Free Speech...unless you attack Democrats

UPDATED: Sunday, September 10, 2006 06:20
VIEWED: 6272
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Friday, September 8, 2006 3:33 AM


The Constitution provides a fundamental right to free speech in this country and it is a right practiced by millions of registered Democrats from sea to shining sea (ie the coasts) and nowhere in between.

If you decide to say something Democrats disagree with, be it here in this forum or on the ABC broadcasting network, the liberals and Democrats line up to remind us all of the fine print contained in the 1st Amendment ("Free Speech...unless we, the Democratic Party, as supreme arbiters of your rights do not like what you are saying").

They scream, cry, and even threaten the broadcast license of those who disagree with them:

Thats what Democrats are all about. Free long as you say what they allow you to say and when they want you to say other words we all just need to know our 90% of the black folk have learned in their last fifty years of Party slavery.

ABC airs many hours of fictional content each week. Some of that content is, like this miniseries, based upon real events. Sure, some of the scenes may be dramatized...but maybe if Clinton hadn't sent his folk in to clean out the archives after 9/11 (it was the shoving of classified documents into their pants that gave them away) maybe we'd have a better picture of just what Clinton was really doing (Monica) when he was supposed to be protecting American interests.

Funny, I remember a certain inflatering movie about Ronald Reagan in 2003, not long after he died...I'm just sayin...



Friday, September 8, 2006 3:44 AM


In fairness (and please remember I'm not American) the articles I've read said the Democrates believe the show is based entirely on lies, uses the 9/11 attacks to attack the Clinton administration (probobly to give Mrs. Clinton's campaign an early kicking) and should be corrected or pulled because of that.

I don't know if this is true, but I think anyone making a documentary on a tragedy as huge and with such global consequences as 9/11 should really steer clear of any domestic political issues. Using it to have a dig at another political party seems pretty callous to me.

More animations available at


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:45 AM


America loves a winner!

The Dems are simply scared of the rest of the world discovering the truth. This mini-series is based on the 9/11 Commission Report. You can bet it is light years more accurate, more fair and more objective than Michael Moore's sad satyrical 'mockumentary' about Bush. Michael Moore was hugged by Harry Reid at the premier of F 9/11 Moore was given a seat of honor at the DNC Convention in Boston, sitting w/ former President Carter . Moore was treated like a rockstar by the Left, and no one on the Right made any such grandstanding demands that his movie not be shown, or censored in any way.

Democrats. The 'Do was we say, not as we do' people!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:02 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
...Funny, I remember a certain inflatering movie about Ronald Reagan in 2003, not long after he died...I'm just sayin...

Didn't Republicans get that Reagan movie pulled from the network broadcast and it aired instead on Showtime? Neither party seems to have a problem with censorship when it suits their purposes...

That being said, ABC can say that President Clinton was a transvestite, wife beating, Russian spy if they choose to. And about half the country will believe it.

So much for that liberal media bias, aye fellas'?


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:06 AM


The democrats in question are the Clinton admin, which *is* the Bush admin, so what does it matter?

The thing is trying to shift 9-11 blame to Clinton, sure, but why bother? I mean, if all Bush is guilty of is failing to prevent 9-11 then who cares? If you look at past presidents, the record for handling a crisis in the first year is pretty terrible. If anything, Bush's response to Katrina merits more concern.

My concern with Bush and 9-11 is that someone in his administration was actually guilty of planning the attacks. I think people brush this idea off, and that's a bad idea. Terrorists high in the US govt? And the evidence to back this up is all over the web, and a solid 10% of it seems to be actually true, which put much more evidence against members of the Bush admin than against members of Al Qaeda, particularly Bin Laden.

On another note, Armitage admitted to the Plame affair.


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:18 AM



Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:18 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I don't know if this is true, but I think anyone making a documentary on a tragedy as huge and with such global consequences as 9/11 should really steer clear of any domestic political issues. Using it to have a dig at another political party seems pretty callous to me.

Did you enjoy 'Fahrenheit 9/11' which, oddly, was released in 2004 in the midst of an actual Presidential campaign to attack an actual candidate (as opposed to attacking the husband of a potential candidate in a campaign that is still over a year away)?

Republicans were angry with Michael Moore, but I don't remember them trying to censor him...he was even a guest at their convention.



