Conga lines in the White House as Dow continues to crash

UPDATED: Sunday, March 8, 2009 05:28
VIEWED: 2095
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Friday, March 6, 2009 9:25 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jadehand:

Originally posted by chrisisall:

Saddam was not responsible for 9-11, didn't you get the memo?

Germany and it's leadership at the time wasn't responsible for Pearl Harbor, we should've left those poor guys alone. I mean really, It was only mass murder based on race. Who cares?

on torture: *sigh* really?! Imagine a man (maybe even someone you don't care for, like me, or one of the people you tend to insult rather than discuss views with) has the code to the explosives strapped to the chests of your wife and kids. He's tied to a chair, and he ain't talkin'. There are a pair of pliers, a razor, rubbing alcohol, and wonderful little clips attached to a car battery on a table beside them. You do nothing? Really? You do nothing? I applaud your resolve.
Now.... go tell your wife and children that if you had the chance to save their lives, you wouldn't bother.

You are either a Liar or a Coward.

I'm not saying torture is right. I don't support it being used randomly just to see if people know things. However, in the cases that it may have been used to glean information that saved lives..(possibly even mine, or those of greater value, the ones I care for).. I salute those that used it.

"I've looked into a million laughing unhappinesses. In every bar and on the TV. But I know the real thing. I can remember. I can almost tell you how it is." - Trap the Spark - Happiness is the Road - Marillion
"Our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness, not the sit around and wait for happiness." -Barney -HIMYM

Jade, you really need to go back and bone up on your history. Germany WASN'T involved with Pearl Harbor - you're right about that. Where you go off the rails is in thinking that our reaction to Pearl Harbor was to attack Germany. That's dead wrong.

Germany had an alliance with Japan and Italy (maybe you've heard of the "Axis" powers?), by which terms, if anyone declared war on ONE of them, the other two were obligated to declare war on them. The day after Pearl Harbor, the U.S. did indeed declare war on Japan - and immediately following that, Germany declared war on the U.S.

So while we tried to stay out of WWII as long as possible, in the end we only got pulled into the European Theatre because WE were declared war upon by Germany, not the other way 'round.

And last I checked, Iraq didn't declare war on us when we went into Afghanistan. So your analogy falls apart on every level.



Friday, March 6, 2009 9:26 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jadehand:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
And it was somehow OUR job to waste American lives,

If you believe they were wasted...... I pity you.

"I've looked into a million laughing unhappinesses. In every bar and on the TV. But I know the real thing. I can remember. I can almost tell you how it is." - Trap the Spark - Happiness is the Road - Marillion
"Our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness, not the sit around and wait for happiness." -Barney -HIMYM

If you believe they weren't... I pity you.



Friday, March 6, 2009 9:34 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jadehand:

Originally posted by SignyM:

Were it not for the decades long list of U.N. resolutions
None of which counted anymore....

My God, you ARE stupid!!!

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

SIG you quoted someone opposed to your infantile believes. and you quoted a pacifists....pussifists band too.... you rock!

If only couwardice was valued.

"Die!" "Die!" "Die! you Mother Fucker!"

Yeah, we put far too low a value on "couwardice" - whatever the hell THAT is.

My, my, you have really shown yourself to be quite the idiot, haven't you?

I really LOVE having folk like you, WhoZit, and AuLapdog as the "spokespeople" for the conservative cause around here. You make it so much easier to show you up for the cavemen you are.

Chris calling you a biped is really an insult to bipeds everywhere. I mean, I have no doubt that you haven't figured out how to walk upright yet, you mouth-breathing knuckledragger.



Friday, March 6, 2009 9:37 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Signy has nothing to say anymore other than calling people stupid. I guess when your messiah turns out to be a liar and a fraud, it's hard to defend in any sort of rational way. Yep, all us Obama/Pelosi detractors must be stupid 'cause Signy says so. I think I may write that down on my blackboard at work a few hundred times today. I may find enlightment in the process.

Well, there is ONE other thing you can do when your messiah turns out to be a liar and fraud: You can go around crying and whining about how everybody else has this "Bush Derangement Syndrome" you've invented, then you can sit around for a few months crying in your beer about how fucked the Republican party is.

I mean, that IS how you dealt with the news that your messiah Dubya is a fraud and a liar and that McCain was no better, right?



