So.... What Next?

UPDATED: Sunday, November 2, 2008 04:54
VIEWED: 3196
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Friday, October 31, 2008 10:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Assuming Obama wins, and taking a cue from the right-wing religious conservatives (who feel they have a message which the Bush admin has strayed from, and which McCain has never embraced) meeting two days after the election to plan their next move...

What about everyone else?

I personally think that the USA is due for a total makeover. There are so many crying needs... the economy, energy independence (Obama's theme), reinvigorating our manufacturing, health care (currently the health insurance industry is being allowed to suck all the other businesses dry), reversing the Partiot Act, impeaching Bush et al....

What do YOU think, and what order of priorities would you place your ideas?

Let's party like its 1929.


Friday, October 31, 2008 10:50 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So.... What Next?

Kicking Obama's ass to do the right things.

He's more conservative than most people realize.


Silence is consent.


Friday, October 31, 2008 11:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, this is where "the Authoritarians" have it over others. Because altho authoritarians eventually blow up the world (including themselves) they WILL organize around a central authority figure and they WILL focus on what that authority wants.

OTOH, this is where the ... non-authoritarians?... behave pretty much like a herd of cats.

That's why I kinds chuckle over the concept of "Obama zombies". Sure there are some peeps who will attach themselves to him with religious fervor. But most of the peeps I know are pretty skeptical. They're not looking to be "saved", and they're not entirely on-board with Obama's plans either. The funny thing is, the right-wing just can't imagine anyone different than they are, so they see Obama's supporters as a bunch of "dittoheads".

Let's party like its 1929.


Friday, October 31, 2008 11:18 AM


Let's wait until November 5th before we have this discussion.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Friday, October 31, 2008 11:25 AM


After the huge party, right?

It's times like these that I wonder who in their right mind would want this job - but if I have learned anything about Barack, it's that he is truly dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Americans, regardless of what Republicans would have us believe.


Putting in place a cabinet that agrees in principal with the ambitions of the President, and yet exemplifies the diversity of the country.

Set in motion his plan for renewable energy. Creating jobs right out of the gate would help win over many detractors.

I would like to see a re-examination of the recent Wall Street bailout.

Shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention center.

Remove troops from Iraq. (long overdue) Lay out a comprehensive plan for action in Afghanistan.

Work to undo the failed policies of Bush.

Break for lunch....

So many things need to be done in just the first months of the new presidency that it's hard to set hard and fast priorities, but I have no doubt that if Obama is elected Tuesday - he has a transition team that has been hard at work sorting out the things that need immediate attention.

I certainly do not presume to know what will happen, but I truly believe that if we elect Barack Obama, we will be making a great, if not historic, start to getting back to a normalcy that we have not had in this country in a good long while.


Friday, October 31, 2008 11:30 AM



Originally posted by deadlockvictim:
After the huge party, right?

Good point. Okay, let's wait until November 6th before we have this discussion (assuming 1 day will be enough to recover from the hang-over).


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Friday, October 31, 2008 11:30 AM


What's next? HMM let me think? The press trying to get readers and viewers to come back after whoring themsevlfes for for months. SNL, the latenight shows, the Daily Show and Bill Maher after whoring them selfs for months? Here's what's next, news papers going out of buisness, MSNBC, Rolling Stone, TIME, New York Times and a bunch of other media outlets relizing DOUCHBAGS like me buy there rags, and watch there shows, and say FUCK YOU! The next 4 years is going to be funny, get ready you left-wingers are about to learn what it's like to be on the reciving end. Enjoy.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Friday, October 31, 2008 11:51 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

What the HELL are you babbling on about ?


Silence is consent.


Friday, October 31, 2008 12:39 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Waht the HELL are you babbling on about ?


Silence is consent.

My babble is that the media is going to miss us right-wingers, when it comes time to sell papers or watch there stupid cable infotainment shows. The papers are about to go out of buisness, and the infotainment shows are lossing veiwers. This is when they should be doing well with this up coming "HISTORICAL" election. If they're hurting now, how will they be doing this time next year, So I babble.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Friday, October 31, 2008 12:59 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

... after whoring themsevlfes for for months. SNL, the latenight shows, the Daily Show and Bill Maher after whoring them selfs for months ... relizing DOUCHBAGS like me buy there rags, and watch there shows, and say FUCK YOU! ... you left-wingers are about to learn what it's like to be on the reciving end ...

Somehow, the old version doesn't translate into the new version.

What I get out of the old version (which you seem to have typed while drunk and enraged): we conservatives have been faithfully supporting the 'librl' media by watching it kick dubya around all these years, and just now we're going to stop, and that'll trash the business. And now YOU left-wingers are going to be on the receiving end of ... something. Whatever.

