The most honset article I've seen about Obama

UPDATED: Sunday, November 2, 2008 03:52
VIEWED: 7349
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Friday, October 24, 2008 9:59 PM


From columnist Tracy Lorenz:

Well, Colin Powell came out and gave his endorsement for president. I guess I better give mine.

I figure both endorsements will have the same amount of influence on the voting public. I don't believe there's a person in this country who hasn't decided who they're voting for yet, but who cares, I only get to do this every four years.

There's an old saying in sports that the back-up quarterback is always the most popular guy in town. "If only the coach would put Johnson in we could win this game!" So the coach eventually puts Johnson in and two plays later you realize why he was the backup and not the starter. That's how I see Barack Obama; he's never done anything but hold a clipboard and vote "present" and yet, for some reason, half this country thinks he has the skill set to lead us to victory.

Here is the entire list of reasons Barack Obama was made the Democratic nominee: He speaks well and he's half African-American. That's it, that's his resume. He's like picking Greg Brady to play Johnny Bravo; he fit the suit.

The Democrats are smart. They know that poor people loooove getting free stuff and they love it even more if they can get it from rich people. So they trot Obama out there, sleeves strategically rolled up and he starts talking about the "redistribution of wealth" and all the liberals sit up in the nest and crane their necks like baby birds, waiting for mom to feed them.

Here's a problem I have with Obama: at the end of the second debate he told how his family was on welfare when he was younger but he made it through Harvard. Well, guess where all that money came from? Rich people! Corporations put money into the welfare system, working people put money into the welfare system and you don't pay for a Harvard education without getting some pretty serious financial help from scholarships and endowments. And who funded those Harvard scholarships? RICH PEOPLE! And now his whole campaign is based on taking from the rich and giving to the poor. What a backstabbing ingrate.

As an American, I don't see how I can vote for the guy. I'm not a fan of entitlement, I'm against social engineering, and I'm pretty sure, like the Clintons before him, Obama's only in it for the money.

Robin Hood was a hero, but he was still a crook.

Not that the Republicans are any better. As someone on my Mlive page wrote, "I can't believe they nominated the one guy who couldn't beat Obama." And it's true. Out of all the choices the Republicans had, they picked an old, rich, white guy with bad teeth and, I'm quite sure, a couple squirrels running around inside his head from his time in a Vietnamese prison camp.

On top of that he must've had Matt Millen make his VP selection for him. Although I must say Ms. Palin is winning me over, if I had to pick one of the four to run the country I'd probably go with her.

Oh, yeah, that's another thing that bothers me about Obama, when he says Palin doesn't have enough foreign policy experience to run the free world. I'm sure she has as much or more experience than he does. To which one would naturally reply "But Obama has Biden for a vice president!" Obviously, they're forgetting that if McCain dies and Palin takes over she gets to pick her new vice president. She could even pick Joe Biden if she wanted. (A friend of mine suggested she pick Tina Fey, which would rule.)

So, there's my dilemma: I can't vote for a Democrat because they're just mean, hateful, vengeful, con artists ("Poor people have been voting for Democrats for 50 years but they're still poor." Charles Barkley).

I don't want to vote for a Republican because they aren't even smart enough to nominate a guy who can beat a guy who has no business running in the first place.

But when it comes right down to it, I'm an American and I love this country. I believe in the premises this country was founded on and I honor the flag under which it stands. I believe if Obama is elected, he will seriously threaten those tenets. I don't think he loves this country, I'm not even sure he likes this country.

I have to go with the lesser of two evils and vote for McCain.

One guy doesn't know how many houses he has and the other guy doesn't know how many brothers he has, what a pair.

Start sending me your "You're a racist!" e-mails. I've read them all before. What you don't understand is with me it's not about black and white, it's about red, white and blue.

Maybe McCain has never been the first stringer, but at least he's had some time in the game. The way I see it, McCain is an All-American hero, yet Obama keeps ... throwing the flag.


