RE: the coming election, are we more misogynistic or are we more racist?

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 16:29
VIEWED: 2054
PAGE 1 of 2

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 8:50 AM


On thinking about it, I feel more peeps would be comfortable with a male in one of the top two spots than a female.
Women in a position of power are more threatening than men of colour to the majority of voters in this country, IMO.
I have no doubt that the vote will be against the bimbo and, by default, for the brother.
IE: Sexism runs deeper than racism at this point in time.

Whaddya think?

He-man Chrisisall


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 8:59 AM


Shut up Chris.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:06 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Shut up Chris.

See, I come here to introduce an issue I think is relevant, and I am told to 'shut up'. I see there is no room in RWED for discourse, only censoring from the lefty FFF establishment. Very well, I'll let y'all discuss yer hot sweaty man-sex to your hearts content while voices like mine get squelched in the torrent of psuedo-tolerance & humanism this board has become known for.
Good bye.

Packing up his toys & diapers Chrisisall


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:07 AM


...tha both a ya's... stfu


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:08 AM


nah, it's just a boring tuesday...


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:08 AM



Originally posted by deadlockvictim:

...tha both a ya's... stfu

Liberal biped.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

IF Palin were running for Prez we'd see misogyny out in full force. As it is we have a white guy running against a half-black guy (which, by today's "one drop of blood" standards means "black").

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:14 AM


That's the best insult you could think up?

Your type really makes me sick you dessicated pile of inverted pigeon mucus. Why if you ever had an independent thought in your head you'd tear it down and call it Patricia you brainless sandal sniffing blower of other peoples leaves.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, as it is, the half-black guy is having difficulty running against the loose cannon who authored part of current metltdown, and the loose cannons's trailer-trash running mate. So I'd say racism is a definite factor.

McCain drifts away from a legacy of deregulation)

Sen. John McCain has spent much of his two decades in Congress pushing deregulation, but the Republican presidential nominee is continuing his election year migration toward more government control of the economy as the nation faces one of its greatest financial crises since the Great Depression. "I want the people in Ohio here to know that I have not forgotten the economy on Main Street," McCain said during a campaign stop in Strongsville, Ohio, on Tuesday. "Not Wall Street, not Washington, D.C., but Main Street is the focus of our attention and our efforts."

to McCain.

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:19 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
IF Palin were running for Prez we'd see misogyny out in full force. As it is we have a white guy running against a half-black guy (which, by today's "onr drop of blood" standards means "black").

It just seems to me the attacks on Palin have been more vicious than the ones on Obama, & have been centered around her being PMS-y, a bad mom, a vindictive bitch, etc. But then, I may be placing too much importance on supermarket rag influence...

Enquiring Chrisisall


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It just seems to me the attacks on Palin have been more vicious than the ones on Obama, & have been centered around her being PMS-y, a bad mom, a vindictive bitch, etc. But then, I may be placing too much importance on supermarket rag influence
Since Palin has not expressed much in the way of policy statements and has not really taken unscripted questions from the press, all we can go on is her own represetnation of herself, which so far is almost purely personal, offensively negative, and full of lies.

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:24 AM


Why would it have to be misogynistic to NOT vote for Palin. Isn't it possible that one would NOT vote for her because she is not qualified and her running is a joke?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:40 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Why would it have to be misogynistic to NOT vote for Palin. Isn't it possible that one would NOT vote for her because she is not qualified and her running is a joke?

Oh, she's an idiot and a liar to be sure, she's unqualified on any professional scale- I just think it's her being female that will cost her (and McCain) the election. The voters can't be troubled by qualifications, it's all a dog & pony show, and in this arena, being a 'hormone-driven, ball-busting, sexually out-of-reach beauty queen' is worse than being almost anything but a queer. Sure, no one wants a darkie in there, but at least he threatens no one's sexuality.*

*Sorry, spoken in the language of the voting trash. **

**Sorry, my elitism is showing.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:50 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by SignyM:
IF Palin were running for Prez we'd see misogyny out in full force. As it is we have a white guy running against a half-black guy (which, by today's "onr drop of blood" standards means "black").

