Global Warming...the Movie

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 09:58
VIEWED: 6861
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008 9:43 AM


'The Day After Tomorrow' sucked. He should have picked 'Armageddon' or 'The 300'.

ALGore: "...and as this video shows Global Warming will produce melting Ice Caps and fierce Persian Warriors who will battle Hollywood Actors with civilization in the balance."

Or maybe a clip from 'Serenity'.

ALGore: "This Global Warming is gonna get pretty interesting."
UN Scientist: "Define 'interesting'".
ALGore: [deadpan] "Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?"



Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:08 AM


If only AlGore hadn't lifted fizzy-lifting drinks and gobstoppers....he could have had his own chocolate factory.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It goes without saying that climate realists around the world believe Nobel Laureate Al Gore used false information throughout his schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth" in order to generate global warming hysteria.
Eh? They do? Or is this yet another entirely confabulated talking point? (RR talked about "his" experience in the war when it was really just a description of a movie he'd made.)

Let's party like it's 1929.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:41 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:

It goes without saying that climate realists around the world believe Nobel Laureate Al Gore used false information throughout his schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth" in order to generate global warming hysteria.
Eh? They do? Or is this yet another entirely confabulated talking point? (RR talked about "his" experience in the war when it was really just a description of a movie he'd made.)


So, you completely dismiss the whole 'AlGore lying
thing by talking about Reagan? There's nothing "confabulated " here at all. The shot , which AlGore is passing off as legit is , in fact, 100% fake. Or, as the Visual Effects Supervisor from The Day After Tomorrow states, ...


Yeah, that's our shot. That's a fully computer generated shot. There's nothing real in there.

I fail to see the comparison. AlGore intentionally lied. Big difference.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:19 PM


I hope everyone else had a good Earth Day today. I went out and cut down about 100 small trees to clear the way so I could locate the larger trees on a 3 acre lot. Now that this is done the land owner can apply for a permit to clear-cut the entire lot. I did see in the news though that the Governor planted a tree in a Earth Day ceremony, so I guess it all balances out.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:44 PM


America loves a winner!

I turned on my AC for the first time this spring. Felt real nice inside , so i took a nap with it running. Awesome!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:50 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Did you folks never hear of illustrating a process ?

Next time you watch a science show that illustrates how cosmic rays travel, how earth's magnetic fields form the van Allen radiation belts, how molecules travel in a fluid


Ha ha ha ha ha ha wahta' buncha' idiots.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:25 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
Did you folks never hear of illustrating a process ?

Next time you watch a science show that illustrates how cosmic rays travel, how earth's magnetic fields form the van Allen radiation belts, how molecules travel in a fluid


Ha ha ha ha ha ha wahta' buncha' idiots.

"Global warming - it's not a fact, it just isn't!

Not really relevant to the thread, but thanks for playing anyways.

" That's a fully computer generated shot. There's nothing real in there."

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:17 AM



Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:02 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Yeah Rap, once again you illustrate just how close you are to PN land. Good luck with that.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:15 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Did you folks never hear of illustrating a process ?

Sure, I watched that show about Earth after all the people were gone, yet the next day people were still around.

I think its a tad different when they are claiming what they are showing you is real rather then an illistration or staged.

Its kinda like Dateline rigging the SUVs to explode to illistrate the danger of exploding gas tanks.

All ALGore proved is that Global Warming is a huge problem...just like the Darth Vader, Reavers, Khan (or at least his wrath), Ben Affleck, or Giant Killer Sharks (not to mention Tomatoes).



Wednesday, April 23, 2008 3:00 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
Yeah Rap, once again you illustrate just how close you are to PN land. Good luck with that.

"Global warming - it's not a fact, because it isn't ."

No, I'm more involved w/ reality than you even WANT to be. AlGore used a fake image and tried to pass it off as legit. Why? He could have easily found a glacial terminus along the water, but instead, thought so little of his audience or even his own credibility that he instead used a 100 % fake scene to illustrate his point. Fine, but he didn't TELL his audience it was fake, and that makes Gore a liar.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:36 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

He did ? Really ?

Have either of you buffoons watched 'An Inconvenient Truth' ?

I thought not. The images you claimed to be 'faked' were blatantly computer generated - you'd have to be a real idiot to think they weren't. (Or maybe you need better glasses or better electronics ... Either way, you can solve that little problem by ponying up.) On top of which they were used to illustrate the geography of Antarctica - where the floating ice was, the land ice and the mountains.

Obviously you two don't quite understand the meaning of the word 'illustrate', so I suggest you go look it up.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, April 25, 2008 2:46 AM



Originally posted by rue:
The images you claimed to be 'faked' were blatantly computer generated - you'd have to be a real idiot to think they weren't.

I watched it in HD. Your right, it is obvious. In fact the entire movie is computer generated with the exception of ALGore who is made of wood.

I hear that in the 'special edition' you get commentary from ALGore and George Lucas explaining how the whole thing started as a big joke and how they laughed and laughed when people "actually believed that shit".

Edited to add:

Gore is starving us all with his 'let them eat cake' approach to climate change.


Friday, April 25, 2008 3:06 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
He did ? Really ?

Have either of you buffoons watched 'An Inconvenient Truth' ?

I thought not. The images you claimed to be 'faked' were blatantly computer generated - you'd have to be a real idiot to think they weren't. (Or maybe you need better glasses or better electronics ... Either way, you can solve that little problem by ponying up.) On top of which they were used to illustrate the geography of Antarctica - where the floating ice was, the land ice and the mountains.

Obviously you two don't quite understand the meaning of the word 'illustrate', so I suggest you go look it up.

"Global warming - it's not a fact, it just isn't ."

No, I didn't waste my $$ on that piece of go se . But what I DID see was the clip in question, and there was no doubt that the cgi shot was intended to be a legit shot of an glacial terminus at waters edge. There was no commentary about " this being a representation of REAL geography of antarctica" . Gore lied.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 25, 2008 2:32 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA - yeah, whatever you gotta do to keep your little world intact.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 4:03 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA - yeah, whatever you gotta do to keep your little world intact.