Friday, March 6, 2009 10:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Signy has nothing to say anymore other than calling people stupid.
I have LOTS to say besides calling people stupid. I can't help it if you're too... stupid... to understand what I've said.

I guess when your messiah turns out to be a liar and a fraud,
MY messiah? When did I ever present Obama as The Answer? Quote me on that- I double dog dare ya!

Yep, all us Obama/Pelosi detractors must be stupid 'cause Signy says so. I think I may write that down on my blackboard at work a few hundred times today. I may find enlightment in the process.
I dunno, give it a try! It may help!

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Friday, March 6, 2009 10:17 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Hussein Obama and a little black ho were on CSPAN this week.

She did a really professional job handing out NAMETAGS in the White House, like that was the most important job in the world.

Like it was a cruise ship. USS Titanic.


Friday, March 6, 2009 10:31 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Signy has nothing to say anymore other than calling people stupid.
I have LOTS to say besides calling people stupid. I can't help it if you're too... stupid... to understand what I've said.

I guess when your messiah turns out to be a liar and a fraud,
MY messiah? When did I ever present Obama as The Answer? Quote me on that- I double dog dare ya!

Yep, all us Obama/Pelosi detractors must be stupid 'cause Signy says so. I think I may write that down on my blackboard at work a few hundred times today. I may find enlightment in the process.
I dunno, give it a try! It may help!


YOU spend YOUR time carefully dissecting my post & then you call ME stupid? I'm LOL at your startling immaturity, and your juvenile attempts to intimidate others here is a hoot and a half. Actually, considering the company of those you've called stupid lately, I consider it an honor.


Friday, March 6, 2009 10:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Like it was a cruise ship. USS Titanic.

Anyhoo... Keynsian increases in money supply are mere patches over the inbridgeable internal gap within capitalism. Ultimately, neither capitalism nor monetary bandaids will work.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Friday, March 6, 2009 12:13 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by piratenews:
Hussein Obama and a little black ho were on CSPAN this week.

She did a really professional job handing out NAMETAGS in the White House, like that was the most important job in the world.

Like it was a cruise ship. USS Titanic.

And all this time I thought your wife was Jewish...



Friday, March 6, 2009 12:24 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I guess when your messiah turns out to be a liar and a fraud

Ain't MY messiah. He just a nicer & smarter guy than Bush is all. But that could be said of a lot of folk.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, March 6, 2009 3:54 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

That still won't put him on a par with Bush. Still got quite a few trillion to go to catch up to that douchebag.

Dude, you've lost what little amount of reason you had left. Obama is the DOUCHE BAG who's spending FAR more than Bush ever did, and it's all bull shit spending. NONE of that will result in expanding the economy or generating new jobs, it's purely the transfer of wealth from the haves to the have nots. And it sure the hell isn't EMERGENCY spending. Most of it won't take effect for over a year. Or two. So much for ' to the rescue ' PrezBo.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

A concern of the GOP is that the people aren't informed enough to understand their policies, while a fear of the Dems is that the people ARE.


Friday, March 6, 2009 4:01 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Germany had an alliance with Japan and Italy (maybe you've heard of the "Axis" powers?), by which terms, if anyone declared war on ONE of them, the other two were obligated to declare war on them. The day after Pearl Harbor, the U.S. did indeed declare war on Japan - and immediately following that, Germany declared war on the U.S.

So while we tried to stay out of WWII as long as possible, in the end we only got pulled into the European Theatre because WE were declared war upon by Germany, not the other way 'round.

And last I checked, Iraq didn't declare war on us when we went into Afghanistan. So your analogy falls apart on every level.


Hey Mike... you almost got the point.


Originally posted by Kwicko:

My, my, you have really shown yourself to be quite the idiot, haven't you?

I really LOVE having folk like you, WhoZit, and AuLapdog as the "spokespeople" for the conservative cause around here. You make it so much easier to show you up for the cavemen you are.

Chris calling you a biped is really an insult to bipeds everywhere. I mean, I have no doubt that you haven't figured out how to walk upright yet, you mouth-breathing knuckledragger.


Really? the best you can do is call out a typo when I'm drunk? Hahahaha.