It just seems to me the attacks on Palin have been more vicious than the ones on Obama, & have been centered around her being PMS-y, a bad mom, a vindictive bitch, etc. But then, I may be placing too much importance on supermarket rag influence...

Enquiring Chrisisall

What? I have not heard or seen anything of this nature! Chrisisall have you been writing letters to the editor again

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:54 AM


America loves a winner!


Oh, she's an idiot and a liar to be sure, she's unqualified on any professional scale-

Amazing. You couldn't be more wrong with that sentence , no matter how hard you tried! You got every damn detail exactly wrong ! Amazing!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:54 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
It just seems to me the attacks on Palin have been more vicious than the ones on Obama, & have been centered around her being PMS-y, a bad mom, a vindictive bitch, etc. But then, I may be placing too much importance on supermarket rag influence

IMO it's all how much time Palin and the American public have had to get to know one another. The American press has had months to climb up the butts of McCain, Biden, Obama...and anyone any of them have ever known. In fact the last rectal exams each of them had produced evidence of graffiti up there, and in Obama's case they found two lost Fox reporters just wandering around.

So! The press is offering her an expedited exam, and isn't that nice of them!...and by the way Sarah Palin went to high school the same time I did...go class of 82'!

Racism and sexism are vestigal emotional reactions. For so many homo sapiens to have survived the natural selection process and still posess these traits...they may have had a use at some point. Now they are counterproductive and will be eliminated by natural selection, not a conscious willing away of unwanted thoughts.

Long story short...everyone in America knows sexism and racism is wrong, so it don't pay to talk bout it. Like going door to door in a mostly black neighborhood apologizing for slavery and hugging as many people as you can would be the wrong thing to do.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Amazing. You couldn't be more wrong with that sentence , no matter how hard you tried! You got every damn detail exactly wrong ! Amazing!
Item number 21 on the list of Rapo's delusions.

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:03 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Oh, she's an idiot and a liar to be sure, she's unqualified on any professional scale-

Amazing. You couldn't be more wrong with that sentence , no matter how hard you tried! You got every damn detail exactly wrong ! Amazing!

Sorry AU. I was speaking from a POV of objective reality, I'll taylor it to your special needs:
"Oh, she's an unquantifiable intellect and a questionable choice as far as consistency goes to be sure, she's arguably lacking on many professional levels- but then I am no Republican, and as such, have no real valuable input on this matter, save for my single-minded wish for the destruction of the civilized world, so pay me no mind."



Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:21 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Roughly 80% of people tested have shown unconscious bias against blacks, and that includes about half the blacks - one of the odd statistics I found in 'Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking' (Malcolm Gladwell) (overall an uninteresting book filled with interesting facts). Unfortunately there were no similar figures given for women.

Historically, all women were given the vote far later than black men, so that argues for more bias against women.

OTOH, I do have to agree with SignyM - Palin has given us little else to go on except that she's a soccer mom. I haven't heard any information, analysis, opinion, position, or policy from her - just talking points, and, oh yeah, did you know she's a soccer mom ?


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:28 AM


Don't anyone get me wrong, the way women are treated in this country & this world disgusts me, it's just that it might actually work for all of us in this particular instance.

Frak, And I thought I disliked Hillary...

There's always a worse one in the offing, I suppose.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:38 AM


Oh, fuck this shit.

I'm a white American male in the 20-30 age range.

I don't owe anyone shit.

And, neither, do they owe me.

We make our own lives.

Get over it.

(Unconscious racism/sexism...Oh give me a fucking break. It must be a Tuesday....)


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:39 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Sorry AU. I was speaking from a POV of objective reality,

Bless you, for that TRULY is funny!!


