It's a P-nis Bomb

UPDATED: Friday, August 25, 2006 08:18
VIEWED: 1886
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Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:14 AM



CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Cook County prosecutors say a 29-year-old man traveling with his mother desperately didn't want her to know he'd packed a sexual aid for their trip to Turkey.

So he told security it was a bomb, officials said.

Madin Azad Amin, 29, of Skokie, Illinois, was stopped August 16 after guards found an object in his baggage that resembled a grenade, prosecutors said.

When officers asked him to identify it, Amin said it was a bomb, said Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto.

He later told officials he'd lied about the item because his mother was nearby and he didn't want her to hear that it was part of a penis pump, Scaduto said.

He's been charged with felony disorderly conduct, said Andrew Conklin, a spokesman with the Cook County state's attorney's office.

Amin's attorney told a Cook County judge Wednesday that Amin whispered that the component was a "pump." The guard misunderstood, and thought he said "bomb," according to defense attorney Eileen O'Neill-Burke.

"He told her it's a pump," O'Neill-Burke said. "He's standing with his mother. Of course he's not going to shout this out."

However, Judge Gerald Winiecki decided there was sufficient evidence for the case to move forward after the female security guard testified that she heard Amin "clearly" say the word bomb.

Amin is charged with felony disorderly conduct, which could bring a three-year prison sentence if he's convicted. Amin is due back in court September 13

He told the Chicago Sun-Times after the hearing that security officials did not give him a chance to explain the misunderstanding, that he would never use the word "bomb" while going through a security checkpoint, and does not consider a penis pump an unusual object to own.

"It's normal," he said. "Half of America they use it."

All right. I gotta know. Does Madin Azad Amin speak with a frakking accent??? Would he be charged if his name wasn't Madin Azad Amin?

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:34 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
All right. I gotta know. Does Madin Azad Amin speak with a frakking accent??? Would he be charged if his name wasn't Madin Azad Amin?

God damn it. This is so messed up. Everyone knows that when you're in a highly emotional state you are likely to hear what you fear rather than what is said. Who hasn't been dead sure that someone you were arguing with "distinctly said" such & such, only to discover, after calming down a little, that they said no such thing.

This is what xenophobia looks like. It's a frickin' phobia. Nobody makes wise decisions when they're overcome with fear. If we are to conscience people being arrested out of fear and racial stereotyping then this kind of thing is only going to get more and more commonplace.

Old lady has a panic attack on a plane and they divert the flight. Why? 'Cause she had brown skin and didn't speak the dominant language.

Two passengers are expelled from a plane. Why? 'Cause they had brown skin and didn't speak the dominant language.

So, yeah, CTS, I'm betting Maden Azad Amin has dark skin and speaks with an accent.

And hey, was it a penis pump or not? If it was, why are we still talking about this?

The problem with xenophobia is not that it makes you suspicious of people who are different, but that it arises out of rage and blame focused at the group in question. If xenophobia just made you a little more careful around people with certain differences from yourself that would be fine, but it doesn't. Xenophobia inspires a level of vindictiveness and hysteria that leads to this guy being charged and arrested for an absurd crime. If xenophobia weren't a form of quasi-justified hate, this kid would have been released after the situation was explained.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:54 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

So he told security it was a bomb, officials said.

Madin Azad Amin, 29, of Skokie, Illinois, was stopped August 16 after guards found an object in his baggage that resembled a grenade, prosecutors said.

When officers asked him to identify it, Amin said it was a bomb, said Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto.

He later told officials he'd lied about the item because his mother was nearby and he didn't want her to hear that it was part of a penis pump, Scaduto said.

This is why he is arrested. the main part of this is that "he later told officilas that he'd lied about the item". If like it says later in the article he wispered it was a pump because his mother was close by, then why did he admit to officials that he had lied? Which is the lie and which is the truth.
Sure I can understand not wanting mom to know what it was. But calling it a bomb? c'mon now people should know better than that right about now.

Now to bash the TSA -

If they have people operating the x-ray that cannot tell rubber from explosives and call for a search they are pathetic in Chi Town and need to be retrained! Not to mention the bag searcher I am sure has come accross alot of these before and if not would have had it pointed out by others that had. Not to mention it is a little rubber pump. Like a blood pressure pump. Come on now use some common sense here people.

