40 lashes here, 200 lashes there.........

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 03:02
VIEWED: 3163
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:29 AM


You all know these 2 recent stories.

These absurd situations are coming from "normal, moderate, friendly" Muslim countries....not the Taliban/Al Qaida. How the hell are we civilized, modern people supposed to deal with that?

What the f*ck DOESN'T insult Islam? 40 lashes for a teddy bear???? 200 lashes for being in a car and getting gang raped? Wasn't the frikkin' rape punishment enough? I'm supposed to be tolerant and understanding and "diverse" to all this insane shit? We're supposed to live side by side and smile at these farging lunatics?


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:50 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

: cries, rubs eyes, wails :

But they're our friends ...

Aren't they ?


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:53 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
You all know these 2 recent stories.

These absurd situations are coming from "normal, moderate, friendly" Muslim countries....not the Taliban/Al Qaida. How the hell are we civilized, modern people supposed to deal with that?

Say "Ta for the Oil" and look the other way of course.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:12 AM


If civilized countries banded together we could dictate terms to the oil-rich savages...who else would they sell their f'ing oil too?

Where's the religious leaders of the world?
Where's NOW ?
Where's Hillary?
Where's Oprah?

Someone of stature in the world needs to STAND UP and say that Muslims are a bunch of fucking savages, but worse...they're a bunch of over-sensitive little fucking children who are not worthy of one ounce of respect.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:17 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Someone of stature in the world needs to STAND UP and say that Muslims are a bunch of fucking savages,

Maybe they could talk about the dangers of the international Muslim in a book about their struggles through life?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:17 AM



Originally posted by rue:
: cries, rubs eyes, wails :

But they're our friends ...

Aren't they ?

Who carved that into stone? Friends don't let friends drive drunk. And friends don't let friends commit atrocities against innocents. If the British teacher gets whipped in Sudan, England ought to invade and decimate that shithole of a country.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:41 AM


Lemme put it crystal fucking clear once and for all.

Look, arrogant chauvanist cockwads are what they are regardless of what religion they dodge behind as a defense... and make no bones about it, that is what it is, a defense against less-than-bright folks who wanna kick their ass.
(and for good reason)

Thing is, they duck behind a religion, and dimwits then attack the RELIGION, instead of the assholes, causing the entire fekkin belief system to come down on their head like a tidal wave, thus insulating those assholes from what they have done cause they can count on *an entire belief system* to cover their ass, because biased, dimwitted folk tend to fall hook line and sinker for that bullshit, up to and including adherents of that religion who see it and say "hey, look at the shit we can get away with now!" and then proceed to do same.

These radical dipshits represent the entirety of the belief system no more than any one of our moron televangelists represents the one they lay claim to - and both them guys, and THESE guys, are just using it as a front to get away with shit that they'd royally get their ass kicked for any other way.

Believe me, that is not at ALL restricted to mainstream belief systems - one reason mosta the pagan community isn't on such good terms with me is that I don't have any mercy for this shit under ANY belief system (you oughta see some of the crap pulled by so-called Dianic practictioners..) least of all ones supposedly based on tolerance.

Ain't much about racism in Norse beliefs, but you'd be stunned at how many folk try to spin it that way as an excuse... and that's all it is, an excuse.

If some asshole slaps you upside the head and then hides behind Mike Tyson, do you start whaling on Tyson ?
(Could lose an ear that way, mate!)

You wanna put a STOP to these assholes ?

Then you study the fekkin RELIGION, find where it conflicts (it does) or doesn't support that shit, and you start pointing THAT out to practicutioners thereof and watch the tidal wave land on THEM instead of you.

Don't be stupid.

Unless, of course, this is just cover for your own religious intolerance and desire for a crusade against the "unrighteous", in which case, by all means continue to make an ass of yourself.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 12:01 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
You wanna put a STOP to these assholes ?

Then you study the fekkin RELIGION, find where it conflicts (it does) or doesn't support that shit, and you start pointing THAT out to practicutioners thereof and watch the tidal wave land on THEM instead of you.

