How to win an argument with Liberals-Progressives-Socialists-etc...

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 23:23
VIEWED: 23178
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Friday, June 10, 2011 3:22 PM


Bytemite does have some really good points.



Friday, June 10, 2011 5:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SkyDiveLife:

You wrote: "Homeschooled kids don't get exercise? And, what, sitting at a desk you do? From kindergarten to workforce to grave, people are spending most of their time SITTING nowadays, with major effects on health, fitness, and stress levels."

I have this somewhat, unorthodox, idea.

Desks, where you have to stand. Hemmingway, it is reported, never wrote/typed while sitting.

He always stood to do so.

The desks themselves, could be adjusted for children of differing heights.

I know it seems a little strange, but it might help.

I got some crap at work for not being at my computer enough (because I actually have physical WORK to do for most of my day, go figure!). So I moved my computer to my main shipping table, where I can do everything I need to do without sitting down. Given the issues I have with my back, the less sitting I can do, the better.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, June 10, 2011 5:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:


roads and maintanance, hospitals and medical treatment, welfare payments, mental health services, schools, subsidising tertiary education, courts, police, child protection services, rubbish removal
Made me smile, Magons, given that the things you listed are virtually EXACTLY what Republicans want to cut from the budget lately. Everything from "courts" on is pretty much state or county, but the government is cutting so much from the national budget that states/counties/cities are having to cut THEM, too.

We gotta laugh, or we'd cry... We'll cry anyway, down the line, as these things get less and less funding.

Yup. Conservatives always play the same game. NPR does something stupid, you MUST agree to cut NPR's funding.

Military does something stupid? Why, we have to INCREASE their funding, so they don't have to do that again!

The "conservatives" lied us into these wars, and now want to cut every other program EXCEPT the war machine in order to punish us for their gigantic fuckup.

It's the Republican way.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, June 10, 2011 5:26 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
In the end, people like Nix argue to be peasants.

Her and their ilk, WANT to be ruled by an "elite".

I just can't stomach it.

Whereas you and your ilk just want to BE that ruling "elite".

You've stated before how "glorious" you think it is when "the adults are in charge."

So it's clear from your own words that you absolutely don't mind the idea of SOMEONE being in charge of you.


Friday, June 10, 2011 5:32 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Terran, are you a fellow Texan?

If so, what part? I'm an Austinite now, but grew up mostly in West Texas (San Angelo), when I wasn't living on military bases all over the world.


Friday, June 10, 2011 6:46 PM


Wow, lotsa posts...


Hmm, well I'll start by saying law enforcement. If I wanted someone to come to my house to catch a home invader, or to solve the murder or rape of a family member, I'd presumably have to pay a private company? The inevitable result of this seems to me to be that the rich would get a better standard of justice and protection than the poor...

Not sure that'd be universally the case - see, in this little neck of the woods you got me and mine, who are in fact cheaper than the official enforcers of the law, and more efficient and well behaved also.
Of course, you'd still want at least a minimum of the boys in blue, as reinforcement/cavalry (me and mine aren't so well armed as that, with the exception of myself) in case of need, and to carry the bad guys off downtown to central booking, cause hell if I wanna do that, right ?

I do take your point, but at least with private/contract you have much greater accountability, even if you do have to vet them a little better and shop around for the best deal - best of both worlds would be a minimum of each for the parts of the work they're most suited for, but police tend to be assholes about it and non-cooperative with local security as a general rule, alas.

In relation to Hardwares merry little list - it's even worse than that, shit, go to th GAO and pull up some of the budget items, like several million to fund foreign militaries of countries (other than Israel, and lets NOT go there right now, yes?) that we don't even have treaties with... several million which could do US some good!

I could prolly go through that mess with a chainsaw and not do an ounce of harm to the general public or services rendered unto - plus a lot of those should be localized anyways, look at how Stadium Bridge in my own region suffered from sending infrastructure funds to D.C. and them making decisions without any knowledge of the local situation till big chunks of concrete were falling out the bottom of the damn thing and Dingell the Dingbat had to go up there in person, hat in hand all but begging for some of our own money back to fix it before it collapsed completely!

Byte ?

This is why I like small, and local. Plenty of ways that you can organize within a small local business without creating a monster that can shrug off local economics, incentives, or public outcry.

There's also my sand-castle-architecture trick of temporary heirarchy, which works well - that and avoidance of any affiliation with TSA/DepHomeSec or the local law, cause it's too damn easy to be co-opted, and the example of those poor bastards who ran off to the TSA for more money and then came crawling back after they realized what they'd have to DO to get it, is gonna last a while, cause I wouldn't re-hire not bloody one of the untrustworthy, treacherous, greedy bastards and blackballed em besides.
(not that I had to, cause once you've taken TSA's money and then balked at their orders, you're FINISHED in this bizness anyhow.)

