Psycho soldier kills puppy

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 04:17
VIEWED: 9069
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008 7:08 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Video Of Marine Throwing Puppy Off Cliff Spurs Probe

But killing 2.6-million Iraqis is OK.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 7:45 AM


That (if real) was fucked up & unwarranted. It shows the numbing effect of war on young kids.
I guess some will say it was just a 'Taliban' puppy, though. That poor mutt came to a quick end, but that soldier's soul is gonna be missing something when it gets back home. Wanna bet dudes like that don't become alcoholic wife-abusers and shoot themselves at a later date?


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8:46 AM


I think the dog wasn't real after all!!! Ever throw a cat? I have (not to kill it- to get it to stop clawin' my leg), and if that puppy weighed what a smallish cat did, the toss at that speed is impossible due to it's weight- only a stuffed dog weighing very little could accelerate like that given the scruff-of-the-neck hold. Plus it spun in the air too fast to really weigh anything.

Damn, I guess it was just a sick joke.

Not funnyisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:33 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I think the dog wasn't real after all!!! Ever throw a cat? I have (not to kill it- to get it to stop clawin' my leg), and if that puppy weighed what a smallish cat did, the toss at that speed is impossible due to it's weight- only a stuffed dog weighing very little could accelerate like that given the scruff-of-the-neck hold. Plus it spun in the air too fast to really weigh anything.

You totally flunked physics , didn't you ?

Oh, maybe not...You were probably never exposed to any real 'sciency' stuff , at all , huh ?



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:36 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

You totally flunked physics , didn't you ?

Please sir- enlighten me. I want to know when I eff-up....



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:50 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
You were probably never exposed to any real 'sciency' stuff , at all , huh ?

Okay Mr. Wizard, how do you throw a two pound sack of meat like a baseball without putting the force behind it's mass? I just watched it again, he tossed it at speed from the 'scruff of the neck' without a protracted wind up.

What? No answer?

Thought so.



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:55 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

You totally flunked physics , didn't you ?

Please sir- enlighten me. I want to know when I eff-up....


Do you really ?

Then do some wiki-google and look up things like :

'momentum' , 'laws of motion' , 'acceleration' , and 'centripetal force'...

The important 'education' is the one you seek for yourself , di-di...



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 9:55 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

You totally flunked physics , didn't you ?

Oh, and someone found this...
Still no words?

I admit when I'M wrong- but that's just me.

Victorious Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:01 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by out2theblack:
You were probably never exposed to any real 'sciency' stuff , at all , huh ?

Okay Mr. Wizard, how do you throw a two pound sack of meat like a baseball without putting the force behind it's mass? I just watched it again, he tossed it at speed from the 'scruff of the neck' without a protracted wind up.

What? No answer?

Thought so.

No pi$$ing match intended...If you want to know stuff about two-pound sacks of meat , you'll first have to employ that one within your cranium...Or , if you're not sufficiently motivated to do that , you could try tossing that one...



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:02 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Do you really ?

Then do some wiki-google and look up things like :

'momentum' , 'laws of motion' , 'acceleration' , and 'centripetal force'...

So I should look up some words to understand the application of physical laws? Okay, stop being an idiot, and explain where I'm wrong, or is it just easier to go "Eh eh, nah enh!!!"
Explain to me how it's possible to get that weight to that speed WITHOUT proper application of force.
Oh, I already did that- it's a toy that don't weigh much.
Feel free to sound even more like an ass, though...

The impatient Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:06 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

No pi$$ing match intended...If you want to know stuff about two-pound sacks of meat , you'll first have to employ that one within your cranium...Or , if you're not sufficiently motivated to do that , you could try tossing that one...

Yeah, I see your point about inertia...WAIT, NO I DON'T, CAUSE YOU AREN'T PUTTING UP A COGENT ARGUMENT- you just wanna fight!!!
Well you lost already, Hans, don't make me drop you off the Nakatomi building.



