Abortion Gift Certificates for Christmas

UPDATED: Sunday, December 7, 2008 03:29
VIEWED: 6008
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Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:23 AM



Originally posted by rue:
"When you start hitting your 3rd abortion, maybe its time to reconsider what you are doing with you life..."

True story - at least, told to me by the person who was there and claims it was true - back from the days of working in a county hospital ...

Woman comes in for an abortion, gets one, gets birth control counseling and a supply of pills ... comes in some time later for another abortion. --- Well, birth control isn't perfect, so she gets another abortion, gets birth control counseling again, with reminders that you need to use it every day, and a supply of pills ... And a while later comes in for her third abortion. At this point the clinic people figure either she is hitting the worst streak with her birth control or something is wrong. So they take her to a private room, go through all the questions and instructions again - you're not missing any days with these pills, are you ? And maybe doubling-up the next day and figuring you're good ? Nope - the woman says she is faithfully, every day using birth control. At the end the nurse thinks to ask - do you have ANY questions at all ? At which point, the woman rather abashedly asks - how do you get them to stay UP there ?


Silence is consent.

That has got to be an "Urban Ledgend"

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Wow, that was harsh Anthony
No, it wasn't. You're mostly men. You have never been faced with an unexpected pregnancy which you may not be emotionally or economically prepared to deal with. (Even reliable birth control methods fail yanno.)

There are two statments which I think only women "get" which sum up the situation perfectly:

If men could get pregnant abortion would be a scarament


For Republicans, human life starts at conception and ends at birth

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:49 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"That has got to be an "Urban Ledgend" "

If it is, it's over 30 years old, and started by my friend.

BTW, I sometimes wonder if art imitates life rather than the other way around. This IS a true story - been there, saw that:

Man comes into the ER (by cab) with an arrow stuck down through the top of his head. It was a case of "I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not ... THUNK ! ... where ..."

Years later 'ER' - the show - had an episode about a man who came to the ER with an arrow stuck through the back of his head - done I presume for effect so he could talk face to face with the doctors and then turn around to dramatically reveal the problem.

That's one of the benefits of hospital work - you have a ton of stories to share with other people who do hospital work (because, frankly, no one else would understand). There are some serious downsides, though.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:57 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Signy,

It's important to note that you don't have to be a woman to appreciate the value of freedom.

I strongly support feminist arguments right up until the point that someone suggests men can't understand X subject.

I always think, "They can't? Wow, that kind of dooms the cause then, doesn't it?"

In fact, Yes we can. And many do.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, December 6, 2008 8:08 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


I was surprised at your passion for unqualified freedom in all its forms. I do wonder where such feeling came from, b/c many people trim their beliefs to fit their benefit, their situation, and their biases. And when they don't trim, it's often in a conscious effort to be fair, but it lacks real feeling.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 8:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey AnthonyT- You clearly understand freedom. I appreciate that.

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:03 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

For anyone who was wondering - the man with the (hunting arrow) arrow in his head was fine. It penetrated his skull by a few inches, but landed exactly in the empty spot between the two halves of the brain. It's why the story was funny and not tragic - it had a very happy ending.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:05 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
*hums the theme song*

Hehe, indeed! I have long trusted the Trojan Man. It's unfortunate that I'm currently seeing someone who has, I found, a bit of a reaction to latex. Been hunting through alternatives since then, there's just nothing quite as good.

Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
However, they also toss out abortions like they do condomns.

False. If that were true there would be baskets of abortion pills just sitting in the waiting room saying "Take one!" This is a supremely silly statement.

Originally posted by AnthonyT:
It's important to note that you don't have to be a woman to appreciate the value of freedom.

And there are women who don't believe in such freedom. I can't say I understand why anyone is so violently opposed to others being free to do something they don't agree with. Hell, I don't agree to drinking yourself stupid, but I don't think there should be a law against it.
Quite simply, telling a woman, any woman, that if she gets pregnant she loses control of her future, is not right. Some women want children, some very much. They want to devote themselves to that, and are ready. Some don't want it and aren't ready. And a life of a (presumably) full-grown woman, I think, is important. This quote seems pretty apt:

Originally posted by SignyM:
For Republicans, human life starts at conception and ends at birth

These women so many people want to push into having a child she doesn't want, in some cases a child that would endanger her life, a child that was heaven forbid conceived by force, a child she might resent... These women are a life, too.
Yes, clearly abortion should be the last resort, prevention should be used first and foremost. Several layers of it, even. Things happen, though, and frankly some people are just stupid. And if someone is so stupid they take no steps to prevent pregnancy and just get abortion after abortion, even though I think it's horrible, I think I'd prefer that to them actually breeding. Maybe that's wrong of me, but there's enough people in this world and far, far too many stupid ones.
On that note, I'll leave one last thought for y'all to chew on: The human race isn't going anywhere. We're prolific. We're even, likely, approaching a tipping point in population. More people may only compound the problems we have. I think it's much more important to focus on possible population problems than on how many people DON'T want a new little person in the world.



Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:14 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


First, thanks ladies. I'm proud to stand with you on this issue.

But where does it come from?

I think I've been lucky.

Despite being born in the 40's, my Dad was about the most free-thinking 'conservative' you're ever likely to meet. He does carry some of the stereotypical values of old Cuban society, but I think for the most part he picked up on the better values while discarding the harmful ones. Cordiality, Hospitality, and a sense of Honor are three things that define him. He and I share a habit that some feminists would object to - opening a door for a woman - but he never imparted anything I consider negative. He taught me from a very young age that women were to be respected, and that they were our equals. He has always advocated for reproductive rights with an intensity that makes me wonder if, in some unspoken past incident, he knew someone who had been forced to pursue an extra-legal remedy to a pregnancy. He once described to me in detail how a 'back-alley' abortion might proceed, and the endless complications that could result.

My mother, meanwhile, was a sensitive woman who was keen on proper decorum. I think I can thank her for any language skills I have. But she was also enlessly creative, and encouraged me to be the same.

Besides being lucky for my parents, I was lucky for my schooling.

I've mentioned it perhaps too often recently, but I was beaten up fairly regularly in Middle School. While this gave me a great dislike for bullies, it also helped me to understand and sympathize with segments of our society that many of my middle-class bretheren were prone to ignore, stereotype, or marginalize. Even as I despised feeling weak and helpless, I was cognizant of the fact that those who were attacking me felt exactly as I did. They felt weak, helpless, and taken advantage of. I saw their actions as a misguided attempt to reclaim power and control in their lives. I learned to frown on the system that perpetuated this, rather than the people who were a product of it.

And I suppose with my parent's values, and the experience of being taken advantage of (and seeing others who were taken advantage of), I learned to place a great value on liberty. The idea of someone extending their will beyond their personal envelope, and smothering someone else with it, is abhorrent to me.

Of course, I'm not nearly as far on this road as someone like Frem. Or Piratenews. As much as I love freedom, I do believe that a system of rules has to be in place to protect it. And while I do believe that the Government tends to pour glue on the gears of efficiency, I sometimes think that private industry is willing to over-grease those same gears, even to the detriment of us all. I'm not sure I want to leave my destiny entirely in either of those hands.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, December 6, 2008 9:57 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Thank you. I appreciate it.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 10:02 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Riverlove:
Planned Parenthood is in quite a bit of trouble these days. Criminal investigations in several states. They are NOT reporting statutory rapes of underage girls to the authorities, which is a felony. Additionally, they are councilling these underage victims of statutory rape to seek abortions in neighboring states where parental notification is not required.

So rather than report that a 13 year old girl got pregnant by some 30 year old man, maybe a friend, maybe her brother, maybe her father...they don't care.....their agenda is:
1) get the abortion
2) here's some condoms for next time

It's downright sickening, 'cause then these girls go right back into the same bad situation that got them abused and knocked up in the first place. They are NOT looking out for the well-being of these underage rape victims. I expect to see PP indicted in several states, and ultimately perhaps a national debate whether $300 million of our tax dollars should continue to fund this criminally out of control organization.

Is there any reported link between Planned Parenthood and pedophile groups? NAMBLA etc.

Sounds suspicious to me.

Dick Cheney's indictment by grand jury in Texas last month was for abuse in his private prisons, with murders and rapes. Other Texas juvenile prisons were busted running pedophile sexslave operations, with judges, politicians and cops lining up to have sex with the children.