Friday, October 24, 2008 10:07 PM


Very true. Palin has been demonized from the start by everyone, and everything. Very unfair, and nasty.

One thing I can say is at least she is grounded in reality, and down to earth. Obama as a person is an elitist. He is above "normal" folk. He has said anything, and everything to make us like him, but my friends it is a ploy. People have been tip toeing around all his faults. He is human, and he does have them. So why has the news and media praised everything he does?
Vote for him if you want, but when he wins, and starts to disappoint,.....ask yourself what you were thinking.


Friday, October 24, 2008 10:20 PM


It's an opinion piece, so I'm not sure what you mean by "honest". Do you think all the millions of other opinion pieces on Obama were being dishonest, or at least not completely forthright? Or did you just mean that out of all the Obama articles you've read, this is the one you most agree with? In that case, look up "honest" in the dictionary.

As to the article itself:

Here's a problem I have with Obama: at the end of the second debate he told how his family was on welfare when he was younger but he made it through Harvard. Well, guess where all that money came from? Rich people! Corporations put money into the welfare system, working people put money into the welfare system and you don't pay for a Harvard education without getting some pretty serious financial help from scholarships and endowments. And who funded those Harvard scholarships? RICH PEOPLE! And now his whole campaign is based on taking from the rich and giving to the poor. What a backstabbing ingrate.
Here's a problem I have with this article: Because of redistribution of wealth, somebody with the intelligence and intellect of Obama managed to study at Harvard, and he wants other people in the position he once was in to have the same opportunities. The author of this article thinks that's unfair, Obama should rather work towards benefiting the rich and making them wealthier, as a "thank you". If he doesn't do this, he's a "backstabbing ingrate", and a crook apparently too.

In my opinion, one has to be on a pretty loony fringe to be arguing that elected officials should work towards increasing the gap between rich and poor, and to post such an article and claim it's the most "honest" one one has read says a lot about you, imo.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Friday, October 24, 2008 10:24 PM



What y'all said !

I don't understand all the nasty pettiness directed at Sarah Palin...

Except , wait , yes I do...

Most of it comes from dim , dem-bulbs...

On the Massive Plus side for Sarah :

She's NOT a Washington Insider...

She's a maverick-y reformist challenger...

She makes 'liberals' crap down their legs...

She could bust a few shots off , and make dinner afterwards...

Did I mention that she makes the libs crap down their legs ?

She's the hottest VP candidate , since like , EVER !

She has her own naughty-librarian 2009 calendar...

I could go on and on , but the libs crapping down their legs are making quite the stink in here...


Friday, October 24, 2008 10:25 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Very true. Palin has been demonized from the start by everyone, and everything. Very unfair, and nasty.

One thing I can say is at least she is grounded in reality, and down to earth. Obama as a person is an elitist. He is above "normal" folk. He has said anything, and everything to make us like him, but my friends it is a ploy. People have been tip toeing around all his faults. He is human, and he does have them. So why has the news and media praised everything he does?
Vote for him if you want, but when he wins, and starts to disappoint,.....ask yourself what you were thinking.

Wtf, who are you even talking to!? Anyway, if you think buying clothes for $150000 is grounded in reality and down to earth, then you're the one who's out of touch, not Obama.

You guys had your chance with a representative of the "normal" folk for eight years and everything's fucked up as a result. Now let the people with brains have their turn to govern for a bit, okay?


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Friday, October 24, 2008 10:31 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:


Originally posted by OPPYH:
Very true. Palin has been demonized from the start by everyone, and everything. Very unfair, and nasty.

...Wtf, who are you even talking to!?

...You guys had your chance with a representative of the "normal" folk for eight years and everything's fucked up as a result.

Now let the people with brains have their turn to govern for a bit, okay?

'W' could hardly be considered 'normal' , even in your fevered imagination...

