves?H

"Determined to" does not mean "in a position to." The only political power a terrorist has it the power you grant him. Terrorist plots can be foiled without starting WWIII; just needs a little respect for the Intelligence Community on the part of the Executive Branch. Oh well.

Hero imagines the terrorists have us surrounded on the prairie. How thrilling. Guess if I watched more Gunsmoke in my youth, I'd know how to fight the GWOT. Oh well.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, August 14, 2006 10:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So you are arguing that we created the dangerous fanatics determined to kill us all. It seems your so caught up in the "we created" part you forget the "determined to kill us all" part. Personally I think that if they kill us, it doesn't matter if we caused it or not. Lets survive first and then we'll feel bad later. I mean you are the guy urging the settlers not to circle the wagons and fight off the indians trying to massacre them (he's usually the first one killed, by the way). We'll figure out the history later...if anyone is left to write it down.
Well, mebbe if we figure out what we did/are doing wrong then we can at least stop. What's that cowboy phrase? If you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is stop digging?

Our job, as I see it, is to slowly step back from the precipice. Avoid occupying foreign territories as much as pssible while distenagling the mess we made- which will take decades to undo seeing as it took decades to create.

So, first things first: We have to stop occupying Iraq, even if it means splitting Iraq into three. We have to recognize Iran's legitimate national interests, including nuclear independence. We need to press Israel to not only w/draw to their borders but to allow the Palestinians free movement within their autonomous areas so that they can build an economic base. (If your economy had 70% unemployment, wouldn't YOU create an armed movement?)

We're going to take in on the chin in terms of oil prices. You know what? WE DESERVE IT. Who's old enough to remember the gasoline crisis of the 70's? Anyone? Raise your hand! (raises hand) I looked at those people buying SUVs and I kept thinking... cheap gas prices are not ging to last forever... We're going to have to the oil crunch sooner or later. May as well face it in our terms.

That's just a start.

The Romans knew and accepted that they had built an empire. Rebellious strikes from under the boot heel were an accepted part of the package. But the American people (not the leaders- the people)... are so convinced that we represent "freedom" that we were facing backwards while our leaders took over the world, until they were talking openly about the "unipolar moment" and NOBODY recognized what that meant: Empire.

Does this mean that we don't have a right to defend ourselves?
Of course. We just need to recognize WHO WE ARE. And we ARE NOT the Middle East, South and Central America, Indonesia, or the Phillipines. We're not "liberty" or "freedom" or "democracy" or "Christianity". WE ARE JUST PEOPLE. We're just people who've slept-walked into imperialism.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Monday, August 14, 2006 10:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


President Bush called the U.N. resolution that took effect Monday a defeat for the Hezbollah militants. Saying Iran was supplying Hezbollah with weapons, Bush added: "We can only imagine how much more dangerous this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear weapon it seeks."
And this Mf*cker is pushing for WWIII as hard as he can.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:34 AM



OBL attacked WTC is a conspiracy theory.

1. 9.11 was a conspiracy, no lonegunman can pull this off, makes it a conspiracy, which is a crime.
2. He says he didn't, and we have no proof, ergo, it's a theory.
3. To which you subscribe.

36% of americans believe in at least some US involvement.
56% of believe saddam hussein was involved in the planning.
8% believe that there was no US or Iraqi involvement. That's a fringe theory.

Moving on...



WWIII has been happening for at least ...umm... well since Israel was given back their nation. That really pissed them Muslims off.HAHA

Can't be. 1919, near the end of WWI, Uk cature of palestine. (arguably WWI continues to 1921 because, inspite of the armistice, fighting continued until, yes, a republican was elected.)


My word I sure hope it doesn't come to fighting in trenches on our own soil...I hope that before it comes to that we haven't let the government take our weapons away.

I've been through the system.
It dont work.

Do it on their soil not ours.

A post I can wholeheartedly agree with. Gun control would leave american forces alone to defend america. Nothing against our troops, but after Katrina, (&WTC?) I've lost faith in our govt's committment to defending us. We'd need to defend the US george washington style if we want to win.

I'm not sure who would invade america proper, but then, in a war, you never know. I know that there are muslim refugees here who might take arms against us, particularly if our govt. keeps its genocidal campaigns against muslims (count those millions internationally) but it might be someone else entirely, I can see china, or even the bolivarians, doing it in a total oppertunistic move if things got bad enough.