Friday, March 6, 2009 4:01 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

S'wenyways, for the still faintly rational (you can go now, Rap)

One of the many serious problems for the US economy, and a cautionary story that will be you, someday:

We went broke paying medical bills--and we're insured

I'm in shock right now. A spouse's cancer diagnosis should be enough for any couple to deal with. But no. I see an impending tsunami of medical bills rushing our way, and there is no escape.

We have health insurance. But we chose the "catastrophic" option for four years, hoping that taking on more risk would save some money. The "catastrophic" option cost us nothing in premiums, while the "richer" option would have cost $4,000/year in premiums deducted from my paycheck. I could see no way to afford that, not on our income of $48,900 gross last year (I'm the sole support of a family of five.)

The "catastrophic" option had a $1,000 deductible and the obligation to pay 50% of the next $20,000. Okay, $11,000 would be steep, but what was the likelihood of that happening? We were both healthy. We took the gamble, and for three years, we won.

Along comes year four. We're one month into the 2008 fiscal year, that's back last August. Suddenly, Will is in excruciating pain. Emergency surgery is required for a perianal cyst. Below are the medical bills for this, captured from my computer screen from the claims administrator. A quick explanation. Allowed amount is what the insurer considers "reasonable & customary," and that usually brings the cost down significantly. Paid amount is what the insurer actually is responsible for paying, taking deductibles and the percentage the insured person is responsible for into consideration. Patient liability is what we the insured must pay.
Cha-ching: Patient liability $1668

So far, not so bad. We can manage $1668.

But that's just the start. The surgeon recommends a routine colonoscopy for Will. Our insurer tells us they cover it at 100%--this is an extra perk written into our insurance plan. Okay, let's do it. Will's not looking forward to it, but he finally schedules his colonoscopy for December 27, 2008.

I go with him that day. There's a jarring little caveat emptor sign that I notice. "Hey," I say to Will, pointing out the sign. "Look at that." The sign says that patients should check their insurance coverage. Most insurance plans that pay for a colonoscopy screening at 100% will get stingy on you if it turns out you have a problem. Then, buddy, all bets are off. Then it's considered a "therapeutic" colonoscopy, and it's subject to deductibles and coinsurance. "Talk about kicking someone when they're down," I say. Will just shakes his head. He lived 22 years in New Zealand and 23 in Australia. Both countries offer absolutely free health care to anyone who needs it, even visitors. There is a nominal charge for prescription drugs. Will still hasn't gotten over our having to pay so much for his emergency surgery back in August. He was, and still is, horrified at the barbaric way the U.S. treats those who are ill.

Fast forward two hours. Will is emerging from his anesthetized sleep. The colonoscopy is over? That wasn't so bad. Except, wait, there's the surgeon. He begins saying words that neither Will nor I can grasp. Will has a medium-sized mass in his colon. The doctor recommends that eight to ten inches of Will's colon be removed. This will require a five to seven day hospital stay. We should do this soon.

"Are you sure it's malignant?"

He nods with certainty. The biopsy will identify exactly what kind of malignancy, but he's sure. He wants Will to have something called a cat pet scan, to see if there are any other tumors. Will and I consult briefly. Will's $1000 deductible is paid for the calendar year. If we do this right away, we won't have to start 2009 paying his deductible all over again. We schedule the surgery for December 31. Hell of a way to ring in the new year.
Cha-ching: Patient liability $1434

Above, you can see the charges for the cat pet (first item) and the three separate bills we received once the colonoscopy was no longer covered at 100%. In total, we have paid out just over $3,100 so far. That won't break us. Yet. Our savings, ever minuscule despite developing frugal living habits into an art form, can cover this amount.

Will's hospital stay is only five days. Knowing, as he does, that we must pay 50% of reasonable and customary charges, he valiantly wears a track into the carpeting, walking with his IV pole and assorted tubes dangling, around and around the unit. He endures pain, asking for medication as little as he possibly can. That surely helps him to leave sooner. The very day he is finally allowed to eat, he is discharged. For the next week, I stay home from work in order to nurse him, and wait nervously for the EOB's (explanation of benefits, from the insurer) and bills to arrive.
Cha-ching: Patient liability $9582

Wow, we've got some problems here. There's a doctor we've never heard of on the list of people we owe money to. What's the story? When we check, it turns out she is the assistant our surgeon always uses. She is also not a preferred provider. Under our catastrophic plan, no benefits are paid to non-preferred providers. We're on the hook for this. But wait--we had no choice in this. We didn't even know. How could we have avoided this? Answer--we couldn't have, but nonetheless, the bill goes to us. And our insurer wouldn't even apply "reasonable and customary" to it, so it's the full amount we owe.