"Global warming - it's not a fact, it's just not."

What ever I gotta do ? WTF is that suppose to even mean? I'm not DOING anything, Gore lied. What about that don't you get ???

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 26, 2008 7:29 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

What was the lie, exactly ? Was it in saying that there's sea ice, then land ice, then mountains ? Seems like factual geography to me. Was it in saying that people see glaciers calving every day ? That's an indisputable fact. Do you have an issue with him using stock footage to illustrate his points ? Is that the big lie you're claiming ? Well, I guess we can just eliminate any program that uses any kind of illustration as being lies, then.

You really need to get a life, dude.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:07 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Was it in saying that people see glaciers calving every day ? That's an indisputable fact. Do you have an issue with him using stock footage to illustrate his points ?

Its not stock footage. Stock footage would be real, not manufactured.

I guess I find it odd that 'people see glaciers calving every day' but those people either have no access to video equipment or the footage would not be compelling enough to support their case.

If he had used stock footage of actual glaciers, we'd not be having this conversation. The used manufactured footage because it best supports their other evidence (most of which is also 'manufactured'). Global warming is just another 'pay no attention to the man behind the curtain' 'do as we say not as we do' kinda put on that we used to get from the socialists back before the fall of the Soviet Union. All those people didn't just disappear...they just changed is the new red.



Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:14 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Stock footage is anything you can pay a fee and get the right to use. And yes, there are plenty of videos of glaciers calving. But they belong to individuals and universities and it's far quicker to go to a commercial source and purchase the rights than to try to dig up bits and pieces from across the globe.

So, what are YOU saying, Hero ? That glaciers AREN'T calving every day ? That they're NOT retreating ? That large sections of the Antarctic ice shelf HAVEN'T collapsed ? Is THAT your claim, now ? Because if it is, then you are lying, or massively, tragically deluded.

And dude, if this stock footage non-issue is a big deal to you, you really, really need to get a life.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:44 AM


Considering he never even watched the thing, Auraptor sure seems to know a lot about it.

I've not watched it either, and I'm disinterested enough in "an Inconvenient Truth" to not want to either. The difference is I'm interested in the science, not what either Gore or Bush tell me to believe. Which is why I don't feel the need to make big sweeping statements about something I've not experienced. I've not watched it, but I heard on Rush Limbaugh that... LOL!

This whole American need to be told what to believe by some talking head, and judging entire subjects based on whose celebrity said what just cracks me up. You guys are all right, in a really amusing to watch kinda way...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, April 26, 2008 8:59 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I found 'An Inconvenient Truth' to be a bit like the movies we used to watch in high school earth science, with the exception that Al Gore was the presenter, not some faceless voice-over.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:53 AM


i read a few of Al Gores books when i was a teenager in high school, i guess you could say i was one of these early green people. i probably reached an extreme while living in southern CA, probably based on the poor air quality and predominance of liberalism. but i have since come to a change of heart about the whole subject, mainly because the 'science' is misleading

its almost ridiculous how many scientific facts and theories have been reversed or changed or discredited over the years. science is not necessarily synonymous with fact. MMGW is only a theory, period. just as evolution is only a theory

CO2 is not a pollutant, its an essential building block of life on earth. i personally dont believe humans alone can change the earths climate, without an overlap of a coming cycle of some sort(but thats just my opinion). scientists claim that the earth had its highest Carbon concentrations during the cambrian and early eras, when the earth had an mysterious explosion of life, accommodated by a (graciously) tropical climate.

but were talking many of (alleged) millions of years of separation.. so i think we've got time. last i heard, unless im mistaken, we've only seen less then a degrees difference over the last 100yrs, the peak of the industrial revolution. thats not a very dramatic increase. so where is all this hysteria coming from?

what scares me is the building political (re)action to prevent this 'end of the world' scenario that the GW alarmists propagate. to execute that kind of oversight of the world populace, to minimize their "carbon footprint", it requires a scale of government and authoritarian control beyond what we've seen before. its collectivism out of control, its communism

and we dont even know what will actually happen in the future. the reaction to GW will probably be worse then the warming itself..

and thats why ive come to believe that the green movement is being run by NWO globalists. save an alien invasion, its the perfect excuse to control the behavior of everyone on the planet. why stop at limiting carbon footprints? we need to consider population control and eugenics


Saturday, April 26, 2008 11:46 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
I guess I find it odd that 'people see glaciers calving every day' but those people either have no access to video equipment or the footage would not be compelling enough to support their case.

That’s kind of the impression I get too. The Day After Tomorrow was, for all intents and purposes, a fantasy film. The fact the Gore used footage from this film to express a point suggests that he was going for the sensationalism not fact or science. It’s something like using footage from the Lord of the Rings to express a point about jewelry. This is propaganda, not science. It’s not like footage that was designed as a visual aid to express a point, such as what you might see in a serious documentary. It doesn’t say much too rosy about Gore’s credibility in these matters, but then fair-minded people don’t have any reason to believe he has any credibility on the topic. I don’t think Gore is trying to make fair-minded people believe that - I think he’s preaching to the choir and he’s preaching to the naïve, both of which he's done very effectively with this film. But he certainly hasn't convinced many people willing to question his assertions, I don't think.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, April 26, 2008 12:04 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Let's say I was showing a movie about safe driving. And the screen shows a red 1991 mustang going to fast for a curve, skidding off the road, and slamming passenger-side into a tree, at 10:21 in the morning, March 23, 1992, headed east at 87.2 mph on a specific portion of Route 20, in Idaho, after a steady 1/4" rainfall over 2 hours, being driven by a stunt car driver named Mark Todd and filmed for the movie, with a specific Idaho license plate 'capital restoration' 18299. Meanwhile a narrator is saying "All too unfortunately, this happens hundreds of times a day in the United States".