Picture this scenario: The US attacks Iran, and China defense it (she said she would) Pakistan and the former soviet central asians side with Iran-China. Massive US overseas effort, Bang, Ahmadinejaq Nukes Qatar, Iraq, our US bases. Suddenly we have no army. It would only last a brief time, but with US forces including national guard abroad (Oh come on, you don't REALLY believe bush would leave forces behind to defend? Why would he? After all, to be fair, this is a mistake that has been made at least 100 times in history) China might just decide to invade. In spite of all the market reforms, the chinese govt. is still communist, and they still believe that world domination of the communist partt is possible (and they're doing pretty well at it, look at how much of south america they've picked up in the last 10 years, ie. virtually all of it)

So sure, scary thought.


Do you really think republicans and democrats matter here? I don't think the GOP has much to do with this, nor the Dems, it's the bipartisan groups, neocons, trilaterals, etc. Dem party leadership *is* the republican party leadership. Dems as a whole are more blind to the situation than republicans, no offense dems, (Oh yeah? Try asking each to see how many would desert their party to vote for their values on third party ticket, elections have shown us about 20% of conservatives and 2% of liberals, ie. you guys really need to pry yourselves away from the dems, Clinton is Bush, Bush is Clinton. Ben is Glory - sorry I can't say it enough times)

I really this is going to be the Hillary Admin pretty soon here, and nothing is going to change. Some surface stuff for appearance, but the central core of ideas will be go zion, go wwiii, go mergers and monopolies, kill your civil rights, it's your birthday.

A terrorist attack is always real, even if the terorrists are americans. It's never 'staged' like the Reichstag fire, because the attackers were not the same as the attacked. I think everyone has ruled out the WTC, port authority, or at the very least the companies with, as potential conspirators. I make this point because I know a guy who is an idiot but he got caught staging a robbery of his own store. WTC is not Perle's property, or Cheney's, and so if they blew it up, they're still terrorists. It changes little, except who we need to try for the crime.

The play on Iran is actually more complicated than it seems. Bush want to arrange it so that no one opposes it. The US needs to know that it can attack Iran without being at war with China, it doesn't give a rat's ass what the american people think.

On the US sovereignty, I think the illusion of America will persist for a long time. Most americans, even the smart ones, are pretty dumb, and it will be easy to pull the wool over their eyes for a long time. Just look at some of the arguments that people post here, and you'll see exactly how much wool has already been pulled over the eyes, and people here are far more aware than the general public.

I've read the biblical analysis. All of this was just to get the believers on board, most of the key things in revelations have already happened. Check and see, if we make an official withdrawal from Iraq on Aug. 30th 2006, the biblical mandated withdrawal date, then revelations still matters, otherwise, we're deviating from the plan. I still expect a lot of things in that playbook to appear, like the seven golden vials, but I think the real key here is to read up on Shachtman and co., and whole super-national entity stuff.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:59 AM



Dreamtrove- Wow. When did you go off the deep end?

Excuse me? I've been reading a lot, analyzing. It's everyone else, not me. I'm somewhat serious, the situation is very very different from how it's being portrayed in the MSM


I'm not blind to the conflict. I think more than anyone I'm fully aware of how much people around the world hate us, especially the Middle East. But the conflict is not just about religion.

Who said it was? I'm sorry clarification. Chirstians represent a western influence, Muslims represent an eastern one, generally speaking, it's not a perfect match, but to say there was no US or Al Qaeda involvement in the conflict in Darfur, or Rwanda or Yugoslavia is just to not have been paying any attention. This is certainly all part of the same larger conflict, these are not isolated events by any means. Destroying Islam (which is too effective at growing arab populations) is one of the smaller agendas on the agenda, like spreading puppet democracy, creating friendly buffer states for israel, stealing oil, etc. all within the must larger world conquest/control agenda.


Might as well say that the conflict between the USA and the USSR was about the godlessness or that WWII was about fascism. But if you, Bush, and other fanatics keep pushing that button it WILL become a war about religion.