Have you considered that you have more than one screw loose ? Because clearly, your entire post is nonsense. First of all b/c your 'type' isn't the primary audience of the 'librl' media (somehow Hannity seems more your style than Maher), and second, if the media IS that 'librl' I don't think the 'librls' are going to mind much being on the receiving end of an unleashed 'librl' media.


Silence is consent.


Friday, October 31, 2008 1:22 PM



OTOH, this is where the ... non-authoritarians?... behave pretty much like a herd of cats.

As an Anarchist march/protest guide, and the owner of six felidae, I think I can claim legitimate cat herding experience here.

First things first, clean the litterbox.
Iraq. OUT. NOW.

Second thing, fill the food bowl.
Cut the living hell out of pork, corporate welfare, and foreign aid, then roll that into a damn tax abatement for the poor.

Third, fresh water.
Purge the puppetheads and politicals from the EPA and reconstitute it, lay the smack down on the more extreme offenders and polluters, tighten up the standards reasonably over time, allowing folks to comply before dropping the boom.

Fourth, break up the turf squabbles.
Snap the leash back on these alphabet soup goons, eliminate needless and counterproductive/redundant structures and streamline the process to an observational stance with no legal authority to take action, reporting to a board of civilian and military authorities.

And Fifth, spay and neuter your pets.
Put the boot in good, FINISH THE JOB, run these NeoCon-PNAC-CleanBreak-Likud sumbitches into the ground and squash them good and proper, throw em in jail, exile them from the country, but BREAK THEM, or in 12-16 years, they'll be right back like they always are.

It's not really as simple as basic cat care, but the basics are there.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, October 31, 2008 4:50 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

OTOH, this is where the ... non-authoritarians?... behave pretty much like a herd of cats.

As an Anarchist march/protest guide, and the owner of six felidae, I think I can claim legitimate cat herding experience here.

First things first, clean the litterbox.
Iraq. OUT. NOW.

Yeah, that's not gonna to happen. You know that, man. Be realistic. A rapid draw-down would be ... bad ... like crossing the streams.

Second thing, fill the food bowl.
Cut the living hell out of pork, corporate welfare, and foreign aid, then roll that into a damn tax abatement for the poor.

Eliminating pork spending sounds good. Same for Corp. welfare & foreign aid ... the poor pay taxes? No, they don't. Use the funds to pay down our debt.

Third, fresh water.
Purge the puppetheads and politicals from the EPA and reconstitute it, lay the smack down on the more extreme offenders and polluters, tighten up the standards reasonably over time, allowing folks to comply before dropping the boom.

The EPA is a political animal. How do you change that? The rest sounds good, but care must be taken or these businesses will just pack up & leave the US ... and the jobs they provide will go with them.

Fourth, break up the turf squabbles.
Snap the leash back on these alphabet soup goons, eliminate needless and counterproductive/redundant structures and streamline the process to an observational stance with no legal authority to take action, reporting to a board of civilian and military authorities.

Shrink the bureaucracy, save money ... again, good.

And Fifth, spay and neuter your pets.
Put the boot in good, FINISH THE JOB, run these NeoCon-PNAC-CleanBreak-Likud sumbitches into the ground and squash them good and proper, throw em in jail, exile them from the country, but BREAK THEM, or in 12-16 years, they'll be right back like they always are.

And here is where things go sideways. This sounds like anti-semitism.

It's not really as simple as basic cat care, but the basics are there.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, October 31, 2008 5:51 PM



do the poor pay taxes? No, they don't.

Thirty four PERCENT, damn you.

And motor fuel tax, property taxes, utility taxes, sales taxes, every fuckin penny, coming or going the bastards take a bite, and without fail just after april they demand MORE cause I ain't gotten shit back for near a decade, just a bill, and folks makin far more than me whine about how us poor pay no taxes, while I eat jiffy biscuits for dinner cause that's all I can afford on what I got left after the Gov gets done bending me over the sawhorse...

And hearing some shitheel who no doubt makes more than I do, and who no doubt actually had something better to eat recently tell me the poor don't pay taxes makes me wanna ram their keyboard up their stupid, ignorant, uninformed ass crossways, cause I am right sick of hearing it, BEING one of those poor who supposedly "doesn't pay taxes" and here I am gettin royally raped on the fucking things.

Don't shovel that shit to me, especially not in the middle of a decade long relationship crumbling cause I don't make enough money no matter how I bust ass cause the more I make, the more they take, and not when I have to leave my chosen line of work for one I dislike cause it makes more money, and busting ass at both currently which means taking an even BIGGER tax hit since that eliminates the single job deduction till I get the transition covered.