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:08 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
That (if real) was fucked up & unwarranted. It shows the numbing effect of war on young kids.
I guess some will say it was just a 'Taliban' puppy, though. That poor mutt came to a quick end, but that soldier's soul is gonna be missing something when it gets back home. Wanna bet dudes like that don't become alcoholic wife-abusers and shoot themselves at a later date?

See , you were probably more correct on your first pass at this...

It's a sick joke , at best...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:10 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

No pi$$ing match intended...If you want to know stuff about two-pound sacks of meat , you'll first have to employ that one within your cranium...Or , if you're not sufficiently motivated to do that , you could try tossing that one...

Yeah, I see your point about inertia...WAIT, NO I DON'T, CAUSE YOU AREN'T PUTTING UP A COGENT ARGUMENT- you just wanna fight!!!
Well you lost already, Hans, don't make me drop you off the Nakatomi building.

You may be awake and facing me , Son...

BUT , you ain't 'armed'...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:14 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

You may be awake and facing me , Son...

BUT , you ain't 'armed'...

Clever, you are not without your finer points, but explaining where I'm wrong surely ain't one of 'em.
Wanna duck the question a 6th time?

Persistent Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:16 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

Do you really ?

Then do some wiki-google and look up things like :

'momentum' , 'laws of motion' , 'acceleration' , and 'centripetal force'...

So I should look up some words to understand the application of physical laws?
Explain to me how it's possible to get that weight to that speed WITHOUT proper application of force.

Oh, I already did that- it's a toy that don't weigh much.

Yup , 'cause if you don't get the 'words' , you sure ain't gonna 'do the math'.

Mass X velocity...You contradict-yourself-is-all...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:24 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

You may be awake and facing me , Son...

BUT , you ain't 'armed'...

Clever, you are not without your finer points, but explaining where I'm wrong surely ain't one of 'em.
Wanna duck the question a 6th time?

Nope , 'cause it's plain to me where you're coming from now...

You got the point in the first place , then you started to 'overthink' the problem...Suffered a meltdown , did ya...?

Not my mission to 'educate' you , is all..I've just given you the 'tools'...

" River , We're not telling people what to think , we're just showing them HOW..."


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:26 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Yup , 'cause if you don't get the 'words' , you sure ain't gonna 'do the math'.

Mass X velocity...You contradict-yourself-is-all...

6 and 0 for Out2, never let it be said that education = knowledge.
Velocity can only be achieved with properly applied force, improperly applied force = questionable velocity, yet improperly applied force achieved the desired velocity with the 'puppy'. The varaible? The weight of the object, which must have been less than that of a real puppy. Conclusion?



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:30 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Not my mission to 'educate' you , is all..I've just given you the 'tools'...

And it's plain to me you're one of 'those types' that can't back down from an error. Can't explain where I'm wrong , but too ego-fied to admit it. All it would take is two or three sentences to show me up, but 8 posts later we're still at "Eh eh!!"
[George McFly voice]
Real mature.
[/George McFly voice]



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:34 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

Do you really ?

Then do some wiki-google and look up things like :

'momentum' , 'laws of motion' , 'acceleration' , and 'centripetal force'...

Explain to me how it's possible to get that weight to that speed WITHOUT proper application of force.
Oh, I already did that- it's a toy that don't weigh much.
Feel free to sound even more like an ass, though...

Never said there was not a 'proper' application of force...What does that MEAN , anyway ?

See here , for the unscientific folk out there , the Outcome of the Experiment depends upon the Assumptions one makes going in...

How do you KNOW , "it's a toy that don't weigh much" , and explain how you applied that Assumption in your Experiment to produce your Results...

Are you tellin' me that some Marines ordered a 'magic puppy' to produce an Abu Ghraib-style outrage ?



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 10:54 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Never said there was not a 'proper' application of force...

No, I did.

What does that MEAN , anyway ?
It means that to hurl a baseball, you must cup the ball in your hand as you pitch it for maximum effect- you can't throw a baseball 50 mph by holding on to a loose string to throw it, likewise to get a two pound puppy sailing through the air at the speed visible on the video, you'd have to do so by either grasping it firmly around it's central mass to throw it (which he didn't), or take a really long wind up with a slower acceleration to maximum speed because of the hold on just skin & fur (which he didn't). Given the weight of a puppy, proper force to propel it was not employed.