Friday, September 8, 2006 4:20 AM


Hero- i wish you would take the time to consider that both parties are in fact controlled by the same money interests, who use the opposing philosophies to play good cop/bad cop with the American public. for example...border security; neither party is stating the obvious(minus a few republicans) that national security is IMPOSSIBLE without border security, and America + millions of immigrants = third world economy; so why are our best interests constantly being defied? its not that hard to do the right thing.... only its because OUR interests are not the objective; PERIOD. im tired of listening to people get duped by this phony partisan rhetoric and influence... because they are both corrupt and diceptive idealogies devised to give false choices, rather then to offer solutions

as DT stated, when you look into the political reality of the New World Order agenda, suddenly the letter in front of a candidates name becomes trivial and irrelevant; the same CFR, multinational elitist agenda is forwarded regardless, because the central Banks finance everyone and anyone to complete each phase of their fascist global monetary plot


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:36 AM


It’s funny to me that when the Democrats get caught red handed doing something hypocritical or just down right nasty, it seems to turn out to be a product of the environment. Everyone’s hypocritical. Everyone’s corrupt. But when the Republicans get caught, well then it’s a cultural of corruptness within the Republican Party or a vast Right-Wing conspiracy. So we’re all to blame for the faults of Democrats, but Republicans are on their own.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:41 AM


Its nearly laughable that you dredge up some unproven BushCo conspiracy theory when we have the central {convicted} actor caught with the bloody evidence stuffed into his underwear, trousers and socks. We all know about the classified documents Sandy Berger sneaked out of the National Archives. Why does Berger get a free pass on this?. Or did BushMoronGenius fuity oaty bar Berger with sublim transmissions?,8599,604598,00.html


the edit alters the controversial scene in which Sandy Berger refuses to give the CIA authority to kill bin Laden. Also, the film will now be billed as based only “in part” on the 9/11 Commission Report.

Patterico: "it appears that the particular scene probably didn’t occur exactly as depicted in the film. The scene was probably overdramatized and made into a composite of various failures.

But while Clinton’s failure should not be overstated, neither should it be understated."

Michael Scheuer, the chief of the Bin Ladin station thought the capture plan was “the perfect operation.” It required minimum infrastructure. The plan had now been modified so that the tribals would keep Bin Ladin in a hiding place for up to a month before turning him over to the United States.

In Washington, Berger expressed doubt about the dependability of the tribals. In his meeting with Tenet, Berger focused most, however, on the question of what was to be done with Bin Ladin if he were actually captured.


Friday, September 8, 2006 5:23 AM



Originally posted by FellowTraveler:
Didn't Republicans get that Reagan movie pulled from the network broadcast and it aired instead on Showtime? Neither party seems to have a problem with censorship when it suits their purposes...

You are correct. Hmmm...Saw the movie, don't have showtime. Can't explain it...maybe a free preview weekend.

Republicans were outraged at this movie, which delt only with the subject of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, because it was entirely fabricated and airing at a time when President Reagan had an illness that so completely negated his ability to speak for himself or defend his record. However the official Republican position was that CBS and Showtime should make an effort to show that the movie was fictional (ie strategic disclaimers), much like ABC is doing by acknowledging several times during its airing that 9/11 is based on the Report, but is an entirely fictional dramatization. Turns out the guy playing Clinton is an actor...although the top of Monica's head makes a brief cameo (actually several brief right after another...bobbing in and out of the picture while she is apparently helping the President...hmmm...buff his shoes).

The Reagan was pulled because a few million average people didn't think it was right to show that movie when he was so sick he could not defend himself. In this case, ABC can air the movie and Clinton, as demonstrated so effectively this week, can seek to defend himself and set the record straight. The American people should be given an opportunity to decide for themselves.

Lets not forget films like this have been around since films were being made. Good examples include 'Hoffa', 'JFK', 'Tora Tora Tora' and 'Ghandi'. Bad examples include 'Nixon', 'JFK', and 'The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course'.



Friday, September 8, 2006 5:45 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
This mini-series is based on the 9/11 Commission Report. You can bet it is light years more accurate, more fair and more objective than Michael Moore's sad satyrical 'mockumentary' about Bush.

Funny. 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste called it 'very inaccurate and unfair,' and said it was full of "errors and mischaracterizations."