We're talking to you , and watching you crap down your leg...


Friday, October 24, 2008 10:39 PM


Well, I'm not crapping down my leg yet, but I'm pissing myself. Pissing myself laughing, that is, that you guys think Palin's actually qualified enough to lead the country. She couldn't even run a shitty little town without leaving millions worth of debt behind.

If the right manages to steal this election, I *will* be crapping down my leg though, since then it'll be only a small bit of bad luck before we have President Palin.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Friday, October 24, 2008 10:52 PM


Well , there's all the maverick-y stuff , plus she's a sharp dresser , and a smart cookie besides...

If McPain croaked and left Sarah in charge , that wouldn't be 'bad luck' , it would be a blessing...

Maybe she'd appoint Ron Paul to be Treasury Secretary...

Ralph Nader as Commerce Secretary...

Wayne LaPierre as Secretary of the Interior...

FremDFirma for Director of 'Homeland Security'...

Yes , I'm liking your idea a lot...


Friday, October 24, 2008 11:00 PM


Anyone who thinks Paris Palin is a good candidate for president is either a troll or retarded. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here: you're a troll!


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:30 AM


To quote Jayne...
"Oh I take issue with that LAST one.."
Since my first act as HomeSecDef would be making sure they issued Palin her own personal Learjet.

For "security reasons" you know, safety of the pres and all that rot.

And I don't have to spell it out from there, I don't think.



Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:36 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Very true. Palin has been demonized from the start by everyone, and everything. Very unfair, and nasty.

Seems to me that she was very nearly worshipped from the start, getting the kind of rock star treatment that McCain once railed against Obama for. The thing that turned folks against Palin was her own words - that interview with Katie Couric was huge.

I'll admit, I didn't like Palin from the convention speech, because all I saw in her was a bitter tone that belongs in a bad high school clique, not the Oval Office. But lots of folks loved her. Her approval rating was high. Peeps on this very site were saying she spelled the end of the Democrats, for criminy sakes!

That went on until Couric. Until Palin made herself fodder for caricature. And now there's nothing else to be done with her but caricature, because she has no substance. Can't even list a damned newspaper! And she and her handlers in the McCain campaign are fully responsible for that.


One thing I can say is at least she is grounded in reality, and down to earth.
Well, that is the idea they're trying to sell, (though it's funny that they needed $150,000 to sell it!) just like they sold the "regular guy" image of W. "Georgie's a guy you'd sit and have a beer with, so let's put him in the White House!" Yeah, that went well, didn't it?


People have been tip toeing around all his faults. He is human, and he does have them. So why has the news and media praised everything he does?
Because he's run one hell of a campaign. Because when he's asked a question he actually answers it - and he's the first major politician I've seen in my life who does that. Because he surrounds himself with capable people, and doesn't immediately gut anyone who doesn't agree with him. Because he's intelligent and open to new ideas. Because he isn't owned by big business and won't be starting wars so he can give away no-bid contracts. Because he maintains a calm, mature, and intelligent tone in a massive, long-running, and often ugly campaign - not only in his own demeanor, but in the campaign as a whole. This is no small feat, and more proof of his ability to lead than anyone's umpteen years in office.

Yeah, so McCain's been in the Senate for decades, so Palin's held executive office for multiple months (for whatever that's worth *snicker*) - look at how these two have run things. Look at the mixed signals from them and their campaign, the changing messages, the disagreements, the methods they've decided to resort to. Fear and med-slinging and outright lies.


Vote for him if you want, but when he wins, and starts to disappoint,.....ask yourself what you were thinking.
Are you asking yourself that about W? Because I'm guessing you voted for him, and yet here you're making the same kind of choice...

Look at Palin's history in Wasilla, how similar it is to Bush's - blatant favoritism, a belief that she's got some divine right, the power of God behind her and her decisions, and then there's the huge debt she left behind in Wasilla. Are YOU drawing the lines there, seeing the connections, learning from past mistakes to improve the future?


