Another Shooten

UPDATED: Saturday, February 16, 2008 13:49
VIEWED: 1555
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Friday, February 15, 2008 5:12 AM


Man is it me or is there something really wrong with these young people. There is a deep sickness going on in America. I am so disgusted.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Friday, February 15, 2008 6:14 AM


I say the same thing all the time....I don't know what it is...but maybe :

1) Easy access to weapons?....there have always been un-popular kids, or bullied kids, or misfit kids, or love-scorned the past they just got thru it, went off to college and became adults. Now they just want to exact revenge and kill everybody they deem responsible for their own problems.
2) Video game violence?....has 25+ years of violent video games just de-sensitized kids to the point they don't understand the value of human life anymore?
3) Less parental involvement?....more parents have to work, moms too. Un-supervised kids can get into all sorts of nasty stuff, if they don;t have good role models, and parents that are involved with their lives.
4) Fatalistic outlook on the world?....Kids get bombarded all their lives with the negativity and horrors of the media...tends to deflate one's attitude if you don't have other things in your life that make you happy.
5) The whole "image" thing....the mantra that everybody has this right & that right, no personal responsibilities, but just "rights". In my day, most kids just knew that some of our peers were smarter, better-looking, better athletes...we were Ok with that...not everyone can be a winner...for every winner, there usually are dozens of losers. Society today does not teach kids how to deal with losing.


Friday, February 15, 2008 6:38 AM


it's ridiculous, why can't these psychos just skip to the killing themselves part and jump right over the killing and hurting of innocents.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Friday, February 15, 2008 7:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

In almost all cases, when somebody commits multiple murders (Andrea Yates, Cho etc.) and there is no dyfunctional family, crime-ridden neighborhood, and gang involvement in the background it's almost always because of a serious neuro-psychological issue. I'll bet they find this guy has a history of schizophrenia, serious depression or some such. Often biological origin.

Always look upstream.


Friday, February 15, 2008 7:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Kazmierczak, whose first name was earlier listed as Steven, was taking some kind of medication, (Campus Police Chief) Grady said. "He had stopped taking medication and become somewhat erratic in the last couple of weeks," Grady said, declining to name the drug or provide other details.
So, we'll find out.;_ylt=Aq9oj7CiYpzhOFxUAwFAi4es0

Always look upstream.


Friday, February 15, 2008 6:17 PM


I don't have the time or the patience to break it down right now, so imma be just plain blunt.

You want the honest truth, it's as simple as this.

Society says
"Here is the shit sandwich that is your life, your place in our world, and how bout a side order of misery and horror for your future compounded by crushing debt, fear, hate and paranioa, isn't that great!?"

Shooter says
"Here is MY answer, and I hope you choke on it, fuckers."

Strip all the bullshit off, and that's the root of it, with or without a biochemical issue, Siggy, that is the exact thought process that occurs here - it's undeniable.

We offer them hell, and they choose to opt out, and take some of us with them in retaliation for trying to force-feed it to em, it ain't no simpler than that.



Friday, February 15, 2008 6:26 PM


Heh... It wasn't his fault. He was born that way. If only we got him on pills sooner.


Looking forward to the day when the gay parade and the maniacial and suicidal serial killer parades cross paths.

Let anyone who believes they have no control over their own actions walk off the edge of a cliff like lemmings for all I'm concerned.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, February 15, 2008 10:00 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
...and there is no dyfunctional family...

How the heck to you determine that? You take the mother and father's word? You ask the neighbors, who all have PhD's in family systems therapy?

And are you saying that a "crime-ridden neighborhood" is a factor in mass-murder sprees? Signy?

Signy, my parents were comfortably middle-class, degreed people who happened to be pedophiles--the neighbors still don't know anything about it. My parents friends were in as much denial as we were. How can you rule out dysfunctional family with the kind of information available over the internet?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, February 15, 2008 10:09 PM


Wow. Is that true HK? And both of them? I'm really sorry to hear about that, and doubly sorry if you know that because you were yourself abused. And I mean that with the utmost sincerity.

If you're not serious, and you're just trying to make what I feel is a very good point, forgive my moment of gullibility. But even though we don't get along on here none too much, I'd much sooner believe something that an individual confessed about themselves or their own past than 100% of the crap you see on the news in any given day.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, February 15, 2008 10:48 PM


Hey 6ix,

I really appreciate your kind words. You and I have been at odds a lot of late, but the common humanity you express in this post has really made my day. Thanks.

