About that "50% Pay No Taxes" Myth

UPDATED: Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:39
VIEWED: 9515
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Monday, October 10, 2011 8:25 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Still waiting for a response to what I posted to refute your "NO, most people recieving benefits don't deserve them."

As to what services the rich get, that's a silly question. They get the same things we all do, whether we choose to use them or not. It's just plain silly. If taxes didn't pay for police, fire, etc., we'd be charged individually when our house caught fire, etc., as one tiny example. There are far too many examples to even LIST which everyone pays for but not everyone uses in their lifetime. Are you proposing we do away with all the services taxes pay for and just get charged for what we use? It's a ridiculous argument.

Aside from which, you can't even calculate it. We have no children, yet part of our property taxes go for schools. If not, schools would be in worse shape than they are NOW, and would turn out substandard students who couldn't ocmpete in the world or fill technical jobs, which would lower the GDP over time which would cost US if we lived long enough. It can't be quantified, so even suggesting it is ridiculous, to me.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, October 10, 2011 4:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SignyM:

Also, they get to live in a society where they are not deposed by revolution.

Well... about that...


Monday, October 10, 2011 4:49 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Niki:

Looking at the numbers on welfare fraud...

That's one of those things Mal4 was talking about in the other thread, one of those "truths" that people just "know", which turns out to not be true at all, this prevalent idea of 5 out of 6 aid recipients being that mythical "Welfare Queen" - who, it happens, turns out to be more rare than the unicorn!

Just like the myth that most welfare recipients are on drugs. Rick Scott (R-FL) had that one blow up in his face when he started drug-testing welfare recipients in his state. Statewide, around 12% of people test positive for illegal drug use in Florida. The numbers on the welfare recipients once they were tested? Less than a quarter of that number. More like an eighth.

Be careful which myths you buy into, Six. Someone's trying to take you on a long walk off a short pier.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12:00 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
I'm glad that SixString cares about his family. I think I relate to people when they talk about their families, the people they love and care about. So I might have an easier time relating to Six now. I've never seen Raptor talk about people he cares about, family or otherwise, so I have a hard time relating to him.

Six, I hope that now things will start improving for your brother, hopefully the ball is rolling in that direction now after all this recent difficulty he's been going through. I really really hope he can stay off the excessive alcohol and all the street drugs, they only make brain differences more intensive, at least in the majority of cases.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

Thanks RionaEire,

It's completely out of my hands at this point. My brother and I had a huge falling out when I was trying to help him and I became another target in his harassing phone calls and emails before he hit rock bottom and ran out of money and lost his apartment. Right now, my dad doesn't let him talk to anybody on the phone or via internet that he was harassing and/or holding grudges against. I know that my dad can't watch him 24/7, but he seems to be doing what my dad wants him to. It's amazing actually..... only my dad could get him to do anything, such as act like a civilized human being.

I hear that he made him go cold turkey on the alcohol and weened him off of cigarettes and caffine. He wants my brother to be a clean slate before social workers and psychiatrists get involved so we can see exactly what help he needs when he's otherwise "stable".

He never did any street drugs and actually hated the fact that I used to smoke pot. But just like I couldn't get him to stop drinking a gallon of Vodka a day when I drank beer, he couldn't get me to stop smoking pot when he drank a gallon of vodka a day. We're both stubborn like that.

I wish the best for him and my dad. I think if he has a chance at all, this is it. With how violent my brother has been with family members in the past, I thought my dad taking him and and subjecting my step-mom to his presence was a horrible idea, but somehow my dad seems to be able to get through to him. It's kind of a miracle really.

Not that I'm trying to make a political point off of this to be an ass, but this is the type of thing I'm talking about.....

I know people are hurting right now, and my dad is by no means "rich", but he's well enough off that he had the ability and resources to help somebody he cared about that was in need. He and his wife cut coupons, shop at Aldi and Kohl's and rarely ever splurge on anything they don't need or go on any pricey vacations.

