How to Write a Conspiracy Theory

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:10
VIEWED: 6655
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:26 AM



Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Why do the people who already run the world want to go to such elaborate lengths, and involve themselves in such incredible "plots" to attempt to take over the world that they are already in control of?

Because they were bored?

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:43 AM



posted by Fletch2-
The problem with this is that it makes no sense. If you crash an airliner into a building and you investigate it, what you find is that a building was hit by an airliner. That evidence supports the official case.

unless different planes were envolved... that evidence is now long gone, irrecoverable


What you are saying is that supplemental charges were placed to ensure the destruction of the building to cover up the fact that there were supplemantal charges... redundant in the extreme.

no.. i still think youre missing the point; elements within government guided this plot from conception to fullfillment.. so the intent of destroying the buildings, (including building 7 and the pentagon crash) was just meant to further compound the confusion and hysteria, and aide in the coverup by eliminating evidence.

theres a quote from a book called 'the Unseen Hand', which states

"it is difficult for the observer to believe that such a giant, well organized conspiracy does exist, and that the goals they envision for the world(a NWO) are real. this disbelief by the public is what fuels their success, and it behooves the 'Conspiracy' to plan their events in such a way that the truth becomes so incredible and so preposterous, that no one would believe they(the events) were intentionally created.

i believe that if by some miracle, one of the towers survived, we could potentially have had an entire crime scene full of evidence of this coverup.. and the public would have at minimum, demanded the release of black box/fAA and NORAD data to assist in the investigation- which never really happened because of the chaos at ground zero. it seems to a lot of people that if you really scrutinize the events prior to 9/11, there are too many questions that have never been brought to light with sufficient clarity, or have been outright ommitted, distorted or classified.. so considering the political/social ramifications of 9/11, we ought to make damn sure we're making decisions based on fact, and not the Pentagon/shadow governments orchestrated crisis and propoganda


Nobody has found any molten steel on the site, the explanation for why the towers fell does not really on the ironwork melting to explain the collapse.

if thermate was distributed throughout the structure, then the molten steel would be evidence of this; besides the video, and the tons of documentation that any search engine will uncover, the firemen and construction workers at ground zero reported molten steel in the towers basement as much as two weeks after the events- that kind of energy simply cannot be duplicated by jet fuel, or a structural collapse


Thermite would be a poor choice for this kind of demolition anyway, a fast, shaped explosive to sever key structural elements would be the only way to ensure success.

thermate.. which i believe is also evident from the initial impacts, and the massive fireball that insued. the thermate obviously would have increased the temperatures of the impact, and used the jet fuel as a catalyst to systematically weaken the buildings structural rigidity


Conspiracy theories are like Hollywood movies the plans always work, in real life people fail to properly demolish buildings every day.

ok.. but 3 buildings properly demolish themselves in a single day?


Actually that's entirely the wrong way of doing it... Western culture has absorbed the Judeo Christian belief in manafest destiny. In reality you WANT the jet to hit Rummy's office (when he's not there of course) you want him to be a survivor put forward the idea that God spared him for greater things. Especially important if you plan on having him lead a war.

your theory sounds equally as hollywood


You are also especially forgetfull of what happened that day. Bush was shovelled onto Airforce One and flown around out of contact with anyone.

he was at an elementary school, doing a fairly well publicized photo-op, reading along in a classroom to a bunch of children. he sat there in that classroom over 5 min after the SECOND TOWER was hit, before the SS rushed him off.. so they apparently didnt feel that the presidents life was threatened in anyway, despite being a sitting duck(for all intents and purposes)


First we heard from him after a couple of hours was from inside a concrete bunker in bugspit Idaho (or somewhere.) It took the speech with the Firemen at ground zero to restore his fortunes, for the first few hours the nescessary security made him look like a wimp. Now if you planned all this, if you knew that the attacks were over and there was no risk to POTUS you could have had him out there, resolute, defiant in the face of posible danger.

he may not have known the exact details.. but i dont doubt that his scheduled photo-op, innocently reading to youngsters.. was entirely staged to coencide with the attacks. the incident with the firemen was probably aslo staged...just as he'll be one of the first ones to commemorate the new occult "Freedom Tower" that is being built in WTCs place (what i call the 'freedom tower of Babel')