The problem with doing this is two-fold (at least). First the big two (Judeo-Christianity and Islam) unambiguously support practices which are barbaric at best, Second even if you stripped out the unambiguous support there's still plenty of wiggle room where things can be interpreted to support such practices. So even if you point out where the Bible or Koran say "be nice to everyone" they can point to the passages that say "women should be stoned to death for looking at men funny" and you are at an impasse.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 12:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Best thing to do for ANY barbaric nation? Put tarrifs on anything they sell: 10% for not being a democracy (w/ UN certified elections), 10% for not having equal rights written into law, 10% for not allowing free labor unions, 10% for polluting beyond their borders, 10% for having female literacy rates below that of men, and 25% for having troops in foreign nations that are not allies.

Why tarrifs? Because these nations are usually ruled by a a tyranny or monarchy that wants its cut of the action. If their goods suddenly don't sell as much because they're more expensive than somebody else's the total take at the top goes down. Harness their greed for the good.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 12:39 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
If civilized countries banded together we could dictate terms to the oil-rich savages...who else would they sell their f'ing oil too?

Where's the religious leaders of the world?
Where's NOW ?
Where's Hillary?
Where's Oprah?

Someone of stature in the world needs to STAND UP and say that Muslims are a bunch of fucking savages, but worse...they're a bunch of over-sensitive little fucking children who are not worthy of one ounce of respect.

We must display tolerance and respect those cultures which aren't like ours.

Wow. Those words ring hollow no matter who says them.

"Hillary tried to get a million dollars for the Woodstock museum. I understand it was a major cultural and pharmaceutical event. I couldn't attend. I was tied up at the time." - John McCain

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:24 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Best thing to do for ANY barbaric nation? Put tarrifs on anything they sell: 10% for not being a democracy (w/ UN certified elections), 10% for not having equal rights written into law, 10% for not allowing free labor unions, 10% for polluting beyond their borders, 10% for having female literacy rates below that of men, and 25% for having troops in foreign nations that are not allies.

Why tarrifs? Because these nations are usually ruled by a a tyranny or monarchy that wants its cut of the action. If their goods suddenly don't sell as much because they're more expensive than somebody else's the total take at the top goes down. Harness their greed for the good.

Always look upstream.

I like that....tariffs...sure. I'm ready for blockades already. A few countries consume almost all the oil in the world, THESE countries should SET the price of oil & TELL Opec what they'll pay for it. Call it OPIC...Organization of Petrolium Importing Countries. Where else they gonna sell their damn oil? North Korea...fine...we blockade their tankers and they will have to sell to us at the price WE set...and fuck Wall Street too... Fucking OIL should not be traded like orange juice futures.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:39 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Where else they gonna sell their damn oil?"

China. It would be only too happy to not have to compete to buy oil.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:47 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Best thing to do for ANY barbaric nation? Put tarrifs on anything they sell: 10% for not being a democracy (w/ UN certified elections), 10% for not having equal rights written into law, 10% for not allowing free labor unions, 10% for polluting beyond their borders, 10% for having female literacy rates below that of men, and 25% for having troops in foreign nations that are not allies.

Why tarrifs? Because these nations are usually ruled by a a tyranny or monarchy that wants its cut of the action. If their goods suddenly don't sell as much because they're more expensive than somebody else's the total take at the top goes down. Harness their greed for the good.

Always look upstream.

Sounds like a good idea. Only question I have is; would we still have to pay the 25% even after we installed a friendly government.

"Rock Chalk, Jayhawk, KU"


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:18 PM


"you are at an impasse."

That is where cleverness and force of personality come into the picture, Fred...

And it's not half as hard as anyone would think cause a lotta folk in their hearts WANT to be convinced, cause they're tired of takin shit from these goons.

Problem is - you attack outright, you lose em, they side with what they know, what they've known all their life, betting on the devil they do know over the one they don't.

You gotta be slick, get em to question what they believe, why they believe it, to question those assumptions.. and while they're anesthesised by that confusion, you slide in the knife so subtle and easy they never realize some mental surgery is taking place.. pick places they're already pissed, annoyed, dissappointed with, and argue for and against them, nodding when they get on the rails of their pet bitch and agreeing they've got a point as you lead em right down the garden path into starting to look at these goons as a pain in the ass instead of friends and protectors....