Texas Juvenile Detention Centers Cope With Charges of Rape, Abuse,2933,265924,00.html

Texas Youth Prison Sex Scandal Hearings


WH/Justice Dept Coverup Pedophilia Cases

By Wayne Madsen, National Security Agency

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' 'loyal Bushie' U.S. Attorney for Western Texas covered up a major pedophile scandal with the connivance of the Justice Department's Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, already under pressure for firing several U.S. Attorneys not considered "loyal Bushies," now faces another scandal. Albert Moskowitz, the Chief of the Criminal Section of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, sent a letter dated September 27, 2005, to the Superintendent of the Texas Youth Commission's West Texas State School youth detention facility declining the prosecution of two of the Texas agency's employees -- Ray Brookins and John Hernandez -- for engaging in sexual molestation of 10 underage males incarcerated at the facility. The charges of molestation were originally brought by Texas Ranger Brian J. Burzynski. Earlier, in a July 28, 2005 letter, the Assistant US Attorney for West Texas, Bill Baumann, who works for US Attorney Johnny Sutton, a close friend of Gonzales, sent a letter to Burzynski declining federal prosecution in the pedophile case. In a decision that indicates that the Gonzales Justice Department defines child molestation in very narrow and high threshold terms, Baumann wrote that the young men at the West Texas facility that claimed they were raped by Brookins and Hernandez did not sustain "bodily injury" or "bodily pain." Baumann also defined aggravated sexual assault as resulting from a "perpetrator knowingly causing his victim to engage in a sexual act (which can include contact between the mouth and penis) by force against the victim or by threatening or placing the victim in fear that the victim (or any other person) will be subjected to death, serious bodily injury or kidnapping). Baumann stated, "I do not believe that sufficient evidence exists to support a charge that either Brookins or Hernandez used force to cause victims to engage in a sexual act."

Astonishingly, Baumann also writes that "none of the victims admit they consented to the sexual contact" with the juvenile facility employees. However, Baumann then suggests that the underage males came on to the prison guards and were "simply 'getting off' on the school administrator. Baumann also indicates that "many students" were "retained at the West Texas State School long after their initial release date" but that "it would be difficult to prove that either Mr. Brookins or Mr. Hernandez prevented their release." The clear indication is that Brookins and Hernandez kept the boys incarcerated in order to continue to sodomize them. Baumann, who appears to be borrowing heavily from the tracts of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), suggests that sex between the underage males and detention facility personnel is perfectly legitimate as long as the sex is consensual. There are also reports that detained youth in the Texas Youth system are transported from various facilities for purposes of prostitution.

After the allegations about abuse at the West Texas detention facility became public, Hernandez was forced to resign as principal at a Midland, Texas charter school. A Ward County grand jury is investigating the case.

There are now reports that pedophilia extends to other youth detention facilities in Texas. The Texas Sheltered Care Facility in Nixon, in south Texas, is being investigated for the abuse, including sexual molestation of detained Latin American immigrant youth housed at the center. The facility is operated by Away from Home, Inc. Some 72 children were relocated from the facility after the abuse charges were raised. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services investigated the Nixon facility and referred the case to US Attorney Johnny Sutton and the FBI. However, once again, Sutton decided "the alleged activity, which as the focus of the investigation, could likely be more effectively addressed by the state of Texas prosecutorial authorities." FBI agent Erik Vasys told the Houston Chronicle that the FBI was "disappointed" in the failure of the Justice Department to bring charges. Presidential adviser Karl Rove has been implicated by child welfare advocates in Texas in the failure of the Justice Department to prosecute the Texas child abuse and pedophilia cases. Indictments in the case prepared by the US Attorney for West Texas were reportedly spiked on the orders of the White House and Justice Department.

Baumann states that Burzynski "thoroughly investigated the allegations brought to your attention by the Texas Youth Commission" and promptly interviewed all witnesses and victims, gathered appropriate documentation from school officials and executed a federal search warrant at the residence of Mr. Hernandez at West Texas State School in Pyote." Baumann concludes, " It is my opinion, however, that our office's resources would be better employed investigating and prosecuting cases involving more clearly defined violations of federal criminal law."

The decision of the Gonzales Justice Department to decline prosecution of pedophiles within the Texas Youth Commission juvenile detention system mirrors its failure to take prompt action last year in the case of former Representative Mark Foley (R-FL), whose e-mails with underage male congressional pages were turned over to the Justice Department for investigation. On October 3, 2006, WMR reported the following:

"WMR has learned from informed sources in the Justice Department that the salacious e-mails from Rep. Mark Foley were leaked to ABC News by career Justice Department prosecutors and FBI agents who are incensed that Attorneys General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales covered up the House page scandal for political reasons. The back story of Pagegate is that there was a criminal conspiracy by the top political leadership of the Justice Department to cover up the predatory activities of Foley and other GOP members of Congress since at least 2003 and, likely, as early as 2001."