Whoa! this is way out of line. NO NO NO NO NO I'm not saying this. But there is most certainly an anti-islam element of this conflict. Members of the Bush admin have said it many times. Cambone said "this isnt a war on terorrism so much as it is a crusade against islam" or something like that. So they intend to destroy islam, as a part of a broader agenda.


There is ONLY ONE REASON why we're fighting, and it's all about oil and has always been about oil.

This is patently not so. Wars in lebanon, attack on Syria, have nothing to do with oil. Sure, oil is a part of the broader agenda, it's why the middle east instead of indochina. Now, that is. But it's just a little piece in a big puzzle. If this were about oil it would be over already.


Take oil out of the equation and we'd be more than happy to leave the Middle East with it's religion and it's peasant economy, no matter how stupid and benighted we see it. Without oil the whole Middle East just becomes a big hot dusty sandbox, something to go around on the way to more interesting places, as vital to us as... oh, say... Rwanda.

Or Darfur, where there's plenty of oil, all over africa. We just don't send troops, we want black people to fight, but we do arm them.

Sygnym, the situation is far more sinister than you envision it. I think I was on this page back in 2003 when we invaded, but there's much more digging to to, and not just for oil. Oil funds the war, but the war exists for the purpose of the war, it is its own end, it's fear and power and permanent global domination, the end to independence anywhere.


Put oil IN the equation and all of the sudden there's a whole history of puppet governments and military bases and foreign interference. The Shah, the Saudi Royal family, the Taliban, Saddam, bases all over, American troops everyhwere...
SAY, YOU DON'T SUPPOSE THAT'S WHAT MIDDLE EASTERNERS MIGHT BE REACTING TO, DO YOU??? A sense of ongoing national, cultural and economic violation? NAH, couldn't be...

Not arguing. But oil is a means to an end. Think about it. Why control the world's oil? where does it get you? Is there a purpose to doing it? What if you're already ungodly rich? would anyone do this to be richer? yes? no! they would do it for power. control the oil, hold the world hostage and push your extremist agenda. It's a complicated multilayered conflict, each level is probably more sinister than the last.


Unfortunately, religion is a convenient TOOL to rouse people. It's happening here... and DT you're being worked as well as anyone... so why shouldn't it happen there?

No, I'm not, I see it for what it is, as if you remember, a taoist and not a christian, am not wrapped up in the game called 'hate a muslim' esp. since I think that we have a genocidal campaign against them. religion is a tool sure, but it's also part of the battle. I was only using it as the only clear delineator in all conflicts. Just think the flack that I would have gotten if I had said it was about jews against muslims, which a lot of it is. But this is all part of a much larger conflict. btw Afgh is not worth it for the oil profits we can gain. The "they" here, TE, is totally obsessed with having a complete set so they can forge MEFTA, which is specifically what this conflict is about, which is a part of the whole globalist agenda, the WTO, etc.

step back from the narrow focus for a moment. look at the big picture. oil just a little pawn in big war.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:02 AM



Not sucked in. Open your eyes. Big war is here. OBL didn't attack us on 9-11, PNAC did.

I'm not taking sides here. Just saying big war, wake up guys. 10 million and counting dead, and everyone voted for it, time to wake up before you continue to support it when it comes up and is called Hillary or Condi. (Yep, sorry, Condi jumped off of my good republican list into the sea of neocon evil. I think it was the campaigning for nuking Iran that did it.)


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:07 AM



your still an arrogant prick, though I see now you're willing to admit that WWII didn't end conflict.

This conflict is of 25 middle-east nations who all border one another, not little random conflicts.


you really should be voting Republican since the "Democrats Can't Defend America" (which is also Ned Lamont's theme song...sung to the tune of 'Oops I did it again').

Nice to have a shameless partisan plug. I think I'll probably vote for some fringe looney like Pat Buchanan unless we can get a decent GOP candidate in like Hagel.

Ned Lamont is too much of a neocon for me ;) just not as much as joementum. which is not a reference to joe's jewishness.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:12 AM



You really need to read anti-mason's posts. He has another piece of the puzzle which is not oil. Not saying there's isn't a big oil part of the slippery puzzle. But this is so much bigger than oil. I'd love to one day wake up and hear that it was only about oil. Then it might end soon.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:28 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
So I say again

1/2 the world. 3 continents. 25 nations, 45 if you include those that attack, but have not been attacked. 20 million combatants who has seen combat. 40 million somehow connected to combat. 10 million dead and counting.