And then you leave it be, let em struggle with the new course of their thoughts so that they accept it as their own idea rather than an outside influance which they'll reject.

And you move on to the next one, and after a bit, sure as the sun comes up they'll start discussing those ideas with each other...

And about that time, you get out of town, make yourself scarce, lay low for a bit, cause it won't be very long from that point that all hell breaks loose, some confrontation with those goons that in the end only serves to reinforce exactly what they've already begun to think, to calcify it in their minds - and what follows that, is just about inevitable.

And THAT, folks, is when you start handing out the hardware, to folks who will remember you quite ever so fondly for it.

Or.. you can attack head on and get your ass handed to you by all of em...

Up to you.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:31 PM


It’s her own idiot fault (the teacher, not the rape victim).

I am in full agreement about the ludicrousness of the rape incident, but anyone who names a bear Mohammed in a public environment in a Muslim country needs some sense hitting into them.

Muslim countries are different from Western countries; everyone in the world knows that. So a wise person who decides to immigrate to a Muslim country (oxymoron?) would surely do some research into the little nuances that make the country different from her own. And surely at some point that person would stumble upon the religious aspects of life in Muslim country, which would in turn lead her to a few stories about a man named Mohammed.

I thought that most people knew that Mohammed is the most important person in the Islamic faith and as such it is a word anyone not of Muslim faith should avoid at all costs for fear of offending an easily offended people in some way. (Hell, I probably offended a few Muslim’s just then, who knows?)

Anyway, by now the person should be thinking to herself, “Remember that name, note it down as a major ‘buzz word’ and don’t use it without first seeking the advice of a resident Muslim.”
So, when her pupils say to her, “Let’s name a stuffed bear Mohammed”, alarm bells should have starting going off her head. Really big, really loud alarm bells.

Then she could have gone to any Muslim, anywhere, and they would have told her that giving the name of the prophet Mohammed to an inanimate object is a very unwise thing to do indeed. Call it Steve instead; no-one’s bothered about a bear called Steve.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sounds like a good idea. Only question I have is; would we still have to pay the 25% even after we installed a friendly government.
Good question! Heh! I was wondering if anyone would catch that. By my rules: no.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:33 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
That is where cleverness and force of personality come into the picture, Fred...

And that is where I'd have to step out then.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:53 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by SpaceHopper:
It’s her own idiot fault (the teacher, not the rape victim).

I am in full agreement about the ludicrousness of the rape incident, but anyone who names a bear Mohammed in a public environment in a Muslim country needs some sense hitting into them.

Muslim countries are different from Western countries; everyone in the world knows that. So a wise person who decides to immigrate to a Muslim country (oxymoron?) would surely do some research into the little nuances that make the country different from her own. And surely at some point that person would stumble upon the religious aspects of life in Muslim country, which would in turn lead her to a few stories about a man named Mohammed.

I thought that most people knew that Mohammed is the most important person in the Islamic faith and as such it is a word anyone not of Muslim faith should avoid at all costs for fear of offending an easily offended people in some way. (Hell, I probably offended a few Muslim’s just then, who knows?)

Anyway, by now the person should be thinking to herself, “Remember that name, note it down as a major ‘buzz word’ and don’t use it without first seeking the advice of a resident Muslim.”
So, when her pupils say to her, “Let’s name a stuffed bear Mohammed”, alarm bells should have starting going off her head. Really big, really loud alarm bells.

Then she could have gone to any Muslim, anywhere, and they would have told her that giving the name of the prophet Mohammed to an inanimate object is a very unwise thing to do indeed. Call it Steve instead; no-one’s bothered about a bear called Steve.


I strongly disagree. It is not intuitive that Mohammed (sp?) is a wrong name for a bear. After the flap over Danish cartoons, one might think that even mentioning Mohammed is a crime. However, the most popular kid in that teacher's class was named Mohammed. Why, then, would any rational individual think that naming a bear Mohammed is a problem? Clearly, Mohammed is a name commonly given to people who are not the famed prophet. Why not bears?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 5:18 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

A quick search seems to indicate that Saudi Arabia has sharia law. They don't call it sharia law (out loud), but the Quran was adopted as the constitution.