Are you going to say - they're LIARS ! because red mustangs with that license plate at that specific time and place and speed and driver don't go off the road hundreds of times ! Only ONCE ! SO THERE !

Or are you going to take the more rational, normal, sane approach and understand that the film was using the footage to illustrate a valid and truthful point, as an alternative to having a blank screen.

HHhhmmm ?

"And dude, if this stock footage non-issue is a big deal to you, you really, really need to get a life."

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 12:13 PM


I’m going to assume they are using sensationalism to make a point, which is what they would be doing. It doesn’t make any difference whether their point is true or not - its still sensationalism. Now the problem with sensationalism is that it tends to preach to the choir or to the naive. But when it comes to people who aren't convinced already and not willing to just accept your word for it, you might have shot yourself in the foot, because a fair-minded person will at least consider the possibility that you’re using sensationalism because you can’t make the point without it.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, April 26, 2008 12:16 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"sensationalism" Sensationalism ? You mean illustrating a very common event is sensationalism ?

Sigh. I can see we're going to have one of those discussions where you pretend to not know english.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 12:24 PM



Originally posted by rue:

Sensationalism ? You mean showing a very common event is sensationalism ?

Sigh. I can see we're going to have one of those discussions where you pretend to not know english.

This from the person who doesn’t know what sensationalism is.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, April 26, 2008 12:45 PM



Originally posted by antimason:
its almost ridiculous how many scientific facts and theories have been reversed or changed or discredited over the years.

Name one. One. That's all. Name one time where 'science' has done a complete U turn.

science is not necessarily synonymous with fact.
No, it's the search for truth.

MMGW is only a theory, period. just as evolution is only a theory
So's gravity. Do tell us when you start floating off into space old boy. Beyond that, I'm sorry but that's a pretty ignorant thing to say. In science a theory is somewhat different to 'theory' in common usage. What most people mean when they say theory, a scientist would call a hypothesis. A theory requires supporting data, saying something is 'only' a theory indicates you don't have a clue what you're talking about, in science there's no 'only' about a theory.

CO2 is not a pollutant, its an essential building block of life on earth.
Yeah, lead is natural, want some in your water? Hey, it's believed that radioactivity keeps the Earth's core hot, which is essential to life on Earth.

So, you want a Uranium sandwich? It can't be a pollutant, it's natural .

Pollutants aren't something 'unnatural' added into the environment. Oxygen is poisonous, but I'd say it's also pretty key to life on Earth. Pollutants are anything at an abnormally high concentration that upset the natural balance. So yeah, abnormal amounts of CO2 upsetting the natural balance would be pollution.

scientists claim that the earth had its highest Carbon concentrations during the cambrian and early eras, when the earth had an mysterious explosion of life, accommodated by a (graciously) tropical climate.
You're point is (beyond an appeal to ridicule I mean)?

but were talking many of (alleged) millions of years of separation.. so i think we've got time.
Yeah, that's half the point. We don't. The warming is happening at a much faster and unprecedented rate.

last i heard, unless im mistaken, we've only seen less then a degrees difference over the last 100yrs, the peak of the industrial revolution.
The 'peak' of the industrial revolution was actually further back than that. Not that I see the point in talking about it, the we're more polluting now (as a species) than at any other time in our history.

thats not a very dramatic increase.
Err, actually it is. And it's accelerating, especially in the last few years.

so where is all this hysteria coming from?
From the fact that a world wide rise of nearly a degree in only a hundred years (a blip in geological time) is actually alarmingly high and fast, and not something to be brushed off as insignificant.

what scares me is the building political (re)action to prevent this 'end of the world' scenario that the GW alarmists propagate.
Yeah, damn them! Trying to stop pollution! Those bastards! I love lead in my lungs and arsenic in my water! Unleaded petrol was one of the most evil crimes forced on the world...

to execute that kind of oversight of the world populace, to minimize their "carbon footprint", it requires a scale of government and authoritarian control beyond what we've seen before. its collectivism out of control, its communism
Erm, yeah. Communism, for when you're not sure what it really is, but its bad, yeah. Actually I think the stateism your trying to put up as a false dichotomy would be more akin to Fascism than Communism .

and thats why ive come to believe that the green movement is being run by NWO globalists. save an alien invasion, its the perfect excuse to control the behavior of everyone on the planet. why stop at limiting carbon footprints?
Is there anything that isn't part of some NWO conspiracy as far as you're concerned? Seriously.

we need to consider population control and eugenics
Didn't they already try eugenics as a part of Christian Capitalism? beyond that, our continued survival as a species probably does depend on population control.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, April 26, 2008 12:55 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


No apparently you don't know what sensationalism is. But claiming words mean something other than their actual definition is your game.

BTW, if you want to watch home videos of glaciers calving, you can go to you tube:

So, if you can point out to me how the footage in AIT is 'sensationalism' compared to all those homes video (well, except for picture and sound quality) please do so. Because compared to all those home videos, it looks common to me (well, except for picture and sound quality).

As for professional footage of glaciers calving, I'll leave that search up to you.

And BTW, if stock footage is your biggest issue, you really, really need to get a life.
"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 12:56 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I’m going to assume they are using sensationalism to make a point, which is what they would be doing.

Yeah, just them and everyone else in the American media/government .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:25 PM



Originally posted by rue:

No apparently you don't know what sensationalism is. But claiming words mean something other than their actual definition is your game.

You’re not helping yourself any. You’re starting to sound like Citizen - like the only thing your interested in is starting a flame war. As long as the only point you can make are personal attacks, then you’re credibility doesn’t seem to be much either. I already know that you think everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, but that kind of belligerent attitude just doesn’t make for very interesting discussion.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:29 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


You says it's sensationalism. And refuse to back up your claim. If you're looking for intelligent discussion, don't go looking in the mirror, dude. B/c simply making unsupported ridiculous claims isn't intelligent.