Then, take a look at that whopping hospital bill. Yikes! Our share of this brings us to the $11,000 stop-loss limit (actually more, because of the non-participating doctor.) Bad news: we owe various medical providers $12,684. Good news: insurance now pays at 100%. More bad news: with the start of 2009, our liability starts all over again.

Wait a minute. We always thought $11,000 would be unlikely, but at least that's the most we would pay. Wrong. I can transfer us out of that catastrophic plan and into the richer plan, where $4,000 in annual premiums sounds pretty darn good now. But my school district operates on a July - June fiscal year. I can opt out of this catastrophic plan, but it won't take effect until July 1. Oops, slight miscalculation. All this time, it wasn't an $11,000 maximum risk we chose to take, it was a $22,000 maximum risk since our deductibles and coinsurance are based on calendar years. And, by the way, that's for each of us. If both of us had been diagnosed with expensive and life-threatening illnesses that straddled two calendar years, we could have been looking at $44,000. Suddenly, that catastrophic plan seems deceptive. Should an employer of integrity even offer this?

I won't burden you with any more cha-chings. Suffice it to say that cancer treatments are not cheap. Two weeks ago, Will had a scan called an otreoscan, and I found out today that the charge for it is $9,000, of which $7,500 is considered "reasonable and customary." Our share? $4,500. Yesterday, he had an MRI. I have no idea what that will cost. As matters stand right now, we are well on our way to ringing up another $11,000 in medical expenses for 2009. July 1 can't come soon enough.

We've looked into bill forgiveness/relief. The hospital, our biggest creditor by far, checked two programs offered to those who can't pay their medical bills. We don't qualify. We make "too much money."

If any health care reform is in the works, it will not come soon enough to help people like us. I offer this story in hopes that people who rail against the evils of socialized medicine will understand that catastrophic illness happens, and even if you're covered by insurance, that may not be enough to save you from financial disaster. In a civilized country where the basic needs of all are met, Will and I would have only his illness to worry about--not medical bills and how in the world they'll ever be paid.

Will and I have discussed his leaving me to move back to New Zealand, thereby avoiding future medical expenses. At this point, though, we are not sure New Zealand would take him back. Besides, once he's there, who knows when, if ever, he could return? What a terrible choice to consider. What sort of compassionless society do we live in, where such choices are even entertained?

Yes, there's a call to action in conclusion. Please share our story with your friends and relatives when they start griping that the lazy no-accounts who can't pay their medical bills because they can't handle money are going to lead this country into the nightmare of socialized medicine. Hard-working people who have lived prudently are getting hurt, too. Something must be done--whether Medicare for all, or some other relief. Devastating illnesses strike without regard to status or money in the bank. You could be next.


In fact, unless you intend to instantly die while healthy after being hit by a car, it WILL be you. You WILL get old, and ill, and understand what it feels like to be squeezed dry and left to die after a lifetime of hard work.


Friday, March 6, 2009 4:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


it's purely the transfer of wealth from the haves to the have nots
I wish. THAT might actually get the economy going! Unfortunately, Obama seems to be working on the Bush plan: from the have-nots to the haves.

Those poor real estate tycoons and bank executives. My heart just effing bleeds for them!

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.


Friday, March 6, 2009 11:10 PM


I feel ya.

Out of the blue, bang, hit by a car.

But it gets better - just imagine if instead of covering the bare minimum they could get away with covering, if your insurance company said "Ha! MAKE us!" and the State Insurance Comissioner declines to force em, then what ?

Then you're out the premiums AND you wind up paying the whole shebang, and that happens a LOT, especially these days.

I think I detailed quite a bit of it around here a time or two, and it's a damned ugly and near fatal tale, fact of the matter is the worst damage didn't come from the accident but rather from a combination of greed, neglect and downright maliciousness from the medical care system.

And despite all that, I was on the hook for about $75,000.00USD, till they ran afoul of an audit and it was more like $56,000.00USD, that is!