Yep, Bush's friends, the Saudis have sharia law.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 5:51 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


In a decade, maybe two, maybe five...

The oil will run out. The people who thought it was better to buy 20 mansions instead of infrastructure will be broke. The Arab nations will no longer matter to the world.

They will either become a (more) horrid 3rd world country at that time, or they will adapt.

What they will no longer be able to do is push people around. They will have no power or bargaining position whatsoever, no political influence at all.

I only wish we could give up our reliance on oil tomorrow, to speed up the process. Imagine the shock if we could boycott oil purchases whenever we didn't like the prices or policies behind them...


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, November 29, 2007 2:29 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Originally posted by SpaceHopper:
It’s her own idiot fault (the teacher, not the rape victim).

I am in full agreement about the ludicrousness of the rape incident, but anyone who names a bear Mohammed in a public environment in a Muslim country needs some sense hitting into them.

Muslim countries are different from Western countries; everyone in the world knows that. So a wise person who decides to immigrate to a Muslim country (oxymoron?) would surely do some research into the little nuances that make the country different from her own. And surely at some point that person would stumble upon the religious aspects of life in Muslim country, which would in turn lead her to a few stories about a man named Mohammed.

I thought that most people knew that Mohammed is the most important person in the Islamic faith and as such it is a word anyone not of Muslim faith should avoid at all costs for fear of offending an easily offended people in some way. (Hell, I probably offended a few Muslim’s just then, who knows?)

Anyway, by now the person should be thinking to herself, “Remember that name, note it down as a major ‘buzz word’ and don’t use it without first seeking the advice of a resident Muslim.”
So, when her pupils say to her, “Let’s name a stuffed bear Mohammed”, alarm bells should have starting going off her head. Really big, really loud alarm bells.

Then she could have gone to any Muslim, anywhere, and they would have told her that giving the name of the prophet Mohammed to an inanimate object is a very unwise thing to do indeed. Call it Steve instead; no-one’s bothered about a bear called Steve.


I strongly disagree. It is not intuitive that Mohammed (sp?) is a wrong name for a bear. After the flap over Danish cartoons, one might think that even mentioning Mohammed is a crime. However, the most popular kid in that teacher's class was named Mohammed. Why, then, would any rational individual think that naming a bear Mohammed is a problem? Clearly, Mohammed is a name commonly given to people who are not the famed prophet. Why not bears?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

I believe that Mohammed is the most popular name in the Arabic world. I would imagine that with millions of people named Mohammed there must be many, many occasions where someone says something like "your'e a jerk Mohammed, or fuck you Mohammed. I'm sure they don't get lashed or hung for that. NO...this is about some neaderthal barbarians who have bloodlust to whip this 50+year old British Citizen in public...period. They really don't like it too much when a TEACHER tries to teach their kids anything....the Taliban in Afghanistan routinely drag teachers out of school and behead them in the streets as a warning to others. They need to keep their children un-educated, to grow up as savage as they are...otherwise their cult "religion" would be exposed within their own ranks as blood curdling & sadistic. What do you think she'll look like after 40 lashes?...if she's still alive that is? Her back will be laid bare, and it will take many months to heal, all that time she'll be in agonizing, writhing pain. British citizens all over the world will have to live their lives every day with that knowledge if Britain fails to act to stop it. They must send in the Marines or some elite force to go to Khartum and free her. Invade the country if necessary, do whatever it takes to stop this atrocity from happening.


Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:09 AM


And after that can I borrow those marines to do much the same thing in the deep south of our own country, as well as Alberta, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic ?

I'm sure Jordan Riak and Shelby Earnshaw could give you a nice long list of primo targets.

And if they couldn't - I damn well could, and probably a longer one covering off-the-books facilities as well.

Not sayin the folk who wanna lash a teacher over something so goddamn stupid ain't assholes, mind you.... just sayin that we do as much and worse, to kids, who often wind up dead over it, right here in the good ole US of A, only it never makes the fucking news till the bodies pile up, IF even then.