Yeah, my homelife was a real two-part Oprah special type o' deal. My parents were very complicated people and I've worked very, very hard for most of my adult life to uncomplicate myself. Over the years, the facts of my childhood have come up from time to time on this board. I didn't mean to spring 'em on you or anyone. I know Signy has heard it before.

The only thing the kind of evil we're talking about here needs in order to stay hidden is a community sufficiently motivated to deny its existence. Mass murder and incest are both realities that a lot of people just don't want to think about--which really means, they really would rather not come to turms with their reality. Denial can be a very dangerous game in such cases.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, February 16, 2008 12:38 AM


You're welcome HK. One on one, I'm really not a bad guy. Most people liked my Grandpa even though he was the most opinionated person I've ever known and he could be a real angry bastard sometimes. And he was a hell of a man, and any time the family went out to the resturants the waitresses always wanted to wait on us and the managers always came out and made a point to talk to him and treated us right.

Problem here in the RWED is that each of us are only our strong opinions in each others eyes, and they often clash hard with each other. I think, at least for me, the opinions expressed by individuals in the RWED represent more of a symbol of an entire ideology or movement very much against my own sensibilities which sometimes I just cannot understand the support behind them. I think that oftentimes in our frustration that people just don't flip their own idologies to match our own when we believe we're explaining it in a way that nobody could disagree with, we tend to forget that it is individual human beings with feelings behind the comments, and not the ideologys themselves.

Though I can't deny that I'm guilty of having overstepped my boundaries on several occasions before in here, my overly aggressive behavior in is, honestly, more of an attack on those ideologys I and not the individual themselves. It's hard not to take it personally though, and likewise it's hard not to deal it to others in a personal fashion when you're so frustrated. Oftentimes it comes out in a tone that we ourselves wouldn't like being talked to in, and add the way that one simple sentence could be read 100 different ways depending on the mood of the reader going into it and that pretty much explains why the RWED is the way the RWED is.

So really, regardless of our past (and I'm sure future) squabbles, I hope you're doing alright in those regards. My life twas no picnic growing up either, and though I wouldn't dare say that I understand exactly what it is that you went through, I know I'm pretty damned scarred from my own past demons. Might explain a bit why coming here to argue is apparantley so appealing to us?

Ain't just a family or a community that hides things. The news organisations themselves report what they want and omit what they want. When I've said that I don't believe anything I see on the news it's not that I'm saying that any of it isn't true. It's that anything said on Fox or CNN or ABC or CBS or anywhere else I look at just as skeptically and with the same mindset as most people in here do when PN posts something. I know there are truths in there, and there may not even be lies in a bunch of it, but the important parts are what we don't know. The real truths. Knowledge being power and all, would it really make any sense if all of us poor dumb sheep were told what was really going on in the world?

Easier and more profitable for them to keep us fighting each other. From petty quarrels inside the RWED to full blown unconstitutional anti-terror police movements. As long as we don't understand each other and can never reach a common ground, we'll always be at each other's throats. For the ones watching from outside the box, I believe, that suits them just fine.

Good luck uncomplicating your life HK and let me be the first to apologize for our next inevatible round of insults and misunderstandings.

As much of a miserable bastard as I can be at times, really does make me feel good when somebody tells me that I've made their day.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, February 16, 2008 1:11 AM



The only thing the kind of evil we're talking about here needs in order to stay hidden is a community sufficiently motivated to deny its existence.

A most profound truth, that.

And the reason nobody much likes the harbringer of such darkness neither.

That's why the smart ones lay a breadcrumb trail to the edge of the rabbithole and let human folly do the rest.



Saturday, February 16, 2008 5:16 AM


My uncle use to say there is real evil in the world. You don't try to figure it out it just is. Maybe the body is capture by a demon until the body dies and the soul is released. Gangbangers got away with killing oh its a black thing or drug thing. Well its in colledges now. I don't get it. America is a fun place alot fun stuff to do.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Saturday, February 16, 2008 5:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Signy, my parents were comfortably middle-class, degreed people who happened to be pedophiles--the neighbors still don't know anything about it. My parents friends were in as much denial as we were. How can you rule out dysfunctional family with the kind of information available over the internet?
You can't. But investigation will often reveal if that is the case.

I know you just can't believe that people are bron with "issues", and you like to think that everyone who goes ballistic does so as a result of some childhood trauma. In most cases, you're prolly right. But as brilliant, compassionate, empathetic as people can be, there is the other side of the bell curve. "People" can also be paranoid, schizophrenic, delusional etc. There are millions of ways for the brain to misfire, and far fewer for the brain the work "right".