They truly deserve to have those things, but instead they lived within their means, my stepmom never worked while their kids were growing up (until 4 months ago), and because of this my step-bro and half-bro are well adjusted kids who got full rides to college (one on sports and academics and the other to a genius college that Warren Buffet funds, purely on academics).

If you ask me who my hero is, it's my Dad.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book

BTW... I love my General Discussion Peeps. If you feel a strong need to judge me on RWED discussions I've had in the General Discussion, I welcome it, but I also say that they are two different worlds......

And while my core never wavers and though I may say things you don't like in the RWED, I'd never say them in General Discussions and I hope you would do the same.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:45 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Its good to see how someone is doing when they're off of alcohol as you said so they can measure where he's at without the alcohol interfering and muddying the waters of getting an accurate asessment of what he needs right now. I'm really glad your brother is trusting your dad and hopefully things will start improving very soon and the right help will be available to get things going better for your bro. When violence is involved it gets really scary really fast for family members.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:03 PM


Yeah.... when violence is involved it gets REALLY scary. I have several scars for life from defending myself from him because I didn't want to hurt him. When I finally retaliated, after being bitten on my arms, stomach and chest, and scratched all over my face on 5 separate occasions while trying to keep him from yelling out "nigger" to me at 3:00 AM in an apartment complex that is half black, I felt so bad about how much damage I did to him in such a short time.

He sat there one night while I was sleeping on the couch (after I was bleeding from him already), for about 45 minutes in the dark while smoking and drinking saying that I was a retard and an asshole over and over again before I got up and beat the piss out of him in about 10 seconds. Because I had let him "f" me up on many occasions and not put a scratch on him, he would tell me while he was drunk if I was telling him he was doing something wrong that he could kill me at any time without even breaking a sweat and that I was a "P-word".

I never called the cops on him after what he did to me, on any occasion, even though my mom and other brother said that I should have after seeing the damage he could do.

I can't believe any neighbors didn't call the cops or, worse, figure out which "white boys" were yelling the N word out.

He sure didn't spare a moment calling the cops on me though. It's a wonder he didn't get me arrested that day. The two female cops that came in the next morning treated me like an abusive spouse. I'm just glad the male officer realized that something wasn't right with my brother and listened to my calm side of the story. Maybe the fact that I've never had a record otherwise helped.... I dunno....

It was probably the fact that he was walking around with blood all over his face that had dried 8 hours beforehand that tipped him off. The officer even told him to go wash his face off at one point while the 3 of the cops were in the living room with us.


I hear he's a lot more normalized now. He's depressed, but that's to be expected when you're 28 and broke and jobless, let alone completely free of nicotine and alcohol when they were your only crutches.

He's mad at the world, and in many ways rightfully so, but hopefully my dad can help him try to live a normal life again.

I'd love to see nothing more than my bro making it on his own. I know he has the resources to do it if he's not wasting them all on hate 24/7.

Thanks again for caring,

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book

BTW... I love my General Discussion Peeps. If you feel a strong need to judge me on RWED discussions I've had in the General Discussion, I welcome it, but I also say that they are two different worlds......

And while my core never wavers and though I may say things you don't like in the RWED, I'd never say them in General Discussions and I hope you would do the same.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:02 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I think things are going to start improving for you guys soon. You're an amazing brother to put up with all that alcohol induced luh suh. Someday he'll realize how much you care about him and he'll be thankful to have you as his brother.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:39 AM


Thanks. I know things are finally starting to go my way and that from what I hear things are going better for him too. Hopefully things keep going in the right direction.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book

BTW... I love my General Discussion Peeps. If you feel a strong need to judge me on RWED discussions I've had in the General Discussion, I welcome it, but I also say that they are two different worlds......

And while my core never wavers and though I may say things you don't like in the RWED, I'd never say them in General Discussions and I hope you would do the same.






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