Frankly, every time I hear that line of shit I wanna rip someones spine out, not even when I was fourteen and officially a dependant did I "get it all back" and that was well over twenty YEARS ago, it's always been a lie, a bald fiction to gloss over the fact that the working poor take such a tax bite that it's actually in many cases more sensible to go to the very government that pauperised them and beg for a handout.

Maybe if we didn't friggin impoverish them via taxes in the first damned place, they wouldn't NEED that goddamn handout, a lot of em wouldn't anyways, and we'd save a buck on all the folks chugging at the Govt trough, all the salarys of those who count, collect and enforce it coming it, and count, account for, and dole it out in the opposite direction, all of whom take their own little nibble as it passes till there's hardly nothin left.

It's not charity to rob someone, chew the take down to the bone, and then throw it back to them, it's just sheer meanness, and wasteful meanness at that.

And us working stiffs don't even get the damned bone back, how nice is that ?

And then we gotta listen to this bullshit lie over and over, while we count pennies and suck on ramen, and the Gov plans to squeeze us even harder to bail out their rich fatcat friends who've squeezed us dry till we got nothin left already.

Tell me, would you prefer to be pan fried, or boiled in a nice cream sauce ?

Eat the rich, yeah eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch!



It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, October 31, 2008 6:09 PM


Ditto what Frem said.......I think!

I know 3 things - I am poor, I lose a shitload of my pay to taxes. I do not get it back. Ergo - the poor pay taxes.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Friday, October 31, 2008 11:11 PM


FMF and Fremmy said it best.

This is how it is: Everyone who is not a Gazillionaire pays taxes - Everyone!

The 95 Percenters (poor folk, there is no middle class in case you haven't noticed) pays to keep the Rich folk (5 Percenters) RICH.

Anyone who lives paycheck to paycheck is POOR.
If things keep going the way they've been going (S&L Scandal, Enron, The new Sawhorse Bailout) grab your ankles folks we're in for a long "ride."

If McCain/Bushlite wins, that will be our permanent position.

Don't worry, my friends you'll get used to it.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 12:21 AM



Originally posted by rue:
... after whoring themsevlfes for for months. SNL, the latenight shows, the Daily Show and Bill Maher after whoring them selfs for months ... relizing DOUCHBAGS like me buy there rags, and watch there shows, and say FUCK YOU! ... you left-wingers are about to learn what it's like to be on the reciving end ...

Somehow, the old version doesn't translate into the new version.

What I get out of the old version (which you seem to have typed while drunk and enraged): we conservatives have been faithfully supporting the 'librl' media by watching it kick dubya around all these years, and just now we're going to stop, and that'll trash the business. And now YOU left-wingers are going to be on the receiving end of ... something. Whatever.

Have you considered that you have more than one screw loose ? Because clearly, your entire post is nonsense. First of all b/c your 'type' isn't the primary audience of the 'librl' media (somehow Hannity seems more your style than Maher), and second, if the media IS that 'librl' I don't think the 'librls' are going to mind much being on the receiving end of an unleashed 'librl' media.


Silence is consent.

A liberal media that is losing reader and veiwers, 1st off sorry about last night. The press went so far into the tank for Barry they are losing readers during; an Election, a bad economy, Linsay Lohan losing her mind. There is ALOT of news out there, but Americas biggest papers are losing readers and ad rev, why? You made a great point when you said, "I do'nt think the liberals are to mind much being on the receiving end of an unleashed liberal media", brilliant BUT! They're now learning Republicans buy papers too, or used to.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 1, 2008 12:31 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
Americas biggest papers are losing readers and ad rev, why?

Because more and more people get their news from the internet these days.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 12:42 AM


I'll post this then I'll shut up (a gift for all of you ) Now I'm getting tired of bitching about this.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, November 1, 2008 4:52 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
I'll post this then I'll shut up (a gift for all of you ) Now I'm getting tired of bitching about this.

Ya reap what ya sow, whozit. Obama has run a predominantly positive campaign and McCain has run a predominantly negative campaign. Do positive things, say positive things, and the press will likely report them. Say ugly, divisive, xenophobic things and the press will report that. Run a smart, organized, unified campaign and the press will probably report that. Run a confused, constantly changing campaign dominated by character assassinations that never get anywhere and the press will probably report that as well.

Nominate an exquisitely uninformed hate-monger, who nonetheless believes God has destined her to rule the world, on the strength of a single interview and the press will likely report the fallout from that as well.

The campaign has not gone well for John McCain--should the media lie about that?