BTW, why are you fascists so afraid of Michael Moore? It's like you're obsessed with him, you rant and rave about him every chance you get. I've never heard anyone complain about (m)Ann Coulter nearly so much, though that's probably because everyone knows how irrelevant that horse-faced attention whore is.


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:09 AM


You're ignoring a double standard by ABC right off the bat.

First off, I expect that if anything had been factually inacurate, as in proven to be slanderous, in Farenheit 9/11, the GOP would have sued the pants off him for defamation, or for whatever legal recourse it could have followed.

In this case the facts were ignored, inspite of being available. The story is intentionally inaccurate, and yes the writer director is a partisan hack.

Second, Disney distanced itself from Farrenheit 9/11. They produced this "documentary" which they are now calling a drama for like 40 million dollars and plan to air it commercial free. I see hypocracy in that. This is free GOP propaganda that they can't and now won't, even call a documentary.

So show me where the hypocracy lies. It's not with the dems here.


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:19 AM


Yeah, Finn,

absoulutely the case. but it doesn't include hypocracy. What makes the GOP so heinous is that they are a bunch of Emler Gantry's doing one thing and effecting moral outrage at everybody else when they do it. That very hypocracy is what is so sickening. Democrats, like republicans, may cheat on their wives, but they don't preach about it as if their shit doesn't stink.

And somebody make clear for me where the hypocracy is in the Dem party again? Cuz I'm not following it.

- on edit. I could probably find some hypocracy in it. I like about a 3rd of the dem party. The rest, like antimason said is just an aspect of the status quo.


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:33 AM


Have there been any advanced screenings of said program? Seems to me that alot of people seem to have an opinion on a show that hasn't even aired yet.

Posting to stir stuff up.


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:44 AM


Yes, there have been advanced screenings. After getting a crap load of complaints on inaccuracy, ABC released a statement admonishing the viewers for criticizing an unfishined product.


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:46 AM


I don't buy your claim that the main motivation was that Reagan was sick and couldn't defend himself. The main motivation for trying to get the Reagan mini-series pulled, at least from my perspective, was that artistic license had been taken with the facts. Here's a collection of quotes from that period of time:

More on the ABC GOP-u-drama* later...

* Man, I wish I had come up with that one on my own .


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:59 AM


When will you people ever learn that it does'nt matter who you vote for, support or believe in you still end up with "The Government" or "The administration"
The pointless Right-to-Left (as if such a thing as a left and right actually existed in US politics) mud-slinging means precisely Fuck-all in the real world.
And your Constitution means even less otherwise your "Government" and "Administrations" would'nt be constantly slapping you in the face with it when it suited them.


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:27 AM


An additional thought that occurred to me: ABC is very f*ck*ng smart.

I would wager dollars to donuts that ABC already has more accurate verions of the offending scenes in the can and they released this version of the show to prompt this controversy.

Think about it. There will dozens of 9/11 programs on next week, but this is the only one that is being discussed on the news channels every 15 minutes. Their competitor's news channels, no less.

This is millions of dollars in free advertising and will inevitably lead to higher share. As I said, very f*ck*ng smart. And you know the great thing about free advertising, right? It's something you just can't buy.


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:46 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

...First off, I expect that if anything had been factually inacurate, as in proven to be slanderous, in Farenheit 9/11, the GOP would have sued the pants off him for defamation, or for whatever legal recourse it could have followed.

Actually Righteous, I think such actions would have only lent more credibility to the film, and the GOP was right to simply ignore it at the time. Moore would have loved to get sued, and he would have laughed all the way to the bank with the millions more he would have raked in over the publicity.

I think what is most disturbing about this story and the Reagan documentary is the commentary on our culture today. I think its pitiful that our politicians are more afraid of a TV show than actual discourse that purports the same ideas. It is sad in my opinion that we as a people seem to form our opinions based on entertainment venues (be it cable news, network news, or TV shows) rather than personal research of the facts and an understanding of what's happening.

I think both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of trying to silence the other and you can point to successes in these efforts on both sides as well as failures. These kind of tactics hurt everyone and only create more lines of division, and our country divided is doomed!

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."

---Napoleon Bonaparte


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:06 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
And somebody make clear for me where the hypocracy is in the Dem party again? Cuz I'm not following it.

I agree. The Democrats have always had the position that Free Speech isn't for everyone. I seem to recall during the mid-'90s a piece of legislation known by many as the "Hush Rush" Bill to force radio and TV stations to limit Rush Limbaugh's speech rights because he was critical of the President. President Clinton...just like ABC...hmmm...

