Lou Dobbs for President 2012

UPDATED: Saturday, November 21, 2009 18:28
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Friday, November 20, 2009 7:25 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Lou Dobbs mulls run for White House, Senate

I'd buy that for a dollar.


Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:30 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Here's hoping he runs for President as a third-party candidate, against Palin as the Republican pick.


Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:15 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Here's hoping he runs for President as a third-party candidate, against Palin as the Republican pick.

That's probably what will happen.

But he may be controlled to pull votes from Ron Paul. Paul can pick him for VP...

Get rid of the "Federal" Reserve Bank and all other problems will disappear. Mostly. Since that's who bribes everybody and funds the wars.


Saturday, November 21, 2009 4:12 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I found it humorous when Mr. Frank said, "Some people aren't happy no matter what we do."

I think he has overlooked the possibility that he has made a series of bad decisions. That when he makes one mistake, it is not necessarily sufficient that he passes a questionable law to fix it.

In essence, he seems to feel surprise that some people are unhappy with what they perceive as 'two wrongs.'

Now, there may be people who disagree, and are happy with either the initial steps taken by congress, or the ameliorative actions taken after.

However, the statement "Some people aren't happy no matter what we do" could easily be translated to, "We always do something that makes people unhappy."

Perhaps that's a pitfall of public service, though it would be pleasant to see him consider the possibility that his fix-it actions may also contain their own problems.

For the record, it felt like Mr. Dobbs and Mr. Frank were having a debate, and I'm not sure that's the right way to have handled the interview. An interview should be designed to extract information, not make a point or get in a zinger.

"Some people have expressed concern about the quality of the oversight committee assigned, and feel that they may have bias or motives that make oversight moot. How do you respond to that?" This would extract information in a better way, possibly giving the interviewer more material to work with in the context of the subject's response.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:14 PM




So the democrats can win with no mandate.

Sorry man, you're still not getting it. It's a one party system. You want your candidates to support your platform, you need leverage.

Honestly, you really want another Obama administration that has NO requirements to reduce govt. intrusion on personal liberties, NO reason to get out of the war or reduce the deficit?!?!?!?

I mean, worse yet, second terms are just bad, because there's nothing to fight for, no pending re-election, so they tend to throw caution to the wind.

Sure, the left and the right lobby for *some* different policies, but a lot of the time we're pushing for the same policy changes, we're just pushing different parties, or different halves of the same party. I'm sorry, I get the wisdom of Lou Dobbs as splitter, but if he runs, you know that would be *why* he was running, so that the Clintons, his friends, could run Obama like a Marionette.

Democrat or die is pointless. I only support the idea of lobbying and manipulating Palin into better policy, not Palin or Perish. That's just a moronic position.


You have a brain. Use it.

Yah, I get that it took some using it to figure that Lou Dobbs would result in the re-election of Obama. So what. This just proves you have a brain. I'll freely admit that well over half the country is thinking "Lou Dobbs can run as a third party candidate and then he can win! And we'll have a Libertarian President! Who's never had an enchilada!

Honestly, I pity the fools who live an enchiladaless existence. Especially those who have not considered black olives.


Saturday, November 21, 2009 5:21 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I was hoping you'd be able to think just a bit FURTHER than 2012.

If you look back a ways, you'll see that I was actually wary of having one party in control of even one house of Congress along with the White House, much less having them control BOTH houses and the presidency. I think government actually DOES work best when there's an adversarial role between Congress and the President.

But barring that, what you need is a government that's so out of control that it dramatically overreaches itself, pisses people off, and gets slammed down. We watched the Republican party do this already, two years ago and again last year. Right now, we seem to be watching the "tea-bag" party already doing the same to itself, and eating itself from within.

Now we'll get to see if it's the Democrats' turn. If they act the way I *expect* them to act - and so far, they actually HAVEN'T, because they haven't really DONE anything - then they'll overstep their mandate, badly, and there will be a realigning election soon afterwards.