Rove and Gonzales look out for the interests of NAMBLA in the latest scandal to rock the Bush administration. Bush family continues its long family tradition of promoting and protecting pedophiles.

The GOP Congress and the Justice Department, under orders from the White House, successfully covered up the Pagegate scandal. Similar acts of pedophilia involving sodomy and other sexually explicit conduct with underage males were carried out at the U.S. detention center in Abu Ghraib, Iraq. The Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon, with the support of the White House, covered up those incidents. Pedophilia and the Bush family spans two generations. George H. W. Bush covered up a major prostitution scandal involving underage males in the late 1980s. The scandal involved the use of child prostitutes and congressional pages, some of whom were given midnight tours of the Bush White House by the late GOP lobbyist Craig Spence. According to The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska,

by former Nebraska Republican State Senator John DeCamp, the 1980s scandal also involved Nebraska's Boys Town orphanage, child prostitutes from around the country, NAMBLA, top GOP officials in Nebraska, including Franklin Savings and Loan chief Lawrence ("Larry') King. The Franklin Scandal, as it is known, also implicated George H. W. Bush in at least one sexual encounter with a 19-year old African American male named Brent.

Pedophilia and the Bush family also extend to Florida. While Jeb Bush was governor, the Florida Department of Children and Families "lost" a number of computer files and falsified other files implicating state employees and foster parents in serious cases of child abuse. There were also cases of children in state care, including a five-year old Miami girl being "lost." Democratic state legislators in Florida laid direct blame for the incidents at the feet of Jeb Bush.

Note: There is no middle ground with pedophilia. Either government officials prosecute pedophile offenders or they do not. If they do not, it is clear that they are either pedophiles themselves or aid and abet in pedophile activities. In either case, it is a crime. Congress and the FBI should take a close look at Alberto Gonzales, Albert Moskowitz, Johnny Sutton, Bill Baumann, and Karl Rove.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 11:27 AM


You'd be stunned at what USDOJ, The FBI, and formerly US Customs cover up related to this, PN.

Go dig into what happened to Marcus Lawson over the Landslide, inc. case - as a prime example.

Anything dealing with incarcerative, residential, or foster care in this country is so utterly rife with abuse that it's just plain mindblowing, and like the Catholic Church at one time, getting folk to accept and understand this is near impossible due to the scale not fitting into their worldview and being filed in with "conspiracy theory" as a result, even when hard evidence exists that many high level politicians are directly connected with it.

I mean, look how HARD they danced around the fact that many of the "prostitutes" Abramoff was providing weren't old enough to possess a learners permit, much less a drivers license.

And I care little for the ACLU since they've made it pretty clear that while willing to go to nearly any lengths to protect the predators, they've absolutely no concern for the victims, since they're of no financial or political use - that annoys the hell out of me since it's like saying they don't have the right to be safe, in the eyes of the ACLU.

Nor NCMEC, who are semi-reluctant players in this, not allowed to rock the boat TOO much save in a high profile case the media is hounding them for, or be cut off from any support - the FBI and Customs shovelled the job THEY are being paid for onto them and then funnelled those budgets into other projects, unconcerned that the involvement of civilian volunteers poisons the chain of custody and makes prosecution near impossible not to mention adding their zealotry and biases to a prosecution already complicated by the mental and psychological blind spots of a populace that until very recently was quite happy and willing to dismiss this whole issue as urban legend, and given ANY excuse to disbelieve, will take it despite any other evidence presented.

I ask you this - calculate how many kids go missing in this country, then tabulate the physical VOLUME that entails, and compare it with how few are actually recovered...

And ponder how that would actually make any sense.

Or, more to a real-world point, consider what happens when they DO get one of these kids in court, horribly abused, and then called a liar and manipulator (Gee, thanks a lot Sembler and Lichfield), disbelieved, punished and treated like a social pariah, ultimately destroyed not by the abuse itself, but by societies justification and defense thereof, at their own expense, and then cast aside as human wreckage, unneeded and unwanted.

At which point, when I find them, I enlist them.

Believe me, I've no shortage of folks with fanatic loyalty thanks to that, but fanaticism carries it's own problems and such folk must always be held rigidly to the ROE now matter how it chafes them.