No hypocracy here. Double standards, bias, lies, prejudice, censorship...but not an ounce of hypocracy.



Friday, September 8, 2006 8:21 AM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
I don't buy your claim that the main motivation was that Reagan was sick and couldn't defend himself.

That was not the main motivation of the political attacks on the program. My point was that the more generalized disapproval voiced by average Americans, especially older folk, was because they seemed to be taking advantage of his age and infirmaty. That don't sit well with most people, regardless of how sympathetic they are with the target.

Its like prosecuting an old person for bad driving. Its an ugly job and even though I love jailing people for all manner of things, I love this slightly less (although seeing a Grandma in handcuffs is its own reward for my less then excessive hours and reasonable pay).



Friday, September 8, 2006 8:37 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
That was not the main motivation of the political attacks on the program. My point was that the more generalized disapproval voiced by average Americans, especially older folk, was because they seemed to be taking advantage of his age and infirmaty. That don't sit well with most people, regardless of how sympathetic they are with the target.

You're now saying that it was not the main motivation, and yet you stated it as if it was.

Originally posted by Hero:
The Reagan was pulled because a few million average people didn't think it was right to show that movie when he was so sick he could not defend himself.

I've posted a link to quotes supporting my claim. Where's the supporting evidence for your claim?


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:30 AM



I'm not sure I buy this theory. The movie was screened to hundreds of right-wing pundits who gave glowing reviews. Any change to the movie would result in a firestorm of protest from this group which ABC is courting to help with the publicity.

More generally, there is a difference in my mind between a movie that is shown in theaters, where people have to pay money, and a movie shown on broadcast television. Broadcasters have a responsibility for what they provide free. Especially when ABC worked with Scholastic to provide fact sheets for students that contain historical inaccuracies. Especially when ABC sent out letters to a hundred thousand teachers to guide in the use of this film as a teaching moment. Especially when ABC is planning to run the movie without commercials to minimize the impact of an advertising boycott. Especially when the movie is advertised as being based on official reports when members of the official commission disagree. Especially when ABC releases screenings of the movie to people based on their ideology and reassures those idealogues that the final version will not have changes that would disappoint them.

Republicans have a long history of using 9/11 for partisan purposes. This is just the latest example.

On a side note, this movie is being advertised in Australia as "The Official True Story" with a fictional scene touted as, "how one decision changed our world."*

* I have not been able to personally confirm this account, my computer keeps locking up when I try to view the promo.


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:35 AM


Theres no end to the blame game, its a never ending circle jerk. Pre 9/11 the Clintons viewed the terror issue as an law enforcenemt problem. They blew it big time. Do I blame Hillary and Bill for 9/11 - No.

It's the dirty trick teams that both political parties employ and use to deceive the public - us. This time around Berger was the lead on the 9/11 dirty trick team. Sandy Berger stole and then destroyed archived documents that would embarrass the Clinton administration during the 9/11 commission hearings. He was convicted by a court of law for that crime.

Nixon, Carter and Reagan all had dirty trick teams and now the Clintons join the list.

Berger is the linch pin in all of this.


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:46 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
The Dems are simply scared of the rest of the world discovering the truth. This mini-series is based on the 9/11 Commission Report.

Except several members of the Commission say that scenes in the mini are false, or complete fabrications.

Or are you they type that thinks any movie "based on a true story" happened exactly like that.

And every movie adapted from a text follows the text to the letter....

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:57 AM



Originally posted by Eric:
Funny. 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste called it 'very inaccurate and unfair,' and said it was full of "errors and mischaracterizations."

You might want to let people know that Richard Ben-Veniste has worked for the Clintons and has been hired, on many occasions, by the DNC.


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:02 AM



Originally posted by MalBadLatin:
Berger is the linch pin in all of this.

That's a pretty weak linchpin.

The funniest aspect of the Berger document shredding case was how utterly incompetent Berger was at his mission to destroy documents. According to the archives officials, he never had access to the originals, he was only working with (and stealing and cutting with scissors) copies. What a boob.

That's your linchpin?


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:02 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Except several members of the Commission say that scenes in the mini are false, or complete.

What members, names please.