I am also sure that the searcher was uncomfortable because of the name and color of skin which makes me sad. But some people will never change and will always profile those of that decent.

I know it drove me nuts when I worked for the TSA. I actually got a guy fired for a racial comment.
he was searching a bunch of camera equipment (Like 20 or 25 of the large Pelican Cases) When he was finished he walked by me and said that he needed to go was h the "Arib Funk" off his hands.
I looked over to my supervisor who heard it but was going to ignore it. I told him that something better be done about it or I was going to make sure something was done at a higher level. The next day the guy was fired.

I hate racisim! and profiling!



Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:10 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
This is why he is arrested. the main part of this is that "he later told officilas that he'd lied about the item".

Well, that's what they say he said.

Here's the scenario I'm imagining.

Amin is asked what the thing is. He is embarrassed and says in a low voice, "Pomp" with an accent. The lady hears, "Bomb" and freaks out. They arrest him, blah blah.

He freaks out and says, "I said pomp so my modder wouldn't hear."

"You mean you told us it was a bomb so your mother wouldn't hear?"

"Yes, I don't want my modder to know."

"So you lied to us."

"No I no tell lie."

They write: Suspect lied.

Of course, if he doesn't have an accent, my scenario falls apart. But judging from the quote, "Half of America they use it." I am guessing he has an accent. And really, it is sort of unbelievable that someone with a name like Madin Azad Amin would use the word "Bomb" in an airport security checkpoint--with his mom next to him.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:16 AM


I'm going to channel Pirate News for this one:

It's our new anti-semitic policy. Jews, who are actually europeans, don't set off the new semite-o-meter that was installed in American airports after the USA Hateriot Act. But Arabs, being 90% or so semitic, cause red lights to flash, and MKUltra Homeland SSecurity goose-step to the arrest. No trial, no counsel as they are sent off to Guantanamoloch Bay.


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:17 AM


That very well could be true and the only way to know for sure is travel back in time and be there. Their (and I mean both sides here) stories have probably changed about 12 times each at this point. They were both scared out of their minds for different reasons and it got out of hand.

But if it is true that he admitted that he lied about it so that his mom would not know what it was then he deserves to be in jail and will probably be spending alot more time there. It is still a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison to even mention "bomb" in an airport.

Maybe we will get to see an interview with him so that we can see if he has an accent. That would help alot. I can definatly see the misunderstanding with a thick accent.



Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:40 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
If xenophobia weren't a form of quasi-justified hate, this kid would have been released after the situation was explained.

Yep. It's the "justified" part that disturbs me. Overt racial/national origin or religious profiling has not been justified like this since the civil rights movement.

Can you imagine what would have happened if it had NOT been just a penis pump? We'd be at orange alert and going through yet another layer of airport security.

It really baffles my mind that someone at airport security would really expect someone coming through metal detectors and x-ray screening to say "bomb." I'd laugh if it weren't kinda tragic. I mean, if it were me, I'd just say, "Excuse me? How do you spell that?"

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:56 PM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
If they have people operating the x-ray that cannot tell rubber from explosives and call for a search they are pathetic in Chi Town and need to be retrained! Not to mention the bag searcher I am sure has come accross alot of these before and if not would have had it pointed out by others that had. Not to mention it is a little rubber pump. Like a blood pressure pump. Come on now use some common sense here people.

The lot of them need to be retrained, and probably replaced with more skilled screeners.

Though I agree with you that, based on this one AP article, there appears to be probable cause in this case, because of the uncertainty of whether he lied. If he described the object as a "bomb," the screeners couldn't have known that he wasn't serious. And that is technically a bomb threat.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:12 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

You p-nis will explode with pleasure! It's so good it should be illegal. Everyone will notice it!


Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:27 PM


Honestly, the guy was a fruitcake, he was carrying a johnson, and called it a bomb in an airport, he was nuts. Hook em book em cook em.


Thursday, August 24, 2006 7:16 PM



Originally posted by rue:
You p-nis will explode with pleasure! It's so good it should be illegal. Everyone will notice it!

Hey, Rue, have you been reading my e-mail?