The President over ruled his own security and hurried back to Washington ignoring fears of a follow on attack." Great stuff, very cinematic, the kind of action fictional Presidents to on TV and movies, the kind of action people in the US are conditioned to expect..... except he didn't.

the irony is, the story you believe sounds like the hollywood tale to me


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:16 AM


If you used airliners and the towers didn't fall then the only evidence there would be to find would be that airliners were involved. You use the unsubstatiated "military aircraft" and "thermite" to ensure the destruction of the building and cover up "evidence" What evidence? That you used "military aircraft" and thermite.

Like I said, things go wrong in demolitions all the time, and that's when there isn't planes being flown into things and ongoing fires. If you rigged the building as you suggest and it DIDN'T fall for some reason then you would be in deep dodo. More elements, more chance of a single point failure, especially since you have to do all this covertly. The whole premise is insane.

Modern politics is run by many of the same kind of folks that run the entertainment industry. They know about "Message." There was a perfect opertunity to push Bush as a resolute war president on 9/11, a great opertunity to pain Rumsfelt as a survivor destined to lead the people on a campaign or retribution. If they set it up then they would have exploited that. Instead we saw 48 hours as they scrambled to react. As for the primary school incident, that made him look weak and undecisive, sure politicians kiss babies and want to be seen with kids. However reading kids stories while thousands burned to death is not a great image. In the real world he didnt have a clue what was going on, in your world he did, so he'd have known to look more presidential.

Finally a last thought because I can see we are getting nowhere. The central core of your theory runs like this. The Administration needs an excuse to go to war in the mid east and establish NWO. They do this by fiendishly masterminding a genius level intricate plot. Something so complex that any number of things could have gone wrong and left them looking at trial for treason. And yet even operating covertly they manage to co-ordinate hundreds of details and thousands of people flawlessly.

Then we are to believe that these people, having successfully pulled off the greatest piece of preplanning in human history go on to completely screw the pooch when they get what they want, war in the mid east. If they are as smart as you think they are 1) why is Iraq such a problem for them? and 2) how come you haven't been involved in some terible autoaccident on your way home to your mom's basement?


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:24 AM



Originally posted by oldenglanddry:

People will believe what they want to believe.
You are a pretty classic example of that case in point and you've pretty much just substantiated everything i said

ok.. then admit that you believe government is relatively benevolent(with no alterior motive), because that is a faith certainly not supported by history


Before I leave this thread to wind down to it's inevitably Pantomimic conclusion let me pose a question. I've posed it before and nobody has answered it satisfactorily so now you can have a go. It's simply this:

Why do the people who already run the world want to go to such elaborate lengths, and involve themselves in such incredible "plots" to attempt to take over the world that they are already in control of?

because they dont have there world government established yet.. that and population control are two obvious answeres; and they cannot track your person yet, or micromanage your behavior


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:33 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
that and population control are two obvious answeres;

Can't be population control, birth rates soar in unstable and/or underdeveloped regions (with some exceptions), are at or below replacement level in stable and developed regions (with some exceptions). Starting a war may kill hundreds of thousands, but the dead will quickly be replaced by babies once the war is over.

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:48 AM


Your problem AntiMason is that you think your conspiracy is the truth and the real world view the distraction. In reality you and guy's like you are the distraction. There are a lot of damned good questions about 9/11, things like inadiquacies in immigration control, issues with NORAD's response times, things you touch on only briefly in your Uber plot. However that touch is deadly it means that few people investigate them for fear of being labled a tinfoil hat wearer. Even if they did find anything, the rubbish folks like you and PN spew on the net muddy the waters so much it would be hard to be taken seriously.

There was evidence in the 1960's that the Airforce encouraged the reporting of experimental aircraft sightings and missle tests as UFO sightings and actively used the country's "Alien Watchers" to cover up their own tests. Are you sure that you are not being fed a rediculous fiction skillfully designed to discredit anyone investigating government negligence connected to 9/11?

Are you really working for them?


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:57 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Starting a war may kill hundreds of thousands, but that number will quickly be replaced by babies once the war is over."