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:05 AM


I don't get why your flaking for a convicted criminal. No one knows exactly what Berger stole.


I think Berger stole memos that had hand written notes contained on the margins, notes that would lead the commission in a direction that the Clinton admin. didn't want the inquiry to go.


Will look at the history of those folks - thanks

I didnt mean to imply that 9/11 was Bergers fault, but to show that he is the G. Gordon Liddy of our time.


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:09 AM



Originally posted by MalBadLatin:

Originally posted by Storymark:
Except several members of the Commission say that scenes in the mini are false, or complete.

What members, names please.

Jamie Gorelick, Richard Ben-Veniste, Tim Roemer, Bob Kerrey and even Tom Kean (who advised on the project).

EDIT (based on your edit): I'm not flacking for Berger. I think he was an idiot for destroying documents. I also think he was an incompetent idiot because he didn't get the originals. And I think that he should've spent some time behind bars rather than just getting a fine and temporary loss of his security clearance. But I also don't see him as a linchpin.

EDIT again: Here's a link to all the commission members:
And here's a link to the statements the five members made about inaccuracy of scenes:


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:29 AM



Originally posted by MalBadLatin:

Originally posted by Eric:
Funny. 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste called it 'very inaccurate and unfair,' and said it was full of "errors and mischaracterizations."

You might want to let people know that Richard Ben-Veniste has worked for the Clintons and has been hired, on many occasions, by the DNC.

Yeah, and Cyrus Nowrasteh, the writer of this propaganda piece is a partisan hack who's co-authored books with Horowitz. Here's an interview with him:

I like how he talks about how there was no response to the bombing of the USS Cole. That was in October of 2000. Clinton had three months left in office. Bush had NINE months in office before 9/11, and he did NOTHING. And somehow it's all Clinton's fault? Gimme a break.


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:37 AM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
More generally, there is a difference in my mind between a movie that is shown in theaters, where people have to pay money, and a movie shown on broadcast television.

The real difference is that if you pay for a movie and don't like it you've lost your money. If you don't like ABC watch CBS. If you don't like ABC or CBS then watch Sci Fi. If you don't like any of that watch something you've DVR'd (like the Cleveland Browns 27-13 win over the New Orleans Aints). Or don't watch anything.

Its called choice. The Democrats want less choice in this instance because this particular option is critical of Clinton's failure to respond to Al Queda attacks in the 1990's. Regardless of whether Clinton said a particular line verbatum (it is a dramatization after all) the idea is that we were attacked again and again and the President was too busy hadling other "affairs" to notice. Thats a legitimate point of contention and that was suggested at the time as a possibility.

I note for the record that the drama in question is no kinder to President Bush. I'm certain that there are people here who think that anything less then full blame on Bush is biased, the facts simply do not support such a conclusion. And there is no mention of the attacks being faked or the deliberate act of the American and Iseali govts, so some of you would not have watched anyway. Could Bush in less then nine months have prevented an attack by a force that Clinton had failed to deal with in his eight years? Thats a question worth considering and a drama I'd like to watch.

Broadcasters have a responsibility for what they provide free.

Or they lose their license. Thats what the Senate Democrats said. Broadcasts must conform to Democratic standards or you will lose your broadcast license. Free speech...with the fine print.

Well I have something to say about the Democratic Party*********POST DELETED BY ORDER OF THE DEMORATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE**********************



Friday, September 8, 2006 10:58 AM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
...I'm not sure I buy this theory.

Ahhh, why ya' gotta' blow holes in my crackpot theories? I guess I usually chalk this kind of thing up to good, old fashioned, greed instead of a sinister partisan plan. But, you might be right.

Although, ABC wouldn't actually have to change the offending scenes for my fantastical scenerio to be correct. I got that wrong initially, for sure. However, ABC running it with out commercials seems to, in large part, eliminate the profit motive.

But why would ABC, and thus Disney, be shilling for the Republicans? What is their motive if not profit? I understand why Republicans would want to muddy the waters, but what does the big mouse have to gain?


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:22 AM


The 9/11 commission is loaded with political hacks from both sides of the isle. I find Jamie Gorelick especially repugnant. I couldn't find direct quotes coming from any of those you listed but I guess they would say something like that anyhow.

I don't care about the movie -no matter what form it might take after editing, its still Hollywood pretending to be objective - what a joke.

