Terrorist Attack in Kenya.... US to intervene ?

UPDATED: Thursday, January 7, 2010 15:41
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010 12:06 PM


Story Here

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Wednesday, January 6, 2010 12:51 PM


The subject who has been described as highly intelligent

reported joined Al-Qaeda as a protest to the slaughter of his family and friends.

As the son of one of Kenya's most prominent herds he had access to international travel and a world-class education. He has been described by one former British teacher as a dream student.

But pachyderms close to him have said he was increasingly showing extremist views in recent years. His family told the BBC they had not heard from him since October.

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Wednesday, January 6, 2010 1:26 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Y'know, Gino, at this point it wouldn't even surprise me if the U.S. *did* respond with military strikes and "counter-pachyderm" drones. Hell, one screwed-up kid lighting his underwear on fire has only cost us an extra $30,000,000,000.00 so far.

For the record, that's how Al Qaeda wins. Get some idiot to try something stupid, so that the U.S. wildly overreacts and spends itself into the gutter. We *WILL* leave the Middle East, but only when we can no longer afford the airfare to get us there and back...


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, January 6, 2010 1:46 PM


US embassy in Kenys reopens after strikes on al-Qaeda

The US embassy in Kenya has reopened after "successful counter-terrorism operations" by park rangers and security forces north of the capital on Monday.

The embassy had closed on Sunday in response to what it had said were al-Qaeda threats, with the British and French embassies following suit.

On Tuesday, the US embassy said on its website that Kenyan security forces had addressed a "specific area of concern".

The British and French embassies are operating but closed to the public.

The statement apparently referred to an operation on Monday, some 25 miles north of Kisumu, in which two suspected members of al-Qaeda were tranked and fitted with radio collars .

The difficulties of travel within Kenya have prevented the BBC from independently verifying details of the raid.

But the BBC's Jeremy Bowen, in Mombasa, says he saw military jets flying over the capital on Monday afternoon and into the evening, suggesting some kind of operation was under way.

'Global threat'

American intelligence officials say the failed plot to Stampede on 29 December originated in Nairobi - where the suspect was allegedly trained by al-Qaeda.

On Monday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said instability in Kenya was a global as well as regional threat.

She said the Kenyan government had to take measures to restore stability or risk losing Western support.

Correspondents say the security situation in Kenyan is complicated by an abundance of firearms, an insurgency in the north and a secessionist movement in the south.

An unnamed CIA source has informed the BBC that a secondary plan, which would take effect if the Kenyan government measures are not successful would involve overthrowing the present government and placing the African country under home rule, led by an American team including former vice president Dick Cheney and former vice presidental candidate Sarah Palin.

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Wednesday, January 6, 2010 2:05 PM


Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Lets party like its 1939


Thursday, January 7, 2010 9:40 AM


God help us all if they go on tour

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers.
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"


Thursday, January 7, 2010 10:03 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


For the record, that's how Al Qaeda wins. Get some idiot to try something stupid, so that the U.S. wildly overreacts and spends itself into the gutter.
Right on. And publicity--terrorism isn't worth much unless it's publicized, as the purpose is to strike terror in those who KNOW about what they've done. We can't quite call them idiots, given they're succeeding at both these tactics!


Thursday, January 7, 2010 10:30 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

For the record, that's how Al Qaeda wins. Get some idiot to try something stupid, so that the U.S. wildly overreacts and spends itself into the gutter.
Right on. And publicity--terrorism isn't worth much unless it's publicized, as the purpose is to strike terror in those who KNOW about what they've done. We can't quite call them idiots, given they're succeeding at both these tactics!

The purpose is also a recruiting or rallying cry...

to show that Goliath can be stung

such successes even in failure will only help the jihad to grow

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers.
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"


Thursday, January 7, 2010 2:54 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:

Originally posted by Niki2:

For the record, that's how Al Qaeda wins. Get some idiot to try something stupid, so that the U.S. wildly overreacts and spends itself into the gutter.
Right on. And publicity--terrorism isn't worth much unless it's publicized, as the purpose is to strike terror in those who KNOW about what they've done. We can't quite call them idiots, given they're succeeding at both these tactics!