This was University of MD Hospital, just so ya know, if you ever wind up there go through that bill with a fine tooth comb, cause it was a wonderful pastiche of fraud and chicanery, billing for procedures never done, medications never given, even some pretty serious X-rays they didn't bother to actually take (often when a doc changes their mind, no one tells the billing ppl..) and so on and so forth.

They didn't expect to deal with a mistrusting, paranoiac little bastard who'd actually keep TRACK - which I did, from the moment I regained consciousness, I documented everything, in detail, and kept it in a bag around my neck that I would NOT let go of even in my sleep.

That bag saved my ass, when it came to cases.

Eventually I squared it, having an advantage of the opportunity to make money hand over fist and few damn moral qualms as to how, and given the folks I was burning for it - neither would you in that situation.

Let's just say I sat on the weaknesses of third party billing systems used by the predators for a while before I handed that info to law enforcement contacts - and I had few expenses since the folks who enlisted me immediately following the abysmal and deliberate failure of Operation Innocent Images were providing food and medical supplies, so ALL the income from raiding the bastards went to paying off that damn bill hanging over my head like a ten ton weight.

And having nothing else to DO at the time but wait for the legal wrangling to get sorted out before I died from medical neglect, I spent every lucid moment being a seriously larcenous pain in the ass to the entrenched predators that various online services were looking the other way for with a nod and a wink.

When things started to get better, cause of the piss poor quality and shoddy design of prosthetics at the time, especially in my case where most doctors were tellin me to resign myself to a wheelchair - I got into prosthetic design despite the lack of any "formal" education beyond a high school degree, and in exchange for cut-rate or even gratis prosthetics and material, hand the design work, additions and refinements to folks who have the paper to legitimately apply them.

I know damn well, and so do you, had I gone the round and round with the patent office it'd have taken decades, and some medical equipment company would have done a design lift, made a few cosmetic changes and marketed their own for five times the price, which you'd HAVE to pay, or your provider wouldn't cover it, nod nod, wink wink.

Fuck that, I wanted people to be able to use the goddamn things some time in my lifetime, and it does save a bundle cause even ONE of my units costs upwards of $35,000.00 for just the unfitted FRAME.

And half of that is what I call "bullshit costs" - stuff that costs ON PAPER some ridiculous amount of money to eat up your "coverage" as fast as possible so they can start billing you, but costs nowhere NEAR that for real.

Case in point, my wheelchair, which comes to $775.61 through my provider.

Anyone who's dealt with the medical care industry is used to seeing prices like this - these ARE after all, the same folks who charge $8.21USD for a single 200mg dose of Acetominophen.
(Translated: Eight bucks for a single pill of tylenol.)

My opinion of that was fucked if I was payin THAT, and got one IDENTICAL IN EVERY WAY from Harbor Freight for about a hundred bucks, BUT... if you did that your provider wouldn't pay for it, right ?

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink... it's all a fucking scam.

Will socialised medicine suck ?
No doubt about it, since the ONLY way to put it into action fast enough to be of any USE would be to use the piss-poor, half-ass medicare framework to do it....

But I don't see we got a choice in the matter, neither - and if we give up these stupid imperial dreams of making the rest of the planet our bitch, we'd have MORE than enough money to finance it.

Only caveat I would have is that if someone in their own right mind WANTS to try an unconventional or unproven treatment of their own free will, then FUCKING LET THEM - it's their body, their life, their choice.

And while it grinds my gears to say it, folks with a religious, spiritual, or risk assessment gripe against a particular treatment for their kids NEED to be allowed to opt out - cause unless you leave that loophole open, there is just TOO MUCH potential for abuse of this system, and it will fail.

I can see someone declining a potentially dangerous vaccine, but yes, it also does open the door for christian scientists to let their kids medical care swing in the breeze, and yes that sucks, immensely so - and the mere thought is hurtful to me....

But you close that door, and start with makin shit utterly mandatory, and in the hands of a Gov known to horribly abuse such things any chance it gets, and you're asking for a total system collapse.

So yeah, it's gonna suck, but really what are the alternatives ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, March 7, 2009 5:20 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Only caveat I would have is that if someone in their own right mind WANTS to try an unconventional or unproven treatment of their own free will, then FUCKING LET THEM - it's their body, their life, their choice."

I agree with that in principle, though I can see a problem in the details, which I address below.