Sandy Berger is no idiot and whatever he was after was important enough to risk being caught and prosecuted over. He willingly took the fall for the Clinton team.

Why the staff allowed him to leave with the documents is another question that needs to be answered.

PS: I accidentally cut and pasted Jamie Gorelick into the word search instead of the Google window - I think someone has been messing with the search engine over there.


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:36 AM


RAZZA, I disagree, on the grounds that every news organization could and would have had 24 hour news coverage about how farenheit 9/11 was proven false in court. As it was they gave it plenty of press from their constant outrage.

It is pitiful that the American public could be swayed by a fictional movie, I agree. It is inexusable that given that, ABC would outright fabricate facts of our history, which are sure to sway public opinion in a partisan way. This isn't about entertainment.

Nor is this a matter of censorship. Calling ABC out on its misrepresentation isn't a matter of censorship. Asking them not to play a dishonest piece of propaganda is not legislated censorship. It's asking them to remember their responsibility to the public.

Quite frankly, we should be demanding that our networks stay honest.



Friday, September 8, 2006 11:40 AM


Fellow Traveler, Disney is a huge corp - what it makes from its network is not neccesarily the measure to go by. What it makes in tax cuts or deregulation, or any number of other republican politics that favor these guys would well make up for the 40 million dropped into this movie.

- edit - correcting factual error - earlier it said good guys instead of these guys


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:47 AM


there's another difference HERO. ABC is a beneficiary of our public airwaves. I'm all for partisanship, but the slant of this broadcast is veiled...there's no idiot in a bowtie making up shit as he goes along for everybody to take note.


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:49 AM



Originally posted by MalBadLatin:
Why the staff allowed him to leave with the documents is another question that needs to be answered.

PS: I accidentally cut and pasted Jamie Gorelick into the word search instead of the Google window - I think someone has been messing with the search engine over there.

That's a very good question. Was that ever addressed in the plea deal?

And re: the You got me curious so I tried it out. Pretty funny result .

Originally posted by FellowTraveler:
But why would ABC, and thus Disney, be shilling for the Republicans? What is their motive if not profit? I understand why Republicans would want to muddy the waters, but what does the big mouse have to gain?

I have no clue. That's the really weird part of the whole story. It's a 40 million dollar (production budget) commercial free gift to a production team that has ties to the ultra-fringe religious right. And, as Think Progress is noting, they're not getting any support from prominent conservatives. Even the guy who wrote the book, "Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror" is saying that there's, "zero factual basis" for the letting-bin-Laden-go scene.

I'm reading that Disney's tax burden went down to zero by the time 2003 rolled around but that still doesn't seem enough of a good reason to run GOP propaganda right before an election.

I got no good answers for you. They couldn't have been played this badly, could they have?


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:59 AM


Disney isn't shilling for the Republicans. Theres a significant portion of our population that are nationalists and believe that America is still the best place on the planet. Disney wants our money.

Soup: I forget a lot of the Berger stuff - But the anger remains


Friday, September 8, 2006 12:12 PM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

Fellow Traveler, Disney is a huge corp - what it makes from its network is not neccesarily the measure to go by. What it makes in tax cuts or deregulation, or any number of other republican politics that favor the good guys would well make up for the 40 million dropped into this movie.

Corruption? In Washington? Righteous9, tell me ain't so! So, the motive could still be profit, just in a round about kind of way.

I still think ABC can play what they want. It may be misleading or pure fiction, but it's a private company and as long as the play by the established broadcast rules (no titties and no F word) they can air nearly anything. ABC isn't billing this as news. Well, they aren't now...

I would also have to agree that this isn't censorship. This is just a PR campaign. The same as was involved with the Reagan movie. Democrats are simply exercising their rights to free speech, as ABC is so entitled.


Friday, September 8, 2006 12:25 PM


Nationlism and Loyalism? are nasty words MalBadLatin.

I prefer patriotism and constitutionalism to the other kind of 'American'


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:08 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

The "Hush Rush Bill" was an effort to restablish the Fairness Doctrine which required equal time be given to opposing views. It had nothing to do to gagging the the founder of the EIB.


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:19 PM


thanks for that information Veteran.

The Fairness Doctrine is something we should still be trying to get back on the books.


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:12 PM



Originally posted by Veteran:
The "Hush Rush Bill" was an effort to restablish the Fairness Doctrine which required equal time be given to opposing views. It had nothing to do to gagging the the founder of the EIB.