Also, the home-school vs public school argument goes on and on, and did no one even SEE or READ what FreeSchool/Sudbury Schools *ARE*, cause it takes the best of both worlds, and has been functionally proven out in a real world environment, yanno!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, June 10, 2011 7:27 PM


Oh, I've always thought the Sudbury model was a good idea. It's just some people are going to end up homeschooling for whatever reason, and while I may not like it if that reason is religious, I'll stand up for parents and kids being able to make that decision so long as there's not crime or abuse.

That's really the only argument I want to make for homeschooling.


Friday, June 10, 2011 8:04 PM



Originally posted by SkyDiveLife:
Terran57, I would remind you of this,

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990[2] which has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1 (100%)."[3][2] In other words, Godwin put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis.

Hilarious....just cause you are new....


Saturday, June 11, 2011 4:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I looked back through your posts and found this

The bottom line of the first is we need progressives if we are ever to reach a level 1 civilization, but we need moderates to counter an abuse of power. Conservetives either like Falwell or bin Laden, can retard civilzations advance.... we as a civilization and possibly species will die and all our learning and blood spilled will be in vain. Science costs big $$$, so does education and taking care of our elders. The one thing we don't need or want is war which is counter-productive. Bush spent a trillion $ on Iraq. About the same (actually less) as the stimulus. That money could have done much more here at home that sprawled out over the desert. As a strong states rights advocate and a fomer part of the shovel brigade, I encorage you to seek a middle ground and squell the spammer Wulf, who only is trying to piss people off rather than debate. Also, isn't this site about Firefly? Comparisons to the Alliance and Browncoats I understand, but this Wulf guy is just another Rush trying to piss off anybody that disagrees with him... The next 100 years will be pivitol to the survival of the human species and all he is concerned with is the next election cycle. Moderation is the key..
Agreed, especially about the "survival of the human species".

So, help me place "agree with them" in context.

Thank you kindly.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 5:26 AM



Originally posted by Hardware:
This came from the US government's own website. I copied and pasted into a Word document. If they have it listed twice on two separate pages, then errors definitely could occur.

So the bad results aren't malicious, they're results of carelessness or laziness.

The thing is padded like the bibliography of a 9th Grader's term paper-- I've already cited 2 examples: blank lines between each entry, and separate lines for the department name on each item, even if the previous line was the same dep't.
I copied your post into Notepad ( 167,000 bytes), then whacked all the blank lines ( 163,000 bytes but almost 1/3 less lines) then whacked all the double Department headings ( sometimes 30 entries from the same department in a row, each getting 3 lines.)-- ( 161,000 bytes, and I won't guess how many pages saved.

I'm a little bit obsessed by it right now, and gonna go back and group stuff efficiently like all the UDSA under one heading, all the HHS under 1, etc, see how much the document can be reduced. I'll let ya know.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 5:37 AM



Originally posted by Terran57:
For Hardware:

As to which of those programs we need? Probably most as all are important to somebody, maybe just not you. But who am I to say that my needs and wants makes yours invalid.

Exactly. Your "Program vital to the nation's security and commerce" is my "Pork Barrel Gotcha!", and vice versa.

Any Congressman with real courage would first cut wasteful programs in HIS OWN district, instead of earmarking them so they'll sneak thru quietly. Unfortunately, of course, he'd also never get re-elected.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 8:00 AM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
Unfortunately, of course, he'd also never get re-elected.

That's puttin it mildly, I believe "run out of town on a rail" was closer to what happened during the city council fiasco, in my case.

And yet the crazy bastards want me on the ann arbor administrative staff as an advisor, *because* of that very ruthlessness, apparently as a counter to the DDA's pork-barrel antics....

Which ain't gonna happen cause
A- that disqualifies anyone already on the staff from running for public office.
(which I think is primarily to remove that threat)
B- you start takin their money, you wind up takin their orders.

I'd rather be waiting in the wings as a threat, however minor, to discourage their abuses - besides, I hate ann arbor and their fuckin attitude anyway.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 8:03 AM



Sandcastles, if I have the idea right, need to have this time-expired nature built in to the power structure in a way that it won't disappear with some neat little legislative trick.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Sunday, June 12, 2011 2:22 AM



I happened across this article, and it really pulled me up short. Its a ranking of the states by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, on the personal and economic freedoms held within.

Do think this study holds water?


Sunday, June 12, 2011 9:17 AM


Well, that'd depend on how you define "freedom", really - which to some is a nebulous or mutable concept, and to others is ironclad, and over exactly WHAT is often as individual as people.

For example;
property rights vs smoking bans.
minimum wage vs freedom of commerce.

And so on and so forth - people come down on different sides, often enough with selfish motives, but still its all about trying to strike a balance everyone can live with, if not necessarily like, so that we can live in the same vicinity without being at each others throats...