So why do I view any of this as a good thing? Because I'm somewhat hoping that it will hasten the demise of our current two-party system, and bring about a STRONGER third party that's more centrist in aim, like most of the country is (of course I'd prefer it be center-left, but that's just me...), or even TWO new parties, which will of course be called Democrat and Republican, but will not really resemble those current parties quite so much.

I tend to be QUITE far left. As in, I view Pelosi, Reid, and Obama as centrists, and that's if I'm being charitable to them on their most liberal days. But I realize that the way things are headed, it's just not going to work. You have a Democratic party headed further left, yet not quickly enough for far-lefties like me, and you have a Republican party that's been headed crazy-far-evangelical-right for a number of years, and now even that isn't quick enough or whacko enough for the hardcore Puritans among the party faithful.

So you get the hard-right pushing the Tea Bag movement, but you've really got no one pushing back from the hard-left.

Yes, I want the hard-right to fail. And I want the Republican party as we know it to fail. And I want the Democrats (as they are now) to fail. So that we can evolve our parties, or do away with dead ones and move on, or even (in my wildest fantasies) adopt some nutty mixtures of tea-bag independence, green environmental conservatism, anti-globalist American-made hemp-shirt individualism, and leave-me-and-my-shit-alone constitutionalism, mixed with a dose of don't-eat-where-you-shit and look-out-for-your-brethren-as-your-own liberalism.

So color me crazy, but I *have* actually thought this through, at some length. I'm disappointed you think me so short-sighted.

As I believe Frem has pointed out more than a few hundred times, we're (I'm lumping myself into his camp on this one) busy pulling the knife from ear to ear on the current Republican party at the moment, and we're happy to have the Democrats holding them down while we finish the job. Of course, the Democrats aren't going to be QUITE so happy we were there to help, once we turn around on them with the still-bloody blade still in our hands, are they?

To get rid of the beasts we have now, first we have to make them bigger, THEN we have to break them. Badly. Into millions of pieces.

Meanwhile, while we're working towards that, let's see if we can work the system we've got just a little bit. For starters, let's see if we can put a little more effort into HELPING our fellow man than we put into KILLING him. I think if we do some of that, we'll decide afterwards that that's one part of the old way that we want to keep in the new way.

So are we all on the same page now?

Oh, and to paraphrase V (for Vendetta, not the alien lizard show), "A revolution without enchiladas is a revolution not worth having." Enchiladas are my Achilles' heel. I prefer them without black olives. Occasionally, I prefer them with two eggs sunny side up served on top of them (it's called Santa Fe-style).


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, November 21, 2009 6:28 PM



Not yet.

First, I don't believe in the far left. I think that there is just independent, and that people who were former right see themselves as far right when they desert, and ditto for the left.

Reality: There are two parties, and they pretend to be liberal and conservative. Most people are both, but the Party, in both of its wings, is just authoritarian fascist.

Reid and Pelosi are devoid of merit. They say whatever they have to say, and sometimes, particularly if you're formerly left, it will be something you agree with (say pro choice or some other wedge issue that I don't suspect there's any well thought support for anymore than their is for intelligent design) but they're just Mitch McConnell and John Boehner wearing blue shirts instead of red. It's like arguing the bloods vs. crips.

Okay, moving on from that, I have to say that you're missing a vital detail:

The party, and I'm going to disagree with, while agreeing with, Frem here, the DRP, are, yes, you got it, the federalists. Absolutely. But before they were Federalists they were something else. Federalist itself is a lie, they took because they were anti-confederation. The DRP was originally anti-federalist, but they took it over.

Okay.... Why?

Because they possess the one ring.

Yes. I do mean that.

Now, here's why third party movements are so totally bound to fail: They do what Ron Paul just did, and speak truth to power.

You don't defeat Sauron by giving him the ring an then telling him to "Bring it on."

Lie to power. Don't be the visible independent. There's only one way to destroy the one ring, and that is to be in possession of it. Only for an instant, but that instant is enough. One thing you must never ever do is attempt to use the one ring for anything. That's what Obama is doing right now: He thinks he can use it for "good." I believe he really believes this. I think that Cheney really believes it. And yes, Cheney is Gollum here.