BTW, what did you think of ALL THOSE home videos of glaciers calving, from all around the world ? Pretty cool, hunh ? And, uh - what do they do to your (ridiculous unsupported) claim that it isn't happening often enough for people to film ?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:36 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
You’re not helping yourself any. You’re starting to sound like Citizen - like the only thing your interested in is starting a flame war.

Except you're the one insulting me for no reason. Maybe you're the one that sounds like 'me'...

As one of the posters on this forum least interested in discussion, and who has actually accused people of being paedophiles because they don't agree with you, I have to say you saying something like that is pretty funny, if only because of your complete lack of self-awareness.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:36 PM



Originally posted by rue:

You says it's sensationalism. And refuse to back up your claim. If you're looking for intelligent discussion, don't go looking in the mirror, dude. B/c simply making unsupported ridiculous claims isn't intelligent.

If you expect intelligent discussion, don’t start out using personal attacks. Honestly, what good would is it do to back up any claim to a person who is so closed minded their first response in a discussion is to attack the other person when they hear something that challenges their world view? And if you don't know what sensationalism means, you need to start listening and learning instead of shooting your mouth off.


Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:41 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, Finn, I see you have no interest in the topic at hand. So since I have the floor all to myself, I'm going to consider a roughly 2 second stock footage clip of a glacier calving.

Since the topic was ABOUT glaciers retreating, it doesn't seem out of place to illustrate what that might look like.

So the first thing to consider is: are glaciers retreating ? Because it would be wildly misleading to portray glaciers calving if it wasn't happening. But since nearly all glaciers ARE retreating worldwide, and the ones that touch water do so by calving, it's fair to say talking about glacier retreat is not only factual and honest, it's instructive. IOW, it wasn't a 'lie' to talk about or illustrate glaciers retreating.

Now, is there a problem with obtaining actual footage ? Is it so rare and so remote that it had to be 'fudged' ? Apparently not, as the many, many clips from YouTube show. So they could have used YouTube clips to portray this common event if they so chose.

There is, however, the slight issue of production values. The real footage is taken by amateurs with amateur equipment, usually on boats moving in some way, sometimes not completely in-frame, with people talking over the sound, the picture out of focus etc. So while it is possible to use any number of real videos, it's clearer to use the computer-generated stock footage already available to illustrate what glacier calving looks like. (And remember, we're talking about a 2 second clip illustrating the fact of glacier retreat within a 100 minute movie.)

Finally, Finn feels it's 'sensationalism'. Since it's been established that glaciers are calving all around the globe, enough to be retreating, one of the aspects of sensationalism - focusing on the extreme or unusual to get attention, is NOT met. (Prurient, which is another part of the definition doesn't apply here.) More subtly, you could wonder if they used a wildly outsized portrayal to exaggerate the point. Having looked at the home videos, I'd say no. Some calving was smaller in scale, some larger (the one from Argentina was monstrous), so the footage used in the movie was middle of the road for that kind of thing.

So, since the footage illustrates a real event of common occurrence without exaggeration, I wonder - why do people like 'Hero', Rap and Finn have such personal issues over it ? Perhaps they can explain.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 6:24 PM



Name one. One. That's all. Name one time where 'science' has done a complete U turn.

have we learned anything new in the last 500 years? im curious... it seems science is ever changing and evolving, as we learn new information. there are continuously new discoveries being observed in the universe, which is always changing current beliefs and theories in the field. thats my point. im not a scientist, but i found plenty of now discredited or defunct theories, varying in acceptance, which have been improved or surpassed, just do a search. GW may be no different, in matter of the planet and universe, there is still a lot to be learned


No, it's(science)(is) the search for truth.

right.. not truth itself. pursuance is not a claim to truth


So's gravity. Do tell us when you start floating off into space old boy. Beyond that, I'm sorry but that's a pretty ignorant thing to say. In science a theory is somewhat different to 'theory' in common usage. What most people mean when they say theory, a scientist would call a hypothesis.

i know what an hypothesis is, i believe ive made that point to you before about your sacred evolutionary theory


A theory requires supporting data, saying something is 'only' a theory indicates you don't have a clue what you're talking about, in science there's no 'only' about a theory.

hey, tell me exactly how our ancestors managed to crawl out of molten lava? thpse were some mighty intelligent raw elements to have designed all these awfully complex biological organisms we see today. ive never seen any data to support that.. instead, i see a lot of cherry picking of evidence to fit ones own chosen belief


Pollutants aren't something 'unnatural' added into the environment. Oxygen is poisonous, but I'd say it's also pretty key to life on Earth. Pollutants are anything at an abnormally high concentration that upset the natural balance. So yeah, abnormal amounts of CO2 upsetting the natural balance would be pollution.

actually, the natural balance says otherwise.
recent data shows warmer temperatures precede higher CO2 concentrations. according to this new research, i could presume that we were amidst a warming cycle before humans began burning fuel


You're point is (beyond an appeal to ridicule I mean)?

i had two points:
1- high CO2 concentrations resulted in a rich diversity in life, so whats the problem?

2- a still to present un-explained "explosion" of complex organisms, without any appearance of prior evolution(throughout the pre-cambrian era). ID(i just love to insert it when possible)?


Yeah, that's half the point. We don't. The warming is happening at a much faster and unprecedented rate.