Something NEITHER primary political party seems to care about any more, which is as ever, a prelude to violence, but most folk don't know enough history these days to see the disaster looming.

Anyhows, this is one of the areas where there's always gonna be debate, which *I* feel furthers the cause of freedom as a whole, so long as there *IS* debate, instead of a government gun stuck in my face (taxation, for example, often used to fund things *I* find despicable) followed by orders... which is where we seem to be going under the lash of modern politics.
(And they're BOTH guilty, you partisan fucks, so save your bile and spittle!)

My own methods for determination are reference to the US Constitution, flawed that it is, and the notion of doing the least possible harm - with those in mind it makes things simple, leastways from my end of the viewpoint.

I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, June 12, 2011 5:50 PM


I thought the methodology was kind of weak and subjective.

I'll grant that there's a fair amount of govt. interference in NY, and taxes are high, but the criteria used seemed even bogus at times.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Monday, June 13, 2011 1:54 AM


FremDFirma, dreamtrove:

I agree that the methodology seemed a bit strange. Then I started thinking about it in a larger context.

For example, smoking. Most people know that smoking is bad for you. Its addictive, unhealthy, and really has no positives going for it.

So what does that have to do with the amount of freedom you have?

Well, its a personal choice. Has been for many, many years. You can smoke, do harm to yourself, and thats it. Its not an intoxicant, where if you drive while smoking it impairs your ability.

But it becomes an issue of freedom when the government starts deciding where and when you can imbibe nicotine.

The freedom aspect became compromised when there was a law stating that you cannot allow your customers to imbibe in your business.

Now, I hear, someplaces are trying to make it illegal to smoke inside your own home, or on the public street.

Laws like these, are usually put in effect in places like NY/NJ or California.

I don't believe people should smoke, but I don't believe its my right to tell them they can't.

I CERTAINLY do NOT believe that I, or the government, have any right to tell another person what they can do in their own home, especially since it is not harming another person.


Monday, June 13, 2011 8:03 AM


I think I went on a bit of a rant here. :(


Monday, June 13, 2011 8:08 AM


Nah, it's fine. I think everyone agreed with you.


Monday, June 13, 2011 9:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Skydive: the purpose of banning public smoking is not to keep YOU from smoking, if that is your choice. It is to keep you from forcing ME to smoke, whether I want to or not.

As the asthmatic offspring of former heavy smokers, I can tell you I truly appreciate the ban on public smoking. I can't stand the stench, it makes me wheeze, and it shortens my life. As they say: The right to swing your fist ... or, in this case, light up... ends at my nose.

The reign of tobacco terror is dead. Long live my freedom.

Can't believe I have to repeat the point about balancing your freedoms against mine. Surely it's been discussed to death already.


Monday, June 13, 2011 10:03 AM


Well, if we wanted to keep this thread going and get into the details of smoking bans, then both sides have a point.

The issue ultimately boils down to consent versus non-consent in a potentially harmful activity, as well as property rights.

We can probably say that open air smoking is well enough ventilated that there is little impact to non-smokers in the vicinity of a smoker, with some dependence on proximity and wind speed. Perhaps Sig might disagree, I'm not sure.

Once you get onto private property, it's a little trickier. A building is not so well-ventilated as the outdoors, and there's also a difference between a business and a residence.

For a business, this is not a place where people generally spend more than eight hours a day, if even that. Some businesses would probably prefer if people did not smoke on their premises, such as a clothing store (fire hazard as well as protecting the merchandise so that the items are as appealing to purchase as possible). But some businesses might actually prefer to have smoking, such as some bars and clubs, depending on their patrons.

Presumably, before businesses had smoking bans, customers who didn't like smoking would assess their risks for exposure, possibly in a non-smoking section, and if they didn't like the amount of smoke, they would vote with their money and leave. Similarly smokers would become frustrated with businesses that turn them away, and be drawn to the businesses that don't. Eventually it would be assumed that the only customers remaining a a smoking establishment would be the one who had already agreed to breathe smoke anyway, and in this sense, it becomes a consensual group activity even if there is no interaction between them.

As such, I believe the business owner or landlord may deserve to have their say here.

For a private residence, there may be a family, and children are never consenting parties. There's also the complication that a person may spend as many as 24 hours a day in a home, and that a person or children may not be able to leave. However, in the absence of children, a person does have some reasonable freedom in terms of what they can do in their own home. Perhaps resolution of the issue should be left as some agreement between or compromise on the part of the consenting for the otherwise non-consenting.

I do have some sympathy for you, Sig, in that one of my grandmothers smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. I didn't have to live with her, but my mother did, and actually both of us are bothered by the smell of cigarettes even with my much reduced exposure.

The thing is, as a family we tried to encourage her to quit smoking, and also drinking, and we thought she did. But we found vodka in her hall closet when we were looking through it, and so there's no knowing if she really did quit. But if she didn't, then at least we succeeded in getting her to compromise, and not drink or smoke when we were around.