But my point was not to react with horror when things like this happen, but to take a deep breath. People are like squishy computers: hardware, firmware, and software. "Horrific" deeds
are not just a cases of somebody "deciding" to be bad. There is a serious malfunction back there somewhere. It may be in the "software" (What you learned growing up) and the "firmware" (how you interpret things) or in the hardware. I stopped, in a sense, reacting to these as if it were a moral issue that demanded outrage against the perp and more like a problem that needs to be solved. That's all I'm saying.

Always look upstream.


Saturday, February 16, 2008 5:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Huh, Well THAT was weird!


Saturday, February 16, 2008 8:51 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I know you just can't believe that people are bron with "issues", and you like to think that everyone who goes ballistic does so as a result of some childhood trauma. In most cases, you're prolly right.

Hey, Signy.

Of course people are born with issues, it's the severity and the scope of those issues that you and I disagree on; the complexity of dysfunction that organic disease can produce. I don't see a lot of the systematic "evil" we observe in the world having an organic basis (ENRON, Bush Doctrine, Bill Gatesian sociopathy, the NAZI party). I do see it having a systemic and abusive origin. And yeah, my personal experience with being conditioned to a life of violence and abuse and the way I've turned that around without pharmaceutical intervention colors my ideas of what humans are capable of.

This kid may well have had a psychotic break after going off his meds, but it strikes me that the form that break takes may have an awful lot to do with the immediate culture he grew up in.

But as brilliant, compassionate, empathetic as people can be, there is the other side of the bell curve. "People" can also be paranoid, schizophrenic, delusional etc. There are millions of ways for the brain to misfire, and far fewer for the brain the work "right".
I'm sorry, Signy, I'm noticing what looks like a lot of your comments of late blurring the line between observation and ideology. When you say, "There are millions of ways for the brain to misfire, and far fewer for the brain the work 'right,'" I balk at the philosophical implications and wonder how you could make that kind of sweeping conclusion based on science alone.

I'm left-handed, so in utero, and beyond, my brain could be seen to be "misfiring" a whole heck of a lot. My brain had to jury-rig a whole lot of connections that are not the norm. Furthermore, my personal experiences of what many would call the "paranormal" and with aboriginal psycho-cosmology have indicated that the folks we in the west dismiss as "paranoid, schizophrenic, delusional" are often dealing with phenomena way beyond our western mind's comfort zone. So where you see "millions of ways for the brain to misfire," I see at least 100's of thousands of ways the brain can try to reconcile itself to the reality it perceives and reach toward wholeness.

But my point was not to react with horror when things like this happen, but to take a deep breath. People are like squishy computers: hardware, firmware, and software. "Horrific" deeds
are not just a cases of somebody "deciding" to be bad. There is a serious malfunction back there somewhere. It may be in the "software" (What you learned growing up) and the "firmware" (how you interpret things) or in the hardware. I stopped, in a sense, reacting to these as if it were a moral issue that demanded outrage against the perp and more like a problem that needs to be solved. That's all I'm saying.

Yes, when we stop at moral judgement there is no healing. It's as if a doctor tried to cure cancer by calling it names. I tend to see moral judgement as a form of denial in a lot of cases. Until we look at what we share with the mass murderer and the pedophile, we won't be able to do much of anything but point fingers and pray the crazy train passes us by.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, February 16, 2008 1:49 PM


Oh but it's just so much EASIER to say they were "Born Bad".

That it wasn't any of our problem.

That there was nothing we could have done.

That we're not like them, they're not like us.

That it's different from our own issues.

It's just more convenient that way, saves the effort of trying to freakin DO something about it when you can dismiss it as built-in abherrance.

But it's a siren song, it may sound pretty, but where it leads sure isn't.

No one wants to hear that, however, admitting that would mean facing up to the horror that our society truly is when you strip away the layers of lies we tell ourselves to make it palatable to us.

Shooters are just people who can't choke it down, and vomit it back up in our face as death and violence - and most of them do know why they do it (See Also: Carl Panzram) but it's not like they tell us, and do you know why ?

Because to THEM, we're the other guy, we're the ones born fucked up enough to meekly accept this shit, and they fear and hate and pity us in much the same way we do them.

Two sides of a twisted mirror no one wants to look in, cause from all the angles in it, we might see ourselves as them - and maybe, sometimes, from the right angle, they might see themselves... as us.

And that horrifies us all, just a little bit, now doesn't it ?







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