NASA and all the major institutes maintain only a .7 degree surface temperature increase over the last 100 years. what constitutes unprecedented? thats beyond the avg lifespan, its unnoticeable


The 'peak' of the industrial revolution was actually further back than that. Not that I see the point in talking about it, the we're more polluting now (as a species) than at any other time in our history.

i was making a correlation between the last 100 years of industry, and our oldest current recorded climate data. its still only .7 degrees. no doubt third world countries are operating with less stringent particulate pollution standards, but CO2 just doesn't seem to be the big problem its being made out to be


Err, actually it is(a dramatic increase). And it's accelerating, especially in the last few years.

thats a matter of opinion, but either way, i haven't seen any evidence of dramatic increases over the last few years. we're only talking a few hundredths of a fraction of a degree over decades. besides, who's to say what a stable climate is? seriously.. the earth and our universe are beyond our control


From the fact that a world wide rise of nearly a degree in only a hundred years (a blip in geological time) is actually alarmingly high and fast, and not something to be brushed off as insignificant.

insignificant, no.. but just how relevant, yes. do you know how many variables we would need to take into account to determine climate change? i don't know if anyone does for sure. do we know the extent of our impact, positively? no.


Yeah, damn them! Trying to stop pollution! Those bastards! I love lead in my lungs and arsenic in my water! Unleaded petrol was one of the most evil crimes forced on the world...

come on now.. thats a different subject completely. does anyone want a polluted environment? all that we need is a respect for property rights, and some proper libertarian fundamentals. but we're talking about CO2 and man made global warming, and it hasn't been ruled conclusively, that excessive CO2 is dangerous, or even a pollutant for that matter. that may be what David Mayer de Rothschild and the globalists want you to believe, but to me its not something im ready to get in a green rage and socialize the world over


Erm, yeah. Communism, for when you're not sure what it really is, but its bad, yeah. Actually I think the stateism your trying to put up as a false dichotomy would be more akin to Fascism than Communism .

what do you mean specifically? i don't advocate any kind of centralized planning, but looking at these globalist policy initiatives, clearly there are varying degrees of this eco extremism that straddle all the ascending forms of isms


Is there anything that isn't part of some NWO conspiracy as far as you're concerned? Seriously.

propaganda of this magnitude doesn't fund itself


Didn't they already try eugenics as a part of Christian Capitalism? beyond that, our continued survival as a species probably does depend on population control.

always taking shots at my religion(actually, individuals and their own personal actions). but im pretty sure God said "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth".

at least you admit you would take others rights to life and liberty to save your own.. i thought id have to coax that out of you


Saturday, April 26, 2008 6:42 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth" ... from top to bottom, and crap all over it at will, till you choke it and yourselves to death on your own waste. Yeah, I remember, that was in there.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:42 PM


Al Gore invented Global Warming. And the internet. And pants. And the hanging chad. (note sarcasm)

Global Warming is a theory, hunger in America is a FACT


Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:47 PM



Originally posted by antimason:
have we learned anything new in the last 500 years? im curious... it seems science is ever changing and evolving, as we learn new information. there are continuously new discoveries being observed in the universe, which is always changing current beliefs and theories in the field. thats my point. im not a scientist, but i found plenty of now discredited or defunct theories, varying in acceptance, which have been improved or surpassed, just do a search. GW may be no different, in matter of the planet and universe, there is still a lot to be learned

Or in other words you can't show a single example. Not one.

In Science every new theory has to conform to the previous theory, where that theory was confirmed by experiment, this is the Classical Limit. Einstein's Universe conform to Newton's Universe where Newton's theories are confirmed by experiment.

Furthermore I find your attempts to portray the ability of science to incorporate new data, rather than ignoring it, as a weakness pretty funny. It's more a sign of weakness on the observer, than the observed.

right.. not truth itself. pursuance is not a claim to truth
Science is a methodology, a tool for getting at the truth. Which means if you want to know the really real 'truth' you're more likely to find it in Science than in the pages of some book or manuscript that says "an invisible man in the sky did it, and if you ask questions he'll fuck your shit up, bitch".

i know what an hypothesis is, i believe ive made that point to you before about your sacred evolutionary theory
Point one, whether you know what a Hypothesis is or not, it's damn clear you haven't the first clue what a theory is. If you did, you wouldn't have said something as assine as "only a theory".

As Nyrath says on his Atomic Rocket website:

This generally takes the form of "Well, Einstein's relativity is just a theory, not a fact/scientific law." However, such a statement only demonstrates that the speaker is either severely scientifically illiterate or an evil demagog trying to pull a fast one.

Finally you've really made no points about evolution before. You've tried to pick holes in it that tend to highlight your own lack of knowledge of it and the ancillary subjects surrounding it, but made a point? No you have not. I don't hold evolution as 'Sacred', it's an irrefutable fact, you hold your denial of it as sacred. If you didn't, you wouldn't be so unbelievably evidence proof.

hey, tell me exactly how our ancestors managed to crawl out of molten lava?
That's nothing to do with evolution, but thanks for trying.

thpse were some mighty intelligent raw elements to have designed all these awfully complex biological organisms we see today. ive never seen any data to support that..
Actually there's a number of experiments that have shown the spontaneous formation of amino acids, the building blocks of life, in early Earth conditions. One can't see if one keeps one's eyes closed at all times.

instead, i see a lot of cherry picking of evidence to fit ones own chosen belief
Actually, that's my line.

actually, the natural balance says otherwise.
Actually, no it doesn't:
recent data shows warmer temperatures precede higher CO2 concentrations. according to this new research, i could presume that we were amidst a warming cycle before humans began burning fuel

This has been refuted so many times there seems little point doing it again myself:

A good example can be found in the last Inhofe hearing. There, Bob Carter pointed out that during the past few hundred thousand years, changes in temperature have preceded changes in carbon dioxide. Carter concluded that the relation between carbon dioxide and temperature is unclear.

This is hogwash, of course. While Carter is correct that temperature changes precede CO2 changes, this is well understood and in no way undermines the idea that increasing CO2 will lead to global warming. By presenting a misleading account of this physical phenomenon, Carter is acting to politicize science.

What most scientists think happens is that the orbital variations cause a small initial warming. This small initial warming leads to CO2 being released, which then leads to further warming.

Thus, CO2 indeed lags the initial warming. However, that does not mean it's not playing a crucial role in the warming. In fact, its role in warming is pivotal.