Where in the journalism rulebook does it say you have to make rival candidates look equally successful and make every Presidential race look close?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 5:27 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
What about everyone else?

I personally think that the USA is due for a total makeover. There are so many crying needs... the economy, energy independence (Obama's theme), reinvigorating our manufacturing, health care (currently the health insurance industry is being allowed to suck all the other businesses dry), reversing the Partiot Act, impeaching Bush et al....

What do YOU think, and what order of priorities would you place your ideas?

Let's party like its 1929.

Obama says the same, that ( if he wins ) he'll FUNDAMENTALLY change this country. I don't want it fundamentally changed. It doesn't need to be changed wholesale.

Many economist say that doing nothing might be the best plan of action to right this economy. Maybe by adding more regulation on Tax supported business like Fannie and Freddie would be a good start, but not much beyond that.

Want to jump start the economy ? Lower corp taxes, which are currently the 2nd highest in the world. That would invite more companies to come here, higher employees, who'd have more $$ to buy local products, homes, etc..... but no, Obama is set on sticking it to the earners in this country, so that's a dead deal.

Energy independence ? Bush revoked the ban on off shore drilling , and ever since that day, oil prices have fallen off the table. Coincidence ? Maybe, but see what happens when Congress follows suit.

Bringing down the wall of separation between the various law enforcement agencies was / is a mandatory necessity to help fight terrorism.

I know the 'impeach Bush' nonsense was tacked on at the end for sheer shock value, but seriously.......w/ all the real issues being mentioned, why add on something so blatantly partisan and transparent as "impeachment " ?

Had hoped for better than that, even from you.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:18 AM


Well said HK!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, November 1, 2008 2:16 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Thirty four PERCENT, damn you.

OMG - Dude! If you are paying 34% Federal Income Tax, and are single, that puts you in the Second-From-The-Top bracket! In other words, by telling us that you pay 34% Fed Tax, you have just told us that you earn at least $164K!!

You, sir, are not poor! Not even by Senator Obama's standards. If he gets elected, your taxes will go up.

I WISH I earned that much! I am single, no dependants. I get by fine on 55K a year in the NYC suburbs. I am in the 25% bracket but it works out to be a little less - I pay 15% Fed Tax. If you count all deductions, I get hit for exactly 25%. I get a decent chunk of that back at the end of every year.

LOL - quit complaining, man! Yikes.

If you are earning alot less than $164K, but are paying 34% for some reason, you may need to study the 1040 forms a little closer!


Saturday, November 1, 2008 2:20 PM



Originally posted by Odessa762:
You, sir, are not poor! Not even by Senator Obama's standards. If he gets elected, your taxes will go up.

Really? I must have skipped math class the day they taught us that 164K > 200K.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 2:31 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If you are earning alot less than $164K, but are paying 34% for some reason, you may need to study the 1040 forms a little closer!

You might want to have a closer look at them yourself. If memory serves, Frem's a "self-employed" contractor, meaning he indeed does pay higher taxes than most of us.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 2:43 PM


Khyron - Senators Obama and Biden have changed that number a few times over the past few days/weeks. Here is a video of Biden quoting the 150K number. That's what I was referring to. Have they changed it again? Is it back at 200K again? If 200K is the 'Magic Number', then I guess that's that. Good!

However, when the Bush Tax Plan expires in a few years, everybody's taxes will go back up. Senator Obama has said that he will not make them permanent. Has Senator Obama ever voted to lower taxes? That's a serious question - I'd like to know. I haven't seen anything on that. Does he have a record of lowering taxes on folks? On business?

I realize that it is difficult to 'read' emotion on the 'net ... please keep in mind that I am not trying to be controversial here - I am genuinely looking for answers and information.


Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by Odessa762:
You, sir, are not poor! Not even by Senator Obama's standards. If he gets elected, your taxes will go up.

Really? I must have skipped math class the day they taught us that 164K > 200K.

*edit for grammar*


Saturday, November 1, 2008 2:50 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
You might want to have a closer look at them yourself. If memory serves, Frem's a "self-employed" contractor, meaning he indeed does pay higher taxes than most of us.

ahhh - I see. Point taken, Kwicko. If Frem has his own business, doesn't Senator Obama plan to raise his taxes? The Senator has been talking about raising taxes on business ... right?

Again, I am looking for straight info - I'm not "stirring $h!t", so please don't take my questions that way. ;)


Saturday, November 1, 2008 2:59 PM


I am an independant contractor, and that's a different bracket than a wage slave, thanks.

And I drive a CAB for crying out loud, and you think I make 134k ?!! WTF is wrong with you ?