Where does World War Three begin for you? Or where did it being? Where does it end? Is that end in sight? Will it come to Mainland American shores? WWI and WWII didn't.

The war between christians and muslims is on, and has been on since at least the 1990s. Are we on the right side?

And all the questions that follow such as what do we do about it?

It is par for the course. There has always been multiple human conflicts going on simultaneously...always will. So if that is your criteria for naming something a World War, and I am not saying you are wrong, aren't we really still in World War I? And didn't World War 1 start, like..erm....eons ago?


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Dreamtrove- Remember all those anti-"Hun" diatribes from WWI? That's what you're sounding like, and that kind of rhetoric creates hysteria. Altho you're anti-PNAC in theory, in practice you're lending a hand by adopting anti-Muslim PNAC rhetoric. I'm reacting specifically to the statement

The war between christians and muslims is on, and has been on since at least the 1990s. Are we on the right side?
Since YOU defined the "sides" as xtian and muslim you don't leave much of an option to choose "other", do you?

Now, here's more hysteria-building

Bang, Ahmadinejaq Nukes Qatar, Iraq, our US bases.
Iran has nukes?? Since when? If anyone were to nuke the USA, it would be Pakistan.

Who said it was {a conflict about religion}?
Er, that would be... you?

...The situation is far more sinister than you envision it. I think I was on this page back in 2003 when we invaded, but there's much more digging to to, and not just for oil. Oil funds the war, but the war exists for the purpose of the war, it is its own end, it's fear and power and permanent global domination, the end to independence anywhere.
Well, if you want my opinion, it's all about capitalism. Every war that we fought since WWII seems to be tied up with the protection and spread of corporations... either in some general way ("anti-communism") or in a specific way (indebting nations thru the World Bank and IMF so that their physical resources become the corporations'. Confessions of an Economi Hit Man)

But oil is a means to an end. Think about it. Why control the world's oil? where does it get you? Is there a purpose to doing it? What if you're already ungodly rich? would anyone do this to be richer? yes? no! they would do it for power. control the oil, hold the world hostage and push your extremist agenda. It's a complicated multilayered conflict, each level is probably more sinister than the last.
Sure, but why frame it as muslim v xtian?

I'm not taking sides here. Just saying big war, wake up guys. 10 million and counting dead,
Where? When? Millions of people die every month from totally preventable causes and has nothing to do with muslim or xtian. The biggest "war" that I see is the "war" of the rich on the poor.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, taking a bigger view....

There are three main contenders for world power and numerous smaller players who are aiming at regional power. The three main contenders are

United States (allied with Britain)
China (possibly allied with Russia and Central/ South America)

Each has an economic base and a world view and they don't overlap much, so any contention is likely to be asymmetric. Quite honestly, Islam's economic base in oil. I have the strong impression this current jihadism is the reaction of a peasant/ feudal culture to new economic realities. If you listen to their rhetoric, it's all about destroying the infidel and re-creating the past. The only way that Islam will "win" is if modern economy/ technology is universally disrupted (ie loss of oil) because because their economy is lower to the ground.

The United States represents a whole 'nother paradigm- individualism, materialism, and high productivity. I think if we want to win the war if ideas with Islam we have to offer another world view. Unfortunately ours has been competely corrupted by greed and the best we've been able to offer is dog-eat-dog capitalism, and to fuck everyone over while talking about freedom.

I'll get to China later.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:27 AM


"As we search for prophetic Babylon, we look for a country that has certain characteristics. Revelation 17, 18 and 19 deal with the characteristics of this nation, as does Daniel, Isaiah and other chapters. There are many hints here and there throughout scripture so we will look at some of the major themes. Revelation 17 describes “religious” Babylon as a harlot where the apostate Christian church aligns itself with a beast with ten horns which reigns over the kings of the earth. This harlot sits on seven mountains (not hills) standing for the seven continents. Revelation 18 deals with the judgment of a nation that has a vast commercial empire and all the nations trade with her by sea and the merchants become wealthy because she buys everything they produce (a great consumer nation). Chapter 19 describes a military power whose forces are amassed for the battle of Armageddon. References abound throughout the Bible and we will site them as we go.