In making the argument that CO2 is causing global warming, I tend not to talk about this long-time-scale correlation. As you can see from this post, while the correlation looks simple, the causality is more complicated than one might initially think. There's a much better argument anyway, which I laid out in my last post. And there are other problems -- e.g., we do not know with great confidence exactly what mechanism causes CO2 rise in response to the slight orbital-caused warming.

In summary, in the parlance of climate scientists, we would say that CO2 was acting as a "feedback" over the time period in the figure above. In the past century, however, humans have taken over the carbon cycle and now dominate the year-to-year atmospheric changes. Thus CO2 has now become a "forcing."


1- high CO2 concentrations resulted in a rich diversity in life, so whats the problem?
Life had time to adapt because natural warming trends are slower, and either way some species went extinct. Also, civilisation could well collapse under such pressures.

ID(i just love to insert it when possible)?
It's what propagandists do, insert their lies and half truths into everything as often as possible in the hope that they'll stick. It's a often used tactic. *shrug*

Of course it's a source of endless amusement to me that Evolution is pretty much proven and observed in nature, but those who don't want it to be pick on tiny insignificant details, blow them out of all proportion, and wish to foist a religion on us with zero evidence to support it...

No matter what way you cut it, ID is inferior to evolution in every way.

NASA and all the major institutes maintain only a .7 degree surface temperature increase over the last 100 years. what constitutes unprecedented? thats beyond the avg lifespan, its unnoticeable
As I've already said, Human lifespan is insignificant. Geological time is what is important in a global trend, and in geological time the warming rate is unprecedented. You can't use "humans aren't the centre of the universe" as an argument one minute, then "Human time span is important" the next, sorry.

Beyond that, I've noticed the warming trend, Snow is much less likely now than it was when I was a kid. Get your nose out of the conspiracy texts and take a look out of the window, and you might notice it too.

thats a matter of opinion, but either way, i haven't seen any evidence of dramatic increases over the last few years.
No, it isn't a matter of opinion (sorry to burst your evidence proof bubble).

Further more if you haven't seen any evidence for an increasing in warming since the 1980's, you've not been looking (I suppose you have anti-science propagandists to find the relevant cherry picked data you need to know...). Here's a quick graph of the general warming this century, note the huge increase from the 1980's onward:


we're only talking a few hundredths of a fraction of a degree over decades.
Actually the average trend is about 1 to 2 tenths of a degree. One extra zero eh, details, details...

besides, who's to say what a stable climate is? seriously.. the earth and our universe are beyond our control
Yeah, except there are certain things in our control.

insignificant, no.. but just how relevant, yes.
That's a pretty big admission, since in the previous paragraph and post you were making out it was insignificant. I thought I was going to have to coax the truth out of you...

come on now.. thats a different subject completely.
Nope, not really.

does anyone want a polluted environment?
If no one wants it, why is there pollution?

but we're talking about CO2 and man made global warming, and it hasn't been ruled conclusively, that excessive CO2 is dangerous, or even a pollutant for that matter.
No, anything can be a pollutant, as I've already explained, please pay attention, I do hate to repeat myself.

And actually we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and we know the effects of greenhouse warming from looking a Venus. So we do know the dangers of a run away greenhouse effect, this is irrefutable, but it's not undeniable. All you have to do to deny something is stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes tight shut.

I said, all you have to do to deny something is stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes tight shut.

Anti please take your fingers out of your ears when I'm talking to you.

what do you mean specifically? i don't advocate any kind of centralized planning, but looking at these globalist policy initiatives, clearly there are varying degrees of this eco extremism that straddle all the ascending forms of isms
That you're proposed Statism is completely unlike communism of socialism, and that you're portraying a false dichotomy, possibly because you enjoy polluting, I don't know.

propaganda of this magnitude doesn't fund itself
No, it gets itself written in to a book and perpetuated on the back of it's exploited followers...

always taking shots at my religion(actually, individuals and their own personal actions). but im pretty sure God said "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth".
You're always taking cheap shots at everything that isn't your religion (including other religions), if you don't like it, stop doing it. Do unto others, or did you skip that part?

at least you admit you would take others rights to life and liberty to save your own.. i thought id have to coax that out of you
Actually, by population control I was thinking condoms, or in other words no rights to life really affected, and it's hard to see how you'd think that (unless you're an irrational zealot, you're not one of those irrational unthinking zealots are you, Anti?). The Earth can't sustain many more Human beings than we already have, population control will become increasingly necessary to ensure the life and liberty of those of us already alive. At least you admit you only care about your immediate rights, life and comfort, and couldn't care less about anybody else's. Obviously you think the demise of the Human race and the deaths of Billions of living Human beings is unimportant next to a child not being conceived, seems like almost genocidal selfishness to me. Personally I find the use of a Condom as a far better choice than the deaths of people already alive, do you really see life as cheaper than your beliefs?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:50 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Yeah, another bright light of intelligence. The fun just never ends.

Originally posted by badkarma00:
Al Gore invented Global Warming. And the internet. And pants. And the hanging chad. (note sarcasm)

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:56 PM



Originally posted by badkarma00:
Global Warming is a theory, hunger in America is a FACT

In science, Theory can be FACT.

Beyond that, if hunger is a fact in America, so is the highest Obesity rate in the world, obviously some people are eating too much and not leaving enough for everyone else.

Greedy fat bastards.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 2:20 AM


One of the issues I have with "man made" global warming is the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature. It's difficult to see in the graph below, but the data actually shows that CO2 rises lag temperature increase. In other words, it's not CO2 that raises temperature, it's the other way around, an increase in temperature results in a rise in CO2. Ive heard a few scientists try to explain this fact away, but have yet to hear an explanation that makes sense to me.