See here , for the unscientific folk out there , the Outcome of the Experiment depends upon the Assumptions one makes going in...

It's an observation based on scientific principals, not an experiment.

How do you KNOW , "it's a toy that don't weigh much" , and explain how you applied that Assumption

I have- it's you who have not yet explained where I'm in error.

Are you tellin' me that some Marines ordered a 'magic puppy' to produce an Abu Ghraib-style outrage ?

I profess no extraordinary psychic skills, but a guess would be a stupid prank not intended for mass consumption, or some such.

Conclusive Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:26 AM


That was fairly obviously a stuffed dog. And the soldier was clearly just goofing around. I can't believe that this has been turned into such a big deal. He should get little more than public reprimand and the matter dropped. Our press is such a fucking freak show.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:31 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
That (if real) was fucked up & unwarranted. It shows the numbing effect of war on young kids.
I guess some will say it was just a 'Taliban' puppy, though. That poor mutt came to a quick end, but that soldier's soul is gonna be missing something when it gets back home. Wanna bet dudes like that don't become alcoholic wife-abusers and shoot themselves at a later date?

See , you were probably more correct on your first pass at this...

It's a sick joke , at best...

Last time I looked , YouTube had taken down the video...'Course , it'll likely be re-posted somehow...

Meanwhile , 'snopes' is not conclusive , and will perhaps leave it up to the Marines to have the last word...At least they disapprove , because , authentic or not , it's sick and doesn't reflect favorably upon the Corps....


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:36 AM


First off, not a soldier, marine. There is a difference, both sides will correct you on that issue (though especially the Army guys in this case). Second, civilian kids do stupid shit too the difference is that this guy is going to get his shit handed to him by the Corps. I'm an army brat, but I'll give the marines that much; they know how to punish fuck-ups.

There's a widow in sleepy Chester
Who weeps for her only son;
There's a grave on the Pabeng River,
A grave that the Burmans shun;
And there's Subadar Prag Tewarri
Who tells how the work was done.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:44 AM


Yes it does look fake, and I surely hope it is. Still sick either way. This sort of thing should be, and is, frowned upon in the Marine Corps and hopefully he does get a public reprimand. Even if it was a joke. I know I was really pissed when I first heard about it and saw the video when I woke up this morning. Both my father and my mothers father were in the Marine Corps. My grandpa retired a Lieutenant Colonel and my father was stationed in Hawaii and then a Drill Instructor at Paris Island before he left the Marines to raise a family. I know both of them will be just as irked by this as I am.

Also, you two need to chill it with the physics lessons.

Edit: BTW nearly ever Marine I've ever met or heard of has had a love if not respect for dogs. This will likely not go over too well for those... I'll use the word "turkey" here in lieu of another.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:54 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
That was fairly obviously a stuffed dog.

Do you really think ?

Then do some wiki-google and look up things like :

'momentum' , 'laws of motion' , 'acceleration' , and 'centripetal force'...

And the soldier was clearly just goofing around. I can't believe that this has been turned into such a big deal. He should get little more than public reprimand and the matter dropped. Our press is such a fucking freak show.

It prolly woulda come off more unreal if the sound on my computer was working well, I was just goin' off the image...
I can't believe PN presented it as fact...!!!

Gullible Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 11:57 AM



Originally posted by Strangebird:

Also, you two need to chill it with the physics lessons.



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 12:51 PM



Originally posted by Strangebird:

Yes it does look fake, and I surely hope it is. Still sick either way.

Also, you two need to chill it with the physics lessons.

Why ? You're not 'physics-phobic' , are you ?

Seems some folk in this thread are...I left it as an option , for any interested folk , for them to "look it up later."

But , a certain aggressive poster has insisted on continually digging a deeper hole for himself...

That's OK , though , 'cause if you " give 'em enough rope " , or in this case , 'string' , eventually , they 'hang' themselves...