But for now, let’s think about the identity of Babylon. Well, the first nation that comes to mind has got to be Iraq and that is kind of ruled out for now. Conventional wisdom would say Europe, but they aren’t really a unified nation but a collage of countries forming a loose trading union. They could hardly be described as a great consumer nation. They hardly have a worldwide presence, an offensive military and besides, they are so post-Christian, their churches are all but empty. That leaves Russia – hardly that powerful or Christian, and China and India are just beginning to emerge and are not Christian either.

So who could it be?"

without ruining it for you its AMERICA!!

my point: Babylon is a prostitute because of her trade and her compromises. should we be in defense of our actions? thats what this war is really about


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:46 AM




It is par for the course.

I don't buy it. There's more connection in these campaigns, they're all post-cold war global conquest issues, and all involve the west and islamic radicals. It's not just a coincidence.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:59 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:


It is par for the course.

I don't buy it. There's more connection in these campaigns, they're all post-cold war global conquest issues, and all involve the west and islamic radicals. It's not just a coincidence.

Post cold war global conquest issues? Every time two major powers have gone head to head in a stalemate. History has givin it a "post" blank name. Don't think the cold war is anymore significant. So, let's not throw it in our "argument" to give it greater weight. Religions have always fought..always will..Quite ironic that religion is cause of so much historical evil. They don't all involve the "West" and Islam..I won't even comment on that. They do all involve two sides that think they are correct and the other is wrong. This goes on all over the globe..All through out history..Now is no different than any other time....Relax


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:10 AM



Since we're basically on the same side here, maybe we should stop nuking each other.



Who me>? Hardly.

Since YOU defined the "sides" as xtian and muslim you don't leave much of an option to choose "other", do you?

I was unaware that this was a christian forum? Everyone knows I'm not a chrisitan, it's no secret. Besides, the crusades were a war between christians and muslims, and yet a lot of christians (majority?) opposed the idea.


Iran has nukes?? Since when? If anyone were to nuke the USA, it would be Pakistan.

Okay, pakistan, which ever, I was just predicting how the situation could get out of hand. Iran has nukes on order. As soon as we let Iran out of the NPT, which we're moronically pushing them towards they can get 100 nukes by the end of the day, because Iran has buckets of cash, it's really a fairly wealth nation, and former soviet republics are very poor, have nukes, and are run by lunatics. Anyway, He would do it because it's the logical thing to do. He doesn't want to see his country obliterated like Iraq or Lebanon, so, bam, piece of cake, US forces in the gulf are a sitting duck. Why wouldn't he do that?


Who said it was {a conflict about religion}?
Er, that would be... you?

It's a fact that the people on the one side are muslims and on the other side they are christians in almost every instance except for the one where on was jewish.


Well, if you want my opinion, it's all about capitalism.

I couldn't disagree with this more.
Bush co are running on not pure, but very corrupted, post wwii trotsky socialism. The whole NWO came out of the SWP, which is a socialist extremist group, and the american communist party, which is as its name suggests.
The social dems came out of these groups, as did the neocons, who largely came from the social dems.
Corporatism is not capitalism, it is almost the exact opposite of free-market capitalism.
Definition of corporatism is the merger of corporation and state. That's not a very capitalistic idea, it's an almost soviet idea.


Every war that we fought since WWII seems to be tied up with the protection and spread of corporations...

Not entirely disagreeing, but not ALL corporations. certain corporate-govt cabals.


either in some general way ("anti-communism")

anti-leninist, because leninism is a power structure that neothugs can't take over. Because it's run by someone else.


World Bank and IMF

are a giant money laundering system to steal cash, it's a loop system that gives you 2x your money, once when you cash the insurance, and once when you blackmail the petty dictator into destroying his country to pay you back. It's not really captialist, it's theft.


Sure, but why frame it as muslim v xtian?

Not framing it. Just finding the single unifying factor. Osama Bin Laden isn't a Muslim? What about Zarqawi, Zawahiri, Al Sadr? Bush isn't a Christian? Or Blair? It's just a statement of fact, bunch of muslims on one side, arabs, euros and africas, bunch of chrisitans on the other side.
Not saying that's what it's all about, though, in part, it's about that, but that's who's fighting the war.