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:00 AM


And, by the way:

"Well, Colin Powell came out and gave his endorsement for president. I guess I better give mine. I figure both endorsements will have the same amount of influence on the voting public."

What the heck is this schmoe smoking? Of course there are undecideds out there, a lot of them, and you betchur ass Powell's endorsement meant something to them! Much more than the incredibly "honest" (have you looked that word up yet OPPYH?) opinions in this article - who is this guy and who cares what he thinks? Well, other than us who are up early on Saturday and have nothing else to do but wrangle over every little bitty political blog that gets posted...

Anyhow, Colin Powell made a much stronger argument, well thought out and based in deep experience and long observation of both candidates:


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:47 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Well, I'm not crapping down my leg yet, but I'm pissing myself. Pissing myself laughing, that is, that you guys think Palin's actually qualified enough to lead the country. She couldn't even run a shitty little town without leaving millions worth of debt behind.

If the right manages to steal this election, I *will* be crapping down my leg though, since then it'll be only a small bit of bad luck before we have President Palin.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.

Obama has not run anything but his mouth and for office. Barry will win because his whores in the media, both news and entertainment, have made Palin look awful and have given Biden (a real whacko) a pass. Biden should be a member of the "Gaffe of the Month Club". Make 5 gaffes and get a free oil change at Jiffy Lube.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:02 AM


Yes, Palin doesn't look bad because she doesn't know even the most basic things like The Bush Doctrine, the names of two or three newspapers or magazines or even what the Vice President does. Her taking $150,000 worth of clothes and make-up, flying her children around at donors expense, being found to have behaved unethically - that's all someone else's fault I'm sure.

As demonstrated by the OP, Republicans can't even spell the word honest, let alone comprehend it.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:07 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Don't forget that Palin, that mavericky bastion of maverickness, took a town of less than 8000 people with a balanced budget, and within a few short years left it more than $22 MILLION in debt - and that's in the state that gets by far the most welfare money per capita of any state in the nation. And if she hadn't started billing rape victims for investigating the crimes against them, in the state with the highest per-capita numbers of rape and incest, then she'd have left Wasilla in even worse shape than she did!

Yeah, that's some real "reform" ya got goin' there, guv. That's some change we can live without.



Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:38 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah, this joker is clearly as intelligent and qualified as Colin Powell. What does someone like General Powell know about things like leadership and national security? Nah, we should definitely weigh the opinion of the two-bit columnist just as highly.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 9:30 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by OPPYH:

As an American, I don't see how I can vote for the guy.


But when it comes right down to it, I'm an American and I love this country. I believe in the premises this country was founded on and I honor the flag under which it stands. I believe if Obama is elected, he will seriously threaten those tenets. I don't think he loves this country, I'm not even sure he likes this country.

These statements seem very similar to the "real Americans" rhetoric the Republicans have had to apologize for. The divisiveness it implies is so disgusting that, on top of all the other things the McCain campaign brings to the table - opposition to abortion, comprehensive sex-ed, and same-sex marriage; more entitlements for the wealthy and corporations through tax cuts; strange solutions to the economic crisis, most notably the freeze on government spending; a lackluster health care proposal; the promise to appoint more conservative Supreme Court judges, which may lead to the continued erosion of our civil liberties for decades to come; Palin - I have decided to vote for Obama/Biden, despite some major disagreements I have with them, rather than voting third-party (an option most people ignore completely).

Not that I just decided this today, because of this piece. What Tracy Lorenz (whoever that is) thinks isn't nearly that impressive or important to me.

(Edited to clarify and add a couple more grievances)


Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:22 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

What y'all said !

I don't understand all the nasty pettiness directed at Sarah Palin...

Except , wait , yes I do...

Most of it comes from dim , dem-bulbs...

On the Massive Plus side for Sarah :

She's NOT a Washington Insider...