"And while it grinds my gears to say it, folks with a religious, spiritual, or risk assessment gripe against a particular treatment for their kids NEED to be allowed to opt out ... it also does open the door for christian scientists to let their kids medical care swing in the breeze - and the mere thought is hurtful to me...."

Last past first - as it is to me. Again, I agree in general.

I think I would draw the line at infectious diseases. They have the potential to spread beyond the individual and become a risk to the society in general. In that case I think the society has the greater imperative to protect the many.

BTW Frem, I hope your leg is not bothering you too much. Aside from general good wishes, I also know that physical pain can hinder psychological healing.


ETA: I think I'd also add that religious\ cultural etc assertions by parents would have to be proactively made by parents for each of their children by name. That would prevent parents from disappearing\ neglecting \ abusing their children (or others) and then claiming exemption after they were caught.


Sunday, March 8, 2009 2:48 AM


Well something infectious, that's a slam dunk - now, if they exercise the option to refuse treatment in such a case, which'd be pretty freakin rare, simply quarantine their home.

That solves the issues of private property, doesn't qualify as forced incarceration but rather the community seeing to it's own protection by defending THEIR property rights, yes ?

Ain't, yanno.. perfect, but it'll do.

I think I'd also add that religious\ cultural etc assertions by parents would have to be proactively made by parents for each of their children by name. That would prevent parents from disappearing\ neglecting \ abusing their children (or others) and then claiming exemption after they were caught.

That's what I meant - an opt-out rather than having to opt-in, and yes it should be individually specific, if for no better reason than proper medical care is also individual.

That said, the first some-odd years would seriously suck though, have you seen how piss-poor the medicare administrative instructure is ?
We can damn well do better than that, and we really ought to!

BTW Frem, I hope your leg is not bothering you too much. Aside from general good wishes, I also know that physical pain can hinder psychological healing.

Yeah, now if only someone would kick that concept up the ass of the DEA sideways - cause they consider actual pain control these days to be downright criminal, my freakin doc won't even prescribe 200mg ibuprofen, the same stuff you get over the counter, cause his ethnicity makes him a damn target, and so his patients have to do without.

Between racism and the war on (some) drugs, I am surprised the man still has a practice, cause his professionalism has already made him enemies within the local school system due to requiring an actual diagnosis of ADHD by a *specialist* prior to medicating it - that seriously pissed em off, and they kinda blacklisted him for it.

The leg is actually doing ok for now, walkin some rounds seemed to do a little good gettin the kinks out so long as I don't overdo it, but the general pain from a hard and violent life and the thousand little dings that didn't matter a damn when I was nineteen are a constant misery now, yeah.

EDIT: Took me a while to find this, I remember Maia doing the column, she's a pretty awesome writer on a number of fronts I've interest in.
Drug warriors put the fear of prosecution in physicians who dare to treat pain.

Bear in mind that through all that mess, barring a single weeks worth of darvocet right after the amputation, there was ZERO pain control meds, and due to financial issues I often had to make do with cheap generic aspirin in large doses which resulted in seriously unpleasant side effects.

Look at the suicide rate of patients with chronic pain in light of the above and you'll have a whole new light to view the DEA in.

They call it law enforcement - I call it murder.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, March 8, 2009 3:21 AM


Speaking of psychological healing, and since we're on the topic and for the moment (it's fixed, but it'll take a while for the fix to kick in) only the determined are able to reach the site, imma go into a semi-random direction with this cause it's on my mind lately.

It's been made mention that for some folk, issues from their childhood bite em on the ass all their life - either by being unable to overcome, or denial, or what have you...

But what if the issue caused an adaptation that you found useful, despite it's origin ?

See, my father was a prick, and from the day I popped out despite his vehement objections to that ever happening, I wasn't exactly welcome in his life, house or especially presence - to draw his notice was to draw his ire, ANY noise would start him up, and being seen but not heard would likewise get me railed at for being a sneak, and so....

I became the next best thing to invisible.
Silent as a ghost, subtle and swift as the wind.

This actually caused some issue because due to that little problem, I learned to read before fully developing speech, which means I pronounce everything like it's written, and have a slight speech impediment which I cover with a combination of west virgina accent and 20's era gangsterese.