She died in April due to a blood clot and a stroke caused by lung cancer. And stupid and pointless as it is, I have to accept that's how she wanted to live her life.


Monday, June 13, 2011 10:19 AM


Bytemite wrote:

"And stupid and pointless as it is, I have to accept that's how she wanted to live her life."

I think you nailed it. Thats the epitome of freedom. The right to be stupid...or great. Without someone else telling you, as an adult, how to live.

I may be a bit old-fashioned, but I believe that you have the right to live as you want to live. So long as your actions do not hurt someone else.

The "hurting someone else" portion has gotten convoluted in my time, however.


Monday, June 13, 2011 10:28 AM



Originally posted by SkyDiveLife:

I happened across this article, and it really pulled me up short. Its a ranking of the states by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, on the personal and economic freedoms held within.

Do think this study holds water?

I dug into this a little. Part of their methodology includes " Estimates" of the effects of legislations and policies. Which means they could cook the books any way they wanted to. They see to give a lot of influence to gun ownership policies; freedom of businesses to do whatever they want, without interference; lack of environmental interference; and legalization of mariajuana.( Hey, man... according to the spell checker, I didn't spell that last word right... Whoao...)
Seems like, if you ask yourself, " How do the states stack up libertarian-style?", you'd get about the same poll results.


Monday, June 13, 2011 10:49 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Skydive: the purpose of banning public smoking is not to keep YOU from smoking, if that is your choice. It is to keep you from forcing ME to smoke, whether I want to or not.

As the asthmatic offspring of former heavy smokers, I can tell you I truly appreciate the ban on public smoking. I can't stand the stench, it makes me wheeze, and it shortens my life. As they say: The right to swing your fist ... or, in this case, light up... ends at my nose.

I sympathize. My wife is asthmatic. And I support restriction in enclosed areas- restaurants, workplaces, offices, public buildings ( Hey, it ain't legal in COURTROOMS, is it?), airplanes trains, etc. ANd yanoo something that really annoys me?-- employees not allowed to smoke in their workplace hanging around near the public entrance, smoking there in clumps. If they gotta smoke, designate an area behind the building, away from the routes the public HAS TO use.

That said, outlawing smoking in your own home, or outdoors, or on the public street or in public parks or national parks or wildernesses, that's just dumb. It can't be illegal EVERYWHERE. ANd it's dumb to make it illegal right here, where it's legal if I cross the street or walk down the block, or cross the city limits line and am legally in another town.
And as to parks and forests, it's already illegal to smoke there if you drop your ciggie or match and start a forest fire. Just exhaling some tobacco fumes there shouldn't be a crime.
So how and where do you set the limit? If it's illegal to smoke outdoors here, where does it become legal? At the edge of the local juristiction? At the state line? 400 yards into the wilderness or the Mojave desert? 2 miles? 10 miles...


Monday, June 13, 2011 11:15 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"S'what happens when you give up control of your own will and intellect to an outside source without question, anyone who knows how to format the commands owns your ass."

Along those lines - I see a lot of discussion about WORDS. I've come to have a problem with HOW many of those nebulous words are used - even words I like, like freedom. That's because these words are used like religion. They're not defined, and no one ever has to prove what those words mean in practical terms. People are expected to take those ideas on faith. Ideas like freedom, profit, reward.

So when generally older, whiter, richer and more powerful people say to generally younger, darker, poorer and powerless people - you have to go to Vietnam/ Afghanistan/ Iraq/ Libya and kill and die for 'freedom' - we are expected to take it on faith. No one has to prove what that word means, for the reason we are conditioned to NOT ASK.


Monday, June 13, 2011 11:18 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

posting problems


Monday, June 13, 2011 12:08 PM


1Kiki - THAT needs to be it's own topic, cause that's a whole lotta meat on the bone of that discussion, and this one is kinda played out.

But that's a good topic for discussion and worthy of its own thread, which it should have.



Monday, June 13, 2011 12:12 PM


1kiki wrote:
"So when generally older, whiter, richer and more powerful people say to generally younger, darker, poorer and powerless people - you have to go to Vietnam/ Afghanistan/ Iraq/ Libya and kill and die for 'freedom' - we are expected to take it on faith. No one has to prove what that word means, for the reason we are conditioned to NOT ASK."

I'm not sure I understand your point.

I don't believe that the boys (or girls nowadays) fighting in "Vietnam/ Afghanistan/ Iraq" are all "younger, darker, poorer and powerless people"...

In fact, Im sure thats not true.

From what I know... pretty much everytime there has been an American conflict, the fighting force of America (including all races) have done their duty.

There may be a point to what you are saying about the "poorer" people fighting. But, as I have experienced, the military is usually the ones who are able to teach, train, and pay the "underclass".