Where? When? Millions of people die every month from totally preventable causes and has nothing to do with muslim or xtian. The biggest "war" that I see is the "war" of the rich on the poor.

The post opened being about the actual war in the middle east, east africa, se europe and central asia, a regional conflict which began at, or just before, our invasion of iraq, which was in 1991, not in 2003. (In 2002 for example, more explosives were dropped on Iraq than in the entire gulf war. More people were killed by US efforts in Iraq during the clinton years than both bush's combined, ergo, it's one big war) And a big regional war. If you dig up who's fighting in Darfur, who fought in yugoslavia, same people, same side, on both sides, so, in the sense that World wars one and two existed at all (this was the sense) then this new war is a big world war.

Think about it, big war, and it never hit the newspapers. Actual war, rocket launchers bullets. Our MSM barely touches on the conflicts that happen. They play down the numbers to an insane degree. (100s dead in Lebanon? Give me a break,. you can't bomb non stop for a month and not kill more people. I'll bet it's at least 1000s and probably 10s of 1000s)


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 1:33 PM


America loves a winner!


OBL attacked WTC is a conspiracy theory.

1. 9.11 was a conspiracy, no lonegunman can pull this off, makes it a conspiracy, which is a crime.
2. He says he didn't, and we have no proof, ergo, it's a theory.
3. To which you subscribe.

36% of americans believe in at least some US involvement.
56% of believe saddam hussein was involved in the planning.
8% believe that there was no US or Iraqi involvement. That's a fringe theory.

1.OBL did indeed orchestrate the WTC attack. That is a proven fact. And sorry, but it has been proven that , contrary to public misconception, 1 lone gunman COULD infact pull off 3 shots in the amount of time.

2. Doesn't matter what he says, he declared war on the US back in '98. And yes, we do have proof.

3. Opinion polls are irrelevent. Most folks in the US don't agree w/ the theory of Evolution, despite the literal mountains of evidence for its support. Sorry, but the opinions of those who are woefully uninformed simply don't matter. Since Iraq was never tied directly to the 9/11 attack, or any any operational involvement w/ any of the previous terror attacks against the US ( except for the attempt at Bush 41's life when he visited Kuwait, after leaving office )

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:08 PM



1. is nonsense. I've seen about 10 times as much proof to support the idea that someone here did it.

2. not disagreeing with you here.

3. except when it comes to rosepetal parades.

As I said before 36% of us, and when i was here b4 i was definitely not in that camp, but i have been deluged by conspiracy junk, 90% of which was utter trash, and the other 10% was a holy f^&k of revelation. It's just a lock solid case. If the official story weren't an arrogant moron it would have tempered itself long ago. Now they've totally lost credibility with the rest of us.

Which means, every amount of distrust you have towards bin laden's supporters, 1/3 of us have towards neocon supporters. If you don't support neocons, as you suggested you don't, and as I said, show me how. When do we stop obsessing about MEFTA and NWO, when do we allow iraqis to own their own oil, when do we back down and use diplomacy with iran, when do we force israel out of lebanon, why are these the totally obvious positions for any traditional conservative? To say absolutely nothing of the reems to be said on domestic policy. Spending anyone?

At the moment, the way it looks from here, OBL is an enemy of America, sure. he's the mosquito in our ear. But Bush/Clinton is the big MF godzilla about to eat our heads. Swat bin laden in your spare time, but don't pray to godzilla.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:26 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
3. Opinion polls are irrelevent. Most folks in the US don't agree w/ the theory of Evolution, despite the literal mountains of evidence for its support. Sorry, but the opinions of those who are woefully uninformed simply don't matter. Since Iraq was never tied directly to the 9/11 attack, or any any operational involvement w/ any of the previous terror attacks against the US ( except for the attempt at Bush 41's life when he visited Kuwait, after leaving office )

You heard it here first folks! Democracy is irrelevant! Anyone with the wrong opinions doesn't matter!

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:34 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:



WWIII has been happening for at least ...umm... well since Israel was given back their nation. That really pissed them Muslims off.HAHA

Can't be. 1919, near the end of WWI, Uk cature of palestine. (arguably WWI continues to 1921 because, inspite of the armistice, fighting continued until, yes, a republican was elected.)