Thursday, August 24, 2006 7:23 PM


You should not yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater. You should not whisper "bomb" anywhere. But, seeing it was a penis pump..All should be forgiven....well, it's true


Friday, August 25, 2006 2:58 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Honestly, the guy was a fruitcake, he was carrying a johnson, and called it a bomb in an airport, he was nuts. Hook em book em cook em.

But he says he didn't say "Bomb."

According to this article, we only have that one lady's word that he did. It's her word against his.

Why is everyone so quick to jump to the conclusion that the security screener was the one who was right?

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, August 25, 2006 3:08 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

According to this article, we only have that one lady's word that he did. It's her word against his.

Why is everyone so quick to jump to the conclusion that the security screener was the one who was right?

Can't Take My Gorram Sky

No we also haveing him tell an official that he had lied because his mother was nearby. The other official would have been a Federal Law Enforcement Officer in this case. Once a "bomb" was discovered a Supervisor is called for and so is a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer). So at that point it is no longer one persons version.

I think that he said he had lied is the main part of this whole situation. If he had not said that then I could see it as a misunderstanding. But he told other people that he had lied. Kinda kills the whole "she misunderstood me" argument.



Friday, August 25, 2006 3:50 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
I think that he said he had lied is the main part of this whole situation.

Someone says he said he lied. He denies saying he lied.

Ok, so a second security person could be involved. But this second person could very well be the same person as the first one. It is still his word against one or two people.

I am not saying I know what happened. I am just wondering why everyone is so quick to take someone else's word against his.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:03 AM


Well we can hope it all comes out in the wash.
Are you in the camp that says the Government is over-stating the terrorist threat for their own ends? I ask because isn't this kind of article and discussion much the same thing only from the other side of the fence?

Posting to stir stuff up.


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:06 AM


Here is another version of the report. Now they don't even report his side. Hmmm.

CHICAGO -- Mardin Azad Amin found himself in a tight squeeze last week when security at O'Hare Airport discovered a suspicious-looking object in his luggage.

So Amin, 29, handled the delicate situation this way: He told security the object was a bomb, Cook County prosecutors said.

The security guard then asked Amin to repeat what he'd said to a supervisor. This time, Amin was chuckling as he spoke, prosecutors said.

In fact, Amin was trying to disguise the fact that the black object -- resembling a grenade -- was a component for a penis pump.

All the same, Amin was charged with felony disorderly conduct and faces up to three years in prison if convicted, said Andrew Conklin, a spokesman with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.

Amin is due in court Wednesday for a preliminary hearing, Conklin said.

Amin eventually told investigators he'd lied about the object's true use because his mother was standing nearby when the object was discovered and he didn't want her to know about it, Cook County assistant state's attorney Lorraine Scaduto said during a bond hearing last week.

The incident occurred Aug. 16 as Amin was set to catch a flight to Turkey, Scaduto said.

Amin has no known criminal history, Scaduto said.

Copyright 2006, Chicago Sun-Times Inc.

He was chuckling. Now he is traveling with his 2 kids and his mom to Turkey. He is a complete total "fruitcake" as DreamT says, to choose that moment to crack a joke about a bomb...OR...could it be that he said "pomp" and let out a nervous chuckle?

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:16 AM


Fed-Ex your penis pump to the hotel before you fly. Problem solved.

And I only fly once or twice a year and am usually sh*tfaced and annoyed (I hate to fly), so I don't pay attention, but are there no cameras at security checkpoints?

That would clear up the "bomb" or "pump" discrepancy...


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:28 AM


Yes there are cameras at all security checkpoints. Unfortunatly they do not capture audio. Not that it would matter. There is usually too much noise to isolate a single conversation at that checkpoint anyway.

EDIT - You would be surprised how often people make "bomb" jokes around airports. They think it is funny. How I do not know. But if he was making a joke he needs to learn a lesson for this one.



Friday, August 25, 2006 4:31 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Are you in the camp that says the Government is over-stating the terrorist threat for their own ends?

I am.

I ask because isn't this kind of article and discussion much the same thing only from the other side of the fence?
You think this discussion is understating the terrorist threat for someone's own ends?