I'm all down for sending a team to rescue someone in that situation, but when I can cite a laundry list of casualties (deaths only, not including the maimed or psychologically destroyed) at the hands of our own via similar reasoning, and similar methods.

I'd damn sure like to borrow that strike team when yer done with it...

Take a good long look at that list, people.
YOU try gettin any sleep with that many ghosts haunting YOUR conscience...


Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:39 AM


I really don't know where you're coming from here. Nowhere in America, including the South is it public or religious policy to criminalize trivial actions with brutal bloody punishment.

We've got all these " so-called" womens rights groups running around America hysterical because some women want to breast feed in public, or go topless in public...oh the horror!...but these groups don't say a gorram word about the atrcocities against women and children of Islam, and innocent Westerners who are there to try to do some good work and get caught up in some childish and ridiculous savage and barbaric Sharia Law violation.

Also...what does that list you provided have anything to do with this topic? Just for that, you can't have my strike team.


Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:01 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
What the f*ck DOESN'T insult Islam? 40 lashes for a teddy bear???? 200 lashes for being in a car and getting gang raped?

Could be worse. In Taliban's Afganistan they'd be dead. One for having sex, the other for being a female teacher.

In Nigeria I'm fairly certain there woulda been a stoning. And believe me, getting stoned in Nigeria is not as fun as getting stoned in southern California.

Everything insults Islam, even Islam. Its all a matter of degree. Allah demands they get lashed, or stoned, or lose a hand, or a head.

Oprah, Hillary, NOW, they can't comment...because they're women and its not their place to be critical of the Muslim world.



Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:46 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Oprah, Hillary, NOW, they can't comment...because they're women and its not their place to be critical of the Muslim world.

Why not? They shoot off their pieholes every day about every pissant issue there is. It's time for the Civilized World to stand up and denounce this cult of death and enslavement. Rushdie tried with Satanic Verses...he was a visonary in trying to inform the world of the growing dangers of radical Islam. So was that author in Holland who was stabbed to death in the street for "insulting Islam". The West has NEVER really confronted the Saudis, the Mullahs, et al on this. It's time to! Embargos, blockades, tariffs, freezing assets held in the West etc. are all tools to rein in the barbarians. The question, some day, will boil all the way down to one fundamental position :
Either we're gonna find new energy sources ( like Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, ethanol, coal, nuclear, etc. or we need to just take by force what we need to survive. Life on Earth since the beginning has always been about survival. All these oil-rich cocksuckers in the Middle East would be speaking Nazi German if not for England and America. Fuck 'em!


Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The question, some day, will boil all the way down to one fundamental position :
Either we're gonna find new energy sources ( like Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, ethanol, coal, nuclear, etc. or we need to just take by force what we need to survive.

There's also conservation, solar, and wind power.

Always look upstream.


Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:03 AM


Any Americans here mind that other nations consider them barbaric and primitive for having the death penalty?


Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:16 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Nowhere in America, including the South is it public or religious policy to criminalize trivial actions with brutal bloody punishment."

In the good ol' USA barbaric punishment is done as a business, for money. I suppose that makes it better.

Bless the beasts and the children,
For in this world they have no choice
They have no voice.
Bless the beasts and the children,
Give them shelter from the storm.
Keep them safe.
Keep them warm.


Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:43 AM



Originally posted by rue:
"Nowhere in America, including the South is it public or religious policy to criminalize trivial actions with brutal bloody punishment."

In the good ol' USA barbaric punishment is done as a business, for money. I suppose that makes it better.

Bless the beasts and the children,
For in this world they have no choice
They have no voice.
Bless the beasts and the children,
Give them shelter from the storm.
Keep them safe.
Keep them warm.

If you don't mind, please tell me where in the USA there is barbaric punishment meted out by businesses for money?

And I'm talking about public hangings, stonings, whippings and other forms of Islamic cruelty. And yes ...some states in America still have capital punishment...most by lethal injection. We consider that proper justice for the victims and their families for the most henious crimes....not adultery, or being in a car with boys, or naming a Teddy Bear, or showing your ankles in public. Why you continue to spin spin spin on this is a mystery to me. Maybe you've just drunk too much anti-American koolaid over the years to have any objectivity left in you. Spinners, apologists, moral equivocators, appeasers, etc. are gonna be the death of us all someday.


Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:51 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

No, I actually think sharia law is barbaric.

But the US has it's own brand of barbarism. You can get locked up in jail for years for a small amount of weed. You can get locked up for life even if your third crime is stealing a video tape. And if you haven't noticed jail is a hell-hole. And the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world.

I'm just trying to point out that we all have blind spots and USers thinking that the country is the acme of rational justice is one of them.

"Where in the US is there "barbaric punishment meted out by businesses for money"."

I thought that was pretty obvious from Frem's link.


Thursday, November 29, 2007 10:59 AM



Originally posted by rue:
But the US has it's own brand of barbarism. You can get locked up in jail for years for a small amount of weed.

Wow, I usually just give them a $150 fine and a 6 month license suspension and that the mandatory state penalty. To get "years" your small amount would have to be alot.



Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:01 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Oh yeah, don't they also confiscate all property including real estate and bank accounts when they make the bust ?
"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:25 PM


"I really don't know where you're coming from here. Nowhere in America, including the South is it public or religious policy to criminalize trivial actions with brutal bloody punishment."

Bullshit, Jong - These facilities I name get money from both religious and government sources, that makes it a matter of policy.

"If you don't mind, please tell me where in the USA there is barbaric punishment meted out by businesses for money?"

How big a list would you like ?
A hundred ?
Two hundred ?
I can keep going, you know...

Dude, I'm tellin you the facts, there's a whole shitload of facilities right here in the good ole USA who use doctrines for "behavior modification" right out of the old intel agency blackops playbook, given that's where they learned it in the first place back when they were Synanon/The Seed - and kids wind up sent there for such ridiculous shit as violating curfew or even just being kids, really...

And a lot of em die.

Beatings, druggings, hours of restraint, forced isolation, force-marches in freezing or baking conditions, which have been responsible for a great part of the deaths especially among girls.

So, umm... whipping someone is bad, but force-marching little girls to death is ok, then ?

And you and me, we're gonna have us a discussion about sharia law in a minnit, which is gonna be it's own post as it deserves it, cause imma get it through to you if I have to use a brick to pound it in.

Like I said, I am *ALL FOR* stopping such abuses of human beings, but for a fact, I'd like to stop them here as well as over there.

Yeah, read that again, slowly, one word at a time... numnuts, I want *ALL* that shit stopped, just cause I can point out it happens here doesn't mean I don't give a fuck about them doin it to an American or Brit over there neither, and I am in complete agreement with sending a team to spring them if diplomacy fails us in that respect.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:26 PM


Re: Sharia Law

Jong, you don't think I know that shit is barbaric, that I don't consider it to be barbaric ?

You're letting your emotions and anger get in the way of your reasoning and for that, cause you have some cause to be pissed and upset, I'm lettin a lot of your stupidity slide here, especially since your own racism and theological hatreds which were indoctrinated to you by people not one whit better are showing through, and I would verbally rip you a new one for that under most circumstances.

Turn it around, if some of these hardcore southern baptists could get away with stoning folk here, they'd damn well do it, but they can't because every time they try to infect our secular government with religious zealotry, there's some crazy bastard like me standing in the way - we americans managed to keep that shit from getting a foothold here, and for damned sure I would like to keep it that way.

Now, politically, we got no right to dictate someone else's government to them, but from a simple human rights aspect sure, we're obligated to make our displeasure known, via trade sanctions or what have you...

But remember, the two guys who did the most to run religion OUT of government over there, we deposed and/or executed - those two being Mohammed Mossedeigh and Saddam Hussien, the latter being a dickheaded tyrant, but not without the redeeming quality of trying to break Sharia Law with a secular government.

These Sharia Law practicing dickheads have proven to be a bulwark against foreign meddling ever since 1979 when they ran the Shah, a guy we propped up after deposing Mossedeigh, right out of town on a rail - AND in Afghanistan, with a bit of help from us, ran the russians right back over the border.