My word I sure hope it doesn't come to fighting in trenches on our own soil...I hope that before it comes to that we haven't let the government take our weapons away.

I've been through the system.
It dont work.

Do it on their soil not ours.

A post I can wholeheartedly agree with. Gun control would leave american forces alone to defend america. Nothing against our troops, but after Katrina, (&WTC?) I've lost faith in our govt's committment to defending us. We'd need to defend the US george washington style if we want to win.

I'm not sure who would invade america proper, but then, in a war, you never know. I know that there are muslim refugees here who might take arms against us, particularly if our govt. keeps its genocidal campaigns against muslims (count those millions internationally) but it might be someone else entirely, I can see china, or even the bolivarians, doing it in a total oppertunistic move if things got bad enough.

Picture this scenario: The US attacks Iran, and China defense it (she said she would) Pakistan and the former soviet central asians side with Iran-China. Massive US overseas effort, Bang, Ahmadinejaq Nukes Qatar, Iraq, our US bases. Suddenly we have no army. It would only last a brief time, but with US forces including national guard abroad (Oh come on, you don't REALLY believe bush would leave forces behind to defend? Why would he? After all, to be fair, this is a mistake that has been made at least 100 times in history) China might just decide to invade. In spite of all the market reforms, the chinese govt. is still communist, and they still believe that world domination of the communist partt is possible (and they're doing pretty well at it, look at how much of south america they've picked up in the last 10 years, ie. virtually all of it)

So sure, scary thought.

{Just throwing this out for chum}
Not so much a theory but a plan already in the making.
I think the Chinese own a major port in California...usta be a military base... I think Clinton sold it to them and gave them a multiple warhead missle plan also?

I was just a kid when that happened so I don't know all the details.

Im gone again for a few days ...yall play nice...{Thats what my Captian always says}

I've been through the system.
It dont wurk.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:17 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
3. Opinion polls are irrelevent. Most folks in the US don't agree w/ the theory of Evolution, despite the literal mountains of evidence for its support. Sorry, but the opinions of those who are woefully uninformed simply don't matter. Since Iraq was never tied directly to the 9/11 attack, or any any operational involvement w/ any of the previous terror attacks against the US ( except for the attempt at Bush 41's life when he visited Kuwait, after leaving office )

You heard it here first folks! Democracy is irrelevant! Anyone with the wrong opinions doesn't matter!

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

The point Auraptor makes, that you cowardly brush off with sarcasm, is valid. Polls should not be trusted or used to make policy. The populace in general is preoccupied watching football or simply uninterested to have a say. He gives a perfect example in his post. And, in my opinion, one major problem with US politics is we permit the uninformed, uneducated, and the uninvolved to vote. I think people should be made to show some sort of knowledge in current events, and that they posses a basic proficiency in civics. I guess what I'm getting at is: If you can't name the current President, your Senator, your Congressman, that we are at war in Iraq, and name the three branches of government you cannot vote. That a volunteer of a political party picked a group of people up at church, told them who to vote for, took them to the polling station, gave them donuts and coffee, and gave them a ride home should not be all there is to having a vote count.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:23 PM



{Just throwing this out for chum}
Not so much a theory but a plan already in the making.
I think the Chinese own a major port in California...usta be a military base... I think Clinton sold it to them and gave them a multiple warhead missle plan also?

Again I agree. A kid in the Clinton years? You might be the junior member here.

The Buchanan piece I found was an interesting read


Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:34 PM


Well you're poor and 'cowardly' attempt at a personal attack aside :

Since I know AURaptor better than you, and how he tends to think anyone with the 'wrong' (i.e. different to his) opinion is an idiot, I believe my post has more than a little truth in it.

As for the rest of your post I see you don't believe in representative Democracy either, you and AU should get on famously.

The word for the system you want is Oligarchy. Just out of curiosity, who decides who's smart enough to vote? What level of competence? Will there be a test to make sure they're "right thinkin'" folk?

The fact that voter opinion can be swayed by donuts and coffee is a fault with your education system and indeed your culture, and is not indicative of needing to keep the dumb down. You could start with actually funding public schools and not giving them over to be propaganda factories for the corporations.

"What's the atomic weight of Balonium?"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:49 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Well you're poor and 'cowardly' attempt at a personal attack aside :

Since I know AURaptor better than you, and how he tends to think anyone with the 'wrong' (i.e. different to his) opinion is an idiot, I believe my post has more than a little truth in it.