Otherwise they spend the rest of their foreshortened and unpleasant lives getting even on a society they blame entire for the personal hell their life then became.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, December 6, 2008 2:37 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Riverlove:
Planned Parenthood is in quite a bit of trouble these days. Criminal investigations in several states. They are NOT reporting statutory rapes of underage girls to the authorities, which is a felony. Additionally, they are councilling these underage victims of statutory rape to seek abortions in neighboring states where parental notification is not required.

So rather than report that a 13 year old girl got pregnant by some 30 year old man, maybe a friend, maybe her brother, maybe her father...they don't care.....their agenda is:
1) get the abortion
2) here's some condoms for next time

It's downright sickening, 'cause then these girls go right back into the same bad situation that got them abused and knocked up in the first place. They are NOT looking out for the well-being of these underage rape victims. I expect to see PP indicted in several states, and ultimately perhaps a national debate whether $300 million of our tax dollars should continue to fund this criminally out of control organization.

Speak of the devil, in the news today, on video:

Indiana Planned Parenthood Suspends Nurse Taped by Pro-life Activist Posing as 13-Year-Old

December 05, 2008

Planned Parenthood of Indiana has suspended a staff member at its Bloomington, Ind., clinic after a pro-life student group posted a video online that allegedly shows the nurse advising a pro-life activist who is posing as a 13-year-old girl. On the video, the activist suggests that she is pregnant and that the father of the child may be 31 years old.

“In the state of Indiana, when anyone has had intercourse and they are age 13 and younger--” says the nurse on the video.

“I’m almost 14,” says the activist.

“It doesn’t matter,” says the nurse.

“Okay,” says the activist.

“You are 13 – it has to be reported to Child Protective Services. Okay, I didn’t hear the age. I don’t want to know the age,” says the nurse.

“Okay,” says the activist.

In a statement issued Wednesday, Betty Cockrum, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Indiana, said the staff member was suspended and an investigation is being conducted into the matter.

“Today, we were made aware of a video that has been posted on the Internet that features a staff member from our Bloomington health center,” Cockrum said.

“We are deeply concerned about the content of the video. While we cannot be certain whether this video has been altered, the apparent actions of the employee would be in violation of our strict policies and procedures,” she said.

“Therefore, a thorough internal investigation of this matter has begun, and the employee has been put on an immediate, unpaid suspension. Further disciplinary action will be taken if warranted by the investigation,” Cockrum added.

“Planned Parenthood of Indiana is committed to following all state laws while providing high-quality health care,” Cockrum said. “We are immediately reinforcing all of our policies and procedures with the staff members of our 35 health centers to ensure that the high standards we demand continue to be met with every patient we see.”

The video was taped and produced by Live Action, a pro-life group of college students. Lila Rose, 20, is a student at the University of California-Los Angeles and founder and president of the all-volunteer group, which did not release all of the footage filmed at the Indiana clinic.

The edited video includes music and a transcription of the conversation between the Planned Parenthood nurse, Rose, and another student, both of whom posed as 13-year-old girls when they visited the clinic in June. (See transcript below).

Transcript from Live Action video from June 2008:

Planned Parenthood (PP): “Have you had a positive pregnancy test? OK. And missed a period?”

Rose: “Couple of periods.”

PP: “A couple periods, OK.”

PP: “OK, How old are you?”

Rose: “I’m 13.”

PP: “OK, In the state of Indiana you have to have a parent’s signature to have an abortion.”

Rose: “And they would want to know who, who is the, the father, and everything?”

PP: “Mmhm.”

Rose: “And I can’t tell. I wouldn’t want to tell them ‘bout that stuff.”

PP: “OK, OK.”

Rose: “’Cuz, I mean, he would be in really big trouble.”

PP: “OK, OK. All right, cause I don’t want to know how old he is, OK? OK.”

Rose: “What do you mean?”

PP: “I don’t want to know how old he is. OK. Because, in the state of Indiana anyone 13 years and younger, um, there has to be, um, a report done to CPS, you know?”

Rose: “But he’s not, but he’s not as, I mean, he might be, um, a lot older.”

PP: “Doesn’t matter.”

Rose: “But he doesn’t act a lot older, you know? And I act a lot older than I am, so it works out.”

PP: “Yeah.”

Rose: “Because he might be 31 now. He’s older, but he’s not like, um, older. You know what I’m talking about?”

Other girl in room: “He’s not like that. He’s not weird or anything.”

Rose: “Yeah, he’s not weird.”