Because of this, folks in these three countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran.. trust these assholes more than us, it's a fact, no matter how unpleasant, and will tolerate this shit from them because they see these goons and their armies as an effective bulwark against foreign intervention or meddling.

It's the same stupidity that kept Castro in power for years and years, the more we fuck with em, the more their own people cling to them in hopes of being protected from us.

You can NOT come from outside and force that change, look at Iraq now and what a complete disaster this has become because of that kind of stupidity - you HAVE to convince the locals to do it themselves, because as long as they support these nimrods, these nimrods are gonna have power over there, and you don't break that support by creating martyrs via slaughtering folk who support em, for every one you kill that way ten more sign up.

I posted above, a simple, step by step process to completely fuck their day ALL up, get those people, many of whom are sick of living under their lash, to pretty much burn the fuckers at the stake without even implicating the person who uses that process as it's cause.

Do you think I woulda done that, given just how *revealing* of certain things that info is, if I did not want these Sharia Law practicing assholes slaughtered like the pigs they are by their own people ?

Lemme offer it from their point of view - if the UN came here to put a stop to our aggression, sent Bush to the gallows, and started burning down our "decadent" churches...

Do you really think we wouldn't pull out everything from cheap gangbanger nines to all those assault rifles we're pretending not to have so the BATFE doesn't send us to the gulag... and run those blue helmet fuckers right back into the atlantic ocean ?

Glory hell, it'd be like a free fire day at knob creek with live popup targets!

And you'd throw in real quick even with them liberals and socialists and various other folk you'd otherwise like to see swingin from a rope, long as they were willing to shoulder a rifle and carry extra ammo, wouldn't you ?

ESPECIALLY if they had more guys and bigger guns.

Well, that's how the locals in those countries view these shitheads, they hate em, but they hate US worse cause we're over there shitting all over their country and everything they believe, and these Sharia Law practicing dickwads have "more guys and bigger guns" as well as the historically proven ability to kick the ass of both the US and Russia.

That does NOT mean the locals like these dweebs.

FIRST, we gotta quit handing them ourselves as an interfering enemy to hate upon, hand that crap off to the UN, cause we've wasted enough of our own money and people on this stupidity, and we're not gonna get it done that way - like I said in the first damn place.

SECOND, we gotta get some guys in there who aren't partisan fanatics, or use folk who actually THINK rather than scream hoo-rah and charge right in to get hooks into some of the locals, folks who are slick and convincing, who understand the beliefs and social system to argue it effectively from any side... if they have trouble finding any, I can name quite a few not only able, but willing to do it - cause remember I live almost right next to a lot of em who moved HERE to get AWAY from that shit and hate it as much as you do if not more.

THIRD, we gotta implement the doctrine I outlined above, which, if done right - will result in the locals themselves lynching those sadistic fucks and flushing Sharia Law down the toilet of history where it fucking belongs.

And I want YOU to go take a look in the mirror, and think hard about the fact that the jackasses who've been spoonfeeding you racial and ideological hatred are every bit the same, and manipulating YOU just the exact same way that these Sharia Law dickheads are manipulating THEIR local populations and start thinkin really hard about whether or not you wanna play that stupid little game, as one of their pawns - or man up and do it cause YOU, personally, despise folk who crap on other peoples rights.

Thing is, Jong... normally I'd just flame you and not waste the time and effort that I have done here, but underneath that shit you're shovelling you got heart, kid, and you got a brain, and I think it's long past time you stood up and used it, instead of listening to someone else manipulating your completely justified hatred of these pricks for their OWN, no less vile, partisan agenda.

It's up to you, guy - but never for a moment should you think I don't hate those dicks as much or more than you do... not just there, but here, and under any religion they hide it in, even some of ours.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, November 29, 2007 4:47 PM



Originally posted by rue:
No, I actually think sharia law is barbaric.

But the US has it's own brand of barbarism. You can get locked up in jail for years for a small amount of weed. You can get locked up for life even if your third crime is stealing a video tape. And if you haven't noticed jail is a hell-hole. And the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world.

I'm just trying to point out that we all have blind spots and USers thinking that the country is the acme of rational justice is one of them.

"Where in the US is there "barbaric punishment meted out by businesses for money"."