BTW , StrangeBird , I really like that Grumman Albatross avatar that you've begun using...One of my all-time favorite aircraft...About as near to a 'Serenity' that a mere-mortal can hope to own...Jimmy Buffett has one , and of course , it's very nice...A flying yacht....



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 12:58 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

But , a certain aggressive poster has insisted on continually digging a deeper hole for himself...

BTW Out2, have you stopped beating your wife yet?
I mean, that's what your argument comes down to, right? You need not prove me wrong, you only need to say I know nothing of physics, and that's that?
I didn't know you were a NeoCon...
You're NOT? Oh sorry.

It's what they doisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 1:09 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

But , a certain aggressive poster has insisted on continually digging a deeper hole for himself...

BTW Out2, have you stopped beating your wife yet?
I mean, that's what your argument comes down to, right? You need not prove me wrong, you only need to say I know nothing of physics, and that's that?
I didn't know you were a NeoCon...
You're NOT? Oh sorry.

Ad hominem personal attacks is what you're good for-is-all...

Consider yourself a master-debater is all...No matter how much you beat your cranial-meat , you still ain't gonna 'get it' , are you ?

It's OK , though , you certainly have the right to remain-ignorant-is-all...

I gave you a few clues , di-di , but you're still too mentally lazy to 'look it up' , aren't you ?

That's why I don't give advice...The 'wise' don't need it , and 'the stupid' won't heed it...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 1:41 PM


I seriously doubt this is fake, and let me explain why. The dog only goes about 5 feet into the air before going over the cliff, giving the illusion of a long toss, so there is more than enough strength in the throw, don't believe me get a 2 liter of coke and see how high you can throw it on an arc. The puppy weighs less and is being thrown by a very fit person. Also look at the way the animal swings back because it is bottom heavy right before he tosses it. The stuffed dog you showed was not able to move as it upsets the fur giving it a fake look. Personally I know people that would brag about burying a cat up to its neck and then dropping a running lawnmower on it, so this isn't too far fetched for me. The war doesn't make people like this it just brings out what is already there.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 1:48 PM


Lemme put this in a different context for you.

Look, I like puppies too, they're cute, for the most part, furry and happy, sure.

But it's kinda hard to get worked up over this when we're doing as bad or worse to humans over there as a matter of policy, ok ?

Consider how effective the political dehumanisation of those people has been, that this incident draws more ire than children dying of dehydration cause we blew the water supply infrastructure to hell and gone.

And Chris has a right to be skeptical, this is a media that tried to sell us the decapitation of a damned G.I. Joe doll as the real thing, so it's not like a grain of salt isn't warranted.

All that bein said, I am more concerned with what we're doing to the HUMANS there, myself.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 1:57 PM


The way I see it both sides are right to some extent on the physics of a flying puppy. While it is true that from F=mA(force=mass*acceleration)you can see in the form A=F/m that acceleration is inversely proportional to mass, assuming a equal initial force the lighter puppy has greater initial acceleration. But at the same time the heavier puppy has a greater kinetic energy at a given velocity (T=1/2mv2). Because drag is equal on both puppies, The kinetic energy of the lighter puppy is quickly overcome by drag while the heavier one has more energy to offset drag. This should mean that after a short distance the heaver puppy will have greater velocity.

It's been many years since I studied physics so I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Personally, even though I love dogs, I don't see what the fuss is about. The ASPCA and PEDA kill millions of dogs every year and nobody makes such a fuss about that.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 2:16 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Lemme put this in a different context for you.

But it's kinda hard to get worked up over this when we're doing as bad or worse to humans over there as a matter of policy, ok ?

Consider how effective the political dehumanisation of those people has been, that this incident draws more ire than children dying of dehydration cause we blew the water supply infrastructure to hell and gone.

And Chris has a right to be skeptical, this is a media that tried to sell us the decapitation of a damned G.I. Joe doll as the real thing, so it's not like a grain of salt isn't warranted...


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it

Thanks for that !, Frem...