Are you saying that all "poor" people are "darker" or black and/or brown? That seems kind of racist. Now I'm not calling you racist, just wanted to understand your point of view.


Monday, June 13, 2011 12:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I did not say ALL, I said GENERALLY.

And generally, you'll find this is true. The younger, poorer, darker, and less powerful are disproportionately represented in the fighting forces, and disproportionately absent from the ruling classes. There is a sieve at work which makes it this way. You may call it racism, classism, ageism, or some other 'ism', but it exists. And to describe it is not to be in favor of it, just to acknowledge that it exists.


Monday, June 13, 2011 1:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Bytemite wrote:

Similarly smokers would become frustrated with businesses that turn them away, and be drawn to the businesses that don't. Eventually it would be assumed that the only customers remaining a a smoking establishment would be the one who had already agreed to breathe smoke anyway, and in this sense, it becomes a consensual group activity even if there is no interaction between them.

As such, I believe the business owner or landlord may deserve to have their say here.

And there's the rub; it seems it would have been easy enough to write into such laws the exceptions whereby a club or restaurant could CHOOSE to be a smoking-only club or establishment, if they thought they could make a living at it.

I basically quit going out after the smoking ban hit the bars here in Austin. I didn't even smoke anymore by then, but it was the smells that drove me out. Long as I can remember, bars and clubs were smoky places; now, all you can smell is the stale spilled beer, the disinfectant, and vomit. Cigarettes smell better, even to a former smoker!

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Monday, June 13, 2011 1:23 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I agree with New Old about the smoking thing.

Frem, do Sudbury schools account for kids who need extra help in school, such as physical disabilities or mental health/developmental differences/autism/etc.? I'll look Sudbury up on wikipedia and see what I think about it.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 6:28 AM



I used smoking as an example, because of its less-controversial/established political talking point.

Smoking is addictive, and deadly. But it is still a persons choice to imbibe. Likewise, if a business owner chooses to permit smoking in their establishment, they SHOULD have that choice.

The government SHOULDN't have a say on whether a person imbibes harmful toxins (provided they do not cause you to harm others), nor whether a business owner allows such partaking on his property.

When I hear people say that the government is "on our backs", or a "Nanny State", I think of the "smoking bans" that have been put into effect.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think smoking is ok. Its definatly not good for you. But I don't have the right to tell you not to do it.

Which comes to the crux of my argument. Too many think they have the right to tell others what to do. They don't.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Should the government have the right or ability to tell you, as a business owner, that you can't hire illegals to work for you?

I mean, if it "doesn't hurt anyone else", that is. Say you've got enough extra work for one guy at $4/hr, but if you had to pay someone $7.50/hr to do it, you'd just put in longer hours and do it yourself. So would hiring an illegal, or hiring someone illegally, be okay with you?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:55 PM


Kwicko wrote: "Should the government have the right or ability to tell you, as a business owner, that you can't hire illegals to work for you?

I mean, if it "doesn't hurt anyone else", that is. Say you've got enough extra work for one guy at $4/hr, but if you had to pay someone $7.50/hr to do it, you'd just put in longer hours and do it yourself. So would hiring an illegal, or hiring someone illegally, be okay with you?"

Therin lies the rub.

I believe that being an American citizen carries with it certian responsibilities. Yet, my government tells me that I have to hire underqualified workers. Worse yet, I have to pay them a certain wage. And in the last few years, they have told me I have to help pay for their healthcare.

So I have a choice. Hire illegal people, who will work hard (at a fair wage) so I don't report them,

or lazy citizens who will sue me if I fire them?

Yet, if the illegal ones steal from me, who do I report it to?

Its a catch-22. I can't afford to hire the lazy ones, I can't trust the illegals... so, as a small business owner, what am I suppossed to do?


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I must have missed the part where the government requires you to hire "underqualified" workers. What law is that found in?

I prefer to hire qualified people and pay them a fair wage. I've long been an advocate of hiring one $20/hr person WHO IS WORTH THAT AND MORE, instead of hiring two $10/hr people who aren't worth a shit. Reason being, the $20/hr worker will do the work, AND allow you the freedom to do YOUR work, while the two not-shit workers will not only not get their work done, but soak up so much of your time that you won't get YOUR work done. So for the same money outlay, you can get double the work done, or half the work you're now doing. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

I've worked for a lot of people who thought in terms of quantity instead of quality when it came to their employees: more must be better. One place replaced me with no less than FIVE full-time people when I left, rather than give me more money to stay. That place no longer exists. Last I heard, the owner had lost his million-dollar home, his Jaguar, his Mercedes, AND his Hummer H2, along with his trophy wife, when he lost his business by trying to hire cheaper labor. I've also been asked to give a deposition regarding some shady dealings he undertook regarding his sales tax reporting, too; he asked me to lie for him, and I told him point blank that I was long past taking any kind of orders from him, and I had no intention of lying to cover his ass.