Just look at Iran today. Sure its population is skewed to the young, but the protracted war didn't put more than a ripple in its population.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:02 PM



Originally posted by antimason:

because they dont have there world government established yet.. that and population control are two obvious answeres; and they cannot track your person yet, or micromanage your behavior

There is a partial example of the self-perpetuation I was talking about.
You can come up with "reasons" for why the "plots" will never end because "they" have'nt done so-and-so yet Ad Infinitum.

The only real conspiracy is the number of distractionists out there deliberately spreading conspiracy theories.

You'r obviously one, but you'r just not very good at it yet.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:00 PM




There is a partial example of the self-perpetuation I was talking about.
You can come up with "reasons" for why the "plots" will never end because "they" have'nt done so-and-so yet Ad Infinitum.

and youll constantly come up with excuses why everthing happens merely by accident, with no motive or cause.

where do you see the world 20 years from now? people accuse politicians of being shortsighted about the future, on important issues like global warming or 'terrorism'.. when the reality is, everything is going as planned, because there actually is a plan. in light of the doom and gloom forecasts.. you dont think any prominant elite have ever gotten together to establish a long term strategy to (re)shape the future and guide it in a specific direction(like a centralized one world government)? it would be naive for anyone to bipass concern about the future.. but the key is dont wrongly assume that our leaders have the avg persons best interests at heart, because they certainly dont

if you take a look at the CFR documents, 5 years from now the NAFTA SPP American Union will be finished, and we wont be a sovereign nation anymore, but something the equivelant to an EU(but worse). to a conspiracy theorist, that seems like a huge step towards global government... but in your mind, itll all just be happening randomly, by accident.. an unfortunate series of uncontrollable events. it only takes a little wisdom and foresight to see the direction society is headed.. but youll miss the warning signs if you arent paying attention


The only real conspiracy is the number of distractionists out there deliberately spreading conspiracy theories.

again.. distractions from what? without us, all youd hear is establishment propoganda. i refuse to be a fool, and get bogged down in the endless partisan DISTRACTIONS.. the false debates that are fostered to use the 2 party system to polarize public opinion and grease the skids for communist NWO legistlation to be proposed and introduced. how does your worldview help preserve the constitution? if you believe theres a war on terror, than realize youre really fighting a war on freedom. wrap your brain around this, either youre with the government, and its banking masters, or you are "with the terrorists", Bush said it himself.

what is the difference between a terrorist and a criminal? the government says the difference is, a terrorist is not a human being, and has no rights. they both break the laws equally, regardless of their motive- but the "terrorist" is not recognized as a sovereign being. now maybe thats ok to you, i know ive heard other nazi-esque sentiments around here, like its ok to set up camps and throw 'terrorists' away.. but before we lose all empathy for other people, keep in mind that laws like the patriot and military commissions acts will soon be turning americans into terrorists


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:12 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Can't be population control, birth rates soar in unstable and/or underdeveloped regions (with some exceptions), are at or below replacement level in stable and developed regions (with some exceptions). Starting a war may kill hundreds of thousands, but the dead will quickly be replaced by babies once the war is over.

eugenics, forced sterilizations, euthenasia, abortion, there are a lot of ways it will be done..


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:16 PM



Originally posted by antimason:

and youll constantly come up with excuses why everthing happens merely by accident, with no motive or cause.

Never said that, chum, but keep digging, we can still see you.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:24 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
Your problem AntiMason is that you think your conspiracy is the truth and the real world view the distraction.

a lot of prominant people have spoken about it, including people like Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.. i guess theyre crazy too? *(or just distractions)

Aldous Huxley (Brave New World)

"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."

Winston Churchill

"From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

Benjamin Disraeli (first British Prime Minister)

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with Secret Societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans."

Felix Frankfurter(Supreme Court Justice 1952)

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."