I'll taylor it to your special needs:
"Oh, she's an unquantifiable intellect and a questionable choice as far as consistency goes to be sure, she's arguably lacking on many professional levels

arguably, because she's a Repulblican. Were she a Democrat, she'd be the most glorious creature ever to grace our fair planet.


- but then I am no Republican, and as such, have no real valuable input on this matter, save for my single-minded wish for the destruction of the civilized world, so pay me no mind."


It boils down to this -

You claim she's lied, but there's no evidence of her doing so.

You claim she's unqualified, yet she's more qualified than your No 1 guy, while she's only running as the VP candidate.

Gov Palin is a smart, independent and successful woman, who's taken on and beaten ' the good ol boy's clubs ' of both HER party and that of the Dems in her state. She's a bonafide reformer, who isn't the daughter of a well entrenched Senator, Govornor or Ketchup heiress, and OMG!! She's not even a lawyer!! God save us all !!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:51 AM



Originally posted by rue:
and, oh yeah, did you know she's a soccer mom ?

No, she's a hockey mom, a HOCKEY mom. There you damned librals go again, spreading lies about Palin's credentials!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 11:20 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh yeah, that's right. sigh I don't follow sports so it's all equally important to me, and equally a critical factor in deciding if someone is qualified to be VEEP.


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 2:42 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
it's all a dog & pony show, worse than being almost anything but a queer. Sure, no one wants a darkie in there, but at least he threatens no one's sexuality

Your racist/homophobic description of the Democrat party in right on the money. But we're not allowed to use the term "darkie" in public. Unless of course we're taking it back. I heard we're taking back "", did I miss the e-mail on this one. Or maybe you're just trying to rip off the hot sweaty man thing.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 2:46 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
Sorry AU. I was speaking from a POV of objective reality,

Bless you, for that TRULY is funny!!


I'll taylor it to your special needs:
"Oh, she's an unquantifiable intellect and a questionable choice as far as consistency goes to be sure, she's arguably lacking on many professional levels

arguably, because she's a Repulblican. Were she a Democrat, she'd be the most glorious creature ever to grace our fair planet.


- but then I am no Republican, and as such, have no real valuable input on this matter, save for my single-minded wish for the destruction of the civilized world, so pay me no mind."


It boils down to this -

You claim she's lied, but there's no evidence of her doing so.

You claim she's unqualified, yet she's more qualified than your No 1 guy, while she's only running as the VP candidate.

Gov Palin is a smart, independent and successful woman, who's taken on and beaten ' the good ol boy's clubs ' of both HER party and that of the Dems in her state. She's a bonafide reformer, who isn't the daughter of a well entrenched Senator, Govornor or Ketchup heiress, and OMG!! She's not even a lawyer!! God save us all !!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

OMG what the hell are you smoking cause it must be way better than the shit the doctor gave to me!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:00 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
She's not even a lawyer!!

True. I didn't say she was all bad....

Were she a Democrat, she'd be the most glorious creature ever to grace our fair planet.

There's your stupid tunnel vision at work again AU.
Neither Obama nor Biden would be my choice- if I had any. But in the face of the competition, I must vote for the less destructive of two evils.

Feel free to cancel my vote though



Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Were she a Democrat, she'd be the most glorious creature ever to grace our fair planet.
Oh yeah, we've just been all over ourselves singing Hillary's praises, huh?

but there's no evidence of her {Palin} doing so
That lack of evidence is right there with the "on fire" economy, the historic success of the Bush tax and dergulation policy, Saddam's WMD, the UN authorization of "use of force", and the lack of evidence of global warming.

Pay Rapo no mind. He's one of those hopeless cases who'll have to "hit bottom" before he gives up his addiction to a factless, clueless ideology. Of course, he may be one of those addicts who nevers "hits bottom". We may find him one day, dead at the side of the road of history.

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:28 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Were she a Democrat, she'd be the most glorious creature ever to grace our fair planet."

Why Rap, how did you ever come to this little nugget of fact ? Did you use your new mind-reading abilities ?