I'm skeptical , too...Who wouldn't be ?

While Desert Storm was still going on , I took a returned 'veteran' A-10 pilot up in my aircraft a few times...

He vented his 'feelings' about the 'douchebags' on the ground that he'd had to nape-scrape to a crisp...

I'm sure he needed to vent...Just as he needed to persist with the dehumanization of the 'enemy' on the ground...

Most of whom were , of course , 'conscripts' that were force-marched into Kuwait by a monster of US creation...

I also knew a guy from 'our' side , a USANG soldier who'd been a grunt on the ground , and had seen first-hand the tragic results on the bombed-out highway , the 'kill-box' where the crispy massacre took place...I suspect that some of the
'young-uns' in this thread have never seen the photographs of those scenes themselves , and they might not , ever...

But , I have , and I guarantee they'll turn the stomachs of any folk who value their own personal 'humanity'...

My impression about P-N's post is that he "don't hold" with certain behaviors that cast US in a bad light , creating ever-more enemies for US...

Nor do I...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 2:30 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
The way I see it both sides are right to some extent on the physic of a flying puppy. While it is true that from F=mA(force=mass*acceleration)you can see in the form A=F/m that acceleration is inversely proportional to mass, assuming a equal initial force the lighter puppy has greater initial acceleration. But at the same time the heavier puppy has a greater kinetic energy at a given velocity (T=1/2mv2). Because drag is equal on both puppies, The kinetic energy of the lighter puppy is quickly overcome by drag while the heavier one has more energy to offset drag. This should mean that after a short distance the heaver puppy will have greater velocity.

It's been many years since I studied physics so I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

You're still sharp , Kirkules...

I didn't want to have to explain the basic physics of the projectiles in question , because if someone doesn't get the
basic-basics , then they certainly also won't get the often-counterintuitive aerodynamics...

But , you did it concisely , probably better than I might've done...

Just hate having to fault folk for their fallacious , and almost invariably , unscientific , 'assumptions'...Especially when they persist in cherishing said assumptions...

But , some people juggle geese...Or , throw cats...



Tuesday, March 4, 2008 4:36 PM


I am not devaluing what we do to humans, as I have probably made abundantly clear, I value all life equally. What I find horrendous is that at best, our troops think killing an animal is funny and at worst that they are killing innocent creatures for no apparent reason, which leads to worse implications for what they would do to those they felt deserved cruelty. As a veteran myself I love our troops dearly, but actions like that degrade our image in the eyes of those that would seek to befriend us and ad aid and comfort to the enemy.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 4:25 AM



Strange that it is, I know exactly what you speak of.

Just from a pure tactics point, it was suicide to try moving an armored column down a straight highway with minimal AA support from a pair of barely functional ZSU-23's, which, as I understand were hit with mavericks on the first pass, followed by a straight run from the tail of the column on by the A-10 in question.

Brutal and inhumane that it was, that's what a war is, and that one act contributed significantly to ending the Kuwaiti Border Incident a lot quicker, so in lives saved overall I would have to grit my teeth and call it a plus.

Whoever sent that column, lined up like ducks in a shooting gallery, into an area swarming with american A-10s killed them sure as if he'd lined them up against a wall and shot them himself - that commander I would have shot, out of hand, myself, if he had worked for me.

Wars are terrible things, and terrible things happen in them, during them, which is why people with any sense don't want one, and they change people, make them into monsters by civilian reckoning, and once past that line coming back from it is hard for them - the black humor that is all that keeps you going "in the zone" can haunt you, literally, to death... and that is coming from someone who never served in a hot engagement, but carries no few ghosts of their own regardless.

I mean, unless you've been there and found amusement in the disembodied leg of an enemy trooper spasmodically kicking itself in a circle in the middle of the street, it's hard to understand just how "unhuman" a soldier becomes after a while, but make no mistake, this is what war does to the participants thereof.

I will paraphrase (since I don't have the book handy at the moment) a quote from the afterword of David Drakes "At Any Price" as a noteable summary.