Albert Pike (33° Freemason)

Fictions are necessary to the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance. In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 8:05 AM



Originally posted by antimason:

Originally posted by Fletch2:
Your problem AntiMason is that you think your conspiracy is the truth and the real world view the distraction.

a lot of prominant people have spoken about it, including people like Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.. i guess theyre crazy too? *(or just distractions)

Well since you don't actually quote them how can I tell? The ones you do quote all appear to be out of context, so we really have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sure if you fillet "Mein Kampf" you can make Hitler sound like he loves all the Jewish people. I haven't found any of the quotes you posted in larger context, just the same ones on the same foil hat websites. However from a good general knowledge of the people and times we can try and infer the original context.


Aldous Huxley (Brave New World)

"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."

Says nothing except the truth about totalitarian states. You may wish to see America as such a state because it's consistant with your delusion. I do not and I doubt that most of the people here, even the ones that deeply loath the current administration, would consider America a totalitarian state.


Winston Churchill

"From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

You attribute this to Churchill but even the site you took these quotes from (one of the sites that obviously tell you what to think) doesn't give a proper reference, just saying "the London Press 1922." Assuming that the attribution is correct (and a lot of made up stuff gets attributed to Churchill) then this was probably in relation to the British governments deliberations on recognising Soviet Russia which Churchill opposed. Churchill had a knack in speeches of linking current events with historical ones. What is not being said here is that one "conspiracy" existed since Sparticus but that a line of thought continued from then.


Benjamin Disraeli (first British Prime Minister)

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with Secret Societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans."

Again can not find a none tinfoil source for this. However, both this quote and the one from Churchill come from men that were running the largest Empire the world had ever known, one that your pall Priate News STILL thinks runs the world. Yet the quotes are obviously not talking about THEIR side but about those that oppose them. That doesn't strike me as supporting your case. In as much as one world government has ever existed, it was run from Whitehall by these men. Unlike the UN, which can't manage to do anything these men commanded the biggest military force of the time and were not afraid to use it.


Felix Frankfurter(Supreme Court Justice 1952)

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes."

Absolutely, nobody here even questions that, just follow the money.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."

Capitalist economy which means that the people that own the capital have a disproportionate influence over events than those that don't. Case in point. Back in the early 1990's just after the Gingrich revolution the BBC looked into party fundraising in the US. What it found was that prior to the Republicans taking control of Congress Democrats collected the most money, after the change it was Republicans. Now think on that a moment. If a business made contributions based purely on ideological reasons -- say the board thought that Republican's economic policy was more "pro business" -- you would expect them to keep making contributions to that party irrespective of if it was in power or not. In fact if you truly believe in their platform then you're more likely to give them more when they are out of power, because you believe in their agenda and want to see it enacted. So from an ideological viewpoint there should be no change in funding, you would only expect the money to flow mainly to the encombant if those contributing believed that they would get favours for it. After all, the opposition is not really in a possition to force through legislation beneficial to you no matter what their political stripe.

So yes, we know.....


Albert Pike (33° Freemason)

Fictions are necessary to the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance. In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.

One of the things that Freemasons, conspiracy theorists and scientologists believe is in the principle of esotericism. Defined as.


"The term Esotericism refers to the doctrines or practices of esoteric knowledge, or otherwise the quality or state of being described as esoteric.[1] Esoteric knowledge is that which is specialised or advanced in nature, available only to a narrow circle of "enlightened", "initiated", or highly educated people.[2] Items pertaining to Esotericism may be known as Esoterica.[3] Some interpretations of esotericism are very broad and include even unconventional and non-scientific belief systems. In contrast, exoteric knowledge is knowledge that is well-known or public."


European esotericism was reformulated in the seventeenth century as Rosicrucianism, and later entered various strands of Freemasonry.

So he's talking about how the mason's know stuff the plebes do not. Much the same as you insist that you know things we do not. Now wether this is true or a delusion is outside the scope of this discussion.

Final thought.

This is a little like the constellations. When you look up in the night sky you see random scatterings of stars, some of which seem to form patterns. Those patterns are an illusion, the stars of Orion are not linked together to form a pattern, they are in fact far far distant from each other. The patterns we see are dependent on our position in space, look at "Orion" from someplace else in the universe and it would look different. In addition it's possible that if one star in a consellation is close and another far away they may not even have existed at teh same time. the distant star may have died long before the close one started burning, only the limitation of the speed of light allows them to both appear in the same timeframe. Take a child outside and they might see paterns in the stars, humans have built in pattern recognition, but they are more likely to see things like bunnys and doggies than figures from ancient Greek myth. So how come we have constellations at all from what are random scatterings of stars in 4 dimensional time-space? It's because the greeks believed that figures from their mythology lived in their sky. They came to that random expanse of stars with a preconception and they found heroes and Gods in the randomness because they went looking for them.