Silence is consent.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 4:44 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Roughly 80% of people tested have shown unconscious bias against blacks, and that includes about half the blacks - one of the odd statistics I found in 'Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking' (Malcolm Gladwell) (overall an uninteresting book filled with interesting facts). Unfortunately there were no similar figures given for women.

Historically, all women were given the vote far later than black men, so that argues for more bias against women.

OTOH, I do have to agree with SignyM - Palin has given us little else to go on except that she's a soccer mom. I haven't heard any information, analysis, opinion, position, or policy from her - just talking points, and, oh yeah, did you know she's a soccer mom ?

Randal Graves: Since when did porch monkey suddenly become a racial slur?
Dante Hicks: When ignorant racists started saying it a hundred years ago!
Randal Graves: Oh, bullshit! My grandmother used to call me a porch monkey all the time when I was a kid because I'd sit on the porch and stare at my neighbors!
Dante Hicks: Despite the fact that your grandmother might've used it as a term of endearment for you, it's still a racial slur! It'd be like your grandmother calling you a little kike!
Randal Graves: Oh, it is not. Plus, my grandmother had nothing but the utmost respect for the Jewish community. When I was a kid she told me to always treat the Jewish kids well, or they'd put the sheeny curse on me.
Dante Hicks: What the fuck, man?
Randal Graves: What?
Dante Hicks: Sheeny's a racial slur, too!
Randal Graves: Oh, it is not.
Dante Hicks: Yes, it is!
Randal Graves: She never called any Jews 'sheeny', she just used to say sheeny curse a lot. It was cute!
Dante Hicks: It wasn't cute! It was racist!
Randal Graves: I disagree, man, she was just an old timer, that's the way people talked back then! Didn't mean they were racist... But my grandmother did refer to a broken beer bottle once as a nigger knife... You know, come to think of it, my grandmother was kind of a racist.
Dante Hicks: You think?
Randal Graves: Well, I-I still don't think porch monkey should be considered a racial term. I mean, I've always used it to describe lazy people, not lazy black people! I think if we really tried, we could re-claim porch monkey, and save it.
Dante Hicks: It can't be saved, Randal! The sole purpose for its creation, the only reason it exists in the first place, is to disparage an entire race! And even if it could be saved, you can't save it because you're not black!
Randal Graves: Well listen to you! Telling me I can't do something because of the color of my skin! You're the racist! I'm taking it back, you watch!
[customers enter]
Randal Graves: Hey, what can I get for you, you little porch monkey?
Randal Graves: Its cool, I'm taking it back.

Its cool. Im taking it back. Amen. lol


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:52 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


You claim she's lied, but there's no evidence of her doing so.

"I told the government 'Thanks, but no thanks, on that Bridge to Nowhere'..."

That's a flat-out lie. She didn't tell the government shit. She lobbied FOR the bridge, even campaigned in favor of it as part of her platform, and only when the ridicule of it truly started did she have any part of it not going forward. But she, of course, still took the money for the bridge.

"I welcome the investigation. Hold me accountable" on the TrooperGate case - which she is now dodging subpoenas for, refusing to talk to investigators, trying to have the investigation halted, etc.


This world is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 6:04 PM


I still say Dirty Harry Callahan had it right.

Just hate everybody.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:13 AM


I feel lucky, punk.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:10 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
IE: Sexism runs deeper than racism at this point in time.

Good thing they didn't pick Condi or your head would explode.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:15 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Jeeze, what a stupid post.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Interesting perspective:

FREE SARAH PALIN -Campbell Brown

Frankly I have had it, and I know a lot of other women out there who are with me on this. I have had enough of the sexist treatment of Sarah Palin. It has to end.

She was in New York on Tuesday meeting with world leaders at the U.N. And what did the McCain campaign do? They tried to ban reporters from covering those meetings. And they did ban reporters from asking Gov. Palin any questions.