"When they say war changes a man, they're being euphamistic, war drives a man insane by any civilian standard, capable of thoughts and actions you never expected, and if you have any concern about it, the time to think about it is before you send him into a war zone"

That's probably not even close, cause I remember him doing a much better job of it, the basic concept is there.

I don't agree with what they're doing or why they are there, but the grunt on the ground isn't who I would take that up with, not until they get back, because adding more factors for folks already in over their head can have no good result.

Nor do I, as a rule, level any judgement on conduct, no matter how unbecoming, of anyone currently in the hot zone - soldiers are soldiers, and since the day Grog threw a rock at Throg, have always been bloodthirsty, rapacious and capable of all manner of inhumane behavior, it is the very nature of war, what war IS.

Sure, he is responsible for his own deeds...

But who is responsible for sending him into a situation that so drastically warps folk to the point where they find humor in something like that ?

Why, we are, every one of us who did not act to their utmost to prevent it.
And we are to some degree, also responsible for his conduct, as we gave these poor souls weapons, training, and a mission and then sent them over there to make policy for us - which they do, often in ways we never would have imagined both good and bad.

Isn't this guys ass I'd wanna kick about it, if anything, he needs help he sure as hell ain't likely to get in any effective form from the VA, and isn't real likely to appreciate any time soon if he were to get it.

It's the folks who put our boys in the situation, and those who's cheerleading rolled out the red carpet to do it - that I have issue with.

To me it's a basic cause and effect issue, this conduct is an expected, anticipated and unwanted affect from a root cause that a lot of sensible folk tried and failed to prevent - disciplining one soldier for it, while a positive note, doesn't whatever address the root cause that created the problem in the first place.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 4:29 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

I didn't want to have to explain the basic physics of the projectiles in question , because if someone doesn't get the
basic-basics , then they certainly also won't get the often-counterintuitive aerodynamics...

But , you did it concisely , probably better than I might've done...

Effue you elitist psuedo-scientist. You wanna discuss physics in techno-speak detail instead of paying attention to the real-world application, go ahead. You ever use the term 'centrifical' instead of 'centripetal' I guess I should be all over your ass too, regardless whether I know what you're talking about, right? And in film terms, don't you dare say 'zoom in' when it's a track.
This is exactly why I visit RWED less and less- the self-important ego-driven semantics that take the place of idea exchange.

Just hate having to fault folk for their fallacious , and almost invariably , unscientific , 'assumptions'...Especially when they persist in cherishing said assumptions...

I asked you to correct me, but you wanted to stroke your vocabulary instead- you're worse than McKay on Stargate Atlantis, at least he'd explain himself while enjoying his smugness.

Plus, you put inappropriate spaces before commas, and capitalize when there's no need.

The obviously Neanderthal-brained Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 4:47 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Effue you elitist psuedo-scientist. You wanna discuss physics in techno-speak detail instead of paying attention to the real-world application, go ahead.
This is exactly why I visit RWED less and less- the self-important ego-driven semantics that take the place of idea exchange
I asked you to correct me, but you wanted to stroke your vocabulary instead- you're worse than McKay on Stargate Atlantis, at least he'd explain himself while enjoying his smugness.
Plus, you put inappropriate spaces before commas, and capitalize when there's no need.

Frem tells someone to 'do their own homework' and he's the man. Out2theblack says the same thing and he's an 'elitist pseudo-scientist'. Seems more like a personality conflict to me. And that, my friends, is the biggest problem in RWED, IMHO (besides the cliquishness that is).


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:01 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:

Frem tells someone to 'do their own homework' and he's the man. Out2theblack says the same thing and he's an 'elitist pseudo-scientist'.

See? This is more of the same. If I say 1+1=3, it's easy enough to say, "No, it's 2", but If I say "Why did Hitler bomb England?"- that a whole big thing. But seeing as you just wanna slam me and other folks who don't see Bush as a good President, you can just believe what you like, you're gonna anyway, I conjure.



Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:12 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Frem tells someone to 'do their own homework' and he's the man. Out2theblack says the same thing and he's an 'elitist pseudo-scientist'.