The median expected salary for a typical Taxi Driver in the United States is $30,110. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies.

And thanks to that, fuel prices, and the goddamn tax bite, I won't BE driving a cab much longer, but rather arranging security contracts for folk who DON'T want a bunch of cop-groupie jackbooted nazi wannabes, but actual laid back security folk, or even night watchmen, who aren't going to stomp around like petty tyrants all full of their own little authority like those shitheads from Pinkertons, Wackenhut and Group4.

At least the slimy end of the business has drained the pool of the usual scum, and we're starting to get some DECENT folk back in on the bottom end who have no interest in feeling up peoples girlfriends and shaking down old ladies for amusement at the airport.

Just someone to take down which exterior lights have blown, make sure nothings on fire, and serve as a general deterrent to thieves and vandals, and really, I can teach a MONKEY to do that, but I cannot teach a jackboot goon how to act like a decent human being, so good riddance to the bastards and may Group4 choke on them.

Annnyhows, and I'm also taking another hit right now not having a single income deduction, the whole setup in 25-32K is a goddamn nightmare for independant contractors, sometimes we got to NOT work over a certain amount of hours cause the tax bite increases to the point where if we work four hours over that, we take home LESS money than if we didn't!

The more we make, the more they take, and you really have to burn your ass and bust it, to run faster on that treadmill than the taxman can catch up, and I am just too fucking old and broken to DO that dammit - and it sure doesn't help that those ruinous fucking taxes and my income swandiving due to gas prices are what put the final stake in my relationship neither.

Fuck it, man, all I wanna hear from you, is silence, keep your apologies, just SHUT THE FUCK UP next time you get the urge to spout the lie that poor people pay no taxes, right ?

I'd surely take that as a kindness.


EDIT: No, I don't technically own a business, since none of the materials nor the vehicle belong to me, but goddamn I still get hit with the tax burden as if I did, yes indeed.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If Frem has his own business, doesn't Senator Obama plan to raise his taxes? The Senator has been talking about raising taxes on business ... right?

As I understand it, as a business owner your taxes will not go up unless your business has a net profit of more than $250,000 per year. Not positive on that, but that's the way I remember it being explained.

Doesn't look like I'm going to have to worry about my taxes going up any time soon, but if I were fortunate enough to be in an earning bracket where they DID go up, I'd be happy to pay, since that means that either I made $200,000+ net income, or my business cleared $250,000+ in net profits. If paying 3% more in taxes on those numbers is the price of success, I'll gladly pay.



Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:22 PM


Odessa, I don't blame you for being a bit confused, with all the smears coming from the right wing about Obama's tax plans it's difficult to know who's telling the truth. But here's a link to Obama's tax plan (PDF), it hasn't changed in the last couple of months as far as I know (and Biden gaffes don't constitute a change in policy).

Here's another thing you might want to have a look at (PDF):

From point 4: "Because the Obama plan preserves existing tax rates for families making less than $250,000 a year, nearly 99% of small business owners won’t see any tax increase under the Obama plan"


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:23 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


The more we make, the more they take, and you really have to burn your ass and bust it, to run faster on that treadmill than the taxman can catch up, and I am just too fucking old and broken to DO that dammit - and it sure doesn't help that those ruinous fucking taxes and my income swandiving due to gas prices are what put the final stake in my relationship neither.

Or you simply lie and cheat to keep what's yours and not give it to a government that despises you. That's part and parcel of the underground economy that was brought up a week or so ago. It's how and why gangs and mafias exist and gain power - because they're seen as better than the alternative. They take less, in many cases, and actually DO provide some form of security. How sad is that, when organized crime is the lesser of the two evils?

You seem a little down, Frem. Don't let the bastards get to ya. You're fighting the good fight, and even with a victory of sorts in sight, we still need you and your kind around here, now more than ever!



Saturday, November 1, 2008 3:26 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...Biden gaffes don't constitute a change in policy

But it might be kinda funny if they did!

And for the record, people pointing out the "Barack America" gaffe when Biden was announced just look silly. Why? Because Barack America would be a cool as hell name! Makes him sound like a superhero (and we're gonna need one after 8 years of Bushonomics).



Saturday, November 1, 2008 4:28 PM


You know, I try to picture Obama as a superhero when you say that, and the only image that comes to mind is.....


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:09 PM



Saturday, November 1, 2008 11:53 PM


Again, care to lay a bag of microwave popcorn on that assumption ?

You say 2 years.

I say 12.

I got orvilles extra butter, what's your ante ?



Sunday, November 2, 2008 4:54 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


What do YOU think...?

Let's party like its 1929.

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

"Keep the Shiny side up"






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