He was a big advocate of cheap labor, so now he may well get the chance to BE cheap labor, because he may well be going to prison.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:46 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow. I go away for a couple of days, and LOOK at this thing!


I don't know, amigo. It depends what you mean by 'do without'. As I said above, you and I have different criteria for whether government programmes/offices are worthwhile. If you mean how many from your list could we remove before the country starts to completely fall apart at the seams, I would guess maybe 95% (that's not the same as 95% of funding mind). If you mean how many could we remove without it being detrimental to the country (in more subtle ways), I would say much less. I think all of the committees etc on your list have a theoretical 'raison d'etre'; and most of them are fulfilling some of that, and subtly benefiting society.
Well said. I don’t think we reg’lar folk REALLY know what each of those things does or is intended to do, so I’ll withhold any judgment. Personally, I think it’s just so much more convenient and comfy to scream “DO AWAY WITH (whatever)” than it is to actually learn about the thing and make an informed decision. I’ve seen stuff mocked as stupid which, when I looked into it, had a really worthwhile relevance, it just didn’t sound like it by title or short quip about what it does.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:48 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Can't speak for the other 49 states, but that was the way it WAS here in California, before Prop 13. Local communities banded together in school districts, set local property tax rates, financed the schools the way they wanted to, within certain broad federal and state limits. Even then, a lot of the budget money came from the state. Along came Prop 13, capped local communities' ability to raise property taxes. They didn't, and still don't, have a lot of other sources of income under California law. So the state stepped in, gave them tons of money, kept the schools open and functioning. But, "Them that provides the gold, makes the rules." So the state started overseeing things, and making rules and regulations for the schools, not all of which were a good fit to every community.
Once again, well said NewOld (I’m liking you better and better, probably because you’re the first person here beside me who is able to speak up intelligently about California, really KNOWS it and can speak to the facts about our state (apologies to Mincinbeast and Rue, both Californians I miss a LOT). GREAT to have you here!

I would add, however, the cuts going on all over the country to states which is severely affecting the educational system. It’s not just here, and it’s not just “Them that provides the gold, makes the rules”, but “Them that provides the gold can then take it away whenever they want”, and that’s precisely what’s happening, to fire departments, police, teachers and schools, among others.

As a smoker who has tried to quit over and over for decades, I’m on the fence about laws prohibiting smoking. I pretty much agree with Byte’s summing up of the situation; I have no problem not smoking inside, but it gets to me when it’s illegal OUTSIDE, as anyone can move away if they want to, and some take it to extremes I consider ridiculous. Those are usually “controllers” anyway, and it’s part of their nature. At our local dog park, I had a woman rail at me for smoking—-the park is large enough she could easily stay away from my smoke, and if I was with a group I would happily move away from HER rather than ask her to move (given I rarely take part in the groups that gather there, it wouldn’t be a problem; I’m there for my DOGS, not to sit around chatting and ignoring them, as many do). But she had to make an issue out of it and threatened to call the police; those types I have no use for.

In the end I, like Sky, agree with Byte:

stupid and pointless as it is, I have to accept that's how she wanted to live her life.
I also agree with Sky, and have a bumper sticker AND a little sticker inside the house which read “Harm none; do as you wish”. Just ‘cuz I can’t refrain from the snark, that’s a concept Raptor, Wulf and a few others would ABHOR

NewOld; your spell checker is right, it’s “marijuana”. As for

employees not allowed to smoke in their workplace hanging around near the public entrance, smoking there in clumps. If they gotta smoke, designate an area behind the building, away from the routes the public HAS TO use.
There we part ways. People generally only get 15-minute breaks...I know from experience how long it takes to get down the elevator and out in the street, and it doesn’t leave a lot of time. Plus we smokers usually took our breaks together, which is why we were in “clumps”. The public “has to use” the entrances and exits for, what, five seconds? I think they could get past us without even breathing one how much further away would you have us go on our 15-minute breaks? I know there are arguments for and against, but that one does bother me.

It can't be illegal EVERYWHERE
Hate to tell ‘ya, but that’s exactly where it’s GOING in California at least. There’s your “small government” at work...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:50 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


In the end, people like Nix argue to be peasants.

Her and their ilk, WANT to be ruled by an "elite".

I just can't stomach it.

Oh, wonderful, Wulf, that’s so great; if you can’t “stomach it”, please just don’t read my posts. Do us both that favor. Aside from lying through your teeth practically every time you reference me, I’m well aware that there’s no communicating with YOU, so just ignore me, ‘kay? Please.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:50 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Terrans, oh, I do like your fire --you say thing in ways I try not to, mind you, but it’s nice to see the fire:

Put military spending and the tax code back to Clinton levels and then don't give a damn if the guy gets a blow job. Don't put witch hunters like Ken Starr blowing tax payers money for nothing.
Oh yes oh yes oh YES!