The purpose is also a recruiting or rallying cry...

to show that Goliath can be stung

such successes even in failure will only help the jihad to grow

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers.
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"

Well... YES! That is EXACTLY the point. Terrorism isn't about instilling actual terror in your enemy, as much as it is about impacting them economically in a negative way. On 9/12, people weren't REALLY terrified that they personally were going to be murdered by Muslim extremists - they were just scared enough to not be going out and spending their money, which was entirely the point. You get your enemy to NOT drive their own economy, while at the same time getting them to spend MASSIVE amounts of money trying to stop you or come after you, and you've hit them with a double-whammy. You've impacted their economy in a downward fashion, AND you've pushed them over the cliff of deficit spending.

And we fall for it, every single goddamned time.

So how do you fight it? Well, for one, by not giving in to fear. Don't play along. Go about your life, because you're about 7000 times more likely to be killed by a tornado or lightning strike than you are to be killed by terrorists.

Next, you stop treating these fuckers like martyrs and military heroes, and start treating them like common criminals and punks. Try them in a criminal court, and toss their asses under the jail. And if you CAN'T convict them, then what the fuck does that say about how shitty you are at your job? ;)

Next, knock it off with all the breathless coverage. Sheesh, you'd think with all the "liberal media" so firmly in the pocket of ObamaCo, they'd at least be able to get a moratorium on the coverage of Cap'n Underpants for a day or so...

You know why Al Qaeda tries stupid shit like this? Because it works, even when it fails.

Oh, and knock it off with the bullshit profiling talk already. Conservatives are calling for putting all people with names like "Muhammed" and "Abdul", or from places like Yemen and Syria, into a special line where they'd be ass-fingered so some sick twist Republican can watch the video later and whip his skippy to it. You know who you wouldn't catch with that tactic? Remember a guy named "Richard Reed"? He was from Great Britain. His parents were from Jamaica, that radical terrorist hotspot.

This isn't a "war". It's a criminal enterprise. Treat it as such. And treat the people we catch as criminals, and show them the same rights we CLAIM are "universal" and "endowed by their Creator" and "inalienable", even if they AREN'T American citizens. Why? Just because we CAN show the world that we treat others the way we treat ourselves, and not because we have to, but because we WANT to, because we're not monsters.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, January 7, 2010 3:24 PM


Kwicko wrote:

So how do you fight it? Well, for one, by not giving in to fear. Don't play along. Go about your life, because you're about 7000 times more likely to be killed by a tornado or lightning strike than you are to be killed by terrorists.

The guy who wrote that book I was talking about made the same point... De Gaulle went through a period of bombings / attacks during the days of Algerian independence, and thing were dealt with quietly, without inflaming the public or making the problem bigger. Police, Intelligence, and the occasional hit squad sorted things out.

Kwicko wrote:

This isn't a "war". It's a criminal enterprise. Treat it as such. And treat the people we catch as criminals, and show them the same rights we CLAIM are "universal" and "endowed by their Creator" and "inalienable", even if they AREN'T American citizens. Why? Just because we CAN show the world that we treat others the way we treat ourselves, and not because we have to, but because we WANT to, because we're not monsters.

But that unfortunately is the whole point of the war... do folk in Muslim countrys enjoy the same " rights we CLAIM are "universal" and "endowed by their Creator" and "inalienable"?

The problems lie with the regimes that suppress their populations, sit in gold plated bathtubs while their people scrape by. The only reason they are coming after the US is the military / intelligence aid and support the US has given these regimes for decades has stopped any chance of them changing their governments as the US did in its revolution. You might not be the " monster " but in many cases you are the hand behind the monster... and until the people of the US stop it, I can't see an end...

Either your with the Criminal Enterprise or your with the Criminal Enterprise

Either your with the terrorists, or ... your with the terrorists

Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers.
What you do today, might Burn Your Ass Tomorrow"


Thursday, January 7, 2010 3:41 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Go about your life, because you're about 7000 times more likely to be killed by a tornado or lightning strike than you are to be killed by terrorists."

The problem is people's perception of risk. You are far more likely to die in a car crash than a plane crash, but b/c people get into their cars every day and haven't noticed themselves dead yet they figure it's safe. And you are far more likely to be hit by lightning multiple times than you are to win a mega-jackpot lottery. But b/c people play often, they feel they have a better chance of winning than getting zapped, b/c the lottery is an every-day thing, but lightening isn't.

Otherwise, yeah, I agree.


Silence is consent.






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