But this ring thing is real. It's just a metaphor. I could write a much much longer piece on exactly what the ring is and how it works, but trust me for now, I know you understand the dynamic. The ring, here, is a network, not a physical object. That is enough to say for now.

So, to get where we want to be, we need to exploit, manipulate and "Deceive, inveigle, obfuscate" the powers that be, and that is no mean feat.

As for 2012, I was fully expecting Obama to pull a hoover and leave the country in ruins at the end of 4 years. If this happens, I don't want to give him the chance to wait it out until people to get used to the new disaster.

<-- this is reality. The depression didn't "end" actually, things got worse after the depression, not better. But people got used to it. All economic indicators basically support this analysis.

So, I hope you're right, because I think it's going to be very difficult to win in 2012, and there's very little time left to organize. But it is possible, and if the economy does collapse, 1929 style, which is very much what I'm expecting to happen, then we might only get one shot at a revolution.

It's just like you stay fit, and dress well, and keep yourself together because you never know when you're going to meet miss right, the same applies to everything: You have to be ready to win in 2012. Sure, absolutely, expect to fail, but be ready to win in case the other guy drops the ball.

But whatever you do, don't tip your hand. Never appear to be anything outside the mainstream, anything that the all seeing eye will instantly identify as "enemy" or buddy, you are orc food.

Remember, even Frodo and Sam have to masquerade as orcs.

And, no, I'm not seeing things, Tolkein was actually really talking about all of this, I'm sure of it. This is a very long standing problem.

As for the DRP, this is just the american system. You need to make it work for you. As Lao Tse says, You can't stand in front of a raging and put your hand up and expect to stop it, but a few cleverly placed stones will send it where you want it to go.

Speaking of which, I was just reading how un-clever the engineers that built the New Orleans Levees were. They were literally building a picture perfect path for the expansion of the mississippi delta. This fact was pointed out to them no fewer than 40 times by other engineers who reviewed the work over several decades.

Oh, and these guys, these powers that be, I think you have underestimated the power that they have by several orders of magnitude. I've worked in many parties and it has been confided in me by people at the highest levels of the third party movement that TPTB control all third parties in this country. They monitor every group in the world, including this one, down to the local peaceniks at your coffee shop. One reason I think gun ownership is totally pointless is that the weapons the opposition has are so subtle and deadly they could kill us all and make sure that it was never news. The situation is far far worse than it seems. And yes, I mean to say this: Pirate News is an optimist. It's worse than *he* thinks it is.

There's a lot we know, and much more we don't, but I feel sure of this one: The only way into this one is to walk through the front door.

I will concede that I underestimated you, I thought you wanted to just sink the GOP. I still think that sinking either or both is naive, pointless, and impossible. They play off each other, and eternally run on their own unpopularity. Bush came in because Clinton was evil, even though Bush was Clinton. Bush pushed the envelope, and became at least more known for evil, his administrations deliberately did things to make themselves hated, just so that they could win the next election when they made themselves democrats again. The democrats won't paint themselves as evil this time, but incompetent, but intend to run it for a while. If allowed to run full terms, they get more accomplished. we need to constantly organize, be eternally vigilant. I know right now, they are organizing a split situation. They have the third parties, so they can throw any election, it's just a matter of finding the right split.

Right now, I actually think the plan is this:

Run Palin to split Huckabee's vote, get Romney. Run Dobbs to split Romney's vote, have Romney throw it, re-elect Obama. Carry on. I don't know who they intend for 2016, but if the dems can hold congress, then they'll try to run Hillary. If support for the dems slips, they will purposefully throw congressional races, trying to weed out anti-authoritarians from the party. Both sides of the beast do this every time.

If you want to talk strategy, you'll have to email me, I'm not posting it here. you know my email, I'm at, still dreamtrove, I have no stealth ;)

Oh, and if there's aren't olives, as far as I'm concerned, it's not the whole enchilada.






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