If you believe in a unified conspiracy theory stretching back millenia you will look at a sea of random points in human history and start to link the dots to form the patterns you already expect to see there. Preconception, the thing that makes random spots of light into bears, fish and great hunters. You expect to find it there so you will find it, you're human, it's what humans do.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:36 AM


i quoted Thomas Jefferson in a previous post, where he warned of central banks and how they enslave populaces... its the same context as the other quotes, the same point, which is a global conspiracy.. but lets be frank: nothing will change your mind, because youre not ready for the truth; we'll have to wait for a global government before it becomes clear to you that all this information wasnt just forged and concocted for enterainment value


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:13 AM



Originally posted by Fletch2:

Well since you don't actually quote them how can I tell? The ones you do quote all appear to be out of context, so we really have no idea what they are talking about. I'm sure if you fillet "Mein Kampf" you can make Hitler sound like he loves all the Jewish people.

because i guess its normal for a president to admit to the existence of a shadow government.. im sure it was just taken out of context though.. in fact, its all been taken out of context, what we missed was the "of course this is just speculation" portion of the quotes


Says nothing except the truth about totalitarian states. You may wish to see America as such a state because it's consistant with your delusion.

im trying to prevent such a state from being ushered in by people like you, who refuse to accept the admitted threat of a global government


I do not and I doubt that most of the people here, even the ones that deeply loath the current administration, would consider America a totalitarian state.

i frankly dont care WHAT people consider to be happening in their own minds... no one will address the FACT that we are ruled by an illegal central bank.. which was strictly forbid by the constitution.. and which is the cause, and proof of this global conspiracy. apparently no one here has yet to investigate it themselves, since the evidence is irrefutable


You attribute this to Churchill but even the site you took these quotes from (one of the sites that obviously tell you what to think) doesn't give a proper reference, just saying "the London Press 1922." Assuming that the attribution is correct (and a lot of made up stuff gets attributed to Churchill) then this was probably in relation to the British governments deliberations on recognising Soviet Russia which Churchill opposed.

then you do not realize that the central banks created communism to be the antogonist to capitalism, and that western elite are, and always have been behind communism; but you could easily find that out for youself


Again can not find a none tinfoil source for this. However, both this quote and the one from Churchill come from men that were running the largest Empire the world had ever known, one that your pall Priate News STILL thinks runs the world. Yet the quotes are obviously not talking about THEIR side but about those that oppose them. That doesn't strike me as supporting your case.

you just dont get it.. LOOK INTO THE CENTRAL BANKS< FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! i will not continue to repeat myself because you want to live in a fantasy land


Absolutely, nobody here even questions that, just follow the money.

but who creates the money? the central banks, so then what is their motive?? global government, its really not that incomprehendable


Capitalist economy which means that the people that own the capital have a disproportionate influence over events than those that don't. Case in point. Back in the early 1990's just after the Gingrich revolution the BBC looked into party fundraising in the US. What it found was that prior to the Republicans taking control of Congress Democrats collected the most money, after the change it was Republicans. Now think on that a moment. If a business made contributions based purely on ideological reasons -- say the board thought that Republican's economic policy was more "pro business" -- you would expect them to keep making contributions to that party irrespective of if it was in power or not. In fact if you truly believe in their platform then you're more likely to give them more when they are out of power, because you believe in their agenda and want to see it enacted. So from an ideological viewpoint there should be no change in funding, you would only expect the money to flow mainly to the encombant if those contributing believed that they would get favours for it. After all, the opposition is not really in a possition to force through legislation beneficial to you no matter what their political stripe.