She's a maverick-y reformist challenger...

She makes 'liberals' crap down their legs...

She could bust a few shots off , and make dinner afterwards...

Did I mention that she makes the libs crap down their legs ?

She's the hottest VP candidate , since like , EVER !

She has her own naughty-librarian 2009 calendar...

I could go on and on , but the libs crapping down their legs are making quite the stink in here...

What - no enthusiastic expression of your faith that you could sit down and drink a beer with her? I'd say that's at least as vital a qualification as her hunting/cooking skills.

The only crapping down my legs I've done in relation to Palin was in response to her being named McCain's running mate...and then the subsequent revelation that some folks - hell, ANY folks - were and are taking it seriously and even enthusiastically.

She reminds me of Spock's ermine violin (just substitute "boner" for "sound" in the original quote).

A year ago I could at least concede some vague, nebulous circumstances under which I would vote for McCain. It's been a LONG year...

And in closing, let me just say: Where can I get me one of those calendars?

EDIT to substitute "vague, nebulous" for "unclear"...wordier IS better, right?

It was like that when we got here!


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:40 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Do you think all the millions of other opinion pieces on Obama were being dishonest, or at least not completely forthright?


Also, the media and news have constantly put Obama in a flattering light, and disrespected McCain, and Palin time and again. Fair?


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:43 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
...Wtf, who are you even talking to!?

I was expressing my thoughts on the article.
I thought that was pretty evident!!

IQ much?


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:44 PM


So you're saying that the job of the president is to increase the gap between rich and poor? Because that's basically what the article's saying Obama should be doing if he becomes president.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:45 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:


Originally posted by Khyron:
...Wtf, who are you even talking to!?

I was expressing my thoughts on the article.
I thought that was pretty evident!!

IQ much?

The article hardly mentioned Palin, and when it did it was more of an aside, yet in your second post you address the Palin-issue as if you were responding to somebody.

Deluded much?


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:56 PM


From the article:

"Oh, yeah, that's another thing that bothers me about Obama, when he says Palin doesn't have enough foreign policy experience to run the free world. I'm sure she has as much or more experience than he does."

That is the biggest statement in the article.
That's what I was responding to.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:03 PM


How in the world could anybody consider that to be the biggest statement in the article!?

I thought you said that this article was supposed to be about Obama? Now you make it sound as if it were about Palin, and everything else in the article is irrelevant.

Make up your mind what you want this article to be about and get back to us. Change the thread title once you've decided, because otherwise you'll just cause more confusion.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:05 PM


BUT, since you brought it up, what exactly is Palin's foreign policy experience? She doesn't know, so I'm wondering if anybody does.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:06 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
So you're saying that the job of the president is to increase the gap between rich and poor? Because that's basically what the article's saying Obama should be doing if he becomes president.

The gap will remain consistent no matter who becomes president.
But do you actually want a president that will increase Welfare, and social aid for non working lazy assholes across America? That's what OBama plans on doing. If people don't want to work in life, thats fine. They shouldn't get to collect money from the government for being a waste of life.

Will Obama help the blue-collar working class? No.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:07 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Here's a link to the original article, for people interested in reading the comments. There are some good refutations of the points he makes.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:08 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
But do you actually want a president that will increase Welfare, and social aid for non working lazy assholes across America? That's what OBama plans on doing. If people don't want to work in life, thats fine. They shouldn't get to collect money from the government for being a waste of life.

Spoken like a true elitist.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:14 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Spoken like a true elitist.

So I guess the new definition of elitist is:
Hard working individual who is sick of fitting the bill for lazy people who leech off society.

IF you don't have a job, I didn't mean to offend you.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:17 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Originally posted by Khyron:
Spoken like a true elitist.

So I guess the new definition of elitist is:
Hard working individual who is sick of fitting the bill for lazy people who leech off society.

By "lazy people who leech off society", do you mean people who, for instance, go on $150000 shopping sprees with money given to them by people much poorer than them?


