Would female leaders solve debt crisis?

UPDATED: Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:07
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 7:09 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Just 'cuz I like it (and before anyone goes off half-cocked and claims it's some "penis-envy femininist", it was written by a MAN!

There have been press conferences and secret meetings.

Golf outings, walk-outings, ball-dropping and finger-pointing.

For every line a Democrat draws in the sand regarding the debt ceiling, a Republican introduces a new line of his own.

Or sometimes for kicks, a constitutional amendment.

Yes, over the past three weeks, we've seen just about every act there is to this political theater and, staying true to the time of Shakespeare, it seems every character is played by a man.

Odds are that if there were more women in these discussions, the crisis would have been resolved by now.

Despite representing 51% of the country, women account for just 16.6% of Congress -- 17 of the 100 seats in the Senate, 72 of the 435 seats in the House. When President Obama had his "Big 8" meeting to talk debt ceiling a couple of weeks ago, there was only one woman present, Nancy Pelosi.

Now I don't claim to be a great mathematician, but that just seems off to me.

Especially when you consider that for more than 20 years there have been more women enrolled in college than men and today there are a million more female college graduates than male.

Frum: GOP wants Obama's unconditional surrender

Between the growing education gap and gap in population, the fact that those numbers have not translated into a bigger voice in how the country is run can only be described as the result of sexism. And it's likely hindering our governance when you consider what we know about neuroscience.

Women use both sides of their brain more effectively and thus are naturally hardwired to be better communicators, more creative problem solvers and in moments of stress, less likely to walk out of meetings -- debt-ceiling variety and others -- than men.

Furthermore, testosterone not only prompts a fight-or-flight response to stress, it suppresses oxytocin, the hormone that encourages bonding and positive social behavior.

So while culturally people like to cast women as mentally weak and unable to control their emotions -- supposedly making them bad leaders -- the science suggests we really don't know if Eric Cantor and President Obama abruptly left their respective tense budget meetings as a negotiating tactic or if they simply couldn't control their hormones.

This is not to suggest women are naturally better at governing than men, only that it is difficult to see how the country can continue to believe we benefit from their absence on the Hill.

We've always handled our affairs through a patriarchal prism, but today that ideology marginalizes the more educated and largest segment of the population. When you factor in our love for waving our gender-equity finger at other nations, it would seem we're in dire need of a mirror if we're truly going to turn things around.

America is 235 years old but only a total of 267 women have served in Congress, including Rebecca Latimer Felton, who was there for one day. Four states -- Delaware, Iowa, Mississippi and Vermont -- have never even elected a woman to Congress, according to the Center for American Women and Politics.

What does it say about us as an industrialized nation that after three decades of dramatic social, economic and demographic shifts between the genders, there has only been one woman to follow the late Geraldine Ferraro as a major-party national nominee? And I bet if Sen. John McCain could do it all over again, Ferraro would still be the only one.

Of course, we can't blame the absence of women in budget talks and such entirely on the boys club in Washington, seeing how it's we the people who elect members of Congress in the first place. And to be sure, voting based solely on gender or simply having more women on the Hill hardly solves our economic problems. Women have egos and are susceptible to pride, peer pressure and pandering just like men.

And as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann have proven, they can be just as clueless.

But as the August 2 debt ceiling deadline looms, the real issue doesn't appear to be Dems vs Repubs; tax hikes vs spending cuts; or adults vs children.

It's an overall lack of diversity of thought.

Nearly 85% of the people in Congress are men. So if you ever wonder why these debt ceiling negotiations appear to have an inordinate amount of chest-pounding and tree spraying, that number -- more than the $14 trillion we owe -- seems like the best place to start.

I can't say he, or his theories (re: physiology and how it would impact the talks) are right, but there's something to be said for it, in my opinion, even if you only look at representation.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 7:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

On the other hand, it can be taken too far:

When Republican presidential candidate and tea party favorite Michele Bachmann was recently asked by Fox News' Chris Wallace if she was "a flake," the moment seemed like déjà vu all over again for some women active in politics.

Bachmann's response -- she was "insulted" -- was stern, but it pointed to a larger bias many women perceive in presidential politics.

"Nobody in the GOP establishment is going to hand anything to Bachmann or (Sarah) Palin -- just like (Democrats) did not for Hillary (Clinton)," said Amy Siskind, who supported Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential bid. "And it takes a certain type of leader to go out there and have the courage and the guts to say 'I'm running (for president)' and I admire Bachmann for that."

After Clinton's failed Oval Office bid, Siskind and a small group of women who had supported Clinton decided the best way to break the glass ceiling in presidential politics was to put ideology and partisanship aside and support any woman seeking a top political office -- including Bachmann and Palin, two darlings of the tea party movement known for their conservative views on economic and social issues.

But some Democratic leaders dismissed the idea, arguing the electorate is more sophisticated.

"Women don't support women candidates simply because of their status as women, simply because of their gender," said Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, head of the Democratic National Committee.

More at

THIS I definitely don't agree with. I'll always vote for what I see as the more logical candidate for office, never for anyone just because she's a woman!

Amusing to me is this:

"McCain sent (former California Republican senatorial candidate) Carly Fiorina to my home," said Siskind, who used to trade distressed debt on Wall Street, "to meet with a lot of the women that then became The New Agenda to say: What would you want to get McCain's support?"

"One of the things we asked for was to have a woman on the ticket," said Siskind

Carly Fiorina?? CARLY FIORINA!?!? WE didn't take her seriously when she tried to run here! A flake is a flake is a flake, be they make or female, in my opinion!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 8:24 AM


Well, we hung on by our fingernails while Jenny was in charge, but part of the problem was that the (lets not bullshit ourselves) the misogynistic GOP was perfectly willing to ignore their resonsibilities and resort to the complete destruction of our whole state just to screw with her - that she managed to keep us hanging in there DESPITE that was a fucking miracle.