I thought that was pretty obvious from Frem's link.

Well said.



Thursday, November 29, 2007 5:33 PM



Originally posted by rue:
No, I actually think sharia law is barbaric.

But the US has it's own brand of barbarism. You can get locked up in jail for years for a small amount of weed.


I had a "friend" that used to smoke a little pot when he was young. The worst thing that ever happened to me, I mean him, was that a cop made him dump his baggie on the side of the road. I think he might have preferred to be Tazed.

"Rock Chalk, Jayhawk, KU"


Friday, November 30, 2007 3:19 AM


Frem...I wouldn't even know where to begin to respond to your term paper here, except to say the following:

I enjoy the fact that FFF posters here are intelligent and have varying opinions on issues.

I gave up years ago trying to debate liberals, anarchists, and atheists.

Now I just post what I feel...I'm not looking to debate you or anybody else. You and others post what you want and I read them, sometimes I can learn something, often I cannot. So chill my man....all is good.


Friday, November 30, 2007 5:27 AM


Sooo.. yer just a racist, ideological zealot hating on them cause you were told to, without an actual interest in fixing the problem, then ?

That's disappointing.

If yer not willing to fix it then shut the fuck up about it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, November 30, 2007 5:50 AM


How 'bout you shut up? I'll shut up when you do.

You are boring and unrelenting in your accusations that I'm being fed koolaid or something....that's a drink strictly reserved for air-heads like you. Go flame yourself.


Friday, November 30, 2007 6:19 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


There is no need to make personal attacks.

The irony here is that you all hate injustice, and are simply divided about how to recognize and remedy it. Here are people within arm's reach of each other's position, insulting each other.

Let us limit ourselves to discussing ideas, positions, philosophies, and plans, and leave the personal attacks at the door.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Friday, November 30, 2007 6:19 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important



Friday, November 30, 2007 6:40 AM


Thanks Anthony,

I don't make personal attacks on anyone here, unless they attack me...just like Capt. Mal taught me. Frem is attacking everybody on many posts whose opinions don't fit his whatever. He must be a tad stressed it seems; maybe it's mushroom harvesting time at Walden Pond.


Friday, November 30, 2007 7:41 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
If yer not willing to fix it then shut the f@#k up about it.


For a self proclaimed anarchist you sure don't mind telling other people what they should and should not think IMHO.


Friday, November 30, 2007 7:45 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I had a "friend" that used to smoke a little pot when he was young. The worst thing that ever happened to me, I mean him, was that a cop made him dump his baggie on the side of the road."

White male middle-class college student ? I'm not surprised it's the worst that happened to you ... I mean, your 'friend'.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, November 30, 2007 7:47 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I don't make personal attacks on anyone here, unless they attack me ..."

Oh good god, what a load.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, November 30, 2007 8:15 AM


Rue...the only load here is you and your load of condescending think you're better than everybody else, smarter too. A self-nominated genius in a den of idiots...well this is ALL our ruttin' den, and many, many of us think we're just as gorram smart and wise as you, and many, many of us value our opinions as much as you value yours. I repeat, I don't attack FF Fans unless they go after me first. Take your head out of your butt, clear your eyes a bit, and behold the big world of folk whose beliefs don't fit your model.


Friday, November 30, 2007 8:17 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Hmmmm ... did I attack you ? Or did I disagree with you ? Do you even know the difference ?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, November 30, 2007 8:20 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

BTW this is what you think about other people and their right to express their opinions in a democracy:


"I think the main point here is that this debate was usurped by wrong-thinking individuals who have no respect for anything other than what they want."

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, November 30, 2007 8:21 AM


I must be too stupid to recognize the difference...not my momma dropped me on my head a lot when I was a child. Dong ma?


Friday, November 30, 2007 8:25 AM



Originally posted by rue:
BTW this is what you think about other people and their right to express their opinions in a democracy:
Jong..."I think the main point here is that this debate was usurped by wrong-thinking individuals who have no respect for anything other than what they want."

Wrong-thinking in regards to their "gate-crashing" mentality, their refusal to allow the Repubs to have their debate without interference from Dems with an agenda.






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