still stuck in the two party paradigm... if our money system is illegitimate, than it is all illegitimate! all of our problems would be solved by taking back the issuance of money from private hands, and giving it real value again, backed by gold, printed by government; but both your parties and idealogies protect the system, which is corrupt from the foundation... which is why it doesnt matter what idealogy you adopt, socialist democrat or fascist republican, theyre both being funded by the central banks. people could easily look into the reality of our monetary system themselves, but no one will address it.. which leads me to believe that you all dont care wether such a conspiracy exists or not, but are happy with your servitude


So he's talking about how the mason's know stuff the plebes do not. Much the same as you insist that you know things we do not. Now wether this is true or a delusion is outside the scope of this discussion.

this is your problem, there is no distinction between secret societies and the world conspiracy, since they control the central banks, just as the masonic symbolism on the dollar bill validates- it is the flaw in your logic which attempts to seperate this significant relationship


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 11:49 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
The problem is that anything can be assumed without evidence.

I assume you are a rubber duck, discuss.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 12:02 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:
The problem is that anything can be assumed without evidence.

I assume you are a rubber duck, discuss.

Are you infering he's yellow?


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 12:19 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
Are you infering he's yellow?

I'm infering he's a French-Capitalist-Democratic-Duck. Long time enemy of the British-Commie-Nazi-Jews.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:10 AM


just another, in a string of recent news articles, continuing to blow the lid off the 9/11 lies,,2011845,00.html


Response: Don't believe the official 'conspiracy' theory

We have to ask who stood to gain the most from the appalling events of 9/11

Tim Sparke
London Guardian
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

George Monbiot's explicit attack on the film Loose Change (A 9/11 conspiracy virus is sweeping the world ..., February 6) has no basis in fact. While we accept that there are flaws in the current version of the film, we stand by its overarching theme that the official "conspiracy" theory of 9/11, constructed in the hours, days, weeks and months after 9/11, is false.

In uncritically endorsing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report, Monbiot neglects to say that the collapse mechanism for the entire World Trade Centre building was never documented by NIST - it didn't see it as its job. Additionally, in accepting that the towers collapsed at virtually free-fall speed ("the weight of the collapsing top storeys generated a momentum the rest of the building could not arrest"), Monbiot shows no awareness that this explanation violates the law of conservation of momentum.

Monbiot also appears oblivious to NIST's failure to explain that, although fire could not have melted any steel, there were pools of molten metal under the rubble, and these pools remained molten for weeks after the collapse; that dozens of people, including firefighters, news reporters and fleeing victims, all reported massive explosions; the clear video evidence of explosions taking place; that virtually all the concrete was pulverised into tiny particles; the apparent disintegration of the central steel core; and the destruction of all the evidence from America's biggest crime scene, which was covertly transported to Asian and African shores before any forensic examination could take place.

Monbiot then endorses the idea that Building 7 collapsed because "thousands of gallons of diesel [were poured] on to the fire" - oblivious to the fact that, even if an enormous fire could have caused a symmetrical collapse (which required all 81 steel columns to miraculously fail simultaneously), there was, as photographs and eyewitnesses reveal, no enormous fire. Monbiot also appears unaware that several engineers and demolition experts, after studying videos, have declared that this collapse can only have been caused by explosives.

Monbiot suggests that thousands of people must have been involved in the conspiracy, as if the official story must therefore be true. We have no clue as to how many (though some suggest probably fewer than 1,000); but wasn't the Manhattan project, involving 100,000, kept secret, even from Vice-President Truman, until weeks before the first atom bomb was dropped?

Monbiot then suggests that CounterPunch - by refuting the film's claims - has to be correct, because it is a left-leaning newspaper. But acceptance of the official "conspiracy" theory is not a left or right political issue. It is about whether we should accept unconditionally a story which defeats the laws of physics, denies the abundance of witness testimony, and rejects video evidence put forward by an organisation, which, in hindsight, we know had the means, motive and opportunity, and also has a record of being economical with the truth.

We agree that our movie can't answer all the questions that millions of people now have - but the fact that Loose Change is the most downloaded film in internet history is the strongest argument for an honest public debate, and a truly independent inquiry. As we say in the 9/11 Truth Movement: ask questions, demand answers, investigate 9/11.

Tim Sparke is executive producer of Loose Change Final Cut.






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