I didn't post this article to comment on the terrorist threat. My comment is that we have created a climate of racial phobia and racial profiling so strong that someone is facing felony charges for what in less stressful times might be forgiven as a misunderstanding or at worst, a sick, stupid joke.

I mean, he didn't phone in a bomb threat intended to disrupt airport activities, or leave unattended baggage (a true security risk), or yell "Bomb" in a crowded lobby to cause panic. He allegedly said "bomb" in a very low voice.

I would not call that disorderly conduct--it wouldn't have been we weren't crazy fearful. I am guessing that it wouldn't have been if he had been a 60 year old southern white grandfather. The screeners would probably have given him the benefit of the doubt, asked him to spell it out, and then let him go when the object was identified.

I am saying this rampant fear is making us turn on each other as fellow Americans, as fellow human beings. It reminds me of the Japanese internment camps, the early early days of Nazi Germany, or the Chinese Cultural Revolution. I am saying I don't like it, and not just because it's wrong. When mob fear goes unchecked, I can very well be the next Mardin Azad Amin.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:40 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
You would be surprised how often people make "bomb" jokes around airports. They think it is funny. How I do not know. But if he was making a joke he needs to learn a lesson for this one.

I can see people making jokes about bombs at airports. I can even see some drunken white college student snickering "bomb" to a security screener.

What I have a hard time seeing is a guy with name like Mardin Azad Amin, an near east asian looking man, traveling with his mother and 2 children to Turkey (those tickets can't be cheap), making a joke about a bomb to a security screener in a very low voice.

Now maybe he DID do it. I don't know. If he did, I wonder if he would have faced charges like this if he were a white drunken college student.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:45 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Yes there are cameras at all security checkpoints. Unfortunatly they do not capture audio. Not that it would matter. There is usually too much noise to isolate a single conversation at that checkpoint anyway.

EDIT - You would be surprised how often people make "bomb" jokes around airports. They think it is funny. How I do not know. But if he was making a joke he needs to learn a lesson for this one.


So much for that theory.

Is this type of charge normally filed when people make these jokes? Or do they get a slap on the wrist and then sent on their way?

Edit- oops, sorry. Already asked.


Friday, August 25, 2006 5:25 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I can see people making jokes about bombs at airports. I can even see some drunken white college student snickering "bomb" to a security screener.

What I have a hard time seeing is a guy with name like Mardin Azad Amin, an near east asian looking man, traveling with his mother and 2 children to Turkey (those tickets can't be cheap), making a joke about a bomb to a security screener in a very low voice.

Now maybe he DID do it. I don't know. If he did, I wonder if he would have faced charges like this if he were a white drunken college student.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky

I cannot speak for other airports but I know the one that I worked at charged a retired District Attorney for making a "bomb" joke. He was fined $10,00, given 30 days in jail and 1 year of probation. Oh yeah and he was white.

I can see other areas letting it slip if the person was white and it makes me angry. I am always surprised with the amount of racism that still trives in our country. Fortunatly for me, the people that I hang around with either are not racist or do a good job of hiding it from me. I am always the first to speak up in racial situations. It is not right and should stop! Of course I am just one person and people are hard to change. I try at every chance I get though.



Friday, August 25, 2006 5:28 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Hey Soup,
No. Sadly, I've been reading mine.

Originally posted by SoupCatcher:

Originally posted by rue:
You p-nis will explode with pleasure! It's so good it should be illegal. Everyone will notice it!

Hey, Rue, have you been reading my e-mail?


Friday, August 25, 2006 5:34 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
He was fined $10,00, given 30 days in jail and 1 year of probation. Oh yeah and he was white.

It does make me feel a little better that it isn't just middle eastern / asian men who are targeted.

And is that $10,000.00 you mean, or $10.00? (Probably the former.) Was he charged with a felony?

I'm not saying someone who makes bomb jokes shouldn't experience any consequences. But all that seems a bit harsh, esp if there was no intent to disrupt order or cause panic. A felony, where you hereby lose all rights as a citizen, just doesn't match the crime, IMHO.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, August 25, 2006 6:01 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
I ask because isn't this kind of article and discussion much the same thing only from the other side of the fence?

You think this discussion is understating the terrorist threat for someone's own ends?