PP: “In the state of Indiana, when anyone has had intercourse and they are age 13 and younger.”

Rose: “I’m almost 14.”

PP: “It doesn’t matter.”

Rose: “OK.”

PP: “You are 13 - it has to be reported to Child Protective Services. OK, I didn’t hear the age. I don’t want to know the age.”

Rose: “OK.”

PP: “It could be reported as rape.”

Rose: “Oh, OK.”

PP: “And that’s child abuse.”

Rose: “Oh. OK. So if I just say, I don’t know who the father was but he’s one of the guys at school or something?”

PP: “Right. Just, you know. You’ve seen him around, you know he’s 14, he’s in your grade and whatever. So. You know what I mean?”

Rose: “Mmhm.”

PP: “OK. So that’s that problem’s solved.”

Break in tape.

PP: “Now I’m going to give you a piece of paper here because I cannot tell you this, okay? But I can show you this.”

Rose: “OK. Oh. So in Illinois?”

PP: “And I’m going to circle that ….”

Rose: “OK.”


Saturday, December 6, 2008 2:56 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Nationally Planned Parenthood and its chapters saw 3,140,540 patients in 2006.

They provided 10,500,000 services: male and female contraception; male and female sterilization; STD and HIV testing; breast exams; PAP smears and colposcopies (cervical biopsies); cervical cancer treatments; pregnancy tests, prenatal care, adoptions, WIC care, immunizations and pediatric care; menopausal care and infertility treatments; primary health care ... and 289,750 abortions, or 2.8 percent of all services provided.

Of those, there are a handful of cases (or fewer) where employees did not follow Planned Parenthood policies.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 3:33 PM



Originally posted by rue:

Nationally Planned Parenthood and its chapters saw 3,140,540 patients in 2006.

They provided 10,500,000 services: male and female contraception; male and female sterilization; STD and HIV testing; breast exams; PAP smears and colposcopies (cervical biopsies); cervical cancer treatments; pregnancy tests, prenatal care, adoptions, WIC care, immunizations and pediatric care; menopausal care and infertility treatments; primary health care ... and 289,750 abortions, or 2.8 percent of all services provided.

Of those, there are a handful of cases (or fewer) where employees did not follow Planned Parenthood policies.


Silence is consent.

Sterilizations, PAP smears, abortions, cervical cancer teatments, only a handful? Thank God, I'm sure they're happy to hear that. Have a bagel.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, December 6, 2008 3:48 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Nationally Planned Parenthood and its chapters saw 3,140,540 patients in 2006.

They provided 10,500,000 services: male and female contraception; male and female sterilization; STD and HIV testing; breast exams; PAP smears and colposcopies (cervical biopsies); cervical cancer treatments; pregnancy tests, prenatal care, adoptions, WIC care, immunizations and pediatric care; menopausal care and infertility treatments; primary health care ... and 289,750 abortions, or 2.8 percent of all services provided.

Of those, there are a handful of cases (or fewer) where employees did not follow Planned Parenthood policies.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 4:26 PM



Originally posted by rue:

Nationally Planned Parenthood and its chapters saw 3,140,540 patients in 2006.

They provided 10,500,000 services: male and female contraception; male and female sterilization; STD and HIV testing; breast exams; PAP smears and colposcopies (cervical biopsies); cervical cancer treatments; pregnancy tests, prenatal care, adoptions, WIC care, immunizations and pediatric care; menopausal care and infertility treatments; primary health care ... and 289,750 abortions, or 2.8 percent of all services provided.

Of those, there are a handful of cases (or fewer) where employees did not follow Planned Parenthood policies.


Silence is consent.

I'm sure that the few who's PAP smears were screwed up said, "hey no big deal, have a bagel" How many mistakes does PP have to have before a Senate Investigation? Oh that's rite, the Democrats rule now. All of PP mistakes will be ignored by the Democrats whores in the press.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Saturday, December 6, 2008 5:01 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Based on your experience, which appears to be limited to bagels, we have deemed you not qualified to comment on sex involving humans.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 5:09 PM


"Have a bagel"...

Dude, that shit is fucking awesome/hilarious...


Sunday, December 7, 2008 3:29 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Based on your experience, which appears to be limited to bagels, we have deemed you not qualified to comment on sex involving humans.


Silence is consent.

I will not comment on the relationship between a man and his bagel.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin






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Thu, January 30, 2025 11:14 - 17 posts