And the timing of it was pure, 100% coinkidink too!




Friday, September 8, 2006 5:20 PM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

RAZZA, I disagree, on the grounds that every news organization could and would have had 24 hour news coverage about how farenheit 9/11 was proven false in court. As it was they gave it plenty of press from their constant outrage...

Yeah right! I would agree if the courts were actually a credible source of finality on such an issue. As you know, Court decisions are incredibly contraversial. (Examples; OJ Simpson, Bush v. Gore, etc..) These decisions are just politicized or marginalized into obscurity. I don't think for a second that a suit against Moore would've had the desired effect of his opponents; mainly shutting him up and undermining his credibility.

In fact, I think it would have had the opposite effect of lending more credibility and giving him a larger platform to speak. Afterall, why would his opponents be so determined to shut him up if he was only spewing crap? Come on Righteous, admit that they were smart not to pursue any kind of legal action and let Moore and his supporters hang themselves.

It must have worked because there isn't a Democrat that will touch Moore with a 30 foot pole these days, and despite all of Bush's negatives at the time, he won the election with a huge margin by today's political standards.

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."

---Napoleon Bonaparte


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:40 PM


Razza, go back to the post about the democrats trying to reinstitute the fairness doctrine and consider why they might need such a thing.

Nobody would allow themselves to be associated with Moore because of the very effective and dominating demonizing of him by the media, which is owned by massive companies with quite frankly, no short-term financial interest in helping to elect a democratic government.

They control almost all of the spin. They control the lense. You don't think they could effectively focus a legal case against somebody as controversial as Moore and make such an action seem right and just?

Now, I grant to you that sometimes things backfire...those things beyond the pale like the Terry Chiavo fiasco that even the media couldn't salvage, though they pushed it as far as they could.

To be fair, you may be right about this. Being that the media is pretty much the mouthpiece for the GOP, it is possibly fair to say that they were in a position so favorable that legal action would only have damaged it. If we go with this thought though, it would mean that we are comparing apples to oranges. The dems do not have the media, and therefore cannot easily counter the effects of negative press or even of slander, by simply renouncing it. Legal action would nearly be the only countermeasure in their arsenal.


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:00 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Hero wrote:


The Democrats want less choice in this instance because this particular option is critical of Clinton's failure to respond to Al Queda attacks in the 1990's. Regardless of whether Clinton said a particular line verbatum (it is a dramatization after all) the idea is that we were attacked again and again and the President was too busy hadling other "affairs" to notice. Thats a legitimate point of contention and that was suggested at the time as a possibility.

I note for the record that the drama in question is no kinder to President Bush. I'm certain that there are people here who think that anything less then full blame on Bush is biased, the facts simply do not support such a conclusion. And there is no mention of the attacks being faked or the deliberate act of the American and Iseali govts, so some of you would not have watched anyway. Could Bush in less then nine months have prevented an attack by a force that Clinton had failed to deal with in his eight years?

We might have our (vast) political differences, but in this instance, I'll agree with you. But I'd still like to clarify a few of your points.

1) "this particular option is critical of Clinton's failure to respond to Al Queda attacks in the 1990's. " I think you man his failure to *successfully* deal with Al Qaeda. He *DID* try to take the man out on a number of occasions, through the use of both air strikes and cruise missile attacks - one of which hit a "baby formula factory", and for which his administration took a lot of crap from Republican pundits. Remember that?

2) "...the President was too busy hadling other "affairs" to notice." True. But note also, that when he DID launch attacks on Bin Laden, he was accused by the GOP of "wagging the dog" in order to take heat off the investigation of his "other affairs". In short, the GOP said that he was attacking a target that was insignificant in order to avoid an unrelated scandal that was quite significant.

3) "I'm certain that there are people here who think that anything less then full blame on Bush is biased..." I'm certain that there are, too, but I'm not one of them. I *think* (not having seen the movie myself) the point they're going for is that 9/11 occurred because a slew of American leaders either ignored or underestimated Bin Laden's resolve and resources.

4) "Could Bush in less then nine months have prevented an attack by a force that Clinton had failed to deal with in his eight years?" Probably not. And he's now been exactly as successful in killing Bin Laden in the last six years as Clinton was in his eight. Biggest difference there, I suppose, is that while Clinton failed to deal successfully with Al Qaeda, he did it on a lot smaller budget, both in monetary terms and in terms of lives lost on all sides.