See? This is more of the same. If I say 1+1=3, it's easy enough to say, "No, it's 2", but If I say "Why did Hitler bomb England?"- that a whole big thing. But seeing as you just wanna slam me and other folks who don't see Bush as a good President, you can just believe what you like, you're gonna anyway, I conjure.

Okay, instead of explaining your above quoted post to me, how about you start with what Bush has to do with physics and puppies.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:38 AM


BDN, I think it was how he said it, more than what he said...

I don't know enough physics due to lack of math skills to even comment intelligently beyond that.



Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:48 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

I don't know enough physics due to lack of math skills to even comment intelligently beyond that.

Frem, my whole thing here was that you don't need mad math skills to have a basic grasp of physical don't need equations to know that a bullet fired on Earth towards the horizon doesn't travel perfectly straight due to gravity..some here seem to wanna reserve all discussion for themselves based on extreme technical knowledge, and if that's the way we were all to play it, I'm only qualified to speak to martial arts/film/pizza matters.

Extra cheese Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 6:37 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:Oh, and someone found this...
Still no words?

I have a word: Disturbing.


I admit when I'M wrong- but that's just me.

Yeah - like I admit when the implementation of even simple tags is just WAY beyond my grasp...

Edit (attempted) for ineptitude...


Victorious Chrisisall

It was raining cats and dogs...well, dogs, anyway...when we got here!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:04 AM


Chris, it is fairly obvious Out2theBlack is a troll. Just ignore him/her. Tryingtogetyour goatisall.

I have to say, I've never seen you this ruffled up before. Don't let Out2 get to you.

Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable.
--Mark Twain


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:10 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
All that bein said, I am more concerned with what we're doing to the HUMANS there, myself.

I think that was PN's point too.

I use the same logic re abortion issues. I am personally against abortion. But I don't see why we need to pass laws to persecute women who disagree with me, when there are so many babies suffering AFTER being born.

It seems that they need more of our activism and legal efforts.

Take the diplomacy out of war and the thing would fall flat in a week.
--Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:15 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Chris, it is fairly obvious Out2theBlack is a troll. Just ignore him/her. Tryingtogetyour goatisall.

Do you remember how it felt when certain members of this site referred to you as a troll, guess not.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:15 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

I have to say, I've never seen you this ruffled up before.

In my defense, I got a toothache, a backache, and when I was growing up I'd hear time & again that I was wrong, but it was followed by no corrective advice leading me to believe that when folks do this, they are just hammering on someone to make some part of THEM feel better, + residual issues surrounding it for me.

On the bright side, I'm about to pick up the new issue of Buffy at the comics shop!!!!
Pure Joss!!!

'Thused Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:37 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Do you remember how it felt when certain members of this site referred to you as a troll, guess not.

They did? I guess I missed that.

Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
--Mark Twain


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 9:41 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
.. I'd hear time & again that I was wrong, but it was followed by no corrective advice leading me to believe that when folks do this, they are just hammering on someone to make some part of THEM feel better, + residual issues surrounding it for me.

Yeah, that's bullshit. Even if you WERE wrong, it is arrogant, elitist to patronize someone that way. If you really want to correct someone, you tell them WHY.

Frem might not have time to explain everything, and he might say, do your homework. But if you've read the link and still have questions, he'll answer them. Out2 simply hurled accusations without substantiation, and I hate that too.

It is easier to stay out than get out.
--Mark Twain


Wednesday, March 5, 2008 10:07 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Do you remember how it felt when certain members of this site referred to you as a troll, guess not.

They did? I guess I missed that.

It is human nature to gloss over troubles from our past, a coping mechanism I guess. How is one to learn from the past if one does not remember it?
I found it strange that you personally would be so quick to judge another Poster given your past 'discussions' with Rue and to a lesser extent SignyM. Did you not get frustrated when you were singled out for not towing the line? When you were dismissed outright because what you were saying did not parallel the predominate line of thinking at the time? The term troll has been misused far too often on this site IMHO.






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