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:27 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:
By "lazy people who leech off society", do you mean people who, for instance, go on $150000 shopping sprees with money given to them by people much poorer than them?

Why do you keep saying that about Palin's clothes?

The clothes were on loan to her, and given to charity afterward. They were never her clothes.

Where do you get this crap from? I'd like to know.
Your a sucker for the news media aren't you? I'm sorry about that.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:35 PM


"How can you vote for a man to be president of a country if he won't even honor, or display, it's flag and he won't honor or place his hand on his heart for the national anthem? That's the real problem I have with him, his policies are ignorant (at best) but congress can take care of that. I mean, if they want to make you the quarterback at least you should not be ashamed to put on the uniform."
Tracy Lorenz

Change your mind before it's too late.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:39 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Why do you keep saying that about Palin's clothes?

Because it's true?

[The clothes were] given to charity afterward.
Why do you speak in the past tense?

Where do you get this crap from? I'd like to know.
You're the first person I've seen anywhere who's denied the price tag. So where do you get your news from?

Lastly, why have you still not gotten back to me about Palin's foreign policy experience?


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:41 PM


eta: Oppyh You are just plain wrong and frankly stupid to believe all the lies. Look it up for yourself.

Web Watch
Obama Nabbed by the Patriot Police

Obama salutes the flag

"He refused to not only put his hand on his heart during the pledge of allegiance, but refused to say the in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief? "

--Chain e-mail attacking Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

To all the other hazards of presidential campaigning in the Internet age--the blogosphere, the 24-hour news cycle, attack ads on You Tube--add one more, the anonymous viral e-mail. By now, millions of Americans have received an e-mailed photographs of Obama in a relaxed pose standing next to his fellow candidates, Bill Richardson and Hillary Clinton, with their hands firmly over their hearts as they listen to the national anthem. Several readers have asked us to investigate the provenance of this photograph, and we are happy to oblige.

The Facts
The photograph was taken on September 16, 2007, at Senator Tom Harkin's annual steak fry festivities in Iowa, an important ritual for Democratic presidential hopefuls. Contrary to the e-mails attacking Obama for disrespecting the flag, the candidates were not reciting the pledge of allegiance. They were standing for the national anthem.

As far as we can ascertain, the photograph first appeared in Time Magazine on October 1. Visit Time's website for a larger version. It was then picked up by the NewsBusters blog (Motto: "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias"), and from there made its way into all those in-boxes.

To his credit, the NewsBusters blogger does not try to pretend that the photograph had anything to do with the pledge of allegiance. Instead he cites Title 36 or the U.S. Code, which states the following:

During a rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed (A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart; (B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart;

By that standard, everybody in the picture (Obama, Richardson, Clinton, and Ruth Harkin) was infringing the Code, as they had their backs to the flag. On the other hand, the Code refers specifically to "Patriotic and National Observances." We welcome the opinion of protocol experts, but we are not sure that a steak fry qualifies as a "Patriotic Observance," even in Iowa. Since the steak fry was awash with flags, it is quite possible that the aforementioned political candidates were facing the flag and had their backs to the flag at the same time.

We should note that this is not the first time that Obama (does that name remind you of anybody?) has run afoul of the patriotic police. Fox News has criticized him for refusing to wear a Stars and Stripes pin in his buttonhole, on the grounds that the gesture has become "a substitute for true patriotism." Previous anonymous e-mails have claimed--falsely--that Obama is a Muslim.

Asked whether Obama normally puts his hand over his heart while listening to the national anthem, Obama spokesman Bill Burton replied by e-mail: "Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. In no way was he making any sort of statement, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous."

To demonstrate the senator's "true patriotism," Burton e-mailed two photographs of Obama with his hand firmly over his heart. One photograph is at the top of this post; the other is below.