Conversely, Kym Worthy, scumbag extraordinare...

I don't think it makes a lotta difference, which gender or race a politician is, except to the GOP, which is what makes fools like Herman Cain or Ann Clueless such ridiculous figures, as much so as someone like Al Sharpton fronting for the Klan.

Which is, of course, why I'd like to see the GOP wholesale, hanging from a rope.

I've no patience left for their puritan intolerance.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:08 AM




Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:31 AM


Because women are long known as such fiscal conservatives.

Sorry, ya left yourself wide open for that one.

Seriously? It depends far more on the content of the character of the person. You might laugh if I said we'd be better off with Sarah Palin, but I suspect that we would. Probably Ron Paul would be the best for the debt crisis of all the people actually running. Hermain Cain and Mitt Romney would both give it their level best, in their own way. Serious female fiscally conservative candidates? Bachmann would probably be better than Obama, debtwise, but I don't think the US has had a Margaret Thatcher yet.

Anyone else find their eyes consistently drifting second from the left?

ETA: I'm not considering other democrats because none are running. A fiscally conservative democrat, much as it pains me to say it, is Clinton. Sometimes, like with Bachmann, there are other things that give me pause on a candidate than their spending habit. The amazing thing is that we get these people that are so flawed that what is impressive is that there are flaws that any of them *don't* possess. Like, Bush, a man who didn't sleep around, and wasn't a racist. He was still a terrible president. Clinton, a pretty serious racist, but very fiscally responsible. I guess a side effect of everyone deeply believing that they are good (most everyone ;) ) is that it is *what* they use as a measuring stick that allows them to think this. Clinton thought of himself as a man who fixed problems. And he did fix some problems. Bush thought of himself as a man who brought equality. And he did bring some equality into the world. People don't measure themselves across spectra like other will judge them. They tend to be narrowly focused.

So, fiscally conservative female leader? I'm coming up with Thatcher.

I'd like to see an "End the Fed" Femme, but...

She's probably not a candidate yet ;)

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 12:22 PM


America loves a winner!

Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Corine Brown....

There's your answer.

Not only "no", but HELL no.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 2:51 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Bush thought of himself as a man who brought equality. And he did bring some equality into the world.

Yes, of the "we'll bomb you whether you're involved with terrorists or not" variety. Some equality!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 3:05 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Bush thought of himself as a man who brought equality. And he did bring some equality into the world.

Yes, of the "we'll bomb you whether you're involved with terrorists or not" variety. Some equality!

I was being sincere. Bush's trade policies did create more equalization of incomes across nations, and he forwarded democracies in the middle east and africa with at least two successes.

From an american point of view, he was an unmitigated disaster. Ironically, internationally, he may have helped put anti-american factions ke Hamas into power (if you recall, he set up the election that they won) and also, the pro iranian govt in iraq, which was elected, and in neither case did he do what all of us probably expected him to do, which was to cheat, instead, he shrugged and said "that's democracy for you."

Everyone is a hero in their own minds, and defined in their own terms.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 3:11 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Corine Brown....

There's your answer.

Not only "no", but HELL no.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Those are three women, but the negative does not actually prove the positive. There are women in office who have financial sense, like Barbara Boxer. Presidential candidates, not so much. Not yet.

I certainly wouldn't take the extension that "barack obama is dreadful at economics, ergo, so will the next black president be" and I think you'd agree that Herman Cain would be more economically sensible. I thought Charles Barron who ran for gov of NY was quite sensible.

The unfortunate answer to ts question is Yes, Hillary Clinton, but boy do I not want that answer. I think we migt get a balanced budget in the middle of a nuclear war. I mean, picture a war with russia, china and Iran, in which we cut costs by using nuclear armed robots. The world would turn dayglo, but at least we'd be rid of the debt.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011 4:15 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Interesting questions Niki, and interesting article. The demographics do indeed seem a bit off. I don't know how much I can complain though since I'm not willing to step up to the plate and run for myself. But I see what that article is saying.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, July 20, 2011 7:15 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


It depends far more on the content of the character of the person
I fully agree, I just thought it was interesting (and obviously, from the second article, saw the dangers of "fixing" it without considering what you wrote).

And I must thank you for your comment on Barbara Boxer. You're correct; I THINK (tho' I'm not sure) that if we'd had HER as governor instead of Ahnold, we wouldn't be in (quite?) the mess we're in now.


You might laugh if I said we'd be better off with Sarah Palin
Laugh? No.

? Yes!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, July 20, 2011 7:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Riona: "a bit off"?? I could think of another modifier, myself

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, July 21, 2011 11:52 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

When I said a bit off I meant a bit off of what it should be, okay, a lot off of what it should be, given population demographics.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:07 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Corine Brown....

There's your answer.

Not only "no", but HELL no.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Those are three women, but the negative does not actually prove the positive. There are women in office who have financial sense, like Barbara Boxer. Presidential candidates, not so much. Not yet.

I certainly wouldn't take the extension that "barack obama is dreadful at economics, ergo, so will the next black president be" and I think you'd agree that Herman Cain would be more economically sensible. I thought Charles Barron who ran for gov of NY was quite sensible.

The unfortunate answer to ts question is Yes, Hillary Clinton, but boy do I not want that answer. I think we migt get a balanced budget in the middle of a nuclear war. I mean, picture a war with russia, china and Iran, in which we cut costs by using nuclear armed robots. The world would turn dayglo, but at least we'd be rid of the debt.

You're right. I forgot about THIS liberal... Maxine Waters.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "






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