I call upon the McCain campaign to stop treating Sarah Palin like she is a delicate flower who will wilt at any moment. This woman is from Alaska for crying out loud. She is strong, she is tough, she is confident. And you claim she is ready to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. If that is the case, then end this chauvinistic treatment of her now. Allow her to show her stuff. Allow her to face down those pesky reporters just like Barack Obama did today, just like John McCain did today. Just like Joe Biden has done on numerous occasions. Let her have a real news conference with real questions.

By treating Sarah Palin differently from other candidates in this race, you are not showing her the respect she deserves.

Free Sarah Palin.

Free her from the chauvinistic chains you are binding her with. Sexism in this campaign must come to an end. Sarah Palin has as much a right to be a real candidate in this race as the men do. So let her act like one.

Let's party like its 1929.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:40 AM


For those that don't understand what "sarcasm" is, find a dictionary...

As I said earlier, in another post....Libs have a real conundrum...which way will their self-imposed guilt take them?

Barack? Always a good choice. He PROVES Affirmative Action WORKS! And sure, putting someone in a place of power that they didn't earn, (nor are qualified for) is exactly what Afirm Action was for...

Palin? A WOMAN BREAKING THE GLASS CEILING! Yay! Burn your bras and pat yourselves on the back while popping some birth-control! And it helps that shes somewhat pretty and reminds the Libs of their domineering mothers...(gross) But the bitch Hillary would have been better.

So whats a self-hating Lib to do?


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:00 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
That lack of evidence is right there with the "on fire" economy, the historic success of the Bush tax and dergulation policy, Saddam's WMD, the UN authorization of "use of force", and the lack of evidence of global warming.

How many months of consecutive growth has there been under Bush43 ? Is it 52 or something like that now ? How ever long ago I said the economy was roaring, it certainly must have been, because of all the hits we've had lately w/ the mortgage crisis , by YOUR standards, we all should be in soup lines by last Spring! And I love how you TRIED to slip in that ' deregulation policy ' crap as if it was always Bush's intent to let the Democrats run Fannie and Freddie to their heart's content. Oh, well, it wasn't, but that's what the Dems did ANYWAYS, all the while Bush was trying to reign in the disaster that many saw coming, but Dems chose to ignore.


Pay Rapo no mind. He's one of those hopeless cases who'll have to "hit bottom" before he gives up his addiction to a factless, clueless ideology. Of course, he may be one of those addicts who nevers "hits bottom". We may find him one day, dead at the side of the road of history.

Look in the mirror, and repeat that, word for word, and use your name instead. Then you'll be spot on.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:07 AM


America loves a winner!

Campbell Brown is delusional. No one is going to buy that stuff she's shoveling. How do we know ? Because not ONCE did we ever hear anything like that sort come out when Hillary was being questioned ( not attacked ) for her policies. Yes, she WAS co- President, if you don't remember. It was always " we're just afraid of a strong woman ", but when she's a conservative, we're somehow being male chauvinist ? PLEASE! All the Lib press really wants permission is to beat up Gov Palin , to crucify her, for the crime of being strong, intelligent, accomplished and NOT Liberal ! Libs are just pissed she's darn easy on the eyes as well as smart to boot. Oh, AND she's a Conservative. Good for Sarah !

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:26 AM


Au, you, and your little cousin UNWraptoid sicken me.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:29 AM


Awww, Chrissy....don't I sicken you just a bit too? *sniff


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:34 AM


No Wulf, because you have a point of view backed up by a thought process, not one I mostly agree with, but a thought process all the same- I can't say that for the AU family.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:39 AM




I really am curious as to how people are going to vote. I, for one, will vote for neither. (Im going the 3rd party route).

And, whomever wins (unless its Ron Paul) we all lose.

Honestly, this whole thing really sucks.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:50 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

And, whomever wins (unless its Ron Paul) we all lose.

Idiotic Palin will just drag McCain's attention away from his duties, and to her legs.

Obama might mean well, but he'll be in over his head, and head-butting Biden.

I sadly fear the worst.



Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:51 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

What's racist, sexist and treasonous is no mention by the media mafia of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and her female VP nominee for the Green Party.

Meanwhile Congressman Ron Paul finally endorsed Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party, who has virtually the same platform as McKinney, who has virtually the same platform as Ron Paul.

Jew Jon "Stewart" Leibowitz on Comedy Central's job is is to promote the Demoratic Party platoform to overthrow USA with half-a-billion illegal aliens, and fail to report on 3rd party candidates, or make fun of them:


Ron Paul Endorses Unknown Man from Unknown Party

Baldwin is that one-two punch combination of Pundit and Pastor -- his evangelical church is in Pensacola Florida. His party believes in abolishing the UN, ending the Iraq War, a repeal of income, sales, and inheritance taxes, a "constitutionally limited form of government", as well as of course, immigration reform.

I'm thumbing through my copy of the Constitution right now to find the section that describes that the government must build a giant fucking wall around its borders to keep the brown people out.

Chuck Baldwin has had a great political radio show for many years, far superior to anything on Clear Channel. Which is censored by "Comedy" Central.

Clear Channel Jews rented 700 billboards telling Mexicans that USA belongs to Mexico.

Ralph Nader is an Arab Semite, who claims to be leading the "3rd Party" race with 8% of the total vote. Nader has adopted much of the platform of McKinney and Baldwin, though I'm not sure he would nationalize the private "Federal" Reserve Bank. I don't trust Nader to close the borders, after picking a VP named Gonzalez.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:24 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

You claim she's lied, but there's no evidence of her doing so.

"I told the government 'Thanks, but no thanks, on that Bridge to Nowhere'..."

That's a flat-out lie. She didn't tell the government shit. She lobbied FOR the bridge, even campaigned in favor of it as part of her platform, and only when the ridicule of it truly started did she have any part of it not going forward. But she, of course, still took the money for the bridge.

Wrong, the LIE is on your part, not hers. She said she'd take the $$ from D.C. and spend it on Alaska infrastructure, not just the bridge.

Palin: I was for infrastructure being built in the state. And it's not inappropriate for a mayor or for a governor to request and to work with their Congress and their congressmen, their congresswomen, to plug into the federal budget along with every other state a share of the federal budget for infrastructure.

She was for the $ coming in, just not for spending on the bridge. BIG DIFFERENCE. They didn't spend it on the bridge, did they ? No lie there.


"I welcome the investigation. Hold me accountable" on the TrooperGate case - which she is now dodging subpoenas for, refusing to talk to investigators, trying to have the investigation halted, etc.



She's doing no such thing, what so ever. The board which is studying this case and the subpoenas are clearly nothing more than political in nature. She'll be vindicated and the Left will have to go elsewhere to dig up their dirt on Sarah.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:34 PM


Guys, let's be really honest with ourselves here. The country's fucked no matter who gets elected. Putting on a new coat of paint doesn't hide the rot within. Might as well get wasted and party now, probably won't have the chance later (cynical, who me? ).


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:37 PM


rap, I thought she actually said

"told the Congress, 'Thanks, but no thanks,'" she said in her speech accepting the Republican vice presidential nomination. "If our state wanted to build a bridge, we were going to build it ourselves."

but then isn't that contradiction of the facts, those being that they took money that was an earmark for the bridge, "no thanks but thanks", and then kept that with the rest of their budget, just didn't build the bridge?

Seems at odds with her original point, don't you think? or does that rationale only apply to bridge building?


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:57 PM


America loves a winner!

That she took the $$ is less of a big deal w/ me. That $ was better spent in other projects, where it was spread around for the benefit of more Alaskans than the few had it been blown all on the bridge.

Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or something like that.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:58 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by deepgirl187:
Guys, let's be really honest with ourselves here. The country's fucked no matter who gets elected. Putting on a new coat of paint doesn't hide the rot within. Might as well get wasted and party now, probably won't have the chance later (cynical, who me? ).

There is wisdom in your words.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "






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