I also used to be about as verbal as a brick wall, something which took years of concerted effort on behalf of friends and girlfriends to crack, and I still honestly *prefer* to communicate in text.

It's also annoyed the crap out of a few past girlfriends that I will not yell save in the most dire of circumstances, and will never for any reason yell at a child, knowing full well just how lastingly harmful that is even when it's not directed at them.

Even now, with a mechanical leg and my age and poor health riding my ass like the ghost of jack murphy, I still happen to be right damn sneaky - some of the customers that I did stand-in rounds for late/absent employees were disbelieving that the rounds actually got done, until presented with the punchwheel from inside the clock - then they were IMPRESSED, cause in at least one case it meant I had walked right past them and they never saw or heard me, leading to some ninja comparison, tho I pointed out I happen to be on the pirate side of that issue, myself.

What's brought it to mind so hard is that my new apartment, the neighbor who shares the back wall is pissed cause someone finally moved in here and she doesn't have a private little cottage no more - and she's a crazy bitch who'll start pounding on the wall if I so much as flush a toilet.

I do NOT make a lot of noise, and rarely do in the daytime anyhow cause I am friggin asleep cause I work nights, so you can imagine my ire based on that fact alone, cause trying to cook dinner or do laundry in midafternoon on a weekday only to have someone go fucking ballistic about it is annoying enough, but you know what ?

Every time she starts hitting that wall, some part of me hears my fathers heavy footsteps, just prior to his administration of the heavy cost for making him aware of my presence - and the shit's giving me flashbacks I really do not need right now.

I've done filed complaints, and flat told the management - she goes, or I do, cause I vowed that day, when I was five years old and jammed a steak knife in his calf when he rounded on my mother for trying to defend me, that I wasn't never, EVER gonna live in that kinda fear ever again, and I will be *damned* if I let that crazy old biddy try to put me there.

Imma be nice, for 23 days, let the management handle it like they should, and then, if they don't....

I'm NOT going to be nice.
One way or another she'll be leaving, either of her own in a huff...
Or in a straightjacket when I get done not bein nice.

Some things I just don't take, not from nobody.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, March 8, 2009 5:05 AM


Oh, btw...

Some heavy positive balance to that, mind.

We're winning more than ever, it looks like Pathway Family Center (A collective of WWASP concentration camps and their current primary source of income) is finally going down for the count, although like any stupid overgrown reptile it's gonna flail around in it's death throes for a while...

We've cost em a couple of facilities, and thanks to the veil of secrecy being ripped off by the tireless efforts of so many, without a rock to hide under any more these places are finally being caught out and exposed for what they are, causing the supply of new victims (and families to bill) to dry up, and thus starving these hellcamps of the money they need to operate - and with Romney exposed as their hook into politics, he's not likely to be able to get them any government slush right now since they're too busy bailing out the banksters, oh what a pity.

Projected impact as of 03/06/09 - full court press is on, and total implosion and final destruction of Synanon/Seed/WWASP in less than three years.

Pretty good progress for "No Such Thing/Conspiracy Theory/Does Not Exist" from back in 1982, and when I started this I never expected the end of it to come in my lifetime, but barring misadventure, looks like I will get to see the end of those bastards, and be around a while after with a wooden stake handy to make sure they stay down, too.

Thirty years is a long time, and for most of the twenty seven already passed, most of this was done by folks all too often carrying the burden alone - only in the past couple has there really been a concerted push to end this hidden tragedy, and most of the folks who started this never did get to see the end - but I will.

Won't get no statue for it, nor reknown or glory, hell, history will forget about me as if I never even existed, which is fine - here's for hoping that due to lack of prominence, those bastards are every bit as forgotten as well.

And then some day, when all involved have reached their final resting place - it'll be almost as if it never happened at all.

And that's all I ever really wanted.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, March 8, 2009 5:23 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

We're winning more than ever, it looks like Pathway Family Center (A collective of WWASP concentration camps and their current primary source of income) is finally going down for the count

Congratulations, Frem.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, March 8, 2009 5:28 AM


Thanks Chris,

Am digging through backlogged stuff right now, and came across another little tidbit, apparently Tranquility Bay is finally gone for good - we were expecting a rename/reopen, but they're auctioning the building and it's contents, if I can get a positive date on that I want a piece as a trophy.

And off to bed, I've been up too long as it is.







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