Bottom line it's all BS and if we don't pull our heads out of our political you know what, then the US is doomed and the rich right wing will build a new aristocracy with people like David Koch at the head, and you and me bud will be peasants pissing in the wind in Chinese robes.
It’s what they’ve been trying to do for how long, and what they’re halfway to doing RIGHT NOW, what with killing the unions, spending all their time on social policy laws (what happened to “jobs, jobs, jobs” and “smaller government”, again?). We’re already on the road to becoming peasants, and the country’s been pulled so far to the right, they’re on a roll.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:51 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Right on, Kiki:

these words are used like religion. They're not defined, and no one ever has to prove what those words mean in practical terms. People are expected to take those ideas on faith. Ideas like freedom, profit, reward.
Don’t forget “liberty” and a few of the other choice buzz-words used around here.

But Frem, I don’t think it deserves its own thread, because we’ve discussed it in so many different other threads, AND because I’ll bet it would end up being one of those Mike-Raptor “jam sessions” more than anything intelligent. But then what do I know?

Kiki, another “right on” for

And generally, you'll find this is true. The younger, poorer, darker, and less powerful are disproportionately represented in the fighting forces, and disproportionately absent from the ruling classes. There is a sieve at work which makes it this way
You only have to look back to ‘Nam to see how many who didn’t fit that description managed NOT to end up in the Army, and it’s still true today because of financial reasons and the fact that those people are disproportionately represented in the penal system, and the Army now takes criminals.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:12 AM


Niki2 wrote: "You only have to look back to ‘Nam to see how many who didn’t fit that description managed NOT to end up in the Army, and it’s still true today because of financial reasons and the fact that those people are disproportionately represented in the penal system, and the Army now takes criminals."

Its probably not the most political thing to say, but I disagree with your sentiment. The military has, traditionally, always taken who they can get. Colin Powell (I believe) once said, that the armed services was the one place where ANYONE can get a fair shake.

Also, as to the idea that minorities are somehow always ending up on the low-end, or getting the short-stick is likewise wrong, in my opinion. The last 2 jobs I've had, both of my bosses were black. They were great, and doing very well for themselves.

There may be something to an over representation of minorities in the penal system. However, that may have more to do with previous convictions than anything dark and sinister.

For example, a young black man getting 10 years for crack, with the intent to distribute. It may seem harsh, until you hear about the 4 other convictions for the same thing.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:31 AM


Well... Colin Powell is relatively recent, remember, and it wasn't always near as equal as it is now, and it's only really improved in regards to race. If you're a woman or gay, forget about it, they actually kinda don't want you there and only grudgingly tolerate your presence, if that.

Secondly, two contradicting cases is insufficient to overturn precedent, especially when the sampling pool numbers in the millions. Thousands of contradicting cases wouldn't be enough, really.

However, I will give you that there is a chicken or egg argument that could reasonably be had here: do people live in slums because their families have chronically been poor, or do they live in slums because they've been chronically ?

My guess is that poverty is the main factor for most of the slum issues we hear about (including convictions, which you mention), and slum poverty is not necessarily confined to a single race. Though we can also wonder if demographics in a slum tend towards non-white because of much earlier 1960s and pre-1960s policies and discrimination.

The military largely approaches the poor for recruitment, because often the poor see little other way to get an education and improve their lot in life. So there are a number of poor blacks and latinos, but there's also a number of poor whites as well.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:47 AM


To NewOldBrowncoat: You missed the entire point by your moronic "Gotcha". What you consider pork barrel, lets say as an example Bobby Jindals remarks on TV about "wasteful spending on monitoring Volcanos", may be "pork Barrel" to someone in Texas or in his case Louisiana, but its sure as hell not in Oregon, or even Wyoming, etc. Is it pork barrel to spend millions on the wetlands and barrier islands in Gulf of Mexico. Hey, I've never lived there no big deal spend the money elsewhere! Right! No you idiot, we are one country and we are all in this together, so what is important to you may not be worth a flip to me, but I want to see the standard of life rise for all Americans, so these things are needed. As to deciding what has to be cut, yes one needs balls, but also which gives us back bang for our buck (Econ 101). Military spending gives nothing back money wise, whereas Social security is spent within the system. Rich people not paying taxes and hiding money overseas, while they shut down plants here and send jobs to India and China are counter-productive. So pork barrle all you want congressmen, just make damn sure the $$$ stay in the USA.

Why is it that people like you just want to stick it to others rather than a real debate? We all have to share in the repair of the debacle left by the previous administration, but not on the backs of the elderly or sick. We do not need to become standard of living wise, a third world country to balance the budget and make Tea Partiers happy. It can be done within the current system if politicians pull their heads out of the *** and stop with the "Gotcha" mentality. You OldNewBrowncoat are in fact part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Lets fix the issues together and stop the schoolyard "Gotcha" mentality.



Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:15 AM



Originally posted by Terran57:
To NewOldBrowncoat: You missed the entire point by your moronic "Gotcha". What you consider pork barrel, lets say as an example Bobby Jindals remarks on TV about "wasteful spending on monitoring Volcanos", may be "pork Barrel" to someone in Texas or in his case Louisiana, but its sure as hell not in Oregon, or even Wyoming, etc. Is it pork barrel to spend millions on the wetlands and barrier islands in Gulf of Mexico. Hey, I've never lived there no big deal spend the money elsewhere! Right! No you idiot, we are one country and we are all in this together, so what is important to you may not be worth a flip to me, but I want to see the standard of life rise for all Americans, so these things are needed. As to deciding what has to be cut, yes one needs balls, but also which gives us back bang for our buck (Econ 101). Military spending gives nothing back money wise, whereas Social security is spent within the system. Rich people not paying taxes and hiding money overseas, while they shut down plants here and send jobs to India and China are counter-productive. So pork barrle all you want congressmen, just make damn sure the $$$ stay in the USA.

Why is it that people like you just want to stick it to others rather than a real debate? We all have to share in the repair of the debacle left by the previous administration, but not on the backs of the elderly or sick. We do not need to become standard of living wise, a third world country to balance the budget and make Tea Partiers happy. It can be done within the current system if politicians pull their heads out of the *** and stop with the "Gotcha" mentality. You OldNewBrowncoat are in fact part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Lets fix the issues together and stop the schoolyard "Gotcha" mentality.


You seem to be a little touchy this morning, especially since I started out by AGREEING with you. Which I mostly do about that stuff in the middle there, the nation's socio-economic needs, not balancing the budget on the backs of the poor, military spending, helping others, etc. "Moronic" and "idiot" seem a little harsh.

The point I was trying to make, rather sarcastically, is that the pols justify their "bridges to nowhere" and Lawrence Welk Heritage Museums as vital to security or the NATIONAL economy, when they aren't: and that Opposing pols of both parties love to go "Pork barrel! Gotcha!!", when they've done the exact same thing. Not that I do either one, nor that your suggestions were.

If I wrote something that offended you, that surely was not my intention, and I apologize sincerely.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:19 AM


...Do you know NewOldBrowncoat? You've only been here a couple of days, and you're already pulling out the "idiot" gun? He was agreeing with you, actually.

I always had the impression that NOBC was rather moderate, if not left wing, which I noticed you were as well. I wouldn't be surprised if NOBC, and indeed most people here would agree with you about monetary spending especially the part where it goes overseas. Imperialism is not good.

But ultimately we're an internet discussion board, not politicians or policy deciders. Hell, a number of us don't even see any point in voting or participating in elections. Most of us are extremely anti-authoritarian and suspicious of anything resembling government and/or big business. We're also pretty suspicious of the partisan interests. We're kinda like herding cats, y'see.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:33 AM


To NewOldBrowncoat: I cetainly appologize for reading that wrongly. I sent another thread that did not go through again, but what the hell. Anyway, yeah Byte I am new, but thats ok as I will not be on here again. I joined this to talk about Firefly/Science and related real world events, not to listen to Fox News fight MSNBC.

My thread that did not go through discussed my family and the civil war and hoe current events were echoed prior to that conflict, less the internet. We are heading there again.

May your path be true and straight.

Signing off

Terran 57


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:34 AM


Well, thank you, Byte. I think we've disagreed sometimes in the past, politely. Possibly more than we've agreed. Glad to see that your POV on me pretty much agrees with what I think about myself.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 12:04 PM


To NewBrownCoat: Thanks for the e-mail. Although not an excuse, I deal with a great deal of pain From a 2000 accident and take alot of oxy. No excuse for not reading it right. Hell, if I am going to jump to wrong conclusions at every little thing then I should just join the Tea Party. :-)

I don't know how many have purchased Redemption. If you haven't, you should. I just watched it. It's not up to studio standards as they needed more cameras and better mic's, but for a fan film it's really good and the story line is pretty good too. Hope they make more.

It beats the hell out of the Star Trek "of Gods and Men" film. Although the trek film had several vetern actors that helped it along. Hmmmm is it blasphemy to mention Star Trek in here?

Again NewOldBrowncoat, thanks.



Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1:27 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Terran, you can stay, we like new people and I'm curious about your Civil War thread and sorry it didn't take correctly.

How to win an argument with anyone: Don't start it in the first place.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:05 PM


No problem. Always glad to have new Browncoats around. We usually treat 'em to an assortment of virtual FF treats- fresh bao, a round of mudder's milk, etc. You just maybe caught the complimentary load of buckshot.
But I ain't mad, Byte ain't mad, sometimes even family members fight. If RWED is too intense, take a break for a few days, or don't visit it. Plenty a' other stuff to do here.






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