As for the rest of your post I see you don't believe in representative Democracy either, you and AU should get on famously.

The word for the system you want is Oligarchy. Just out of curiosity, who decides who's smart enough to vote? What level of competence? Will there be a test to make sure they're "right thinkin'" folk?

The fact that voter opinion can be swayed by donuts and coffee is a fault with your education system and indeed your culture, and is not indicative of needing to keep the dumb down. You could start with actually funding public schools and not giving them over to be propaganda factories for the corporations.

"What's the atomic weight of Balonium?"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

If you notice beyond the cowardly shot. I posted a simple pre-vote questionnaire. If you pass you vote. Because you use words such as your culture and education system, I take it you are not a US citizen. Pity. However, in all nations that allow their citizens to vote you get that type of problem. Happens everywhere, England and Canada are two that I know of first hand. I have family who live there. They always complain about this when brought up. The only way to stop vote "whoring" is to use the above test. Period

And assuming you know the definition of oligarchy. Why would you use that term? You seem educated enough to know that it is a misrepresentation of what I described. Trying to make it sound negative? I prefer we call it a Democratic Edugarchy. Where the politically educated shall rule. Gosh I am evil.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:06 PM


Yes the only way to stop stupid people voting is too not have representative democratic government; I believe that was my point.

When you start banning people who don't measure up from voting you are no longer living in a representative democracy, and you are walking down that nice path toward Oligarchy.

"Stupid people are ruining democracy!"
We ban stupid people.
"People who don't have any stake in the nation don't have a reason to stay informed or make good decisions"
We only let Land owners vote.

Point is that not only is that system not representative democratic government but you're setting a precedent that you are prepared to prevent the wrong type or people voting.

In fact your arguments sound pretty similar to arguments why only people who have served in the military should be given the vote, or why only land owners should be given the vote.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:17 PM


Not at all. It would be civilians educated in civics and events that vote. They would come from all socio-eco-political segments of society. It would not mater if your dad was a general or you made sponges for a living. You had better be caught up on your civics when you show up to vote. Why do I have the feeling you assume it would be the poorer citizens that get disqualified to vote? There are probably more rich Americans who don't give a hoot about politics than poor ones. And you wouldn't lose your right to vote forever. Take a test next election cycle. It would just ensure that people who vote, in a given election, have a "slight" clue.

Representative democracy is for the states(That the state is represented before the government by population) NOT the people. Where would representation end Color, Sex, IQ, Religion, DOB,ETC....? Every time I here someone use it that way I cringe.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:21 PM


The simple problem with your voter test, USB, is that somebody has to come up with the test and the test has to become the law of the land which means the test itself cannot help but be exptremely politicized.

Government should not be given the power to decide who's smart enough to vote. You do see how that could and certainly would become corrupted mighty quick. The point of having laws is to limit government's power over people, not limit the people's participation in the democratic process.

As you have observed, they do that quite efficiently on their own initiative.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:30 PM



Originally posted by USBrowncoat:
Why do I have the feeling you assume it would be the poorer citizens that get disqualified to vote?

Because you're not listening to a word I'm saying that's why.

If you ban people from voting you no longer have representative democratic government, it's as simple as that. No if's, no but's, no "but they're ruining it for the rest of us" it's no longer representative democracy. It's democracy for those that measure up.

You can't means test democracy, it makes the whole thing pointless.

Once you've done that why not take it a bit further? I mean if you're not taking personal responcibility for protecting democracy, why should you benefit from it? I can see the army recruitment posters now.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:05 PM


Very simple test read earlier post. Put it in any languages you want. Or a different test. We have them for driving, firearms, boating, employment, etc.. Whats wrong with one to vote? If it does not mater that the voter hasn't a clue and knows nothing, why not let a six year old vote? A three year old? Same principle.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:17 PM


Lets be real here, you are not going to have millions disqualified. And it's not forever. And, as it stands, if our Government was a representation of our Country. It wouldn't be a bunch of white males with law degrees. Obviously that is the case. As it should be. The states pick their reps and prez. If they choose white males with law degrees so be it. But it should be done by citizens with some standard of proficiency.






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