The Pinocchio Test
Anonymous attacks by e-mail are, or at least should be, un-American. This particular one was also wrong on the facts: the ceremony in question had nothing to do with the pledge of the allegiance. We award the scoundrel who put the e-mail into circulation four Pinocchios.

(About our rating scale.)

Posted on November 2, 2007 at 6:00 AM ET | Category: 4 Pinocchios, Barack Obama, Candidate Record, Web Watch
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I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:44 PM


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:44 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
"How can you vote for a man to be president of a country if he won't even honor, or display, it's flag

That's true, McCain should really start wearing that flag pin the way Obama does.

he won't honor or place his hand on his heart for the national anthem?"
FMF cleared this one up.

Change your mind before it's too late.
No thanks.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:44 PM


"were loaned to us during the convention. And I don't think it was anywhere near ... What did they say... $150 grand? It wasn't anywhere near that,"

"Those are not ours. We give those back, those go to charity or they'll be auctioned off or whatever. That's not even my property. So to be criticized for that, that is not who we are."

Sarah Palin


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:45 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by OPPYH:

"How can you vote for a man to be president of a country if he won't even honor, or display, it's flag and he won't honor or place his hand on his heart for the national anthem? That's the real problem I have with him, his policies are ignorant (at best) but congress can take care of that. I mean, if they want to make you the quarterback at least you should not be ashamed to put on the uniform."
Tracy Lorenz


I could care less if someone puts their hand over their heart when they say the pledge of allegiance. What a ridiculous standard for "patriotism." I could never in good conscience repeat the words to the pledge. I don't believe in the christian god. And I'd never swear allegiance to a god, flag, country or anything else. My soul belongs to no one and no thing. It is mine and mine alone. Nation/states are fictions and all will (rightly) fall. I'm a citizen of the Universe and that is where my heart and soul reside. I wish a political candidate for president didn't have to pass these absurd patriotism tests. I wish, someday, when asked for their religious affiliation, they'd respond that it's none of your damn business. Here's what I think sums up "patriotism" these days--

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fevered pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

Could have been written (though not nearly as well) by Bush, Cheney, Mao, Stalin or Hitler. They all used it's message to their advantage.

For all of you whipped into a "patriotic fervor" I'll leave you with this. As reported in Esquire magazine, according to campaign-finance filings released in August, campaign contributions BY U.S. TROOPS DEPLOYED ABROAD--

John McCain $10,665
Ron Paul $45,512
Barack Obama $60,642
- commenter "CptJackSprw"


Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:46 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
"were loaned to us during the convention. And I don't think it was anywhere near ... What did they say... $150 grand? It wasn't anywhere near that,"

"Those are not ours. We give those back, those go to charity or they'll be auctioned off or whatever. That's not even my property. So to be criticized for that, that is not who we are."

Sarah Palin

It's funny that they were "loaned" AFTER the brohaha

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:04 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
It's funny that they were "loaned" AFTER the brohaha

It's even funnier that OPPYH thinks Palin's spin is an adequate refutation of something that even hardcore Republicans have been moaning about.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:11 PM


Personally I could give a rats ass where the money came from. But what it proves to me is that she is out of her element. Had she the accomplishments and the experience on the level that is required by the VP position, then she would have had the clothing. Perhaps not $5,000 jackets, but she would have had the clothing

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Sunday, October 26, 2008 4:50 AM


Oh my God.....Palin not qualified?

She is the governor of a state, yup that's right a governor. Obama is a senator. Now it's common knowledge that while governors don't exactly outrank senators, they do have much more on their plate than senators.
Governors have the monumental task of keeping a states budget in check, foreign affairs, transpotation, and energy departments in good working order. Palin has done a great job in Alaska as governor, so naturally I can see why everyone keeps saying she's unqualified? wait..huh? While I don't care for McCain all that much he is the lesser of two evils. Palin is the real reason I'm voting for him.
You want to start a do nothing committee hold a clipboard, and argue all day about a nothing issue, call a senator. If there is ever a crisis Obama as president could try to talk his way out of it. When it comes to action, well thats a different story.....we'd be F*#^D!
Good call people!