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Al Gore has manipulated the statistics to cause panic among those not scientifically literate. Another example of his lies is his statement that sea levels will rise up to 20 feet over the next 100 years. Even the UN panel on global warming only predicts a maximum rise of 20 inches.

I recently heard a well known physicist say in a documentary on String/Brane Theory that the consensus in the physics community is beginning to be that there is some validity to String Theory. He followed by saying that the fact that most believe without convincing evidence almost certainly means that they are all wrong.

Even if the evidence eventually shows that Global warming is "man made", All Gore's "lies, damned lies and statistics" aren't helping to convince those with a sceptical scientific mind. I can see why Gore's Global warming propaganda might be bought by the uneducated masses, but the fact that so many educated scientists have been convinced with so little evidence is scary to me.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 3:08 AM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
One of the issues I have with "man made" global warming is the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature. It's difficult to see in the graph below, but the data actually shows that CO2 rises lag temperature increase. In other words, it's not CO2 that raises temperature, it's the other way around, an increase in temperature results in a rise in CO2. Ive heard a few scientists try to explain this fact away, but have yet to hear an explanation that makes sense to me.

What's not to make sense? The implication is that naturally CO2 levels appear to follow warming because it's functioning as a feedback mechanism, but that doesn't mean CO2 can't cause warming. In fact over a hundred years of research supports the greenhouse effect, and we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas. How does the functioning of a natural cycle refute that we know CO2 works as a greenhouse gas? That's what doesn't make sense to me.

A good example can be found in the last Inhofe hearing. There, Bob Carter pointed out that during the past few hundred thousand years, changes in temperature have preceded changes in carbon dioxide. Carter concluded that the relation between carbon dioxide and temperature is unclear.

This is hogwash, of course. While Carter is correct that temperature changes precede CO2 changes, this is well understood and in no way undermines the idea that increasing CO2 will lead to global warming. By presenting a misleading account of this physical phenomenon, Carter is acting to politicize science.

What most scientists think happens is that the orbital variations cause a small initial warming. This small initial warming leads to CO2 being released, which then leads to further warming.

Thus, CO2 indeed lags the initial warming. However, that does not mean it's not playing a crucial role in the warming. In fact, its role in warming is pivotal.

In making the argument that CO2 is causing global warming, I tend not to talk about this long-time-scale correlation. As you can see from this post, while the correlation looks simple, the causality is more complicated than one might initially think. There's a much better argument anyway, which I laid out in my last post. And there are other problems -- e.g., we do not know with great confidence exactly what mechanism causes CO2 rise in response to the slight orbital-caused warming.

In summary, in the parlance of climate scientists, we would say that CO2 was acting as a "feedback" over the time period in the figure above. In the past century, however, humans have taken over the carbon cycle and now dominate the year-to-year atmospheric changes. Thus CO2 has now become a "forcing."

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Al Gore has manipulated the statistics to cause panic among those not scientifically literate. Another example of his lies is his statement that sea levels will rise up to 20 feet over the next 100 years. Even the UN panel on global warming only predicts a maximum rise of 20 inches.
I personally don't care what Al Gore has to say on the subject. Also if Al Gore is so unscientific and is using lies to support his position, it's hard to see how ignoring the science, and going after the self promotion of some assine politician while ignoring the actual issue, can't only harm ones own position as much, if not more than "An Inconvenient Truth" is supposed to harm the 'opposition'.

I recently heard a well known physicist say in a documentary on String/Brane Theory that the consensus in the physics community is beginning to be that there is some validity to String Theory.
That's a rather gross simplification. The question is, which String Theory? Many Physicist see the overarching umbrella of String Theory as having a great deal of potential, and there is certainly some evidence to suggest it could replace Quantum Mechanics. Of course Quantum Mechanics had no evidence to support it until people started working on it.

The primary problem with String Theory is that our current mathematics understanding isn't advanced enough to solve its complex matrices. Einstein's Theories of Relativity and his Space-Time fabric were preceded by advances in Mathematics in the 19th that describes just that. Here it's possible the the Theory is preceding the mathematics, but what we have ascertained from later iterations of String Theory is that it's promising. For instance Maxwell's relatively 'messy' set of field equations describing Electromagnetic phenomena simplifies into a single elegant equation, under multiple dimensional String Theory.

He followed by saying that the fact that most believe without convincing evidence almost certainly means that they are all wrong.
It's perfectly acceptable to see a Theory as having possibilities in Science, and worthy of further study. It's not acceptable to accept a theory without evidence.

I can see why Gore's Global warming propaganda might be bought by the uneducated masses, but the fact that so many educated scientists have been convinced with so little evidence is scary to me.
Come on, do you think climate scientists have been convinced by "An Inconvenient Truth"? That's certainly what certain people want to portray, but it's far from the truth. There's plenty of evidence.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:18 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
As you can see from this post, while the correlation looks simple, the causality is more complicated than one might initially think.

In summary, in the parlance of climate scientists, we would say that CO2 was acting as a "feedback" over the time period in the figure above. In the past century, however, humans have taken over the carbon cycle and now dominate the year-to-year atmospheric changes. Thus CO2 has now become a "forcing"

This is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm supposed to accept that some magic feedback mechanism is causing CO2 rise to lag temperature, but I just have to take the "experts" word for this because the mechanism is not yet understood. Also, because they don't understand the feedback mechanism it must be a result of humans taking over the carbon cycle. I think if you look at the temperature data you will see that we have been in a relatively stable temperature range for the last 10-15 thousand years. This anomalous stable period is much more interesting to me than the small recent temperature variation. Looking at the data it's not surprising that we would see temperature change. What is more surprising is that the relatively stable temperature period that we are currently in has lasted so long. This does seem to be a anomaly given the temperature data for geologic time periods. It would be great if climatologists could explain how this stable temperature period is related to CO2 given the fact that it began thousands of years before industrialization.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:58 AM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
It would be great if climatologists could explain how this stable temperature period is related to CO2 given the fact that it began thousands of years before industrialization.