Will the movie make me think that Clinton is pure evil? Probably not, but I never had a very high opinion of him in the first place. I might be a liberal, but I can honestly state for the record that I never once voted for Clinton. :)


Remember, Kiddies, you can't spell "QUAGMIRE" without "I", "R", "A", & "Q"!


Saturday, September 9, 2006 3:26 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Eric:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
This mini-series is based on the 9/11 Commission Report. You can bet it is light years more accurate, more fair and more objective than Michael Moore's sad satyrical 'mockumentary' about Bush.

Funny. 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste called it 'very inaccurate and unfair,' and said it was full of "errors and mischaracterizations."

BTW, why are you fascists so afraid of Michael Moore? It's like you're obsessed with him, you rant and rave about him every chance you get. I've never heard anyone complain about (m)Ann Coulter nearly so much, though that's probably because everyone knows how irrelevant that horse-faced attention whore is.

Funnier. 9/11 Commission CHARIMAN Thomas Kean actually worked as a consultant on the mini series.

The producers and writers of the movie have said the script was based not only on the commission report but also on two books — “The Cell,” by the former ABC newsman John Miller and Michael Stone, and “The Relentless Pursuit,” by Samuel M. Katz — as well as personal interviews. They also say the script was vetted by lawyers, terrorism experts and former Gov. Thomas H. Kean of New Jersey, the commission’s chairman, who is credited as a senior consultant to the mini-series.

Mr. Kean, whose report criticized both the Bush and Clinton administrations, said Tuesday that the miniseries, like the report, was balanced. “People in both administrations are not going to be happy if it’s portrayed accurately,” he said.

First of all, who are the fascits ? If you don't even know the meaning of a word, I'd suggest you avoid trying to use it in a sentence.

As for Michael Moore, his name appropriately comes up w/ this movie because of his 9/11 mockumentary. Beyond that, who cares ? I personally wish he would simply fade away. But it wasn't the rest of America who put Moore in the President's box at the DNC. It was the radical, hard core, extremist Left which has taken control of the Democrat party. Anne Coulter isn't given 'rock star ' status nearly to the degree as Moore.

So when it comes to whining about the attention Moore gets from the Right, I'd say you doth protest FAR too much.

But talking about FASCISTS, it's the Dems who are trying to intimidate ABC w/ the force of Gov't to do their bidding. Just read the letter that Harry Reid sent to the execs over at ABC. It sounds very much like a mafia strongman making ABC an offer they can't refuse. " Do what we say, or else! "

I'd like to think ABC will do the right thing and air the mini series as is, but we all know that big business will kow tow to the threats of the Imperial Federal Gov't.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, September 9, 2006 3:33 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

...Being that the media is pretty much the mouthpiece for the GOP, it is possibly fair to say that they were in a position so favorable that legal action would only have damaged it. If we go with this thought though, it would mean that we are comparing apples to oranges. The dems do not have the media, and therefore cannot easily counter the effects of negative press or even of slander, by simply renouncing it. Legal action would nearly be the only countermeasure in their arsenal.

Well, here is another issue all together that we could have a thread about all by itself. I'd disagree that either party could claim the media as their mouthpiece. Taken as a whole, the media is fairly balanced. For every conservative talk show host, there is a liberal blogger. For every liberal editor there is a conservative commentator. The problem isn't that the media is biased, the problem is that most people cherry pick the news outlets they choose to get their news from; usually outlets which mainly agree with their views.

I am certain that there are plenty of conservatives who feel the exact opposite is true about the media being the mouthpiece of the GOP. The fact that liberals believe the media is conservative and conservatives believe it is liberal is proof positive in my mind that it is neither. Given the number of news outlets available today, it would be difficult to say that either party is unable to get their message out there.

I am more concerned with the degradation of respect for the journalists in the eyes of the american people. If you cannot trust the sources you get your information from, how can you make good decisions about your future? I think skepticisim is healthy and warranted, but the outright contempt many folks feel for reporters these days is scary, and makes it all too easy to ignore the facts altogether and maintain an uninformed opinion.

Again, how journalism has managed to fall is another discussion altogether, and would certainly be an interesting one.

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."

---Napoleon Bonaparte






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