Sunday, October 26, 2008 4:53 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
It's even funnier that OPPYH thinks Palin's spin is an adequate refutation of something that even hardcore Republicans have been moaning about.



Sunday, October 26, 2008 6:45 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Governors have the monumental task of keeping a states budget in check, foreign affairs, transpotation, and energy departments in good working order. Palin has done a great job in Alaska as governor, so naturally I can see why everyone keeps saying she's unqualified? wait..huh?


As for the "monumental" responsibilities of state governors, you might want to look into that. The states ascribe differing levels of power and responsibility to their governors; here in Texas, for instance, a Governor (such as George W. Bush was) is tied for DEAD LAST (with South Dakota's governor) when it comes to the power he or she is allotted. So simply being a governor isn't automatically a qualification to run anything on a national level.


If there is ever a crisis Obama as president could try to talk his way out of it. When it comes to action, well thats a different story.....we'd be F*#^D!

Yes, the very last thing you'd ever want a President to do would be to try to TALK to find a solution to a problem. How'd that whole jump-in-first-and-figure-it-out-later policy worked out in Iraq? How's it working in Afghanistan?



Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:08 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Wait, Palin's done a great job in Alaska? I seem to recall hearing she'd left the state a couple million in debt, and that 'biggest project ever' pipeline hasn't even started yet. And let's not forget all those secessionists running around up there...

Yeah, good job.


Originally posted by Kwicko:


If there is ever a crisis Obama as president could try to talk his way out of it. When it comes to action, well thats a different story.....we'd be F*#^D!

Yes, the very last thing you'd ever want a President to do would be to try to TALK to find a solution to a problem...

Nah, just bomb everyone who disagrees with you. Eventually no dissenters will be left. (...Because no one will be left.)

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.


Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:24 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
"How can you vote for a man to be president of a country if he won't even honor, or display, it's flag and he won't honor or place his hand on his heart for the national anthem? That's the real problem I have with him...

OK, so if I decide to turn terrist and infiltrate the US with evilness, all I have to do is wear a US flag lapel pin and place my hand accordingly, and - hey presto - I'll have idiots like this on my side!

Criminy. What a ma-roon!


Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:29 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Oh my God.....Palin not qualified?

You did see her interview with Katie Couric, right?


Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:29 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Muggers for Obama in Kenya murdered 1,000 Christians, including 50 arsoned to death in their church with the doors padlocked. Obama supporters raped both women and men in Kenya, when Obama's cousin lost the election for president. 800 Christian churches were arsoned by Obama's radical Muslim terrorist army, creating 350,000 refugees. So Kenya was forced to creat the non job of prime minister for Obama's Commie cousin.

Hussien Obama is a citizen of Kenya. His granny brags he was born in Kenya.

Obama Mass Hypnosis Manual


Sunday, October 26, 2008 10:58 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Nah, just bomb everyone who disagrees with you. Eventually no dissenters will be left. (...Because no one will be left.)

Bombing doesn't decide who's right; only who's left.

You can bomb the world into pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace.



Sunday, October 26, 2008 12:12 PM



Originally posted by swish:
You did see her interview with Katie Couric, right?

Yes I watched the interview, and Couric had nothing but undeniably awkward and difficult questions for Palin. If She had the exact same questions for Obama, I promise you he wouldn't have fared any better.

Look you people obviously like Obama, and that's fine, but you cannot deny the fact that since the start of this race McCain and Palin have been demonized by the media, and news. It's not an opinion, it's fact. Just pick up an issue of Newsweek, or Time magazine, or watch any major news channel. I don't know why the media isn't giving them a fair shot. Looks like the Pax got to you folks as be it.
I have one thing to say:

"Can't stop the signal"






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