I'm afraid it's a bit technical, Kirk. How well do you understand chronoton particle interaction?



Sunday, April 27, 2008 9:20 AM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
This is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm supposed to accept that some magic feedback mechanism is causing CO2 rise to lag temperature, but I just have to take the "experts" word for this because the mechanism is not yet understood. Also, because they don't understand the feedback mechanism it must be a result of humans taking over the carbon cycle.

I don't see any support for the conclusion that it's not understood, nor that it's blamed on Human action because it's not understood. In fact the very opposite is true, the feedback isn't being blamed on Humans at all, it's being suggested that the feedback is a natural process. The claim has never been made that Human activity is the only source of CO2.

In the natural cycle, the idea is that warming is started by another factor, probably orbital perturbation. The solubility of gases is inversely proportional to temperature, meaning if the temperature of the oceans is doubled, the amount of CO2 gas dissolved in them will be halved. So obviously as Ocean temperatures increase, atmospheric CO2 will increase. This is well understood. We also know that CO2 is a green house gas, it causes warming through the greenhouse effect which is similarly well understood. Put the two together: CO2 rises because of increased temperature, raised atmospheric CO2 causes increased temperatures, which releases more CO2, and so on.

The feedback mechanism is understood, it's merely two well known and understood mechanisms tied together in an obvious and straight forward fashion.

The difference between now and the past natural cycles is that us Humans are pumping out CO2, as well as the natural release. We know CO2 is a greenhouse gas, we know greenhouse gases cause warming.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:07 AM


im not gonna bother with any further exchanges with you. like i said Citizen, im not a trained scientist, not even in school to be one(im studying theology). i am however, entitled to think for myself. anyone can search through and find understandings in science which have changed, i didnt post any because its not my field, id be posting things i have no prior acquaintance with. you could easily search yourself, but its easier to lambaste and degrade my intelligence by making me out to be ignorant. as far as im concerned, youre just another goosestepping drone of the neo-scientific dictatorship, that presumes to tell everyone what to think and believe, based on current understandings; just like you know whether a Creator exists( or not), or how all living species crawled from a pre-biotic soup or raw elements.

so when are you due for your nobel prize again? im amazed someone with such knowledge would grace us daily with their presence.. shouldnt you be out saving the world, swapping cars for bicycles, giving speeches to the UN, and informing the lemmings on campuses why they need to be taxed for something they exhale from their lungs? their is plenty of good debate on the subject of MMGW, fortunately for you the globalists have the majority of propaganda published for you to draw from... but in the end, only time will tell. so go ahead and presume to know the immutable truths of the earth and universe, its not my head being swollen with arrogance

anyways, so what is your grand solution? you have apparently diagnosed the problem, man, so what is your solution? youre the new global dictator, whats your plan to save the earth??


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:19 AM


This coming from the guy who basis all his opinions on the Bible, and can't decide how old he is. It's easy to call you ignorant about science, because you're displaying your ignorance about science. You can't even manage basic English, describing you as a moron is an accurate description, not an insult. Also, I think you'll find Bible camp isn't "learning theology" (or rather violent theocracy for you), not that memorising passages from the Bible is particularly impressive...

How about you learn how to be a good Christian, instead of a lousy one as you currently are, before arrogantly assuming you're the only one who knows the truth based on nothing more than the say so of someone who should be on medication. You're the kind of person that gives Christians a bad name.

I'm not a Global Dictator, nor do I wish to be, I'm not you, I'm not the one aiming to subjugate all people under an evil and violent theocratic dictatorship. I'm not the one who wishes to end all those who aren't just like me.

You try to insult me, and describe yourself. Go save the world from the NWO Scientist instead of trolling here you unchristian wannabe theocratic dictator, weaselly troll.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:56 AM




This coming from the guy who basis all his opinions on the Bible, and can't decide how old he is.

we both have our opinions, and theyre just that, opinions. you hold my religion against me, because im not willing to accept current understandings as gospel, and base my worldview on beliefs that will likely change in my lifetime. maybe we should burn all the bibles worldwide.. or just outlaw religion, prohibit it to ones own house, in private where no one has to hear about it. that would be better would it

and whats that supposed to mean? i dont think ive ever even mentioned or made reference to my age


It's easy to call you ignorant about science, because you're displaying your ignorance about science.

i never claimed to be an expert. what are you, but someone who passes the knowledge of others off as his own


You can't even manage basic English, describing you as a moron is an accurate description, not an insult.

i wont bother picking out your spelling error in the first sentence.. im not so shallow as to form an opinion based on an informal message board, or an unintended mistake


Also, I think you'll find Bible camp isn't "learning theocracy", not that memorising passages from the Bible is particularly impressive...

thats your opinion.. thankfully people like you havent completely banned the study of it yet. i would think the studies of astronomy, or biology, or chemistry, or any complex information encoded in nature.. would be futile, without considering what encoded it to begin with. i suppose then you yourself, could design something from a handful of elements.. maybe easier then the earth managed, randomly?


How about you learn how to be a good Christian, instead of a lousy one as you currently are, before arrogantly assuming you're the only one who knows the truth based on nothing more than the say so of someone who should be on medication. You're the kind of person that gives Christians a bad name.

what would you know about being a good christian, you have absolutely no respect or appreciation for the the bible. judging by your demeanor, i think, you could learn a thing or two from the scripture "do not judge, or you will be judged. for when you pass judgment on another, you condemn yourself'


You try to insult me, and describe yourself. Go save the world from the NWO Scientist instead of trolling here you unChristian wannabe theocratic weasel troll.

hey, look at historical precedent: atheism, secularism, your precious green movement.. the big money of the Rothschild and Rockefellers are behind your movement. you want to side with the population control, forced sterilization, one child policy, mandatory vaccination, global government crowd, be my quest.

you dont know me, and im only a troll because you disagree with me. that reflects more on you then it does me






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