See my comment regarding the other side of the fence.
You have admitted that there are many things about this incident that you are unaware of. But that hasn't stopped you from making assumptions and fanning the flames of racism and the end of civil liberties as we know it.
IMHO, this is akin to the present Government making assumptions about the terrorist threat and fanning the flames of fear.


I didn't post this article to comment on the terrorist threat. My comment is that we have created a climate of racial phobia and racial profiling so strong that someone is facing felony charges for what in less stressful times might be forgiven as a misunderstanding or at worst, a sick, stupid joke.

I am aware of that.


I mean, he didn't phone in a bomb threat intended to disrupt airport activities, or leave unattended baggage (a true security risk), or yell "Bomb" in a crowded lobby to cause panic. He allegedly said "bomb" in a very low voice.

If he said bomb in a whisper or yelled bomb at the top of his lungs, a bomb is a bomb.


I would not call that disorderly conduct--it wouldn't have been we weren't crazy fearful. I am guessing that it wouldn't have been if he had been a 60 year old southern white grandfather. The screeners would probably have given him the benefit of the doubt, asked him to spell it out, and then let him go when the object was identified.

Do you have statistics to back up this assumption?
I was under the impression that saying bomb in an airport is a pretty color blind, non-sexist, and non-age specific way to get yourself in trouble.


I am saying this rampant fear is making us turn on each other as fellow Americans, as fellow human beings. It reminds me of the Japanese internment camps, the early early days of Nazi Germany, or the Chinese Cultural Revolution. I am saying I don't like it, and not just because it's wrong. When mob fear goes unchecked, I can very well be the next Mardin Azad Amin.

Not saying it's right but it's understandable that people are over-reacting on recent flights, It's the latest threat. After 9/11 people were over-reacting to placing themselves in highrise office buildings. This too will eventually blow over and most people will go back to their normal
lives. Hopefully before the internment camps open for business.

Posting to stir stuff up.


Friday, August 25, 2006 6:01 AM


Yup I meant $10,000. I am not sure if he plea bargined it down to something else but if not it was a felony.



Friday, August 25, 2006 6:36 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
IMHO, this is akin to the present Government making assumptions about the terrorist threat and fanning the flames of fear.

That's a fair criticism. I obviously disagree, but I can see where you're coming from.

If he said bomb in a whisper or yelled bomb at the top of his lungs, a bomb is a bomb.
To me the spirit of the law behind disorderly conduct is the intent to create disorder. Knowingly yelling a fake bomb scare at the top of one's lungs would indicate intent to create disorder. Whispering "bomb" (if indeed that is what he said) to hide a penis pump does not. Again, I am not saying there should be no consequences if he were guilty--just that the charge doesn't match the crime.

Do you have statistics to back up this assumption?
No. I said I was guessing. There was no assumption.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, August 25, 2006 6:43 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
But he says he didn't say "Bomb."

According to this article, we only have that one lady's word that he did. It's her word against his.

Why is everyone so quick to jump to the conclusion that the security screener was the one who was right?

Why are you so quick to assume he didn't?

I'd imagine being faced with a felony would be a good incentive to change one's story.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, August 25, 2006 8:18 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Why are you so quick to assume he didn't?

I say again, I don't know what happened. I don't assume anything.

As I said, I find it hard to believe that any man with a name like that in his right mind would say bomb to a screener. I mean there are other lies that can be told to hide the pump. Maybe he's not in his right mind, or maybe he secretly didn't want to go to Turkey and was sabotaging his trip on purpose, so I am not saying he couldn't have had a motive. Just that the given motive doesn't make sense to me.

Now absence of a motive doesn't automatically prove it didn't happen. It does make me question the charges and wonder if this is really what happened. I can see how you might interpret these questions as "assuming he didn't," but they are not the same thing.

I know of someone who made an honest mistake at an airport security checkpoint--something like this situation--back before 9/11. The misunderstanding was cleared up, and she was let go with a police write-up. No charges were filed. This perspective may have come across in my posts--that people should be given the benefit of the doubt until a real threat can be verified (maybe he should have been asked to spell what he was saying or write it down). But again, advocating a little benefit of the doubt isn't the same thing as assuming he didn't do it.

I understand that things have to be different now after 9/11, but it seems to me that things are not only different, but way overboard.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky






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